The Journal of Clinical Pharma - 2019 - Gelotte

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Pediatric Pharmacology

A Multicenter, Randomized, The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

2019, 59(12) 1573–1583
Placebo-Controlled Study of 
C 2019 Perrigo Company plc. The Jour-

nal of Clinical Pharmacology published

by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
Pseudoephedrine for the Temporary Relief American College of Clinical Pharma-
of Nasal Congestion in Children With the DOI: 10.1002/jcph.1472

Common Cold

Cathy K. Gelotte, PhD1 , Helmut H. Albrecht, MD2 , Jennifer Hynson, BS3 ,

and Valerie Gallagher, BA4

This multicenter,double-blind,placebo-controlled,randomized study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride
30-mg tablets in children aged 6 to 11 years for the temporary relief of nasal congestion due to the common cold. The primary efficacy end point was
the weighted sum of the change from baseline in instantaneous nasal congestion severity score over the period from 1 to 8 hours following the first
dose of study drug on day 1. Safety assessments included adverse events, sleepiness ratings, and vital signs. Pseudoephedrine was superior to placebo
in reducing instantaneous nasal congestion severity in pediatric children over the first 8 hours after dosing on day 1 (least squares mean difference
between treatment groups was 1.2; P = .029). Overall, secondary end points associated with nasal congestion were supportive on day 1, whereas
secondary end points on day 2 were only numerically favorable. Somnolence was reported in a greater percentage of children on pseudoephedrine
compared to placebo (71.9% vs 63.9%), while similar percentages of children in the same respective groups reported insomnia (34.4% and 38.9%) and
nervousness (20.0% and 23.6%).Pseudoephedrine provides temporary relief of nasal congestion associated with the common cold in children 6 to
<12 years of age at the current over-the-counter monograph dose. Multiple dosing of pseudoephedrine for up to 7 days, when given as needed for
symptom relief, was generally safe in this population of children with the common cold.

children, common cold, efficacy, nasal congestion, pediatrics, pseudoephedrine, safety

Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride is a widely used Pseudoephedrine has direct agonist activity at α-

nasal decongestant in over-the-counter (OTC) adult and β2-adrenergic receptors. The vasoconstriction that
and pediatric cough and cold medicines. Notably, pseudoephedrine produces is believed to be principally
pseudoephedrine-containing medicines are sold behind an α-adrenergic receptor response.1 Stimulation of α1-
the counter in the United States by pharmacists to adrenergic receptors located on capacitance blood ves-
reduce diversion of these products for manufacture of sels of the nasal mucosa (postcapillary venules) results
illegal drugs (Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic in vasoconstriction, decreased blood volume, and a
Act of 2005). Pseudoephedrine is commercially decrease in the volume of the nasal mucosa (nasal
available in liquid and tablet formulations for oral
administration and is indicated for use by adults and 1 Johnson & Johnson Consumer, Inc, Fort Washington, PA, USA
children in the temporary relief of nasal congestion due 2 Department of Cellular Biology and Pharmacology, Herbert Wertheim
to the common cold, hay fever, or other upper respi- College of Medicine, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
ratory allergies, and for sinus congestion and pressure. 3 Concentrics Research, Indianapolis, IN, USA
4 Perrigo Company, Allegan, MI, USA
The current OTC monograph dosing regimen for chil-
dren 6 to 11 years of age is 1 dose of pseudoephedrine This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons
30 mg every 4 to 6 hours, not to exceed 120 mg (4 doses) Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and
in 24 hours. Adults and children, 12 years of age and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited,
older, may take 1 dose of pseudoephedrine 60 mg every the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
4 to 6 hours, not to exceed 240 mg (4 doses) in 24 hours. Submitted for publication 28 February 2019; accepted 3 June 2019.
Complete information is available in the “Cold, Cough, Corresponding Author:
Allergy, Bronchodilator, and Antiasthmatic Drug Cathy K. Gelotte, PhD, Johnson & Johnson Consumer, Inc., 7050 Camp
Products for Over-the-Counter Use” monograph, Code Hill Road, Fort Washington, PA 19034
of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21, Part 341.80. Email: [email protected]
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1574 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 59 No 12 2019

