Ed Fringe 1996

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can 5) Festival Fringe oe oe Giacometti, _ Velazquez, Livingstone. - They all ede to draw co eT VITA) TTY LO mle ay cry INDEX OF COMPANIES. Ceres An alphabetical listing by performer or company name. A person's name is listed under his or her surname (e.g. look for Homer Simpson under 'S'). MAIN LISTING - THE PROGRAMME COM ce ay et) artform category giving full details on each production. ORC een arte ny? rae Cd rors cs er tS Coa) Coote EST Cae Ley Dance & Physical Theatre roe sy center rer preety CeCe acs) proky) eee a ate pret Lira ea) Vere ts oa Vere Ero) Mian ae ey Every Fringe Venue has a number shown on this map. Within See Re Se i eee their grid reference. Venue numbers and grid references are also Senos ai ead CURB YE ‘An alphabetical listing by show name, with performing company DRS a ee ed cod TICKET BOOKING FORM Pros) For postal sales before and during the Fringe, ordering your 1997 programme, Fringe Club membership and LRT Bus Pass. -_ anaemic stivl Fringe Society Ld isa company limites by guarantee and recognised 4 # charity Is policy is determined by 4 Board of Directors elected at the AGM in Cee ene eee cee eee ee soce eerie eae eee ares Aree eg teres oeoet eg eee eater ern Tea od ese nee Fc Loanhead Cover Wlustration by Lyaneke Muinliand, Edinburgh College of Art, Design by Crombie Anderson, Dunfermline. Typesetting and layout al Fringe Society. Programme predution eased by Greggs The Bakers, 1,000 cans of Dict Coke an “Born Slippy” by Underworld. With gateal thanks to Sea one iy We believe the Fringe owes its success to its dependence, its freedom, its enterprise. In line with this policy, the Fringe Society makes no attempt to Cree ee ee groups. We advise groups and help to solve the many ee ee ee] Nea et Cra a Ls Not much has really changed over the 50 years of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. From its modest beginnings in 1947 when just eight companies hi-jacked the ‘official festival to this, the SOth Fringe when an incredible 646 companies will present 1,301 different shows. Over the years, the Fringe has helped to launch the careers of eae) Ce ee Rue ce Pee ec Ae Chee ad eee oe Ty opportunity that performing at the Fringe can give: the chance to be seen, to explore ideas, to push the boundaries or even simply shock people! See ee Seema se ee ed eo open mind. Some of the most astonishing events emerge from the most unlikely places and there is nothing more satisfying than discovering one of the festival ‘hits’ Dee a em ee Hamlet might be just about to be snapped up by the SC; the stand-up you saw in a tiny night-club could be OT eT Rad ely Hilary Strong, Director “a UY ACKNOWAED por THE SuPrO} ca AL its Sronsons a eed Cree RLS ae ous cr cag RE Mere Newcastle Brown Ale a a PE NRE URC ocd Arthur Andersen ARCHANGELS Hunter Sea nk How to Find Out More ENQUIRIES he Fringe Office, 180 High Stree, Edinburgh, EH1 105 Tel. (0131) 226 5257/5259 Fax. (0131) 220 4205 email, admin@edtringe-orguk INFORMATION The Fringe Office using the festival we employ a large, well-informed staff who aim to vid ersive information on all Fringe shows, including et availability and changes to information in the programme. They do not however recommend productions The Daily Diary. his is an up-to-date chronological isting of every show or exhibition 9 place at the Fringe on any one day. It is fee and available at the Fringe Office as well as over 30 locations throughout Edinburgh. A ary covering pre-Fringe events willbe avaliable from Friday 2 ust andthe frst Fringe issue wil be ready for 9 August The Diary in conjunetion with the Finge Programme. Three Kids Weeki Diaries wil also be printed, LRT FESTIVAL BUS PASS estivalFinge Society has negotiated 2 discount Bus Pass in njunction with Lothian Regional Transport Unlimited travel (excluding night buses) For one week costs £10.00. Pa be purchased atthe Fringe Box Office (in person or by phone) and can 3c ordered via the Booking Form at the back of the ime. BT SIGNED PERFORMANCES 0 sponsorship from BI, the Fringe is pleased to announce the srtinuation ofthe series of signed Fringe perormences for deaf more information, tick the box on the Booking Form at the programme or contact the Fringe Office directly back FRINGE “96 ON THE INTERNET Supported by WEB 13 Internet Cafe This programme is also available on the World Wide Web at nttps/wwrpresence.co.ukfringe/ The programme includes a unique arch facility to loeate your Favourite performer ar show, or you can arch on key-word given in the text. The Daly Diaries are also available on-line enabling you to plan day-by-day visits in advance (Once you have seen a Fringe shaw, you can also post your own review in the Unofficial Reviews Section and tead those alteady posted by other Fringe enthusiasts, If you do not have your own access to the Intemet, you can surf the fringe Pages and the rest of the Internet at Web 13 Internet Cafe, 13 Bread Street, Edinburgh, USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS sal 228 408 nn 596.065) " 87 1682 ustfomation 82858 222 1000 How to Buy Tickets Telephone (0131) 226 5138 10 Lines Credit Card Sales Only Open: Monday 24 June Hours: YOam-8pm, Mon-Sat (24 June-27 Jul) 9am - 9pm, 7 days a week (29 July-31 Aug) Tickets ean either be posted or held for collection at the Fringe Box Office Minicom Number: (0131) 220 5594 for customers with hearing difficulties IN PERSON At the Fringe Office 180 High Street, Royal Mil, Edinburgh Opens: Monday 29 July Hours: 10am-Tpm, 7 days a week At Waterstones Waterstone's Booksellers, 83 George Street, Edinburgh Opens: Friday 2 August Hours: 10am-7pm, Mon-Sat Mam-7pm, Sundays At the Fringe Club Teviot Row, Bristo Square (venue n0.2) Opens: Friday 9 August Hours: 0am-7pm, 7 days a week At the Gyle Centre South Gyle, Edinburgh Opens: Saturday 10 August until Monday 26 August Hours: 10am - 6pm, 7 days a week At the Scottish Gas Mobile Information Centre Princes Street Gardens, by The Mound Opens: Sunday 11 August Hours: 10am-5.30, 7 days a week BY POST To: 180 High Street, Royal Mile, Edinburgh Opens: Monday 19 June Please allow a minimum of ten days for delivery. Booking Form at the DE emer ee Tio )e te) aU aU ated A {how Up het Company 45 Coxmic Dane Company 4 omer ee Edrburgh Ok Fecal 45 fete to boversous $5 Corme Pontye Mtr Lowe Four ul Cabaret the Mase Box 20 ‘Setaemas Sw 1 Soartrms Emerainmens 6S Page 17 frsekssenoiy * Baan 10 are Boman 3 comepore 7 Freemy Sage ” ee ers Company 104) tarBoums Caress One Man Band 7 oy Cat "8 Jus ncn * Devons Roa Tare Group ‘1 Boothby Giles Quer Hal Comedy The Crud Hand of Fs Presa Fen Of The Western Busi ‘Abcis Tear Company Spelt 4 Crump Thee Company nee » eirenccaey {)—Sowhy Grace Que Hal Comedy" Aner Cue 7 FengeAG & ‘Bia There Company a Seeal 14 Carved Gon [Fem cib 5 ‘soa Tie eae Co Sony Sain mers candy" pr The 7 Feege striae 108 ‘ovate Baru Thesis Company 61 Seal ng Surcy 2 Aeros Ber So Bootleg Emacs - Ung ant D fatfgue ene company 2079 ‘essere Arde Trae Company 81 Urared 39 Dandi Tete Company 7 Fire Tima Company ” ero The Borer f Staffan 1S Day Ere s ae Si Bratlerd Paphos Toure Conpary 68 The Daly Tlpraph Open Mic s The Ad Pescy foro UnvernyTeve Grp” 66 Award Grand Fra 1's Gre Mages \ Me apelin a SeonPo So Danmaructer 1B Gash * Dero mas wth he Re Jo Brand 8 Speck Guess 1S BanFretran (8 Goin Roberson RAndyTofor cate Bema 15 Bow Gorm | Groey Cavew St > fenciaen 21 Bie New Wont Theatre Company 6 Dang Hanbun Borg 4 Gee oF wan Mare er 2 ‘igen Dares Group $) Brenan there ere % —Guiseanroumtnawe Company 53 Get Up Rew Gen a ‘ng he Re seal Ste Body 1S Ren Bay 19 The Chon Rend Company ” ere a tuanar Syme “ie? ‘The Breer Dram Thee Company 6b Daze Exton of Conemporcy Ged Batoon 721s ‘Ranft Utan war Bret Norson sores be ewer toe Aantal hes 2 Sete thie tot to Babar SF Dead Sg an Sree 9 GriWeh Bees 2 Mooring pies ea cae gl tan oh 53 The Denurc omarion m Dune 34.71 th ge your ont Done To isinag euler ey bengon tune 1S The Demares Feundrion a anbugh comme troupe 2 orl tres (Far Stop Proceons @ Mi7tiI2 Gunde Conny Colege Aialiarasee Gye 1S The Demo found mF¥e 72 Globe Pes 7 ‘on acres Co a DetionioreTieare Conpury, 73 Glocemerdice Evry Youth ‘Ai chase Pine Berane n ¢ Devt Apres nee 755 [Acray che Pub nde’ Late c 107 jemand {coca Promctons 3 ea 10 Cerro et 13 Brego Mons Abeee” Si Goud cme mee - Kev Urine 80 Avera Pgh Scoot There extol Catone 8 Thee 16 DreweAnracine 1S Gordenoan th Tare Ss iaanisea ADS G7 — DrerveArwacion There Complex 14 Gorgas A Br = Anvety meres! = SRL GR Gt $0 Chasen Dol erento ® Saito Ty Gedo Grvery $0 Danie tag Drama 7 Jef ren 2 Neches Je Chndonan fob'ithe Glford —42—‘DasketateTocave Company 19. —“Gresta Youth There = ‘Sig ramescs &—Gaiterna Repertory Conpnty 33 Joan Dowie 175 Grefrars Ki Promocoos. 