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Om Day1&2

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1) Create New responsibility

Press cltr+ down arrow

Responsibility: 06_resp1

Profile -> system

To add the HR Payroll user to responsibility level

Start Inventory setups:

Move to Our responsibility:

Location Setups

Inventory -> Setup -> Organization -> Locations

Organization -> to create Operating Unit
Nvaigate to sys admin:
Organization id : 7941

Operating Unit three steps process done:

1) LTS (Define OU)

2) LOB (Profile setup)
3) RSD (Replicate seed data program)

Move to our responsibility to create IMO:

Inventory -> setup -> organization

Tools -> copy organization -> vision operation

Creating Inventory Organiztion:

Business Entity Structure Over.
OM Preliminary / Detailed Setup Steps :
1) Preliminary Setup 1 : Define System options under Setup – Customers –
System Options

2) Preliminary Setup 2 : Define Item Validation Organisation at Setup –

System Parameters – Values
3) Profile Class - Create profile classes for a set of controls of Accounts
Receivables like Collector, Payment Term, Dunning Letter, Finance
Charges, Credit Limits.etc., Apply relevant Profile Class to every

Customers -> Profile class

Cltrl + f11 -> We learn this part at AR. Just queriyed..

4) Transaction Types – Create order and line level transaction types. Every
TT is governed by a Work Flow for order processing. We will begin with
the following three TTs.
a) 02_line_order_tt1
b) 02_line_return_tt2
c) 02_order_mixed_tt3. Assign tt1 and tt2 into tt3 with workflows.
i) Header
a) Mixed (Order & Return)
b) Order
c) Return

ii) Line
a) Order
b) Return

Setup -> Transaction types-> Define


Click Assign Line Flows

5) Price List – Ensure the following Personal Profiles are set properly
before the creation of 02_price List1. Advanced pricing has been
extended for both Purchasing and Order Management.

S.No Profile Order Purchasing

1. QP: Pricing Order Fulfillment Procurement
Transaction Entity (ORDFUL) (PO)
2. QP : Source System Oracle Pricing Oracle Purchasing
Code (QP) (PO)

Edit -> preferences-> profiles

Press f11 -> qp%-> clrt+f11

Verify in profile level:

1. QP: Pricing Transaction Order Fulfillment
Entity (ORDFUL)
2. QP : Source System Code Oracle Pricing

Purchasing-> advanced pricing -> price list-> price list set up.-> enter price lists

After open the form verify whether pricing transaction order or not.

Check the pricing transaction entry.

Create Price list:


6) Customer Creation – Create customers and Sites for various business

usages. Populate Profile Class, Order Transaction Types, Price List, Default
Ware House, Payment Terms and Sales Credit for every customer.

Note: TCA – Trading company architecture..

CRM -> it will make the party as customer.

But OM, it can create only customer. No party concept here.

Customers -> standard

Two times click add on another row. Then type ship to and apply

Click create site -> Create address

Two times click add on another row. Then type ship to and apply

Click primary and finish and apply..

Click Bangalore Warehouse -> details -> click shipto -> details

Click apply.
Go to sales Order screen to see the customer

Click others to check warehouse details

Clicl Line Items:

So We have to set up the document sequence.

7) Document Sequencing : Define a document name for the Application :

Order Management with a start sales order number of, say, 1000.
Associate this document type to OM Application, Ledger and Order TT
under Setup - Documents – Assign.

Every order transaction type must be document sequenced.

Setup-> documents-> define

Setup-> documents-> assign

Appl-> tt -> ledger

Document -> Define document
Assign document

Below screen you are able to see the order number. It is coming from document
After create Document we could able to see the line items form in sales order
For seeing the item we need to do below steps.


Profile setup:

- System options
- Ivo

Detailed setups:

- Price list
- T.T
- W.H
- Sales person
- Payment Terms
- Profile class
- Customer


8) Item on a Price List – Pre-Requisites :

Create an Item with Item attribute – Customer ordered must be ticked
System profile – OE : Item validation organization and QP : Item Validation
organization must be set to 02_imo1.

