Mevcut Bina Iyileştirmelerinde Ulaşılabilir Yaklaşık Sıfır Enerji Hedeflerinin Belirlenmesi Için Yeni Bir Yaklaşım
Mevcut Bina Iyileştirmelerinde Ulaşılabilir Yaklaşık Sıfır Enerji Hedeflerinin Belirlenmesi Için Yeni Bir Yaklaşım
Mevcut Bina Iyileştirmelerinde Ulaşılabilir Yaklaşık Sıfır Enerji Hedeflerinin Belirlenmesi Için Yeni Bir Yaklaşım
Department of Architecture
Department of Architecture
KASIM 2017
Neşe GANİÇ SAĞLAM, a Ph.D. student of ITU Graduate School of Science
Engineering and Technology student ID 502122066, successfully defended the
RETROFITS”, which she prepared after fulfilling the requirements specified in the
associated legislations, before the jury whose signatures are below.
4.3.6 Determination of the financial gaps between cost-optimal and potential
NZEB levels ....................................................................................................... 46
4.3.7 Investigation of solutions and terms for bridging the gap between cost-
optimal and potential NZEB levels .................................................................... 46
4.3.8 Development of proposals for achievable NZEB levels ........................... 48
Decision-Making on NZEB Levels of Existing Building Retrofits ................. 50
RESIDENTIAL BUILDING IN TURKEY ....................................................... 53
Adaptation of Cost-Optimal Methodology Framework ................................... 54
5.1.1 Reference building .................................................................................... 54 General description of the reference building .................................... 54 Envelope properties ............................................................................ 56 Occupancy .......................................................................................... 57 Equipment use .................................................................................... 58 Building service systems .................................................................... 59 Climatic regions ................................................................................. 60
5.1.2 Energy efficiency measures and packages ................................................ 62 Architectural measures ....................................................................... 63 Measures related to building service systems .................................... 66 Measures for renewable energy use ................................................... 67 Composition of packages ................................................................... 67
5.1.3 Energy performance calculations .............................................................. 68 Energy model of the reference building ............................................. 68 Calculation of primary energy consumptions .................................... 69
5.1.4 Global cost calculations ............................................................................ 71 General assumptions for the cost calculations ................................... 71 Assumptions on economic indicators ................................................. 72 Investment cost calculations............................................................... 74 Replacement cost calculations ........................................................... 76 Calculation of running costs ............................................................... 76
5.1.5 Comparative cost-optimal analyses ........................................................... 78 Results of envelope retrofit scenarios analysed for Istanbul .............. 78 Comparative analyses of all retrofit scenarios for Istanbul ................ 81 Results of envelope retrofit scenarios analysed for Antalya .............. 85 Comparative analyses of all retrofit scenarios for Antalya ................ 88 Results of envelope retrofit scenarios analysed for Erzurum ............. 91 Comparative analyses of all retrofit scenarios for Erzurum ............... 94
5.1.6 Analysing the effect of occupant behaviour on cost-optimal levels ......... 97
5.1.7 Evaluation of the first phase .................................................................... 102
Development of Proposals for Achievable NZEB Targets ............................ 103
5.2.1 Boundary conditions for sensitivity analyses .......................................... 104
5.2.2 Results of sensitivity analyses for Istanbul ............................................. 105
5.2.3 Results of sensitivity analyses for Antalya ............................................. 110
5.2.4 Results of sensitivity analyses for Erzurum ............................................ 115
5.2.5 Identification of potential NZEB levels .................................................. 120
5.2.6 Financial gaps between cost-optimal and potential NZEB levels ........... 122
5.2.7 Investigation of solutions and terms for bridging the gap between cost-
optimal and potential NZEB levels .................................................................. 124
5.2.8 Proposals for bridging the gap between cost-optimal and NZEB levels. 129
DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................... 133
Discussion on the Proposed Approach ........................................................... 133
Discussion on the Results of Sample Implementation ................................... 135
CONCLUSION................................................................................................... 139
Further research .............................................................................................. 140
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 143
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ 151
TURKSTAT : Turkish Statistical Institute
VRV : Variable Refrigerant Volume System
XPS : Extruded Polystrene
Table 5.30 : Summary of convenient subsidy and loans for different climates. ..... 131
Table 6.1 : Primary energy consumption of different target levels. ........................ 136
Table A.1 : Results of envelope retrofit scenarios for Istanbul. .............................. 153
Table A.2 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI and AC retrofits in Istanbul.
.......................................................................................................................... 154
Table A.3 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC and SHD retrofits in
Istanbul. ............................................................................................................ 155
Table A.4 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC and LED retrofits in
Istanbul. ............................................................................................................ 156
Table A.5 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC and CHW retrofits in
Istanbul. ............................................................................................................ 157
Table A.6 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC and LED retrofits in
Istanbul. ............................................................................................................ 158
Table A.7 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC, CHW, LED and SP
retrofits in Istanbul. .......................................................................................... 159
Table A.8 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV
retrofits in Istanbul. .......................................................................................... 160
Table A.9 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC, CHW, LED and RF
retrofits in Istanbul. .......................................................................................... 161
Table A.10 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC, CHW, LED, RF and
SP retrofits in Istanbul. ..................................................................................... 162
Table A.11 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, VRV, CHW, LED and SP
retrofits in Istanbul. .......................................................................................... 163
Table A.12 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, VRV, CHW, LED, RF, SP
and PV retrofits in Istanbul. ............................................................................. 164
Table B.1 : Results of envelope retrofit scenarios in Antalya. ................................ 165
Table B.2 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL and BOI or AC retrofits in
Antalya. ............................................................................................................ 166
Table B.3 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI and AC retrofits in Antalya.
.......................................................................................................................... 167
Table B.4 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, AC and LED retrofits in Antalya.
.......................................................................................................................... 168
Table B.5 : Results of scenarios including GL, CHW, LED and SHD retrofits in
Antalya. ............................................................................................................ 168
Table B.6 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, AC, CHW and LED retrofits in
Antalya. ............................................................................................................ 169
Table B.7 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, AC, CHW, LED and SP retrofits
in Antalya. ........................................................................................................ 170
Table B.8 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, AC, LED, SHD2 and SP retrofits
in Antalya. ........................................................................................................ 171
Table B.9 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, LED, SP and PV retrofits in
Antalya. ............................................................................................................ 172
Table B.10 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, LED, SP and PV retrofits in
Antalya. ............................................................................................................ 173
Table B.11 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, VRV, CHW, LED and SP
retrofits in Antalya. .......................................................................................... 174
Table B.12 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, VRV, CHW, LED SP and PV
retrofits in Antalya. .......................................................................................... 175
Table C.1 : Results of envelope retrofit scenarios in Erzurum……………………177
Table C.2 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI or AC retrofits in Erzurum.
.......................................................................................................................... 179
Table C.3 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI and AC retrofits in Erzurum.
.......................................................................................................................... 179
Table C.4 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW or LED retrofits in
Erzurum. ........................................................................................................... 180
Table C.5 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED and SP retrofits
in Erzurum........................................................................................................ 181
Table C.6 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV
retrofits in Erzurum. ......................................................................................... 182
Table C.7 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, RF, SP and PV
retrofits in Erzurum. ......................................................................................... 183
Table C.8 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, RF and SP
retrofits in Erzurum. ......................................................................................... 184
Table C.9 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, RF, SP and PV
retrofits in Erzurum. ......................................................................................... 185
Figure 1.1 :Final energy consumption by sector and buildings energy mix, 2010 ..... 1
Figure 2.1 :Retrofit Categories.................................................................................. 11
Figure 2.2 :A sample cost-optimal graph. ................................................................. 15
Figure 2.3 :Retrofit rates of residential buildings in MS .......................................... 20
Figure 2.4 : Retrofit progress of residential buildings in MS towards NZEB .......... 21
Figure 4.1 : Main phases of the introduced approach. .............................................. 32
Figure 4.2 : Flowchart of the first phase of the introduced approach. ...................... 34
Figure 4.3 : Flowchart representing identification of retrofit scenarios. .................. 36
Figure 4.4 : Flowchart representing primary energy calculation procedure. ............ 38
Figure 4.5 : Flowchart of global cost calculation...................................................... 41
Figure 4.6 : Decrease in the PV System Price, 1976-2010. ...................................... 44
Figure 4.7 : Flowchart of the second phase of the introduced approach. ................. 49
Figure 4.8 : Flowchart of the third phase of the introduced approach. ..................... 51
Figure 5.1 : Geometry of the reference building. ...................................................... 55
Figure 5.2 : Typical floor plan of the reference building. ......................................... 55
Figure 5.3 : Locations of the representative cities analysed in the . ......................... 61
Figure 5.4 : Monthly average air temperatures of analysed cities ............................ 62
Figure 5.5 : Total solar radiation map of Turkey. ..................................................... 62
Figure 5.6 : Sample illustrations of analysed shading devices for SHD1 and SHD2
retrofits. ................................................................................................................. 66
Figure 5.7 : Thermal zones of a standard floor of the reference building................. 68
Figure 5.8 : End use energy consumption of the RB. ............................................... 70
Figure 5.9 : Primary energy consumption of the RB. ............................................... 70
Figure 5.10 : Ownership of the residential buildings in Turkey ............................... 71
Figure 5.11 : Results of initial cost-optimal analyses on building envelope retrofits
for Istanbul. ........................................................................................................... 80
Figure 5.12 : Cost-optimal graph of retrofit scenarios for the RB in Istanbul. ......... 83
Figure 5.13 : Results of initial cost-optimal analyses on building envelope retrofit
for Antalya. ............................................................................................................ 87
Figure 5.14 : Cost-optimal graph of retrofit scenarios for the RB in Antalya. ......... 90
Figure 5.15 : Results of initial cost-optimal analyses on building envelope retrofit
for Erzurum. .......................................................................................................... 92
Figure 5.16 : Cost-optimal graph of retrofit scenarios for the RB in Erzurum. ........ 96
Figure 5.17 : Effect of occupant behaviour related to window openings on cost-
optimality of RB retrofit scenarios in Istanbul. ..................................................... 99
Figure 5.18 : Effect of occupant behaviour related to window openings on cost-
optimality of RB retrofit scenarios in Antalya. ................................................... 100
Figure 5.19 : Effect of occupant behaviour related to window openings on cost-
optimality of RB retrofit scenarios in Erzurum. .................................................. 101
Figure 5.20 : Sensitivity analyses on discount rates and investment cost decreases
for the RB retrofits in Istanbul............................................................................. 107
Figure 5.21 : Sensitivity analyses on energy price development rates and investment
cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Istanbul. .................................................... 108
Figure 5.22 : Sensitivity analyses on global cost calculation periods for the RB
retrofits in Istanbul. ............................................................................................. 109
Figure 5.23 : Sensitivity analyses on discount rates and investment cost decreases
for the RB retrofits in Antalya. ............................................................................ 112
Figure 5.24 : Sensitivity analyses on energy price development rates and investment
cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Antalya. .................................................... 113
Figure 5.25 : Sensitivity analyses on global cost calculation periods for the RB
retrofits in Antalya. .............................................................................................. 114
Figure 5.26 : Sensitivity analyses on discount rates and investment cost decreases
for the RB retrofits in Erzurum............................................................................ 117
Figure 5.27 : Sensitivity analyses on energy price development rates and investment
cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Erzurum. ................................................... 118
Figure 5.28 : Sensitivity analyses on global cost calculation periods for the RB
retrofits in Erzurum. ............................................................................................ 119
Figure 5.29 : Investment costs and the payback periods of the potential NZEB levels
for the RB retrofits in Istanbul............................................................................. 126
Figure 5.30 : Investment costs and the payback periods of the potential NZEB levels
for the RB retrofits in Antalya. ............................................................................ 127
Figure 5.31 : Investment costs and the payback periods of the potential NZEB levels
for the RB retrofits in Erzurum............................................................................ 128
Figure 6.1 : Primary energy consumption of different target levels. ...................... 136
Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010
on the energy performance of buildings aims to improve energy performance of
buildings since the building sector represents 40% of the energy consumption. Nearly-
zero energy building (NZEB) concept was also introduced with this directive called
EPBD recast.
NZEB is described in EPBD recast as a building with a very high energy performance.
It is also expected that the required energy is mainly met by the renewable energy
sources. As seen from this definition, a certain energy performance level has not been
identified for NZEBs, thus the NZEB level should be identified at national level. The
target of the Directive related to NZEBs points at year 2021 as the deadline for
ensuring all new buildings are constructed as NZEBs. This requirement directly links
the NZEB concept with the cost-optimality concept by expecting that starting from
2021 NZEB level will be the minimum energy performance requirement for buildings.
Besides the new buildings, EPBD recast includes NZEB requirements for existing
building retrofits as well. Cost-effective transformation of the existing buildings into
NZEBs is obliged and correspondingly increasing number of NZEBs is targeted.
However, any deadline has not yet been specified for these requirements related to
retrofitted NZEBs.
This dissertation presents an approach to identify achievable NZEB targets for existing
building retrofits. The approach regards the NZEB level as future cost-optimal level
and adopts the comparative methodology framework introduced by the European
Commission for cost-optimality calculations as the first phase for investigating
potential NZEB levels. This phase of the approach extends the cost-optimality
calculations by integrating the analyses related to the effect of occupant behaviour on
the cost-optimal levels. The second phase offers the sensitivity analyses as the main
tool to investigate potential NZEB levels and determine the financial gap between
existing cost-optimal levels and the NZEB level. At the end of this phase proposals are
prepared for bridging these gaps. Finally, the third phase focus on the national decision
making procedure on NZEB definitions. Although the policy-makers are in charge of
this phase, this approach proposes a general frame to present the relation between
decision-making process and the previous analyses.
A sample implementation of the proposed approach is also presented in this
dissertation. It was applied on a reference residential building in Turkey. Results
obtained from this sample implementation emphasize the necessity of following a
comprehensive approach in order to achieve promising cost-optimal levels for building
retrofits. Moreover, this implementation displays the significant effect of conscious
occupant behaviour on the results and points at the importance of awareness-raising
activities for building occupants in terms of achieving improved NZEB levels.
The approach proposed in this dissertation provides a whole approach for identifying
national targets for retrofitted NZEBs. It brings a new perspective by moving from
scientific point of view to enforcement and presents an improved approach by
integrating the occupant behaviour effect into the calculations. Moreover, by regarding
the sensitivity analyses as the main tool for investigating NZEB levels, the approach
is expected to guide further research activities. Through sample implementation,
coherence between the obtained results and the European NZEB targets is also
This approach also encourages further studies related to cost-optimality and NZEB
concepts. The further studies can also be adapt the proposed approach to new buildings
in order to be used in periodic assessment and revisions of NZEB definitions.
Moreover, the approach can also be exended by integrating thermal comfort related
Artmakta olan enerji tüketiminin dünyada yol açtığı çevresel ve ekonomik etkiler, bu
konudaki kaygıların yükselmesine sebep olmuş ve enerji tüketiminin azaltılmasına
yönelik planlama yapılması ihtiyacını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Enerji tüketiminde en büyük
payın bina sektörüne ait olması sebebiyle, binalarda enerji verimliliğinin arttırılması,
birçok ülkenin enerji tüketimini azaltmaya yönelik planında ana hedefler arasındadır.
Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından da, bina sektöründeki enerji tasarrufu potansyelinden
yararlanma konusunda hedeflerin belirlenmesi ve yaptırımların gerçekleştirilmesi
amacıyla Binalarda Enerji Performansı Revize Direktifi (2010/31/EU) yayımlanmıştır.
Yaklaşık sıfır enerji bina kavramı kısaca EPBD recast olarak adlandırılan bu direktifle
ortaya çıkmıştır.
Yaklaşık sıfır enerji bina, EPBD recast tarafından çok yüksek enerji performanslı bina
olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Binanın ihtiyaç duyduğu az miktardaki enerjinin ise
çoğunlukla yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları kullanılarak karşılanması beklenmektedir.
Bu açıklamadan anlaşıldığı gibi, binalarda yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyesi için standart
bir enerji tüketimi seviyesinden veya izlenmesi gereken bir hesaplama yönteminden
bahsedilmemektedir. Ancak, EPBD recast, 2021 yılından itibaren inşa edilecek tüm
yeni binaların yaklaşık sıfır enerji bina olmasını şart koşmaktadır ve bu nedenle her
ülkenin kendi koşullarına uygun yaklaşık sıfır enerji hedefini belirlemesi
gerekmektedir. 2021 yılını hedefleyen bu koşul, yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyesini
önümüzdeki yılların minimum enerji performansı gereksinimi haline getirmektedir ve
aynı direktifle getirilen enerji verimliliğinde optimum maliyet kavramı ile doğrudan
ilişkilendirmektedir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, 2021 yılından itibaren binalarda yaklaşık
sıfır enerji seviyesinin aynı zamanda uzun dönemde en düşük maliyetle sonuçlanan
enerji performansı seviyesi olması beklenmektedir. Direktife göre, yeni bilanarın yanı
sıra mevcut binalarda da maliyet etkin iyileştirmeler yapılarak, binaların yaklaşık sıfır
enerji seviyesine ulaştırılması istenmektedir. Bu doğrultuda ulusal planların hem yeni
binaları hem de mevcut binaların iyileştirilmesi dikkate alarak, yaklaşık sıfır enerji
bina sayısını arttırma yönünde hazırlanması beklenmektedir.
Bu tezde, mevcut bina iyileştirmelerinde yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyesine yönelik
ulaşılabilir hedeflerin belirlenebilmesi için bir yaklaşım önerilmektedir. Yaklaşım,
binalarda yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyesi ile optimum maliyet seviyesi arasındaki ilişki
üzerine kurulmuştur ve potansiyel yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyelerinin belirlenmesinde,
gelecekte optimum maliyet seviyesine erişebilecek en yüksek enerji performansı
düzeyleri dikkate alınmaktadır.
Önerilen yaklaşım, üç aşamadan oluşmaktadır. İlk aşama, Avrupa Komisyonu
tarafından binalarda enerji performansı seviyelerinin optimum maliyet düzeyinin
belirlenmesi amacıyla yayımlanan çerçeve yöntemin ulusal koşullara uyarlamasıdır.
Ancak bu aşamada, Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından önerilen çerçeve yönteme kullanıcı
davranışlarının etkisi de entegre edilerek yöntemin kapsamı genişletilmiştir.
Böylelikle, bina enerji performansı üzerinde etkili olan kullanıcı davranışlarının
optimum maliyet seviyesine etkisi de dikkate alınmaktadır.
Yaklaşımın ikinci aşaması, potansiyel yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyelerinin duyarlılık
analizleri aracılığıyla belirlenmesidir. Duyarlılık analizleri, hâlihazırda Avrupa
Komisyonu tarafından yayımlanan çerçeve yöntemin bir adımıdır ancak bina enerji
performansında optimum maliyet seviyesinin özellikle ekonomik değişkenlere karşı
duyarlılığını analiz etmede kullanılmaktadır. Bu yaklaşımda ise duyarlılık analizlerine
farklı bir işlev yüklenmiştir. Bu analizler binalar için potansiyel yaklaşık sıfır enerji
seviyelerinin belirlenmesinde temel araç olarak kullanılmakta ve yaklaşımın en önemli
aşamasını oluşturmaktadır. İkinci aşamanın sonucunda, bina enerji performansı
konusunda karar vericiler için potansiyel yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyeleri ve seviyenin
ulaşılabilir olması için gerekli koşullar sunulabilmektedir.
Yöntemin üçüncü aşaması, önceki iki aşamada elde edilen sonuçların karar verici
yetkililer tarafından değerlendirilmesi, buna bağlı olarak mevcut binalar için yaklaşık
sıfır enerji seviyelerinin belirlenmesi ve belirli aralıklarla takip edilerek
güncellenmesini içermektedir. Her ne kadar bu aşamada izlenecek yöntem karar
vericilerin tercihine bağlı olsa da, hem yaklaşımın bütüncül olarak ifade edilmesi, hem
de yetkililere yol yostermesi açısından bu aşama için de öneri getirilmiştir.
Yukarıda özetlenmiş olan yaklaşım açıklandıktan sonra, yaklaşımın örnek uygulaması
da gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu uygulama, Türkiye’deki çok katlı apartman binalarını temsil
eden bir referans bina üzerinde ve üç farklı iklim bölgesi dikkate alınarak yapılmıştır.
Sıcak nemli iklim bölgesini temsilen Antalya ili, ılımlı menli iklim bölgesini temsilen
İstanbul ili ve soğuk iklim bölgesini temsilen Erzurum ili iklim verileri kullanılmıştır.
Örnek uygulamada öncelikle, ele alınan referans binanın enerji performansı seviyeleri
için optimum maliyet düzeyi tespit edilmiştir. İlk hesaplamalarda, istatistiklere bağlı
olarak belirlenen referans kullanıcı davranışları dikkate alınmıştır. Daha sonra,
kullanıcıların binanın enerji performansına etki eden davranışlarında değişiklik olması
durumu için hesaplamalar tekrarlanmıştır. Bu analizler için örnek olarak pencere
açıklıklarının kullanıcılar tarafından bilinçli kontrolüyle doğal havalandırmadan
yararlanılarak, binanın soğutma ihtiyacının azaltılması ele alınmıştır.
Önerilen yaklaşımın ilk aşamasının seçilen referans bina için uygulanması sonucunda,
Türkiye’deki çok katlı apartman binalarında maliyet etkin enerji tasarrufu
potansiyelinin %70’in üzerinde olduğu görülmüştür. Kullanıcıların pencere
açıklıklarının kontrolüne yönelik bilinçli davranışları ise enerji tüketimini ve bu
tüketimden kaynaklı enerji giderlerini azaltarak maliyet etkin enerji tasarrufu
potansiyelini %80’in üzerine çıkarmaktadır. İlk aşamanın sonucunda ayrıca, iklim
özelliklerinin beklenildiği gibi hem ulaşılan enerji performansı seviyeleri açısından
hem de etkin iyileştirme tedbirleri açısından etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Elde edilen
sonuçlar, analiz edilen enerji verimliliği tedbirlerinin tekil olarak uygulanmasının
yerine bir araya getirilerek tedbir paketleri halinde uygulanmasının hem enerji
performansı hem de uzun dönem maliyet açısından daha etkili olduğunu göstermiştir.
Seçilen referans bina ve iklim koşulları için optimum maliyet seviyesinin
belirlenmesinin ardından önerilen yaklaşımın ikinci aşaması uygulanmıştır. Bu
aşamada öncelikle uygulanacak duyarlılık analizi senaryoları belirlenmiştir. Seçilen
senaryolar indirim oranı ve enerji fiyat artışı gibi ekonomik değişkenlerin yanı sıra
yardım ve teşvikler veya araştırma geliştirme faaliyetleri sonucunda meydana
gelebilecek potansiyel ilk yatırım maliyeti azaltımları ve maliyet hesaplama sürelerini
de kapsamaktadır. Analizler sonucunda, referans konut binası için her üç iklim koşulu
altındaki potansiyel yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyeleri belirlenmiştir. Potansiyel yaklaşık
sıfır enerji seviyelerinin mevcut optimum maliyet seviyesi ile arasındaki finansal açık
tespit edilerek, bu açığın kapatılmasına yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Öneri
geliştirme aşamasında enerji verimliliği iyileştirme yatırımlarının geri ödeme süreleri
hesaplanmış ve teşvik amaçlı sunulabilecek düşük faizli kredi seçeneği için sağlanması
gereken kredi miktarları ve geri ödeme süreleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, Türkiye’deki
kentsel dönüşüm süreci göz önünde bulundurularak kredi ödeme süreleriyle mevcut
binanın kalan ömrü arasında kurulması gereken bağlantı da açıklanmıştır.
Önerilen yaklaşımın üçüncü aşaması karar verici ve kanun koyucu yetkililer tarafından
uygulanacağından bu bölümün örnek uygulaması gerçekleştirilmemiştir. Ancak hem
yaklaşımın ikinci aşamasının sonunda hem de tartışma bölümünde bu aşamaya yönelik
öneriler bulunmaktadır.
