D6R-2HM-Fuel Injection Lines - Remove and Install

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Configuration: D6R Track-Type Tractor 2HM00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY
3306 Engine

Disassembly and Assembly

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Fuel Injection Lines - Remove and Install

SMCS - 1252-010

Removal Procedure


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during

performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair
of the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling any component
containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar Tools and Shop

Products Guide", for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain
fluids in Caterpillar machines.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

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D6R Track-Type Tractor 2HM00001-UP (MACHINE) POWE... file:///Volumes/TRANSCEND/2HM/Fuel Injection Lines - Rem...

Illustration 1 g00448807

1. Remove three bolts (1), (2) and (3) and the brackets from the fuel injection lines.

Illustration 2 g00448808

2. Disconnect six fuel injection line nuts (4) from the fuel injection pumps.


Do not allow the tops of the nozzles to turn while the fuel lines are
loosened. The nozzles will be damaged if the top of the nozzle turns in
the body. Defective fuel nozzles will damage the engine due to incorrect
spray patterns.

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D6R Track-Type Tractor 2HM00001-UP (MACHINE) POWE... file:///Volumes/TRANSCEND/2HM/Fuel Injection Lines - Rem...

Illustration 3 g00448809

3. Hold the tops of fuel injector nozzles (5) with a wrench, as shown. Loosen the six fuel
injection line nuts at fuel injector nozzles (4) .

4. Disconnect the fuel injection line nuts at the fuel injector nozzles and remove the fuel injection
lines. Put caps and plugs on all openings immediately in order to prevent dirt from
contaminating the fuel system.

Installation Procedure
Table 1
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A 5P-0144 Fuel Line Socket 1


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.


Do not allow the tops of the nozzles to turn while the fuel lines are
loosened. The nozzles will be damaged if the top of the nozzle turns in
the body. Defective fuel nozzles will damage the engine due to incorrect
spray patterns.

1. Remove the protective covers from the fuel line connections. Place the fuel injection lines in
position on the engine. Tighten the fuel injection line nuts on the fuel injection pump and the
fuel injector nozzles finger tight.

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D6R Track-Type Tractor 2HM00001-UP (MACHINE) POWE... file:///Volumes/TRANSCEND/2HM/Fuel Injection Lines - Rem...

Note: The nozzle assembly must be supported with a wrench.

Illustration 4 g00448810

2. Hold the tops of fuel injector nozzles (1) and use Tool (A) in order to tighten the fuel injection
line nuts to a torque of 40 ± 7 N·m (30 ± 5 lb ft).

Illustration 5 g00475542

3. Tighten six fuel injection line nuts (2) at the fuel injection pumps to a torque of 40 ± 7 N·m
(30 ± 5 lb ft).

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D6R Track-Type Tractor 2HM00001-UP (MACHINE) POWE... file:///Volumes/TRANSCEND/2HM/Fuel Injection Lines - Rem...

Illustration 6 g00475546

4. Install the brackets and three bolts (3), (4) and (5) that hold the fuel injection lines in position.

5. Prime the fuel system. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Fuel System -
Prime" topic (Maintenance Section).

Copyright 1993 - 2015 Caterpillar Inc. Tue Aug 25 2015 13:41:55 GMT+0200 (CEST)
All Rights Reserved.
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5 sur 5 25/08/15 13:42

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