Indonesia Ocean Accounts Development Report
Indonesia Ocean Accounts Development Report
Indonesia Ocean Accounts Development Report
This publication (and any material sourced from it) should be attributed as:
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF). 2022. Report of The Ocean Accounts
Development In Indonesia. Jakarta.
1. Introduction......................................................................................... 1
9. References........................................................................................ 30
LAPAN : Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional; National Institute of
Aeronautics and Space
UNESCAP : United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific of
Environmental-Economics Accounting
1. Introduction
Indonesia’s Constitution mandated that the Earth and water and the natural resources
contained therein are controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the
people. Despite the high potential benefits derived from natural resources, challenges and
problems, particularly in the marine and fisheries sector, continue to emerge because of its
interrelationships with other sectors and are also sensitive to interactions, especially with
environmental aspects. Issues in fisheries management related to the sustainability of fish
resources and the environment, the sustainability of community livelihoods in fisheries,
food security, and economic growth that come from the use of marine and fishery resources.
The Ocean Accounts are an ideal tool in calculating economic value versus potential
ecological losses, also known as the economic value of investment. To date, however, Ocean
Accounts remain unfamiliar to the public, and the capacity and experience of stakeholders
related to preparing Ocean Accounts are still limited. The preparation of Ocean Accounts
involving several parties requires a systematic and structured coordination system. For this
reason, technical regulations to facilitate coordination mechanisms between institutions
need to be in place. Referring to Indonesian Government Regulation No. 46 of 2017,
planning and implementation of development and economic activities that need to use the
natural resources account, including Ocean Accounts, are in the fields of (a) natural resource
management, (b) spatial planning, (c) natural resource conservation, and (4) preservation
of environmental functions. Therefore, piloting the preparation of Ocean Accounts can be
prioritized for these four areas, including Marine Protected Areas.
2. Global Agenda for Ocean Accounts
Globalization has driven a rapid growth of the economy in many places. This encourages
innovation and efficiency of the global value chains, which include research and development
processes, production, and large-scale distribution of goods and services. In line with this,
there have been significant changes to the environment such as land conversion, increasing
levels of pollutants of soil, water, and air, and human-wildlife conflicts.
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is one of the global frameworks with the
aim of ensuring sustainable biodiversity to support the sustainability of life on earth. By
prioritizing (1) biodiversity conservation, (2) sustainable use of biodiversity components,
and (3) fair and equitable access and benefits of genetic resources, CBD has developed a
strategic plan for the period of 2011-2020 by prioritizing five main strategies, of which, one
emphasizes on the mainstreaming of biodiversity across government and society (Goal A).
By 2020, biodiversity values will be integrated into the planning systems of (1) development
at national and regional levels, (2) poverty alleviation strategy, and (3) incorporated into the
national accounting and reporting systems (Aichi Target 2).
Parallel to the mandate of CBD, equilibrium between economic growth and the environment
was reiterated through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiative, or known as
‘The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’. The 2030 SDGs Agenda
was declared at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), which consists of 17 goals
and 169 targets for 2015-2030 implementation. The 2030 SDGs Agenda focuses on direct
contributions to humanity, development, and the environment, where biodiversity is one
of key aspects to achieving those targets. As a system that has been adopted internationally
and nationally, Sisnerling is developed to assist the government in measuring the progress
of achieving the economic and environmental linkages of the SDGs. There are 9 out of
17 goals of SDGs that are closely related with Sisnerling, namely resource assets (SDG 6,
13, 14, 15, 17), sustainable production and consumption (SDG 2, 12), economic growth
(SDG 8), and green cities (SDG 11)1. In terms of the marine and fisheries sector, which
is specifically stated in SDG 14, Sisnerling is related to the land asset accounts, material
flow accounts, aquatic resource asset accounts, agriculture, forestry and fisheries accounts,
environmental protection accounts, and environmental subsidy accounts.
1 Pirmana, V., Alisjahbana, A.S., Hoekstra, R., Tukker, A.. 2019. Implementation Barriers for a
System of Environmental-Economic Accounting in Developing Countries and Its Implications for
Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability Vol 11 (22).
