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Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

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Renewable Energy
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Features of the processes of heat and mass transfer when drying a

large thickness layer of wood biomass
G.V. Kuznetsov , S.V. Syrodoy *, N.A. Nigay , V.I. Maksimov , N.Yu. Gutareva
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The article presents the results of the experimental studies of heat transfer in a layer of moist wood
Received 25 July 2020 biomass under conditions of its dehydration when heated in a high-temperature gas environment.
Received in revised form The basic laws of the formation process of the temperature field of the biomass layer during its
28 December 2020
dehydration have been established. It is shown that essentially nonuniform temperature fields are
Accepted 31 December 2020
formed in the wood biomass layer, the form of which is a consequence of the influence of a complex of
Available online 6 January 2021
heat and mass transfer processes occurring together under conditions of heat conduction, intense phase
transformations (evaporation and condensation of water), and water vapor diffusion through the porous
frame of the biomass layer.
Dust-wood waste It has also been found that as a result of intense absorption of heat during evaporation of moisture and
Temperature regime vapor filtration, local cooling of biomass occurs. A physical model of heat and mass transfer processes in
Drying the porous structure of moist wood biomass upon heating has been formulated, which differs from the
Heat and mass transfer well-known detailed descriptions of the processes of filtering water vapor into the area of the relatively
low temperatures from the zone of intense evaporation, condensation and subsequent secondary
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction wood biomass with coal in the combustion devices of the boiler
1.1. Economic feasibility of using wood biomass in the energy sector Constantly increasing environmental requirements for emis-
sions of anthropogenic gases create the prerequisites for the
It is known [1] that the consumption of the fossil fuels (primarily development of political decisions on the more active introduction
coal) is determined by the global demand for electricity. But coal of biomass in the fuel balance of the power system. The economic
burning at thermal power plants causes emissions of anthropo- analysis presented in Refs. [8,9] has shown that regional forest re-
genic gaseous (COx, NOx, SOx, CxHy) and solid (ash, slag) substances sources can provide stable enough heat supply facilities even in the
[2]. This leads to significant atmospheric pollution and acceleration Northern and Eastern Europe. According to the World Energy
of global climate change [3]. Council [10], by 2050, energy consumption in the world will in-
Wood biomass is a so-called carbon-neutral fuel [4]. When it is crease by more than 2 times. It is assumed [11] that more than 40%
burned, CO2 is formed, which is considered relatively carbon- of all electric and thermal energy will be generated due to the work
neutral, since it does not disrupt the balance in the general global of renewable energy sources (RES). The share of biomass in
carbon cycle in nature [5]. Also, biomass is a promising and rela- renewable energy will be about 32%. Obviously, the development of
tively cheap energy source, available in almost many regions of the bioenergy in the next 10e15 years will receive priority status. Wood
planet [6]. But wood (even with the highest calorific value) cannot chips and sawdust are quite common types of energy biomass
completely replace coal in terms of energy efficiency [7]. The effi- (used as fuel). The latter are formed at the woodworking factories
ciency of using biomass in the energy sector can be improved by and during harvesting in large volumes. In this case, wood biomass
developing new technologies for the preparation and co-burning of can either be directly burned in the furnace devices of the boiler
unit, or act as a feedstock for the production of pellets or briquettes,
* Corresponding author. Tomsk, 634050, Lenin Avenue, 30, housing 4, audience as well as in the form of the second component of mixed fuel based
202, Russia. on coal [12,13].
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.V. Syrodoy).

