Bab 2 Inggris Terbaru

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A. Previous Research

The research referred to here is an overview of research results that are

relevant to the planned research, namely whether the problem under study has been

discussed by previous researchers. In the following, the researcher will propose

further research, and it is useful to assist researchers in preparing this proposal. The

researchers are:

1. Research conducted by Rusda entitled "The Influence of Vocabulary Mastery

on Indonesian Speaking Ability of Students at Sdn 2 P ulau Sarappo Lompo

Kec. Liukang Tupabring Pangkep Regency” which was donated by students of

the tarbiyah and teacher training faculties of UIN Alauddin Makassar 2017 .

thesis, researchers used ex post facto (quantitative) research. Data Collection

Techniques Tests, Observations, Documentations . It is hoped that this research

can become a study and material for the development of educational science in

vocabulary mastery for the ability to speak Indonesian and for the institutions

studied can be input for school education providers. The objective of this

research is to find out the Indonesian vocabulary mastery of fifth grade

students at SDN 2 Pulau Sarappo Lompo , to find out the speaking ability of

fifth grade students at SDN 2 Pulau Sarappo Lompo and to find out the effect


of vocabulary mastery on participants' Indonesian speaking ability. students in

class V at SDN 2 Pulau Sarappo Lompo.1

2. Subsequent research was conducted by Fadhilah Santri with the title

"Effectiveness of the Memrise Application to Improve Vocabulary Mastery of

Second Grade Students Ma Didi Kanang" . English Education Program

Tarbiyah Faculty State Islamic Institute (IAIN) , 2020 . The researcher hopes

that this research can be useful for developing his abilities in teaching

vocabulary to students and researchers hope the results of This research can be

used as an additional reference for other studies. this study shows the

effectiveness of using the Memrise Application on The process of teaching and

learning English. Kent and Sherman have proven that Memrise effective for

increasing Korean students' vocabulary in the context of blended learning2

3. Subsequent research conducted by Merifa Rahmawati "Effectiveness of Using

the Memrise Application on Students' Vocabulary Mastery in Class 1 of SMPN

9 Mesuji Raya Palembang During the Covid-19 Pandemic" Department of

English Education Faculty of Tarbiyah and Activities Tulungagung State

Islamic Institute 2021 Researchers hope that this research can be useful for

developing their abilities in teaching vocabulary to students and researchers

hope the results of This research can be used as an additional reference for
Rusda, “The Effect Of Vocabulary Mastery On Indonesian Speaking Ability Of Students At
Sdn 2 Pilau Sarappo Lompo Kec. Liukang Tupabring Pangkep Regency” (Faculty Of Tarbiyah And
Teacher Training Uin Alauddin Makassar)
Fadhilah Santri The Effectiveness Of The Memrise Application To Improve Vocabulary
Mastery Of Second Grade Students Ma Didi Kanang

other studies. this study shows the effectiveness of using the Memrise

Application on English teaching and learning process . The result of Elly's

research is a significantly different score of irregular verbs achieved by

students after they have been taught using the Memrise application.3

Table 2.1

Previous Research

No. Name, title and Research result equality difference

1 Rusda entitled The research Equations with research there
“The Effect of results obtained written ones are differences
Vocabulary showed that the will be carried in the
Mastery on students' out, namely implementation
Students' mastery of equations in of research,
Indonesian Indonesian increasing research
Speaking Ability vocabulary at vocabulary for approaches and
at Sdn 2 Pilau SDN 2 Pulau students. research
Sarappo Lompo Sarappo Lompo locations. The
Kec. Liukang was in the research focus
Tupabring medium is on efforts to
Pangkep category with increase
Regency” 2017 an average students'
score of 23.3. vocabulary
The speaking mastery. the
ability of first researcher
students at SDN has examined
2 Pulau the Effect of
Sarappo Lompo Vocabulary
was in the low Mastery on
category, with Students'
an average Indonesian
score 8.660, Speaking
and there is a Ability”.
Merifa Rahmawati “The Effectiveness Of Using Memrise Application Toward Students'
Vocabulary Mastery Of The First Grade At Smpn 9 Mesuji Raya Palembang In The Pandemic Covid-
19” ( Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teacher Training English Education Department State Islamic Institute
Of Tulungagung 2021 )

between the
two. This can
be seen in the
table where
there is an
effect of
mastery on the
speaking ability
of students at
SDN 2 Pulau
Sarappo Lompo
of 0.167 with a
level of 1.000,
thus H0 is
rejected and H1
is accepted.
2 Fadhilah Santri The results in Equations with In the second
with the title this study what is written research, there
"Effectiveness of shows that there will be carried are differences
the Memrise is an increase in out, namely in the
Application to students' discussing The implementation
Improve vocabulary Effectiveness of the research,
Vocabulary mastery. This is of Memrise. the location of
Mastery of indicated by the and similarities the research
Second Grade average score with the first and the focus
Students Ma Didi of the students' study, namely of the research
Kanang" post-test (86.3) both used lies in the
which is greater qualitative Application of
than the pre-test methods with Increasing
(57.5). Even for data collection Students'
a significant techniques Vocabulary
level (p) of 5% Test, Mastery. The
and df = 57, Observation, second
and the table Documentation. researcher
value is 1.671, and discuss examined
while the ttest Applications "Effectiveness

