Introduction To Computer Network: B.E. (Computer Engineering) Third Semester (C.B.S.)

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B.E. (Computer Engineering) Third Semester (C.B.S.

Introduction to Computer Network

P. Pages : 2 NRT/KS/19/3336
Time : Three Hours *0202* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Solve Question 1 OR Questions No. 2.
3. Solve Question 3 OR Questions No. 4.
4. Solve Question 5 OR Questions No. 6.
5. Solve Question 7 OR Questions No. 8.
6. Solve Question 9 OR Questions No. 10.
7. Solve Question 11 OR Questions No. 12.
8. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
9. Assume suitable data whenever necessary.

1. a) What is Computer Network ? What are the different categories of Network. Explain each 7
with an examples.

b) What is difference between OSI model and TCP/IP model ? Explain a three design 7
issues of Data link layer.


2. a) Explain a Data representation of TCP with diagram ? 6

b) Explain a Topology ? Define a LAN topologies with advantages and disadvantages. 8

3. a) What is Transmission Media and explain a types of guided media with examples ? 7

b) Explain a switching? What is difference between circuit & switching and packet 6


4. a) What is difference between : 7

i) Digital Transmission & Analog Transmission.
ii) Guided Media (wired media) & Unguided media (wireless media)

b) State & explain three causes of transmission impairment. 6

5. a) What is the need of bit stuffing ? Explain with suitable example bit stuffing and 7
character stuffing ?

b) Define the automatic Repeat Request (AREA) - 7

i) Selective Repeat ii) Go back N


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6. a) Explain Error correction method ? What is the basic difference in Error detection and 7

b) Explain IEEE std. for LAN 802.3 & 802.4. 7

7. a) Explain the classful addressing in IPV4 ? What is difference between IPV4 & IPV6 ? 8

b) How does distance vector routing Algorithm works ? Explain with example ? 5


8. a) A network is divided into four subnets since one of the address in subnet ? IS 4 Find the subnet address ?

b) Explain the following terms - 6

i) Logical address ii) Physical address
iii) Port Number

c) Explain the difference between Default mask and subnet mask ? 3

9. a) Explain about quality of services under Transport layer. 6

b) Define socket, explain it with socket system calls ? 7


10. a) For connection establishment in transport layer write the process of three - way 6
handshake protocol ?

b) Draw and explain TCP segment header ? 7

11. a) Explain cryptography ? What is difference between symmetric cryptography & 7

asymmetric cryptography algorithm ?

b) Explain in detail architecture of Browser ? 6


12. a) Write short notes on any three. 9

i) DNS

ii) X.25

iii) Digital signature

iv) Authentication

b) What are the AAL Services ? 4


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