decongestion).2 Constricted blood vessels allow less characterize the pharmacokinetics of pseudoephedrine
fluid to enter the nose, throat, and sinus linings, which in children.8 Pooled pediatric and adult pharmacoki-
results in decreased inflammation of nasal membranes, netic data were used for simulations of pediatric OTC
as well as decreased mucosal secretions.2 Thus, by doses and to confirm the OTC monograph dosing
constriction of blood vessels, mainly those located in rule. Overall, pseudoephedrine plasma concentrations
the nasal passages, pseudoephedrine causes a decrease in children displayed a mono-exponential decay over
in nasal congestion.3,4 time in this model, with typical population pharma-
In 2007, a citizen petition was sent to the US Food cokinetic parameters (given reference covariates of a
and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that the 70-kg adult and fasted state) showing an oral clearance
FDA relabel cough and cold products sold OTC in (CL/F) of 34.9 (95% confidence interval [CI], 33.7-36.2)
the United States because they had not been shown to L/h, a volume of distribution (V/F) of 260 (95%CI,
be safe and effective in children under 6 years of age. 252-269) L, and an absorption rate constant of 1.67
Although published clinical studies evaluated the safety (95%CI, 1.48-1.90) h−1 . The median half-life estimate
and effectiveness of pseudoephedrine in children with was 4.7 hours, with a range of 2.5 to 8.2 hours.
nasal congestion due to the common cold, these studies Variability in pseudoephedrine CL/F and V/F values
are limited5,6 and most only evaluated pseudoephedrine was primarily explained in the pharmacokinetic model
in combination with other active ingredients. by allometrically scaled weight and was not explained
At a subsequently convened joint meeting of the by age. This suggests that the pharmacokinetic param-
FDA Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and eters of pseudoephedrine are similar in the pediatric
the Pediatric Advisory Committee,7 it was agreed that population compared with adults when appropriately
the known efficacy profile for OTC cough and cold scaled by weight to the 0.75th power as a measure of
medicines in children was generally recognized from body size; there were no developmental differences in
studies in adults using a fraction of the adult dose CL/F. This finding is consistent with pseudoephedrine
based on body weight (Clark’s Rule). Efficacy was being mainly excreted unchanged in the urine in chil-
generally recognized not just for children <6 years of dren and adults, and renal function being fully de-
age (as per the petition) but more broadly for children veloped by 2 years of age.9–11 While the 30-mg dose
<18 years of age. The joint committee recommended and 4- to 6-hour dosing intervals of pseudoephedrine
that clinical studies in children <12 years of age be selected for evaluation in this clinical study were based
conducted to evaluate the efficacy of single-ingredient on the OTC monograph, the preparatory modeling and
cough and cold medicines. In response, and as part of simulations of pediatric pseudoephedrine doses also
a clinical research program under the aegis of the Con- supported the selection.
sumer Health Products Association, the current study
was designed to assess safety and confirm effective- Study Design and Children
ness of single-ingredient pseudoephedrine in children This was a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-
6 through 11 years of age for the temporary relief of controlled, randomized study in male and female
nasal congestion due to the common cold, an indication children aged 6 through 11 years, who presented at the
described under CFR Title 21, Part 341.80(b)(1). investigational site with common cold symptoms and
were able to swallow oral tablets without chewing.
Methods Eligible children must have been experiencing
Human Subject Protection symptoms that started within the 2.5 days before
The clinical study described herein was conducted screening and must have had a self-reported nasal
during the winter cold seasons from November 2012 congestion severity score equating to stuffy or very
through April 2016 in accordance with Good Clinical stuffy (score = 3 or 4 on a 5-point categorical scale:
Practices. A central institutional review board (IRB) 0 [not stuffy at all]; 1 [a tiny bit stuffy]; 2 [a little
(Schulman IRB, Cincinnati, Ohio) approved the study stuffy]; 3 [stuffy]; 4 [very stuffy]). Parents must also
protocol and the informed consent and assent docu- have reported that the children had at least 2 of the
ments before initiation. The parents (or legal guardians) following cold symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, sore
of all potential children read and signed the IRB- throat, headache, body achiness, and/or cough. The
approved informed consent document and each subject children were otherwise healthy, as determined by
signed (or otherwise marked) the IRB-approved assent study personnel based on a review of the children
form before participation in the study. medical histories, vital sign measurements, and focused
physical examination (ie, eyes, ears, nose, throat,
Selection of Pseudoephedrine Dose neck, heart, lungs) results on day 1. In addition,
In preparation for the efficacy and safety study, a children were excluded from the study if, at the time
population pharmacokinetic model was developed to of enrollment, they were experiencing symptoms of
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Gelotte et al 1575

seasonal or perennial allergic rhinitis, had symptoms On day 2, the children, with assistance from the
or diagnoses of sinusitis, pneumonia, strep throat, parent when needed for reading and comprehension,
acute otitis media, or influenza, or were from homes reported their instantaneous nasal congestion severity
where there was smoking. The use of prescription score and assessed related nasal functions within 1 hour
or nonprescription drugs and dietary supplements, of awakening, just before the first dose of study drug at
including herbal supplements, was prohibited during hour 0. The children subsequently scored their reflective
the study, with the exception of the continued use of nasal congestion severity relief just before the second
daily vitamins or multivitamins/multiminerals and dose of study drug at hour 6 and again just before the
the use of medication for hyperexcitability disorder third dose of study drug at hour 12 (if awake, or just
if the regimen had been stable for at least 3 months. before bedtime if it was earlier than hour 12). Note that
This limitation in the use of concomitant medications the third dose of study drug on day 2 was administered
was to ensure children were not administering only if the subject was awake.
therapies that could have interfered with the activity of On days 3 through 7, the children, with assistance
pseudoephedrine or otherwise confounded the efficacy from the parent when needed for reading and com-
and safety assessments in the study. prehension, reported their instantaneous nasal con-
Children who met the entry criteria were enrolled gestion severity score and assessed related nasal func-
and stratified by age (younger children, 6-8 years; older tions within 1 hour of awakening, just before the
children, 9-11 years) and self-reported baseline nasal first dose of study drug at hour 0. On these days,
congestion severity score (3 [stuffy]; 4 [very stuffy]). The children received the study drug as needed, every 4 to
minimum enrollment for each age cohort (6-7 years, 6 hours, up to a maximum of 4 doses in 24 hours.
8-9 years, and 10-11 years) was to have been no less than The parent determined the duration of dosing based
20% of the total study enrollment. on the subject’s need for continued symptom relief.
The instantaneous nasal congestion severity scores and
Study Drug related nasal function assessments were reported at
Within each stratification group, children were ran- hour 0 each day through day 7, regardless of whether
domized to 1 of 2 treatments: pseudoephedrine 30-mg the child received additional doses of study drug or was
tablet or matching placebo tablet in labeled blister cards no longer symptomatic.
(Bilcare Global Clinical Supplies, Americas [now Sharp Each of the efficacy assessments (instantaneous
Clinical Services, Inc]). Children received daily doses of nasal congestion severity, nasal congestion relief, nasal
the assigned study drug orally for up to 7 days: 1 tablet congestion severity relief, instantaneous nasal breath-
3 times daily for 2 days (4 hours apart on day 1 and ing, and instantaneous nasal clearing) was scored us-
6 hours apart on day 2); and then 1 tablet as needed ing a 5-point scale. Descriptors were assigned to the
on days 3 through 7 (every 4-6 hours up to a max- numerical values for analysis purposes, as shown in
imum of 4 doses in each 24-hour period). All chil- Table 1, which also lists the specific question posed
dren were instructed to swallow the study drug with to children for each assessment. The scales were pre-
water. sented to the children with both written descriptors
and graphic representations to aid in their understand-
Study Assessments ing. These self-report questions and response scales
Following randomization and the first use of study were previously developed and validated using standard
drug, children remained at the study center for at concept elicitation and cognitive debriefing techniques
least 4 hours to provide hourly subjective ratings of in 2 qualitative studies of children experiencing nasal
instantaneous nasal congestion severity and related symptoms associated with a cold (Study 1, data on
nasal functions (ie, nasal breathing and nasal clearing), file; Study 2).12 The questions and response options
as well as hourly measurements of heart rate and blood used wording appropriate for the cognitive abilities of
pressure. children 6 to 11 years of age. Parents were provided
Children were released from the study center after standard instructions for administering the assessment
the second dose of study drug at hour 4 and then, questions and were given detailed explanations for
using a diary, continued to assess their instantaneous response options associated with the degree of nasal
nasal congestion severity and related nasal functions congestion severity.
at hours 6, 7, and 8. Separately, children provided a To evaluate safety, study personnel monitored for
reflective nasal congestion relief score just before the adverse events (AEs) and measured blood pressure
second dose of study drug on day 1 (ie, a 4-hour nasal and heart rate hourly after the first dose of study
congestion relief score) and just prior to the last dose drug at the study center on day 1. Additionally, the
of study drug on day 1 (ie, an 8-hour nasal congestion children scored their level of sleepiness using faces on
relief score). the validated Maldonado scale at baseline and again at
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1576 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 59 No 12 2019

