Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Teaching has always been a challenging profession since knowledge has been
expanding and essential skills have been increasing and changing. With these
challenges, teachers need to engage educational technologies to assist them in the
teaching-learning process. Engaging educational technologies in teaching are founded
on principles and philosophies. Understanding these will help you successfully integrate
technologies to allow your students to demonstrate the intended learning outcomes of
your field of specialization.
On the other hand, integrating technology into curricula can mean different
The process of integrating ICT in teaching and learning has to be done at both
pedagogical and technological levels with much emphasis put on pedagogy. ICT
integration into teaching and learning has to be underpinned by sound pedagogical
6. UNESCO (2005)
ICT integration is not merely mastering the hardware and software skills.
Teachers need to realize how to organize the classroom to structure the learning tasks
so that ICT resources become automatic and natural response to the requirements for
learning environments in the same way as teachers use markers and whiteboards in the
Before you can successfully integrate ICTs in your language instruction, there is
a need to have a good grasp of what Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
is all about. Specifically, there is a need also to determine the ICTs that are available for
language education. The following are the definitions of ICT from various sources:
1. Moursund (2005)
ICT includes all the full range of computer hardware, computer software, and
telecommunications facilities. Thus, it includes computer devices ranging from handheld
calculators to multimillion worth supercomputers. It includes the full range of display and
projections devices used to view computer output. It includes local area networks and
wide area network that will allow computer systems in people to communicate with each
other It includes digital cameras, computer games, CDs, DVDs, cell telephones,
telecommunication satellites, and fiber optics. It includes computerized machinery and
computerized robots.
2. Tinio (2009)
ICT is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate,
create, disseminate, store, and manage information. These technologies include
hardware devices, software applications, internet connectivity, broadcasting
technologies, and telephony.
4. Ratheeswari (2018)
a. acquisition;
b. discovery;
c. dialogue;
d. practice; and
e. creation
Vis-à-vis the five events are specific teaching strategies, learning actions or
experiences, related media form, examples of non-computer based activity, and
examples of computer-based activity.
The Laurillard's Conversational Framework (LCF) is relevant in the field of
language education since this field requires appropriate and complex use of various
technologies. The framework clearly presents the way teaching events in language
classrooms can be thoroughly related to their language learning events. Language
teachers need to systematically match their teaching styles to the learning needs of
their students. By this, the integration of ICT and pedagogy will be done in a
comprehensive and meaningful way. The usefulness of LCF in language education was
analyzed in a study that was conducted by Abeer Aidh Alshwiah in 2016. The study
investigated and evaluated the effectiveness of LCF in developing the writing
component of foreign language learners' (FLLs') communicative competence in
blended learning (BL) context, as compared to a face-to-face (F2F) context. The FLLS
in the study comprised three intact classes from a foundation course at a Saudi
university. The three skills addressed consisted of the use of the past tense to describe
past events and form wb-questions, as part of grammatical competence, and writing a
letter of complaint, as part of sociolinguistic competence.
The study revealed that LCF was more effective in the BL than in the F2F
context, in terms of developing the learners' skill in forming wh- questions. However,
both contexts almost equally developed the learners' skills in using the past tense and
writing a letter of complaint. Moreover, interviews with volunteers from the two
experimental groups, observing their engagement, and analyzing their conversations,
revealed positive perceptions amongst learners with an intermediate level of English
language proficiency. On the other hand, two different factors affected their perceptions
of the intervention: language proficiency and the willingness of peers to collaborate,
Another factor affecting perceptions of BL was lack of familiarity with the technology
applied. It is therefore recommended that this barrier be overcome and the use of BL,
given its effectiveness for the development of more writing skills be encouraged.
Wang in 2008 posited that integration of ICT consists of three fundamental elements.
These are pedagogy, social interaction, and technology. These elements are
diagrammatically represented by Wang in Figure 1
Figure 1: The ICT Integration Framework
There is a lot of researches that will prove that the integration of ICTs can fully
transform classroom instruction. Haddad in 2003 states that the teachers' use of ICT
supports the development of higher-order- thinking skills (HOTS) and promotes
collaboration. This is the reason why trainings in ICT pedagogy-integration are
build workforces that have information and communications technology (ICT) skills
and are reflective, creative and adept at problem-solving in order to generate