(Unit 3) Human Reproductive System
(Unit 3) Human Reproductive System
(Unit 3) Human Reproductive System
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Biology for Grade 9th | By Steviana Amalia Ratih, S.Pd.
Learning Objectives
Male Reproductive System
sperm duct gland
Carries sperm cells Produces fluids that
from the testes to the mix with sperm cells
urethra. to make semen.
urethra penis
A tube that carries Allows urine and
urine and semen. It semen to pass out of
has a ring of muscle the body.
to keep these fluids
testis scrotum
Produces sperm and A bag of skin that
releases the male sex contains the testes.
hormone testosterone.
Female Reproductive System
oviduct uterus
Carries egg cells from Where the baby
the ovaries to the develops during
uterus. pregnancy.
vagina cervix
A muscular tube that A ring of muscle at the
leads from the cervix to lower end of the uterus.
the outside of the body. This keeps the baby in
place during pregnancy.
Female Reproductive System
Most of the female reproductive organs are on the inside of the body. It is important to
understand the difference between the internal and external structures that females
usually have.
uterus ovary
vagina anus
The vagina is a muscular tube that leads from the cervix to the outside of the woman’s
At the opening of the vagina, there are folds of skin called labia that meet to form the
vulva. This is the part that is visible from the outside of the body.
The urethra also opens into the vulva but it is separate from the vagina. It carries urine
from the bladder to the outside of the body.
The Female Reproductive System 1. Uterus
• The uterus/womb is an upside-down
pear-shaped organ with a thick
lining and walls of muscles that are
some of the strongest muscles you
can find in the female body.
The epididymis