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P rimal Power ™

Options for Barbarians, Druids, Shamans, and Wardens

Mike Mearls
Primal Power ™

Mike Mearls

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Mike Mearls (lead), Kate Irwin
Eytan Bernstein, Logan Bonner,
Rob Heinsoo, Robert J. Schwalb Cover Illustration
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Primal Power has its roots in the decision to include feral quality. They made a good match, and thus
the druid as a monster in the 1976 supplement began a long process of design and development that
Greyhawk®. D&D® cocreator Gary Gygax likely had culminated in Player’s Handbook® 2 and this book.
little idea at the time that his description would Primal power is all about the natural world,
affect the game for the next three decades: “These which is more than plants, animals, mountains, and
men are priests of a neutral-type religion . . . Druids forests. Primal magic is a fundamental force of the
may change shape three times per day . . . from size natural world that holds the often malevolent forces
as small as a raven to as large as a small bear. They of the planes at bay. Why do the gods dwell in the
will generally (70%) be accompanied by numbers Astral Sea if so many of their followers live in the
of barbaric followers (fighters).” That, in a nutshell, world? What keeps 25th-level monsters from stomp-
is the origin of the primal power source. In the first ing cities into dust? The primal spirits are keepers
mention of the iconic primal character class, there of the natural order. They ensure that the cycle of
are ties to shapeshifting and barbaric warriors. life and death, the turn of the seasons, and the web
The druid’s identity in D&D has changed little of life that connects all living things remain intact
since 1976, and in many ways the story of the despite the intentions of gods, primordials, demons,
primal power source’s creation and development is and devils. Primal spirits are the world’s defenders,
the story of strengthening the druid class’s roots and not its masters. As a wielder of primal magic, your
making them the centerpiece of both the class and character is an inheritor of their tradition.
the power source that arose around it.
For many years, druids were presented as a type Using This Book
of cleric, a divine spellcaster who worshiped gods
As you can see by the table of contents, Primal Power
of nature, the elements, and natural forces. Under
is organized by class. Whether you have a char-
that scheme in 4th Edition, druids might have
acter of a particular class or you want to make a
been priests of Melora and similar deities. But that
character of that class, all you have to do is consult
approach would have left druids as a second banana
the proper chapter for new class features, builds,
to the other divine classes and created a divide in
powers, and paragon paths. The final chapter of
the divine power source. Clerics and paladins share
the book contains a large section on the spirit way,
thematic and aesthetic similarities, whereas druids
dozens of new feats, eight primal-themed epic des-
have more bonds thematically with barbarians.
tinies, several new rituals, and information on the
As we looked at the barbarian and the druid
primal spirits and the primal backgrounds that can
together, the primal power source took form. Both
deepen your roleplaying experience.
classes have strong ties to nature, and both have a

1: BARBARIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 New Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Heroic Tier Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Playing a Barbarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 New Paragon Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Paragon Tier Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
New Builds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Epic Tier Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
New Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4: WARDEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Multiclass Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
New Paragon Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Playing a Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Epic Destinies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
New Builds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Fang of the World Serpent . . . . . 149
2: DRUID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 New Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Fury of the Wild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Playing a Druid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 New Paragon Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Honored Ancestor . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
New Builds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Mythic Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
New Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 5: PRIMAL OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Perfect Guardian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
New Paragon Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 The Spirit Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Reincarnate Champion . . . . . . . . 154
Primal Spirits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Sovereign Beast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
3: SHAMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Primal Backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
World Tree Guardian . . . . . . . . . . 156
Playing a Shaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 New Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
New Rituals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
New Builds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Tribal Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136


“My rage is my weapon. My rage is my armor. My
rage is your doom.”

A barbarian can be a quiet warrior who

launches into a rampage, or a fierce savage who lives
for violence. Do you do battle out of duty and honor,
wielding your weapon with grim resolve, or do you
savor every blow you deal? Whatever your purpose,
you are a barbarian—a force to be feared.
Despite your reputation for brutality, you are more
than muscle and savagery. Your bond to the primal
spirits makes you a wellspring of force and vitality. It
is the spirits that make you a barbarian—they funnel
power through your body, instill rage in your heart,
and wreak carnage through your weapon.
Rageblood barbarians inspire their allies with
their ferocity and endurance; thaneborn barbarians
bolstering themselves and their comrades with their
courage and resilience. A thunderborn barbarian is
surrounded by a cloak of thunder spirits; a whirling
barbarian, armed with two weapons, cuts through
foes like a cyclone. Whatever type of barbarian you
are, you’ll find options in this chapter to support you.
✦ Playing a Barbarian: Ideas about the barbarian’s
place in the world and at the game table, to help
you bring your character to life.
✦ New Builds: The thunderborn barbarian emits
menacing war cries that make enemies stagger in
fear. The whirling barbarian is a dervish of death,
wielding a weapon in each hand.
✦ New Class Features: With thunderborn wrath,
the death of each enemy lets you scatter your other
foes in fear. Using your whirling slayer feature, you
traverse the battlefield like a tornado.
✦ New Powers: You can unleash a voice like thun-
der or fight with two weapons as if they were twin
claws. The chapter also supports existing builds
with powers that inspire allies, add vigor, and dole
out brutal blows.
✦ New Paragon Paths: You can harness primal
force in the form of seven new paragon paths.


CHAPTER 1 | Barbarian
Running with the beasts, a lone warrior haunts the revelation of power of the primal spirits and learned to
forest like a ghost, guarding against interlopers. On the call on them and channel them in and out of combat.
high mountain plateau, a somber leader guides his rav- Even in civilized lands, some warrior orders train
aged tribe in its struggle against the cruel winter and their members to harness the power of the beast
hungry predators. At the edge of town, a hermit trains within, channeling primal spirits in rages and other
a young boy to harness the beast within and channel it evocations. Some of these orders venerate the spirits,
into his weapon. The barbarian has many manifesta- while others view the spirits as tools to be manipu-
tions, and each one has its place in the world. lated in order to turn a warrior into a savage killer.
Whatever the nature and origin of your relation-
Your Primal Roots ship to the spirits, that relationship defines your
Part of what makes you a barbarian is your connec- capabilities as a barbarian, and to some extent, it
tion to the primal spirits, so give some thought to defines who you are.
the nature of that connection and how you forged it.
Many barbarians were born and raised in cultures Totem Animals
that venerate the primal spirits, and they underwent Although your powers do not require it, you might
rites of passage designed to strengthen their ties to adopt a totem beast, an animal whose ferocity and
those spirits. In your rages, you might commune with traits appeal to you as a model for your own deeds.
the same spirits that your tribal ancestors have called You might adorn yourself with tattoos, pelts, claws,
upon for generations. and teeth to increase your resemblance to your
In contrast, your ties to the primal spirits might chosen beast. Like the totem carved into a representa-
be intensely personal. You might have grown up on tion of specific spirits that serves as an implement in
a farm and developed a mystical relationship with the hands of a druid or a shaman, your adorned body
nature and the spirits that inhabit the wilds. You might draws the spirits of your chosen beast so that they can
even be a city-dweller who experienced a profound lend you their power.
Most barbarians who have totem beasts take an
appropriate name. Yoreth Hawksworn scales the
TROPHIES highest peaks and swoops upon his foes like a diving
Some barbarians wear trophies on their armor and falcon. Darva Thunderbear roars as she charges her
weapons both to demonstrate their prowess in battle enemies and swings her maul with bone-crushing,
and to serve as a reminder of foes they have overcome. ursine strength.
Evil barbarians focus on grim, horrific trophies—severed
heads, preserved hands, and bits of bone—to strike fear in Living with Rage
their enemies. Most barbarians, though, prefer less grisly Rage defines your magical combat prowess, and
displays of their skill. your relationship to that rage says a lot about your
Many barbarians are proudest of trophies taken from character’s personality. As a barbarian, you have a
foes that have knocked them unconscious or otherwise choice. Does rage sum up your entire being, or are
pushed them to the brink of defeat. Barbarians also use you at peace except when you must reach deep and
trophies to mark a victory over a long-standing enemy summon the storm?
or a powerful foe whose defeat trumpets their skill and Anger might be a constant, simmering undercur-
prowess. rent to your every word and action. Are you aggrieved
The best trophies symbolize an opponent’s strength by some past wrong you seek to redress? Infuriated by
and ability. A dragon’s fang, a shard from a powerful war- the death of a loved one you hope to avenge? Or is the
rior’s armor, or the stub of a necromancer’s staff signify the constant thrum of your rage like the heartbeat of the
enemy’s power and ability. A barbarian typically attaches Primal Beast, not so much an undercurrent of anger
these trophies to his or her armor and gear, allowing them as the predator’s constant readiness for fierce combat?
to hang as testaments to his fighting ability. Or you might be a calm, cheerful soul, at peace with
If you decide to collect trophies of your fallen enemies, the world—until enemies are in sight. Then you open
make a list of each item you take from a foe. These tro- your mind to the primal fury that lurks in the depths of
phies are more than marks of victory; they are important your soul, and you unleash a rage all the more terrify-
symbols of your history. Giving one of your trophies as a ing because it is so unlike your normal demeanor.
gift is a sign of trust and respect. When you are confronted How well do you contain your rage? Does it erupt
by a particularly worthy foe, you might allow the enemy only when you summon it, or has it broken free of
to live but make the surrender of some token a condition your control at times in the past—perhaps with tragic
of that offer. consequences? A single critical moment in your back-
ground when anger got the better of you can be a
CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
defining element of your history and personality. Did You might choose to develop talents and powers

you, in a moment of uncontrolled rage, kill someone that play off that threat, gaining abilities that draw
you loved? Perhaps you dishonored yourself and your more of the enemy’s attention while also setting up
family by killing an enemy who pleaded for mercy. your own deadliest attacks. For example, the savage
Maybe you went on a rampage through a marketplace growl power (page 13) marks an enemy that you
and then fled your village in shame. hit and lets you deal more damage to that foe—in
What’s it like when you use a rage power? You’re exchange for letting it deal more damage to you. This
channeling the spirit of a powerful animal or a force of approach makes you an even bigger target, creating a
nature, which alters the nature of your attacks, some- dynamic often seen in legends and tales—barbarians
times fundamentally. Is the spirit’s form visible above swagger like the king of all they see, but they fre-
or around you as you rage? Do you undergo a physical quently travel with a shaman or a bard companion
transformation? Is your body warped and distorted by who helps keep them alive.
your frenzy, or do you suddenly sprout horns, claws, a Of course, you need not play your barbarian as a
furred or scaly hide, or other bestial features? risk-loving combat gambler. Even if that’s how you
Primal power flows through you and invigorates began your adventuring career, the life cycle of the
you, strengthening your attacks. Is this power exhila- great predators offers lessons that might affect you
rating or exhausting? Is it an aching or a burning that as you move into the paragon and epic tiers. As the
you ignore in the heat of your fury, or a pleasurable old primal proverb has it, “Every old tiger is a careful
sensation that softens the pain of your wounds? Are tiger.” You might have fought without a care early in
you focused on the tumult of battle around you, or your career, but you have come to learn a bit more
detached from it, as if you were watching from some- strategy as you have gained power. You have grown
place outside your body? more deliberate about when to use your deadliest
A barbarian is always destructive and brutally powers and when to take a quick step back to allow
effective in combat, but it can be interesting to an ally to handle a fight.
explore the idea that your personality changes dra-
matically when you unleash your primal fury.

Threats and Allies

As a barbarian, you know that your allies rely on you
to hit hard and bring your enemies down. You also
know that you are certain to suffer more damage
than your friends do. Even if you fight alongside
defenders such as wardens and paladins, you attract a
lot of enemy attention because of the threat you pose.

In battle, barbarians are howling, near-suicidal warriors,
who overwhelm their enemies with brute strength and
savage magic. But not every barbarian practices that same
approach away from the battlefield. A barbarian might lay
down his or her greataxe and behave as a cunning diplo-
mat, a shrewd negotiator, or a talented artisan.
Such barbarians understand the balance between the
civilized ways of humanoid cultures and the feral nature
of the beast. When these individuals are living or traveling
among civilization’s trappings, they know that words are
far more potent than swordplay. A warrior might conquer
an enemy with savagery, but allies are better made and
influenced by charm and wisdom.
This sort of behavior from a barbarian surprises those
who are ignorant of the primal ways, a reaction that
many chieftains and lords have used to their advantage.
The perfumed, silk-clad merchant of a caravan might not
suspect that the chief sitting across from him studied at
four academies. All the merchant sees is the barbarian’s

frayed leather armor and a cloak made from the pelt of

a girallon.
CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Playing Your Build WHO’S A BARBARIAN?
If you choose a specific build for your barbarian, you Just like members of other classes, barbarians are not
might let your choice inform the way you roleplay the common in the world. People of the barbarian class are
character as well as how you perform in combat. Even exceptional, and they’re usually heroes—or villains. Raging
if you choose powers from different builds, your char- hordes of orc or human berserkers might sometimes
acter might end up inclining toward one or another rampage through the remnants of civilization, but at most
type of barbarian, which can suggest facets of your only a handful of true barbarians fight among them, prob-
barbarian’s personality. ably in positions of leadership. A barbarian has a special
Rageblood barbarians are perhaps the most likely connection to the primal spirits, a relationship that few
to lose themselves in rage (see “Born to the Beast,” other people in the world can claim.
page 23). You might feel no pain while seized by the
primal spirits of battle, and felling an enemy fills you
with exuberant vigor. Outside combat, you might be a
quiet stalker, like a patient tiger, or a brash and bois- Playing a barbarian can be straightforward fun. You aren’t
terous adventurer, more like a thrashing boar. necessarily expected to study the situation and choose
Thaneborn barbarians retain their powerful pres- the optimal path. You can say, “Look, I know there might
ence even when gripped by rage, and they tend to be excellent tactical things to do, like feeding so-and-so
keep their wits about them as well. You might shout a healing potion or using my second wind. But that’s not
encouragement to your allies as you hew about your- me. I’m just going to hit this guy really hard.” Everyone
self in battle, exhorting them to follow your example. around the table nods because hey, you’re the barbarian.
Outside combat, whether or not your allies follow If you don’t hit the enemy hard, who will?
your lead might depend on the wisdom you display.
If you rush boldly into deadly situations, they might Whirling barbarians tend to be lighthearted and
learn to disregard your magnetic personality in favor cheerful compared to other barbarians. Even in
of the counsel of wiser heads. the heat of rage, while moving with dizzying speed
If you’re a thunderborn barbarian, the fury of the among your foes, you might taunt them or joke
storm constantly surrounds you. You might have a about their misfortune. Your rage might be more of
quick temper that flares like lightning when some- a physical state than an emotional one—like a rush
one angers you, or your fury might build slowly, as of adrenaline that propels you to greater speed and
the distant rumble of thunder grows louder when strength without clouding your mind. If that’s the
the storm draws nearer. In combat, you might let the case, it’s probably easy for you to set aside your rage
thunder be your voice, or you might shout battle cries when you are not in battle; at those times you might
and exhortations that reverberate in the noise of the carry yourself with the pride of a skilled hunter or
storm. Thunderborn barbarians are most likely to with the jovial ease of a self-assured hero.
wear their rage as a constant cloak, finding it difficult
to set aside their anger when it isn’t needed.


Some folk believe that barbarians look down on heavy with leering, bestial faces to ward off bad luck. Human
armor. Although some barbarians do believe that anyone barbarians replace their armor’s padding with furs taken
who needs to pull on a steel shell before heading into from lions, owlbears, and other ferocious beasts they have
battle is better off staying at home, most of them don’t defeated in battle. Goliaths paint their armor, scribing
care how or why their enemies and allies armor them- representations of their battles on each section of scale
selves. Bravery and skill, not a warrior’s belongings, are armor or across the expanse of their breastplates.
the paramount considerations. In the end, a barbarian in heavy armor might not look
Barbarians have no natural aversion to heavy armor, like a typical berserker, but he or she still cannot be mis-
but its obvious benefits are realized only after long taken for a fighter. If you decide to wear heavy armor, take
hours of training and practice. A barbarian who does some time to describe how your character has modified
use heavy armor typically modifies and decorates it with it. Give your equipment a primal edge, a mark showing
patterns, runes, and trophies evocative of the primal that your armor is an extension of your fighting style and
spirits. Dwarves emblazon shoulder and knee guards your beliefs.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian

The two new builds in this section expand the ways Suggested Options
in which you can tailor your barbarian. The thunder- Thunderborn barbarians lean toward controller as
born barbarian, as the name implies, uses the power a secondary role. Powers improved by Thunderborn
of thunder to damage enemies and make them cower. Wrath include blasts, which allow you to affect
The whirling barbarian relies on speed and finesse to small groups of enemies, so it pays to move as close
make particularly lethal two-weapon attacks. to as many enemies as possible. Consider favoring
feats and powers that allow you to move more easily
Thunderborn Barbarian around the battlefield.
Some barbarians can be mistaken for savage warriors Like other barbarians, you should make Strength
bereft of magic, at least until they rage. Whether you your highest ability score. Constitution should be
are raging or not, no one makes that mistake about your second-highest score, since Thunderborn Wrath
you. Your ferocity and power have endeared you to powers often rely on it.
the primal spirits of thunder. They circle around you, Suggested Class Feature: Thunderborn Wrath*
waiting for a time when you unleash them on your Suggested Feat: Thunderborn Rage*
enemies. Suggested Skills: Athletics, Intimidate, Nature
When you stride into battle, low thunder rumbles Suggested At-Will Powers: howling strike, howl of
around you. Even underground or on a clear day, fury*
the deep-throated murmur of distant storms accom- Suggested Encounter Power: shout of terror*
panies you. When you charge, the growl grows into Suggested Daily Power: tyrant’s rage*
thunderclaps, sounding nearby. When you shriek *New option presented in this book
your battle cry, a booming roar breaks over your
The faint-hearted cower before you. Those
who are brave or foolish enough to stand
before the rumble of your approach are laid
low by your weapons and your rage.

New Class Feature

When you choose your Feral Might, you can
choose Thunderborn Wrath instead of another
option, such as the ones in Player’s Handbook 2.
Thunderborn Wrath: You gain the war cry
power. In addition, once per round when your attack
bloodies an enemy, each enemy adjacent to you takes
thunder damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

War Cry Barbarian Feature

Your potent victory cry sends nearby enemies reeling in terror.
Encounter ✦ Fear, Primal
Free Action Close blast 3
Trigger: Your attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points
Target: Each enemy in blast
Effect: You push each target 1 square.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Whirling Barbarian Suggested Options
Some barbarians, particularly elves and half-orcs, You can choose from several methods for improve-
rely on speed and startling force to slay their enemies. ment as a whirling barbarian. Feats that increase
Stories abound of the ability of such barbarians to your prowess at wielding two melee weapons are a
cut down an entire group of bandits in the blink of good investment, since Whirling Slayer powers all
an eye. These whirling barbarians combine supreme require you to wield two weapons. Consider wield-
speed and agility with great strength. ing a thrown weapon in one hand to give yourself
Whirling barbarians fight with two weapons, often the option of fighting at range. Multiclassing into
a pair of axes or swords. Dwarf whirling barbarians ranger will give you even more two-weapon powers to
favor battleaxes and war picks, whereas half-orcs lean choose from.
toward clubs and maces. Strength should be your highest ability score, since
Compared to other barbarians, whirling barbar- it bolsters all your barbarian attacks. You should
ians are more mobile and better able to deal damage make Dexterity your second-highest score, because
to several enemies with a single attack. Such barbar- that ability is often used by Whirling Slayer powers.
ians rove the battlefield, swinging their weapons in a Suggested Class Feature: Whirling Slayer*
blur and hewing down any foes that are rash enough Suggested Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
to draw near. Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics,
Suggested At-Will Powers: pressing strike, whirl-
New Class Feature ing rend*
When you choose your Feral Might, you can choose
Suggested Encounter Power: whirling frenzy*
Whirling Slayer instead of another option, such as
Suggested Daily Power: thunder hooves rage*
the ones in Player’s Handbook 2.
*New option presented in this book
Whirling Slayer: You gain the whirling lunge
power, and you can wield a one-handed weapon in
your off hand and treat it as an off-hand weapon. In
addition, once per round when your attack bloodies
an enemy, you can shift 2 squares as a free action,
and each enemy adjacent to you at the end of the shift
grants combat advantage to you until the end of your
next turn.

Whirling Lunge Barbarian Feature

Striking down one foe, you whirl deeper into enemy ranks.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Free Action Melee 1
Trigger: Your attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points
Effect: You shift 2 squares and then deal 1[W] damage
(off-hand weapon) to an enemy adjacent to you that you
can see.

W I L L I A M O ’ CO N N O R

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian

The new powers presented in this chapter supple- Escalating Violence Barbarian Attack 1
ment those already available to barbarians. Many You hack at your enemy, daring it and its companions to incur
of the powers support the Thunderborn Wrath your greater fury.
and Whirling Slayer class features, but the broad Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
range of powers here provides useful options for any Standard Action Melee weapon
barbarian. Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. If you take damage
Level 1 At-Will Evocations before the start of your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus to
the attack rolls and the damage rolls of your next attack.
Howl of Fury Barbarian Attack 1 Thaneborn Triumph: Until the end of your next turn, an
You strike a hearty blow, then unleash an ear-splitting battle cry. ally within 5 squares of you gains a bonus to damage rolls
against the target equal to your Charisma modifier.
At-Will ✦ Primal, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Resurgent Strike Barbarian Attack 1
Attack: Strength vs. AC You slash, you are rejuvenated, and your enemy’s blood wells.
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. You then howl in a
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
blast 3 that includes the target. Each enemy in the blast,
Standard Action Melee weapon
other than the target, takes thunder damage equal to
Target: One creature
your Constitution modifier. If you are raging, the thunder
Attack: Strength vs. AC
damage equals 3 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit: You either gain 3 + your Constitution modifier
Level 21: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and add 5 to
temporary hit points or end one dazing or weakening
the thunder damage, whether or not you are raging.
effect on yourself. The target then takes 2[W] + your
Strength modifier damage.
Whirling Rend Barbarian Attack 1
You strike out in two directions, drawing blood from different Shout of Terror Barbarian Attack 1
The primal storm that rages within you manifests as a terrify-
At-Will ✦ Primal, Weapon ing battle scream that causes your enemies to hesitate.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Encounter ✦ Fear, Primal, Weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and an enemy
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. You then howl in a
adjacent to you other than the target takes 1[W] damage
blast 3 that includes the target. Each enemy in the blast
(off-hand weapon). If you are raging, add your Dexterity
is slowed until the end of your next turn.
modifier to both damage rolls.
Thunderborn Wrath: Until the end of your next turn, you
Level 21: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and 2[W]
gain a bonus to damage rolls against slowed creatures
damage (off-hand weapon).
equal to your Constitution modifier.

Level 1 Encounter Evocations Whirling Frenzy Barbarian Attack 1

Someone will bleed after every strike of this frenzy. You prefer to
Desperate Fury Barbarian Attack 1 see your enemy’s blood but are prepared to see your own.
Even if it kills you, you’ ll accept nothing less than a solid hit. Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Standard Action Close burst 1
Standard Action Melee weapon Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Target: One creature Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Whirling Slayer: The attack can target Reflex instead of
Rageblood Vigor: The attack deals extra damage equal to AC.
your Constitution modifier. Hit: 1[W] + 1[W] (off-hand weapon) + Strength modifier
Miss: You can take 5 damage to reroll the attack. If the damage.
reroll hits, use the hit effect above. If the reroll misses, Miss: You take 1d6 damage.
you take 5 damage.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Level 1 Daily Evocations
Blood Bear Rage Barbarian Attack 1
You strike, then call on the spirit of the blood bear, drawing on
its great strength and crushing grip to destroy your foes.
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you grab the
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You enter the rage of the blood bear. Until the rage
ends, you gain a +4 bonus to grab attacks. If an enemy
starts its turn grabbed by you, it takes 5 + your Strength
modifier damage.

Life Thane Rage Barbarian Attack 1

As you strike, raging energy boils out of you as life-giving mist,
healing you and invigorating your allies. Tyrant’s Rage Barbarian Attack 1
Daily ✦ Healing, Primal, Rage, Weapon Your blow is a prelude to a furious shriek. Your visage reveals a
Standard Action Melee weapon berserker fury, which causes your foes to recoil.
Target: One creature Daily ✦ Fear, Primal, Rage, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Standard Action Melee weapon
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Target: One creature
Miss: Half damage. Attack: Strength vs. Will
Effect: You can spend a healing surge. You enter the rage Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
of the life thane. Until the rage ends, any ally who starts dazed (save ends).
his or her turn within 3 squares of you gains temporary Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. your next turn.
Effect: You enter the rage of the tyrant. Until the rage ends,
Savage Juggernaut Rage Barbarian Attack 1 you can push every enemy adjacent to you 1 square as a
minor action once per round.
Your blow triggers an inner wrath that grows more and more
unstoppable with each enemy you fell.
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon Level 2 Utility Evocations
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Bounding Stride Barbarian Utility 2
Attack: Strength vs. AC
You lope across the battlefield, your wounds fueling your stride.
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage. Encounter ✦ Primal
Effect: You enter the rage of the savage juggernaut. Until Move Action Personal
the rage ends, you gain a power bonus to attack rolls Effect: You move your speed + 2, or your speed + 6 if you
equal to the number of nonminion creatures you have are bloodied.
reduced to 0 hit points since you entered the rage.
Feral Rejuvenation Barbarian Utility 2
Thunder Hooves Rage Barbarian Attack 1 You call on the spirits to stitch your wounds, proudly displaying
You hammer the enemy with a heavy blow, and the spirits of the blood you have spilled in their names.
stampeding beasts fill you with strength. Daily ✦ Healing, Primal
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon Free Action Personal
Standard Action Melee weapon Trigger: Your attack damages an enemy
Target: One creature Effect: You spend a healing surge. If the triggering attack
Attack: Strength vs. AC reduced an enemy to 0 hit points, you regain additional
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma
Miss: Half damage. modifier.
Effect: You enter the rage of the thunder hooves. Until the
rage ends, you can move through one or two enemies’
spaces during each of your turns. When you move
through an enemy’s space, your next attack against that
enemy during the same turn deals 1[W] extra damage.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Savage Comeback Rippling Blades

Barbarian Utility 2 Barbarian Attack 3
An enemy tried to hinder you, but you break free, ignoring the If your foe avoids your attack, you accept a glancing blow to
injury you suffer in the process. maneuver that foe into a weak position, ready for your friend’s
Daily ✦ Primal attack.
No Action Personal Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Trigger: You are conscious and fail a saving throw Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: You take 2d6 damage and succeed on the saving Target: One creature
throw. Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Savage Growl Barbarian Utility 2 Miss: You can take 5 damage to enable an ally adjacent to
the target to make a melee basic attack against it as a free
If the blow you just delivered wasn’t enough to get your foe’s
attention, your menacing growl cannot be ignored.
Thaneborn Triumph: The ally gains a bonus to the dam-
Encounter ✦ Primal age roll equal to your Charisma modifier.
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You hit an enemy and don’t reduce it to 0 hit points
Thundering Howl Barbarian Attack 3
Target: The enemy you hit
Effect: You mark the target until the end of your next turn. You strike and then let out a thunderous battle cry, which knocks
Until the mark ends, you and the target deal 1d8 extra your foes back.
damage against each other. Encounter ✦ Primal, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Shrug It Off Barbarian Utility 2 Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
With a brutal shake of your head, you slough off a hindrance
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. You then howl in a
before it can affect you.
blast 3 that includes the target. Each enemy in the blast
Encounter ✦ Primal takes 1d6 thunder damage and is pushed 1 square.
Immediate Reaction Personal Thunderborn Wrath: The number of squares you push
Trigger: You are subjected to an effect that a save can end each enemy equals your Constitution modifier.
Effect: You make a saving throw against the triggering ef-
fect. If you succeed, you shift 1 square as a free action.
Whirling Step Barbarian Attack 3
You strike out and keep moving. As you pass, many enemies
Level 3 Encounter Evocations bleed.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Brutal Slam Barbarian Attack 3 Standard Action Melee weapon
Your forceful blow pushes your foe into one of its companions. Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Target: One creature
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Standard Action Melee weapon
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Target: One creature
Effect: You shift 2 squares. If the attack hit, you deal 1[W]
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
damage (off-hand weapon) to one or two enemies that are
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the
adjacent to you at some point during the shift.
target 2 squares and knock it prone. Then one enemy
Whirling Slayer: The number of squares you shift equals
adjacent to the target takes 1d8 + your Strength modifier
your Dexterity modifier.

Reckless Rampage Barbarian Attack 3

As you advance, enemy attacks fuel a wrath that spills over with
undeniable force against your chosen target. PREJUDICE AND REWARDS
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon The most common prejudice that you face in civilized
Standard Action Melee weapon lands is that you are a savage who does as much damage
Effect: Before the attack, you move your speed. If an to your friends as to your enemies. On the bright side,
enemy makes an opportunity attack against you as a
those who believe this slur tend to overvalue your ser-
result of this movement, you gain combat advantage
against the target of this attack.
vices as a hired warrior. In prejudiced areas, a noble or a
Rageblood Vigor: Add your Constitution modifier to the merchant who employs a barbarian counts on rivals and
distance you can move. enemies to give you, and your employer, a wide berth.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Level 5 Daily Evocations Razor Wind Rage Barbarian Attack 5
Your strike batters the crowding enemies, unleashing your rage.
Ancient Berserkers’ Rage Barbarian Attack 5 From then on, after each devastating blow, primal winds speed
You lash out and the spirits of ancestral berserkers roar their
approval. As always, they are anxious to fight beside a member Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
of the clan. Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Standard Action Melee weapon
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the
Target: One creature
target 1 square.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Miss: Half damage.
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Effect: You enter the rage of the razor wind. Until the rage
Miss: Half damage.
ends, whenever your Rampage class feature is triggered,
Effect: You enter the rage of the ancient berserkers. At the
you can shift a number of squares equal to your Dexter-
start of each of your turns until the rage ends, you gain
ity modifier and then make a melee basic attack against
combat advantage against each enemy adjacent to you
each enemy adjacent to you as a free action, instead of
and a power bonus to damage rolls against them equal
making a single melee basic attack.
to your Charisma modifier. These benefits last until the
end of your turn.
Tiger’s Claw Rage Barbarian Attack 5
Rage of the Barbarian Attack 5 Your attack awakens the tiger spirit within you. Its raking claws
punish any enemies that avoid your blows.
Crimson Hurricane
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Your swing arcs around you, and rage transforms you into a
Standard Action Melee weapon
swirling storm of death, dangerous to any enemy near you.
Target: One creature
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon Attack: Strength vs. AC
Standard Action Close burst 1 Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Target: Each enemy in burst Miss: Half damage.
Attack: Strength vs. AC Effect: You enter the rage of the tiger’s claw. Until the rage
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. ends, when you miss any creature with an at-will melee
Effect: Each target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). You attack, that creature takes 1[W] damage.
enter the rage of the crimson hurricane. Until the rage
ends, when you hit any enemy with a primal melee power,
each enemy adjacent to you takes damage equal to your
Level 6 Utility Evocations
Strength modifier. Climber’s Claws Barbarian Utility 6
Thick claws spring from your hands, allowing you to scale sur-
faces quickly.
Kavaki roared as he swung his axe, and the world slowed. Minor Action Personal
He saw the blade gleam in the torchlight, saw it cut Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a climb
speed equal to your speed.
through the orc’s armor, watched a spray of blood erupt
from the creature’s side. He heard the crunch of ribs, then
the orc’s gurgling death cry as it tried to bring its own axe Primal Charge Barbarian Utility 6
to bear for one final blow. Kavaki’s foot lashed out and You thunder across the battlefield in a blur of steel and speed.
knocked the weapon from the orc’s hand. Encounter ✦ Primal
The earth beneath him trembled with the answering Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +4 pow-
roar of Kavaki’s warrior ancestors shouting their approval.
er bonus to speed when charging.
For a moment he saw them, their weapons gleaming gold
as they gathered around him. He raised his axe, dripping
Relentless Surge Barbarian Utility 6
with orc blood, and the ancestors shouted again.
With a deep breath, you draw vigor from within yourself.
The orcs could not hear the ancestors, he knew. And
yet the orcs quailed, their savagery replaced by fear as Encounter ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal
he leaped into their midst, hewing right and left. Distant
Effect: You gain 5 + your Constitution modifier temporary
voices urged him on, and he fought with strength bor- hit points.
rowed from generations of warriors before him.
He felt those warriors’ hands clapping his shoulders
and slapping his back, and as the last orc fell, he allowed
himself a moment to bask in their approval. His clan had
left him for dead years ago. So perhaps he was dead—but
if that meant he could fight alongside the greatest war-
riors of the past, Kavaki didn’t mind.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Run Rampant Harbinger of Doom

Barbarian Utility 6 Barbarian Attack 7
With bestial might, you break free and step forward, eager for You hack through one foe, and your battle cry heralds doom for
battle again. the enemies before you.
Encounter ✦ Primal Encounter ✦ Fear, Primal, Weapon
Minor Action Personal Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: You make either an escape attempt or a saving Target: One creature
throw against an effect that immobilizes, restrains, or Attack: Strength vs. AC
slows you. You gain a bonus to the roll equal to your Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. You then howl in a
Strength modifier. blast 3 that includes the target. Each enemy in the blast
gains vulnerable 5 to all damage until the end of your
Snarling Defiance Barbarian Utility 6 next turn.
Thunderborn Wrath: The vulnerability equals 3 + your
Your blood flows, and your response is a feral snarl as you pre-
Constitution modifier.
pare to make the offender pay.
Daily ✦ Primal
Looming Threat Barbarian Attack 7
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You are hit and damaged by an attack An ally might have raised a foe’s ire, but once you strike, that
Effect: You take half damage from the attack and gain a +2 enemy must pay attention to you.
power bonus to attack rolls against the attacker until the Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
end of your next turn. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Level 7 Encounter Evocations Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. If the target is
marked by an ally, the attack deals 1[W] extra damage.
Blood Sacrifice Barbarian Attack 7 You then mark the target until the end of your next turn.
You wound yourself, offering your pain to the spirits in exchange Rageblood Vigor: Until the mark ends, you gain a power
for a more telling strike. bonus to damage rolls against the target equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Effect: Before the attack, you can take 1d10 damage. If
you do so, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to
the damage you take + your Constitution modifier.
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.

Fearsome Smash Barbarian Attack 7

Smashing your weapon through your foe’s defenses injures both
body and will.
Encounter ✦ Fear, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target
takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
next turn.
Thaneborn Triumph: The penalty to attack rolls equals 1 +
your Charisma modifier.
Special: You can use this power against an adjacent enemy
as an immediate reaction that triggers when that enemy
hits you.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Slash and Slash Again Barbarian Attack 7 Rage of the Primal Banshee Barbarian Attack 9
You strike hard and then lay into enemies all around you. You manifest shrieking spirits as you strike your enemy. While
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon the spirits remain, your foes can’t bring themselves to rush your
Standard Action Melee weapon allies.
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons. Daily ✦ Fear, Primal, Weapon
Target: One creature Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon) Target: One creature
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the start of Attack: Strength vs. AC
your next turn, you can use a free action to deal 1[W] Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the
damage (off-hand weapon) to any enemy that starts its target 3 squares.
turn adjacent to you. Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.
Whirling Slayer: Add your Dexterity modifier to the off- Effect: You enter the rage of the primal banshee. Until the
hand weapon damage. rage ends, enemies cannot charge any ally who is within
a number of squares of you equal to your Charisma
Level 9 Daily Evocations modifier.

Flying Serpent Rage Barbarian Attack 9 Serpent Fang Rage Barbarian Attack 9
Coiling, spitting, and darting, you react to the enemy’s charge Scale-shaped tattoos form on your arms, and you strike with a
with brutal swiftness. suddenly envenomed weapon. From then on, your rage-flushed
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon markings distract those you damage.
Immediate Reaction Melee weapon Daily ✦ Poison, Primal, Rage, Weapon
Trigger: An enemy charges you or an ally Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you shift 6 squares. Target: One creature
Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Strength vs. AC
Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier poison damage, and ongoing
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. 5 poison damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage. Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You enter the rage of the flying serpent. Until the Effect: You enter the rage of the serpent fang. Until the
rage ends, you can shift 2 squares as a move action. In rage ends, any enemy you hit grants combat advantage
addition, after making a charge attack on your turn, you until the end of your next turn.
can take further actions during that turn.

Rage of the Battle Tyrant Barbarian Attack 9

Level 10 Utility Evocations
Your strike awakens a rage within you that urges your allies to
move about the battlefield with impunity whenever you hit.
Barbaric Instinct Barbarian Utility 10
Submerging conscious thought, you cut through the fog that
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
threatens to envelop your mind.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Daily ✦ Primal
Attack: Strength vs. AC Immediate Interrupt Personal
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target gains Trigger: You are subjected to a dazing or a stunning effect
vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends). Effect: If the effect would have dazed you, you aren’t
Miss: Half damage. dazed. If the effect would have stunned you, you are
Effect: You enter the rage of the battle tyrant. Until the dazed instead.
rage ends, when you hit any enemy with a primal attack
power, one ally within 2 squares of that enemy can shift Barbaric Offering Barbarian Utility 10
1 square as a free action.
You ruin your foe, and the spirit of triumph steels you against a
Rage of the Death Spirit Barbarian Attack 9
Encounter ✦ Primal
As you strike, robbing your foe of its strength, you awaken a Free Action Personal
spirit that commands your enemies’ attention. Trigger: You bloody an enemy or reduce it to 0 hit points
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon Effect: You make a saving throw against one effect that a
Standard Action Melee weapon save can end, with a bonus equal to your Charisma modi-
Target: One creature fier (minimum +1).
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
weakened (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is weakened until the end
of your next turn.
Effect: You enter the rage of the death spirit. Until the rage
ends, as the first action of each of your turns, you can use
a free action to mark each enemy within 2 squares of you
until the end of your next turn. In addition, you gain a +2
bonus to attack rolls against enemies marked by you.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Enraged Surge Fortune’s Favor

Barbarian Utility 10 Barbarian Attack 13
Your errant blow fuels your anger, empowering your strikes for You strike at an odd angle, gambling that your enemy will react
a few moments. by maneuvering into the force of your blow.
Encounter ✦ Primal Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Free Action Personal Standard Action Melee weapon
Trigger: You miss with an attack while raging Target: One creature
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to melee attack rolls Attack: Strength vs. AC
and melee damage rolls until the end of your next turn. Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. You can reroll
the attack. If the reroll hits, the attack deals 1[W] extra
Howl of the Alpha Wolf Barbarian Utility 10 damage. If the reroll misses, the attack deals 1[W] less
You snarl nearly incomprehensible orders to your allies, and
they hasten to obey.
Iron Breaker’s Shout Barbarian Attack 13
Encounter ✦ Primal
Move Action Close burst 5 You deliver a telling blow, then issue a battle cry so ferocious
Target: One ally in burst, or each ally in burst if you have that it causes your foes’ defenses to weaken.
reduced an enemy to 0 hit points during this turn Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Effect: You slide each target 2 squares. You then shift 3 Standard Action Melee weapon
squares. Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Totemic Scarification Barbarian Utility 10 Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. You then howl in a
blast 3 that includes the target. Each enemy in the blast
As you set aside caution for relentlessness, glowing totemic sym-
takes a penalty to all defenses equal to your Constitution
bols begin carving themselves across your skin.
modifier until the end of your next turn.
Daily ✦ Primal, Stance Thunderborn Wrath: The penalty to all defenses equals 1
Minor Action Personal + your Constitution modifier.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you take a –2 penalty to all
defenses but gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Rolling Boulder Barbarian Attack 13
You barrel through your enemies, knocking them aside as you
Level 13 Encounter Evocations bear down on your chosen foe.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Ancient Clan Strike Barbarian Attack 13
Standard Action Melee weapon
Your tattoos, scars, and markings burn with primal energy, Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
guiding and empowering a deadly blow. Primary Target: One creature
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Effect: You knock the primary target prone. You then shift
Standard Action Melee weapon 3 squares and can move through prone enemies’ spaces
Target: One creature during the shift. Make a secondary attack.
Effect: Before the attack, you can take 3d6 damage. If you do Whirling Slayer: The number of squares you shift equals 1
so, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll and do not expend this + your Dexterity modifier.
power if you miss. Secondary Target: One enemy other than the primary
Rageblood Vigor: If you take the damage, you also gain
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Constitution
Hit: 2[W] + 1[W] (off-hand weapon) + Strength modifier
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Level 15 Daily Evocations
Blood-Frenzy Strike Barbarian Attack 13
Your heavy blow draws blood and undermines the enemy’s re- Ancestral War Band Rage Barbarian Attack 15
solve in the face of greater damage. You hew at your enemy, and the spirits of ancestral warriors rise
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon up to aid you.
Standard Action Melee weapon Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Target: One creature Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Target: One creature
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target Attack: Strength vs. AC
gains vulnerable 5 to all damage until the end of your Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.
next turn. Miss: Half damage.
Thaneborn Triumph: The vulnerability equals 3 + your Effect: You enter the rage of the ancestral war band. Until
Charisma modifier. the rage ends, you gain combat advantage against any
enemy when making primal melee attacks against it. In
addition, whenever you roll a 1 on a damage die for a pri-
mal attack, the roll changes to the die’s maximum value.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Frost Hide Rage Barbarian Attack 15 Level 16 Utility Evocations
Your weapon becomes icy as you strike. Afterward, the ice
spreads over you, shielding you from harm. Battle Lust Barbarian Utility 16
Daily ✦ Cold, Primal, Rage, Weapon Your bloodlust pulls you from the brink of death.
Standard Action Melee weapon Daily ✦ Healing, Primal
Target: One creature No Action Personal
Attack: Strength vs. AC Trigger: You are dying at the start of your turn
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target Effect: You spend a healing surge, and you can stand up as
is slowed (save ends). a free action. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a
Miss: Half damage. +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +4 bonus to damage rolls.
Effect: You enter the rage of the frost hide. Until the rage
ends, you gain resistance to all damage equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Bounding Advance Barbarian Utility 16
You bound past your foes.
Rage of the War Bringer Barbarian Attack 15 Encounter ✦ Primal
Move Action Personal
Your strike rings out, and your wrath boils over. You inspire
Effect: You shift 5 squares and can move through enemies’
your allies to strike true.
spaces during the shift.
Daily ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Rampant Malice Barbarian Utility 16
Attack: Strength vs. AC While your foe’s attention is drawn to your comrade, you ma-
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. neuver for a telling blow.
Miss: Half damage. Encounter ✦ Primal
Effect: You enter the rage of the war bringer. Until the rage Minor Action Personal
ends, any ally who has line of sight to you gains a bonus Effect: Until the end of your turn, you gain combat ad-
to melee damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier. vantage against any enemy that is marked by an ally of
Scytheclaw Rage Barbarian Attack 15
You batter a foe to the ground, and you channel the spirit of the Scent of Blood Barbarian Utility 16
scytheclaw drake. Even as you swing your weapon, you kick and As your lifeblood drains from you, the scent of it awakens
punch to keep your foes back. primal power, strengthening your blows and aiding your
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon recuperation.
Standard Action Melee weapon Encounter ✦ Primal
Target: One creature Immediate Reaction Personal
Attack: Strength vs. AC Trigger: An enemy bloodies you
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a bonus
Miss: Half damage. equal to your Constitution modifier to damage rolls and
Effect: You knock the target prone. You enter the rage of your healing surge value.
the scytheclaw drake. Until the rage ends, you can push
an enemy adjacent to you 2 squares as a minor action
Strength of Enduring Pain Barbarian Utility 16
once per round.
The wound burns, but that pain merely adds to the devastation
of your blows.
Tidal Rage Barbarian Attack 15
Encounter ✦ Primal
You swing your weapon in an arc, and waves of fury issue
Free Action Personal
forth. You then overpower your foes, moving them around the
Trigger: You take ongoing damage
Effect: Until the end of your turn, you gain a bonus to
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon damage rolls equal to the ongoing damage (if you are
Standard Action Close blast 5 taking multiple types of ongoing damage, the bonus
Target: Each creature in blast equals the highest of them).
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the
target 4 squares.
Level 17 Encounter Evocations
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target 1 square.
Blood-Spattered Frenzy Barbarian Attack 17
Effect: You enter the tidal rage. Until the rage ends, once
per round, when you hit an adjacent enemy with a You whirl around, bathing your enemies in their own blood.
primal power, you slide each enemy adjacent to you 1 Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
square. Standard Action Close burst 1
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Whirling Slayer: The attack can target Reflex instead of AC.
Hit: 2[W] + 1[W] (off-hand weapon) + Strength modifier

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Frightening Strike Level 19 Daily Evocations

Barbarian Attack 17
Your savage strike and maddened gaze wither the resolve of the
enemies around you. Desert Wind Rage Barbarian Attack 19
Encounter ✦ Fear, Primal, Weapon A desert wind rises in the wake of your strike, blinding your foe.
Standard Action Melee weapon The sirocco then expands and settles in, scouring even distant
Target: One creature enemies.
Attack: Strength vs. AC Daily ✦ Fire, Primal, Rage, Weapon
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and each enemy Standard Action Melee weapon
adjacent to you takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the Target: One creature
end of your next turn. Attack: Strength vs. AC
Thaneborn Triumph: The penalty to attack rolls equals 1 + Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
your Charisma modifier. blinded until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage.
Lines of Rage Barbarian Attack 17 Effect: You enter the rage of the desert wind. Until the
Straining your muscles to the point of agony, you channel the rage ends, at the start of each of your turns, you deal 5 +
pain into a devastating blow. your Strength modifier fire damage to each enemy within
5 squares of you.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Elder Tuskbrother Rage Barbarian Attack 19
Effect: Before the attack, you can take 2d8 damage. If you Hurtling at an enemy, you make an inescapable attack. The
do so, the attack deals 2d8 extra damage. spirit of the tuskbrother boar inspires you, adding to the force of
Rageblood Vigor: You can take 1d8 damage instead of 2d8. your charges.
Attack: Strength vs. AC Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Stone-Splitting Roar Barbarian Attack 17 Attack: Strength vs. AC
Your strike draws on the strength of the earth and is followed by Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the
a thunderous battle cry that rattles your enemies. target a number of squares equal to your Constitution
Encounter ✦ Primal, Thunder, Weapon
Miss: Half damage.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: You enter the rage of the elder tuskbrother. Until
Target: One creature
the rage ends, whenever you charge an enemy and hit,
Attack: Strength vs. AC
you push that enemy a number of squares equal to your
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. You then howl in a
Constitution modifier.
blast 3 that includes the target. Each enemy in the blast
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a
takes 2d6 thunder damage and grants combat advantage
melee basic attack.
until the end of your next turn.
Thunderborn Wrath: Add your Constitution modifier to
the thunder damage.
Whirling Skirmish Barbarian Attack 17
The shades of powerful barbarians frequently linger in
Using the momentum of your strike, you cut across the battle- the world as ancestor spirits. Sometimes death brings a
field, eluding blows and then imperiling your foes.
perspective that can be difficult to appreciate in life. In
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon other cases, barbarians who lived hard and died young
Standard Action Melee weapon
feel compelled to learn more of the history of the people
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Target: One creature
they barely got to know while they lived. In still other
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon) cases, barbarians leave important tasks unfinished when
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. You shift 3 squares they die earlier than they had expected. A powerful bar-
and then deal 2[W] damage (off-hand weapon) to each barian ancestor spirit might bide its time through the
enemy adjacent to you. generations, waiting for the advent of a new barbarian
Whirling Slayer: The number of squares you shift equals 1 hero capable of accomplishing the quest that the spirit
+ your Dexterity modifier.
was unable to complete in its own life. Separate from any
tribe or village, outside the nurturing power of the primal
spirits, such an ancestor might have become a sad or
vengeful ghost. Inside the spirit way, however, it functions
as a more or less patient counselor, waiting for the day
when its unfulfilled obligations can be laid to rest.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Primal War Band Rage Barbarian Attack 19 Rock Tree Rage Barbarian Attack 19
The spirits of an ancient war band spiral around you, distract- Your overwhelming strike calls the spirit of the great rock
ing your foes. tree, rooting you and allowing you to lash out at approaching
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon enemies.
Standard Action Melee weapon Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Target: One creature Immediate Reaction Melee weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to you
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage. Target: The triggering enemy
Miss: Half damage. Attack: Strength vs. AC
Effect: You enter the rage of the primal war band. Until the Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage.
rage ends, each enemy within 5 squares of you grants Miss: Half damage.
combat advantage. Effect: You enter the rage of the rock tree. Until the rage
ends, when any enemy enters a square adjacent to you,
you can make an opportunity attack against that enemy.
In addition, if you are pulled, pushed, or slid, you can re-
duce the distance of the forced movement by 2 squares.

Voracious Predator Rage Barbarian Attack 19

You swing mightily, and spirit predators arise, empowering your
blows whenever you leave an enemy’s body in your wake.
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. If the target is al-
ready bloodied, the attack deals 1[W] extra damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You enter the rage of the voracious predator. Until
the rage ends, when you reduce any enemy to 0 hit
points with an attack, you gain a +2 power bonus to your
next weapon attack roll, and that next attack deals 1[W]
extra damage if it hits.

Level 22 Utility Evocations

Blood Seeker’s Pursuit Barbarian Utility 22
You are drawn to foes closer to death, and their wounds fortify
Encounter ✦ Primal
Move Action Personal
Requirement: No enemies are adjacent to you.
Effect: You shift your speed. You gain 1d8 + your
Constitution modifier temporary hit points, plus 1d8
temporary hit points for each bloodied enemy adjacent
to you at the end of the shift.

Brutal Payback Barbarian Utility 22

Absorbing a mighty blow, you turn your pain into power for a
short time.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An enemy scores a critical hit against you
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to attack rolls until the
end of your next turn.
W I L L I A M O ’ CO N N O R

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Emboldening Courage Barbarian Utility 22 Level 23 Encounter Evocations
Your allies are heartened by your relentlessness and move to
assist you. Berserker’s Flurry Barbarian Attack 23
Encounter ✦ Primal You strike deeply, then extend your weapons in a whirl of rage,
Free Action Close burst 3 striking foes that venture too close.
Trigger: You hit or miss an enemy with a charge attack
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Target: Each ally in burst
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: As a free action, each target can shift 3 squares to a
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
square closer to the enemy.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Raging Resurgence Barbarian Utility 22 Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of
The spirits rejoice in your enemy’s errant blow, and their exulta- your next turn, you deal 1[W] damage (off-hand weapon)
tion invigorates you. to any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to you.
Daily ✦ Healing, Primal Whirling Slayer: Add your Dexterity modifier to the off-
Immediate Reaction Personal hand weapon damage.
Trigger: An enemy misses you with an attack
Effect: You spend a healing surge and regain additional hit Cutting the Path Barbarian Attack 23
points equal to your Constitution modifier. You knock away nearby enemies, then dash across the battle-
field to attack a single foe.
Unexpected Clarity Barbarian Utility 22 Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
An astonishing strike opens up new opportunities for you. Standard Action Close burst 1
Daily ✦ Primal Primary Target: Each enemy in burst
Free Action Personal Primary Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Trigger: You score a critical hit with a barbarian attack Hit: You push the primary target 2 squares and knock it
power and haven’t used Rampage during this round prone.
Effect: In place of making a melee basic attack as a result Effect: You move your speed. Then make a secondary attack.
of Rampage, you can take an additional standard action Secondary Target: One creature other than the primary
on your next turn. targets
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Leaves Before the Wind Barbarian Attack 23 Clawed Ancestor Rage Barbarian Attack 25
The battle cry that follows your strike scatters your foes. You strike a mighty blow, then draw the enemy close. The shad-
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon owy presence of the Great Bear grows within you, roaring into
Standard Action Melee weapon full frenzy as you clench a foe.
Target: One creature Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Standard Action Melee 1
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. You then howl in a Target: One creature
blast 3 that includes the target. You slide each enemy in Attack: Strength vs. AC
the blast 3 squares. Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you grab the
Thunderborn Wrath: The number of squares you slide target.
each enemy equals 2 + your Constitution modifier. Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You enter the rage of the clawed ancestor. Until
Rabid Beast Barbarian Attack 23 the rage ends, you can make a grab attempt as a minor
action once per round. You add your weapon’s enhance-
You recklessly stalk a distant enemy and are emboldened by
ment bonus to this grab attempt. In addition, if an en-
attacks on the way.
emy begins its turn grabbed by you, it takes 10 + your
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Strength modifier damage.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: You grant combat advantage until the start of your
Rage of the Unbridled Beast Barbarian Attack 25
next turn. You then move your speed and make the fol-
lowing attack. If an enemy makes an opportunity attack Your strike savages your foe’s defenses and looses your inner
against you as a result of this movement, your attack beast, quickening your reflexes and causing pain to any foe that
deals 1[W] extra damage. draws near.
Target: One creature Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Standard Action Melee weapon
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage. Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
This One Is Mine! Barbarian Attack 23 Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target
takes a penalty to AC equal to your Constitution modifier
Taking advantage of an enemy focused on one of your allies, you
(save ends).
deliver a mighty strike, which turns that enemy’s focus to you.
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes a penalty to AC
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon equal to your Constitution modifier until the end of your
Standard Action Melee weapon next turn.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 pow- Effect: You enter the rage of the unbridled beast. Until the
er bonus to attack rolls against any enemy marked by rage ends, when any enemy enters a square adjacent
any of your allies. Then make the following attack. to you, you can make a melee basic attack against that
Target: One creature enemy as an opportunity action.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you mark the
Raptor’s Eye Rage Barbarian Attack 25
enemy until the end of your next turn.
Rageblood Vigor: Until the mark ends, you gain a bonus to With the vision of a bird of prey, you strike with deadly accuracy.
damage rolls against the target equal to your Constitution Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
modifier. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC. You make two attack rolls and use
Level 25 Daily Evocations either result.
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Circle of Blood Rage Barbarian Attack 25 Miss: Half damage.
You spin, hacking at your enemies. The image of the circle of Effect: You enter the rage of the raptor’s eye. Until the rage
blood used in your initiation rites grips your mind, empowering ends, you can reroll a single damage die each time you
your later attacks. roll damage.
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You enter the rage of the circle of blood. Until the
rage ends, you gain a power bonus to attack rolls with
barbarian at-will attack powers and rage strike equal to
the number of creatures you targeted with this power.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Level 27 Encounter Evocations Menacing Blow

Barbarian Attack 27
Your ferocious swing chills your foe, leaving it ripe for further
Crippling Assault Barbarian Attack 27 punishment.
Your strike demoralizes your enemy, leaving it more vulnerable Encounter ✦ Fear, Primal, Weapon
to ensuing blows. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Standard Action Melee weapon
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target
Target: One creature
takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls and grants combat ad-
Attack: Strength vs. AC
vantage until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target
gains vulnerable 5 to all damage until the start of your
next turn. Savage Ancestors Strike Barbarian Attack 27
Thaneborn Triumph: The vulnerability equals 3 + your You feel the pain of your own fury, causing your strike to be even
Charisma modifier. more life-threatening to your foe.
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
a melee basic attack. Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you can take 5d6 damage to gain a
Frenzied Scramble Barbarian Attack 27 +2 bonus to the attack roll. If you do so, you do not expend
You slam your enemy with your weapon and then whirl toward this power if you miss.
other foes to give them a taste of the pain. Rageblood Vigor: You can take 3d6 damage instead of
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Target: One creature
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you gain a +2
Target: One creature
power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. You shift 3 squares
and then deal 2[W] damage (off-hand weapon) to each
enemy adjacent to you. Terrifying Howl Barbarian Attack 27
Whirling Slayer: Add your Dexterity modifier to the off- You engage the enemy, and your thunderous battle cry crashes
hand weapon damage. over your enemies, rattling them so much that they can’t move.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
BORN TO THE BEAST Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier thunder damage. You then
Some barbarians retain little memory of their rage, or howl in a blast 3 that includes the target. Each enemy in
even the broad details of battle. Once combat begins, it’s the blast is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
as if they literally become someone or something else. In Thunderborn Wrath: Until the end of your next turn, you
the aftermath, they remember only scattered thoughts, gain a bonus to attack rolls against immobilized enemies
equal to your Constitution modifier.
blurred images, and the feelings of triumph and power.
Some cultures mark such warriors as “born to the
beast.” These barbarians receive little in the way of formal Level 29 Daily Evocations
training; the beast that lurks within them, or the Primal
Beast itself, guides their hands in battle. Many stories are Ancient Forebears’ Rage Barbarian Attack 29
told of a warrior born to the beast taking up a throwing You inflict a devastating blow, and the spirits of your forebears
axe while still a child and saving his family by hewing a empower your other attacks.
dozen enemy marauders. Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Given their relative lack of formal training, those born Standard Action Melee weapon
to the beast favor simple weapons, such as clubs and Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
maces. In battle, such warriors howl and shriek like wild
Hit: 6[W] + Strength modifier damage.
animals, their muscles surging with raw, primal magic. Miss: Half damage.
This boon comes at a price. If a barbarian who is born Effect: You enter the rage of the ancient forebears. Until
to the beast fails to establish contact with wiser or less the rage ends, whenever you roll 1 or 2 on a damage
feral beasts or ancestor spirits, he or she risks giving in die for a primal attack, the roll changes to the die’s
to the beast completely and becoming little more than maximum value.
a wandering berserker, a dangerous animal whose lust
for battle can end only in death. The Primal Beast is
too savage to consider that possible outcome to be a

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Rage of Retribution Barbarian Attack 29 Thunderstorm Rage Barbarian Attack 29
Waves of force issue from your blow, injuring surrounding en- You hit your foe with a shocking strike, sparking a rage that
emies. Your rage erupts, immediately punishing enemies that causes thunder to boom over your enemies.
wound you. Daily ✦ Primal, Lightning, Rage, Thunder, Weapon
Daily ✦ Force, Primal, Rage, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC
Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and ongoing 15
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and each enemy, lightning damage (save ends).
other than the target, within 5 squares of you takes 2[W] Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 lightning damage (save
force damage. ends).
Miss: Half damage. Effect: You enter the rage of the thunderstorm. Until the
Effect: You enter the rage of retribution. Until the rage rage ends, once per round when you make an attack roll
ends, whenever a single attack deals 20 damage or more against an enemy and hit, you can make the attack roll a
to you, you can deal 10 damage to each enemy within 5 second time against that enemy. If the second attack roll
squares of you as a free action. hits, the attack deals 2[W] extra thunder damage.

