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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured TeachingProgramme on

Knowledge Regarding Prevention and Prevalenceof Anemia among Adolescent
Girls in Selected Areas

Experiment Findings · January 2022

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19930.41928


3 authors, including:

Dr Priyanka Chaudhary
Eternal University


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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Volume 6 Issue 1, November-December 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching

Programme on Knowledge Regarding Prevention and Prevalence
of Anemia among Adolescent Girls in Selected Areas
Ms. Deepti1, Dr. Priyanka Chaudhary2, Ms. Ramanpreet Kaur3, Ms. P. Chitra4
Master of Science in Nursing, 2Associate Professor, 3Assistant Professor, 4Principal,
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing,
Desh Bhagat University School of Nursing, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Ms. Deepti |

Statement of problem: “A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Dr. Priyanka Chaudhary | Ms.
Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Ramanpreet Kaur | Ms. P. Chitra "A
Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia among Adolescent Girls in A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of
Structured Teaching Programme on
Selected areas.”
Knowledge Regarding Prevention and
Material and Methods: In the present study one group pre test Prevalence of Anemia among
and post test experimental descriptive research design is used to Adolescent Girls in Selected Areas"
collect the sample from selectedareas of Mohali of 100 adolescent Published in
girls. The sample is collected through purposivesampling International
technique. The data is collected by socio demographic Journal of Trend in
questionnaire and self- instructional module. Scientific Research
and Development
Result: Majority 58 (58%) of the adolescent girls had inadequate (ijtsrd), ISSN: IJTSRD49097
knowledge, 40 (40%) had moderate knowledge and 02 (2%) had 2456-
adequate knowledge in pre-test before administering structured 6470, Volume-6 |
teaching program. After getting structured teaching program, 15 Issue-1, December
(15%) of adolescent girls had moderate knowledge and 85 (85%) 2021, pp.1537-1566, URL:
of adolescent girls had reported adequate knowledge. It is www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49097.pdf
significantly shows that there is association between knowledge
Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
levels of adolescent girls regarding prevention and prevalence of International Journal of Trend in
anemia and demographic variables. Scientific Research and Development
Conclusion: It was concluded that there is gain in knowledge after Journal. This is an
teaching program and there is significant association between level Open Access article
of knowledge and demographic variables. distributed under
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
KEYWORDS: Anaemia, Adolescent Girls

1. INTRODUCTION Adolescence has been defined by the world health

“Iron deficiency can lead to a wardrobe full of organization as the period of life
clumped clothes.”
-Benny Bellamacina
Anemia is a condition in which the number of red
blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin is low.
Red blood cells contain hemoglobin protein that it
enables them to carry oxygen from the lungs and
deliver it to all parts of the body. When the number
of red blood cells is reduced or the amount of
hemoglobin in them is low, the blood cannot carry
an adequate supply of oxygen. An inadequate
supply of oxygen in the tissues produces the
symptoms of anemia (Gupta and Kochar, 2009).

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spanning the ages between 10 to 19 years (WHO,
2017). This is the formative period of life when
the maximum amount of physical, psychological,
and behavioral changes take place. That is a
vulnerable period in the human life cycle for the
development of nutritional anemia, which has
been constantly neglected by public health
programmers. During adolescence, (i.e., 10-24
years of age), anemia is estimated to be the
greatest nutritional problem. Anemia in
adolescents and young adults can have negative
effects on their cognitive performance and growth.
At all levels, the negative effects of anemia during
adolescence justify public health action;
unfortunately, because initiatives to prevent
anemia commonly target infants, young children

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pregnant and lactating women, and not necessarily years.
adolescents the needs of adolescents may remain
unmet, and the consequences of anemia in
adolescents. Iron – deficiency anemia is a serious
public – health concern in most developing
countries. Iron deficiency anemia is estimated to
cause 591,000 prenatal deaths and 115,000 maternal
deaths globally (Meier et al., 2003). Prevalence of
anemia in South Asia is among the highest in the
world, mirroring overall high rates of malnutrition
(Steven and Abrams, 2008). Anemia remains a
major cause of mortality and morbidity in
developing countries where resources to determine
the underlying etiology remain poor. Adolescents
are young people between the ages of 10 and 19
years [1].
More than 1.2 billion adolescents are found in the
world. The vast majority of adolescents (90%) live
in low- or middle-income countries (LMICs) [2].
Adolescents and children constitute about 48% of
the Ethiopian population, and about 25% of this age
group is girls [3]. It is a period of rapid growth
when up to 45% of skeletal growth takes place and
15 to 25% of adult height is achieved during this
period [4]. During the growth spurt of adolescence,
up to 37% of total bone mass may be accumulated.
Although, nutrition influences growth and
development throughout infancy, childhood, and
adolescence, pieces of evidence show that nutrient
needs including that of iron are the greatest during
the period of adolescence [4].
Anaemia, defined as a low blood haemoglobin
concentration, is a public health problem that
affects LMICs and has significant adverse health
consequences including morbidity and mortality as
well as adverse impacts on social and economic
development [5]. Iron deficiency is the most
prevalent nutritional deficiency and the most
common cause of anaemia in the world. It is
characterized by a defect in haemoglobin synthesis,
resulting in red blood cells that are abnormally
small (microcytic) and a decreased amount of
haemoglobin (hypochromic). Asia and Africa are
regions with a higher prevalence of anaemia.
Nutritional deficiencies are regarded as the most
important cause of anaemia in the world and a
major potential contributor to adolescent anaemia in
sub-Saharan Africa [6].
WHO defines anaemia as a condition in which
haemoglobin (Hb) content of blood is lower than
normal as a result of deficiency of one or more
essential nutrients. Based on WHO 2011, if the
haemoglobin level is ≥12 g/dl, it does not indicate
anaemia for males and females of age between 12
and 14 years and for nonpregnant women >15

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Anaemia is established if the level of haemoglobin women; the other is ever- increasing evidence that
is control anaemia in pregnant
<12 g/dl for nonpregnant women
>15 years and children 12–14 years old and 11–
11.9 g/dl, 8–10.9 g/dl, and 8 mg/dl were consider
as having mild, moderate, and severe anaemia
respectively [7]. Based on the public health
importance, if the prevalence of anaemia ≤4.9% is
no public health problem, 5.0–19.9% mild public
health problem, 20.0–39.9 moderate public health
problem, and ≥40 severe health problem [8].
The WHO estimates the prevalence of anaemia
among adolescent girls in southwest Asian
countries like Indonesia, Nepal, and Bhutan was
30%, 46%, and 58.6%, respectively [9]. Similarly,
in sub-Saharan Africa, about half of adolescent
girls are anaemic [5]. Local studies in Babile,
eastern Ethiopia, were 32%, and this study
concluded the nutritional status of adolescent girls
contributes to the nutritional status of the
community [10]. Another study conducted in the
Afar region, Ethiopia, shows that the prevalence of
anaemia among school-going adolescent girls was
22.9%, and it was a moderate public health
problem [11].
Globally, the prevalence of anaemia had shown
dramatic increment among women of nonpregnant
reproductive age groups from 464 million in 2000
to 578 million in 2016. A condition persists in
LMICs which reported the overall prevalence of
anaemia was over 35%. So, there is still a long
road ahead to achieve the SDG 2030 targets
anaemia in adolescent girls. In Ethiopia, eighteen
percent (17.7%) nonpregnant women aged 15 to
49 are anaemic, of which Somali regional state has
the highest prevalence of anaemia (34.8%)
followed by the Gambella region where 26.7% and
19% of reproductive age nonpregnant women
were anaemic in Oromia regional state [12, 13].
The associated factors of anaemia among
adolescent girls differ from study to study, like
low dietary diversity score, living status of
adolescents with either of the two parents, duration
of menstruation, history of parasitic infestation,
low socioeconomic status, household family size,
inadequacy of dietary iron intake, drinking tea
immediately after a meal, high consumption of
whole wheat bread, and low consumption of
vitamin C rich foods and molasses, parent's level
of education, parasite infections, low BMI, being
stunted, and underweight [10, 11, 14, 15].
The risk of anaemia increases during adolescent
years with the onset of menstruation and
pregnancy. Iron loss from menstruation must be
countered by further high iron intake for young
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women may be more easily achieved if satisfactory Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) is a
iron status can be ensured during adolescence [6, primary source of national data
16]. Most of the previous studies on anaemia in
Ethiopia were conducted on pregnant and lactating
women and children. A few studies assessed
anaemia and its predictors among adolescent girls
in the country. Some of the reasons why there are
few studies done in this age groups are they are
assumed as being less vulnerable to nutritional
deficiency than the other groups which are not true,
given the fact that adolescence exerts significantly
increased demands on both micro- and
macronutrients due to the rapid changes occurring
in physical as well as in body composition
particularly among ladies experiencing their
menarche. So, this study aimed to assess the
prevalence and factors associated with anaemia
among school adolescent girls in Jimma town
secondary schools. Micronutrient deficiency
resulting in disorders such as anaemia commonly
affects adolescents in developing countries. Around
one- quarter of adolescents in developing countries
are anaemic [1], but prevalence estimates for
adolescent anaemia in the South-East Asia region
range from 27% to 55% [2]. Adolescents’
vulnerability to anaemia is commonly attributed to
the biological demands for micronutrients (such as
iron and folic acid) associated with rapid physical
growth, as well as from loss of these micronutrients
due to parasitic infestations like malaria and
hookworm [3]. At the end of adolescence, male
rapidly regain adequate nutrient stores, whereas
female remain vulnerable to anaemia as a result of
menstrual blood loss. They may therefore continue
to be anaemic or become more anaemic because of
increased micronutrient requirements from
menstruation as well as from pregnancy and
lactation [4].
Anaemia not only adversely affects adolescents’
physical growth, but it also hinders them achieving
their full potential by diminishing educational
achievement and labour productivity [2]. Previous
research has shown adverse effects of anaemia on
adolescents’ cognitive function and mental health,
as well as lower school attendance, learning,
academic achievements and decreased work
performance [5–8]. In pregnant girls, anaemia
increases the risk for birth complications and
delivery of low birth- weight infants. Hence,
anaemia is not only a concern for today’s
adolescents, but also for society’s future
development [9].
In the context of LMICs including Nepal, there is
scarce evidence on micronutrient deficiencies
among adolescents and in particular, around
anaemia in adolescents [10]. The Nepal
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on anaemia, but it explicitly provides information adolescents are micronutrient deficiencies like iron
on only mothers and children under-five years old. deficiency, foliate and vit. A 5. The prevalence of
According to the NDHS 2011, 46% of children anemia was 68.8%
aged 6–59 months, and 35% of women aged 15–
49 years were anaemic [11]. Although there has
been a substantial reduction of anaemia among
women in Nepal between 2001 and 2006, but
improvements have stagnated since 2006. Several
small-scale studies have attempted to examine the
prevalence of anaemia in adolescents with
alarming results. For example, a survey of 308
adolescents aged 10 to 19 years from the Morang
district in Nepal showed an overall prevalence of
adolescent anaemia of 66% [12]. Hospital-based
studies conducted among 10 to 19 year old
adolescents showed an overall prevalence of 52% -
56% [13, 14]. However, these small studies were
each limited to a local region. We designed the
current study to determine the prevalence of
adolescent anaemia and its correlates within a
larger nationally representative sample (n = 3780)
of 10 to 19 year olds in Nepal.
Anemia is one of the most universally prevalent
diseases in the world today. Iron deficiency anemia
is the most common micronutrient deficiency.
WHO studies show higher rate in developing
countries .The iron deficiency anemia is common
52 % of pregnant women and about 35-40% of
non-pregnant women.1
Anemia is caused by inadequate supply of dietary
iron is the most prevalent nutritional disorder in
the United States and the most common mineral
disturbances. Almost 16% of lower income
children are anemic.2
Nutritional anemia is one of India’s major public
health problems. The prevalence of anemia ranges
from 33% to 89% among pregnant women and is
more than 60% among adolescent girls.3
Anemia is generally recognized as the greatest
nutritional problems among adolescents and diet is
likely a major factor. In a review of 32 studies
from developing countries the overall prevalence of
anemia was the order of 27%. In the International
Center for Research on Women studies rates
ranged from 16%- 55% in India. The International
Nutritional Anemia Consultation group estimates
46% of the world’s children belong to 5-14 years
are anemic. Majority of this anemia is occurring in
individuals from the developing world as
discussed in a recent study.4
Majority of the adolescents think that they are in
good health and show little concern for protecting
their health. Main nutritional problems of