Literatürdeki yaklaşık sıfır enerji binalar ile ilgili çalışmalar, konuya çoğunlukla bu
binaların çok yüksek enerji performansı seviyesine sahip olması yönünden
yaklaşmakta ancak optimum maliyet düzeyi ile ilişkilendirmemektedir. Mevcut
binaların maliyet etkin iyileştirilmesiyle ilgili bazı çalışmalar ise yalnızca ulaşılan
sonuçları tartışırken elde edilen bulguları yaklaşık sıfır enerji hedefleriyle
ilişkilendirmektedir. Mevcut bina iyileştirmeleri için hem yüksek enerji performansı
seviyesini, hem de bu seviyenin optimum maliyet seviyesiyle ilişkisini dikkate alan az
sayıda araştırma bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu çalışmalarda da karar vericilere öneri
sunulmasını hedefleyen ve potansiyel yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyelerinin belirlenmesine
yönelik kapsamlı bir yaklaşım sunulmamaktadır. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, tezde
önerilen yaklaşım, konuya yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmaktadır. Ayrıca, kullanıcı
davranışlarının optimum maliyet seviyesi hesaplarına dahil edilmesi ve duyarlılık
analizlerinin yaklaşık sıfır enerji seviyelerinin araştırılmasında bir araç olarak
kullanılması gibi yeni yaklaşımlar gelecek araştırmalara yol gösterici olacaktır.
Tezde önerilen yaklaşım kullanılarak elde edilen sonuçlara göre, Türkiye’deki mevcut
çok katlı konut binalarındaki iyileştirmeler için potansiyel yaklaşık sıfır enerji
seviyeleri arasında ulaşılabilir en düşük enerji tüketimi seviyesi, analiz edilen iklim
bölgesine bağlı olarak, yıllık 41.8 kWh/m2y ve 63.2 kWh/m2y arasında değişmektedir.
Bu değer Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinin belirlemiş oldukları yaklaşık sıfır enerji
seviyeleriyle kıyaslandığında benzerlik göstermektedir.
Elde edilen sonuçlar kullanıcı davranışlarının maliyet optimum enerji seviyesi
üzerinde etkili olduğunu ve kullanıcıların bina enerji tüketimi konusunda
bilinçlendirilmesinin hem enerji kaynakları açısından hem de ekonomik açıdan
tasarrufla sonuçlanacağını göstermektedir.
Yaklaşımın örnek uygulamasına ait sonuçlar ayrıca bina enerji perofrmansında
optimum maliyet düzeyinin belirlenebilmesi için yapılan çalışmalarda, bina kabuğuna,
bina servis sistemlerine ve yenilenebilir enerji kullanımına yönelik enerji verimliliği
iyileştirmelerinin birlikte değerlendirildiği kapsamlı yöntemlerin izlenmesi gerektiğini
Duyarlılık analizlerinin, potansiyel yaklaşık sıfır enerji hedeflerinin belirlenmesinde
yararlı bir araç olduğu görülmüştür. Bu nedenle, önerilen yaklaşımın yeni binalar için
uyarlanması önerilmektedir. Ayrıca, bu uyarlamanın yanı sıra, referans konut binası
için uygulanmış olan bu yaklaşımın diğer mevcut bina tipleri için de uygulanması
önerilen bu yaklaşımı güçlendirecektir. Ek olarak, önerilen yaklaşım, ilerideki
araştırmalarda ısıl konfor analizlerinin de adapte edilmesiyle detaylandırılarak
geliştirilmeye açıktır.
Energy consumption in the world has been increased in recent years. The report of
International Energy Agency (IEA) declares that world’s total final energy
consumption increased from 4661 Mtoe to 9425 Mtoe in forty-one years between 1973
and 2014 (International Energy Agency, 2016). The report also demonstrates that,
although energy generation from renewable energy sources showed an increase in this
period, non-renewable energy sources still constitute the majority. Therefore,
depletion of energy sources is a critical problem and moreover, environmental
problems also occurred as a consequence of increasing energy consumption. These
problems have raised deep environmental concerns about future and necessity of
taking precautions appeared.
Precautions against the increase in energy consumption are primarily directed at the
sectors consuming the highest amount of energy which constitute the largest energy
saving potential accordingly. The sector consuming the highest amount of energy in
the world was declared as buildings sector by IEA as shown in Figure 1.1 below
(International Energy Agency, 2013). Therefore, buildings sector is seen as one of the
key fields to introduce actions targeting energy efficiency.
Figure 1.1 :Final energy consumption by sector and buildings energy mix, 2010
(International Energy Agency, 2013).
In order to utilize energy saving potential lying on the building sector in practice,
governments have been establishing different mechanisms based on specific laws,
regulations, standards, incentives, subsidies and other various promoting activities.
European Union (EU) has also focused on utilizing this potential and has given
consequence to building energy performance upgrades in recent years. In this context,
the European Commission brought forward targets and policies to increase buildings’
energy efficiency.
EPBD recast defines cost optimal level as the building energy performance level that
results with the lowest cost for the considered calculation period and obliges EU
Member States to identify national cost optimal levels. Existing requirements for
minimum energy performance levels are needed to be revised if these are weaker than
the cost optimal level.
NZEB, on the other hand, is a further target that points future and was defined in the
Directive as “a building that has a very high energy performance”. Briefly, NZEB level
is assumed as not cost-optimal presently but represents a better energy performance
level which is expected to be converged with the cost-optimal level in the future. The
clarification of both the definition and numerical indicators for NZEB were left to the
national decisions. These national definitions and targets are required to be
approachable and realistic since all new buildings in EU are obliged to be NZEBs by
EPBD recast specifically address existing buildings as well and obliges Member States
to provide cost effective transformation of existing buildings to NZEB. This
transformation is crucial to ensure energy saving since Energy Efficiency Directive
2012/27/EU indicates that the highest energy saving potential is represented by
existing building stock and therefore increasing the building renovation rate is
essential to achieve future targets (The European Parliament and The Council of The
European Union, 2012). Therefore EPBD recast also requires to present national plans
for increasing the number of nearly zero energy buildings.
In order to achieve the targets set by European Commission, Member States are
initially required to identify cost optimal and NZEB levels by following a national
approach. The Commission intended to guide these national approaches and published
a methodology framework to be adapted at national level (The European Commission,
2012a). The methodology framework is based on comparative assessment of expenses
and savings within a long term period. In this way, it provides opportunity to select
appropriate actions for increasing building energy performance and leads to the path
for deriving cost-optimal levels. Since the cost-optimal and NZEB concepts are
interrelated, this methodology framework also guides the national approaches for
NZEB level definitions. However, a certain calculation method or an approach was
not identified for NZEB level. Since NZEB definitions are required to be reasonable
and achievable in terms of energy and economy and also required to be revised
periodically, a convenient approach to identify achievable NZEB targets is necessary.
This PhD dissertation concentrates on the NZEB concept considering the deficiency
in this area. Since the energy saving potential lying on the existing building stock is
significant and the NZEB definitions for building retrofits are incomplete (BPIE,
2016), cost effective transformation of existing buildings to NZEBs is the main focus
of the research.
The approach introduced in this dissertation has three main phases. The first one is
related to adaptation of the cost-optimal methodology framework with an innovative
perspective incorporating the effect of occupant behaviour in cost-optimality analyses.
The second phase is the main phase of the approach which utilises the sensitivity
analyses as a tool to obtain potential NZEB levels which represent future cost-optimal
levels. The third phase is related to decision-making on NZEB level that is in policy-
makers’ charge. Therefore only the main frame is put forward for this step in order to
present the general context and relation with the previous phases. A sample
implementation is also presented to demonstrate the proposed approach.
Regarding the target, the study first introduces the nearly zero energy building concept
and the relation between cost-optimal and NZEB concepts within the frame of EU
legislation in Chapter 2 and presents related literature on this recent notion. After this
chapter was concluded with the recent progress in EU countries, building energy
performance issue in Turkey was discussed in Chapter 3 since the sample
implementation of the proposed approach was applied in Turkey as presented in the
following chapters. The existing legislation in Turkey was examined in detail and up
to date status is presented. Chapter 4 is the essence of the dissertation where the
proposed approach is described in. In this chapter, proposed approach to identify
achievable NZEB levels for renovation of existing buildings is explained in detail
together with the conceptual context. In order to demonstrate the approach, it is
implemented to a reference building representing existing high rise residential
buildings in Turkey as presented in Chapter 5. The study is finalized with Chapter 6
and Chapter 7 where discussion and conclusion are introduced to discuss the main
outcomes of this research activity, to explain concluding remarks and to display future
research areas that have been opened after this dissertation.
With this context and structure, this research represents a global point of view on the
NZEB concept. The procedure followed to propose solutions to bridge the gap between
cost optimal and NZEB levels, which is based on an extended perspective of sensitivity
analyses, can be followed in different countries to shape their national policy.
Moreover, since the approach supports the decision making procedure for the national
future plans, outcomes open new research areas for the near future.
Nearly zero energy building (NZEB) concept takes its origin from European Union
(EU) legislation related to the building energy performance (The European Parliament
and The Council of The European Union, 2010). Therefore, this chapter initially
presents the significance of building energy performance within the whole energy
strategy of EU in order to clarify the necessity of NZEBs. Afterwards, the chapter
explains the NZEB concept within the legislative frame by providing information on
definition, basis and requirements of the concept. Subsequently, a literature review on
the concept and the recent progress in EU countries are illustrated.
In Europe, the largest share of the final energy consumption belongs to the building
sector with 40% (The European Commission, 2011a). Therefore, maximizing energy
performance of buildings is one of the key tools to achieve energy targets and is
referred in future plans of EU.
In 2010, strategical targets were introduced with 2020 Energy Strategy of EU which
are known as 20-20-20 targets (The European Commission, 2010). These targets aim
to achieve 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 20% increase in energy
efficiency and 20% share of renewable energy. This strategy regards buildings and
transport as prior sectors for the following actions related to energy efficiency.
Moreover, Energy Efficiency Plan 2011 of the European Commission (EC) indicates
that buildings carry the biggest energy saving potential and correspondingly the plan
focuses on the strategies to activate energy efficient renovation procedure for existing
buildings (The European Commission, 2011a).
Beyond 2020, Energy Roadmap 2050 also puts particular emphasis on building energy
performance in terms of both new buildings and existing building renovations and
declares that NZEB should be the standard criteria to provide higher energy efficiency
in buildings (The European Commission, 2011b).
In order to utilise the existing energy saving potential which lies in buildings, EC
enacted specific legislation focusing on the energy performance of buildings. The
recast of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, Directive 2010/31/EU, is
currently the main legal tool that leads EU Member States (MS) to set up minimum
requirements for the energy performance of buildings (The European Parliament and
The Council of The European Union, 2010). The NZEB concept was introduced within
this directive which is also called EPBD recast. The Directive is explained in the
following section.
Directive 2010/31/EU
Cost-optimality and NZEB are two concepts associated with each other. Cost optimal
level definition provided in Article 2 of EPBD recast refers to the building energy
performance level that results with the lowest cost for the considered calculation
period. Article 5 of EPBD recast obliges Member States (MSs) to calculate cost
optimal levels of building energy performance levels and to compare obtained results
with the present national requirements for minimum energy performance of buildings.
The national requirements are needed to be revised if these are less ambitious than the
calculated cost optimal levels. The comparison and revisions are expected to be
performed periodically.
In order to clarify the cost optimal calculation for MSs, the basis of the method is
explained in Annex III and the European Commission was obliged and authorized to
constitute a methodology framework in line with this basis. This expected framework
was published in 2012 by EU Regulation No 244/2012 which supplements EPBD
recast (The European Commission, 2012a). MSs are required to adapt this method to
their national conditions and calculate the cost-optimal levels of energy performance
requirements using the method.
Nearly zero energy building, instead, is defined in EPBD recast as “a building that has
a very high energy performance” and the greater part of the energy demand is expected
to be supplied by renewable energy sources. However, the absolute definition is left to
the decision of national authorities. Article 9 of EPBD recast requires MS to identify
NZEB levels since by 2021 all new buildings are expected to be NZEB while the
deadline is 2019 specifically for public buildings. The European Parliament and the
Council of the European Union (2010) sets the deadline as 2021 for new NZEBs while
a certain deadline is not referred for existing buildings. However, MSs are obliged to
draw national plans with the aim of increasing number of NZEBs considering both
new and existing buildings. New buildings shall be designed and constructed as NZEB
while existing buildings are required to be converted to NZEBs through a cost effective
retrofit procedure. Therefore, MSs should propose a plan for cost effective
transformation of the existing buildings into NZEBs in their national plans that are
reported to European Commission.
Accordingly, while cost-optimality is a criteria for the existing actions, NZEB concept
may be described as being a model for 2021. NZEB concept refers to a very high
energy performance level which is not certain yet but known as more ambitious than
cost-optimal level. Based on the requirements of EPBD recast regarding the regular
review of national building energy performance requirements and the expectations
related to NZEB, it is expected that by 2021 cost-optimal and NZEB concepts are
needed to be converged (The European Commission, 2016). Therefore, cost-optimal
methodology framework may also be used for investigating supportive tools and
actions for achieving NZEB level (Buildings Performance Institute Europe, 2011).
2.2.2 Cost-optimal methodology framework
In order to supplement EPBD recast and provide a methodology framework for the
cost optimal calculations, European Commission issued the EU Regulation No
244/2012 (The European Commission, 2012a). Annex I of this Regulation introduces
the cost-optimal methodology framework which complies with Annex III of EPBD
recast. In order to derive cost optimal energy efficiency levels for buildings, MS are
obliged to adopt this framework in their national context. Moreover, national
calculation approach, obtained results and comparison with the existing requirements
in force are required to be reported to the Commission by MSs.
The cost optimal methodology framework, introduced with Annex I of the Regulation,
is based on the following six stages (The European Commission, 2012a):
Due to the fact that climatic and economic circumstances are different in each country,
the cost-optimal approach is required to be contextualized at national level. In order
to guide MSs to adapt this framework into their national frame, European Commission
published accompanying Guidelines for EU Regulation No 244/2012 (The European
Commission, 2012b) and EPBD recast (The European Parliament and The Council of
The European Union, 2010). Guidelines is not a legally binding document however, it
aims to provide extended explanations for the national applications in the structure of
cost optimal methodology framework. Based on the EU Regulation No244/2012 and
the Guidelines, requirements for the above-mentioned stages of the cost-optimal
methodology framework are explained below.
In order to ensure that reference buildings are definitely representative of the existing
buildings, available data related to the existing building stock should be regarded as
the main input to be analysed by the experts.
In order to define reference buildings with all properties affecting their energy
performance, the required data refers to at least followings:
- the general information about building age, function, location and climatic
- architectural properties (i.e. building geometry, form, orientation, facades)
- thermo-physical properties of the building envelope (i.e. thermal transmittance
(U value) and solar heat gain coefficients of the components, thermal bridges)
- building energy systems and their properties (i.e. system types, component
efficiency and capacity, control systems)
- operation and occupancy patterns (i.e. schedules related to operating hours,
internal heat gains, power densities, ventilation rates)
In order to analyse cost-optimal energy performance levels for the reference buildings,
the second stage is the identification of the energy efficiency measures. The energy
efficiency measures should be identified for each reference building considering the
parameters affecting energy performance of buildings. Besides analysing the energy
efficiency measures individually, The European Commission (2012b) recommends to
analyse them as combined within energy efficiency packages. Moreover, the
Regulation requires to include measures needed for achieving existing minimum
energy performance requirements and measures needed for meeting NZEB levels.
Indeed, single measures are insufficient to achieve NZEB level since a comprehensive
renovation approach is required as shown in Figure 2.1 (The European Commission,
Since the methodology framework is based on comparative analyses of energy
performance and economic assessment of different measures, the next stage of the
method is calculating the global cost of energy efficiency measures. EU Regulation
244/2012 requires calculating global cost of different energy efficiency scenarios in
terms of net present value. Net present value (NPV) is one of the tools used for
investment decisions and considers the changes in the worth of money within time
(Warnacut, 2016). In order to reflect time value of the money in NPV calculations,
present value of future cash flows are calculated by using a discount rate and the
evaluation considers the sum of these present values of cash flows (Rist and Pizzica,
The global cost calculation method introduced with EU Regulation 244/2012 relies on
EN 15459 Standard (CEN, 2007) however, it offers two options for the calculation
perspective. The first option is financial perspective which is also called individual
end user perspective. This perspective regards the global cost as the sum of initial
investment cost, annual costs and the residual value at the end of the calculation period.
The financial perspective includes the taxes, charges and subsidies within the related
cost categories and is calculated with Equation 2.1.
In Equation 2.1, 𝜏 indicates calculation period, in years. Cg (𝜏) is global cost over the
calculation period, CI is initial investment cost for the measure, 𝐶𝑎,𝑖 (𝑗) is annual cost
during year i for measure 𝑗, 𝑉𝑓,𝜏 (𝑗) is residual value at the end of calculation period
and 𝑅𝑑 (𝑖) is discount factor of year 𝑖. The discount factor is calculated using Equation
2.2. given below.
𝑅𝑑 (𝑝) = ( ) (2.2)
1 + 𝑅𝑅
In Equation 2.2, p is number of years and RR is real discount rate. Real discount rate
was calculated using Equation 3.
𝑅 − 𝑅𝑖
𝑅𝑅 = (2.3)
1 + 𝑅𝑖
In the formula 𝑅 is the market interest rate and 𝑅𝑖 is the inflation rate.
The second option for global cost calculation is macroeconomic perspective where the
taxes, charges and subsidies are excluded while the cost of greenhouse gas emission
are taken into consideration under another cost category which is called carbon cost.
As equations express, the calculation of the global cost in terms of present value is
directly linked with the financial data such as market interest rate and inflation rate.
Therefore a financial data gathering step is initially required. The financial data is
mainly used for calculating the present value of annual costs.
After financial data gathering, calculation for each cost category should be made
depending on the calculation perspective. Detailed descriptions and the calculation
methods for the cost categories included in global cost calculation are explained below
within the frame of existing building retrofits.
In order to calculate the initial investment cost (CI) of retrofit measures, market cost
based data should be collected. As identified by the European Commission (2012b),
cost data gathering sources are construction projects, offers of companies and the
databases based on market costs. It is important to include the taxes and charges when
following financial perspective and exclude these in case of following macroeconomic
Annual cost (𝐶𝑎,𝑖 ) includes both replacement cost and running costs such as
maintenance, operation and energy costs. The costs related to these cost categories
should be calculated separately and be converted to the present value by using the
calculated discount factor for their realization year.
Replacement cost represents periodic cost of a building component that occurs at the
end of the lifespan as a result of change or repair. Accordingly, replacement cost
calculation requires the investment cost and the lifespan of the component as the
inputs. Information related to building envelope components are required to be derived
from the manufacturers and/or related literature while the lifespan of the energy system
components are provided within Annex A of EN 15459 standard (CEN, 2007).
Disposal costs at the end of the lifespan may also be included in the calculations
however, it is not mandatory in accordance with the Regulation (The European
Commission, 2012a).
Together with the lifespan of the components, maintenance costs including operation,
repair and service costs are also expressed as the percentage initial investment cost
within Annex A of EN 15459. Maintenance costs should be calculated using these
percentages and investment costs of the components or systems.
Energy costs are one of the main input data of the global cost calculation. This cost
category is classified separately from other operational costs since energy costs
correspond to the annual energy consumption and related charges. Therefore energy
costs calculation procedure has a direct connection with the outputs of third step where
the energy consumption calculations are performed. Results related to the delivered
energy, not covered by renewable energy systems, should be used for the calculation
of energy costs. Moreover, data related to energy prices and tariffs should also be
gathered for this cost category to obtain the annual energy cost. In order to calculate
the present value of the energy costs, energy price development rates are needed.
Information related to the energy prices development rates for EU Member States is
provided within Annex II of the Regulation and the Guidelines of the European
Commission (2012a, 2012b).
In order to calculate the periodic annual costs for certain number of years or for the
whole calculation period, such as energy costs, present value factor may be used as an
alternative simple approach instead of calculating the sum of the discounted costs for
each year. Present value factor is calculated using Equation 2.4 [CEN, 2007].
1 − (1 + 𝑅𝑅 )−𝑛
𝑓𝑝𝑣 = (2.4)
Residual value (𝑉𝑓,𝜏 ) is the total remaining value of the building components based on
their remaining lifespan at the end of the cost calculation period. The cost calculation
period is indicated in the Regulation as 30 years for residential and public buildings
while it is given as 20 years for other non-residential buildings. Present value of the
residual value should also be calculated using the discount factor.
Regulation. The carbon price developments are also provided within Annex II of this
Based on the calculation perspective, global cost of the energy performance scenarios
are needed to be calculated for the reference buildings considering the above-
mentioned cost categories.
After the completion of initial four stages, primary energy consumption and the global
cost results are required to be assessed comparatively in order to obtain cost-optimal
energy performance levels for reference buildings. For this assessment, primary
energy consumption and the global cost results of different energy performance
measures or packages of measures should be expressed on a cost-optimal graph. As
shown in Figure 2.2 cost-optimal graph ensures to make a comparison between energy
efficiency measures and packages by consisting of the horizontal axis showing the
primary energy uses and the vertical axis showing the global costs of them. In the
graph, the energy efficiency measure or package of measures which correspond to the
lowest cost represents the cost optimal level for the analysed reference building.
where one of them is 3%. Moreover, the Regulation requires to consider different
energy price development scenarios within sensitivity analyses.
The obtained results of cost-optimal calculations should also be compared with the
existing national requirements for minimum energy performance levels of buildings
since the Regulation obliges to revise the regulations in case of a significant difference
between cost-optimal levels and existing requirements.
The number of studies related with NZEB concept is limited because this concept is
almost recent. Since the calculation methodology explained by EPBD recast and
complementary instruments is only an instructive framework and left the national
definitions of NZEBs to national assessment of MS, research activities related directly
with NZEB are commonly at national or regional level. The focus of these studies vary
from NZEB requirements to policy implications related to NZEB definitions.
Szalay and Zöld (2014) proposed a method for setting NZEB requirements based on a
large building sample and demonstrated this method for residential buildings in
Hungary. The results are justified considering future projections and the suggested
method is validated by comparing the results with European targets. Their research
shows that primary energy consumption of potential NZEB levels are higher than the
EU target, however, according to future projections the target level can be achieved in
Hungary. The NZEB concept pointed at this research mainly focuses on achieving a
very high energy performance level and does not apparently link the cost-optimal level
with the NZEB concept.
Oliveira Panão et al. (2013) also explored NZEB requirements but focused on
Mediterranean residential buildings. For the residential buildings in Lisbon,
considerations about NZEB level is presented. According to the obtained results, they
indicated that, primary energy consumption for heating, cooling and domestic hot
water can be decreased until 60 kWh/m²y excluding the effect of renewable energy
systems. Unlike Szalay and Zöld (2014), Oliveira Panão et al. (2013) regarded the
relation between cost-optimal and NZEB levels and search for a NZEB definition
beyond the cost-optimal level. Although they provided the critical analysis of the
results in terms of different assessment criteria, such as EN standard or national codes,
the variations of the NZEB definitions and the boundary conditions which affect their
achievability in the future were not described.
Schimschar et al. (2011) investigated previous and current energy policy and also
provided future scenarios based on transition potential of residential buildings in
Germany towards NZEB. The research shows that the highest potential share of nearly
zero energy dwellings by 2020 is 6% in Germany. This study also does not point at the
cost-effectiveness of NZEB level.