Rage of the Barbarian Attack 29

Thundering Rhino
You channel your attack to awaken the rage of the thundering
rhino. When you hit a foe, you send it flying.
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you move your speed to a square
adjacent to an enemy.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier thunder damage, and you
push the target a number of squares equal to your
Constitution modifier. The target and each creature
adjacent to it are then knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.
Effect: You enter the rage of the thundering rhino. Until
the rage ends, whenever you hit an enemy with a basic

attack, that attack deals 1[W] extra thunder damage, and

you push that enemy 1 square.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian

Ancestral Weapon Ancestor’s Presence Ancestral Weapon Utility 12
Calling on the spirit of an honored ancestor for aid, you focus
“What is best in life? To end each battle in honor and
on the destruction of a chosen foe.
Daily ✦ Primal
Minor Action Close burst 5
Prerequisite: Barbarian, Rampage class feature Target: One enemy in burst
Effect: You mark the target until the end of the encounter.
Elders tell stories to the young about the days when Whenever the target makes an attack before this mark
honored ancestors roamed the land. According to the ends, you gain a power bonus to damage rolls against it
stories, these forebears were a breed apart: stronger, equal to your Charisma modifier. The power bonus lasts
wiser, and more attuned to the virtues of the spirit until the end of your next turn.
way than the people of today are. The ancestors’ spir-
its do little to discourage such tales. It’s good to be Ancestral Ancestral Weapon Attack 20
remembered fondly and respectfully, so that young Weapon’s Rage
people will heed ancient lessons. Eventually, the You strike hard, and the awesome power of the ancestors flows
young grow up and learn that people throughout his- through you. To protect your allies, you then draw your enemies’
tory have largely been the same. ire to yourself.
You are exceptional, however—one of those who Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
truly is a breed apart. You are a mighty slayer, a Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
champion who can keep a community alive through
Attack: Strength vs. AC
the worst of times. You can inspire your people to Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.
take on fights they normally couldn’t win, and your Miss: Half damage.
bravery might make you a hero for the ages. Effect: You mark the target until the end of your next turn.
Ancestral spirits have marked you as their You enter the rage of the ancestral weapon. Until the
chosen warrior, so they remain close to you. If they rage ends, you mark each enemy you attack until the end
can help keep you alive, everyone benefits. If you of your next turn. In addition, you deal 1[W] extra dam-
age against enemies marked by you.
fall, they’ll be on hand to welcome you into their
ancestral war band.

Ancestral Weapon
Path Features
Strong Spirit (11th level): You add your Cha-
risma modifier to your healing surge value.
Battle Spirit’s Touch (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack and hit at
least one target with that attack, you can spend a
healing surge.
Lethal Rampage (16th level): In place of making
a melee basic attack as a result of Rampage, you can
use a melee at-will attack power

Ancestral Weapon Evocations

Blood-Spattered Fury Ancestral Weapon Attack 11
You explode in violence, striking out and drawing your enemies’
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 2
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you mark the
target until the end of your next turn. Until the mark
ends, you and the target deal 1[W] extra damage against

each other.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Building Thunder
“Dragon, the spirits rebuke you with thunder!”

Prerequisite: Barbarian, Thunderborn

Wrath class feature

As you have grown in power, the thunder spirits

riding on your war cries have amassed strength of
their own. When your weapon strikes true, the spirits
pour from you in an unrivaled storm, smashing
enemies who might have shrugged off your phys-
ical blows or the war cries of a lesser thunderborn
Like a great storm piling thunderheads
higher and darker, you gather strength as you
fight battles and suffer wounds. More con-
servative warriors hold back or retreat when their
wounds accumulate, whereas you reach your peak
when your reserves are close to their end.
When the storm finally breaks, your voice calls the
lightning as well as the thunder spirits. You master
the full arsenal of the storm.

Building Thunder Path Features

Thunder Rolls In (11th level): When you spend
an action point to use a thunder power, you can turn
any blast 3 created by that power into a blast 5.
Thunderous Echo (11th level): When you hit an
enemy with a thunder power, you deal extra thunder
damage equal to your Constitution modifier to the
first creature you hit before the end of your next turn.
Lightning Flash (16th level): Your thunder
powers deal lightning and thunder damage when
they deal thunder damage.
Storm Dragon Rage Building Thunder Attack 20
Building Thunder Evocations Lightning arcs from your weapon as you fly against those that
defy the storm.
Finishing Thunder Building Thunder Attack 11 Daily ✦ Lightning, Primal, Rage, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
You attack, then release a thundering shout that blasts injured
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Encounter ✦ Primal, Thunder, Weapon Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier lightning and thunder
Standard Action Melee weapon damage. You then howl in a blast 3 that includes the
Target: One creature target. Each enemy in the blast, other than the target, is
Attack: Strength vs. AC dazed until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. You then howl in a Miss: Half damage.
blast 3 that includes the target. Each bloodied enemy in Effect: You enter the rage of the storm dragon. Until the
the blast takes 5 + your Constitution modifier thunder rage ends, once per round when you hit with an at-will
damage. attack power, you deal 1[W] lightning and thunder dam-
age to each enemy within 3 squares of you. In addition,
Storm Gathering Building Thunder Utility 12 you gain a fly speed equal to your speed, and you must
Through sheer force of will, you turn the fatigue of the day’s land at the end of your turn when you fly using this rage.
battles to your advantage.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, your attacks deal
extra thunder damage equal to the number of healing

surges you have spent since your last extended rest.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Calm Fury Calm Fury Evocations

“Though I am consumed by rage, I push through to the
stillness of true ferocity.” Furious Calm Calm Fury Attack 11
With a heavy strike, you settle into your fury, allowing you to
Prerequisite: Barbarian, rage strike power tap reserves of endurance.
Encounter ✦ Healing, Primal, Weapon
In the past, you raged like any other barbarian. Then Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
you learned the secret power that comes from being
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
able to harness your fury. You now attain the furious Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you can spend
clarity on the far side of rage. You walk a perfectly a healing surge.
controlled sword’s edge of lethal potential.
It might have been a specific catastrophe—a Deliberate Rampage Calm Fury Utility 12
moment when you had spent yourself in savagery and Your previous devastating blow grants you an opening to strike
could not respond to a new and greater threat—that again, and a chance to use your rage for invigoration.
showed you the way to a higher plane of rage. Or you Encounter ✦ Primal
might have felt a call to a deeper understanding of Free Action Personal
rage, one that eludes other barbarians. Trigger: You score a critical hit with a barbarian attack
You have the spirit and the understanding of an power and haven’t used Rampage this round
elder. You are able to look beyond the next few bloody Effect: In place of making a melee basic attack as a result
moments toward what might be best for the future. of Rampage, you can use furious calm, even if you have
already used that power during this encounter.
The primal spirits you call on are wise and strong.
They share with you a broad perspective, the knowl-
edge that controlled fury can be stronger than rage Lethal Ancestor Rage Calm Fury Attack 20
without restraint. An ancestor wreathes you in power, strengthening your attacks
and invigorating you.
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Calm Fury Path Features Standard Action Melee weapon
Strength in Action (11th level): When you Target: One creature
spend an action point to take an extra action, you Attack: Strength vs. AC
regain hit points equal to one-half your level + your Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Strength modifier. Miss: Half damage.
Certain Savagery (11th level): You don’t need to Effect: You enter the rage of the lethal ancestor. Until the
rage ends, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls with
be raging to use rage strike. On a miss, your rage strike
at-will attack powers and rage strike. In addition, when
deals no damage, you don’t expend a rage power, and you hit any enemy with an at-will attack power or rage
you don’t expend a use of rage strike. strike, you gain temporary hit points equal to one-half
Relentless Pace (16th level): You can use rage your level + your Strength modifier.
strike three times per day, and it deals 1[W] extra

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Death’s Thane Killing Ground Death’s Thane Utility 12
After you send a foe to its afterlife, you issue a yell that infuses
“Flee before me, fools! My battle cry heralds the stride of
an area with the might of primal death.
death itself.”
Daily ✦ Primal, Zone
Free Action Close blast 5
Prerequisite: Barbarian, Thunderborn Wrath Trigger: Your attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points
class feature Effect: The blast creates a zone of death that lasts until
the end of the encounter. You gain a +1 bonus to attack
From a young age, you studied the turning of the sea- rolls and a +4 bonus to damage rolls against any enemy
sons and the relentless march of time. In the end, all within the zone.
things die. You embraced this truth, and in accepting
the certainty of death, you found that it elicited no Reaper’s Rage Death’s Thane Attack 20
fear in you. Death is as common as the rain on your You strike with deadly intent and bellow, rooting your enemies
face or the wind through your hair. Why turn away in despair. From then on, you personify relentless death.
from it like a frightened rabbit? Daily ✦ Necrotic, Primal, Rage, Weapon
As a barbarian, death is your steady companion on Standard Action Melee weapon
the battlefield. Your profound acceptance of mortality Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
and your mastery of primal magic combine to trans-
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier necrotic damage.
form you into death’s herald. You channel the fleeting Miss: Half damage.
passage of life and the inevitability of the grave Effect: You howl in a blast 3 that includes the target. Each
through your mighty battle cries. Your mere presence enemy in the blast is immobilized (save ends). You enter
on the battlefield is enough to drive the most supersti- the rage of the reaper. Until the rage ends, when any
tious of your enemies before you. As for the rest, they enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of you, you can
fall like wheat before the harvester’s scythe. shift 3 squares to a square adjacent to that enemy as a
free action.

Death’s Thane Path Features

Death’s Right Hand (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action during
the same turn when you reduced an enemy to 0 hit
points, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus
to damage rolls equal to your Constitution modifier
until the end of your next turn.
Death Shout (11th level): Each target you push
with your war cry power takes necrotic damage equal
to your Constitution modifier.
Inevitability of Death (16th level): You make
death saving throws at the start of your turn, rather
than at the end. Whenever you fail a death saving
throw, each enemy within 3 squares of you takes 5
necrotic damage.

Death’s Thane Evocations

Death Cry Death’s Thane Attack 11
You strike and let out a macabre howl, sapping the strength of
enemies before you.
Encounter ✦ Necrotic, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier necrotic damage. You then
howl in a blast 3 that includes the target. Each enemy in
the blast is weakened until the end of your next turn.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Stonefire Rager Path Features

Calm Before the Flame (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack, each target
you hit takes extra fire damage equal to your Consti-
tution modifier and is knocked prone.
Resilience of Stone (11th level): When an
enemy scores a critical hit against you, you can roll a
d20. On a 10 or higher, that attack becomes a normal
hit instead of a critical hit.
Fire’s Wrath (16th level): While you are blood-
ied, you gain resist 10 fire and a +2 bonus to damage

Stonefire Rager Evocations

Pyroclastic Tide Stonefire Rager Attack 11
You swing your weapon mightily, channeling a primal fire that
washes over your enemies.
Encounter ✦ Fire, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and each enemy
within 2 squares of you takes fire damage equal to your
Strength modifier.

Serenity of Stone Stonefire Rager Utility 12

You skin becomes hard as stone, allowing you to shrug off even
the most potent attacks.
Daily ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must not be raging.
Effect: You gain resist 10 to all damage until you use a rage
power or until the end of the encounter.
Stonefire Rager
“The earth’s rage abides deep below. When roused, it bucks Volcanic Rage Stonefire Rager Attack 20
and heaves, leaving nowhere to run or hide.” Your weapon is sheathed in flame as you strike. Your wrath
boils over, radiating from your molten skin and scorching
nearby foes.
Prerequisite: Barbarian
Daily ✦ Fire, Primal, Rage, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Many barbarians fight with the viciousness of a wild Target: One creature
animal. Others draw strength from the violence of Attack: Strength vs. AC
storms or the destructiveness of fire. You prefer a Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier fire damage.
more steady source: the might of earth and stone. Miss: Half damage.
Although the earth endures in stillness, entire cities Effect: You enter the rage of the volcano. Until the rage
are destroyed when its anger is incited. You have ends, as the first action of each of your turns, you can
deal 5 + your Constitution modifier fire damage to each
studied the power of the earth and learned to incor-
enemy within 3 squares of you as a free action. In addi-
porate it into your barbarian evocations. You combine tion, if an adjacent enemy hits you, you gain a +2 bonus
the raging fury of magma with the patience of stone. to attack rolls against that enemy until the end of your
Stonefire ragers are common among dwarves and next turn.
goliaths. They scale the greatest peaks of the world
to commune with mountain spirits. Here and there,
small monasteries stand atop mountains where stone-
fire ragers gather. At first glance, the warrior monks
of these places seem to be simple ascetics. Woe to the
villain that dares disturb their meditations.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Twinclaw Slayer Twinclaw Slayer Path Features
“Stand proud and face me, dog!” Close Destruction (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack, you gain a
Prerequisite: Barbarian, Whirling Slayer class bonus to its attack rolls equal to the number of ene-
feature mies adjacent to you.
Threshing Mist (11th level): When any of
Your prowess is hardly a mystery to those who behold your attacks deals both your main weapon and off-
you. You hold a weapon in your right hand and hand weapon damage to the same target, you can
another weapon in your left. You keep your inner shift 1 square to a square adjacent to the target as a
self somewhat contained until battle begins. At that free action.
point, you hurl yourself against as many enemies as Bloody Price (16th level): While you are
possible. The two weapons in your hands, project- wielding two melee weapons, you can reroll a
ing from your whirling arms, are the lethal claws of missed opportunity attack once per turn and use
a great predator. The spirit pack trailing you growls either result.
with bloodlust and relishes the kill.
You cultivate the feral spirit of a great wolverine, a Twinclaw Slayer Evocations
scytheclaw drake, an ancient tribal hero, or another
vicious combatant. This spirit guides your path, Twinclaw Rend Twinclaw Slayer Attack 11
finally manifesting through you when you have mas- Both your weapons bite deep, and the scent of fresh blood guides
tered the twinclaw berserker rage. your subsequent blows.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Hit: 2[W] + 1[W] (off-hand weapon) + Strength modifier
damage. You gain a +2 power bonus to melee attack rolls
until the end of your next turn.
Special: You can use this power in place of a melee basic

Dangerous Blur Twinclaw Slayer Utility 12

You whirl your weapons closer to a foe, swearing retribution.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An adjacent enemy hits you
Effect: The next attack you make against the triggering
enemy before the end of your next turn deals 1[W] extra
damage (off-hand weapon).

Twinclaw Twinclaw Slayer Attack 20

Berserker Rage
You strike at enemies far and wide. Your rage then transforms
you into a frenzy of steel.
Daily ✦ Primal, Rage, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 2
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Hit: 2[W] + 1[W] (off-hand weapon) + Strength modifier
Effect: You enter the rage of the twinclaw berserker. Until
the rage ends, as the first action of each of your turns, you
can deal 2[W] damage (off-hand weapon) to each enemy
adjacent to you as a free action.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian
Winter Fury

“The world awakens in spring. You won’t.”

Prerequisite: Barbarian

Winter and death are part of the natural cycle,

a clearing away of the old so that new life
can take its place. You are a slayer, an
agent of winter. You hew away your ene-
mies so that new life can be nurtured.
Winter is nature’s tool, a test that
winnows the weak. You have sought
winter’s embrace. You have com-
muned with spirits from the darkness
beyond mountains and glaciers, from
where cold reigns supreme. You carry
something with you, a piece of frigid
fury from the spirit of a frozen waste-
land. Armed with your icy wrath, you
doom your foes to be shattered and
buried in the avalanche of your assault.

Winter Fury
Path Features
Surging Ice (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack, the
first target hit by the attack and each enemy
adjacent to it are immobilized until the end of
your next turn.
Ice Heart Reaper (11th level): You gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls
against immobilized targets. World’s End Rage Winter Fury Attack 20
Frost Reaver (16th level): You gain resist 10 cold. Your strike encases your foe in ice. Snow then swirls around you
and freezes your enemies as you rage across the battlefield.
Whenever you deal damage that has no type, you can
make it cold damage. Daily ✦ Cold, Primal, Rage, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Winter Fury Evocations Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target
Clutch of Winter Winter Fury Attack 11 is restrained (save ends).
You swing your frosty weapon in a deadly arc, freezing your foe Miss: Half damage.
in place. Effect: You enter the rage of the world’s end. Until the
rage ends, when you hit any enemy with an at-will attack
Encounter ✦ Cold, Primal, Weapon
power, that enemy is immobilized until the end of your
Standard Action Melee weapon
next turn.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target
is immobilized until the end of your next turn.

Armor of Glaciers Winter Fury Utility 12

A layer of primal frost covers you, deflecting your foes’ attacks
until it is chipped away.
Daily ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain resist 20 to all damage until the end of
the encounter. Whenever this resistance reduces dam-
age, the resistance decreases by 5, and it ends when it
reaches 0. If you take fire damage, the resistance ends

after reducing that damage.

CH A P T ER 1 | Barbarian


“I am the voice of the wilderness, and when I speak, the
world shudders.”

The primal spirits that inhabit the world

are at your command. The very substance of nature
responds to your call, allowing you to use it as a
weapon and a tool. Your own spirit is a part of the
primal world, and your body is but a reflection
of your spirit, shifting freely from your mundane
humanoid form to any of thousands of bestial shapes,
reflecting the glorious variety of nature. You are a
druid, mysterious and elusive, wise beyond common
mortal knowing.
Your body is a conduit for primal magic, and with
that power, you might transform into a wolf or a pan-
ther and glide unseen among the trees. You could
sculpt your body into a shifting mass of fur, feathers,
claws, or scales. Or your form can become a swarm of
hundreds of small creatures, which move as a shift-
ing, shapeless mass over the ground.
In this chapter, you’ll find powerful evocations
to allow you to transform into beasts, control the
elements, and summon creatures to your aid. The
chapter contains the following material.

✦ Playing a Druid: Perspectives on the druid’s

place in the world and at the game table.
✦ New Builds: As a swarm druid, you can trans-
form yourself into a beast form made of hundreds
or thousands of tiny creatures. Becoming a sum-
moner druid enables you to bring forth creatures
great and small to do your bidding.
✦ New Class Feature: Primal Swarm is a new ver-
sion of Primal Aspect designed expressly for the
swarm druid.
✦ New Powers: This chapter offers more options
for summoning both creatures and swarms, and it
supports existing druid builds, providing powers
for predator and guardian druids and for druids
who favor evocations that control the battlefield.
✦ New Paragon Paths: You can channel the powers
of the wild as a member of one of seven new
W I L L I A M O ’ CO N N O R

paragon paths, among them the coiled serpent,

the luminescent swarm, the pack lord, and the
whirling samara.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
A solitary traveler bedecked in claws and feath- When you’re fighting in your humanoid form,
ers walks a lonely road, just ahead of roiling storm your evocations often direct and manipulate the
clouds. At a crossroads, a robed woman stands before spirits. But you don’t normally communicate with the
a mangled tree, asking the plant for directions. Atop spirits in battle or summon them with conjurations.
a high mountain, a weathered ascetic stares out at You summon beasts, not spirits. Your connection
the sky, reading portents. Druids live in concert with with nature during battle is more visceral—like bones
nature, enduring both the blistering sun and the crunching between your fangs or like lightning rip-
paralyzing cold with quiet persistence. Despite their pling out of your soul as you become the storm. The
apparent isolation, they count all of the world’s plants Primal Beast inhabits your flesh and shapes you into
and animals among their friends, so few druids see an echo of one of its many forms.
themselves as hermits or recluses. As a druid, you Outside combat, though, you might have much
view the wild as a living, breathing entity—one that is broader contact with a range of primal spirits, partic-
with you wherever you go. ularly in your use of ritual magic. Removed from the
frenzy of combat, you are the most adept ritual caster
The First Mistake in the spirit way.
In the ancient days when the first druids achieved
mastery over primal magic, some of the mightiest Your Wild Shape
magicians chose to remain in beast form at all times. The ability to shapeshift is a power that itches to be
After all, why return to the life of the tribe when one used, making it hard for some druids to remain in
could run in the night with a pack of wolves, prowl one form for long. Is wild shape a power you reserve
the savannah as a fearless lion, or roam the forests for combat, when you need to unleash the Primal
as a bear? These druids had unlocked many deep Beast on your foes? Or is changing shape a form
secrets, and they thought that by remaining in beast of communication, like the expression on your
form forever they would learn more. face? Some druids use wild shape as a form of con-
In time, the error of their reasoning became appar- versational punctuation, especially when they are
ent—but too late to benefit those who made the mistake. agitated—taking on a beast form to snarl a curse
The druids who chose to live only as beasts were gradu- before finishing the thought in a humanoid voice.
ally subsumed into the lives of the beasts they had Do you speak in beast form? Some druids choose
joined. As their souls merged with those of the beasts, not to, perhaps because they believe that the purpose
their minds grew dim, so that they forgot that they had of their beast form is to experience animal life in its
not always been beasts. The deep secrets they discov- purest context, and humanoid speech is antithetical
ered became locked inside their animalistic minds. to that goal. Others use wild shape multiple times in
The druids who came after these ancient ones the course of a single spoken sentence, keeping a con-
learned from the error of their predecessors. They stant flow of words while punctuating their thoughts
realized that a druid must stand at the center of all with growls and roars that their humanoid voices
living things, seeing in each natural form the purpose can’t properly produce.
it serves in the order of the world. A druid takes the What beast form do you prefer? Guardian druids
shape of a beast not to become an animal, but to learn lean toward the form of a large, hardy animal such as
to see the world from a dual perspective—that of an a bear, a boar, a wolverine, a rage drake, or a bulette.
animal and that of a person. Predator druids often choose the form of a pack
Some ancestor spirits say that those original, predator or a stalker such as a panther, a lion, a wolf,
ancient druids still wander the world as immortal a tiger, or a displacer beast. Swarm druids have their
beasts. Can such druids be returned to their human- own unique swarm forms, composed of countless tiny
oid forms? If so, would they give up their secrets? insects, rodents, or drakes. Many druids choose forms
Perhaps one day you will find out. that defy these trends, however, commonly adopting
the form of a stag, a ram, a horse, a bison, or a behe-
Druids and moth. Many more adopt a different form each time
they change shape.
the Primal Spirits It’s often possible to tell, looking at a druid in beast
As with characters of other primal classes, your form, that the creature is no ordinary beast. Some
powers derive from your relationship with the primal druids always adopt forms that have obvious magical
spirits. However, your most important relationship distinctions from normal beasts, such as patterned
is with the Primal Beast, the mysterious and savage fur or glowing eyes. Others take on forms that don’t
entity that enables your wild shape power. resemble any normal animal, indistinct shapes of fur

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
and claws, feathers, or scales. Sometimes, though, proper role in the natural order unclear. Its preva-

it’s subtle cues that reveal a druid in beast form—an lence among aberrant creatures causes some druids
obvious intelligence and attentiveness in the beast’s to see psionic magic as a herald of the Far Realm’s
demeanor or something unusual in the way it moves. corrupting influence. Others view psionic magic as a
powerful tool against the threat of the Far Realm.
Druids and Other
Forms of Magic Other Origins
Most druids arise in families or communities that
Druids see the need for balance in all things, and that
hold the primal spirits in esteem and follow the spirit
attitude extends to different forms of magic. Arcane,
way. As children, these druids seem aware of the
divine, and psionic magic all have their place in the
spirits around them in the world, and they display the
world. Like all things, though, any form of magic
power of the Primal Beast within them. It’s rarely a
becomes a threat when it grows too strong.
surprise when such a child takes on the adventuring
Arcane magic has the potential to upset the bal-
life and manifests the full powers of a druid.
ance of the natural world. The quest for immortality
It’s not unheard of for druid powers to arise spon-
seizes many wizards, some of whom take up the dark
taneously, for someone who has no familiarity with
path of undeath to prolong their existence. Druids
the primal spirits to suddenly change shape or call
can accept that the influence of the Shadowfell some-
on druid evocations. This sort of event occurs most
times spawns undead. However, they believe that
often in situations of great stress, moments when
rituals that create undead are intolerable attacks on
people want to flee or fight, and suddenly find that
nature. Such lore and its users must be destroyed.
they can fight faster or with greater savagery than
Divine magic is a useful tool for protecting a com-
they had imagined possible. Their bodies transform
munity, but it comes at the price of obedience to a
without conscious will or effort, and the Primal Beast
power that exists beyond the world. The gods are
is unleashed.
powerful and wise, but they have designs upon the
Still other druids approach the primal spirits
world that at times put them in conflict with the
through less traditional routes. Some members of
primal spirits. To the druids, divine power is like a
sects of Melora, for example, train their devotees to
dire wolf taken at birth and trained to hunt. It might
commune with the primal spirits, and occasionally
be a useful ally, but at some point its true, predatory
druids arise among these sects, no less devoted to
nature will arise.
the goddess for all the primal power flowing through
Psionic magic confuses druids. It has only recently
their bodies.
appeared among creatures of the world, making its

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
This chapter presents one new build for the druid,
the swarm druid. You can choose the Primal Swarm
class feature and select related powers to create a
druid character who has a distinctive flavor, becom-
ing an insect swarm when you adopt your beast form.
In addition to this new build, this chapter also
includes a suite of summoning powers for the druid.
Whichever build you choose for your character, you
can use summoning powers to enhance your other

Swarm Druid
Druids call on forces associated with primal magic,
such as beasts, plants, storms, and the earth. Swarm
druids prefer to call on a particular primal force:
insect swarms. Such druids see great strength in the
unity of purpose and combined might of a colony of
ants or a nest of hornets.
Most druids assume the forms of creatures such
as bears, panthers, and rams, but a swarm druid
splinters into hundreds of insects, all driven toward
a single purpose by the druid’s mind. The druid is
at once all the creatures in the swarm and none of
them. Enemies might stomp at the swarm, crushing
a beetle here and swatting a wasp there, but to the
druid the loss of an individual in the swarm means
nothing. It is the swarm as a whole—a dauntless tide
of chitin and stingers—that matters.
Swarm druids are most often found in tropical
climates. They typically dwell in jungles, where they Suggested Options
have witnessed the power of an ant colony on the As a swarm druid, you focus on close attacks and
march. Druids of the Underdark also tend toward other multitarget attacks that can be used while you
this discipline. In web-shrouded caves, drow and are in beast form. Many of your powers (as well as the
troglodyte swarm druids commune with spiders, Primal Swarm class feature) cause you to take less
mushroom forests, and creatures that have never seen damage or to avoid attacks entirely, allowing you to
the light of day. hold your own when you stay in melee range. It’s a
good idea to focus on feats, powers, and other options
New Class Feature that boost your ability in close-quarters fighting.
When you choose your Primal Aspect, you can Many of your beast form powers are close bursts or
choose Primal Swarm instead of another option, such blasts. Look for feats that improve such powers.
as the ones in Player’s Handbook 2. Make Wisdom your highest ability score to bolster
Primal Swarm: While you are in beast form and all your druid attacks, followed by Constitution to
not wearing heavy armor, melee attacks and ranged enhance your Primal Swarm powers.
attacks deal less damage to you. When you take Suggested Class Feature: Primal Swarm*
damage from either type of attack, the damage is Suggested Feat: Toughness
reduced by your Constitution modifier. Suggested Skills: Arcana, Endurance, Nature,
Suggested At-Will Powers: grasping claws,
swarming locusts,* thorn whip
Suggested Encounter Power: scattered form*
Suggested Daily Power: fog of insects*
*New option presented in this book

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Summoner Druid
You are a champion of nature, a leader of spirits, and
a summoner of feral beasts. You place your trust in
the magic of the hunting tiger, the stalking wolf, and
the shrieking hawk. The creatures you summon obey
your every command, yet if you fail to guide them,
they act according to their instincts.
Only the most powerful of your evocations can
summon creatures to fight at your side, so you must
be careful to pick the right moment to summon
them. They fight with courage and tenacity regard-
less of the foe.
The creatures that heed your call are compan-
ions, not mere pawns. You are their caretaker
and guide. If you allow them to run rampant,
the blame for any foolish decisions they make
rests on you alone. With the power to command
the spirits and give them physical form comes the
responsibility to use that power with wisdom and

Suggested Options
The summoner druid is not a full build, but a
druid of any Primal Aspect who chooses mostly
summoning powers for his or her daily attack
powers. As a summoner, you should choose
powers and feats that allow you to func-
tion better when fighting alongside a
creature you summoned. However, keep in mind that
summoning powers are daily powers, so you can’t rely
on them too heavily at low levels.
Primal Guardian: You are a druid who dabbles FOR THE DM:
in the leader role, and you can use summoned crea- SUMMONED CREATURES
tures to hold back enemies and provide relief to When a druid summons a creature into the world, that
beleaguered allies. creature is an independent entity, a shard of primal
Primal Predator: A summoning power allows magic given form. In extremely rare cases—so rare that
you to build your own pack, granting you an instant some druids never witness such an event—a summoned
ally for flanking and distracting your enemies. creature carries a shard of a great spirit. After such a
Primal Swarm: You can use summoned crea- summoned creature has survived the battle into which
tures to hem in your enemies, making it easier to it was summoned, the creature speaks briefly with the
catch those enemies in your close attacks. voice of the elder spirits, or it snarls and motions for the
Suggested Feat: Strong-Willed Summoning* druid to follow it.
Suggested Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy, Insight, The good news is that such a summoned creature will
Nature speak words of prophecy or lead the druid to a previ-
Suggested At-Will Powers: call of the beast, fire ously unseen path. The bad news is that such remarkable
hawk,* savage rend events happen only when the primal spirits are gathering
Suggested Encounter Power: call forth the spirit their power to oppose a force that threatens the world.
pack* The prophecy points to danger, and the path leads to peril.
Suggested Daily Power: summon pack wolf* But that is the stuff of which a hero’s life is made.
*New option presented in this book

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
This section expands the power options for all Close to the Kill Druid Attack 1
druids, as well as presenting powers tailored for This close to the kill, your instincts take over.
swarm druids and for druids who want to summon Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
creatures. Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One enemy
Level 1 At-Will Evocations Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d12 + Wisdom modifier damage. If the target is
bloodied or reduced to 0 hit points by this attack, you
Fire Hawk Druid Attack 1
gain temporary hit points equal to one-half your level.
A hawk of flame swoops on your foe, burning it. The hawk hov- Primal Guardian: Add your Constitution modifier to the
ers for a moment, ready to swoop in for another attack should temporary hit points.
that foe’s defenses falter.
At-Will ✦ Fire, Implement, Primal Scattered Form Druid Attack 1
Standard Action Ranged 10
Your form scatters into a horde of insects to attack nearby
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier fire damage. Until the start Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
of your next turn, you can make the following secondary Standard Action Close burst 1
attack against the target. Target: Each creature in burst
Level 21: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier fire damage. Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Opportunity Action Ranged 10 Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. You take half dam-
Trigger: The target takes any action that can provoke age from the next melee or ranged attack that damages
opportunity attacks you before the end of your next turn.
Secondary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Primal Swarm: You take half damage from all melee
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier fire damage. attacks and ranged attacks until the end of your next turn.

Swarming Locusts Druid Attack 1 Stinging Cloud Druid Attack 1

Insects launch from you to vex your enemies. You call forth a cloud of insects to sting and poison your foes.
At-Will ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal, Zone Encounter ✦ Implement, Poison, Primal, Zone
Standard Action Close blast 3 Standard Action Area burst 1 within 5 squares
Target: Each creature in blast Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier poison damage.
Level 21: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone of stinging insects that lasts
Effect: The blast creates a zone of swarming locusts that until the end of your next turn. Any creature that ends its
lasts until the end of your next turn. While within the turn within the zone takes 5 poison damage.
zone, enemies grant combat advantage. Primal Swarm: Add your Constitution modifier to the
poison damage.

Level 1 Encounter Evocations Thorn Spray Druid Attack 1

You release a blast of thorns that puncture your foes.
Call Forth the Spirit Pack Druid Attack 1
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
Spectral wolves leap forth to knock your enemies down.
Standard Action Close blast 5
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal Target: Each creature in blast
Standard Action Close burst 5 Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Target: One or two creatures in burst Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target takes
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex a –2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is turn.
knocked prone. If the target is marked by one of your Primal Predator: The penalty to all defenses equals 1 +
allies, the target takes 1d6 extra damage. your Dexterity modifier.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Level 1 Daily Evocations Summon Fierce Boar

Druid Attack 1
With a piercing squeal, a spirit takes form as a ferocious boar
Earth Roots Druid Attack 1 and slams its tusks into your enemies.
Roots erupt at your command, lashing and grasping at your Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
enemies. Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You summon a Medium boar in an unoccupied
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone
square within range. The boar has speed 6. You can give
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
the boar the following special command. On the turn you
Target: Each creature in burst
summon the boar, you give that command as part of us-
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
ing this power. When the boar is reduced to 0 hit points,
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
you can give the command as an immediate interrupt.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of writhing roots that lasts
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that starts its
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and
turn within the zone is slowed until the end of its next
the target is pushed 1 square.
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the boar any com-
Sustain Minor: The zone persists, and you can slide one
mands by the end of your turn, it charges the nearest
enemy within 2 squares of the zone 2 squares to a
bloodied creature it can charge, using its attack as a me-
square within it.
lee basic attack. If it can’t do that, it attacks an adjacent
enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square
Fog of Insects Druid Attack 1 adjacent to an enemy.
A swarm of insects surges from you, stinging creatures all
around before swirling about you protectively. Summon Giant Toad Druid Attack 1
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal You summon a spirit ally, a great toad that flicks its tongue to
Standard Action Close burst 3 pluck a meal from among your enemies.
Target: Each creature in burst
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Standard Action Ranged 5
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: You summon a Medium giant toad in an unoc-
Miss: Half damage.
cupied square within range. The toad has speed 5 and
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the
swim 6, and it gains a +10 bonus to Athletics checks to
end of the encounter.
jump. You can give the toad the following special com-
mand. On the turn you summon the toad, you give that
Lightning Arc Druid Attack 1 command as part of using this power.
Twin bolts of lightning strike your foes and knock over creatures Standard Action: Melee 3; targets one creature;
near them. Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and
the target is pulled 2 squares.
Daily ✦ Implement, Lightning, Primal
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the toad any
Standard Action Ranged 10
commands by the end of your turn, it attacks the same
Primary Target: One or two creatures
creature that it attacked during your previous turn. If it
Primary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
can’t do that, it attacks an enemy within 3 squares of it if
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and the
it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square within 3
primary target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
squares of the nearest enemy.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Make a secondary attack that is an area burst 1, one
burst centered on each primary target.
Secondary Target: Each creature in bursts
Secondary Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: The secondary target is knocked prone.

Druid summoning powers use the same rules as other Be careful with the instinctive effects of the creatures
powers that have the summoning keyword, as explained you summon! Sometimes an instinctive effect is useful
in Player’s Handbook 2 (page 221). However, all the sum- and helpful, letting the summoned creature attack
moning powers in this chapter include an instinctive without costing you any actions. Sometimes, though,
effect, an action the summoned creature takes in lieu of the summoned creature might attack you or your allies.
any other command. This feature reflects the fact that Remember that when an instinctive effect refers to “the
your summoning powers give physical form to beast nearest creature,” that doesn’t mean just enemies.
spirits—spirits that are independent and not much differ-
ent from the living beasts of the world.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Summon Pack Wolf Druid Attack 1 Warding Wind Druid Utility 2
You reach out into the spirit world and find an ally, an ancient Winds howl around you, shielding you from harm and hurling
wolf spirit made solid by your magic for these few minutes of your attacker away.
the hunt. Encounter ✦ Primal
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning Immediate Interrupt Personal
Standard Action Ranged 5 Trigger: You are hit by a melee attack
Effect: You summon a Medium wolf in an unoccupied Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the
square within range. The wolf has speed 6. You can give end of your next turn. If the triggering attack misses you,
the wolf the following special command. On the turn you you slide the attacker 2 squares.
summon the wolf, you give that command as part of us-
ing this power. Level 3 Encounter Evocations
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and Feral Harrier Druid Attack 3
if the wolf has combat advantage against the target, the
You launch yourself at your prey to tear it limb from limb.
target is knocked prone.
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the wolf any com- Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
mands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent Standard Action Melee touch
prone creature. If it can’t do that, it attacks an adjacent Effect: Before the attack, you shift 3 squares.
enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square Target: One creature
adjacent to an enemy. Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Primal Predator: After the attack, you shift 3 squares.
Level 2 Utility Evocations
Flowing Swarm Druid Attack 3
Ferocious Transformation Druid Utility 2 You disperse into a cloud of insects, swarm over your enemies,
In response to an enemy’s attack, you transform into a beast and then coalesce in a different place.
and pounce. Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
Encounter ✦ Primal Standard Action Close blast 3
Immediate Reaction Personal Target: Each creature in blast
Trigger: An enemy hits you while you aren’t in beast form Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Effect: You use wild shape to change into beast form and Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
then shift 1 square. You gain combat advantage against Effect: If you hit at least one target, you shift 4 squares to a
the triggering enemy until the end of your next turn. square in the blast or adjacent to it.
Primal Swarm: During the shift, you can move through
Resist Energy Druid Utility 2 enemies’ spaces. If you move through the space of a
target hit by the attack, that target takes damage equal
Magical energy washes around you, but your primal magic pro-
to your Constitution modifier.
tects you and your allies.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Ironbreaker’s Claws Druid Attack 3
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 1
Trigger: You take cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage The spirit of a great wolverine pounces on your foes. As it draws
Target: You and each ally in burst blood, it lends you its ferocity.
Effect: Each target gains resist 5 to the triggering damage Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
type until the end of your next turn. Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Sudden Bite Druid Utility 2 Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your
When your foe drops its guard, you change into a beast to strike.
next turn, any enemy that hits or misses you while you
Encounter ✦ Primal are in beast form takes 5 damage.
Opportunity Action Personal
Trigger: An enemy provokes an opportunity attack from you
Roar of the Unbowed Beast Druid Attack 3
Effect: You use wild shape to change into beast form. You
then make the opportunity attack. You sound a thunderous challenge to your foes. The thunder
echoes around them, causing them to reel if they don’t stand
and fight.
Verdant Bounty Druid Utility 2
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal, Thunder
Plants erupt to hide your allies.
Standard Action Close blast 3
Encounter ✦ Primal, Zone Target: Each creature in blast
Minor Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Effect: The burst creates a plant-filled zone that lasts until Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier thunder damage, and you
the end of your next turn. The zone is heavily obscured, mark the target until the end of your next turn. Until the
and you and your allies gain a +5 bonus to Stealth checks mark ends, if the target makes an attack on its turn that
while within the zone. doesn’t include you as a target, you can slide it 3 squares
as a free action at the end of its turn.
Primal Guardian: The number of squares you slide the
target equals 2 + your Constitution modifier.
CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Thorn Castle

Druid Attack 3
You cause thorny vines to weave around your foes, tearing into
them and forming a defensive barrier.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
slowed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: The burst creates a thorny zone that lasts until the
end of your next turn. The zone grants cover to creatures
within it and creatures attacked through it. Any creature
that enters the zone takes 5 damage.

Level 5 Daily Evocations

Clinging Drones Druid Attack 5
Immense insects cling to anyone who gets near you, making it
difficult for them to move carefully.
Daily ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
slowed and can’t shift (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, enemies can’t shift
while adjacent to you.

Summon Fire Beetle Druid Attack 5

You hurl a fiery spark to the ground, where it blossoms into a
fire-spewing beetle.
Daily ✦ Fire, Implement, Primal, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You summon a Small fire beetle in an unoccupied
square within range. The beetle has speed 6 and resist
5 fire. You can give the beetle the following special com-
mand. On the turn you summon the beetle, you give that
command as part of using this power.
Standard Action: Close blast 3; targets each creature
in blast; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier fire
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the beetle any
commands by the end of your turn, it makes its attack
against at least one enemy, targeting as many enemies as
possible. If it can’t target any enemies, it moves its speed
to a square adjacent to an enemy.

As druids grow older, they are more and more likely to Sometimes a circle has members of vastly varying
seek out other druids from near or distant lands with power levels. Given the small number of truly powerful
whom they create small informal groups that they refer druids in the world, it is possible that some druids go
to as circles, groves, or rings. A druid circle typically has their entire lives without being a member of a circle,
between three and seven members. The members do while others are members of two or three, sometimes
not always share ideals, goals, or even alignments. Bal- even at the same time.
ance is the druid’s life lesson, and as druids mature, they Most circles do not meet often. If members gather
are increasingly aware that listening only to viewpoints once a year on a particular solstice or equinox, that’s con-
similar to their own can push them out of balance. sidered a busy schedule. Once every two or three years is

just as likely, though members of the same circle might

contact each other individually more often than that.
CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Summon Guard Drake Druid Attack 5 Summon Shadow Ape Druid Attack 5
You utter an age-old evocation that summons a drake to defend Darkness gathers around your implement as you summon a
you or your friend. ferocious, shadowy ape.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5 Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You summon a Small guard drake in an unoccupied Effect: You summon a Medium shadow ape in an unoccu-
square within range. Choose yourself or an ally as the pied square within range. The ape has speed 6 and climb
character the drake guards. The drake has speed 6. You 4. You can give the ape the following special command.
can give the drake the following special commands. On On the turn you summon the ape, you give that com-
the turn you summon the drake, you give the first com- mand as part of using this power.
mand as part of using this power. Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and all creatures have concealment from the target until the
the target is marked by the drake until the end of your end of your next turn.
next turn. Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the ape any
Immediate Interrupt: Triggered when an enemy commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent
adjacent to the drake makes an attack roll against the enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square
character guarded by the drake; melee 1; targets the adjacent to an enemy.
triggering enemy; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom
modifier damage, and the target takes a penalty to the Summon Stalking Panther Druid Attack 5
interrupted attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier.
With a growl, a panther coalesces where you point, and it
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the drake any
pounces on your enemy.
commands by the end of your turn, it moves its speed
to a square adjacent to the character it guards. If it ends Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
adjacent to any enemies, those enemies are marked by Standard Action Ranged 5
the drake until the end of your next turn. Effect: You summon a Medium panther in an unoccupied
square within range. The panther has speed 7. You can
give the panther the following special command. On the
turn you summon the panther, you give that command as
DRUIDS’ GARDENS part of using this power.
Druids often spend time, gold, and effort cultivating Standard Action: The panther shifts 3 squares and
then attacks: melee 1; targets one creature; Wisdom vs.
specialized magical gardens, but few people who are not
Reflex; 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
good friends with a druid ever see a druid’s gardens. Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the panther any
Druids’ gardens partake of the class’s dual nature. commands by the end of your turn, it charges the nearest
Transforming into animal form, a druid travels deep into enemy that has no creatures within 2 squares of it, us-
forests, into caves, or perhaps high into the branches of ing its attack (without the shift) as a melee basic attack.
a great tree. In a distant glen, in a cavern with flowing If it can’t do that, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can.
water, or on the wide, sun-dappled branch of a great tree, Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an
the druid tends a garden that nondruids might not even
recognize as such. The art is in growing powerful herbs,
ancient species of creatures, and glorious plants that fit Vine Serpents Druid Attack 5
seamlessly into their environment. You call forth serpentine vines to entangle your foes. The vines
strike at any creature within their grasp that drops its guard.
The highest art of a druid’s garden comes when after
centuries, the plants and creatures that the druid nurtured Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
within the garden have spread naturally and noninva-
Target: Each creature in burst
sively to form part of the natural heritage of an area. No Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
matter how powerful a druid is in combat or as an epic Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
hero, there is no guarantee that the druid’s garden will restrained (save ends).
find a place within the world. Nondruids don’t usually Miss: Half damage, and the target is immobilized until the
understand how and why such gardens are so important end of your next turn.
to druids, but they sometimes see the consequences, such Effect: The burst creates a viny zone that lasts until the
end of the encounter. Any creature within the zone that
as moments when two druids who should be enemies
leaves it or attacks a creature outside it takes 5 + your
spend time discussing tricks of gardening that seem Wisdom modifier damage.
irrelevant to everyone else.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Level 6 Utility Evocations Plague of Locusts

Druid Attack 7
With a gesture, you cause locusts to descend on your foes.
Creeping Vines Druid Utility 6 Encounter ✦ Implement, Poison, Primal
Vines erupt along a vertical surface, creating handholds and Standard Action Ranged 5
footholds for you and your allies. Target: One, two, or three creatures
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Encounter ✦ Primal, Zone
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier poison damage, and the tar-
Minor Action Area wall 10 within 10 squares
get grants combat advantage until the end of your next
Effect: The wall creates a zone of creeping vines that lasts
until the end of your next turn. Each square of the zone
Primal Swarm: The attack deals extra poison damage
must be adjacent to a vertical surface. While within the
equal to your Constitution modifier.
zone, you and your allies can climb that vertical surface
with a climb speed of 5.
Poison Sting Druid Attack 7
Rebuking Thorns Druid Utility 6 The insects of your swarm form gain poisonous stingers and use
them against creatures all around.
You utter an evocation of protection, which launches thorns at
your attackers. Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Poison, Primal
Standard Action Close burst 2
Daily ✦ Primal
Target: Each creature in burst
Minor Action Personal
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, when any enemy
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier poison damage. The next
hits you with a melee attack, that enemy takes damage
time the target moves before the start of your next turn,
equal to your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
it takes 1d10 poison damage.
Primal Swarm: Add your Constitution modifier to the
Rodent’s Agility Druid Utility 6 poison damage the target takes when it moves.
In the blink of an eye, you transform into a mouse, dart away
from your foe, and then transform back. Wind of Blades Druid Attack 7
Encounter ✦ Primal You call on a wind that has blown over countless battlefields. It
Move Action Personal batters your foes, infecting them with battle madness.
Prerequisite: You must have the wild shape power.
Encounter ✦ Charm, Implement, Primal
Effect: You move 5 squares. This movement doesn’t pro-
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
voke opportunity attacks, and you can move through
Target: Each creature in burst
enemies’ spaces during it.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. The next time the
Swarm Dispersal Druid Utility 6 target makes an attack roll before the end of your next
Your body bursts into a swarm and scatters, making an attack turn, it deals 5 damage to each of your enemies adjacent
ineffective against you. to it.
Primal Guardian: Add your Constitution modifier to the
Encounter ✦ Primal
damage the target deals.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You take damage from a melee or a ranged attack
Prerequisite: You must have the wild shape power.
Effect: You gain resist 10 to all damage until the end of THREE HALVES
your next turn.
Level 7 Encounter Evocations Although their ability scores don’t necessarily make them
the best druids, half-elf and half-orc heroes are sometimes
Blood-Spray Bite Druid Attack 7
drawn to the druid class. A half-elf who hasn’t figured
out how to balance her human and elven obligations can
As you tear into your foe, the hideous wounds you inflict cause
your other foes to back away in terror.
escape them both by shifting into beast form. A half-orc
who has difficulty being accepted in civilized human or
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Fear, Implement, Primal
Standard Action Melee touch
savage orc society can become a shapeshifter and gain
Target: One creature acceptance with a primal tribe far from his original home.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude In a sense, half-elves and half-orcs who make this choice
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you push each are taking a path set out for them by razorclaw shifters,
enemy adjacent to you, other than the target, 2 squares. who are descended from lycanthropes and drawn to the
Primal Predator: The push instead affects each enemy, druid class for its ability to merge the separate pieces of
other than the target, within a number of squares of you
their body and psyche.
equal to your Dexterity modifier.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Level 9 Daily Evocations Summon Proud Bear Druid Attack 9
You stomp as you summon your bear ally, which appears and
Death’s Bounty Druid Attack 9 looks for something big to maul.
You strike at your enemy with the fury of winter’s hunter, and Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
the place of that enemy’s death becomes a patch of greenery. Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You summon a Large bear in an unoccupied space
Daily ✦ Cold, Implement, Necrotic, Primal, Zone
within range. The bear has speed 6 and a +4 bonus to
Standard Action Ranged 10
attack rolls against creatures its own size or larger. You
Target: One creature
can give the bear the following special command. On the
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
turn you summon the bear, you give that command as
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier cold and necrotic damage.
part of using this power.
Miss: Half damage.
Standard Action: Melee 2; targets one creature;
Effect: When the target drops to 0 hit points, a zone of
Wisdom vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
greenery appears in a burst 2 centered on the target. The
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the bear any
zone lasts until the end of the encounter. The zone is dif-
commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent
ficult terrain, and any creature that ends its turn there is
enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square
immobilized until it escapes (the zone uses your defenses
adjacent to an enemy.
when the creature tries to escape).

Summon Great Eagle Druid Attack 9

Flurry of Stingers Druid Attack 9
You call to the sky, and a second later an eagle swoops at your
Vicious, stinging insects dart around you, stinging anyone who
comes near.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Daily ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Poison, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 5
Standard Action Close burst 2
Effect: You summon a Medium eagle in an unoccupied
Target: Each creature in burst
square within range. The eagle has fly 8 (hover), and it
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
has a +4 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks. You
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier poison damage.
can give the eagle the following special command. On
Miss: Half damage.
the turn you summon the eagle, you give that command
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any enemy that en-
as part of using this power.
ters a square adjacent to you or starts its turn there takes
Standard Action: The eagle moves its speed and
poison damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
attacks at one point during that movement: melee 1;
targets one creature; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d6 + Wisdom
Summon Crocodile Druid Attack 9 modifier damage, and the target grants combat advantage
Chomping its jaws, a great crocodile appears at your command. until the end of your next turn.
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the eagle any
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent
Standard Action Ranged 5
enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square
Effect: You summon a Large crocodile in an unoccupied
adjacent to an enemy, and that enemy grants combat
space within range. The crocodile has speed 6 and swim
advantage until the end of your next turn.
8. You can give the crocodile the following special com-
mand. On the turn you summon the crocodile, you give
that command as part of using this power. Level 10 Utility Evocations
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage,
Animal Clan Druid Utility 10
and the crocodile grabs the target. The target takes a –3
penalty to escape checks against the crocodile. You form a deep bond with your summoned animals, drawing
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the crocodile any out their thirst for battle.
commands by the end of your turn, it sustains the grab Daily ✦ Primal
and attacks the creature it’s grabbing. If it can’t do that, it Minor Action Personal
attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves Effect: Once per round until the end of the encounter, you
its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. can use a minor action to command one of your sum-
moned creatures to use its instinctive effect.