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and associated with diet consumed, passage of Operational Definitions
worms and menarche status in 209 healthy girls of Assess: - It is the organized systematic & continuous
11-18 years in the Government girls’ high school of process of collecting information about pre-test &
Nepal. 6
Dietary inadequacies are likely more of threat
among adolescents because of erratic eating
patterns and specific psycho social factors
underlying these combined with the particularly
high nutritional requirements for rapid growth.
Anemia in adolescent girls poses a great health
hazard. Their physical, mental, emotional and social
development takes the prominence during their
period of time. The lowered hemoglobin status
hampers and stunts this growth associated with
developments. If they conceive during these years
with anemia, they may produce babies with average
to poor health.2
Awareness to adolescence is a matter of fact to be
considered due to their negligence. To have healthy
women and mothers, one needs to be strong and
healthy. The health education given to them will
give them the insight to practice healthy life styles
and there by prevent anemia.
Adolescence is a period of peak growth for boys
and girls. Nutritional requirements in relation to
body size are more during adolescence. In a country
like India with varying social customs and common
beliefs against females, there is a high prevalence
of malnutrition and anemia among girls. The
increased aptitude on slimming and physical beauty
conscious has made the girls more vulnerable to
Problem Statement
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured
Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding
Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia among
Adolescent Girls in A Selected areas Mohali
Objectives of the Study
1. To assess the pre-test regarding anaemia among
the adolescent girls.
2. To provide booklets and video regarding the
prevention of anaemia among the adolescent
3. To assess the post-test knowledge.
4. To determine the improvement of knowledge on
anaemia among adolescent girls
5. To compare pre-test and post-test knowledge
regarding anaemia in adolescent girls.
6. To find out association between knowledge
regarding anaemia with selected demographic

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post-test knowledge from adolescent girls of the study.
regarding Anaemia.
Effectiveness- It implies to produce a desire effect
for an action.
Structured teaching programme- Refers to the
systematically structured teaching programme
designed to provide Information regarding
prevention and prevalence of anaemia.
Knowledge- It refers to correct response of
adolescent girls to knowledge items on prevention
and prevalence of anaemia.
Prevalence: - It refers to the fact or condition of
being prevalent commonness.
Prevention: - It refers to the action of stopping
from happening anemia.
Anemia: - It refers to a decrease in the
concentration of circulating red blood cells or in
the hemoglobin concentration and a transport
H1- There will be significant difference between
the mean pre-test and post-test knowledge
regarding Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia
among the adolescent girls receiving Structured
Teaching Program (STP).
H2- There will be significant association between
pre-test knowledge knowledge scores of
adolescent girls with their selected demographic
Variables under study
Dependent variables: Anemia among adolescent
Independent variables: Structured Teaching
Demographic variables: Age, gender, religion,
education, occupation, year of experience, type of
family, marital status and income. Etc
Delimitations of the study
 The period of data collections is limited to 3
 Sample of study limited to 100 adolescent girls.
A conceptual framework or a model is made up of
concepts, which is an analytical tool that is used to
get a comprehensive understanding of a
phenomenon. The section deals with conceptual
framework adopted for this study. A conceptual
framework or model provides the investigator the
guidelines to proceed to attain the objectives of the
study based on a theory. It is schematic
representation of the steps, activities and outcomes

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Imogene king’s goal attainment theory is based on sequence of behaviors described in action and
the personnel and interpersonal systems including also referred as the process where adolescent
interaction, perceptions, communication, girls transform information. In the present study
transaction, stress, growth & development, time and the investigator arranges for videos, booklets
action. and questionnaires on anemia and adolescent
Nursing is defined by Imogene king as” a process girls attended the interventional session.
of human interactions between the nurse and the 5. Interaction: It refers to the verbal and
client where by each perceives the other and the nonverbal behavior of individual with a purpose
situation and through communication they set goals, to achieve the goal. Hence the investigator
explore means and degree on means to achieve interacts with adolescent girls by administered
goals. pretest, STP and posttest.
According to this theory the people meet in some 6. Transaction: It refers to observable, purposeful
situation, perceive each other, make judgment about behaviors of individual interactions with their
the other, take some mental action and react to each environment to achieve the desired goal. At this
one’s of the other. The next step in the process is stage, the investigator analyzes the knowledge
interaction; the last is transaction which is of anemia of the adolescent girls in pretest. The
dependent upon the achievement of a goal. The positive outcome shows that increased the
investigator adopted King’s goal attainment theory knowledge of anemia in posttest, which
as a basis for conceptual framework, which is indicates the effectiveness of STP. The negative
aimed to assess the effectiveness of booklets and outcome was that there is absence of
videos on anemia among adolescent girls. improvement in anemia of adolescent girls
The six major concepts of the phenomenon are where the subjects need to be reinforced for
described as follows: further learning.
1. Perception: Refers to person’s representation Feedback: The descent anemia indicates the
of reading, it is universal, highly subjective and effectiveness of STP on anemia of selected areas
unique to each person. It is not observable but it among adolescent girls by improved knowledge of
can be inferred. Hence, the investigator’s anemia and average knowledge on anemia indicates
perception is, the adolescent girls may have that selected areas where the adolescent girls need
average knowledge on anemia. to be reinforced for further learning.
2. Judgment: The investigator judged that the Summary
videos and booklets enhance the knowledge of This chapter dealt with the objectives, the
anemia. operational definitions, variables, assumptions and
3. Action: Investigator implements that structured hypotheses which are predictive statements of the
teaching program enhance the good knowledge relationship between the independent and
on anemia. The adolescent girls are ready and dependent variables, and the delimitation of the
willing to participate in the study. study. The conceptual framework of the present
study was based on the king’s goal attainment
4. Reaction: Reaction is not specifically defined
but might be considered to be included in the

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Fig1: Modified King’s Goal Attainment Theory

1. Study related to anemia among adolescent
Review of literature is one of the most important
steps in the research process. A review of literature
Taye gari et.al (2017) Repeated cross-sectional
enables one to get an insight into the various
surveys among 2984 children in 2014 and 3128
aspects of the problem under study. It covers
children in 2015; and a cohort study (malaria as
promising methodological tools, throws light on
exposure and anaemia as outcome variable) were
ways to improve the efficiency of data collection
conducted. The study area faced severe drought and
and suggests how to increase effectiveness of data
food shortages in 2015. Anaemia was diagnosed
analysis and interpretation. Review of literature is
using HemoCue Hb 301, and children with
therefore an essential step in the development of the
hemoglobin <11 g/dl were classified as anaemic.
research project.
Multilevel and Cox regression models were applied
The related literatures are presented in the to assess predictors of anaemia. The prevalence of
following sub headings: anaemia was 28.2% [95% Confidence Interval (CI),
1. Studies related to anemia among adolescent 26.6–29.8] in 2014 and increased to 36.8% (95%
girls. CI, 35.1–38.5) in 2015 (P<0.001). The incidence of
2. Studies related to anemia with intervention anaemia was 30; (95% CI, 28–32) cases per 100
among adolescent girls.