value is 14.494. for Increasing of the Memrise

That is, the Students' Application to
value of the t- Vocabulary Improve
test is greater Mastery . Vocabulary
than the t-table Mastery of
(14.494 ÿ Second Grade
1.671). Thus, it Students Ma
can be Didi Kanang"
concluded that
the students'
mastery was
better after
receiving the
treatment. So,
the null
hypothesis (H0)
is rejected and
the alternative
hypothesis (Ha)
is accepted.

3 Merifa The results in Equations with In the second

Rahmawati with this study what is written research, there
the title shows that there will be carried are differences
Effectiveness of is improving out, namely in the
Using the the vocabulary discussing how implementation
Memrise mastery of first to use the of the research,
Application on grade students mamrise the location of
Vocabulary at SMPN 9 application in the research
Mastery of First Mesuji Raya increasing and the focus
Grade Students of Palembang students' of the research
SMPN 9 Mesuji during the vocabulary lies in the
Raya Palembang Covid-19 mastery Application of
During the Covid- pandemic. The Increasing
19 Pandemic effectiveness of Students'
the Memrise Vocabulary
application can Mastery. Third
be shown from Researcher The
the different Effectiveness
scores before of Using the

and after being Memrise

taught using the Application on
Memrise Vocabulary
application in Mastery of
the following First Grade
description: 1) Students of
The average SMPN 9
pre-test and Mesuji Raya
post-test scores, Palembang
the pre-test During the
average is Covid-19
58.06 and the Pandemic
average -test is
75.32. 2) The
sum of the pre-
test results is
1800 and the
post-test is
2335. The sum
of the post-test
scores is higher
than the sum of
the pre-test
scores. 3) The
significance of
the normality
test is the
value sig = 0.97
and the post-
test significance
value is sig =
0.188. The sig/p
value in the
pre-test is sig =
0.097 which is
greater than sig
= 0.05 (sig =
0.97 > sig =
0.50). And the

sig/p posttest
score is sig =
0.188 which is
greater than sig
= 0.05 (sig =
0.188 > sig =
0.05). So, the
distribution of
the data is
distributed. 4)
significance of
test sig = 0.258
is greater than
sig = 0.05 (sig
= 0.258 > sig =
0.05). So, it can
be concluded
that the
variance of the
pre-test and
post-test data is
5) The T-test is
-7.102 with df
=30 and the p-
value (two-
tailed) is 0.000.
Granted that the
prize was a
one-sided test.
So, the p-value
(sig = 0.000) is
divided into:
0.000/2 =
0.000. Sig
0.000 is smaller
than the

significance of
0.05. So, the
null hypothesis
is rejected. The
hypothesis (Ha)
post-test is
higher than pre-
test. From these
results it means
that the
application is
effective for the
first grade
SMPN 9 Mesuji
Palembang in
the pandemic

1. The difference with the first and second studies

a) research there are differences in the implementation of research, research

approaches and research locations. The research focus is on efforts to

increase students' vocabulary mastery. the first researcher has examined the

Effect of Vocabulary Mastery on Students' Indonesian Speaking Ability”.

b) In the second research, there are differences in the implementation of the

research, the location of the research and the focus of the research lies in the

Application of Increasing Students' Vocabulary Mastery. The second


researcher examined "Effectiveness of the Memrise Application to Improve

Vocabulary Mastery of Second Grade Students Ma Didi Kanang"4

c) While the research that will be used as the current object is "the effect of

applying mamrise to increasing the vocabulary mastery of class VII students

of SMPN 6 PALU. So there are differences in terms of research approaches,

research subjects and objects, research locations, and research results are also

2. The similarity the first secound studies

Equations with what is written will be carried out, namely discussing The

Effectiveness of Memrise. and similarities with the first study, namely both used

qualitative methods with data collection techniques Test, Observation,

Documentation. and discuss Applications for Increasing Students' Vocabulary


B. Theoretical Basis

1. Memrise

a) Definition of Mamrise

Memrise is a free online learning tool for students who are familiar with drill

functionality on iOS, Memrise can be a sufficient alternative that works on a similar

principle. Just like Drill, memrise uses flashcards, but not model words/translations,

these flashcards contain mnemonics in the form of short phrases or rhymes, which are

easy to remember. Mnemonics take advantage of what is given to secure memory


storage; maintaining an orderly arrangement of memory holdings, making them

available on demand, and thus virtually replacing most occasions.5

Memrise Learn Languages Free - The best Android application in the

educational category for learning English, but not only English is focused on in this

course, but many other languages such as Chinese, French, Italian, Russian, English,