Responding to the increasing level of threats in maritime sector, the initiative to strengthen
sustainable ocean economy emerged with the aim of aligning effective protection,
sustainable production, and equitable distribution of welfare2. The High Level Panel for
a Sustainable Ocean Economy, a multilateral collaboration, was established in September
2018 by 14 Heads of State including Indonesia. This Panel aims at improving the relationships
between the people and the ocean, bridging the health of the ocean and human welfare,
embracing all stakeholders, harnessing the latest marine knowledge, and developing a
transition agenda towards a sustainable ocean economy. In line with the spirit of achieving
SDGs, this Panel is committed to managing 100% of the ocean area in a sustainable manner
through five pillars: Ocean Wealth, Ocean Health, Ocean Equity, Ocean Knowledge and
Ocean Finance3. Through the Ocean Wealth pillar, ocean management is directed towards
sustainability, along with economic growth. Through Ocean Health, retention efforts are
conducted to reduce the impact of climate change, to protect and restore marine and
coastal ecosystems, and to reduce marine pollution. At the same time, through the Ocean
Equity, Ocean Knowledge and Ocean Finance pillars, the equity in accessing the benefits
of marine resources must go hand in hand with the knowledge of ecosystem services.
Based on the records of the Global Biodiversity Outlook – GBO4, nearly 100 countries have
integrated the value of biodiversity into their accounting system, and Indonesia is one of
the contributors through Sisnerling. Led by the Statistics Indonesia, Indonesia has started
to integrate a number of natural resources components into the country assets accounts
in 20145.
2 Stuchtey, M. R., Vincent, A., Merkl, A., Bucher, M., Haugan, P. M., Lubchenco, J., & Pangestu,
M. E. (2020). Solusi dari Laut yang Menguntungkan Manusia, Alam, dan Ekonomi. 32. https://
3 IOC-UNESCO. (2021). Ocean Knowledge for a Sustainable Ocean Economy: Synergies between
the Ocean Decade and the Outcomes of the Ocean Panel.
4 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2020) Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 –
Summary for Policy Makers. Montréal.
5 Badan Pusat Statistik. 2019. Sistem Terintegrasi Neraca Lingkungan dan ekonomi Indonesia 2014
- 2018. Jakarta. 289 hal.
A number of challenges in SEEA implementation especially for developing countries are (1)
data availability and quality, (2) inadequate financial support, and (3) limited knowledge
and capacity in developing the SEEA1. However, SEEA is currently the best approach to
integrate natural resources utilization6. The CBD is negotiating for the next biodiversity
strategic plan after the 2011-2020 plan. The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Frameworks
brings opportunities to strengthen the SEEA, where according to the first draft of the
frameworks for Goal B7, contribution of nature to people should be accounted for and SEEA
is applied as the monitoring tool for this.
6 Mahmud, S, A. Ahammad, and M.N. Islam. 2013. Concept of Green Accounting and Its Practice in
Bangladesh. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 3(2): 481-493.
7 Open-Ended Working Group on The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 3rd meeting. CBD/
WG2020/3/3/ADD1 (
8 Ocean Panel. 2020. Transformations for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.
9 Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP). 2019.
global-ocean- accounts-partnership/
3. Indonesia Ocean Management
“Earth and water, and the natural resources contained therein are controlled by the State
and used for the greatest prosperity of the people” is the commitment of the Government
of Indonesia in managing natural resources as mandated in the 1945 Constitution, Article
33 (3). Furthermore, the use of natural resources for the welfare of the people also
needs to consider the aspect of justice for future generations. Therefore, in 1999, the
implementation of this article was complemented by “The national economy is organized
based on economic democracy, with the principles of togetherness, efficiency, justice,
sustainability, environmentally friendly, independence, and by maintaining the balance of
progress and national economic unity.”
To ensure the use of natural resources for the maximum benefit of the people, the
utilization of renewable natural resources has to be conducted in a rational, optimal, and
efficient manner, and must be maintained and improved in quality. As for non-renewable
natural resources, the utilization is conducted in balance with reclamation efforts and
the search for alternative resources or substitute materials that are renewable and more
environmentally friendly. In addition, its utilization is directed at (a) improvement of
added value of natural resources products, (b) development of natural resources-based
industries, (c) improvement of its efficiency and competitiveness in order to reduce the
level of non-renewable natural resources exploitation, (d) emphasis on environmentally
friendly activities, (e) regional and local community development, (f) strengthening the
support for young generations, and (f) firm and fair enforcement of environmental laws10.
sector is part of the Development Agenda 1 “Strengthening economic resilience for
quality and equitable growth” and Development Agenda 6 “Building the environment,
improving disaster resilience, and climate change”.