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children’s years of observation. The risk of anaemia municipalities.
was high (adjusted Hazard Ratio = 10) among
children with malaria. Children from poor families
[Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR); 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1–
stunted children (AOR 1.5; 95% CI; 1.2–1.8), and
children aged less than 36 months (AOR; 2.0; 95%
CI, 1.6–2.4) were at risk of anemia compared to
their counterparts. There was no significant
difference in risk of anemia among the trial arms.
Young age, stunting, malaria and poverty were the
main predictors of anemia. An increase in the
prevalence of anemia was observed over a year,
despite malaria prevention effort, which could be
related to the drought and food shortage. Therefore,
conducting trials in settings prone to drought and
famine may bring unexpected challenges.
Kedir abdela gonete et.al. 2017:- A school based
cross-sectional study was conducted in Dembia
District from March 1 to April 30/ 2017. Out of the
randomly selected three high schools, 462
adolescents were included using the simple random
sampling technique. A Standardized structured
questionnaire was used to collect data. Capillary
blood samples were drawn from adolescents using a
portable Hb201+ instrument to measure
haemoglobin. A bivariate and multivariable binary
logistic regression analyses were employed to
identify factors associated with anemia. Adjusted
Odds Ratio (AOR) with a corresponding 95%
Confidence Interval (CI) was computed to show the
strength of associations. The overall prevalence of
anaemia among adolescent girls was 25.5%,
(95%CI, 21.4, and 29.2). Of the total anemic
adolescents, 109(92.4%) had mild anaemia, while
7(5.9%) and 2(1.7%) were found with moderate and
severe anaemia, respectively. Dietary diversity
score ((AOR=4.2(95% CI;1.7, 10.5)), household
food security status (AOR = 4.1(95% CI; 1.3, 13.2)),
living status of adolescents with either of the two
parents((AOR = 2;(95%CI;1.14,3.6)) and guardians
(AOR = 2.4;(95% CI;1.02,5.6)) showedstatistically
significant association with anemia. Anemia is a
moderate public health problem in Dembia, District.
Dietary diversity score, household food security
status, and living status of adolescents were the key
determinants of anemia. Therefore, the government
should focus on preventing food insecurity with
increasing productivity to improve dietary
diversification of the adolescent girls.
Binaya chalise et.al. 2018:- The cross sectional
study was conducted in 2018 At the time of the
survey, Nepal was administratively divided into
five development regions, 14 Zones and 75
Districts. Each district was further divided into
Village Development Committees (VDCs) and
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Geographically, Nepal consists of three regions was used to prick blood from a finger.
reflecting mountains (Himal), hills (Pahad) and the
lowland (Terai) regions. A nationally
representative cross-sectional survey was
conducted in 2014 among male and female (non-
pregnant) adolescents aged 10 to 19 years old. We
used a stratified cluster sampling method to select
3780 adolescents from 13 districts of Nepal.
A three-staged cluster sampling was performed
within each stratum. The first stage of cluster
sampling involved a random selection of 13
districts. For this purpose, we divided the entire
country into 13 sub- regions as described in the
2011 NHDS. One district was randomly selected
from each of the 13 sub- regions. This resulted in
three districts being selected from the mountainous
and five each from the hilly and lowland regions.
The total number of strata was six, two (male and
female) in each from three ecological regions. The
second stage involved the selection of clusters
from these districts. A total of 90 VDCs and
municipalities (clusters) were chosen using the
Probability Proportion to Size (PPS) sampling
from the total VDCs and municipalities within
those 13 selected districts. Within each chosen
cluster, we selected a fixed number of 21 male and
21 female adolescents through a systematic
sampling of households. We randomly selected an
eligible participant if there was more than one
eligible participant in the selected household.
The sample size was determined considering the
national prevalence of anemia of 39% and an
allowable error of 5%. A detail description of
sample size calculation is reported elsewhere. The
initial sample size was 365. Considering a design
effect of
1.5 and multiplying the size by 6 (total number of
strata), the sample size was 3290. We obtained the
final sample size of 3655 after adjusting for a non-
response rate of 10%. We then rounded up to 3780
to ensure an equal number of male and female
participants from each stratum. Altogether, 3762
adolescents participated in the study. A detailed
description of the sampling method is reported
elsewhere. Trained enumerators conducted one-
on- one interviews with adolescents using a
pretested structured questionnaire, which covered
information on socio-demographic characteristics,
sanitation and nutrition. Participant height and
weight was measured using stadiometer and digital
weighing scale, respectively. Blood haemoglobin
concentration was measured using the HemoCue
method. Trained laboratory professionals
conducted a procedure to collect capillary blood
samples after obtaining written consent from both
the adolescents and their parents. A sterile lancet

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After discarding the first two drops, the third and the adolescent girls have ever missed taking the iron
fourth drops of blood were collected on a and
microcuvette. The microcuvette was then placed in
a HemoCue machine after calibrating it to zero.
Laboratory professionals referred HemoCue
operation manuals for storage of microcuvette and
analysis of blood samples.
Seifu Hagos Gebreyesus et.al. 2019:- The study
employed a community based cross sectional
design. The study was conducted on weekends to
capture both in school and out of school adolescent
girls. Data was collected from a total 1323
adolescent girls. From each district, we randomly
selected villages and ensured that the sampled
households had a range geographical spread
(lowlands, highlands) within the larger category of
rural and urban. We performed anaemia testing
using HemoCue B- Haemoglobin analyser. We
applied a complex survey data analysis method to
estimate the level of anaemia. The haemoglobin
level was adjusted for altitude and smoking status.
We ran a logistic regression model to evaluate
predictors of anaemia. The overall anaemia
prevalence ranged from 24 to 38%, with an average
rate of 29%. Less than half of the girls heard the
term anaemia, and about one third knew the
relationship between anaemia and the intake of iron
rich foods. The risk of anaemia is higher among
adolescent girls in their early adolescence period
(10–14 years) (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR); 1.98;
95% CI; 1.03, 3.82] and among adolescent girls
who lived in moderately food insecure households
(AOR 1.48; 95% CI; 1.05–2.09). However,
knowing the term “anaemia” was found to be
protective against the risk of anaemia.
J nutr Metab et.al. 2019:- A cross-sectional study
was conducted among 424 randomly sampled
adolescent girls in the Tamale Metropolis of Ghana
from April to July 2019 using an interviewer-
administered structured questionnaire. Twenty
school health coordinators were purposively
selected to answer questions on the challenges they
face in implementing the IFAS program at the
school level. Bivariate logistic regression and
multivariate logistic regression were used to
determine associations and strength of associations,
respectively, at a significant threshold of p < 0.05.
Compliance with the IFAS was low (26.2%).
Adolescent girls who were aware of anaemia (AOR
= 3.57 (95% CI: 1.96, 6.51) p < 0.01),
had good knowledge of anaemia (AOR = 1.82 (95%
CI: 1.17, 2.81) p=0.01), and had good knowledge of
the IFAS program (AOR = 2.29 (95% CI: 1.47,
p < 0.01) were significantly associated with
compliance with the IFAS. The majority (60%) of
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folic acid (IFA) tablet because it was not issued to guide.
them by the teacher's concern while about
(169) of the adolescent girls are taking the tablet
because it prevents anaemia. Adolescent girls
perceiving the tablet as family planning medicine
(88.8%) and unavailability of water in classrooms
(18.8%) were cited as the major challenges by
school health coordinators.
Aparajita Chattopadhyay et.al. 2019:- As a part
of an intervention programme, this study is based
on baseline cross-sectional data. It was conducted
between May 2016– April 2017 in three Indian
states (Bihar, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh). From a
sample of 6352 adolescent girls, information on
WASH practices, accessibility to health services
and anthropometric measurements (height, weight
and mid upper arm circumference (MUAC)) was
collected. Descriptive statistics were used to
examine WASH practices, and nutritional status
among adolescent girls. Determinants of open
defecation and menstrual hygiene were assessed
using logistic regression. Association between
WASH and nutritional status of adolescent girls
was determined using linear regression. Findings
showed 82% of the adolescent girls were
practicing open defecation and 76% were not
using sanitary napkins. Significant predictors of
open defecation and non-use of sanitary napkin
during menstruation were non Hindu households,
households with poorer wealth, non- availability
of water within household premise, non- visit to
Anganwadi Centre, and non-attendance in Kishori
group meetings. One-third of adolescent girls were
stunted, 17% were thin and 20% had MUAC
< 19 cm. Poor WASH practices like water facility
outside the household premise, unimproved
sanitation facility, non-use of soap after defecation
had significant association with poor nutritional
status of adolescent girls. Concerted convergent
actions focusing on the provision of clean water
within the household premise, measures to stop
open defecation, promotion of hand washing,
accessibility of sanitary napkins, poverty
alleviation and behavior change are needed.
Health, nutrition and livelihood programmes must
be interspersed, and adolescents must be
encouraged to take part in these programmes.
Amaha kahsay et.al. 2020:- We employed an
explorative qualitative study among purposively
selected adolescent girls and school teachers from
rural districts of Tigray region. We conducted 11
focused group discussions with adolescent girls,
17 in-depth interviews (seven with teachers, seven
with in-school adolescent girls, and three with out-
of- school adolescent girls) using a semi-structured