The studies mentioned above are directed at residential buildings since these buildings
represent the majority. However, there are also studies focusing on NZEB targets for
non-residential building stock. E. Pikas et. al. (2014) investigated design solutions for
an office building in Estonian climate within the frame of cost-optimal and NZEB
concepts. The paper follows a three stage approach to determine economically feasible
solutions for cost optimal and nearly zero-energy levels. This approach involves
parameters such as wall insulation thickness, window/wall ratio and electricity
generation with PV. The study considers the relation between the cost-optimal and
NZEB levels. The effect of façade construction costs, PV costs and cost of exported
electricity was analysed but the sensitivity analyses were not addressed in this paper.
As the result, it is mentioned that NZEB level, which is defined as ≤100 kWh/m², is
not cost optimal for the office building in Estonian climate yet but it is possible to
become cost optimal with the reduction of PV cost in the near future.
As mentioned in the previous subchapter, cost optimal and NZEB concepts refer not
only to new constructions but also to existing building renovations since cost effective
evolution of those buildings into NZEB is subsequently binding. Moreover, Energy
Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU indicates that the highest energy saving potential is
represented by existing building stock and therefore increasing the building renovation
rate is crucial to achieve 2050 targets (The European Parliament and the Council of
the European Union, 2012). With this inspiration, a large number of research activities
in MS focused on cost optimal renovations of existing buildings from the viewpoint
of EPBD recast.
Research of Brown et al. (2013) analyses residential building stock in Sweden and
proposes to include national environmental ratings in the building energy retrofit
analyses to integrate indoor environmental quality assessment. Another study in
Sweden deals with the future targets on building energy retrofits and declares that by
2050, 50% energy saving potential exists in Swedish multi-family buildings despite
the challenges (Liu et al., 2014). Bonakdar et al. (2014) compares different financial
scenarios and assesses the national building codes of Sweden and accordingly
introduces a method for cost optimal analysis of multifamily building retrofits. These
studies all show that a significant energy saving potential lies behind the Swedish
residential building stock and put forward different methods for transformation of
these buildings.
In another country at northern Europe, Estonia, Arumägi and Kalamees (2014) reveal
that building envelope retrofits are required to be supported by service systems retrofits
to provide cost-effective transformation of wooden apartment buildings. Brick
apartments, on the other hand, analysed by Kuusk et al. (2014) and similarly, the
essentiality of a deep renovation perspective and financial support for the retrofit of
these buildings is emphasized. These research activities result with Estonian energy
roadmap as explained by Kurnitski et al. (2014) and Pikas et al. (2015).
Another series of research activities which resulted with proposals for policy-makers
can be recognized in Portugal. Research activities of Brandão de Vasconcelos et al.
(2015) move from reference building definition process for the residential building
stock to a comprehensive cost-optimal approach for Portuguese residential buildings
(Brandão de Vasconcelos et al., 2016a). Based on the sensitivity analyses, the authors
introduce policy implications (Brandão de Vasconcelos et al., 2016b). They reveal that
the energy efficiency measures should be combined within retrofit packages to
enhance the advantages and discount rates are effective on cost-optimal calculation
These studies mainly present analyses reaching cost-optimal levels and make
proposals on NZEB concept based on their outcomes. The shared outcomes of these
research activities point at importance of cost-effectiveness in building energy retrofits
to reach related future targets and also the necessity to consider retrofit packages
supported by both envelope and system retrofits instead of considering only single
retrofit measures. Despite this, passive energy strategies for buildings are the most
commonly addressed measures in studies related to cost-effective energy retrofit of
residential buildings (Pombo et al., 2016). Although the studies in the literature specify
that a comprehensive approach is required to be followed for the cost-effective
transformation of the existing buildings to NZEB, it is not the common approach.
Therefore there should be a method guiding the further research activities on NZEB
definitions for existing buildings.
Progress in EU Countries
Requirements of EPBD recast related to NZEB concept consist of providing all new
buildings after 2020 are NZEB and transforming the existing buildings towards NZEB.
Within the recent years, the MSs have been studying on NZEB definitions and to
prepare their national plans for increasing the number of NZEBs. Their progress has
been followed by the reports sent to the European Commission (Url-1).
In accordance with the Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and
the Council on Progress by Member States towards Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings
(2013), 14 MS submitted their progress report by 2012. Eight of them were considered
in the report since the other lately arrived. Among this eight MS, only four of them
have the full definition of NZEB which includes both the numerical primary energy
use indicator and the renewable energy share.
This progress report was updated in October 2014 (Ecofys, 2014). The updated report
mentions that 13 Member States submitted their NZEB definitions including
numerical indicator while 8 of them also include share of the renewable energy.
According to this report, primary energy levels of NZEB definitions extend up to 270
kWh/m²y. Specific to residential buildings in Member States, NZEB level is between
33 kWh/m²y and 95 kWh/m²y (Ecofys, 2014).
Afterwards in 2016, the European Commission (2016) published Recommendation
2016/1318 on guidelines for achieving NZEB targets. The Recommendations also
summarizes the progress in MSs. According to this document, NZEB level for the new
residential buildings in MSs is commonly not higher than 50 kWh/m²y. According to
BPIE (2016), for the existing buildings, three MSs, which are Austria, France and
Brussels Capital Region, have more tolerant NZEB requirements according to the new
buildings. Three more MSs (Germany, Ireland and Slovenia) intend to do the same.
Other five MSs has the same definition with the new NZEBs. More than the half of
the MSs have not yet defined the maximum primary energy target for the NZEB level
for the existing buildings. The tightest NZEB target for existing residential buildings
was defined by Denmark which is set as 20 kWh/m²y while the most tolerant one is in
Austria and at 200 kWh/m²y (BPIE, 2016).
Another report prepared by D’Agostino et al. (2016) also presents the progress in MS.
Figure 2.4 shows the summary table given with this report related to the progress on
NZEB definition for new buildings, determination of renewable energy share expected
in NZEB, intermediate targets and set measures for promoting deep retrofits towards
NZEB. In the table, green coloured cells represent the satisfactory development in the
MSs while the orange colour represents the partial development and the red colour is
for uncertainty or undefined target. As shown in this figure, NZEB concept still draws
attention. Intermediate targets are mainly incomplete yet. NZEB targets for new
buildings are ahead of the targets for building retrofits.
Presently, the following stages for Turkey to be progressed in the immediate future are
adaptation of cost optimal methodology framework, identification of cost optimal and
NZEB levels and preparation of national plans for increasing number of NZEBs. This
chapter presents the building energy performance issue and related legislation in
Turkey since the sample application of the proposed approach (Chapter 4) is applied
to a reference building in Turkey as presented in Chapter 5.
In Turkey, buildings sector is the second biggest energy consumer that is responsible
for 30% of total final energy consumption (The World Bank, 2010) and moreover, the
consumption in buildings has tendency to increase (International Energy Agency,
On the other side, in G20 countries that Turkey is also involved in, 74% energy saving
potential exists in final energy consumption of buildings (International Energy
Agency, 2015) and this potential represents a strong opportunity considering the fact
that 73% of energy is imported in Turkey (The World Bank, 2010). Therefore, in
accordance with the Energy Efficiency Strategy Paper 2012-2023, ensuring energy
efficiency in buildings is among the future strategic targets of the country (Republic
of Turkey High Planning Council, 2012). This strategic target is indeed related to
recent EU legislation on building energy performance that Turkey follows within the
EU harmonization process.
The actions needed to be taken in Turkey are not only necessary for EU harmonization
process but are also required to utilize energy saving potential lying on the buildings.
The energy saving potential is needed to be revealed through a cost effective approach
in order to direct investments to the accurate activities. A particular national plan based
on this approach is able to provide long term environmental and economic benefits.
Until 2007, the only binding tool related to building energy performance was the
national heat insulation standard TS 825 (Republic of Turkey Official Gazette, 2000).
After EPBD was enacted in 2003 (The European Parliament and the Council of the
European Union, 2003), considering the EU harmonisation process, the requirements
were followed by Turkey as well. In parallel with the EU Harmonization process and
the national strategic targets, necessary legal arrangements linked with energy
performance of buildings including laws and regulations have been bringing in since
2007 in Turkey. In this frame, Energy Efficiency Law (Republic of Turkey Official
Gazette, 2007) and based on this law Building Energy Performance Regulation were
introduced by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Public Works and Settlements (2008).
Detailed information about this legislation is provided in the subchapters below.
Energy Efficiency Law was enacted in April 2007 as the law with number 5627 in
Turkey (Republic of Turkey Official Gazette, 2007). Ensuring energy efficiency,
decreasing energy costs and protecting the environment are among the aims of this
law. The law points at providing energy efficiency in industry, buildings sector and
transportation. In addition, use of renewable energy sources and increase of
consciousness level in public are addressed in the law.
Specific to buildings, the law authorises the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement
for publishing the norms related to building energy performance including
architectural design, heating, cooling, electric wiring, lighting and heat insulation. It
requires a regulation for these norms and energy performance certificates for buildings.
3.2.2 Building Energy Performance Regulation
Heat insulation rules for buildings was published in the Planning Regulation for the
first time in 1981 (Republic of Turkey Official Gazette, 1981). This regulation refers
to four categories in terms of heat insulation applications and requires heat insulation
project for the new buildings in accordance with the given thermal resistance and heat
transfer coefficients. The regulation refers to TS825 standard for the calculations.
In 1985, the Regulation addressed three different regions for heat insulation
requirements instead of the previously defined four regions. (Republic of Turkey
Official Gazette, 1985). Later revisions in 1989, 1999 and 2000 points at tighter and
more detailed requirements in terms of limiting the heat loss of the buildings (Republic
of Turkey Official Gazette, 1999, 2000).
In 2008, required heat insulation levels in Turkey are increased once more (Turkish
Standards Institution, 2008). This standard is still binding for getting the construction
licences of buildings. The standard considers four degree day regions according to
their heating degree days. Figure 3.1 shows the degree day regions on the map.
Since TS825 considers only heating degree days, the south-east part of Turkey which
is characterized by dry and hot summers and the north and west part which has mild
climate are assumed in the same region in this standard as shown in Figure 3.1.
Therefore, the building envelope requirements are the same for these regions.
The last revision on TS825 was introduced recently in 2013 (Turkish Standards
Institution, 2013). Although this new version cancels the previously published TS 825
standards, it is not still binding for building constructions because it has not been
published in the national official gazette yet.
Progress in Turkey
One of the research activities in this area is the project entitled “Determination of
Turkish Reference Buildings and National Method for Defining Cost Optimum Energy
Efficiency Level of Buildings”. The project, numbered as 113M596, was supported by
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and conducted
between 2013 and 2015 (Yılmaz et al., 2015).
By the project 113M596, a legislation compatible framework for national cost optimal
energy efficiency level calculations was developed. The first stage of the cost-optimal
methodology framework, reference building establishment, was given great
importance since the further stages are constructed on this first one and it is important
to have reliable assumptions on the building stock.
In the project, reference buildings were identified for a selected pilot region and the
cost-optimal calculation methodology was nationally adapted for the residential
building typologies since these buildings have the priority.
In order to draw a picture of the stock, general information about residential buildings
was collected and the initial categorization was made according to the typology. The
categories are single family houses (SFH), apartment blocks (APT) and luxury high-
rise residential buildings (R). Afterwards, available information related to physical
properties, transparency ratios, number of floors, thermo-physical properties (heat
transfer coefficients, solar heat gain coefficients, air change rates, material
properties…) and HVAC system properties were gathered. The missing information
was obtained from the existing building investigations, national and international
standards and building projects. At the end of this investigation, 26 reference buildings
for three different time period between 1985 and 2012 were identified (Table 3.1).
In addition to the reference buildings, reference building occupants are also identified
in the project. For the most frequent family type in Turkey, a couple with two children,
people, equipment and lighting schedules were defined. In addition, for 1+1 flats in
luxury high rise residential buildings, a family consisting of a couple without any
children was established. These families constitute 15.8% of Turkish households.
After the reference buildings and reference occupants were identified, the cost-optimal
methodology framework was adapted nationally. The comparative analyses were
performed by detailed dynamic simulation tools and global cost calculations. After the
conclusion of the project, framework of the national method for calculating cost
optimum energy performance level was defined in coherence with national
circumstances. Through sample applications of the method on defined reference
buildings, solutions for future obstacles were also developed.
Single Family
SFH111 SFH112 SFH121 SFH122 SFH131
APT211 APT212 APT221
APT213 APT214-A APT222-A
APT216 APT234
R321 R331
Luxury High
Rise Residential ---
R322 R332
R323 R333
On the other hand, NZEB concept has not been given much attention in Turkey yet. It
is necessary to conduct research on this concept since it refers to the future actions and
also to the national plans for providing a continuous increase of building energy
performance level through a cost effective approach. Definitely, the accurate definition
of national NZEB level requires to be concluded by policy makers however, it is
needed to be based on a reliable scientific approach considering national interests.
The approach introduced in this study was developed regarding NZEB level as the
future cost-optimal level since these two concepts are required to be converged in the
future with respect to periodically revised requirements for energy performance of
buildings. Considering the context of NZEB concept, the focus was on the
investigation of cost-effective energy performance levels which corresponds to a
higher energy performance levels than the present cost-optimal level.
Although this approach was developed for NZEB definitions for existing building
retrofits, innovation of the approach may be applied to NZEB definitions both for
existing and new building types. The innovation lies mainly behind the two bases. The
first one is the extension of the scope of cost-optimal calculation methodology in a
way that effect of the occupant behaviour is also integrated within the concept since
the existing cost-optimal approach is needed to be extended by considering effect of
occupant behaviour (Barthelmes et al, 2016). The second main innovation is the
utilization of sensitivity analyses within cost-optimal calculations as a tool to
investigate relevance of different energy performance levels as the future NZEB target.
This approach aims to identify potential NZEB levels for building energy retrofits and
to obtain achievable NZEB targets at national level. Directed at this aim, the approach
consists of three main phases; national adaptation of cost-optimal methodology
framework, development of proposals for achievable NZEB targets and decision-
making procedure assessing these potential NZEB targets. These phases are shown in
Figure 4.1 below.
The second phase is the main part that directly serves to the aim of the approach and
uses the sensitivity analyses with an extended context. The approach offers sensitivity
analyses as a tool to investigate potential NZEB levels and correspondingly to
demonstrate the financial gap between cost-optimal and NZEB levels. Besides
financial variables, these analyses also consider the investment cost, payback periods
and expected remaining lifetime of the existing building. The main outputs of this
phase are solutions developed for bridging the gap between cost-optimal and NZEB
levels and proposals for policy-makers on potential NZEB targets.
The third phase is a complementary phase of the whole approach. Since policy-makers
are in charge of the legal NZEB level definitions based on the national policy, the
approach introduces only the frame of a procedure for them to assess both the potential
NZEB levels and the developed solutions for bridging the gap between cost-optimal
and NZEB levels based on their policy.
Detailed descriptions and stages of the above-mentioned three phases of the introduced
approach are explained below.
In order to display relations between the steps of this phase, a flowchart is provided
with Figure 4.2. Detailed explanations regarding each step are provided under the
related subtitles below.
At the end of this phase, building retrofit scenarios are expected to be determined for
the analyses in the second phase to investigate potential NZEB levels.
Figure 4.2 : Flowchart of the first phase of the introduced approach.
Reference buildings should be defined in accordance with one of the three methods
which are selection of RB, establishment of hypothetical RB or establishment of
example RB as described in Section 2.2.2.
Data related to national existing building stock is the main input of this step. Based on
the availability of this data, one of the reference building establishment methods
should be selected and national reference buildings representing the existing building
stock should be identified in this first step of the approach. RB definitions should
include general information about the building, architectural properties, thermo-
physical properties of the building envelope, building energy systems and their
properties and also occupancy patterns. Accordingly, output of this step is reference
building definitions to be used in the following stages.
Since it is not practical and realistic to analyse all possible combinations of retrofit
measures as packages, a procedure is needed for constitution of packages to be
considered in cost-optimal analyses. Therefore, this approach includes the following
procedure for the constitution of packages. In order to constitute packages, the initial
focus of this procedure is identifying envelope retrofit scenarios that include envelope
retrofit measures and packages consist of their combinations. These scenarios should
be identified considering the climatic conditions in which the analysed reference
building is located. Afterwards, the cost-optimal calculation procedure should be
applied only for identified envelope retrofit scenarios. In order to have a rapid progress
in this stage, inputs that are the same for all scenarios may be excluded. According to
the results obtained from these analyses, cost optimal building envelope retrofit
scenarios and the scenarios which lead to the highest energy performance level should
be selected for including within further packages. The further packages should be
constituted by combining the selected envelope retrofit scenarios with the building
energy system retrofits and installation of renewable energy systems. This procedure
is summarized in the flowchart given with Figure 4.3 below.
Although this procedure introduces a systematic way in identifying packages, it still
requires expertise in the field since energy efficient retrofit measures are required to
be selected considering the climatic conditions and building typology. In addition, at
the end of this step, the experts are required to make sure that the scenarios, as the
output of this step, include measures needed for achieving existing minimum energy
performance requirements and measures needed for meeting NZEB levels as expected
by EU cost-optimal methodology.
In order to use detailed dynamic simulation tools, an energy model should be prepared
for each RB. These models should reflect the properties affecting their energy
performance which are identified in the first step. After performing energy simulations
for actual status of the reference buildings, simulations should be repeated for each
energy retrofit scenario in order to analyse the effect of these scenarios on the energy
performance of the reference buildings. Analyses for the actual status of reference
building and for different energy retrofit scenarios should be performed using the same
building energy performance modelling and simulation tool.
Figure 4.4 : Flowchart representing primary energy calculation procedure.
Calculation of global cost which occurs as a result of applying different energy retrofit
scenarios on the reference buildings is the fourth stage to be adapted at national level.
The global cost should be calculated for each energy retrofit scenario in compliance
with EU cost-optimal methodology framework. According to this method, net present
value of initial investment costs, annual costs, energy costs and residual value should
be calculated and their sum represents the global cost as presented in Section 2.2.2.
Besides, this proposed approach brings some specific additional requirements and
suggestions as described below.
Other data, which are required to be gathered for global cost calculations, are financial
data such as market interest rate, inflation rate and discount rate as mentioned in
Section 2.2.2 and price development rates.
Using the average market prices, initial investment costs should be calculated for
energy retrofit scenarios. It is not necessary to calculate the present value of the
investment costs since the calculation period starts with investment and it already
represents the present value of the expenditure. In order to calculate the present value
of replacement costs, investment costs and discount factors for the replacement year
are required. The discount factor is calculated using inflation rate, interest rate and
number of years pass until replacement as presented with Equation 2.2 and Equation
2.3 in Section 2.2.2. Lifespan of the HVAC components are provided within EN 15459
Standard (CEN, 2007). Running costs except energy costs should be calculated by
using the percentages of annual costs per investment costs given in EN 15459. Since
running costs are periodic costs that occur every year within calculation period, it
should be multiplied by the present value factor, which should be calculated using
Equation 2.4 (see Chapter 2), to calculate total present value of running costs.
For calculating energy costs, required input data are; annual energy consumption
results from third step, energy tariffs and energy price development rates. Annex II of
the EU Regulation, provides energy price development rates for calculating the net
present value of the energy costs (The European Commission, 2012a). However,
considering the countries in which the energy price developments occurred in recent
years are significantly different than the rates provided in Regulation (as observed in
the sample application of this method presented in Chapter 5), the approach proposed
in this dissertation offers an additional alternative method. For these countries, energy
price development rates may be assumed based on the statistics of previous years.
However, in this case, addressing energy price developments in sensitivity analyses is
mandatory and requires particular attention in order to take into account the effect of
different rates.
Present worth of residual value of the retrofit investment that will exist at the end of
considered calculation period should also be considered for the global cost
calculations. Discount factor at the end of the calculation period, RB lifespan and
calculation period are required for this calculation.
Taxes, charges and subsidies should be included in case of an individual end user
perspective (financial perspective) is followed and should be excluded for applying
macroeconomic calculation perspective. Macroeconomic perspective requires to
include also carbon costs.
Figure 4.4 presents the flowchart of the global cost calculation approach. As explained
in Section 2.2.2, inclusion of carbon costs is optional based on the selected cost
calculation perspective. It should be included in macroeconomic calculation
This step includes the comparative assessment of the results of primary energy use and
global cost calculations obtained for the retrofit scenarios defined for each reference
building. Therefore this step incorporates all of the previous stages in order to define
the cost-optimal levels. In this step, results should be analysed on a cost-optimal graph
for each of the reference buildings.
Using the cost-optimal graphs, initially, cost-optimal levels achieved with the existing
assumptions should be identified. One of the main targets of this step is to select the
retrofit scenarios to be analysed in the second phase. Therefore, in the selection
process, it should be considered that the second phase focuses on the investigation of
potential NZEB levels and the NZEB concept refers to a raised energy performance
level in comparison to the existing cost-optimal solution. Therefore, this approach
requires to include the retrofit scenarios corresponding the cost-optimal range and the
scenarios pointing at lower primary energy consumptions than the cost-optimal level
among the selected scenarios.
Figure 4.5 : Flowchart of global cost calculation.
occupant behaviour as an integral part of cost-effective retrofit of existing buildings to
guide actualization of future targets.
This step includes a sort of sensitivity analyses on the occupant behaviour variations
which are different than the reference occupancy pattern identified for the reference
Analyses on the effect of occupant behaviour should at least include the existing status
of the reference building and the retrofit scenarios which are determinative for the cost-
optimal curve, as being resulted as on the boundary of the curve, in order to examine
the possible variation of the cost-optimal level.
For the analyses on these selected retrofit scenarios, initially the boundary conditions
should be identified. The boundary conditions may cover the inputs affecting the
following aspects of occupancy pattern: schedules related to operating hours, internal
heat gains, power densities or ventilation rates.
The second phase of the approach aims to introduce proposals for policy makers about
achievable NZEB targets related to building retrofits. The proposals are determined by
identifying potential NZEB levels for existing building retrofits and then developing
solutions for bridging the gap between cost-optimal and proposed NZEB levels in
order to ensure that the NZEB target is achievable as the future cost-optimal level.
These processes may have feedbacks to each other.
In order to determine the potential NZEB levels, sensitivity analyses should be carried
out by focusing on the building retrofit scenarios which are selected in accordance with
the results of cost-optimal analyses in the first phase.
Although the aim of sensitivity analyses is explained in the Regulation as determining
the substantial parameters of the cost-optimal calculations, this approach attributes an
additional function to the sensitivity analyses by utilizing them as a tool to investigate
achievability of potential NZEB levels. Particularly, sensitivity analyses are not used
only to visualize the influence of economic scenarios on the cost-optimal results but
also to investigate a future cost-optimal level which corresponds to an improved
energy performance in comparison to the existing cost-optimal level.
Results of these analyses refer to specific future conditions which may ensure the
NZEB levels are cost-optimal and lead to develop achievable proposals on NZEB
targets. In addition, this approach allows including further sensitivity analyses in case
of other necessary investigation is regarded as convenient.
Method, details of the analyses and the assessment procedure for the results are
explained below.
Prior to the sensitivity analyses, boundary conditions should be set for every category
of sensitivity analyses. The boundary conditions for sensitivity analyses on economic
indicators should be in compliance with the EU Regulation and the national
circumstances should also be considered in the process.
Cost-optimal analyses are built on assumptions about the future economic indicators.
Therefore, sensitivity analyses on these indicators are necessary to visualise whether
variations of them leads to significant change in the cost-optimal graph.
Sensitivity analyses on economic indicators include analyses for real discount rate (RR)
and the energy price development rate regarding the requirements of the Regulation.
As mentioned above, further sensitivity analyses may be adapted to this approach
considering other economic indicators as well.
The investment cost of retrofit actions may decrease in the future as a result of
technological development, invention of new fields to use existing technologies or
increase in industrialization of a technology due to expanded use. PV system costs can
be given as an example for this as has been decreased continuously as shown in Figure
4.6 below.
Figure 4.6 : Decrease in the PV System Price, 1976-2010 (Feldman et al., 2014).