Table 1. Efficacy Assessment Variables and Related Scales

Assessment Definition of Assessment and Specific Question Posed to Children

NCSi Nasal congestion severity (instantaneous)

r “Right now, how stuffy is your nose?”
NCSr Nasal congestion severity (reflective)
r “From when you woke up this morning until now, how stuffy has your nose been?”
NCR Nasal congestion relief (reflective)
r “From when you woke up this morning until now, how much better is your stuffy nose?”
NSF Nasal symptom and function composite score: includes the NCSi, nasal breathing (instantaneous), and nasal clearing (instantaneous) scores
r Nasal breathing: “Right now, how hard is it to breathe through your nose with your mouth closed?” (Breathe slowly 2-3 times through
the nose before answering)
r Nasal clearing: “Right now, how clear does your nose feel after blowing it?” (Blow once before answering)

Value NCSi and NCSr NCR Nasal Breathing Nasal Clearing

0 Not stuffy at all Not any better Not hard Clear

1 A tiny bit stuffy A tiny bit better A tiny bit hard Partly clear
2 A little stuffy A little better A little hard A little clear
3 Stuffy Better Hard A tiny bit clear
4 Very stuffy A lot better Very hard Not clear at all

NCR,nasal congestion relief;NCSi,nasal congestion severity (instantaneous);NCSr,nasal congestion severity relief (reflective);NSF,nasal symptom and functioning
composite score.
All scales included graphical representations (such as increasingly large circles or increasingly filled boxes) along with the descriptors to help children better
assess the severity of their symptoms and differentiate the scores.

approximately hours 2 and 6 after receiving the first 2 The primary efficacy end point was the weighted
doses of the study drug on day 1.13 sum of the change from baseline (baseline minus post-
Each day during the study, regardless of whether baseline) in the instantaneous nasal congestion severity
or not the subject received a dose of study drug, score over the first 8 hours of treatment on day 1.
the children parents used an AE Assessment Tool The weights used were equal to the elapsed time in
to grade daytime drowsiness/sleepiness, dizziness, and hours since the previous assessment time point. In
nervousness/agitation, as well as difficulty sleeping addition to descriptive statistics, the study drug groups
during the previous night. Parents received training were compared using an analysis of variance with
from qualified study staff on how to complete the AE baseline congestion severity, age category (6-8 and 9-
Assessment Tool in which the grades were reported 11 years), and treatment as factors (with no interaction
using a scale ranging from 0 (complete absence of con- terms). The difference between study drug groups was
dition) to 3 (severe, condition is present all day, often presented using least squares means (LSM), along
impacts daily activities). Parents could also document with standard errors, 95%CIs, and P values; statistical
any additional AEs not otherwise listed in the AE significance was declared if the 2-sided P value for the
Assessment Tool. treatment group difference was .05.
A final study visit occurred within 48 hours The secondary efficacy end points included the
of the subject completing the treatment period on weighted sum of the changes from baseline in nasal
day 7. During this visit, blood pressure, oral tem- congestion severity scores from 1 to 4 hours and from 6
perature, heart rate, and respiratory rate were mea- to 8 hours on day 1, the instantaneous nasal congestion
sured, and the children were discharged from the severity score at each time point from 1 to 8 hours on
study. day 1, the sum of the nasal congestion relief scores at
4 and 8 hours on day 1, the nasal congestion severity
Statistical Methodology relief score at 6 and 12 hours on day 2, and the sum
All efficacy and safety parameters were evaluated, re- of the nasal congestion severity relief scores at 6 and
spectively, using the efficacy and safety analysis sets. 12 hours on day 2. Another efficacy end point included
Both analysis sets were limited to include only children the weighted sum of the changes from baseline in the
who received at least 1 dose of the study drug. The nasal symptom and functioning composite score (ie,
efficacy analysis set was further limited to include only sum of the instantaneous nasal congestion severity
children who completed both the baseline assessment score and instantaneous scores for nasal breathing
and at least 1 postbaseline assessment for the primary and nasal clearing) from 1 to 8 hours, 1 to 4 hours,
efficacy variable (instantaneous nasal congestion sever- and 6 to 8 hours after the first study drug dose on
ity score). day 1. Descriptive statistics were presented for the
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Gelotte et al 1577