Indonesia is widely recognized as the largest archipelagic state in the world, has registered
16,671 out of an estimated 17,504 islands in Indonesia to the United Nations, and has a
water area of 6.4 million km2 and a coastline of 108,000 km. As a maritime state, Indonesia
also has a wealth of natural resources assets, including: renewable resources such as
fisheries, coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangrove forests; non-renewable resources
such as oil, natural gas, and other mineral resources; marine energy such as tides, waves,
and wind; as well as environmental services that support the people’s livelihoods such
as marine tourism, sea transportation, and germplasm. Although the potential benefits
derived from natural resources are relatively high, problems especially in the marine
and fisheries sector are still a challenge as they are linked with other sectors, which are
also sensitive to interactions, particularly with environmental aspects. Issues in fisheries
management as outlined in the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries include those related to the sustainability of fish resources and the
environment, sustainability of community livelihoods in fisheries sector, food security,
and economic growth derived from the use of marine and fisheries resources.
Similar with the management of coastal areas and small islands, resources management is
conducted through the process of intersectoral planning, utilization, monitoring, and control
between the Central and Regional Governments, between land and marine ecosystems, as
well as between science and management to improve the people’s welfare12. In a wider
scope, as stated by the Maritime Law, marine management is stated as the implementation
of activities, provision, exploitation, and utilization of marine resources as well as marine
4. Framework of Ocean Account in Indonesia
Through the Vision and Direction of the 2005-2025 National Long-Term Development Plan
(RPJP), the Government of Indonesia emphasizes the importance of natural resources
development in the economy of Indonesia, in the past, present, and future. Natural
resources contributed 30% to the national GDP in 2001, and 57% to employment rate.
In the marine sector, the annual potential of fish resources reaches 53.9 ton. However, it
is recorded that approximately 40% of coral reefs are damaged and only around 30% of
mangrove forests are in good condition. Marine resources are highly valuable potential to
support economic growth. Therefore, in the Direction of 2005-2025 RPJP, the utilization of
marine resources must be supported by strong national policy, technology innovation, and
human capacity. The suboptimal utilization of marine resources, among others, is due to
the inadequate support of science and technology. The accurate, up-to-date, consistent,
and comprehensive data become an important aspect in bridging the formulation of data
or science-based policy.
Indonesia’s marine and fisheries management policy has been outlined in the 2020-2024
RPJMN. The policy is also in line with SDG 14: Life Below Water, i.e., to support conservation
of 10% of marine and coastal areas, to manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems
in a sustainable manner, as well as to improve the economic benefits from the marine and
fisheries sector. The policy direction to achieve these three objectives include strengthening
the governance and synergy between institutions, sustainable use, and sustainable funding
The Government of Indonesia initiated the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management
Program – Coral Triangle Initiative (COREMAP-CTI) to preserve marine and coastal resources
and improve the welfare of coastal communities. This strategic program produces an
innovative model of development, especially in the sustainable management of coastal
and marine ecosystems and to support the management efforts of climate change impacts
in the marine and fisheries sector. The Government of Indonesia also committed to
realizing the sustainable ocean economy through the Blue Economy approach. The scope
of Blue Economy is not only related to ocean-based economy, but also harmonization
between human and ecosystem, creating jobs and social capital, and innovation based
entrepreneurship15. In early 2021, the President of Indonesia emphasized the importance of
the Blue Economy, as well as indicators or methods to measure marine resources potential
in Indonesia.