0960-1481/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

carried out in the special drying equipment. The latter, as a rule,

Nomenclature occupies vast areas in the in-plant space of the thermal power
Tg is the temperature of the external environment, K; The use of wet biomass as fuel leads to a decrease in the effective
T is the temperature at the points of placement of heat of combustion of the fuel [31]. For this reason, the initial, as a
thermocouples, K; rule, high-moisture woody biomass must be pre-dried before being
mbio weight of a wet sample, kg burned. The thermophysical processes occurring during the dehy-
md weight of a dry biomass dration of a biomass layer under conditions of its heating in a
RES renewable energy sources gaseous medium have not been studied sufficiently.
TPPs thermal power plant station
40 relative humidity of biomass, % 1.3. Current status of the theory and practice of the moisture
m1, m2 mass of wet and dry biomass, kg removal processes from wet wood biomass
Cp Heat capacity of wet wood biomass, (J/(kg$K)
ld thermal conductivity of dry wood cuttings, W/ The analysis of the publications in the modern scientific peri-
(m$K) odicals (for example [32e38]) shows that most of the works are
lw thermal conductivity of water, W/(m$K) devoted to the study of drying processes for business (high-quality
rd density of dry wood cuttings, kg/m3 and not intended for burning), whole wood [32] or food products
rw density of water, kg/m3 [33]. For example, studies [32,33] are mainly focused on the study
q the dimensionless temperature of the changes in the moisture content in industrial wood, while
x the dimensionless drying time; the dynamics of the changes in the temperature field in the layer of
Mw dimensionless mass of interstitial moisture a porous material has not been studied.
t is the time, s; The temperature fields during wood drying are mainly studied
td is the total drying time, s. by a numerical simulation [34]. Experimentally, the temperature in
a layer of moist wood biomass during its dehydration has been not
measured practically previously. The temperature of the substrate
(wall) on which the wet material located is usually measured in the
Summarizing the foregoing, it can be stated that under the experimental studies (for example [35]).
conditions of the economic and political paradigm that has been Mostly the experimental studies of the temperature fields in a
formed in the world, woody biomass fits quite effectively into the layer of wet dispersed material are carried out in the framework of
general balance of heat and power generation [14]. The energy studying the processes of heat and mass transfer during the drying
strategy of the European Union in 2020 calls for a wider use of of the building materials [36,37].
renewable resources in the energy system [15], thereby lobbying The results of similar studies of “energy” wood biomass in the
for the use of wood biomass as fuel for TPPs. modern scientific periodicals are practically absent. So in Ref. [38],
the results of the theoretical studies of the heat transfer process in a
1.2. Problems and prospects for the use of wood biomass in the porous material (using the example of SiC) are presented. The au-
energy sector thors of [38] presented a “two-temperature” (with the solution of
two energy equations d material and interstitial gas) a mathe-
Wood biomass is a renewable resource that in the long term can matical model of the filtration heat and mass transfer during gas
directly replace coal (or supplement it (due to the creation of mixed purging through a layer of silicon carbide heated to high temper-
fuels)) in many areas of energy [16]. However, the use of biomass is atures (1200 K). A significant effect of inter-pore thermal radiation
associated with solving a number of problems: collection, trans- on the characteristics of heat transfer through the SiC layer has
portation, storage and grinding of biofuels [17]. It is also worth been established. In this case, the processes of phase trans-
noting that biomass is distributed over vast territories with a formations have not been considered.
relatively low density [18]. The authors of [19,20] have found that The results of the experimental studies of convective drying of
the introduction of biomass into the energy sector significantly wet sand are presented in Ref. [39]. The experimental stand has
reduces CO2 emissions and significantly reduces the anthropogenic included a cylindrical container (located on an electronic balance)
load of the thermal power plants on the atmosphere. in which several thermocouples have been installed on the axis of
Biomass can be not only an important economic, but also a the cylinder. According to the results of the experiments, it has
political factor that has a significant impact on the development been found that the process of dehydration of a wet sand layer can
dynamics of any state [21]. It will significantly reduce the energy be divided into three separate interrelated stages characterized by
dependence of the countries without oil and coal reserves from different temperature dynamics: initial d fast heating; the second
hydrocarbon suppliers [22e24] and, accordingly, support national stage is a slow rise in temperature; final d a rapid increase in
energy security [25e27]. The introduction of biomass in the power temperature in the sand layer. The authors of [39] have found that
system will contribute to the creation of new jobs in regions with the evaporation process takes place in two stages: the first is non-
developed agricultural production and wood processing [28]. stationary, the second is stable [39]. Moreover, in a stable [39]
One of the main parameters determining the energy value of drying period, the temperature of the sand layer remains practically
wood is its moisture content [29]. Natural humidity, depending on unchanged.
the structure of wood, porosity and environmental conditions, can The results of the experimental studies of heating moist cubic
be (depending on the type of wood and storage conditions) from 30 particles (7 mm in size) of wood biomass (based on spruce) in a
to 80% for deciduous species and up to 90% for coniferous species fluidized bed of quartz sand heated to high temperatures are pre-
[30]. Accordingly, drying is a mandatory step in the thermal prep- sented in Ref. [40]. A thermocouple has been fixed in the central
aration of woody biomass for its burning. But since water evapo- part of the wood particles. According to the results of the experi-
ration is a complex thermophysical process with a large mental studies, the dynamics of the temperature of a particle of
endothermic thermal effect (up to 2.5 MJ/kg [31]), the preparation wood biomass is established. But it is worth saying that the char-
of biomass for combustion in the furnaces of the boiler units is acteristics of heat and mass transfer in the biomass layer
G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

(consisting of many biomass particles) differ significantly from

similar characteristics when heating single particles of wood.
The analysis of the research results [34e40] shows that
convective drying of wet porous media is a difficult process to
study. At the same time, objective data on the temperature condi-
tions of wet porous materials are important for the analysis and
modeling of the moisture removal process. But to date, no results of
the experimental studies of the temperature fields in the porous
structure of the wood biomass layer during its dehydration have
been published. Accordingly, it can be said that the analysis of the
moisture removal processes from wet wood and the determination
of the temperature fields in the biomass layer during its drying is an
urgent and unsolved task at the present time.
The aim of this work is to establish the mechanism of heat and
mass transfer in the porous layer of moist (at the beginning of the
process of moisture removal) wood biomass, based on the results of
the experimental studies, under conditions of its intense heating
during preparation of biomass for burning.