The primal spirits’ relationship to the planes that echo the Druids say that when they enter these other planes,
natural world is a complex one. The Feywild and the Shad- their presence helps the primal spirits flow alongside and
owfell aren’t part of the world, but both of them parallel out from their steps. Exploring or living in the Feywild or
the traits of the world, and so they are not entirely cut off the Shadowfell, they say, makes one a kind of emissary,
from the power of the primal spirits. increasing the likelihood that people in those planes will
Shamans say that the primal spirits flow where they benefit from primal power.
like, but that they are not nearly as powerful in either the
Feywild or the Shadowfell, where other powers reign.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Animal Shapes Level 13 Encounter Evocations

Druid Utility 10
You transform yourself and your allies into mice, beetles, or
other seemingly innocuous animals. Floating Death Druid Attack 13
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal After swarming over your foes, you move to another group of
Standard Action Close burst 5 enemies and attack them as well.
Target: You and each ally in burst
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the targets assume
Standard Action Close burst 1
the forms of Tiny creatures, such as mice, cats, beetles,
Primary Target: Each creature in burst
or spiders. While in these forms, the targets can’t attack,
Primary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
pick up anything, or manipulate objects. The targets gain
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
a +5 power bonus to Stealth checks and a +2 power bo-
Effect: You shift your speed. If you end this movement at
nus to AC and Reflex. Each target can end this effect on
least 4 squares from where you started, you can make a
himself or herself as a minor action.
secondary attack.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists on yourself and any target
Secondary Target: Each creature in burst
within 5 squares of you.
Secondary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Cleansing Rain Druid Utility 10 Primal Swarm: If you hit at least one target with the
A gentle rain falls over the area around you, soothing burning primary attack, the secondary attack deals extra damage
wounds. equal to your Constitution modifier.
Daily ✦ Primal, Zone
Minor Action Close burst 3 Oak Skewer Druid Attack 13
Effect: The burst creates a rainy zone that lasts until the You conjure a massive spear of oak and skewer your foe with it.
end of the encounter. While within the zone, you and
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
any allies gain resist 10 fire and resist 10 acid and a +2
Standard Action Ranged 10
power bonus to saving throws against ongoing fire dam-
Target: One creature
age and ongoing acid damage.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you push
Goodberry Druid Utility 10 the target 3 squares. If the target ends this movement
You infuse several berries with primal power. Those who con- adjacent to a solid obstacle (such as a wall), the target is
sume them receive a brief resurgence of energy. immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Daily ✦ Healing, Primal Primal Guardian: Add your Constitution modifier to the
Minor Action Personal number of squares you push the target.
Effect: You create four goodberries that last until the end
of your next extended rest if they aren’t consumed. A Rending Claws Druid Attack 13
creature can use a minor action to consume a goodberry A slash with your claws reveals your foe’s weaknesses.
either to regain 5 hit points, to make a saving throw, or to
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
gain 5 temporary hit points.
Standard Action Melee touch
Target: One creature
Swarm Swap Druid Utility 10 Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
As an attack sweeps toward you, you burst into a swarm that Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target gains
swoops over an enemy, forcing it into your space. vulnerable 5 to all damage until the end of your next
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Primal turn.
Immediate Interrupt Melee 1 Primal Predator: The vulnerability equals 3 + your
Trigger: You are targeted by an area or a close attack Dexterity modifier.
Target: One creature
Effect: You swap places with the target. Twin-Horned Bolt Druid Attack 13
A spectral bull appears before you and knocks your foe to the
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
knocked prone. If any enemies provide cover against this
attack, they are also knocked prone.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Level 15 Daily Evocations Summon Razorclaw Bat Druid Attack 15
Stealthy and deadly, a razorclaw bat responds to your summons
Devouring Flies Druid Attack 15 and dives on your foe.
You conjure a horde of ravenous horseflies, which bite your foes Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
and transfer vitality to you. Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You summon a Medium razorclaw bat in an unoc-
Daily ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal, Zone
cupied square within range. The bat has fly 7 (hover) and
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
blindsight 5. The bat gains a +5 bonus to Stealth checks,
Target: Each creature in burst
and it deals 1d10 extra damage to a target when it has
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
combat advantage against that target. You can give the
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
bat the following special commands. On the turn you
Miss: Half damage.
summon the bat, you give the first command as part of
Effect: The burst creates a zone of horseflies that lasts until
using this power.
the end of the encounter. When any enemy starts its turn
Standard Action: The bat shifts 5 squares and attacks:
within the zone, you or an ally of your choice within 5
melee 1; targets one creature; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d6 +
squares of you regains 6 hit points.
Wisdom modifier damage.
Standard Action: Close burst 2; targets each creature
Summon Lightning Drake Druid Attack 15 in burst; the targets lose all concealment against you and
Lightning crackles as you summon a drake to do your bidding. your allies until the end of your next turn.
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the bat any com-
Daily ✦ Implement, Lightning, Primal, Summoning
mands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent
Standard Action Ranged 5
enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves twice its speed to a
Effect: You summon a Medium lightning drake in an unoc-
square outside every enemy’s line of sight. It then makes
cupied square within range. The drake has speed 6 and
a Stealth check with no penalty for movement.
resist 10 lightning. You can give the drake the following
special commands. On the turn you summon the drake,
you give the first command as part of using this power. Summon Savage Tiger Druid Attack 15
Standard Action: Ranged 10; targets one creature; Speaking an ancient oath, you summon a great tiger to its feast.
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier lightning
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Standard Action: Area burst 1 within 10 squares;
Effect: You summon a Large tiger in an unoccupied space
targets each creature in burst; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d6 +
within range. The tiger has speed 7. You can give the tiger
Wisdom modifier lightning damage.
the following special command. On the turn you sum-
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the drake any
mon the tiger, you give that command as part of using
commands by the end of your turn, it shifts 1 square and
this power.
uses its area burst attack, targeting as many creatures as
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
possible (including you and your allies).
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the tiger any com-
mands by the end of your turn, it charges the nearest
SKY SPEAKERS bloodied creature it can charge, using its attack as a me-
lee basic attack. If it can’t do that, it attacks an adjacent
Druids don’t speak with the spirits as naturally as sha- enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square
mans do. Some druids choose a different mode of adjacent to an enemy.
understanding the will of the spirits, a form of observation
of nature that blends into a nomadic lifestyle that takes Wrath of the Storm Chaser Druid Attack 15
them across the world. Wind and lightning lash around your foe. Later, when you
By observing the movements of storms, clouds, winds, transform into a beast, the wind blows that foe around the
birds and other flying creatures, druids who think of
themselves as sky speakers believe that they can trace Daily ✦ Implement, Lightning, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 10
the earliest motions of the primal spirits—movements that
Target: One creature
lead to ancient places of primal power and hunting ranges Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
in the clouds that have been preserved since before the Hit: 4d8 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and you
Dawn War. slide the target 3 squares.
Sky speakers erect shrines atop the highest peaks. One Miss: Half damage.
sky speaker seldom has any difficulty recognizing another, Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever you use
because no one else pays so much attention to the world wild shape to change into beast form, you slide the target
2 squares.
above, even while in the form of a creature that has four
paws upon the earth.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Level 16 Utility Evocations Level 17 Encounter Evocations

Darting Viper Druid Utility 16 Cloud of Sparrows Druid Attack 17
You transform into a viper and slip away from your foes. You Sparrows swirl around you, a storm of tiny talons and beaks
then return to your normal form but retain some aspects of the that rends your foes and then whisks you away.
viper for a moment. Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Teleportation
Encounter ✦ Primal Standard Action Close burst 2
Move Action Personal Target: Each enemy in burst
Prerequisite: You must have the wild shape power. Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Effect: You shift your speed. During this movement, you Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
ignore difficult terrain and can shift through enemies’ Effect: You teleport 5 squares, and you gain concealment
spaces. You then gain a +4 power bonus to speed and until the start of your next turn.
can move through enemies’ spaces until the end of your
next turn. Devouring Swarm Druid Attack 17
You dispatch pieces of your swarm form to drain blood from
Dryad’s Trees Druid Attack 16 your foes to give yourself resilience.
Two ancient trees spring up. You and your allies can move from Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
one tree to the other with a single step. Standard Action Close blast 5
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Primal, Teleportation Target: Each creature in blast
Minor Action Close burst 20 Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Effect: You conjure two trees in two unoccupied squares in Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
the burst. Each tree occupies 1 square and must be on a Effect: If you hit at least one target, you gain 10 temporary
solid surface. The trees last until the end of the encoun- hit points.
ter. When adjacent to either tree, you and your allies can Primal Swarm: Add your Constitution modifier to the
each use a move action to teleport to a square adjacent temporary hit points.
to the other tree.
Hungry for the Kill Druid Attack 17
Elusive Wind Druid Utility 16 As you shake your enemy’s life loose, you avoid a doom waiting
You catch the wind and soar away to safety. for you.
Encounter ✦ Primal Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Healing, Implement, Primal
Minor Action Personal Standard Action Melee touch
Effect: If you are marked, that condition ends on you. You Effect: Before the attack, you shift 2 squares.
then fly 8 squares. This movement doesn’t provoke op- Primal Predator: The number of squares you shift equals
portunity attacks, and if you don’t land at the end of the your Dexterity modifier.
movement, you descend to the ground without taking Target: One creature
falling damage. In addition, until the end of your next Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
turn, you can shift 1 square as a free action whenever Hit: 2d12 + Wisdom modifier damage. If either you or
you are hit. the target is bloodied or at 0 hit points or fewer, you can
spend a healing surge, make a saving throw, or both.
Feral Recovery Druid Utility 16
You call on the feral heart that lurks within all creatures to al- SEEKERS OF THE LOST DAWN
low yourself and your friends to shake off an effect. During the bleakest days of the Dawn War, the over-
Daily ✦ Primal whelming power of the gods and the primordials scarred,
Minor Action Close burst 2 churned, and scorched the world. Great holes opened in
Target: You and each ally in burst the surface of the world, swallowing entire forests and
Effect: Each target can make a saving throw against an
mountain ranges, until the primal spirits finally drove the
effect that a save can end, with a +5 power bonus to the
saving throw if the effect has the charm, the fear, or the
combatants back to the planes.
illusion keyword. To this day, primal heroes search out those
long-forgotten lands swallowed deep within the earth.
Phantom Beast Druid Utility 16 Guided by spirits who half remember the battles but
You can briefly adopt the form of a beast spirit, allowing you to
have no memory of what was lost, a few druids in each
pass through barriers. generation find themselves drawn to search for forests
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Primal
of gleaming crystals and former mountain peaks buried
Minor Action Personal beneath earth that rests uneasily over former places of
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain phasing primal power.
while you are in beast form. Where such sites have fallen into the Underdark, they
have nearly always been broken apart and digested by
that realm’s alien nature. But in many places—too many
to ignore—pockets of the lost dawn still exist as bubbles of
earth and hidden springs, separated from the Underdark
below by gradually eroding rock.
CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Inexorable Smash Druid Attack 17 Summon Guardian Briar Druid Attack 19
You bash your foe, staggering it for a moment. You summon spirits that coalesce into a mighty creature of
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal thorns and brambles that protects you and your friends.
Standard Action Melee touch Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Target: One creature Standard Action Ranged 5
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Effect: You summon a Large guardian briar in an unoccu-
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you slide the pied space within range. The guardian briar has speed 5
target 1 square. The target is dazed until the end of your and ignores difficult terrain. You and your allies gain a +2
next turn. power bonus to AC while within 2 squares of the guard-
Primal Guardian: The number of squares you slide the ian briar. You can give the guardian briar the following
target equals your Constitution modifier. special command. On the turn you summon the guardian
briar, you give that command as part of using this power.
Torrential Storm Druid Attack 17 Standard Action: Melee 2; targets one creature;
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Dark clouds gather at your command. Lightning and rain fall
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the guardian briar
to damage your foes and keep them away from you.
any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an en-
Encounter ✦ Implement, Lightning, Primal, Zone emy within 2 squares of it if it can. Otherwise, it moves
Standard Action Close blast 5 its speed to a square where it is within 2 squares of as
Target: Each creature in blast many allies as possible.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and you
Summon Thunder Bison Druid Attack 19
slide the target 3 squares.
Effect: The blast creates a stormy zone that lasts until the Thunder rumbles in the distance, drawing closer and closer un-
end of your next turn. A creature hit by this attack that til a bison trundles out of the spirit world to appear by your side.
enters the zone on its turn takes 10 lightning damage. Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Level 19 Daily Evocations Effect: You summon a Large bison in an unoccupied space
within range. The bison has speed 7 and a +2 bonus to
Pummeling Hail Druid Attack 19 AC. You can give the bison the following special com-
mand. On the turn you summon the bison, you give that
Chunks of ice fall from the sky, battering your foes.
command as part of using this power.
Daily ✦ Cold, Implement, Primal Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d10 + Wisdom modifier thunder
Target: Each creature in burst damage.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the bison any
Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom modifier cold damage. commands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent
Effect: The burst creates a zone of hail that lasts until the enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square
end of your next turn. Any creature that enters the zone or adjacent to an enemy.
starts its turn there takes 5 + your Constitution modifier
cold damage.
Tremors Druid Attack 19
Primal Swarm: You aren’t affected by the zone while you
are in beast form. You command the earth, causing tremors to topple your foes.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Summon Swamp Behemoth Druid Attack 19 Primary Target: Each creature in burst
A primeval swamp spirit assumes solid form at your summons Primary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
and thrashes over the battlefield. Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the primary
target is knocked prone.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Miss: Half damage.
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: The burst creates a quaking zone that lasts until the
Effect: You summon a Large behemoth in an unoccupied
end of the encounter. The zone is difficult terrain. While
space within range. The behemoth has speed 8 and
the zone persists, you can make the following secondary
ignores difficult terrain. You can give the behemoth the
attack as a minor action once per round.
following special commands. On the turn you summon
Secondary Target: Each creature within the zone
the behemoth, you give the first command as part of us-
Secondary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
ing this power.
Hit: 1d10 damage, and the secondary target is knocked
Standard Action: Melee 2; targets one creature;
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Standard Action: The behemoth moves its speed. During
this movement, it can move through enemies’ spaces. When
it enters an enemy’s space, it attacks that enemy: Wisdom
vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. It can’t attack a
creature in this way more than once per round.
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the behemoth
any commands by the end of your turn, it uses its second
attack against as many enemies as possible.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Level 22 Utility Evocations Level 23 Encounter Evocations

Fey Circles Druid Utility 22 Blinding Swarm Druid Attack 23
Toadstool rings appear at your command, carrying with them You become a cloud of insects that obscures your enemies’
the magic to whisk a creature from one ring to the next. vision.
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Primal, Teleportation Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
Minor Action Close burst 20 Standard Action Close blast 3
Effect: You conjure eight fey circles in eight unoccupied Target: Each creature in blast
squares in the burst. You and your allies can use the fey Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
circles to teleport. When a character enters a fey circle’s Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
square, he or she can teleport to another fey circle’s blinded until the end of your next turn.
square, as long as the destination square is unoccupied. Primal Swarm: If the attack hits at least once, you shift to a
Then both fey circles disappear. The fey circles last until square in the blast or adjacent to it.
the end of the encounter if they aren’t used.
Fearsome Fangs Druid Attack 23
Protective Whirlwind Druid Utility 22
Lunging to ravage your enemy with a vicious bite, you create an
Howling wind swirls around you, strong enough to deflect opportunity for allies to aid you or flee to safety.
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
Daily ✦ Primal, Zone Standard Action Melee touch
Standard Action Close burst 3 Target: One creature
Effect: The burst creates a windy zone that lasts until the Effect: Before the attack, each ally adjacent to the target can
end of your next turn. Area attacks and ranged attacks shift 1 square as a free action.
against creatures within the zone take a –4 penalty to Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
the attack rolls against them. In addition, the zone is dif- Hit: 4d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you slide the
ficult terrain. When a creature other than you ends its target 1 square. The target grants combat advantage until
movement within the zone, you can slide that creature 3 the end of your next turn.
squares as a free action. Primal Guardian: The number of squares you slide the
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. target equals your Wisdom modifier.

Stonebones Druid Utility 22

Rain of Fire Needles Druid Attack 23
Drawing strength from the earth, your body becomes nearly
Your evocation causes pine needles to rain down and explode
impervious to damage and immovable.
shortly after impact.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Encounter ✦ Fire, Implement, Primal, Zone
Minor Action Personal
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain resist 15
Target: Each creature in burst
to all damage, and when you are pulled, pushed, or slid,
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
you can make a saving throw. If you save, you ignore the
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
forced movement.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of pine needles that lasts
until the end of your next turn. At the start of your next
Tortoise Shell Druid Utility 22 turn, each creature within the zone takes 2d8 + Wisdom
Your or your friend’s skin hardens into a tortoise shell, perfect modifier fire damage.
for deflecting enemy attacks.
Daily ✦ Primal Razor Snare Druid Attack 23
Minor Action Close burst 5 Razor vines erupt where you point and snake around your en-
Target: You or one ally in burst emies. The vines tighten if those enemies dare move.
Effect: The target gains a +4 power bonus to all defenses
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
until the end of your next turn. If the target moves, the
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
power bonus decreases to +2.
Target: Each enemy in burst
Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Special: When you are hit by a melee attack, you can use
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. If the target moves
this power on yourself as an immediate interrupt.
before the end of your next turn, it takes 2d6 damage.
Primal Predator: The target also grants combat advantage
Tree of Life Druid Utility 22 until the end of your next turn.
You draw on primal energy to cause vines and plants to sprout
for a moment, creating a useful tool for you and your allies.
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Healing, Primal
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You conjure a life-giving tree in an unoccupied
square within range. The tree must be on a solid surface,
and it lasts until the end of the encounter. The tree occu-
pies 1 square and provides cover. You and your allies gain
regeneration 5 while within 2 squares of the tree.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Level 25 Daily Evocations Summon Proud Mastodon Druid Attack 25
Your call is answered by a mastodon, ready to trample your
Avian Cloud Druid Attack 25 enemies.
You create a cloud of angry birds that scratch at the eyes of your Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
foes. Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Large mastodon in an unoccupied
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone
space within range. The mastodon has speed 7 and a
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
+4 bonus to attack rolls against creatures its own size or
Target: Each enemy in burst
larger. You can give the mastodon the following special
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
command. On the turn you summon the mastodon, you
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
give that command as part of using this power.
blinded (save ends).
Standard Action: Melee 2; targets one creature;
Miss: Half damage, and the target is blinded until the end of
Wisdom vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage,
your next turn.
and the target is knocked prone.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of birds that lasts until the
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the mastodon any
end of the encounter. Creatures outside the zone have
commands by the end of your turn, it charges the near-
total concealment against creatures within the zone. Any
est unbloodied enemy it can charge, using its attack as a
enemy that starts its turn within the zone takes 10 +
melee basic attack. If it can’t do that, it attacks an enemy
your Wisdom modifier damage.
within 2 squares of it if it can. Otherwise, it moves its
speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Creeping Doom Druid Attack 25
At your command, biting and stinging vermin spill forth to con- Summon Razorclaw Behemoth Druid Attack 25
sume your enemies.
With a primeval hiss, you summon a reptilian predator that
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone runs on two legs and cuts with all four.
Standard Action Close burst 1
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Effect: The burst creates a zone of vermin that lasts until
Standard Action Ranged 10
the end of your next turn. Any creature that starts its turn
Effect: You summon a Medium behemoth in an unoc-
within the zone takes 10 damage and grants combat
cupied square within range. The behemoth has speed 7.
advantage until the start of its next turn. As a move ac-
You can give the behemoth the following special com-
tion, you can move the zone 3 squares. When the zone
mand. On the turn you summon the behemoth, you give
appears, make the following attack. As a standard action,
that command as part of using this power.
you can repeat the attack.
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Target: Each creature within the zone or adjacent to it
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the behemoth any
dazed until the end of your next turn.
commands by the end of your turn, it charges the nearest
Sustain Minor: The zone persists, and you can increase its
creature taking ongoing damage that it can charge, using
size by 1 to a maximum of burst 5.
its attack as a melee basic attack. If it can’t do that, it at-
tacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its
Primal Ape Druid Attack 25 speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Loosing a thunderous roar, you swell in size to assume the form
of a primal ape.
Level 27 Encounter Evocations
Daily ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal, Thunder
Standard Action Close burst 1
Behemoth Stampede Druid Attack 27
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude You gesture, and a behemoth stampede tramples your enemies
Hit: 6d6 + Wisdom modifier thunder damage, and you and then vanishes.
push the target 3 squares. Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 2 squares. Standard Action Close blast 5
Effect: Until you leave your current beast form or until the Target: Each creature in blast
end of the encounter, your size increases to Large, you Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
gain a climb speed of 6 and a +2 bonus to AC and Forti- Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
tude, and your melee attacks deal 2d6 extra damage. In pushed 5 squares and knocked prone.
addition, you gain a +2 bonus to speed when you charge.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Death Fangs Druid Attack 27 Thunder Claw Druid Attack 27
Your eyes glow red with feral fire as you are overcome with the Thunder rumbles around you as you rear back to attack. As
death spirit, a primal force that lays low living things. your claws rip into your foe, the thunder crashes over it.
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal, Thunder
Standard Action Melee touch Standard Action Melee touch
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 5d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier thunder damage, and the
Primal Predator: The attack deals extra damage equal to target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
your Dexterity modifier. Primal Guardian: You also slide the target a number of
squares equal to your Constitution modifier.
Howling Doom Druid Attack 27
You unleash a mighty roar, leaving your foes frozen in terror as Disorienting Drone Druid Attack 27
you prepare to move in for the kill. Insects appear around you and emit an eerie drone, disorienting
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Fear, Implement, Primal, your foes.
Psychic Encounter ✦ Charm, Implement, Primal
Standard Action Close blast 5 Standard Action Close burst 2
Target: Each creature in blast Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage, and the tar- Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
get is immobilized and grants combat advantage to you dazed and deafened until the end of your next turn.
until the end of your next turn. Primal Swarm: The size of the burst increases by 1.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Level 29 Daily Evocations Summon Storm Behemoth Druid Attack 29
Lightning and thunder herald the ground-shaking tread of a
Earth Maw Druid Attack 29 primeval spirit returned in the flesh.
You call forth a maw of earth and stone, which seeks to swallow Daily ✦ Implement, Lightning, Primal, Summoning
your foe. Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Large storm behemoth in an unoc-
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Implement, Primal
cupied space within range. The behemoth has speed 8.
Standard Action Ranged 20
You can give the behemoth the following special com-
Effect: You conjure a Large maw of earth in an unoccupied
mands. On the turn you summon the behemoth, you give
space within range. The maw occupies its space, and it
the first command as part of using this power.
lasts until the end of your next turn. As a move action,
Standard Action: Melee 2; targets one creature;
you can move the maw a number of squares equal to
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 3d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
your Wisdom modifier. When the maw appears, it makes
Standard Action: Area burst 2 within 20 squares;
the following attack.
targets each creature in the burst; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d8
Target: One enemy adjacent to the maw
+ Wisdom modifier lightning damage.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the behemoth any
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
commands by the end of your turn, it makes its melee
restrained (save ends). Until this effect ends, the maw
attack against an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it
cannot attack another creature or move.
makes its area attack, targeting as many creatures as pos-
Sustain Minor: The maw persists. It repeats its attack
sible (including you and your allies).
against the creature it is restraining, or it attacks an adja-
cent enemy.
Whirling Firestorm Druid Attack 29
Hunter’s Heart Druid Attack 29 Your words of primal might unleash a firestorm to consume
your enemies.
Your magic lashes out at your foe, creating a bond between the
two of you, defining you as the hunter and it as your prey. Daily ✦ Fire, Implement, Primal, Zone
Standard Action Close burst 2
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal
Primary Target: Each creature in burst
Standard Action Ranged 20
Primary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Target: One creature
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier fire damage, and ongoing 10
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
fire damage (save ends).
Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.
Aftereffect: 6d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of fire that lasts until the
Miss: The target is immobilized until the end of your next
end of your next turn. Any creature other than you that
starts its turn within the zone takes 10 fire damage.
Aftereffect: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. You can either increase
Effect: Whenever you use wild shape to change into beast
its size by 1 to a maximum of burst 5 or decrease its size
form before the end of the encounter, you gain a +2
by 1 to make the following ranged secondary attack. If you
bonus to attack rolls and a +5 bonus to damage rolls
reduce the size to 0, the zone ends.
against the target until the end of your turn.
Secondary Target: One creature within 10 squares of the
Summon Elder Pack Wolf Druid Attack 29 Secondary Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
With a mighty howl, an ancient wolf spirit manifests to hunt Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier fire damage.
beside you and your allies.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Large wolf in an unoccupied space
within range. The wolf has speed 8. You can give the wolf
the following special commands. On the turn you sum-
mon the wolf, you give the first command as part of using
this power.
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and
the target is knocked prone.
Opportunity Action: Triggered when an adjacent
creature stands up; melee 1; targets the triggering creature;
Wisdom vs. Reflex; 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and
the target can’t stand up until the start of its next turn.
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the wolf any com-
mands by the end of your turn, it attacks an adjacent
prone creature. If can’t do that, it attacks an adjacent
enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square
adjacent to an enemy.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid

Coiled Serpent Snake Fang Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack, each target
“No sound of my movement or sight of my scales will reach
hit by that attack takes ongoing 10 poison damage
you. You’ll feel only the pierce of my fangs and the sting of
(save ends).
my poison.”
Serpent’s Poison (16th level): When you hit
Prerequisite: Druid with a melee attack while you are in beast form, the
attack deals 2d6 extra poison damage.
You have mastered the form of the coiled serpent, a
sleek, stealthy beast form that carries the promise Coiled Serpent Evocations
of pain and poison for your enemies. Some druids
keep their distance from serpentine beasts, but you Constricting Coils Coiled Serpent Attack 11
recognize such creatures as being just as integral to You wrap your enemy in your coils, slowly crushing it.
the natural world as anything that has fur or feathers. Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
You call on cold-eyed serpent spirits, and your con- Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
nection to the cobra, the adder, and the python gives
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
you a subtle magic. Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
As a coiled serpent, you gain abilities that let you grabbed. Until the end of your next turn, while you are
grab creatures, deal poison damage, and move swiftly. grabbing the target, you gain a +5 power bonus to all
defenses, and any attack that misses you hits the target.
Coiled Serpent Path Features
Serpent Form (11th level): While you are in Serpent’s Dash Coiled Serpent Utility 12
beast form, you gain resist 15 poison and a +5 bonus You slither off, causing your enemies to lose track of you as you
to Stealth checks. The resistance increases to 20 at mask yourself in shadow.
21st level. Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Primal
Move Action Personal
Effect: You shift 3 squares and gain concealment until the
end of your next turn.

Fazing Fangs Coiled Serpent Attack 20

You call serpent spirits that sink their fangs deep and deliver
a poison that stupefies your foes and punishes them for their
Daily ✦ Implement, Poison, Primal
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 poison damage, and the target is dazed (save
ends). Until this effect ends, the target takes 10 poison
damage whenever it attacks.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
your next turn.


Most people, even among primal tribes, associate the
form of the coiled serpent with evil druids, including
the Circle of Serpentis. The circle is a sinister group that
reveres Zehir—above all primal spirits, some say. The
members of the circle (mostly yuan-ti) use their coiled
serpent forms to strike secretly in the name of their dark
god. Although their lairs lie deep in the wilderness, they
sometimes infiltrate cities and borderland settlements.
If you are or were associated with the Circle of Ser-
pentis, you might be a former member of the circle who
now seeks redemption by foiling the circle’s plans or a

power-hungry character who becomes an ally of the circle

despite its evil.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Luminescent Swarm
“Insects don’t need to speak to communicate. Watch the
way my swarm dances, and you’ll see the way.”

Prerequisite: Druid, Primal Swarm class feature

When you take on the form of an insect swarm, the

insects glow with supernatural light. The stories of
your ancestors tell of luminescent insects in prime-
val times, insects that led your ancestors through
swamps and forests to safety. These creatures had
no kindness for the enemies of your tribe and used
their hypnotic lights to lead enemies astray, drowning
them in deep bogs and abandoning them in animal
dens. You, too, are a protector and an ally when you
take on the shape of the luminescent swarm.
You can harness primal lights to bewilder and
blind your enemies. Your attacks deal psychic
damage and deliver effects that make it more difficult
for your enemies to attack.

Luminescent Swarm
Path Features
Luminescent Lantern (11th level): While you
are in beast form, you have an aura 5. The aura is
filled with bright light, and allies within the aura gain
a +2 bonus to saving throws. Light of Clarity Luminescent Swarm Utility 12
Radiant Swarm Action (11th level): When you Primal light fills the air around you, revealing hidden creatures.
spend an action point to take an extra action, your
Daily ✦ Primal, Zone
beast form attacks during this turn deal extra radiant Minor Action Close burst 2
damage equal to one-half your level. Effect: The burst creates a zone of bright light that lasts
Blaze of Light (16th level): When you use wild until the end of your next turn. Any creature within the
shape to change from beast form to your humanoid zone can’t gain concealment or total concealment, and
form, choose an adjacent creature (before or after you any creature that starts its turn within the zone can’t gain
shift as part of using wild shape). That creature takes a concealment or total concealment until the end of its
next turn.
–2 penalty to attack rolls against you until the end of
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
your next turn. Special: You can use this power while you are in beast
Luminescent Swarm Evocations
Brilliant Swarm Luminescent Swarm Attack 20
Mystifying Lights Luminescent Swarm Attack 11 Blinding light flashes around you as glowing insects swarm over
You become a whirl of insects, glowing with a supernatural light your foes.
that mesmerizes creatures before you. Daily ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal, Radiant
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal, Psychic Standard Action Close burst 3
Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each enemy in burst
Target: Each creature in blast Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude, Reflex, Will. You make one
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will attack roll per target, comparing the result against all three
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage, and you defenses. A target suffers the effects associated with each
slide the target 1 square. The target is dazed until the defense that the attack hits.
end of your next turn. Hit (Fortitude): The target takes ongoing 10 radiant dam-
Effect: You shift 1 square for each target you hit. age (save ends).
Hit (Reflex): You slide the target 5 squares.
Hit (Will): The target is blinded (save ends).
Hit (Any): The target takes 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier
radiant damage for each of its defenses that the attack hits.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Pack Lord

“My companions and I are just a small part of a much
larger pack, and we always hunt together.”

Prerequisite: Druid

With each evocation you cast, you hear the distant

growls and cries of your pack. They wait for your
magic to call them forth into battle, and they are
eager to fight. You strengthen them with your magic,
and you draw power from them. You
are at your mightiest when
you stand at the head of your
summoned pack.
When you summon the
beasts of your pack, your evo-
cations echo through them.
Their wounds knit shut, and
they leap to attack with a ferocity
augmented by your primal magic. In turn, you
draw on their feral strength to endure your
enemy’s attacks and to strengthen your own.

Pack Lord
Path Features
Natural Pack Member
(11th level): While you have
at least one summoned crea-
ture present, you gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls and all defenses.
Pack Intensity (11th level): When you spend Pack Lord Evocations
an action point to take an extra action, you can give
a single minor action command to one of your sum- Alpha’s Command Pack Lord Attack 11
moned creatures as a free action. If you don’t give any You don’t even have to snarl a command; your pack member
other commands to that creature during this turn, takes your meaning from your bloody fangs.
the creature uses its instinctive effect at the end of Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
your turn. Standard Action Melee touch
Natural Vitality (16th level): Creatures you Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
summon with your druid powers gain regenera-
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you command
tion equal to your Wisdom modifier while they are one of your summoned creatures to make one of its
bloodied. standard action attacks. If you don’t have a summoned
Great Summoning (20th level): You gain a creature present, roll a d20. If you roll 10 or higher, one
19th-level druid summoning power. ally within 5 squares of you can charge or make a basic
attack as a free action.

Full Pack Pack Lord Utility 12

You and your summoned creature howl in unison.
Daily ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can use a
minor action once per round to command one of your
summoned creatures to make one of its standard action

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Primal Summoner Primal Summoner Path Features
“This isn’t a battle. It’s a hunt. And you’re not the hunter.” Feral Ways (11th level): When your sum-
moned creatures use their instinctive effects, they
Prerequisite: Druid regain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier
and gain a +2 power bonus to any attack rolls that
Perhaps you were raised in the wilderness and are part of those effects.
learned to summon beasts to serve as your hunt- Primal Summoner Action (11th level): When
ing companions. Perhaps your community needed you spend an action point to take an extra action, you
protection, and you learned the ways of summoning can give a single standard action command to one of
animal guardians at a moment’s notice. Or it could your summoned creatures as a free action.
be that you grew up hearing the whispers of animal Move as One (16th level): When you move using
spirits and are a master at calling them to your side. a move action, one of your summoned creatures can
Whatever your route to the path of the primal sum- move its speed.
moner, you seek a mastery over summoned beasts
that other druids do not possess. Some of your abili- Primal Summoner Evocations
ties help your beasts act on their instincts, whereas
Redfang Prophecy Primal Summoner Attack 11
other abilities help you command those beasts with
You cause your enemy to feel teeth crunching through bone.
even greater skill.
Your summoned creature then heightens that enemy’s pain.
The primal slayer that you learn to control at the
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Psychic
peak of your power is an ancient spirit. It might not
Standard Action Ranged 5
be the most mighty creature you learn to summon, Target: One creature
but its ability to change its shape echoes the versatil- Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
ity of your power. Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage. Until the end
of your next turn, your summoned creatures deal extra
damage against the target equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Tightened Control Primal Summoner Utility 12

The bond between you and your summoned beasts grows stron-
ger, strengthening them.
Daily ✦ Primal, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the stance ends, your summoned creatures
gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls,
except when such rolls are part of an instinctive effect.

Summon Primal Summoner Attack 20

Primal Slayer
Fast, lethal, and capable of changing its shape, the primal slayer
is an extension of your deadly will.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You summon a Large primal slayer in an unoccu-
pied space within range. The primal slayer has speed 8.
You can give the primal slayer the following special com-
mands. On the turn you summon the primal slayer, you
give either command as part of using this power.
Standard Action: The primal slayer changes size to
Large if it was Medium and gains a burrow speed of 6, and
it then shifts 2 squares and attacks: melee 2; targets one or
two creatures; Wisdom vs. AC; 2d12 + Wisdom modifier
Standard Action: The primal slayer changes size to
Medium if it was Large and gains a fly speed of 8 and can
hover, and it then shifts 2 squares and attacks: melee 1;
targets one creature; Wisdom vs. Reflex; 3d10 + Wisdom
modifier damage.
Instinctive Effect: If you haven’t given the primal slayer
any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks a

bloodied enemy if it can. Otherwise, it attacks an adja-

cent enemy. It makes the first attack if it is Medium and
the second if it is Large.
CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Spiral Wind’s Ally

Path Features
Healing Spiral (11th level): While you are not
in beast form, any bloodied ally within 5 squares of
you who spends a healing surge regains additional hit
points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Spiral Wind Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action and
you are not in beast form, a bloodied ally within 5
squares of you can spend a healing surge.
Allied Winds (16th level): When you spend a
healing surge, you can shift 2 squares as a free action.

Spiral Wind’s Ally Evocations

Spiral Gust Spiral Wind’s Ally Attack 11
Your wind blasts in crisscrossing funnels, whipping into your
enemies and granting your allies renewed breath.
Encounter ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and an ally adjacent
to the target regains hit points equal to your Wisdom

Releasing Breath Spiral Wind’s Ally Utility 12

As your friend catches his or her breath, wind gusts past, mak-
ing you and your allies harder to see.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you uses his or her
second wind
Target: The triggering ally
Effect: The target and each ally within 5 squares of him or
Spiral Wind’s Ally her gain concealment until the end of your next turn.

“Stillness is death. Touch the wind and live.” Three Shifting Winds Spiral Wind’s Ally Attack 20
Prerequisite: Druid The Spiral Wind calls on its cold or thunderous cousins to help
you or takes its spiral path one twist further and explodes into
Many of the world’s languages use words for “spirit” radiance.
and “breath” that are related to each other. Whereas Daily ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal; Varies
other primal magicians mostly consort with the Standard Action Close blast 5
Special: Choose cold, radiant, or thunder whenever you
spirits behind the world’s creatures and things, you
use this power. Your choice determines both the power’s
have befriended one of the ancient winds. The Spiral damage type and an effect.
Wind carries the secrets of life in its twists; look at any Target: Each enemy in blast
humanoid fingerprint, and you’ll see the spirals that Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
mark where the wind entered to give the person life. Hit: 4d10 + Wisdom modifier damage of the type you
You have learned to call the Spiral Wind when you chose.
and your allies have need of its healing powers. You Miss: Half damage.
Effect (Cold): Each target is slowed (save ends).
won’t be mistaken for a cleric or a shaman, but your
Effect (Radiant): Each ally in the blast regains hit points
allies have learned that a sudden breeze might be a equal to your Wisdom modifier + one-half your level.
sign of your allied wind’s arrival. Effect (Thunder): One target of your choice is dazed until
The Spiral Wind has more to do with the people the end of your next turn.
of the wilderness than with the beasts, and you are
more comfortable in humanoid form than in beast

form. You can still change shape, but most of the

powers and features that rely on the Spiral Wind
work only when you are in your humanoid form.
CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Storm Speaker Storm Speaker Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action, you can
“Once the storm begins, no mortal force can halt it.” also fly 8 squares as a free action. This movement
Prerequisite: Druid doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.
Dancing Tempest (16th level): Once per round
The might of primal storms—furious things of light- when you hit an enemy with a lightning or a thunder
ning, thunder, and rain—courses through your magic. power, you can shift 1 square as a free action.
Few druids walk the path of the storm speaker, for it
is fraught with indomitable forces that can be chan- Storm Speaker Evocations
neled only temporarily, rather than truly controlled.
The storm speaker dabbles with primal powers that Storm Beast Storm Speaker Attack 11
dance and surge across the sky, free of all fetters. With a great roar, you channel the fury of a primal storm.
Storm speakers seek out broad plains, the better to Lightning dances around you and strikes your enemies.
see and study storms that sweep across the sky. Their Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Lightning, Primal
lodges are marked by tall spikes of iron marked with Standard Action Close blast 3
yellow and blue runes. During a storm, a speaker Target: Each enemy in blast
meditates within one of these lodges, allowing his or Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
her mind to wander among the winds and rain. If the Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and you
gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the target
storms are open to sharing their secrets, bolts of light-
until the end of your next turn.
ning strike the iron spikes, sending waves of primal
energy over the speaker, fortifying his or her power.
Shield of Gales Storm Speaker Utility 12
A funnel cloud forms around you, knocking aside your enemies
Storm Speaker Path Features and shielding you from harm.
Storm Touched (11th level): You gain resist 5 Daily ✦ Primal
lightning and resist 5 thunder. Whenever you take Minor Action Personal
lightning or thunder damage, you gain 5 temporary Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power
hit points, and you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls bonus to all defenses. When any enemy ends its turn
with primal powers until the end of your next turn. adjacent to you, you can slide that enemy 1 square as a
free action.

Storm Child Storm Speaker Attack 20

For a short time, you become a child of storms. Thunder booms
as lightning crackles around you, launching at your enemies.
Daily ✦ Implement, Lightning, Primal, Thunder
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: One, two, or three enemies in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier lightning and thunder
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can make the
following attack once per round, either in your humanoid
form or in your beast form.
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: One creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid
Whirling Samara Dark Wings

Whirling Samara Utility 12
Pieces of your beast form cling heavily to any who dare slash at
“For you, despoiler, these seeds are a promise of death.”
Prerequisite: Druid, Primal Swarm class feature Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Primal
Free Action Personal
As a druid who assumes swarm shapes, you have Trigger: You use wild shape to change into beast form
already mastered complex magic that maintains Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you become insub-
stantial and can move through enemies’ spaces while you
your identity even while you are dispersed in the
are in beast form.
form of many insects. Your new path focuses on
gaining greater control of the individuals that com-
Great Winged Samara Whirling Samara Attack 20
pose your swarm forms. Most druids work with one
Seeds erupt around you, blinding your enemies and then whirl-
swarm shape at a time, but you mix many different
ing around you, ready to blind again.
types of seeds, leaves, insects, and other natural
Daily ✦ Primal, Implement
things into a supremely f lexible form, which adapts
Standard Action Close blast 5
to any challenge. Target: Each enemy in blast
Many of your powers take advantage of the Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
whirling wings of the seeds called samaras or the Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
buzzing wings of insects. You can take f light as blinded (save ends).
smoothly as you shift into beast form, then send Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain two benefits
pieces of yourself whirling among your allies to while you are in beast form: You can shift 2 squares as a
minor action, and whenever you score a critical hit against
protect them from harm.
an enemy, that enemy is blinded (save ends).

Whirling Samara
Path Features
Shed Bulk for Speed (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action, you can
reroll two different attack rolls before the end of your
next turn. When you make one of these rerolls,
you take 1d10 + one-half your level damage and
use either result.
Parting Swarm (11th level): While you are
in beast form, you are immune to being pulled,
pushed, and slid by melee attacks and ranged
Spinning Wings (16th level): When you change
from humanoid form to your beast form on your turn,
you gain a fly speed equal to your speed until the end
of your turn.

Whirling Samara Evocations

Protective Spiral Whirling Samara Attack 11
The whirling wings of your swarm form extend out, cutting
your enemies before spiraling protectively around your friend.
Encounter ✦ Beast Form, Implement, Primal
Standard Action Melee 2
Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. An ally within
2 squares of you gains temporary hit points equal to
your Wisdom modifier.

CHAPTER 2 | Druid


“You think the world is only what you can see? Then
you are truly blind.”

You live in a world that most other people

can’t even perceive. To you, the realm of the primal
spirits isn’t a theoretical construct or an abstract
notion—it’s the world you live in, and the physical
world sometimes seems like a dream. What others
perceive, at best, in flashes and brief visions, you see
all the time. This is your glory and perhaps, ulti-
mately, your curse, for you are a shaman—the purest
conduit between the mortal world and the spirit
realm that suffuses it.
The most important spirit, of course, is your spirit
companion, a constant presence and your link to the
spirit world. When you call upon ancestor spirits or
spirits of natural forces, your companion represents
their presence in the world on your behalf. Your com-
panion might also nudge you into adventures, point
you in a certain direction, or even growl pointed
advice when it thinks you need to hear wisdom.
This chapter includes evocations that allow your
shaman character to channel a new array of primal
spirits. You’ll find a broad range of material to help
build your shaman, including the following.

✦ Playing a Shaman: Suggestions to help you create

your shaman as a character who has a unique per-
spective on the world and the spirits that inhabit it.
✦ New Builds: The eagle shaman and the world
speaker shaman provide options beyond those pre-
viously presented in Player’s Handbook 2.
✦ New Class Features: The Watcher Spirit class
feature helps you guide your allies’ ranged attacks,
while the World Speaker Spirit class feature helps
you convince the world to bend to your will.
✦ New Powers: The new powers in this book
include an abundance of terrain-control effects
and ranged attacks, as well as evocations intended
to empower the ranged attackers in your party.
✦ New Paragon Paths: Seven new paths, includ-
ing the scarred healer, whose body bears constant
testimony to the wounds he or she seeks to heal,

and the seasons’ herald, who is adept at using the

spirits to maintain the balance of nature.

CHAPTER 3 | Shaman
A wizened dwarf follows a shaggy bear spirit along Other shamans attract different spirit com-
a lonely mountain road, unsure where the spirit will panions as their power increases; for example, a
lead. Moving with the grace and stealth of a panther, 1st-level shaman might have a spirit companion that
an elf and his spirit companion creep through the is a minor panther spirit, but that same shaman at
forest toward their unsuspecting orc prey. A human 27th level might have a great elder spirit as a spirit
draped in leaves and furs stands with arms upraised companion.
to the stormy sky, calling on the spirits of thunder Your spirit companion might match your personal-
and lightning. Shamans are primal mystics, existing ity, embodying your ideals or your aspirations. If you
simultaneously in the world and in the realm of the have a bear spirit companion, for example, it might
primal spirits. Surrounded by a great cloud of ances- share your steadfast, trustworthy nature—or your
tor and nature spirits, they bring the wisdom of the companion might exhibit those qualities while you
ancients to the people of the world. aspire to them but continually fall short. Some sha-
mans feel that their spirit companions complement
Your Spirit Companion their own personalities because of the differences
between the two; your panther spirit companion
Shamans have one feature that sets them apart from
might be as free-wheeling and independent as you
other heroes—their spirit companions. A spirit com-
are staid and reliable.
panion is a spirit that temporarily leaves the great
stream of spirits flowing throughout the world to
join with a shaman’s magic. It might be a guide that Talking with Spirits
can show you options and paths you wouldn’t other- Although shamans describe their interaction with the
wise consider, a being of ancient wisdom who waits spirits as “talking,” this communication isn’t always
patiently for you to match it in power and experience, verbal, and it’s rarely as fluid as a conversation with
or a weirdly intelligent pet. another person. The spirits speak in many ways, and
Many spirit companions are animal spirits, minor even ancestor spirits that were once people often find
forces of nature’s power embodied in animal form. it difficult to maintain their attention on the physical
Your spirit companion might take the form of a pan- world long enough to carry on a conversation, or even
ther or a tiger, but its spiritual essence is the stalker, to complete a sentence.
the archetypal predator of which all earthly hunters
are reflections. Similarly, a watcher spirit is a spirit of
nature’s watchful eye given form as an eagle or some
other bird of prey, whereas a bear spirit embodies the
protective instincts that sustain the natural world. A
world speaker spirit might appear as an animal, but
its essence is that of the living world itself, the cycles
that change and move all things.
Your spirit companion might instead be an ances-
tor spirit from the distant past of your family or tribe.
Or it could be an ancient humanoid spirit with no
direct relation to you, attaching itself to you in order
to share its wisdom for your benefit. Perhaps it has
no living descendants and has chosen you to be its
spiritual heir, or maybe its descendants have failed to
honor it, and the spirit has chosen you for the job of
reminding its ungrateful heirs to show proper respect
for the departed.
In a few unusual cases, a spirit companion isn’t a
singular spirit. Some shamans call one spirit compan-
ion at a time from a pool of spirits, each with its own
name and distinguishing quirks. You could invent
personalities and descriptions for a roster of spirit
companion allies, then randomly determine which
one is with you in any given encounter.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Communication with a spirit might take the form or perhaps you were traveling an ancient, worn

of an emotional impression, a vision, or a demonstra- road that suddenly came to an end. There you were
tion of the spirit’s power upon the world. This is one attacked by a ferocious beast—a bear or a tiger,
reason why you can use the speak with spirits power perhaps, or maybe the boar you thought you were
to receive a bonus to a skill check only once in every hunting. Its first attack injured you, but not so terribly
encounter. You can sometimes get a good idea of what that you could not flee.
the spirits are trying to say, especially if you’ve asked No matter how hard you tried to escape it, the
the right question, but conversation with spirits other beast followed you, dogging your heels until at last
than your spirit companion is often a matter of inter- you collapsed in exhaustion. As you ran, the land
preting feelings and intentions rather than gleaning seemed to twist and turn around you—familiar paths
actual words and clear instructions. didn’t lead where they should have, instead taking
How you communicate with your spirit com- you farther into the wild. As you panted for breath,
panion is a matter for you to decide when shaping the beast toyed with you, circling you and taking the
your character. Do you give it verbal commands or occasional bite or swipe.
requests? Do you form words in your mind that the Then something remarkable happened. Somehow,
spirit companion understands and responds to? Or you mustered the strength to stand up and confront
does it simply apprehend your will and act upon it the beast. Perhaps your hand found a weapon you
without any conscious effort on your part? thought had been lost on the ground, or you seized a
Perhaps your spirit companion isn’t really under tree branch and swung wildly at the beast. Instead of
your control. It might act of its own free will, moving fighting back, though, your spirit companion revealed
to where it believes it is most needed, perhaps even its true nature to you, bowing in respect and commu-
calling the spirits on your behalf without you fully nicating your new bond.
understanding what it’s doing. A shaman who undergoes a battle initiation, it is
said, is meant for a life of struggle, during which his
Acquiring or her spirit companion prepares the shaman for a
great battle or a lifelong ascension toward epic power.
a Spirit Companion
The process by which you acquired your spirit com- Shaman Eccentricities
panion is virtually synonymous with the means by
Perhaps because of their close links to the primal
which you became a shaman. True, you might have
spirits, some shamans are prone to eccentric behav-
gone through some formal rite of initiation or process
ior. They are so accustomed to interacting with the
of study under another shaman’s tutelage after your
spirit world that their dealings with the mortal world
spirit companion attached itself to you. But as soon
suffer. It’s not uncommon for shamans to speak out
as that spirit made itself known to you—whether you
loud to spirits that no one else can see or hear. Some
accepted it or not—you were on the road to becoming
labor under prohibitions that they believe the spirits
a shaman.
impose on them, such as abstaining from certain
Some shamans first encounter their spirit com-
foods (see “Taboos,” page 120). Others give the dis-
panions during childhood. Perhaps you heard the
tinct impression that their spirit companions are the
soft growl of an animal in your dreams, or you caught
ones in control, bumbling their way through adven-
glimpses of a beast peering at you from around a
tures while their companions act as the real leaders.
corner or behind a tree. Such a spirit is sometimes
Some shamans play up their eccentricities, striving
known as a spirit of destiny, for it appears unbidden,
to appear harmless or perhaps taking advantage of
choosing you for the shaman’s path rather than leav-
the fact that people tend to associate strange behav-
ing your destiny to fate or chance.
ior with dangerous power. Others seem oblivious to
A spirit of destiny is a guide, friend, and protector
the possibility that there is anything odd about their
from when you take your first steps to your final day
in the world. In the time between, you are marked
The shaman class fulfills the leader role in the
for some destiny, though none can say whether you
game, but perhaps because of this tendency toward
can live up to it. At some point in your life, you’ll
eccentricity, shamans are less likely than other leader
face a choice, and that decision will have grave
types to actually serve in this role. Most shamans are
happy to leave the job of commanding and organizing
Other shamans have terrifying first encounters
a band of adventurers to other characters in the party,
with their spirit companions, a harrowing process
while still supporting, healing, and enhancing their
called a battle initiation. In your youth, you might
have once wandered into the wilderness, far from
home and help. You might have been hunting with
a group and were separated from your companions,

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
This section presents two new builds, the eagle Suggested Options
shaman and the world speaker shaman. Each build Make Wisdom your highest ability score, followed
has a new Companion Spirit option associated with it, by Dexterity to enhance the effects of your Watcher
either of which you can choose when you make your Spirit powers. A high Constitution will improve your
shaman. hit points and Fortitude. Choose powers you can use
to heal the defenders and the melee strikers of your
Eagle Shaman group, while you and other ranged attackers remain
Your spirit companion soars above you and your in the back ranks to concentrate fire on the foes that
allies, keeping a watchful eye for hidden enemies and your spirit companion designates as optimal targets.
drawing attacks to distant foes. Your role is to guide Your secondary role is striker.
the attacks of your allies, using your spirit companion Suggested Class Feature: Watcher Spirit*
to concentrate your allies’ ranged attacks on enemies Suggested Feat: Invigorating Spirit*
you want to slay or lock down. Suggested Skills: Heal, Insight, Nature,
You are at your best alongside allies who are Perception
armed with bows, javelins, slings, or powerful ranged Suggested At-Will Powers: claws of the eagle,*
magic. Rangers, warlocks, and other classes that have watcher’s strike
features or powers that let them target the nearest Suggested Encounter Power: Stormhawk’s fury*
enemy thrive in your company, since your spirit com- Suggested Daily Power: Great Watcher spirit*
panion lets them consider any enemy adjacent to it *New option presented in this book
their nearest enemy.

New Class Feature

When you choose your Companion Spirit, you can
choose Watcher Spirit instead of another option, such
as the ones in Player’s Handbook 2.

Watcher Spirit
Spirit Boon: Enemies adjacent to your spirit
companion can’t gain cover from other enemies. In
addition, your allies can treat any enemy adjacent to
your spirit companion as their nearest enemy.
Spirit’s Prey: You gain the spirit’s prey power, an
attack you make through your spirit companion as an
opportunity action.

Spirit’s Prey Shaman Feature

Your spirit companion lashes out at a moving foe, and an ally
uses the distraction to fire on that enemy.
At-Will ✦ Primal, Spirit
Opportunity Action Melee spirit 1
Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to your spirit
companion without shifting
Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: One ally within 10 squares of your spirit companion
can make a ranged basic attack against the target as a
free action with combat advantage.

At-Will Attack Power: You gain the claws of the

eagle power. You choose a second 1st-level at-will
attack power as normal.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
World Speaker Shaman

You channel the living essence of the primal world
and the cycles that define it, giving you command
over the field of battle. Your spirit companion acts
almost like a defender, preventing enemy movement
around it while helping your allies move freely.
Your spirit companion is a being of stone and
earth, summer and winter, wind and rain. Its appear-
ance varies according to its nature and your desires. It
might be vaguely humanoid or shaped somewhat like
an animal. Most likely it changes its shape or its mix
of earth, air, and water as the primal power flowing
through it aligns with the cycles of the natural world.

New Class Feature

When you choose your Companion Spirit, you can
choose World Speaker Spirit instead of another
option, such as the ones in Player’s Handbook 2.

World Speaker Spirit

Spirit Boon: Any ally who provokes an opportu-
nity attack by entering or leaving a square adjacent
to your spirit companion gains a bonus to all
defenses against that attack. The bonus equals your
Constitution modifier.
World Speaker’s Command: You gain the world
speaker’s command power, an attack you make through
your spirit companion as an opportunity action.

World Speaker’s Command Shaman Feature

The voices and growls of primal spirits cascade on your foe, Suggested Class Feature: World Speaker Spirit*
stopping it in its tracks. Suggested Feat: Strengthening Spirit*
At-Will ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit Suggested Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Endurance,
Opportunity Action Melee spirit 1 Nature
Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to your spirit Suggested At-Will Powers: protecting strike, voice
companion without shifting of battle*
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Suggested Encounter Power: bramble ally*
Hit: The target stops moving and must use a different ac-
tion to resume moving.
Suggested Daily Power: stone root spirit*
*New option presented in this book
At-Will Attack Power: You gain the voice of battle
power. You choose a second 1st-level at-will attack
power as normal. SPIRIT OF THE SEASONS
In the first year of your relationship with your spirit com-
Suggested Options panion, you might have discovered that your companion
Wisdom should be your highest ability score, fol- shifts and changes with the seasons. Such a spirit com-
lowed by Constitution to improve the battlefield panion is both an auspicious omen and a foreboding one.
control you exert through your World Speaker Spirit It foretells of a long life, but it also portends that, at some
powers. Intelligence or Dexterity should be your point, you shall commit to a great cause for good or evil,
third-best score, to improve your AC and Reflex. life or destruction. In shifting between each season, the
Choose powers that let you reshape the terrain spirit shows the turmoil that wracks your psyche.
around you in combat and control enemy movement, If your spirit companion manifests in such a way, you
as well as healing and protecting your allies. Your will probably draw many powerful figures to your side
secondary role is controller. over the course of your career. Some of these figures will
seek to guide you to the hope of spring or the light of
summer, while others will try to drag you into the dark
of winter. You sit at the nexus of many great events.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Many of the powers in this section are tailored for the Certain Threat Shaman Attack 1
eagle shaman and the world speaker shaman. How- With a snarl and a savage lunge, your spirit companion draws
ever, shamans of any build can make good use of the and holds the attention of a foe.
options presented here, expanding their versatility on Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
and off the battlefield. Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Level 1 At-Will Evocations Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
Claws of the Eagle Shaman Attack 1 marked by your spirit companion until the end of your
Your spirit companion swoops down on your foe, causing it to next turn or until your spirit companion disappears.
neglect its defenses for a short time. Protector Spirit: The penalty to attack rolls that the target
takes from being marked by this power equals 1 + your
At-Will ✦ Primal, Spirit
Constitution modifier instead of –2.
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Effect: One ally adjacent to your spirit companion or Ironbreaker Claws Shaman Attack 1
within 3 squares of you can make a basic attack against Your spirit companion sinks its claws into your foe, twisting the
the target. If the ally’s attack hits, the target grants enemy off balance and leaving it open to an ally’s attack.
combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Spirit of the Tempest Shaman Attack 1 Target: One creature
You draw on the strength of your spirit companion, channeling Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
a storm of primal power to attack your foe and aid an ally. Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. An ally adjacent to
the target can make a melee basic attack against it as a
At-Will ✦ Implement, Primal, Thunder
free action.
Standard Action Melee 1
Stalker Spirit: The ally gains a bonus to the attack roll
Target: One creature
equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier thunder damage.
Level 21: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier thunder damage.
Effect: One ally within 2 squares of either you or your
spirit companion can make a saving throw.