German, Portuguese , Spanish, Afrikaans, Akan-Twi, Albanian, American Sign

Lnguage(ASL), Ancient Greek, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian,

Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Cantonese Jyutping, Catalan, Chinese,

Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Flemish,

Georgian, Greek, Greenlandic, Hakka, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish,

Italian, Japanese, Kanji, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Ladin, Latin, Latvian,

Luxembourgish, Thai, Vietnamese and many others and even almost all languages in

the world are in this one application.6

Memrise is an online learning platform for learning about new languages in

the world. Learning a new language in this world will help people especially for

students to improve their foreign language. Especially in English. There are tons of

Fadhilah Santri, “The Effectiveness Of The Memrise Application To Improve Vocabulary
Mastery Of Second Grade Students Of Ma Ddi Kanang “ (Faculty Of Tarbiyah English Education
Program State Islamic Institute (Iain) Parepare 2020 )
Eva Nurul Chandra, Hermariyanti Kusumadewi , “Introduction Of The Memrise Application
To Improve English Competence Through Toefl,” Jurnal Pkm: Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Vol.
01 No. 03 (September-Desember 2018), 227

features that can help students enjoy learning about a new language. Today, in the

millennial or twenty-first century era, most people have their own gadgets.

Therefore, people must master high technology to support their daily lives and

get various information instantly and accurately. Then it must be mastered by

students because if students can use gadgets wisely it will help and support their

education and get big changes to read a lot of world news must use high technology

wisely to better help and support their needs because it will develop human capacity

to adapt to the environment . It is known that from the Latin "medius" is essentially

the word media which literally means: middle intermediary or introduction.7

b) Memrise Purpose

Memrise can be an adequate alternative that works on a similar principle. Just

like Drill, memrise uses flash cards, but isn't word/translation models, this flashcard

contains mnemonics in abbreviated form phrases or rhymes, that are easy to

remember. Mnemonics make up the most of what assigned to secure memory storage;

maintain regular memory settings ownership, making it available on demand, and

thus a surrogate mostly sure to chance .8

The purpose of holding the introduction of the mamrise application is to

increase the competency of English teachers in studying the TOEFL test to support

Dian Fadhilawati, Dwita Laksmita Rachmawati, "Learn Vocabulary With Fun Through The
Memrise And Quizlet Applications In Man Kota Blitar," Journal Of Independent Service Vol. 1 No. 10
(October 2022)

their abilities. The method used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative

descriptive method by giving the TOEFL pre-test and post test. The results of the

introduction of this application are shown from the introduction of this application

which is shown from the results of the post test. The post test results show that the

mamrise application plays a role in increasing teacher knowledge. Therefore it is

important for Indonesian people to learn English. The purpose of language learning is

to be able to communicate both orally and in writing with the language being studied.

There are four skills that must be mastered when learning English, these skills are

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These language skills are related to each

other and also to achieve language learning goals and learn language components

such as grammar (structure), vocabulary (vocabulary), pronunciation


c) Memrise function

After the student clicks 'Start Learning', the menu bar displays a vocabulary

list. Memrise uses the garden as a metaphor for memory. When students start learning

a subject, vocabulary items will be planted as 'seeds'. Vocabulary will be given

repeatedly. Starting from the easy way, the middle and the more difficult. There is

always an audio pronunciation for each vocabulary. As students are tested on them

through typing, pronunciation and multiple choice tests


The Memrise main page looks like the user (student) is entering outer space,

with the various levels represented as planets. Each level has a specific theme. When

students/users enter a level, there are certain words and phrases they need to master,

before they move on to the next level. Students switch from one screen to the next

when they answer a question correctly. If students give an incorrect answer, it only

takes a few more steps to complete a level as the word or phrase will be taught back

to them.10

d) Kinds of Memrises

Memrise Categories The Memrise application provides many categories so that users

can study other fields such as:

1. Arts and Literature This category contains courses where each subject covers a

wide range of vocabulary related to Architecture, Art, Design, Fashion, Film,

Literature, Music, Theatre, and Philosophy.

2. Mathematics and Science Mathematics and Natural Sciences include courses

related to vocabulary about Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences,

Economics, Engineering, Health Sciences, Physics, and Psychology

3. The Natural World Users can learn vocabulary which in this category includes

themes such as Animals, Astronomy, Plants, Fruits and Stars.

Fadhilah Santri, “Effectiveness Of The Memrise Application To Improve Vocabulary
Mastery Of Second Grade Students Of Ma Ddi Kanang” (Faculty Of Tarbiyah English Language
Education Program State Islamic Institute Iain Parepare Year 2020)

4. History and Geography This category contains many themes that can cover

vocabulary related to Capital, Citizenship, History, Maps, Places, Religion, Flags,

and Politics.