Figure 1. Analysis set composition.

results of each of the secondary and other efficacy end groups were compared using an analysis of variance
points. Additionally, for each end point, the study drug with age category and treatment as factors.
groups were compared using an analysis of variance
with baseline congestion severity (instantaneous nasal
congestion severity and nasal congestion relief only), Results
age category, and treatment as factors; the differences Subject Demographics and Disposition
between study drug groups were presented using LSM, In this study, 568 children were randomized to study
standard errors, 95%CIs, and P values. drug, including 286 in the pseudoephedrine group
For the analysis of safety, the number and percent- and 282 in the placebo group. Overall, 556 of the
age of children experiencing an AE or serious AE 568 randomized children (97.9%) completed the study,
was presented by system organ class and preferred including 282 (98.6%) in the pseudoephedrine group
term for each study drug group. Mean daily ratings and 274 (97.2%) in the placebo group. Of the 568
on the AE Assessment Tool were presented by study randomized children, 563 (99.1%) were included in the
drug and day; the study drugs were compared using efficacy analysis set and 565 (99.5%) were included in
an analysis of variance at each time point with age the safety analysis set (Figure 1).
category and treatment as factors. Descriptive statistics The 568 randomized children had a mean age of
were used to summarize results of blood pressure 8.2 years (range, 5-11 years), with 40.3%, 31.7%, and
(systolic and diastolic) and radial pulse measurements 27.8% of the children being 6 to 7, 8 to 9, and 10 to
on day 1 (before dosing; 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after the 11 years of age, respectively (Table 2). Children were
first dose; and at study completion), as well as body evenly divided by sex (50.2% male and 49.8% female),
temperature and respiratory rate (before dosing and at and were primarily white (47.5%) or black (44.0%).
study completion). Faces on the Maldonado scale were Approximately two-thirds of the children (67.4%)
converted to the Thurston scale, with scores of 0, 0.94, entered the study with a nasal congestion score of 3
2.08, 2.83, and 3.60 representing images with increasing (stuffy), while the remaining one-third of the children
sleepiness.13 At each time point (baseline, hour 2 and (32.4%) entered the study with a nasal congestion score
hour 6 on day 1), the differences between study drug of 4 (very stuffy). The children had a mean height,
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1578 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 59 No 12 2019

Table 2. Summary of Demographic and Baseline Characteristics by Table 3. Weighted Sum of the Change from Baseline in NCSi Scores
Treatment Group (All Randomized Children) from Hours 1 to 8 on Day 1 (Primary End Point, Efficacy Analysis Set,
N = 563)
Pseudoephedrine Placebo Total
(N = 286) (N = 282) (N = 568) Pseudoephedrine Placebo
(N = 284) (N = 279)
Age, y
Mean (SD) 8.2 (1.70) 8.2 (1.69) 8.2 (1.70) Weighted Sum Weighted Sum
Min, max 5, 11 6, 11 5, 11 Actual of Change Actual of Change
Age cohorts at Day 1 Result From Baseline Result From Baseline
enrollment (y), n (%)
<6 1 (0.3) 0 1 (0.2) Baseline
6-7 118 (41.3) 111 (39.4) 229 (40.3) Mean (SD) 3.3 (0.47) 3.3 (0.47)
8-9 83 (29.0) 97 (34.4) 180 (31.7) Median 3.0 3.0
10-11 84 (29.4) 74 (26.2) 158 (27.8) Min, max 3, 4 3, 4
Sex, n (%) Sum of hours 1-8
Male 149 (52.1) 136 (48.2) 285 (50.2) Mean (SD) 11.9 (6.41) 10.7 (6.98)
Female 137 (47.9) 146 (51.8) 283 (49.8) Median 12.0 11.0
Ethnicity, n (%) Min, max –4, 30 –7, 30
Hispanic or Latino 44 (15.4) 41 (14.5) 85 (15.0) LS mean (SE) 12.6 (0.40) 11.4 (0.40)
Not Hispanic or 242 (84.6) 241 (85.5) 483 (85.0) Study drug
Latino difference
Race, n (%) LS mean 1.2 (0.54)
White 133 (46.5) 137 (48.6) 270 (47.5) difference (SE)
Black 126 (44.1) 124 (44.0) 250 (44.0) 95%CI (0.12-2.24)
Asian 13 (4.5) 11 (3.9) 24 (4.2) P value .029
American Indian or 1 (0.3) 0 1 (0.2)
CI, confidence interval; LS, least squares; max, maximum; min, minimum;
Alaska Native
NCSi, Nasal Congestion Severity (instantaneous); SD, standard deviation; SE,
Native Hawaiian or 0 1 (0.4) 1 (0.2)
standard error.
other Pacific Islander
The NCSi score was based on a scale ranging from 0 (not stuffy at all) to 4
Other 13 (4.5) 9 (3.2) 22 (3.9)
(very stuffy). The weights used were equal to the elapsed time in hours since
Nasal congestion
the previous time point. Baseline was defined as the last available assessment
severity, n (%)
prior to the first dose of study drug.The difference between treatment groups
3 = stuffy 191 (66.8) 192 (68.1) 383 (67.4)
was compared with an analysis of variance for each time interval with baseline
4 = very stuffy 94 (32.9) 90 (31.9) 184 (32.4)
congestion severity, age category, and treatment as factors.
Missing 1 (0.3) 0 1 (0.2)
Height (cm), n 284 280 564
Mean (SD) 135.4 (14.0) 134.0 (12.3) 134.7 (13.2)
Min, max 101.1, 175.3 104.1, 172.7 101.1, 175.3 1.2 (95%CI, 0.12-2.24); this difference was statistically
Weight (kg), n 284 281 565 significant (P = .029) (Table 3).
Mean (SD) 35.4 (13.5) 34.3 (12.7) 34.9 (13.1) Regarding the secondary efficacy end points that
Min, max 17.9, 85.9 15.9, 88.9 15.9, 88.9
Body mass index 284 280 564
included the weighted sum of the changes from base-
(kg/m2 ), n line in instantaneous nasal congestion severity scores
Mean (SD) 18.8 (4.4) 18.7 (4.7) 18.8 (4.6) over the periods of 1 to 4 hours and, separately,
Min, max 10.0, 35.1 10.2, 43.9 10.0, 43.9 6 to 8 hours after the first dose of study drug
max, maximum; min, minimum; SD, standard deviation.
on day 1, the LSM differences between study drug
groups were 0.6 (95% CI, 0.08-1.21; P = .026) and
0.5 (95%CI, −0.09 to 1.16; P = .091), respectively
weight, and body mass index of 134.7 cm, 34.9 kg, (Table 4). The difference was statistically significant
and 18.8 kg/m2 , respectively. No important differences in the first period from 1 to 4 hours; the differ-
were observed between study drug groups in regard to ences between treatment groups numerically favored
any demographic parameter or baseline characteristic pseudoephedrine over placebo in the second period
(Table 2). from 6 to 8 hours.
At every postbaseline time point on day 1 (ie, at
Efficacy hours 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8), the mean instanta-
On day 1, pseudoephedrine was superior to placebo in neous nasal congestion severity score was lower (in-
reducing the severity of nasal congestion over 8 hours dicating a better result) and the change from baseline
following the first 2 doses at hours 0 and 4. Specifically, was higher (indicating greater improvement) in the
the LSM difference between study drug groups for the pseudoephedrine group compared with the placebo
weighted sum of the change from baseline in instan- group (data not shown in tables). The LSM differ-
taneous nasal congestion severity score from hours 1 ences between study drug groups ranged from 0.1
to 8 on day 1 (ie, the primary efficacy end point) was to 0.2 throughout the day. The differences favoring
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Gelotte et al 1579