Besides the autogenous decrease in the investment cost of retrofit actions, the decrease
may also be triggered by the governments in order to upgrade the market towards
NZEBs. This upgrade may be provided by subsidies or incentives for building retrofit
Nevertheless, independent from the origin, effect of the investment cost decrease on
the cost-optimal analyses is based on the amount of decrease. Therefore different
occasions appearing with similar cost-decreases may result in the same way in terms
of their effects on cost-optimal analyses.
Sensitivity analyses on investment cost decreases are required to be coupled with the
analyses related to the economic indicators in order to see the synergic effect of these
two variables. This conjugation is crucial especially for the applications of the
approach where the financial rates used in the first phase are based on the statistical
The cost calculation periods are fixed in the Regulation as mentioned in Section 2.2.2.
However, this approach requires performing a sensitivity analyses on the cost
calculation periods. Analysing longer calculation periods in comparison to the periods
fixed by the Regulation is required in order to have results enabling policy
development considering long term benefits. Moreover, shorter calculation periods
may also be analysed optionally considering the national market expectations related
to shorter term benefits.
Results of the sensitivity analyses on cost calculation periods should be analysed with
the aim of investigating both cost-optimal levels and beneficial investments for the
visions targeting different time periods.
NZEB level is expected to be the norm for deep retrofits of existing buildings in the
near future according to the legislative frame and the existing literature as presented
in Chapter 2. Therefore, NZEB targets are required to be achievable and also
acceptable for the building market.
The analyses should initially consider the retrofit scenarios which may be remarked as
achieving a more ambitious cost-optimal level in the future. The scenarios which show
positive response as a result of sensitivity analyses should be selected and reported as
potential future cost-optimal levels and correspondingly potential NZEB levels under
certain future conditions. Results obtained for these selected scenarios should be
investigated with a specific focus on closing the financial gap between cost-optimal
and NZEB levels.
In order to ensure that NZEB targets are achievable, financial gaps between the cost-
optimal levels and the potential NZEB levels should be determined and plans to close
this gap should be developed. Therefore in this step, for each retrofit scenario, which
were marked as representing potential NZEB level in the previous step, the financial
gap between them and cost-optimal level should be calculated for each of them. For
this calculation, global cost of the cost-optimal scenario should be subtracted from the
global cost of the scenario that was marked as a potential NZEB level.
4.3.7 Investigation of solutions and terms for bridging the gap between cost-
optimal and potential NZEB levels
The sensitivity analyses display the retrofit scenarios which are not cost-optimal at the
moment however based on the economic indicators have the potential to be
autonomously cost-optimal in the future. On the other hand, this step aims to identify
the potential future cost-optimal levels which can be achieved by taking certain actions
to force more ambitious energy efficiency levels. Therefore in this step, solutions
should be investigated to bridge the financial gap. These solutions should refer to the
national plans for increasing the number of retrofitted NZEBs.
determination of the tax reductions which are effective on bridging the gap
determination of fields to give priority in R&D activities
determination of beneficial low-interest loans
certain financial conditions should also be identified. These certain conditions may be
specific values or ranges of discount rates, energy price developments or cost
calculation periods. Especially when individual end user perspective is used, results of
sensitivity analyses on investment cost decreases constitutes the main input.
The above-mentioned potential NZEB levels represent the future cost-optimal energy
performance levels which can be conditionally achieved depending on investment cost
decreases. However, based on the decisions at national level, NZEB definitions may
also be more ambitious than conditionally expected future cost-optimal levels. In this
case, building market is needed to be externally supported to achieve this ambitious
NZEB target. Low-interest loan is one of the tools for this support to ensure that the
target is an acceptable investment by the market.
In order to identify useful and beneficial loans, investment cost and payback periods
of the selected scenarios should be calculated. Payback period should consider the
investment cost of the retrofit scenario and annual energy cost savings obtained.
Simple payback period is calculated as below.
𝑃𝑃 = (4.1)
Regarding the calculated investment costs and the payback periods of the retrofit
investments, amount of the beneficial loans and the repayment period of them that are
required for supporting the retrofit actions towards NZEB level should be determined.
Assessment of beneficial loans should consider the relation between payback period
of the investment and the remaining lifespan of the reference building. This
consideration is important especially in countries where the building lifespans are not
long since demolishing and reconstruction is common.
Development of proposals for achievable NZEB levels is the last step of the second
phase. Subsequent to the sensitivity analyses and investigation solutions and terms for
bridging the gap between cost-optimal and potential NZEB levels, obtained results
should be assessed together with the aim to have an overall composition of potential
NZEB levels.
Both the autogenous cost-optimal levels that can be achieved by certain financial
conditions and beneficial incentives which are able to close the gap between a potential
NZEB level and existing cost-optimal level should also be reported as a proposal
together with the tools to achieve this level such as tax exemptions or low-interest
loans. This step aims to ensure policy makers to assess the opportunity of regarding
these as NZEB target depending on their policy and economic expectations.
In the proposal development procedure, attention should be paid to the tendency of the
prices and preferences in building market within recent years. Moreover obtained
solutions for bridging the financial gap between existing cost-optimal levels and
NZEB levels should consider the building characteristics and potential actions related
to both economy and policy.
The proposals for potential NZEB levels and the effective tools to close the gap
between these and existing cost-optimal levels should be the main output of the second
The flowchart of the second phase explained above is given with Figure 4.7. in order
to provide a better understanding of this main phase of the introduced approach.
Figure 4.7 : Flowchart of the second phase of the introduced approach.
Decision-Making on NZEB Levels of Existing Building Retrofits
The last phase of the introduced approach is giving decision on national NZEB levels
for building retrofits. Although policy makers are in charge of this phase, a general
frame is necessary regarding the two previous phase.
The main inputs of this phase are the proposed potential NZEB levels and the tools
which are labelled as effective in closing the financial gap between cost-optimal and
NZEB levels. These inputs, which are the outputs of the second phase, should be
assessed by policy makers in terms of applicability, acceptability and effectiveness
within the policy frame. Therefore other input data should be the energy policy,
economy policy and national targets based on the expectations.
All of the proposals on NZEB definitions, which were determined in the second phase,
are required to be assessed individually considering the national policy until the
appropriate target is achieved. Once the appropriate NZEB target is determined, the
provisions of the application should also be identified legally. The provisions should
refer to the practical application and inspection mechanisms while it may also refer to
tax reductions, amount and repayment period of low-interest loans or other subsidies
if the accepted proposal requires.
Based on the accepted proposal for NZEB target and related provisions for the
application, NZEB levels should be defined as a certain energy performance level
indicated as kWh/m²y. In accordance with the NZEB definition, national legislation
on energy performance of buildings should be revised in a way that NZEB targets are
The flowchart of this decision-making procedure (third phase) is given in Figure 4.8.
It should be stated that NZEB definitions should not be regarded as permanent due to
the minimum energy performance requirements are expected to be revised in each five
years. These revisions are based on the cost-optimality and aim to gradually achieve
more ambitious cost-optimal building energy performance levels in order to meet the
aim of NZEB concept of EPBD referring to “a very high energy performance level”
(The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2010).
Figure 4.8 : Flowchart of the third phase of the introduced approach.
Residential buildings were selected for this sample implementation since these
buildings represent the majority (75%) of the building stock in Turkey (State Institute
of Statistics Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey, 2001). Furthermore, 23.1% of the
households reside in dwellings which have 6 or more floors (TURKSTAT, 2011). This
ratio corresponds to a large population around 4.5 million Turkish families. Therefore,
the reference building selected for the implementation is a high rise apartment
For retrofit of the reference building, cost-optimal energy performance levels were
identified considering different climates by implementing the first phase of the
approach. In the second phase, sensitivity analyses were performed to determine
potential NZEB levels. Within the whole implementation, more than 1300 energy
retrofit scenarios for three different climates were analysed in terms of cost-optimality
and their potential to refer NZEB level. In accordance with the results, proposals for
bridging the gap between cost optimal and NZEB levels were constituted as the output
of this implementation.
This part explains sample implementation of the first phase of the approach introduced
with this dissertation. Since the first phase is national adaptation of cost-optimal
methodology framework, this section presents reference building definition, analysed
energy efficiency scenarios and their selection method, primary energy consumption
calculations, global cost calculations, comparative analyses and sensitivity analyses
related to occupant behaviour. These steps concluded with determination of cost-
optimal energy performance levels.
The reference building (RB) represents a group of existing high rise residential
buildings in Turkey to achieve generalized results about cost-effectiveness of energy
efficiency renovations applied on them. Therefore, RB definition includes the general
description, architectural layout, physical and thermo-physical properties, occupancy
pattern and equipment use and building service system properties together with
schedules and boundary conditions for their operation.
The studied reference building (RB) is one of the reference apartment buildings which
are determined within the national research project indicated in Section 3.3 (Yılmaz
et. al, 2015). RB is a multi-storey apartment building which has a basement floor and
twelve floors with four flats in each. Illustrations displaying building geometry are
given in Figure 5.1 and the typical floor plan is given in Figure 5.2 below. It is assumed
as constructed between years 1985 and 1999. Total floor area of the building is 5186
m², total facade area is 3823 m² with 590 m² glazing area.
Figure 5.1 : Geometry of the reference building.
55 Envelope properties
Construction type of the reference building is reinforced concrete tunnel form system
and the facades were completed using concrete panel walls. Table 5.1 explains
thicknesses and thermal conductivities (λ) of the layers and the calculated heat transfer
coefficients (U value) of the building envelope components. Windows located on the
external walls are considered as double glazing with two layers of 4 mm flat glass and
12 mm air gap between them while the frame material is considered as polyvinyl
chloride (PVC). Heat transfer coefficient (U value) of the window glazing is 2.9
W/m²K, visible transmittance (Tvis) is 0.80 and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) is
Thickness λ U
(m) (W/mK) (W/m²K)
56 Occupancy
User profile, schedules related to occupancy and activities were previously defined in
the national research project considering national and international standards and
statistical data gathered from Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) database (Url-
2). The findings which were used as the input of this research are explained below.
Considering these statistical information, occupancy schedules for each flat were
defined as given in Table 5.2. Activity levels are gathered from ASHRAE-55 -
Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy standard according to the
related activity (ASHRAE, 2010).
2 people: Rest 45
19:00 - 20:00 4 1 person: Housework 115 Kitchen
3 person: Reclining, 60 Living Room
Light work, Reading
20:00 - 20:30 4 Dinner 60 Kitchen
20:30 - 23:00 4 60 Living
Reclining, Light work,
23:00 - 24:00 4 Sleeping 40 Bedrooms
Table 5.2 (continued) : Occupancy and Activity Level Schedules.
Based on these assumptions, heat gain from occupant were considered in the energy
performance calculations.
58 Building service systems
Building service systems were also a part of the RB identification procedure followed
in the national research project 113M596 (Yılmaz et. al, 2015). Since heating, cooling,
ventilating, domestic hot water (DHW) and lighting systems were defined together
with this RB, these inputs were considered in this research.
The heating energy demand of the building is met by a central hot water boiler using
natural gas. The nominal thermal efficiency of this natural gas boiler is 80%. In each
flat, there are radiators for emitting the heat generated by the boiler by circulating hot
The cooling energy demand is met by individual split air conditioners using electricity.
SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) of the split air conditioners are equal to 5.8
DHW system is also individual and an electric water heater with 80% thermal
efficiency exists in each flat in order to provide hot water for the occupants.
Since the RB is a residential building, the heating and cooling systems were assumed
as being operated continuously in order to ensure the required setpoints in the building.
The heating setpoint is assumed as 20°C and cooling setpoint is 26°C (Republic of
Turkey Ministry of Public Works and Settlements, 2010).
Ventilation was assumed as provided naturally and the air change rate per hour is
0.5 h-1 for this apartment building according to BEP-TR (National Calculation
Methodology for Building Energy Performance in Turkey) considering that the
building has a high air tightness (Republic of Turkey Ministry of Public Works and
Settlements, 2010).
In order to calculate the lighting energy consumption and also consider the heat gains
from the lighting equipment, lighting power density (LPD) values were calculated
using DIALux evo software (Url-6). In the lighting simulations, boundaries for
minimum average illumination levels are 200 lux for kitchen, 300 lux for children
bedroom and 100 lux for living room, bedroom, corridor and bathroom (Sümengen
and Yener, 2013) (IESNA, 2011). The required luminous flux is met by compact
fluorescent lamps and their properties are explained in Table 5.4.
The calculated LPD values considering these compact fluorescent lamps achieved
average illumination level in the work plane and the operating time of the lighting
system are provided with Table 5.5 below. The lighting power densities were used in
the RB energy model as an input.
Table 5.5 : Calculated lighting power densities and illuminaton levels for rooms.
Area LPD
Room illumination Operating Time
(m²) (W/m²)
level (lux)
Bedroom 1 12.5 9.6 115 2 hours/day
Bedroom 2 10.0 8.0 112
Children Bedroom 1 13.8 17.4 300 Manually controlled
depending on the
Children Bedroom 2 14.0 20.0 313 illuminance provided by
Living Room 28.0 5.7 104 daylight in occupied hours
Kitchen 9.0 10.7 215 4 hours/day
Bathroom 1 5.4 7.4 103 2 hours/day
Bathroom 2 4.8 8.3 104
WC 2.1 10 111
Corridor 4.5 8.9 105
Entrance 8.0 10 124
In order to have a complete view, three different climatic regions of Turkey, which are
considerably different from each other, were considered for this sample
implementation of the approach. These are tempered humid climatic region that is
observed in the north-west, hot humid climatic region, which appears in the
Mediterranean coast of Turkey with hot humid summers and warm wet winters, and
cold climatic region, which is able to refer Northern Europe since it is characterized
by cold, strong and long winter period where the air temperatures are mostly below
zero. Representative cities for these climates are respectively Istanbul, Antalya and
Erzurum. Locations of these cities are provided on the map given with Figure 5.3.
Istanbul is located at 40°58´ North latitude and 29°05´ East longitude. The tempered
humid climatic region of Turkey that is represented by this city has warm summers
and cold wet winters longer than summers.
Antalya is located at 36°53´ North latitude and 30°42´ East longitude. The hot humid
climatic region, where Antalya is located, has Mediterranean climate with hot
summers and mild and rainy winters. Relative humidity is high in this region.
In the cold climatic region, winters are long and cold while summers are short and
cool. The representative city Erzurum is located at 39°57´ North latitude and 41°10´
East longitude.
Monthly average of outdoor air temperatures occurred in these three cities between
years 1950 and 2015 are reported by Turkish State Meteorological Service as shown
in Figure 5.4 (Url-7).
Global solar radiation map is given with Figure 5.5 (Republic of Turkey Ministry of
Energy and Natural Sources, 2016). As seen from this map, among the analysed cities,
Antalya receives the highest global solar radiation and Istanbul receives the lowest
global solar radiation. Although Erzurum is in the cold climatic region, this city is
more advantageous than Istanbul in terms of total global solar radiation.
Figure 5.4 : Monthly average air temperatures of analysed cities (Url-7).
Figure 5.5 : Total solar radiation map of Turkey (Republic of Turkey Ministry of
Energy and Natural Sources, 2016).
62 Architectural measures
As explained in Section 3.2, although TS 825 Standard was amended by the new
version in 2013, it has not been mandatory for new buildings in Turkey yet (TSE,
2013). However, in this research, TS 825:2013 was considered in order to analyse the
latest version of this national standard.
Since the maximum limits of heat transfer coefficients (U values) allowed by the
national heat insulation standard TS 825:2013 differ based on climatic regions, the
analysed heat insulation thicknesses applied on the building envelope differ according
to the analysed city as well (TSE, 2013). The maximum allowed limits of U values for
the building components in three cities are provided in Table 5.7 below.
Considering the available options in the market, heat insulation materials in different
thicknesses were considered for the building envelope in order to ensure previously
identified levels given in Table 5.6. Below mentioned Table 5.8 displays calculated
heat transfer coefficients considering the heat insulation application.
The second focus of energy efficiency measures was on the glazing renovation. For
this renovation, it is considered that window glasses were replaced with new double
or triple glazings. Heat transfer coefficient (U), visible transmittance (Tvis) and solar
heat gain coefficient (SHGC) properties and the configuration of the analysed glazing
types are selected according to the availability in the national market. These
thermophysical and optical properties are explained in Table 5.9.
overhangs on south facade and as overhangs and fins on east and west facades. The
width of the shading devices is 60cm. Second related measure which was abbreviated
as SHD2, represents installation of external roller blinds with semi-transparent textile.
These roller blinds were in south east and west facades and were assumed as manually
controlled by the occupants. Solar transmittance of the textile is 0.35, solar reflectance
is 0.60, visible transmittance is 0.35 and visible reflectance is 0.65. Figure 5.6 shows
sample illustrations for these shading devices (Url- 8).
Table 5.8 : Calculated heat transfer coefficients for the heat insulation measures.
Heat Transfer Coefficients - W/m²K
Istanbul Antalya Erzurum
IN1-W 0.56 0.60 0.34
IN1-R 0.36 0.39 0.21
IN1-F 0.56 0.66 0.35
IN1-E INS 1 level for the whole envelope
IN2-W 0.42 0.48 0.26
IN2-R 0.27 0.32 0.15
IN2-F 0.42 0.48 0.25
IN2-E INS 2 level for the whole envelope
IN3-W 0.29 0.31 0.18
IN3-R 0.175 0.18 0.11
IN3-F 0.29 0.29 0.18
IN3-E INS 3 level for the whole envelope
IN4-W 0.14 0.16 0.12
IN4-R 0.095 0.11 0.085
IN4-F 0.14 0.17 0.09
IN4-E INS 4 level for the whole envelope
SHD1 – Overhang SHD1 – Fin SHD2
Figure 5.6 : Sample illustrations of analysed shading devices for SHD1 and SHD2
retrofits (Url-8).
Examined energy efficiency measures related to building service systems refer to the
selected improvements in heating system, cooling system, domestic hot water
preparation system and lighting system. Abbreviations and the explanations of the
measures are provided in Table 5.10 below.
For LED measure, as in the RB model, DiaLUX evo software was used to calculate
the lighting power densities which correspond to the minimum required illumination
levels in spaces (Url-6). The lighting power densities and average illumination levels
in the work plane that were achieved with this retrofit are expressed with Table 5.11
Table 5.11 : Lighting power densities and average illumination for rooms achieved
by LED measure.
Room LPD Average illuminance
Bedroom-1 5.3 W/m² 110 lux
Bedroom-2 4.4 W/m² 102 lux
Children Bedroom-1 10.4 W/m² 302 lux
Children Bedroom-2 11.0 W/m² 303 lux
Living Room 3.1 W/m² 102 lux
Kitchen 6.9 W/m² 225 lux
Bathroom-1 4.1 W/m² 101 lux
Bathroom-2 4.6 W/m² 102 lux
WC 7.6 W/m² 123 lux
Corridor 4.9 W/m² 103 lux
Entrance 5.5 W/m² 113 lux
Energy efficiency measures which were analysed for renewable energy use are related
to electricity production by photovoltaic panels and hot water obtainment from solar
thermal panels. The measures and their explanations are provided with Table 5.12
below. Available roof area is considered for selection of the measures.
Solar thermal panels were assumed as supporting the central hot water boiler in heating
and also domestic hot water preparation in case of the hot water system is also
calculations, cost related to building service systems were not considered since these
are same for all compared scenarios. According to the results of calculations, cost
optimal scenarios and the most energy efficient solutions were selected to be combined
with other energy efficiency measures. Therefore the analysed packages are different
for different cities. Selected energy efficiency packages for different cities are
explained in Section 5.6.
As explained in Section 4.2, both energy performance level of actual status of the RB
and energy performance levels achieved a consequence of implementing energy
efficiency measures to the RB were calculated using a building energy simulation
software. Therefore this stage of the approach involves to set up an energy model for
the RB and development of studies related to energy performance simulations.
In order to constitute energy model of the reference building, primarily the building
was divided into thermal zones. Every single flat was assumed as a thermal zone and
the main circulation areas are assumed as different thermal zones at each floor. The
schematic drawing about the zones is given with Figure 5.7 below.
Based on these thermal zones, geometry of the building was modelled using Legacy
Open Studio Plug-in for SketchUp 8 which is a 3D modelling software (Url-9, Url-10)
Afterwards, the model was exported to a detailed dynamic simulation software
EnergyPlus version 8.2 and building model was completed by taking the following
variables into consideration: physical and thermophysical properties of the materials
and building components, internal heat gains from lighting, equipment and people,
types and properties of HVAC and DHW equipment, system efficiencies (Url-11).
For each scenario, a detailed sub-hourly simulation of the building was conducted. In
the calculations, IWEC (International Weather for Energy Calculations) weather file
was used for Istanbul while the weather files for Antalya and Erzurum were derived
by integrating national weather data representing typical meteorological year with
meteonorm files since there is no available international weather data for these cities
Energy consumptions for heating, cooling, DHW preparation, lighting, fans and
pumps were examined in this study. The energy consumption results were converted
to primary energy using national primary energy factors and are expressed in kWh/m²
per year. Primary energy conversion factors are 1 for natural gas and 2.36 for
electricity in Turkey. In case of renewable energy production exists, the produced
energy was subtracted from the total energy consumption.
The calculated end use energy consumption of the RB subdivided into end uses and
energy sources are presented in Figure 5.8 for Istanbul, Antalya and Erzurum. Final
energy use for space heating is extremely high in Erzurum while energy use for space
cooling is the highest in Antalya due to their climatic character.
Primary energy equivalences of the energy consumptions are given with Figure 5.9.
Primary energy consumption of the RB is the highest in Erzurum and the lowest in
Istanbul. These results were affected also by the primary energy conversion factors.
Especially in Antalya, where the cooling energy consumption met by electricity is
dominant, primary energy conversion factor of electricity has a big share in the high
primary energy consumption.
5.1.4 Global cost calculations
For the global cost calculations, future lifespan of the RB was assumed as 50 years and
the global cost calculation period is 30 years in accordance with EU Regulation no
244/ 2012 (The European Commission, 2012a). The beginning year of the cost
calculations is 2015. For the calculations, initial investment cost, replacement cost,
energy costs and the residual value are considered. In accordance with The European
Commission (2012a), the costs that are the same for all analysed scenarios and the
costs related to the building elements that does not affect the energy performance of
the building may be omitted. Therefore, in this sample implementation, these costs
were not included in the cost calculations.
Assumptions related to economic indicators such as inflation rate, market interest rate
and energy price developments are determined based on the statistical data. In order to
define the interest rate that is used in the cost calculations, Central Bank of the
Republic of Turkey (CBRT) statistics were investigated for the last 10 years before the
starting year of the calculations (2015) (Url-13). According to the findings presented
in Table 5.13, the average of the general inflation rate occurred in Turkey during the
last 5 years was selected as the rate to be used in the global cost calculations. According
to this procedure followed, the inflation rate is assumed as 8,054% for the global cost
Table 5.13 : Inflation rates occurred between 2005 and 2014 (Url-13).
The market interest rate used in the calculations was identified with a similar approach
with the inflation rate. TURKSTAT statistics were investigated for the last 10 years
before the beginning year of the cost calculations. The accessed data are as shown in
Table 5.14 below (Url-2) and the average of the last 5 years was selected as the market
interest rate to be used in the main calculations. Therefore, 14.30% is used as the
market interest rate within the calculations.
Table 5.14 : Market interest rates occurred between 2005 and 2014 (Url-2).
Interest of Long Term Loans Given by Banks
2005 20.87
2006 21.01
2007 20.98
2008 20.59
2009 17.77
2010 12.52
2011 13.93
2012 15.58
2013 11.80
2014 14.22
Average (2010-2014) 14.30
Average (2005-2014) 16.93
The inflation rate and the market interest rate were used to calculate real discount rate
by applying the formula 2.3 given in Chapter 2. The real discount rate (RR) calculated
using this formula is equal to 5.78%. This discount rate was used to calculate the
discount factors based on the year of the investment using the formula given with 2.2.
