Kwoledge On Environmental Sanitation and Practices Among Barangay Sultan Kudarat WAHAB 2022 1

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Chapter 1


The environment is one of the major determinants of the health of an

individual, family, and community. People’s health is affected by the quality of the

place they live and work, the air they breathe, the water they drink and the food

they consume, etc. (Vedamurthy & Suyal 2021)

Environmental sanitation is an essential factor that leads to a healthy

environment and consequently promotes good health and productivity: also

secures peoples' welfare. Environmental sustainability could be defined as a

condition of balance, resilience, and interconnectedness that allows human

society to satisfy its needs while neither exceeding the capacity of its supporting

ecosystems to continue to regenerate the services necessary to meet those

needs nor by our actions diminishing biological diversity. (Morelli, 2011).

The word 'sanitation' also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions

through services such as garbage collection and wastewater disposal. In

addition, environmental sanitation according to World Health Organization is the

control of

all those factors in man‟s physical environment which exercise or may exercise a

deleterious effect on his physical development, health and survival. It could also

be seen as the principle and practice of effecting healthful and hygienic

conditions in the environment to promote public health and welfare, improve

quality of life and


ensure a sustainable environment (Alabi, 2010)

Sanitation is a reflection for every individual in maintaining the health that

is so important in everyday life. Sanitation in other words is a state free of all dirt,

disease, and other factors which can harm all aspects of every activity and

behavior of the community environment. Human life itself cannot be separated

both the natural environment and social environment (Nazaruddin, 2014).

The essential components of Environmental Sanitation include: Solid

waste management; Medical waste management; Food sanitation; Sanitary

inspection of premises; Market and abattoir sanitation; Adequate potable water

supply; Pest and vector control; Management of urban drainage; Control of

reared and stray animals, Weed and Vegetation Control; Hygiene education and

promotion etcetera (Akinro,, 2012).

Solid waste, garbage disposal areas must be designated and access to

them is restricted especially for children. The quantity of garbage can become

substantial especially around market places. If not taken care of, an

accumulation of garbage becomes breeding ground for rodents, vermin, and

other pests. Garbage management should be done by providing individual

households with metal bins for refuse disposal Wastewater treatment requires

proper drainage be put in place to prevent water from stagnating around

distribution points. Stagnated wastewater can be a breeding place for vectors like

mosquitoes. Channeling water away from homes into kitchen gardens is most

ideal. Sufficient tools are provided to families for maintaining the drainage

systems as necessary. Good drainage should be in place at water points and


sanitary facilities like showers, toilets, and washing areas (The Sphere Project,


According to Minh and Nguyen-Viet (2011), one of the major reasons for

the slow progress of improved water and sanitation coverage in the developing

countries is that, some policy-makers, practitioners in the environmental

sanitation management enterprise, and the general public have not fully grasped

the concept of environmental sanitation management and the theories behind

effective solutions to the menace.

To effectively achieve sustainable behavior change it is necessary to

understand how the people value and perceive environmental change. It is for

this reason that practices and knowledge assessment is particularly useful for

this research. Knowledge and practice research approaches are used to

understand what people know, believe and do in relation to specific topics (WHO,


A study conducted by Aswathy (2015) in regarding environmental

sanitation and hygiene among the general populace, showed that majority of the

people had average knowledge and had both fair and good standard of practice

regarding sanitation and hygiene. Also, a study carried out by Mohd and Malik

(2017) on sanitation and hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices in urban

setting revealed that sanitation and hygiene practices are heavily influenced by

people’s knowledge towards it.

The lack of appropriate information on practices and knowledge about

environmental sanitation and hygiene was an impediment to identify priority


needs. It was in this light that the researcher decided to address the need for

research about the knowledge and practice on Environmental Sanitation. This

study assessed the knowledge about environmental sanitation and the practices

among residents of barangay Sultan Kudarat.

Research Objectives

The purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge and practices

on environmental sanitation and practices among residents of Sultan Kudarat.

Specifically, this sought findings to the following objectives.

1. To describe the level of knowledge on environmental sanitation

among the residents.

2. To ascertain the level of practices on environmental sanitation among

the residents.

3. To determine if there is significant relationship between knowledge on

environmental sanitation and practices among the residents.


There is no significant relationship between knowledge and practices on

environmental sanitation and practices among residents.


Review of Related Literature

Presented in this section are the related literatures that offer insights to the

current study. These were taken from sources such as books, journals and

reliable websites.

