Protocol No
Date of submission of
Relevant faculty of
2 Obstetrics & Gynaecology
D R . M S T . H A Z E R A K H A T U N
3 Name of the examinee
6 Summary Background:
First trimester abortion is one of the most common complication of
pregnancy occurring in 10-20% of clinically recognized
pregnancies. Abortion can cause physical harm, such as
excessive bleeding and infection, and substantial psychological
harm, including anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress
disorder. In this study, mifepristone and misoprostol versus
misoprostol alone and the outcome of this combination in the
management of first trimester abortion will be determind.
To determine the outcome of combined mifepristone and
misoprostol with misoprostol alone in the management of first
trimester abortion.
Patient (s):
For this purpose 88 women with first trimester abortion will be
selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion
criteria will be women with first trimester abortion with a period of
gestation up to 14 weeks (ultrasongraphic diagnosis), patient got
at least 1 week of expectant treatment, haemodynamically stable
women, axillary temperature of less than 98.60F. Exclusion criteria
will be patient age <16 years, hemodynamic instability, sign of
infection, contraindication for mifepristone or misoprostol, potential
interaction between study medication and other medication.
Inability to give informed consent, a known clotting disorder or use
of anticoagulants or known risk factors for or presence of a
cardiovascular disease.
Intervention (s):
Participants will be divided into two equal, Group A and Group B
each containing 44 patients. Each patient/guardian will be offered
two sealed envelope containing folded piece of paper bearing later
A or B and will be requested to peak up one of these. Those who
will pick A will be selected for Group A and those who' will pick B
will be selected for group B.
Statistical analysis:
Data will be processed manually and analyzed with the help of
SPSS (Statistical package for social sciences) Version 21.0.
Quantitative data will be expressed in mean and standard
deviation; and comparison will be done between the groups by "t"
test. Qualitative data will be expressed in frequency and
percentage; and comparison will be done between groups by Chi-
square (x2). A probability value of <0.05 (p<0.05) will be
considered statistically significant.
Ethical consideration
Approval of the protocol will be taken by the Institutional Ethical
Committee of ICMH, Matuail, Dhaka before the commencement of
the study. Informed written consent will be taken from each of the
patients before taking any interview. The attendant will be the
witness of taking informed consent. The consent form¦ will clearly
describe the purpose and methods of the study, confidentiality of
the interview, risks and benefits of participating in the study, their
rights to participate voluntarily and to refuse at any point of time
without consequences. All information will be collected
confidentially with complete respect to the patient’s wish and
without any force or mental pressure. This study will be done by
following the guideline of BMRC.
Research hypothesis
• Combined mifepristone and misoprostol therapy is more
effective than misoprostol alone in the management of first
trimester abortion.
13 Objectives a) General Objective:
To determine the outcome of combined mifepristone and
misoprostol versus misoprostol alone in the management of
first trimester abortion.
b) Specific Objective:
1. To determine the proportion of patients having complete
spontaneous expulsion of conceptus treated with combined
mifepristone and misoprostol in the management of first
trimester abortion.
Secondary outcome
• Number of doses for successful
• Time interval between first dose
and spontaneous expulsion
• Side effects
➢ Nausea
➢ Vomiting
➢ Diarrhea
➢ Severe pain
➢ Hyperpyrexia
➢ Excessive blood loss
b. Confounding • Age
variables • Parity
• Gestational age
c. Sample All patients with first trimester abortion.
d. Study Population All patients with first trimester abortion,
those will get admitted in Department of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute of
Child & Mother Health, Matuail Dhaka
for expulsion of the product of
conception and fulfilling the inclusion
and exclusion criteria will be enrolled as
study population.
Exclusion criteria:
• Patients age less than 16 years.
• Hemodynamic instability.
• Signs of infection.
• Contraindications for mifepristone or misoprostol.
• Potential interaction between study medication and
other medication.
• Known case of clotting disorder.
• Use of anticoagulants
• Presence of cardiovascular disease.
i. Operational Complete abortion:
When expulsion of gestational sac from the uterus, TED
15 mm by USG and no further evaluation is necessary is
called complete abortion.
Success: Abortion success is defined as complete abortion
without the use of surgical aspiration.
Failure: Abortion failure is defined as a need for evacuation
of the uterus by a surgical technique for any reason.
Sample (n=88)
Results Results
In Group A 200mg mifepristone will be given on empty
stomach in such a way that mifepristone will be placed
orally for half an hour than swallowed. After 24 to 48 hours
two doses of misoprostol 400µg will be given orally 4 hours
apart. In Group B only two doses of misoprostol 400µg will
be given orally, 4 hours apart. If no tissue is lost after 24
hours two more doses of oral misoprostol 400 µg (4 hour
apart) will be given, approximately 24 hours after the first
course. After 2 weeks, complete, incomplete or no
expulsion will be documented by trans abdominal
q. Procedure of data Data will be processed manually and analyzed with the help
analysis of of SPSS (Statistical package for social sciences) Version
interpretation 21.0.