Amount of future investments are multiplied by the discount factors (based on the year
they occur), in order to find their equivalent present value.
Another required input for the global cost calculations is the energy price
developments. TURKSTAT statistics were examined for the last 5 years as given in
Table 5.15 (Url-2).
Table 5.15 : Energy price development rates between 2010 and 2014 (Url-2).
Energy Price Development Rates
Electricity Natural Gas
2010 7.9 % -9.7 %
2011 2.2 % 4.4 %
2012 19.5 % 27.2 %
2013 9.8 % 11.9 %
2014 2.4 % 3.4 %
Average 8.34 % 7.43 %
Since these values are close to the inflation rate and they are not exactly coherent with
the data provided by producers, energy price developments were assumed as the same
with the inflation rate for the initial analyses. Afterwards, different energy price
development rates were considered for sensitivity analyses.
The costs in foreign currency were converted to Turkish Lira (TL) to include in cost
calculations. Since beginning year of the calculations is 2015, exchange rates for the
United States Dollar/Turkish Lira and Euro/Turkish Lira are assumed as the average
of 2015 and are respectively equal to 2.72 and 3.02 (Url-13).
Investment cost calculations performed in this study are based on 2015 market prices.
The required data is obtained by calculating the average of three cost data gathered
from the standard offers of different companies. Total investment costs for
implementation of energy efficiency measures related to heat insulation are listed in
Table 5.16 below.
Table 5.16 : Total investment cost for implementation of heat insulation on the RB.
Cost per Cost per
unit floor unit floor
Total Investment area Total Investment area
Cost (TL) (TL/m²) Cost (TL) (TL/m²)
Istanbul: 281934.9 54.4 Istanbul: 23379.8 4.5
IN1–W Antalya: 275852.9 53.2 IN1–F Antalya: 23090.0 4.5
Erzurum: 335659.9 64.7 Erzurum: 24251.4 4.7
Istanbul: 306924.3 59.2 Istanbul: 24263.1 4.7
IN2–W Antalya: 294099.1 56.7 IN2–F Antalya: 23871.4 4.6
Erzurum: 390574.9 75.3 Erzurum: 25426.6 4.9
Istanbul: 371976.1 71.7 Istanbul: 24831.9 4.8
IN3–W Antalya: 351878.8 67.9 IN3–F Antalya: 24831.9 4.8
Erzurum: 646988.0 124.8 Erzurum: 27130.6 5.2
Istanbul: 729666.9 140.7 Istanbul: 29268.7 5.6
IN4–W Antalya: 671405.3 129.5 IN4–F Antalya: 27730.0 5.3
Erzurum: 855883.8 165.0 Erzurum: 31831.7 6.1
Istanbul: 7259.4 1.4 Istanbul: 312574.1 60.3
IN1–R Antalya: 6678.8 1.3 IN1–E Antalya: 305621.7 58.9
Erzurum: 8982.2 1.7 Erzurum: 368893.5 71.1
Istanbul: 7854.1 1.5 Istanbul: 339041.5 65.4
IN2–R Antalya: 7259.4 1.4 IN2–E Antalya: 325229.9 62.7
Erzurum: 15113.5 2.9 Erzurum: 431115.0 83.1
Istanbul: 10152.7 2.0 Istanbul: 406960.7 78.5
IN3–R Antalya: 9553.3 1.8 IN3–E Antalya: 386264.0 74.5
Erzurum: 17364.9 3.3 Erzurum: 691483.5 133.3
Istanbul: 19134.9 3.7 Istanbul: 778070.5 150.0
IN4–R Antalya: 17364.9 3.3 IN4–E Antalya: 716500.2 138.2
Erzurum: 20305.4 3.9 Erzurum: 908020.9 175.1
Investment costs for implementation of energy efficiency measures related to glazing
renovations and shading devices are presented in Table 5.17 and average investment
costs for implementation of energy efficiency measures related to building systems are
given in Table 5.18 below.
Table 5.17 : Total investment cost for glazing renovations and shading devices.
75 Replacement cost calculations
Periodic replacement cost is regarded as another cost category in the calculations and
was calculated considering the lifespan of the building materials and components. It is
considered that, at the end of each cycle of lifespan the components are replaced.
Lifespan of the building materials and components are gathered using EN 15459:2007
standard and assumptions of producing companies (CEN, 2007).
Running cost category covers energy costs, operational costs and maintenance costs.
Operational and maintenance costs for building components and products were
gathered from EN15459:2007 standard that expresses these costs in percentage of
initial investment cost.
The biggest share of running costs belongs to the energy costs. Energy consumption
outputs from the energy simulations are utilised in energy cost calculation as an input.
In order to take energy costs into consideration, annual average energy prices of the
calculation beginning year 2015 were investigated (Url-14, Url-15, Url-16, Url-17).
The monthly unit prices and the annual average values that were used in the
calculations are given with Table 5.20 below.
Since these are periodic annual costs that occur every year of the whole calculation
period, present value factor was used for calculating the sum of the discounted costs
for each year as explained in Chapter 2. Annual energy consumptions were multiplied
with average cost of related energy carrier and multiplied with present value factor to
obtain present value of long term energy costs.
5.1.5 Comparative cost-optimal analyses
After energy performance and cost calculations had been performed in accordance
with the assumptions explained in the previous sections, results were comparatively
analysed in order to investigate cost-optimal levels.
Results of the envelope retrofit scenarios analysed for Istanbul are presented in Figure
5.10. As seen from the figure, among the analysed scenarios, only glazing retrofits
(GL) achieve cost-efficient results. The most efficient glazing retrofit is GL7 which
provides 10% primary energy saving with %5 global cost saving comparing to the
existing situation of the reference building which is named as RB. Heat insulation
retrofits (IN) provide better energy efficiency levels in Istanbul, in comparison to
glazing retrofits, however, these are not cost effective. Combining heat insulation
retrofits with the glazing retrofits works well to decrease the global costs but the
calculated costs are still higher than the RB. According to the results of this initial
analyses, GL7 is the cost-optimal solution among the envelope retrofit scenarios. In
comparison with the RB, the scenario combining insulation level 4 (IN4-E) and
glazing (GL) retrofits provides 38.2 kWh/m² annual primary energy saving which
corresponds to 26% decrease without cost efficiency in terms of global cost.
As seen from Figure 5.11, heat insulation retrofits using rock wool as the insulation
material, resulted with the comparatively highest cost since the investment cost of rock
wool is the highest. EPS has the lowest investment cost and correspondingly scenarios
with EPS result with the lowest global cost among the insulation retrofits. However,
cost cannot be the only consideration for the retrofit decision. In example, Fire Code
of Turkey brings some legal limitations on the heat insulation materials depending on
the building properties. On the other hand, this approach does not focus on single
building retrofits but aims to obtain general results that can be expanded to similar
buildings through the analyses on RB which represents a crowded group of apartment
buildings higher than 6 floors. Therefore, requirements for a single building were not
considered in this sample application of the method. Aim of the comparison between
heat insulation materials aims to display that the results of cost optimality calculations
can be affected by the material choice.
As the result of these analyses, cost optimal scenarios and the scenarios which lead to
the highest energy performance level among the building envelope retrofits were
selected for further energy efficiency packages for Istanbul: GL5, GL6, GL7, IN2-
W+GL7, IN3-W+GL4, IN3-W+GL5, IN3-W+GL7, IN4-W+GL4, IN4-W+GL5, IN4-
W+GL7, IN2-E+GL7, IN3-E+GL4, IN3-E+GL5, IN3-E+GL7, IN4-E+GL4 IN4-
E+GL5 and IN4-E+GL7. Primary energy consumption and the global cost results of
these selected scenarios are given with Table 5.21.
Further analyses consider XPS as the heat insulation material for the external walls
since the results have to serve for a large group of residential buildings higher than 6
floors and XPS represents the average cost among the analysed heat insulation
Figure 5.11 : Results of initial cost-optimal analyses on building envelope retrofits for Istanbul.
Table 5.21 : Results of the selected envelope retrofit scenarios for the RB in
Energy Global Cost
Scenario Consumption (TL/m²)
(kWh/m² y)
RB 145.3 293.6
GL5 132.3 279.1
GL6 132.3 281.1
GL7 131.0 278.5
IN2-W + GL7 114.9 309.5
IN3-W + GL4 114.0 317.6
IN3-W + GL5 113.5 318.1
IN3-W + GL7 112.0 317.0
IN4-W + GL4 111.4 377.9
IN4-W + GL5 111.0 378.6
IN4-W + GL7 109.4 377.4
IN2-E + GL7 112.7 313.7
IN3-E + GL4 111.6 321.0
IN3-E + GL5 111.2 321.7
IN3-E + GL7 109.7 320.5
IN4-E + GL4 109.0 383.9
IN4-E + GL5 108.7 384.7
IN4-E + GL7 107.1 383.4
After the first set of calculations on envelope retrofits, the selected building envelope
scenarios were combined with the measures referring to heating, cooling, DHW and
lighting systems, shading devices and renewable energy systems which were
previously explained under Section 5.1.2.
the retrofit scenarios analysed for Istanbul. For substantial scenarios, numerical result
of primary energy consumption and global cost are specified and highlighted with
horizontal and vertical dashed lines. Results of scenarios which are not specified with
their names in the graph are given with tables in Appendix A for Istanbul.
The cost-optimal level for the RB in Istanbul was achieved by the scenario combining
GL7, BOI, CHW, LED and PV retrofits. This scenario results with 79.8 kWh/m²y
primary energy consumption and 253.2 TL/m² global cost, correspondingly achieves
65.5 kWh/m² annual primary energy saving and 93.1 TL/m² economic saving in
comparion with the RB. These savings correspond to 45% of the primary energy
consumption and 27% of the global cost of the RB.
As shown in the graph, minimum primary energy consumption level that was cost-
effectively achieved is equal to 39.8 kWh/m²y for the RB retrofits in Istanbul. This
level is obtained by applying the scenario involving GL5, BOI, VRV, CHW, LED,
RF, SP and PV retrofits. The scenario provides 73% primary energy saving while the
global cost is not considerably different than existing global cost of the RB. Applying
heat insulation retrofits together with these retrofits provides higher energy
performance level while it results with higher global cost. The scenario including IN3-
E, GL7, BOI, CHW, LED, RF, SP, VRV and PV retrofits corresponds to 29.8
kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level and 406.3 TL/m² global cost level. In
comparison to the scenario referring to cost-effective minimum energy consumption
level, 10 kWh/m²y additional primary energy saving is obtained by affording 60.2
TL/m² higher global cost for thermal insulation retrofit. Primary energy saving amount
that corresponds to the unit global cost increase is much lower beyond this level. When
the heat insulation level is increased until IN4, only 1.2 kWh/m²y additional primary
energy saving is provided by 64.7 TL/m² increase in the global cost. Effect of this
high-cost heat insulation investment is limited in terms of primary energy
Figure 5.12 : Cost-optimal graph of retrofit scenarios for the RB in Istanbul.
When the retrofit measures are analysed in detail, it has been seen that glazing retrofits
(GL) have positive effect in terms of both primary energy consumption and global
cost. In addition, when the GL retrofits are combined with high-cost measures,
decrement in the global cost is ensured.
Since Istanbul represents tempered humid climatic region of Turkey, retrofits referring
to both heating and cooling systems are effective in increasing energy performance of
the RB. However, from cost point of view, BOI retrofit is more acceptable within
packages while AC retrofit does not refer to cost-effective results. VRV is more
reasonable cooling system retrofit since the efficiency is high.
Thermal insulation level 4 (IN4), shading devices (SHD2) and installation of air
conditioners (AC) have respectively high initial investment costs, therefore retrofit
scenarios covering at least two of these measures resulted with a global cost higher
than 480 TL/m². Correspondingly, these scenarios are far from the cost-optimal level.
Overall heat transfer coefficients stated in the latest Turkish National Heat Insulation
Standard (TS 825:2013) were represented by the scenario combining IN1-E and GL1
retrofits. This retrofit scenario provides 27.4 kWh/m²y decrease in primary energy
consumption of the RB in Istanbul, however, it is not cost-effective when applied
individually. In order to achieve cost-effective results, these retrofits are required to be
combined with other measures.
As mentioned in Section 4.2.5, this step aims also to select retrofit scenarios to be
analysed in the second phase. According to the results of cost-optimal analyses, 10
retrofit scenarios, which are on the boundary of the cost-optimal curve, were selected.
The selection was made considering potential future cost-optimal levels that will give
opportunity to investigate NZEB levels in the further phases. Existing status of the RB
was also selected in order to examine the effect of occupant behaviour on the building
energy performance. The selected scenarios for the retrofits of RB in Istanbul are listed
in Table 5.22 below. In the table, each line describes a different scenario and expresses
the energy retrofit measures that were included in the scenario. As seen from the table,
all of the selected retrofit scenarios for the RB in Istanbul include GL, BOI, CHW and
LED measures.
Table 5.22 : Selected scenarios for the second phase (Istanbul).
1) RB
2) GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED
3) GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED + PV
4) IN2-W + GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED + PV
5) GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED + SP + PV
6) IN2-W + GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED + SP + PV
7) IN3-E + GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED + SP + PV
8) GL7 + BOI + VRV + CHW + LED + RF + SP + PV
9) IN2-W + GL7 + BOI + VRV + CHW + LED + RF + SP + PV
10) IN4-E + GL4 + BOI + VRV + CHW + LED + RF + SP + PV
As in the analyses for Istanbul, the calculations for envelope retrofit scenarios for the
RB in Antalya were analysed on the cost-optimal graphs as well. Results of these
calculations are given in Figure 5.13.
As seen from the figure, glazing (GL) retrofits are the optimum retrofit measures in
Antalya as well. Based on the low global cost of the glazing retrofits, these are also
effective on decreasing the cost of the packages when they are used together with the
heat insulation retrofits. The cost-optimum glazing retrofit is GL7 which results with
21.1 kWh/m²y primary energy saving that corresponds to 13% of RB energy
consumption and 31.9 TL/m² global cost saving that is equal to 9% of total global cost.
It is seen that, some of the scenarios combining heat insulation (IN) and glazing (GL)
retrofits are cost-effective in Antalya. The first reason of this is the global cost
decrement effect glazing retrofits. Another reason is that the heat insulation
thicknesses used in Antalya are lower in comparison to Istanbul and correspondingly
initial investment cost of heat insulation is comparatively lower.
The scenario combining IN4-E and GL7 provides 37.7 kWh/m²y primary energy
saving which is 23% of primary energy consumption of the RB in Antalya. However,
this scenario is not cost-effective. Among the envelope retrofits, minimum primary
energy consumption level that was achieved cost-effectively is obtained by retrofit
scenario combining IN3-W and GL7 when the heat insulation material is EPS. This
scenario achieves 34,3 kWh/m²y (21%) primary energy saving and 1.8 TL/m² global
cost saving in Antalya. In case of a different heat insulation material use, calculated
global cost of the scenario is higher than the global cost of RB.
As explained for Istanbul under Section, based on their initial investment costs,
use of rock wool (RWL) as the heat insulation material increases the global cost while
EPS leads to the lowest global cost among these three heat insulation material. In the
following stages of this study, XPS was assumed as the heat insulation material also
for Antalya.
According to the obtained results, the following scenarios were selected for the further
retrofit scenario combinations for the RB in Antalya: GL3, GL4, GL5, GL6, GL7, IN2-
W+GL7, IN3-W+GL3, IN3-W+GL4, IN3-W+GL5, IN3-W+GL7, IN4-W+GL7, IN2-
E+GL7, IN3-E+GL3, IN3-E+GL4, IN3-E+GL5, IN3-E+GL7 and IN4-E+GL7.
Primary energy consumption and global cost results of these selected envelope retrofit
scenarios, considering XPS as the heat insulation material, are given with Table 5.23.
Table 5.23 : Results of the selected envelope retrofit scenarios for the RB in
Energy Global Cost
Scenario Consumption (TL/m²)
(kWh/m² y)
RB 160.9 347.0
GL5 141.4 316.6
GL6 143.5 322.7
GL7 139.8 315.1
IN2-W + GL7 128.8 347.4
IN3-W + GL4 128.4 354.8
IN3-W + GL5 128.7 356.4
IN3-W + GL7 126.6 353.9
IN4-W + GL4 127.0 409.3
IN4-W + GL5 127.4 411.2
IN4-W + GL7 125.3 408.5
IN2-E + GL7 126.8 350.3
IN3-E + GL4 126.1 356.6
IN3-E + GL5 126.4 358.4
IN3-E + GL7 124.3 356.4
IN4-E + GL7 123.2 412.6
Figure 5.13 : Results of initial cost-optimal analyses on building envelope retrofit for Antalya.
87 Comparative analyses of all retrofit scenarios for Antalya
The retrofit scenario that achieves the cost-optimal energy efficiency level for the RB
retrofits in Antalya is the scenario combining GL7, CHW, LED and PV retrofits. This
scenario results with 96.4 kWh/m²y annual primary energy consumption and 295.5
TL/m² global cost. Primary energy saving obtained by this retrofit package is 64.5
kWh/m²y (40%) and expected global cost saving is 105.5 TL/m² (26%) comparing to
the existing status of the RB in Antalya.
Compared to the optimum retrofit scenario for the RB in Istanbul, the only difference
is absence of BOI retrofit in the cost-optimal scenario. This mainly proceed from the
hot-humid climate of Antalya where the BOI retrofit provides unremarkable amount
of energy saving in response to the investment and correspondingly was not included
in the further retrofit scenarios (see Appendix B).
where additional 2.2 kWh/m²y primary energy saving is achieved with 94.9 TL/m²
increase in global cost.
Detailed examination on the retrofit measures shows that glazing retrofits (GL) work
well also in Antalya which is in hot-humid region of Turkey. Heat insulation retrofits,
instead, increase the global cost of the scenario which they are involved in although
they provide primary energy saving. The scenario representing the heat transfer
coefficients given with the national standard (IN1-E+GL1) is not cost-effective in
Antalya as well. However, use of more efficient glazing types together with the heat
insulation, such as GL7, provides a decrease in the global cost. In example, the
scenario combining IN2-W and GL7 retrofits is cost-effective even though the initial
investment cost is higher than IN1+GL1 scenario. Moreover, it is possible to provide
further global cost decrease by combining the envelope retrofits with other measures
referring to energy systems and renewable energy use.
BOI retrofit is not effective both on the energy consumption and global cost in this
climate. In the same manner, because of the climate, AC and VRV retrofits provide
efficiency in terms of primary energy while VRV retrofit exists in cost-effective
scenarios as well.
IN4, AC and SHD2 measures are expensive investments comparing to their benefits
related to primary energy consumption. The scenarios resulted with a global cost
higher than 500 TL/m² in Antalya include at least two of these retrofit measures.
Using the same perspective applied for the RB in Istanbul, among the analysed
retrofits, 8 scenarios were selected for the investigation of occupant behaviour effect
and also for the sensitivity analyses in the second phase. Selected scenarios are listed
in Table 5.24. As seen from the table, all of the selected retrofit scenarios for the RB
in Antalya which are on the boundary of the cost-optimal curve, include GL, CHW
and LED measures.
Figure 5.14 : Cost-optimal graph of retrofit scenarios for the RB in Antalya.
Table 5.24 : Selected scenarios for the second phase (Antalya).
1) RB
2) GL7 + CHW + LED
3) GL7 + CHW + LED + PV
4) GL7 + CHW + LED + SP + PV
5) GL7 + VRV + CHW + LED + PV
6) GL7 + VRV + CHW + LED + SP + PV
7) IN2-W + GL7 + VRV + CHW + LED + SP + PV
8) IN4-E + GL7 + VRV + CHW + LED + SP + PV
Primary energy consumption and global cost results of the envelope retrofit scenarios
analysed for the RB in Erzurum are presented with Figure 5.15. As seen from this
figure, scenarios combining heat insulation retrofits and glazing retrofits are the
optimum solutions for Erzurum while glazing retrofits are not that much effective
individually since this city represents the cold climatic region of Turkey. The cost-
optimum point was achieved with the combination of heat insulation level 1 (IN1) and
glazing type 6 (GL6) retrofits.
Since XPS was considered as the heat insulation material in the following stages of
the analyses, some of the retrofit scenarios for Erzurum were only analysed
considering XPS material. According to the analyses, the scenario combining IN1-E
and GL6 retrofits achieves 149.2 kWh/m²y primary consumption and 365.7 TL/m²
global cost level as the cost optimum envelope retrofit scenario. The cost optimum
envelope retrofit scenario provides 31% primary energy saving and 5.4% global cost
saving for the RB in Erzurum. On the other hand, the combination of IN2-E and GL6
provides 5.7 kWh/m²y additional primary energy saving with 3.1 TL/m² higher global
cost in comparison to the cost-optimal envelope retrofit scenario.
Cost-effective primary energy saving potential of building envelope retrofits are the
highest in Erzurum comparing to other two cities. Moreover, since it has a cold
climate, the heat insulation retrofits are more effective while the glazing retrofits are
less effective in terms of both primary energy and global cost.
Figure 5.15 : Results of initial cost-optimal analyses on building envelope retrofit for Erzurum.
In accordance with the results obtained, the following scenarios are selected for the
RB in Erzurum: GL6, GL7, IN1-W+GL6, IN2-W+GLZ6, IN2-W+GLZ7, IN3-
W+GLZ5, IN3-W+GLZ6, IN3-W+GLZ7, IN4-W+GLZ5, IN4-W+GLZ6, IN4-
W+GLZ7, IN1-E+GL6, IN2-E+GLZ6, IN2-E+GLZ7, IN3-E+GLZ5, IN3-E+GLZ6,
IN3-E+GLZ7, IN4-E+GLZ5, IN4-E+GLZ6 and IN4-E+GLZ7. Primary energy
consumption and global cost results of these selected envelope retrofit scenarios,
considering XPS as the heat insulation material, are given with Table 5.25.
Table 5.25 : Results of the selected envelope retrofit scenarios for the RB in
Energy Global Cost
Scenario Consumption (TL/m²)
(kWh/m² y)
RB 216.3 386.0
GL6 200.5 372.9
GL7 202.1 375.4
IN1-W+GL6 155.6 368.6
IN2-W + GL6 150.7 371.4
IN2-W + GL7 151.3 371.8
IN3-W + GL5 147.9 411.5
IN3-W + GL6 145.7 410.4
IN3-W + GL7 145.9 410.0
IN4-W + GL5 143.9 443.3
IN4-W + GL6 141.6 442.1
IN4-W + GL7 141.9 441.7
IN1-E + GL6 149.2 365.7
IN2-E + GL6 143.5 368.9
IN2-E + GL7 143.8 368.8
IN3-E + GL5 140.0 408.7
IN3-E + GL6 137.8 407.8
IN3-E + GL7 137.9 407.0
IN4-E + GL5 135.5 441.3
IN4-E + GL6 133.5 440.8
IN4-E + GL7 133.3 439.6
93 Comparative analyses of all retrofit scenarios for Erzurum
Selected envelope retrofit scenarios for the RB in Erzurum were combined with further
retrofit measures as in other climates presented previously. Cost-optimal graph for the
RB retrofit in Erzurum is presented with Figure 5.16. Results and names of the
scenarios which are not highlighted in the graph are given in Appendix C. The cost-
optimal energy efficiency level is achieved by the scenario including GL6, BOI, CHW,
LED and PV retrofits. This cost-optimal scenario results with 132.1 kWh/m²y primary
energy consumption and 313.4 TL/m² global cost. This level achieves 84 kWh/m²y
(39%) primary energy saving and 124 TL/m² (28%) global cost saving comparing to
RB without retrofit.
