ME8097 NDT Question Paper
ME8097 NDT Question Paper
ME8097 NDT Question Paper
Seventh/Eighth Semester
Aeronautical Engineering
(Regulations 2017)
PART B — (5 13 = 65 marks)
11. (a) Describe the Testing Methods in detail for material characterization. (13)
(b) Discuss about longitudinal magnetization and circumferential
magnetization in magnetic particle testing with neat sketch. (13)
13. (a) Explain the eddy current and ultrasonic based NDT methods to analyze
the flaws in pipe fittings. (13)
(b) Discuss about the time of flight diffraction and phased array techniques
of ultrasonic testing with neat figures? (13)
15. (a) Brief write about the following phenomena during interaction of X-ray
with matter:
(i) Photoelectric effect
(ii) Compton scattering
(iii) Pair production and
(iv) Thomson scattering (13)
(b) How computed radiography differs from conventional radiography?
Briefly write about the principle of operation of computed radiography
with neat sketch. (13)
PART C — (1 15 = 15 marks)
16. (a) Explain the different scan modes of ultrasonic testing. Discuss the use of
UT to inspect porosity/cavity in materials. (15)
(b) Explain the classification of X-ray films used in industrial radiography.
Discuss briefly the construction of X-ray film with simple line diagram.
2 40821
First semester
Manufacturing Engineering
(Regulations 2013)
1. List any four defects that can be detected by unaided visual inspection.
11. (a) (1) Discuss the comparision between destructive and non-destructive test. (6)
(2) Write a note on flexible fiber-optic horoscope. (7)
(b) Explain various testing materials involved in liquid penetrant testing. (13)
12. (a) With the help of block diagram explain the eddy current testing principles
and instrumentation. (13)
(b) Explain the acoustic emission technique for crack detection in an aerospace
structure. (13)
13. (a) Briefly discuss the standard MPT procedure used for testing a fatigue
crack. (13)
(b) Briefly discuss about active thermography measurements. (13)
14. (a) Describe the overview of following inspection methods :
(1) Pulse –echo inspection
(2) TOFD testing (6 +7)
(b) Explain ultrasonic inspection methods to inspect fatigue cracks, inclusions,
slag and porosity. (13)
15. (a) Briefly discuss various radiographic inspection techniques. (13)
(b) Explain the schematic setup of X-ray tube and circuit with suitable sketch.(13)
PART – C (1 * 15 = 15 Marks)
16.(a) Briefly discuss the magnetic particle testing for revealing surface and sub
surface cracks of a steam turbine blade. Comment on performance of LPT for
inspection of same defects. (15)
(b) Discuss the radiographic analysis of an aluminium casting impeller for the
inspection of various defects.