Voice of Battle Shaman Attack 1

You voice a battle cry through your spirit companion, which
hammers into your enemy and spurs an ally into motion.
At-Will ✦ Implement, Primal, Psychic, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Level 21: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Effect: One ally within 2 squares of your spirit companion
can shift 2 squares as a free action.

Level 1 Encounter Evocations

Bramble Ally Shaman Attack 1
You hurl brambles from the spirit world at your enemy and then
cause them to sprout from your spirit companion, limiting the
movement of nearby enemies.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your
next turn, any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to your
spirit companion is slowed during that turn.
World Speaker Spirit: Any enemy that starts its turn

adjacent to your spirit companion is instead immobilized

during that turn.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Spirits of Mountain Mist Spirit of Grief ’s Shadow

Shaman Attack 1 Shaman Attack 1
A chilling mist streams from your spirit companion, coalescing You unleash a spirit of death, misery, and famine on your foe,
around your enemies and allowing your allies to attack them leaving it weak and listless.
more easily. Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Psychic
Encounter ✦ Cold, Implement, Primal, Spirit Standard Action Ranged 5
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: The target is dazed and slowed and takes ongoing 5
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier cold damage. Until the end psychic damage (save ends all).
of your next turn, any ally who makes an area or a close Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn, and
attack that includes your spirit companion in the area of it is slowed (save ends).
effect gains a +1 power bonus to the attack rolls of that Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target takes a
attack. –5 penalty to saving throws while adjacent to your spirit
Stormhawk’s Fury Shaman Attack 1
Your spirit companion dives on your enemy and unleashes a Spray of Quills Shaman Attack 1
bolt of lightning, which lingers momentarily. You shoot a barrage of poisonous quills at your foes.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Lightning, Primal, Spirit Daily ✦ Implement, Poison, Primal
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 Standard Action Close blast 5
Effect: Before the attack, you can move your spirit Target: Each creature in blast
companion 3 squares. Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Watcher Spirit: The number of squares you can move your Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and ongoing 5
spirit companion equals 2 + your Dexterity modifier. poison damage (save ends). Until this ongoing damage
Target: One creature ends, your allies gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex against the target.
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage. Until
the end of your next turn, when any ally hits an enemy Stone Root Spirit Shaman Attack 1
adjacent to your spirit companion, that enemy takes
The earth rises at your command, scattering your enemies and
extra lightning damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.
creating a bastion for you and your allies.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone
Level 1 Daily Evocations Standard Action Area burst 1 within 5 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Great Watcher Spirit Shaman Attack 1 Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
The spirit of the Great Watcher shows the path to victory, point- Hit: You slide the target 2 squares to a square outside the
ing out flaws in your enemy’s defenses while shoring up your burst and knock the target prone.
comrades’ weaknesses. Miss: You slide the target 1 square.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of protective earth that
Daily ✦ Primal
lasts until the end of the encounter. The zone is difficult
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
terrain for your enemies. You and your allies gain cover
Target: One or two allies in burst
while within the zone.
Effect: Each target can make a basic attack as a free action.
Until the end of the encounter, any ally adjacent to your
spirit companion doesn’t grant combat advantage. Level 2 Utility Evocations
Spirit Cascade Shaman Attack 1 Engaging Pursuit Shaman Utility 2
You summon the spirit of mountain headwaters to repeatedly Your spirit companion follows your enemies closely, preventing
cascade against enemies that approach your spirit companion. them from escaping your wrath.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal Encounter ✦ Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Ranged 5 Immediate Reaction Personal
Target: One creature Trigger: An enemy that started its turn adjacent to your
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex spirit companion ends its movement no longer adjacent to
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. your spirit companion
Effect: The first time any ally hits an enemy adjacent to Effect: You move your spirit companion to a square adja-
your spirit companion, the attack deals 1d6 extra dam- cent to the triggering enemy.
age to that enemy. The second time any ally hits an
enemy adjacent to your spirit companion, the attack
deals 2d6 extra damage to that enemy. The third time
any ally hits an enemy adjacent to your spirit companion,
the attack deals 3d6 extra damage to that enemy. This
effect ends after the third attack hits or at the end of the

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Protective Roots Shaman Utility 2 Sly Fox Spirit Shaman Attack 3
Thin roots extend from your spirit companion to clothe you and Your spirit companion transforms into a cunning fox spirit and
your friends in a protective layer. distracts your enemies, allowing your friends to attack.
Daily ✦ Primal, Spirit Encounter ✦ Primal, Spirit
Minor Action Close burst spirit 1 Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: You and each ally in burst Target: One ally
Effect: Each target gains resistance to all damage equal Effect: The target can make a basic attack as a free action.
to your Constitution modifier until the end of the If that attack hits, a second ally adjacent to your spirit
encounter. companion can make a basic attack as a free action.

Spirit of the Great Cat Shaman Utility 2 Spirit Hunt Shaman Attack 3
The spirit of a magnificent cat overshadows you, lending you Your spirit companion goes on the hunt, focusing entirely on its
and your allies its grace. prey.
Daily ✦ Primal Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Minor Action Personal Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, allies within 3 Target: One creature
squares of you can stand up as a minor action, and when Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
any ally within 3 squares of you shifts, that ally can shift Stalker Spirit: You gain a +2 power bonus to the attack
1 extra square. roll if no creatures are within 3 squares of the target.
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, or 3d10 + Wis-
Spirit Zephyr Shaman Utility 2 dom modifier damage if no creatures are adjacent to the
A gentle wind blows around your spirit companion and enhanc-
es your allies’ ranged attacks.
Spirit of Slavering Bloodlust Shaman Attack 3
Daily ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal Your spirit companion slavers at the scent of blood, and its feral
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and your allies frenzy spreads to your allies.
gain a +1 power bonus to ranged attack rolls against Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
enemies adjacent to your spirit companion. In addition, Standard Action Melee spirit 1
as a free action you can end this power’s effect to grant Target: One creature
one ally within 10 squares of you a +2 bonus to ranged Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude. If the target is bloodied, you
attack rolls until the end of your next turn. gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of
Stormhawk Vigilance Shaman Utility 2 your next turn, any ally adjacent to your spirit companion
gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls
As your foes leap to attack, the spirit of Stormhawk lends quick-
against bloodied creatures.
ness to your allies as they prepare for the assault.
Watcher Spirit: The bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls
Daily ✦ Primal equals your Dexterity modifier.
No Action Close burst 5
Trigger: You roll initiative at the beginning of an encounter
Steadfast Mountain Guardian Shaman Attack 3
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: You slide each target 3 squares. Each target can Your spirit companion becomes a creature of rock and earth,
draw a weapon or an implement as a free action. providing you and your allies with a protective barrier.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Level 3 Encounter Evocations Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Capturing Jaws Shaman Attack 3 Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
Your spirit companion catches your enemy in its jaws, holding it pushed 2 squares.
steady for your allies’ strikes. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you and your allies
gain a +1 power bonus to all defenses while adjacent to
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
your spirit companion.
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
World Speaker Spirit: The power bonus to all defenses
Target: One creature
equals your Constitution modifier.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Protector Spirit: Until the end of your next turn, your allies
can flank enemies with your spirit companion, and any
ally flanking an enemy with your spirit companion gains
a bonus to attack rolls against that enemy equal to your
Constitution modifier.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Level 5 Daily Evocations Winds of the Scorching Desert

Shaman Attack 5
Hot winds sear and scatter your enemies, while you or your
Coils of the World Serpent Shaman Attack 5 spirit companion ride those currents across the battlefield.
The earth trembles, and a distant roar rumbles across the battle- Daily ✦ Fire, Implement, Primal
field as the World Serpent manifests. Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier fire damage, and you slide
Target: Each enemy in burst
the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target 1 square.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Before or after the attack, you slide yourself or your
Effect: The burst creates a zone of spectral coils that lasts
spirit companion a number of squares equal to your
until the end of the encounter. When any enemy hits an
ally who is within the zone, that enemy takes damage
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Level 6 Utility Evocations
Spirit of Battle’s End Shaman Attack 5
Your spirit companion tears into your enemy, promising a swift Everlasting Flame’s Strength Shaman Utility 6
end. You lend your ally the aid of a fire spirit, which burns more
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit brightly as that ally defeats your enemies.
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 Daily ✦ Fire, Healing, Primal
Target: One creature Minor Action Ranged 5
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Target: One ally
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever the target
Miss: Half damage. reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, he or she regains 5 hit
Effect: When any ally misses the target with a melee points, and each enemy adjacent to him or her takes 2
attack, the target takes 5 damage and makes a saving fire damage.
throw. If that saving throw is successful, this effect ends.
Otherwise, it lasts until the end of the encounter. Hearth Spirit Shaman Utility 6
A comforting hearth spirit settles over you, soothing you and
Vengeful Blood Spirits Shaman Attack 5 your allies.
You fill your allies with the power of the blood spirits—primal Daily ✦ Healing, Primal
entities that thirst for violence, blood, and vengeance. Minor Action Close burst 3
Daily ✦ Primal Target: Each ally in burst
Standard Action Ranged 5 Effect: Each target regains 1d6 hit points. Until the end of
Target: One or two allies your next turn, you and your allies can use your second
Effect: Each target can charge as a free action and deals winds as a minor action while adjacent to your spirit
1d10 extra damage if the charge attack hits. In addition, companion.
until the end of the encounter, each target gains a +2
bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when charging. Spirit Companion’s Shelter Shaman Utility 6
You create a shield of primal energy to protect your spirit
Wind of Pain and Succor Shaman Attack 5 companion.
A wind spirit twines around your spirit companion, allowing it Encounter ✦ Primal, Spirit
to deliver a chilling strike against your foe or a restorative em- Immediate Interrupt Personal
brace to an ally. Trigger: An enemy hits your spirit companion
Daily ✦ Cold, Healing, Implement, Primal, Spirit Effect: Your spirit companion gains a +4 bonus to the de-
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 fense targeted by the attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Spirit of Vengeance Shaman Utility 6
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier cold damage.
As your foe strikes you down, you unleash your reserve of spiri-
Miss: Half damage.
tual energy to invigorate your allies.
Effect: The first ally to regain hit points while adjacent to
your spirit companion regains 1d8 additional hit points. Daily ✦ Healing, Primal
The second ally to do so regains 2d8 additional hit Immediate Interrupt Close burst 10
points, and the third ally to do so regains 3d8 additional Trigger: An enemy reduces you to 0 hit points or fewer
hit points. This effect ends after the third ally regains Target: Each ally in burst
these additional hit points or at the end of the encounter. Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge. In addition,
until the end of your next turn, each target gains a +2
bonus to attack rolls against the triggering enemy.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Spur the Pack Shaman Utility 6 Guardian Eagle Flock Shaman Attack 7
Your spirit companion nips at the heels of your allies, motivat- Your spirit companion changes into a flock of hunting eagles
ing them to move in for the kill. that swoop overhead, using their talons to create openings for
Daily ✦ Primal, Spirit your allies and to drive your enemies away.
Minor Action Close burst spirit 1 Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Target: You and each ally in burst Standard Action Close burst spirit 2
Effect: You slide each target a number of squares equal to Target: Each enemy in burst
your Wisdom modifier. Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Watcher Spirit: You slide the target 3 squares.
Level 7 Encounter Evocations Effect: If you hit at least one target, you slide each ally in
the burst 3 squares.
Blood-Red Mist Shaman Attack 7
As your spirit companion slashes your foe, tendrils of mist pour Hammer of the Shaman Attack 7
from the wound, encircling nearby enemies and hampering
Grasping Tides
their attacks.
Your spirit companion transforms into a thrashing tide—a tidal
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
wave to your foes and a guiding current to your allies.
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Standard Action Close burst spirit 2
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your Target: Each enemy in burst
next turn, enemies take a –2 penalty to all defenses while Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
adjacent to your spirit companion. Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
slowed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: Each ally in the burst gains a +3 bonus to speed until
Flashing Spirit Shaman Attack 7
the end of your next turn.
Your spirit companion darts around the battlefield, looking for World Speaker Spirit: Until the end of your next
opportunities to help your allies deliver deadly attacks. turn, each ally in the burst gains a bonus to all
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit defenses against opportunity attacks equal to 2 + your
Standard Action Close burst spirit 1 Constitution modifier.
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Spirit of Weakness Shaman Attack 7
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Your spirit companion carves a crimson rune in the flesh of
Effect: While any ally is adjacent to your spirit companion,
your enemy, weakening that foe and leaving it vulnerable to an
he or she gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls for each enemy
ally’s strike.
you hit with this attack. This effect lasts until the end of
your next turn. Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
THE BURDEN OF VISION Hit: The target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
An ally adjacent to the target can make a melee basic at-
None of the other primal heroes understand the spirits as
tack against it as a free action with combat advantage.
well as you do. Wardens embody the protective role of the Stalker Spirit: The ally gains a bonus to the damage roll
spirits, but that’s not the same as understanding them. equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Barbarians are generally too single-minded to grasp the
implications of what the spirits are showing them while
they’re raging. Druids understand the viewpoint of the
Level 9 Daily Evocations
animal spirits, the Primal Beast, and many others, but
Call Discordant Spirit Shaman Attack 9
their perspective is limited.
You force a disagreeable spirit to bind itself to your enemy
It’s up to you to grapple with the full range of the spirits
briefly, creating such discordance within the enemy that its com-
that surge through the primal world and their viewpoints. panions lose their concentration.
Sometimes your allies might think you’re absentminded,
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Psychic, Reliable
disconnected, or otherworldly. It’s true that you aren’t Standard Action Ranged 5
always fully aware of what your physical allies are talking Target: One creature
about, but that’s because you have hundreds, maybe even Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
thousands, of spirit allies flowing around you, and some- Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage. Until the
times what the spirits have to tell you is more important end of the encounter, each enemy other than the target
than the paladin’s tale of her latest exploit or the rogue’s takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws while
within 5 squares of it.
display of acrobatics.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Explosive Sacrifice Level 10 Utility Evocations

Shaman Attack 9
Your spirit companion sacrifices itself in an explosion of energy,
which tears into nearby creatures. Quickening Breeze Shaman Utility 10
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit You call a gentle wind that surrounds your spirit companion
Standard Action Close burst spirit 2 and extends outward to your allies, helping them overcome
Target: Each creature in burst harmful effects.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Daily ✦ Primal
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
Minor Action Personal
dazed (save ends).
Effect: The first time any ally fails a saving throw while
Miss: Half damage.
adjacent to your spirit companion, the ally can reroll
Effect: Your spirit companion disappears, and you can’t call
the saving throw. The second time any ally fails a saving
it back until after the end of your next turn.
throw while adjacent to your spirit companion, the ally
can reroll the saving throw with a +1 bonus. The third
Spirit Control Shaman Attack 9 time any ally fails a saving throw while adjacent to your
You open a rift of flaring spiritual energy that blasts your en- spirit companion, the ally can reroll the saving throw
emies, strengthens your spirit companion, and enhances your with a +2 bonus. This effect ends after the third rerolled
ability to call on the spirits. saving throw or at the end of the encounter.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action Close blast 5 Shield of the Immortal Forest Shaman Utility 10
Target: Each creature in blast You awaken the slumbering spirits of the forest to protect your
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex allies from harm.
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. Your spirit com-
Daily ✦ Primal
panion gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the
Minor Action Personal
target until the end of the encounter.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and your allies
Miss: Half damage.
gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses while within 5
Effect: The blast creates a zone of flaring energy that
squares of your spirit companion. In addition, when an
lasts until the end of the encounter. While your spirit
enemy hits an ally within 10 squares of you, you can use
companion is within the zone, your spirit powers gain a
an immediate interrupt to end this effect and grant that
bonus to damage rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.
ally a +6 bonus to all defenses against the attack.

Spirit of Earth Arisen Shaman Attack 9

Stone Root’s Resilience Shaman Utility 10
A spirit of soil and rock erupts from the ground under your foe.
You grant an ally the resilience of the mountains to sustain
Its presence rallies your allies, who are invigorated by the spirit
blows that would cripple another creature.
with each strike.
Daily ✦ Primal
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Healing, Implement, Primal
Minor Action Ranged 5
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One ally
Target: One creature
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target gains
Effect: You conjure a spirit of the land in an unoccupied
temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at
square adjacent to the target. The spirit lasts until the
the start of each of his or her turns.
end of your next turn. The spirit occupies 1 square. Each
square within 2 squares of the spirit is difficult terrain
for your enemies. When any ally in those squares hits an Twilight’s Veil Shaman Utility 10
enemy, that ally regains 5 hit points. An ally can regain You reach into the spirit world, weaving together strands of pri-
hit points in this way once per round. As a move action, mal night to cloak yourself and your allies in a veil of invisibility.
you can move the spirit 5 squares.
Encounter ✦ Primal
When the spirit appears, it makes the following attack
Minor Action Close burst 1
against the target.
Target: You and each ally in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Effect: Each target becomes invisible until he or she at-
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
tacks or until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage.
Sustain Minor: The spirit persists.


At times, a shaman might want to understand the rela- Assessing another shaman’s spirit companion requires
tionship between another shaman and that shaman’s making a Nature check as a standard action. Use the
spirit companion. Nonshamans can’t know anything DCs for your level as given in the table on page 42 of
more than what they see with their eyes, but a shaman the Dungeon Master’s Guide. If the other shaman is lower
observing the interaction between another shaman and level than you, it’s an easy check; if the same level as
that individual’s spirit companion has a chance to figure you, it’s a moderate check; if higher level than you, it’s a
out whether the companion started as an ancestor spirit, hard check.
a local animal spirit, or something stranger.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Level 13 Encounter Evocations Storm of War Shaman Attack 13
You summon a windstorm created from the war cries of a thou-
Drawing All Eyes Shaman Attack 13 sand ancient battlefields to batter and distract your foe.
Your spirit companion’s vicious attack forces your enemy to take Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
notice of it. Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. Each enemy adja-
Target: One creature
cent to your spirit companion grants combat advantage
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
World Speaker Spirit: Until the end of your next turn,
marked by your spirit companion until the end of your
your allies gain a bonus to damage rolls against any
next turn or until your spirit companion disappears.
enemy adjacent to your spirit companion equal to your
Protector Spirit: The penalty to attack rolls that the
Constitution modifier.
target takes from being marked by this power equals your
Constitution modifier instead of –2.
Level 15 Daily Evocations
Hungry Spirit Shaman Attack 13
Food for the spirits is sustenance for your friends. Reparative Spirit Shaman Attack 15
Encounter ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal Working with your allies, your spirit companion lunges in for
Standard Action Ranged 5 a vicious attack against your enemy and then lends vigor to a
Target: One creature nearby ally.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. If this attack Standard Action Melee spirit 1
reduces the target to 0 hit points, an ally adjacent to your Target: One creature
spirit companion regains hit points equal to one-half your Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
level + your Wisdom modifier. Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, or 5d8 + Wisdom
modifier damage if at least one ally is adjacent to your
Spirit of the Killing Shot Shaman Attack 13 spirit companion.
Miss: Half damage.
Your spirit companion briefly melds with your ally, lending your
Effect: At the end of each of your turns until the end of the
comrade the eye of an accomplished hunter.
encounter, one ally adjacent to your spirit companion
Encounter ✦ Primal, Spirit gains 5 + your Wisdom modifier temporary hit points.
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One ally
Spirit Ocean Shaman Attack 15
Effect: The target makes a basic attack as a free action. If
the attack hits, it deals maximum damage. You call the powerful spirit of the Primal Ocean, which crashes
Stalker Spirit: The target gains a bonus to the attack roll into your enemy before flowing into your spirit companion to
and the damage roll equal to your Intelligence modifier. yield its strength to your allies.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal
Spirits of the Forsaken Vale Shaman Attack 13 Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
As your spirit companion attacks, spirits that look like wisps of
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
bluish gray smoke spew from it, disorienting nearby foes.
Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit Miss: Half damage.
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 Effect: The first time any ally hits an enemy adjacent to
Target: One creature your spirit companion, the attack deals 1d10 extra dam-
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude age to that enemy. The second time any ally hits an en-
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of emy adjacent to your spirit companion, the attack deals
your next turn, any ally who makes an area or a close 2d10 extra damage to that enemy. The third time any
attack that includes your spirit companion in the area of ally hits an enemy adjacent to your spirit companion, the
effect gains combat advantage against each target of that attack deals 3d10 extra damage to that enemy. This ef-
attack. fect ends after the third attack hits an enemy adjacent to
your spirit companion or at the end of the encounter.

A few shamans seldom talk with ancestor spirits. Instead, ancestor.” If you choose to play a shaman who has this
these shamans have a relationship with tribal or primal viewpoint, that character might be the type who enjoys
spirits that are on the other end of the natural cycle. The making portentous and potentially prophetic remarks that
opposite of an ancestor spirit isn’t the spirit of a stranger; no one, including the character, truly understands. Your
it’s the spirit of a tribe member who hasn’t been born yet DM might be able to use your shaman’s unique viewpoint
or, as these unorthodox shamans say, “the spirit of a future as the source of new plot lines.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Spirit Pin Presence of the

Shaman Attack 15 Shaman Utility 16
You command your spirit companion to pin your foe in place. Ancestor Spirit
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit You call the spirit of one of your warrior ancestors to merge
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 with an ally, lending its battle knowledge and spiritual protec-
Target: One creature tion to your friend.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Daily ✦ Primal
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is Minor Action Close burst 5
immobilized (save ends). Target: One ally in burst
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is restrained instead Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target gains a
of immobilized (save ends). power bonus to damage rolls equal to your Intelligence
Miss: Half damage, and the target is immobilized (save modifier. While the target is adjacent to your spirit com-
ends). panion, the power bonus increases by 2. In addition,
when any enemy hits the target and deals damage, you
Tree Father’s Bounty Shaman Attack 15 can use an immediate interrupt to end this effect and
Trees erupt from the ground, battering your enemies and al- make the attack deal half damage.
lowing your allies to skirt around the trunks to reach superior
positions. Screening Branches Shaman Utility 16
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Zone A tangled mass of branches, vines, and leaves provides defense
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares against your enemies’ attacks and soothes your allies’ wounds.
Target: Each enemy in burst Daily ✦ Conjuration, Primal
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Minor Action Area wall 4 within 20 squares
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. Effect: You conjure a wall of branches and vines. The wall
Miss: Half damage. can be up to 2 squares high and must be on a solid sur-
Effect: The burst creates a zone of trees that lasts until face, and it lasts until the end of your next turn. The wall
the end of the encounter. The zone is difficult terrain for provides superior cover, but creatures adjacent to it can
your enemies. You and your allies gain cover while within make ranged attacks through it without taking the –5
the zone. When any ally starts his or her turn within penalty to attack rolls.
the zone, you can use a free action to slide that ally 3 Entering a wall square costs 2 extra squares of
squares. movement. Any ally adjacent to the wall at the start
of his or her turn gains 5 + your Constitution modifier
Level 16 Utility Evocations temporary hit points.
Sustain Minor: The wall persists.
Guiding Snarl Shaman Utility 16
Your spirit companion feints to put your foe in a better position Spirit’s Regeneration Shaman Utility 16
for your ally’s strike. A glow of regenerative light surrounds your allies and increases
Daily ✦ Primal, Spirit in intensity while they are next to your spirit companion.
Immediate Interrupt Melee spirit 1 Daily ✦ Healing, Primal
Trigger: An ally adjacent to your spirit companion misses an Minor Action Close burst 5
enemy with an attack Target: One or two creatures in burst
Target: The triggering ally Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each target gains
Effect: The target can reroll the attack and gains a power regeneration 5 while bloodied. The regeneration
bonus to the attack roll equal to your Intelligence increases to 10 while the target is adjacent to your spirit
modifier. companion.

Healing Howl Shaman Utility 16

Your spirit companion unleashes a howl of courage that bolsters
allies near it. SPIRIT OF AN
Daily ✦ Healing, Primal, Spirit ANCIENT ENEMY
Minor Action Close burst spirit 3 In some extraordinary cases, a shaman might gain a
Target: You and each ally in burst spirit companion that was once an ancient enemy of
Effect: Each target regains hit points as if he or she had
the shaman’s ancestors or tribe, but which has been
spent a healing surge. If the burst includes at least three
enemies, each target regains additional hit points equal
reformed, to a greater or lesser degree, through its death
to your Wisdom modifier. and bonding with the flowing spirits of the primal world.
A shaman who has such a spirit companion is destined
either for great things or a terrible death. If you want to
adopt this option for your shaman and your DM agrees,
it might generate a substantial share of the plot compli-
cations in the game. Ideally, your DM will repay you by
pointing you toward occasional treasures and fantastic
destinies—unless a savage death finds you and your spirit
companion first.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Level 17 Encounter Evocations
Boar’s Toss Shaman Attack 17
Your spirit companion slams your enemy through the air, leav-
ing it open for your allies’ ranged attacks.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you slide the
target 2 squares. Then move your spirit companion to a
square adjacent to it, and each ally within 10 squares of
the target can make a ranged basic attack against it as a
free action.
Watcher Spirit: The allies gain a power bonus to the
damage rolls of the ranged basic attacks equal to your
Dexterity modifier.

Flesh Ripper’s Claws Shaman Attack 17

Your spirit companion slashes your foe, leaving it unbalanced
and vulnerable to your ally’s attack.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and an ally
adjacent to the target can make a melee basic attack
against it as a free action. If that attack hits, the target is
knocked prone.
Protector Spirit: If the target stands up on its next turn, an
ally adjacent to it can make a melee basic attack against it
as a free action.

Hunt and Return Shaman Attack 17

Your spirit companion ranges ahead for a moment, attacking
an enemy before retreating toward your allies.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Stalker Spirit: You gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll if no
creatures are within 3 squares of the target.
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, or 4d8 + Wisdom
modifier damage if no creatures are adjacent to the
Effect: After the attack, you can move your spirit companion
4 squares. Thorn Ally Shaman Attack 17
Thorny branches from thickets in the spirit realm erupt from
Spirit Lance Shaman Attack 17 your spirit companion to pierce and entangle your enemy.
Your spirit companion’s form wavers momentarily as a spear of Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
brilliant energy lances from it toward your enemy. Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Encounter ✦ Force, Implement, Primal, Spirit
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Standard Action Ranged spirit 10
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your
Target: One creature
next turn, any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to your
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
spirit companion is restrained until the end of your next
Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier force damage.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Level 19 Daily Evocations Level 22 Utility Evocations

Ancestors’ Drum Shaman Attack 19 Medicines of Many Forms Shaman Utility 22
A spectral drum created by your ancestors manifests in your You scatter medicinal herbs among your allies, healing body,
hands, thundering until you put it aside or until its power mind, and spirit.
reaches a crescendo. Encounter ✦ Healing, Primal
Daily ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal, Thunder Minor Action Close blast 5
Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each ally in blast
Target: Each enemy in burst Effect: Each target can choose to either make a saving
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will throw, spend a healing surge, or gain 20 temporary hit
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier thunder damage. points.
Effect: One ally in the burst can spend a healing surge.
Sustain Standard: The size of the burst increases by 1, and Natural Rebirth Shaman Utility 22
you make the attack again. After you use the power as a
Sensing an ally about to cross through death’s veil, you call on
close burst 3, it can’t be sustained.
earth spirits to keep the soul from departing. The spirits restore
the ally to health, imbued with primal power.
Spirit of the Hunter’s Soul Shaman Attack 19
Encounter ✦ Healing, Primal
The spirit of a great hunter appears and strikes at your foe Minor Action Close burst 20
with a mighty attack. It then bonds with an ally to continue the Target: One dying ally in burst
onslaught. Effect: The target regains hit points as if he or she had
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal spent a healing surge. Until the end of the encounter, the
Standard Action Ranged 10 target is immune to effects that immobilize, restrain, or
Target: One creature slow.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 5d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Spirit of the Cunning General Shaman Utility 22
Miss: Half damage.
The spirit of a legendary war leader settles on your form, inspir-
Effect: Choose an ally within range. That ally gains a +5
ing your allies to mighty deeds.
power bonus to damage rolls against the target until the
end of the encounter. While that ally is adjacent to your Daily ✦ Primal
spirit companion, add your Intelligence modifier to the Minor Action Personal
power bonus. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, when any ally with-
in 3 squares of your spirit companion spends an action
point to make an attack and misses all targets with it,
Tree Father’s Ward Shaman Attack 19
that ally regains the action point and can spend it again
You call on Tree Father to punish your enemies for attacking during this encounter.
and to reward your allies for fighting bravely.
Daily ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal Spirit Realm Shaman Utility 22
Standard Action Close blast 5
You dissolve your connection to your spirit companion for a
Target: One or two enemies in blast
short time so that it can infuse itself into the spirits of the area,
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
expanding its influence on the world.
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target takes
a –4 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Daily ✦ Primal, Spirit, Zone
Miss: Half damage. Minor Action Area burst 3 within 10 squares
Effect: Each bloodied ally in the blast regains hit points as Special: Your spirit companion must be in the burst.
if he or she had spent a healing surge. Effect: Your spirit companion disappears (if you have mul-
tiple spirit companions, they all disappear). The burst cre-
ates a zone of spirits that lasts until the end of your next
Wind of Death and Mercy Shaman Attack 19
turn. Any effect that refers to being adjacent to or within
Your spirit companion joins with a wind spirit to entwine your a certain number of squares of your spirit companion
enemy in chilly currents. Your allies are then invigorated by this instead applies to targets within the zone. You can’t use
union. call spirit companion while the zone persists.
Daily ✦ Cold, Healing, Implement, Primal, Spirit Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature Spirits of Recovery Shaman Utility 22
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Luminous spirits of ancestral tribal healers appear around your
Hit: 5d10 + Wisdom modifier cold damage.
allies, tending their wounds.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The first ally to regain hit points while adjacent to Encounter ✦ Primal
your spirit companion regains 1d12 additional hit points. Minor Action Close burst 2
The second ally to do so regains 2d12 additional hit Target: Each ally in burst
points, and the third ally to do so regains 3d12 addition- Effect: Each target can make a saving throw against an ef-
al hit points. This effect ends after the third ally regains fect that a save can end. A target who saves gains 1d10 +
these additional hit points or at the end of the encounter. your Wisdom modifier temporary hit points.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Level 23 Encounter Evocations Spirit of the Shaman Attack 23
Vengeful Mountain
Blood-Red Bonds Shaman Attack 23 Your spirit companion manifests the essence of the impassable
Your spirit companion wounds your foe and then ruthlessly mountain, forming an impenetrable barrier against your foes.
pursues your enemies. Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit Standard Action Close burst spirit 3
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 Target: Each enemy in burst
Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of next turn, the target is restrained and can’t teleport.
your next turn, enemies take a –4 penalty to all defenses World Speaker Spirit: Until the end of your next turn,
while adjacent to your spirit companion. In addition, if an your allies gain a bonus to attack rolls against the target
enemy starts its turn adjacent to your spirit companion equal to your Constitution modifier.
but does not end that turn adjacent to it, you can use
a free action at the end of that turn to move your spirit Level 25 Daily Evocations
companion a number of squares equal to your speed to a
square that is nearer to that enemy. Huntmaster’s Horn Shaman Attack 25
The towering spirit of a master of the wild hunt appears above
Eagle’s Aerie Shaman Attack 23 you and blows a horn, shaking your foes’ resolve and calling
Your spirit companion launches into the sky, diving on your your allies to battle.
enemies and herding them toward your allies. Daily ✦ Fear, Implement, Primal, Psychic
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit Standard Action Close blast 5
Standard Action Close burst spirit 3 Target: Each enemy in blast
Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage, and the tar-
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you slide the get is immobilized (save ends).
target 2 squares. The target grants combat advantage to Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
your allies until the end of your next turn. Effect: Each ally in the blast gains a power bonus to
Watcher Spirit: Until the end of your next turn, the target damage rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier, and
can’t gain the benefits of cover against your allies. creatures that are slowed or immobilized grant combat
advantage to them. These effects last until the end of the
Mighty Spirit Leap Shaman Attack 23 encounter.
Your spirit companion leaps among your enemies and makes
furious attacks, which inspire your allies to strike just as
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 A few tribes practice a deadly form of shamanic initiation.
Target: One, two, or three creatures Instead of initiating a single shaman, two paired tribes
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex each send a candidate through a series of difficult trials,
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. with only one tribe member surviving to become a new
Effect: After each attack roll, you can move your spirit
shaman. The other tribe member then becomes the
companion a number of squares equal to your speed. Roll
a d6 for each target you hit and total the rolls. Until the
new shaman’s spirit companion. This practice follows
end of your next turn, your allies gain a bonus to damage the path of the elder spirits known as the Hunter Twins
rolls equal to the result while adjacent to your spirit (page 125).
companion. In most paired tribes, the two would-be shamans start
Stalker Spirit: Add your Intelligence modifier to the bo- as friends and end as allies, understanding that the tribes’
nus to damage rolls. unique magic demands that one sacrifice the rest of his or
her life to become a spirit companion. A few of the more
Spirit of the Ram Shaman Attack 23 warmongering or evil-aligned tribes treat the paired initia-
Your spirit companion transforms into a cluster of leaping ram tion as an outright combat challenge witnessed by both
spirits, which empower your allies to charge your foes. tribes, binding the loser as a spirit companion through the
Encounter ✦ Primal, Spirit focused will of the entire tribe and its warlike ancestors.
Standard Action Close burst spirit 2
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: Each target can charge an enemy as a free action,
with a +4 power bonus to the attack roll and a +5 bonus
to the damage roll. If the charge attack hits, the target
pushes the enemy 3 squares.
Protector Spirit: The number of squares the target pushes
the enemy equals 2 + your Constitution modifier.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Peacemaker’s Lodge Level 27 Encounter Evocations

Shaman Attack 25
A ring of stone spirits forms in front of you, and a calming haze
washes over those inside it. Conquering Storm Spirit Shaman Attack 27
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Psychic, Zone Your spirit companion becomes a cyclone, which distracts your
Standard Action Close blast 5 enemies and gives your allies more chances to strike.
Target: Each enemy in blast
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Standard Action Close burst spirit 3
Hit: 4d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage, and the
Target: Each enemy in burst
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Effect: The blast creates a zone of tranquility until the end
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your
of your next turn. Creatures within the zone take a penalty
next turn, the target provokes opportunity attacks when
to attack rolls equal to your Constitution modifier. Your
it makes any attack.
allies don’t take this penalty while adjacent to your spirit
World Speaker Spirit: Until the end of your next turn,
the target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Constitution modifier.

Stormhawk’s Gambit Shaman Attack 25

Forcing the Threat Shaman Attack 27
You call on the generosity of Stormhawk, sending your enemies
Your spirit companion launches a deadly attack, forcing your
crashing down with a blast of power and lifting you and your
enemy to pay attention to it or suffer more wounds.
allies into the sky with primal grace.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: One creature
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
marked by your spirit companion until the end of your
slowed (save ends). A flying target crashes.
next turn or until your spirit companion disappears. Until
Miss: Half damage.
the mark ends, whenever the target makes an attack that
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, when you or any
doesn’t include your spirit companion as a target, the
ally starts his or her turn within 5 squares of your spirit
target takes 2d6 damage.
companion, that character gains a fly speed equal to his
Protector Spirit: The penalty to attack rolls that the
or her speed and can hover until the end of his or her
target takes from being marked by this power equals your
next turn.
Constitution modifier instead of –2.

Sunder Spirit Shaman Attack 25

Hunter in the Sky Shaman Attack 27
You drag your foe’s soul from its body and sever the connection,
You call on the spirit of the great sky hunter to slay your foe. As
forcing your enemy to reestablish the link or perish. Your spirit
the spirit’s shadow moves across the battlefield, your foe’s atten-
companion then uses the foe’s life force to heal your allies.
tion is drawn to the danger lurking above.
Daily ✦ Healing, Implement, Necrotic, Primal
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Ranged 10
Standard Action Ranged spirit 5
Target: One creature
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier necrotic damage, and the
Hit?: 4d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end
target is knocked unconscious (save ends).
of your next turn, your allies gain a +2 bonus to ranged
Each Failed Saving Throw: Each ally adjacent to your spirit
attack rolls against the target while they are adjacent to
companion regains 5 hit points.
your spirit companion.
Third Failed Saving Throw: The target drops to 0 hit
Watcher Spirit: The bonus to ranged attack rolls equals 1
+ your Dexterity modifier.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Each Failed Saving Throw: Each ally adjacent to your
spirit companion regains 5 hit points. Ravenous Spirit Shaman Attack 27
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any bloodied ally who Your spirit companion feasts on the enemy, gaining health for
starts his or her turn adjacent to your spirit companion your friends.
regains 5 hit points.
Encounter ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 4d10 + Wisdom modifier damage. If the attack
reduces the target to 0 hit points, you and your allies
regain hit points equal to one-half your level + your
Wisdom modifier if adjacent to your spirit companion.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Warthane Ally Shaman Attack 27 Spirit Torrent Shaman Attack 29
An ancient leader of your people emerges from the spirit With the sound of crashing waves, a great spirit rains blows on
realm to strike your enemy, imparting knowledge of your foes’ your enemy, then recedes within your spirit companion, where it
weaknesses to your spirit companion before returning to its waits to help your allies batter your foes again.
honored place. Daily ✦ Implement, Primal
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal Standard Action Ranged 10
Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 7d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your Effect: The first time any ally hits an enemy adjacent to your
next turn, your allies gain a +5 power bonus to attack spirit companion, the attack deals 1d12 extra damage
rolls and damage rolls with at-will attack powers while to that enemy. The second time any ally hits an enemy
adjacent to your spirit companion. adjacent to your spirit companion, the attack deals 2d12
extra damage to that enemy. The third time any ally hits an
enemy adjacent to your spirit companion, the attack deals
Level 29 Daily Evocations 3d12 extra damage to that enemy. This effect ends after
the third attack hits or at the end of the encounter.
Heart of Bedlam Shaman Attack 29
All around you, confusion reigns as you redirect creatures’ in- Spring’s Laughter Shaman Attack 29
stinctual urges of violence toward opponents of your choosing. A fresh breeze swirls around your enemy, confounding its
Daily ✦ Primal attacks.
Standard Action Personal Daily ✦ Implement, Primal
Effect: As the first action of each of your turns until the Standard Action Ranged 10
end of the encounter, you can use a free action to cause Target: One creature
one creature within 2 squares of your spirit companion Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
to make a basic attack as a free action against another Hit: The target takes a –2 penalty to saving throws, and the
creature of your choice. damage from its damage rolls is reduced to 0 (save ends
Spiritblood Vines Shaman Attack 29 Miss: The target is weakened (save ends).
Patches of red and green vines spring up from the ground, tan-
gling your enemies. You can destroy a vine to release the primal
energy it holds, healing a nearby ally. SHAMANS AND TWINS
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Healing, Implement, Primal Not all ancestor spirits are spirits of adult members of
Standard Action Close burst 5 a tribe. Sometimes a young shaman acquires a spirit
Effect: You conjure vines in four unoccupied squares in companion that was the spirit of an ancestor who died
the burst. The vines last until the end of your next turn. young, so that the shaman engages with a peer. This
When the vines appear, each vine makes the following
sort of relationship is especially common in cases when
attack. As a standard action, you can cause each vine
to make the attack again. A creature can be hit by this
one twin dies in the womb, in childbirth, or early in
power only once per round. childhood. Shamans are always rare, but the surviving
Target: One creature adjacent to the vine twin in such a situation is much more likely to become
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex a shaman than any other ordinary person. The spirit of
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is the twin might become the shaman’s spirit compan-
restrained (save ends). ion, or it might join the ranks of the many other spirits
Sustain Minor: The vines persist, and you can destroy a
that flow around the shaman during his or her lifetime.
vine. If you do so, one ally in that square or adjacent to it
can either spend a healing surge or regain 20 hit points.
Sometimes the dead twin’s spirit vanishes without
explanation, leading the shaman into a lifelong quest
Spirit of Fiery Hatred Shaman Attack 29 to find this missing sibling spirit.
A spirit of burning hatred enters your foe and consumes it from
the inside. When your enemy falls, your allies rejoice.
Daily ✦ Fire, Healing, Implement, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier fire damage, and ongoing
15 fire damage (save ends). If this power reduces the
target to 0 hit points, each ally adjacent to your spirit
companion can spend a healing surge.
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, when any ally adja-
cent to your spirit companion hits an enemy, that enemy
takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman

Disciple of Winds Disciple of Winds
“The wind carries with it a voice of power, but only those Path Features
who listen closely can hear it.” Wind Shroud (11th level): When you use a
primal healing power, you can slide the target 1
Prerequisite: Shaman, call spirit companion power square.
Disciple of the Winds Action (11th level):
Just as the gentlest wind stirs grains of sand when it When you spend an action point to take an extra
travels, so too do disciples of the winds take an active action, each ally within 5 squares of you can shift 3
role in the events and lives they come into contact squares as a free action.
with during their wanderings. As a disciple of the Wind’s Resilience (16th level): If an enemy
winds, you are a shaman of wind spirits, from the pulls, pushes, or slides an ally within 5 squares of
gentle breeze that brings summer’s warmth to the you, you can slide that ally 1 square as a free action
ferocious storm that scours the land, ripping trees after the forced movement.
from the earth. You particularly honor Stormhawk,
and that spirit’s range of emotions and thirst for ven- Disciple of Winds Evocations
geance are the standard by which you measure your
own actions. Snatching Winds Disciple of Winds Attack 11
Although you sometimes choose to commune Your spirit companion turns into a whirlwind, battering your
with the spirits of the wind among the aeries of enemies and lifting them into the air.
great mountains, you seek adventure wherever the Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
winds carry you, embracing happenstance and luck Standard Action Melee spirit 1
as omens of the wind spirits. If you arrive at a castle Target: One or two creatures
besieged by giants, you gladly join the fight against Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
the invaders, because the winds led you there to take Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of
part in events. Where the winds travel, you follow, your next turn, your allies can move through the target’s
space, and the target can’t use opportunity actions.
and you are no mere observer.
Shielding Winds Disciple of Winds Utility 12
Wind spirits push your ally out of danger.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: One ally
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, when any enemy
ends its movement adjacent to the target, you can slide
the target 1 square as a free action.

Hurricane’s Fury Disciple of Winds Attack 20

You call on the fury of Stormhawk, summoning storm winds
that push your allies about the battlefield and scatter your en-
emies like rag dolls.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you slide the
target 2 squares. The target is dazed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target 1 square. The
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You slide each ally in the blast 3 squares.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Everflame Guardian
“The first fire burned the hottest.”

Prerequisite: Shaman

When Everflame first sparked upon the world, it left

behind fires that burned without fuel, stoked only by
Everflame’s essence. Guided by the spirits, shamans
gathered these embers and tended to them. Even
though Everflame originated outside the world, with
time and careful tending by these Everflame guard-
ians, its fires became part of the natural order.
As an Everflame guardian, you embrace two equal
tasks. On one hand, you search for demons, devils,
primordials, and other creatures that have intruded
into the world, scouring them with the fiery might
of Everflame. On the other hand, you seek to ensure
that new life rises in the aftermath of great calam-
ity. Whether a volcanic eruption destroys a region,
a great fire burns a forest, or a legion of monsters
disrupts the natural order, you seek to nurture the
world back to health, believing that no force, not even
Everflame itself, can extinguish hope or life.

Everflame Guardian
Path Features
Guardian of the Flame (11th level): You gain
resist 5 fire. If you already have fire resistance, it
increases by 5.
Everf lame Action (11th level): When you spend
an action point to take an extra action, each ally Guardian’s Shield Everflame Guardian Utility 12
within 5 squares of you regains 5 hit points, and each You draw forth a tiny shard of Everflame. Under its halo, life
enemy within 5 squares of you gains vulnerable 5 flourishes.
fire until the end of your next turn. In addition, each Encounter ✦ Fire, Primal
enemy within 5 squares of you that has fire resistance Minor Action Close burst 2
or immunity to fire loses it until the end of your next Target: You and each ally in burst
turn. Effect: Each target gains resist 5 to all damage until the
Renewing Flames (16th level): When you heal end of your next turn. The first time any enemy deals
damage to the target before the end of your next turn,
an ally with a primal healing power, one enemy adja-
that enemy takes 5 fire damage.
cent to that ally takes 5 fire damage.
Elder Flame Everflame Guardian Attack 20
Everflame Guardian Evocations You call forth a living piece of Everflame and set it against your
Spark of Life Everflame Guardian Attack 11
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Fire, Implement, Primal
Flames erupt around your enemies, charring their flesh while Standard Action Ranged 10
comforting your allies. Effect: You conjure a shard of Everflame in an unoccupied
Encounter ✦ Fire, Healing, Implement, Primal square within range. The shard lasts until the end of the
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares encounter. When any ally within 2 squares of the shard
Target: Each enemy in burst hits an enemy, the attack deals 1d10 extra fire damage
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex to that enemy. As a move action, you can move the shard
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier fire damage. 5 squares. You can make the following attack, centered
Effect: Each bloodied ally in the burst regains 5 + your on the shard. Doing so destroys the shard.
Wisdom modifier hit points. Minor Action Close burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 4d8 + Wisdom modifier fire damage.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Great Elder Great Hymn of Nature

Great Elder Utility 12
In the spirit world, the song is many-layered and hours long. In
“We never see the whole of the world, never understand it
the natural world, you hum three bars and the spirits do the rest.
completely. But a spirit from the dawn times walks beside
Daily ✦ Primal
me, and our power does not require perfect understanding.”
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You make a Nature check. Until the end of your
Prerequisite: Shaman, call spirit companion power, next turn, your allies can use the result of that check
World Speaker Spirit class feature in place of their defenses while adjacent to your spirit
Shamans know that the spirits are not truly the size
of a human, an elf, or a panther. The spirits are vast, An End to Tolerance Great Elder Attack 20
small, or whatever they are called on to be by the Moved to anger, the World Spirit allows none to escape.
world’s needs. Shamans know this to be true, but not Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Psychic
all shamans can master their unconscious expecta- Standard Action Close blast 5
tions of the spirits. Each spirit companion appears as Target: Each enemy in blast
a creature of the shaman’s size because of its link to Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
the shaman, and as allies and friends, both share an Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage, and the tar-
get is dazed (save ends).
image, a reflection, within the world of spirits.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any enemy that starts
You have seen partway through this veil. As a fol- its turn adjacent to your spirit companion chooses either
lower of the world speaker tradition, you know that to be dazed until the end of its turn or to take psychic
your spirit companion is vast. By seeing part of this damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
truth, you know that your spirit companion’s size
approaches that of an elder spirit, having a touch of
the scope and power you will acquire if you live to
fulfill an epic destiny.
As an elder spirit, your spirit companion protects
your allies as it has always protected the people of the
world. Its knowledge, allied with your understand-
ing of nature, is sometimes the only shield your allies

Great Elder Path Features

Elder Presence (11th level): As a minor action,
you can make your spirit companion Large or
Great Elder Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action, allies
adjacent to your spirit companion gain a +2 bonus to
all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Elder Counsel (16th level): When an enemy
attacks the Will of an ally adjacent to your spirit com-
panion, that ally’s Will can equal yours if he or she

Great Elder Evocations

Great Reaching Spirit Great Elder Attack 11
Your spirit companion reaches out to its full length and slams
your enemies, catching them off guard and forcing them to hesi-
tate for a moment.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1 (or 2 if your spirit
companion is Large)
Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of
your next turn, you and your allies gain a +2 bonus to all

defenses while adjacent to your spirit companion.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Keen Eagle Keen Eagle Path Features
“A moment. Follow her flight. Now!” Eagle Summons the Fire (11th level): You and
your allies can choose creatures or squares adjacent
Prerequisite: Shaman, call spirit companion power, to your spirit companion as the target of your ranged
Watcher Spirit class feature attacks and area attacks.
Keen Eagle Action (11th level): When you
You are part of the watcher spirit tradition. Though spend an action point to take an extra action, you can
you hesitate to speak ill of it, you have the sense that use your call spirit companion power as a free action
its founding members might have focused too much to conjure a second spirit companion. When you
on watching the world and not enough on listening attack with a spirit power, you choose which spirit
to the spirits. Your eagle spirit companion has always companion to use for the attack; you don’t make the
talked with you, telling you secrets not spoken of by attack through both of them. When an effect applies
your watcher spirit mentors. to creatures adjacent to your spirit companion, that
Other shamans’ spirit companions have their own effect applies to creatures adjacent to both spirit com-
advantages, such as a knack for healing or a strong panions. The second spirit companion disappears at
sense of nature. As a keen eagle shaman, you have the end of your next turn.
a bloodthirsty spirit for a companion, and each new Eagle’s Reach (16th level): Your ranged shaman
power you learn together has a primary purpose: powers that have a range of 5 or 10 change to a range
wounding your foes. Your spirit companion guides of 20.
the attacks of you and your allies, even at great dis-
tances, and uses a subtle turn of a wing or a slashing Keen Eagle Evocations
talon to put a foe in its most vulnerable position.
Winged Spirit Strike Keen Eagle Attack 11
The spirit of a bird of prey dives on your enemy, leaving your foe
vulnerable to your allies’ attacks.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your next
turn, any ally can score a critical hit against the target on
a roll of 16–20.

Hunting Eagle Keen Eagle Utility 12

You send your spirit companion to your ally’s aid. It flies around
your ally’s target, making that foe easier for your ally to attack.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Spirit
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An ally adjacent to your spirit companion makes an
attack roll for a ranged or an area attack
Effect: You move your spirit companion to a square
adjacent to a target of the attack. The triggering ally gains
a +2 power bonus to the attack roll against each target
adjacent to your spirit companion.

Flurry of Spirit Talons Keen Eagle Attack 20

In a burst of supernatural speed, your spirit companion flashes
among your enemies, leaving them gashed, staggered, and vul-
nerable to attack.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Close burst spirit 1
Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until your spirit
companion disappears, you and your allies can score
critical hits on a roll of 18–20 against any creature that is
adjacent to your spirit companion. Then make the follow-
ing attack.
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. If you score a critical

hit with the attack, the target is also dazed (save ends).

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Scarred Healer Spirit’s Touch

Scarred Healer Utility 12
Your spirit companion reaches out to your ally, lending some of
“Scars carry two lessons. The first is that victory often has a
its vitality to ward that ally from harm.
price. The second is that no defeat is final.”
Encounter ✦ Primal, Spirit
Immediate Reaction Melee spirit 1
Prerequisite: Shaman, call spirit companion power Trigger: An ally adjacent to your spirit companion takes
damage from an attack
The powerful magic you and your allies have mas- Target: The triggering ally
tered during your adventures can cure most nonfatal Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to your
wounds, and even fatal wounds might be only tempo- Constitution modifier. In addition, the target gains a +2
rary setbacks. Death is a solvable problem, and you power bonus to saving throws until the end of your next
are one of the most powerful healers that most people
will encounter. Why, then, do you bear such terrible
scars, as if you were a warrior who had suffered a ter- The Burning Dance Scarred Healer Attack 20
rible defeat? As your scars flare with light, your spirit companion pulses with
the radiance of the sun, moon, and stars. When that radiance
In the history of your people, victories and defeats
deflects off your burning foes, it heals your allies.
have always gone hand in hand. Your scars are marks
Daily ✦ Fire, Healing, Implement, Primal, Radiant, Spirit
of your status as one of the heroes who ensures that
Standard Action Close burst spirit 2
no defeat will be total. By accepting the painful les- Target: Each enemy in burst
sons of the past and bearing their marks on your Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
flesh, you access healing magic that other shamans Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier fire and radiant damage.
can’t or aren’t willing to use. Effect: Each target takes ongoing 10 fire and radiant damage
The most powerful healing spirits of the world rec- (save ends). When any target takes this ongoing damage,
ognize your unique pattern of scars. When the world one ally within 5 squares of you or your spirit companion
regains 10 hit points.
hangs in the balance, the power of these spirits is on
your side.

Scarred Healer Path Features

Scar’s Gift (11th level): When you use a primal
healing power on a target adjacent to your spirit com-
panion, the target regains additional hit points equal
to your Constitution modifier.
Scarred Healer Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally
adjacent to your spirit companion gains temporary
hit points equal to one-half your level + your Wisdom
Healing Paths (16th level): When any ally
within 5 squares of you or your spirit companion
spends a healing surge to regain hit points, he or she
regains additional hit points equal to your Wisdom

Scarred Healer Evocations

Sharing the Kill Scarred Healer Attack 11
Your spirit companion tears into your foe, sharing its elation of
the hunt with your allies.
Encounter ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal, Spirit
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Each ally adjacent to
your spirit companion regains 1d6 + your Wisdom modi-
fier hit points.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Seasons’ Herald Seasons’ Herald Path Features
“The armies of the mortal world march and conquer, but in Watch the Omens (11th level): You and each
time, each falls. The seasons march forever.” ally within 5 squares of you gain a +2 bonus to initia-
tive checks.
Prerequisite: Shaman, call spirit companion power Seasons’ Herald Action (11th level): You can
spend an action point to allow an ally within 5
Night follows day, winter follows summer, and death squares of you to take a standard action instead of
follows life. These are the basic truths of the primal taking an extra action yourself.
world. For those who understand this fact and watch Turn of Seasons (16th level): When an enemy
closely, Great Watcher provides inspiration and guid- reduces an ally within 5 squares of you to 0 hit points
ance, revealing omens of what is to come. Shamans or fewer, another ally of your choice within 5 squares
who have the gifts of insight and prophecy often of you regains 5 + your Wisdom modifier hit points.
become great political or military leaders by using
these talents wisely.
As a seasons’ herald, you embrace the future,
Seasons’ Herald Evocations
whether it’s promising or dreadful. You don’t shy
Balance of Life Seasons’ Herald Attack 11
away from ill omens. Accepting what lies ahead and
Your spirit companion restores balance by taking from a foe
having the determination to prepare for it form the
what that foe took from an ally.
bedrock of your beliefs.
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Spirit
You follow the path of adventure out of a sense of
Immediate Reaction Melee spirit 1
duty to your people and to the natural world. Looking Trigger: An enemy adjacent to your spirit companion deals
into the future to prepare for the present, you seek out damage to your ally
evil before it develops into a larger threat. As a wan- Target: The triggering enemy
dering prophet or a simple helper, you travel to those Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
places where you are most needed to maintain the Hit: The target takes damage equal to the damage it dealt
natural order, whether doing so requires stopping war, to your ally.
ending a drought, or preventing unnatural creatures
from entering the world through a planar breach. Read the Omens Seasons’ Herald Utility 12
You scan the area, mindful of any omen that might prove useful
in charting your next action.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You make an attack roll, a saving throw, a skill
check, or an ability check and don’t roll a 20
Effect: The next time you would roll a d20 before the end
of your next turn, use the result of the triggering die roll

Inevitable Winter Seasons’ Herald Attack 20

You call spirits of death and winter, commanding them to sur-
round a foe to sap its vitality.
Daily ✦ Implement, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: When the target saves against any effect, you can
roll a d20. If your roll is higher than the target’s save, the
target instead fails the saving throw (save ends).