Besides the exact cost-optimal scenario, it is important that only 3.2 TL/m² increase in
the global cost leads to 43.5 kWh/m²y higher primary energy saving. In order to
achieve this level, IN1-E retrofit should also be adjoined. Likewise, 11.2 TL/m²
increase in the global cost enables 17.1 kWh/m²y further primary energy saving and
reaches 71.5 kWh/m²y with the scenario consisting of IN2-E, GL6, BOI, CHW, LED,
SP and PV retrofits. On the other hand, investment cost of this scenario is 310 TL/m²
higher than the cost-optimal retrofit scenario. Insertion of RF retrofit to this scenario
and use of GL7 instead of GL6 decrease the primary energy consumption of the RB
until 53.3 kWh/m²y, however, this scenario increases the global cost up to 361.5
TL/m². After this point, increasing the heat insulation level up to IN4-E results with
47.7 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level which corresponds to a global cost
level close to the global cost of the RB before retrofit. In comparison with the RB, this
scenario (IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV) provides 78% primary energy
saving with 168.6 kWh/m²y decrease in primary energy consumption in Erzurum.
When retrofit scenarios were analysed in detail, it is seen that, contrary to Istanbul and
Antalya, the package representing the national heat insulation standard (IN1E + GL1)
is cost-effective in Erzurum. Although this scenario leads to 58 kWh/m²y primary
energy saving, achieved energy performance level is not potentially reliable for NZEB
targets when it is compared with more effective retrofit scenarios.
Results reveal that, in Erzurum, retrofit measures related to space cooling systems
(AC, VRV) are not effective in terms of energy and cost for the analysed RB.
Therefore, these measures were not included in greater number of scenarios. BOI
retrofit gives effective results as expected for this cold climate. Although RF retrofit
has a high initial investment cost, it is included in the cost-effective retrofit scenarios
as shown in Figure 5.16.
In order to serve to the following stage and the second phase of the approach, 11 retrofit
scenarios were selected for Erzurum and listed in Table 5.26. Common retrofits
included in the selected scenarios are GL, BOI, CHW, LED and PV and LED
1) RB
2) GL7 + BOI + CHW
3) GL6 + BOI + CHW + LED
4) GL6 + BOI + CHW + LED + PV
5) IN1-E+ GL6 + BOI + CHW + LED + PV
6) IN1-E+ GL6 + BOI + CHW + LED + SP+ PV
7) IN1-E+ GL6 + BOI++ CHW + LED + SP + PV
8) IN1-E+ GL6 + BOI + CHW + LED + RF+ SP + PV
9) IN2-E+ GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED + RF+ SP + PV
10) IN3-E+ GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED + RF+ SP + PV
11) IN4-E+ GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED + RF+ SP + PV
Figure 5.16 : Cost-optimal graph of retrofit scenarios for the RB in Erzurum.
5.1.6 Analysing the effect of occupant behaviour on cost-optimal levels
In this implementation, besides the reference occupant behaviour that was considered
in the previous calculations, an alternate occupant behaviour (OB) representing much
more use of window openings was analysed. For the alternate occupant behaviour
(OB), it was assumed that RB occupants control up to 3.6 m² opening area and leave
windows open while the outdoor temperature is between 21°C and 26°C. These
analyses on alternate occupant behaviour (OB) were performed for the scenarios
selected in the previous stage considering three different climates.
Figure 5.17 displays the results obtained from the analyses on the effect of alternate
occupant behaviour (OB) for the RB in Istanbul. Primary energy consumption of the
cost-optimal scenario, which includes GL7, BOI, CHW, LED and PV retrofits, was
affected from OB and achieved 60.4 kWh/m²y, with a decrease around 19.4 kWh/m²y,
while the global cost of this scenario decreased from 253.2 TL/m² to 210.7 TL/m² in
Not only the cost-optimal scenario but also other cost-effective scenarios were affected
by the occupant behaviour change related to window openings. The scenario including
IN3-E, GL7, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV retrofits responds to this change with 23
kWh/m²y primary energy saving and 50.5 TL/m² global cost saving by achieving 28.7
kWh/m²y primary energy consumption and 254.6 TL/m² global cost. With this
scenario, 80% primary energy saving, in comparison with the RB without OB, can be
achieved in a cost-effective way.
primary energy consumption of the cost-optimum scenario from 96.4 kWh/m²y to 74.3
kWh/m²y. Global cost of this cost-optimum scenario decreases around 48.4 TL/m²
considering OB comparing to the scenario with the reference occupant behaviour. As
the result of this, cost-optimum scenario with alternate occupant behaviour (OB)
reaches 247.1 TL/m² global cost level.
In accordance with the calculations, among the analysed scenarios for Antalya, the
lowest primary energy consumption level was achieved by the scenario including IN4-
E, GL7, VRV, CHW, LED, SP and PV retrofits and also the alternate occupant
behaviour (OB). Conscious use of window openings ensures changes in the primary
energy consumption and global cost results of this scenario. Primary energy
consumption of this scenario was decreased from 38.4 kWh/m²y to 26.9 kWh/m²y and
global cost of the scenario was decreased from 413.2 TL/m² to 387.9 TL/m². In
comparison to the RB before retrofit and with reference occupant behaviour, this
scenario achieves 83% primary energy saving and 3% decrease in global cost.
Results obtained from the analyses related to OB for the RB in Erzurum are presented
with Figure 5.19. As seen from this figure, in comparison to other two cities, effect of
OB is limited in Erzurum. Among the scenarios involving OB effect, the scenario
combining IN1-E, GL6, BOI, CHW, LED and PV measures appears as the cost-
optimal solution for Erzurum. This scenario results with 80.7 kWh/m²y primary energy
consumption and 299.9 TL/m² global cost. However, similar to the results of scenarios
without OB, cost-optimal range of scenarios considering OB, which is between 299.9
TL/m² and 303.5 TL/m², refers to very different primary energy consumption levels
between 68.8 kWh/m²y and 127.5 kWh/m²y.
The scenario consisting of IN4-E, GL7, BOI, CHW, LED, RF, SP, and PV retrofits
and OB option for the occupant behaviour, results with 39.1 kWh/m²y primary energy
consumption and 420.6 TL/m² global cost which is almost same with the RB global
cost with OB option. This scenario achieves 81% primary energy saving in comparison
to the RB with OB and 82% primary energy saving in comparison to the RB without
OB in Erzurum.
Figure 5.17 : Effect of occupant behaviour related to window openings on cost-optimality of RB retrofit scenarios in Istanbul.
Figure 5.18 : Effect of occupant behaviour related to window openings on cost-optimality of RB retrofit scenarios in Antalya.
Figure 5.19 : Effect of occupant behaviour related to window openings on cost-optimality of RB retrofit scenarios in Erzurum.
5.1.7 Evaluation of the first phase
The first phase of the approach includes adopting cost-optimal methodology with an
extended context by integrating analyses related to occupant behaviour effect and aims
to select the retrofit scenarios for investigating potential NZEB levels in the second
phase. In parallel with this aim, within the implementation of this phase, proper retrofit
scenarios were selected for the second phase and OB effect was analysed on the results.
Selected scenarios at the end of this first phase represent the candidates for the
potential NZEB levels for the RB retrofit. Besides these, obtained results reveal some
additional specific outcomes as explained under this section.
Results also reveal that climate is effective on the cost-optimal analyses and the cost-
optimal points for the retrofit of same reference building show significant differences
according to the variations in climate. The cost-optimal primary energy consumption
level of the analysed reference building is 79.8 kWh/m²y in tempered-humid climatic
region and 96.4 kWh/m²y in hot-humid region while it changes between 88.6 kWh/m²y
kWh/m²y and 132.1 in the cold climatic region of Turkey.
The cost-optimum and highly energy efficient retrofit scenarios include measures
related to envelope retrofits, retrofits referring to HVAC system improvements and
installation of renewable energy systems. This result shows that building energy
retrofits should be targeted at whole building retrofit instead of focusing on individual
Results obtained for the scenario including the retrofit actions which ensures the
maximum limit values of heat transfer coefficients given in the national standard TS
825 show that, this national standard and the national regulations should be revised
because these are far from the cost-optimal levels of energy performance.
For all analysed climates, there are common effects of some specific retrofit measures.
Common retrofits included in the cost-optimal scenarios in all climates are GL, LED,
CHW, DHW and PV retrofits and this shows that these measures are needed to be
supported for the building retrofits. Not only the building itself but also occupant
behaviour is effective both on the primary energy consumption and global cost in all
analysed cities. Therefore, the occupants are required to be conscious in terms of
energy consumption of their building. In example, OB has a significant effect on the
primary energy consumption and global cost of the cost-optimal retrofit scenarios for
the RB in Istanbul and Antalya. On the other hand, since climate of Erzurum is cold,
effect of OB, to increase the natural ventilation through windows, on the results of the
scenarios are not that much significant, however, OB switches the cost-optimal
solution. This positive change in the occupant behaviour brings 24% further primary
energy saving for the cost-optimal scenario in Istanbul, 23% primary energy saving in
Antalya and depending on the selected cost-optimal level 22% or 39% primary energy
saving in Erzurum in comparison with the RB without OB.
5.2.1 Boundary conditions for sensitivity analyses
Sensitivity analyses on economic indicators focused on the real discount rate (RR) as
required by EU Regulation and also energy price development rates. The global cost
calculations in the first phase considered the average rates of previous years and
assumed the discount rate (RR) as 5.78% and energy price development rates were
assumed as equal to the inflation rate which is 8.054%. Sensitivity analyses conducted
in this second phase focused on two rates for each of discount rate and energy price
development. The selection procedure considered the requirements of EU regulation
and selected one of the analysed discount rates as 3%. Accordingly, the rate which is
higher than the existing assumption is 9% in the analyses. For the sensitivity analyses
related to energy price developments, rates were selected as 5% and 10% as
respectively being lower and higher according to the existing assumption.
As required by the EU Regulation, global cost calculation period was assumed as 30
years for the analyses in the first phase. Within the scope of sensitivity analyses, 20
years, 40 years and 50 years of cost calculation periods were also analysed.
Summarily, boundary conditions determined for the sensitivity analyses are as below:
Results of the sensitivity analyses for the RB retrofit in Istanbul are presented with
Figure 5.20, Figure 5.21 and Figure 5.22 below. These graphs are cost-optimal graphs
including the results of sensitivity analyses for the selected scenarios. The quadrangle
points refer to the scenarios considering the reference occupant behaviour while the
circle shaped points refer to the scenarios considering alternate occupant behaviour
(OB). As explained in the legend, in the initial two graphs, the light colours represent
the results without any investment cost decrease for the retrofits and the colour gets
darker when the cost decreases are considered. Variations of the cost-optimal curve
under different discount rates and investment cost decreases are also shown in the
Figure 5.20 reflects the results of the analyses related to the discount rates (RR) and
investment cost decreases around VAT for the retrofit measures SP and IN. Results
show that lower discount rates result with higher global cost while higher discount
rates lead to lower global cost results. When the exact cost-optimal scenarios are
investigated, it is seen that, in case of a discount rate of 3%, tax exemption for SP
measure or an investment cost decrease at same value enables to include also SP
measure in the cost-optimal scenario and move the cost-optimal primary energy
consumption level from 79.8 kWh/m²y to 70.4 kWh/m²y. The scenarios including also
heat insulation, such as the one combining IN2-W, GL7, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV
measures, are not exactly cost-optimal, however the investment cost decrease enables
to cover these scenarios within cost-optimal range and move towards 56.2 kWh/m²y
in retrofit decision since the global cost variation between this scenario and the exact
cost-optimal scenario (GL7, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV) is only 15 TL/m² when the
discount rate is 3%.
When the discount rate appears as assumed in the initial analyses (5.78%) or higher,
investment cost decreases in SP and IN measures motivate to move towards higher
energy efficiency level, however these are not effective on switching the exact cost-
optimal results as in the analyses with 3% discount rate. When SP measure is supported
with an investment cost decrease, the SP measure may be included in the decided
investment scenario also under the discount rate of 5.78% with a 2.5 TL/m² higher
global cost in comparison to the previous cost-optimal result.
Figure 5.21 displays the results for sensitivity analyses regarding investment cost
decreases for IN and SP measures under different energy price development rates for
the retrofit of RB in Istanbul. As shown in the graph, higher energy price development
rates result with higher global cost as expected. Results of the scenarios with higher
energy price development rate are similar to the results obtained for lower discount
Investment cost decrease for IN and SP measures ensures that retrofit scenarios with
higher energy efficiency are more affordable in Istanbul. This works better when the
energy price development rate is higher than assumed. In case of an energy price
development rate of 10%, the cost-optimal scenario includes GL7, BOI, CHW, LED,
SP and PV retrofits and achieves 70.4 kWh/m²y.
Figure 5.22 shows the results regarding different calculation periods for global cost
calculations. Results show that the higher calculation period comes up with the higher
global cost mainly due to the energy costs. Although the exact cost-optimal scenario
remains as the same, higher calculation periods provides to obtain more convenient
global cost results for the retrofit scenarios which achieves lower primary energy
consumption levels.
Figure 5.20 : Sensitivity analyses on discount rates and investment cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Istanbul.
Figure 5.21 : Sensitivity analyses on energy price development rates and investment cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Istanbul.
Figure 5.22 : Sensitivity analyses on global cost calculation periods for the RB retrofits in Istanbul.
In all three graphs, the scenarios including alternate occupant behaviour (OB) show
similar tendency with the scenarios considering reference occupant behaviour under
different financial rates and investment cost decreases. However, scenarios
considering OB refer to more ambitious cost-optimal levels. Under the effect of 3%
discount rate and the investment cost decreases for IN and SP measures, the scenario
including GL6, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV retrofits is the cost-optimal level with
50.3 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption and 270.2 TL/m² global cost under OB
effect. With this occupant effect, the retrofit scenario including IN2-W, GL7, BOI,
CHW, LED, SP and PV measures and the scenario including IN3-E, GL7, BOI, CHW,
LED, SP and PV measures resulted with the same global cost, 279.3 TL/m², while their
primary energy consumptions are respectively 34.9 kWh/m²y and 28.7 kWh/m²y.
Results of the sensitivity analyses for the RB retrofit in Antalya are presented with
Figure 5.23, Figure 5.24 and Figure 5.25. The symbolisation used in the graphs are
the same with the graphs for Istanbul.
Figure 5.23 displays the results for the analyses on discount rate and investment cost
decrease for VRV and SP measures. In comparison to Istanbul, cost-optimal results
for the RB retrofits in Antalya are more sensitive to the changes in economic
indicators. Decrease in the discount rate definitely changes the cost-optimally resulted
scenario from “GL7+CHW+LED+PV” scenario to “GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+PV”
scenario and correspondingly decrease the cost-optimal primary energy consumption
level from 96.4 kWh/m²y to 61.8 kWh/m²y.
Figure 5.24 shows the results obtained for the sensitivity analyses on energy price
development rates and investment cost decrease for SP and VRV retrofits. As in the
results for Istanbul, results obtained for higher energy price development rates are
similar to the results obtained for lower discount rates and the results obtained for
lower energy price development rates are similar to the results obtained for higher
discount rates in Antalya as well. In case of 3% discount rate, the highest cost-optimal
energy performance level can be achieved with the investment cost decrease around
VAT for both VRV and SP measures and is equal to 52.6 kWh/m²y primary energy
consumption. This level is also cost-effectively achievable under other two rates of
energy price developments when the investment cost decreases occur.
Results obtained for the RB in Antalya are more sensitive also to the global cost
calculation periods (Figure 5.25). The global cost calculation periods of 40 and 50
years ensure alteration in the cost-optimal scenario and in this case the scenario
consisting of GL7, VRV, CHW, LED and PV, which achieves 61.8 kWh/m²y primary
energy consumption, appears as the cost-optimal scenario for Antalya. Analyses for
20 years calculation period result with the same cost-optimal scenario with the
analyses for 30 years calculation period.
The scenarios including alternate occupant behaviour (OB) act in a similar way with
the scenarios considering reference occupant behaviour in response to the variations
of economic indicators and investment cost. The cost-optimal solution achieves
41.8kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level under the effect of investment cost
decrease and different economic indicators. This level can be obtained by the scenario
combining GL7, VRV, CHW, LED, SP and PV retrofits which also includes OB effect.
Figure 5.23 : Sensitivity analyses on discount rates and investment cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Antalya.
Figure 5.24 : Sensitivity analyses on energy price development rates and investment cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Antalya.
Figure 5.25 : Sensitivity analyses on global cost calculation periods for the RB retrofits in Antalya.
5.2.4 Results of sensitivity analyses for Erzurum
Results obtained from the sensitivity analyses for the RB retrofits in Erzurum are
presented with Figure 5.26, Figure 5.27 and Figure 5.28.
As seen from figure 5.26, depending on the discount rate, the relation between the
global cost results of the retrofit scenarios changes. If the discount rate occurs lower
than assumed (as 3%) the global costs for all scenarios are higher than previously
calculated reference case. Therefore, the cost optimum scenario changes and the
package involving IN1-E, GL6, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV retrofits evolves into
the cost optimum scenario for Erzurum. In accordance with this result, cost optimum
scenario achieves 76.3 kWh/m²y and provides 65% primary energy saving. Moving
towards 71.5 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level increases the global only
0.7 TL/m² which enables to consider this level within the cost-optimal range. In case
of an increase in discount rate, all of the cost results decreases and the cost optimum
scenario is clearly the package including GL6, BOI, CHW, LED and PV.
Results show that, if the VAT equal cost is discarded from the investment cost of IN
and SP measures, the cost-optimum level involves these retrofits and moves towards
76.3 kWh/m²y also when the existing assumption of discount rate (5.78%) takes place.
Moreover, under the effect of 3% discount rate, 71.5 kWh/m²y primary energy
consumption level appears as the cost-optimum level with this investment cost
decrease in Erzurum.
In any case, while the discount rate is more than assumed and occurs as 9%, the exact
cost-optimum level for the RB retrofit in Erzurum stays at 132.1 kWh/m²y primary
energy consumption level.
The results of the sensitivity analyses on energy price developments and investment
cost decreases for IN and SP measures are presented in Figure 5.27. As shown in this
figure, if the energy price development occurs above than it is assumed (10%), cost
calculations results are higher than the existing scenario. The cost optimum scenario
also changes in this case and the package involving IN1-E, GL6, BOI, CHW, LED,
SP and PV, achieving 76.3 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level, gives the
optimum result since energy savings become much more important in this case. On
the contrary, when the energy price development is lower than assumed (as 5%), the
global costs of all scenarios are lower than expected and the cost optimum scenario
does not change but the position of this scenario as the cost optimum level becomes
clearer. Analyses for investment cost decreases for IN and SP measures under different
energy price development rates reveal that these cost decreases ensure the ambitious
retrofit scenarios are more convenient.
Figure 5.28 displays the sensitivity analyses on the global cost calculation periods.
This figure shows that, relation between the retrofit scenarios remains almost the same
for the calculation periods of 20 years, 30 years and 40 years. However, when the
calculation period is increased up to 50 years, the retrofit scenario including IN1-E,
GL6, BOI, CHW, LED and PV retrofits, which results with 88.3 kWh/m²y primary
energy consumption and 364.8 TL/m², is the cost optimal solution with an insignificant
difference in global cost in comparison to other two scenarios. These two scenarios are
respectively resulted with 132.1 kWh/m²y and 76.3 kWh/m²y primary energy
consumption in response to the same global cost around 366.5 TL/m². Therefore 76.3
kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level can be assessed within the cost-optimal
range for the RB retrofit when 50 years of cost calculation period is considered.
Figure 5.26 : Sensitivity analyses on discount rates and investment cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Erzurum.
Figure 5.27 : Sensitivity analyses on energy price development rates and investment cost decreases for the RB retrofits in Erzurum.
Figure 5.28 : Sensitivity analyses on global cost calculation periods for the RB retrofits in Erzurum.
5.2.5 Identification of potential NZEB levels
In accordance with the results of the comparative analyses conducted in Section 5.1.5,
which are based on reference assumptions related to economic indicators, the cost-
optimal level for the RB retrofit in Istanbul is retrieved as 79.8 kWh/m²y primary
energy consumption level. The retrofit scenario achieving this level includes GL7,
BOI, CHW, LED and PV retrofits. Involving also SP measure within the cost-optimal
scenario for the RB retrofit in Istanbul requires certain economic conditions and
support for cost decreases referring to SP measure (installation of solar thermal
system). Therefore the primary energy consumption level of 70.4 kWh/m²y, which can
be achieved by the retrofit scenario including GL7, BOI, CHW, LED, PV and SP
retrofits, is identified as one of the potential NZEB levels which can be the future cost-
optimal level based on the economic conditions. On the other hand, if the required
economic conditions are not observed in the future, the investment cost decrease may
be provided through subsidy and incentives for SP investments.
Moreover, 65.5 kWh/m²y and 56.2 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption levels are
also considered as potential NZEB levels. Although these primary energy consumption
levels are not referring to autonomous future cost-optimal levels in any financial
conditions, due to their cost effectiveness, these levels may be considered as potential
NZEB levels for the RB retrofit in Istanbul. In order to motivate the market towards
these levels, subsidy and incentives are needed. The alternate occupant behaviour on
window openings (OB) moves the lowest primary energy consumption among
potential NZEB levels (56.2 kWh/m²y) until 28.7 kWh/m²y by allowing to include also
IN3-E measure in the retrofit scenario.
Summarily, the scenarios identified as the potential NZEB levels for the RB retrofits
in Istanbul are as following:
Based on the initial assumptions, the cost-optimal level for the RB retrofit in Antalya
is retrieved as 96.4 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level that can be achieved
by the scenario involving GL7, CHW, LED and PV retrofits. However, the changes in
the discount rate, energy price development rates, global cost calculation periods and
the initial investment costs of VRV and SP measures are able to shift the cost-optimal
level to a more ambitious primary energy consumption level. This further cost-optimal
energy performance level is able to reach until 52.6 kWh/m²y which is provided by the
retrofit scenario including GL7, VRV, CHW, LED, SP and PV retrofits. Result of this
further cost-optimal scenario leads to 41.8 kWh/m²y in case of the alternate occupant
behaviour (OB) is considered. Therefore, the scenarios representing the identified
potential NZEB levels for the RB retrofits in Antalya and their primary energy
consumption levels with the reference occupant behaviour are as listed below:
Results obtained for the RB retrofits in Erzurum showed that the range of the cost-
optimal primary energy consumption level can be identified as between 88.3 kWh/m²y
and 132.1 kWh/m²y. The variations of discount rate, energy price development rates
and the investment expenditures affect the cost-optimal levels and enables to move
towards 71.5 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption. GL6, BOI, CHW, LED and PV
retrofits are the common measures which are included within this range while IN and
SP measures are conditionally involved to the cost-optimal scenario with positive
impact on the primary energy consumption level. OB shifts the minimum primary
energy consumption level among the potential NZEB levels, which is achieved with
the scenario including IN2-E, GL6, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV, from 71.5 kWh/m²y
to 63.3 kWh/m²y. Correspondingly the retrofit scenarios representing the potential
NZEB levels for the RB retrofits in Erzurum are as following:
5.2.6 Financial gaps between cost-optimal and potential NZEB levels
In accordance with the previous analyses, results for the retrofit scenarios identified as
potential NZEB levels are compared with the cost-optimal scenarios in order to show
the financial gap between these primary energy consumption levels. In this sample
implementation, these analyses considered the results obtained using the reference
assumptions on economic indicators and reference occupant behaviour. However,
other scenarios may also be involved in this process for the further implementations of
this approach.
The financial gap between potential NZEB levels and cost-optimal levels for the RB
retrofits in Istanbul are summarized in Table 5.27. Results for Antalya and Erzurum
are given with Table 5.28 and Table 5.29 respectively.
Table 5.27 : Financial gap between potential NZEB levels and cost-optimal scenario
for the RB retrofit in Istanbul.