5. Memory Training This category provides services that include Memory of Places,

Number Systems and Playing Card Systems. This allows language learners to

memorize large amounts of vocabulary in a short time using Mnemonic techniques

and of course in a fun way.

6. Profession and Career Involves many field themes, each of which contains sub-

category content such as; Business and finance, Computing and Engineering, Law,

Medicine and Health. 7. Standardized Test Now, learning vocabulary from the

TOEFL test or other tests is easy because this category has many courses that help

students master vocabulary from many tests such as; Advanced placement test,

TOEFL test, College Admissions, Graduate School and more. So that students are

able to prepare well before facing the exam.

8 . Trivia Trivia contains sub categories Art, Music, Literature, Food, Miscellaneous,

History, Geography, Sports and Recreation, Science and Nature, Hobo Symbols,

people and Sociology.

9. Entertainment This category provides sub-categories such as Board games, Yoga,

Pokemon and others related to Entertainment vocabulary.11

Elly Cholifatur Rosydah, "Improving Students' Mastery Of Irregular Verbs Using The
Memrise Application In Second Grade Man Sidoarjo" (Unpublished Thesis: Uin Sunan Ampel
Surabaya, 2018), 37

e) Advantages Of Mmemrise Application

Memrise allows its users to create simple sets of flashcards containing various

types of information the amount of which can be individually adapted to the needs of

the learner. can contain for example definitions, synonyms, B1 translations, verb

tenses, missing prepositions, pictures illustrating the meaning of the word being

taught, which is very useful for children

Memrise has a number of powerful features that make it an attractive learning

option for students and teachers alike. This site is built on a foundation of cognitive

science, so that learners can engage with the material in a way that allows the

retention of information in long-term memory. Memrise uses several methods to

instruct and assess students on the material they are learning, so that several learning

styles, namely visual, auditory, and linguistic have the potential to be used. (Cook,


In addition, Loise Walker (2016), describes the advantages of using Memrise.

Namely students will experience a number of advantages in terms of speed of access

and saving time, students can easily use Memrise, ease in utilizing special features as

their trademark. Students increase their knowledge and succeed in language learning.

In meta-learning, this theme includes features that demonstrate student gains in the

area of meta-learning, knowledge of the learning process. Memrise can motivate

students because it is equipped with a leader board. Intrinsic motivation, competition


of ideas and scoring points for studying and reviewing words were considered to

motivate students.

Overall, using Memrise has proven to be very useful for both users and course

writers. Memrise courses can be created almost instantly with just one click and then

the vocabulary base can serve other purposes, namely to produce tests and glossaries

or to conduct oral exams (Luczak, 2017

f) Disadvantages of Memrise Application

There are some drawbacks to using Memrise:

1. Text messages are not available in this feature

2. If the student is not connected to internet data, the application will not

able to use.

3. Time lag in response to feedback from friends or teachers. 12

2. Vocabulary

a) Definition of Vocabulary

In essence, the most important thing presented in language teaching is

vocabulary. Without adequate mastery of vocabulary, a person will never have good

language skills. In other words, everyone needs to master vocabulary to master

language skills. So the more vocabulary a person masters, the more skilled he will be

in speaking well. humans think all the time using vocabulary and understanding.

Dela Triani, “The Effectiveness Of Using The Memrise Application On Mastery Of Phrasal
Verbs Of First Grade Students At Sman 1 Gondang Tulungagung” (Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teacher
Training Department Of English Education Iain Tulungagung 2020)

Without human words it is impossible to think, even the volume of human thought is

not proportional to the vocabulary it has.

the vocabulary of a language is all the words that belong to a language. Keraf

also refers to this choice of words as diction. The choice of words or diction includes

understanding which words are used to convey an idea, how the correct form of word

grouping, or the proper use of expressions, and which style is best used in a situation.

Vocabulary is an important aspect of language. Vocabulary is defined as

vocabulary. As for the path taken to master a broad vocabulary, to be honest it boils

down to the memorization method. Vocabulary is an aspect of language that must be

considered and mastered in order to support fluency in communicating using both

spoken and written language Adjectives atau kata sifat adalah kata yang menyatakan

sifat atau

1. Noun

Noun is a word that name of a person, place, or thing. There are five groups of


a. Common nouns are names of persons, places or things, For example:

woman, bus, animals, mountains;

b. Proper nouns are a noun which refer to a particular person, place, or thing.