Table 4. Weighted Sum of the Change From Baseline in NCSi Scores Table 5. Sum of the NCR Scores at Hours 4 and 8 on Day 1 (Secondary
From Hours 1 to 4 and Hours 6 to 8 on Day 1 (Secondary End Points, End Points, Efficacy Analysis Set, N = 563)
Efficacy Analysis Set, N = 563)
Pseudoephedrine Placebo
Pseudoephedrine Placebo Day 1 (N = 284) (N = 279)
(N = 284) (N = 279)
Hour 4, n 284 278
Weighted Sum Weighted Sum Mean (SD) 2.5 (1.14) 2.3 (1.28)
Actual of Change Actual of Change Median 2.0 2.0
Day 1 Result From Baseline Result From Baseline Min, max 0, 4 0, 4
LS mean (SE) 2.4 (0.07) 2.2 (0.08)
Baseline Study drug difference
Mean (SD) 3.3 (0.47) 3.3 (0.47) LS mean difference (SE) 0.2 (0.10)
Median 3.0 3.0 95%CI (0.0-0.4)
Min, max 3, 4 3, 4 P value .029
Sum of hours 1-4 Hour 8, n 282 274
Mean (SD) 5.5 (3.48) 4.9 (3.60) Mean (SD) 2.3 (1.10) 2.1 (1.16)
Median 6.0 5.0 Median 2.0 2.0
Min, max −2, 16 −3, 16 Min, max 0, 4 0, 4
LS mean (SE) 5.9 (0.21) 5.3 (0.21) LS mean (SE) 2.3 (0.07) 2.1 (0.07)
Study drug Study drug difference
difference LS mean difference (SE) 0.2 (0.10)
LS mean 0.6 (0.29) 95%CI (0.0-0.4)
difference (SE) P value .034
95%CI (0.08-1.21) Sum of hours 4 and 8, n 282 274
P value .026 Mean (SD) 4.8 (1.88) 4.4 (2.11)
Sum of hours 6-8 Median 5.0 4.0
Mean (SD) 6.4 (3.77) 5.8 (4.02) Min, max 0, 8 0, 8
Median 6.0 6.0 LS mean (SE) 4.7 (0.12) 4.3 (0.12)
Min, max –2, 16 –4, 16 Study drug difference
LS mean (SE) 6.7 (0.23) 6.2 (0.23) LS mean difference (SE) 0.4 (0.17)
Study drug 95%CI (0.1-0.8)
difference P value .013
LS mean 0.5 (0.32)
difference (SE) CI, confidence interval; LS, least squares; max, maximum; min, minimum; NCR,
95%CI (–0.09 to 1.16) Nasal Congestion Relief; SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error.
P value .091 The NCR score was based on a scale ranging from 0 (not any better) to 4 (a
lot better). Positive differences between study drug groups indicated a greater
CI, confidence interval; LS, least squares; max, maximum; min, minimum; effect for pseudoephedrine relative to placebo.
NCSi, Nasal Congestion Severity (instantaneous); SD, standard deviation; SE, P values were based on an analysis of variance at each time point with baseline
standard error. congestion severity, age category, and treatment as factors.
The NCSi score was based on a scale ranging from 0 (not stuffy at all) to 4
(very stuffy). The weights used were equal to the elapsed time in hours since
the previous time point. groups (0.4; 95%CI, 0.1-0.8) was statistically significant
Baseline was defined as the last available assessment before the first dose
(P = 0.013) (Table 5).
of study drug. The change from baseline was calculated as baseline minus
postbaseline. Positive differences between study drug groups indicated a
On day 2 of the study, individual nasal congestion
greater effect for pseudoephedrine relative to placebo. severity relief scores at hours 6 and 12, along with the
P values were based on an analysis of variance for each time interval with sum of those scores, were analyzed. At hour 6, the LSM
baseline congestion severity, age category, and treatment as factors. nasal congestion severity relief score was 1.8 in both
the pseudoephedrine and placebo groups (Table 6). At
hour 12, the LSM nasal congestion severity relief score
pseudoephedrine over placebo at hours 7 and 8 demon- was 1.6 in the pseudoephedrine group and 1.7 in the
strated significant improvements in nasal congestion placebo group. The LSM values for the sums of the
severity (at both time points, the LSM difference be- nasal congestion severity relief scores at hours 6 and
tween study drug groups was 0.2; 95%CI, 0.0-0.4; at 12 in the pseudoephedrine and placebo groups were
hour 7, P = .028; and at hour 8, P = .016). 3.4 and 3.5, respectively. The LSM difference between
Based on the sum of the nasal congestion relief study drug groups, which favored pseudoephedrine over
scores at hours 4 and 8 on day 1, greater relief from placebo, was −0.1 (95%CI, −0.5 to 0.2); the difference,
nasal congestion (reflective) was observed in the pseu- however, was not statistically significant (P = .376).
doephedrine group when compared with the placebo For the weighted sum of the changes from base-
group. The LSM values for the sum of the scores in the line in the nasal symptom and functioning composite
pseudoephedrine and placebo groups were 4.7 and 4.3, score (comprising the instantaneous nasal congestion
respectively. The LSM difference between study drug severity, nasal breathing, and nasal clearing scores)
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1580 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 59 No 12 2019

