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Nikki Research

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Cabay Tiaong, Quezon

Department of Education
Devision of Quezon







Mental health issues affect many people across the country. These types of
challenges are not new and have been around for a long time. How ever awareness
of these issues has increase in recent years.Appoxiamately in Cabay Senior High
School have a mental illness thet has been.Depression and Anxiety are the most
common types of mental dis orders and comordibility is also very common with this
two disorders.Many individual with anxiety also have depression vise versa. Many
senior high school student located in cabay tiaong, quezon province.The program
name was thes changes support student as a more positive and approachable
option for student.A program is design to creat an environment where student can
dicuss any difficulties they are facing,social support as well as connect them with
resources to help them to overcome them. The mission of that program is connect
student with their family.faculty stuff and friend.The coordinator also survey their
academic performance before melting wiy h them the assess their current level of
success and potential issues..A program where anyone conserved about a student
many recommend him/her the most common sources of recomemdation are CABAY
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL to that program

Self dis close that they have a symptoms of anxiety and depression or have a
symptoms been. Frequently this student struggling academically because of
maladaptive coping.some example of these struggles low class attendance ,failing
to turn in assignment, look of focus, low quality of work and difficulting taking test
some repercussion of this are talling or widrawing from their strand in academic
suspension,or widraw from the school. The direct impact of failing to addres anxiety
and depression can impact in the student and other area of their lives.A program to
provide a safe environment for student to discuss these issues and direct them to
appropriate resources. Because nature of the program it is difficult to measure
whether are student with anxiety and depresion accessesd the support offered and
wether the help them to better manage their symptoms.A literature review was done
to examine to impact of anxiety and depression on academic performance.as well as
the role that social support has a relation to these variable. The purpose of this study
is to explore how social support is related to the over well being of SENIOR HIGH
SCHOOL STUDENT.This study can be use to better inform coordinator.But also may
provide usuful insight fo faculty and staff of CABAY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL to
better serve this student experience anxiety and depression symptoms

Depression occurs more often in women and men. Some difference in the
manner in which the depression mood manifest have been found base on sex and
age.in SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT depression and anxiety is more likely to
manifest as school refusal anxiety and depression when separated from parent and
worry about,adolescence is a stage of changes in body and behavior that may affect
mental health we found that no study measures the depression and anxiety in
adolescences in our region. So we want to measures it and then try to improve
it.This study investigate the prevalence and background variable associated with
anxiety dis order. The main aim to study was to characterize the population level
how innate features to temperament.relate to experience to depressive mood and
anxiety and whether these symptoms have seperable temperamental background.


This study focuses on the effect of depression and anxiety to Academic

Performance of SENIOR HIGH STUDENT.The data collection will be conducted to
20 randomly selected student in SENIOR HIGH SHOOL STUDENT OF CABAY
NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL S/Y 2022-2023 who will represent the population . This
study will npot cover other problems that are not consider as on of the stressors and
depressant.Each of the respondent is given the some questionnaires to answer.The
result of this study will be applicable only to the respondents of this study and will not
be use as measures to the effect of depression and anxiety to the academic
performance of the student who do not belong to the population of this study

This research would be beneficial to the student because they will know the
negative effect of depression and anxiety in theire academic performance.In this
study the student can be aware on things that depression and anxiety can do them.
This research would also be beneficial to teacher and aadministrator because they
will be able to understand the changes of the behavior.perception in life in
academic performance of the study were engage to anxiety and depression. They
can easily cope up the student attitude this research would help to the parent they
can know the effect of anxiety and depression to all student.This paper present a
significance of the study that examining prevalence of psychopathology among these
off spring for developing anxiety and depression .It pooled adds ratio for these
disorders among high risk .compared off spring to psychiatric and non psychiatric
controls were calculated for the emotional response of adolescent to chronic illness
like epilepsy may differ across culture.this study was aimed to investigating the
prevalence of and risk factor pf great similarity in development process,both across
cultural context and development periods


According to Dobson,2013 said that this articles raises the question as to

whether a constructs of anxiety and depression can be meaningfully separated.
Through a review of the literature focusing on the mood states trait models, and
clinical syndromes of anxiety and depression it is shown that the distinction maybe
more conceptually satisfying than empirically demonstrated. Implication of equivocal
empirical separation of anxiety and depression and areas of research requiring
further examination are defined and a developmental model of anxiety and
depression is suggested as a mean of recounceling the confusion in the relationship
between anxiety and depression.

As stated by Kumaraswamy, anxiety and depression among Senior High

School student are a cause of concern. Every nation invest lot of money on
education. However research survey on Senior High School student report at any
given time there will be lot 20% of student population suffering from psychological

This paper briefly describe the research carried out in the last 3 decades
especially regarding anxiety and depression. It focuses stress among Senior High
School student nature of psychiatric morbidity. Emotional problem and adjustment,
psychological problem of Senior High School student emphasizing how counselling
will help student with emotional problem and also suggested preventing measures to
be taken by Senior High School, create awareness in seeking help with councelling

It is also suggested to have mentor mente programme compulsory on all

Senior High School student. A student health committee should be formed in each
SHS with mental health professional as its members. There should be regular
seminar and workshop for teachers and SHS student on various issues of
psychological problem and its coping mechanisms.