Quantitative data will be expressed in mean and standard
deviation; and comparison will be done between the groups
by "t" test.
Qualitative data will be expressed in frequency and
percentage; and comparison will be done between groups
by Chi-square (x2).
A probability value of <0.05 (p<0.05) will be considered
statistically significant.
r. Quality assurance At the end of an interview a cross-check will be performed
strategy to detect and gather missed data.
s. Time table
1st month
11th to 12th
Activates 2nd to 10th month
Approach to
writing &
15 Ethical implications Approval of the protocol will be taken by the Institutional Ethical
Committee of Institute of Child and Mother Health, Matuail, Dhaka
before the commencement of the study.
19 Other facilities
needed and the
organization N/A
(s)/institution (s)
providing them
20 Dissemination and Thesis will be submitted to BCPS which will be available in BCPS
use of the findings Library and with permission of BCPS results of the study may be
published in a reputed journal of the country or abroad.
21 References Abubeker, F.A., Lavelanet, A., Rodriguez, M.I. and Kim, C., 2020.
Medical termination for pregnancy in early first trimester (≤ 63 days)
using combination of mifepristone and misoprostol or misoprostol
alone: a systematic review. BMC women's health, 20(1), pp.1-17.
Bagratee, J.S., Khullar, V., Regan, L., Moodley, J. and Kagoro, H.,
2004. A randomized controlled trial comparing medical and
expectant management of first trimester miscarriage. Human
reproduction, 19(2), pp.266-271.
Chu, J.J., Devall, A.J., Beeson, L.E., Hardy, P., Cheed, V., Sun, Y.,
Roberts, T.E., Ogwulu, C.O., Williams, E., Jones, L.L. and
Papadopoulos, J.H.L.F., 2020. Mifepristone and misoprostol versus
misoprostol alone for the management of missed miscarriage
(MifeMiso): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial. The Lancet, 396(10253), pp.770-778.
Davis, A.R., Hendlish, S.K., Westhoff, C., Frederick, M.M., Zhang,
J., Gilles, J.M., Barnhart, K., Creinin, M.D. and National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development Management of Early
Pregnancy Failure Trial, 2007. Bleeding patterns after misoprostol
vs surgical treatment of early pregnancy failure: results from a
randomized trial. American journal of obstetrics and
gynecology, 196(1), pp.31-e1.
Dunford, A. and Fyfe, R., 2018. Combination therapy with
mifepristone and misoprostol for the management of first trimester
miscarriage: Improved success. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 58(4), pp.438-442.
I solemnly pledge that this research protocol shall be implemented in accordance with the
relevant ordinance/circulars of BCPS and funding agencies as and when it may be applicable.
I hereby declare that no part of the proposed research has been in any thesis/dissertation in
partial fulfillment of any degree/fellowship or in any publication.
I also understand that the BCPS reserves the right of accepting or rejecting this protocol.
…………………………… ……………………………………
Date Signature of the Researcher
Seal :
Group A B
Data Collection Sheet
Name ....................................................................Age..........................Years
1. Chief Complaints:
• Amenorrhoea for.....................
• Others.....................................
2. Obstetrics history:
a) Married for..........................Years
b) Gravida.........................
c) Para..............................
d) ALC.....................Years
3. Menstrual history:
b) Menstrual cycle..........................
c) LMP ..........................
f) Contraceptive history..........................
5. History of medical disorder: Glucoma, Heart Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia, Seizure disorder, Alergy
to Postaglanding, Adrenal Disease.
A) General Examination:
a) Anaemia..........................
b) Dehydration..........................
c) Oedema..........................
d) Pulse........................../min
e) BP....... Hg
f) Temperature......................F
g) Respiratory rate............................/min
h) Lungs..........................
i) Heart..........................
B) Per Abdomen:
C) Pelvic Examination:
Per Speculium:
Size Internal OS
Position Length
Shape Position
Mobility Consistency
9. Investigations:
Platelet Count:
Sonographic findings..