745 ones 753 The canbe oot 6 The artan Rowe 1) Gree Ha (remy Ponery 108 ‘te Dagrsion 7 Canbage Meas here Ie The Gras 2 Niceitie eure Congary —62—_‘The Carbide Hues oo Gehry rodicons 5 asonioore ft Chriaage Uthersy Arse Sanur Acine Stock 7.195575 Car do Roce 6 ‘em nd eo tL Orameze ve esso7 Eamon cae Gaerne ea ected Frans 38 Cambie Urry Out OFT Thecnbunp creer seteol HL ee eee gy Buea Company x Eenturgcolege OA (08 Faas a frcmecrr on the frnge tay Camera Obeara 108 Eanburh Fen otary Ger nev 2 phatieceseey. 3 Ron Cameron 1s Awecauer $8 The Hager Ging 7 weet fl Campugragin Mcaram 1688 Eamburgh Gate Ori Group 75 Haran Hanan Thee Co Smkaey lor Toe Eape out Dace Company burgh erator CO an Hirpechore Se cecs Hat ‘for Aor 1 GowAira) » Recodo ary Mart 96 Comck Soca 23 TeseasOnen tare Caany Sn poe 16 Tpekanbah ra Hay Hi Queers Hal Spal 8 Aa Peter ne Cts Bae Company (Wale & tae a eee ceny Burm Cxdona Eanes par) 33 Herr Tee a ‘stony Rooms. 1133395063 Carol Caras toe ermeren 2 Asjomthere Company Gent Peper Tae {7 Ednturh Renaance Bane Hi Prodexons a ‘tne Seton The Geen Conary 67 Eansugh hears Are aah Recommends as thine Boe 12 Sent werorpe cae Theta bowen Foneghe $3 Somme ic ‘a juts Cinta Te Obed ew sucoTiace Conny, G2 Eankyh Umer prone 12 Holyrood tah Prodaten (USA) Bh ed 2 Gabe Tease Company S$ Eantagh Unerny Soy wayocaan Che Sel 32 Frater 6 Opera Grom ss Theor Hep Cs e Gren Tare G8 TheEdnhurgh Young Theos Sean taper * B ‘Garming Te Coreen 55 Hulntco OniversTiewwe Shams thave Coney 14h tec Me eatin Cater 19 Rat te a fio Th Ghat ore Sree 16 Becrle Compary 75 Hana Poppet Thre Nea HE Gun Soe Oreun 33 Beavke ta 193 Hamer Pes There Seeger Feil OF Froth En Caron 41 one Tare Company (USA) 42 cas yore 41 Ganweobanxtosrteweco 1% 1 arson Test (ah) DS mars Cmte, 0 Buel 112 tan Ties poe There 7 eee npg ore Gh Chery Mae Fm ane eure 1976 tyes 2 rehearse “Citra cs 7 tects 13 (Mapes a Raviner un commen ka roaetone Sac Treive Company «1976 Inpndng Thre Company uacod bend $$ Grew Ottrros 5) The &Drecary Cub 20 Trelmpetaniora # tecraies 3 Gage aes Femmes Tes Conpary 68 Bat Sgn Company 30 inser Treave Company a BBC Rado Seong vase TheChrach conan Hep) Sovey” $1 yledng HeroeeTheare Company 16 InepenereTneae Com Sates hee 7 Cows Feaory Posscont @ ‘Theta Se Bericht (4 Samra Seok @ oF ewe ee ee Sa 17 cat Theer Company 7 mneroom @ Besse On 3S ce Core Reehonthenre 77 traradonl& Cure Cano oe tt Gan Zanthanra-Komede 17 Fton mpm e Dard Berson SpetneyTawe $5 Fasc Pas Tete Co Tr wou Space Protucion, a Reryerrioor AWS 4 CHP 1 ene Feie 2» Paes S— Socermouan Tone & — allowsnp lor te Putornngrs 77 ener, § SonurChaerassene 5% Farol of tresntoun Orvest 42 mes Bacio nd Mathew Hoes 24 Wacennsces SS ThecometykbWonop 69 Faul Tene USCASA nm hmte pee The Comedy Zone 1 Pine 5S frmntcperimce 35S Re eee company &§- Common Ground Sip DaneThewre 33. rely Procicons 7 Suriname Henrys Caer BP eee tt Conover Finn Feoge 30 Thefuntoot e Sees PerormancePoury 65 Communica There Co $5 Rest ea Trae Company Teoma Poston » Sea oeces $3 The Company 5 Tht Doptiaare Company 79 frp zur~ Que Ha Specal 24 Saves tian or & Theconme 17 Amer fordane S ierrerioneonteen hy soe fy Connor Sits teedes M4 For ener Tree s * en oom 1h Cerxorpine Orana Group 6 Faroe Proastors 13 comand oss Coot Show 4 John Cooper Che a the Man Box 25 Jom Pel Woe ton fone, Joo Holand ah Hi Rhona “Tha oumney Compa io Pr eas K ena Mich Cle 2 Fee ne TheEn Cra kidd ing hire Pesorming Ars ote Jonata Kydd D Ean STE + Madea oe Le nd Herring re sien Spe dee Panne Company ™ She Maka ard DMC The me ub aah Martane Krona Pobnd Moon Glow Productions ac Th Capen Arm ils harsher Conary iit exdany DEAR LIFE tect Ue Teas ‘Norn Shakespeare Grp a a B 2 Ey % a Fa a 56 Se a 2 % B 75686 a z & 2s ie & Na Se) ee etc) ert London College School 6? ‘Nerd Wane Uncenersre “our There Pa Sram Norton z NNosox Messe! Im Cooking Cinry 27 NNecsheMagy ae 2 NWS There Producore v ° [OF Te Ground Predsons y ‘Ar Oaron 2 Bort Oem, a Ex Ou 2 ‘he Olé Senco! There Company 87 ha Se Pas 96 “ The Ot Town Becahep to ibe Procuedone 7 Tod Thane Conpay a Snel, Prosctont a ‘On HomanTheses Corpary 7 ‘Sour m9 ‘Orage Toate anda! Ars ‘rojo @ Outhouse Prosictons = (ut OFT Nomad Tene no Outsider ho Onan Productons ® (Oxlrd Brose: Drm = Oxted naps 938 Pp The Pua Be Fetal Fok Sow 48 PAR petercane Pate Tanre Cpa Pan Pn That Pacomine rots. Prone 8 Nojor Fat Gabrath Chae Gtr Patt Prodceon e mata perl te) s Fenn Ten Eee ° Fepperdine Un USA * Retoens echene *” Prepon There 2 Frere Pik OF The fenge oe ™ Fel jor To Fs Pils Aucdoners fo Prlomaces OF Eanturgs ‘a The Peron Tears Cogery 90 rare Pie ES Parton These : Plt Rep! Corrcan ” Sean Pens (USA) % Pum Prohcons Pens 0 The Poe a Sirs - Sono 0 oppoos Poducione ” Fora Presi 3 Perabo Cater fo Pras These Conpacy n Freon Lie High Scot 6 Prowent Rt Ean = Resor (Gasiear Peet 2s frome ster % Greg Prooos » Prom Bootes Fars fre Salunors At) Ud a Parle Peale Show » Porm Piet. ° Qe Tare Copan sag! Qin Froscsons u ‘Goven Mrare Clege Pc ‘Gusers Cage Thee Company 36 Siem 2 (Geet Thr And Fi 2 R Danis Raer 2 epwcaon heave 2 ‘ave se Prodi 2 Randg of Sees 2 ‘The aioe Theaee Company of Earp s AEC Treas Company 2 ed Chit Pers ‘The Ree Onions fed She There Company ‘The Reduced Shtepere Company ‘The Reg Boon Resurrection Tere Company ‘The Revers. ahd args Paks Nox Dad 2 2 3 Rehrd Medion Parable Pages '9 Fetard Rober Book Parkes The Rock Company ‘The Robben Teste Company Roget alery Ronee Ancon Blo Franc Fy Aesuary George & Rid Stadion 1 ex Fok Davee Grown % Com Rosen ndtan Sanita 94 Rough Mage These Company “odand 4 ewan Ty Mi x opal Cote of Srgone of ‘heburdh 4 fap re Ar Corinto for “sovind 9 foal NscarlTeare * fomlNavora\Thenwe Saas 59 Rehm o uth Amo and Noting Bu Prowctons » s Sno 8 Gorge At scarfs Cada sun SiMe AAlSane Ourey sh Sian Oaoes Company % Sen Pers & Sexi There % route Howes 9292651 74095 Scout Stora “The seth Steyn Forum Sera Perforce Groin Serearang Sloe Marder Comedy Segova Guar Tho 2 Tere Company Scotind ‘The Suespeareviotshop Tre Shana ong) Ney Sark Soxking Ps Produce Simon Day rw fre Son Be Looser Ten Group Snip Ofte Dy Tene Co Southern gt Onion SoNou Tako Fanny Speeding Bue Thee Company Spr of eatin Spores eae Company The sare Conve Sige Saget Tere Co The Send Comedy Cb Sea of Py The sem ny Sook Frees Thence ‘Sou There Soar Botton Srachan and eo Sacha and Sonchan Seach Spe: Steaks On-Guy Productions Soret Seouh Swed Fret Thee Corny 2 a » » 2 » ie 7 5 os * 3 Ff Sudo (08 /PpAmerian Posuceon 97 SipertsonThenre Co Sse Unerty Ora Socey rato Spe ‘4 Ep Tage Tee Laden Taran Pal Tats Comey ‘ie Porany ” % = * Tee Coes = av Ligon -Ketow -Pobnd 8 TAT Prodctone = ‘Tener Das Komodo Ki Geman * ‘Thaiter Der Geman 2 Thee Abioke * Ther door 2 That ds Spe oo Than Et End susan Trane et ° Theses For Aiea a ‘Teves ofp Heart o TreTheare ofthe Meroe 100 Thar Pande 0 Trearar Stnicur Thar of Tree le Dg x Pu Tenkewen Bs ‘TheToaly Porable Teas Company 10) Toning a0 ‘Farle Lhe Productos 100 Terese ‘09 ee Thee Company "or ny frost ES} Tera Fit erat Fox wreThere 1, Twbsted Cason Dice Thewwe 97 Tse of fae Protons 101 Tho Paks aod 3 Pon Thee ‘Conpin - Fine ” u Usseartioart 