Also stated by Dobson,1985 that this article raises the questions as to

whether the construct on anxiety and depressions can be meaningfully separated.
Psychiatric disorders commonly co-exist with the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease
research on depression and CKD has increased to a great extent. This review
provides a selective overview on the prevalence rates of depression on anxiety on
the prevalence rate of depression and anxiety.

Also stated by Munic,2017 that depression and anxiety are common mental dis
orders with prevalence of 5 to 10% in developing countries and is the fourth leading
cause of mordibility . Undergraduate medical studies are generally perceid to be
more stressful for the student as compared to other undergraduate program as
student have to undergo streanours curriculum and evaluation which may lead to
many emotional stress that way end with psychiatric dis orders like depression and

Also stated by ZHU,2013 they examined the role or perceive social support in
the relationship between perfectionism and depression/anxiety.Partial correlation
and heredichal regression were conducted using cross-sertional data from. College
student.They complitted questioner inducting positive and negative perfectionism
scales, the depression and anxiety stress scale-21 and the multidimentional scale of
perceive social support.Result showed the depression/anxiety were significantly
correlated with perceived social support and perfectionism,perceive social support
significantly woderated the influence of perfectionism upon depression and
anxiety.These finding indicates that perceived social support may have protective
effect in preventing pertectionilst from experiencing depression and anxiety

Also sated by Mc Dowall it is well recognized that depression and anxiety are
closely associated with distinct causes are consequences. For examole, anxiety and
depression are associated with different effect on information processing .This
p[aper argues that argues that experiment should not study anxiety and depression
in isolation, but should measures both variable . it is argued that this methodology
step is both importand and commonly overlooked.Even when both depression
and anxiety are measured, methodological difficulties can confuse thier effect.
Common difficulties in choice of measures and in participant selection criteria are
discussed, and recommendation are made for overcoming them. The argument is
made drawing from illustration withis the experimental cognitive literature but
conclusion and recomendationm are equally applicable outside this area

The study was conducted in Cabay National High School, in Cabay Tiaong,
Quezon, student enrolle in Cabay National High School. An easy to understand
questionnaire was used to collect basic information, depression and anxiety related
information .An online based platform was used to distribute the questionnaire,
developed by using the paper form to the student ,Senior High student from the
Cabay National High School were conducted through different plat form and


The respondent of studgy were is selected Grade11-12 student of Cabay National

High School for the school year 2022-2023.The respondent were choosen through
simple random sampling since random sampling remove all hits bvasor at least it
should and individual who make up the subset of the larger group are choosen at
random, each individual in the large pation has the same probability at being
selected. The researcher will use survey it can help gauide the reprentativeness of
individual view and experiences when done, well suprode had number people
opinions and behaviours that can be used to make important decisions


The research is a qualitative study of factors affecting anxiety and depression

among Grade 11 and 12 student in cabay senior high school. The researchers will
give the respondent a survey to get the data that they will need for the
researcher.The question in the survey will serve as the data gathering instruments.
The survey contains questions created for the purpose of knowing how thw factor
associated earlier affect student from anxiety and depression in theclasses



1.During a test I feel nervous if the
teacher stand next to me and then 6 0 6 3
I can no longer answer the
2. I often cry after a test thinking
how badly I’vre done,even if I 0 3 6 6
don’t know my mark
3. While I’m sitting a test.I think
about badly I’m doing. 7 2 5 1
4. I get nervous if I see that others
have finished the test before I 1 2 6 6
5.I think the teacher is constantly
watching me. 5 0 6 4
6. I think im going to fail the test,
even if I’ve studed before head 6 0 6 3
7.If I sist at the front of the class I
feel moire nervous 7 7 1 0
8. My feeling as I leave the test
room is that I’ve done badly 6 5 4 0
9.I think before head that I’ll be
nervous and that I’ll forget 4 6 3 2
10. Even small thing makes me 11 4 0 0
55 29 38 25


1.During a test I feel nervous if the teacher stand next

to me and then I can no longer answer the question. 3.6

2. I often cry after a test thinking how badly I’vre

done,even if I don’t know my mark 2.8
3. While I’m sitting a test.I think about badly I’m doing.
4. I get nervous if I see that others have finished the
test before I have 2.87
5.I think the teacher is constantly watching me.
6. I think im going to fail the test, even if I’ve studed
before head 3.6
7.If I sist at the front of the class I feel moire nervous
8. My feeling as I leave the test room is that I’ve done
badly 4.13
9.I think before head that I’ll be nervous and that I’ll
forget everything 3.8
10. Even small thing makes me cry 4.73
TOTAL : 3.40