Knowledge on Environmental Sanitation

The word ‘sanitation’ also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions

through services such as garbage collection and wastewater disposal. In

addition, environmental sanitation according to World Health Organization is the

control of all those factors in man’s physical environment which exercise or may

exercise a deleterious effect on his physical development, health and survival. It

could also be seen as the principle and practice of effecting healthful and

hygienic conditions in the environment to promote public health and welfare,

improve quality of life and ensure a sustainable environment (Alabi, 2010)

Sanitation is a reflection of every individual in maintaining the health that is

so important in everyday life. Sanitation in other words is a state free of all dirt,

disease and other factors which can harm all aspects of every activity and

behavior of the community environment. Human life itself cannot be separated

both of the natural environment and social environment (Nazaruddin, 2014)

Environment sanitation include human excreta control, managing solid

waste and wastewater, and pets and vector control. Sanitation and

environmental hygiene issues must be analyzed during the initial assessment.

Health education programs should be in place early to prevent outbreak of

diseases especially among children. Human excreta should be kept away from

sources of water and accommodation. Immediate action is taken to localize

excreta disposal and prevent contamination of the water supply. (Onyango &

Uwase 2017)

Knowledge of environmental issues and appropriate actions to overcome

them become one of the prerequisites for responsible behavior. Having

knowledge and ability is not enough. Desire to realize the action of environmental

sanitation is necessary. One's desires are strongly influenced by personality

factors, namely attitude, locus of control and sense of responsibility. Knowledge

is also influenced by factors of education, occupation, age, interest, experience,

culture, environment, information. Individual knowledge about health risks is

known to profoundly influence risk perception which, in turn, affects a person’s

attitude. Thus, an individual’s knowledge, perception, and attitude are

fundamental in determining how people behave about environmental hazards

(Ratnapradipa, et al; 2011)

Brooks and Brooks (1974) revealed that knowledge implies an

understanding of specific, facts, terminology; conventions; ways and means of

dealing with specifics, trends and sequences; classification and categories;

methodology; criteria; universals and abstracts; principles and generalizations

and finally theories and structures. Hence, knowledge does not stop at knowing

or understanding phenomenon only, but equally extend to application of what is


Environmental problems can no longer simply be solved through

technology or by laws. Solutions are only possible through the alteration of

individual behaviors. And the change of behaviors necessitates a change of

attitudes, knowledge and value judgments. A positive attitude towards the

environment and the emergence of value judgments is only possible through

environmental education (Erten, 2005)

Good knowledge of environmental sanitation and the diseases associated

with poor practices, will help people to practice proper environmental sanitation in

their home (Sanni & Adeolu, 2015).

One major ways that will help curb sanitation problems among school

students is to improve on the knowledge. This helps to enhances the awareness

and understanding that sanitation aim to protect human health by providing a

clean environment that will stop the transmission of disease, especially through

the faecal–oral route (WHO, 2017; UNICEF, 2017).

With the improvement of living standards, many conditions are changing

in the environment because of the substantive development of science and

technology. If the environmental problems that arise in this way are not

prevented, it will be the end of life on earth (Yılmaz, 2002). The most important

threat on environment is the environmental problems such as; the decrease in

energy resources, agricultural issues, desertification, aridity, reduction of forest

areas, disappearance of living species, air pollution, water pollution, land


pollution, global warming, greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, acid rain,

nuclear pollution (Görmez, 2003; Hayta, 2006; Yardımcı & Kılıç, 2010). Both

state and individuals have the responsibility in the formation and prevention of

environmental problems (Ünal et al., 2001).

The Knowledge about environmental issues is thought to be a

precondition for meaningful pro-environmental behavior and its transmission is

considered a key component and criterion for successful implementation of

environmental education programs (UNESCO, 2005; Heimlich and Ardoin, 2008;

Kaiser et al., 2008). Environmental knowledge, as a distal predictor of

environmental behavior, is systematically underestimated and therefore not as

prominently researched in environmental behavior studies as normative or

attitudinal aspects. If environmental knowledge is studied, it is often restricted to

subjective self-report measures of ability (Duerden and Witt, 2010)

The large amount of behavioral variance unaccounted for by knowledge

backs up the notion that the influence of knowledge is partially overridden by

potential intervening factors, such as normative influences (Bamberg and Möser,

2007), situational restrictions (Geiger et al., 2018), old behavior patterns

(Klöckner, 2013) or simply net household income (Kleinhückelkotten et al., 2016).

Modh and Malik (2017). believed that parents who can afford sanitation

equipment can actually encourage their children to participate in environmental

sanitation which will further enhance knowledge of environmental sanitation.

