Role of Stakeholders in Project Success: Theoretical Background and Approach
Role of Stakeholders in Project Success: Theoretical Background and Approach
Role of Stakeholders in Project Success: Theoretical Background and Approach
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All content following this page was uploaded by Rajeev Dwivedi, Ph.D. on 17 May 2021.
Purpose: The main aim of the article is to elaborate the role of stakeholders in key areas of
project management.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Literature review of theories related to project
management, analysis, and synthesis.
Findings: The role of stakeholders in a successful project becomes important and crucial.
Stakeholders' active participation in the project ensures the sustainability, success, and
performance of the project. It is crucial and very substantial for a project manager to
acquire stakeholder management skills that will demonstrate and address the communication
requirements of the stakeholders.
Practical Implications: Stakeholders are the ones who can affect the project and can be
affected by the project.
Originality value: Adequate participation of stakeholders in the project not only ensures the
probabilities of project success but also minimizes the jeopardy associated with the projects.
Therefore, it becomes important to address the role of the stakeholders in different key stages
of the project that includes scope management, work breakdown structure, schedule
management, and requirement analysis.
Visiting Associate Professor, College of Business, Eastern Washington University, WA,
USA, e-mail: [email protected];
Independent Researcher and Consultant, Indore, MP, India
Rajeev Dwivedi, Pradeep Dwivedi
1. Introduction
A project’s participants signify all those with any curiosity in the project’s
accomplishment or results. As per the Oxford dictionary, a Stakeholder is a person
or entity that has interest or concern in a business or project. Therefore, stakeholders
have an interest in business, can affect business, and can be affected by the business
or project. There are two types of business of project stakeholders, Internal and
External. The internal stakeholders consist of employees, managers, project
managers, sponsors, etc. Whereas, the external stakeholders consist of suppliers,
government, vendors, customers, users, society, shareholders, creditors, etc.
1. Stakeholder Theory
Mitroff (1983) was the person who brought the stakeholder theory into psychology.
Later Freeman (2013) had built upon and used it in strategic management and
organization. So, the involvement and participation of stakeholders improve the
organization's performance significantly. Therefore, the theory of stakeholders
suggests that different groups and an individual would be considered to include in
the project actors, such as, project sponsors, project teams, project communities,
project suppliers, project-related government agencies, project users and others, and
whoever can impact the progress, outcome and success and conclusion of the project
(Freeman, 2010). The theory does not have any limitations and boundary who
should be included in the project stakeholders.
Donaldson (2002) argued about normative facets of stakeholder theory and these
facets are mutually supportive. Descriptive facets can be used for important
characteristics and activities of major stakeholders and how they can be
accomplished. It has been also proven empirically that there is an association
between stakeholders and project success (Donaldson, 2002). The standard side
deals with the implication and all development within the project ethically that
covey the theoretical importance of organization and stakeholder management. Thus,
the role of the stakeholder management in an organization is important for
increasing productivity and thereby increasing stakeholder flexibility (Dwivedi and
Momaya, 2003; Goel et al., 2012a; 2012b; Ho et al., 2009) that can result in
increasing customer trustworthiness and obtain a strong reputation that will increase
the competition between other organizations (Wright, 2019).
Rajeev Dwivedi, Pradeep Dwivedi
Entry & Exit Define the rules for organizations and stakeholders
Governance Governing relationship between organizations and
Externalities Any entity that contributes cost/stake will be a stakeholder
Contract costs An equal amount on the contract based on cost liability
should be proportionate based on the advantage
organization has.
Agency The organization manager has the responsibility and
authority towards stakeholders.
Limited immortality Survival of organization in long term and ensuring the
success of organizations & stakeholders involved.
Source: Bhasin, 2018.
primary stakeholders continues in the entire life cycle of the project and the need
may vary from inputs, information, processes, and decision making but the focus
remains the achieving successful project goals and objectives. Throughout the life
cycle, managing the project stakeholders make an immense gap in success.
Therefore, every project's stakeholders are critical and play a vital character in the
successful project (Gifford and Lesser, 2016). Therefore, the end project has the
expectations to meet all the requirements defined and set by the stakeholders at the
beginning of the project.
The expectation of the stakeholders could be explicitly explained at the very initial
stage of the project because:
There are several techniques for collecting inputs and exchanging ideas between the
project manager and stakeholder from stakeholders that may ensure meeting the
expectations of stakeholders and ensuring their involvements (Creighton, 2005). The
Rajeev Dwivedi, Pradeep Dwivedi
To achieve real development in the project, the focus must be people-centered rather
than process and output-centered. The approach must be bottom-up and not top-
down to ensure sustainability in the project. Resources and time are required for
increasing participation, which increases commitment towards to project.
Stakeholders feel welcomed and privileged in supporting the project when consulted
as a part of decision making and solution (Siles, 2020).
The accuracy of the work breakdown structure can be possible when ideas from
every stakeholder are incorporated by the project manager as stakeholder's
expectations management. There must be series of meetings to pool all requirements
arise from stakeholders and they should be allowed to make decisions and should
define the project scope also. Stakeholder involvement increases in decision-making
as the project progress.
Stakeholders are an important source of information at the early stage of the project
and play an important role in the WBS project charter. WBS contains outcomes
based on stakeholders’ inputs that can be achieved as a project effort. The WBS can
be produced based on stakeholder’s experience with similar types of project
experience, such as, budget, list of requirements, project schedule. Therefore, the
Role of Stakeholders in Project Success: Theoretical Background and Approach
project statements are helpful for determining the items need and included in WBS
(Burek, 2011).
