Module 8 (NITTT Previous Year Questions)
Module 8 (NITTT Previous Year Questions)
Module 8 (NITTT Previous Year Questions)
2) One of the following deals with one-to-one collaboration between an external expert and a manager for developing
the leadership skills of the later, which is that:
A) Coaching
B) Mentoring
C) Orientation
D) None of these
A) Descriptive
B) Theoretical
C) Creative
D) Analytical
A) Sample physical verification at intervals of not more than five years should be done in case of libraries having
more than 50000 volumes. In case such verification reveals unusual or unreasonable shortages, complete
verification shall be done
B) Loss of five volumes per 1000 volumes of books issued/consulted in a year may be taken as reasonable provided
such losses are not attributable to dishonesty or negligence. However, loss of a book of a value exceeding Rs.
1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) and rare books irrespective of value shall invariably be investigated and
appropriate action taken.
C) For libraries having more than 20000 volumes and up to 50000 volumes, such verification should be done at
least once in three years.
D) Complete physical verification of books should be done every year in case of libraries having not more than 20000
Set Id : 72787_2
7) The pattern in which every person has someone " on each side of him " with whom he can communicate is the:
A) Circular pattern
B) Chain pattern
C) Centralised pattern
D) Y pattern
9) Identifying the --------- candidates and ---- them to apply for the job is called recruitment.
A) Available , insisting
B) Available, making
C) Potential, insisting
D) Potential, attracting
11) ‘No one on the organisation should have more than one boss’ is a statement of principle of:
A) Specialisation
B) Authority
C) Unity of command
D) Span of control
Set Id : 72787_2
12) Which of the following is NOT a method used for changing the attitude on an employee?
A) Use of fear
B) Providing new information
C) Giving feedback
D) Performance appraisal
13) A systematic and planned introduction of employees to their jobs, their co-workers and the institution is called:
A) Job evaluation
B) Investiture orientation
C) Orientation
D) Placement
14) The final activity for time management before moving out of work is:
15) For fostering team creativity, which is an appropriate way an institution may use:
16) All of the following are dangers inherent in over control except:
A) Study leave
B) Half pay leave
C) Extra ordinary leave
D) None of these
Set Id : 72787_2
18) Which of the following theories of motivation deal with the basic components of effort, performance and outcomes?
A) Expectancy Theory
B) Equity Theory
C) Goal Setting Theory
D) Reinforcement Theory
19) Which of the following is the correct sequence in the process of motivation?
1. Action
2. Need
3. Relief
4. Tension
A) 1, 2, 3, 4
B) 2, 4, 1, 3
C) 4, 3, 2, 1
D) 2, 1, 4, 3
A) Profit-oriented
B) Cost-oriented
C) Objective-oriented
D) Man-oriented.
A) Sender-message-transmission-recipient-meaning
B) Message-sender-signal-receiver-decode
C) Sender-transmission-message-decode-meaning
D) Message- transmission- encode-receiver-decode
22) The descriptive word most clearly associated with the organic approach to structure is :
A) Static
B) Rigid
C) Bureaucratic
D) Dynamic.
Set Id : 72787_2
A) Environment
B) Events
C) Personality traits
D) Political situation
24) The ideas which interfere with the solution of the problem fade away during ________ of creativity process.
A) Preparation phase
B) Evaluation phase
C) Idea generation phase
D) Incubation phase
25) The style of leadership which represents the extreme of centralised decision making authority:
A) Bureaucratic
B) Authoritarian
C) Laissez faire
D) Democratic
26) Members of a _______team have been cross trained so that each person is able to perform the duties of all other
A) Functional
B) Cross functional
C) Multi-functional
D) Self directed
27) Which of the following is NOT a road block to team progress in an institution?
A) Revenue Expenditure
B) Capital Expenditure
C) Not an Expenditure
D) Deferred Revenue Expenditure
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A) A.H. Maslow
B) Douglas Mc Gregor
C) Frederick Herzberg
D) F.W. Taylor
A) Real wages
B) Time wages
C) Money wages
D) None of these
34) The traditional method of appraisal whereby the appraiser lists the employees according to their level of performance
is called the:
A) Ranking method
B) Critical incident method
C) Graphic scales method
D) Forced distribution method.