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman
Warrior of Spring

“With spring, there is always hope.”

Prerequisite: Shaman, call spirit companion power

The power of spring is in its ability to bring rebirth

and hope. A warrior of spring wields this power to
great effect, whether as a healer or a guardian of the
primal world. As a shaman who follows this path,
you are gifted with powers of primal healing beyond
those of most other shamans. Your presence can
allow allies to recover from the most grievous injury,
or even from death itself.
Although you pride yourself in watching over your
community, when adventure or the duty of a great
cause calls, you are ready to act. You can heal your
allies or instill hope in them, and the spirits you call
on can help you defeat the greatest of threats.
As you go on adventures, your duty as a warrior of
spring is clear. You carry a bundle of seeds gathered
from across the lands. No matter what desolate realm
you find yourself in, you’re ready to scatter those
seeds through it so that their verdant bounty can con-
tinue the cycle of spring.

Warrior of Spring
Path Features
Revitalizing Presence (11th level): When you
use a primal power to allow an ally to spend a healing
surge, that ally regains 1d6 additional hit points.
Warrior of Spring Action (11th level): When Hope Beyond Death Warrior of Spring Utility 12
you spend an action point to take an extra action, one Although winter might empty fields, cast leaves from trees, and
bloodied ally within 5 squares of you can spend a freeze rivers, the world blooms anew at spring’s return.
healing surge. Daily ✦ Primal
Spring’s Vigor (16th level): When you use a Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10
primal power to allow an ally to spend a healing Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you fails a death saving
surge, that ally can also spend an action point to take throw
Target: The triggering ally
an extra action.
Effect: The target is considered to have rolled a 20 for the
death saving throw.
Warrior of Spring Evocations
Spring’s Resurgence Warrior of Spring Attack 20
Spring’s Dawning Warrior of Spring Attack 11 You call forth the power of spring’s resurgence, lending strength
The light of spring erupts from the spirit world, searing your to your allies with the demise of each enemy.
foes and providing a beacon of hope to your allies. Daily ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal, Zone
Encounter ✦ Implement, Primal, Radiant, Spirit Free Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Standard Action Close burst spirit 1 Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you drops to 0 hit
Target: Each enemy in burst points
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Target: Each enemy in burst centered on the triggering
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Each ally enemy
who can see your spirit companion can make a saving Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
throw with a +2 power bonus. Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of verdure that lasts until
the end of the encounter. Any bloodied ally who starts
his or her turn within the zone regains 10 hit points.

When any enemy within the zone drops to 0 hit points,

each ally within the zone regains 10 hit points.

CH A PTER 3 | Shaman


“The rivers are my blood; the mountain wind, my voice. My
body is the earth, and from the power of the primal spirits,
I draw strength to fight the foes of nature.”

You are the rock that stands against the

storm, protecting the world from those that would
destroy or corrupt it. You are a warden, and your duty
is to protect your allies and the natural order. For you,
it is an honor to preserve the world against chaos and
Other heroes trust to the strength of armor and
weapons, or to the might of spells and prayers. How-
ever, as a warden, you know that steel, arcane magic,
and even the might of the gods can’t stand for long
against the power of nature. The strength you draw
from land and sky, forest and river drives your need
to defend and heal your land and allies—your role
reflecting that of the primal spirits who are the pro-
tectors of the world. The evocations you summon
up can unleash destructive energy that drops foes
at your feet. More important, your primal fury fuels
your transformation into a guardian form, granting
you powerful abilities and attacks.
This chapter supports the warden with the
following information.

✦ Playing a Warden: The origins of the warden

class, its burdens and powers, and your role both
in the world and at the game table.
✦ New Builds: As a life warden, you can share your
reserves of healing power with your allies. Or you
can choose to be a storm warden, moving your
enemies around the field of conflict.
✦ New Class Features: Two new options for your
Guardian Might class feature bestow the benefit of
your healing on your allies, or let you hinder and
control your foes in the thick of combat.
✦ New Powers: A wide range of evocations support
the new warden builds, and grant existing builds
even more versatility.
✦ New Paragon Paths: Seven new paragon paths
let you customize your warden’s advancement,
whether by mastery of the elements or creating
ever-stronger connections to the primal spirits that
grant you power.

CHAPTER 4 | Wa r d e n
Still and silent as the towering oaks, a gnarled war- wardens’ origins is not secret, but neither is it well
rior watches for signs of aberrant activity in the forest. known outside the narrow orders of those who wield
Filled with the righteous fury of the primal spirits, primal power.
a weathered champion swings a wooden cudgel to The oldest ancestor spirits say that barbarians,
smite the foes of nature. Drawing on the strength of shamans, and druids have been a part of the natural
the earth beneath her feet, a warden becomes like order for all time. Throughout the histories of all
stone—immovable, impassive, and steadfast. races—and perhaps before the first peoples had even
A warden is the quintessential protector, a mani- taken shape—barbarians have raged at the forefront
festation of nature’s desire to protect itself from of combat, druids have hunted alongside the beasts
corruption and harm. As a warrior whose powers whose shape they take, and shamans have spoken for
channel the primal spirits, you take on those the primal spirits that watch over the land. However,
spirits’ mission, protecting the natural world and wardens are a more recent order, forged in response
helping it thrive. to the progress of history—and the threats that recent
events have unleashed.
The Newcomers Over the course of countless centuries, the rise
of civilized and monstrous empires spread violence
A warden is defined by his or her commitment to
and war across the world. In reaction to the threat
defending the natural world, but this commitment
posed by the ambitions of emperors and kings—and
is more than simple tradition. The truth of the
by the powerful magic their forces wielded—
the primal spirits worked subtly within
the sentient races to create a new type of
You and your kind are that
champion—as potent in a fight as any
barbarian, channeling powers of
transformation in the manner of the
druids, and calling on the magic of the
primal spirits to produce mighty evocations
of combat and healing. The warden’s powers
of protection and defense give you the
same role and responsibilities toward your
allies as the primal spirits have toward the
natural world. Your warden powers fill a
niche addressed by none of the other primal
classes. As a symbol of your defensive
prowess, you rely on the strength of the
shield that other primal heroes cannot
naturally integrate with their own fighting

The Burden
of Defense
Your life as a warden is likely to be defined
by how you balance the responsibilities
thrust upon you. You might feel the constant
tug of obligation to the people of your home-
land, even when your life as an adventurer
takes you far from the place of your birth.
As a member of an adventuring party, you
often mean the difference between life and
death for friends who cannot match your endur-
ance. How do you balance what might be conf licting

drives to protect your homeland, your party, and the

natural world?
C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Traveling to new places—and particularly to other Wardens’ Meditations

planes—comes easier to the druid, the barbarian, and
even the shaman than it does to many wardens. Your Unlike a shaman, you are not in constant contact
obligation to defend your homeland and the wider with the primal spirits that are the source of your
natural world might make it difficult for you to leave power. Your link to the spirit world is strongest when
that homeland or world behind. However, eventually you are in a guardian form. In your guardian form,
you must accept that your destiny lies beyond the you invite the primal spirits to enter your body and
lands of your birth, and that your mandate to defend make it theirs, and in that moment of transformation
the world will inevitably set you against foes from you learn much of their wisdom and their will.
beyond that world. Consequently, you might make an effort to use
Your devotion to your people likely translates to one of your guardian forms at least once a day. Even if
an unfailing dedication to the allies in your adventur- combat doesn’t make that transformation necessary,
ing party. Some wardens take this unconscious role you adopt a guardian form to meditate and commune
even further, adopting strangers who appear to be in with the spirits. When you do use a guardian form
need of defending. Though barbarians, druids, and power in combat, you might linger in that form as long
shamans typically remain closely tied to their own as possible once the battle is over, savoring your inti-
ancestors and patron spirits, wardens can tap into mate communion with the spirits for as long as it lasts.
the spiritual power that surrounds and protects any Quiet contemplation isn’t the only form of con-
people, defending strangers as fiercely as they do the nection with the spirits that you might enjoy in
members of their own families. guardian form. Depending on the form you assume,
you might howl with the icy winds of a terrible bliz-
zard, leap among the f lames of a forest fire, or f ly
Warding Circles among the clouds in a summer thunderstorm, all in
In many of the wild and dark places of the world, an effort to draw closer to the primal spirits of those
wardens stand at the center of small, loose-knit orga- natural forces.
nizations known as warding circles. Some warding When wardens gather, it’s not uncommon for
circles are dedicated to preserving certain geographi- them to greet each other with a shift into guardian
cal regions, while others focus on defending the form, spend a few moments in shared communica-
world and its inhabitants against particular kinds tion with the spirits, and then launch into a furious
of threats, but all owe their inspiration to a group melee, unleashing the full power of the spirits upon
of elder spirits known as the Monster Slayers (page each other. Such ceremonial combats are rarely
125). Sidebars throughout this chapter give examples fatal, instead serving to draw the gathered wardens
of prominent warding circles. together in a common purpose and invoke the spirits’
A typical warding circle has only one or perhaps participation in their activities together.
two wardens at its center. Six or seven other members
round out the circle. In exceptional circumstances,
these other members might also be heroic characters;
Wardens and the Wild
this occurs most often when a player character warden A warden feels most at home in the wilderness, stalk-
establishes a warding circle and calls on fellow adven- ing among the trees, scaling broad cliff faces, and
turers to join the circle’s membership. Other circles navigating narrow canyons. Why does your warden
are made up of more ordinary folk (whose statistics character feel so drawn to the wild places of the
might be drawn from the Monster Manual or Monster world? Perhaps you encountered a primal spirit at
Manual 2 entries for humans, elves, gnomes, shifters, some point in your childhood or youth—an awesome
dwarves, goliaths, half-orcs, and other races). experience of the spirit’s presence and power that set
A warding circle typically operates in a limited you on the path toward becoming a warden. Perhaps
geographical area and has no contact with other cir- you were born and raised in a wilderness area and
cles unless its territory overlaps with that of another simply find such places, far from the noise and bustle
one. No hierarchy or overarching organization links of civilization, comforting and familiar.
circles to each other, even those that share a common A warden rarely stays in one place for long, prefer-
tradition and name. For example, the Circle of Sum- ring to experience the broad range of environments
mer’s Shield that protects the settlements along the that nature has to offer. Maybe you want to challenge
Nentir River has no connection to the similar Circle your own mental and physical limitations, pushing
of Summer’s Shield that patrols the distant Icepine them to extremes as you cross glaciers and deserts
Wood, far to the north. The two circles have similar alike. Or you might be drawn by the possibility of dis-
beliefs, practices, and traditions—probably dating covering ancient primal secrets extending back to the
from a time when the power of Nerath facilitated easy early days of creation. Traveling the world might be a
communication between such far-flung circles. form of spiritual journey for you. Regardless of what
drives you to explore, you are at home in the wildest
places of the world.
C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
This section presents two new builds, the life warden Suggested At-Will Powers: earth shield strike,
and the storm warden. Each build has a new Guard- resilience of life*
ian Might option associated with it, either of which Suggested Encounter Power: warden’s sacrifice*
you can choose when you make your warden. Suggested Daily Power: form of the faultless
Life Warden *New option presented in this book
By drawing deep on the primal currents flowing
through all things, you wield the power that was the
first spark of life in the mortal realm. With that power,
you shelter the world from its harshest enemies, bol-
stering your allies even as you defend the land.
Your bond to the land is such that life flourishes
when you draw on the primal magic you command.
Injuries mend, sickness passes, and your allies fight
with renewed vigor. Your spear, shield, and armor
might be your obvious tools of war, but your ability to
ignite the spark of life in the face of a deadly enemy is
your greatest talent.
Your foes assail you again and again, but their
efforts mean nothing. Your primal magic mends the
injuries they cause and strikes them down to end
their violence once and for all.

New Class Feature

When you choose your Guardian Might, you can
choose Lifespirit instead of another option, such
as the ones in Player’s Handbook 2.
Lifespirit: While you are not wearing heavy
armor, you can use your Wisdom modifier in
place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to
determine your AC.
In addition, when you use your second wind, an
ally within 5 squares of you can spend a healing
surge and make a saving throw.

Suggested Options
Strength is your most important ability, governing
your attacks and the beneficial power that your suc-
cessful attacks unleash. A high Wisdom benefits your
Will while also increasing your AC, and Wisdom is
the cornerstone of many of the benefits granted by
your powers. This build reinforces your leadership
role, and powers that channel benefits to your allies
are your best choice.
Suggested Class Feature: Lifespirit*
Suggested Feat: Lifespirit Vigor*
Suggested Skills: Endurance, Heal, Nature,

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Storm Warden

The strength of the storm is the epitome of primal
power, from the screaming winds and relentless
snows of the highest mountains to the lashing rains
and blistering lightning of a summer thunderstorm.
Although all wardens draw power from nature,
the storm warden has the strongest connection to
nature’s wrath.
You are the sword of the rumbling storm, an
avenging warrior whose primal magic swirls around
your chosen enemies like the gathering winds of
a hurricane. Your draw your enemies close to you,
keeping them near with primal magic to prevent
them from escaping your wrath. Once a foe falls into
your magic’s grasp, it cannot escape.
The storm simmers around you, ready to rumble
to life when your foe draws near. When the storm
surges to life, it cuts off your enemy’s escape and
forces it into a fight it cannot win. By your blade or by
the primal winds you command, your foe’s aggression
comes to an end.

New Class Feature

When you choose your Guardian Might, you can
choose Stormheart instead of another option, such as
the ones in Player’s Handbook 2.
Stormheart: While you are not wearing heavy
armor, you can use your Constitution modifier in
place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to
determine your AC.
In addition, when you use your second wind, GUARDIAN MIGHT
you slide each enemy marked by you and within 2 Whatever manifestation of Guardian Might you choose,
squares of you 1 square, and each enemy marked by this class feature is more than simply a pair of game
you is slowed until the end of your next turn. benefits—it’s a representation of your connection to the
natural world.
Suggested Options Each form of Guardian Might allows you to use a differ-
As with all wardens, Strength is your most important ent ability score—either Wisdom or Constitution—instead
ability score. Constitution should be your next best of Dexterity or Intelligence to determine your Armor
score, since it improves your AC and the benefits of Class. In the rules of the game, that’s an incentive to keep
many of your warden powers. As a storm warden, you in light armor. But in the world of the game, it reflects
you lean toward controller as a secondary role, and how the primal spirits shield and protect you from harm.
your powers should draw on the savagery of the ele- They toughen your skin to ward off blows, swirl around
ments to punish your enemies, particularly those you in gusts of wind that deflect attacks, or infuse you
marked by you. with life-giving power to heal your wounds before you
Suggested Class Feature: Stormheart* even feel their effects.
Suggested Feat: Stormheart Push* The other part of Guardian Might is an additional
Suggested Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Intimi- effect that takes place when you use your second wind.
date, Nature All characters can draw on reserves of strength and health
Suggested At-Will Powers: strength of stone, tem- within themselves by using their second wind. When you
pest assault* do so, however, you’re not just drawing on power within
Suggested Encounter Power: gale strike* yourself, but on the life of the primal spirits that sur-
Suggested Daily Power: form of mountain’s round you in the earth and sky. When you draw on that
thunder* power, the spirits respond. They ward you against further
*New option presented in this book attack (Earthstrength), make you a greater threat in your
enemies’ eyes (Wildblood), aid your allies (Lifespirit), or
gust in furious winds to send your enemies staggering


C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Many of the powers in this section are tailored for the Grasping Winds Warden Attack 1
life warden and the storm warden. However, wardens You draw on the spirit of the storm to drag foes closer for your
of any build can make good use of the options pre- next attack.
sented here, expanding their versatility on and off the Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
battlefield. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Level 1 At-Will Evocations Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you pull each
enemy within 3 squares of you 2 squares.
Resilience of Life Warden Attack 1
The might of your attack boosts the vigor of an ally fighting at Rending Fury Warden Attack 1
your side.
You tear into the target with two fast strikes, crippling its ability
At-Will ✦ Primal, Weapon to respond to any foe but you.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Target: One creature
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Target: One creature
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and an ally ad-
Attack: Strength vs. AC. Make the attack roll twice and use
jacent to you gains temporary hit points equal to your
either result.
Wisdom modifier.
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of
Level 21: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
your next turn, the target takes a –2 penalty to attack
rolls for attacks that don’t include you as a target. If both
Tempest Assault Warden Attack 1 of your attack rolls would hit, the penalty equals –5.
When you strike with lightning, a pulse of thunder pounds your Wildblood: The penalty to attack rolls equals your
target’s companion. Wisdom modifier, or 1 + your Wisdom modifier if both of
At-Will ✦ Lightning, Primal, Thunder, Weapon your attack rolls would hit.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC CIRCLE OF THE DARK WING
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier lightning damage, and one
The Circles of the Dark Wing hunt those who would
enemy within 2 squares of you that is marked by you,
other than the target, takes thunder damage equal to
break the cycle of life with the blasphemy of undeath.
your Constitution modifier. Wardens and other characters within a Circle of the Dark
Level 21: 2[W] + Strength modifier lightning damage. Wing hunt down liches, vampires, and other free-willed
undead. They seek out and destroy tomes and other ref-
Level 1 Encounter Evocations erences that detail the secrets of creating or becoming
undead, and they oppose the dark work of necromancers
Gale Strike Warden Attack 1
wherever such individuals are found. Members of the
circle wear a black cloak to mark their affiliation.
Your attack unleashes a primal wind that batters foes driven to
engage you.
Though the members of these circles follow no single
path, the Dark Wing contains many heroes willing to go
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
to extremes in the pursuit of their goals. The fanaticism
Target: One creature of these zealots has made outlaws of all circle members
Attack: Strength vs. AC in some areas—particularly those lands that have heard
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and each enemy of the burning of the Grand Library of Tyrath. The priests
marked by you, other than the target, takes damage of Ioun who kept the library had long ago taken into their
equal to your Constitution modifier. safekeeping several volumes of dark lore from the legend-
Stormheart: You also slide each enemy marked by you 1
ary city of Moil. One Circle of the Dark Wing decided that
burning the site to the ground was the best way to destroy
the books and the dark secrets they held.
Most who follow the spirit way—including many other
wardens—reject the fanaticism of the Circle of the Dark
Wing. Moreover, based on the circle’s chosen emblem,
many wonder openly what relationship might exist
between the order and the Raven Queen.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Roots of Stone Form of the Faultless Tracker

Warden Attack 1 Warden Attack 1
The burst of primal energy you unleash ripples through the You gain the keen senses of a relentless hunter, ignoring your
ground around you and limits your foes’ movement. foes’ attempts to conceal themselves and denying them advan-
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon, Zone tage against you and your allies.
Standard Action Close burst 1 Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Effect: The burst creates a zone of rippling earth that Minor Action Personal
lasts until the end of your next turn. Make the following Effect: You assume the guardian form of the faultless track-
attack. er until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
Target: Each enemy in burst form, you gain a +5 power bonus to Perception checks,
Attack: Strength vs. AC and you ignore the penalty to attack rolls from conceal-
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. The target is ment (but not total concealment). In addition, you and
knocked prone when it leaves the zone. any allies within 2 squares of you do not grant combat
Earthstrength: The target also takes damage equal to your advantage for being flanked.
Constitution modifier when it leaves the zone. Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Warden’s Sacrifice Warden Attack 1 Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
In the aftermath of your attack, foes that hit you grant vigor to
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
your allies.
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Miss: Half damage.
Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: The target can’t gain concealment or total
Target: One creature concealment (save ends both).
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of
Form of the Laughing Killer Warden Attack 1
your next turn, when any enemy hits you, an ally within
3 squares of you gains 5 temporary hit points. Your mind guarded against assault, you take on characteristics
Lifespirit: Add your Wisdom modifier to the temporary hit of a hyena, your lips curling into a cackling sneer as you harry
points. adjacent foes.
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Level 1 Daily Evocations Effect: You assume the guardian form of the laughing killer
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
Form of the Dread Serpent Warden Attack 1 form, you gain a +2 bonus to Will and to saving throws
Dark scales coat your skin, allowing you to move with the against charm effects and fear effects. In addition, your
subtlety of a snake and to envenom your attack at the time you allies have combat advantage when making melee at-
choose. tacks against any enemy adjacent to you.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
Daily ✦ Poison, Polymorph, Primal
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Minor Action Personal
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the dread serpent
Target: One bloodied creature
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
form, you gain resist 5 poison and a +2 bonus to Reflex.
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and ongoing 5
In addition, you can shift 1 square as a minor action.
damage (save ends).
Once during this encounter, you can make the
Miss: Half damage.
following weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier poison damage, and the A Circle of the Stars is composed of seekers and explorers
target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save who delve into the unknown to root out and destroy the
ends both). terrors it hides. These wardens and their allies hunt for
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes ongoing 2 poison news of lost dungeons, secret passages to the Underdark,
damage and is slowed (save ends both).
and tales of subterranean races. They organize expeditions
to map the reaches of the deep, dedicating themselves
to uncovering and defeating its menaces long before they
can threaten the people of the surface.
Wardens of this circle favor blue cloaks, decorated with
patterns of stars sewn in with white or silver thread. High-
level members of the order can will the stars to shine on
their cloaks when they wish.
Members of a Circle of the Stars maintain detailed
maps of the areas of the Underdark they have explored.
Such maps might provide adventure hooks for wardens
associated with the circle.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Form of Mountain’s Thunder Warden Attack 1 Form of the Swamp Hunter Warden Attack 1
You transform to take on a protective shell of rock and earth, You take on the rough skin of a crocodile, granting you its relent-
shielding you and allowing you to call thunder and lightning to less nature and letting you pass easily through water.
strike your foes. Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Daily ✦ Lightning, Polymorph, Primal, Thunder Minor Action Personal
Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the guardian form of the swamp hunter
Effect: You assume the guardian form of mountain’s thun- until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
der until the end of the encounter. While you are in this form, you gain swamp walk, a swim speed equal to your
form, you gain resist 3 to all damage and a +1 bonus speed, and a +2 bonus to attack rolls against immobi-
to AC. Once per round when you hit an enemy with a lized creatures. In addition, when you reduce any enemy
melee attack, each enemy marked by you takes thunder marked by you to 0 hit points with an attack, you mark
damage equal to your Strength modifier. one enemy within 5 squares of you until the end of your
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow- next turn.
ing weapon attack while you are in this form. Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
Standard Action Close burst 1 ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex Target: One creature
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier thunder damage, and you Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
knock the target prone. Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you grab the
Miss: Half damage. target. If the target is dazed, immobilized, slowed, or
Effect: Each enemy marked by you takes lightning damage stunned, the attack deals 1[W] extra damage.
equal to your Strength modifier. Miss: Half damage.

Level 2 Utility Evocations

Erupting Font Warden Utility 2
As you shake off a debilitating condition, your primal might
raises your foes’ ire.
Encounter ✦ Primal
No Action Close burst 5
Trigger: You succeed on the saving throw granted by your
Font of Life class feature
Target: Each enemy in burst
Effect: You mark each target until the end of your next

Guardian Thorns Warden Utility 2

You surround your friend with ghostly thorns that impale any
enemy that attacks him or her.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: One ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, when any enemy
marked by you hits or misses the target, that enemy
takes 5 damage.

Warden’s Tempest Warden Utility 2

Your wrath is a storm, and an enemy that feels it is moved
against its will.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Minor Action Melee 1
Target: One enemy marked by you
Effect: You slide the target 1 square.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Warding Touch Violent Bolt

Warden Utility 2 Warden Attack 3
You increase your vulnerability in combat to shore up an ally’s Lightning summoned by your attack arcs from the target to
defense. strike a second foe.
Encounter ✦ Primal Encounter ✦ Lightning, Primal, Weapon
Minor Action Melee 1 Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One ally Target: One creature
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you take a penalty Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
to AC equal to your Constitution modifier, and the target Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier lightning damage, and
gains a power bonus to AC equal to your Constitution one enemy marked by you, other than the target, must
modifier. If the target has any creatures marked, those choose either to fall prone or to take 5 lightning damage.
marks end, and if the target marks a creature, this effect Stormheart: Whatever its choice, the marked enemy takes
ends. lightning damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

Level 3 Encounter Evocations Level 5 Daily Evocations

Guardian Shock Wave Warden Attack 3
Clutching Mire Warden Attack 5
As you hit with a brutal attack, a wave of primal energy ripples
A sweep of your weapon blasts your foes and turns the ground
through the ground around the target.
before you into a shallow bog, which hinders creatures’
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon, Zone movement.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Daily ✦ Primal, Weapon, Zone
Target: One creature
Standard Action Close blast 3
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Target: Each creature in blast
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the squares
Attack: Strength vs. AC
adjacent to the target become a zone of shifting ground
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
until the end of your next turn. Any enemy marked by
slowed (save ends).
you that enters the zone is knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of
your next turn.
Pressing Attack Warden Attack 3 Effect: The blast creates a swampy zone that lasts until the
You quickly close the distance to a foe, striking with a furious end of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain, and
attack. any creature that ends its turn within the zone is slowed
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon (save ends).
Standard Action Melee weapon Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Effect: Before the attack, you move 4 squares.
Wildblood: Add your Wisdom modifier to the number of Earth-Shaking Rend Warden Attack 5
squares you can move. The ground before you shakes when you strike it with your
Target: One creature weapon, blasting creatures and knocking them off their feet.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Daily ✦ Primal, Weapon, Zone
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
Rough Strike Warden Attack 3 Attack: Strength vs. AC
Your attack hinders your foe’s movement as much as the rough- Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
est terrain. Miss: Half damage.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Effect: Each target is knocked prone. The blast creates a
Standard Action Melee weapon zone of shifting earth that lasts until the end of your next
Target: One creature turn. The zone is difficult terrain, and any creature that
Attack: Strength vs. AC ends its turn within the zone is knocked prone.
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
slowed until the end of your next turn.
Earthstrength: The attack deals extra damage equal to Lifebind Attack Warden Attack 5
your Constitution modifier. Your attack binds the target to you, further hindering its attacks
if it does not engage you.
Strongskin Clash Warden Attack 3 Daily ✦ Primal, Weapon
A burst of spiritual energy fuels a flurry of attacks against your Standard Action Melee weapon
foes and grants your allies the toughened hide of a primal beast. Target: One creature
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Attack: Strength vs. AC
Standard Action Close burst 1 Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Miss: Half damage.
Attack: Strength vs. AC Effect: While the target is marked by you, its penalty to
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and each ally in the attack rolls for the marked condition is –5 instead of
burst gains resist 3 to all damage until the end of your –2. This effect lasts until you end your turn more than
next turn. 5 squares away from the target or until the end of the
Lifespirit: The resistance equals 2 + your Wisdom modifier. encounter.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Rampant Forest Warden Attack 5 Level 6 Utility Evocations
The spectral essence of a primeval forest erupts around the tar-
get, impeding your foes’ movement. Returning the Gift Warden Utility 6
Daily ✦ Primal, Weapon, Zone You draw on your strength to return the aid given to you by an
Standard Action Melee weapon ally.
Target: One creature
Daily ✦ Primal
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. The target’s space
Trigger: An ally targets you with a power that does not
and each square adjacent to it become a zone of difficult
include that ally as a target
terrain for your enemies until the end of the encounter.
Effect: The ally also becomes a target of the power.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, when you first hit
any enemy after using this power, that enemy’s current Soothing Wind Warden Utility 6
space and each square adjacent to it become a zone of Your primal might allows you to regain additional vigor in the
difficult terrain for your enemies until the end of the heat of combat.
Daily ✦ Healing, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Wellspring Strike Warden Attack 5 Effect: You use your second wind and regain 2d6 addi-
Your attack saps life from your enemies and unlocks a well- tional hit points.
spring of healing energy, which revitalizes you and those who
fight at your side. Treacherous Ice Warden Utility 6
Daily ✦ Healing, Primal, Weapon Ice forms on the ground around you as you fight, limiting your
Standard Action Close burst 2 foes’ movement.
Target: Each enemy in burst
Daily ✦ Primal, Stance
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Minor Action Personal
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and ongoing 5
Effect: Until the stance ends, enemies can’t shift into or
damage (save ends).
out of squares adjacent to you.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain regen-
eration 5 while bloodied. At the start of each of your Wilding Strength Warden Utility 6
turns, you can forgo regaining the 5 hit points to allow a Your devastating attacks are fueled by a surge of primal fury.
bloodied ally adjacent to you to regain them instead. Daily ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, whenever you make
CIRCLE OF THE ONE PACK an attack roll or a damage roll with a weapon attack, roll
a d6 and add it as a power bonus to the roll.
The warden who forged the first Warding Circle of the
One Pack believed that all worldly creatures are con- Wrathful Mastery Warden Utility 6
nected in a complex web of life, from the lowliest ant
The pain you endure increases the strength of your later attack.
to the most powerful mage. However, he believed that
Daily ✦ Primal
this web remains intact only as long as creatures of other
Immediate Reaction Personal
planes remain sequestered from the world. Trigger: An enemy’s attack hits you and damages you
Members of the Circles of the One Pack wear no Effect: You take extra damage from the triggering attack
symbol of their allegiance, the better to surprise their equal to one-half your level. The next time you attack any
foes. They wander on their own or in small bands, always enemy marked by you before the end of the encounter,
on the lookout for signs marking the presence of planar you gain a bonus equal to your Constitution modifier to
beings in the world—from news of far-off wars, to the the attack roll and the damage roll.
rise of evil cults, to undue influence by gods, primordi-
als, fiends, and archfey. Circle members can be friendly Level 7 Encounter Evocations
toward planar visitors that want to live in harmony with
the world (most eladrin, for example). However, oth- Angry Spirits Warden Attack 7
erworldly creatures that seek to subvert or dominate As you swing your weapon around you, you draw forth spiritual
worldly realms are confronted and eliminated. energy to damage your foes.
Those who have heard of the Circles of the One Pack Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
are likely familiar with one circle’s victory against an Standard Action Close burst 2
insane cleric of Torog. Laying claim to powerful magic, Target: Each enemy marked by you in burst
this mad priest set out to bore a tunnel to the heart of Attack: Strength vs. Will
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
the world and unleash his deity’s wrath. Wardens from
the circle infiltrated the cleric’s operations, slaying him
and his legion of monstrous followers in a battle that has
become the subject of legend and song.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Guardian’s Pounce Level 9 Daily Evocations

Warden Attack 7
In a blur of movement, you attack an enemy that closes with
your ally. Form of the Sirocco Warden Attack 9
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon A haze of sand surrounds you, protecting you from harm and
Immediate Reaction Melee 1 letting you move like a blinding desert wind.
Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to an ally within
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
3 squares of you on its turn
Minor Action Personal
Wildblood: Add your Wisdom modifier to the number of
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the sirocco until
squares away from you the ally can be.
the end of the encounter. While you are in this form, you
Effect: You shift your speed to a square adjacent to the
gain resist 5 to all damage, and you can shift 2 squares as
triggering enemy and then make the following attack.
a move action. In addition, whenever you shift, you can
Target: The triggering enemy
move through enemies’ spaces.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target takes
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
a –5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of its turn.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Mountain’s Stature Warden Attack 7 Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
The fury of your attack extends its reach, drawing your foes Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
close or knocking them to the ground. blinded (save ends).
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Miss: Half damage, and the target is blinded until the end
Standard Action Melee weapon + 1 reach of your next turn.
Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Strength vs. AC Form of the Flame Snake Warden Attack 9
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you can either A supple layer of protective scales covers your skin and bestows
pull the target 1 square or knock it prone. the strike of the flame snake on your weapon.
Earthstrength: The number of squares you can pull the
Daily ✦ Fire, Polymorph, Primal
target equals 2.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the flame snake
Sheltering Storm Warden Attack 7 until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
A primal storm wind sweeps you and your allies into each form, you gain resist 10 fire, a +1 bonus to AC, and a +5
other’s positions as you take attacks meant for them. bonus to Athletics checks.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
Standard Action Close burst 1 ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Target: One creature
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, when any ally Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier fire damage.
adjacent to you is targeted by an attack that does not Effect: The target takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save
include you as a target, you can swap places with that ally ends).
as an immediate interrupt. You become the target of the
attack instead of the ally. Form of the Hunting Shark Warden Attack 9
Lifespirit: The attack that targets you takes a penalty to Your skin takes on the texture of a great shark’s, granting you
the attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier. mobility in water and the driven attack of an ocean predator.
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Winter’s Claws Warden Attack 7 Minor Action Personal
Your attack bites deep with a pulse of cold, hindering the tar- Effect: You assume the guardian form of the hunting shark
get’s movement even as it ripples out to strike other foes. until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
Encounter ✦ Cold, Primal, Weapon form, you gain a swim speed equal to your speed. In ad-
Standard Action Melee weapon dition, while any ally flanks an enemy with you, he or
Target: One creature she gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against that enemy
Attack: Strength vs. AC because of combat advantage, instead of +2.
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
is slowed until the end of your next turn. ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Stormheart: Until the end of your next turn, if the target Standard Action Melee weapon
makes an attack that does not include you as a target, the Target: One creature
target and each enemy marked by you take cold damage Attack: Strength vs. AC
equal to your Constitution modifier. Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. If the target is
bloodied, it takes ongoing damage equal to 5 + your
Wisdom modifier (save ends).
Miss: Half damage. If the target is bloodied, it takes
ongoing damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (save

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Form of Paradise’s Bounty Warden Attack 9 Elemental Warding Warden Utility 10
A protective layer of earth and vines wraps you tight, lashing out You summon primal spirits to protect you and your allies from
with your attack to hinder a foe. elemental power.
Daily ✦ Healing, Polymorph, Primal Encounter ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal Minor Action Close burst 1
Effect: You assume the guardian form of paradise’s bounty Target: You and each ally in burst
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this Effect: Choose cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Until the
form, you gain resist 5 necrotic and a +2 bonus to Forti- end of your next turn, each target gains resistance to that
tude. In addition, whenever you spend a healing surge, damage type equal to one-half your level.
each ally within 2 squares of you regains 5 hit points.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow- Guardian’s Attack Warden Utility 10
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Your guardian form grants you even greater potency in combat.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Daily ✦ Primal
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude Minor Action Personal
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is Requirement: You must be in a guardian form and must
dazed and slowed (save ends both). have used that form’s attack during this encounter.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed and slowed Effect: You regain the use of the guardian form’s attack.
until the end of your next turn.
Shared Font of Life Warden Utility 10
Form of the Warden Attack 9 Primal bonds connect you and an ally, allowing you to share
Stalwart Mastodon your own resilience.
Your body transforms to give you the thick hide and determined Encounter ✦ Primal
pace of the mighty mastodon, allowing you to knock creatures No Action Close burst 5
across the battlefield. Trigger: You start your turn
Target: One ally in burst
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Effect: The target can make a saving throw, and you can’t
Minor Action Personal
use your Font of Life class feature during this turn.
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the stalwart
mastodon until the end of the encounter. While you are
in this form, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses while Spiritual Rejuvenation Warden Utility 10
bloodied. In addition, when you push or slide an enemy, By drawing on your primal strength, you tap additional reserves
you can increase the distance of the forced movement by of vitality.
1 square.
Daily ✦ Primal
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
Minor Action Personal
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Requirement: You must have used your second wind during
Standard Action Melee 1
this encounter.
Target: One creature
Effect: You regain the use of your second wind.
Attack: Strength + 2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the
target 2 squares and knock it prone. You must shift to a Level 13 Encounter Evocations
square the target vacated.
Erupting Vines Warden Attack 13
Level 10 Utility Evocations Your attack summons a clutching mass of spectral vines that
holds your enemies fast.
Bond of Shared Pain Warden Utility 10 Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
The bond you share with your companions lets you take the in- Standard Action Melee weapon
jury meant for an ally. Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Encounter ✦ Primal
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. The target and
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 2
each enemy adjacent to it are immobilized until the end
Trigger: An ally within 2 squares of you takes damage from
of your next turn.
an attack
Earthstrength: An additional enemy within 2 squares of
Target: The triggering ally in burst
the target is immobilized.
Effect: You take the damage from the attack, instead of the
target, but the target takes any other effect caused by the

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Healing Harvest Stormhowler’s Strike

Warden Attack 13 Warden Attack 13
The savagery of your attack invigorates your allies when they Your attack summons up a storm of primal fury that draws in
target the same foe. those that try to escape it.
Encounter ✦ Healing, Primal, Weapon Encounter ✦ Primal, Teleportation, Weapon, Zone
Standard Action Melee weapon Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: One creature Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Strength vs. AC Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the start of Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
your next turn, when any ally hits the target, that ally Effect: The blast creates a zone of howling wind that lasts
regains 2 + your Wisdom modifier hit points. until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that starts its
Lifespirit: The target grants combat advantage to your turn within the zone and ends its turn outside the zone
allies until the start of your next turn. is teleported at the end of its turn to a square within the
Mark of Talons Warden Attack 13
Your weapon attack summons up a shroud of spectral claws Level 15 Daily Evocations
that follow as you slip away from the target, drawing the ire of
other foes. Form of the Warden Attack 15
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Avalanche Unleashed
Standard Action Melee weapon
You take on a resilient shell of rock and ice even as your presence
Target: One creature
on the battlefield slows your foes.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. You shift 2 squares Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
and then mark each enemy adjacent to you until the end Minor Action Personal
of your next turn. Effect: You assume the guardian form of the avalanche
Wildblood: The distance you shift equals your Wisdom unleashed until the end of the encounter. While you are
modifier. in this form, you gain resist 5 to all damage. In addition,
each enemy that starts its turn within 2 squares of you is
slowed until the start of its next turn.
Rumbling Doom Warden Attack 13
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
Your strike cracks with a pulse of thunder, which knocks your ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
target across the battlefield, and then summons lightning Standard Action Melee weapon
against other foes. Target: One creature
Encounter ✦ Lightning, Primal, Thunder, Weapon Attack: Strength vs. AC
Standard Action Close burst 5 Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you knock the
Target: One creature in burst target prone. The target is stunned (save ends).
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier thunder damage, and you
slide the target 2 squares. The target is deafened and
marked until the end of your next turn. At the start of
your next turn, each enemy marked by you that is not CIRCLE OF SUMMER’S SHIELD
adjacent to you takes 5 lightning damage. The Circles of Summer’s Shield patrol the forests, deserts,
Stormheart: The lightning damage equals 3 + your and mountains where remote towns and villages stand
Constitution modifier.
against encroaching darkness. Through the tireless work
of the members of a circle, a rampaging elemental that
Sacrificial Strike Warden Attack 13
might level a settlement or the hobgoblin raiders set on
Your attack shrouds you in primal energy, strengthening your enslaving a remote freehold are kept at bay.
allies with each strike made against you.
For the members of these circles, the spread of civiliza-
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon tion in the form of frontier settlements is as much a part
Standard Action Melee weapon
of the natural order as the flow of rivers and the growth
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
of forests. Especially in the long aftermath of the fall of
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of Nerath, holding back the darkness that spreads between
your next turn, when any enemy hits you, an ally within the far-flung outposts of civilization requires exceptional
3 squares of you gains 10 temporary hit points. bravery. The wardens, rangers, sorcerers, barbarians, and
Lifespirit: Add your Wisdom modifier to the temporary hit druids of a Circle of Summer’s Shield are up to the task.
points. Members of this circle display a yellow disk represent-
ing the sun somewhere on their shield, armor, or cloak.
They typically work alone or in small groups, meeting at
ancient monuments at the winter solstice to share news
and prepare for the next year.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Form of the Warden Attack 15
Crushing Mountain
Your body takes on the form of unworked stone, toughening
it as your forbidding presence hinders the movement of foes
around you. When the time is right, you magically pull enemies
to your side.
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the crushing
mountain until the end of the encounter. While you
are in this form, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In addition,
enemies adjacent to you cannot shift, and enemies must
spend 1 extra square of movement to leave squares adja-
cent to you.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you pull the
target 2 squares.
Miss: Half damage, and you pull the target 1 square.

Form of the Hunting Tiger Warden Attack 15

You assume the aspect of a tiger, boosting your speed and agil-
ity, especially when your allies are under attack.
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the hunting tiger
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
form, you gain a +2 bonus to speed and Reflex. In addi-
tion, when any enemy marked by you makes an attack
roll against any of your allies, you can shift 2 squares
toward that enemy as a free action.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC. Make the attack roll twice and use Form of the Warden Attack 15
either result.
Windstorm’s Wrath
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. If both of your
attack rolls would hit, the attack deals 10 extra damage. You are girded by wind and rain, which protect you and nearby
Miss: Half damage. allies and drive your foes across the battlefield.
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Form of the Sand Sentinel Warden Attack 15 Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the windstorm’s
A vortex of burning desert sand surrounds you, boosting your
wrath until the end of the encounter. While you are in
resilience and that of your allies and allowing you to swing your
this form, you gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude and Reflex.
weapon to create a blast of fire.
In addition, allies adjacent to you take half damage from
Daily ✦ Fire, Polymorph, Primal melee attacks and ranged attacks.
Minor Action Personal Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
Effect: You gain 10 temporary hit points, and you assume ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
the guardian form of the sand sentinel until the end of Standard Action Close blast 3
the encounter. While you are in this form, you gain a +2 Target: One creature
bonus to Fortitude. In addition, when you hit any enemy, Attack: Strength vs. AC
an ally within 5 squares of you gains 5 temporary hit Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the
points. target 3 squares and knock it prone.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow- Effect: You slide each enemy marked by you 1 square.
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Strength vs. AC

Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier fire damage.

Miss: Half damage.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Level 16 Utility Evocations Sun Fire Guardian

Warden Utility 16
Enemies that try to strike your ally are blinded by golden light.
Fortress of Stone Warden Utility 16 Encounter ✦ Primal
The earth rumbles at your ally’s feet, as protective stone rises. Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: One ally in burst
Encounter ✦ Primal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, when any enemy
Minor Action Close burst 5
marked by you makes an attack roll against the target,
Target: One ally in burst
that enemy is blinded until the end of the turn during
Effect: Until the end of your next turn or until the target
which it makes the attack roll.
moves, the target gains cover, and no enemy can enter a
square adjacent to him or her.
Warden’s Refusal Warden Utility 16
Invigorating Presence Warden Utility 16 The spiritual energy you wield knocks back a foe attempting to
gain the advantage on your ally.
You summon the spirits of the land to grant you and your allies
increased vigor. Encounter ✦ Primal
Immediate Reaction Close burst 5
Daily ✦ Primal
Trigger: An enemy marked by you ends its movement
Minor Action Close burst 3
within 5 squares of you and is flanking your ally
Target: You and each ally in burst
Target: The triggering enemy in burst
Effect: Each target gains 15 temporary hit points.
Effect: You slide the target 1 square.

Masking Fog Warden Utility 16

You exhale a clinging mist that obscures your allies.
Level 17 Encounter Evocations
Daily ✦ Primal
Flames of Life Warden Attack 17
Minor Action Close blast 5
Target: Each ally in blast With your weapon wreathed in primal flame, your attack chan-
Effect: Each target gains concealment until the end of your nels healing energy to an ally.
next turn. Encounter ✦ Fire, Healing, Primal, Weapon
Sustain Minor: The effect persists, but it ends on one target Standard Action Melee weapon
of your choice. Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier fire damage, and an ally
within 5 squares of you regains 5 hit points.
ANCESTORS OF WAR Lifespirit: Add your Wisdom modifier to the hit points the
ally regains.
In these times, those who follow the spirit way are as
likely to live in towns or villages, settled and civilized, as Leap of the Relentless Hunter Warden Attack 17
they are to wander in tribal groups and follow traditional
When a foe moves too close to your ally, you cross the battlefield
ways. Occasionally, ancestor spirits grow angry with their in the blink of an eye to make a savage attack.
descendants, believing that this sedentary life has made
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
them soft and weak. In their anger, they withhold their Immediate Reaction Melee 1
support and power, while urging those who commune Trigger: An enemy marked by you enters a square adjacent
with them to demonstrate their worthiness to receive to your ally within 5 squares of you
the ancestor’s support. They drive their descendants to Effect: You shift your speed to a square adjacent to the
war in pursuit of glory. triggering enemy. Then make the following attack.
Though it happens rarely, it’s not unknown for a young Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Strength vs. AC
man or woman who demonstrates an affinity for the
Wildblood: You gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to
primal spirits to become suddenly violent, having fallen your Wisdom modifier.
under the sway of a warlike ancestor. Some of these indi- Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the
viduals become criminals, seeking out the descendants target 1 square to another square adjacent to you.
of ancient tribal enemies and killing them brutally in
mismatched combat. Others become adventurers—often Rough Advantage Warden Attack 17
wardens or barbarians—who seek to please their warlike Your attack causes the ground to rise up, holding the target fast.
ancestors and win glory by slaying monsters that threaten Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
their civilized homes. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Earthstrength: The attack deals extra damage equal to
your Constitution modifier.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Warden’s Lure Warden Attack 17 Sparking Strike Warden Attack 19
A burst of primal fire surrounds your foes and draws them close Lightning arcs from your weapon as you strike, surrounding the
for a blistering attack. target to lash out at nearby foes.
Encounter ✦ Fire, Primal, Weapon Daily ✦ Lightning, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 4 Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Target: One creature
Effect: You pull each target 3 squares to a square adjacent to Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
you. Then make the following attack. Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier lightning damage. Until the
Target: Each enemy adjacent to you start of your next turn, any enemy that enters a square
Attack: Strength vs. AC within 2 squares of the target takes 10 lightning dam-
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier fire damage, and you slide age. If no enemy enters a square within 2 squares of the
the target 1 square. target, the target takes 10 lightning damage at the start
of your next turn.
Windy Assault Warden Attack 17 Miss: Half damage.
Wind topples your foe and then blows others toward you.
Warding Smash Warden Attack 19
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon A furious strike sends your target to the ground.
Target: One creature Daily ✦ Primal, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Standard Action Melee weapon
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you knock the Target: One creature
target prone. You then pull each enemy within 5 squares Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
of you that is marked by you 2 squares. Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you knock the
Stormheart: Each enemy within 5 squares of you that is target prone.
marked by you grants combat advantage until the start of Miss: Half damage.
your next turn. Special: When your warden’s fury power is triggered, you
can use this power in its place as an immediate interrupt.
Level 19 Daily Evocations
Level 22 Utility Evocations
Creeping Brambles Warden Attack 19
Brambles thrust up from the ground, lashing at your enemies A Scattering of Ashes Warden Utility 22
while hindering attacks against you and your allies. You move your allies across the battlefield, then summon an
Daily ✦ Primal, Weapon, Zone ashen haze.
Standard Action Close blast 3 Encounter ✦ Primal, Zone
Target: Each enemy in blast Minor Action Close burst 3
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex Target: Each ally in burst
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is Effect: You slide each target 2 squares. The burst creates a
slowed (save ends). zone of swirling ash that lasts until the end of your next
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of turn. Creatures have concealment while within the zone.
your next turn.
Effect: The blast creates a zone of brambles that lasts until Channeled Vitality Warden Utility 22
the end of your next turn. While within the zone, you
Spiritual energy surrounds you, granting increased vigor and
and your allies gain cover. When any enemy enters the
allowing you to channel primal fury into your attacks.
zone or starts its turn there, it takes 5 damage. As a move
action, you can move the zone 3 squares. Daily ✦ Primal
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your healing
surge value. In addition, once per round when you hit
Howl of Wrath Warden Attack 19
with a weapon attack, that attack deals 2[W] extra dam-
With your devastating strike, you unleash a wail that makes age. This effect ends when you have no temporary hit
your enemies freeze in terror. points remaining.
Daily ✦ Fear, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Debilitating Ward Warden Utility 22
Target: One creature
An enervating haze of primal energy lashes out at foes that
Attack: Strength vs. AC
attack your ally.
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target and
each enemy within 5 squares of you are immobilized Encounter ✦ Primal
(save ends). Minor Action Close burst 5
Miss: Half damage, and the target and each enemy within 5 Target: One ally in burst
squares of you are slowed until the end of your next turn. Effect: When any enemy marked by you hits or misses the
target before the end of your next turn, that enemy takes
10 damage and gains vulnerable 10 to all damage until
the end of its next turn.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Strength from Death Snowy Grasp

Warden Utility 22 Warden Attack 23
You gain renewed vigor when an enemy falls. As you strike, snow and ice hold the target fast and blow around
Encounter ✦ Healing, Primal your foes to hinder their movement.
Immediate Reaction Personal Encounter ✦ Cold, Primal, Weapon
Trigger: A nonminion enemy within 10 squares of you drops Standard Action Melee weapon
to 0 hit points Target: One creature
Effect: You regain 10 + your Constitution modifier hit Attack: Strength vs. AC
points. Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target
is immobilized until the start of your next turn. Each
enemy marked by you is slowed until the start of your
Level 23 Encounter Evocations next turn.
Stormheart: Until the start of your next turn, when any
Darkforest Vines Warden Attack 23 enemy marked by you moves on its turn, that enemy takes
Shadowy vines wrap the target, holding it fast as they lash cold damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
nearby foes with venomous thorns.
Encounter ✦ Poison, Primal, Weapon Sky’s Reach Warden Attack 23
Standard Action Melee weapon Spirits of the air aid your attack, allowing your weapon to strike
Target: One creature out at targets normally beyond your reach.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
Standard Action Melee weapon + 2 reach
restrained until the end of your next turn. Each enemy
Target: One or two creatures
adjacent to the target takes 5 poison damage and is
Attack: Strength vs. AC
slowed until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Earthstrength: Each enemy adjacent to the target takes
Wildblood: You slide the target 5 squares. If the target
extra poison damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
ends this movement adjacent to you, it takes damage
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Desert Winds Warden Attack 23
With a sweep of your weapon, you summon a fiery wind that
clouds your enemies’ sight and sears all who try to escape it.
Level 25 Daily Evocations
Encounter ✦ Fire, Primal, Weapon, Zone
Form of Earth’s Beneficence Warden Attack 25
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in blast Your flesh becomes darker, taking on the resilience and fertility of
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex earth and granting you some control when you are forced to move.
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier fire damage. The blast cre- Daily ✦ Healing, Polymorph, Primal
ates a zone of fiery haze until the end of your next turn. Minor Action Personal
The zone blocks enemies’ line of sight, and any enemy Effect: You assume the guardian form of earth’s benefi-
entirely within the zone is blinded. Any enemy that starts cence until the end of the encounter. While you are in
its turn within the zone takes 2d10 fire damage when it this form, you gain regeneration 5, and you can shift 1
leaves the zone. square as a minor action. In addition, whenever you are
pulled, pushed, or slid, you can reduce the distance of the
Primal Rebuke Warden Attack 23 forced movement by 1 square.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
The lingering strength of your attack drives the target to the
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
ground unless it keeps its distance from you and your allies.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Target: One creature
Standard Action Melee weapon Attack: Strength vs. AC
Target: One creature Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you slide the
Attack: Strength vs. AC target 5 squares and mark it until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of Effect: You slide one ally within 5 squares of you 5 squares.
your next turn, if the target enters a square adjacent to That ally can spend a healing surge.
you or any of your allies, it falls prone.
Lifespirit: Each ally within 3 squares of you can make a
saving throw.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Form of the Warden Attack 25 Form of the World Forger Warden Attack 25
Entangling Spider A shroud of molten rock surrounds you, protecting you and your
You gain the climbing ability of a spider, your body shrouded in allies even as it sears those who attack you.
webs that peel off to hinder your foes. Daily ✦ Fire, Polymorph, Primal
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal Minor Action Personal
Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the guardian form of the world forger
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the entangling until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
spider until the end of the encounter. While you are in form, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In addition, any ally
this form, you gain a climb speed equal to your speed gains a +2 bonus to AC while within 5 squares of you.
and a +2 bonus to Fortitude. In addition, each square Any enemy that hits you with a melee attack takes 5
within 3 squares of you, wherever you move, is difficult fire damage, and any enemy that hits an ally within 5
terrain for your enemies. squares of you with a melee attack takes 10 fire damage.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow- Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form. ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Close blast 3 Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: One creature in blast Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is Hit: Ongoing 20 fire damage (save ends).
restrained (save ends). Aftereffect: Ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).

