Plumbing Week 4 Quarter 4

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TLE – Industrial Technology (Plumbing)

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)– Quarter 4 Week
4 – MELC 8
Perform Mensuration and Calculation


Quarter 4 – Week 4

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No.4

Name of Learner: _______________________________Teacher: ____________________
Grade and Section: _____________________________ Date: _______________________

TLE 8– Industrial Technology (Plumbing) Activity Sheet

Perform Mensuration and Calculation
I. Learning Competency
LO 2. Carryout Measurements and Calculation (TLE_IAPB7/8MC-0d-2)
2.1 Use appropriate measuring devices for specific tasks
2.2 Compute for required data.
2.3 Convert data to its equivalent measure
II. Background Information for Learners

Converting the unit of measurement from English to metric and vice versa

The Metric System is known as the most common measurement system used in most
places of the world. There are common prefixes used to represent as multipliers. For example, in
a distance of 2,000 meters can also be expressed as 2 Kilometers.
The English System on the other hand is also known as the British (US) System likewise
commonly used anywhere in the world. This system uses the Inch, Foot and Pound as the basic
units of measurement. Decimal inch based on tenths and hundredths to simplify measurements. It
is commonly used by Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and Draftsmen etc. For better
understanding of the systems one must be familiar with the conversion of the English units of
measurement to the metric system and vice versa by applying the appropriate conversion factors
and procedures.

Measurement Systems

The basic measurement in the English system is the Yard divided into Feet and Inches
abbreviated as follows: Yard – Yd. , Feet – Ft. , and Inches as In. The Metric System or the
Systems International (SI) use Meter as the basic unit of measure divided into Decimeters,
Centimeters, and Millimeters with the following abbreviations when used.

Meter _ m Centimeter _ cm
Decimeter _ dm Millimeter _ mm

Measuring accurately is skill that should be developed. Inaccurate measurements would

mean waste of time, effort, materials and the quality of the finish product. The skill in
measuring starts with the ability to read and interpret the systems of measurement.
The measuring tool available in the workshop contains English System in one side and
Metric System on the other. In the English System, the inch is divided into 16 graduations. The
first graduation reads 1/16, the second 2/16 or 1/8, the third as 3/16 and so on.

A- English System
B- Metric System
The Metric System (Systems International-SI) Centimeters is divided into ten (10)
Graduations where the first graduation reads 1 millimeter, the second 2 millimeters, the fifth 5
millimeters or .5 centimeter and so on.

Basic Measuring Tools

LINEAR MEASUREMENT (International System)
Units of Measure and their Equivalents:

a. Inch (“) - Equal to one-twelfth of a foot (1/12) or one thirty-sixth of a yard (1/36 yard)
b. Foot („) - Equal to twelve inches (12”) or one-third of a yard (1/3 yard)
c. Yard - Equal to three feet (3‟) or thirty-six inches (36”)
d. Rod - Equal to sixteen and one-half feet (161/2)
e. Mile - Equal to five thousand, two hundred and eighty feet (5280‟)
III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

IV. Activity Proper:

Activity 1.
Conversion of units
Direction: Convert the following measurements as required in the given. Write your answer on
your paper.

1). 5.5 decimeter - --------------------- meter

2). 9 meters - ---------------------------- centimeter
3). 35 inches ----------------------------- centimeter
4). 29 feet --------------------------------- meters
5). 40 centimeter ----------------------- inches

Activity 2. Directions: Pull-push rule measurement

Directions: Compute and Convert the length of plumbing tools and materials with the given
measurement of the following. Write your answer on your
activity paper.

1. How many centimeters in 10 feet PVC pipe?


2. How many millimeters in 30 centimeters hacksaw blade? ___mm

3. How many centimeters in 9 inches screw driver? __cm

4. How many inches in 350 millimeters hacksaw handle?


5. How many centimeters in 250millimeter nipple? ___cm

Activity 4: Conversion of units

Metric System
10 millimeter – 1 centimeter
10 centimeter - 1 decimeter
10 decimeter – 1 meter

English System
12 inches – 1 foot
3 feet – 1 yard

Metric - English
1 millimeter – 0.03993 inches
1 inch – 2.54 centimeter
1 foot – 0. 3048 millimeter
1 yard – 0. 9144millimeter
Using the given conversion table above solve for the desire units. Write your answer on your
1. 64 cm - ---------------------- inches
2. 59 yards - --------------------- feet
3. 95.5 dm - --------------------- meter
4. 19 inches - ------------------- centimeter
5. 47 feet - ----------------------- inches
Summative Test: I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your paper.
1. It is the most common measurement system used in most places of the world.
a. English system
b. Metric system
c. Measurement system
d. Basic measuring tools
2. It is also known as the British (US) System likewise commonly used anywhere in the world.
a. Measurement system
b. Metric system
c. English system
d. Basic measuring tools
3. How many centimeters in 4 meters PVC pipe??
a. 40 centimeters
b. c50 centimeters
c. 400 centimeters
d. 4000 centimeters
4. How many inches in 7 feet?
a. 81 inches
b. 82 inches
c. 83 inches
d. 84 inches
5. Convert 9 yards to feet.
a. 21 feet
b. 27 feet
c. 25 feet
d. 24 feet

Test II. Identification: Identify what is being asked: Write the answer only.

1. It is known as the most common measurement system used in most places of the world.
2. It is also known as the British (US) System likewise commonly used anywhere in the
3. SI means _________.

4. It is equal to one-twelfth of a foot (1/12) or one thirty-sixth of a yard (1/36 yard).

5. It is equal to three feet (3‟) or thirty-six inches (36”).
V. Reflection:
1. How did you find your lesson so far? Exciting, Easy, Moderate, Difficult? Explain
your answer.
2. What are the different measurement system?
3. Did you see the sample on how to convert measurement? Now that you know them
already, do you know how to use it in actual measuring?
4. Which part of the lesson you find interesting? Why?
VI. Answer Key:
Activity No. 1


0.55 meters

900 centimeters

88.9 centimeters

8.8392 meters
Activity No. 2

304.8 cm



13.7795 inches
Activity No. 3
Answer will vary

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