Table 6. NCSr Scores at Hours 6 and 12 on Day 2 and the Sum of Table 7. Adverse Events Occurring in 1% of all Children by System
the NCSr Scores at Hours 6 and 12 on Day 2 (Secondary End Points, Organ Class and Preferred Term (Safety Analysis Set, N = 565)
Efficacy Analysis Set, N = 563)
Pseudoephedrine Placebo
Pseudoephedrine Placebo System Organ Class (N = 285), (N = 280),
Day 2 (N = 284) (N = 279) Preferred Term n (%) n (%)

NCSr: hour 6, n 279 274 Number of children with 220 (77.2) 209 (74.6)
Mean (SD) 1.7 (1.04) 1.8 (1.11) at least 1 AE
Median 2.0 2.0 Gastrointestinal disorders 9 (3.2) 16 (5.7)
Min, max 0, 4 0, 4 Abdominal pain, upper 5 (1.8) 4 (1.4)
LS mean (SE) 1.8 (0.06) 1.8 (0.07) Diarrhea 0 8 (2.9)
Study drug difference Vomiting 2 (0.7) 5 (1.8)
LS mean difference (SE) –0.0 (0.09) General disorders and 19 (6.7) 23 (8.2)
95%CI (–0.2 to 0.1) administration site conditions
P value .661 Fatigue 14 (4.9) 11 (3.9)
NCSr: hour 12, n 276 273 Pyrexia 3 (1.1) 8 (2.9)
Mean (SD) 1.6 (1.04) 1.7 (1.09) Nervous system disorders 206 (72.3) 180 (64.3)
Median 2.0 2.0 Somnolence 205 (71.9) 179 (63.9)
Min, max 0, 4 0, 4 Dizziness 36 (12.6) 35 (12.5)
LS mean (SE) 1.6 (0.06) 1.7 (0.06) Headache 12 (4.2) 9 (3.2)
Study drug difference Psychiatric disorders 121 (42.5) 134 (47.9)
LS mean difference (SE) –0.1 (0.09) Insomnia 98 (34.4) 109 (38.9)
95%CI (–0.3 to 0.1) Nervousness 57 (20.0) 66 (23.6)
P value .293 Agitation 3 (1.1) 3 (1.1)
NCR: sum of hours 6 and 12, n 273 271 Respiratory, thoracic, and 10 (3.5) 12 (4.3)
Mean (SD) 3.3 (1.88) 3.5 (2.01) mediastinal disorders
Median 3.0 4.0 Epistaxis 3 (1.1) 4 (1.4)
Min, max 0, 8 0, 8
LS mean (SE) 3.4 (0.12) 3.5 (0.12) AE, adverse event; MedDRA, Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities.
Study drug difference MedDRA coding dictionary version 18.1.
LS mean difference (SE) –0.1 (0.17) If a subject experienced >1 AE, the subject was counted only once in a
95%CI (–0.5 to 0.2) category. If a subject experienced >1 AE in a system organ class, the subject
P value .376 was counted only once in that system organ class.
Numbers and percentages of events by system organ class include all reported
CI, confidence interval; LS, least squares; max, maximum; min, minimum; NCR, events within the classification, not just those individual events that occurred
Nasal Congestion Relief; NCSr, Nasal Congestion Severity Relief (reflective); in 1% of all children.
SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error.
The NCSr score was based on a scale ranging from 0 (not stuffy at all) to
4 (very stuffy). Negative differences between study drug groups indicated a 3 children who had their study drug withdrawn included
greater effect for pseudoephedrine relative to placebo.
P values were based on an analysis of variance at each time point with baseline
the following: 1 subject in the pseudoephedrine group
congestion severity, age category, and treatment as factors. who completed the study and experienced an event
of generalized rash, which was considered possibly
study drug related; 1 subject in the placebo group
over the periods of 1 to 8 hours, 1 to 4 hours, and who completed the study and experienced events of
6 to 8 hours after the first dose of study drug on headache, otitis media, and pyrexia, none of which
day 1, the LSM differences between study drug groups were considered study drug related; and 1 additional
were 0.9 (95%CI, −2.3 to 4.0; P = .577), 0.8 (95%CI, subject in the placebo group who discontinued the study
−0.8 to 2.3; P = .317), and 0.1 (95%CI, −1.7 to 2.0; and experienced events of peripheral edema, peripheral
P = .910), respectively. Although not statistically sig- swelling, pruritus, and urticaria, all of which were
nificant, the differences between treatment groups nu- considered study drug related.
merically favored pseudoephedrine over placebo for all While somnolence was reported in a greater per-
3 periods. centage of children in the pseudoephedrine group than
in the placebo group (71.9% vs 63.9%, respectively),
Safety similar percentages of children in the same respective
In this study, 429 of the 565 children in the safety groups reported insomnia (34.4% and 38.9%) and ner-
analysis set (75.9% overall, 77.2% of children in the vousness (20.0% and 23.6%) (Table 7).
pseudoephedrine group and 74.6% of children in the Study drug–related events that were reported by
placebo group) experienced at least 1 AE (Table 7). 1% or more of all children included somnolence, in-
There were no serious AEs reported in this study. Three somnia, nervousness, dizziness, and fatigue (data not
children had their study drug withdrawn due to AEs; shown in tables). Of these events, a greater percentage
only 1 of those 3 children discontinued the study. The of children in the pseudoephedrine group compared
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Gelotte et al 1581