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Data was audio-taped, transcribed verbatim in local anemia (p<0.01). Overall, the girls had poor dietary
language, translated into English, and imported into quality
ATLAS.ti version 7.5 qualitative data analysis
software for analysis. Adolescents perceived that
stunting, anemia, and thinness are among the main
nutritional problems in their community. Food
insecurity, limited nutrition awareness in the
community, limited access to a water source, high
workload, service provider’s little attention for
adolescents’ nutrition, and food taboo have
emerged as barriers for the uptake of adolescent
girls’ nutritional interventions. Though limited in
reach, available nutritional interventions include
awareness creation, nutritional supplementation,
and disease prevention. Food insecurity poses a
strong challenge to adolescent girls’ nutrition. As
access to safe drinking water continues to be a
considerable bottleneck for nutritional
interventions, a multi- sectoral response to integrate
water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services is
required. Bounded by food taboo, high burden of
workload among the adolescent girls, women
empowerment and nutritional status seems to be the
unfinished agenda in resource limited settings such
as the rural areas of Tigray region.
Rina agustina et.al. 2020:- We conducted a cross-
sectional survey in 335 school- going adolescent
girls aged 12–19 years from three districts in West
Java using multi- stage cluster sampling. Meal
patterning, Dietary Quality Index for Adolescents
(DQI- A), and Dietary Diversity Score (DDS) were
determined using 2-day 24-h recall. Of the girls,
45% were anemic and 17% overweight or obese.
Eating occasions of 3–4 times (AOR 2.68, 95%
CI 1.21–
5.98) and >4 times (AOR 2.43, 95% CI 1.01–5.83)
were associated with greater odds of developing
anemia compared to eating occasions of <3 times.
Adolescent girls who skipped dinner had greater
odds of being overweight or obese (AOR 2.13, 95%
CI 1.10–4.10) and were less likely to be anemic
(AOR 0.56, 95%CI 0.33–0.95) compared to those
who did not skip dinner. Difference in energy
intake was found between girls who had dinner and
skipped dinner (p = 0.05). Mean total DQI-A score
was 44.4%
± 7.71% and DDS was 4.0 out of 9.0. DQI- A score
was significantly higher in non-anemic compared to
anemic girls. Moreover, each unit increment of 1%
of total DQI-A score was associated with a 3.967
g/dL increases of haemoglobin after adjustment for
confounders. We found differences in total DQI-A
score between normal-weight and overweight or
obese girls. DDS score was not significantly
different between groups, although lower meat,
chicken, and fish consumption were correlated with

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and diversity. The findings therefore indicated the divisions and 10 districts [19, 20], and
importance of improving dietary quality and Muzaffarabad division was randomly selected for
diversity in a regular meal pattern, especially meal this study. The government and private-sector jobs,
frequency and meal skipping, to reduce the risk of small businesses, livestock, tourism, horticulture,
anemia and overweight-obesity among adolescent and collection of medicinal
Kelemu Fentie et.al 2020:- Data were collected
from 528 secondary school adolescent girls by a
school- based cross-sectional study design in
Jimma town from 1/1/2019 to 1/2/2019, southwest
Ethiopia. A multistage sampling technique was
used to select the study participants. A portable
battery-operated HemoCue Hb 301+ analyser was
used to measure the haemoglobin level, and then
reading was classified as normal Hb ≥ 12 g\dland
anemic if the haemoglobin value <12 g/dl based on
the WHO 2011 recommended cut-off points after
adjustments to altitude was made. Bivariate
analysis at p value ≤0.25 was considered as a
candidate for multivariable logistic regression.
Multivariable logistic regression was done to
control for confounders and to identify factors
independently associated with anemia. Level of
statistical significance was declared at p < 0.05. A
total of 528 adolescent girls were included in the
study yielding a response rate of 95.8%. The
prevalence of anemia was found to be 26.7%, 95%
CI (22.7, 30.50). In multivariate logistic regression
analysis, those living separately from their family
(AOR = 4.430, 95% CI (2.20, 8.90)), low
diversity score (AOR = 3.57, 95% CI (1.88, 6.75)),
menstrual bleeding more than 5 days (AOR = 2.25,
95% CI (1.17, 4.33)), and low economic
(AOR = 2.16, 95% CI (1.17, 4.33)) were positively
associated factors with anemia and only having at
least a secondary school in mother's educational
status AOR = 0.43, 95% CI (0.18, 0.97) was
negatively associated with anemia in the study
Nazneen Habib et.al.2020:- A cross-sectional
study was conducted for assessing anemia
prevalence and its societal factors among
adolescent school girls. The study and its ethical
clearance were approved by the board of advanced
studies and research of International Islamic
University. Informed consent of the respondents
and their parents was also obtained before
interview. The purpose of the study was orally
explained to the respondents and their mothers.
Confidentiality of the information and privacy of
the respondents were also maintained. The study
was conducted in the Muzaffarabad division, Azad
Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Pakistan, which
comprises mountainous topography. AJK has three