For example: Rika, Indonesia, Honda,

c. Abstract noun is naming a quality, a state, an action For example: happy,

generosity, fright

d. Material nouns are things which cannot be counted For example; food, rain,


e. Collective nouns are the name given to a group of people, animals or things

taken as a whole For example: a comb of bananas, a team of players

2. Verb

Verb name an action or describe a state of being. For example: We did not

buy any vegetables He never stays up late

3. Adjective

Adjective are words that describe noun and pronoun For example, very cold,

quite fast, too large

4. Adverb

Adverbs are words that describe verb, adjective, or other adverbs For

example: I went there yesterday

5. Pronoun

Pronoun is a word used in a place of a noun or another pronoun For example:

Everyone have a new plan to get a holiday

6. Preposition

Preposition links a noun or a pronoun following it to another word in the

sentence. For example: She placed the flower on the table

7. Conjunction

Conjunction connect words or groups of words and show how the words are

related For example: Rina and Tika are waiting downstairs

8. Interjection

Interjection show strong emotion. For example; Oh! It is an interesting


Vocabulary is the wealth of words possessed by a language. vocabulary or

lexicon is as follows:

a). The language component that contains all the information about the meaning and

use of words in the language.

b). The wealth of words owned by a speaker, writer of a language.

c). The word list is arranged like a dictionary, but with short and practical


From the statement above, it is clear that the definition of vocabulary is quite

broad, not limited to the vocabulary of words arranged in an alphabetic dictionary,

accompanied by limitations and explanations, words used in one area of knowledge,

words mastered by a person, and words found in one language.14

Sjafty Nursitti Np Maili, Dewi Mutiara Indah Ayu, “Student Perceptions On Parts Of
Speech After Taking Integrated English,” Jurnal Basis Vol. 9 No. 2 (Oktober 2022), 341

Indah Maulida The Effect Of Scrabble Media On Learning Arabic (Case Study At It Al–
Ishlah Maros Middle School) (Faculty Of Humanities, University Of Hasanudin 2022)

Vocabulary has an important role because it appears in every language skill.

Understanding vocabulary is very important in any language learning. Vocabulary

mastery is also needed to communicate with the public. those who master many ideas,

or in other words those who have a wide vocabulary, can easily and fluently

communicate with others. Those who have a wide vocabulary will also have a high

ability to choose exactly which words are most suitable to represent their intentions or


b) Vocabulary Function

The function of vocabulary in language learning activities is very clear.

Vocabulary is closely related to every aspect of language learning. When learning to

read, students must know the meaning of each vocabulary word in order to

understand the contents of the text they read. Learning to speak, students must

understand the meaning of new vocabulary to be able to communicate well. In

learning to listen, students must also know the meaning of vocabulary in order to

understand what is heard. Studying writing as well, students must understand the

meaning of vocabulary to be able to write well. Vocabulary can also be called the

breath of language, because without vocabulary there would be no language16

Annisa Fathihah, "The Effect Of Vocabulary Mastery On Reading Comprehension Of
Students In Class V Sd Culture Patimura District Bringin, Semarang District" (Department Of
Elementary School Teacher, Faculty Of Educational Sciences, State University Of Semarang 2016)
Juli Wakana, “Increases Mastery Of English Vocabulary Using Alphabet Games For Grade
Iv Students Of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Azzahidin Pekanbaru” (Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teacher
Training Of English Education Study Program English Language Education Study Program)

c) Vocabulary Learning

Teaching language to children is usually done by a mother. A mother who

teaches her children at home the vernacular when they are toddlers. The child

certainly doesn't remember how the first time his parents taught him the language

because he doesn't have a good memory. However, he could see how his mother

taught his younger brother the colloquial language at home. The mother sincerely

with motherly affection said a few simple words and the younger brother imitated

them casually without pressure. So that the younger brother can talk and be able to

communicate with the people around him. The mother never had a program and

target so that now her younger sibling can say 50, 60 or 100 words. The mother likes

to practice without ever feeling like she is practicing let alone teaching, so the child

never feels like practicing let alone studying, let alone taking tests. It runs naturally

and has been carried out by humans for generations in various cultures, languages and

generations. The emotional bond between parents and children has passed down

hundreds of languages on this earth from generation to generation.

In general, children learn vocabulary faster when supported by visual aids,

such as pictures or objects around them. With teaching aids the child's memory will

be better, according to the phases he is experiencing that there are four phases of

child development, namely:

1. The sensorimotor stage, from birth to 2 years of age,


2. Preoperational stage, from 2 years to 8 years,

3. Concrete Stage Phase, from the age of 8 years to 11 years,

4. The formal stages, from 11 to 15 years of age

This development phase is not always the same for every child, both

individually and in groups. Developmental phases can occur at the same time, but

development in each child can be achieved at different times, especially for each type

of knowledge which is also different.

By paying attention to these four developmental phases, we can see the

developmental phases of Indonesian elementary school children, namely children

aged 6-12 years. They are, of course, at the end of the preoperational stage to the

concrete operational stage, not until the beginning of the formal stage. That is,

elementary school-age children need attention according to their class level. The

child's mind develops little by little according to the development of knowledge and

intellectual skills towards a more logical and formal way of thinking.