Set Id : 72787_2
35) One of the following is not the basic principle underlying an academic audit, which is that:
36) Which of the following leader behaviours, feature in Hersey and Blanchard’s (1971) Situational leadership theory?
37) A virtual team is a collection of people who are _________________ separated but still __________________
together closely.
A) Temporally; work
B) Geographically; work
C) Geographically; decide
D) Physically; think
38) A manager who shows consistency between his or her words and actions develops a reputation for:
A) Self-confidence
B) Walking the talk
C) Emotionally intelligent
D) Highly energetic
39) One of the following is not an element of strategic thinking, which is that?
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A) Vestibule training
B) Position rotation or job rotation
C) Conference and seminars
D) Lecture method
42) Which of the following would be considered as using the time management technique of “getting off a good start”?
43) All of the following are true about strategic planning in an institution Except:
44) Regulatory requirements, Economic uncertainty, technological innovations, and new competitors are examples of
what type of factors that affect institutional management?
A) Internal factors
B) Intra-personal factors
C) External factors
D) Inter-personal factors
45) The systematic collection and interpretation of evidence, leading as part of the process, to a judgement of value with
a view to action is called:
A) Feedback
B) Evaluation
C) Corrective action
D) Assessment
A) Organisation structure
B) Proper direction
C) Flow of communication
D) All of these
Set Id : 72787_2
47) The five stages of the coping cycle are (in order):
A) Six months
B) One year
C) Two years
D) Three years
50) Out of the following identify the reasons “Why individuals might resist organisational change?
i) Lack of interest.
ii) Pessimism.
iii) Anxiety.
A) All of these
B) ii), iii), v) and vi)
C) i), ii), and iv)
D) ii), iv), v) and vi)
A) Cost of living
B) Legislations
C) Institutional Business strategy
D) Society
Set Id : 72787_2
52) The level of managers, responsible for establishing a vision for the institution, developing broad plans and strategies,
and directing subordinate staff, is:
53) “The person who was a good performer in distant past is assured to be okay at present also”. This is an example of
________________ in performance appraisal
A) Halo effect
B) Central Tendency
C) Spill over effect
D) Horn effect
54) One of the following is NOT an appropriate way that manager can employ for increasing the employee acceptance
and commitment to Goals, which is that:
55) Which of the following skills is equally important at all levels of management?
A) Technical skill
B) Human relation skill
C) Conceptual skill
D) All of the above
57) The team gathers for the monthly progress and problem report about reaching individual and departmental
objectives. Which of the following statements reflect effective team meeting?
A) Only a few team members seem to be concerned about the impact of their presentation; they attempt to build
allies within the team
B) There is an open and realistic sharing of both progress and problems
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C) Some team members seem to be playing the political game, while others do not
D) One clique exists within this team and their presentations sound about the same-politically safe
58) Which one of the following is not a characteristic of strategic planning that makes it different from other types of
A) It is inter-disciplinary
B) It concerns the present direction of the institution
C) It has an external focus
D) It has an internal focus
59) What is the time limit for completing the inquiry and submit report by Inquiring Authority?