Studies have observed significant relationships between knowledge of

sanitation and education, with higher levels of education being associated with

better knowledge, as formal education provides the foundation for better

understanding which invariably, improves the level of knowledge. Also, according

to Agbola and supported by George [24], it was suggested that attitude is a

response that is learned and as such, can be influenced by education; so,

education, could therefore be a tool for changing or modifying the way people

perceive events or actions. (Arora and Agarwal, 2011)

Practices on Environmental Sanitation

Practices on Environmental sanitation is aimed at developing and

maintaining a clean, safe and pleasant physical and natural environment in all

human settlements, to promote the socio-cultural, economic and physical well-

being of all sections of the population (Ghana’s, Environmental Sanitation Policy,


According to (Nazarudin 2014) Sanitation becomes an important factor to

shape the personality of a person, a region and even a nation. Everyone has the

right and obligation to clean and healthy environment and garbage is one of the

sources of the cause of non-existence of clean and healthy environment, waste

management must be carried out consciously, integrated and directed between

each individual society and government. Environmental sanitation obstacles

factors are as follows. 1. Environmental- friendly development costs a lot. 2. The

lack of shame culture so that people do not hesitate to throw garbage anywhere,

anytime, and in front of anyone 3. lack of knowledge and understanding of


society about the dirty environment hazard due to garbage, waste, and pollution.

4. Lack of knowledge about waste utilization and waste management.

Moreover the concept of environmental sanitation entails the control of

water supplies, excreta disposal, waste water disposal, refuse disposal, vectors

of diseases, housing conditions, food supplies and the safety of the working

environment (Acheampong, 2010).

In that respect, water supply, hygiene, and sanitation are highly

demanding to lower and avoid the burden of communicable diseases significantly

(Vivas et al; 2010) Especially hand hygiene is considered as one of the most

important infection control measures since it breaks the transmission of

microorganisms especially in medical centers (Nair et al; 2014)

According to Boot and Cairncross (1993) the word hygiene is the practice

of keeping oneself and one's surroundings clean, especially in order to prevent

illness or the spread of diseases. Hygiene practices are vital to one's health and

well-being especially in the prevention of the communicable diseases. In this

regard, it is obvious that in most developing countries including Ethiopia hygiene

is important since hygiene preventable diseases are prevalent

Improved hygiene (hand washing) and sanitation (latrines) have more

impact than drinking water quality on health outcomes, specifically reductions in

diarrhea, parasitic infections, morbidity and mortality, and increases in child

growth (Esrey et al 1991). Most endemic diarrhea is not water-borne, but

transmitted from personf to person by poor hygiene practices, so an increase in

the quantity of water has a greater health impact than improved water quality

because it makes it possible (or at least more feasible) for people to adopt safe

hygiene behaviors (Esrey, et al 1996).

However, access to improved drinking water, sanitation and hygiene is

one of the prime concerns around the globe. This study aimed at assessing

water and sanitation hygiene-related attitude and practices, and quality of water

in urban slums of south Delhi, India. (Singh, et al; 2013)

Environmental Sanitation is a set of actions or a fundamental process of

collecting and safely disposing all kinds of waste within the environment with the

intention of protecting and promoting the individual health and quality of life of

communities. Environmental sanitation generally includes the provision of

facilities and services for the safe disposal of waste, the maintenance of hygienic

conditions and the prevention of diseases. So, it is a key public health

intervention that is essential for social and economic development especially in

developing countries. This leads to the improvement of health, well-being and

economic productivity and benefits the individual, household and community

through the provision and practice of adequate sanitation, good hygiene and the

use of safe water (Mara, & Trouba, 2010)

The practice of environmental sanitation in the present study was poor to

moderate in a majority of the respondents. This could have been influenced by

their level of education, knowledge and attitude towards environmental

sanitation; as it was observed in a study by (Iwu et al 2016)


Knowledge and Practices on Environmental Sanitation

Moreover, poor hygienic practices, inadequate water supply, and poor

sanitary conditions play a major role in the spread of infectious diseases. Lack of

knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) on WASH is one of the most imperative

causes for transmission of infectious diseases (Berhe et al; 2020)

Ambayic, et al. (2013) on the other hand cited the necessity of bringing

down the amount of trash disposed by consciously buying items that generate a

lot of trash. Instilling a culture of responsible waste management helps reduce

waste. Recycling saves landfill space and also rescues the resources that were

used to make another new product. It treats used or waste materials through a

process of making them suitable for beneficial use in a way that the original

products may lose their identity. In many cases, recycling can also save energy.

