Biology, Volume 1, No. 18-1
Biology, Volume 1, No. 18-1
Biology, Volume 1, No. 18-1
BFSI Cases
CS Ashutosh Shukla
[email protected]
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SEBI Circular on Investment Clarification for or specific email IDs/URLs provided by DTs for this
Mutual Funds in Corporate Debt Market purpose.
Development Fund
This circular will come into effect on October 1,
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) 2023. CRAs are obligated to report their compliance
has issued a clarification regarding the investment with this circular, as ratified by their respective
of Mutual Fund schemes in units of the Corporate board of directors, to SEBI within one quarter from
Debt Market Development Fund (CDMDF). This the circular's applicability date. Monitoring of this
clarification, detailed in Circular SEBI/HO/IMD/ circular's implementation will be carried out
PoD2/P/CIR/2023/152, addresses concerns raised through the half-yearly internal audit process for
by Asset Management Companies (AMCs), Trustee CRAs, as mandated under Regulation 22 of the CRA
Companies, and the Association of Mutual Funds in Regulations and related circulars.
India (AMFI) regarding asset allocation limits and
the inclusion of CDMDF investments. Change in Mode of Payment for SEBI
Investor Protection and Education Fund
SEBI has issued a circular dated September 4, 2023,
providing for a change in the mode of payment
concerning the SEBI Investor Protection and
Education Fund (SEBI IPEF). In the past, SEBI had
prescribed that payments to the SEBI IPEF should
be made through online mode or by using a
demand draft (DD) payable to the Board (i.e., SEBI
IPEF). However, the recent circular introduces a
new method for making payments to SEBI IPEF.
Issuers, merchant bankers, and syndicate Subsequently, an inter-se connection was found
members such as brokers involved in public between the members of these two groups and an
issues must disclose these instructions on their SCN was issued to one hundred and two entities.
websites during the period when a public issue These entities had bought 57,884 shares (93.03% of
is open. market volume) and sold 33, 629 shares (54.05% of
The circular is applicable to all public issues market volume) of the Company during this patch.
opening on or after October 1, 2023. A copy of These entities also traded 31,391, shares (50.46% of
the abridged prospectus must be made market volume) amongst themselves during this
available on the issuer's website, merchant period.
bankers' websites, and registrar to an issuer's
website. Links to download the abridged In the SCN it was alleged that the entities traded in
prospectus must be provided in issue the scrip during the investigation period and
advertisements. provided exit at an inflated price to certain
Quick Response (QR) codes must be inserted on shareholders who were allotted shares as part of a
the last page of the abridged prospectus and scheme of amalgamation between Yamini, Anax
other relevant documents. Scanning the QR Com Trade Limited, and Fidelo Power and
code will lead to the full prospectus or abridged Infrastructure Limited, sanctioned by the Hon’ble
prospectus. Bombay High Court. SEBI found in para 91 of its
Issuers and merchant bankers are responsible order that the connected entities acted in concert
for ensuring that the disclosures in the to provide an exit to the twenty preferential
abridged prospectus are accurate, adequate, allottees. Additionally, in relation to two of the
and not misleading. noticees, SEBI also found the contraventions of the
Qualitative statements in the abridged provisions of Regulation 13 of SEBI (PIT) Regulations
prospectus must be supported by quantitative 1992 and Regulation 29 of the SEBI (SAST)
factors, and no qualitative statement can be Regulations 2011.
made without substantiation.
Stock Exchanges are instructed to disseminate Based on the findings, SEBI restrained sixty-five
this circular to listed entities and publish it on entities from accessing the securities market for a
their websites. period of two years. It also ordered twenty-seven
The circular's contents will be included in noticees who had made unlawful gains to disgorge
Chapter II (Application form and Abridged the amount within forty-five days of the order.
Prospectus) of the Master Circular dated Further, a penalty of Rupees five lakh and three
August 10, 2021, for issue and listing of non- lakh was imposed on two of the notices for the
convertible securities, securitized debt contravention of Regulation 13 of SEBI (PIT)
instruments, security receipts, municipal debt Regulations 1992 and Regulation 29 of the SEBI
securities, and commercial paper. (SAST) Regulations 2011.
M&A, Competition & IBC
Overview of Draft CCI (Combinations) Insolvency Professional Charges Excess
Regulations, 2023 Fees: Disciplinary Committee Imposes
The recently enacted Competition (Amendment)
Act, 2023, introduced significant changes to the In the matter of Mr Vishal Pawankumar Bidawatjika,
provisions governing combinations in the IP, it was found in the course of an investigation
Competition Act. These changes encompassed conducted by IBBI under Section 218 of the
various aspects, including the introduction of a deal Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 that the IP
value threshold for mergers and acquisitions had charged excess fees in the CIRP and subsequent
exceeding INR 2000 crore, modifications to the liquidation of three corporate debtors namely
timeline for combination assessment, and Bluplast Industries Limited, Anil Printers Limited,
alterations to the review process for combinations. Today’s Writing Instruments Limited. The excess fee
charged amounted to Rupees Seventeen Lakh Sixty
To align with these substantial amendments, the Thousand and Eighty Six. However, the IP had
Competition Commission of India (CCI) has drafted received only seven lakh forty-three thousand and
the Competition Commission of India two hundred thirty-five.
(Combinations) Regulations, 2023, which will
supersede the existing Competition Commission of
India (Procedure in regard to the transaction of
business relating to combinations) Regulations,
2011. The Draft CCI Combinations Regulations,
2023, outline several key aspects such as
transaction value criteria, notice formats,
procedures for open offers and stock exchange
acquisitions, fee structures, filing processes, and
modification procedures for proposed
While we have tried our best to update this newsletter in line with the regulatory changes, the possibility of errors of omissions
and commissions or failure to include key developments when this newsletter was being edited cannot be ruled out. This
newsletter is only for information purposes. You are advised to check the websites of the regulators to get a detailed insight
into the regulatory changes. The authors or the editors of this newsletter shall not be liable for your failure to do so.