Envs 328 - 2017
Envs 328 - 2017
Envs 328 - 2017
End Semester Examination
August/September, 2017
Level : B. Sc. Course : ENVS 328
Year : III Semester : II
Exam Roll No. : Time: 30 min F. M. : 20
4. According to IUCN Red List, what is the status of Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens)
a. Critically endangered b. Extinct
c. Vulnerable d. Endangered
11. Which two extinction risks may be a direct result of the pet trade?
a. climate change and exotic species introduction
b. habitat loss and overharvesting
c. overharvesting and exotic species introduction
d. habitat loss and climate change
15. Difference between the expected value of a population estimate and the true population
a. Accuracy b. Expected value c. Bias d. Index
17. The most important factor to enhance the tiger population in Nepal is
a. Enhancing habitat management for tiger and prey, and restoring habitat connectivity
b. Control of illegal hunting and trade
c. Mitigating the impacts of infrastructure development including upstream hydropower
and irrigation
d. Reducing traffic accidents with wildlife
34. With 0.1% of global land area, Nepal's share of global mammalian diversity is
a. 9.3 b. 4.5 c. 1.0 d. 2.7
35. Nepal has established breeding center for
a. Gyps tenuirostris and Gyps bengalensis b. Rhinocerous unicornis
c. Antelope cervicapra d. Bubalus bubalis
36. Central Zoo of Nepal was established by late Rana Prime Minister
a. Juddha Shamser b. Chandra Shamser c. Mohan Shamser d. Padma Shamser
40. "On the small scale the tragedy is often avoided by cooperation among the commons".
Whose statement is this?
a. Michael Soule b. R. A. Fisher c. E. O. Wilson d. Elinor Ostrom
End Semester Examination
August/September, 2017
Level : B. Sc. Course : ENVS 328
Year : III Semester : II
Time : 2 hrs. 30 mins. F. M. : 55
(Long answer questions)
[3Q × 7 = 21 marks]
Answer ANY THREE questions.
1. Explain why there is greater diversity in tropical/sub tropical regions than temperate
region. Give reasons for unique and very rich biodiversity in Nepal.
2. Though the conflicts between human and wildlife started with the evolution of man, the
intensity of conflict and threats has increased due to the activities of modern man. Justify
your answer with suitable examples.
(Short answer questions)
[5Q × 2 = 10 marks]
5. What could have triggered mass extinction of species in the past?
7. A species area curve is drawn by plotting the number of species against area. How it is
that when a very large area is considered the slope is steeper than that for smaller areas?
10. In a strip census, an observer walks a transect through a representative section of habitat
and records the distances at which animal flush to either side. The population size, P, is
estimated to be
What are A, Z , X and Y in this equation?
Group A Group B
1 Intrinsic value A Alodo Leopold
2 Evolutionary ecological land B Garret Hardin
3 Silent Spring C Elinor Ostrom
4 Tragedy of the commons D E. O. Wilson
5 First woman to win Nobel E Rachel Carson
prize in Economics in 2009