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herbs are the main sources of livelihood. The region dominated by tribal
is badly affected by natural and manmade hazards.
Because of limited job opportunities in the
government and private sectors, a majority of
people are working in Pakistan and abroad. Natural
disasters and the firing across the line of control
between Pakistani and Indian army has badly
affected infrastructure, tourism, and hence the
economic well- being of the people. Poverty and
inadequate health facilities at far flung areas,
insufficient diet, unawareness about anemia, and its
health consequences make the female population
vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia (IDA).
2. Studies related to anemia with intervention
among adolescent girls.
Mohan Joshi et.al. 2013:- Randomized controlled
trial was conducted in adolescent girls visiting
‘Urban Health and Training Centre’ during the
study period June, 2011 to October, 2012. The 120
anaemic (Haemoglobin < 12 gm%) adolescent girls
(10-19 years) were distributed randomly by block
randomization in two groups; one receiving daily
Iron and Folic Acid supplementation and in other
group receiving weekly Iron and Folic Acid
supplementation for 3 months. All the study
subjects were given de-worming (Albendazole 400
mg) and required health education separately. Both
the groups were monitored for Haemoglobin
estimation, compliance and adverse drug reactions,
if any. Open- Epi Statistical Software was used for
data analysis. The mean age of study subjects in
‘Daily Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation’ and
‘Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation’
group was 13.48 and
13.55 years respectively. Their mean pre
intervention Haemoglobin was 10.1±1.1 gm/dl and
10.4±1.1 gm/dl respectively. The mean rise in
Haemoglobin after lean period of 1 month in
respective groups was almost equal i.e. 1.0±0.7
gm/dl and 1.0±0.8 gm/dl. Adverse Drug Reactions
were 8.3% in weekly regime as compared to
13.35% in daily regime, abdominal pain being the
commonest adverse drug reaction seen. The
compliance calculated as mean of unconsumed
‘Iron and Folic Acid’ tablets was 6.1±10.98 in
‘Daily Iron Folic Acid Supplementation’ group,
while it was 1.3±3.15 in ‘Weekly Iron Folic Acid
Supplementation’ group (p=0.0012), making
weekly regime more promising than daily regime
with better treatment compliance.
Aparajita Chattopadhyay et.al. 2019:- The study
is a part of the SWABHIMAN programme which
aimed at improving the nutritional status of
adolescent girls, pregnant women, and mothers of
children less than two years age in three poverty
pockets of India (Bihar, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh)
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population. As a part of this programme, primary
data amongst adolescent girls (10– 19 years) were
collected between May 2016 and April 2017 from
Purnea district (Jalalgarh and Kasba blocks) of
Bihar, Angul district (Pallahara block) and
Koraput district (Koraput block) of Odisha and
Bastar district (Bakawand and Bastar blocks) of
Chhattisgarh. Based on the outcome indicators and
the change envisaged, a representative sample of
6352 (Bihar: 1704; Odisha: 1727 and Chhattisgarh:
2921) adolescent girls was drawn using the simple
random sampling. Fourty 6 % sample population
belongs to scheduled tribe. Data were collected by
trained teams, consisting of trained supervisors
and field investigators.
A pre-tested, structured, bilingual questionnaire in
Bihar and Chhattisgarh (English and Hindi), and
Odisha (English and Odia) were used to elicit
information on: i) socio-demographic profile, ii)
WASH practices (main source of drinking water,
accessibility of water facility, type of sanitation
facility used, practice of open defecation, use of
soap after defecation and use of napkins during
mensuration), iii) adolescents’ access to health
services (accessed health service in last six
months, visited Anganwadi (rural child care centre
in India), accessed any health services, counselling
by a frontline health worker, attended any Kishori
(Adolescent girl) group meetings and able to make
decision about own healthcare, iv) anthropometric
measurements (weight, height and mid upper arm
circumference (MUAC)) were collected using the
standard technique.
Weight was measured in kilogram (without shoes)
using a SECA electronic weighing scale recorded
to the nearest 0.1 kg. Height was taken barefooted
using stadiometer nearest to 0.1 cm. Mid Upper
Arm Circumference was measured in centimetres
with a non-stretchable measuring tape nearest to
0.1 cm. The tape was placed firmly but gently on
the arm to avoid compression of soft tissue.
Quality control checks were conducted for 10% of
the interviewed population. The weighing scales
and stadiometer were calibrated on a weekly basis
prior to data collection with standard weights (1, 2
and 5 kg) and a meter rod (100 cm). The mean
standard errors of measurement for height, weight,
and MUAC across all the data collection teams
were insignificant and ranged between 0.001–
0.025 (p < 0.10,CI = − 0.004– 0.042).
Rediet Takele Regasa et.al 2019:- A school
based cross-sectional study was conducted among
school going adolescent girls of Wayu Tuqa
district, south west Ethiopia and a 3-stage random
sampling technique was used to select study
participants. Data
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were entered into EpiData version 3.1 and analysed anemia among adolescent girls. This study
using STATA version12. Haemoglobin was contributes to a better understanding of anemia
measured by HemoCue 301+ photometer and WHO among adolescent girls.
Anthro- plus software Version 1.0.4 was used to
calculate BMI for age z-score. Both bivariate and 3. METHODOLOGY
multivariate analyses were performed to check Research methodology is the systematic, theoretical
associations and control confounding. A p-value analysis of the methods applied to a field of study.
<0.05 was considered statistically. The prevalence It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of
of anaemia among adolescent girls was a moderate methods and principles associated with a branch of
public health problem. To improve the prevailing knowledge. (Kara, Helen (2015)
nutritional problem, there must be inter-sectorial It is mandatory in research as its framework for
collaboration among health sectors and education conducting the study. Methodology is most
sectors in providing nutritional education and important in research, as it is the framework for
counselling based on age and menarche status. conducting a study. It indicates the general pattern
PLoS ONE el.at 2020:- A cross-sectional study for organizing procedure to gather valid and reliable
was conducted in three districts of West Java data for investigation. Research methodology is a
province, Indonesia, in 2016 as a part of the generally guideline system for solving the research
baseline survey of ‘Iron Folate Supplementation problem, with specific components as phases, tasks,
Program’ conducted by the Department of method, techniques and tools. It refers to the
Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universities investigation and the way of obtaining, organizing
Indonesia for Nutrition International. The subjects and analysing data.
were school-going adolescent girls aged 12– 19 This chapter deals with a study to assess the
years. Minimum sample sizes of 240 and 191 were effectiveness of structured teaching programme on
required to detect associations between dietary knowledge regarding prevention and prevalence of
quality and anaemia, as well as, overweight-obesity, anemia among adolescent girls in a selected areas
with logistic regression analysis (95% confidence Mohali, Punjab.
interval, 80% power, assumed OR 1.79 for low
dietary quality to be anaemic and OR 0.55 for high This chapter includes:
dietary quality to be obese . With a probable non-  Research design
response rate of 10%, a total sample of 300 was  Research Settings
decided. As the current study was a part of a
baseline data of the larger intervention study of iron  Population
folic acid supplementation, the eventual number of  Sample and sampling technique
respondents corresponded to this study with a total
 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
of 340 adolescent girls. This number was powered
to detect a 15% point change between 18.4%  Development and description tool
assumed anaemia prevalence in adolescent girls and  Validity of Research Tool
an anticipated 3% at end line survey. The analysis
was for two sample tests with standard statistical  Pilot study
assumptions (two-sided test; alpha  Reliability of Research Tool
= 0.05; 0.8 power, and non-continuity), rounded up
to account for end line survey, design effect, and  Ethical consideration
assumed non-response rate. The use of 340 sample  Procedure for Data Collection
enables better power for the current study
 Plan for data analysis
 Summary
Further research is needed to better understand the
positive and negative factors that are associated

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Figure 2. Schematic Representation of Research Methodology.

RESEARCH DESIGN Hungler”. The criterion for selection of this setting
The term research design is defined as a blueprint is feasibility of conducting study in the setting and
for conducting a study with maximum control over investigators familiarity with the setting and people.
factors that may interfere with the validity of This study is conducted in selected areas Mohali,
findings. Punjab.
(Burns and Grove 2003). TARGET POPULATION
Research approach- In the present study Polit and Hungler (1991) described “population as
Quantitative Research Approach was used. the entire set of individuals having some common
Research Study- In the present study One group characteristics”.
pre- test post-test experimental research design The population in the present study included 100 all
adolescent girls at selected setting of Mohali,
Setting is the physical location and condition in
which the data takes place in a study “as said by SAMPLING TECHNIQUE AND SAMPLE SIZE
Polit and Polit and Hungler said, “sample is a subject of
population selected to participate in a research
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S.K Sharma, 2011 said that “Sample consists of SECTION-B: QUESTIONNAIRES REGARDING
subsets of units which comprise the population ANEMIA: This consists of 30 questionnaires to
selected by investigators or researcher to participate evaluate the knowledge of anemia among
in their research project”. adolescent girls in the selected areas. The valid
In the present study 100 all adolescent girls at items of questions were related to the perception
selected setting of Mohali, Punjab were drawn by and knowledge of girls towards anemia, nutritional
purposive sampling technique. status of girls, monthly family income, living status
of the family, lots of care from family members
during the menarche, how parents spend their
Inclusion criteria:
money for healthy diet among adolescent girls,
It includes the adolescent girls :
prevention methods of anemia, how does iron
 Ready or medically fit to participate in the
deficiency anemia affect teenagers, how to spend
the habits before and after menarche period and
 Present during the time of data collection.
what are the problems & complications.
 People who are willing to participate.
 People who are able to read, write and The total number of questions was 30. Each
understand English. question consists four independent responses. All
the questions were having four responses. For each
Exclusion criteria
correct response one marks and zero marks for
 People who are suffering from medical illness
wrong response.
or not medically fit.
 People who are not willing to participate in the Scoring Interpretation: Scoring interpretation was
study. classified into three levels based on the scores as
follows: -The maximum score will be 30 and the
minimum score was
A. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOOL 1. The total score of each subject were interpreted as
Data collection tools are the devices that a follows:
researcher uses to collect data. A search for S. No Range of score Interpretation
literature was made for the purpose of locating 1. 1-10 Inadequate
appropriate tools. 2. 11-20 Moderate
3. 21-30 Adequate
The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness
Table no.1 Represent Range of Score of
of structured teaching programme on knowledge
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia
among adolescent girls in a selected areas Mohali, Development of Structured Teaching
Punjab. The following data tools were used in order Programmed-The first draft on anemia of selected
to obtain data: areas were developed based on the objectives of the
 A structured demographic sheet. study and was given to 5 experts along with
 Self-structured questionnaire. objectives and the criteria of questionnaire. Based
on their suggestions and recommendation the final
A Self -Structured questionnaire is developed by
drafts of the Structured Teaching programme were
extensive literature review, consultation with
experts in nursing fraternity, opinion from teachers,
personal experience and by researchers. Structured Teaching programme that uses humor to
help relieve anxiety, stress and improved an
adolescent girl’s sense of well-being, and provided
The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of
awareness, knowledge regarding anemia. It may be
structured teaching programme on knowledge
used to help girls cope with a serious problems and
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia
diseases. Video was shown to the adolescent girls.
among adolescent girls in a selected areas Mohali,
The technique of video showed that there were
Punjab. Tool comprises of two sections-
some anemic girls in video had weakness, fatigue,
SECTION-A: DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES: pale skin etc. Doctors/ health workers provided
This section of tool consists of items pertaining to treatment and prevention regarding anemia in
selected demographic variables of adolescent girls which they have showed how to improve anemic
which include age, religion, educational status, conditions, what type of food is taken, some
occupation status of the parents, living status of the exercises and about life styles of family. Also
adolescents, and type of family, monthly family discussed about how to reduce the rate of anemia
income, type of residence and no. of siblings etc. and how to prevent the complication and diseases
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and participants showed interest, they