1) Customer order must be ticked..

2) OE : Item validation organization -> 02_imo1
3) QP : Item Validation organization -> 02_imo1

Inventory -> item-> master items -> entry

To define the item:

Choose child org -> 02_inv2

Child inv has to open up with imo..

Go to order management and remove the customer order.

Click Customer Opened and uncheck the enabled.

Tools -> copy from

Template pur and tab and click on done.

Assign item to child organization

Tools -> organization assignments-> click inv-> assigned and save.

Go to sys Admin

Profile -> system -> values

Move to Our responsibility:

Purchasing -> advanced purchasing -> price list -> price list setup
Define the price for item:
8) Item on a Sales order – Pre-requisites:
Item Attribute Customer order enabled must be ticked
IVO must be set to 06_imo1 under nav Setup-System Parameters-Values

Its using to populate sales order

Inventory -> item-> master items -> entry

Customer orders enabled should be ticked.

Setup-System Parameters-Values
Check whether IVO is pointing to proper IMO.

Go to sales order and check the item details.

Now you could able to see the status is Entered.

DAY – 2

Basic Pricing :

Pricing Event:

Go to Price list window.

Price for all items, Item Category and Item Numbers, UOM Conversion and
Exclusive price

Pricing Engine Performance

Item UOM Qty

From calling Application

Pricing Event Pricing Engine

Returns one best line to the calling application

Unit Price Extended


Modifier Event By Default – Unrestricted
Gets applied on all Customers
and Sales Orders.

Unit Price Extended


S.No Pricing Event Modifier Event

1. Tab Out of Quantity
2. Save Sales Order Save Sales Order
3. Book Event Book Event
4. Ship Confirm Event Ship Confirm Event
5. Manually Price line or Order Manually Price line or Order
Price for all items:

Purchasing -> Advanced pricing -> Price List -> Price List setup
Price for Item Category :

Inventory -> Items -> Master Items

Tools -> Categories

Note : Price engine will consider less precedence in line items.

Price for Item Numbers :

Price for UOM :

UOM -> DZ is not defined. To resolve above issue we need to set enable Primary UOM
in price list window at line level. See the below screen shot.

Unit Price -> 250 * 12 = 3000

Extended Price -> 3000 * 3 = 9000

Above screen shot Line 3 & 4 are having same Precedence number.

When we Compare the UOM of line 3 & 4 , It will take exclusive value(DZ) not
converted value(Ea).


Price Break Header – Point – Unit price

Qty Price
Value from -> 0 – 10 - 10
10 – 20 - 8
20 - 30 - 6

We have to choose Line type -> Price Break Header

Click Price Breaks

If Qty between 0 to 10 then Price -> Rs.10

If Qty between 10.01 to 20 then price -> 8

If Qty more than 30 then we will get error cz the item Qty is not defined.
Price Break Header – Range – Unit price


0 – 50K – No transaction – 0
50K – 60k – 10% -1000
60K – 1 LAC – 20% - 8000


Note : No need to change anything here except Break type.

Qty Price
Value from -> 0 – 10 - 10
10 – 20 - 8
20 - 30 - 6


1) Slab total 100,40

2) Grant total 140
3) Unit price = GT/Qty (App 2 decimal) 140/15 = 9.33
4) Extended price = UP*Qty (App 2 decimal) = 9.33*15 = 139.95
Note: OM will not do rounding part of amt. That is AR Part.

Note : Absent ranges it will be 0 prices in the price list Under price break type -> Range.

Price Break Header – Range – Block price

In price list window, application method -> block price

15 – 10 and 5

10 -10
5 -8
EP- 18
UP = 18/15 = 1.2
0 -10 = Price :10

9qty - ? then price 10/qty 9=1.11 unit price

Unit price 1.11* qty 9=9.99

How to automatically default the line type in sales order line window?

