Learning Plan Grade 10

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Subject/Grade Level: Science 10 Unit Topic: Plate Tectonics

Period Covered: First Quarter Chapter Topic: Earth and Space
Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the locations of
volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and mountain ranges.
Performance Standards: The learners demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes,
tsunamis and volcanic eruptions and suggests ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in
reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
Learning Competencies:
1. Describe the distribution of active volcanoes. Earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts.
2. Describe the different types of plate boundaries.
3. Explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries.
4. Describe the internal structure of the Earth.
5. Describe the possible causes of plate movement.
6. Enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate movement.
7. Demonstrate disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
Learning Targets:
1. I can describe the distribution of active volcanoes. Earthquake epicenters, and major mountain
2. I can describe the different types of plate boundaries.
3. I can explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries.
4. I can describe the internal structure of the Earth.
5. I can describe the possible causes of plate movement.
6. I can enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate movement.
7. I can demonstrate disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
(Week 1)
Lesson topics:

 Plate Tectonics
 The Continental Drift Theory
1. Explain plate tectonics theory;
2. Identify the differences among divergent boundary, convergent boundary, and transform fault;
3. Demonstrate the collision of tectonic plates using a model.
The teacher will present a diagram of the internal parts of Earth and have the students label the layers.
The teacher will introduce the lesson through the Let’s Get started essay, then the teacher writes the
question on the board, “How did Earth begin to form?” and
The teacher will ask a follow-up question on “How the surface of Earth drifted apart into what it is
Firm Up/ Interaction:
As a continuation of the introductory activity the teacher will present the video entitled,” Continental
Drift 101 – National Geographic” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq9kLzm36h0)
The teacher will remind the students to take note of the important points that mentioned in the video.
Through the Think-Pair-share activity, the teacher instructs the class to form pairs and collaborate in
forming essential understanding of the plate tectonics theory and the three types of plate boundaries, each
pair of students need to create a Venn Diagram about the given topic.
After making a Venn Diagram each pair need to present their work into the class, after the
presentation of the students the teacher will remind the students about take home activity and the materials
needed to create a model about collisions of plate tectonics.
The teacher will ask the students on how tectonic plates contribute to the lives of fishermen and to the
agricultural sector in our society.

(Week 2)
Lesson topics:

 Plate Boundaries – New understanding of the Ocean Floor

 Mountains
1. Identify the mechanisms of movements beneath the earth
2. Provide evidences for plate movements
3. Create a poster that shows the mechanisms of plate movements
4. Identify the different types of mountains and
5. Explain how plate movement results in mountain-building
The teacher will conduct a 10-item quiz based on the previous lesson, after facilitating the quiz, the
teacher explains that the movements within the Earth happen through various mechanisms.
The teacher will ask the students if they have ever climbed a mountain or experienced trekking
through mountainous regions of land and then the teacher ask them to describe their various experiences.
Firm Up/ Interaction:
Before introducing the different mechanisms of the motion of Earth, the teacher will encourage critical
and imaginative thinking by asking students to come up with theories on why the internal parts of Earth are
constantly in motion.
The teacher will ask the students to name some examples of mountains located in the Philippines and
all over the world, then the teacher discuss the different types of mountains.
The teacher will ask the students to divide the class into 4 groups, after dividing the class into 4 groups
the teacher explain the activity and its directions.
After the activity the teacher will proceed to discussion of the evidence of Plate Tectonic Theory and an
explanation of the consequence if plate movement ceased to occur, then the teacher asks the students to
share 3 important concepts that they have learned and things that give them interest to learn more from the
The teacher will discuss the different types of mountains, and then the teacher asks the students to
have a short quiz about mountains (can be found in pages 22-24 of Science In Everyday Living 10 book)
The teacher will ask the students on how plate boundaries serve as guide to help the geographers and
scientists in making analysis on how the Earth’s plates were initially formed? and also on how plate
boundaries responsible to the formation of different natural tourist spots in the Earth where people enjoy the
scenery and climate?

(Week 3)
Lesson topics:

 Volcanic Activity
1. Explain the different kinds of volcanism
2. Identify the locations in the world where most volcanoes are found
The teacher will recall concepts related to volcanoes through a guided board work, the teacher
illustrate a concept map with the word volcano and ask the students to fill up the map with ideas associated
with volcanoes.
The teacher will present the video entitled, “Can We Use Volcanoes to Power the World?”
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDCtF9yHiH8). As the students watch; the teacher reminds them to take
down the important information and details mentioned in the clip. The teacher prepares a question to ask the
students after they finish watching the video.
Firm Up/ Interaction:
The teacher will instruct the students to form a 4 group, after forming a group they need to pick a topic
using a roulette that they need to present in the class, then the teacher present the rubrics for grading the
students’ performance. After the presentation the teachers discuss the different types of volcanic activity.
After the discussion, the teacher will instruct the students to list and explain different kinds of
After the activity, the teacher will remind the students about the next activity (assignment) which the
students need to illustrate a graphic organizer to present data about the locations in the world where most
volcanoes are found.
the teacher will ask the students why it is important to know the locations of active and inactive

(Week 4)
Lesson topics:

 Eruption of a Volcano – Seismic Waves

1. Identify the different types of volcanic eruptions
2. Explain why volcano erupts
3. Simulate a volcanic eruption.
The teacher will introduce the lesson by asking the student to read out loud the first two paragraphs of
the introduction on page 31, then the teacher encourage the students to share their reaction or an insight
about the information, highlighting particularly the danger of a volcanic eruption and the materials from the
Firm Up/ Interaction:
The teacher will present the video entitled, Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano Is Erupting Again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzJnXf8OjOk&t=7s. Using information discussed in the previous lesson,
the teacher asks the students to explain why the volcano is constantly erupting.
The teacher will discuss the different types of volcanic eruption.
After the discussion, the teacher will start to divide the class into group with 5 members, then the
teacher instructs the groups to prepare the materials for the laboratory experiment on the next meeting.
Before facilitating the activity, the teacher will check if the students’ materials are complete and then
the teacher briefly discuss the procedure for the experiment. Since the activity involves simulation of volcanic
eruption, the teacher reminds the student to work with extra caution on mixing substances that might result
in an eruptive chemical reaction.
After performing the activity, the teacher will instruct the class to answer the analysis questions on
page 38 on a separate sheet of paper.
As a take home activity, the teacher will instruct the students to conduct the Let Us Enrich research
activity elucidated on page 38.
The teacher will ask the students why it is important to know the different types of volcanic eruption.

(Week 5)
Lesson topics:

 Safety Measures in a Volcanic Eruption

1. Determine precautionary actions to take before, during, and after volcanic eruption.
The teacher will provide a 10-item quiz about volcanic eruptions. Through this activity, the teacher let
the students recall the different types of volcanic eruptions and reflect upon its dangers.
Firm Up/ Interaction:
The teacher will present a video of the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption, entitled “Bandila: Pinatubo
eruption commemorated” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPELH6SMats). The teacher will ask the students,
“What will you do if you were in the situation of the people in the video?”. The teacher will let the students
ponder upon the question and figure out ways to keep themselves safe.
The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups and assign them the following:

 Group 1 – Safety Measures Before a Volcanic Eruption

 Group 2 – Safety Measures During a Volcanic Eruption
 Group 3 – Safety Measures After a Volcanic Eruption
The teacher will instruct the students to study the information presented in the textbook and present a
role play/skit about them in a class, the student shall explain and demonstrate the safety measures through
scenarios involving an impending volcanic eruption, an ongoing eruption, and a post-eruption case.

The teacher will ask the students on why the knowledge in safety measures must have done in practice
to lessen the risk of possible volcanic eruption and how a student like you can think a way on promoting
awareness about volcanic eruption to other members of your country?

(Week 6-7)
Lesson topics:

 Tectonic Activity and Earthquakes

1. Explain how tectonic activity induces earthquakes.
2. Identify the parts of an earthquake.
3. Determine the magnitude, intensity and epicenter of an earthquake.
4. Illustrate scenario of an earthquake
The teacher will start the class by asking the students “What causes earthquakes?”. Explain that in
earlier times, people came up with stories to explain the occurrence of earthquakes. The teacher will let the
students to narrate the mythological stories found on pages 48 - 49 of the book.
The teacher will introduce seismic waves to the students and let the students identify the anatomy of
an earthquake based on the information on pages 49 – 50.
Firm Up/ Interaction:
The teacher will discuss the parts of an earthquake, difference between intensity and magnitude and
explain how scientist determine the source and intensity of an earthquake through seismometer.
The teacher will continue the discussion of the focus, magnitude and intensity of an earthquake. Then
the teacher will proceed with a demonstration of locating an earthquake epicenter. The teacher will explain
each step thoroughly to ensure the understanding of the students to the entire process.
The teacher will discuss the distribution of earthquake-prone areas and let the students identify which
places in the country lie along the West Valley Fault System. The teacher will ask the students a question “How
should we prepare for the Big One?”
The teacher will ask the students to go to their respective groups in the previous activity and create a
poster about a scenario of an earthquake.
The teacher will ask the students on how PHIVOLCS provide a systematic way in developing their alert
level indicator that helps people to decide on their evacuation plan?

(Week 8)
Lesson Topics:

 Tsunami
1. Explain how an earthquake generates a tsunami.
2. Determine the distribution of tsunami-prone areas.
3. Identify safety measures in the occurrence of a tsunami.
The teacher will give a review about tsunami by asking the students to define the term based on their
own understanding, then the teacher will explain that tectonic activity beneath the ocean floor causes the
occurrence of tsunami.
Firm Up/ Interaction:
The teacher will present a video of the tsunami disaster in Japan in 2011, entitled “Rare Video: Japan
Tsunami | National Geographic” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWzdgBNfhQU). Then the teacher will
let the students describe the tsunami and share a reaction or an insight regarding the clip and let the students
theorize what caused the occurrence of such catastrophe.
The teacher will discuss thoroughly the process through which a subducting slab ruptures and releases
energy that generates a tsunami, After the discussion the teacher will ask the students to identify tsunami-
prone places in the country, using the map on page 74. Then the teacher will proceed with an interactive
discussion about safety measures in times of a tsunami occurrence
The teacher will ask the student to make an infographic regarding to the safety measures when there is
a tsunami.
The teacher will also ask the students on how a student and citizen like you can helps other members
of your community to know the importance of knowledge and understanding to the possible effects of natural

(Week 9)
Performance Task:
The students will present a short film about safety measures in volcanic eruption in a class, the
students shall explain and demonstrate the safety measures through scenarios involving an impending
volcanic eruption, an ongoing eruption, and a post-eruption case.

(Week 10)
Quarterly Assessment

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