The way children think develops through direct involvement with objects and

the environment around them. Each time a new phase of development is reached, the

ability increases and merges with the previous level of thinking. Because two of the

four transitional periods, the developmental period usually occurs when the child is in

elementary school, the language teacher must be able to follow the characteristics and

changes in the development of the cognitive phase.17

Childhood is the most important period in expanding vocabulary, especially

the ability to express concrete ideas. For example, right now, the child only needs

terms to pronounce the words separately. The more mature he wants to know as many

names of objects around him, for example: eating, drinking, names of body parts,

mentioning family members, and so on.

Children's language skills will continue to grow. Children are better able to

understand and interpret spoken and written communication. During language

development, changes in vocabulary and grammar can be seen. In general, children

will understand vocabulary more quickly. Vocabulary and grammar will develop

even better, if there is a context related to the world of early childhood.18

d) Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is the wealth of vocabulary or words mastered by

someone. Adequate vocabulary mastery is needed to carry out communication

Defita Sari, “The Improvement Of Object Vocabulary Mastery Through Environment-
Based Picture Media To Deaf Students In 1st Grade In Slb Wiyata Dharma 1 Sleman,” Widia
Ortodidaktika Journal Vol 6 No 7 (Year 2017), 679

Ra Nurul Hadina Patum, "Efforts For The Teachings Of Life To Improve Children's
Mastery Of English Vocabulary Through Big Book Media" (Early Childhood Islamic Religious
Education Study Program, Faculty Of Islamic Religion, Muhammadiyah University, North Sumatra,
Medan, 2017/2018)

activities with language. Mastery of more vocabulary allows us to receive and convey

broader and more complex information

Vocabulary mastery can be divided into receptive and productive mastery,

namely the ability to understand vocabulary is seen in reading and listening activities,

while the ability to use vocabulary is seen in writing and speaking activities.

Vocabulary mastery is divided into two, namely passive-receptive and active-

productive vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary mastery that is receptive-passive is only

in the form of the ability to understand the meaning of a word when that word is

heard or read in the discourse of others without being accompanied by the ability to

use it spontaneously and on one's own initiative in conversation. lecture. Meanwhile,

active-productive vocabulary mastery is not only in the form of one's understanding

of the meaning of words heard or read, but actually on one's own initiative and

mastery is able to use them in discourse to express their thoughts.

1) Passive Receptive Mastery

Indicators of passive receptive vocabulary mastery are displayed

in the form of the ability to:

a) Showing objects or demonstrating attitudes, behavior, etc., what is meant

by that special word.

Example: Demonstrating or demonstrating a daydream


b) Choose words according to the meaning given from a number of existing

words provided.

Example: Mother's father is nephew/brother-in-law/grandfather/grandfather

c) Choose a word that has the same meaning or is similar to the word


Example: His father is strict: (disciplined/ miserly/ short-tempered/ busy)

d) Choose a word that has the opposite meaning of the word


Example: Risk: harm/accident/death/consequence

2) Active-Productive Mastery

Indicators of active-productive vocabulary mastery are displayed

in the form of the ability to:

a) State the word according to the meaning requested.

Example: Horse-drawn vehicles (maybe gig, andong ---.)

b) Mention other words that have the same or similar meaning (synonym)



Example: Messy (may be messed up, messed up, messed up, ---.)

c) Mention other words that have opposite meanings (antonyms)

Example: Farewell (may meet, meet, ---.)

d) Explain the meaning of the word with words and use it in a

suitable sentence.

Example: ? What does Ib mean?

- Compassion means to feel touched or pity

- The community is sorry to witness the suffering of the victims of the tool

disaster 19

e) Various Vocabulary

There are 4 ways to test vocabulary, namely:

(1) identification: students respond orally or in writing by identifying a word

according to its limits or usage;

(2) multiple choice: students choose the correct meaning for the word being

tested from three or four constraints;

(3) matchmaking: the words tested are presented in one column and the limits

to be matched are presented randomly in another column. Actually this is

another form of multiple choice exam.

Rintik Sunariati, Esti Ismawati, Dan Iswan Riyadi, “Hubungan Antara Penguasaan
Kosakata Dan Struktur Kalimat Dengan Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi,” Jurnal Pendidikan
Bahasa Vol. 11 N0. 2 (2022)

(4) checking: the student checks the words he knows or doesn't know. He is

also required to write down the boundaries of the words he checks.

Vocabulary is a test that is intended to measure students' competency in vocabulary in

a particular language, both receptive and productive. Vocabulary is a test of

vocabulary mastery which can be divided into passive-receptive mastery and active-

productive mastery. the influence of different types of mastery between passive-

receptive and active-productive mastery makes the details for each type of mastery

different. This difference needs to be understood by developing test items, especially

those related to determining the form of the test used. Passive-receptive mastery is

more appropriate using objective tests, while active-productive mastery should be

limited to subjective tests. In the 2004 curriculum it is explained that the standard for

vocabulary mastery for each level is different, namely:

a) Mastery standard of 500-1500 vocabulary (vocabulary) including the

category of readers at the beginner level with education from Elementary

School (SD) to Junior High School (SMP).

