Datos Tecnicos Watson

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MODELO 5000 - ESPECIFICACIONES UNIDAD DE PQDER: Detroit Diese! 190 bhp a 2500 rpm con conver- tidor de torsién Allison propisisando cambios de transmisién a poder, 4 velocidades de marcha adelante y una de marcha atrds. en- friado por aceite. DESLIZAMIENTO HIDRAULICO (Posicidn Radial) — ,610 mt. TORSION DE ROTACION — 133.784 Nim - max. (teor.) > VELOCIDAD DE ROTACION — 210+ rpm max. (te0r,) PESO APROXIMADO DE LA UNIDAD DE PERFORACION (con puente de radio de perforacién de §,8 mt) — 5.443 kg. > Barretones — Varios disponibies. sencillos, dobles y triples. > WATSON, Inc. FAX 817 9278716 P.O. Box 11006 © 4015 S. Freeway o Worth, Texas 76110 U.S.A. i EL STANDARD DE EXCELENCIA POR TODO EL MUNDO! CAISSON DRILL the market. 5000-CA UNIT IN ACTION Scene from the Borough of Hounslow housing development, London, England, on land pre- viously the site of gravel pits and a market garden. The 5000-CA, shown here in action, drilled 1,000 caissons for foundation. WORLDWIDE FIELD TESTING The 5000-CA's unexcelled performance has been demonstrated on jobs in England, France, Italy, Venezuela, Jamaica, and throughout the United States. HANDLES MANY JOBS The versatility of the Watson Model 5000-CA surpasses any other drilling machine. The Watson crane attached drill requires no special supports which prohibit swing. It handles dril- ing, coring, belling, casing, and pre-bored piling jobs with more production and less down time than any other heavy-duty drill It rigs to dig battered holes up to 30 degrees. 5000-CA SPECIFICATIONS, DIMENSIONS co. eS Tare enone + SPECIFICATIONS Weight: Calon Dril — approximately 8.500 Is Rotary: Watson Model 5, specifically engineered for. ige — approximately 1,050 Ibs. heavy-duty caisson drilling work (see page 5) Cubic fe Caisson Drill — 218.75 cu. ft. Torque capacities to 1,300,000 inch pounds. Bridge — 1225 ft Power Unit: 167 H.P. (Max @ 2300 RPM — basic engine) Kelly Drive: Watson Model SKDR (see page 4) — Avail GM 4-71 Diesel complete with: able for Kellys — 31)" thru 6” square. 4a) Integral fuel tank (sufficient capacity for 24 brs, operation) Controls: Three cable, positive push-pull type b} 12 volt electrical system control box mounted at operators positio ¢ ical exhaust muffler o 8) d} Limited speed governor crane cab. (see page 8) «@} Complete instrumentation Bridges ay Transmission: a aera with: Standard $1 —yields approximately 19 Kelly radius a) Torque converter $20 — yields approximately 22' Kelly radius ¢} Remote mounted oil filter 12Sunder table Complete instrumentation S21 — yields approximately 25° Kelly radius Variations available to customer specifications. NOTE: Engine and transmission are “shock UniversallyladartablettatihelRslde mounted!" es an integral unit. 3 : Constant mesh gearin , TAM ae ate eli The advanced engineering concept of the Watson Model, SKDR Kelly is the product of Watson's 40 years experience in the driling industry. 1¢ unique roller design assures maximum contact on the kelly bar to elimi- nate kelly bar deforinetion. The rollers and shafts are precision machined from high strength heat-treated alloy steel. Rollers are available to accommodate kelly bar szos from 31/z inches through 6 inches. This concept is unique in allowing free feed and retraction of the kelly un- der full Retary orque load. Tho advanced-alloy bearing pletely sealed to The Kelly Drive on the most rugged ope for years of reliable servic ‘The lubrication system astures positive continuous feed of oil to bearings. machined to close tolerances and com- Dae CUA The Model 5000.CA Rotary wos designed by Watson for trouble-free ser- vice under the most dificult operating conditions. The special gear sefs in the Rotary are corsacted of high song sloy soa wth danced tooth form hardened for long life. Gears are precively efgned end supported on precision tapered roller bes “Tho Rota inch pound re ; {The Rotary housings are cast from high quality all-temperature steel. The 5000:CA Rotary is completely sealed to retain lubricant and exclude contamination. Caiszon mudding operations that typically cover Rotary & Kelly drive components can have no effect on the performance or lubrication of the oie driven