1.4. Scientific novelty

It has been established for the first time that during the drying
period of massive layers of dispersed woody biomass, a substan-
tially inhomogeneous temperature field with local maxima and
minima is formed in its structure. Based on the results of the ex-
periments, a new (significantly different from the known) physical
model of heat and mass transfer processes proceeding jointly in a
layer of porous moist woody biomass under conditions of radiation
heating has been formulated. It is assumed that a significant role
(one of the determining ones) is played by the processes of motion Fig. 1. Weighed amount of wood chips.
of water vapor particles. At the same time, as it has been estab-
lished as a result of the temperature measurements in the wood
layer, water vapor moves not only in the direction of the high material. Heat capacity of wet wood biomass has been calculated by
temperature region (to the surface), but also in the zone of the the formula [43]:
original (“cold”) material where they condense. As a result, a local
increase in temperature occurs in the condensation zone. As the 0:324ð100  40 Þ þ 40
Cp ¼ (2)
biomass layer is warmed up in the condensation area, the evapo- 100
ration process is initiated, which leads to local cooling. The process Thermal conductivity of wet wood [44].
continues until all moisture contained in the biomass layer is
completely removed at the beginning of the heating process. l ¼ ð1  40 Þ , ld þ 40 ,lw (3)
Until now, no such effects have been found when drying
massive layers of moist woody biomass. where ld d thermal conductivity of dry wood cuttings ld ¼ 0.12 W/
(m$K) [45];
2. Description of the experiment lw d thermal conductivity of water lw ¼ 0.56 W/(m$K) [46].
Density of wet wood cuttings has been determined by the for-
2.1. Material preparation mula [44]:

Typical wood processing wastes (wood shavings) have been r ¼ ð1  40 Þ , rd þ 40 ,rw (4)
considered as an object of the research. Fig. 1 shows a sample of
biomass (a tank filled with typical sawmill waste) together with a where rd d density of dry wood cuttings rd ¼ 800 kg/m3 [45];
complex of the thermoelectric converters. rw d density of water rw ¼ 997 kg/m3 [46].
The material preparation has been carried out by analogy with After providing typical moisture, the wood biomass has been
[41]. Typical woodworking wastes are obtained by treating a placed in a wooden cubic tank with an open top face. The weight of
monolithic (pre-dried) fragment of pine wood with an electric the sample (mbio) of biomass in each experiment has been 300 g.
shermachil machine. A sample of dry pine cuttings has been The dimensions of the container on the inside have been
sprayed with water from a spray gun to achieve a typical (for 100  100  100 mm. The wall thickness of the cube is 5 mm. The
storage conditions [42]) relative humidity 40 ¼ 80% (Table 1). biomass tank has been suspended on a metal wire by the pallet
Values 40 of wood biomass have been determined by the formula: hook of the electronic balance and installed in the central part of
the drying chamber.
m1  m2 In order to measure temperatures in the material layer, a com-
40 ¼ ,100% (1)
m1 plex of six chromel-alumel thermocouples has been used (wire
thickness 0.1 mm, junction diameter 0.25 mm). The latter have
where 40 d relative humidity of biomass, %; m1, m2 d mass of wet been mounted on the axis of symmetry in the central part of the
and dry biomass, kg. cubic tank at an equidistant distance (20 mm) in height. The layout
Table 1 shows the thermophysical characteristics of the of thermocouples is shown in Fig. 2.
G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

Table 1
Thermophysical characteristics of wet wood cuttings.

Material relative humidity Heat capacity of wet wood biomass Тhermal conductivity of wet biomass Density of wet material
40 , % С p, J/(kg$K) l, W/(m$K) r, kg/m3
80 3598 0.57 957.6

Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

1 d a laboratory weigher Massa-K BK-3000;
2 d a temperature regulator TPM 500;
3 d an electric heater;
4 d a drying chamber SU 32;
5 d capacity with biomass;
6 da thermoelectric converter (a chromel-alumel thermocouple).;
Thermocouples 1e6 shown in insert. Layout of thermocouples (1e6) in the biomass layer and above the surface of the sample (7 d open surface of the sample).