10) py Prosccens to str Tht toa Unieraty of Notinghars New “Thurs Compa ton Upoigram Tarte Hungry Horse 103 Upsars Predicson Company 32 Ustan Myh There i The'Us Tare Copter 2 v Site Cen Theatre 103 New 122 sania These 2 Tine 2 The Vega Mary Show 2 ocr OrThe Sour e w nite Pas 0a Wilh Cotege OF Moc And Dra 2105 Tha Wert the Cafe dnd Ooty Fa TIL ‘West YorahrePayhtae with Sarr 4 Arg 10s They ate Tasee Conny 198 We "Shi0sti2 Wwnsperng Eye There Company 105 Waseoae Ey neds 9 Whee Rabie Conboys Poducone 185 ‘Wilmer sx Hooler 7 ‘wating # tart Ere 106 Wraeg ine 3 Wier ee 0 Wieie Colege Thar Company 106 % Youth Comes There Corpany $7106 Youth newmazeral Se Opal 196 Vong 196 Zz Zong Tene 106 Zend arta A Stow = Fateee 3 Zoo Thats Company 2 Zhan Conary S710 OT escwernaies Sie 1ka0p tickets for all shows are sold in advance from the Fringe Box Office and at the venue about 30 minutes before each each performance. Some venues also run their own Box Office throughout the day. This is indicated by the word ‘Tickets’ and a telephone number e.g. Tickets 123 4567. Please read page 3 for further Booking Details. DORON CRG Met els All entries in the programme have been standardised for ease of reading. A variety of abbreviations and symbols are used throughout. WEEK BLOBS Show ata glance which week(s) the company performing Fringe week un from Sunday to Saturday, and any events bef VENUE NUMBER. Sunday 11 August are deemed tobe in Week Each finge venue has its own number Find it cn the Venue Map using the Grid Reference oe’ GRID REFERENCES Use this in conjunction with FRINGE FIRST STAR the location ofthe Vere play is eligible FRINGE SUNDAY 0000 sman Fringe Fist Award nan 10 Horan Pat oo of Raa Mi feo 234 5257 u pane These awards are given to companies ie ae ee #1 FRINGE SUNDAY 200,000 people gnther around Arthur's Are for unreserved seats in near all reich eve nt een performed more || S#88%9.watch hundreds of Fringe performers parade thelr wares for costs. concessions (reductions a often given to students (} free on seventeen diferent stages. The hottest date of the festival ed (U), ORP, Disabled (Oy than 6 times in the UK. season! Unempoy Aug 11 3.00 (17.00) Free Children under 16 (C), and Young NON-VERBAL THEATRE Scat card holders (). Kentifieaon icates show suitable for will be asked non-English speakers TIMES DATES The 24 hour clock is used. Shows starting in the aly Fringe performances can take place on any morning ¢9, 0115 at listed under the day before date, day of the week, Sundays ate assumed to but shows starting at 7am are shown on the cutrent be performance days unless otherwise stated day's date. Finishing times in brackets are approximate and cannot be guaranteed ALBERT AND FRIENDS INSTANT CIRCUS 000@ one - Wore Parag ns Fee Of 12 RTHE KING Bssed upon jrrys Ubu Rot The King rot of val Invenuvenessmusie,mime and ccs sll. A comic extrwvagaraa performed by London's premir chidrens ceux. Free family circus workshop 1030 to ‘og 17-26 1200 (1345) Free ANGELIC VOICES ene 19 Omens Hoy, 100 Pi Sra Tat 205515 tia ‘COME ON EVERYBODY, SING! Workshop fr children and ado of al ages and stages from dramatic soprano Mare Fayward and saxophonist Andrew Fete fun way ave Inco the wor of ay and cssiel mane Brian ‘Aug 7.31 (noe 15,22 Double 0930 (1008) £330 6250) with jarz-Well& Ellington) £600 (£5.00) ANTIC DISPOSITION 000 ‘ene 4 C05 Cott yh Cat teton Tera,Tets 255105 Kio 'H JABBERWOCKY On Brig nghe myth become monsters sonserse Takes sense, nd only mainazon cam save your fe. Thi Feige Fest waning ‘Company rewums bringing Lewis Carols enchanting world toe, Pas, Irases snd mage fr eldren ar aus of ges [Rug 831 (not 18) oon (1250) £500 (£4.00) Charen £3.00 BACKLASH THEATRE COMPANY ‘ene #5 Ot Pals Chrh ne Hal ha Sree Teas 886 651 # HULLABALOO Staterpeare rae cay This enchaning version of te “Tempore wil eranspore your child nto the fankarical word of magic 2d monsters A new.ana viualy exeilng production which erupt wid hughter, Tus and Me sted puppets." Guaranesed fun forage 3 ‘Aug 1231 (not Suns) 1035 (11.95) £450 (4250) cee BEALE STREET PUPPETS “he Cat opal Rete Set Ticks 6 2549 SMASHING CROCKERY-A TRIO OF TALES Ninian, dhe Anazing Gomer Shorthaired Cat. presen Possots Toby jg. The AnEAnd The {Grasshopoe and Sir Smashem Uppe es taleldoseope of colourful puppets ind delghul muse from ths profesional American company ‘Rug 31 (not Mons) 1030 (1115) £350 0000 MR BOOM - CHILDREN'S ONE MAN BAND ©O@® now route Howe 5 Caribe Tx 205406 (TH 9A 1 S447) IR BOOM'S MUSIC DOME Fy w the moon and jon Mr Boom hh Fagil musical dame, where foes esp in me to the Phyehima yma in songs Eom new and well know ‘Rag 1930 (not 25)" 10. (11.30) 650 (€300) JOHN DOWIE @0e0 ‘enue 32 Psncs 69Th sce Ticats 5866550 us POEMSTO READ TOYOUR PARENTS From John Dowie, callecion of Ewe poens sutable for al aged? rover” Featuring Roome Golden and {2th Camptell wth muse, nes and Pom the he ehldre's show of Esinburgh S43 specal guest appearance by DOGMAN, Aug 9-19 1705 (1755) £400 (C300) ——____ EDINBURGH ACTING SCHOOL 0@00 ewe 177 MCA T3 Fry Rt 87 4 KORCZANS CHILDREN EAS recast te Fringe ater a apse of 2 ests rable story of the Warsnw ghetto orpfanags specially writen for Bre cam of 417 yr olde by che wer of the avarcswnning Mifam. IRug 12-16 1900 1.00) £600 (e450) ‘ug !? 1400 (1600), —_—_————— GILDED BALLOON oo ‘ne 38. The led elon Tear. 283 Comp Tats 7262151 Ka ZAWHEELIE BINATE MY SISTER! by Coln Fancy Wakope Wor nd Spenaes scanned adventure comedy Explore deadwood forest. ind Beem Rabb Pence of aah fol Syater Sebastian Sievers El Hachnaons clon performs" Sxsmen iho the doy August 93 Rog ?26 1100 oon) £550 (C350) ec GLOBE PLAYERS 00 Vem St: hale iy el Crp Tees OB S354 /0OUDASINS 1S FRORPELSTILTSKIN Tigh acne tou of pare ugar sod RUE Sn toe rt ae goups Roser 9. Deg SSE IEP atpr he younger ert ote ance who wath th che ce fetta ines Metesanal Landon company Finaaas tao ress) £40020) CHILDREN'S SHOWS. GLOUCESTERSHIRE EVERYMAN & YOUTH THEATRE c0ee Yer 3 Pane 60The Pasi Tikes 56 6580 us 5 MJIGSAW JIM and Pret Prudence want ro wpend der Tes together Ficory owner fe Grimes thks otbersive sendin nto casa Gann Fmpha” Witfjepe too Bros ded Wi Bunce be Rag t-26 Te30 (1793) Free GREYFRIARS KIRK PROMOTIONS ‘0000 Venu I - Gpi Yk ers Pla Cndoer ow 6672170125 1900 BOBBY COMES BACK.AGAIN ty Joy Grahamtar. Following Stceesstl vst mo American 95,coMe and ep Ste morids most famous dog teliis story. The American children loved hi = ou wil too. Gres fn fr stages Rugti-16 1420 1720) e250 THE HAPPY GANG o0ee Yeoue34The Fut Gre Hous § Cheer eT 205404 (Ta Aug 64 S487) KI2 iNTHE HAPPY GANG GOES YANKEE DOODLE 000 A tiling wid ‘Nest aévonture with Scot's new chierenssinglong fentre/TV rors Can ‘The Happy Gang ovtwt Dolorer Dsbolo before she synamies the susiene, the theatre sno the town of aru Doosle Doe! Forage upto 10 0-31 (noe MonsTues) 1330 (1430) £330 (2.00) (Conceasion price schools, nurseries, playgroups ly) HULLABALLOO CHILDREN'STHEATRE = 00@® ewe 4 The Fos Grote Howe, § Clits ST 120406 (TH 9 Aug 66 S687) KI2 3 BUTHE MAN AND THE MOUNTAIN Wiens mountain ppears Uhexpectedly in your back parden =the post ran cant get to the oor and epours eer coven upbes ont Bowng YP and cng ‘ag 17-31 (nce 19) 10.5 (1118) €350 HUNTER PUPPET THEATRE cee Venue 117 Wewforth Canoe, 04 Gna Fae Tica 2291465 ™ ‘Ace n pursut ofthe White Rabbe, wil ake the audience on 2 ivaghaton and fey re tril 1455 cca0h, ‘Aug 19-31 (not 25) 13.99 (1420) IAN TURBITT’S PUPPET THEATRE. ra 38 The NarbonThas Hh Se Tits 5 957 + MAISIE'S FESTIVAL FRIENDS Mase from Morningside ie Scotinds ‘age famous pussy ext. But wat happens when Granniaand tie pein rs Pekin eke fy Festival lodgers incling 2 Pertormang mouse! High-quality ‘heatre for children based an een Paterson's Moise Book characters and Meadors ‘Aug l-31 (noe Sune) 11.00 (1 5) £3.00 (2250) JOHN PEEL PUPPETS 00e0 ‘enue Sunde Sone Caneariy Cary 17 Nin Se Ticats 64722122 JACK AND THE BEANSTALK We're back! New Vee! Top-ate show for "7 