with the placebo group experienced study drug–related studies and certain methodological limitations of those
somnolence (57.5% vs 50.0%, respectively), while the studies, which include inadequate sample sizes, limited
other study drug–related events occurred at generally statistical power, and the use of inappropriate and un-
similar frequencies in the pseudoephedrine and placebo validated end points. This study aimed to address these
groups, respectively: insomnia (29.1% vs 31.4%), ner- limitations and focused on a single-ingredient product
vousness (16.5% vs 20.0%), dizziness (9.5% vs 8.9%, with clinical end points that are pathophysiologically
respectively), and fatigue (4.9% vs 3.6%). related to what the drug is expected to do (ie, end points
Regarding the parent-completed AE Assessment relevant to the specific cold symptoms that the product
Tool, across all assessments and study days, the LSM is intended to alleviate). Before initiating the study, the
scores in the pseudoephedrine group ranged from 0.0 to population pharmacokinetics of pseudoephedrine in
1.0, while the LSM scores in the placebo group ranged children was characterized, and model simulations with
from 0.0 to 0.8 (data not shown in tables). Significantly pooled adult data confirmed that the OTC monograph
higher drowsiness/sleepiness was observed in the pseu- dose was adequate to evaluate.8
doephedrine group relative to the placebo group only This study was designed to assess the efficacy and
on day 1 (LSM difference, 0.2; P = .006), while signifi- safety of pseudoephedrine 30-mg tablets in children
cantly lower nervousness/agitation was observed in the aged 6 to 11 years for the temporary relief of nasal
pseudoephedrine group relative to the placebo group congestion due to the common cold. It employed
on days 2 (LSM difference, −0.1; P = .039), 4 (LSM relevant inclusion and exclusion criteria for subject
difference, −0.0; P = .024), 5 (LSM difference, −0.0; selection, ultimately randomizing 568 children to
P = .028), and 7 (LSM difference, −0.0; P = .046). double-blind, placebo-controlled treatment. Efficacy
No other statistically significant differences were noted was evaluated for clinically meaningful aspects of nasal
between study drug groups for any assessment on any symptoms (particularly congestion severity and relief)
study day. that were assessed frequently at several time points
The child-assessed sleepiness evaluation was based over the first day when cold symptoms are generally
on the Maldonado scale following conversion to a most severe. Additional assessments were scheduled on
numeric score for analysis. At baseline on day 1, the day 2. These assessments were evaluated using robust
mean scores in both study drug groups were similar statistical methods, including a sample size sufficient to
(1.4), falling roughly between the second and third achieve 90% power at a 5% significance level. Standard
faces (data not shown in tables). At both hours 2 and assessments of safety commonly employed in clinical
6 on day 1, increases in sleepiness were observed in the research were performed throughout the study period.
pseudoephedrine group, while slight decreases in sleepi- The primary efficacy end point was purposely con-
ness were observed in the placebo group. The LSM structed to assess efficacy over the first 2 doses, given
difference between study drug groups was significant at 4 hours apart, on day 1. This duration was selected for
both time points (difference at hour 2, 0.382; P < .001]; 3 reasons: (1) to be consistent with pseudoephedrine’s
difference at hour 6, 0.247; P = .032). acute indication in providing temporary symptom relief
Based on a review of vital sign measurements, no with dosing as needed; (2) to adequately demonstrate
cardiovascular safety signals or trends associated with the efficacy of pseudoephedrine in a manner analogous
pseudoephedrine use were reported; there were no AEs to demonstrating efficacy in other single-dose clinical
of tachycardia in either study drug group. During the models of transient acute conditions (eg, headache
study, mean systolic blood pressures ranged from 105.9 pain); and (3) to minimize potential challenges for
to 107.4 mm Hg in the pseudoephedrine group and parents to comply with study drug administration, such
from 105.2 to 107.5 mm Hg in the placebo group. as the need to administer the study drug during the
Mean diastolic blood pressures ranged from 67.5 to school day.
68.6 mm Hg in the pseudoephedrine group and from In addition to efficacy, this study also assessed the
66.5 to 67.7 mm Hg in the placebo group. Finally, safety of multiple doses of pseudoephedrine when
mean heart rate measurements ranged from 83.1 to administered for up to 7 days. The duration of dosing
86.5 beats/min in the pseudoephedrine group and from was based on the maximum duration of dosing permit-
83.4 to 86.5 beats/min in the placebo group. ted by the OTC monograph for pseudoephedrine and
depended on the need for continued symptom relief as
determined by the parent.
Discussion Importantly, the assessment of pseudoephedrine ef-
Published studies of cough and cold medicines mar- ficacy was based on patient-reported outcomes rather
keted for pediatric use under the OTC monograph than assessments by caregivers or health care profes-
have not conclusively demonstrated efficacy in children. sionals. The primary and secondary end points were
This is mainly due to the small number of available derived from symptom-focused questions and response
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1582 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 59 No 12 2019