b) Standard mastery of 1500-3000 vocabulary (vocabulary) including the

category of readers at the secondary level with high school education (SMA).

c) Standard mastery of more than 3000 vocabulary (vocabulary) including the

category of advanced readers with tertiary level education.20

Muh. Usri, “The Relationship Between Indonesian Vocabulary Mastery And Narrative
Writing Ability For Students Of Sd Inpres Paccinongan, Gowa District” (Faculty Of Teacher And
Educational Sciences Elementary School Teacher Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah

states that there are various factors that need to be considered in choosing the

vocabulary to be tested, namely:

1) Level and Type of School \

The first factor that needs to be considered in choosing vocabulary test

material is the student subject to be tested, whether the student is an elementary,

middle or high school student, general or vocational school. Different levels and

types of schools will demand different choices of vocabulary tested. The differences

in the vocabulary tested are generally based on the textbooks used for each level and

class concerned

2) Vocabulary Difficulty Level

the choice of vocabulary to be tested must consider the level of difficulty, not

too easy and not too difficult, or vocabulary test questions that have the appropriate

level of difficulty. In accordance with the level of cognitive development of students,

of course the level of vocabulary difficulty is not the same for students at different

school levels. Per the ease of difficulty scale of a word is usually subjective.

Considerations that try to base themselves on certain criteria is to determine the

difficulty level of vocabulary based on the frequency of its use. Assessment based on

frequency, although it has weaknesses, can consider whether the vocabulary to be

tested is appropriate or not.

Makassar 2019)

3) Passive and Active Vocabulary

Vocabulary selection must consider whether it is intended for active or

passive mastery tests. Passive vocabulary is vocabulary for receptive mastery,

vocabulary that is only to be understood and not to be used. Active vocabulary is

vocabulary for productive mastery, vocabulary used to produce language in

communication activities.

4) General, Special, and Phrase Vocabulary

General vocabulary is vocabulary in a language that is not a technical term or

special vocabulary found in various scientific fields. Taking a special vocabulary in

the exam will be detrimental to students who do not have background abilities in the

particular field concerned. The vocabulary test must also consider the presence of

words that have denotative and connotative meanings, or expressions21

3). Kinds of Student Character

There are at least nine pillars of character that originate from universal noble

values as follows:

A. Love God and all His creation

B. Independence and responsibility


C. Honesty/trust

D. Respect and courtesy

e. Generous, helpful and cooperative

F. Confident and hardworking

G. Leadership and justice

H. Kind and humble

I. Tolerance, and love peace.

The nine character pillars mentioned above must be taught systematically in a

holistic education model.

God's pillar of love and all of His creation is the most important thing in a life

that will be full of goodness. In addition, this love for God is also perfected by loving

His creation. God's creation is the entire universe and its contents. So, loving His

creation means loving fellow human beings, animals, plants, or the whole universe

that is in it. People who have such a character will try to behave in love and kindness.

The second pillar is independence and responsibility. After loving God and

His creation, the noble character that must be built is independence and

responsibility. Many people do things that don't please other people, even harm many

parties because someone doesn't have independence. Likewise with responsibility.

Really, this is a basic thing that every human being should have. Therefore, everyone

should have this sense of responsibility, at least being responsible for themselves.

After a person has a spirit of independence and responsibility, then the pillars

of character that must be built in students are honesty as well as a spirit of trust.

Honesty and trustworthiness are the keys to one's success in establishing a

relationship with anyone. Whoever neglects honesty, especially if he does not have a

trustworthy spirit, will be abandoned or disliked by his friends and acquaintances.

Not only will they fail in relationships with other people, people who are dishonest

and trustworthy will also commit acts that harm others. In this regard, how many

people or even officials who do not have the pillars of honesty and trustworthiness

have been found guilty in court.

The fourth character pillar is respect and courtesy. This is an important

character that must be present in humans in order to work together in a peaceful and

pleasant life. Humans who do not have respect and courtesy, of course, will find it

difficult to live in association. Such a person would be shunned by others as arrogant

and arrogant. Therefore, education needs to build the character of its students so that

they are polite and polite in social interaction. Thus, they will become pleasant


The fifth pillar that must be built in education is generosity, mutual assistance,

and cooperation. Generosity and helpfulness are the virtues that exist in humans.

Only people with big hearts can be generous and helpful. This trait does not require a

person to be rich before being generous and helpful. Even people who are not rich

can have this noble character. If someone is not yet rich, but has a generous and

helpful nature, he will provide assistance according to his ability. Therefore, the

important thing that must be built in students is generosity and likes to help selflessly.

The sixth character pillar that must be built is self-confidence and hard work.

This is very important so that a person can get what he wants, achieve everything that

is his dream, or achieve the goals he started in this life. Without having strong self-

confidence, someone will easily hesitate in taking a step. Thus, the character of self-

confidence must be built in students from an early age. In order for students' self-

confidence to further strengthen their character as successful human beings, it needs

to be built together with the character as a hardworking individual.