years Jack, helped by the chldren, raids te Gants caste for Gol en {A Harp Best ofthe Frings for younger chien! Under-swos fee. Avoid ‘dsapporrument BOOK NOW. ‘ag 12.24 (nt 18) 115 oem) 350 ‘Children under two years old FREE LEICESTERSHIRE YOUTH ARTS. 00e0 ‘ere Se'sConmanty Cre. Suth G's Coe Compu Ticats $57 0609 KIB PINOCCHIO Adipred fom Carlo Colodh_ Parr poles fone and fines n'a sparking new Sage production ofthe lan children's classe Can Facehe owiehe ian fn eater an fay wn Seams of becoming = ra boy? ‘Rug 12471006 (1:00) £450 (350) ‘Aue 19-24 1600 (1700) ‘CARRIE'S WAR Acipsed from Nira Bawden. Wor Wr I ict Witow Ana themwaves encated to ri Wales ana shen wer Scveneurer rely beg For case chistonhe bes show of te wes ‘Cam's War The SatrmonI994 ‘Rag 19-24 1000 (1.00) £450 (2.50) FLOUR BABIES by Anne Fie. the author of Mrs Doubts” Youle Reon ‘Youre diemised as troublemsxer ‘Then, for choo! project youre piven 9 “taby to look sher-made from a flour sack Suddenly youre» parent. Help ‘Aug 19-24 1400 (500) £450 (C350) Carre and Phillip Gandey presents the incomparable COYNESE STATE oils Cee ing the greatest ca so[OR Ol a=) Pa AA Musicians Wc en era aged 14 GIRLS ON ONE BICYCLE ! THE THEATRE BIG TOP THE MEADOWS, MELVILLE DRIVE DIAL-A-SEAT ooieh aaa 1 For bookings please telephone eee ee ca a ea 'SEPT| 0131 668 4918 Or eaeEe Le on-site box office 9.30am - 8.30pm SEE MAIN BODY OF PROGRAMME Sc MRO Ses a ETL ES) fee ‘music, dancing, hhbjinks and Gee Me aa ace Td Featuring The Official, Vaguely Pocket-Sized Companion To The Edinburgh Comedy Festival... Se Ne en ut ue ad RR PE Ra Ba Pe Cee een Cees Cee eee ces CESARE LAS ening NEW ENGLISH SCHOOL, KUWAIT DRAMA GROUP 0008 ere -Hi Sec Thess, 1 Hi Set Tihs 224 652 0 1M GRIMM TALES Tread the sisive path of thas tee from the Brothers Grimms che shocking savagery of Hanel & Gretel and Ahputal merors the (qurey surrealism of the house-sharing bird ard the defecsting donkey.” Mage! ‘Aug 253110301138) <300 (C200) NORTHFIELD ACADEMY DEAR LIFE BLACK LIGHT THEATRE 0000 #1 THE LIVING MACHINE -AN ENVIRONMENTAL FAIRY TALE A redeem fry tale following the adventures of Hope and her frlnds The Dragon of Daub and Curis. np, a they bate aginst the dangers threatening the Enironment to sar the works [Aug 12:17 noon (1288) 400 (£280) Spee amy Teka £10.00 OXFORD HEADLIGHTS 0000 Sess Hn 10 fre Set Tat 125 4 OW QUEEN Can the lve of a friend mek aeat turned to kel Fans Chis Andersen’ haunting tle brought to magical new lle by weiter Kanna Wiso and director Steven Hirst Bribant Orford Times. "Spine: ‘igi’ The Cuordan. "Speccacua’ Yorke Post ‘Aug 7-31 1130123) £500 (£400) Chidren £3.00, PLAYBOX THEATRE 00e0 ere ste Se Tat 916 © iE DREAMING -A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM A oxcane vero 3 Shtenenrs REAM expec for younger erexig the Rage Sho mpgs er orate and sate of wonder Exar he word othe Sean an ont enhanang and eneanedexperence Rig i934 14201510) £450 PURVES PUPPETS erry ere 00S La Pei Cah eden ro ce iE FIPS AND PANDA MEET THE 3 BEARS Ware ack fom oir wor sidearm Specaiyer crevice 7, Trev mane mage md onc Beta nuchal uteri eater beats rape teen ‘ug 1231 (not Suns) 1030 (no0n) £400 (3.00) NESSIE THE LOCH NESS MONSTER Recendy touring world-wide and (nT. Nessie’ Back with toe-appng musle mysterious magi and fun for all es - sults coo! Meet Hughie MeDhuse, Mart Glengarry and her dreaded uncle Nagge MeCragel ‘og 1331 (wot Sums) 1230 (1500) £400 (3.00) RICHARD MEDRINGTON'S PARABLE PUPPETS ‘Ye 30 Th Nebarow Tha gh See Tht 56 9579 4 WINNIE THE POOH In AA Mine’ attic Pooh Piglet Eayore snd Wo {reve ta lanes the birth of some ofthe works best loved stories Pooh for Buf The auhonzed version forall age bring the chiéren# you mut ‘Aug 8-31 (nou Suns) 1230 (920) £3.00 (250) e000 1B LEON ROSSELSON AND IAN SAVILLE 0000 ‘enue dH Ses Thi 1H Sree Tents 1266522 i [DINOSAUR IN MY SHOE A magical musi show featuring sige Jergwrtter Leon Rotsston and magican-veneiloguit fan Sv Pus the [Srung Robert the Rabb, upere the Exapelogs.» Heteredancossurss, Sam ire Frog and other evcing characters. Many opportune t join, ‘Rug 844 (noe 11) 10301130) 450 (350) omer eo) a cy * ie SCOTTISH INTERNATIONAL AT |THE FAMOUS GROUSE HOUSE e000 | Yen Th Famous Gute Hous § Chamber St “in 30 5406 (FH Ag 1 5487). ka EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE FESTIVAL “THE SECRETS OF THE THEATRE EXPLAINED Seting te scone wth smoke ‘saber and tang Crening mosphere wk igh and space! Changing rpice ‘with optical ustns! Charset pies mathe ad bilogy combine to crest ‘he deamaticect of tesere ‘Rog 6031-1945 (1440) 4250 CIRCUS WORKSHOPS jigging sttovaking. diablo. platespinning, eviktiks uneyeng and coming just some ofthe tings on often ah hour ‘faction packed creus stuf lest, non-stop fun or young people seven years and above. No experience necossiry. ‘Aug I-17 0930 (1030) 1030 (1130) 380 MAGIC BOB'S VIRTUAL HILARITY SHOW Page Bob fe boc! ‘Setermined fo enthral yl wh his intext collection of gh spc iw tech fries Audlenesparpation ongns seas case reunnes and Bos mous ‘quick wir ensures ‘an hour hat hes by Ike mage Sondey Tes Rugete toss cinas) 250 STAGEFUN THEATRE CO er 117- Vitor Cnc 104 Gir Pace Tics 29 7659 * THE ADVENTURE OF ESMERELDA ELEPHANT Earerelds Elephant nd har band of Asean anurals eon the Baddies In two fn oral ager ‘omps! Wit an ewoninenal message and mach sudience partcpaton = great finer the youngsters. Part One: Ag 12-14, art TwosAug 15-17 ‘Aug i247 1006 (040) £300 (e250) ‘0@00 TWENTY FIRST CENTURY FOX YOUTH THEATRE 0000 ar 1265 es Chr HL ec Ea Pin St Tick $56 0652 og ANALIEN STOLE MY SKATEBOARD Theil a this fntati fant Cry he catnierous comes of ie Crt King! Chex wt the goodie! B00 the Beads! But mort ofall come. = Fun lad and wickedly encreaning ‘Aug ZIT 13001448) £500 (2350) WALK THE PLANK Yetwe196 ok he Rsk There Si MY ear ‘CAPTAIN CROWSNEST AHOY! by Mark Whieiw and designer {descr lan Crouch Thestre muse poppetty and ape are reveled fe 3 ‘Sy tale about young boy whe dreams of Capa Crowsnest, he seruy but Wetorius pirate.” (Sultable fr § years and over) [Aug 17-28 (noe 19) 15:45 (17.00) £509 (2400) o0ee seer 0 WHALE o0e@0 Yoru 35 Te WHALE re bol Hal Ca Sou Tt 4583267 io * M BULLY DOZER - MOVING PARTS THEATRE COMPANY ul Dozer has boon throwing is aight around. Daphne Dumper and jy Ceabee fave tote matiars mind. "Clour make ad musi al» ele of Dung onthe baling ste ‘Rug 19-23-1330 (4.15) €.00 (C200) Cale e050 WHISTLESTOP 0000 ene 29 -The Netto Tear. 42 ip Set Ticks 556 9579 18 % GREYFRIARS BOBBY Ar st the true drama of farafl Baty Scouands most ameus dog. Sylva Troon and Douglas Kerr combine story with ‘Songs ve music ands host of puppet characters, to make Your dogae loving teart mek and woot ‘Aug B31 (not Suns) 14.00 (5.00) £3.00 (€250) THE MOUSE THAT ROARED! Like you've never seen before! Madness! Lunacy! Greed! Power! (Better than professional wrestling!) Its real, its live, is INSPIRED INSANITY and cutting edge ‘comedy atts satiric best. August 12-17 ime: 13.30 - (15.00) Admission: £5.00 (£3.50) ‘The Award Winning Stage 84 Retum oFéaburgh by Poplar Demand Dnt Weaken Sa Dike Ca ro MA "Agu 130h to 1708 at 7-15pm, Sat 70h Matinee a¢2-1Spm én: £00 Cres/Canenies £400 Boxe (345) 2548 er rg (01) 265138 +9? COMEDY & REVUE AAAAAAAAAARAAARGH 0000 enue 33 Paso, 0 The Psst, Tickets 5866550 us 31 STOLE FREDDIE MERCURY'S BIRTHDAY CAKE Malcolm Mr Shower Hardee cub ovmer stand up, end to the sare fs uncng biography H new career ae 2 magician. Come & hear rye ries & Eonfesson Bookecariy to aid desppoinement ‘Aug 9-15:18-21 (wot 12) (480 (1540) £5.00 (£3.00) ‘Aug 16,17,23-25" 1450 1340) £5.00 (C400) AAAAAAAAAAAA LATE SHOW e080 ‘ent 7 Th Caf Roya 17 RgSe Tike 6 2569 in BARA LATE SHOW offers ne Ear with “Smpevous beers from around the world featoring Carkberg lee Come song and eri. Audience parscpason dhoroughy encouraged. “The Cafe Royals Tae and lve’ than ary other Fringe vee ~- probably... and es fre. ‘Aug 9.310050 (03.00) Free AAA PANTO oo0ee ere Maron Gov Suet Ticats 2289116 "7 JAMES BLONDE Advi parco but bring the kids One hour of fon and fSneany of muse and dancing of sips and of magi, but most of of. comedy. One hour of ughaminuee. Sixty hugh then ‘Aug 16311545 (1645) £400 (3.00) AARDVARK THEATRE COMPANY. e000 ern 47 The CR 17 a Rag Srt Tick 56 2549 2 % FEMININE WASH Two woman comedy show rosks audience with GSOH for falling snd commited one nigh stand.” Sty. sick characroroneed new" ‘orig from Cambridge Brine and nel’ Vora. Sighly Bowed. ‘Rug 9:31 1630 1730) £400 (6350) Doubles with The Candy Jar £6.00 ABANDON THEATRE COMPANY. 