Purchasing paper products made from recycled content help to ensure a viable

market for recycled products (Griffiths, et al., 2010)

Poor hygiene, inadequate quantities and quality of drinking water and lack

of sanitation facilities cause millions of the world's poorest people to die from

preventable diseases each year (Suting 2016). According to the literature, water

quality perceptions are associated with individual characteristics such as

socioeconomic factors, together with an individual's location, setting and

proximity to water bodies (Brody et al., 2004), environmental knowledge and

attitudes (Danielson et al., 1995), and also factors related to the water bodies

themselves (Steinwender et al., 2008).


According to Worlanyo (2013), knowledge of environmental sanitation,

including knowledge on identification of wastes; effects of poor sanitation, and

effects of poor solid and liquid waste handling. This could be attributed to the

formal education some had receive and sanitation related lessons learnt from

religious institutions and cultural practices.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This study was based on Sani FOAM (Sanitation Focus, Opportunity,

Ability, and Motivation) framework which was developed by the World Bank

(2009). This framework is a conceptual behavior change framework used in

community-led and external marketing approaches. The framework consists of

behavioral determinants. These are the O, A, and F of the Sani FOAM

framework. These variables influence whether or not a habit is adopted. The

sanitation framework's three determinants follow a classification scheme often

used in industries where businesses try to influence consumer behavior.

Opportunity is defined as the likability of an individual to have the chance

to perform the behavior. It asks the question: “Does the individual have the

chance to perform the behavior?” Examining access, societal norms (would they

be regarded poorly if they behaved otherwise), if there are sanctions for showing

the behavior, and the quality and features of the sanitation service or product are

all part of determining the answer to this issue.

The second one is ability, which is the individual’s capability to perform

the behavior. It asks the question: “Does the individual have the capacity to

engage in different sanitation behaviors?” This behavioral determinant is further

broken down into 5 determinants: a) knowledge, which is the understanding of

sanitation services and the ability to use sanitation services or products; b) social

support, defined as the physical and mental comfort provided by one's

community, which aids in the adoption of new behaviors; c) self-efficacy or the

feeling that one can carry out the activities increases one's likelihood of doing so;

d) roles and decisions which refers to knowing who makes the decisions in a

household or community when it comes to sanitation practices and lastly, e)

affordability which plays a role in determining whether certain practices are

adopted. Money, time, and resources all factor into affordability.

Lastly, motivation, which is the individual’s interest in perform the

behavior. It asks the question: “Does the individual want to perform it?” It is

divided further into six categories: a) attitudes and beliefs in which the individual’s

characteristics influence how people think about sanitation and related services

and products; b) values which are closely related to beliefs, however unlike

attitudes and beliefs, values act on a collective level. Most communities have a

consensus on which cleanliness habits are beneficial; c) emotional, social and

physical drivers which are defined as strong internal thoughts and feelings that

motivate behavior; d) competing priorities where there are other factors that the

community needs to prioritize in which they will spend their resources for (ex.

food) aside from sanitation; e) intention, where people tend to follow through on

behaviors if they have a plan to do so; and lastly, willingness to pay. This

determinant is related to competing priorities, and examines how much and for

what individuals are willing to pay.

Another theory that supports this study was Florence Nightingale’s

Environmental Theory. This theory states that the goal of nursing in this

approach is to transform the patient's environment such that his or her health

improves. According to this theory, fresh air, pure water, enough food supply,

proper drainage, patient and surroundings’ cleanliness, and light (particularly

direct sunlight) are among the environmental elements that affect health. If any of

these elements are missing, the patient's health may diminish. A nurse's duty in a

patient's rehabilitation is to progressively change the environment in order to

create the best conditions for the body to heal itself. In certain circumstances,

this may imply little noise, while in others, it may imply a specific diet. All of these

areas can be manipulated to help the patient meet his or her health goals and get


Shown in Figure 1. Is the conceptual framework of the study This

illustrates the variables under investigation, the independent variable, which is

the knowledge on environment sanitation and the dependent variable, is the

practices on environmental sanitation. In this study, the researcher

conceptualized that there is a relationship between knowledge and practices on

environmental sanitation among the community of barangay Sultan Kudarat.


Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Knowledge on Practice on
Environmental Environmental
Sanitation Sanitation

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study


Significance of the Study

The study may be significant to the people of community as the study may inform

them of the responsibility that every individual has to practice proper disposal to

maintain and sustain the environmental sanitation in one place. Aside from the

community, the study may also benefit the government especially in city, barangay, and

purok levels to raise further awareness on environmental sanitation.