2.2. Methodology of the experiment controller in the range from 333 K to 393 K.
Each experiment has continued until the mbio values have
The experiments have been carried out on the setup shown in stopped changing. The period of time (t) from the onset of heat
Fig. 2. It consists of a SU 32 drying chamber (with a maximum exposure (the moment biomass has been introduced into the
heating temperature Т max ¼ 423 K, a heating rate 10 K/s), a chamber chamber) until the onset of the regime under which the condition
temperature recorder (chromel-alumel thermocouple (Type K), dmbio
¼ 0;has met. It has been considered the dehydration time (td).
measurement error Т g 0.1 С) and measured weights MASSA-K BK- Each experiment has been carried out under identical condi-
300 (mass measurement error 0.05 g). tions at least three times. A statistical processing of the experi-
The experiments have been carried out according to the mental results has been carried out in accordance with the
following scheme: at the initial moment of time, a drying chamber methodology [47]. At the first stage, for each series of the experi-
of wood biomass has been suspended in a drying chamber pre- ments, the arithmetic mean value of the desired value has been
heated to the required temperature (according to the experi- determined. After that, the standard deviation has been calculated.
mental conditions), in which the thermocouples have been previ- After rejecting the misses by the Gosset method [48], the confi-
ously fixed (in accordance with the scheme shown in Fig. 2. The dence interval and measurement errors have been determined. The
values of temperature and mass of the sample have been recorded confidence interval for determining the temperatures at a confi-
throughout the experiment with an interval of 3 s. The air tem- dence level of 0.95 has been 3.3%.
perature in the chamber has been varied using a temperature

G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

The complete algorithm for conducting experimental studies is this case, a substantially nonlinear (exponential) character of the
shown in the appendix. dependence td(Tg) takes place. This is due to the combined influ-
ence of a complex of the thermophysical processes occurring under
2.3. Justification for choosing a drying method conditions of the intense phase transformations and filtration of
water vapor in the biomass layer. The approximation expression of
At present, quite a few different (in terms of their physical the dependence td(Tg) has the form:
mechanisms) methods of drying wet materials (including biomass)
are known. The latter include drying under conditions of radiation 3.2. Temperature fields of the biomass layer
[49] and combined (radiation-convective [50]) heating; removal of
moisture by microwave [51] exposure; conductive [52] drying; Fig. 4 shows the results of the experimental studies of the main
moisture removal in a discharged (vacuum) environment [53]; characteristics of the process of heating moist wood biomass. The
drying by ultrasound [54]. It is also possible to combine several dependences of dimensionless temperatures q ¼ T/Tg (where T is
methods in one technological device. The choice of one or another the temperature at the points of placement of thermocouples cor-
drying technology, as a rule, is a rather difficult task [55]. For responding to Fig. 2; Tg is the temperature of the external envi-
example, conductive [56] drying is typically used to remove ronment) and the dimensionless mass of interstitial moisture
moisture from thin, flat, monolithic materials (e.g. boards); ultra- Мw ¼(mbio-md)/mbio (mbio d weight of a wet sample; md is weight of
sonic drying is used when heat treatment of the material is a dry sample of the biomass) from the dimensionless drying time
impossible: moisture removal from grain; vacuum removal of x ¼ t/td (t is the time; td) at various ambient temperatures
moisture (rather expensive, as it requires the use of large vacuum (Tg ¼ 333e393 K).
chambers [57], special pumps, etc.) it also is used for drying the The dependencies analysis of Fig. 4 (a-d) shows that non-
materials sensitive to thermal effects (for example, parquet boards monotonic temperature distributions are formed during the heat-
[58]). ing period of wet biomass. In the initial period of heating, the
To remove moisture from finely dispersed biomass (typical temperature at all points of the thermocouple installation rapidly
woodworking waste d sawdust), the most acceptable method of increases to q ¼ 0.6 ÷ 0.7. This tendency is characteristic of the entire
drying is the simplest and relatively easily technologically orga- studied range of ambient temperature (Tg ¼ 333e393 K). With
nized (including in the areas remote from the main electric high- increasing temperature, the rate of evaporation of moisture rapidly
ways d logging and timber processing zones) a radiation drying increases. This phase transition is accompanied by intense ab-
method. sorption of heat in a small area corresponding to the vicinity of the
“wet biomass d dry biomass” interface. Since the porosity of the
3. Results and their discussion sample material is high (about 75%), water vapor fills the pores. The
pressure of water vapor in a small area of intensive evaporation
3.1. Influence of the ambient temperature on the integral increases. But since the temperature of the “wood-air-water vapor”
characteristics of the dehydration process mixture in the layer adjacent to the open surface of the sample
(Fig. 2) is higher than in its lower part (heated less intensely), part
Fig. 3 shows the dependences of the characteristic times (drying of the water vapor is filtered into the “cooler” part of the sample.
time) of the biomass dehydration process on the ambient temper- When water vapor is cooled, they condense on the surfaces of the
ature. As it might be expected, the ambient temperature has a wood cutting waste elements. As a result, the concentration of
significant effect on the integral characteristics of dehydration. In water in the lower (colder) part of the sample increases.