The Government of Indonesia has set 2030 as the target for achieving the implementation
of the Sustainable Ocean Plan, which is a credible foundation for maintaining marine health
and resilience in the long-term, attracting investments, as well as creating job opportunities
for the benefit of the coastal community and national economy. To be able to describe the
linkages between economic development and sustainability of natural resources and the
environment, the availability of accurate data and information becomes critical. Statistics
Indonesia as the centre for the Sisnerling appoints relevant ministries/institutions and/
or Regional Governments to provide sectoral data and information. Similar mechanism
was then applied in the development of Ocean Accounts. To date, Statistics Indonesia has
conducted an in-depth study on the preparation of Ocean Accounts, including organizing
the discussion between institutions to identify data gaps. Based on the in-depth study, in
addition to Statistics Indonesia, the key institutions for the development of Ocean Accounts
include the MMAF, Geospatial Information Agency, and the Ministry of Finance. Statistics
Indonesia routinely conducts Integrated Accounts Survey (Survei Neraca Terintegrasi/
SINASI) at provincial and district/city levels. In 2021, SINASI has incorporated the element
of SEEA in-depth study to improve human capacity of Regional Governments in collecting
data to develop the Ocean Accounts.
Natural resources are the main capital in economic activities that are converted into various
goods and services. Economic development is defined as the chain of efforts aimed to
improve human welfare, employment opportunities, equitable income, and encouraging
alternative sectors16. To support economic development, indicators such as Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) need to be monitored. However, in many cases, economic activities
have caused environmental degradation. Hence, the measurement between economic
achievement and environmental quality is needed.
Marine landscape represents 70% of the earth’s surface. This has placed the ocean as the
centre of the world’s economic activities. As an effort to measure the impact of economic,
social and environmental activities, Ocean Accounts need to be developed as part of
Sisnerling. In the United Nations report18, Ocean Accounts are defined as the compilation of
structured information – consistent and comparable: maps, data, statistics and indicators –
regarding marine and coastal environments, including relevant social conditions and major
activities. Ocean Accounts inform and enable public policy decisions on marine affairs, as
well as relevant research and analysis. At the same time, Ocean Accounts provide coherent
structure to standardize dispersed data and to produce reliable integrated indicators for
policy purposes.
In the aspect of Marine Spatial Planning, intersections and conflicts occured due to the
lack of boundary information. Similar issues occured in fisheries management, which relies
heavily on the stock status information. Ocean Accounts are not only important for justice,
but also generating values from management. Ocean Accounts are projected to bridge
Marine Spatial Planning and resources frameworks. To date, Ocean Accounts are newly
16 [BPS] Badan Pusat Statistik. 2012. Sistem Terintegrasi Neraca Lingkungan dan Ekonomi Indonesia
2007-2011. Jakarta 128 hal.
17 United Nations. 2014. System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012. In the System of
Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012.
18 United Nations. 2020. Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development
(Vol. 09. Issue October).
introduced. Furthermore, the preparation of Ocean Accounts requires a systematic and
structured coordination system. Technical regulation and institutional arrangement are
also needed prior to the implementation of Ocean Accounts.
Referring to the Government Regulation No. 46 of 2017, natural resources accounts are
applied for (a) natural resources management, (b) spatial planning, (c) conservation of
natural resources, and (d) preservation of environmental functions. Ocean Accounts can be
prioritized for those aspects, therefore, Marine Protected Area is selected as pilot for Ocean
Accounts development in Indonesia as it accommodates the aforementioned aspects.
Marine Protected Area is a miniature natural system, with defined clear boundaries,
consisting of natural resources (mangrove, coral reefs, etc.) as well as cultural sites, which
is managed to achieve certain goals. In Indonesia, Marine Protected Area management
is conducted through a zoning system, which regulates the activities or utilization inside
the area. This regulatory system is described in a management plan implemented by the
Management Unit (abbreviated as SUOP in Indonesia). To ensure the compliance with the
zoning system, a permit is established to control activities in the Marine Protected Area.
The development of Ocean Accounts for Marine Protected Area provides information on
the impact of economic activities. The results of this indicator can be used by SUOP for
equitable and sustainable MPA management. Information provided by Ocean Accounts
including (a) the ecosystem extent and condition, (2) impact of economic activities, and
(3) residual waste to the environment. Based on that information, SUOP is expected to
determine the appropriate measures for Marine Protected Area management, by ensuring
the benefits of the natural resources for the communities.