10. Date and time administered mifepristone or misoprostol: ------------------------ & ------------------------
Abdominal cramp
Severe pain:
Unpleasant taste
Pulse ......................../min
Temperature ................F
Signature of Investigators
1. Protocol ID:
2. Title of the study: Outcome of Combined Mifepristone and Misoprostol versus Misoprostol Alone in
5. Do you know the type, purpose and procedure of this study? Yes/No
6. Are you sure that you will not face any physical, psychological and social risk for this study? Yes/No
7. Are you sure this study will not cause any physical or Psychological harm? Yes/No
8. Have you clear idea about the result and wellbeing of this study? Yes/No.
10. Do you loss any fundamental human rights due to participation in this study? Yes? No.
11. Do you know that the confidentiality of your information will be maintained? Yes/No.
12. Do you know that you will get no remuneration or travel expenses due to participation
I am setting full information about the purpose, procedure and utility of this study, I give consent of
participate in this study. I have not been influenced by anybody or groups or my no mental human
rights have not been violated due to participation in this study. ssured that confidentiality of all
gathered information will be maintained and will be use only or study purpose and my personal
information will not be disclosed to others. My participation in this study is entirely voluntary. My
decision whether or not to participate will not prejudice my medical care. I have right to withdraw my
consent and discontinue participation at any time without prejudice to me or effect on my medical
will have got no remuneration or travel expenses due to participation in this study.
withness Date.........................................
অবহিতকরণ সম্মহতপত্র
5. এই গটবষণো কটমের ধরন, উটেিয এবং পদ্ধহত সম্পটকে সম্পু নে জোনটত পপটরটেন হক ? িযোাঁ/নো
6. এই গটবষণোর জনয পে, আপনোটক িোহররীক, মোনহষক এবং সোমোহজক পকোন ঝুাঁহকর সম্মু খীন িটত িটব নো, এ
7. এই গটবষণোর ফটল আপনোর িরীর বো মটন পে পকোন ক্ষত বো আঘোত সৃ হি িটব নো এ হবষটয অবহিত িটযটেন
8. এই গটবষণোর ফলোফল এবং সম্ভোবয কলযোটনর হবষটয আপনোর ধোরণোহ স্পি িটযটে হক? িযোাঁ/নো
9. এই গটবষণো কটমে অংি গ্রিন, সিটেোহগতো দোন অথবো হবরত থোকোর হসদ্ধোত্ম আপহন স্বোধীন ভোটব গস্খিণ করটত
10. এই গটবষণো কটমে অংি গ্রিটনর ফটল আপনোর পমৌহলক মোনবোহধকোর ক্ষুন্ন িটযটে হক? িযোাঁ/নো
11. আপহন হক জোটনন আপনোর তথযোবলীর পগোপনীযতো বজোয রোখো িটব ? িযোাঁ/নো
12. এই গটবষণো কটমে অংি গ্রিটনর জনয আপনোটক পকোন প্রকোর পোহরশ্রহমক অথবো ভ্রমণ ভোতো পদযো িটব নো, এ
এই গটবষণো কটমের উটেিয, পদ্ধহত ও উপটেোহগতো সম্পটকে পূ ণে ধোরনো পোইযো এবং নীহতগত ববহিিয সমুটির প্রহত
আমোর সন্মহত প্রকোি কহরটতহে। গটবষণো কটমে অংিগ্রিটনর জনয আহম পকোন বযহি বো পগোহষ্ঠর দ্বোরো প্রভোহবত িয নোই
অথবো আনোর পমৌহলক মোনবোহধকোর ক্ষুন্ন িয নোই।
আহম হনহিন্ন িইযোহে পে, এই গটবষণো পথটক সংগৃ িীত তথযোবহল সম্পূ ণে পগোপন রোখো িইটব। এই তথযোবহল পকবলমোত্র
গটবষণোর কোটজই বযবিোর করো িইটব। আমোর বযহিগত তথযোহদ গটবষণোকোরী েোডো অনয কোরও হনক প্রকোি করো িইটব
আমোটক জোনোটনো িইযোটে পে, এই গটবষণোয অংিগ্রিন সম্পূ নে আমোর ইচ্ছোধীন। আহম ইচ্ছো কহরটল গটবষণোয অংিগ্রিণ
নোও কহরটত পোহর তোিোটত আমোর হিহকৎসোর তোরতময িইটব নো। পেটকোন মুিূটতে আহম আমোর সম্মহত প্রতযোিোর কহরবোর
অহধকোর রহন । তোমোর এই প্রতযোিোর/প্রতযোখযোন আমোর হিহকৎসোর উপর পকোনরূপ প্রভোব পফহলটব নো।
অতএব, েথোেথ পেেোটলোিনো সোটপটক্ষ আহন স্ব-প্রটনোহদত িইযো এই সম্মহত পটত্র স্বোক্ষর কহরটতহে।
অংিগ্রিনকোরীর স্বোক্ষর অথবো বোম বৃ দ্ধোঙ্গু লীর েোপ পরোগীর অহভভোবটকর স্বোক্ষর অথবো বোম বৃ দ্ধোঙ্গু লীর েোপ
স্বোক্ষীর স্বোক্ষর অথবো বোম বৃ দ্ধোঙ্গু লীর েোপ গটবষটকর স্বোক্ষর ও তোহরখঃ