Setup -> transaction types -> tpes

Note : if F11 is doesnot go . press f6 and f11.

Query -> our query tt3.

Main tab:
Default return line type -> Return_tt
Default order line type -> Order_tt

Go to Sales Order Screen

Query for the item, give qty as Positive value

Note : You are able to see the line type automatically. (Order TT)

ii ) Query for the item, give qty as Negative value

Note : Negative value (Return TT)

Advanced Pricing :

Discount Modifies

Note: Take a item line with normal details (ex: Unit Price)

We create modifiers for applying discounts.

Go to purchasing -> advanced picing-> modifiers -> modificers setup

Others -> check whether OM 0r AR. OM is correct value.

Types -> Discount list

Number – 06_d1
Name -> 06_discont

Click on List Qualifiers -> Say OK to coming Screen

Qualifier context-> customer

Qualifier attribute-> customer name
Value from-> 06_cus1

We created modifiers and assigned to particular customer (06_cus1) for discount.

This discount will applicable for only assigned customers.

Discount values are given at modifiers summary tab.

How to define Modifier:

Modfier no change 1
level -> Line
Modifier Type -> discount
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> LLA
Product attri -> item number
Product attri Value -> my item 02%
Volume TYPE-> item quantity
Break type -> point
Operator -> between
UOM -> Ea
Value from : 5
Valure to : 9999
Application method – Percent
Value : 10


Note: Pricing will pick value from price list engine. But Modifier controls the value of
Modifier depends on the below three condition:
1) Customer – In modifier window we attached the customer.
2) Item – we attached the item in modifier window at product attr value.
3) Quantity - we attached the item in modifier window, depends upon value from
and value to.

Note: Folder -> save as -> public mean all OU will see our folder.

Note: After entered the order line we should press save then only we are able to see the
discount price. Cz modifier will start trigger at commit level.

To see the discount Details:

Action -> view adjustments

Freeze Price:

Default value:
In sales order screen -> Line -> Pricing tab-> Calculate price flag -> Calculate Price

But for this one we need to change Calculate price flag -> Freeze Price

Once freeze the amt it will not apply the modifier (Any discount)
Now you are able to see the amount is not changing after giving commit also.

Coupon Issue

1) 1000 item2-> confirm purchase -> booked -> he will get coupon (Next sale only
coupon eligible)

2) coupon > will get 10% -> but condition, we need to purchase more than 200 then
only we can use this
3) coupon.

Open modfier

Type -> promostion

Number -> 06_p1
Name -> 06_prom1

Click link stages

Qual context->customer
Qual context->customer
Attr -> cust name
Value from -> my cust name.
Modfier no change -> 02_coup_dis
level -> Line
Modifier Type -> discount
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> LLA
Product attri -> item number
Product attri Value -> my item 02%
Volume quan-> item AMOUNT
Break type -> point
Operator -> between
UOM -> Ea
Value from : 200
Valure to : 99999
Application method – Percent
Value : 10

MODIFIER name-> 02_coupon_

level -> grop of line
Modifier Type -> coupon issue
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> Modifiers of Book event
Product attri -> item number
Product attri Value -> my item 02%
Volume quan-> item AMOUNT
Break type -> point
Operator -> between
UOM -> Ea
Value from : 1000
Valure to : 99999
Coupons -> coupon modifier number ->ctrl +l

Open Sales Orders -> Line items -> Book Order -> then only it will provide coupon ->
continue. In header status is Booked.
Actions -> view Adjustments -> Ensure coupon issued or not.

Encashing :
Action -> promotion/ Pricing Attributes.
Coupons tab -> C+L -> ensure our coupons is not coming.

In Modifiers form -> click the discount modifier -> Line qualifiers -> ensure population
of coupons.

End date is null-> when you encash the amount end date will come

Close the sales order and open new sales order

Line items -> Less than 200 accept the order but coupon not valid.