000 Venue #2 Sue. Soe Comin Cn Mes ies 66722122 CHEKHOV'S BIG JUICY FARCES Whar! You don't think of Chethov a ‘ony Theva for alarmingly energetic comecies wil change your mind. So break some fumure, cue your Potential lover and dink plons of water Come and chuckle with Chet ‘og 9-31 (oe 13,21,29) 1.501945) £5.00 (6450) ALAN PARKER < URBAN WARRIOR - ‘THE TIME IS NOW... AGAI o0ee seis eves Perea eB Th ut # ALAN PARKER-URBAN WARRIOR-THE TIME IS NOW. AGAIN ‘Ones the mest radical man in Beta, now the only racial tan in Bite 'APUW is back to frighten the government AND I?S SECRET FRIENDS “YOU KNOW WHO YOUARE. ‘A fenuie Coup-de-theatre Tolgrph Preview Aug 7,8 21.00 (2.00)-€400 ‘Alug 9-12.1415,18-22,2628,30,31 21.00 (22.00) £8.00 (€7.00 ‘Aug 16t7.23-25- 21.00 (2200) 2850 (2750) ALL CLASSICAL MUSIC EXPLAINED o0ee Yer 129 -To Honeycomb 6 Ar See Thebes 7262151 Ka WALL CLASSICAL MUSIC EXPLAINED Runer Hench fue fa Sundoy Tes bis Oe cover on classical musi: Why is organ Mus #0 toring how eo play instrument withous pacing and much more. History ‘hear. plano plying Ike youve never heard before ‘Aug 9.31 (noe 19,20) 1900 (2000) £7.00 (5.00) AL MURRAY THE PUB LANDLORD'S LATE LOCK i e000 Se na oe ese po ad ua [AL MURRAY - THE PUB LANDLORD'S LATE LOCK IN Pulup your took and get marry atthe LATELOCKAN, See the word from the oer Side of che bar rink deep rom the lagerof-fe withthe ub-Phosopher who Sway Pas something to sy Preview Aug 28 2235 2335) (400 ‘Aug 9:12,1415;18-22,26.28-31 2235 (235) 8.00 (709) 12425 2235 G33) £850 (0750) AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE FESTIVAL cee0 ‘ewe 5 Denman Conary Thar Onanrené ConmaiyHi Sto Cock F3 MY VERY OWN STORY This fntasal comedy fr all age looks a magic trarruge and what makes 1 man Oehave lie a adass. 3 storyualers. 4 Chuples,s ward stsrted princes, servaes an raf search for the meaning "happy ever afer. ‘aug 13,517 14:10 (1555) £350 (€200) ‘Aug 18 1610 (1935) "0 ig 0) Ce eR Sy eas a ELC ASSEMBLY ROOMS 0131 226 2428 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL 0080 Yoru 152 Finn His Coen Tika $57 2957 HE SECRET POLICE DOG'S ELECTRIC SHOCK Mark Thomas, rman Lovett Rhona Cameron = just selection of the stars performing at ths ons of comic exraagaon. t's 3 Bx of barn, book rh In ‘Avg 24° 19.30 (2130) £12.00 (£1000) AMSCRAM PRODUCTIONS o0e0 'S PERFORMANCE MASTER-CLASS Have you ‘shout the magical world of showbusines! For the fst tne you too can experience the mpeuque tha The These indeed en and Em may even urn up (probably nat together though) ‘Aug 831 (noe 11) 1050 (1950) £500 C350) ANTIDOTE THEATRE Yerue 33 (Th Pannen Ticats 5566550 us % THE DEATH OF TCHAIKOVSKY - A SHERLOCK HOLMES MYSTERY BY MILES KINGTON The doctors sd Tchaikovsky det of cholera Sede ty others But what wae Sherlock Holmes’ coven? tales Kington & Sinton Gian fay sve the irre case ofthe dead ‘Aug lelia3as 2250 ) £7.00 (€6.00) #50) 800 (7.00) o0ee ARAB AND THE JEW 5 OMID OJALIL VOR DEMBINA Theos papal km Ora Botnet he ape he Tener ak ea aden Secins tal ba er eomaaay at Ease fen SO are as Ae ea ae ee Reet aie cade tasd ese ARMSTRONG & MILLER enue 33 Pens The Peirce Tes $56 6880 ARMSTRONG AND MILLER “THE QUALITY SHAG The scdained duo return wth thei Onn pirtcler Blend of sketch and character comedy goth Rarovt wre Cont as a durtormp core euch eye Gers seu this year to happly shake th had of neon fame’ Camedy 0000 Preview Aug 78 17.00 (1800) £450 ‘Aug 9-1 315418-22,262831. 17.00 (1800) 6650 (65.5) ‘Au 16,17,21-25 1700 (800) £750 (£650), ASSEMBLY ROOMS 0000 WORDS ON THE RUN Acran Henri Roger MeGaugh, Bran Paen Andy Robert B0¥iy Russell sensational mix of poems songs and sept from ive glued Scousers mn dark sts Feld ws enhraled and the tp-cancing post in tears of ughter Tho Otserr thug 21.22 1615 (1815) £900 (700) ‘Aug 2325 1615 (1815) [1000 (2800) JO BRAND (AND THE UNUSUAL SUSPECTS) A spec ah wenng seep tr te Salers exp Bray Ruan fay 21 2330 00) 000 316 AND BOB'S ALL NEW [914 SHOW Bib and Bob proce tner A Fin 199 ew sang Lagan Mate sa Jory acetal ope ee Is ponctie shew on te en. W Bhd atone tated snd becsfanaed Aron fend hn please at Sry Kopsguataest 214s 01a) 750 ¢650) Aik Yutiaoas D345 6) e880) CORKY AND THE JUICE PIGS - HISTORY OF COMEDY A gay romp SR ocd nee ee Eat ieeorn oe st a oem tate ea pairs eat Recta ox tia Fepcaeean bet booties 33 Te orat oy co e700, 24 2210 10) 900 (E80) jim BREUER Edberg dela fr ths SATURDAY NIGHT VE at meter aE ere et eee eee \prace ibn pepe bres Wang Gu ton 31 31 G2i0) £750 c6 Sino a) eo cro Au JOE SHOW Laughs and ieeligence retour humour! raved The Chops Roscoe avout JOE SHOW. "A pare of urban eccentric aflectionstly ahd the toe, Scring Joe Use longue favourite of Amerc's and Cy comedy trope oe 51s.ie20-22,26,28-91, 1815 (1915) £700 (6600) ‘Auk tath-2i35 1815 (1815) £800 (C700) [ASSEMBLY ROOMS continues oer the page “Comedy of the highest order... inspired ramblings” Pees NaN Be Oma Pay Sere Ue Maa ALN eS MH SUE Oe eee) a) f “Gifted... (one of) this year’s hottest acts” souwooo reronren erro ett te Bad Tee a rae UE aE ed EB) ae 11-26 AUGUST aay a eit Sea te Teas 9.45pm £8 /£6 conc FRINGE BOX OFFICE | VENUE BOX OFFICE 226 5138/6590 2001 5 (SoA agt |g AUSTRALIAN COMICS @THE GILDED BALLOON, | ere 38-The hie aloe Tae, 233 Compe, Ticats 762151 Kn % GREG FLEET - TEN YEARS IN A LONG SLEEVED SHIRT (or how inlaw ecousdeades to take. drugs and lntence peopl). In 1998. TharDie was avarded five stars bythe Scotian. Now drag cle takes a Fleting. A wid res show The Froid Sun Meboure) NICK DIPAOLO THE UGLY AMERICAN Waccing Nickis bong etigSen (Matsme) oo xan) besten up by poor older Brother Hel hold you down, ete you unl youpes AuMPT! (oot 9) 17.9 G40): £7.00 (C400 your pans then spt in your face. But you sill love him. Canfrortasona JUDITH LUCY -AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM I you though the Manson oncamporary inceligenc and ty Warring - offensive. fay were dysnerona then mast the Lucye story about miles ‘Rug 9.15,18-22,2631 mini 0105) €7 ‘Aug 16,17,.29-28 midge (01 05) €800 (7 SANDITOKSVIG stars in her one woman show RANE on (e600) opted, biologi an sequred from Australas Nore © ) ‘ic downllounge around comve Ive reen' The Age - Meboore ‘Aug 931 (aot 19) 21.15 (2225) £7.00 (£500 Ne Base stand-up, wal ‘bviouly shes earring becune shes the ony person in Rexcept | shouldat’ IN LOVE (NO-ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM) Jel Anderson and ‘Sy cat because youl nk ha, big tap nurs than which ue but Greg Fleet bring wich them years of experience in frustrating, brane awkward come any loving and ulimataly disastrous reatonships Amongst te roses i nays ‘Aug 10-15,10,21,2226-31 180 (19.15) £8.00 (67.90) Sear trap waitng 9 sm shat ‘Aug 16,17,23°28" 18.0 (19.15) £2.00 (2800) ‘Rog 9.31 (wor 19) 1730 (1840) £6.50 (6550 THE WOW SHOW Stove Fros Paul Mark Elion, Lee Cores nd Mare # BLIMEY - 11'S MATT KING Mare Kg is one ofAusalms homes ‘Arden are ust Four Men. Brand new show Sel-out 1995. “Funny encugh cones. he alo spent 22 years bored crapessnHertordshire- chi sat {ebring tar to the sec of dead man's router The Herald Story, "Both sad and very vary funny ©" Adela Advert ‘Bug 9413.18-22. 