TL/m² optimal)
with Investment Cost
GL7 + BOI + 70.4 kWh/m²y 52% 255.7 2.5 TL/m²
CHW + LED + SP+ PV TL/m²
IN2-W + GL7 + BOI + 65.5 kWh/m²y 55% 278.1 24.9 TL/m²
CHW + LED + PV TL/m²
IN2-W + GL7+ BOI + 56.2 kWh/m²y 61% 280.8 27.6 TL/m²
CHW + LED + SP + PV TL/m²
Table 5.28 : Financial gap between potential NZEB levels and cost-optimal scenario
for the RB retrofit in Antalya.
Retrofit Scenario Primary Energy Primary Energy Global Financial
(Antalya) Consumption Saving Ratio Cost gap
GL7 + CHW + 96.4 kWh/m²y 40% 295.5 (cost-
LED + PV TL/m² optimal)
LED + SP + PV TL/m²
GL7 + VRV + CHW + 61.8 kWh/m²y 62% 302.5 7 TL/m²
LED + PV TL/m²
GL7 + VRV + CHW + 52.6 kWh/m²y 67% 309.4 13.9
LED + SP + PV TL/m² TL/m²
Decrease for VRV and SP
Table 5.29 : Financial gap between potential NZEB levels and cost-optimal scenario
for the RB retrofit in Erzurum.
Retrofit Scenario Primary Energy Primary Global Financial
(Erzurum) Consumption Energy Saving Cost gap
GL6 + BOI + CHW + 132.1 kWh/m²y 39% 313.4 (cost-
Reference Assumptions
LED + PV TL/m²
IN1-E + GL6 + BOI + 88.3 kWh/m²y 59% 306.5 -
CHW + LED + PV TL/m²
IN1-E + GL6 + BOI + 76.3 kWh/m²y 65% 305.5 (cost-
CHW + LED + SP + PV TL/m² optimal)
IN2-E + GL6 + BOI + 71.5 kWh/m²y 67% 308.2 2.7 TL/m²
CHW + LED + SP + PV TL/m²
As shown in the tables, the highest financial gap between the cost-optimal levels and
potential NZEB levels are 40 TL/m² in Istanbul, 13.9 TL/m² in Antalya and 11.2 TL/m²
in Erzurum. When the investment cost decreases are considered, these gaps decrease
until 27.6 TL/m² in Istanbul, 3 TL/m² in Antalya and 2.7 TL/m² in Erzurum. The
highest financial gap was observed in Istanbul where the global cost of the RB retrofit
is less sensitive to the economic indicators and investment cost decreases.
5.2.7 Investigation of solutions and terms for bridging the gap between cost-
optimal and potential NZEB levels
Cost-optimal levels may change autonomously based on the economic indicators and
investment cost variations for the retrofit actions. However, although the economic
indicators does not occur to ensure more ambitious cost-optimal levels in the future,
these can be achieved by subsidy and incentives or by giving priority to R&D
activities. Therefore, these opportunities are investigated under this step.
Sensitivity analyses show that decrease in the discount rate and investment costs are
effective for achieving more ambitious future cost-optimal levels. In the contrary case,
increase in the discount rate or in the retrofit costs requires additional actions in all
analysed climates. SP is an effective retrofit measure to move towards higher energy
performance level in all climates. Therefore, this retrofit should be supported by tax
exemptions or by encouraging R&D activities on the solar thermal systems in order to
stimulate cost decreases.
Other retrofit measures which require to be supported changes with the climate in
which the RB is placed. In Istanbul and Erzurum, heat insulation is needed to be
supported while in Antalya VRV system should be encouraged if the market conditions
and economic indicators do not seem to be positive in the future in terms of energy
efficiency and global cost. Especially in hot-humid climate represented by Antalya,
the effect of the support is significant.
Besides the tax exemptions and R&D activities, low-interest loans can also inspire the
building owners to retrofit their residential buildings. In order to identify convincing
loan amounts and repayment period, investment cost and payback periods of the
retrofit scenarios are calculated for the scenarios referring to potential NZEB levels.
The scenarios which represent the national heat insulation standard TS 825:2013 (IN1-
W + GL1 and IN1-E + GL1) are also involved in these analyses in order to compare
them with the present and future cost-optimal levels.
Figure 5.29 presents the initial investment cost and the payback period of the potential
NZEB levels for the RB retrofits in Istanbul. The graph shows that payback periods of
the scenarios representing the national heat insulation standard are higher than 20
years. On the other hand, there are some other retrofit possibilities which correspond
to a lower primary energy consumption with lower investment cost and shorter
payback period. In case of cost decrease provision for solar thermal systems (tax
exemption, R&D, etc.), the cost optimal level results with 70.4 kWh/m²y primary
energy consumption and this level can be considered as a potential NZEB level for the
near future. In order to boost the market, low-interest loans can be considered for the
retrofit activities including these retrofits. Based on the future expectations and policy,
it is possible to define more ambitious NZEB levels. In case of tax exemption for IN
and SP retrofits and low cost loan provision for IN2 + GL7 + BOI + CHW + LED +
SP + PV retrofit package, NZEB level may reach at 56.2 kWh/m²y in Istanbul. A loan
around 622 000 TL for ten years repayment period is able to provide a cost effective
energy retrofit and after 10 years this retrofit saves money together with the energy
saving. Considering that there are 48 owners for 48 flats in the RB, the loan may be
around 13 000 TL for every flat owner which is not high for 10 years repayment.
Figure 5.30 presents the payback periods and initial investment costs of the potential
NZEB levels for the RB retrofits in Antalya. Similar to Istanbul, payback periods of
IN1-W+GL1 and IN1-E+GL1 packages are higher than 20 years in Antalya as well.
On the other hand while IN1-E+GL1 package results with 138.3 kWh/m²y primary
energy consumption level with 21 years payback period, it is possible to achieve 52.6
kWh/m²y level with maximum 8.9 years payback period by applying the scenario
including GL7, VRV, CHW, LED, SP and PV retrofits. However, the initial
investment cost of this scenario is higher than IN1-E+GL1 package and therefore it
needs financial support in order to be achieved. A loan around 702 000 TL with more
than 9 years repayment will encourage the building owners for applying the retrofits
in order to increase energy efficiency of their building. The loan required per flat owner
is around 14 650 TL for achieving 52.6 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level.
As presented in Figure 5.31 below, results in Erzurum are more sensitive to different
financial scenarios.
Figure 5.29 : Investment costs and the payback periods of the potential NZEB levels for the RB retrofits in Istanbul.
Figure 5.30 : Investment costs and the payback periods of the potential NZEB levels for the RB retrofits in Antalya.
Figure 5.31 : Investment costs and the payback periods of the potential NZEB levels for the RB retrofits in Erzurum.
The cost optimal level moves from 132.1 kWh/m²y to 71.5 kWh/m²y depending on the future
scenarios and the possible cost decreases. Contrary to Istanbul and Antalya the payback period
of the scenarios representing the national heat insulation standard are between 11 and 13 years
in Erzurum. However, by investing on the other scenarios, it is possible to decrease the payback
period while increasing the energy performance level of the reference building. If the
expectations on the market and economic indicators does not provide the ambitious primary
energy consumption levels, tax exemptions should be considered for IN and SP measures and
the amount of loan required to achieve 71.5 kWh/m²y is around 721 000 TL with repayment
period more than 7.4 years. The share of the loan per flat owner is around 15 000 TL. After this
point, the additional global cost difference to achieve the next primary energy consumption
level which is 57.2 kWh/m²y is around 30 TL/m².
Nevertheless, being talked about the existing buildings in Turkey, it is important to identify the
future lifespan of the building as well. As an example, if the building is not expected to exist
for next 10 years, the loan may not be a suitable option and other options are needed to be
examined. This is important for the residential buildings in Turkey considering the urban
transformation procedure and should be considered for NZEB targets.
5.2.8 Proposals for bridging the gap between cost-optimal and NZEB levels
This step introduces the proposals for NZEB definitions and for bridging the gap between cost-
optimal and NZEB levels as the output of overall composition of the outcomes.
The results reveal that, for the retrofit of high-rise apartment buildings in temperate-humid
climatic region, as in Istanbul, the achievable future cost-optimal level can be identified
between 79.8 kWh/m²y and 56.2 kWh/m²y in terms of primary energy consumption. One of the
main factors to be considered for this decision is the expectations on discount rate. If the
discount rate is expected to be equal to or higher than 5.78%, the achievable cost-optimal
primary energy consumption level is 79.8 kWh/m²y. In order to move towards 70.4 kWh/m²y
primary energy consumption level without any support, the discount rate is required to be lower
or the investment cost of solar thermal systems should be decreased. Nonetheless, NZEB
concept needs further improvements in the building energy performance. As mentioned in BPIE
Factsheet on NZEB definitions, NZEB levels defined in EU countries for new residential
buildings aim to have a primary energy use lower than 50 kWh/m²y (Buildings Performance
Institute Europe, 2016). Indeed, NZEB levels for existing residential buildings are different
than the new buildings; but it is also expected to become lower in time. Therefore, policy-
makers should take additional actions to achieve lower energy consumption levels through
building retrofits. There are two convenient actions to be considered by policy-makers for
closing the financial gap for high-rise apartment building retrofits in tempered-humid climate.
These are tax exemptions for heat insulation and especially solar thermal system retrofits and
providing low-interest loans for the comprehensive building retrofit actions including heat
insulation application, glazing replacement, boiler improvement, use of central hot water
system, use of LED for lighting, installation of solar thermal system and PV systems. Using
these tools, policy-makers are able to motivate the market and the building owners to retrofit
their high-rise residential buildings in temperate-humid climatic region and achieve 56.2
kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level.
Achievable NZEB level for the high-rise apartment building retrofits in hot-humid climate, as
in Antalya, ranges between 96.4 kWh/m²y and 52.6 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption
level. The discount rate which is equal to or higher than 5.78% leads to an achievable cost-
optimal primary energy consumption level of 96.4 kWh/m²y. Lower discount rate, on the other
hand, enables to achieve 61.8 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level cost optimally.
Similarly, energy price development rates that are higher than expected also promotes this
energy performance level. In order to move towards 52.6 kWh/m²y, cost decreases for solar
thermal system and VRV system are only appropriate with low discount rate. If the cost
decrease is not expected, the policy-makers ensure this by tax exemptions. Different course of
events require additional actions from policy makers such as low-interest loans. The convenient
loan amount is 702 000 TL with more than 9 years repayment. Therefore, policy-makers should
examine the possibility of these loans.
In cold climatic region of Turkey, as in Erzurum, achievable NZEB level for the retrofit of high-
rise apartments is between 132.1 kWh/m²y and 71.5 kWh/m²y in primary energy consumption.
This range is higher comparing to temperate-humid and hot-humid region since the RB energy
consumption is also higher in this cold climate. Future expectations of policy-makers related to
both discount rates and energy price development rates should be effective on identifying
achievable NZEB levels for the cold climate. If low discount rates around 3% or high energy
price development rates around 10% are expected based on national economy and policy, the
achievable NZEB level can move until 76.3 kWh/m²y without any external support. Another
probability to autonomously achieve this level is the cost decreases in heat insulation and solar
thermal system investments. On the contrary, if these do not take place, the market is required
to be supported by policy-makers. The possibility of tax exemption for heat insulation and solar
thermal systems enables to set NZEB target as 76.3 kWh/m²y. Moreover, in case of a low
discount rate around 3%, 71.5 kWh/m²y is also convenient as NZEB target in cold climate. If
the expected discount rate is not that much low, low-interest loan around 721 000 TL may
provide to set 71.5 kWh/m²y primary energy consumption level as NZEB target.
As explained above, the useful and convenient encouragement actions refer to different retrofits
according to climatic region. Table 5.30 presents these convenient subsidy and loans for
different climates. As shown in this table, support in solar thermal panels is required in all three
climates. The required low-interest loans range between 622 000 TL and 808 000 TL based on
the climatic region and availability of subsidies.
Table 5.30 : Summary of convenient subsidy and loans for different climates.
Climatic region
Tempered-humid Hot-humid
Cold (Erzurum)
(Istanbul) (Antalya)
Results obtained from sample implementation of the second phase of proposed approach reveal
that discount rate and energy price development rate are among the main aspects to consider
for setting NZEB targets for high-rise apartment retrofits in Turkey. Policy-makers should
initially have a reliable examination on the expected economic indicators in order to set NZEB
target. Tax exemptions and low-interest loans will be effective to stimulate the market in any
case, however, the benefits will be higher if the opportunity is directed at the correct
investments by policy-makers considering also the climate.
In EPBD recast requires that new buildings are NZEBs from 2021 onwards and
existing buildings go under cost-effective transformation towards NZEBs (The
European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2010). Although the
highest energy saving potential lies behind the existing building stock (The European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2012), NZEB definitions for these
buildings have not been progressing with the same acceleration of the NZEB
definitions for new buildings (BPIE, 2016) since a deadline for the existing buildings
has not been defined yet. Moreover, as explained in Chapter 2, a specific methodology
for determining the NZEB targets is not available. Considering the present
circumstances, this dissertation has been designed with the aim of introducing an
approach to determine achievable NZEB levels for building retrofits.
The approach proposed in this research fulfil the need of an approach for identifying
achievable NZEB targets for building retrofits. Starting from the fact that cost-optimal
and NZEB concepts are expected to converge after 2020 (The Commission to the
European Parliament and the Council, 2013), this approach regards the NZEB level as
the future cost-optimal level and uses the sensitivity analyses as the main tool to
investigate achievability of the future targets related to NZEB. As presented in Chapter
4, the approach involves two main phases which results with proposals for potential
NZEB levels with the specific boundary conditions and actions required to provide
their achievability or speed up the process. The third phase following these two phases
describes the main frame of the assessment procedure for the policy-makers and
concludes the whole process by drawing the link between the calculations and NZEB
As indicated by Kuusk et al. (2014) and Pombo et al. (2016) a comprehensive approach
referring to deep retrofits is required. The first phase of the approach which includes
the national implementation of the cost-optimal methodology meets this demand
specified in the literature. This phase combines three main constituents of whole
building retrofit by referring to envelope retrofits, building service system retrofits and
installation of renewable energy systems. Moreover, it is not only a direct
implementation of the cost-optimal approach since it takes the effect of occupant
behaviour into account.
The sensitivity analyses already exist in the cost-optimal methodology (The European
Commission, 2012a). However, the second phase of the approach proposed in this
dissertation attributes an extensive function to the sensitivity analyses and uses them
as the main tool to investigate the potential NZEB levels for building retrofits. This
tool is supported with payback calculations in order to identify complementary actions
to be taken by policy-makers as a part of their plan to increase the number of NZEBs.
With this perspective, the approach proposed in this study constitutes an overall
process to define the boundary conditions for NZEB definitions by combining the
effect of climate, building properties, occupant behaviour, economic indicators and
financial conditions on NZEB definitions. Beyond this, the approach also enables to
display the gap between present cost-optimal and potential NZEB levels and develop
solutions for bridging this gap in order to guide the policy-makers to plan their actions.
Although the approach was developed for the building retrofits, it can be easily adapted
for the new constructions to be used for determining the NZEB targets which are
required to be revised periodically by EPBD recast (The European Parliament and the
Council of the European Union, 2010).
Results of the sample implementation verify that climate is the main aspect affecting
the achievable NZEB level. As presented with the results, the same approach followed
for the same RB results with different primary energy consumption ranges that were
associated with the potential NZEB levels in different climates. In example, the lowest
primary energy consumption levels among the potential NZEB targets obtained with
sensitivity analyses are 79.8 kWh/m²y in tempered-humid climate (Istanbul), 61.8
kWh/m²y in hot-humid climate (Antalya) and 76.3 kWh/m²y in cold climatic region
(Erzurum) of Turkey. Support of incentives moves this lowest primary energy
consumption level among potential NZEBs until 70.4 kWh/m²y in tempered-humid
climate, 52.6 kWh/m²y in hot-humid climate and 71.5 kWh/m²y in cold climate.
Furthermore, the conscious occupant behaviour related to window openings (OB)
moves the highest potential NZEB targets towards 50.3 kWh/m²y in tempered-humid
climate, 41.8 kWh/m²y in hot-humid climate and 63.3 kWh/m²y in the cold climatic
region. The primary energy consumption levels of these different target levels are
summarized in Table 6.1 below in order to provide a better understanding on the
variations between the climatic regions.
While some research activities focus on improving the skills of building energy
professionals in NZEB design, Table 6.1 displays the significant effect of conscious
occupant behaviour (Peñalvo-López et. al, 2017). Taking the advantage of conscious
occupant behaviour requires training programs also for these occupants as the part of
the national action plans.
It is important to note that the table displays the highest energy performance levels
among different potential NZEB targets. Correspondingly it represents a positive
perspective in terms of economic indicators. However, results of the sensitivity
analyses show that potential variations in the economic indicators lead to alteration in
the cost-optimal and NZEB levels. Therefore, strong forecasts on the economic
indicators are required to ensure that NZEB targets represent the future cost-optimal.
Independent from the economic indicators, subsidy and incentives appear as the most
effective and practical actions to be taken and included in the plans for the
transformation of existing buildings towards NZEB. Another important fact to
consider while discussing the results is that the market costs used in this calculation
may not reflect the highest discounts as a consequent of the bargains or the competition
between the companies. Therefore the required incentives may be more pleasant for
the policy-makers in comparison to the presented results.
Climatic region
Tempered-humid Hot-humid
Cold (Erzurum)
(Istanbul) (Antalya)
Existing cost-optimal primary energy 132.1 kWh/m²y
79.8 kWh/m²y 96.4 kWh/m²y
performance level (88.6 kWh/m²y)
Existing cost-optimal primary energy
60.4 kWh/m²y 74.3 kWh/m²y 80.7 kWh/m²y
performance level with OB effect
Minimum primary energy
consumption level among potential 79.8 kWh/m²y 61.8 kWh/m²y 76.3 kWh/m²y
NZEB targets
Minimum primary energy
consumption level among potential 70.4 kWh/m²y 52.6 kWh/m²y 71.5 kWh/m²y
NZEB targets with incentives
Minimum primary energy
consumption level among potential
50.3 kWh/m²y 41.8 kWh/m²y 63.3 kWh/m²y
NZEB targets with incentives and OB
The primary energy consumption levels of potential NZEB targets identified for the
existing high-rise residential buildings in Turkey is between 41.8 kWh/m²y and 96.4
kWh/m²y. Apart from the extreme definitions of Denmark (20 kWh/m²y) and Austria
(200 kWh/m²y), this range is not far from the existing NZEB definitions among EU
MSs (BPIE, 2016).
The scenarios which are not combining these three fields are not sufficient to achieve
potential NZEB levels. On the other hand, the content of these retrofit scenarios
achieving potential NZEB levels varies according to the climate since it is the main
determinant of NZEB analyses.
Results of the sample implementation are encouraging by showing that very high
energy performance levels are achievable for the analysed high-rise residential
buildings. Considering that the NZEB levels defined for the new building in EU
countries are mainly no more than 50 kWh/m²y, it is significant to display that the
potential NZEB target is able to reach a range between 41.8 kWh/m²y and 63.3
kWh/m²y depending on the climatic region (BPIE, 2016). Nevertheless, it is important
to bear in mind that achieving these levels are dependent to certain boundary
Precautions referring to the buildings sector are a substantial part of decreasing the
worldwide final energy consumption. In this context, NZEB concept of EPBD recast
can be regarded as a milestone since it represents binding targets for 28 member
countries and drives 5 candidate countries as well. The NZEB concept does not only
force the governments to improve energy performance of buildings but also considers
their economy by paying significant attention to cost-effectiveness. In this respect, it
constitutes applicable and coherent requirements.
NZEB concept of EPBD recast requires to ensure that buildings have a very high
energy performance and the very low amount of required energy is met by renewable
energy sources. Moreover, NZEB concept should converge with cost-optimal level
after 2020. Although NZEB concept is a whole with these three aspects, many studies
in the literature focus only the first of the first two aspects when they mention about
the NZEB target. Nevertheless, it is very important to take into consideration all these
aspects in order to refer NZEB concept certainly and thoroughly. Therefore the
approach presented in this dissertation comprises all these three aspects of NZEB
Based on the approach, the sample implementation and the discussion on them which
were presented in the previous chapters, this research obtained important remarks for
both researchers and policy-makers. Regarding the national decisions on retrofitted
NZEBs, the following remarks can be specified:
Training of the building occupants should be a part of national plans to obtain
higher efficiency in buildings
The introduced approach is an instructive guide to achieve EPBD recast targets and
requirements of Article 4 of Directive 2012/27/EU. An important action to be taken
after the approach has been implemented is to monitor the progress in the market on
introduced targets in order to provide the sustainability of the process. Results of the
monitoring activity are required for the revision of NZEB targets as future cost-optimal
levels in every 5 years.
As a whole, this dissertation exhibits a promising future in terms of great energy and
cost savings through building retrofits when the existing building stock is considered.
However, this promising development requires deep research, reasonable planning and
absolute effort in the following years.
Further research
Initially, further adaptations of the proposed approach are required. One of the main
recommended adaptation is for new buildings to lead the national targets on new
constructions. This implementation should also include implementation for different
building types.
Besides the adaptation, different implementations of the approach will support the
methodology within time. In example, implementations of this approach for different
building types or different occupancy patterns would be worthwhile.
Due to the effectiveness of occupancy patterns on building energy performance, future
studies may focus on determining reference occupancy patterns for the reference
The proposed approach in this research can be upgraded by equipping with more
details. Integrating also the comfort analyses into the approach would be interesting to
provide an extensive point of view.
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APPENDIX A: Primary energy consumption and global cost results for the RB
retrofit scenarios in Istanbul.
APPENDIX B: Primary energy consumption and global cost results for the RB
retrofit scenarios in Antalya.
APPENDIX C: Primary energy consumption and global cost results for the RB
retrofit scenarios in Erzurum.
APPENDIX A: Primary energy consumption and global cost results for the RB
retrofit scenarios in Istanbul
Table A.2 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI and AC retrofits in Istanbul.
Primary Global Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost Energy Cost
Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
BOI 139.1 346.4 AC 133.2 403.5 BOI+AC 127.0 403.6
GL5+BOI 126.5 332.5 GL5+AC 123.7 396.6 GL5+BOI+AC 117.8 397.4
GL6+BOI 126.7 334.9 GL6+AC 123.0 397.1 GL6+BOI+AC 117.5 398.4
GL7+BOI 125.3 332.0 GL7+AC 122.7 396.6 GL7+BOI+AC 116.9 397.5
IN2-W+BOI 127.9 386.1 IN2-W+AC 118.2 436.4 IN2-W+BOI+AC 114.6 440.7
IN3-W+BOI 126.0 395.4 IN3-W+AC 115.3 443.9 IN3-W+BOI+AC 112.3 449.2
IN4-W+BOI 124.4 457.5 IN4-W+AC 112.7 504.2 IN4-W+BOI+AC 110.2 510.3
IN2-E+BOI 126.7 391.7 IN2-E+AC 116.2 440.7 IN2-E+BOI+AC 113.1 445.6
IN3-E+BOI 124.7 400.5 IN3-E+AC 113.1 447.3 IN3-E+BOI+AC 110.6 453.3
IN4-E+BOI 123.1 465.5 IN4-E+AC 110.2 509.8 IN4-E+BOI+AC 108.3 516.8
IN2-W+GL7+BOI 111.9 367.3 IN2-W+GL7+AC 105.9 426.1 IN2-W+GL7+BOI+AC 102.9 431.3
IN3-W+GL4+BOI 111.3 375.9 IN3-W+GL4+AC 104.6 433.3 IN3-W+GL4+BOI+AC 101.9 439.0
IN3-W+GL5+BOI 111.0 376.7 IN3-W+GL5+AC 103.9 433.4 IN3-W+GL5+BOI+AC 101.4 439.4
IN3-W+GL7+BOI 109.6 375.7 IN3-W+GL7+AC 102.7 433.0 IN3-W+GL7+BOI+AC 100.3 439.1
IN4-W+GL4+BOI 109.2 437.2 IN4-W+GL4+AC 101.6 492.9 IN4-W+GL4+BOI+AC 99.5 499.5
IN4-W+GL5+BOI 109.0 438.1 IN4-W+GL5+AC 101.0 493.0 IN4-W+GL5+BOI+AC 99.0 499.9
IN4-W+GL7+BOI 107.6 437.1 IN4-W+GL7+AC 99.8 492.7 IN4-W+GL7+BOI+AC 97.9 499.7
IN2-E+GL7+BOI 110.3 372.3 IN2-E+GL7+AC 103.7 429.9 IN2-E+GL7+BOI+AC 101.1 435.7
IN3-E+GL4+BOI 109.5 380.1 IN3-E+GL4+AC 101.9 435.9 IN3-E+GL4+BOI+AC 99.7 442.4
IN3-E+GL5+BOI 109.3 381.0 IN3-E+GL5+AC 101.3 436.1 IN3-E+GL5+BOI+AC 99.3 442.8
IN3-E+GL7+BOI 107.8 380.0 IN3-E+GL7+AC 100.1 435.7 IN3-E+GL7+BOI+AC 98.2 442.6
IN4-E+GL4+BOI 107.4 444.0 IN4-E+GL4+AC 98.7 497.7 IN4-E+GL4+BOI+AC 97.1 505.2
IN4-E+GL5+BOI 107.3 440.2 IN4-E+GL5+AC 98.1 498.0 IN4-E+GL5+BOI+AC 96.8 500.8
IN4-E+GL7+BOI 105.8 439.0 IN4-E+GL7+AC 96.9 497.5 IN4-E+GL7+BOI+AC 95.6 500.5
Table A.3 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC and SHD retrofits in Istanbul.