Encashing : More than 200

Action -> promotion/ Pricing Attributes.-> to encash the amount.-> choose coupon
Number -> apply -> C+S.

Ensure the population of end date on line qualifiers in Modifier window.

Item Upgrade

Create 100 ml shampoo and 150 ml shampoo in inventory.

Inv -> ite -> master items

Template -> pur
Assign to Org ->
02_ 150ml_shampoo

Define promotional upgrade.

Inventory-> items-> items relation ships

Click new
Generic relarionship is is two items related to from items and type.
From item -> 02_100ml
To_item -> 02_150ml
Type-> promotional type.

Make the price foR 100 ml – rs .100

150 ml – rs.150

Define the new modifier:

Type -> promotion

CLICK the list qualifiers -> add the customer.

MODIFIER name-> 1
level -> line
Modifier Type -> item upgrade
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> LLA
Product attri -> item number
Product attri Value -> 100 ml item
Volume quan-> item quantity
Break type -> point
Operator -> between
UOM -> Ea
Value from : 3
Valure to : 99999

Click promotion upgrades

Open sales Order cust_num -> 1143 -> tab –> change to my Price list
Line items -> Populate 150 items => quan -> 7 -> observe price 150.
Populate 01_100_ml -> 5-> upon commit the line will change to 150 ml.

Ask for Promotions:

2 100 ml + 3 150 ml shampoos and if u ask for Keyboard u will get 75%

Create an item called Keyboard.

Template -> pur
Assigned to org.
Inventoy -> Items -> Master Items
Give price for the keyboard.

Goto Modifiers.

MODIFIER name-> 2
level -> line
Modifier Type -> other item desc
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> ALA
Product attri -> item number
Product attri Value -> 100 ml item
Volume quan-> item quantity
Break type -> point
Operator -> between
UOM -> Ea
Value from : 2
Valure to : 99999

Click on define details button.

Group no -> 1
Product attribute -> item number
Product value -> 01_150 ml
Product attri -> item quantity (3)


Prod attr - > item number.

Item -> Keyboard.
Appl Maethod -> Percent.
Value : 75
Note : Group no is OR ing condition. Either one we can buy.
But Group no is AND ing condition. We should buy both group.

Sales Order

Customer num -> 1143 -> Change price list.


100 ml (2) +150 ml (3) + Keyboard (1) -> will get 75% discount for keyboard.
Don’t for got to end date the modifier number 2.


If you buy 3 100ml shampoo, you will get 2 150 ml shampoo free.

MODIFIER name-> 3
level -> line
Modifier Type -> Promotional goods
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> ALA
Product attri -> item number
Product attri Value -> 100 ml item
Volume quan-> item quantity
Break type -> point
Operator -> between
UOM -> Ea
Value from : 3
Valure to : 99999

Click on define details button.


Prod attr - > item number. (150 ml)

Item -> Keyboard.
Appl Maethod -> Prcent.
Value -> 100

Chek for Break type -> Recurring. -> It is used to bring every 3 shampoo you will get
free 1 150 shampoo. Ex: 10 100 ml shampoo 3 150 shmpoo.
Buy one Get one free:

One 100 ml and one 150 ml

MODIFIER name-> 3
level -> line
Modifier Type -> Promotional
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> ALA
Product attri -> item number
Product attri Value -> 100 ml item
Volume quan-> item quantity
Break type -> point
Operator -> between
UOM -> Ea
Value from : 2
Valure to : 99999


Prod attr - > item number. (150 ml)

Item -> (150 ml)
Appl Maethod -> Prcent.
Value -> 100

Deactivate modifier.

Freights and Special Charges:

Dish TV Installation fee failed of above two quantity


Line Level:

Type-> Frieght and special charge%

MODIFIER name-> 1
level -> line
Modifier Type -> Frieght/special
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> ALA
Product attri -> item number
Product attri Value -> 100 ml item
Volume quan-> item quantity
Break type -> point
Operator -> between
UOM -> Ea
Value from : 0
Valure to : 2

Click Discounts/charges :

Charge_name -> Installation fees

Application_method -> Percent
Value -> 10

Place the order.