Form of the Night Hunter Warden Attack 25 Level 27 Encounter Evocations

Your eyes enlarge, enabling you to see even in total darkness,
and you gain the power of flight and the formidable attack of Blood of Nature’s Foes Warden Attack 27
the hunting owl. A blood-red haze erupts around your weapon when you strike,
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal drawing the attention of your foes as you slip past them.
Minor Action Personal Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the night hunter Standard Action Melee weapon
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this Target: One creature
form, you gain darkvision and a fly speed equal to your Attack: Strength vs. AC
speed. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to your first at- Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you mark the
tack roll each round. target until the end of your next turn.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow- Effect: You shift 3 squares and then mark each enemy
ing weapon attack while you are in this form. adjacent to you until the end of your next turn.
Standard Action Melee weapon Wildblood: The distance you shift equals your Wisdom
Target: One creature modifier.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and ongoing 10
damage (save ends).
Glacial Hammer Warden Attack 27
Miss: Half damage. Your icy attack freezes the target and its nearby companions in
Form of the Shifting Ancestor Warden Attack 25 Encounter ✦ Cold, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Your form becomes indistinct as you take on the attributes of
Target: One creature
the Primal Beast, from which all beasts are descended. At the
Attack: Strength vs. AC
time you choose, you make a vicious attack that saps your foe’s
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier cold damage. Until the end
of your next turn, the target and each enemy adjacent to
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal it are restrained.
Minor Action Personal Earthstrength: Until the end of your next turn, the target
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the shifting ances- and each enemy adjacent to it gain vulnerability to all
tor until the end of the encounter. At the start of each of damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
your turns while you are in this form, choose one of the
following benefits: a +2 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and
Will; a +2 bonus to AC; a +2 bonus to attack rolls; or a
+4 bonus to saving throws. The benefit you choose lasts
until the start of your next turn.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
weakened until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Lightning Explosion Level 29 Daily Evocations

Warden Attack 27
Your weapon channels a bolt of lightning, which leaps from the
target to other foes. Form of the Grim Harvester Warden Attack 29
Encounter ✦ Lightning, Primal, Weapon You take on the shrouded guise of the reaper of life, strengthen-
Standard Action Melee weapon ing your attacks against badly wounded creatures and letting
Target: One creature you strike when your enemies fall.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier lightning damage. Choose
Minor Action Personal
three enemies within 10 squares of the target that
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the grim harvester
are marked by you. You slide each of those enemies 3
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
squares, and you mark them until the end of your next
form, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against
turn. In addition, they each take lightning damage equal
bloodied creatures. In addition, when any nonminion
to your Constitution modifier.
enemy within 5 squares of you drops to 0 hit points, you
Stormheart: Add 3 to the lightning damage taken by each
can make a melee basic attack as a free action.
of the three enemies.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Ravenous Earth Warden Attack 27 Standard Action Melee weapon
The ground around your target begins to shake, smashing en- Target: One bloodied creature
emies that approach too close. Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon, Zone Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target gains
Standard Action Melee weapon vulnerable 10 to all damage (save ends).
Target: One creature Miss: Half damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 to all
Attack: Strength vs. AC damage (save ends).
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the squares
adjacent to the target become a zone of shifting ground
until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that enters
the zone takes 2d10 damage and is immobilized until CIRCLE OF NEW KIN
the zone ends.
Warding circles are typically not long-lived organizations,
and few members of any individual circle expect it to last
Sacrificial Assault Warden Attack 27
forever. However, the Warding Circles of New Kin are
Your devastating attack cloaks you in primal energy, allowing even more ephemeral than most.
subsequent attacks against you to grant vitality to your allies.
For a single season, the members of a Circle of New
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon Kin adopt a settlement or a tribe as if its members were
Standard Action Melee weapon
their own blood. A Circle of New Kin dedicates itself to
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
seeking out and destroying whatever threatens its tempo-
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of rary community, although the abilities of circle members
your next turn, when any enemy hits you, one ally within to root out bad leadership, overcome taboos, or change
3 squares of you gains 20 temporary hit points and a +2 people’s outlook are limited.
bonus to all defenses until the end of his or her next turn. Warding Circles of New Kin draw on the assistance
Lifespirit: Add your Wisdom modifier to the temporary hit and example of an elder spirit named Blood Cousin (page
122), an entity dedicated to seeing followers of the spirit
way set aside their conflicts and work together for the
Strengthening Gift Warden Attack 27
benefit of all. Even with such power behind them, how-
Your attack sends the target careening across the battlefield to ever, members of a Circle of New Kin must maintain a
crash into your other foes.
delicate balance in what they do. Relationships among
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon disparate peoples are often complicated by old grudges,
Standard Action Melee weapon
minor disagreements, communication barriers, and other
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
obstacles, and circle members who attempt to broker
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you mark the peace between feuding groups sometimes leave even
target until the end of your next turn. You push the target bloodier conflicts behind them when they eventually
3 squares and then slide each enemy adjacent to the move on.
target 1 square.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Form of the Warden Attack 29 Form of the Thunderstorm Warden Attack 29
Imperious Phoenix Thunder booms around you as storm spirits whisk you across
Your body is suffused with the protective radiance of the phoe- the battlefield. When the time is right, you unleash a thunder-
nix, allowing you to escape an enemy’s attack in a restorative ous attack, which your enemies cannot ignore.
burst of primal fire. Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal, Teleportation, Thunder
Daily ✦ Fire, Polymorph, Primal, Radiant, Teleportation Minor Action Personal
Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the guardian form of the thunderstorm
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the imperious until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
phoenix until the end of the encounter. While you are in form, you gain resist 20 lightning and resist 20 thunder,
this form, you gain a fly speed equal to your speed, and and you can teleport your speed as a move action. In
you can hover. In addition, you gain resist 15 fire and addition, whenever you teleport using this power, each
resist 15 radiant. enemy adjacent to your destination space takes 10 thun-
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow- der damage.
ing weapon attack while you are in this form. Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 3 ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Trigger: An enemy attack damages you Target: One creature
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport your speed. Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Target: Each creature in burst and each enemy marked by Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier thunder damage, and you
you push the target 5 squares. Until the end of your next turn,
Attack: Strength + 6 vs. Reflex the target is stunned, and the target and each enemy
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier fire and radiant damage, and adjacent to it are marked.
ongoing 15 fire and radiant damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage. Form of the Unruly Earth Warden Attack 29
Effect: Your current hit point value changes to your A shell of stone and moss protects you from harm and lets you
bloodied value, and you remove from yourself every effect move freely over any terrain, even as earth spirits grasp at your
that a save can end. chosen foes.
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the unruly earth
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
form, you gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude, and you ignore
difficult terrain. Each enemy marked by you is slowed
and takes a –4 penalty to AC until the mark ends.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. You knock the
target prone, and it can’t stand up (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.

Form of Verdant Growth Warden Attack 29

Lush growth covers you and exudes life-giving power.
Daily ✦ Healing, Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of verdant growth
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
form, you gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude. In addition, at the
start of each of your turns, each ally within 5 squares of
you regains hit points equal to your Constitution modi-
fier. If you are in this form the first time you drop to 0 hit
points or fewer in the encounter, you return to life at the
start of your next turn if you died and regain hit points as
if you had spent a healing surge.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.

Effect: You or an ally within 10 squares of you can spend a

healing surge.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n

Child of the North Wind North Wind Vortex (11th level): When you
reduce any enemy to 0 hit points, you slide each
“My weapon strikes with the north wind’s savage bite. You
enemy marked by you 1 square as a free action.
aren’t mighty enough to stand against it.”
Staggering Critical (16th level): When you
Prerequisite: Warden score a critical hit with a melee attack, each enemy
marked by you is knocked prone.
Child of the North Wind
Call to the Wind Child of the North Wind Attack 11
A driving wind adds to the strength of your attack, pushing
an enemy back and drawing the ire of that enemy and its
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the
target 2 squares. The target and each enemy adjacent to
it are then marked until the end of your next turn.

North Wind’s Child of the North Wind Utility 12

You call down a primal gale that protects you or an ally.
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Primal
Standard Action Close burst 5
Effect: You conjure a protective whirlwind in 1 square in
the burst. The whirlwind lasts until the end of your next
turn. While within the whirlwind’s square, you or an ally
gains resist 10 to all damage and a +2 power bonus to all
Sustain Minor: The whirlwind persists, and you can move it
your speed.

Form of the Child of the North Wind Attack 20

Northern Whirlwind
You are part of a tradition that considers the north Your body takes on the form of the wind that howls around you,
wind to be your spiritual parent, and you revere the protecting you as it buffets your foes.
spirits that first breathed life into the world. Members Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal, Teleportation
of your tradition can be found wherever the north Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the northern
wind blows.
whirlwind until the end of the encounter. While you are
As a child of the north wind, you are a pillar of in this form, you gain resist 10 to all damage. In addition,
strength in your party, your courage as unceasing when you pull, push, or slide an enemy, you can increase
as a gale. When you are embattled, you call on the the distance of the forced movement by 1 square. When
ferocity of windstorms to aid your attacks. When you use your Nature’s Wrath class feature, you can mark
your ire is aroused, the air might gust around each enemy within 2 squares of you instead of each ad-
you, just as the strongest winds might fall silent in jacent enemy.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
response to your calm.
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Child of the North Wind Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: Each enemy marked by you in burst
Path Features Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
North Wind Action (11th level): When you Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
spend an action point to take an extra action, you also Miss: Half damage.
gain a benefit until the end of your next turn: When Effect: You slide each target 1 square and then teleport to
you hit any enemy, you either deal 5 extra damage to a square adjacent to one of them.

that enemy or knock it prone.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Earth Shaker Earth Shaker Path Features
“My strength is the strength of the earth. There is no shame Full Impact (11th level): You gain a +1 bonus to
in your falling, but you would be foolish to attempt to rise.” attack rolls against Fortitude.
Surging Earth (11th level): When you spend
Prerequisite: Warden an action point to take an extra action while you are
in guardian form, each enemy you hit with a primal
Regardless of the combat tricks you have learned attack power before the end of your next turn is
during your adventuring career and the tactics with knocked prone.
which you have surprised your enemies, a part of you Certain Gravity (16th level): Your at-will
yearns for direct and uncomplicated applications of warden attacks can target Fortitude instead of AC.
might. The path of the earth shaker appeals to you
because it matches strength to strength—your mas- Earth Shaker Evocations
tery of weapons augmented by the power of the earth
beneath your feet, working together to oppose the raw Shake the Earth Earth Shaker Attack 11
might of dragons and behemoths, demons and deities. Your attack emits a pulse of thunder that strikes around ob-
The strength of earth that you draw on allows you stacles and can wrench burrowing creatures from the ground.
to move through the ground at speed, even as your Encounter ✦ Primal, Thunder, Weapon
attacks bypass an opponent’s armor to strike at the Standard Action Close burst 4
body within. Your connection to the natural world Target: Each enemy in burst
allows you to seek out targets behind obstacles or Special: Solid obstacles do not block line of effect for the
even within the ground, and your attacks can knock
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
your foes down. Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier thunder damage. If the
Leave the subtleties of strategy and complex tactics target is burrowing, you slide it 4 squares to the square
to others. Instead, you keep faith with the oldest spir- nearest to it that is within your line of effect.
its of rock and earth, letting their grim determination
guide you in your mission to defend the world from Tread the Earth Earth Shaker Utility 12
forces that would despoil it. You dive within the earth and move through it quickly, gaining
advantage over unsuspecting enemies.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Move Action Personal
Effect: You burrow twice your speed. Each enemy adjacent
to you at the end of your move grants combat advantage
to you until the end of your next turn.

Form of the Earth Shaker Attack 20

Primeval Bulette
You take on the armored form of the monstrous bulette, grant-
ing you increased vitality and allowing you to burrow through
the earth.
Daily ✦ Healing, Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the primeval bu-
lette until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
form, you gain a burrow speed equal to your speed and a
+3 bonus to Fortitude. In addition, whenever you spend
a healing surge, you regain 20 additional hit points.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Close burst 2
Effect: Before the attack, you burrow your speed. You must
burrow at least 2 squares.
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Strength + 4 vs. Fortitude
Level 26: Strength + 6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + Strength modifier damage, and you knock the
target prone. If the target is already prone, it takes ongoing
5 damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and you knock the target prone.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Emerald Guardian Form of the Life-Giver

Emerald Guardian Attack 20
You appear to increase in size as you take on the form of the
“As long as I draw breath, no stain on this world will last.”
legendary life-giver, granting vitality to your allies.
Daily ✦ Healing, Polymorph, Primal
Prerequisite: Warden
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the life-giver until
As an emerald guardian, you are nature’s stalwart the end of the encounter. While you are in this form, your
protector, wandering the world in search of corrup- size is Large. In addition, you gain resist 20 necrotic. Any
tion and purging it. You and your fellow guardians ally that starts his or her turn within 3 squares of you
staunchly oppose those who bend magic to sinister regains 5 hit points.
ends, and much of your efforts are dedicated to con- Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
taining such threats. You seek to restore the balance
Standard Action Melee weapon + 1 reach
that is central to the prosperity of all living things. Target: One creature
The primal power of life infuses an emerald Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
guardian. Wherever you go, blight fades, flowers blos- Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you knock the
som, and the power of nature is reinvigorated. As an target prone. The target is stunned (save ends).
emerald guardian, you lend this healing presence to Each Failed Saving Throw: One ally within 3 squares of
your allies, helping them withstand enemy attacks. the target can spend a healing surge.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Each Failed Saving Throw: One ally within 3 squares of
Emerald Guardian the target can spend a healing surge.
Path Features
Distracting Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally
adjacent to you before or after you take the action can
shift his or her speed as a free action.
Primal Blessing (11th level): When you succeed
on a saving throw at the start of your turn, one ally
adjacent to you can make a saving throw with a +2
Emerald Fury (16th level): When you hit an
enemy with your warden’s fury power, you push that
enemy 3 squares, and then one ally adjacent to that
enemy gains 10 temporary hit points.

Emerald Guardian Evocations

Defiler’s Doom Emerald Guardian Attack 11
A target that flees from your first attack is drawn back to face a
Encounter ✦ Primal, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. If the target is not
adjacent to you at the end of its next turn, you teleport
it to a square adjacent to you and make a melee basic
attack against it as a free action.

Preservation Emerald Guardian Utility 12

of the Wild
The spirits of nature destroy lingering magic at your command.
Daily ✦ Primal
Standard Action Close burst 3
Effect: All conjurations and zones in the burst are de-
stroyed. In addition, ongoing necrotic damage ends on
each creature in the burst.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
First Hunter Spear’s Master (11th level): You can use any
one-handed simple or military weapon as a thrown
“Run all you like, for you cannot hide.” weapon with a normal range of 5 and a long range of
Prerequisite: Warden 10. When you throw such a weapon as a ranged basic
attack, the attack deals extra damage equal to your
The bond between hunter and prey is as old as life Constitution modifier. In addition, if the target is
itself. This relationship is second nature to you—a way adjacent to one of your allies, you gain a +2 bonus to
of life that helps you work with other hunters, com- the attack roll.
bining all your skill to bring down even the deadliest Hunters Together (16th level): The first time
quarry. By learning and applying the secrets of the you hit an enemy each round, choose one ally. The
first hunter, you have honed your warden powers for next ranged attack that ally makes against that enemy
maximum efficiency with spears and other thrown before the end of your next turn gains a bonus to the
weapons. Whether you fight from the front or strike damage roll equal to your Constitution modifier.
from the side, your allies can rely on you.
If you finally become the prey, let your hunter First Hunter Evocations
beware. You walk with the spirits of ancestral hunters
First Hunter’s Spear First Hunter Attack 11
at your side, and foes that corner you will feel the bite
You throw your weapon at your foe, hitting it so hard that it’s
of your weapon.
distracted when your ally attacks.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
First Hunter Path Features Standard Action Ranged weapon
First Hunter Action (11th level): When you Requirement: You must be wielding a thrown weapon.
spend an action point to make an attack, one of your Target: One creature
allies gains combat advantage against the target of the Attack: Strength vs. AC
attack until the end of your next turn. Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and one of your
allies gains combat advantage against the target until the
end of your next turn.

Marked Prey First Hunter Utility 12

When an enemy tries to slip away, you and a companion hunter
close in for the kill.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An enemy marked by you ends its turn farther from
you than where it started its turn
Effect: You and one ally can each shift half your speed as a
free action to squares closer to the triggering enemy.

Form of the First Hunter First Hunter Attack 20

You transform to resemble an ancient predator. You then hinder
your foes and make a target vulnerable to your allies’ attacks.
Daily ✦ Primal, Polymorph
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the first hunter
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
form, you gain a +2 power bonus to saving throws. In
addition, each enemy marked by you is slowed until the
mark ends.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a thrown weapon if
you make a ranged attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of
your next turn, your allies gain combat advantage against
the target, and they gain a bonus to damage rolls against it
equal to your Constitution modifier.
Miss: Half damage.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Icewrought Sentinel

“Submit, or feel the wrath of the season of death!”

Prerequisite: Warden

Nature sleeps when winter falls, resting until the

warmth of spring creeps across the land once more.
Though forests grow quiet and few creatures stir, the
warden’s duty endures when the land is at its most
An icewrought sentinel harnesses winter’s power
for the world’s defense. Whether you are drawn to
this path through a natural affinity for wintry wastes
or a spiritual connection to the season of darkness,
your first step on the path to becoming an icewrought
sentinel brings about changes in your body. Your
flesh feels cool to the touch. Your eyes become a
deep blue but turn frost-white when you are angry,
and your lips and extremities take on a faint blue
cast. When you use your warden evocations, snow
swirls in the air around you as lines of frost form and
quickly vanish on your skin.

Icewrought Sentinel
Path Features
Cold Snap Action (11th level): When you spend
an action point to make an attack, each enemy that is
adjacent to you or marked by you takes cold damage
equal to one-half your level. In addition, you gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls with cold powers until the end of
your next turn.
Frigid Embrace (11th level): You gain cold resis-
tance equal to 5 + one-half your level. Form of the Icewrought Sentinel Attack 20
Winter’s Winds (16th level): When you hit Icewrought Sentinel
an enemy with a primal cold power, you slide that A protective sheath of ice covers you and spreads to hinder your
enemy 2 squares after the attack is resolved. foes’ movement, coating your weapon to blind a foe when you
Icewrought Sentinel Evocations Daily ✦ Cold, Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Rime Shackles Icewrought Sentinel Attack 11 Effect: You assume the guardian form of the icewrought
Your weapon strikes with bitter cold that freezes the target in its sentinel until the end of the encounter. While you are in
tracks. this form, you gain a +2 bonus to AC and Fortitude. In
Encounter ✦ Cold, Primal, Weapon addition, your enemies cannot charge or run if they start
Standard Action Melee weapon that movement within 2 squares of you, and each square
Target: One creature within 2 squares of you, wherever you move, is difficult
Attack: Strength vs. AC terrain for your enemies.
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
is immobilized until the end of your next turn. On your ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
next turn, if you hit the target with a primal cold power, Standard Action Melee weapon
the target is immobilized until the end of its next turn. Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target
Icewrought Armor Icewrought Sentinel Utility 12
is blinded (save ends).
A shell of ice spreads across your ally, offering protection even as Miss: Half damage, and the target is blinded until the end
it freezes a foe that dares to strike. of your next turn.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Minor Action Close burst 3
Target: You or one ally in burst

Effect: The target gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until

the end of your next turn. If the target is hit by a melee
attack before the bonus ends, the attacker is immobilized
until the end of its next turn, and the bonus ends.
C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Radiant Serpent Radiant Serpent Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action while
“The spirit of the couatl burns brightest.” you are in any guardian form, you become insubstan-
tial and gain phasing and a fly speed equal to your
Prerequisite: Warden speed until the end of your next turn.
Mantle of Sacrifice (16th level): When you
You raise your eyes and heart to the stars and to the score a critical hit against an enemy, that enemy
spirit of the shining, winged serpents that helped cannot attack any target except you until the end of
tame the primordials. You have chosen the couatl as your next turn.
a spiritual ally, embracing that legendary creature’s
power so thoroughly that you assume its very form.
You emulate your shining ally by rising above the Radiant Serpent Evocations
battle with a flourish of power or by passing through
your enemies like a radiant spirit. Radiant Coils Radiant Serpent Attack 11
Like couatls, you understand the necessity of Coils of light wrap around your target and burn it with radiant
energy if it moves.
sacrifice. The coils of your power can trap enemies
that would otherwise harm your allies, but you must Encounter ✦ Primal, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
be willing to take those allies’ hurts on yourself. If
Target: One creature
your own survival is jeopardized as you protect your Attack: Strength vs. AC
friends, so be it. Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you mark the
target until the end of your next turn. If the target moves
Radiant Serpent Path Features before the end of your next turn, it takes 2d8 radiant
Radiant Glow (11th level): You gain radiant
resistance equal to one-half your level and a +2
bonus to saving throws against effects that immo- Shining Pass Radiant Serpent Utility 12
bilize or restrain you. In addition, whenever you Each ally you pass by is cloaked in a radiant glow, which allows
you to share your own resilience.
take radiant damage, your attacks deal extra radiant
damage equal to one-half your level until the end of Daily ✦ Healing, Primal
Minor Action Personal
your next turn.
Effect: When you pass through an ally’s space before the
end of your turn, you can spend a healing surge on that
ally’s behalf as a free action. You spend the healing surge
but regain no hit points, and the ally regains hit points as
if he or she had spent a healing surge. No ally can benefit
more than once from a single use of this power.

Form of the Radiant Serpent Attack 20

Radiant Couatl
You take on a serpentine appearance as radiance surrounds you,
granting you the movement and resilience of the great couatl.
Daily ✦ Healing, Lightning, Polymorph, Primal, Radiant
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the radiant couatl
until the end of the encounter. While you are in this
form, you gain a fly speed equal to your speed, and you
can hover. You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against
ongoing damage and against effects that immobilize,
restrain, or slow you.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Strength + 4 vs. Reflex
Level 26: Strength + 6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Strength modifier lightning and radiant
damage. One ally in the burst can spend a healing surge.
Miss: Half damage.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n
Tribal Champion Tribal Champion Action (11th level): When

you spend an action point to take an extra action,
“You want them? You go through me first.” you can choose a guardian form granted by any of
your daily powers. Until the end of your next turn,
Prerequisite: Warden you assume that form and gain all its effects, but you
cannot use the form’s attack. This use of the form
All your life you have known you were destined for does not expend the use of the power that grants it,
greatness, as did the ancestor spirits of your tribe’s and you can assume a form granted by a power you
great warriors. You owe your prowess in combat to have already used today.
the heroes whose blood flows in your veins. When Ferocious Defender (16th level): When an ally
you recover your strength in combat, these guardian adjacent to you is bloodied for the first time in an
spirits flash into sight for a moment, defending you encounter, you gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls
from your enemies so that you can fight on. until the end of your next turn.
The ancestral spirits that watch over you might
represent any of the heroic classes of your people. The
barbarian’s strength drives the fury of your attacks, Tribal Champion Evocations
just as the shaman’s wisdom inspires your tactics.
However, in your determination to defend your allies Fell the Mighty Tribal Champion Attack 11
and the world around you, you remain a warden Taking on a foe more powerful than you only increases the fury
of your attack.
through and through.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Tribal Champion Path Features Target: One creature
Allied Champions (11th level): When you use Attack: Strength vs. AC. If the target’s current hit point total
your second wind as a standard action, each enemy is higher than yours, you can score a critical hit on a roll of
marked by you takes psychic damage equal to one- 19–20.
half your level + your Strength modifier. Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. If this damage
makes the target’s current hit point total lower than
When you use your second wind as a minor
yours, you also knock the target prone.
action, one enemy marked by you takes psychic
damage equal to your Strength modifier.
Pure Power Tribal Champion Utility 12
You draw on the power of the heroes who watch over you, in-
creasing the potency of your guardian form’s attack.
Daily ✦ Primal
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You hit with a weapon attack granted by your
guardian form
Effect: The attack deals 2[W] extra damage.

Form of the Tribal Champion Attack 20

Tribal Champion
The shades of countless ancestors flow through you as you fight,
defending you from harm and debilitating your foes.
Daily ✦ Primal, Polymorph
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the tribal cham-
pion until the end of the encounter. While you are in
this form, you gain a +1 power bonus to all defenses. In
addition, each enemy marked by you takes a –4 penalty
to attack rolls (instead of –2) for any attack that does not
include you as a target.
Once during this encounter, you can make the follow-
ing weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, each enemy marked
by you takes a –8 penalty to attack rolls (instead of –4) for

any attack that does not include you as a target.

C H A P T E R 4 | Wa r d e n

Primal Options

Whether you’re a barbarian, a druid, a
shaman, or a warden, you’ll find an assortment of fea-
tures in this chapter to help expand your options in
both combat and noncombat encounters. Players with
characters who are multiclassing into a primal class
will also find new opportunities in this chapter.
From the material in this chapter, you can learn
about the important elder spirits that primal charac-
ters revere, and you can choose a vivid background to
help enhance your character’s story. You can acquire
new rituals that let you wield the forces of nature, and
you can pursue epic destinies that transform you into
an embodiment of primal power. Equip yourself with
all the tools to bring your primal character to life.

✦ The Spirit Way: This section contains important

background information about following the spirit
way—the rhythm and ritual of life in cooperation
with the primal spirits.
✦ Primal Spirits: This part of the chapter contains
brief descriptions of two dozen of the Great Elders,
some of the most important of the numberless
primal spirits that inhabit the world.
✦ Primal Backgrounds: Several new backgrounds
for your character are introduced, to supplement
those in Player’s Handbook 2.
✦ Feats: This chapter presents feats by tier, includ-
ing new options for every primal class. Characters
of any class can take the new tribal feats to better
coordinate the efforts of their group.
✦ Epic Destinies: Eight new epic destines aimed at
primal characters offer new paths to immortality.
✦ Rituals: The rituals in this chapter provide more
options for wielding the power of nature.

CHAPTER 5 | Primal Options

The complex relationship between the primal spirits hear the spirits in the same way they heard the orders
and those who follow them is something like a reli- and threats of the gods and the primordials.
gion, something like a philosophy, and something like The gods helped set the world right, creating order
a pattern of familial obligations. However, though in and shaping life and living things according to their
some aspects the followers of the spirit way resemble own terms. But then the gods stepped away from the
the faithful worshipers of Moradin, Corellon, or world to fight the Dawn War against the primordi-
Melora, the primal spirits are not gods. als. While the gods and the primordials waged great
Worship of the gods means paying homage and battles in their far-off realms, the primal spirits of the
offering sacrifice to the superior beings whose world found their voice.
mythical actions created the world and whose When the Dawn War spilled over into the mortal
power influences even the afterlife. By contrast, the realm, spirits such as Stormhawk helped keep the
spirit way is a broad set of principles in which even world from being destroyed. Tree Father, Great Bear,
the greatest primal spirits are seen as companions and the Hunter Twins gave aid to the desperate peo-
and allies. As a follower of the spirit way, you com- ples of the world, allowing them to survive in those
mune with powerful beings—distant ancestors, beast devastating times.
archetypes, and the sentient essences of places of The war between the gods and the primordials
power—beings whose primal energy permeates the was nearly over when Khala, god of winter, attempted
world and whose strength can aid you if your goals to seize the world for herself. The spirits realized that
and deeds are worthy. even though the gods had fought to save the world
The primal spirits do not hold themselves separate from the primordials, the gods’ power would inevi-
from the world or from the mortals who communi- tably threaten the world in the end. While the gods
cate with them. Rather, these spirits are thoroughly smashed Khala’s armies in the Astral Sea, the primal
intertwined in the lives of people who follow their spirits rose up and destroyed her winter fortresses
way. When a barbarian channels the rage of an in the mortal realm. When their war was done, the
ancestral war band, those warriors might be the gods looked to the world in victory—only to discover
subjects of stories he learned as a child. A shaman that the primal spirits had managed to seize what the
who acquires a spirit companion might discover it to gods had fought for.
be the spirit of a bear slain by the shaman’s grand- By the power they wielded in the mortal world, the
mother—or perhaps even the spirit of the bear and spirits declared that both gods and primordials were
the spirit of the grandmother combined. banished from direct contact with the world. With
Most spirits are subtle creatures whose influence the gods ensconced in the Astral Sea above and the
on the world is felt only indirectly by those who follow surviving primordials bound or lost in the Elemental
them. However, followers of the spirit way do some- Chaos below, the world would exist as a place of bal-
times come into contact with beings possessed of ance—a realm of life and death and the never-ending
dangerous levels of power. Spirits such as the World cycle of the seasons. Weakened by war and unwill-
Serpent and Whisper should be met with great care ing to destroy the world to spite the spirits that had
or not met at all. claimed it, the gods relented.
In all the uncounted years since the end of the
In the Beginning Dawn War, the decree of the primal spirits has
held. The gods and the primordials can influence
Those who follow the spirit way believe that the
the world, but not even the most powerful deities or
primal spirits flowed through the world beginning at
demon princes can project their full power into the
the moment when there was a world to move through
mortal realm without attracting the unleashed wrath
and creatures to inhabit it. Perhaps their existence
of the primal spirits.
was a natural consequence of the world’s creation.
The primal spirits use much of their power to
Maybe the gods created the primal spirits—inten-
maintain the barriers they established between the
tionally or inadvertently—when they imbued their
world and the older realms. However, they share this
creation with permanence. Some say the primal spir-
power with their allies—the people who follow the
its created themselves, others that the primal spirits
spirit way. When mortals die, some join the deities
were the original archetypes the gods used when they
in their astral dominions. Others dwell within the
shaped the world.
world, becoming one with the primal spirits, which
In any event, although they were present from the
protect the balance and order of nature and all living
beginning of creation, those first primal spirits lacked
the ability or the will to communicate with the earli-
est sentient beings, and the first mortals could not

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

What Matters Most Following

As a follower of the spirit way, you have certain the Spirit Way
priorities. What matters to you as a primal character
As a powerful primal hero, you understand the place
might include many things, but the spirits teach that
of the primal spirits in the world and their influence
your first two priorities should always be protecting
over it. Your primal power demonstrates your interac-
the natural world and preserving the people you’re
tion with the spirits on a day-to-day basis. If you are a
connected to.
shaman, you talk with spirits at will, and sometimes
they talk to you against your will. If you are a bar-
The Natural World barian or a warden, the spirits of ancestors, of great
The most important task for a follower of the spirit
beasts, and of the elements flow through you even
way is to protect the natural world and the cycles
when they are not revealing themselves through your
of nature. Only in the most extraordinary cir-
powers. If you are a druid, your direct connection
cumstances should this put you into conflict with
to the primal spirits might manifest itself primarily
expanding civilization. Rather, the opposing forces
during rituals and combat, but your magic is wholly
that you need to protect the world from include
defined by the flow of power through the spirit world.
rampaging primordials, marauding demons, the cor-
For the masses of ordinary people, though, interac-
rupting influence of the Far Realm and its denizens,
tions with the primal spirits are both more subtle and
undead that violate the natural cycle of birth and
often more complex.
death, and—on rare occasions—the gods.
Only when the schemes of a god (usually an evil
one) or a god’s followers involve conquering the world,
Local Spirits
Those who follow the spirit way most commonly
violating the first edicts of the primal spirits, does the
venerate one or more of the spirits that inhabit promi-
obligation to protect the natural world bring you into
nent geographical features, plants, animals, and
conflict with the gods. Similarly, only when the spread
other natural phenomena in a particular area. The
of civilization means the utter devastation of nature
most common primal shrines in the world are those
in a large region—cutting or burning down a vast
erected at the sites where great spirits are thought
expanse of woodland, leveling mountains, stopping
to live: on the slopes of a volcano, at the source of
up rivers at their source—do the primal spirits feel
a mighty river, or in a grove dominated by a huge,
threatened, and devastation on this level is beyond the
ancient oak tree. The common folk offer tokens of
capabilities of most civilizations in the D&D world.
sacrifice and implore these spirits for blessings in
hunting, exploration, and farming.
The People
The spirit way teaches that all people are intercon-
nected. You have learned that all people are your
The veneration of ancestors is a common component
kin, as if you were a member of a great tribe that
of the spirit way, particularly in a tribal context, where
includes members of all races across the world.
family ties are important. People offer small sacrifices
That “tribe” or family also includes the primal
to the spirits of their ancestors as a sign of piety, out
spirits. Even the terrifying World Serpent, whose
of respect for deeds the ancestors performed in life,
power could potentially destroy the world, is like an
and to implore the spirits’ guidance. Some sacrifices
elder member of this extended family, a force to be
are entirely symbolic, while others are a part of ritual
respected and learned from.
magic meant to unlock the secrets and power that the
Different followers of the spirit way understand
ancestor spirits are willing to share.
the nature and scope of their familial obligation dif-
ferently. Some have a narrow view, looking to a literal
tribe of related clans as the limit of their community.
Great Elders
For most followers of the spirit way, local spirits
They feel no responsibility for the welfare of those
and direct ancestors are the most important primal
outside the tribe, even for other followers of the spirit
spirits—the members of their immediate family, as it
way. Others take the broader view that they believe
were. The majority of primal characters’ evocations
the elder spirits intend: All who follow the spirit way,
call on these relatively minor spirits as well. However,
all who respect and nurture the world and live in
greater spirits than these inhabit the world. They are
harmony with the spirits—even, perhaps, all living
the great elders whose power and influence extends
things—are part of a great tribe, part of their obliga-
across the world. Primal characters call on these spir-
tion and responsibility, part of their family. For if all
its with some of their evocations, and the followers of
followers of the spirit way are kin to the primal spirits
the spirit way recognize the great elders as the oldest,
and look up to them as wise elders, then it follows
wisest, and most powerful members of their extended
naturally that they are all kin to each other, far-flung
family. See “Primal Spirits” on page 121 for more
and different as they might be.
information about the great elders.
CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options
Communicating with Spirits Some of the lands claimed by these tribes are
Just as many temples throughout the world have points of light just as much as are more civilized
priests who are not clerics but who nevertheless learn areas, places where travelers can find safe shelter and
to perform magical rituals, it’s not uncommon for protection from the wild world beyond. Others are
wise elders who tend primal shrines to call on the little different from the lands roamed by tribes of orcs
spirits by means of ritual magic. These elders were or gnolls, where few travelers dare to venture and
sometimes born with a remarkable sensitivity to the even fewer survive.
presence of primal spirits, but some developed their A windswept plateau might be a safe haven for
gifts with age and increasing wisdom. These primal members of a specific tribe. However, adventurers
practitioners often know rituals to implore the spir- who aren’t informed of the plateau’s hazards by the
its’ guidance and aid, including rituals such as Brew tribe’s ancestor spirits will find great danger at such
Potion, Commune with Nature, Bloom, and Speak a site, particularly if those ancestor spirits take a dis-
with Nature that might be useful to player characters. like to them. A forest that is home to tribes of barbaric
elves might seem safer than an unsettled wood, but
that sense of security can vanish quickly beneath a
Community hail of elven arrows. Groups that contain primal char-
Many of the rites and ceremonies observed as part of acters might be able to befriend a distrustful tribe by
the spirit way are all about community—recognizing, communicating with the local spirits. However, the
celebrating, and solidifying the ties that bind people, elders of an isolated tribe might not want adventuring
ancestors, other spirits, and the world itself together. types coming through their territory and corrupting
All are part of a living whole, the spirit way teaches, people with their outsiders’ ways.
interconnected and interdependent. The primal
spirits are members of the same great family—not
overlords or rulers, but elders who are respected
for their wisdom and power. For that reason, their
presence is invoked for rites of passage—marriages
and births, funerals, and other observances of life’s
transition—for they are part of the community that
recognizes and ritualizes those transitions.
The huge number of spirits in the world means
that different people and groups have different ways
of interacting with those spirits. The passage of sea-
sons, the phases of the moon, migration patterns,
marriage and childbirth—all of these events might
be marked by personal meditation, simple rituals
performed in the home, or elaborate ceremonies
involving everyone in a community.

Primal Points of Light

Under the rule of the now-fallen empire of Nerath,
members of many different races and cultures were
brought together in a vast and unified civilization.
Before Nerath’s rise, cultures that followed the spirit
way tended to live in tribal structures and nomadic
patterns. Now, in the wake of Nerath’s fall, it’s not
uncommon to find a primal shrine located in a grove
at the edge of a village or ancestor veneration taking
place in the heart of the greatest cities that remain.
However, some of the older tribes in the world
resisted assimilation into Nerath’s civilization, and
some newer tribes have moved back into the wil-
derness since its fall. The wilderness beyond the
scattered city-states and baronies of Nerath’s heirs is
a dangerous place, but these tribes bring the strength
of numbers, dedication to their way of life, and the
power of primal magic to bear in their defense, and

many manage not just to survive, but even to thrive.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

This is not to say that relationships between Followers of the spirit way commonly leave an

civilized lands and primal tribes are automatically offering when they visit a shrine. Such a token can
hostile, however. In fact, in some lands, a bond of be a small item of natural beauty (such as a shell, a
friendship between civilized and primal cultures cre- feather, or a semiprecious stone), an intricate carv-
ates some of the brightest points of light in the world. ing, or a personally significant relic. In several tales
When a city-state or a barony encourages relations of of fable and legend, heroes often find a much-needed
trust and respect with a tribe on its border, the tribe item beside an out-of-the-way shrine, set there by
acts as a buffer zone, a first line of defense against the spirits for their use. However, to followers of the
threats from the hostile darkness. Supported by the spirit way, taking any item from a shrine without the
civilized land’s armies and magic, that tribe likewise express invitation of the spirits is an abhorrent act.
can respond to greater threats than it could stand Those who live in towns and cities and follow the
against alone. spirit way establish a variety of shrines to local spirits
Eladrin cities surrounded by elven forest tribes and ancestors. Many urban shrines are similar to
are a common model of this type of relationship. those found in the wilderness—erected from natural
Likewise, dwarven cities of the mountains sometimes materials and not intended to last. It is not uncom-
enter into alliances with tribes of goliath and human mon to find small shrines dedicated to ancestor
followers of the spirit way, increasing the safety and spirits inside the homes of followers of the spirit way.
prosperity of all.
Places of Power
Primal Shrines Places of power are longer-lasting than shrines
As a rule, sites sacred to the spirit way do not resem- because they have been chosen by the spirits rather
ble the temples to deities built by civilized people. than created by those who follow them. Places of
Shrines appear throughout the world, often well power are typically centered on sites where a strong
hidden or designed to blend in with their natural sur- natural or magical phenomenon has attracted the
roundings. Spirit way shrines are often impromptu interest of the spirits. Most places of power feature
sites, carved out from the natural world and adorned some form of natural shelter or a location where a
with tribal relics. ritual can be performed without interruption.
A shrine in the wilderness might take the form of a Permanent, manufactured shelters and other
natural niche on a cliff face, flanked by carefully bal- structures are rarely added to a place of power, even
anced columns of stone; a carved rock rising from the if the folk who follow its spirits live in permanent
rapids of a swiftly flowing stream; a string of feathers dwellings elsewhere. Occasionally, a place of power is
flying from the tops of a tall tree; or an ancient log set adorned with boulders, great logs, or even a cliff face
with tokens and offerings to encourage the renewed carved with representations of the spirits who com-
cycle of life. monly return to the site—something like a druid’s or a
Primal shrines are seldom intended to last forever; shaman’s totem, but on a much larger scale.
instead, they are designed to succumb to the effects The following examples of places of power might
of weather and time. Forest shrines quickly vanish spark ideas for sites that are important to your
beneath each new season’s growth. Shrines of stone character.
are eroded over long years or scattered by the blunt
force of earthquakes and storms. For the people who Witchlight Tree
built it, the disappearance of a shrine is a sign that Though this ancient tree is long dead, its dry
the spirits have moved on, seeking other sites where branches still stretch to the sky, towering above the
the next shrines will rise. surrounding forest. The trunk of the tree is hollow,
Those who visit or stumble upon a primal shrine and on the nights of the full moon, glowing wisps of
typically spend a short while offering a greeting to light float down inside. A group of elves and shifters
the spirits of the area. Most people do not receive a gathers at the Witchlight Tree every month, stand-
noticeable response, although some might be blessed ing inside the enormous trunk as the witchlights
with a brief tingling sensation as the spirits of the descend. The elves and shifters believe the lights are
shrine flow through them. Heroes might receive an manifestations of forest spirits who come to bring
audible greeting. However, extensive verbal com- their blessings to the gathered.
munication with the spirits isn’t normally possible
without the aid of a ritual, such as Commune with
Nature or Speak with Nature. The spirits know
Echo Cavern
In a cave behind a roaring waterfall, the voices of
much about the lands surrounding their shrines, and
the ancestors are carried on the echoing wind. The
the right ritual allows characters to pierce the veil
cave is too small for more than one or two people
between the mundane world and the spirit world and
to occupy it at a time. A community of humans and
learn from their wisdom.
halflings gathers outside the cave for rites of passage,

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

during which it sends young adults into the cave one More than one primal hero first became an adven-
at a time. As the youths enter, they are ritually puri- turer after rejecting the taboos of his or her people.
fied by passing through the curtain of water. Once In the larger context of the campaign, heroes are
inside, they meditate on the sound of the rushing sometimes expected to be taboo-breakers—powerful
water and the voices in the echoes. They emerge the enough to ignore even the worst effects of breaking
next morning as adults, carrying some fragment of a taboo and able to perform the magical tasks and
the ancestors’ wisdom with them. quests necessary to eliminate a taboo for those who
can’t break its power themselves.
Speaking Mounds Helpful heroes sometimes discover that what
On an ancient battlefield, a series of burial mounds appears at first to be a useless or even culturally
are scribed with scenes from long-forgotten battles. debilitating taboo is in reality an unwritten response
No community gathers regularly at the Speaking to a long-forgotten danger. For example, people
Mounds, but individuals of many different races visit forbidden to travel outside a particular river valley
the site to seek the wisdom of the ancestors buried might have originally done so to avoid the wrath of a
there. The mounds are said to shift or speak in the jealous and powerful river spirit that has since been
presence of druids or shamans, though only those displaced. Taboos and the quests to eliminate them
nearby can witness this reaction. are unlikely to play a major part in most campaigns,
but they can provide a useful backdrop to the lives of
the people who follow the spirit way.
Everspring Grove
A circle of ancient trees in the heart of a sprawling
forest, Everspring Grove is home to powerful spirits of Gods and Spirits
the wood. The trees keep their green leaves through- The gods are sometimes known by different names
out the fall and winter, the temperature inside the in isolated cultures that follow the spirit way. For
circle is always comfortably warm, and berries grow example, Kord is called Wild Storm Father by some
year-round on bushes among the trees. A few tales goliath tribes, and Melora is known as Great Mother
speak of heroes lost in the forest in winter, in danger in certain remote regions. However, characters who
of freezing, who find warm shelter and food in the learn the lore of such folk can easily note that those
heart of Everspring Grove. The grove is a meeting people speak of Wild Storm Father and Great Mother
place for a group of elves, and also a crossing point differently from how they speak of Stormhawk or
where eladrin and gnomes enter the world to pay Dark Sister. The latter are treated as familiar allies or
respects to the primal spirits of the place. even family; the former are more powerful and dis-
tant monarchs.
The Standing Stones The primal spirits are not gods. They are plenti-
This large circle of monumental stones began as a tem- ful beyond counting, unlike the limited pantheon of
porary shrine, but survived for long centuries by virtue gods. They do not demand worship, and their power
of the spirits’ interest in the place. Earth and storm is limited to the natural world. Followers of the spirit
spirits are attracted to the ring of stones, and dwarves way do not limit their veneration to a single spirit in
and goliaths gather there to venerate the spirits. the way that some people devote themselves to the
worship of one deity. Even so, some people confuse
Taboos the primal spirits with deities, referring to the spirit
way as “the old faith”—as if, somehow, worship of
Occasionally, a spirit places a taboo upon the people the pantheon of gods was destined to supplant and
who venerate that spirit—some kind of restriction or replace reverence for the primal spirits.
prohibition that might seem nonsensical or overly In fact, most of the time the spirit way and the
burdensome to outsiders. It’s not a common occur- worship of the gods do not conflict. The gods have
rence, but it happens, particularly when the spirit’s no vested interest in stamping out the spirit way, and
followers have been hit hard by war or social unrest. the primal spirits certainly feel no need to argue
In these cases, a taboo is seen as an imperfect solu- against the teachings of the gods—indeed, they rarely
tion to a deeper problem, a spiritual shield against argue much of anything. The gods exist in their astral
deeper corruption that would further weaken the dominions, the spirits in the mortal world, and each
spirit’s followers. is worthy of respect, veneration, or worship as appro-
Taboos in such cases might include restrictions priate to its station. Those who follow the spirit way
on travel, on interacting with certain races, on eating often blend that path with the worship of gods such as
certain foods, or on marrying into certain family Corellon, Kord, Melora, Sehanine, and even Bane or
lines. Those who violate the spirits’ prohibitions Zehir. As long as the practice of primal magic and the
might be required to undergo a ritual of purification, proper relationship with the spirits are maintained,
while major transgressions are sometimes punished both ways can easily coexist.
with temporary or permanent exile.
CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options
The gods in their majesty are distinct individuals. Unlike a deity, a primal spirit does not go by only
In contrast, even the greatest primal spirits do not one name or use a single universal symbol to repre-
possess single discrete forms. The primal spirits per- sent itself. One tribe might depict the World Serpent
meate the world, flowing through its natural features as a snake swallowing its own tail, and another
with an intensity that depends on a spirit’s relation- might show the World Serpent twining around and
ship to a particular place or object. The power that a through a tree symbolizing the mortal realm. Yet
primal spirit manifests in the world varies according another group might think of the World Serpent as a
to the season, the weather, the terrain, and the linger- snake-skinned goliath whose serpentine lower body
ing effects of events that have marked a location in disappears into the earth. The gods’ powers are tied
the past. to specific images and holy symbols, but the primal
Many primal spirits are strictly connected to spirits do not care how they are depicted, as long as
a specific location in the world, or are devoted to they and the world they protect are shown respect.
protecting a particular family or tribe. Above them As a rule, the power of the primal spirits is greatest
stand the great elders—powerful spirit entities that in the world, but player characters who wield primal
are known across the entire world. The great elders power are at no disadvantage when their adventures
discussed later in this section are only a few among take them to the planes and beyond. Heroes carry
many. Scores of great spirits are thought to exist, their power with them, so that they are never cut
though their true numbers might never be known. off from the source of their strength. Primal powers
wielded by player characters function normally in the
Feywild and the Shadowfell, in the Astral Sea and the
Elemental Chaos, and in the Underdark. However,
lesser mortals who follow the spirit way might be
uncomfortable traveling into places where the voices
of nature and the ancestors seem distant.

Spirits and
the Spirit World
The primal spirits are not creatures that people can
interact with in a typical fashion. Most of the time,
they’re invisible and intangible, present in the world
but not part of its physical substance. The greatest
primal spirits seem to be truly immortal: Mortals
can’t harm them, and even gods and primordials are
hard-pressed to destroy them—at least, by any means
short of destroying the world. Lesser spirits fade in
and out of existence, though. Local spirits die when
the natural features they’re connected to are killed or
destroyed, and ancestor spirits fade, it is said, when
they are forgotten by their descendants.
Primal characters’ evocations can cause the spir-
its to manifest, typically as conjurations, but only a
fool would think of these magical manifestations as
anything but the merest fragment of the spirits’ true
power. Manifested in a conjuration, though, a spirit
can physically affect the world. The reverse isn’t true:
Creatures in the world might be able to harm the
conjuration, but not the spirit itself.
Shamans and mystics sometimes speak of “walk-
ing in the spirit world” as if the primal spirits
inhabited some other plane of existence, such as
the Feywild or the Shadowfell, but that language is
misleading. The primal spirits live in the world, not

removed from it. The “spirit world” is one way of

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

describing the primal spirits’ substance and nature; Always Falling
they lack physical substance, yet they have form to Always Falling is a spirit of water in motion, strongest
those who have eyes to see it. When mortals enter around rivers and waterfalls. River spirits have a
the spirit world, their senses and consciousness are way of mixing together, and an alliance with Always
altered so they can perceive the spirits. Sometimes Falling allows a character to come to a quicker under-
this alteration occurs during sleep or deep medita- standing with local spirits and other characters’
tion, when a shaman dreams of a journey away from ancestor spirits. It is said that Always Falling has met
his body and into the spirit world where primal spir- everyone in the world worth meeting, although it
its express their will or deliver warnings. At other takes him time to recall specific encounters.
times, a mystic experiences a transformation of vision
while remaining fully conscious and in her body. She Blood Cousin
simply sees the spirits present in the world around The primal spirit known as Blood Cousin is dedicated
her, often suffused with a golden glow. to maintaining harmony between disparate tribes,
In this altered state of awareness, the world and she is instrumental in the creation of Circles of
seems more alive—every tree and mountain has its New Kin (see page 105). Blood Cousin is regarded
spirit moving within it, the sky throngs with beast as a force for innovation among the tribes, and new
and wind spirits, the ground itself eddies with the traditions among those who follow the spirit way are
currents of spirits flowing through it. Even when a often attributed to her followers. In her name, friends
mortal can perceive the spirits in this way, it’s nor- of different families, tribes, or races sometimes adopt
mally impossible to affect them, to touch or harm each other as blood cousins, pledging cooperation
them in any way. and support for each other’s people. It is said that
There are legends, however, of powerful individu- Blood Cousin once lived as a barbarian, and mem-
als or artifacts that allow mortals both to see into the bers of that class believe that she favors their kind.
spirit world and to kill the primal spirits that inhabit Blood Cousin is variously said to have been born
it. These legends tell of terrible destruction resulting a human, an elf, or a dragonborn, but she was sub-
from the death of the primal spirits whose life sus- sequently reborn many times into ancient tribes of
tains the natural world, but they invariably end with different races. In each tribe, she taught the same
a grisly demise for the foolish mortal who dared to initiation ceremonies, showing her people that they
abuse such power. Some describe the World Serpent could welcome newcomers into the tribe without
devouring the offender, others tell of Fate Weaver weakening it or disturbing the ancestor spirits. Tribes
trapping the mortal in her web, and others speak of that follow her example are referred to as Blood
the Primal Beast appearing to rend and tear the flesh Cousin tribes; even the most insular of these tribes
of the upstart. If there is an appropriate use for such sometimes adopt particularly worthy outsiders,
power, it must be wielded carefully to avoid angering whether from their own or another race.
such powerful elder spirits.
The Great Elders Carver lives in the final moments of each wave as
Unless otherwise described in this section, each it breaks along the shore. However, his name and
of the great elders is a mighty being whose power presence are invoked even far from the ocean, for
courses through the entire world. No elder spirit is this spirit represents the ceaseless rolling power of
omniscient or all-powerful, but each has facets that nature that carves the world into its ever-changing
connect it to the powers, the rituals, and the activities shape. Of the primal classes, barbarians and wardens
of primal heroes of any class. are the likeliest to be drawn to Carver’s combination
The following discussion of the great elders among of power and grace. For coastal tribes, Carver is a
the primal spirits is not exhaustive. For the most part, symbol of bounty and change—the ocean constantly
it focuses on those elder spirits relevant to player wearing away the land even as it supplies sustenance
characters and other heroes. Moreover, although the and casts its treasures on the shore.
pantheon of gods has remained more or less finite
since the devastation of the Dawn War, no complete The Deep Winds
accounting of the elder spirits that dwell within the The world below the world is still part of the primor-
world has ever been made. dials’ original raw creation. Since the Underdark
Your DM might expand this collection of elder operates by ancient laws unrefined by the touch of
spirits, and you should feel free to suggest additions the gods, much of that mysterious land falls outside
to the roster that are relevant to your character’s abili- the primal spirits’ aegis.
ties and background. However, vast sections of the Underdark are com-
posed of rock descended from the world above or
areas shaped by Torog’s blood or Lolth’s power. The
Deep Winds are great elder spirits that dwell in such
CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options
areas, where they are revered by the rare followers Everflame

of the spirit way who live so far below ground. Some Most primal spirits of flame are young—burning
outcast drow, for example, call on the Deep Winds to bright for a time, then flickering away to be replaced
protect and guide them in the Underdark. by new spirits. Unlike other spirits, these flame spir-
The Deep Winds flow strongest in the Shallows, its make a point of introducing themselves when they
but their fastest route of travel through the Under- communicate with mortals, since they know how
dark is along the King’s Highway forged by Torog’s unlikely it is that they will speak with the same char-
blood. The Deep Winds are also fond of following the acters a second time.
paths of great primal heroes (including player charac- But not all flame spirits are so ephemeral. Ever-
ters) as they navigate the dangerous depths. flame is an ancient flame spirit who has taken on a
Unlike the ageless great spirits of the surface unique protective role. This elder spirit is a guardian
world, individual spirits of the Deep Winds some- who ensures that great fires blaze strongly enough to
times become lost and perish in the Underdark’s eventually burn themselves out. Flame is a cleansing
ancient labyrinths. force in the world, but only once it stops can the natu-
ral balance reestablish itself. Everflame whips the
Earth Wheel lesser flame spirits on, ensuring that they burn out
Though many followers of the spirit way plant crops, quickly instead of learning how to live forever.
some stay constantly on the move and subsist only on Along with the World Serpent and Stormhawk,
what nature has to offer. The elder spirit named Earth Everflame was one of the elder spirits who did the
Wheel provides for such tribes, offering bountiful most to burn away the god Khala’s false winter.
food to sustain them on their journeys. When these Unlike hearth spirits and the legion of shorter-lived
tribes are in harmony with Earth Wheel’s turning, flame spirits, Everflame seldom has shrines. Places
their travels become part of the area’s natural pattern. of power dedicated to him are more common, and
With the spirits of that area in harmony, whole fields are often found near volcanoes and elemental flame
of herbs, berries, and fruits ripen just in time for the vents that erupt with deadly force.
arrival of the tribes that depend on them. The common folk have little contact with Ever-
Their relationship with Earth Wheel inspires flame, since simple cooking fires and bonfires have no
some tribes to maintain consistent migration pat- need of his power. However, among tribes of the spirit
terns; these tribes show little tolerance for outsiders way that burn their dead, Everflame is invoked so that
who impinge on the territories and routes they have a pyre will burn quickly. Player characters and other
marked out. Tribes that rely on Earth Wheel to sup- heroes commonly know of Everflame, and they might
plement their hunting activities are more accepting of call on his power in the course of their adventures.
strangers. Tribes that depend solely on Earth Wheel
for their survival treat their bounty as a sacred trust
and can be dangerous if challenged.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

sharing information and memories. The Grand-
THE BIRTH OF EVERFLAME mothers are on good terms with most other ancestor
In the days when gods and primordials fought, the primor- spirits, though they are often at cross-purposes with
dials sought to cover the world in flames. The fire would Old Grandfather.
burn the forests, kill the people, and leave the world
nothing but a pile of ashes to be scattered on the winds Great Bear
of the Elemental Chaos. Great Bear is a powerful warrior and protector spirit
The primordials unleashed their flame, and it began to who defends the world in the way that a she-bear
devour the great forests that stood at the dawn of time. ferociously defends her cubs. The common folk
The people fled in terror and despaired, for they had no think fondly of Great Bear, and they show a certain
hope of stopping the fire. amount of reverence for the natural beasts that share
But then, a great thing happened. her form. These include cave bears and dire bears
Where the fire devoured earth and wood, plants (as a creature of the Feywild, the deadly owlbear is
and beasts arose among the ashes. The fire turned and not accorded the same respect, even among elves).
stomped back over the fresh sprouts, but they arose again For those who respect Great Bear, hunting a bear is
wherever fire had rampaged before. undertaken only with humility and the proper sacri-
Around and around the fire raced, but it was never fices. However, no issue is made of those who defend
able to burn one place before life once again arose in themselves from a wild bear’s unprovoked attack.
another. During pregnancy and childbirth, some mothers
And then the fire realized its place and leapt upon the call on ancestor spirits such as the Grandmothers, or
wind to become one with the world. The world survived, gentler spirits of water and earth such as Always Fall-
and even when the flames claim tree after tree, it remains ing. However, sometimes the spirits tell an expectant
true that life follows death as surely as death follows life. mother that the child she bears is destined to become
a great hero. Those mothers are inclined to call on
Fate Weaver Great Bear to ensure that their children follow in the
The great elder called Fate Weaver is also known as protector’s path to defend the world from harm.
Grandmother Spider, and the choice of name cor- Bear shamans call upon Great Bear with regular-
responds with a people’s optimism regarding their ity (see especially the Great Bear guardian power in
future. Those who face great challenges or peril speak Player’s Handbook 2), and the Great Bear shaman par-
of Fate Weaver, invoking a sense of impartial fate and agon path in Player’s Handbook 2 reflects the shaman
a belief that their troubles are beyond the cares of the who emulates Great Bear as a stalwart protector.
spirits. Those who are more content with their pros- Druids and barbarians also have powers that call on
pects—or who are intent on maintaining a positive Great Bear’s might (roar of terror in Player’s Handbook
outlook regardless of circumstance—think of Grand- 2 and clawed ancestor rage in this book).
mother Spider, patiently weaving webs that connect
all living things in providence. Great Current
Aside from her role in spinning the webs of fate, Great Current is a single name shared by a multiplic-
Fate Weaver is also a protective spirit. Shamans call ity of water spirits who move the deep waters of the
upon her to protect allies or tangle enemies in her sea. Many coast-dwellers and seafarers honor Great
spirit webbing (see the Fate Weaver’s shield and tendrils Current. A few tribes of the spirit way live on giant,
of the Fate Weaver powers in Player’s Handbook 2). raftlike islands that are spawned from the living
Fate Weaver is also said to have spun the webs that islands of the great ocean, and for them, Great Cur-
bind the planes together, keeping the Feywild and the rent is the source of life and their livelihood.
Shadowfell tightly linked to the world. It is because of
Fate Weaver’s web that events in the world often echo Great Watcher
across the Feywild and the Shadowfell, and that bond Great Watcher is a mysterious, formless spirit said
also enables the primal spirits to extend their power to see and hear everything that takes place on the
out from the world into those other planes. Travelers surface of the world. She carries the winds of change
who know Fate Weaver’s patterns, it is said, can use across the world, paints the leaves in autumn, and
the strands of her webs to cross between the worlds. brings omens and signs of the future to those who
know how to watch. She is revered for her prescience
The Grandmothers and insight, and shamans call upon her when they try
The Grandmothers are an extended group of female to discern what the future holds.
ancestor spirits. They are accorded collective elder
spirit status because many scattered groups of people
know them by the same name, and because Grand-
mothers of widely separated groups are capable of

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Those who understand nature’s constant change A few followers of the spirit way, however, do not

emulate Great Watcher by observing that change revere the Monster Slayers or welcome those who
without being swallowed up by it. Detachment and follow in their footsteps. Some bitter shamans claim
balance are the ideals that Great Watcher embodies, that the Monster Slayers released the monstrous
and her followers strive to emulate them. scourge in the first place, simply as a test of their own
The shaman power Great Watcher spirit in this skill. Others tell stories of adventurers who brought
book grants a fragment of Great Watcher’s insight to destruction to their people by angering monsters
the shaman’s allies, while the seasons’ herald paragon in the wild, drawing the monsters’ wrath and ven-
path in this book gives a shaman Great Watcher’s geance. Still others speak of powerful magic that
powers of prophecy and insight. turns great heroes into monsters themselves.