1800 (903) £730 (2650) ‘Aug 9.31 1600(17 10) £650%6550) ‘Aug 16,17,25,24 1800 (1908) £8.50 (€750) JOHN HEGLEY - POETRY IN MOTION ‘Comedjs poee uence BILL BAILEY 0000 Independent. Alongelde the verse, two new pices commissioned By 8 SOU Yamum}-Avery Rooms, 4 Gaon Sra: Tckts 26 2428 i Bane. A story to complement Svakinaer fi and a movement calboration ‘wth Tony Curt over Nigel Pipers pulsating sara the two men dance out” BILL BAILEY Behold. the axe-wielding keyboard wwidding qhberbeardie Imimcuoue scene rom monastery Me ack He runs co Edhburgh with 2 Brand new show. area wih art an OM ‘Bug 10-15,18-22 1900 (2010) 27.50 (£650) {Bota x new whiste and 3 mumbling inner vice. Truly Bil aly isthe . ‘ug 1617.29.24 1900 (B10) 6850 (6750) fraddemaseer "Wonderful hlariaus Sanday Times Preview Aug 9 21.00 22.00) £450 (£350) ‘Rag 10124645 18-2226-28,30,1 7100 (2200) £750 650) ATTILA THE STOCKBROKER AT ‘Aug 16,17;23-28 21,00 (200) £850 (27 0) THE MUSIC BOX 0008 Yen 5 The se lor Victor Se Tet 720447 nl TeeBALe Ty THE RADICAL SOUTH bythe ist year Arla fas led te fight co sve al eye 33. Pesan 60 The Penance, Tickets 556 6880 fy thathe cherhes. (Brighton & Hove Albion FC exc.) Now che socal sureaist Smet x eee ‘elaces als of is time. Hard hcg world waveling Mandolacoting poet DRY SLOPES ..1N THE FLESH Your chance to auth Radio 4s Dry Sopa recurs. live on stage before its second series, "Nick Ball.One Foot In The Grave, ‘Aug 12-26 19.16 2025) £400 (€5.00) “he Detedsver Going Lie). Argus Ory weh wocrying cree? Proview Aug 8 1345 (1445) £350 OVnaa nnn vant ‘Aug 9-14,18-22.26,27,3031 13.45 (1445) £500 (C400) Tc eae ‘Aug 16,17,23-28. 1345 (1445) 7.00 (250) pietcininwnar cae rey yy HANLON Luna ‘FATHER TED’ EN Len a UCU RL OGAWA U Pa tC 8 81) WEN SKILFULLY TOLD... A REAL TALENT” Preah “BITING SOCIAL OBSERVATION... SURREAL MEMORIES... SPLENDIDLY ORIGINAL” ren eee eee meron ECE CE SEM ete) Avalon Promotion ALMURRAY PUL Oe RN AU) “Character eats ea Cra ep & Ped LCR coy LATE LOCK IN AUGUST 7th - 31st at 10.35pm (Except 13th & 27th) THE PLEASANCE Box Office: 0131 556 6550 ead A ZARATHUSTRA Ota TSUN a a hs en a Pee ane) eet) COMEDY & REVUE So BBC RADIO 4 erry) Yee 33 - Penance, The Pence Tis $86 650 us JUSTA MINUTE Pal Merson, Derek Nimmo, Clemens Freud and Peer Jones take on the stop watch wh Nicholas Parson i dhe chic ‘Rog 121300 (1345) Fron ‘Aug 12 1400 (1445) Tickets avalable day before show SHORT STORY Coles anda shore ary eapecaly commissioned by same of the couner/s leading writers. Broudcat st 4ASpm on Rao 4 the se day ‘Alag 1216 1100 (11.45) Fee LOOSE ENDS Ned knocks our the sme Old tr hes been doing for he bat TOyears wth some people you may have heard of. Time wo wash ehe car ‘hin Brondease le ‘Aug 17-0945 (11.00) Froe ‘Tekets available day Before show ‘DRAMA WRITING WORKSHOPS An miroduccan to writing radio dna {rom BBC Rao vrkers and producers. Saturday 17th - Comedy Wrsing Sonday 160h-Wrsing 3 Raa Serer Monday (9th = The Are ofthe Singe Pay. ‘Aug i-19 1000 (coor) Free ‘Tickets aalable day before show. THE CHEESE SHOP Afr scorming he Fringe lst yar (Hiarious The Gurdon, Hugely talened Tne Or) tere back with 2 sens for Rasa 4 ‘Rog 2" 1300 (1400) Free ‘Tickets avaliable day before show JOHN SHUTTLEWORTH'S OPEN HOUSE Transport yourel co Shefleld witn jenn Snutieworch, fends fly and neighbours pas 2 Few expected celebrity nruders. ‘usg22 1300 (1400) Free Tickets avalable day before show KALEIDOSCOPE Paul Alen with» renee 40 minutes of awa revows and performance from dhe Festival and Fringe Browdess live bhp 22 1545 (1645) Free Tickets available day before show THE NEWS QUIZ team reurn wich more sharp observation, Blanc humour 4nd side sping satire. Guests include Akin Coren and Joremy Hardy ‘Aug 22-2130 2230) Free Tickets available day before show WITH GREAT PLEASURE Juian Cary ionyncratc choice of his bes loved prose inthis erry version of Deserta Diss ‘Aug 2713.00 (1400) Fre ‘Tickets available day before show MODERN PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE The sll out inpro team from ‘Ghcago ater to prove more absurd hypotheses ‘Aug? 1700 (1800) Free ihet available day before show NEW COMEDY AWARDS Arial OHanlon compere: the 8 hopefuls the fal of Rado, Racho 4 and BBC TV's senrch for new comedy lene “eleged by BBC I's ‘The Stand Up Show ‘ug 2? 1920 2100) Free ‘Tickets available day before how POETRY PLEASE The fret recording a spec edtion af Poets Potry, Please wits Dannie Abe inerdueing ie voure Eaward Thomas poems. He ‘vil den be fined by Don Paterson to introduce Intener request for poetry by Ween and Scoxsh poe ‘Rug 26-1300 (1830) Free ‘Fits salable day before show STANZA ON STAGE Traditional Sconieh mace mprovaed pz Wa mie oF poetry and music rom Don Paterson and sx payer Ten Garland ‘Rug 28" 1800 (900) Free ‘Tickets avaiable day before show STANZA ON STAGE Poscry ‘rom Danny Abse plus spec Blond of words and music from Glaswepan poet Gerald Mangan ‘Aug 29-1800 (1900) Free ‘Tickets avallable day before show [DRY SLOPES Encer the world of Angus Dry as Nick Ball recurs in is cult ‘Eamedy wth Louse Rb and Toby Longwerth, ‘Rug 39 2020 (2120) Free Tickets availabe day before show BBC RADIO'SCOTLAND C008 ‘era 7 -BBC Seen Se Oe Quen See cH THE USUAL SUSPECTS LIVE Tho box of all he Festhle m one vem ‘come deate, music plus frst night reviews. ‘The Usal Suspects IS the Feng’ ies Kington ‘Aug 1230 (not Sa.Suns RADIO'S LIVEAT THE FRINGE and inmodiacay folowing he Unal ‘Suspects janice Forsyth wih more ofthe best of al ce Festa brondcasting {to he whole of Brain. 25exara minutes for no extra charge ‘Aug i2s,in222629 2315 G25) Free 2210 345) F PERRIER PICK OF tes PVN te) aed 4 DATES YOU SHOULD REMEMBER: a | AWARD SHORTLIST ANNOUNCED IN THE DAILY DIARY, WED 21ST AUGUST. 4 AWARD WINNER ANNOUNCED AT MIDNIGHT SAT 24TH AUG! PERRIER | THE FRINGE AWARD SHOWS FRI 30TH AUG, SAT 31ST AUG AT 9.30PM PTI 0131 226 2428 ry ae ee aol Sao men oR ee PHONE 0171 494 5558 FOR YATE PD alr VTIAY arrears og DED THEATRE 8000 SAENEAS RAN AWAY Ors rad arene comedy rae a ih ch ging (a) ad beards (ncomncng). Ti youd Seer ome, ea kcosren) Be 17 TAs (1600) 5 (250) | § |BecksramoussriecettenT 0000 fae ete eset Cr re A lon of bros cai en he Fatal andar Aare acids rece of rnc Relensh our oa pe ar a do ransprtng Tn ak ch yourse on top of very and the Edburgh Fon carvan cme to GHTATTHEASBACH WAT CLUB Wit sh and Bacio a Son of | guy aed snc! Faye use ad rch ear the Best init ses (S etart and naked uence members ‘Aug 3-Sept 1 23.30 (03.00) £5.00 (C400) 0000 2 the nse of Beige located ead you to and of Riera cock brs wine dns, tosher cuss serge: rg ess and founge-r ARugbst (noe 0.39) 2045 0145) C600 (5.00 BERT TYLER-MOORE & WILL SMITH 0000 ewe 32 Pen 60 The Pes, Tt $56 4850 uu BERT & WILL IN SORTED FOR TEAS AND BICS Beric's back and hes brought is hes fiend. Bert Tyler acre (Gaye TV) and Wil Sih (me hes ralgh) presents pop tkeich show. They might make you a cuppa Aug. pe > oil eating che mr nave res new faces FORTHE PRICE OF ONE HOTTEST COMICS on the Fringe, Wel i Some great surpises= atleast SIKTOP A enue Ase Ros 54 Gore See Tits 226 248 u ‘SIMON BLIGH 1995 Pervier nominee Simon Bigh reurns wo dha Assam Rooms witha new sand-up show Fresh confident and mine (reh Snon eked by the ear of exceral youth. Come drink hi fort ae lve rere ‘Aug 0,1 1,15-15,18-22 2330 (0030) £750 (e650) ‘Aug 16,17,23-25" 23.30 (003) 8.50 (2750) ADAM BLOOM o0ee ‘ane 47 The Ci Roya Wat Rage Set Tickets 56 2549 " ADAM BLOOM A: ast An hour's show from one ofthe mont inventive ‘mind in comedy youve sean him before, youl know thar Adam Bloor Sefniey 2 one-oft“Arguabiy the best young comedian in Bean Amad Brown. ‘Aug 9-31 (aot 2029) 11.00 (2200) £500 (£4.00) BOOTHBY GRAFFOE QUEEN'S HALL COMEDY SPECIAL 1 enue 7 Quer Hil Crk Se Ti 68 2019 BOOTHBY GRAFFOE QUEENS H Boothby Grafs, comedy fines tana jim Tara (super Daly {htnou toy ot, and Bpe-Me wine san Sra Cyr ‘Aug 22 ideigh (01.20) £1250 £1000 and £750 BOOTHBY GRAETOE QUEEN'S Hi Cone ee 2 ia Pee voor BOOTHBY GRAF brane Booenby Grafs’ Indepundentnroduces Fst Show star Srnon Day (Unmisable’ Sunda Tene) Time Out Best Comedian Sean Locker Erfinal Sesdondon Sindy and BAFTA. winning conse Oave Gorman, ‘Aug 