Line Level:

Give >2 then you could able to see the Charges in Order Level.

To verify the freight an charges.

Actions -> charges and frieght cost to see the cost.

Order Level:

Type-> Frieght and special charge%

MODIFIER name-> 1
level -> Order
Modifier Type -> Frieght/special
Automatic -> enabled
Pricing phase -> ALA

Discount charges:
Charge_name -> Transaportation charges
Application_method -> Lumpsum
Value -> 2.34

Place the order:

In line
In Order heder, action -> charges
Order Entry :

Defaulting Rules


When we open sales order winodow, Customer po value should come


Setup-> Rules -> Defaulting

C+f11 and down Arrow

Applicaton -> Order Management
Entity -> Order Header.

Attribute -> Query -> %PO% -> C+F11

Click on Defaulting condition template button and ctrl + down arrow.

Condition name -> 02_cust1 -> Description

Validation Groups:

Attribute -> Customer

Value String -> 02_cust1

Defaulting Rules


20 Always
21 02_cust1


10 soutce type -> constant value

Default _valus -> 02_cust1_
Tool -> Generate… and Accept note.

Open Sales Order and test it.

Now you able to see the customer PO value coming default.

Scenario 2:

Request Date should come automatically when we open

Sales Order window -> Others -> Request Date.

Defaulting Rules


30 Always -> didable

32 Always -> enable


10 System variable
Default _valus -> sysdate + 2
Tool -> Generate…

Open Sales Order and test it.

Processing Constraints

Try to Update the price list after order booked status.

Setup -> rules -> security -> processing constraints


Entity->Order Header

Create -> Opertion

Update -> Cust _po not allowed and applies -> fulfillment


Group No: 101

Sope-> Any
Validation -> Order Header ->
Record set -> order
Validation Template -> booked

Give user message.

Version History:

To View the version history.


After booked status if you change the request you are able to see the version.

Setup -> rules -> security -> processing constraints

Setup -> rules -> security -> processing constraints

Application -> Order Management

Entity -> Order Line

Update -> Request _date ->

User Action -> Generate Version and require reason


Sope-> Any
Validation -> Order Line
Record set -> Line
Validation Template -> Booked

Sales order

Create Order and line and booked.

Change the request_date and that time it will show version and ask the reason
Actions-> Version history and -> compare


Scheduling Engine Item UOM Qty Req. date

for From Calling Application
ATP Not Applicable Scheduling Engine
( ATP Not Applicable)
Tools – Scheduling – Schedule

Scheduling Engine
Book Event Scheduling ( ATP Not Applicable)

Right Click – Scheduling - Schedule

Scheduled Scheduled
Ship Date Arrival Date

SAD = SSD + ( ILTT) Inter Location
Transit Times between Our Ware House
and Customer’s location

Sales Order -> Others

Header -> Request Date

Line -> Request _date

Save -> Entered status

Shipping -> right click -> scheduling -> Schedule


Inventory -> Tansactions -> Miscellenous -> Transactions

Choose inventory -> 02_inv2

Open Periods

Inventory -> Accounting close cycle-> Inventory Accounting periods.

Open the appropriate periods.

Transactions -> type -> Miscellenous Receipt

Account -> C+L and m and enter.
Click Transaction lines

Create Subinventory:

Inventory -> SOS


Fgs -> C+downarrow.

Open the appropriate periods in Miscelllenous transation.

Give sub inventory.

Create One more Transaction Types. 02_Poor_tt4.

Order category-> Order and type_code -> line

Shipping -> Scheduling level -> No reservation.

Insert TT4 into TT3.

Query tt3.

Prsess assignt line flows.

Tt4 -> line flows.

Sales Order
Create line for reservation and line type.
lined Qty and Qty reserved.

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