The Hunter Twins

The Hunter Twins were a mortal brother and sister THE MONSTER SLAYERS’
who should have been born just before the Dawn War. QUEST
While still in the womb, they realized that if they Long ago, after countless generations of struggle, all the
both came into the world, their mother would die. To many peoples of the world succeeded in defeating the
prevent this fate, they struck a bargain. One of the two monsters that had long preyed on the folk of the spirit
children was born, growing up to become the world’s way. With the magic the people had created in harmony
greatest hunter. The other child’s spirit slipped into with the primal spirits, these creatures were trapped or
the world to take the form of many animals, so that banished far from the mortal realm.
its twin would have prey to hunt. When the mortal The elder spirits were pleased at this outcome. How-
twin died, the two traded places, and so the twins have ever, convinced that the mortal races no longer needed
taken turns as hunter and hunted for all time. their aid, they settled down in their favorite places instead
Depictions of the Hunter Twins typically show a of flowing through the world as a whole. While the elder
male wearing an antlered headdress alongside a she- spirits resided on the tops of mighty mountains, in ancient
wolf or a female barbarian wearing a wolf skin. These trees, or in the deepest rivers, mortal generations quickly
spirits are popular among all the primal classes, who passed by in relative peace.
draw on the twins’ strength for their transformative, When things changed for the worse, some blamed
beast form, and hunting powers. Whisper. Others named malicious gods or devils jealous
of the mortal races’ prosperity. In any case, the monsters
Hunter of Winter that had been bound or trapped by the followers of the
In the form of a great white tiger, the Hunter of primal spirits gained new power and intelligence. Able to
Winter is said to hunt in the midst of fierce blizzards communicate with each other in their places of banish-
and ice storms. Some seek to emulate the ferocity of ment and binding, they learned to coordinate and control
this elder spirit, while others ask it to drive prey to their power to break their chains. Gaining new knowl-
them, to provide food in the depths of winter. edge of tactics and stealth, they attacked the people
The barbarian power white tiger rage in Player’s with renewed strength. With no history to guide them
Handbook 2 calls on the Hunter of Winter. and no elder spirits to draw on, the people were quickly
The Monster Slayers The Monster Slayers were primal heroes who left
The Monster Slayers are a group of heroic ancestor their homelands to travel throughout the world, hunting
spirits that warriors and heroes of all tribes look up the monsters that had escaped from their confinement.
to. The story of the Monster Slayers is told in vari- On the way, the Monster Slayers met other heroes and
ant forms in many different traditions. Though each relearned the magical secrets that had once defeated the
version invokes a different set of ancestors and local monstrous threat. They codified that knowledge in order
spirits, the common core of these tales provides to train others, and their teachings helped shape the spirit
adventurers with a well-understood place among the way into its present form.
cultures that follow the spirit way. In the end, the Monster Slayers’ trials awoke the elder
Countless peoples count Monster Slayers among spirits, who understood that they must leave their rest
their ancestral spirits, and most folk who follow the and return to their ceaseless movement through the
spirit way have at least a passing relationship with world.
ancestor spirits that were once adventurers. When a
child turns his or her eyes to the threats of the wide
world, parents remember Monster Slayer ancestors
and support the child’s dream of adventure. Like the
Monster Slayers of old, heroic adventurers fight for
the security and preservation of the world.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Old Grandfather archetype power in Player’s Handbook 2. Several other
Old Grandfather claims to be the first ances- classes also have powers that draw on this mighty
tor spirit—a battered and embittered mortal who spirit: blood hunger rage and rage of the Primal Beast for
endured a hard life and death and who has com- barbarians, both in Player’s Handbook 2, and form of
plained about both ever since. Old Grandfather is the shifting ancestor for wardens, in this book, as well
much less helpful than other ancestor spirits, most of as the warden paragon path bloodwrath guardian in
whom are dedicated to maintaining dignity in and Player’s Handbook 2.
respect for their family lines. As a result, no group,
tribe, or race claims a connection to him. The Soul Serpent
In truth, Old Grandfather’s original race is long A great snake said to guard the gate of dreams, the
gone, which inspires his role as a sort of ancestral Soul Serpent has gleaming, iridescent scales and glow-
gadfly for clans and tribes across the world. Fortu- ing eyes that shift colors with its ever-changing mood.
nately, his spirit can’t be everywhere at once, and Mortals passing through the gate of dreams become
most folk have learned that the better Old Grandfa- like spirits, no longer bound by time and space, and
ther is treated, the sooner he tires of having nothing able to interact with the primal spirits face to face.
to complain about and moves on. Likewise, some primal evocations draw spirits through
Player characters who become involved with the gate of dreams so they can take physical form in
Old Grandfather fare better than common folk. The the world. The Soul Serpent watches over these pas-
grumpy old spirit resents his descendants for not living sages, coiled in a perpetual state of watchful dreaming.
up to the standards he believes he set. However, as The power form of the Soul Serpent in Player’s Hand-
PCs rise in power as primal heroes, Old Grandfather book 2 allows wardens to call on the strength of the
becomes less annoying and considerably more help- Soul Serpent.
ful. He might even offer assistance to epic-level primal
heroes in exchange for a favor—a secret task he has STONEROOT AND MORADIN
been unable to complete through all his long years. The god Moradin, the legends say, carved the mountains
from the primordial earth. Dwarves who follow the primal
The Primal Beast way tell the tale of the first mountain he shaped.
The spirit known as the Primal Beast plays a part in Moradin wanted to craft a monument that would be
the power of every primal class. Countless other beast visible anywhere in the world, a towering symbol of the
spirits are at large in the world, but the Primal Beast gods’ power that would inspire worship and obedience
taps into an ancient, raw strength that is the equal of and serve as a testament to his artistry. He worked the
any magic of the gods. stone of the living earth into a mountain that touched the
The Primal Beast is a predator from the dawn era, sky, even as its roots sunk far into the depths of the earth.
when the first sentient races were just another kind of He named the mountain Stoneroot.
prey for the mighty beasts. The Primal Beast has no But Stoneroot was not merely a monument, not just
love of mortals. The heroes who can call on this spirit an object crafted by Moradin’s hand. Like the rest of the
are treated as fellow predators—lesser members of a newly birthed world, it had its own spirit—perhaps a bit
hunting pack that can tear gods to shreds and feast on of Moradin’s breath that permeated the stone. The moun-
their remains. Lesser mortals do as little as possible tain’s peak was draped in a cloak of snow, rains flowed
to draw the Primal Beast’s attention, and adventur- down its sides and formed mighty rivers, and a host of
ers who flaunt their connection to this mighty spirit lesser spirits were born in Stoneroot’s mighty shadow.
might quickly find themselves feared and shunned. Moradin’s favored creatures, the Firstborn of the dwarves,
Fear of the Primal Beast has a far-reaching influ- tunneled into the sides of the great mountain, and Mora-
ence on the lives of many people who follow the din himself built a temple at the frozen summit where he
primal spirits. By tradition, some folk of the spirit way could dwell among his followers from time to time.
do not raise herd animals as food, for all primal tribes During the Dawn War, a host of giants and titans
tell tales of how the Primal Beast sends the world’s marched upon Stoneroot and laid siege to the Firstborn
greatest predators against such herding folk. To the in their great halls. Moradin came to their defense, but
Primal Beast, animals are for hunting, for riding, or the titans called upon their master, Vezzuvu, the primor-
for companionship, and tribes that attempt to upset dial known as the Burning Mountain. God and primordial
that natural order pay the price. Those people who clashed at the feet of Stoneroot, but Moradin was out-
do raise livestock tell stories of great ancestral heroes matched and fled, seeking the aid of his fellow gods.
who won a reprieve from the wrath of the Primal At Vezzuvu’s mighty hands, the Firstborn dwarves were
Beast, or perhaps a divine sanction that protects them scattered and Stoneroot was smashed to rubble. The great
from the Primal Beast’s wrath. primal spirit of the mountain, though, escaped the primor-
Many druid powers call on the Primal Beast, start- dial’s wrath and to this day wanders the world, pushing
ing with wild shape and culminating in the primal the mountains to ever greater heights even as they sink
their roots deeper into the earth.
CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options
Stoneroot Three shaman powers in this book call on Storm-

The elder spirit Stoneroot embodies the ageless hawk: Stormhawk’s fury, Stormhawk vigilance, and
forces that thrust mountains toward the sky. Every Stormhawk’s gambit. In addition, shamans who adopt
proud mountain spirit owes allegiance and fealty to the disciple of winds paragon path in this book wield
Stoneroot, and the peoples of the mountains vener- Stormhawk’s power.
ate his strength and endurance. Even in areas far
removed from the mountains, followers of the spirit Tree Father
way acknowledge Stoneroot’s power as a source of Tree Father is an ancient and trusted spirit whose
stability, invoking his name to summon the strength days of might and power are largely behind him.
of the earth. However, he is still called on and respected for his
gifts of wisdom, as well as for his association with
Stormhawk hunting and with the great forests. Other primal spir-
Stormhawk fought the gods and the primordials its and gods claim a part in the creation of the trees,
during the Dawn War, and he was the primary but Tree Father’s accomplishment lies in the forging
force that demonstrated to both factions that the of bonds between trees and other living things to
world could stand against them. Adventurers and create the forest.
other heroes favor Stormhawk for his focus and Tree Father is popular among all races except
for his power when he is pushed to anger. The elves, whose own legends provide an alternative
common folk respect Stormhawk for his wisdom history of the great forests of the world. In lieu of con-
and instinct, though they have few reasons to call versing with Tree Father, elves who follow the spirit
on him in daily life. way interact with a host of forest spirits. Elves think
As a spirit of transformation that understands the of most forests as female and know the spirits in that
place of stealth and perseverance in combat, Storm- form.
hawk is popular among druids, even as the fury that Two shaman powers in this book, Tree Father’s
he summons for his battles echoes the barbarian’s bounty and Tree Father’s ward draw on the power of
rage. To shamans and wardens, Stormhawk is an all- this elder spirit.
encompassing force—a spirit whose great wings take
him past all points of the world in a heartbeat.


This is a story of Stormhawk, and of how he taught the from the great bird’s beak, demanding peace, but the gods
world to defend itself against elementals and immortals. and the primordial fought on.
In the early days of the war of gods and primordials, the Driven by rage, the great hawk swooped through the
world remained untouched. Battles raged across the Astral battle, scattering those who brought war to the world.
Sea and over the Elemental Chaos, but the mortal realm The lightning spoke: “I warned you once. Not again.” In
was left alone. When that changed and war came to the a great blue-white flash, the gods and the primordial were
world, the suffering was great. blinded.
One day, five younger gods and one great primordial The thunder spoke: “I asked for peace. You would not
tumbled into the world while locked in battle. Fire scorched listen.” With a terrible roar, the storm drove all other sound
the woods. Acid melted mountains. Astral stone and pri- from the combatants’ ears.
mordial iron carved huge scars through earth and sky. The The rain spoke in tap-tap-tapping drops that the elemen-
people ran in terror. tal and the immortals could understand in their blinded
As the gods and the primordial battled, none noticed the and deafened state: “I asked before. Now I am telling you.”
white cloud that drifted above them. The gods did not see And the rain beat down on them in waves, pummeling all
the cloud grow black as mountains tumbled. The primor- memory and reason from their minds.
dial ignored the rain as it hammered against it, pleading Stormhawk dipped its beak into each god and the pri-
for peace. As the cloud took the shape of a great hawk, mordial, ripping out the choice bits before throwing those
lightning flashed a warning from its eyes. Thunder boomed enemies back into the worlds from which they had come.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

her subtle taunts, while druids respect her guise as
TREE FATHER CREATES the cunning fox. Wardens are less likely to draw on
THE FORESTS Whisper’s power, though the rare wardens who can
In the earliest days, the land was rich with herds of great maintain a sense of humor alongside their sense of
beasts. The people hunted easily and ate well. The people duty and obligation are sometimes influenced by her
ate and ate, and the beasts died and died at the points of example.
hunters’ spears and arrows. Too soon, there were hardly
any beasts left to hunt. The World Healer
Tree Father saw this and knew that something had to When the war between the gods and the primordials
be done. He pulled the hair from his thick, green beard ended and the primal spirits banished both oppos-
and spread it over the earth. By the weave of his power, ing forces from the world, the World Healer moved
the scattered stands of trees that spread across the land across the face of the earth like a gentle wind. Where
grew close together and were intertwined. Soon, there untamed primordial energy had warped the world,
were forests of great trees, with more spreading all the dissolving it back to its raw elemental state, the World
time. The beasts ran into the forest and hid from the Healer reshaped and repaired it. Where divine
hunters. power had scorched the world, consuming forests in
In time, the beasts grew more numerous, and everyone fire and drying seas with blinding light, the World
knew that was a good thing. But hunting was tougher Healer restored life and health to the injured land.
than it had been, for catching prey in the forest was hard Even now, the World Healer helps the world recover
work. from tragedy and devastation, reinforcing the natural
The people cried out to Tree Father: “You hide away cycle of rebirth and renewal.
the meat for our fires. Our children grow weak, and the Shamans sometimes call on this elder spirit for
people grow fewer. Take away these forests, so that we their mightiest evocations of healing, such as spirit of
might find our prey once again.” the World Healer in Player’s Handbook 2.
But Tree Father only smiled and shook his head.
Soon, the war of gods and primordials began. The
people fled from the plains into the forests. There, Tree
Father’s boughs and leaves kept them hidden. And so it
was that the people relearned old lessons. The world is
for all things, and when anyone can be prey for stronger
hunters, it is good to know places to hide.

The elder spirit Whisper goes by different names and
aspects across the world; Dark Sister, Fox Woman,
and Little Dragon are among the most common.
Whatever her name, Whisper makes trouble. Her
voice is the rustling leaves and the wind through the
grass. She weaves many tales—some true, most not. In
stories, she plays tricks on deities, primordials, hap-
less ancestors, and the other elder spirits.
Some believe that Whisper had a hand in the
return of the primal monsters, the threat of which
brought the Monster Slayers into being. However,
many also believe that Whisper first warned the gods
that the primordials were set to destroy the world,
or that it was she who tricked the primordials into
taking their battle with the gods to other realms,
sparing the world from destruction.
No one fully trusts Whisper, and those who bear
her marks—typically tattoos of the moon and stars,
a fox’s eyes, or a dragon’s tail—often live as loners,
away from the suspicious eyes of others in the tribe.
Shamans admire Whisper because she hears things
she shouldn’t, and because she is sometimes will-
ing to share that forbidden knowledge. Barbarians

revere her ability to drive folk to anger and rage with

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

The World Serpent The World Tree

The World Serpent is one of the best known of the The most ancient primal spirit of the forest, the
great elders. When Khala tried to seize the mortal World Tree is closely associated with Tree Father, but
realm in her wintry grip, she sent her strongest they are not the same spirit. The roots of the World
exarch to forge an alliance with the primordial lord Tree extend to the foundation of the earth, circulating
of ice. The World Serpent was watching. When those life and primal power throughout the world. In fact,
foes met, he wrapped his coils around Khala’s exarch some shamans say that the World Tree is the spirit
and the primordial lord, crushing them to a broken of the world itself—not any particular aspect of it, but
mass that Everflame burned away as a dark warning the entire creation, its interconnected inhabitants
to the gods. and precariously balanced environments.
The deity Torog is said to have been trapped in Some say that Corellon planted the World Tree
the Underdark during the Dawn War because of the and in that way seeded all the forests of the primeval
power of the primordials’ curses. However, disciples world. Other legends say that Corellon or Tree Father,
of the World Serpent suspect that their spirit played a or the god and the spirit working together, gathered
part in the deity’s imprisonment, and that even now, seeds from the World Tree and spread them across
he lies coiled around the earth and Torog’s Under- the world to plant the first forests.
dark alike. His allies, the Deep Winds, move secretly Only characters who adopt the World Tree Guard-
through the darkness while the World Serpent ian epic destiny in this book can call on the might
lingers above, patiently awaiting the moment when of this ancient and powerful spirit, as they strive to
Torog extends his power too far and slips into the protect it—and the world itself—from destruction and
World Serpent’s grasp. corruption.
Most common folk have little
reason to call on the World Serpent
unless they live in regions prone
to earthquakes, or from where
they can see the scaly ridges of
his shed skin, shaken loose as
mountain ranges at the dawn
of time. In contrast, primal
heroes of all types are drawn
to the World Serpent’s power.
The disciple of the World
Serpent paragon path in
Player’s Handbook 2 allows
a shaman to become the
ultimate protector of the
balance of the natural order,
following in the path of this
elder spirit. The barbarian’s
World Serpent rage and the
shaman’s spirit of the World
Serpent (both in Player’s
Handbook 2) are among
the most powerful evoca-
tions available to primal
characters. But even low-
level shamans can call on
the World Serpent’s earth-
shaking might with the coils
of the World Serpent power in
this book.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

The following material expands on the background If you are a native of Blazestone, you are accus-
system presented in Player’s Handbook 2, with a focus tomed to hardships and danger, and you rely on
on geographical backgrounds. These backgrounds toughness to carry you through your adventures.
speak to powerful archetypes of primal characters Genasi are common here, and goliaths, dwarves,
in legend and fiction, such as the stalking barbarian and humans also call these forlorn lands home.
from the frigid north or the druidic sage who studied Barbarians and wardens make the best Blazestone
herbs and animals in quiet contemplation before adventurers.
being thrust into a life of adventure. Associated Skills: Athletics, Endurance
Like the backgrounds in Player’s Handbook 2, the Associated Languages: Giant, Primordial
backgrounds in this book fall into these categories:
geography, society, birth, occupation, and racial Bleakmire
backgrounds. Creeping vines, insect clouds, endless brooding wetlands
where death is never far away
These backgrounds give examples of wild places Mist-shrouded wetlands, the Bleakmire is an omi-
from which primal heroes might originate. The exact nous moor, where tall grasses conceal brackish waters
location of the homeland in relation to the rest of the and where gnarled trees struggle for the light just vis-
world is up to you and your Dungeon Master. The ible through the perpetual haze. Plague, vermin, and
land of your birth or upbringing might be a previ- poisonous creatures teem in the Bleakmire, making
ously unexplored or forgotten stretch of countryside. it a dangerous place to explore. Patient crocodiles,
It might be an isolated region in the Feywild. Or you disease-carrying insects, blood-sipping bats, stalking
might have been born in a region of an existing realm predators, and poisonous reptiles conspire to make
recently suffused with primal energy. intruders pay for their trespass.
These backgrounds include both associated skills You grew up in the sodden expanse of the Bleak-
and associated languages, which are usually the lan- mire, avoiding the many perils that lie in wait for
guages of the races most commonly found in each the unwary. Humans subsist in the Bleakmire in the
geographical area. greatest numbers, but elves, half-orcs, and halflings
If you are using a published world, such as the live here, too. If kobolds are available as a player
FORGOTTEN REALMS or the EBERRON campaign set- character race, you might consider that as your racial
ting, you can easily adapt the primal homelands choice. Bleakmire characters are often insular and
described here to a setting-specific location. For protective, traits exhibited by many wardens, but any
example, the Wrathwood could represent the Reach- primal class works well for this homeland.
ing Woods in Elturgard or the Grove of the Guardian Associated Skills: Endurance, Stealth
Trees in the Eldeen Reaches. Similarly, the Sea of Associated Language: Draconic
Dust might be the Dust Desert of Raurin or a region
in the Demon Wastes on Khorvaire. Although primal Bloodtangle
homelands can exist anywhere in the world, be sure Towering trees, savage carnivores, torrential rains mingling
to work with your DM to find a suitable location. with debilitating swelter

Blazestone Far to the south sprawls the Bloodtangle, a fecund

Rivers of fire, molten rock, toxic plumes venting from expanse of rain forest sheltering an impassable land-
broken earth scape teeming with life. The trees grow tall and close
together, their hundred-foot-high canopy blocking
Rugged peaks and belching volcanoes characterize sunlight from the dank forest floor. Streams wind
Blazestone. In this forlorn region, toxic clouds rain among the trunks, while bogs, quicksand, and flash
ash across a barren landscape. Black glass crunches floods take travelers by surprise. With hosts of poi-
underfoot, while singed trees clack and clatter when- sonous wildlife, silent predators, and vicious natives,
ever the infrequent breeze blows hot air across the the Bloodtangle is no place for the unprepared. The
wastes. In spite of the hostile environment, a life can people of the Bloodtangle are known for their use
be lived here, though it is a tough and unforgiving of venoms extracted from stinging insects, toxic
one by any standard. The people of Blazestone make amphibians, and venomous snakes.
the most of scarce resources as they scratch out an You are at home in the unforgiving Bloodtangle.
existence among the broken terrain spilling down Human and elf are good racial choices for this home-
from the fiery peaks. land, but goblins, bugbears, hobgoblins, and kobolds

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

are also appropriate if those are used as player races Howling Plains

in your game. Barbarians and druids are excellent Screaming winds, merciless horse riders, endless grasslands
class choices, and you might consider multiclass- anchoring the dome of the world
ing into ranger to reflect your superior hunting
techniques. To an outsider, the leagues of grasslands seem empty,
Associated Skills: Heal, Nature but that is far from the truth. Birds nest in the undu-
Associated Languages: Draconic, Goblin lating stalks. Wild horses run beneath the clear skies.
Nature spirits live in every blade of grass, beneath
Broken Lands every rock, and within the springs and streams that
Great canyons and towering earth spires, spectacularly crisscross the landscape. Primal laughter is carried
striated rock, dry and thirsty soil on the howling winds that give these plains their
name. The people of the Howling Plains ride fleet-
The Broken Lands are an arid region marked by dra- footed steeds across the rolling plains, following the
matic natural features: ravines, rock spires, and steep movements of antelope and other migratory animals
slopes with colorfully patterned striations. Vegeta- and avoiding the depredations of goblins.
tion is sparse, and rainfall is infrequent but intense. You hail from the Howling Plains and have
Drakes and lions hunt a variety of prey through the been initiated in the ancient rites practiced there.
canyons. The cliffs, loose soil, and patches of slick clay A member of any primal class can originate in this
make traversing the Broken Lands difficult, so travel- homeland, but barbarians and shamans are best
ers are rare and roads are unknown. The people of suited.
the Broken Lands, mostly dwarves and orcs, war with Associated Skills: Athletics, Endurance
each other for what few resources the dry land has to Associated Language: Goblin
You were born in the Broken Lands and grew Maelstrom
up accustomed to hardship. The ways of the world Crashing waves on a stony shore, brooding storm clouds,
beyond your homeland are strange to you, and you’re rushing rivers spilling into an unruly sea
marked by a strong competitive streak. Barbarians
are the most common primal characters from the The Maelstrom is a never-ending whirlpool of the
Broken Lands, but druids and shamans are also good sea, shrouded in constant storms, spewing thunder
options. and mist as it inundates the surrounding lands with
Associated Skills: Endurance, Intimidate rain. Overlooking the spinning vortex is a great
Associated Languages: Dwarven, Giant rocky shore, a nesting place for birds and tortoises.
The stony beaches are home to scuttling crabs and
Frostfell scavenging gulls. To those living in its shadow, the
Relentless tundra, colliding icebergs, sudden whiteouts, and Maelstrom is the birthplace of all living things. To
sunshine that offers no warmth outsiders, it is an insatiable vortex that swallows all
things. The people who dwell in the shadow of the
Far to the north, beyond lands even partially civilized Maelstrom venture into the stormy waters on its verge
by mortals, stretches the wintry realm of the Frostfell. to fish or to salvage wrecked vessels.
This frozen land, trapped in ice and blanketed by You were forged in the storm and quenched by
snow, is dimly illuminated by brief light that brings the sea. Halflings are the most common race from
no succor. Little grows in the frigid wastes, and the this region, but genasi, specifically the stormsoul,
temperature rarely climbs above freezing. Blue watersoul, and windsoul manifestations, claim this
mountains sheathed in rime march across the hori- homeland as well.
zon, while winds scour fields, disturbing the snow Associated Skills: Athletics, Intimidate
and revealing below it ice many feet thick. The people Associated Language: Primordial
of the Frostfell carve ice castles from icebergs floating
in the frigid seas. Sea of Dust
You come from the frozen lands of the Frostfell Exposed barrens, shifting dunes, ruins of an ancient era
and bring the traditions and methods of your people buried in a vast wasteland
with you. Your homeland’s harsh environment
requires sturdiness or adaptability from its people. As The Sea of Dust was once a verdant land, destroyed
a result, dwarf and human are good racial choices. by unchecked magic in a storm of hatred and
For your class, consider druid or shaman. destruction. The power released in these cataclys-
Associated Skills: Athletics, Endurance mic rituals erased the ruling civilizations, reducing
Associated Language: Dwarven their cities to rubble and their fertile lands to areas
of waste. Yet even in the wake of this devastation,

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

life continues—testimony to nature’s resilience. The with eddies and swirls of primal power, spawning
nomadic peoples of the Sea of Dust band together, new life out of the ruins of old. Such places are called
seeking to heal the land ravaged by their ancestors. the Underwild, and in them fungus forests, sweeps of
Having long roamed the Sea of Dust, you have phosphorescent mold, and slime pools gather primal
become inured to its challenges. Dragonborn and energy for use by those who have the courage to seize
tieflings are the most likely races to come from it. Those who discover the Underwild also find abun-
this homeland, but humans as well as firesoul and dant food, water, and other resources to help them
windsoul genasi are found here, too. Barbarians and survive the otherwise desolate Underdark.
shamans are the best class choices. Originating from the Underdark, you have seen its
Associated Skills: Endurance, Nature wonders and its wickedness. Drow is the best racial
Associated Languages: Draconic, Primordial choice for this homeland, and the dark elves make
interesting barbarians and druids. Of course, any race
Thunderpeaks that has strong ties to the Underdark can work as well.
Booming thunder, cloud-shrouded slopes, mountains so tall Associated Skills: Dungeoneering, Perception
they scrape the sky Associated Languages: Deep Speech, Elven

Spine of the world, the Thunderpeaks have long been Wrathwood

deemed insurmountable by travelers. No pass threads Emerald shadows, tall trees, a profusion of sun-dappled
between the peaks, no road climbs their dizzying sylvan splendor
heights. Worse, black storm clouds gather overhead,
herded by inexplicable wind currents, to lash the Blanketing a secluded valley, steeped in ancient
peaks with lightning and constant rain. The Thunder- magic, is the Wrathwood. This brooding forest has
peaks offer a glimpse into the raw and often violent never felt the bite of an axe or the flame’s hungry
nature of primal power. Intrepid souls who scale their touch, for the woodland defends itself. One does not
heights soon taste its potency. live in the Wrathwood without the permission of
Goliaths make the best Thunderpeaks characters, the trees; even the animals and insects sheltering
although dwarves and dragonborn can also emerge beneath the boughs show deep reverence for their
from this homeland. Barbarians are an obvious homeland. The Wrathwood does not welcome sen-
choice for character class, but wardens serve as well. tient beings, but those who show deference to and
Associated Skills: Athletics, Dungeoneering respect for the trees are tolerated and might even be
Associated Languages: Dwarven, Giant allowed to make their homes in the cool shadows cast
by towering redwoods.
Underwild You have a special connection to the Wrathwood
Twisting corridors, subterranean gardens, fearsome hor- and carry the lessons of your homeland with you as
rors that have never seen daylight you venture into the world. Elves, eladrin, gnomes,
and other races with strong connections to nature hail
The Underdark crawls with vile abominations that from this homeland. Any primal class can originate in
shun the rays of the sun. Populated by creatures such the Wrathwood, though druids are the most common.
as drow and mind flayers, the place is known for its Associated Skills: Perception, Stealth
violent and cruel denizens. Still, not all areas are Associated Language: Elven
overrun by such sinister inhabitants. Certain places,
far from the frequently traveled corridors, are filled

Remember that you can choose multiple backgrounds for raise him. When he was three, one of the lions carried him
your character, and you can mix and match backgrounds through miles of wilderness to the nearest human settle-
from this book, Player’s Handbook 2, and other sources. ment and left him near the village. A local farmer found
Consider this example: Quinn is a razorclaw shifter druid. and raised him, recognizing the touch of the primal spirits
He knows little about his birth, but his player knows that upon him and caring for him out of respect for the spirits.
Quinn was born among a remote tribe of savage shifters— As he grew, Quinn demonstrated a special empathy for all
little different from lycanthropes in their savagery. Quinn’s forms of life and a true healer’s touch.
father was human, though, and the tribe abandoned him Quinn’s player chose three background elements:
when he was born. The primal spirits watched over him isolated (society), found in the wild (birth), and farmer
during his infancy, inspiring a pride of lions to protect and (occupation). Quinn gains a +2 bonus to Heal checks.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Society Isolated

The society background element in Player’s Handbook You have lived most of your life isolated in the wilder-
2 describes social and economic status in the broad- ness, and you’re unfamiliar with the customs of those
est terms. These additional backgrounds tell more who dwell in cities and villages. Perhaps you were
specific stories about your character’s social origin. raised by preternaturally intelligent animals in the
wild, under the tutelage of the primal spirits, or you
might have been born in a very remote tribe. You’re
Disgraced accustomed to the natural order and to nature’s form
You are the child of a tribal chieftain, raised with
of justice. You enjoy a deep connection to the primal
the expectation that you would one day take on that
spirits, and you might never have heard of the distant
position. After years of training, the time came for
gods of the Astral Sea. You are reverent toward plants
you to complete the great hunt, in which you would
and animals, and might call them friends far more
slay a mystic red stag and take your place at your
readily than you extend that term to other humanoids.
father’s side. Tracking the beast was easy, but when
How and by whom were you raised? How do
you found the stag, you could not bring yourself to
you react to civilization once you encounter it? With
slay it. It met your gaze, and it seemed to speak to
wide-eyed wonder or grim disdain?
you, though you’ve never been able to express what it
Associated Skills: Endurance, Nature
said in words. You returned to your tribe in disgrace,
your failure seen as a sign of weakness. The chieftain
and the other members of the tribe declared that you Birth
were not fit to rule, and you were banished, told not These background elements speak to the harsh reali-
to return until you had redeemed your honor. ties of life in the wilder places of the world.
What did the stag communicate to you? How can
you regain your honor? Do you want to return and Found in the Wild
claim your rightful title, or is the adventuring life You were discovered wandering in the wilderness at
more appealing to you now? a very young age, and you have little memory of your
Perhaps political rather than primal factors led to early past. You spent your youth working on a farm
your banishment. Were you falsely charged with a not far from the area where you were found. That life
crime you didn’t commit? Were you expelled on the might have been enough for you, for you’ve always felt
whim of your jealous father or mother? Or did you a deep connection to the earth. However, when your
renounce your people voluntarily? new homeland was attacked by goblin raiders and its
Associated Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy citizens were murdered, you felt a presence within
your blood that called you to action, and you have
Failed Thane been following that call ever since.
Once you were a leader of your people—perhaps a Who took you in when you were found? Was that
thaneborn barbarian using your magnetism and person a loving foster parent or a cruel taskmaster?
power to bend them to your will, or possibly a wise What experiences in your youth nurtured your
shaman or druid guiding them with your insight and apparently inborn connection to the primal spirits,
magic. However, your leadership brought them to and how has that connection flourished in your
disaster. You might have urged them into a war they adulthood?
couldn’t win, coaxed them to migrate to land that Associated Skills: Heal, Streetwise
couldn’t support them, or angered the primal spirits
by defying a taboo. The consequences were disas- Primal Omen
trous, and the remnant of your people banished you Great Watcher sent signs to herald your birth: pat-
in hopes of appeasing the angry spirits. Now you live terns in the sky or in the flights of birds, whispers in
with the weight of that failure on your conscience. Are the leaves of the forest, rumblings in the earth, or a
you repentant, or do you defiantly believe you did the song in the thunder. The omens were said to point
right thing? Perhaps your decision was an unpleasant to the primal spirits’ favor, and no one was surprised
alternative to a far worse fate. What will happen if when you mastered the evocations of your class.
your destiny leads you into a similar decision, when However, just before her death, your mother tried to
the lives of your adventuring companions are at stake? tell you that there was more to the omen—something
Associated Skills: Diplomacy, Insight more troubling, perhaps even sinister. She couldn’t
get the words out, and no one else knew or was will-
ing to tell you what the elders had said about your
birth. You left your home partly to prove that you are
the master of your own destiny, and you still don’t
know what destiny Great Watcher foresaw for you.
Associated Skills: Arcana, Nature

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Refugee that reason, people come from far and wide to seek
You were once a champion among your people, but your wisdom on matters of nature. You have read the
your life changed when your community was attacked spirits’ signs and omens, and you know something
by trolls. You fought bravely, and it was only through is coming that no one is prepared for. You might be
your prowess that you were able to survive. You alone in this knowledge, but the fact that you have the
escaped to a nearby settlement and from there made knowledge suggests that you can help avert whatever
your way through the world for a time. Yet you never disaster is imminent.
forgot what happened to your people, and you have Associated Skills: Arcana, Nature
sworn vengeance against the creatures responsible.
Are there other survivors of your people? Do you Wild Hunter
know where they are? Do you hope to reunite them? Ordinary hunters stalk deer and other game quietly,
Associated Skills: Intimidate, Thievery and they prefer to strike from a distance with javelin,
sling, or bow. But you are no ordinary hunter. You
Occupation seek the nastiest dire tiger or bulette in the area and
beat it to death with your club to tenderize the meat.
Primal characters often have occupational back- You might be protecting your people by driving off
grounds that involve spending time in the wilderness. dangerous predators, or you might kill these monsters
just to prove your strength. As a wild hunter, you are
Renegade truly happy only in areas populated by dangerous
You have spent many years walking the roads, and prey such as mastodons and behemoths.
though many know you, few know your origin. You Associated Skills: Athletics, Nature
are the lone survivor of a mystic enclave that pos-
sessed a terrible secret. The only way you have found
to avoid those who might try to seize the knowledge
Racial Backgrounds
you have is to keep moving, always just ahead of your Racial traditions color the way that primal heroes
pursuers. You use your allies among the primal spir- interact with the primal spirits and might shape the
its to help you stay one step ahead of your enemies. way you build your character. These backgrounds
However, it’s a hard life always being on the move, reflect the specific primal slants of different races.
and you wonder how long you can keep it up. Some of them have less to do with the events of your
Associated Skills: Arcana, Streetwise past than with the beliefs or traditions of your people.
A few races don’t have background entries here.
For goliaths and shifters who have primal classes, the
Revered Elder racial backgrounds in Player’s Handbook 2 are appro-
You are no brash youth embarking on a life of adven- priate. If you want to play an elf who has strong ties to
ture before settling into a respectable adulthood. the primal spirits, consider the wild elf background
Your younger days are behind you, though your in Player’s Handbook 2. Human characters should
body and mind are still strong thanks to the favor of consider geography, society, or other background ele-
the spirits. You have communed with the spirits all ments from that book or this one.
your life, and until recently you used their wisdom
to guide your people. You might have been the head
of a family following the spirit way in the midst of a Deva
town or city, or you could have advised the chieftain Spirit Soul: You believe that your race has a dual
of a vast tribe in the wilderness. Perhaps you sat on a essence, that upon your death one part of that essence
council of elders in a village, or even led that council. reincarnates in a new body while another joins the
But something changed, and the sedate life of an great cloud of primal spirits. The spirits of your past
elder is no longer possible for you. What happened to incarnations are like your ancestors, and you seek
spur you into adventure? Did you have a vision that to commune with them above all other primal spir-
summoned you to a dangerous place? Did a younger its, striving to assimilate all the wisdom you have
member of your family venture into a dungeon and acquired in your past lives.
never return? Perhaps you lost your ability to easily Associated Skills: Arcana, History
slip into the spirit world and commune with the spir-
its, and you want to find out why. Dragonborn
Associated Skills: Insight, Nature Dragon Totem Warrior: In the way that some
barbarians adopt totem animals that embody the
Sage qualities they aspire to, you look to the qualities of
You have dedicated your life to a careful study of drakes and dragons as a model for your own feroc-
nature, learning its cycles and rhythms. You see the ity. You might come from a tribe of dragonborn that
world in a very different way from others, and for serves a living dragon ruler, or perhaps you venerate

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

a long-dead dragon spirit that once ruled your ances- elemental soul. Your earthsoul spoke to the spirit of

tors. Gray dragons and cobalt dragons are the most the great mountains. Your firesoul called to the spirits
common totem dragons for dragonborn characters, dancing in the volcano’s heart. Your stormsoul sang as
because they are the most rapacious hunters among the storm spirits thundered in the sky. Your watersoul
dragonkind. found its kindred in the spirits of wave and current.
Associated Skills: Athletics, Endurance Your windsoul howled in harmony with the spirits of
the air. You recognized your kin, and they recognized
Drow you, gifting you with power and wisdom.
Underdark Survivor: You never saw the light- Associated Skills: Athletics, Nature
less depths beneath the earth as a place of death and
unmoving stone. To your eyes, it teemed with life— Half-Elf or Half-Orc
not just the life of fungi and crawling things, but the Spirit of Two Worlds: You are the child of a city-
whispers of the Deep Winds and other primal spirits. dwelling human and either an elf from a particularly
Even the terrible spider symbol of Lolth you saw as wild tribe or an orc from a relatively civilized one.
an echo of the Fate Weaver, a being of far greater You inherited a keen awareness of nature and an
wisdom than the dread and demented Spider Queen. affinity for the primal spirits from your nonhuman
Your beliefs and strange behavior earned you exile parent, and a fondness for civilization and a rever-
from your home city, but you didn’t mind much—you ence for the gods from your human parent. You see
always felt more at home in the wild caverns anyway. no conflict between these two worlds, and you move
Associated Skills: Dungeoneering, Nature easily between the rites you use to invoke the spirits’
favor and the prayers you offer in the temples of the
gods. You venerate your elf or orc ancestors and seek
Dwarf deeper understandings of your human side’s primal
Earth Steward: It is your duty to safeguard the
roots. Some people—perhaps even one of your par-
natural stone and be a steward for the gifts the spirits
ents—might pressure you to choose one path or the
offer to your people. You call upon the dwarf ances-
other, but for now, you choose to walk them both.
tors and the spirits of rock and mountain, seeing
Associated Skills: Nature, Religion
both groups of spirits as the venerable elders of your
people. The riches of the earth are not to be used for
personal profit or glory, but for the good of the people.
Free Spirit: The ultimate symbol of primal power,
Associated Skills: Endurance, History
to your eyes, is the ever-changing, relentless rush
of water. The spirits you evoke are nature spirits of
Eladrin or Gnome lakes, rivers, and rain, or animal spirits of fish, water-
Primal Fey: The primal spirits inhabit and pro- fowl, and songbirds. Water is everywhere, a sign of
tect the natural world. The echo planes—the Feywild freedom that encourages you to stay on the move.
and the Shadowfell—are not entirely cut off from the You might come from a halfling tribe that wanders a
spirits’ power, but the spirits are much weaker there, marsh, a river, or a coastline. Or you could come from
where other powers hold sway. You are native to the a city, where artificial pools and aviaries are your
Feywild, where arcane magic courses through every only connection to the spirits you revere.
leaf and blade of grass. You always felt an affinity for Associated Skills: Athletics, Nature
and a sensitivity to that magic, a constant awareness
of its hum through the wild places of your home. Tiefling
Then you visited the world, and your ear naturally Feral Exile: After the fall of Bael Turath, thou-
listened for the same vibrant hum. You found it, but sands of tieflings wandered through the wild. Your
it was different—it was the song of the primal spirits. ancestors discovered the primal magic in the wild-
You found that you could naturally communicate est places of the world, long ignored by the arcane
with those spirits and call on their power. magicians of the empire, and adopted a new lifestyle
Associated Skills: Arcana, Nature suited to the savage wilderness. More than many
other primal characters, you might be drawn to the
Genasi ferocity and bloodthirsty nature of some beast spirits,
Primal Soul: Many genasi gravitate toward the and you might be more at home in desolate, blasted
places in the world that reflect the elemental nature wastelands than in verdant swamps or forests. Is
of their own being; earthsoul genasi live in mountain- primal magic a means by which you hope to atone for
ous regions, while watersoul genasi live by the sea. the evil of your ancestors? Or do you view it as a tool
For you, however, this natural attraction led to a far to acquire power of your own—power that might one
deeper communion. Your nature is closely tied to the day exceed that of Bael Turath?
Elemental Chaos, but in the world you found powerful Associated Skills: Arcana, Intimidate
spirits inhabiting the same features that called to your

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

The feats presented here are tailored for primal Bloody Triumph
characters, although a few of them can be used by Prerequisite: Barbarian, Thaneborn Triumph
characters who use any power source. class feature
You must meet a feat’s prerequisites, if any, to Benefit: When you bloody an enemy, you or an
take the feat. If you ever lose a prerequisite for a feat, ally gains a bonus to the next damage roll against that
you can’t use the feat until you meet the prerequi- enemy before the end of the encounter equal to your
site again. A feat that has a class as a prerequisite is Charisma modifier.
available only to members of that class, including
characters who have joined the class through a class- Courageous Heart [Tribal]
specific multiclass feat. Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to saving throws
against charm effects or fear effects. This bonus
Tribal Feats increases by 1 for each ally within 10 squares of you
The core of primal power rests in understanding the who has this feat, to a maximum of +5.
connections that bind all living things. Groups that
have such an understanding learn to strengthen their
Crippling Crush
Prerequisite: Warden
bonds of blood and friendship, and they are capable
Benefit: When you immobilize or slow an enemy
of extraordinary coordination based on a deep
with a weapon attack using a hammer or a mace, that
familiarity, trust, and kinship, rather than hours of
enemy takes extra damage equal to your Constitution
training. Tribal feats represent such coordination.
A tribal feat grants a bonus to you that increases
if your allies also have the feat. An adventuring Deep Sage
party that uses these feats might feature similar tat- Prerequisite: Trained in Dungeoneering
toos, carry totems or charms, or adopt a symbol that Benefit: You gain a +5 feat bonus to Dungeoneer-
adorns their shields, cloaks, and armor. ing knowledge checks and to monster knowledge
checks to identify aberrant creatures.
Heroic Tier Feats In addition, you can now speak, read, and write
Feats in this section are available to characters of any Deep Speech fluently.
level who meet the prerequisites.
Druid of Darkness
Agile Form Prerequisite: Drow, druid, wild shape power
Prerequisite: Druid, wild shape power Benefit: While you are in beast form, you gain a
Benefit: When you use wild shape to change from +2 bonus to damage rolls against enemies granting
your humanoid form to beast form, you shift 1 square. combat advantage to you.

Earthstrength Resilience
Animal Empathy Prerequisite: Warden, Earthstrength class
Prerequisite: Trained in Nature feature
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Nature Benefit: When you use your second wind, you
checks. Also, when you would make an Insight gain resist 2 to all damage until the end of your next
check against a natural beast, you can make a turn. The resistance increases to 5 at 11th level and 8
Nature check instead. at 21st level.

Audacious Crow [Tribal] Elemental Barbarian

Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Thievery Prerequisite: Genasi, barbarian
checks. This bonus increases by 1 for each ally Benefit: When you use your firepulse or promise of
within 10 squares of you who has this feat, to a storm racial power while raging, you gain a +2 bonus
maximum of +5. to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Bloodied Spear [Tribal] Enduring Mountain [Tribal]

Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls Benefit: Whenever you spend a healing surge,
and damage rolls when making opportunity attacks. you regain 2 additional hit points. You regain 1 more
This bonus increases by 1 for each ally within 10 additional hit point for each ally within 10 squares of
squares of you who has this feat, to a maximum of +5. you who has this feat, to a maximum of 5 additional
hit points.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Eyes of the Spirits

Prerequisite: Elf, any primal class
Benefit: Each ally affected by your Group Aware-
ness racial trait doesn’t take the –2 penalty for
attacking an enemy that has concealment.

Fading Spirit
Prerequisite: Gnome, shaman
Benefit: While you are hidden from a creature,
your spirit companion is also hidden from that

Fearsome Charge
Prerequisite: Barbarian, Rageblood Vigor class
Benefit: When you hit with the charge attack
granted by swift charge, you can push the target 1

Fearsome Host [Tribal]

Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Intimidate
checks. This bonus increases by 1 for each ally
within 10 squares of you who has this feat, to a
maximum of +5.

Feral Fey Step

Prerequisite: Eladrin, any primal class
Benefit: The first time you are bloodied during an
encounter, you can use your fey step racial power as
an immediate reaction, even if you have already used
it during this encounter.

Focus the Spirits’ Lives

Prerequisite: Deva, any primal class
Benefit: When you use your memory of a thousand
lifetimes racial power to make a Nature check or an
attack roll using a beast form or a spirit power, you
add 1d10 to the roll, rather than 1d6.

Four Winds [Tribal] Herbalist

Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Athlet- Prerequisite: Trained in Dungeoneering or
ics checks. This bonus increases by 1 for each ally Nature, trained in Heal
within 10 squares of you who has this feat, to a Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus to Heal checks to
maximum of +5. treat disease.
In addition, when you reach 5th level, you master
Half-Elf Spirit Speaker the ritual Brew Potion and can perform it without a
Prerequisite: Half-elf, any primal class ritual book.
Benefit: The first time you are bloodied during an
encounter, you and each ally within 10 squares of you Hide Armor Expertise
gain a +1 bonus to all defenses until the end of your Prerequisite: Con 15, any primal class, profi-
next turn. ciency with hide armor
In addition, allies within 10 squares of you gain a Benefit: While wearing hide armor, you can use
+1 racial bonus to Insight checks and Nature checks. your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity
or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Any Class Prerequisites Benefit
Audacious Crow — +2 to Thievery checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Bloodied Spear — +1 to attack and damage with opportunity attacks; increase
by 1 for each ally with feat
Courageous Heart — +2 to saving throws against charm or fear; increase by 1
for each ally with feat
Enduring Mountain — Regain 2 additional hp with healing surge; increase by 1
for each ally with feat
Fearsome Host — +2 to Intimidate checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Four Winds — +2 to Athletics checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Herbalist Trained in Dungeoneering +5 to Heal checks for disease; gain Brew Potion ritual
or Nature, trained in Heal
Inner Compass Trained in Dungeoneering Roll twice for Dungeoneering and Nature checks in
or Nature natural environment
Midnight Stalker — +2 to Stealth checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Swift Jaguar — +2 to initiative; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Watchful Owl — +2 to Perception checks; increase by 1 for each ally with feat
Wild Sage Trained in Nature +5 to Nature knowledge and monster knowledge checks
to identify natural creatures, and gain a ritual

Any Primal Class Other Prerequisites Benefit

Animal Empathy Trained in Nature +2 to Nature checks, and substitute Nature for Insight when
dealing with beasts
Deep Sage Trained in Dungeoneering +5 to Dungeoneering knowledge and aberrant creature
monster knowledge checks, and gain fluency in Deep Speech
Eyes of the Spirits Elf Allies affected by Group Awareness ignore –2
concealment penalty
Feral Fey Step Eladrin Use fey step again the first time you’re bloodied
Focus the Spirits’ Lives Deva Roll d10 instead of d6 for memory of a thousand lifetimes
on some rolls
Half-Elf Spirit Speaker Half-elf +1 to all defenses for you and allies when you’re first
bloodied; +1 to Insight and Nature for allies
Hide Armor Expertise Con 15, proficiency Substitute Con modifier for Dex or Int to determine AC
with hide armor
Human Nature Lore Human Roll twice for Endurance or Nature checks
Longtooth Spirit Shifter Longtooth shifter Longtooth shifting regeneration increases by 2
Manifest Healing Genasi Gain 5 temporary hp when you use a racial power
Markings of the Elements Goliath Give up resistance to all damage from stone’s endurance
to gain resist 5 to chosen damage type
Markings of the Predator Goliath +1 to all defenses when you bloody a creature
Primal Halfling Halfling +4 to damage against target of second chance
Primal Resilience Half-orc Increase temporary hp from Half-Orc Resilience
Razorclaw Spirit Shifter Razorclaw shifter Shift 1 when damaged by attack against AC or Reflex
while using razorclaw shifting
Reckless Charge — –2 to AC for +1 to attack while charging
Rites of Spirits’ Blood Tiefling +2 to attack roll with Bloodhunt and infernal wrath
Skins of the Slain Proficiency with hide armor Gain bonus to Intimidate checks equal to hide armor’s
enhancement bonus
Spider’s Swiftness Drow +1 to speed, or +2 when affected by polymorph or rage power
Spirits of Stealth Gnome +3 damage against bloodied creatures while you’re hidden
Spirits of Stone Dwarf +2 to next attack roll when you use second wind
Spirits of the Primal Dragons Dragonborn Deal 1d8 extra damage of same type as dragon breath
after becoming bloodied
Staggering Smash — Push target 1 when you daze or stun it with primal power
Stone Step Spirits Dwarf Ignore 1 square of difficult terrain when you move, or all
difficult terrain when you charge

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Barbarian Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Bloody Triumph Thaneborn Triumph Gain bonus to next damage roll against enemy you bloody
Elemental Barbarian Genasi +2 to attack roll when you use firepulse or promise of storm
while raging
Fearsome Charge Rageblood Vigor Target of swift charge is also pushed 1
Hurl Weapon — Treat one-handed off-hand weapons as heavy thrown
Improvised Missile — +2 to attack and damage with thrown improvised melee
Raging Bloodcut — Reduce rage power damage to deal ongoing damage
Swift Slayer Whirling Slayer Shift your Dex modifier with Whirling Slayer
Targeted Assault — +2 to attacks against creatures marking you
Thunderborn Rage Thunderborn Wrath +5 to thunder damage of Thunderborn Wrath

Druid Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Agile Form Wild shape Shift 1 when you use wild shape
Druid of Darkness Drow, wild shape +2 damage when you have combat advantage in beast form
Predator’s Burst Primal Predator, wild shape While in beast form, +2 to speed, +1 to attack while charging
Quick Stow Wild shape Items change with you in beast form
Stinging Swarm Primal Swarm, wild shape While you’re in beast form, enemies that damage you
grant combat advantage to you
Strong-Willed Summoning — Creatures you summon gain +1 to attack with
instinctive actions
Watchful Guardian Primal Guardian, wild shape While you’re in beast form, you and allies adjacent to you
gain +2 to opportunity attack rolls
Wild Bull Rush Wild shape While in beast form, +2 to bull rush attacks and use bull
rush against any size target

Shaman Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Fading Spirit Gnome Spirit companion is hidden while you’re hidden
Invigorating Spirit Healing spirit Ally adjacent to spirit companion shifts 1 after you use
healing spirit
Precise Fangs Stalker Spirit +2 to attack roll when you use spirit’s fangs
Protector’s Shield Protector Spirit Deal 1d8 extra damage with spirit’s shield
Rejuvenating Spirit Healing spirit Target of healing spirit makes a saving throw
Resilient Spirit — +2 to defenses for spirit companion
Spirit Tribe Speak with spirits Allies gain +2 to checks with speak with spirits chosen skill
Spirit’s Fey Step Eladrin Teleport your spirit companion when you use fey step
Strengthening Spirit Healing spirit Allies adjacent to spirit companion gain temporary hp
when you use healing spirit
Sudden Call — Use call spirit companion as a free action
Vigorous Spirit Healing spirit Target of healing spirit regains additional hp
Watcher Spirit Adept Watcher Spirit Allies adjacent to companion gain +2 to Insight, Perception
World Speaker Spirit Adept World Speaker Spirit You and allies ignore difficult terrain while adjacent to
spirit companion

Warden Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Crippling Crush — Deal extra damage to targets you slow or immobilize
with hammer or mace attacks
Earthstrength Resilience Earthstrength Gain resist 2 to all damage when you use second wind
Impaling Thrust — Treat critical as normal hit to immobilize target when
using heavy blade or spear
Lifespirit Vigor Lifespirit Another ally makes saving throw when you use second wind
Primal Breath Dragonborn Mark each target of your dragon breath
Stormheart Push Stormheart Push target 2 with Stormheart instead of sliding it
Wildblood Fury Wildblood Gain bonus to damage rolls against enemies you’ve
marked when you use second wind

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Human Nature Lore Manifest Healing
Prerequisite: Human, any primal class Prerequisite: Genasi, any primal class
Benefit: Whenever you make an Endurance Benefit: When you use a genasi racial power, you
check or a Nature check, you can roll twice and use gain 5 temporary hit points. The temporary hit points
either result. increase to 10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st level. If you
have two or more elemental manifestations, the tem-
Hurl Weapon porary hit points increase by 5.
Prerequisite: Barbarian
Benefit: You can use any one-handed off-hand Markings of the Elements
weapon as a heavy thrown weapon. Normal range Prerequisite: Goliath, any primal class
for weapons you wield this way is 5 squares, and long Benefit: Whenever you use your stone’s endurance
range is 10 squares. racial power, you can choose cold, fire, lightning,
poison, radiant, or thunder. If you do so, you gain
Impaling Thrust resistance to that damage type instead of resistance
Prerequisite: Warden to all damage, and the resistance increases by 5.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with
a heavy blade or a spear, you can choose to treat the Markings of the Predator
critical hit as a normal hit. If you do so, the target is Prerequisite: Goliath, any primal class
immobilized until the start of your next turn. Benefit: When you bloody a creature, you gain a +1
bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Improvised Missile
Prerequisite: Barbarian Midnight Stalker [Tribal]
Benefit: You can use improvised melee weapons Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Stealth
(not including unarmed attacks) as heavy thrown checks. This bonus increases by 1 for each ally
weapons with a normal range of 5 squares and a long within 10 squares of you who has this feat, to a
range of 10 squares. maximum of +5.
In addition, whenever you use an improvised
melee weapon this way, you gain a +2 feat bonus to Precise Fangs
attack rolls and damage rolls. Prerequisite: Shaman, Stalker Spirit class feature
Benefit: When you use your spirit’s fangs power,
Inner Compass you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
Prerequisite: Trained in Dungeoneering or
Benefit: You always know which way is north. Predator’s Burst
When making a Dungeoneering check or a Nature Prerequisite: Druid, Primal Predator class fea-
check to find your way in a natural environment, you ture, wild shape power
can roll twice and use either result. Benefit: When you charge while you are in beast
form, you gain a +2 bonus to speed and a +1 bonus to
the damage rolls of the charge attack.
Invigorating Spirit
Prerequisite: Shaman, healing spirit power
Benefit: When you use healing spirit, each ally Primal Breath
adjacent to your spirit companion can shift 1 square Prerequisite: Dragonborn, warden
as a free action. Benefit: When you use your dragon breath racial
power, you can choose to mark each target.
Lifespirit Vigor
Prerequisite: Warden, Lifespirit class feature Primal Halfling Counterattack
Benefit: You can grant a saving throw to a second Prerequisite: Halfling, any primal class
ally within 5 squares of you when you use your Benefit: When you use your second chance racial
second wind. power, you gain a +4 bonus to damage rolls against
the creature that attacked you until the end of your
next turn. This bonus increases to +6 at 11th level
Longtooth Spirit Shifter and +8 at 21st level.
Prerequisite: Longtooth shifter, any primal class
Benefit: While you are under the effect of your
longtooth shifting racial power, the regeneration you
gain increases by 2.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Primal Resilience Razorclaw Spirit Shifter
Prerequisite: Half-orc, any primal class Prerequisite: Razorclaw shifter, any primal class
Benefit: You gain additional temporary hit points Benefit: While you’re under the effect of your
from your Half-Orc Resilience racial trait equal to razorclaw shifting racial power, when an enemy dam-
your Constitution modifier. ages you with an attack against AC or Reflex, you can
shift 1 square as an immediate reaction.
Protector’s Shield
Prerequisite: Shaman, Protector Spirit class Reckless Charge
feature Prerequisite: Any primal class
Benefit: When you hit with your spirit’s shield Benefit: When you make a charge attack, you
power, the attack deals 1d8 extra damage. can take a –2 penalty to AC until the start of your
next turn to gain a +1 bonus to the attack rolls of that
Quick Stow attack.
Prerequisite: Druid, wild shape power
Benefit: When you use wild shape to change Rejuvenating Spirit
from your humanoid form to beast form, you don’t Prerequisite: Shaman, healing spirit power
automatically drop handheld items that aren’t imple- Benefit: When you use healing spirit, the target
ments. Such items become part of your beast form. can make a saving throw.
However, you gain no benefit from a handheld
item, such as a shield, that must be wielded to be Resilient Spirit
functional, and you can use only the properties and Prerequisite: Shaman
powers of the item that don’t require you to make an Benefit: Your spirit companion gains a +2 bonus
attack with it. to all defenses.