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felt good during the video session. The duration of feasible to conduct in reference of available time,
STP was 25 to 30 minutes.
On first day, forty-five samples were selected and
conducted the pre-test after that intervention was
given to them (STP) after two days conducted the
post-test from those samples. On third day, thirty-
five samples were selected and same procedure
done with them and on Fifth day, twenty samples
were selected and intervention was given to them
and conducted the post-test from those samples
after two days of intervention i.e., on seventh day.
Polit and Beck (2008) state that validity is the
degree to which an instrument measures what it is
supposed to measure. Content Validity of tool was
checked by:
 Consultation with the Guide and Co-guide
regarding the validity of content of tool.
 Five experts from the fields of nursing
department validated the tool for its content,
relevance, clarity and sequence1 gynecologist, 3
experts from the department of medical surgical
nursing and 1 cardiologist.
 Relevant Modifications were made as per
suggestions given by experts and discussion
with Nursing guide and Co-guide. Changes
were incorporated inthe tool accordingly.
Polit and Beck (2012) state that a pilot study is a
small- scale version or trial run designed to test the
methods to be used in a larger, more rigorous study.
Data from Pilot testing intervention can shed light
on a number of things including the acceptability of
the intervention to intended beneficiaries,
intervention agent, the adequacy,
comprehensiveness and clarity of intervention
protocol, the appropriateness of the intervention, the
extent to which intervention fidelity can be
maintained, the rate of retention in intervention and
safety of the intervention. The outcomes of Pilot
study provide invaluable lessons that can inform
subsequent efforts to generate valid evidence for
nursing practice.
To assess the feasibility of the study a pilot study
was conducted on 5 adolescent girls Topic was
explained and permission was obtained from each
subject and confidentiality was assured. The Pre-
test was conducted by using questionnaires
regarding anemia to the adolescent girls.
The post-test was conducted after five days, by
using the same questionnaire on anemia for
evaluating the knowledge regarding anemia.
The result of pilot study revealed that subjects were
sufficiently available and the study was found
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money, resources, administrative support and questionnaire on anemia and instructions were
ethical limits. The language used in the tool was given
clear, adequate and appropriate. The data gathered
from the 5 samples were looked into for the
desired statistical analysis, using descriptive and
inferential statistics.
The reliability of an instrument is a major criterion
for assessing its quality and adequacy. It is the
ability of the data gathering device to obtain
consistent result.
Polit and Beck (2011) state that the reliability of
an instrument is the degree of consistency with
which it measures the attributes it is supposed to
be measuring.
The reliability of the tool was established by Karl
Pearson’s correlation coefficient formula. The tool
was found to be reliable (r=0.670) Therefore, the
tool was found moderately reliable.
A written ethical consideration was taken from
Desh Bhagat University School of Nursing, Mandi
Gobindgarh, Punjab. verbal consent was obtained
from all the subjects. The subjects were given full
autonomy to participate the research and
withdrawal from research at any time. Anonymity
confidentiality of the subjects was maintained
while data collection. The nursing activities
performed during research did not cause any harm
to the study subjects. Before collecting data,
permission was obtained from the Adolescents.
After obtaining formal permission from the
concern people. The study was conducted in May
2021 in a week by using purposive sampling
technique, the investigator given self-introduction,
explained the purpose of the study and the
subject’s willingness to participated in the study
was ascertain. The subjects were assured
anonymity and confidentiality of the information
provided by them and informed consent was
obtained. The impact of questionnaires and video
was administered after the pre-test. As the study
needs 100 samples, the researcher took 100
samples from selected areas, Mohali.
The method of data collection adopted for the
study was questionnaire on anemia. The subjects
of the study were gathered in selected areas. After
brief introduction of self, the investigator
explained the purpose of the study.
A socio-demographic data sheet was filled by the
Pre-test was conducted by distributing the

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on data collection answering the questionnaire and description tool, validity of research tool, pilot
doubts were clarified. Adolescent girls took 15-20 study, reliability of research tool, policy relevance,
minutes to answer the demographic data and to fill procedure for data collection, plan for data analysis,
the questionnaire. On the same day, videos and summary.
pamphlets was given to the group. Adequate
explanation was provided wherever needed. 4. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF
Post-test was conducted after one week and Analysis and interpretation of data is the most
administered the same questionnaire on anemia. important phase of research process, which involves
During the conduction of the study there was no the Computation of certain measures along with
problem encountered and subjects were co- searching for patterns of relationship that exist
operative to conduct the study. The coding was among the data group. Data collection is followed
done to identify the subjects. by analysis and interpretation of data in accordance
PLAN OF DATA ANALYSIS with study objectives.
Data analysis is the process of systematically S.K SHARMA (2011) defines analysis as a process
applying statistical and logical techniques to of systematically applying statistical and logical
describes and illustrate, condense and recap, and techniques to describe, summarize and compare
evaluate data. The investigator planned to analyses data.
the data on the basis of the objectives and the
assumption of study. The obtained was analyzed in OBJECTIVES
the following ways:  Assessment of the pre-test knowledge score
1. Data was organized in the master data sheet. regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia
2. Analysis of data was done on the basis of among adolescent girls.
objectives of the study.  Assessment of post-test knowledge score
3. Computation of frequencies and percentage for regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia
the analysis of Socio- demographic variables among adolescent girls.
4. Criteria measurement to assess the effectiveness  Comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge
of structured teaching programme score of adolescent girls.
5. Chi-square test was used to determine the  To determine the association of the pre-test
association among adolescent girls regarding knowledge regarding prevention and prevalence
anemia and their selected socio- demographic of anaemia among adolescent girls and various
variables. demographic variables.
Responses of adolescent girls to the questionnaires Section A: - Description of Demographic data.
will review their knowledge regarding anemia and Section B: - Assessment of Pre-Test and Post-Test
structured teaching program may enhance the of Knowledge Score of Adolescent Girls Regarding
knowledge of adolescent girl about anemia by Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia.
which the knowledge regarding anemia will be
increased in the girls. Section C: - Comparison of Pre-Test and Post Test
Knowledge Scores of Adolescent Girls Regarding
SUMMARY Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia.
This chapter deals with the research design,
research settings, population sample and sampling Section D: - Association of Pre-Test Knowledge
technique, inclusion and exclusion criteria, Scores of Adolescent Girls with Selected
development and Demographic Variables.
The section describes the demographic characteristics to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching
programme on prevention and prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls in Mohali, Punjab. The
demographic characteristics are described in terms of Age, Religion, Educational Status, Occupational status
of parents, Living Status, Type of Family, Monthly Family income , Type of Residence, Number of siblings,
Age of menarche and Duration of menses.
Frequency and percentage distribution of Demographic characteristics are computed for describing the
sample characteristics. These findings are presented in table.

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Sr. No. Demographical Variables Frequency %
12-13 years 20 20%
14-15 years 30 30%
16-17 years 30 30%
18-19 years 20 20%
Hindu 30 30%
Muslim 13 13%
Christian 07 07%
Others 50 50%
8th 20 20%
10th 41 41%
12th 39 39%
Nil 0 0%
Private job 34 34%
Government job 20 20%
Marketing manager 06 6%
Business and financial operation 40 40%
Rural area 50 50%
Urban area 50 50%
Tribal area 00 00%
Any other 00 00%
Nuclear family 30 30%
Joint family 50 50%
Extended family 05 5%
Single parent family 15 15%
Less than 10000 20 20%
20000-40000 40 40%
50000-80000 40 40%
Above 80000 00 0%
Own 59 59%
Rented 30 30%
Hostel 05 5%
Other 06 06%
1 35 35%
2 45 45%
3 to 5 20 20%
Above 5 00 00%
10-13 years 80 80%
14-17 years 20 20%
18-21 years 00 0%
Above 22 years 00 0%

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0-3 days 11 11%
3-5 days 25 25%
5-7 days 50 50%
More than 7 days 14 14%
Data presented in table shows that the age of adolescent girls between 12-13 years were 20% , 14-15 years
were 30% , 16-17 years were 30% and 18-19 years were 20%(fig2). The religion data tells us that Hindu
were 30% , Muslim were 13% , Christian was 7% and others were 50% (fig3) .In the group the educational
status were 20% girls in 8th, 41% were in 10th and 39% were in 12th . In the group the occupational status of
parents was , 34% were have private job, 20% were have government job, 6% were marketing manager and
40 % were have business and financial operation . In the Study the living status is 50% were living in rural
area and 50% were living in urban area. In the Present study, the type of family of adolescent girls in nuclear
family were 30% , in joint family were 50% , in extended family were 5% and in single parent family were
15%. In the Study, the monthly family income of less than 10000 were 20% , 20000-40000 were 40% ,
50000-80000 were 40% and above 80000 were 0% . In the study, the type of residence is 59% were living in
own residence, 30% were living in rented residence, 05% were living in hostel and 6% were living in other
residence. In the Study, the number of siblings is 35% have 1 sibling, 45% have 2 siblings, 20% have 3 to 5
siblings and 0% have above 5 siblings . In the Present data , girls with age of menarche of 10- 13 years were
20% , girls with age of menarche of 14-17 years were 80% and girls with age of menarche of 18-21 and
above 22 years were 0%. In the Data, duration of menses is 11% girls were having 0-3 days of menses, 25%
girls were having 3-5 days of menses, 50% girls were having 5-7 days of menses and 14% girls were have

more than 7 days of menses.

Fig. 2 Clustered Column Chart represent Age.

Fig.3 Clustered Column Chart represent Religion.

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Fig.4 Clustered Column Chart represent Educational Status.

Fig.5 Clustered Column Chart represent Occupational status of parents.

Fig.6 Clustered Column Chart represent Marital Status.

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Fig.7 Clustered Column Chart represent Type of Family.

Fig.8 Clustered Column Chart represent Monthly family income.

Fig.9 Clustered Column Chart represent Type of residence.

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Fig.10 Clustered Column Chart represent Number of siblings.

Fig.11 Clustered Column Chart represent Age of Menarche.

Fig.12 Clustered Column Chart represent Duration of menses.

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Section B: Assessment of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Knowledge Score of Adolescent Girls Regarding
Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia.
This section describes to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention and
prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls in Mohali, Punjab.
Frequency and percentage distribution of criteria measurement to assess the adjustment problems of Students
is computed for describing sample characteristics. The findings are present in Table
OBJECTIVE 1- Assessment of the pre-test knowledge score regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia
among adolescent girls.
Pre test
Knowledge level Frequency (f) Percent (%)
Inadequate 58 58%
Moderate 40 40%
Adequate 02 02%
Table . Illustrate that out of 100 adolescents 02% having adequate knowledge followed by 40% have
moderate knowledge and 58% having inadequate knowledge. Hence, it concluded that majority of the
adolescents have inadequate knowledge (58%).