Fig. 3. Dependence of the drying time of the biomass layer (with initial humidity 40 ¼ 80%) on the temperature of the environment.

td Tg ¼ 50:126  107  e0:023Tg (5)

G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

Fig. 4. Dependences of the dimensionless temperature q ¼ T/Tg and the dimensionless moisture mass Mw on the dimensionless drying time x ¼ t/td at the temperature in the drying
chamber: a) Т g ¼ 333 К; b) Т g ¼ 353 К; c) Т g ¼ 373 К; d) Т g ¼ 393 К. 1e6 d dimensionless temperatures (q), dependency numbers 1e6 correspond to the numbers of thermocouples
in Fig. 2; 7 d dimensionless mass of water (Мw).

Accordingly, after heating this part of the sample, the influx of biomass. It is clearly seen that under any heating conditions
water vapor from a unit surface increases and the cooling of (333 K  Tg  393 K), temperature trends at six characteristic points
biomass is intensified. are radically different, which confirms the conclusions on the
In addition, as it is known from the works of M. Knudsen [59], I. mechanisms of heat and moisture transfer in the porous structure
Langmuir [60], G. Hertz [61] and J. Maxwell [62], the evaporation of moist biomass.
rate largely depends on the concentration gradient of water vapor The regularities established in the experiments give grounds for
directly above the evaporation surface. In the case of a typical concluding that the heat and mass transfer mechanism in porous
biomass layer at the drying stage before burning (sawdust, wood moist biomass significantly different from the previously accepted
chips, cutting waste), there is no common evaporation front as if [63] under heating conditions at temperatures from 333 K to 393 K.
the biomass layer has been partially filled with water. Moisture For an additional justification of the physical model of heat and
evaporation occurs from the surfaces of individual elements of the mass transfer formulated according to the results of the performed
biomass structure. Condensation, respectively, also occurs on the experiments in the biomass layer, the experiments with the sam-
surfaces of these elements. As the layer of woody biomass is ples have been carried out under conditions of heating and water
warmed up, the part of the vapor formed during water evaporation vapor exit. These conditions have significantly differed from the
under the influence of a small (but sufficient for filtration) differ- corresponding conditions in Fig. 2.
ential pressure is filtered into the lower layers and condenses there.
As a result, with an increase in time and, accordingly, advancement 3.3. Analysis of the influence of heat exchange conditions and water
of the evaporation front, the outflow of heat increases due to vapor output on characteristics of the dehydration of the biomass
evaporation in the lower layers of the sample. This effect is recor- layer
ded by the first and second thermocouples (Fig. 4). The established
effect is manifested at any temperature of the external (relative to The experiments have been carried out under different condi-
the sample) medium, but with increasing Tg it manifests itself more tions of heating a biomass sample and water vapor exit with two
clearly, since an increase in this temperature leads to an increase in permeability options for the upper and lower sample borders
the rates of all processes (evaporation, filtration, condensation, and (Fig. 6): a closed top cover and a half-open bottom (in order to
cooling). A significant part of the water vapors of the biomass layer prevent biomass from falling out, the bottom is tied with a fine
does not have time to enter the external gas environment. The cycle mesh with a square grain size of 1 mm); open top surface of the
of vapor condensation and subsequent evaporation of the hitch and a half-open bottom.
condensate is repeated several times as the biomass layer is heated. These two options differ significantly from the first scheme
Fig. 5 shows the results of the experiments performed, grouped (Fig. 2) by the conditions of heating and the release of water vapor.
according to the registrations of each thermocouple at different The analysis of the temperature distributions in time at the
temperatures of the external medium relative to the weight of the characteristic points of the sample gives grounds for concluding
G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

Fig. 5. Dependences of the dimensionless temperature q ¼ T/Tg on the dimensionless drying time x ¼ t/td at the temperature in the drying chamber.
a) Thermocouple No. 1 (the diagram of the location of the thermocouples in the tank under investigation is shown in Fig. 2); b) Thermocouple No. 2 (Fig. 2); c) Thermocouple No. 3
(Fig. 2); d) Thermocouple No. 4 (Fig. 2); e) Thermocouple No. 5 (Fig. 2); f) Thermocouple No. 6 (Fig. 2).

