Healthy Heart - 29 September 2023
Healthy Heart - 29 September 2023
Healthy Heart - 29 September 2023
Precision coronary
CORONARY angioplasty is performed to
widen narrowed coronary arteries with
the aim of restoring normal blood supply
to the heart muscles. The world’s first
heart monitoring
OVER the past three decades, are equipped with optical
deaths attributed to sensors that continuously
cardiovascular diseases have seen monitor heart rate throughout
a significant increase of 60% the day. This data helps
globally. This is why early individuals and healthcare
detection and effective professionals identify
management are crucial for irregularities or spikes in heart
reducing the risk associated with rate, which may indicate
these conditions. potential heart problems.
In recent years, wearable l ECG/EKG integration –
fitness technology has emerged as Some high-end wearables now
a powerful tool in the battle feature electrocardiogram (ECG
against cardiovascular diseases. or EKG) capabilities. Users can
These devices, ranging from take ECG readings using their
smartwatches to fitness trackers smartwatches, providing a more
have revolutionised heart comprehensive view of their
monitoring by providing heart’s electrical activity. This
individuals with real-time data feature is particularly useful for
about their cardiovascular health. detecting arrhythmias and atrial
l Blood pressure monitoring
Advancements in wearable – Wearables are evolving to
fitness technology include blood pressure
monitoring functionality.
l Continuous heart rate
monitoring – Modern wearables > SEE PAGE 8
THE STAR, FRIDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2023 Healthy Heart 7
Rowing like
WORLD Heart Day is a reminder to
everyone around the world to take
care of their hearts. Cardiovascular
disease (CVD) is the world’s
never before
number one killer. Combined,
conditions affecting the heart or
blood vessels such as heart attack,
stroke and heart failure kill more
than 20.5 million every year.
By making small changes to our
Wearable fitness technology
lifestyle – what we eat and drink, > FROM PAGE 6 Wearables often include stress-
how much we exercise, and how tracking features that monitor
we manage stress – we can better Fitness A blood pressure monitoring heart rate variability and stress
manage our heart health and beat Concept device can also track daily levels. Chronic stress is associated
CVD. Regularly rowing can help provides a new activities, including counting steps, with heart problems, and early
increase your stamina and way to measuring the distance covered detection allows for intervention
endurance while improving your experience an and calculating calories burned. and lifestyle changes.
cardiovascular health. Rowing is authentic l Sleep tracking – Poor sleep
also a whole-body workout that rowing quality can contribute to heart Management of
burns large amounts of calories, experience and problems. Wearables can track
trains your endurance, strengthens improve sleep patterns including cardiovascular health
your muscles, improves posture cardiovascular disruptions in breathing during
and strengthens your health. sleep, enabling users to identify l Data sharing with healthcare
cardiovascular system. potential issues and seek medical professionals – Many wearables
Germany’s most established resistance. For your ultimate rowing equipment, you can trade it in. You advice. allow users to share their health
fitness brand, Hammer, has experience, the emphasis was placed can also enjoy a special l Physical activity monitoring data with healthcare providers.
introduced its latest home fitness on the best possible volume and the introductory price of just RM332.92 – Regular physical activity is This allows doctors to monitor
equipment, the WaterEffect 3D optimum training stimulus. per month with a zero-interest essential for heart health. patients remotely, adjust
Rower which provides an Due to the small and ergonomic instalment plan and a two-year Wearables provide insights into medications, and provide timely
authentic and natural rowing distance between the tread plates of warranty for parts. Fitness Concept daily step counts, active minutes interventions based on real-time
feeling as if you were rowing on only 4cm, your feet are in a perfect grand sale is still running with and exercise intensity. This helps data.
water. training position: easy on the joints amazing deals and a lot of freebies users stay motivated to maintain l Behavioural change support
Unlike conventional rowing and effective. This small distance for the entire family. Terms and an active lifestyle. – Wearables can offer motivational
machines, you can use six different between your feet is a quality conditions apply for prices and features such as goal setting,
rowing styles in different grip feature of high-quality rowing promotions above and while stocks Early detection of reminders, and social sharing to
positions when training with this machines and ensures movements last. encourage users to adopt heart-
rowing machine. The 3D outrigger that are particularly easy on the Fitness Concept is Malaysia’s cardiovascular issues healthy behaviours.
arms provide realistic water joints. largest fitness specialist chain as While challenges remain, the
resistance and a flexible use of the For unlimited rowing pleasure, certified by the Malaysia Book of l Arrhythmia detection – potential for improving
cardio weights for a movement the device can be used with apps Records with over 45 outlets in Wearable ECG monitors can detect cardiovascular health through
feeling like on water. You train such as Kinomap. Use the camera leading shopping malls nationwide. irregular heart rhythms such as wearable technology makes it an
strength, endurance and function of your smartphone or atrial fibrillation, which often go invaluable tool in the digital age.
coordination simultaneously with tablet and row with your avatar n For further enquiries, call unnoticed but can increase the However, users need to
only one piece of equipment. along the most beautiful routes with 03-7726 7787 (IPC Shopping Centre risk of stroke and other heart- complement wearable data with
The WaterEffect 3D was the original route sound. store) or 03-2282 3200 (Mid Valley related complications. Alerts can regular medical check-ups and
designed with a 17-litre tank to Buy the Hammer WaterEffect 3D store), visit www.fitnessconcept. prompt users to seek medical consultations with healthcare
provide the optimum balance Rower now with a trade-in or email enquiries@ attention. professionals for a comprehensive
between compactness and promotion. If you have any old l Stress management – approach to heart health.