Creating public awareness on issues concerning the environment can help

change people’s perceptions, attitudes, habits, inclinations and practices, thereby

reducing their negative impact on the environment. That is why the crusade for

environmental quality should focus more on the human front: changing habits,

perceptions, attitudes and values, rather than the physical front (ie) litter clean-up

campaigns, seminars, and workshops etc. which merely attack the symptoms rather

than the problems themselves. This will likely create in a child a new image of his world

and it is this new image that environmental literacy aims to achieve. The right to a

healthful environment is akin to the constitutional right to life. This is because a poor,

filthy and putrid, environment can affect the health of the individual and result in

subsequent death. It is therefore, a fundamental right of man to live in a clean, safe and

healthy environment devoid of any hazards to life (Anijah-Obi, 2001).

Lastly, the results of the study will benefit the future researchers and can serve

as a baseline information for future similar research to be conducted.


Definition of Terms

The following were defined as used in the study.

Knowledge. This refers to the factual or procedural information the residents

acquired that can be applied, into practices to maintain the place where they live.

Practice on Environmental Sanitation. This refers to a set of actions geared

towards improving the quality of the environment and reducing the amount of disease.

By doing so, the hope is that living conditions will improve and health problems will


Residents. They refers to those the individuals residing in one of the barangays

in Sultan Kudarat.

Chapter 2


This chapter. Includes the research design, research locale, research

instruments, data collection and statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

The researcher utilized a non-experimental quantitative research method

specifically a descriptive correlational design. In the study, this was used to describe the

status of the variables and explore relationship between variables using statistical

analysis (Bernard, 2012).

Descriptive method provided an essential understanding about the level of

knowledge and practices on environmental sanitation. Correlational method on the other

hand was employed to determine if a significant relationship existed between the two

variables, the knowledge and practices on environmental among barangay of Sultan


Research Locale

This research study was conducted in one of the barangays in Sultan Kudarat.

The subjects of the study were the residents of the said barangay. There were 50

residents taken to participate in the study. The sampling technique used in this research

was simple random sampling using the rule of thumb.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher used a standardized survey questionnaire. Both

questionnaires for the independent and dependent variable were and adapted from

Safo-Adu & Hanson’s Knowledge of Respondents about Sanitation and Hygiene survey


The first set of questionnaires was utilized to determine the level of knowledge on

environmental sanitation. It consisted of 15 items and weighted in a 4-point Likert scale

continuum that ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) for each item.

The second set of questionnaire was utilized to determine the level of practices

on environmental sanitation. It also comprised of 15 items and also weighted in a 4-

point Likert scale continuum that ranged from 1 (not at all) to 4 (all the time) for each


To aid in the understanding and analysis of data from the knowledge and

practices on environmental sanitation. The scaling below insert the scaling here

Data Collection

The following steps were followed during the conducting of the study. The

researcher asked permission from the barangay captain to conduct a study among the

residents. Upon approval, the questionnaires were personally distributed to the

respondents and retrieved after the respondents answered all of them. Data were

collated, tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis. The results were interpreted and

analyzed based on the objectives of the study


Scaling for Knowledge and Practices on Environmental Sanitation

Range of Descriptive
Score Interpretation
Means Equivalent
When the knowledge and practices and
5 4.50-5.00 Very High environmental sanitation of residents of Sultan
Kudarat is always demonstrated at all times.
When the knowledge and practices and
4 3.50-4.49 High environmental sanitation of residents of Sultan
Kudarat is oftentimes demonstrated.
When the knowledge and practices and
3 2.50-3.49 Moderate environmental sanitation of residents of Sultan
Kudarat is sometimes demonstrated
When the knowledge and practices and
2 1.50-2.49 Low environmental sanitation of residents of Sultan
Kudarat is seldom demonstrated
When the knowledge and practices and
1 1.00-1.49 Very Low environmental sanitation of residents of Sultan
Kudarat is never demonstrated.

Statistical Treatment

The following were the statistical tools that the researcher used in the treatment

of data.

Mean and Standard Deviation. This was used to determine the level of

knowledge and practices on environmental sanitation.

Pearson-r. This was used to determine the significant relationship between

knowledge and practices on environmental sanitation.




This chapter dealt with the presentation, interpretation and analysis of data

concerning knowledge and practices on environmental sanitation among the residents

of Sultan Kudarat.

