Microsoft 365 Account Deactivation Information
Microsoft 365 Account Deactivation Information
Microsoft 365 Account Deactivation Information
Your request (35215645) has been updated. To add additional comments, please reply to this email.
Long (Microsoft)
Monday, February 27, 2023 7:27 AM GMT
Hello JoJo
As discussed, with the consultant team. It seems that I cannot help you with this issue, you may want to save or transfer all your data before
your SharePoint is gone.
If you have any update or extra concerns, please feel free to let me know. I am willing to be of assistance.
Best Regards,
If you have any feedback about my work, please do not hesitate to contact my Tech Lead Joise at [email protected] 1/4
3/1/23, 4:52 PM Gmail - [Case #:35215645] - Microsoft 365 account deactivation information
For any escalations or feedback about the support experience you received from Microsoft O365 Support Team, please send email
to Microsoft Office365 Support Feedback.
Long (Microsoft)
Monday, February 27, 2023 2:44 AM GMT
Hello Jojo,
I hope this email finds you well. I’m sending this mail regarding the issue "With Microsoft 365 account deactivation information". Since the
consulting team has been overwhelmed with too many cases recently, I’m still waiting for response from them. I’ll let you know as soon as
possible when there is any update.
Thank you very much for your great patience and kind understanding.
Best Regards,
For any escalations or feedback about the support experience you received from Microsoft O365 Support Team, please send email to Microsoft
Office365 Support Feedback
To have consistent support experience, we recommend that you REPLY ALL when responding to this email message. 2/4
3/1/23, 4:52 PM Gmail - [Case #:35215645] - Microsoft 365 account deactivation information
Hi Long,
Please let me know when can we resolve this issue. The school is currently not being able to work on their daily task.
Long (Microsoft)
Thursday, February 23, 2023 2:07 AM GMT
Hello Jojo,
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Office 365 online technical Support. My name is Lucas Nguyen and I will be working with you on your
support request 35215645
I will review the details you have provided and get back to you via phone as soon as possible after I am able to give you additional
For your reference, Microsoft will never ask for your password as part of any support interaction. Also, please don´t send any financial or
personal information in email.
Please expect my contact, I will reach out to you promptly and look forward to working with you.
Best Regards, 3/4
3/1/23, 4:52 PM Gmail - [Case #:35215645] - Microsoft 365 account deactivation information
For any escalations or feedback about the support experience you received from Microsoft O365 Support Team, please send email to Microsoft
Office365 Support Feedback
To have consistent support experience, we recommend that you REPLY ALL when responding to this email message.
Thursday, February 23, 2023 1:54 AM GMT
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Support - a support case has been opened for you.
Case #: 35215645
Created on: Thursday, February 23, 2023 9:54 AM
Description: Hi, the account is being tag as an authorized. This is a school account and would like to ask what is happening to this account. We
could not upload anything. Thank you
Remember, Microsoft will never ask for your password as part of any support interaction. Also, please don´t send any financial or personal information
in email.
Microsoft Support
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