Raging Bloodcut Rites of Spirits’ Blood

Prerequisite: Barbarian Prerequisite: Tiefling, any primal class
Benefit: When you hit a target with any rage Benefit: Your bonus to attack rolls from your
power, you have the option of reducing the damage to Bloodhunt racial trait increases to +2. When you use
that target by 1[W] before you roll damage. If you do your infernal wrath racial power, you gain a +2 power
so, the target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). bonus to the attack roll, instead of +1.
At 11th level, you gain the option of reducing the
damage by 2[W] to increase the ongoing damage to Skins of the Slain
10. At 21st level, you gain the option of reducing the Prerequisite: Any primal class, proficiency with
damage by 3[W] to increase the ongoing damage to hide armor
15. You can’t take away more damage dice than the Benefit: While wearing hide armor, you gain
power has. For example, if a power normally deals a feat bonus to Intimidate checks equal to 1 + the

2[W] damage, you can’t reduce the damage by 3[W]. armor’s enhancement bonus.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Spider’s Swiftness Stormheart Push
Prerequisite: Drow, any primal class Prerequisite: Warden, Stormheart class feature
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to speed. The Benefit: When you use Stormheart to slide an
bonus increases to +2 while you’re under the effect of enemy, you can push the enemy 2 squares instead of
a primal polymorph or rage power. sliding it.

Spirit Tribe Strengthening Spirit

Prerequisite: Shaman, speak with spirits power Prerequisite: Shaman, healing spirit power
Benefit: When you use speak with spirits to gain a Benefit: When you use healing spirit, each ally
bonus to a skill check, each ally within 5 squares of adjacent to your spirit companion gains temporary hit
you gains a +2 power bonus to checks with that skill points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
until the end of your next turn.
Strong-Willed Summoning
Spirit’s Fey Step Prerequisite: Druid
Prerequisite: Eladrin, shaman Benefit: When a creature you summon uses an
Benefit: When you use your fey step racial power, instinctive action to attack, it gains a +1 bonus to the
you can teleport your spirit companion a number of attack roll.
squares equal to the distance you teleported.
Sudden Call
Prerequisite: Shaman
Spirits of Stealth Benefit: You can use your call spirit companion
Prerequisite: Gnome, any primal class
power as a free action on your turn.
Benefit: You gain a +3 feat bonus to damage rolls
against bloodied creatures you are hidden from. This Swift Jaguar [Tribal]
bonus increases to +5 at 11th level and +7 at 21st level. Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to initiative
checks. This bonus increases by 1 for each ally
Spirits of Stone within 10 squares of you who has this feat, to a
Prerequisite: Dwarf, any primal class maximum of +5.
Benefit: When you use your second wind, you
gain a +2 bonus to your next attack roll with a primal Swift Slayer
power before the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Barbarian, Whirling Slayer class
Spirits of the Primal Dragons Benefit: When you use Whirling Slayer to shift,
Prerequisite: Dragonborn, any primal class you can shift a number of squares equal to your Dex-
Benefit: The first time you are bloodied during an terity modifier, instead of 2 squares.
encounter, your attacks deal 1d8 extra damage until
the end of your next turn. This damage is the type Targeted Assault
you initially chose for your dragon breath racial power. Prerequisite: Barbarian
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls
Staggering Smash against any creature marked by you.
Prerequisite: Any primal class
Benefit: Whenever you daze or stun an enemy Thunderborn Rage
with a primal power, you push that enemy 1 square. Prerequisite: Barbarian, Thunderborn Wrath
class feature
Benefit: The thunder damage of your Thunder-
Stinging Swarm born Wrath increases by 5.
Prerequisite: Druid, Primal Swarm class feature,
wild shape power Vigorous Spirit
Benefit: Once per round when an enemy dam- Prerequisite: Shaman, healing spirit power
ages you with a melee attack while you are in beast Benefit: When you use healing spirit, the target
form, that enemy grants combat advantage to you regains additional hit points equal to your Wisdom
until the end of your next turn. modifier.

Stone Step Spirits Watcher Spirit Adept

Prerequisite: Dwarf, any primal class Prerequisite: Shaman, Watcher Spirit class
Benefit: While you’re not wearing heavy armor, feature
you can ignore 1 square of difficult terrain when you Benefit: Allies gain a +2 bonus to Insight checks
move and ignore all difficult terrain when you move and Perception checks while adjacent to your spirit
as part of a charge. companion.
CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options
Watchful Guardian Bolstered Swarm

Prerequisite: Druid, Primal Guardian class fea- Prerequisite: 11th level, druid, Primal Swarm
ture, wild shape power class feature, wild shape power
Benefit: While you are in beast form, you and Benefit: When you use wild shape to change from
each ally adjacent to you gain a +2 feat bonus to your humanoid form to beast form, you gain 5 + your
attack rolls when making opportunity attacks. Constitution modifier temporary hit points. The tem-
porary hit points increase to 10 + your Constitution
Watchful Owl [Tribal] modifier at 21st level.
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Percep-
tion checks. This bonus increases by 1 for each Bolstering Guardian
ally within 10 squares of you who has this feat, to a Prerequisite: 11th level, druid, Primal Guardian
maximum of +5. class feature
Benefit: When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit
Wild Bull Rush points with a druid attack power, one ally adjacent to
Prerequisite: Druid, wild shape power you gains temporary hit points equal to your Consti-
Benefit: While you are in beast form, you gain a tution modifier.
+2 feat bonus to bull rush attack rolls, and you can
bull rush targets of any size. Commanding Form
Prerequisite: 11th level, druid, wild shape power
Wild Sage Benefit: Once per round while you are in beast
Prerequisite: Trained in Nature form, you can use a free action to give one of your
Benefit: You gain a +5 feat bonus to Nature summoned creatures a command that normally
knowledge checks and to monster knowledge checks requires a minor action.
to identify a natural creatures.
In addition, choose one of the following rituals: Cyclone Spirit
Dowsing Rod, Portend Weather, or Traveler’s Camou- Prerequisite: 11th level, shaman, World Speaker
flage. You master that ritual and can perform it once Spirit class feature
per day without a ritual book and without expending Benefit: Whenever you or an ally pulls, pushes, or
components. slides a target, the distance of the forced movement
can be increased by 1 square if the target began the
Wildblood Fury forced movement adjacent to your spirit companion.
Prerequisite: Warden, Wildblood class feature
Benefit: When you use your second wind, you Double Lunge
gain a bonus to damage rolls against each enemy Prerequisite: 11th level, barbarian, whirling lunge
marked by you equal to your Wisdom modifier until power
the end of your next turn. Benefit: When you use whirling lunge, you deal
extra damage to the target equal to your Strength
World Speaker Spirit Adept modifier.
Prerequisite: Shaman, World Speaker Spirit class
feature Earthstrength Defenses
Benefit: You and your allies ignore difficult ter- Prerequisite: 11th level, warden, Earthstrength
rain while adjacent to your spirit companion. class feature
Benefit: When you use your second wind, you gain
Paragon Tier Feats a bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will equal to your
Constitution modifier until the end of your next turn.
A character must be at least 11th level to select any of
the feats in this section. Ephemeral Spirit
Prerequisite: 11th level, shaman
Arcing Throw Benefit: Your spirit companion takes half damage
Prerequisite: 11th level, warden from ranged attacks.
Benefit: When you use a spear as a thrown
weapon, the target doesn’t gain cover from its allies. Explosive Rage Strike
Prerequisite: 11th level, barbarian, rage strike
Benefit: When you use rage strike, you can reduce
the damage it deals by 2[W]. If you do so, the power
becomes a close burst 1.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Any Primal Class Other Prerequisites Benefit
Thundering Bull Rush — Target 2 creatures with bull rush and choose space you shift into
Two-Handed Grasp — Wield a versatile spear in two hands to gain high crit

Barbarian Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Double Lunge Whirling lunge Deal extra damage to target of whirling lunge
Explosive Rage Strike Rage strike Reduce rage strike damage by 2[W] to treat range as close burst 1
Reckless Rage — –2 to attack roll to deal 1[W] extra damage with a rage power
Thirsty Blade — Deal Strength modifier damage to adjacent enemies when you drop
target with charge using axe or heavy blade
Thunderous Cry War cry Targets of your war cry grant combat advantage to you
Violent Reminder Rageblood Vigor +5 to next damage roll when you drop enemy
Withering Roar Thaneborn Triumph Target grants combat advantage or takes –2 to all defenses
when you hit with roar of triumph

Druid Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Bolstered Swarm Primal Swarm, wild shape Gain temporary hp when you use wild shape
Bolstering Guardian Primal Guardian Grant adjacent ally temporary hit points when you drop enemy
Commanding Form Wild shape Command a creature you summoned with a free action
Pouncing Form Primal Predator, Shift your Dex modifier in squares when you use wild shape
wild shape
Scattering Swarm Primal Swarm, wild shape Shift 2 if an area or close attack damages you in beast form
Vital Form Wild shape Regain second wind when you use wild shape
Warning Guardian Primal Guardian Adjacent allies don’t grant combat advantage while flanked

Shaman Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Cyclone Spirit World Speaker Spirit Increase by 1 the forced movement of enemies adjacent to your
spirit companion
Ephemeral Spirit — Spirit companion takes half damage from ranged attacks
Retributive Spirit Call spirit companion –2 to defenses of creature that destroys spirit companion
Sentinel Spirit Watcher Spirit +2 to opportunity attack rolls for allies adjacent to spirit companion
Shielding Spirit Protector Spirit, +2 to all defenses for allies adjacent to spirit companion when you
healing spirit use healing spirit
Spirit’s Eyes — Roll twice for Perception checks if spirit companion present
Vicious Spirit Healing spirit, +2 to damage against bloodied enemies for allies adjacent to your
Stalker Spirit spirit companion when you use healing spirit

Warden Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Arcing Throw — Target of a thrown spear doesn’t gain cover from allies
Earthstrength Defenses Earthstrength Gain bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will when you use second wind
Forceful Smash Con 15 Critical hit using a hammer or mace also knocks target prone
Lifespirit Healing — Second ally can spend healing surge and make saving throw when
you use second wind
Maneuvering Attack — Enemies you forcibly move using a polearm or a spear grant combat
advantage to you
Stormheart Thunder Stormheart Target gains vulnerable 5 thunder when slowed by your Stormheart
Wellspring of Life Font of Life Adjacent allies gain +1 to saving throws when you succeed on
Font of Life saving throw
Wildblood Retribution Wildblood Make melee basic attack as a free action against marked target
when you use your second wind

Forceful Smash Lifespirit Healing

Prerequisite: 11th level, warden Prerequisite: 11th level, warden, Lifespirit class
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a feature
hammer or a mace, the target is knocked prone. Benefit: When you use your second wind, a
second ally within 5 squares of you can spend a
healing surge and make a saving throw.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Maneuvering Attack Stormheart Thunder

Prerequisite: 11th level, warden Prerequisite: 11th level, warden, Stormheart
Benefit: When you pull, push, or slide a target class feature
with an attack using a polearm or a spear, that target Benefit: When you use Stormheart to slow an
grants combat advantage to you until the end of your enemy, that enemy gains vulnerable 5 thunder until
next turn. the end of your next turn.

Pouncing Form Thirsty Blade

Prerequisite: 11th level, druid, Primal Predator Prerequisite: 11th level, barbarian
class feature, wild shape power Benefit: When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit
Benefit: When you use wild shape to change from points with a charge attack using an axe or a heavy
your humanoid form to beast form, you can shift a blade, each enemy adjacent to you at the end of the
number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier. charge takes damage equal to your Strength modifier.

Reckless Rage Thundering Bull Rush

Prerequisite: 11th level, barbarian Prerequisite: 11th level, any primal class
Benefit: When you attack an enemy with a rage Benefit: When you bull rush, you can target two
power, you can take a –2 penalty to the attack roll creatures adjacent to you. If you hit and push both
against that enemy to deal 1[W] extra damage to it. targets, you choose which vacated space you shift
Retributive Spirit
Prerequisite: 11th level, shaman, call spirit com- Thunderous Cry
panion power Prerequisite: 11th level, barbarian, war cry power
Benefit: When your spirit companion is Benefit: When you use war cry, the targets grant
destroyed, the creature that destroyed it takes a –2 combat advantage to you until the end of your next
penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn. turn.

Scattering Swarm Two-Handed Grasp

Prerequisite: 11th level, druid, Primal Swarm Prerequisite: 11th level, any primal class
class feature, wild shape power Benefit: While you wield a spear with the versa-
Benefit: While you are in beast form, if you take tile property in two hands, the spear gains the high
damage from an area or a close attack, you can shift 2 crit property.
squares as a free action.
Vicious Spirit
Sentinel Spirit Prerequisite: 11th level, shaman, healing spirit
Prerequisite: 11th level, shaman, Watcher Spirit power, Stalker Spirit class feature
class feature Benefit: When you use healing spirit, each ally
Benefit: Allies gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls adjacent to your spirit companion gains a +2 bonus to
when making opportunity attacks while adjacent to damage rolls against bloodied enemies until the end
your spirit companion. of your next turn.

Shielding Spirit Violent Reminder

Prerequisite: 11th level, shaman, Protector Spirit Prerequisite: 11th level, barbarian, Rageblood
class feature, healing spirit power Vigor class feature
Benefit: When you use healing spirit, each ally Benefit: When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit
adjacent to your spirit companion gains a +2 bonus to points, you gain a +5 bonus to the next damage roll
all defenses until the end of your next turn. you make before the end of your next turn.

Spirit’s Eyes Vital Form

Prerequisite: 11th level, shaman Prerequisite: 11th level, druid, wild shape power
Benefit: Whenever you make a Perception check Benefit: Once per encounter, when you use wild
while your spirit companion is present, you can roll shape, you regain the use of your second wind if you
twice and use either result. have already used it during this encounter.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Warning Guardian Epic Tier Feats
Prerequisite: 11th level, druid, Primal Guardian A character must be at least 21st level to select any of
class feature the feats in this section.
Benefit: Any ally adjacent to you doesn’t grant
combat advantage for being flanked.
Earthstrength Might
Prerequisite: 21st level, warden, Earthstrength
Wellspring of Life class feature
Prerequisite: 11th level, warden, Font of Life class Benefit: When you use your second wind, you can
feature make a melee basic attack as a free action.
Benefit: When you succeed on a saving throw
granted by your Font of Life, each ally adjacent to you
gains a +1 bonus to saving throws until the end of
Far-Reaching Grasp
Prerequisite: 21st level, warden, warden’s grasp
your next turn.
Benefit: Your warden’s grasp is a close burst 10
Wildblood Retribution instead of a close burst 5, and the range of the trigger
Prerequisite: 11th level, warden, Wildblood class increases to 10 squares.
Benefit: When you use your second wind, if any
enemy marked by you makes an attack that doesn’t
Grave Spirit
Prerequisite: 21st level, shaman, Stalker Spirit
include you as a target before the start of your next
class feature
turn, you can make a melee basic attack against that
Benefit: When an enemy adjacent to your spirit
enemy as a free action during your next turn.
companion drops to 0 hit points, each ally adjacent to
your spirit companion regains 10 hit points.
Withering Roar
Prerequisite: 11th level, barbarian, Thaneborn
Triumph class feature
Guardian Resurgence
Prerequisite: 21st level, druid, Primal Guardian
Benefit: When you use your roar of triumph power,
class feature
you choose for each target either to grant combat
Benefit: When an ally adjacent to you uses his
advantage until the end of your next turn or to take
or her second wind, that ally regains additional hit
the –2 penalty to all defenses.
points equal to your Constitution modifier.


CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options


Any Primal Class Other Prerequisites Benefit
Second Skin Con 17, proficiency +2 to AC with hide armor, reduce check penalty by 1, and +1 to
with hide armor attack with primal fear powers

Barbarian Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Overpowering Charge — Knock target prone when you hit with a charge attack
Slayer’s Shift — Shift 1 as a free action when you bloody or drop a creature
Sweeping Blade — Damage adjacent enemies when you hit with an opportunity
attack using an axe or a heavy blade

Druid Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Guardian Resurgence Primal Guardian Adjacent ally regains additional hit points with second wind
Primal Summoning — Use a minor action to command a creature you
Expertise summoned with a primal summoning power
Swift Predator Primal Predator, +1 to speed in beast form, and increase shift by 1
wild shape
Wild Surge Wild shape Use second wind as free action when you use wild shape

Shaman Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Grave Spirit Stalker Spirit Allies regain 10 hp when enemy adjacent to spirit companion drops
Ironheart Spirit Protector Spirit Ally adjacent to spirit companion shifts 1 when hit
Purging Spirit Healing spirit Allies adjacent to spirit companion make a saving throw when you
use healing spirit adjacent to spirit companion
Spirit of Health Protector Spirit Allies adjacent to spirit companion spend a healing surge when
you use second wind
Stone Heart Spirit World Speaker Spirit companion provides cover
Triumphant Spirit Stalker Spirit Ally makes melee basic attack as a free action when he or she
drops an enemy
Vexing Spirit Watcher Spirit Allies don’t grant combat advantage to enemies adjacent to
spirit companion

Warden Feat Other Prerequisites Benefit

Earthstrength Might Earthstrength Make a melee basic attack as free action when you use second wind
Far-Reaching Grasp Warden’s grasp Warden’s grasp has a range of close burst 10 and triggers on an
enemy within 10 squares
Tangling Grasp Warden’s grasp Targets of warden’s grasp are immobilized instead of slowed

Ironheart Spirit Purging Spirit

Prerequisite: 21st level, shaman, Protector Spirit Prerequisite: 21st level, shaman, healing spirit
class feature power
Benefit: When an enemy hits an ally adjacent to Benefit: When you use healing spirit, each ally
your spirit companion, that ally can shift 1 square as adjacent to your spirit companion can make a saving
a free action. throw.

Overpowering Charge Second Skin

Prerequisite: 21st level, barbarian Prerequisite: 21st level, Con 17, any primal class,
Benefit: When you hit a target with a charge proficiency with hide armor
attack, you can knock the target prone. Benefit: While you are wearing hide armor, you
gain a +2 feat bonus to AC, and the armor’s check
Primal Summoning Expertise penalty is reduced by 1.
Prerequisite: 21st level, druid In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack rolls
Benefit: You can use a minor action to give a stan- of primal fear powers you use.
dard action command to a creature you summoned
with a primal summoning power.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Name Prerequisites Benefit
Hunting Predator Initiate of the Old Faith +1 to speed in beast form
Mending Spirit Spirit Talker Gain healing spirit power, 1/encounter
Rampant Fury Berserker’s Fury Gain Rampage class feature
Warden’s Endurance Defender of the Wild Once per encounter, make a saving throw at start of your turn

Slayer’s Shift Vexing Spirit

Prerequisite: 21st level, barbarian Prerequisite: 21st level, shaman, Watcher Spirit
Benefit: When you bloody a creature or reduce a class feature
creature to 0 hit points, you can shift 1 square as a Benefit: Your allies don’t grant combat advantage
free action. to enemies adjacent to your spirit companion.

Spirit of Health Wild Surge

Prerequisite: 21st level, shaman, Protector Spirit Prerequisite: 21st level, druid, wild shape power
class feature Benefit: When you use wild shape to change from
Benefit: When you use your second wind, each beast form to your humanoid form, you can use your
ally adjacent to your spirit companion can spend a second wind as a free action.
healing surge.
Multiclass Feats
Stone Heart Spirit The following multiclass feats allow you to benefit
Prerequisite: 21st level, shaman, World Speaker further from taking the multiclass feats in Player’s
Spirit class feature Handbook 2.
Benefit: Your spirit companion can provide cover
to you and your allies.
Hunting Predator
Sweeping Blade [Multiclass Druid]
Prerequisite: Initiate of the Old Faith feat
Prerequisite: 21st level, barbarian
Benefit: While you are in beast form, you gain a
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with an oppor-
+1 bonus to speed.
tunity attack using an axe or a heavy blade, any other
enemies adjacent to you take 4 + your Strength modi-
fier damage. Mending Spirit
[Multiclass Shaman]
Swift Predator Prerequisite: Spirit Talker feat
Prerequisite: 21st level, druid, Primal Predator Benefit: You gain the shaman power healing spirit,
class feature, wild shape power but you can use it only once per encounter.
Benefit: While you are in beast form, you gain a
+1 feat bonus to speed, and whenever you shift, you Rampant Fury
can increase the distance by 1 square. [Multiclass Barbarian]
Prerequisite: Berserker’s Fury feat
Tangling Grasp Benefit: You gain the barbarian class feature
Prerequisite: 21st level, warden, warden’s grasp Rampage.
Benefit: You can immobilize the target of your Warden’s Endurance
warden’s grasp until the end of its next turn, instead of [Multiclass Warden]
slowing it. Prerequisite: Defender of the Wild feat
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can make a
Triumphant Spirit saving throw against one effect that a save can end at
Prerequisite: 21st level, shaman, Stalker Spirit the start of your turn. On a save, the effect immedi-
class feature ately ends, preventing it from affecting you on your
Benefit: When an ally reduces an enemy adjacent current turn. If you fail the saving throw, you still
to your spirit companion to 0 hit points, that ally can make a saving throw against the effect at the end of
make a melee basic attack as a free action. your turn.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options


Your epic destiny brings you in tune with the world Rampant Slaughter (24th level): When you
you strive to protect, making your connection to the bloody an enemy or score a critical hit with a primal
primal world unbreakable. Those who achieve primal melee attack power, you can make two melee basic
epic destinies become known as great spirits by the attacks as a free action. Only one of these attacks can
lesser spirits and by the tribes and people who revere target the creature you bloodied or scored a critical
and acknowledge the power of primal spirits. hit against.
Serpent’s Resilience (30th level): Any crea-
Fang of ture that scores a critical hit against you must make
the attack roll again with a –5 penalty. If the second
the World Serpent attack roll would hit, the attack is indeed a critical hit.
When the slumbering World Serpent awakes, its fury Otherwise, the critical hit becomes a normal hit, and
incarnates—in you. you can spend a healing surge as a free action.
Prerequisite: 21st level, any primal class
Fang of
The role of the primal spirits is to protect and pre- the World Serpent Power
serve the world. Even the World Serpent, whose coils
could crush a god and whose fangs could pierce a Serpent’s Fang of the World Serpent Utility 26
primordial, exists to protect the natural order and Retaliation
balance of the world, not simply to destroy. Though
Your enemies’ strikes fuel the fury of your counterattacks.
the motions of the World Serpent’s mighty coils can
Daily ✦ Primal, Stance
shake the earth, he enfolds the world to shield it from
Minor Action Personal
harm, not to crush away its life. Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever an enemy hits you,
You, though, are a living embodiment of the World you gain a +2 power bonus to speed and a +2 bonus to
Serpent’s anger. His venom courses through your attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
veins, and your sinews carry the strength of his coils.
You are meant to face some terrible foe—a demon
prince or a primordial, perhaps, or even a destruc-
tive god who seeks the world’s demise. The World
Serpent has invested you with his power for a single
purpose: to destroy that threat and preserve the
world’s balance.

You were born for this one purpose: to carry the World
Serpent’s wrath to the enemies of the world. When
that purpose is accomplished, what fate awaits you?
Striking Serpent: The power of the World Ser-
pent burns within you, and that power need not
return to him when your mortal life has ended.
When the greatest threat to the world’s existence
is finally defeated and your Destiny Quest is com-
plete, your spirit joins the world you fought so hard
to protect. You become a new elder spirit—Striking
Serpent—ready to invest a new champion with your
power when another threat to the world arises.

Fang of
the World Serpent Features
Serpent’s Fury (21st level): When you hit
an enemy with a primal melee attack power, your
next melee attack against that enemy before the end
of your next turn deals extra damage equal to your

Strength modifier.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Fury of the Wild Immortality
Your anger can never be quenched as long as cruel beings Your eternal fate depends on the state of the world
despoil the natural world. when you die.
Fury Made Placid: If your death stops the
Prerequisite: 21st level, any primal class destruction of nature, you can sleep in peace. By
defeating a great enemy of the natural world, or creat-
You are an incarnation of nature’s wrath, rampag- ing a great expanse of untouched wilderness, you can
ing against all who would destroy the bounty of overcome the rage that drives you. You become one of
nature. Your enemies are many: the demons that seek the great spirits, but one that is peaceful. The speak-
destruction of life and land, the aberrant monsters ers of primal lore will tell tales of your change and
that stain the beauty of the world, and the impetuous how your great sacrifice prevented nature’s decline,
creatures that destroy forests and rivers for the sake thus quelling your anger. You now live as a more
of creating grotesque cities from stone torn from the benevolent spirit of peace or beauty.
earth. You feel the pain of the natural world around The Fury Eternal: Despite all your effort and all
you when it’s burned by unnatural fire or polluted your rage, nature is subjected to more transgressions
with the presence of those who dishonor the wild, every day. You can no longer contain your outrage,
and you hear the spirits cry out in agony as they die. and you permanently become a spirit of fury. You
Wild, unbridled fury rages in you and is unleashed stalk the wilderness and rampage into cities indis-
without warning against the foes of the natural world. criminately, wreaking agony and destruction on all
in your path. Your story is a cautionary one. Tribal
leaders warn youths to avoid your path and say that
you are proof that no matter how hard one fights, the
enemies of nature can corrupt and destroy.

Fury of the Wild Features

Fury’s Strength (21st level): Your Strength or
Wisdom score increases by 2.
Land’s Fury (24th level): When you score a criti-
cal hit, each unbloodied enemy within 10 squares of
you takes damage equal to your level + your Strength
or Wisdom modifier.
Unstoppable Fury (30th level): When you miss
a creature that isn’t bloodied with an at-will attack
power, you can reroll that attack but must use the
second result.

Fury of the Wild Power

Fury’s Form Fury of the Wild Utility 26
Your blood is nature’s blood, and when you are harmed, you
become a spirit of fury bent on avenging nature’s pain.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An enemy bloodies you
Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 power
bonus to attack rolls, all defenses, and speed. In addition,
you gain a bonus to damage rolls against unbloodied
creatures equal to your Strength or Wisdom modifier.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Honored Ancestor

The spirits that have clustered around you all
your life reveal their final secret—you have
always been one of them.

Prerequisite: 21st level, any primal


As you have risen toward epic power,

it has become increasingly clear that
you have a unique relationship with the
ancestor spirits that other primal heroes
know as guides and allies. If you’re a druid,
you hear the voices of the ancestors each time
you shift shapes. If you’re a barbarian, your rages
are always tempered by a third perspective, and
sometimes a fourth, fifth, and sixth, as if you were
observing yourself from above and on each side,
seeing through more than your own rage-filled
eyes. If you’re a warden, you understand that
the tribe’s ancient protectors are your peers,
not just your ancestors. If you’re a shaman,
you have realized the truth before attain-
ing your epic destiny: The ancestors are
more than guides and allies—they were
once your comrades, your friends, and
your helpers when you walked the world
in earlier lifetimes, helping the people as
an ancestor spirit.
You are an ancient ancestor reborn
into a new life. You share understandings
and communication with other primal spirits beyond
anything that most primal heroes experience because
you know all the voices of the spirits, all the subtle Honored Ancestor Features
ways and swift whispers by which they make them- Spirit Guide (21st level): You can no longer be
selves known. You can see the spirits everywhere surprised, and you don’t grant combat advantage for
in the world as they inhabit trees and rocks or flow being flanked, dazed, or prone.
through the bodies of you and your allies. Spirit Migration (24th level): When you spend
an action point to take an extra action, you can tele-
port 5 squares as a free action, either before or after
Immortality the extra action.
As an ancient spirit returned to mortal flesh, you Spirit’s Protection (30th level): The first time
strive to fulfill the mission that returned you to the you are reduced to 0 hit points or fewer during an
world. encounter, you can spend a healing surge and regain
Great Ancestor: What is your great cause, your additional hit points equal to your Wisdom or Cha-
mission? It must be something huge, something risma score.
that the natural course of the world could not have
accomplished. If you don’t already know your cause Honored Ancestor Power
as you move into the epic tier, work with your DM to
arrange a great a mission that befits a returned Hon- Spirit Warning Honored Ancestor Utility 26
ored Ancestor. The spirits that guide you warn you of impending doom.
When you have completed your Destiny Quest, Encounter ✦ Primal
you might stay within the world for one more season Immediate Interrupt Personal
to fix each of the world’s textures in your memory. Trigger: An enemy hits you
Then you must return to the world of the ancestors. Target: The triggering enemy
As a spirit, you will remember this life, and all the Effect: The target rerolls the attack with a –5 penalty and
must use the new result. The target can’t score a critical

others. It was a good life. Perhaps it was the last time

hit with the rerolled attack.
you will walk the earth. Perhaps not.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Mythic Spirit incorporate you in the most famous tales, placing you
alongside Great Bear and the World Serpent. In these
Your mortal deeds warrant your inclusion in the legends evolving recitations, you play a small part at first, but
of the elder spirits. As you shape the world, you find your your role grows with each telling. As you travel the
place in eternity. world and beyond, battling foes and righting wrongs,
you find truth in these tales and a dim awareness that
Prerequisite: 21st level, any primal class somehow, you have always been and always will be.

The greatest primal spirits are immortalized in the

stories recounted by your people. Told and retold Immortality
around campfires, these tales warn the young against Each victory and defeat cements your place in history.
foolish mistakes and inspire greatness from living In the end, you fade from the present to live on in
heroes. Each telling changes a tale; each speaker legend.
alters minor details or fabricates new adventures. Stuff of Legend: Your adventures permeate the
These adaptations do not make the tales any less true, world, carried on the wind. Where the motes of your
however. The primal spirits and their place in the myth fall, primal tribes weave them into their tales,
world are fluid, changing with mortal expectation binding you to the past, setting your deeds alongside
and need. those of the other great spirits. You might deny the
Although you have learned to count the great details of these tales at first, but in time, the stories
primal spirits as allies, you never expected to be become familiar and you begin to remember the
included in the stories of the ancestors and elder spir- events as they are recounted, not necessarily as they
its. Even more disconcerting is that the storytellers happened. Your place in legend is secured when you
complete your Destiny Quest and join the cast of
hundreds who guide the primal people through myth
into the uncertain future. You fade away, your body
dissolving into the wind and the earth as your spirit
flows out into the world.

Mythic Spirit Features

Foretold Destiny (21st level): An ability score
of your choice increases by 2. You gain a +2 bonus to
saving throws while you are not bloodied.
It Is Written (24th level): Whenever you save,
each ally adjacent to you can make a saving throw.
Mythic Rebirth (30th level): While you are
dying, you do not need to make death saving throws,
and you can use your second wind without taking an

Mythic Spirit Power

Fate Averted Mythic Spirit Utility 26
You alter fate, rewriting your people’s myths to serve your
Daily ✦ Healing, Primal, Teleportation
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 20
Trigger: An ally within 20 squares of you is reduced to 0 hit
points or fewer by an attack
Target: The triggering ally in burst
Effect: You teleport the target to a square adjacent to
you. The target regains hit points equal to 1 + his or her
bloodied value and can make a basic attack as a free

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Perfect Guardian Perfect Guardian Features

Blessed by your destiny as a great protector, your natural Beast Strike (21st level): Once per round, when
form shifts to accommodate the power of the elder spirits. you hit a target with a melee attack, you knock that
target prone. If the target is already prone, the attack
Prerequisite: 21st level, warden instead deals 2d8 extra damage, or 2d10 extra
damage if the target is marked by you.
Force fills the winds that tear your clothes. Strength Eyes of the Sentinel (24th level): You can see
wells up from the stones beneath your feet. Having invisible creatures within 5 squares of you, and you
drawn this power into your being, you bend it to serve gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks to notice hidden
your will. Nature’s might buttresses your attacks. creatures.
Primeval resilience safeguards you and your com- Perfect Mark (30th level): As the first action of
panions. Your reshaped flesh demonstrates your true each of your turns, you can use a free action to mark
mastery over primal power. Long practice with your each enemy adjacent to you until the start of your
evocations allows you to fully apprehend nature’s next turn. If you supersede this mark with another
magic. You blend the gifts of your various guardian one on an enemy, that enemy takes a –5 penalty to
forms, until you start to acquire a resemblance to the attack rolls for any attack that doesn’t include you
Primal Beast of which those forms are all aspects. as a target, instead of a –2 penalty, until the second
The ease with which you harness primal power mark ends.
comes partly from your experience with nature’s
bounty, but also because the spirits entrust you with
even greater energy. They willingly lend you their
Perfect Guardian Power
wisdom and might each time you draw from their
Guardian’s Pounce Perfect Guardian Utility 26
abundant well. These spirits chose you to be their
You leap forward to absorb an attack meant for your friend.
champion, and as such, they create new pathways for
you to seize their strength and bind it to your body in Encounter ✦ Primal
Immediate Interrupt Personal
incredible ways. This boon ensures that no despoiler
Trigger: A melee or a ranged attack hits an ally within 5
of the world can stand against your wrath. squares of you
Effect: You shift a number of squares equal to twice your
Immortality speed to a square adjacent to the creature that made the
The primal spirits entrust their guardian with fabu- triggering attack. The attack hits you instead, and you
mark the creature that made it.
lous power in exchange for eternal vigilance against
nature’s many foes.
Eternal Defender:
The flood of power intensi-
fies with each victory on the
road toward fulfilling your
Destiny Quest. As you near
your quest’s end, nature’s hold on
you manifests even when you are
not wielding your power. Your natural
appearance becomes more bestial and preda-
tory, something like an echo of the Primal Beast
even when you are not in a guardian form.
When you seize your destiny, your instincts
guide you to the fate you have earned. You travel the
world until you come upon an ancient stone circle.
The menhirs come to life, welcoming you as a brother
or a sister and inviting you to stand vigil with them
over the world. You take your place alongside these
mighty wardens. You feel your skin hardening and
your heartbeat slowing as you assume the final trans-
formation. But your spirit roars, leaping into the sky
to hunt down the enemies of the primal way with the
aid of the rest of the elder spirits. Future generations
won’t just know your name—they will call on you as
their ally and guardian.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

15 3
Reincarnate Champion The Champion Returned (30th level): You gain
access to every racial encounter power. To use a racial
You remember the exploits of your earlier incarnations— encounter power that you don’t have, you expend the
each a champion of the spirit way. It’s now time to teach the use of one of your racial encounter powers.
world a new heroic story.

Prerequisite: 21st level, any primal class Reincarnate Champion Power

You know that some primal souls leave the world Swift Reincarnate Champion Utility 26
behind to join the mystery after death. Other tran- Reincarnation
scendent heroes join the spirits, flowing through the In an instant, you move from death to new life in a different
world to give it life and preserve its natural order. Still form, hastening the natural cycle.
other primal champions reincarnate into new bodies, Daily ✦ Healing, Primal
returning as new exemplars of nature. Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You drop to 0 hit points or fewer
You long suspected that you were one of the spir-
Effect: You regain hit points equal to your bloodied value.
its who regularly return to the world in new bodies, Choose a race other than your own. You appear as a
though you could not be certain until the day you member of that race.
attained epic power. As your epic destiny opened If the race is not one of your Past Spirit races, you gain
before you, so did the memories of your past lives, a one of that race’s racial encounter powers, if any, until
long chain of heroes, leaders, humble souls, and con- the end of your next extended rest.
querors who lived in harmony with the spirits. If the race is one of your Past Spirit races, you can
choose to replace your current race with that race at the
You are a champion of the spirit way, a defender of
end of your next extended rest, but only if your current
the world’s primal cycles. In this life, you finally have race is not a prerequisite for any of your attributes, such
the chance to put the knowledge and power of all as feats. If you do so, your previous race becomes one of
your incarnations together. your Past Spirit races.

One of the great elder spirits, Blood Cousin, had
dozens of lives as a champion of the spirit way, teach-
ing people across the world initiation rites so that
tribes could adopt members of any race who proved
worthy. You revere Blood Cousin for this work in
strengthening primal tribes. You will do the same,
but in a different a manner.
A New Story: Generations from now, people
will tell stories about you. You harnessed dozens of
past lives as a primal champion as you accomplished
mighty heroic deeds. Tales of your exploits will
inspire people on the spirit way as they battle evil
deities and demon princes. The best part of these
stories is that somewhere, someone hearing them
will be touched by your spirit and will create a
new piece of the primal story.

Reincarnate Champion Features

Past Spirit (21st level): Choose a race other
than your own. You are considered a member of
that race for the purpose of meeting feat prerequi-
sites. If that race has any racial encounter powers,
you gain one of your choice.
At 24th level, you choose a second race and gain
the same benefits with it.
Many Perspectives (21st level): You gain a +2
bonus to Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based
skill checks and ability checks.
Epic Vitality (24th level): An ability score of

your choice increases by 2.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Sovereign Beast

You have focused the savagery of the Primal
Beast through your nobility of spirit to become
a monarch among the beasts of the wild.

Prerequisite: 21st level, druid, wild

shape power

You have channeled the ferocity of the

Primal Beast through your limbs count-
less times, adopting a form that echoes the
great spirit, the archetype of all beasts. Yet
you are not a beast; you are more than just
a reflection of the Primal Beast’s manifold
nature. By bringing its savage nature into
balance with your humanoid spirit, you
have become a synthesis that is more than
either part. You are the Sovereign Beast,
the quintessence of all that is noble and
true in nature.
You are striking out on a path that none
have pre-viously walked to its conclusion,
staking out a middle path between the way of
beasts and the ways of the humanoid races. In
you is incarnate the potential for the races to live in
closer harmony with the world, in tune with their
instincts but still awake to their finest qualities and
highest ideals.

For now, you are an incarnation of a new ideal, the
first of your kind. When your time in the world is
fulfilled, though, you will become an elder spirit
in your own right, a pattern that future druids will Sovereign’s Inheritance (30th level): When
attempt to follow. you reduce a nonminion enemy to 0 hit points with
A New Elder Spirit: Your work in the world com- a beast form attack power, you can choose either
plete, you transcend your physical form and become to spend a healing surge or to regain the use of an
a primal spirit. No longer simply in the world, you encounter attack power that you have used during
are now of it, part of the circle of spirits that protects this encounter.
and preserves it. In your spirit form, you roam free,
sometimes wearing the shape of a noble beast, some- Sovereign Beast Power
times appearing as a humanoid, but always holding
the twin aspects of your nature in perfect and ever- Resplendent Beast Sovereign Beast Utility 26
lasting balance. Your sudden transformation casts your enemies aside and fills
them with terror at what you have become.
Sovereign Beast Features At-Will ✦ Fear, Primal
Magnificent Beast (21st level): When you use Free Action Close burst 1
wild shape to change from your humanoid form to Trigger: You use wild shape to change into beast form and
beast form, you can change your size to Large. While increase your size to Large
Target: Each creature in burst
you are in a Large beast form, you gain a +2 bonus to
Effect: You push each target 1 square. In addition, enemies
damage rolls and speed. that have line of sight to you grant combat advantage to
Sovereign’s Charge (24th level): Once per you and take a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
encounter when you charge while in beast form, your next turn.
you can use one of your beast form encounter attack
powers in place of a melee basic attack. If the attack

hits, the target is also knocked prone.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

World Tree Guardian among the great spirits of nature. Accepted into the
company of the most powerful and ancient primal
The wise and powerful World Tree finds a kindred spirit in spirits, you abandon your mortal form to become a
you. In your pledge to defend that ancient spirit from harm, being of pure primal essence.
the wider world falls under your protection. You are no longer as active as you once were in
Prerequisite: 21st level, any primal class shaping the fate of the world; the actions that led to
your immortality have kept the world safe for some
You have seen the World Tree, the most ancient time. Instead, you sleep soundly in verdant groves or
primal spirit of the forest. Legends say that the roots walk the wider world invisible to the eyes of mortals.
of the World Tree are the roots of the world itself and However, when the greatest dangers threaten the
that any harm done to this ancient entity shakes the world, you heed the summons to convene with other
earth and cracks the sky. You chose to defend the great spirits to rally against those perils.
World Tree, and in doing so, you were able to speak
to it and gain its favor. You can now call on its power, World Tree Guardian Features
granting you the strength and resilience of nature Bark of the World Tree (21st level): Whenever
itself. The World Tree is intertwined with the world an enemy hits you, you can use an immediate reac-
so that any harm to one hurts the other—an outcome tion to gain resistance to all damage equal to 5 + your
you are sworn to prevent. Constitution modifier. This resistance lasts until the
start of your next turn.
Immortality Boon of the World Tree (24th level): Once per
The World Tree has existed since the beginning of day, you can die in place of an ally. The moment an
time. If you have your way, it will live longer still. ally dies, you can choose to die instead, and that ally
The Tree’s Counterpart: You become the World gains hit points equal to his or her bloodied value. At
Tree’s counterpart among the races of the world—a the end of your next turn, you return to life with hit
primal symbol of life and a worldly representative points equal to your healing surge value. Until the
end of the encounter, you gain regeneration 10 while
you are bloodied.
World Tree’s Growth (30th level): You have
regeneration equal to the number of healing surges
you have remaining.

World Tree Guardian Power

Boughs of the World Tree Guardian Utility 26
World Tree
Gnarled branches burst from the battlefield, granting benefits to
your allies and hindering your foes with twisting vines.
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Primal
Standard Action Close burst 20
Effect: You conjure boughs of the World Tree in five unoc-
cupied squares in the burst that aren’t adjacent to one
another. The boughs last until the end of your next turn.
The boughs are solid obstacles, and each square adjacent
to them is difficult terrain for your enemies.
The boughs can be attacked. Each has resist 20 to all
damage, and a bough is destroyed if it takes any damage.
When you use this power, choose one of the following
✦ Your allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls while
adjacent to a bough.
✦ Your allies gain a +1 bonus to all defenses while
adjacent to a bough.
✦ Any ally who begins his or her turn adjacent to
a bough gains temporary hit points equal to your
Strength or Wisdom modifier.
Sustain Minor: The boughs persist.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options


As a primal character, you have access to the same Nature Check Result Speed Overland Flight
wide range of rituals available to any other ritual 24 or lower 8 10
caster. The new rituals here expand the options 25–29 10 15
available to you and all other ritual casters, with an 30–39 12 20
emphasis on rituals that invoke the power of primal 40 or higher 15 30
See Chapter 10 of the Player’s Handbook for Creatures take a –4 penalty to attack rolls and defenses
instructions on how to use a ritual in the D&D game. while carried by the eagles.
The eagles can’t attack or affect other creatures in
RITUALS BY LEVEL any way. The eagles’ defenses are equal to yours, and if
Lvl Ritual Key Skill an eagle is hit by an attack, it descends to a solid surface
1 Dowsing Rod Nature to drop off the creature it carries, then flies away. Eagles
1 Portend Weather Nature who have flown away during combat can be called back
1 Traveler’s Camouflage Nature as a standard action outside combat.
5 Starshine Nature
Eagles’ Flight
Water’s Gift
Portend Weather
14 Primal Prison Nature
You see what the weather will be in the near future.
19 Primal Grove Nature
Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp
Category: Divination Market Price: 50 gp
Dowsing Rod Time: 5 minutes Key Skill: Nature (no check)
You find a gnarled branch, and it turns as you hold it, Duration: Instantaneous
pointing the way to a natural feature.
You determine what the weather will be like for the next
Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp 24 hours within a 50-mile radius of you. You and any
Category: Divination Market Price: 50 gp allies present for the ritual gain a +5 bonus to Endurance
Time: 1 minute Key Skill: Nature (no check) checks to endure extreme weather you have foreseen.
Duration: 12 hours or until discharged

You transform a stick or other natural object into a dows-

Primal Grove
ing rod. When you do so, name a natural feature of the You create a hidden grove, concealed by primal spirits,
environment, such as mountains, rivers, forests, or caves. which grows lush and peaceful and awaits your return.
The dowsing rod points the way to the nearest place that
fits the description. You can’t name a specific place, such Level: 19 Component Cost: 12,000
as Mount Baneflame, and the rod can’t find magically Category: Travel gp to create a grove and
concealed locations. When you reach the destination, the Time: 10 minutes entrance; 4,000 gp to create
ritual is discharged. Duration: Permanent an entrance
(special) Market Price: 21,000 gp
Key Skill: Nature
Eagles’ Flight
Great eagle spirits thunder through the sky, carrying you A primal grove is a haven that is magically hidden by
and your allies to a far-off location. primal spirits. You use this ritual either to create a grove
and an entrance to it or to create an entrance to a grove
Level: 10 Component Cost: 400 gp that you or someone else created.
Category: Exploration Market Price: 1,000 gp Creating a Grove: When you create a grove, it
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature appears in a hidden location in the world or the Feywild,
Duration: 12 hours and you determine its password. You also create an
entrance to it (see “Creating an Entrance” below).
Up to eight giant eagle spirits appear to carry you and A grove generates enough food and drink to sustain its
your allies. Each eagle can carry one Medium creature. occupants and has a moderate, unchanging climate. If you
The eagles have a fly speed and an overland flight speed move objects into a grove, they remain there when you
determined by your Nature check. leave, but food and other resources created by the grove
disappear when removed.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Your Nature check determines the grove’s size in The subject remains imprisoned until you choose to dis-
squares and how many creatures it can accommodate. charge the ritual or until you die. In addition, you must
take a personal effect from the subject and hide it or
Nature Check carry it with you. If the personal effect is brought to the
Result Size Capacity subject’s location, the subject can be released.
24 or lower 5×5 25 Medium creatures You choose whether the subject ages while impris-
25–34 7×7 50 Medium creatures oned, and the subject is unaware of its surroundings.
35–44 10 × 10 100 Medium creatures Destroying the imprisoning object releases the subject,
45 or higher 14 × 14 200 Medium creatures who appears in the object’s space, bloodied and uncon-
scious. You know if the object is destroyed, regardless of
Creating an Entrance: A primal grove is inaccessible, your distance from it.
except to those who know its password and pass through The imprisoning object you takes on a faint resem-
an entrance to it. You use this ritual to create an entrance blance to the subject. Knots in the shape of the subject’s
to a primal grove, the password of which you must know. face might form on a tree, or a stone might take on color-
When you create an entrance to a grove, the entrance ation faintly depicting the subject’s silhouette.
appears in a square adjacent to you. If a creature that
knows the grove’s password enters that square, the crea- Starshine
ture can teleport to a square in the grove. Anyone inside
The blue glow from your fey lamps might not be bright, but
the grove can exit it as part of a move action, teleport-
it reveals those who stalk in shadows.
ing either to an active entrance or to the most recent
entrance if none are active.
Level: 5 Component Cost: 40 gp
Your Nature check determines the duration of the
Category: Warding Market Price: 250 gp
entrance. When you create a grove, you use a single
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature
check to create both the grove and an entrance to it. As a
Duration: 8 hours
minor action, you can close an entrance you created.
When you complete the ritual, you create motes of blue
Nature Check Result Entrance Duration
light within 10 squares of you. Each mote hovers in a
24 or lower 1 hour
square of your choice and sheds dim light in a 2-square
25–34 24 hours
radius. The motes are intangible and cannot be interacted
35–44 1 month
with. While within the radius of a mote’s light, a creature
45 or higher 1 year
takes a –5 penalty to Stealth checks.
Your Nature check determines the number of motes
Extraordinary magic might allow someone to enter a
you create.
grove against the creator’s will.
Nature Check Result Motes Created
Primal Prison 19 or lower One
Your foe is swallowed up by the land, to be entrapped and 20–29 Three
taunted by spirits. 30–39 Six
40 or higher Nine
Level: 14 Component Cost: 1,600 gp
Category: Binding Market Price: 4,200 gp
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Nature
Duration: Permanent (special)

You imprison an adjacent creature in a tree, a boulder, or

another solid natural object. The subject must be helpless
or willing, and the object you imprison it inside must be
larger than it. Your Nature check determines the maxi-
mum level of the subject.

Nature Check Result Maximum Level

14 or lower Your level – 5
15–24 Your level
25 or higher Your level + 2

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Traveler’s Camouflage Water’s Gift

You and your allies take on the textures and colors of the You and your allies take on the traits of aquatic creatures.
world around you.
Level: 10 Component Cost: 400 gp
Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp Category: Exploration Market Price: 1,000 gp
Category: Deception Market Price: 50 gp Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature Duration: Special
Duration: 10 hours
You and up to seven other creatures present for the ritual
You cloak yourself and any allies present for the ritual in take on certain aquatic abilities: the ability to breathe
a camouflaging shroud. The subjects of this ritual gain a water as easily as air, to speak underwater normally, and
bonus to Stealth checks while traveling, and other crea- to fight underwater without penalty. Each subject also
tures take a penalty when using Perception to find your gains a +5 power bonus to Athletics checks to swim.
tracks. Your Nature check result determines the duration of
Your Nature check determines the bonus you and your the effect.
allies gain and the penalty others take.
Nature Check Result Duration
Nature Check Bonus Penalty 14 or lower 3 hours
Result to Stealth to Find Tracks 15–24 6 hours
19 or lower +2 –2 25 or higher 12 hours
20–29 +5 –5
30 or higher +10 –10

This camouflage protects you and your allies as you travel,

but not during battle. Any subject who rolls initiative or
makes an attack roll loses the benefit of this ritual until
the end of the encounter. If a subject is hidden when
he or she makes an attack, that subject loses the bonus
before making the attack roll, which could cause him or
her to lose the benefit of being hidden for that attack.


MIKE MEARLS is the Lead Designer for the DUNGEONS & familiars and alchemy, encouraging people to be both
DRAGONS® roleplaying game. His recent credits include social and antisocial.
H1: Keep on the Shadowfell™ and Player’s Handbook® 2.
ROB HEINSOO led the design of the 4th Edition D&D®
EYTAN BERNSTEIN hails from New York City. He Roleplaying Game. His 4th Edition design credits
spends his days writing and editing history books for include Martial Power™ and the FORGOTTEN REALMS Player’s
a major educational publisher. By night, he works as a Guide. His other game designs include Three-Dragon
game designer, editor, and developer. His many previ- Ante™ and Dungeons & Dragons Inn-Fighting™.
ous credits for Wizards of the Coast include Adventurer’s
Vault™, Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead™, and Arcane ROBERT J. SCHWALB works as a freelance designer for
Power™. Wizards of the Coast. His recent credits include Martial
Power, Draconomicon™, and the FORGOTTEN REALMS Player’s
LOGAN BONNER has worked on D&D® Miniatures, Guide. Robert lives in Tennessee with his incredibly
the FORGOTTEN REALMS® Player’s Guide, Adventurer’s Vault, patient wife, Stacee, and his pride of fiendish werecats,
Player’s Handbook 2, and Arcane Power in his time as a but is happiest when chained to his desk, toiling for his
designer at Wizards of the Coast. He has designed both dark masters in Seattle.

CH A PTER 5 | Primal Options

Wild Side
You haunt a vast and untamed wilderness, a terrifying
domain of ferocious beasts and natural perils, yet you do not
fear its mystery. With fierce resolve, you draw power from
the spirits that preserve and sustain the world, destroying
the monsters that threaten it. You are a primal creature, and
evil cowers before you.

This DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® supplement presents never-

before-seen options for primal characters, including new
powers, tribal feats, paragon paths, and epic destinies
designed for the barbarian, druid, shaman, and warden classes.
Primal Power™ also provides information on major primal
spirits, as well as builds and class features that allow you to
play new versions of your favorite primal classes.

For use with these 4th Edition DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® products:

Player’s Handbook® core rulebooks

Dungeon Master’s Guide® core rulebooks
Monster Manual® core rulebooks
D&D® Miniatures D&D™ Dungeon Tiles

ISBN: 978-0-7869-5023-2

Sug. Retail: U.S. $29.95 CAN $37.00

Printed in the U.S.A. 219117200

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