This chapter aims to summarize the study that was conducted including the
purpose of the study restatement of the research survey, methodologies that were
used,summary of the analysis on the study result and the conclusion.it also included
thye recommendation for the future researcher about the research and the possible


1.During a test I feel nervous if the
teacher stand next to me and then 6 0 6 3
I can no longer answer the
2. I often cry after a test thinking
how badly I’vre done,even if I 0 3 6 6
don’t know my mark
3. While I’m sitting a test.I think
about badly I’m doing. 7 2 5 1
4. I get nervous if I see that others
have finished the test before I 1 2 6 6
5.I think the teacher is constantly
watching me. 5 0 6 4
6. I think im going to fail the test,
even if I’ve studed before head 6 0 6 3
7.If I sist at the front of the class I
feel moire nervous 7 7 1 0
8. My feeling as I leave the test
room is that I’ve done badly 6 5 4 0
9.I think before head that I’ll be
nervous and that I’ll forget 4 6 3 2
10. Even small thing makes me 11 4 0 0

55 29 38 25



This chapter present the summary of the finding, conclusion drawn and thre
recommendation offered in the light of the study


Anxiety and depresion accessesd the support offered and wether the help them
to better manage their symptoms.A literature review was done to examine to impact
of anxiety and depression on academic performance.as well as the role that social
support has a relation to these variable. The purpose of this study is to explore how
social support is related to the over well being of SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL
STUDENT.This study can be use to better inform coordinator.But also may provide
usuful insight fo faculty and staff of CABAY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL to better
serve this student experience anxiety and depression symptoms.depression and
anxiety are closely associated with distinct causes are consequences. For examole,
anxiety and depression are associated with different effect on information
processing .This p[aper argues that argues that experiment should not study
anxiety and depression in isolation, but should measures both variable . it is argued
that this methodology step is both importand and commonly. anxiety and
depression can be meaningfully separated. Through a review of the literature
focusing on the mood states trait models, and clinical syndromes of anxiety and
depression it is shown that the distinction maybe more conceptually satisfying than
empirically demonstrated. Implication of equivocal empirical separation of anxiety
and depression and areas of research requiring further examination are defined and
a developmental model of anxiety and depression is suggested as a mean of
recounceling the confusion in the relationship between anxiety and depression.


Almost everyone experiences some degree of anxiety or depression ar various

point in life In the appropriate circumstances,anxiety is actually a typical “figth or
flight” response that helps you navigate a precarious or stressful situation with extra
precaution or care.It’s also expected to feel lonely, sad or disinterested whwn face
with difficult ,life changing event.But anxiety when anxiety inference with daisly life
and feeling of overwhelming sadness or emptiness persist,it’s no longer something
that can help be chalked up tp life circu,stances it is mentak health disorder.Anxiety
and depression are the most common form of mental illness in the other country or
other school 5% of the senior high school student population sinking the anxiety and
depression oftn go hand in by hand of nearly half of adult diagnosed with anxiety
and depression dis order .living with untreated depression and anxiety can cause
significant issues for your mental and physical health.Researcher have disorders
how depression and anxiety affect the body, either by making existing health problrm
worse or causing serve problem to develop

The prevalence of depression and anxiety were high with anxiety and stress
significantly higher among female,wheres prevalence of depression and anxiety
were significantly hingher among senior high student .More studies are
recommended to determine the factors leading to these mental disorder. Self dis
close that they have a symptoms of anxiety and depression or have a symptoms
been. Frequently this student struggling academically because of maladaptive
coping.some example of these struggles low class attendance,failing to turn in
assignment,look of focus,low quality of work and difficulting taking test some
repercussion of this are talling or widrawing from their strand in academic
suspension,or widraw from the school. The direct impact of failing to addres anxiety
and depression can impact in the student and other area of their lives.A program to
provide a safe environment for student to discuss these issues and direct them to
appropriate resources. Because nature of the program it is difficult to measure
whether are student with. depression and anxiety are common mental dis orders with
prevalence of 5 to 10% in developing countries and is the fourth leading cause of
mordibility . Undergraduate medical studies are generally perceid to be more
stressful for the student as compared to other undergraduate program as student
have to undergo streanours curriculum and evaluation which may lead to many
emotional stress that way end with psychiatric dis orders like depression and anxiety

According to world health organization(WHO) depression and anxiety is the leading

cause of disability worldwide. It is the most common psychiatric disorder in the world
and is particularly common among lower income population,and among women
beginning in adolescence. Although depression and anxiety is among the kost
treatable of all mental illness, and although we have evidence based treatment
approachable in this mental issue.Youth depression and anxiety of major
proportation,, affecting millions of children and families and interfering with youth
social, emotional and academic functioning although evidence based treatment in
the kind of mental issues ,Recently promising research has suggested that
depression is among the most preventable of major mental illness, we now know of
strategies that work to prevent youyh depression and anxiety have been found to
work well, treatment resources often are difficult to acces most adlolence who
recover experience relapse and the long term consequences of youth depression.

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