by a sl Usjoint drive shaft, The f @ Rotary is driven by a slip-type Ucjoint drive shaft. The frequent main- fenanco choractoristic of exposed chain deive systerns hes boon avoided on the Model 5000.CA. ‘Watson “no weak link anginaering, careful inepection, and rigid testing procedures combine to insure the ruggedness, reliability, and excoptionally low frointenanee of the 5000-CA's components, yned for @ continuous output torque rating for 1,300,000 The Watson Single Piece Kelly Bar is constructed of alloy steel heat treated for maximum tough- ness. Hs proper size and shape per- mit the application of full torque loeds without distortion, Correct torsional flexibility is engineered in- to the belly bar to reduce impact load. In addition, the Watson kelly bar is designed to serve as a rug: ged tool for free-fall spudding. The Watson Kelly Bar is slotted z to accommodate all Watson drill Inver elomont: 4” square oid al ing tools, as a standard. Other re- < a BSc tainer configurations are available te customer specifications SPECIFICATIONS Length: Available 4o meet customer re- a Grane spe Weight/Lineal Fe Tensile Strength (Min.) — 155,000 pa Yield Point (Min.] — 110.000 psi rnell Hardness — 705-215 Swivels are anti friction bearing type. Size and capacity depends con the single line rating of the eT RU ARSC VC hy This chart will assist in determining drilling characteristics which may be anticipated with various eapacity cranes. Limits shown are recommended to achieve high-volume production. Maximum pier sizes and depths may be exceeded with’a limited sacrifice of effi ciency. The following crawler crane features are to be considered de- sirable in drilled caisson operations: 1) Long, wide tracks, to provide a stable working platform. 2) Independent travel to obtain maximum speed in positics tool over the pier location. aa 3) Torque converter drive to provide smoother, more economical operation. This is a cable saver & very useful in mudding opera- fions. 4) Independent boom hoist to allow fast and accurate alignment of the kelly bar. 5) An auxiliary drum, permitting the crane-drill to operate as an independent entity. The drum may be used as a tagline for handling fools or pouring concrete: or may be block rigged for pulling caissons and other heavy lifting. For truck cranes: Hydraulic Outriggers on truck mounted cranes to provide quick setting of a stable working platform. the a EXAMPLE A: A contractor with @ 30—ton crane having a 100° boom would require 2 90° Kelly Bar.* This would permit fim to ill cassons up fo 85" deop. The following “rules of thumb” apply. eEELY LENGTH = Boom lensth loss 10”. Max. Drill Depth less 15%. EXAMPLE B: ‘A contractor wishing to dig shafts up to 36”, 110’ deep, would require 2°45-ton capacity crane with 125° boom. ‘These specifications are based on Watton standard bridge lengths of 22%; and 25’; Watson's engi- neering staff stands ready to assist the contractor in adapting the Mode! 5000-CA to, his. parti crane and job requirement. Boom length 5 TON NOTE: Figures given are for single piece Kelly Bare. The use of Telescoping Kall in the maximum selling depth by ping crake length ta 2 3 go crawusn on TRUCK MOUNTED CRANE a . e é in Dla ces PUG WEBS) TA ‘The Watson Model 5000.CA ean be set up and producing in less than an hour after it reaches the job sife. The simple, four-step attaching procedure requires a crew of only 3 men and ne equip- ment other than the erane and its rigging. Four taper pointed pins are used fo attach the frame to the bridge. Two pins normally attach the bridge to the boom foot, Mounting lugs on the 5000-CA Bridge can be supplied to fit indi- vidual crane mounting configurations where sufficient information is furnished by the customer. The Model 5000.CA drill can be disessembled into easily transportable sections. This operation requires no special equip- ment or blocking. oy epeanomee cae T BEE ATTACHING DRILL TO CRANE Stop | — Two sets of spreaders are inn heist lie, The sscand tat ft Conacefed fo the front pickup lugs and the ally Tine Slop 2.