that a change in the heating conditions of the sample of biomass experiments provide grounds for concluding that the mechanism of
and the release of water vapor does not lead to a change in the moisture removal from the porous layer of moist biomass signifi-
mechanism of heat transfer under the considered conditions. The cantly differs from the generally accepted one [64] for porous
local minima of the dependences q (x) are clearly visible on the media saturated with moisture until all voids of the porous struc-
thermograms of each of the three variants of heating conditions ture are completely filled. If, as in the case under consideration, the
studied in the experiments (Fig. 7) and vapor output. porosity is open and the pores are not filled with water, then when
The coordinate of the minimum temperature on the curve q (x), the biomass is heated, water vapor moves not only in the direction
corresponding to the second thermocouple, illustrates the of heating, but also in the opposite direction. This ultimately leads
completion time of the evaporation process of all moisture. It can be to the fact that an increase in the temperature of the environment
noted that this time is minimal under the conditions of the third does not intensify the process of moisture removal (as it would be
variant of the boundaries (Fig. 7c), since the upper and lower sur- in the case if all pores were filled with water). The latter is also
faces of the biomass sample are permeable. In this case, water va- confirmed by the fact that the characteristic drying times of an
pors exit through both of these surfaces. identical (from experiment to experiment) biomass layer with a
The regularities established by the results of the performed change in the temperature of the heating medium from 333 K to

G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

Fig. 6. Schemes of the tank location with biomass in the drying chamber.
a) Scheme 1 corresponding to Fig. 2 (open top cover).
b) Scheme 2 d a closed cover on top, the bottom is replaced by a fine mesh.
c) Scheme 3 d open top cover, bottom replaced with fine mesh.
Numbers 1e6 correspond to the thermocouple numbers.

Fig. 7. Dependences of the dimensionless temperature q and the dimensionless mass of moisture Мw on the dimensionless drying time x for various configurations of the tank with
biomass in the drying chamber: a) Scheme 1 is shown in Fig. 6a; b) Scheme 2 (Fig. 6b); c) Scheme 3 (Fig. 6c).
1-6 d dimensionless temperatures (q); dependency numbers 1e6 correspond to the numbers of thermocouples in Fig. 6a-c; 7 d dimensionless mass of water (Мw).

393 K differ by no more than 30%. The obtained results provide the 4. Comparison with the known results
basis for the conclusion that, when drying wet wood biomass, a
significant reduction in the cost of energy for moisture removal The time dependences of the temperature of the biomass layer
during the preparation of biomass for burning is possible due to the obtained from the results of the experiments show that when the
use of heat of condensation of water vapor in the structure of wet dispersed biomass is heated, a substantially inhomogeneous
biomass. temperature field with local cold and overheated zones is formed in

G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

it. This is due to the combined influence of a complex of heat and increased.
mass transfer processes (heating due to radiation, filtration of There are also the works of Krasnikov [66,67], in which the re-
water vapor through a porous material, evaporation and conden- sults of the studies of the mechanism of heat and mass transfer
sation of moisture) occurring when woody biomass is heated. The processes occurring during drying of cellulose under conditions of
obtained dependences are rather nontrivial, for this reason it is conductive heating are presented. The effect of the temperature of a
necessary to carry out a comparative (in order to confirm a similar heat-generating plate on the temperature fields of a layer of thin
effect) analysis with the known experimental data of similar ex- (d ¼ 1.0 mm thickness) compressed cellulose has been studied.
periments. Several works (for example [65,66]) can be noted, the Fig. 10a shows the time dependences of temperature and hu-
authors of which have established a similar effect. So in Ref. [65] the midity [66]. The X value indicates the depth of the thermocouple
results of the experimental determination of the temperature junction attachment. It can be noted that in Ref. [66] four stages of
regime of biomass (dispersed wood) during drying in a flow- drying that have been established: heating of cellulose (the tem-
through heat-insulated reactor are given (Fig. 8). The temperature perature rises), stratification (the temperature does not change),
of the wood layer has been measured with a set of 9 chromel- cooling, and temperature rise. In other words, it has been estab-
alumel thermocouples. Based on the results of the experiments, lished in Ref. [66] that in the biomass layer, after a certain heating
temperature trends have been established at the points where the period, the temperature decreases under conditions of continued
thermocouples have been located (Fig. 9a). heat exposure. The authors of [66] have put forward a hypothesis
Fig. 9a shows the temperature dependences of the biomass layer that this is due to the onset of thermal decomposition and the
in the places where thermocouples 11, 12, and 13 are installed release of adsorbed moisture. But it should be said that, according
(Fig. 8 [65]). It can be noted that the authors of [65] have estab- to Ref. [68], thermal decomposition of biomass begins to occur
lished a similar effect of temperature decrease in the biomass layer when it is heated above 440 K. Accordingly, at low ambient tem-
after heating in the initial period of dehydration. After the complete peratures Tg ¼ 333e393 K, thermal decomposition cannot have a
evaporation of the intraporeal moisture, the temperature has significant effect on the biomass drying process. The temperature of

Fig. 8. Diagram of the experimental stand [65].