The importance of budget and schedule cannot be ignored in WBS. So, the project
manager must have an adequate background and knowledge to prepare the WBS. So,
the project manager must coordinate with stakeholders to prioritize and identify
tasks based on stakeholders’ inputs and increase the success chances of the project
(Anderson, 2014). WBS includes decomposed parts of the project, hence discussion
with stakeholders ahead of time and ahead of project kick-off can help identify the
areas of weakness to meet the need of the project.
• The Board of directors has the right to vote and decide about the project but
involving stakeholder increases the success chances.
• The knowledge and skills of stakeholders can be vital for gaining access to
various resources. This knowledge can be obtained by project management
free of cost and could be helpful to understand the exact requirement for
smooth project development (Silva et al., 2019)
• A crisis can be possible at any stage of the project, stakeholders play a
vibrant role in crisis management, such as an investor can be instrumental to
vail out the project (Kamassi et al., 2020).
• Stakeholders are experts in their areas in the project and they possess a
wealth of knowledge in terms of maintenance and managing project,
success, timely completion, financial constraints, and requirements and that
can be very vital. Every stakeholder is highly equipped with sound technical
skills that can be important for project success (Al Nahyan et al., 2019).
• The role of stakeholders in maintaining corporate social responsibility is
important for keeping the society safe and secure (Al Amir and Abe Hijleh,
The role of stakeholders is highly valued in scope management. The scope of the
project may include work that is required to be done and a list of objectives that need
to be achieved to accomplish the project. Thus, project scope covers project features,
project goals, functions, tasks, cost, deadline, outcome, and deliverables. The scope
can be controlled by project stakeholders in a significant manner. Therefore, it
becomes important to draw the line and avoid the interference that might create
obstacles in a project's progress.
Scope under project management includes setting the processes and that can ensure
project scope is defined and mapped appropriately and accurately (Roeder, 2013).
Thus, project scope management covers project planning, project controlling, project
closing, and the role of project stakeholders in every project process.
Rajeev Dwivedi, Pradeep Dwivedi
The project manager conducts the meeting with all project stakeholders at the
beginning of the project for defining the scope of the project and assure the meeting
of the needs of the project. Stakeholders ensure the changes in the scope upon their
request and inputs. So, the scope is defined in such a manner with detailed
descriptions and addressing and clarifies all stakeholder's needs that resulted to
ensure project objectives are achieved. Stakeholders also provide their inputs during
work in progress to adjust the scope that normally occurs at last in each phase of the
project. Thus, project scope management is highly significant for engaging
stakeholders measuring their necessities to safeguard the project's success
(Monnappa, 2020). The role of clear and open communication is highly
recommended within the team and with stakeholders to ensure the scope of the
project is agreed upon for achieving the project objectives. This will help them know
what is included and what is not which will avoid the risk in the future. Setting clear
scope helps to estimate the cost and time of the project.
For instance, the sponsor of the project is responsible for providing resources and
logistics needed to perform tasks and allocating these resources can be helpful for
schedule management. However, inappropriate resource allocation can cause delays
and inefficiencies in the accomplishment of the tasks. A proper understanding
among stakeholders is highly desirable because it reduces the chances of conflicts
and encourages timely actions based on the project plan (Irfan et al., 2019). The role
of executives cannot be ignored as they play a significant role in the approval
process and making approvals, so the executive's involvement work as a catalyst in
project progress and helpful in project schedule management.
Any project begins with creating a schedule to know the beginning date and finish
date and accordingly it should be completed within cost and desired quality. The
project has risks associated due to resources, time, cost, the commitment of the
stakeholders. The major reason is the unrealistic deadline for stakeholders while
For example, the belief of the project manager about project team capability to
accomplish and stakeholder request in between but results in another way around.
Hence, the role of stakeholders to suggest an appropriate time to achieve outcomes
Role of Stakeholders in Project Success: Theoretical Background and Approach
and required task assessments so that the project team can management stakeholder
expectations. The project team should have the stakeholder priorities to following
the proper schedules of the project (Ahmed, 2019).
Analysis of the requirement is the major process in the project life cycle process. It
passes and includes the expectations from the project stakeholders as well as the
project. Therefore, the most important step is to involve all project stakeholders from
the beginning using different techniques to gather the requirements (idea
engineering, document analysis, interviews, observations, survey, Delphi, etc.). It
starts with analyzing all documents, stakeholders, and followed by documentation,
followed by validation of all requirements, documents followed by possibilities of
conflicting requirements between and among stakeholders. The role of requirement
analysis comes first because it gathers all requirements from all stakeholders,
understands, analyzes, validates, and ensures that it is aligning with the project plan
and achievable (Landau, 2019).
• Legal.
• Action-oriented.
• Recorded in the form of documents.
• Recognized.
• Assessable.
• Testable.
• Observable.
• Economical.
• Associated to specific job opportunities or needs.
• Regulate with enough detail.
The purpose of the project is to solve the existing problem of exploring the
opportunity present in the business environment. Therefore, the role played by
stakeholders is vital for setting up project objectives, project scope, project
Rajeev Dwivedi, Pradeep Dwivedi
strategies, and aligning with project plan and success. The role of the stakeholder is
also in monitoring the progress of the project as well as whether it matches with the
project plan or not (Mok et al., 2015).
7. Concluding Remarks
Finally, stakeholder satisfaction and customer satisfaction are the key ingredients of
project success. So, it becomes important that organizations must engage
stakeholders, must establish clear and effective channels for communications with
them and stakeholder must be updated about every development periodically. Thus,
understanding the role of stakeholders in every phase of the project life cycle and
their concerns and expectations can lead to project success (Lohrey, 2020). This
research is continuing to validate the role and importance of stakeholders in real
construction projects and software project management. The method and approach
may include empirical research and case study research.
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