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Piętak, Łukasz
Review of theories and models of economic growth
Suggested Citation: Piętak, Łukasz (2014) : Review of theories and models of economic growth,
Comparative Economic Research, De Gruyter, Warsaw, Vol. 17, Iss. 1, pp. 45-60,
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Comparative Economic Research, Volume 17, Number 1, 2014
1. Introduction
Ph.D., University of Łódź, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Departament of World
Economy and European Integration
46 Łukasz Piętak
economic processes in the country it has some drawbacks. First, it does not
record the volume of production obtained from the informal market, known as
the "black market", which means that not all economic transactions are included
in the total volume of generated output. In addition, economic growth does not
take into account changes in the amount of time spent on work, which obviously
affects the welfare of society. Also the measure of economic growth does not
include the negative processes associated with economic activities, such as
environmental pollution, its progressive degradation, or noise pollution.
However, despite all these drawbacks economic growth remains the primary
measure of the socio-economic conditions of the citizens of a country.
years later, a different opinion on the division of labor was presented by Alfred
Marshall. In his opinion, performing the same work does not have a negative
impact on the mental development of the employee, and the damages caused by
the mechanical performance of work are neutralized by the social atmosphere at
the workplace (Marshall 1935, p. 255).
While the classical thought on economic growth was linked with supply,
Keynes considered demand to be the most important. The experience of the
Great Crisis of 1929 did not confirm the existence of an autonomous strength
that helped an economy to achieve a stable state. The Great Depression of the
1930s led to a dramatic economic collapse in world. John Steinbeck, in his book
"The Grapes of Wrath" described the situation in the United States, ruined by
the crisis of 1929 (Steinbeck 1971, pp. 43, 194-195, 291, 285, 348-349). The
biggest collapse took place there, where industrial production decreased by
44.7% and gross domestic product decreased by 28%. The countries affected by
the deep recession also included Austria, Germany, Italy, Czechoslovakia and
Poland. The crisis least affected countries such as The Netherlands, Romania,
United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries (Snowdon 1998, p. 16)
The experience of the Great Depression influenced Keynes. He said that
capitalism by its nature tended to imbalance. In his work he openly criticized
classical economics (Keynes 1985, pp. 42-43). Keynes did not accept Say’s
"law of markets", comparing such reasoning to the natural economy of Robinson
Crusoe (Keynes 1985, p. 46). In addition, he considered classical economy’s
assumption that an economy achieved a steady state in the long run as
unrealistic. According to Keynes, the economic mechanism by its nature tends
towards imbalances and unemployment (Keynes 1985, p. 60).
Keynes, in contrast to the classics, was convinced of the unbalanced
nature of economic growth. In his short-run model the main factor of growth is
investments. However, the model developed by Keynes does not take into
account the passage of time. His successors, in the persons of Harrod and
Domar, tried to dynamise the so-called keynesian model, seeking a balance in
the long run.
Analysis of the theory of economic growth begins with the name Joseph
Schumpeter. Contrary to the classics, Schumpeter did not consider the
accumulation of capital as the main driving force of economic growth. He
assigned great importance to the concept of the entrepreneur-innovator, calling
50 Łukasz Piętak
5. Conclusions
probability. On the other hand, the models of Lewis and Rostow predict
balanced growth in long run, even if it’s unbalanced in short run.
2. Growth models can be divided in many ways. Firstly, we can classify them
by extracting one common assumption. For example it could be a constant
saving rate. You can also divide the model into two groups: exogenous
models and endogenous models. Exogenus models use the neoclassical
production function, with decreasing productivity of factors of production.
On the other hand, in endogenous models the productivity of factors of
production is at least constant.
3. Neoclassical models predict convergence between countries. The poorer
economies grow faster than richer ones. Unlike the neoclassical models,
endogenus models do not predict convergence. For example, countries with
a large stock of human capital will develope faster in long run than
countries with a deficiency in this respect.
4. Sometimes, the results derived from the models are not supported by
empirical data concerning the global economy. For example, the “scale
effect” of Romer’s model (1986) is not confirmed by the examples of
individual countries.
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