G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

Fig. 9. a d Temperature trends in the biomass layer during drying in a heat-insulated flow reactor [65]; b d the results of the experiment of the authors of this article.

the onset of thermal decomposition of typical wood processing technologies are quite common when heated in a rarefied atmo-
waste (sawdust) is much higher than that of cellulose [69]. At the sphere (vacuum drying [57]). At present, the drying method under
same time, according to the results of the experimental studies atmospheric conditions (exposure to wind [9] or sunlight [10]) is
(Fig. 10b) drying a layer of dispersed woody biomass, a decrease in gaining popularity (in light of the increasing political (economically
temperature has been established at Tg ¼ 333 K. unjustified) pressure from the “aggressive greens”). However, as
The analysis of the data [65,66] allows us to make a well- the predictive mathematical models show [72e75], this drying
founded conclusion that until now a physical model has not yet method is practically unpredictable due to the turbulent dynamics
been developed that describes the entire complex of the processes of the atmospheric processes [76,77].
occurring during drying of sufficiently thick layers of biomass. All moisture removal used in power engineering is realized in
the chambers (when moisture is removed from wood under vac-
5. Practical significance of the experiment results in uum conditions) or in the large closed hangar-type rooms [78]. It
renewable energy can be reasonably assumed that the latter is more preferable for
carrying out the biomass drying procedure. This is due to the fact
As it is known [70], drying of wet materials can be carried out that large volumes of biomass can be accommodated in such
under conditions of thermal (radiation [49], conductive [52], rooms. In this case, the process of moisture removal can be carried
convective [71] or combined heating [50]), ultrasonic [54] and out under conditions of radiation-convective or only radiation
microwave [51] exposure (or the combinations of all of them) in the heating. Under these conditions, one of the most promising (and
closed installations. Also, in practice, dehumidification perhaps the most promising) technological solutions is drying with

G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

Fig. 10. Dependences of temperature and humidity of the biomass layer on time: a d results [66]; b d experiment.

radiation heating (Fig. 11a), carried out by the gas infrared emitters principles and methods of predicting the characteristics and con-
(GIЕ) [79e81]. As the results of the experimental [79] and theo- ditions of the dehydration processes of woody biomass in the
retical [80] studies show, when heating large storage rooms, the GIE conditions of its preparation for combustion (or gasification) in the
is more economical compared to the traditional convective heaters furnaces of the steam and hot water boilers (or in the working
of the radiator or air heater type [82]. Also, GIE is quite simple chambers of gasifiers) have not been formulated. The authors of the
(without additional restructuring of the equipment or structural article have formulated the task of the study (arising from the
elements of the working shops of TPPs) are built into the techno- problems of practical bioenergy) d to assess the influence of the
logical cycle of fuel preparation at thermal power plants, for thickness of the biomass layer on the conditions and characteristics
example, when heating a biomass layer moving along a strip fuel of the process of it’s drying.
feeder gate (Fig. 11b). This paper presents the results of the experimental studies of
the main regularities of the drying processes of woody biomass
6. Practical applicability of the experimental results under conditions of radiation heating. The measurements of the
temperatures in a layer of dispersed wood have been carried out, on
Biomass, as shown by the studies of the last 10e15 years, is the the basis of which the conclusions have been made about a
most promising and safe in the long term renewable energy source. significantly uneven course of the heat and mass transfer processes
But direct combustion in the furnaces of the steam and hot water in the porous structure of moist woody biomass when it is heated. A
boilers or gasification of biomass is highly effective only at its low physical model is formulated that describes the regularities of the
humidity. Therefore, drying is an indispensable element of any drying processes of woody biomass layers, which are sufficiently
technology for the use of biomass in the energy sector. But despite thick in thickness (up to 100 mm), established as a result of ex-
the long-term and rather fundamental research of the drying pro- periments. This model is the basis for choosing the parameters of
cesses of many materials and substances over the past few decades, the technology for drying large masses of moist woody biomass at
the general theory and mathematical basis of dehumidification the stage of its preparation for combustion or gasification.
processes have not been developed yet. Accordingly, the general

Fig. 11. a: Drying of the biomass layer with an infrared gas emitter in a large room.
b Drying of a biomass layer with an infrared gas emitter while moving wood on a conveyor.