The seventh character pillar is leadership and justice. Every human being will

surely become a leader whether it be a leader for his family, children, environment,

country, company, group, organization, or even become a leader for himself.

Therefore, every student must be good. A good leadership spirit , of course, must also

have a character that can act fairly. Particularly in the sphere of national and state life,

the need for individuals who have the character of leadership and justice is highly

expected. Without leadership and justice, the country's address will be headed for


The eighth character pillar is kind and humble. This is a very important thing

for every educated person to have, namely to have good morals and be humble. If

educated people do not have good and humble morals, then a lot of damage will

occur on this earth. A lack of humble character will also give birth to someone who is

arrogant or conceited. Therefore, education is obliged to build good and humble

character to its students.

The nine pillars of character are tolerance, peace and unity. This is peace and

oneness. This is very important to build a peaceful and enjoyable life together.

Really, the nine pillars of character are very important, especially if we look at the

violence that often occurs in this country. Therefore, differences of opinion, between

villages can fight each other to the point of causing loss of life, not only victims of

property, even lives; once again lives are lost. When paying attention to this fact, how

we are very concerned. Therefore, education is responsible for building the pillars of

the characters of tolerance, peace and unity in each of its students.

The nine pillars of character must be the basis of character education from an

early age or what psychologists call the golden age. Many studies have proven that in

the end this will determine ability and develop its potential optimally.22

3. The Effect of Mamrise Application on The Improvement Of Vocabulary

Mastery of Class VII Students of SMPN 6 Palu

Memrise Learn Languages Free - The best android app in educational category

to learn English, but not only English is focused in this course, but many other

languages like Chinese, French, Italian, Russian, English, German, Portuguese,

Spanish, Afrikaans, Akan-Twi, Albanian, American Sign Language (ASL), Ancient

Greek, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bosnian,

Dessy Fatmasari, Internalisasi 9 Pilar Karakter Bagi Anak Usia Dini (Cetakan 1, 2020), 4

Bulgarian, Cantonese, Jyutping Cantonese, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech,

Danish, Dutch, English , Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Flemish, Georgian, Greek,

Greenlandic, Hakka, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese,

Kanji, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Ladin, Latin, Latvian, Luxembourgish,

Thai, Vietnamese and many more, even almost all languages in the world are in this

one application.23

Understanding Vocabulary Vocabulary as one component can be a tool to

improve all English language skills. Without vocabulary students cannot improve

their ability to communicate with foreigners, read English literature, write English

literature. vocabulary is 1). all the words that a person knows or uses. 2). All words in

a given language. 3). The words people use when they speak. 4). List of words with

special meanings in books for learning foreign languages 24.

Definition of students / students / students. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary,

the definition of student means a child (a person who is studying/studying, going to

school). Students in a broad sense are everyone who is related to the lifelong

educational process, while in a narrow sense it is every student who studies at school.

students or pupils are one component in teaching, in addition to teacher factors, goals

and teaching methods. As one component, it can be said that students are the most


Megawati, "The Influence Of Poster Media On English Vocabulary Learning Outcomes
(Experiments At Sdit Amal Mulia Tapos, Depok City)," Getsempena English Education Journal (Geej)
Vol. 4 No. 2 (November 2017), 102

important component among other components. Students or students are the main

subject in education at any time. students or children are "unique" individuals who

have potential and experience development. In the process of development, children

or students need help whose nature and style are not determined by the teacher but by

the child himself, in life together with other individuals.25

C. Framework

Memrise is a free online learning tool for students who are familiar with drill

functionality on iOS, Memrise can be a sufficient alternative that works on a similar

principle. Just like Drill, memrise uses flashcards, but not model words/translations,

these flashcards contain mnemonics in the form of short phrases or rhymes, which are

easy to remember. Mnemonics take advantage of what is given to secure memory

storage; maintaining an orderly arrangement of memory holdings, making them

available on demand, and thus virtually replacing most occasions

the vocabulary of a language is all the words that belong to a language. Keraf

also refers to this choice of words as diction. The choice of words or diction includes

understanding which words are used to convey an idea, how the correct form of word

grouping, or the proper use of expressions, and which style is best used in a situation.

The following is the scheme of the framework for thinking described in the following

research paradigm :

Mustika Tarigan, "Differences In Student Asertivity At Nurul Amaliyah I Vocational
School And Nur Azizi Sma In Tanjung Morawa," Diversita Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (December 2016), 8

Picture 2.2

The effect of memrise application on the improvements of vocabulary

mastery of the seventh grade student at SMPN 6 PALU

Can the mamrise application improve the vocabulary mastery of

seventh grade students at SMPN 6 PALU

Arts and Literature Noun

Mathematics and Verb

World Realm

History and Adverb

Mamrise applicat Memory Training Pronoun Vocabulary

Vocabulary rd ion

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