24 mang (0130) £1280 £1000 and 2750 MLO eats pation of Homers 7OOBC: stp ht } | BOUND & GASEEI the cheek of PRS) ae cary Pee ache TeL Tre Penryn RAL AL REAM THE LEGENDAR EARL Ci Most performed artist in the history of The Fringe, “Master of the art of Cabaret’ ~ Evening News ‘BRITISH BUT SEXY’ SB ORs wie ws orU ast oF eer ener ‘HORNY MAN'S ay; SOUTHSIDE Venue 82 | ‘4A5pm selected afternoon: CoC erarsas ole) Ie) a a0) boa BOOTHBY GRAFFOE QUEEN'S HALL COMEDY SeclaL a c0e0 enue 72 Ques Hil Cn Sone Thats 668 2019 NB * BOOTHBY GRAFFOE QUEEN'S HALL COMEDY SPECIAL) Tor Tick’ Sctend-onSundoy Booshby Graff cornperes Alan Parker = Usban Warrior ‘rile fom Yex ston Freeman mopar in the making Setamon and PuLandiera Al Murray very fany’Goartan ‘Aug 25 mange (0130) £1250 C1000 and 730 GEOFF BOYZ en 38 The id soon Te 209 Cove. Tikes 26 2151 Ka GEOFF BOYZ Hi Robert de Niro knpresion remains unrvalod Daly Telegraph. The man of many veces reture to Edourgh afer hosting the sellue Best of Scomish in 1995." Fhe demeanour tenses delvery ‘explosive, posental to be seriously hug’ Scoland on Sundy. ‘Aibg 9-31 (rot 19.29) 2000 21.00) 00 (C500) JO BRAND & SPECIAL GUESTS Nene 59 Edna Pu, 10-2 Gree Tits 8872590 le JO BRAND & SPECIAL GUESTS Star of Jo Brand Through The Cakehole Teturns tothe festa for ne night only co rise money for Edinburgh Rape Crisis and Gasgow Women's Support Project Spec guests to be announced Nocto be masea ‘Aug 24-3330 (0200) £1300 a BRAND X e000 ene 33 Pane Th Pace. Tete $56 580 ua IE GAWI Sapese win! Taxooed terror Welfoysl Roheaa! Est Al CAPTURED ALIVE! The cretoreof cule comedy INVASION OF THE CATHODE RAYS (orepare to be amazed’ The Xotsn)vnleash a manic ‘inhouse of REARS Ingenious eartoon-sye chaos. Fre halogens supple Previews Aug 8-10 0005 (0100) £400 0,31 0005 (01.00) £550 (6450) ‘Aug 16,17323-28 0505 (0100) £600 (e500) _ STEVE BRODY 0000 Yee 16 ery Hoe tr Haro Ran Tih 860102 Ki HT KABARET AT MORAY HOUSE Drink syay the hours wah the bestin comedy and music. Engaging and entertaining Steve Brody nents {op aci rom around the Festal Line-up changes every night Ear Open tl lato es whae Elnburg's al about ‘Aug 1431 (not Mons, Tues) mange (0200) £500 (£400) THE EARLY EARLY AFTERNOON SHOW WITH EAMON SMARM Steve Brody, bilan charactor comedian #-. Eamon Srarm. Ths Dayerve TV charmer Intoduces Linas sltereges, eluding = Cockney connoisseur of ontinenalfogtall Darren Gangary, senemencalJutge Mental Jochay at ‘Sueaty and Col. Crackerberre, ‘ug 810,12-1625-31 1345 (1445) £500 (4.00) ‘Aug 7024 1215 (1315) BRENDON BURNS Yon 85 Foot an Fri, See Tet 129 368 |RENDON BURNS. (PM TIME TO GET UP FOR WORK Sco Brendor's struggle t find the man lost somewhere benwesn te boy and the comedan. Outrageous brane NME. See the bad Boy cf Melbourne Gomedy before he grows Up XPres. ‘Aug 826 (not 13) 1990 (2000) £550 (£5.00) ED BYRNE e0ee Yerue 38 The Gide Son Thre 2) Compt: Tits 2262151 cH ED BYRNE - A STAND-UP INTHE MAKING 1996 Addade and Malbourne Festal riumphs make tis mercural sharp, ih energy comic ‘Mefsoure Herald Sun snd young maser of observations humo The Bat ‘THE name to waeeh_ "Brel tuned and penetrating Sctlnd on Sunde ‘Aug 9-31 (noe 13:29) 2113 2213) £600 (2500) & CABARET ON TAI Menu 18-2 Howden Smt Teas 647 008 a |S CABARET ON TAP! New, cera bar venus near de Measance, ‘wih inmata atmosphere for tenighe musi and cornedy."Feauring eninal and iterraondl performers idading The Hot Tunles Alessandro itch Benn Excellent food & rink wasabe al day,” Open rks ‘Aug 1-31 2200 (midi 28.00 (€5.0) ‘Aug 1-31 0030 0239) £6.00 (5.00) Special double-bil price: £10.00 (8.00) COMEDY & REVUE Mound O00 = Vere 3 Asn Ros 54 Gore Set Tet 126 2418 ote — RHONA CAMERON Welter Scot and a rovnd babe, Rhona Cameron Ire mos excng female stand-up to grab 2 mike for many yetrs. Best Keown for BBC2's Gaytme TV she i ins cs of her own The Sener, ‘Aug 25 1900 0.10) ¢900 800) CABBAGES & THINGS OO@O Aug 24.21 1900 (2010) £800 (2700 ern 2 - Roman Eg Log ton Treks 25 724 j ROARING FORTIES Tradiicna variery show of popular Fore? son, CAMPAIGN AGAINST MILITARISM ‘0008 | Skacches and comedy tate Join the comnpany aah Row of rostalga SME Yagun 150. Ta owe 18 Chon Re! iM Some ofthe all me gress "Well Mosc Aga’ on the ‘Chattancogt Choo pees Ee Tver ES z __ eH Choa’ apd Rll Ow the Bare’ ‘CAM COMEDY BENEFIT NIGHT Now in is fourth year de CAM benef ‘Aug 18-24 1210 (13:20) £450 (63.50) combines op comedy names wih 8 superb to gve you the best value Fight ou at eve Fringe ‘Rug 2s 2100 (0300) £7.00 THE CAMBRIDGE FOOTLIGHTS 0000 } SS rere Te owen Tees ee OE CORT CAPURRO. 0e0 | ‘THE RAINGOW STRANGLERS The world anova Candee Footghs Yeas asm tare rane Tke $8 (850 4 dimal their rand new comedy rene. Five ofthe courerys funnest youre Yom 32-Pens 7 a pertormers ake you an ssn jaimey rouge ws ghee songy and” SCOTT CAPURRO - THE DOCTOR IS ON 3 brand naw hari apes wearearng shasdn “be mntend, te voy armed omady Fom ls year’s Pere alte See Scot as youve never seen hin Preview Aug ToD6 ieS5) £400, Eetore”s San Fratcucan ras psyeholog with vce for everyone, "Feth, ug 1s1872.26,2851 th (1659) £700 6450) ever ané wasp heey The Semen ‘Rag teli3a8.1a00 (1655) £800 6350) Proviow Aug 2148 a5) £5.00 CAMBRIDGE MEDICS REVUE pa OE ‘ er 5-4 Sats Chr eee Tes 564 j : CHARLIE CHEESE eee PULSE FICTION in dis completly nor-medial medic rewe, die NHS finest rib-dklers present an orga bursting good show. Laugh your head of soit your sides and well pach You up agate Wrst us were actors Wels CHARLIE CHt rear : Sccenfil 95 show. Craplins haliiy carp plays hose fo dus show bie ‘Rug 1224 (mot 18) 23.15 (0.15) £5.00 (2.50) ‘Saraaganan tala sunmmer season entertainment 1 dzzy helt of {astleaness, Truly a sur & born The Si Ea aARIDOEUNIVERLITYIAMATEUR ‘Aug 931 (not 15,18,22,29) 2330 (0030) £500 (C4 DRAMATIC CLUB 0008 —$—$__$_$ — Venue 21 Peace The ce Ticats $56 6550 Ut CHICAGO IMPROV SYNDICATE coee {RENT is a comedy by Foothghts President and Director David Mitchell and #37 Holyrood Rend Tickets $56 0102 ke Robert Webb. Bond meets bondage, amusing renc boys meet squad sand-up HAROLD ONTHE HOLYROOD Recaing for ser second or comedans and a paywrign ‘doesnt know what to pur. Here howingasi-” CAROLE ONTHE HOLYROOD Re ‘a nein Cambie apd London paced mart and delicious funy vl Proview Aug 0.1408 (15.05) 6330 neering mencve cranataly incense’ Th ‘Aug 10,12,1418,20,2226,28,30 1405 (1505) £550 (£400) ‘Aig 1231 (noe 28,29) 2115 (2250) £500 (C400). ‘Aug 1624" 1405 (1508) 650 (€500) GILDED BALLOON PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS aT NU XOCCNG TT ee different Stony WTC ase HT hy scatology and high octane whimsy” an QUEENS HALL Coleco RUT 10PM 18 AUGUST 8.45PM 19 AUGUST Cer ence ees (3) i opi BOX OFFICE: 668 2019 Piha ‘SIR BERNARD CHUMLEY ere 3 Aner Roars 4 Crore Se: Tks 26 2408 SIR BERNARD CHUMLEY'S GANGSHOW Mat Lucas - Goorge Dawes EVBBC 2s Shooting Sar’ (gunn Scand on Sunday) and Oav'd Waar (2 ‘oga-alent 505) th 3 new show ful f comedy. muse and ride words. A ic legend in the aking’ incpendent Preview Aug. 2230 0350) £450 (2350) ‘Aug 10-12,(4:t5,1819,21,22.6-28,90,31 2230 (2390) £750 C650) ug 1617.23.28" 2650 (0150) 0000 CINERGY MULTIMEDIA FILM AND CABARET CLUB IECINERGY Edinburgh ina able, Choice shor ns eersportd with oh festival vary, comedy mae nglghs On the ig terse: prize cusaee, bingo & computer games Flos Al Comor The Wert Lani seas te bar TRE best rhe our ever Teme Gut Pers ‘Aug 11-25 (noe Thurs) 2310 (01 0) 5.00 (4.00) CLUB SEALS 0000 ene Sout, Sou ey Cone. 17 Nt Se Teka 47 2212 CLUB SEALS Cub culing pup pulping stand-up, sketches and mt Ibibe with ur team of synchronised Seafinaan fehmonges (our of worn ‘wear orhopeedc shoes. “Thoreufhy unpleasant Lond 200," “Baccar Pu the Fengn "They put marks on my ‘Aug Test 2289 (6030) £480 (400) ce Sea CLUUB ZARATHUSTRA - KOMEDIE e000 Yoru 20 Pane, 550 ua ‘CLUB ZARATHUSTRA - KOMEDIE "The most inventive bare youll {see Say Tes featuring Stren Munnery (Ain Parker Urban Wa Stoware Lee (Pet of Fun) and Ravin Eldon ule noe intlogence but the very bre of ter Bein reviews Aug 7,8. 