G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

Findings: increased significantly in recent decades. This is primarily due to

the prospects of using wood in the energy sector as the main fuel or
1. The experimental studies of the main regularities of woody additive to coal. To reduce the moisture content in wood to an
biomass drying processes under radiation heating conditions acceptable level (according to the conditions of combustion), dry-
have been carried out. ing in a gaseous environment at temperatures of 313Tg  373 K is
2. The measurements of the temperatures in the biomass layer currently used, as a rule. In this case, the temperature field of the
have been carried out, on the basis of which conclusions were wood layer determines the intensity of the moisture removal pro-
drawn about the substantially uneven heat and mass transfer in cess. At high temperatures, wood drying can occur with over-
the layer of moist woody biomass during its radiation heating. heating and, accordingly, is accompanied by thermal degradation of
3. A physical model has been formulated that describes the regu- the main components of wood (lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose). A
larities of the drying processes of the woody biomass layers that problem arises of the possible ignition of such biomass. For this
are sufficiently thick (up to 100 mm), established as a result of reason, a prognostic modeling of the temperature fields of moist
the experiments. This model is the basis for choosing the pa- wood biomass under conditions of its high-temperature heating is
rameters of the technology for drying large masses of moist relevant for practice and has not been solved to date.
woody biomass at the stage of its preparation for combustion or In addition, a high proportion of moisture in woody biomass
gasification. leads to a significant delay in the processes of its ignition and
combustion. As a result, the efficiency of the boiler unit is signifi-
cantly reduced. At the same time, it has been reliably established
7. Conclusion that moisture in solid fuel (coal or biomass) leads to a significant
decrease in the concentration of anthropogenic oxides of nitrogen
The physical model of heat and mass transfer processes in a and sulfur in the combustion products. Therefore, the determina-
layer of porous (one might say loose) moist woody biomass under tion of the optimal (but criteria for the view of energy and ecology)
conditions of radiation heating, formulated based on the results of moisture content in biomass, in order to achieve acceptable energy
the analysis of the performed experimental studies, differs from the characteristics of fuel combustion while significantly reducing
known ones in that it describes the processes of water vapor emissions of anthropogenic oxides, is an urgent problem of modern
movement not only in the direction of the high temperature region, heat power engineering.
but in the initial (“Cold”) material, where they condense. As the Therefore, the determination of the optimal (according to the
biomass layer is warmed up, the condensation area shifts to the criteria of energy and ecology) moisture content in biomass, in
heated surface. The process continues until all moisture contained order to achieve acceptable energy characteristics of fuel combus-
in the biomass layer is completely removed at the beginning of the tion while significantly reducing emissions of anthropogenic ox-
heating process. ides, is an urgent problem of the modern heat power engineering.
Biomass, as shown by studies over the past 10e15 years, is the
CRediT authorship contribution statement most promising and safest renewable energy source in the long
term. But direct combustion in the furnaces of steam and hot water
G.V. Kuznetsov: Project administration, Conceptualization, Su- boilers or gasification of biomass is highly effective only at its low
pervision. S.V. Syrodoy: Formal analysis, Methodology, Software. humidity. Therefore, drying is an indispensable element of any
N.A. Nigay: Writing - review & editing. V.I. Maksimov: Project technology for the use of biomass in the energy sector. But, despite
administration. N.Yu. Gutareva: Writing - original draft. the long-term and rather fundamental research of the drying pro-
cesses of many materials and substances over the past few decades,
Declaration of competing interest the general theory and mathematical base of the technology of
dehumidification processes have not yet been developed. Accord-
The authors declare that they have no known competing ingly, the general principles have not been formulated and methods
financial interests or personal relationships that could have have not been developed for predicting the characteristics and
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. conditions of dehydration processes of woody biomass in terms of
its preparation for combustion (or gasification) in the furnaces of
Acknowledgment steam and hot water boilers (or in the working chambers of gas-
ifiers). The authors of the article have formulated the research task
The study has been carried out with the grant from the Russian (arising from the problems of practical bioenergy) d to assess the
Science Foundation (project No. 20-19-00226). effect of the thickness of the biomass layer on the conditions and
characteristics of the drying process.
Appendix A. Supplementary data This paper presents the results of the experimental studies of
the main regularities of the drying processes of woody biomass
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at under conditions of radiation heating. Measurements of the tem-
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.12.137. peratures in a layer of dispersed wood have been carried out, on the
basis of which the conclusions have been made about a signifi-
Colloguium cantly uneven course of heat and mass transfer processes in the
porous structure of moist woody biomass when it is heated. A
One of the important tasks of the present time is to establish the physical model has been formulated that describes the regularities
basic laws of heat transfer processes occurring in a layer of moist of the drying processes of woody biomass layers that are suffi-
wood biomass during its heating in a high-temperature environ- ciently thick (up to 100 mm), established as a result of the exper-
ment. The latter is necessary for the development of the funda- iments. This model is the basis for choosing the parameters of the
mental foundations of the experimental design works to justify the technology for drying large masses of moist woody biomass at the
design characteristics of the modern biomass combustion plants. stage of its preparation for combustion or gasification.
The importance of studying the heat and mass transfer pro-
cesses occurring during dehydration of woody biomass has
G.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Syrodoy, N.A. Nigay et al. Renewable Energy 169 (2021) 498e511

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