Level of Knowledge on Environmental Sanitation

As shown in Table 1 is the level of knowledge on environmental sanitation

among the residents of Sultan Kudarat. It had means that ranged from 3.30 to 3.68 with

an overall mean of 3.54, described as very high. This implied that the knowledge on

environmental sanitation is always demonstrated.

The data analysis showed that the items with the highest mean rating include

items 7 - Support environmental protection and conservation activities with a mean

rating of 3.68 which was interpreted as very high. It is followed by items number 8 -

Covering waste containers is a good sanitation and hygiene practice with a mean rating

3.64 which was interpreted as very high. The last one is items number 9 - think

everybody, young and old should engage in environmental conservation practice with a

mean rating 3.64 which was interpreted as very high.

Whereas the items with lowest mean rating was question number 4 - Burying of

garbage/refuse at your back yard is not the most appropriate way to dispose refuse with

a mean rating of 3.30 which was interpreted as very high also but consider as the

lowest depends on the result. Followed by number 11 - The main source of pollution of

our surface water is caused by harmful chemical runoff from farms with a mean rating

3.40 which was interpreted as also as very high but consider as lowest depends on

what the result.


Level of Knowledge on Environmental Sanitation

Items Mean Interpretation

1. People should be willing to change their 3.60 Very High

lifestyles to prevent further damage to the
2. Throwing garbage into gutters, on the street and 3.46 Very High
surroundings can cause flooding.
3. Burning of garbage/refuse is not the best way to 3.46 Very High
dispose of waste and has environmental effects.
4. Burying of garbage/refuse at the backyard is not 3.30 Very High
the most appropriate way to dispose of refuse.
5. Consider segregation of waste materials very 3.60 Very High
important in the place at this time.
6. Believe toxic pesticides and harmful chemicals 3.48 Very High
should be banned in the local market.
7. Support environmental protection and 3.68 Very High
conservation activities.
8. Covering waste containers is a good sanitation 3.64 Very High
and hygiene practice.
9. Think everybody, young and old should engage 3.64 Very High
in environmental conservation practice.
10. Recycling can have the greatest impact on 3.68 Very High
reducing the threat of global warming.
11. The main source of pollution of our surface 3.40 Very High
water is caused by harmful chemical runoff from
12. Burning coal for energy is a problem because its 3.48 Very High
releases carbon dioxide and other pollutants
that can cause respiratory illnesses.
13. Poor sanitation can causes diseases. 3.54 Very High
14. Believe stagnant waters breeds vectors. 3.50 Very High
15. Recycling of waste is important for the 3.58 Very High
protection of environment and natural
Overall 3.54 Very High

Level of Practice on Environmental sanitation

Shown in Table 2 was the level of practices on environmental sanitation among

the residents of Sultan Kudarat. It had means that ranged from 2.60 to 3.58 with an

overall mean of 3.10 described as high. This implied that the practices on environmental

sanitation is often times demonstrated.

The data analysis further shows that the questions with the highest mean rating

include items number 7 - follow the guidelines of the barangay no smoking, no plastics

and Styrofoam etc. with a mean rating 3.58 which was interpreted as very high. It was

followed by number 5 - Helping maintain cleanliness at home and in our community with

a mean rating of 3.40 which was interpreted as very high. And the last number was

question number 15 - Disposing of all food waste and other refuse in refuse bins daily

with a mean rating of 3.30 which was interpreted as very high.

Whereas the items with the lowest mean rating was items number 13 -

Separating papers, plastic bottles, cans and metal objects for recycling with a mean

rating of 3.10 which was interpreted as high. It is then followed by number 11 - Adding

my refuse to the garbage pile in the area with a mean rating of 2.60 which was

interpreted as high. And the last number is 12 - Disposing of waste into garbage bags

and throw them into gutters on the street with a mean rating of 2.60 which was

interpreted as high.

Table 2

Level of Practice on Environmental Sanitation

Question Mean Interpretation

1. Recycling waste materials(paper, bottles, etc. 2.96 High
2. Try to reducing the amount of waste produces. 3.06 High
3. Reusing water from washing for other purposes 3.26 Very High
(e.g. watering plants or cleaning the bathroom
or floors.
4. Segregating garbage into biodegradable and 3.08 High
non-biodegradable before disposing them.
5. helping maintain cleanliness at home and in the 3.40 Very High
6. Do not use pesticides and poisons to killing 3.12 High
pests and rats.
7. Following the guidelines of the barangay no 3.58 Very High
smoking, no plastics and Styrofoam etc.
8. Participating voluntary activities to protect or 3.02 High
conserve the environment (e.g. cleaning, tree
planting etc.
9. Reading materials one environmental 3.02 High
conservation and protections .
10. Do not allowing stagnant water around my 3.20 Very High
11. Add refusing to the garbage pile in the area. 2.80 High
12. Disposing of waste into garbage bags and 2.60 High
throwing them into gutters on the street.
13. Separating papers, plastic bottles, cans and 3.10 High
metal objects for recycling.
14. Stop using single use plastic products generally 2.92 High
to reduce contributing pollution on environment.
15. Disposing of all food waste and other refuse in 3.30 Very High
refuse bins daily .
Overall 3.10 High

