109am - 5.EPRA JOURNALS-5089
109am - 5.EPRA JOURNALS-5089
109am - 5.EPRA JOURNALS-5089
Shelling is the removal of grains from their stalk or pod by stripping, impact action, rubbing or any combination of
these methods. The most popular method of shelling which is still widely used in the northern part of Nigeria is the
method of crushing or pressing the pods between the thumb and the finger to break off the pods and release the seed.
This method has low efficiency, it is time consuming, and has high demand of energy. In addition, the output per-man
hour is as low as 1-2.5kg of groundnut. There are different methods of shelling and different machines have been
fabricated and used to shell wide variety of crops under different condition. The peasant farmer cannot afford these
machines because they are too costly and complex in operation and maintenance. Also the operator had to be trained
and spare parts imported. These factors increase the overall cost of production which does not make any economic sense
to the farmer which necessitated the need for designing, construction and evaluation of a groundnut shelling machine
pedal operated. Materials for the design include shaft, chain, sprocket, bearing, Sheller bit and columns. The product
to be shelled is fed through the hopper which falls into the shelling chamber which is powered by pedaling by means of
chain and sprocket connections. The concave forms the base of the crushing chamber which allow the ground nut to
move in between the Sheller bit and the concave where they will be shelled falling through the perforation on the
groundnut concave which has higher production output and easy to maintain.
KEYWORDS:- Groundnut, shelling machine pedal operated
fodder for livestock, they contain protein (8-15%) major short coming of this machine is that it is labor
lipids (1-3%) mineral (9-17%) and carbohydrate (38- intensive and consumes lots of time. Output is about
40%) at level higher than cereal fodder. The 60-80kg/hour. This particular design overcomes all
digestibility of nutrients in the groundnut haulm is those short comings and also has an improved
around 53% and that of crude protein is 88% when feed efficiency. It comprises the hopper, crushing chamber,
to cattle. Haulms release energy up to 2337 Cal Kg-1 of separation chamber and the blower unit. It is also
dry matter. Being a legume crop, groundnut help in powered by pedaling, which saves time and with a well
improving soil health and fertility by leaving behind improved shelling capacity. The machine is also in
Nitrogen (N2) and organic matter in the soil. light weight and easy to operate and maintain, the spare
(Pasupaleti, Nigam, and Rajeev, 2013) parts are also available locally Ugwuoke et-al (2014).
Shelling is the removal of grains from their In the beginning the nuts were separate from shell by
stalk, pod or cub, either by stripping, impact action and workers. The hand method by opening the pod up and
rubbing or any combination of these methods. groundnut is removed from it, the method is very slow
Kulbhushan, Nitin, and Abhijit, (2017) in their research and it was also boring and production rate is in small
paper it is reported that based on the shelling action quantity, and also the traditional method of separating
they can be divided into two categories. Hand operated nuts from groundnuts by putting the peanut in a cloth
and pedal operated, hand operated groundnut bag and rolling over it with a rolling pin, the technique
decorticator 50-75Kg per hour capacity was evaluated, did good job of cracking the shell (deleting the pain full
whereas a pedal operated groundnut decorticator was finger problem).This is not a reliable method for shell a
found to have capacity of 75Kg/hour. groundnut due to the crack the groundnut and nut
The most popular method of shelling which is mixed with shell basic on this the traditional method is
still widely used in the northern part of Nigeria is the not a sufficient method for separating the groundnut.
method of crushing or pressing the pods between the The researchers identify some major problem and to
thumb and the finger to break off the pods and release overcome this problem, in views of this research it
the seed. This method has low efficiency, it is time develops and evaluate groundnut shelling machine
consuming, and has high demand of energy. In pedal operated. The research objectives include to:-
addition, the output per-man hour is as low as 1-2.5kg To design and construct a simple groundnut
of groundnut. There are different methods of shelling shelling machine pedal operated
and different machines have been fabricated and used To design adjustable shelling bit
to shell wide variety of crops under different conditions To reduce the fatigue involve during operation
(Ebunilo, Orhorhoro, Oviorunraye, and Owunna, of the machine
2016). The peasant farmer cannot afford these A machine which easy to operate and
machines because they are too costly and complex in maintain.
operation and maintenance. Also the operator had to be Sheller’s are generally machine used for the
trained and spare parts imported. These factors increase removing of shells (husk) of groundnut, bean, and
the overall cost of production which does not make any cowpea e.t.c by opening their bivalves. The groundnut
economic sense to the farmer. Hand operated shelling Sheller is a machine designed specifically for shelling
machine which is of concave or semi-rotary design is groundnut from its shells.
widely used locally. It had no expelling unit; hence Ugwuoke et-al (2014). Their work focused on
separation is achieved by winnowing. A simple hand the design and fabrication of a groundnut shelling and
operated groundnut Sheller has a semi-cylindrical separating machine electrically powered by a 1hp
screen closed on both sides. A shaft carrying a lever at motor. The machine has a capacity of shelling 400kg of
one end is fixed across the centre of the semi-cylinder. groundnut per hour with shelling and separating
On the lever is a pair of plate with shoes or beater bars, efficiencies of 95.75 percent respectively. The machine
having blunts on their undersides. For successful is cheaper to maintain. It is also light weight and
operation of the machine, the operator stands by the comprises of the hopper, crushing champers, separation
side, then holding the operating lever (handle) and champers and the blower unit, but required a trained
swinging it by pushing to and fro to provide shelling labour.
action on the shoes assembly. The semi-rotary, action
of the shoes shells the pods against the screen. The
2. It can be used for both household and industrial that farmers in rural areas can easily get it within their
purposes reached.
3. Government and private sector as well as individuals
should engage and encourage the design of this
machine, as well as mass production of this type, so
Working Drawing
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