2300 (030) £400 ‘Aug 9-13,14,5,18-22,26.28-31 2300 (0030) £800 (c7.00) ‘Rag 4611,23-25- 73.00 (6030) 3.50 (£750) CMP. MREQUIEM The frst major musical rewe of 17 years of Tory rule Sue Casson seaming sectngs of Guardan post Son Ras big sere char the Thatcher nd Major Years, A wichedy sabvershe ratrospecove ol of fear eth ‘Aug 9.231 (moe Sune) 18.00 (1855) €500 (350) i) SS 664) PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS RHONA CAMERON 25 AUG - 31 AUG 7PM NN aaa Ke FRINGE BOX OFFICE: 0131 226 5138 COMEDY & REVUE ho THE COMEDY ZONE 0000 ore 33 Para 60 The ance, Ticats 546550 ue THE COMEDY ZONE Edinburgh's eerighe cbaret reurne win comedys fines new addons’ Obserer Brendon Burns (bilan outrageous’ NE) ornperes Adam Bloom (oustanding lvyerface comedy’Tine Gr), Ross Noble (comic genus” Guoron), and The Bastard Son of Tommy Cooper (gruesorey funny Ober ‘Aug 912,1415,18-22,2 ‘Aug 16172328 22500030) 4 us THE CONDOS ene 1 Muon $1 Grom See Tce 228 916 ‘THE CONDOS - EDINBURGH WORLD TOUR 97 Thay ths ime fea cape “Splendid musical send up Sidon. Hy is no-one ike them Stage “One ofthe mos orighal singh acts around Aug 1-154 ‘og 16185 COSMIC MONKEYS MYSTERY COVE PAGEANT Cosmic FYSTERY LOVE PAGEANT:RECORDED LIVE FOR RADIO. AURAL SUPPOSITORIES Locia Goiocks and The Three 0@00 Wise) is we ai’! Opening the wrists of comedy in a teaming hot 000 COUNTERPOINT SAUCY JACK AND THE SPACE VIXENS Frings Fst winning munca cum. 'Ssturdey Night Fever meets up with Rocky Horror and Tane Gi fis eum ic e-nigt oorshow. An excellenc may t Scho ‘ay of Fring ne See Rug @-31 (not 15, 0 (0830) £7.00 (65.0 CCOUNTERPOINT continues ver the page be et ee aa ae ay Arh 4 05805 ud sm TER TE od CARRALOWLDG 9 AUG - 31 AUG 7.55PM ASSEMBLY ROOMS BOX OFFICE: 0131 226 2428 FRINGE BOX OFFICE: 0131 226 5138 tg fey a a ae CLUB SAUCY JACKS The Disco beat gout on. Drink dance and dream the right away a Saucy Jack's the darkest doad-and dive on Frocage Il Must etaret and comedy every night ll te. Party with the Gitcersa! ‘Adrian fee with show ‘Aug 8.31 0030 (ats) €2.00 (61.00) IN SAUCY JACK AND THE SPACE VIXENS jon he Space Viens and buy ‘her CD ae theVegin Megeare in Princes Sereat ane ofthe busiest fee ‘enues in town - waten the window for detale ofa netore appanrancat. ‘ug 13.2027" (700 (1720) Free JIMMY CRICKET coe JMMMY CRICKET OUT ONTHE ROAD AGAIN Bumbling Irsh comedy 20s bast laugh ugh aughand there's move! This lovable character Inthe wolle boot this yeas Festal ternative aernative comedian and theres Imore - come here! ‘Rog 20,2224. 1845 (1945) 7.00 (4600) ‘Aug 2721" 2000 @2190) THE CRUEL HAND OF FATE PRESENTS .. THE CRUEL HAND OF FATE Ac xe SNUFF THEATRE comes to Ednburg! Guest starring Gerry Sadowres Your chance to make finds with fie great characters, and then Plone of them. “Excalnt Steve Bek Preview Aug 16-1405 (/505) £2, ‘Aug 1922631 1405 (1508) 255 ‘ug 25.28 1405 (1508) £680 (€50) (e400) CURRIED GOAT ooee ‘CURRIED GOAT Skee combo Dan Garter Wil ng and Bo Sibarn (plein image, Saturday Night Le) ae back lowing ast years hysterical SELLOUT Ne. Coming soon-theie BAC radio comedy series Places of Su "VERY FUNNY?! Ieogopia'A REAL TREATY Sundoy Tos, Preview Aug 8 1740 (1830) £400 ug. 518.2226 28-1 17.40 (1830) £550 (6450) ‘Au 16,17-23-25 1740 (1830) C00 (6500) ‘The Daily Tetegraph OPEN MIC AWARD GRAND FINAL 0008 ‘ert 2 Ps OThe Pee, Tet 86 6550 ue ‘THE DAILY TELEGRAPH OPEN MIC AWARD GRAND FINAL ‘After 12 monehs of eompenvon, 700 entries and 6 reponal Rea BOOTHBY GRAFFOE hort the chmox of Betis bigger naw comedy ‘alee seareh. The finalists now compote forthe winners Uue and the £1,000 prize money. ‘Aug 26-1815 (1815) Free Timiees tekets at Plensance from 100 on Sat 24 Aug (max 2 pp) DALLAS AND PACKER 000 ere 7 The ile Ry 17 We Regret Ticats 84 2509 i DALLAS AND PACKER GIVE IT SOME PORRIDGE Word fesochtion test imbecile. nonsensical babbling Answer: Dalle and Packer (Radio 4,8C Scotland, Scot FM). jin Sotund’s duo off for an hour of men behaving my. “Everything we've ever wanted tee In comedy The Guarda, ‘Aug 9-31 (n0t 29) 2.15 (23.15) £500 (6400) DAN FREEDMAN ooee ‘enue 3- Pes, 0 The Pasar Tht S56 6559 ua J DAN FREEDMAN Armed wah a jutar specal-eface box and hor bilan funny accerts and impressions Ue sar of R's sward-wiring Looe End ature to trample aver pops evlsre and mise A formidably fey Setemon 95 Fringe el-out. Bock early Previews Aug 7/8 2000 (2100) £490 Aug 9-1, 72,26,28.31 2000 (2100) 00 (7.00) ‘Aug 16,1725-25 20.00 (34.00) 8.50 (275 DAVE GORMAN 000 ene 3-0 The Panne Tce 864580 4 DAVE GORMAN Writer of BAFTA winning Mra Merton Stow (@8C2) returns with hs first solo show. Watch him tl joker that are‘ he jokes he told fare yar-but ae ti funny oes Comedian of the creat Time Out Previews Aug 7,8 2020 (2120) £400 ‘Ag 9-12,14,15,18-22,26.2831 2020 21.20) £800 (7.00) 723-28 20.20 (120) £850 (€7 50) "The sharper, die, orig! Prod best Creag 1994 KEVIN DAY KEVIN DAY'S KIDMARKS 0 co 35 in bay minutes _K Iestone and wane to eslebrate with you, Older than Js younger than Poses funnier than three wise men ‘Prat ate and bis Fest Gago Herald Previews Aug 9 22002300) 65.0 00) ‘ug 10-15,8,19.21.2226-26.30.31 $200 03.0) £650 (6550) Rug 16,17.23-25 1800 0300) 750 (C650) DEAD SLUGS AND STRAWBERRIES }EAD SLUGS AND STRAWBERRIES A music Singeriguitaret Anton Calta Sublime ridslous as wel as fly stious fngnal song, stetnes and perspectives on growing up young in not s0-ld South fren —. ‘Aug 18-31 21.00 22.00) £450 (£3.50) LITA ANN DOOLAN @0e0 Yenue At - Hil ret Thee, 1 Hl See Tihs 226 6822 HI LEGS, BUMS AND TUMS Sooo izy your ahleces fot left you fora mare scive ile! Si-Upe meet Stand-Up im heimpact Uist show. Lia represy Cheerful Sctinon, orderly dipped wea" BOC Scand and Saghtarhs” FREE WorkourT ‘Aug 824 (not 11) 18101905) £5.00 (E290) DOUBLE TAKE THEATRE COMPANY ‘0008 he Joyce Grenfell of he 9 share, At pols aggresive or highy ineallcral jer ‘ral ages Free ellos cake! Nghiy Promaing aman The Satan 994 KRug 261" 1800 (920) £400.00) THE DURHAM REVUE THE USUAL SKETCHES Funniest sudene rem inthe country presente regen sketches, smacking songs and stonkng sands » comedy tastarcas, roving mont’ wedding The Wout squad and edliina humour ‘The Ouran Rewie te not etted on animals Vegetrtane welcome ‘Aug 19-21 (not 25,29) 2200 (23 18) £500 (6350) EDINBURGH ACTING SCHOOL ‘0000 {4 MSUNSHINE Wien by Scott Hare Morecombe and Wise meer Backer: cos comedy tht vers ol from acta to oer of te Fe ‘Rug 1217 2130 0230) 6550(¢450) ELECTRIC EEL 000 JRPLE HENDRIX EXTRAVAGANZA The four man comedy Clam Electric Eel ring your eros of hisrous deatche, songs and short ‘ira puyleces” But ie no sketch show Before thie Rata conning orgie throughout ve trae bacatage moments ‘Aug 9.1 (oot Tues) 2215 (2325) £300 (c400) EUTC enue 49 Bee Thy lb Bio Pe Tet 2259099 uit IMPROVERTS Improvised comedy, Edlnburgls own crack nprov woupe Ie tack fora fourth Pinge spectacular In an hoor of mpromsse coach Sted ensrely on auttence suggestion, the improversprarencthe freshest, frost orignal comedy show Inthe Figs [Rug |1-34 (oot 18) msdn (0,00) £300 (C200) LEE EVANS 00e0 enue $9 Eda Poe, 12 Gri Tc 557250 ms {EE EVANS Some World Don Pet. Furie Ana wiper reurmao Eee tite on aoe tn yas un ier Eotanon itr ore po sartor ms Ce Es Ey Sand “Ts man has Foy Bones iriendoe og 32 20002230) £1200 EXACTING THEATRE COMPANY 0080 ‘enue #7 Sou Suthie Crema Cow 17 Neon Se Tckts 472212 M2 THE GOVAOSKI BROTHERS Seady Poth agiprop duo on the st ley of herr [a year European tour ef Wimborne Dorset, ‘Aug 19-28" 1200 (1350) £400(0350) eanonaanur ies Cau Ee eters) G&J PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS. BIG TOP COMEDY THE BEST OF i243) ACTS FOR THE PRICE FRI 16, SAT 17, SUN FRI 23, SAT 24, SUN 25 - 9.15PM 4“ ba THEATRE BIG TOP, EDINBURGH MEADOWS TICKETS £9.50 (£8.50) MEADOWS BOX OFFICE 0131 668 4918 FRINGE BOX OFFICE Re aT)

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