Relationship between Knowledge and Practices and Environmental Sanitation

The Table 3 displayed the relationship between knowledge and practices on

environmental sanitation among the residents. Using Pearson - r as the statistical tool,

the obtained r-value was 0.256. The obtained p-value 0.073 which was higher than the

0.05 level of significance. This resulted the acceptance of null hypothesis of the study.

This also implied that there was no significant relationship between variables and does

not warrant for further testing using regression analysis.

Table 3

Correlation Between Variables

Computed p-value @.05 Level Decision

r-value of Significance on H0

Knowledge on

practices and
.256 .073 Accept




Presented in this chapter are the analyses of the results of the study. It also

includes the conclusions and recommendations derived from the findings of the study.

The findings of the study revealed that the level of knowledge on environmental

sanitation among the residents of Sultan Kudarat had means that ranges from 3.30 to

3.68 with an overall mean of 3.54, described as very high. Moreover, the level of

practices on environmental sanitation among the residents of Sultan Kudarat had

means that ranged from 2.60 to 3.58 with an overall mean of 3.10 described as high.

The results showed that the relationship between the level of knowledge on

environmental sanitation among the residents is high. Using Pearson - r as the

statistical tool, the obtained The r-value is 0.256, and the p-value is 0.073 which was

higher than the 0.05 level of significance. This resulted the acceptance of null

hypothesis of the study that there is no significant relationship between variables hence

it does not warrant for further testing using regression analysis.

According to Agbola and George (2018), there have been identified substantial

links between sanitation knowledge and education, with higher levels of education being

linked to better knowledge, as formal education lays the groundwork for improved

understanding, which in turn enhances knowledge. To add further, attitude is a learned

reaction that may be altered by education; hence, education could be a technique for

changing or modifying how people perceive events or acts.


Environmental sanitation, according to Mosler and Harter (2018), as well as

WHO/UNICEF (2019), encompasses human excreta control, solid and liquid waste

management, and insect and vector control. Environmental sanitation, as used in this

document, relates to the management of feces and waste disposal procedures in a

certain settlement or site.

Sanitation has become a significant aspect in shaping a person's, a region's, and

even a nation's personality. Everyone has the right and responsibility to live in a clean

and healthy environment, and rubbish is one of the sources of non-existence. Waste

management must be done intelligently, integrated, and directed between each

individual society and government (Nazarudin, 2014).

One of the conditions for responsible behavior is knowledge of environmental

challenges and proper actions to address them. It is insufficient to possess information

and abilities. The desire to take environmental sanitation action is required. Personality

traits such as attitude, locus of control, and sense of responsibility have a significant

impact on one's desires. Education, occupation, age, interest, experience, culture,

environment, and information all influence knowledge. Individual understanding of

health risks has been shown to have a significant impact on risk perception. This, in

turn, has an impact on a person's attitude. As a result, an individual's knowledge,

perception, and attitude play a critical role in deciding how people react to

environmental threats (Ratnapradipa, 2011).



Based on the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were drawn: the level

of knowledge on environmental sanitation is very high, while the level of practices on

environmental sanitation is very high. This study also concludes that there is no

significant relationship between knowledge and practices and environmental sanitation

among residents of Sultan Kudarat.


The following recommendations were formulated based on the findings and

conclusions of this study. The researcher recommends to continue maintaining the

environmental sanitation of the area through community efforts such as city-level

programs to address the possible appearance of potential contributors that will

decrease the environmental sanitation in the area. Specifically, the researcher

recommends barangays to collaborate with local NGOs for environmental sanitation to

embark on effective behavioral change communication strategy among the residents.

The researcher also recommends to continually educate inhabitants in the

barangay Sultan Kudarat through a seminar or webinar to reduce the amount of waste

production as well as diminish the factors that contribute pollution on environment.