Table No 3: Descriptive Statistics table

Descriptive Statistics Mean Median S. D Maximum Minimum Range
Level of Knowledge 10.78 10.00 4.414 21 3 18

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Table No.: The above table showing Descriptive Statistics. This showed that median score was (10) followed
by mean score was (10.78). Moreover, S.D. score was only (4.414).OBJECTIVE 2- Assessment of post-test
knowledge score regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls.
Post test
Knowledge level
Frequency Percent
Inadequate 00 0%
Moderate 15 15%
Adequate 85 85%
Table . Illustrate that out of 100 adolescents 85% having adequate knowledge followed by 15% have
moderate knowledge and 00% having inadequate knowledge. Hence, it concluded that majority of the
adolescents have adequate knowledge (85%).

Table No 3: Descriptive Statistics table

Descriptive Statistics Mean Median S. D Maximum Minimum Range
Level of Knowledge 24.05 25.00 2.890 29 18 11

Table No.: The above table showing Descriptive Statistics. This showed that median score was (25) followed
by mean score was (24.05). Moreover, S.D. score was only (2.89).

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Section C: Comparison of Pre-Test and Post Test Knowledge Scores of Adolescent Girls Regarding
Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia.
This section describes comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of adolescent girls regarding
prevention and prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls in Mohali, Punjab.
OBJECTIVE 3 -Comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge score of adolescent girls.
Table – Comparison of Pre-Test and Post-Test Knowledge Scores of Adolescent girls regarding prevention
and prevalence of anaemia.
N = 100
Sr. No. Knowledge Mean Mean % S D Enhancement T Value Df
1 Pre test 10.78 35.93 4.414
2 Post test 24.05 80.16 2.890 44.23% 25.554 99

Figure Comparison of Pre-Test and Post Test Knowledge Scores of Adolescent girls regarding
prevention and prevalence of anaemia.
Figure and table represent comparison of pre and post-test knowledge score of adolescent girls regarding
prevention and prevalence of anaemia. In pre-test mean is having 10.78 and mean percentage 35.93%. In
post- test, mean is having 24.05 and mean percentage 80.16%. Enhancement percentage is 44.23%. The
difference between pre and post-test mean score revealed the effectiveness of structured teaching program
among adolescent girls regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia. Hence, there is highly significant
increase in knowledge of adolescent girls regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia after their
exposure to structured teaching program. Therefore, H1 is accepted. Further, the paired t- test was used to
find the significant difference between the pre and post-test knowledge score. Table shows that the t- value
25.554 is highly significant at p<0.05%. Hence there is significant difference between the pre and post-test
knowledge scores and that difference is due to exposure of adolescent girls to structured teaching program
on regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia.
Section D: Association of Pre-Test Knowledge Scores of Adolescent Girls with Selected Demographic
This section describes association of pre-test knowledge scores of adolescent girls with selected
demographic variables regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls in Mohali,
The Chi Square test was used to determine the association between the levels of knowledge with selected
demographic variables.
The Chi Square values showing the association between level of knowledge regarding prevention and
prevalence of anemia with their demographic variables of adolescents.
Objective 4: To determine the association of the pre-test knowledge regarding prevention and prevalence of
anaemia among adolescent girls and various demographic variables.

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Variables Options n Mean Sd df Result
12-13 years 20 11.80 5.022
14-15 years 30 11.10 4.831
Age 16-17 years 30 9.97 3.624 48 NS (0.540)
18-19 years 20 10.45 4.286
Hindu 30 10.40 4.190
Muslim 13 10.85 4.240
Religion Christian 07 14.29 5.469 48 NS (0.395)
Others 50 10.48 4.362
8th 20 11.80 5.022
10th 41 10.73 4.658
Educational status 12th 39 10.28 3.818 32 NS (0.228)
Nil 0 00 00
Private job 34 10.38 5.051
Government job 20 12.90 4.745
upational status of the parents Marketing manager 6 10.33 3.011 48 NS (0.537)
Business and financial operation 40 10.10 3.586
Rural 50 11.38 4.720
Urban 50 10.16 4.047
Living status Tribal 00 00 00 16
NS (0.508)
Other 00 00 00
Nuclear family 30 11.27 4.143
Joint family 50 10.72 4.352
Type of family Extended family 05 9.00 1.581 48 NS (0.195)
Single parent family 15 10.53 5.805
Less than 10000 20 10.05 3.913
20000-40000 40 11.33 4.376
Monthly family income 50000-80000 40 10.58 4.722 32 NS (0.785)
More than 80000 00 00 00
Own 59 8.73 2.722
Rented 30 12.63 4.476
Type of residence Hostel 05 18.40 2.191 48 NS (0.001)
Other 06 15.17 5.382
1 35 10.43 3.860
2 45 10.20 4.521
No. of siblings 3 to 5 20 12.65 4.793 32 NS (0.105)
More than 5 00 00 00
10-13 years 80 10.55 4.483
14-17 years 20 11.65 4.133
Age of menarche 18-21 years 00 00 00 16 NS (0.689)
More than 22 years 00 00 00
0-3 days 11 11.55 3.012
3-5 days 25 10.40 4.761
Duration of the menses 5-7 days 50 11.18 4.628 48 NS (0.485)
More than 7 days 14 9.36 3.934
*NS= not significant, S= significant
The data presented in the table shows that the sample of 100 adolescents in which the association between
demographic variable of age and Knowledge is Not significant by 0.540, the association between
demographic variable of religion and Knowledge is Not significant by 0.395, the association between
demographic variable of Educational status and Knowledge is Not significant by 0.228, the association
between demographic variable of Occupational status of the parents and Knowledge is Not significant by
0.537, the association between demographic variable of Living status and Knowledge is Not significant by
0.508, the association between

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demographic variable of type of family and Knowledge is Not significant by 0.195, the association between
demographic variable of monthly family income and Knowledge is Not significant by 0.785, the association
between demographic variable of Type of residence and Knowledge is Not significant by 0.001, the
association between demographic variable of No. of siblings and Knowledge is Not significant by 0.105, the
association between demographic variable of Age of menarche and Knowledge is Not significant by 0.689,
the association between demographic variable of Duration of the menses and Knowledge is Not significant
by 0.485.
This chapter deals with the frequency and years were 20% (20) respectively.
percentage table and graphs representing the
Assessment of the pre-test knowledge score
regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia
among adolescent girls. Assessment of post-test
knowledge score regarding prevention and
prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls.
Comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge
score of adolescent girls. To determine the
association of the pre-test knowledge regarding
prevention and prevalence of anaemia among
adolescent girls and various demographic variables.
The chi - square test was done to determine the
association between pre-test knowledge with their
selected Demographic variables.
This chapter deals with the major findings of the
study based on the interpretation from the statistical
analysis. The findings are discussed in relation to
the objectives of the study.
The purpose of the study was to assess the
effectiveness of the Structured Teaching Program
(STP) on knowledge regarding prevention and
prevalence of anemia of adolescent girls.
Description of the demographic data of adolescent
Objective I: assessment of the pre-test knowledge
score regarding prevention and prevalence of
anemia among adolescent girls.
Objective II: assessment of post-test knowledge
score regarding prevention and prevalence of
anemia among adolescent girls.
Objective III: Comparison of pre-test and post-test
knowledge score of adolescent girls.
Objective IV: To determine the association of the
pre-test knowledge regarding prevention and
prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls and
various demographic variables.
Objective I: Findings of the demographic data of
adolescent girls
According to age: the age of adolescent girls
between 12-13 years were 20% (20), 14- 15 years
were 30% (30), 16-17 years were 30% (30) and 18-

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Religion: In the group, Hindu were 30% (30),
Muslim were 13% (13), Christian were 7% (07)
others were 50% (50) respectively.
Educational status: In the group, there were
20%(20) girls in 8th, 41%(41) were in 10th and
(39) were in 12th respectively.
Occupational status of the parents: In the group,
34% (34) were have private job, 20% (20) were
have government job, 6% (06) were marketing
manager and 40 % (40) were have business and
financial operation respectively.
Living status of adolescent girls: In the group,
(50) were living in rural area and 50% (50) were
living in urban area respectively.
Type of family: In the group, adolescent girls in
nuclear family were 30% (30), in joint family were
50% (50), in extended family were 5% (05) and in
single parent family were 15% (15) respectively.
Monthly family income: In the group, monthly
family income of less than 10000 were 20%
20000-40000 were 40% (40), 50000-80000 were
(40) and above 80000 were 0% (0) respectively.
Type of residence: In the group, 59% (59) were
living in own residence, 30% (30) were living in
rented residence, 05% (05) were living in hostel
and 6% (06) were living in other residence
No. of siblings: In the group, 35% (35) have 1
sibling, 45% (45) have 2 siblings, 20% (20) have 3
5 siblings and 0% (0) have above 5 siblings
Age of menarche: In the group, girls with age of
menarche of 10-13 years were 20% (20), girls with
age of menarche of 14-17 years were 80% (80)
and girls with age of menarche of 18-21 and above
22 years were 0% (0) respectively.
Duration of menses: In the group, 11% (11) girls
were have 0-3 days of menses, 25% (25) girls
were have 3-5 days of menses, 50% (50) girls were
have 5- 7 days of menses and 14% (14) girls were
have more than 7 days of menses respectively.
Objective II: Findings related to knowledge of
adolescent girls regarding prevention and
prevalence of anemia.

