EASA AD Workshop 2014 - 09 - AD Related To Components

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AD related to Components

Nicolas Miton
Safety Information Officer
03 December 2014

AD related to Components - Content

AD related to components in AD publishing tool
Specifics of AD related to components
AD actions for component already installed
AD condition for installation of component
General condition for installation of component

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AD related to Components

What are talking about ?

02-03/12/2014 EASA AD Reading Workshop 3

AD related to Components

What are we talking about ?

Definition: ‘component’ means any engine,
propeller, part or appliance.
Component has its own design approval or not
Type Certificate (ex.: engine or propeller)
European Technical Standard Order (ex.: restraint system
or APU)
No approval but EASA Form 1 (ex.: high pressure manifold
check valve)
No approval with no EASA Form 1 (Standard parts)

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AD related to Components

The component has a design approval

The component has a design approval holder.

When there is an unsafe condition related to this

component, an AD is published addressing directly
the component itself.

Ex.: EASA PAD 14-160 (Torso restraint system)

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AD related to Components

The component has no design approval

The component has no design approval holder.

When there is an unsafe condition related to this
component, an AD is published applicable to the
type design(s) (aircraft or engine) on which the
component is known to be installed.

Ex.: EASA AD 2014-0251 for A320 aeroplanes (Brake

Dual Distribution Valve)

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AD related to Components

How to find these ADs in the AD Publishing


If component has a design approval holder

By filtering using the current design approval holder
No possibility to filter all « Equipment ADs »
Improvements to the system are being developed
Ex. in AD Publishing tool: ROMTEX ANJOU

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AD related to Components

How to find these ADs in the AD Publishing

If component has no design approval holder
By inserting the affected Part Number (P/N) in the
“Keyword” field
Be careful, only possible if the P/N is part of the text of
the AD
Sometimes the P/N is only specified by reference in the
applicable Service Bulletin
Ex. in AD Publishing tool: Brake Dual Distribution
Valve (BDDV) P/N A25434006-3 (AD 2014-0251)
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AD related to Components

Specifics of an AD related to components

The AD requires accomplishment of actions if the
affected part is installed:
Inspection and, depending on findings, corrective actions
Modification (removal of the affected part)

The AD may also have paragraphs which give some

conditions for installing the part

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AD related to Components

Specifics of an AD related to components

What are these specific conditions for installing the
part ?
From the effective date, the part cannot be installed.
After modification of an aeroplane, the part cannot be
From the effective date, the part can be installed but
needs to pass an inspection upon, or prior to, installation.

Make sure that these conditions are considered

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AD related to Components

Specifics of an AD related to components

Ex.: EASA AD 2014-0228 (cargo door to be inspected
prior to installation on an aeroplane - A330 & A340
Ex.: EASA AD 2014-0251 (BBDV – Modification –
A320 aeroplane)
Ex.: EASA AD 2014-0258 (CFM56-5 engine / wrong
torque – A320 aeroplane)

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AD related to Components

In general:
Installation of part on an aircraft
The installation needs to be approved
The part needs an EASA Form 1 (or equivalent)
Use of the Illustrated Parts Catalogue (IPC) or
Component Maintenance Manual (CMM)
It is not directly approved by EASA, only indirectly
approved under DOA priviligies

Be careful when installing a part using EASA Form 1

and/or IPC/CMM, as maybe not updated
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AD related to Components

Part M – AD / Components
Prior to installation of a part on an aircraft, it must
be ensured that it is eligible to be fitted when AD
may be applicable to this part (M.A. 501 –
Components are unserviceable when not compliant
with a component AD (M.A. 504 – Control of
unserviceable components)
At aircraft level: an AD may be published to require
actions on a component

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AD related to Components

Part M - Responsibilities
Owner / Operator is responsible for the continuing
airworthiness of the aircraft
The aircraft continuing airworthiness shall be
ensured by the accomplishment of any applicable
Owner / Operator / CAMO might have a contract
with a maintenance organisation which
accomplishes the maintenance tasks
But the Responsibility is not transferred

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Don’t forget:

[email protected]
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AD related to Components

Any further questions?

Tell us now or
Contact us at: [email protected]

Safety Information Section Manager

Safety Information Officers
Safety Information Assistants
Ewa ENGEL, Sebastian STRUK

02-03/12/2014 EASA AD Reading Workshop 16

Thank you!

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