A) 3 months
B) 6 months
C) 9 months
D) 12 months
A) By middle managers
B) Top down
C) Bottom up
D) After extensive consultation
61) The tendency that listeners arrive at judgement before all relevant information has been received is called:
A) Filtering
B) Premature evaluation
C) Psychological distance
D) Pressure of time
Set Id : 72787_2
63) Line function are concerned with those activities which are connected with the discharge of direct responsibility for:
64) The area of behavioural science research that focuses on the personal factors underlying high productivity, as well
as high morale, is the area of employee:
A) Communication
B) Motivation
C) Leadership
D) Economic development
A) Input directed
B) Process directed
C) Program directed
D) Goal directed
A) Individual equity
B) External equity
C) Internal equity
D) All of these
68) Process of collecting and analysing information about the duties, responsibilities and conditions of a specific work
assignment is:
A) Job analysis
B) Job evaluation
C) Activity analysis
D) Occupation analysis
Set Id : 72787_2
69) Contingency theories of leadership are based on the belief that there is:
70) -------- is a selection test, which evaluate the emotional ability which will help to judge an individual’s working in group
A) Intelligence test
B) Personality test
C) Mental ability test
D) Aptitude test
71) According to Fiedler’s LPC scale, leaders with a low LPC score will gain satisfaction from:
A) Achieving objectives
B) Developing team relationships
C) Both A) and B)
D) Neither A) nor B)
72) Which of the following is a correct statement with regards to Academic audit:
A) A framework for finding fault with a system or individual faculty and staff
B) An externally directed surprise spot checks
C) An arid collection of awkward questions lacking a philosophy and coherence with the purpose of institute
D) A tool whereby adequacy of academic inputs in an educational institution are measured
A) Check whether the goals or targets set by an institution were met or not
B) Check whether the institute has attained the expected goals
C) Determine the true effect of an intervention on the indicators of interests
D) Determine the success of programme’s activities and outcomes
74) A material shall generally be considered surplus if it remains in stock for over______ unless adequate reasons to
treat it otherwise exist.
A) One year
B) Two years
C) Three years
D) Four years
Set Id : 72787_2
76) The synchronous, interactive, real time exchange of message via a mediated source is:
A) Blogs
B) E-mail
C) Online chat
D) Social networking sites
78) For achieving organizational goals effectively, the manager and subordinate should NOT jointly:
A) Tolerating failures
B) Offering recognition for good effort and performance
C) Restricting on-the-job interaction in order encourage individual excellence
D) Encouraging experimentation among employees
A) 1956
B) 1964
C) 1966
D) 1971
Set Id : 72787_2
83) The evidence available to auditor is _______ in nature, rather _______ in nature.
A) Conclusive, pervasive
B) Pervasive, conclusive
C) Limited, unlimited
D) None of these
85) As per CCS conduct rules the following omissions of a Government servant amount to misconduct :-
(i) Wilful insubordination or disobedience, whether alone or in combination with others, to any lawful and reasonable
order of a superior
(ii) Habitual late attendance
(iii) Habitual absence without permission and overstaying leave
(iv) Conviction by a criminal court
A) General
B) Important
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C) Specific
D) Overall
88) All of the following are the objectives of institutional management EXCEPT one, which is that:
89) The statement “I am going to apologise for my mistakes” is an example of ________ component of attitude
A) Psycho-motor
B) Cognitive
C) Behavioural
D) Affective
90) Referent power is based on the subordinate’s perception that the leader has a right to exercise influence because of
the leader’s:
91) In the Tuckman model, groups at the ___________________ stage develop guidelines and standards of acceptable
A) Adjourning
B) Norming
C) Forming
D) Storming
Set Id : 72787_2
92) Control systems typically focus on all but which of the following factors:
93) Which of the following represents heart of the institutional management process?
A) Communication
B) Leadership
C) Organisation
D) Control
94) The major value creating skills, capabilities and resources that determine an institution’s competitive weapons are:
A) Strengths
B) Opportunities
C) Core competencies
D) Strategies
95) Which of the following is NOT the part of the forming stage of team development in an institution?
A) Team’s purpose
B) Hostilities and personal needs
C) Members roles
D) Acceptance of roles
96) Moving your head, face, and eyes away from another person while communicating is often interpreted as a lack of
A) Respect
B) Esteem
C) Confidence
D) Control
Set Id : 72787_2
98) With reference to power and authority, we may conclude all but which one of the following:
A) Supports change
B) Opposes change
C) Initiates change
D) Helps implement change
100) Assignment of a higher level job to an individual without increase in salary is called:
A) Diagonal promotion
B) Horizontal promotion
C) Vertical Promotion
D) Dry promotion