—— The oni i lifted and swung over the bridge, The two rear connectin Bin holes see aligned wi onding sud with two bins and lockwire. Step 3—The unit i» raited cauting the ont connecting pin holes, fo lign Hemelves, Two pins and lockwires com plete the bridge to frame alfachment Step 4 — The unit lr swung into place and the bridge mounting lugs secured ial to he ron ih ve come ing pins. Mounting, log. configurations Cah Ge supplied #0 fi individual cranes. Step 5—-Atcombly of the unit ie con pleted by securing the daad line to. Eropor Beet ff point on EASY ONE MAN OPERATION . Controle on the Medel $000:CA ara simple and positive. A crane operator can persia the dill without previous axparianenDrlling teen thee & Watson can furnish field ypecialiss for pactielae jobs ‘Control is eccorplished through two levers. The upper contol lever stor driven Alison transmission, Range selection al clateher in the BUOO-CA. syste slancad against requirement forward and reverse. ond throttles the angine. A gqah a Inch gems! eperatr ool he gine frien end orm while remaining in neutral “Cenfcl cables, are easly ettached ard datached from the dell, The contol bor need not be removed when diaassembling, for transporting, and ie convonienty Iecoted at the operator positon CAISSON SERIES DRILLING TOOLS Watson manufactures a tool for every driling require- ment. A suitable crane, @ Model 5000-CA, and rugged, high- volume Watson drilling tools mako in unbeatable team. The complete line of Watson tools includes: DRILL BUCKET — leaves clean, flat bottom; ideal in highly fluid conditions and an effective bailer. Ad- vanced design, rugged con struction, uses same alloy steel blades as the Flight Auger. See Bulletin 431-67 & 331-67. FLIGHT AUGER — for high volume production. Re- placeable high-carbon blades, heattroated alloy shaft, exiremely rugged. See Bulletin 411-67 & 311-67. DOUBLE.DOOR UNDER- REAMER — bells up to three times the hole diameter. Uni- que long stroke design and heavy construction for long life, dependable service, leaves a clean bell area. See Bulletin 485-67. driling needs. gy CORE BARREL — pene- trotes the hardest materials. A special alloy tooth band, tungsten carbide teeth that may be rebuilt in tho field. See Bulletin 420.67 & 320.67. BOULDER TOOL — pone- trates boulder formations, wedges boulders from their sockets s0 they may be easly romoved with a Flight Auger. Replaceable pilot bit, extre heavy construction. See Bul: letin 490-67. SINGLE-DOOR UNDER. REAMER — bells up to twite the hole diameter in the hardest materials. Utilizes selfenergizing principle, leaves cloan bell area. See Bulletin 450.67. All Watson drilling tools are tho product of Watson's 40 years experience in the driling industry. They are the wit SON finest, most functional, most dependable tools available any- where, Contact Watson for assistance with your particular UU Smee Me VeS TI BOA ~ ‘+ INTEGRATED ENGINEERING — NO WEAK + BRIDGE TERMINAL TUBE SUITABLE FOR LINKS — ELIMINATES OPEN UNIVERSAL ADAPTION FOR FIELD ‘CHAIN DRIVES MOUNTING. = MAXIMUM PRODUCTION ‘+ UNIT BREAKS DOWN INTO EASILY a WN BARR LE DOWN: TIME TRANSPORTED SECTIONS WITHOUT SPECIAL + CONTRACTOR-PROVEN UNDER ALL EQUIPMENT OR BLOCKING. WORKING CONDITIONS + DEPENDABLE, LOW COST DIESEL POWER + INTEGRAL FUEL TANK + ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION SHOCK MOUNTED AS AN INTEGRAL UNIT + TORQUE CONVERTER DRIVEN, CONSTANT MeSH TRANSMISSION, NO MECHANICAL CLUTCHES + RAPID, NO-PAUSE-TRANSMISSION SHIFTING = ROTARY DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED FOR HEAVY DUTY DRILLING OPERATIONS ‘+ UNIT. COMPLETELY SEALED TO EXCLUDE CONTAMINATION “+ HIGH STRENGTH ALLOY GEARS WITH ‘ADVANCED TOOTH FORMS, HARDENED FOR LONG LIFE UNDER ADVERSE CONDITIONS ‘+ PRECISION TAPERED ROLLER BEARINGS THROUGHOUT + SPECIAL CAST STEEL ALLOY HOUSINGS MACHINED TO CLOSE TOLERANCES + SIMPLE TO OPERATE — CONTROLLED FROM CRANE OPERATOR'S CAB my + QUICK DISCONNECT PINS THROUGHOUT. CAN BE SET UP AND WORKING IN. LESS THAN AN HOUR ~ RICHARD F. KELLY CO. Export Representative 117 Liberty St. New York, N.Y. 10006 (212) WO 2:1860-Cable Kellydick, N.Y. ~ MANUFACTURING COMPANY P.O, BOX 11006 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76110 U.S.A. COPYRIGHT 1967 © CABLE ADDRESS: WAMCO FORT WORTH ‘WATSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY PRINTED IN U.S.A. BULLETIN 5000 CA-671

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