Table A.4 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC and LED retrofits in Istanbul.
Table A.5 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC and CHW retrofits in
Table A.6 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC and LED retrofits in
Table A.7 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC, CHW, LED and SP
retrofits in Istanbul.
Table A.8 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV
retrofits in Istanbul.
Table A.9 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC, CHW, LED and RF retrofits in Istanbul.
Table A.10 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, AC, CHW, LED, RF and SP retrofits in Istanbul.
Table A.11 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, VRV, CHW, LED and SP retrofits in Istanbul.
Table A.12 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, VRV, CHW, LED, RF, SP and PV retrofits in Istanbul.
APPENDIX B: Primary energy consumption and global cost results for the RB
retrofit scenarios in Antalya
Table B.2 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL and BOI or AC retrofits in
Table B.3 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI and AC retrofits in Antalya.
Global Cost
Scenario Energy
BOI+AC 128.6 427.3
GL3+BOI+AC 116.3 411.0
GL4+BOI+AC 115.9 410.6
GL5+BOI+AC 115.7 411.4
GL6+BOI+AC 116.9 415.2
GL7+BOI+AC 114.6 410.8
IN2-W+BOI+AC 122.0 468.6
IN3-W+BOI+AC 120.9 477.1
IN4-W+BOI+AC 120.4 533.3
IN2-E+BOI+AC 120.9 472.9
IN3-E+BOI+AC 119.6 481.1
IN4-E+BOI+AC 119.2 534.4
IN2-W+GL7+BOI+AC 106.3 443.5
IN3-W+GL3+BOI+AC 106.0 450.5
IN3-W+GL4+BOI+AC 105.8 450.6
IN3-W+GL5+BOI+AC 105.9 451.9
IN3-W+GL7+BOI+AC 104.6 450.9
IN4-W+GL7+BOI+AC 103.6 506.0
IN2-E+GL7+BOI+AC 104.8 447.1
IN3-E+GL3+BOI+AC 104.1 453.2
IN3-E+GL4+BOI+AC 104.0 453.5
IN3-E+GL5+BOI+AC 104.2 454.9
IN3-E+GL7+BOI+AC 102.8 453.8
IN4-E+GL7+BOI+AC 101.9 511.2
Table B.4 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, AC and LED retrofits in Antalya.
Table B.5 : Results of scenarios including GL, CHW, LED and SHD retrofits in
Global Cost
Scenario (kWh/m²y)
SHD1 151.4 399.7
SHD2 141.9 457.6
GL3+CHW+LED+SHD2 104.5 397.3
GL4+CHW+LED+SHD2 104.2 397.3
GL5+CHW+LED+SHD2 104.0 398.0
GL6+CHW+LED+SHD2 104.5 400.5
GL7+CHW+LED+SHD2 103.2 398.0
Table B.6 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, AC, CHW and LED retrofits in Antalya.
Primary Global Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost Energy Cost
Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
GL3+AC+CHW 99.2 359.2 GL3+AC+CHW+LED 86.4 343.8 GL3+CHW+LED 109.4 308.2
GL4+AC+CHW 98.7 358.6 GL4+AC+CHW+LED 85.8 343.1 GL4+CHW+LED 108.8 307.6
GL5+AC+CHW 98.5 359.3 GL5+AC+CHW+LED 85.5 343.7 GL5+CHW+LED 108.7 308.5
GL6+AC+CHW 99.5 362.8 GL6+AC+CHW+LED 86.3 347.0 GL6+CHW+LED 110.5 313.9
GL7+AC+CHW 97.3 358.6 GL7+AC+CHW+LED 84.3 343.0 GL7+CHW+LED 106.9 306.5
IN2-W+GL7+AC+CHW 88.1 395.0 IN2-W+GL7+AC+CHW+LED 74.3 377.9 IN2-W+GL7+CHW+LED 95.0 337.3
IN3-W+GL3+AC+CHW 87.8 401.9 IN3-W+GL3+AC+CHW+LED 73.8 384.6 IN3-W+GL3+CHW+LED 94.7 344.1
IN3-W+GL4+AC+CHW 87.5 401.9 IN3-W+GL4+AC+CHW+LED 73.5 384.4 IN3-W+GL4+CHW+LED 94.4 344.2
IN3-W+GL5+AC+CHW 87.6 403.1 IN3-W+GL5+AC+CHW+LED 73.4 385.4 IN3-W+GL5+CHW+LED 94.5 345.6
IN3-W+GL7+AC+CHW 86.2 402.0 IN3-W+GL7+AC+CHW+LED 72.0 384.2 IN3-W+GL7+CHW+LED 92.4 342.9
IN4-W+GL7+AC+CHW 85.1 457.0 IN4-W+GL7+AC+CHW+LED 70.5 438.5 IN4-W+GL7+CHW+LED 90.6 396.6
IN2-E+GL7+AC+CHW 86.5 398.5 IN2-E+GL7+AC+CHW+LED 72.5 381.1 IN2-E+GL7+CHW+LED 92.9 339.7
IN3-E+GL3+AC+CHW 85.7 404.4 IN3-E+GL3+AC+CHW+LED 71.6 386.7 IN3-E+GL3+CHW+LED 91.9 345.3
IN3-E+GL4+AC+CHW 85.6 404.6 IN3-E+GL4+AC+CHW+LED 71.3 386.6 IN3-E+GL4+CHW+LED 91.8 345.4
IN3-E+GL5+AC+CHW 85.7 406.0 IN3-E+GL5+AC+CHW+LED 71.3 387.8 IN3-E+GL5+CHW+LED 92.0 347.0
IN3-E+GL7+AC+CHW 84.4 404.8 IN3-E+GL7+AC+CHW+LED 69.8 386.5 IN3-E+GL7+CHW+LED 89.8 344.1
IN4-E+GL7+AC+CHW 83.3 462.0 IN4-E+GL7+AC+CHW+LED 68.3 442.6 IN4-E+GL7+CHW+LED 88.0 399.7
Table B.7 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, AC, CHW, LED and SP retrofits in Antalya.
Table B.8 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, AC, LED, SHD2 and SP retrofits in Antalya.
Primary Global Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost Energy Cost
Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
GL3+AC+SHD2 114.8 496.5 GL3+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2 83.1 436.4 GL3+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 73.7 443.1
GL4+AC+SHD2 114.4 496.3 GL4+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2 82.7 436.2 GL4+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 73.3 442.9
GL5+AC+SHD2 114.2 496.9 GL5+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2 82.4 436.7 GL5+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 73.0 443.4
GL6+AC+SHD2 114.0 498.1 GL6+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2 82.4 438.1 GL6+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 73.0 444.8
GL7+AC+SHD2 113.8 497.8 GL7+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2 81.9 437.4 GL7+AC+CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 72.5 444.1
104.3 533.8 CHW+LED+SHD2 71.7 471.9 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 62.3 478.6
103.0 538.5 CHW+LED+SHD2 70.2 476.5 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 60.9 483.2
102.9 538.8 CHW+LED+SHD2 70.0 476.6 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 60.7 483.3
102.9 539.9 CHW+LED+SHD2 69.9 477.5 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 60.6 484.2
102.4 540.6 CHW+LED+SHD2 69.2 477.9 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 59.9 484.6
101.2 595.4 CHW+LED+SHD2 67.6 531.8 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 58.2 538.5
102.6 537.0 CHW+LED+SHD2 69.8 474.8 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 60.5 481.8
100.8 540.6 CHW+LED+SHD2 67.4 477.3 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 58.6 485.3
100.8 541.1 CHW+LED+SHD2 67.7 478.5 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 58.5 485.6
100.9 542.4 CHW+LED+SHD2 67.6 479.5 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 58.4 486.6
100.4 543.0 CHW+LED+SHD2 66.9 479.9 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 57.8 486.9
99.2 599.9 CHW+LED+SHD2 65.2 535.6 CHW+LED+SHD2+SP 56.0 542.8
Table B.9 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, LED, SP and PV retrofits in
Table B.10 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, LED, SP and PV retrofits in
Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost
Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
66.5 339.5 51.7 467.6
65.9 338.8 50.3 472.2
65.6 339.4 50.1 472.3
66.4 342.7 50.0 473.2
64.4 338.7 49.4 473.6
54.4 373.7 47.7 527.6
54.7 381.5 50.0 470.8
53.6 380.1 48.1 474.4
53.5 381.1 47.9 474.6
52.1 379.9 47.9 475.6
52.7 377.1 47.2 476.0
51.8 382.8 45.5 531.8
51.5 382.7
51.5 383.8
50.1 382.6
Table B.11 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, VRV, CHW, LED and SP retrofits in Antalya.
Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost
Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
GL3+VRV+CHW+LED 74.2 313.8 GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 65.0 320.6
GL4+VRV+CHW+LED 73.6 313.1 GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 64.3 319.9
GL5+VRV+CHW+LED 73.2 313.5 GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 64.0 320.3
GL6+VRV+CHW+LED 73.5 315.5 GL6+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 64.2 322.4
GL7+VRV+CHW+LED 72.4 313.4 GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 63.1 320.3
IN2-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED 63.4 350.7 IN2-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 54.2 357.6
IN3-W+GL3+VRV+CHW+LED 62.9 357.3 IN3-W+GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 53.7 364.2
IN3-W+GL4+VRV+CHW+LED 62.5 357.0 IN3-W+GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 53.3 363.8
IN3-W+GL5+VRV+CHW+LED 62.4 357.7 IN3-W+GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 53.1 364.6
IN3-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED 61.3 357.3 IN3-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 52.1 364.2
IN4-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED 60.1 412.2 IN4-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 50.8 419.1
IN2-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED 61.9 354.4 IN2-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 52.7 361.4
IN3-E+GL3+VRV+CHW+LED 61.0 360.1 IN3-E+GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 51.8 367.1
IN3-E+GL4+VRV+CHW+LED 60.6 359.8 IN3-E+GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 51.4 366.9
IN3-E+GL5+VRV+CHW+LED 60.5 360.7 IN3-E+GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 51.3 367.8
IN3-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED 59.4 360.3 IN3-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 50.3 367.4
IN4-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED 58.1 417.0 IN4-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP 49.0 424.2
Table B.12 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, VRV, CHW, LED SP and PV retrofits in Antalya.
Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost
Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) Scenario (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 63.7 302.8 GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 54.4 309.7
GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 63.0 302.1 GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 53.8 309.0
GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 62.7 302.5 GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 53.4 309.4
GL6+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 63.0 304.6 GL6+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 53.7 311.4
GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 61.8 302.5 GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 52.6 309.4
IN2-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 52.9 339.7 IN2-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 43.6 346.6
IN3-W+GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 52.4 346.3 IN3-W+GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 43.1 353.2
IN3-W+GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 52.0 346.0 IN3-W+GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 42.7 352.9
IN3-W+GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 51.8 346.8 IN3-W+GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 42.6 353.7
IN3-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 50.8 346.4 IN3-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 41.5 353.3
IN4-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 49.5 401.3 IN4-W+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 40.2 408.2
IN2-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 51.4 343.5 IN2-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 42.2 350.5
IN3-E+GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 50.4 349.1 IN3-E+GL3+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 41.2 356.2
IN3-E+GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 50.1 348.9 IN3-E+GL4+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 40.9 356.0
IN3-E+GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 50.0 349.8 IN3-E+GL5+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 40.8 356.9
IN3-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 48.9 349.3 IN3-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 39.7 356.4
IN4-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+PV 47.6 406.1 IN4-E+GL7+VRV+CHW+LED+SP+PV 38.4 413.2
LED+SP+SHD2+PV 38.2 503.3
LED+SP+SHD2+PV 36.2 508.1
APPENDIX C: Primary energy consumption and global cost results for the RB
retrofit scenarios in Erzurum
Table C.2 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI or AC retrofits in Erzurum.
Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost
(kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
Table C.3 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI and AC retrofits in Erzurum.
Global Cost
BOI+AC 193.2 496.5
GL6+BOI+AC 180.5 488.8
GL7+BOI+AC 182.2 491.7
IN1-W+BOI+AC 156.1 499.3
IN2-W+BOI+AC 151.9 503.3
IN3-W+BOI+AC 147.6 543.0
IN4-W+BOI+AC 144.4 575.8
IN1-E+BOI+AC 150.7 497.9
IN2-E+BOI+AC 146.0 502.4
IN3-E+BOI+AC 141.2 542.4
IN4-E+BOI+AC 137.6 576.1
IN1-W+GL6+BOI+AC 141.8 488.9
IN2-W+GL6+BOI+AC 137.5 492.5
IN2-W+GL7+BOI+AC 138.5 494.0
IN3-W+GL5+BOI+AC 135.4 533.8
IN3-W+GL6+BOI+AC 133.0 531.9
IN3-W+GL7+BOI+AC 133.8 533.1
IN4-W+GL5+BOI+AC 131.9 566.1
IN4-W+GL6+BOI+AC 129.6 564.4
IN4-W+GL7+BOI+AC 130.2 565.3
IN1-E+GL6+BOI+AC 136.2 486.9
IN2-E+GL6+BOI+AC 131.1 490.9
IN2-E+GL7+BOI+AC 131.9 492.0
IN3-E+GL5+BOI+AC 128.3 531.9
IN3-E+GL6+BOI+AC 126.1 530.4
IN3-E+GL7+BOI+AC 126.7 531.1
IN4-E+GL5+BOI+AC 124.3 565.0
IN4-E+GL6+BOI+AC 122.3 563.8
IN4-E+GL7+BOI+AC 122.6 564.1
Table C.4 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW or LED retrofits in
Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost
(kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
GL6+BOI+CHW 152.1 337.5
GL7+BOI+CHW 153.2 336.5
IN1-W+GL6+BOI+CHW 114.3 339.6 IN1-W+GL6+BOI+LED 134.1 401.5
IN1-W+GL7+BOI+CHW 114.7 339.7 IN1-W+GL7+BOI+LED 134.7 402.0
IN2-W+GL6+BOI+CHW 110.2 343.7 IN2-W+GL6+BOI+LED 129.9 405.3
IN2-W+GL7+BOI+CHW 110.4 343.4 IN2-W+GL7+BOI+LED 130.3 405.5
IN3-W+GL5+BOI+CHW 107.7 384.1 IN3-W+GL5+BOI+LED 127.5 446.0
IN3-W+GL6+BOI+CHW 105.9 383.6 IN3-W+GL6+BOI+LED 125.5 444.9
IN3-W+GL7+BOI+CHW 105.9 382.9 IN3-W+GL7+BOI+LED 125.7 444.8
IN4-W+GL5+BOI+CHW 104.4 416.8 IN4-W+GL5+BOI+LED 124.1 478.5
IN4-W+GL6+BOI+CHW 102.8 416.7 IN4-W+GL6+BOI+LED 122.2 477.8
IN4-W+GL7+BOI+CHW 102.6 415.6 IN4-W+GL7+BOI+LED 122.2 477.2
IN1-E+GL6+BOI+CHW 109.0 338.5 IN1-E+GL6+BOI+LED 128.7 399.9
IN1-E+GL7+BOI+CHW 109.1 338.0 IN1-E+GL7+BOI+LED 129.0 399.9
IN2-E+GL6+BOI+CHW 104.3 343.2 IN2-E+GL6+BOI+LED 123.8 404.3
IN2-E+GL7+BOI+CHW 104.2 342.3 IN2-E+GL7+BOI+LED 123.9 403.9
IN3-E+GL5+BOI+CHW 101.2 383.4 IN3-E+GL5+BOI+LED 120.7 444.7
IN3-E+GL6+BOI+CHW 99.7 383.5 IN3-E+GL6+BOI+LED 118.9 444.2
IN3-E+GL7+BOI+CHW 99.3 382.1 IN3-E+GL7+BOI+LED 118.8 443.3
IN4-E+GL5+BOI+CHW 97.5 417.3
IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW 96.3 417.8 IN4-E+GL6+BOI+LED 115.3 478.1
IN4-E+GL7+BOI+CHW 95.6 415.9
Table C.5 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED and SP retrofits in Erzurum.
Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost
(kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 141.3 321.4 GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 129.4 327.1
GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 142.6 323.4 GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 130.7 329.2
IN1-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 102.9 326.1 IN1-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 91.1 328.1
IN1-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 103.4 326.5
IN2-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 98.6 329.9 IN2-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 86.8 331.9
IN2-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 99.0 330.0 IN2-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 87.3 332.1
IN3-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED 96.2 370.5 IN3-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 84.4 372.6
IN3-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 94.2 369.5 IN3-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 82.4 371.5
IN3-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 94.4 369.2 IN3-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 82.6 371.4
IN4-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED 92.8 403.0 IN4-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 81.0 405.1
IN4-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 90.9 402.3 IN4-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 79.1 404.3
IN4-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 90.9 401.7 IN4-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 79.2 403.8
IN1-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 97.4 324.6 IN1-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 85.5 326.5
IN1-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 97.8 324.6
IN2-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 92.6 329.0 IN2-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 80.7 330.9
IN2-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 92.7 328.5 IN2-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 80.8 330.5
IN3-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED 89.5 369.3 IN3-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 77.6 371.2
IN3-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 87.7 368.9 IN3-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 75.8 370.8
IN3-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 87.6 367.9 IN3-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 75.7 369.9
IN4-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED 85.6 402.7 IN4-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 73.7 404.7
IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED 84.0 402.7 IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 72.1 404.7
IN4-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED 83.6 401.3 IN4-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP 71.7 403.3
Table C.6 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, SP and PV retrofits in Erzurum.
Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost
(kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
PV 207.1 416.3
GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 132.1 313.4 GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 120.2 319.1
GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 133.4 315.5 GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 121.6 321.3
IN1-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 93.7 318.2 IN1-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 81.9 320.2
IN1-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 94.3 318.6
IN2-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 89.5 321.9 IN2-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 77.7 323.9
IN2-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 89.9 322.1 IN2-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 78.1 324.2
IN3-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 87.1 362.5 IN3-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 75.3 364.6
IN3-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 85.1 361.5 IN3-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 73.2 363.6
IN3-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 85.3 361.3 IN3-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 73.5 363.4
IN4-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 83.6 395.0 IN4-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 71.8 397.1
IN4-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 81.7 394.3 IN4-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 69.9 396.4
IN4-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 81.8 393.7 IN4-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 70.0 395.9
IN1-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 88.3 316.7 IN1-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 76.3 318.5
IN1-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 88.6 316.6
IN2-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 83.4 321.0 IN2-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 71.5 323.0
IN2-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 83.5 320.6 IN2-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 71.6 322.5
IN3-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 80.3 361.4 IN3-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 68.4 363.3
IN3-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 78.6 360.9 IN3-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 66.6 362.9
IN3-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 78.4 360.0 IN3-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 66.5 362.0
IN4-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 76.4 394.8 IN4-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 64.5 396.8
IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 74.9 394.8 IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 63.0 396.8
IN4-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+PV 74.5 393.4 IN4-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+SP+PV 62.6 395.4
Table C.7 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, RF, SP and PV
retrofits in Erzurum.
Global Cost
IN1-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 61.2 354.0
IN2-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 58.7 360.6
IN2-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 57.9 358.9
IN3-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 56.6 401.7
IN3-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 56.1 403.1
IN3-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 55.1 401.0
IN4-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 54.5 436.3
IN4-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 54.2 438.0
IN4-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 53.0 435.6
IN1-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 57.2 354.7
IN2-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 54.2 362.0
IN2-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 53.3 359.9
IN3-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 51.6 403.0
IN3-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 51.3 404.9
IN3-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 50.1 402.3
IN4-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 49.1 438.7
IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 49.1 440.9
IN4-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP+PV 47.7 437.9
Table C.8 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, RF and SP retrofits in Erzurum.
Primary Global Primary Global
Energy Cost Energy Cost
(kWh/m²y) (TL/m²) (kWh/m²y) (TL/m²)
IN1-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 82.2 359.6 IN1-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 70.3 362.0
IN1-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 81.6 358.2
IN2-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 79.7 366.2 IN2-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 67.8 368.5
IN2-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 78.9 364.5 IN2-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 67.1 366.8
IN3-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 77.6 407.2 IN3-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 65.7 409.6
IN3-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 77.2 408.7 IN3-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 65.3 411.0
IN3-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 76.2 406.6 IN3-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 64.3 409.0
IN4-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 75.5 441.9 IN4-W+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 63.7 444.3
IN4-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 75.2 443.6 IN4-W+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 63.3 446.0
IN4-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 74.1 441.2 IN4-W+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 62.2 443.6
IN1-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 78.3 360.3 IN1-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 66.4 362.7
IN1-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 77.5 358.6
IN2-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 75.3 367.6 IN2-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 63.4 369.9
IN2-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 74.3 365.5 IN2-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 62.4 367.8
IN3-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 72.7 408.6 IN3-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 60.8 411.0
IN3-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 72.4 410.4 IN3-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 60.5 412.8
IN3-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 71.2 407.9 IN3-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 59.3 410.3
IN4-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 70.2 444.2 IN4-E+GL5+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 58.3 446.6
IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 70.1 446.5 IN4-E+GL6+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 58.2 448.9
IN4-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF 68.7 443.5 IN4-E+GL7+BOI+CHW+LED+RF+SP 56.8 445.9
Table C.9 : Results of scenarios including IN, GL, BOI, CHW, LED, RF, SP and PV retrofits in Erzurum.
E-Mail : [email protected]
Grant: May 2016- February 2017, TUBITAK 2214-A Research Scholarship for
PhD Students
Grant: September 2011 – January 2012, Erasmus Grant.
Prize: ITU Faculty of Architecture, Graduation Degree – 3Rd Prize, 2010.
Becchio, C., Corgnati, S.P., Fabrizio, E., Ganiç, N., Monetti, M., Yılmaz, A. Z.
2014. Application of the cost optimal methodology to two European case studies:
an Italian and a Turkish retrofitted existing office building. 49th AiCARR
International Conference, p. 427-441, February 26-28, 2014, Rome, Italy.
Ganiç, N., Corgnati, S.P., Yılmaz, Z., 2013. Calculation of Cost Optimal Levels
of Minimum Energy Performance Requirements for Retrofit Measures on an
Examplar Office Building. CLIMA 2013: 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th
International Conference on IAQVEC, Prague.