Ijtsrd 49097
Ijtsrd 49097
Ijtsrd 49097
3 authors, including:
Dr Priyanka Chaudhary
Eternal University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dr Priyanka Chaudhary on 31 January 2022.
Table No.: The above table showing Descriptive Statistics. This showed that median score was (25) followed
by mean score was (24.05). Moreover, S.D. score was only (2.89).
Figure Comparison of Pre-Test and Post Test Knowledge Scores of Adolescent girls regarding
prevention and prevalence of anaemia.
Figure and table represent comparison of pre and post-test knowledge score of adolescent girls regarding
prevention and prevalence of anaemia. In pre-test mean is having 10.78 and mean percentage 35.93%. In
post- test, mean is having 24.05 and mean percentage 80.16%. Enhancement percentage is 44.23%. The
difference between pre and post-test mean score revealed the effectiveness of structured teaching program
among adolescent girls regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia. Hence, there is highly significant
increase in knowledge of adolescent girls regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia after their
exposure to structured teaching program. Therefore, H1 is accepted. Further, the paired t- test was used to
find the significant difference between the pre and post-test knowledge score. Table shows that the t- value
25.554 is highly significant at p<0.05%. Hence there is significant difference between the pre and post-test
knowledge scores and that difference is due to exposure of adolescent girls to structured teaching program
on regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia.
Section D: Association of Pre-Test Knowledge Scores of Adolescent Girls with Selected Demographic
This section describes association of pre-test knowledge scores of adolescent girls with selected
demographic variables regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls in Mohali,
The Chi Square test was used to determine the association between the levels of knowledge with selected
demographic variables.
The Chi Square values showing the association between level of knowledge regarding prevention and
prevalence of anemia with their demographic variables of adolescents.
Objective 4: To determine the association of the pre-test knowledge regarding prevention and prevalence of
anaemia among adolescent girls and various demographic variables.