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Majority 58 (58%) of the adolescent girls had 6. SUMMARY
inadequate knowledge, 40 (40%) had moderate Anemia is a condition in which the number of red
knowledge and 02 (2%) had adequate knowledge in blood cells or the amount of haemoglobin is low.
pre-test before administering structured teaching Red blood cells contain haemoglobin protein that it
program. After getting structured teaching program, enables them to carry oxygen from the lungs and
15 (15%) of adolescent girls had moderate deliver it to all parts of the body. When the number
knowledge and 85 (85%) of adolescent girls had of red blood cells is reduced or the amount of
reported adequate knowledge. haemoglobin in them is low, the blood cannot carry
Mean, mean percentage and standard deviation an adequate supply of oxygen. An inadequate
for the pre-test knowledge of adolescent girls supply of oxygen in the tissues produces the
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia. symptoms of anemia (Gupta and Kochar, 2009).
The mean and mean percentage of pre-test Adolescence has been defined by the world health
knowledge score of adolescent girls were found to organization as the period of life spanning the ages
be 10.78 and 35.93% with standard deviation 4.414 between 10 to 19 years (WHO, 2017). This is the
which indicates to have inadequate knowledge formative period of life when the maximum amount
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia. of physical, psychological, and behavioural changes
take place.
Mean, mean percentage and standard deviation
for the post-test knowledge of adolescent girls The adolescent girls play an important role in the
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia. prevention of anemia. This chapter provides the
The mean and mean percentage of pre-test process employed in this the study. The primary
knowledge score of adolescent girls were found to aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of
be 24.05 and 80.16% with standard deviation 2.890 adolescent girls regarding Prevention and
which indicates to have adequate knowledge Prevalence of Anemia.
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia. THE PRESENT STUDY WAS AIMED TO
Objective III: Findings related to evaluate ACHIEVE THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES
effectiveness of STP by comparing pre- test and  To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding
post-test knowledge scores of adolescent girls anemia among the adolescent girls.
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia.  To assess the post-test knowledge regarding
The table 13 it is evident that the obtained “t” value anemia among the adolescent girls.
of 25.554 is more than the table value at 0.05 level
of significance. Therefore “t” value is found to be  To assess the effectiveness of structured
significant. It means there is gained in knowledge teaching program between pre-test and post-test
level of adolescent girls regarding prevention and level of Knowledge Regarding Prevention and
prevalence of anemia. This supports that structured Prevalence of Anemia among Adolescent Girls.
teaching program on prevention and prevalence of  To find out association between pre-test
anemia is effective in increasing the knowledge knowledge regarding anemia with their selected
level of adolescent girls. demographic variables.
Objective IV: Findings related to association of THE FORMULATED HYPOTHESES WERE:
pre-test knowledge scores of adolescent girls H1- There will be significant difference between
with selected demographic variables. the mean pre-test and post-test knowledge
All demographic variables are not significant at regarding Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia
0.05 levels except type of residence (χ²=25.951, among the adolescent girls receiving Structured
df=6) which is significant at 0.05 level. Thus, it can Teaching Program (STP).
be inferred that there is significant association
between knowledge levels of adolescent girls H2- There will be significant association between
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia and pre-test knowledge scores of adolescent girls with
demographic variables. Therefore, the hypothesis their selected demographic variables.
stated there will be significant association between CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
pre-test knowledge level of adolescent girls The conceptual model selected for this study was
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia and based on Imogene king’s goal attainment theory is
selected demographic variables is accepted. based on the personnel and interpersonal systems
including interaction, perceptions, communication,
transaction, stress, growth & development, time and

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The research approach used for this study was knowledge and 02 (2%) had adequate knowledge in
experimental approach, which is adopted for one pre-test before administering structured teaching
group pre-test and post-test design. program. After getting structured teaching program,
Independent variable: In this study, the structured 15 (15%) of adolescent girls had moderate
teaching program is the independent variable. knowledge and 85 (85%) of adolescent girls had
reported adequate knowledge.
Dependent variable: In this study, knowledge
score of adolescent girls regarding Prevention and The mean and mean percentage of pre-test
Prevalence of Anemia is the dependent variable: knowledge score of adolescent girls were found to
be 10.78 and 35.93% with standard deviation 4.414
Demographic variables: Demographic variables in
which indicates to have inadequate knowledge
this study were Age, religion, education, occupation
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia.
status of family, type of family, and Monthly family
income etc. The setting of the study was in selected The mean and mean percentage of pre-test
areas of Mohali, Punjab. The purposive sampling knowledge score of adolescent girls were found to
technique is to draw the samples. The sample size is be 24.05 and 80.16% with standard deviation 2.890
100. which indicates to have adequate knowledge
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia.
Part-I: Structured schedule seeks information It is evident that the obtained “t” value of 25.554 is
about socio-demographic variable. more than the table value at 0.05 level of
significance. Therefore “t” value is found to be
Part-II: Structured knowledge questionnaire is
significant. It means there is gained in knowledge
used to assess the knowledge of adolescent girls
level of adolescent girls regarding prevention and
regarding Prevention and Prevalence of Anemia.
prevalence of anemia. This supports that structured
Experts provided content validity of the tool and it teaching program on prevention and prevalence of
is found to be reliable and feasible during the pilot anemia is effective in increasing the knowledge
study. The main study was conducted from in level of adolescent girls.
selected areas of Mohali, Punjab. The investigator
All demographic variables are not significant at
established good rapport with the adolescent girls
0.05 levels except type of residence (χ²=25.951,
and got the consent. The data regarding socio-
df=6) which is significant at 0.05 level. Thus, it can
demographic variables and knowledge of the
be inferred that there is significant association
adolescent girls was collected and administered the
between knowledge levels of adolescent girls
structured teaching program to adolescent girls, the
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia and
post-test is taken after intervention with STP. The
demographic variables. Therefore, the hypothesis
knowledge level was assessed by structured
stated there will be significant association between
knowledge questionnaire. The data were analysed
pre-test knowledge level of adolescent girls
and interpreted in terms of sections formulated,
regarding prevention and prevalence of anemia and
descriptive and inferential statistics were used.
selected demographic variables is accepted.
The findings of the study have been discussed with
reference to the sessions, hypothesis and with the
findings of the other studies. The revealed that the
Anemia is one of the most universally prevalent
difference in knowledge level is 44.23% by using
diseases in the world today. Iron deficiency anemia
structured teaching program. This showed that
is the most common micronutrient deficiency.
structured teaching program was effective in
WHO studies show higher rate in developing
increasing knowledge of the adolescent girls hence
countries .The iron deficiency anemia is common
research hypothesis was accepted. On the basis of
52 % of pregnant women and about 35-40% of non-
the findings, the investigator concluded that the
pregnant women.1
simulated instructional module which was
administered was effective. The association of post- Anemia is caused by inadequate supply of dietary
test level of knowledge with demographic variables iron is the most prevalent nutritional disorder in the
using chi- square test revealed that there was no United States and the most common mineral
significant association. disturbances. Almost 16% of lower income children
are anemic.2
Majority 58 (58%) of the adolescent girls had Nutritional anaemia is one of India’s major public
inadequate knowledge, 40 (40%) had moderate health problems. The prevalence of anemia range

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from 33% to 89% among pregnant women and is community areas should be provided regarding
more than 60% among adolescent girls.3 prevention of anaemia.
Based on the findings of the study, there was an RECOMMENDATIONS FOR
association between the knowledge level and FURTHER RESEARCH
demographic variables of the adolescent girls. Based on the findings of the present study and
Therefore, the investigator felt that it was necessary keeping in mind the limitations of the study, the
to improve the knowledge level and signify the role. following suggestions are offered to conduct the
Structured teaching program has been prepared to studies on
increase the awareness of the adolescent girls 1. Knowledge for the adolescent girls regarding
regarding prevention and prevalence of anaemia. other nutritional disorders along with anaemia
The findings of the study have implications for 2. Comparative study on the prevalence and
nursing education, community health practice, prevention practices of anaemia among rural
nursing practice and nursing research. and urban areas
Nursing education To enhance the knowledge 3. Assessing the effectiveness of video assisted
level on prevention and prevalence of anaemia program/ SIM on anaemia among adolescent
among adolescent girls is an important aspect of the girls.
basic education programmes in nursing. The
primary task of nursing education would be to LIMITATION
intervene in curriculum. Prevention is better than cure. In this study, only
adolescent girls from selected areas were selected.
Nursing practice
Generalization would have been possible if the
An implication for the nursing practice is derived adolescent girls from the different areas were
from the study is that occurrence of poor handling included in the study. An increased sample size and
of delivery, poor antenatal care of the mother, poor duration of the study would allow an evaluation of
health status of the children and preventing the the effect on STP.
factors associated with it can prevent for anaemia
and its prevalence. Therefore, nurse must receive SUMMARY
adequate preparation and training on various This chapter brought out the various implications
practices optimum that would help them to impart and also has provided suggestions for future
knowledge of the adolescent girls. studies. Studies of this kind should be an ongoing
process to make adolescent girls aware of the
Community Health Practice
importance of prevalence and prevention of
The result of the study is useful in planning the anaemia.
health care and actions. The community health
department can take preventive measures by REFERENCES
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