Aside from seminars or webinars, the researcher also suggests having programs or

events in which the community can participate in maintaining environmental sanitation

such as clean-up drives and implementing claygo in business establishments and

recreational areas.

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Survey Questionnaire

Dear Respondents,


I am currently doing my research study entitled, "Knowledge on Environmental

Sanitation and Practices among Residents of barangay Sultan Kudarat." This study
aims to determine the extent of community quarantine and level of sleep quality of
college students living in Davao city, as well as to determine the relationship of the said
two variables.

Survey questionnaire will be provided for you to answer about your knowledge on
environmental sanitation and practices. Hence, I humbly ask you to spare me 5-20
minutes of your time to answer the survey questionnaire. Kindly follow the directions
provided for each part of the research questionnaire. Your honest answer to each
statement will help the researcher to come up with a sound result. Confidentiality and
anonymity of your responses shall be guaranteed with stringent observance on the rule
of Data Privacy Act, R.A. 10173

If you have any questions and/or clarifications, please do not hesitate to ask the
researchers through this email. [email protected]

Thank you very much and have a good day!

-Bailabie A. Wahab

Part I Knowledge on Environmental Sanitation

(Direction: Please choose the number in each statement provided using the following
scales:1 - Never; 2 - Sometimes; 3 - Often or 4 - Always).

1.People should be willing to change their lifestyle to prevent
further damage to the environment.
2.Throwing garbage into gutters, on the street and around your
surroundings can cause flooding.
3.Burning of garbage/refuse is not the base way to dispose of
waste and has environmental effect.
4. Burying of garbage/refuse at your backyard is not the most
appropriate way to dispose of refuse.
5. Considering segregation of waste materials very important in
our place at this time.
6. Believe toxic pesticides and harmful chemicals should be
banned in the local market.
7. I supporting environmental protection and conservation
8. Covering waste containers is a good sanitation and hygiene
9. Think everybody, young and old should engage in
environmental conservation practice.
10. Recycling can have the greatest impact on reducing the
threat of global warming.
11. The main source of pollution of our surface water is caused
by harmful chemical runoff from farms.
12. Burning coal for energy is a problem because its releases
carbon dioxide and other pollutants that can cause respiratory
13. Poor sanitation can causes diseases.
14. Believe stagnant waters breeds vectors.

15. Recycling of waste is important for the protection of

environment and natural resources.

Part II Practice on Environmental Sanitation

(Direction: Please choose the number in each statement provided using the following
scales:1 - Never; 2 - Sometimes; 3 - Often or 4 - Always).

1. Recycling waste materials(paper, bottles, etc.

2. Trying to reduce the amount of waste I produces.
3. Reusing water from washing for other purposes (e.g. watering
plants or cleaning the bathroom or floors.
4. Segregating our garbage into biodegradable and non-
biodegradable before disposing them.
5. Helping maintain cleanliness at home and in our community.
6. Do not use pesticides and poisons to kill pests and rats.
7. Following the guidelines of the barangay no smoking, no plastics
and Styrofoam etc.
8. Participating voluntary activities to protect or conserve our
environment (e.g. cleaning, tree planting etc.
9. Reading materials one environmental conservation and
10. Do not allow stagnant water around my household.
11. Adding my refuse to the garbage pile in the area.
12. Disposing of waste into garbage bags and throw them into
gutters on the street.
13. Separating papers, plastic bottles, cans and metal objects for
14. Stop using single use plastic products generally to reduce
contributing pollution on environment.
15. Dispose of all food waste and other refuse in refuse bins daily .

Thank you very much for your time and efforts.

- The Researcher



Name: Bailabie A. Wahab

Address: Ecoland Drive Matina

Contact No.: 09653124922

Email Address: [email protected]

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single


Elementary: Cotabato City Central Pilot School

College: Mindanao Capitol College Inc.


The research would like to show her full appreciation and gratitude to those individuals

who assisted in the entire duration of this requirement. The researcher would like to

mention the following:

To her parents, who never failed to support and stand trough her rough days.

They serve as her inspiration to continue this requirement; despite the extent of hard

work she did to accomplish this endeavor.

To the administration and nursing students who played vital role in the

researcher’s life, for her be able to apply the concepts learned and encourage new

learning that were necessary to experience the reality of her desired field.

To Ms. Emmalyn D. Santiesteban RN, MAN, for her special role in completing

this endeavor. The researcher is appreciative of her time spent, patience and efforts

that rendered during the preparation of this study.

And finally, all praises and glory for Almighty Allah, for His guidance and

continuous support and appeal to the man’s life and every living endeavors in this world.


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