scales that were developed for children aged 6 to curred more frequently in the pseudoephedrine group.
11 years, using qualitative techniques outlined in the One subject in the pseudoephedrine group experienced
FDA guidance for patient-reported outcome develop- generalized rash, which led to study drug withdrawal.
ment and validation and modified for children.14,15 This AE was considered possibly related and resolved
Question development was informed by literature re- without having to discontinue the subject from the
view, concept elicitation interviews with children and study. No unexpected AEs were reported. These results
parents, concept selection and modification (ie, various provide evidence of the efficacy and safety data of pseu-
recall periods and time anchors) and content evalua- doephedrine in an otherwise healthy pediatric popula-
tion (Study 1, data on file; Study 2).12 Although the tion experiencing nasal congestion from the common
severity of nasal congestion had been scored previously cold.
using 4- to 8-point verbal response scales in published
allergy and common cold studies, descriptors for the 5-
point response scales in this study were based on the Study Limitations
validated severity scale for the assessment of common This pediatric study was designed to evaluate the
cold symptoms in adults: none, very mild, mild, mod- efficacy and safety of a fixed dose of 30-mg pseu-
erate, and severe.16 Parallel responses were modified doephedrine, which was shown to provide adequate
using age-related vocabulary (Table 1), and tested for exposure for children aged 6 to 11 years. However, a
comprehension and severity rank order through a card- possible limitation to the fixed dose is that weight-based
sorting exercise. The final versions of end point ques- differences in pseudoephedrine effectiveness may exist
tions and responses were found to have face and content within and between the age groups. Another limitation
validity and were understandable, although parental of this study is that efficacy on day 2 was not demon-
assistance in reporting was needed for some younger strated, although trends favoring pseudoephedrine over
children (6-8 years). placebo were observed. Given that the common cold
The current study met its primary efficacy end point is a generally mild condition that is transient and self-
and demonstrated that pseudoephedrine is superior to limiting and that nasal congestion appears to follow
placebo in reducing the severity of nasal congestion diurnal variation, being worse in the morning and bet-
over 8 hours following the first 2 doses of study drug on ter in the early evening, distinguishing between a high
day 1. Regarding the secondary efficacy end points that placebo response and drug-induced changes in symp-
included the weighted sum of the change from baseline tom severity and relief is challenging. Similarly, efficacy
in instantaneous nasal congestion severity score from of pseudoephedrine compared with placebo in adult
1 to 4 hours and, separately, from 6 to 8 hours on studies of the common cold has been demonstrated
day 1, the differences between study groups favored over the initial dose or doses on the first study day,
pseudoephedrine over placebo in both periods and were but inconsistently demonstrated efficacy on subsequent
significant from 1 to 4 hours. At all time points on day 1, days.17–20
the analyses suggested greater reductions from baseline
in the instantaneous severity of nasal congestion for
pseudoephedrine when compared with placebo. The Conclusions
sum of the nasal congestion relief scores at hours 4 and Pseudoephedrine provided temporary relief of nasal
8 on day 1 showed statistically significant differences in congestion associated with the common cold in children
favor of pseudoephedrine relative to placebo. Overall, aged 6 to 11 years, at the current OTC monograph
results of the secondary efficacy end point analyses dose. In particular, the study met its primary efficacy
associated with nasal congestion on day 1 supported end point and demonstrated that pseudoephedrine is
the primary efficacy end point analysis, further indi- superior to placebo in reducing the instantaneous nasal
cating greater effectiveness of pseudoephedrine when congestion severity score over 8 hours following the first
compared with placebo in reducing the severity of nasal 2 doses of study drug on day 1. Overall, the secondary
congestion. end points were supportive on day 1. The safety results
No safety signals or trends were observed in this suggest that multiple dosing of pseudoephedrine for
study that would adversely alter the known safety pro- up to 7 days, when given at the OTC monograph dose
file of pseudoephedrine when used in children for the on an as-needed basis for symptom relief, is generally
temporary relief of nasal congestion. The frequencies safe. Somnolence occurred more frequently in the pseu-
and types of AEs reported by children in the pseu- doephedrine group than in the placebo group. No safety
doephedrine and placebo groups were generally similar. signals indicative of increased risk associated with the
No important differences were observed between study administration of pseudoephedrine were observed in
groups for any of the most commonly occurring study otherwise healthy children 6 to 11 years of age who
drug related AEs, except for somnolence, which oc- presented with the common cold.
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Gelotte et al 1583

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