5. Scoping Approach and Method
The formation of a multidisciplinary team becomes the starting point in conducting the
planning stage of the preparation of Ocean Accounts. A team of experts, data providers,
compilers, and data users should be familiar with the basic concept and methods of Ocean
Accounts development. Referring to the development of Ocean Accounts in other countries,
the majority of the pilot projects were initiated by discussing the Scoping Report in the
Ocean Accounts development workshop. Stakeholders have the opportunity of providing
an assessment on the scoping report, make revisions if necessary, and agree on topics
and implementation of the pilot project. This workshop is also an opportunity for human
resources capacity building, including the organization of relevant follow-up training.
MMAF has initiated the early discussion on development of Ocean Accounts in mid-2020.
MMAF with other ministries and government agencies such as Ministry of Finance, Ministry
of Development Plan, Indonesia Statistics, and Geospatial Information Agency involved in
series of technical meetings and at the end of 2020 an initial roadmap for Ocean Accounts
was developed. The roadmap outlined key activities to conduct, list of priority locations,
and the timeframe for the roadmap. The initial roadmap is developed for the time frame
between 2021-2024, with key activities covering data collection, development of guidelines,
data inventory and analysis, and development of Ocean Accounts for 10 national MPAs. At
the beginning, these activities were planned to be piloted in 2021 in three MPAs namely
Gili Matra, Kapoposang, and Pieh. However, due to COVID19 pandemic rise, for 2021 the
piloting will be conducted in Gili Matra MPA and later will be replicated in the following
years for the remaining nine national MPAs. The initial roadmap was consulted during the
first national workshop and a number of other areas such as Jakarta Bay, Northern Coast
of Java, and Mahakam Delta are among priority areas suggested by respondents for Ocean
Considering the difficulties to conduct physical meetings and interviews during the COVID19
pandemic, the project has decided to use the workshop as a tool to gather information
and perspective from stakeholders. Prior to the workshop, participants were asked to fill
a questionnaire about key aspects related to Ocean Accounts in Indonesia, which was
developed by referring to the Ocean Diagnostic Tool (Annex 1). The questionnaire was
distributed via online form to various related stakeholders using the registration link for
the first national workshop. Three main components were outlined in the questionnaire
covering (1) Indonesia’s policy framework and strategic planning, (2) operationalization and
methods, and (3) priority, challenges and opportunities for Ocean Accounts development.
The total number of respondents to the questionnaire reached 577 (male: 357; female:
220), representing various ministries and agencies, local government, universities, NGOs,
and the general public. Result from the questionnaire is provided in Annex 2.
First national workshop was held on September 23, 2021, involving stakeholders from
government institutions, universities, NGOs, and civil society. The workshop aimed to
gather initial inputs to develop a roadmap for Ocean Account implementation in Indonesia.
Workshop was divided into four sessions: opening speech, presentation of topics by invited
speakers, group discussion, and closing remarks. In the opening speech, Director General
of Marine Spatial Management of MMAF (Dr. Pamuji Lestari), emphasized the importance
of developing the Ocean Accounts in the MPAs. The speech continued by the Executive
Secretary of the UNESCAP (Prof. Armida S. Alisjahbana), Head of Statistics Indonesia (Dr.
Margo Yuwono), and Deputy for Coordination of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy of
KEMENKOMARVES (Basilio Dias Araujo, M.A.). Keynote speakers convey important points,
such as: i) the legal and planning basis for the Ocean Accounts development, ii) common
agenda and interest among line ministries on the issue, iii) challenges and opportunities
through collaboration and partnership, and iv) the availability of standardized statistical data
as the foundation for preparing the Ocean Accounts, as well as for formulating sustainable
development policies. KEMENKOMARVES also delivered its direction regarding the link
between the Blue Economy Development Index in Indonesia’s maritime management and
the development of the Ocean Accounts as a mechanism for measuring Blue Economy
The event continued with presentations from experts from multiple agencies, i.e. National
Development Planning Agency (Dr. Sriyanti J. S.), MMAF (Andi Rusandi, M.Si.), Statistics
Indonesia (Dody Herlando, M. Econ.), UNESCAP (Rikke M. Hansen, M.Sc.), Ministry of
Finance (Nafiantoro Agus Setiawan, M.Si.), GOAP (Dr. Ben Milligan), Geospatial Information
Agency (Dr. Ing. Khafid), and IPB University (Prof. Akhmad Fauzi). After the topic
presentations, participants were assigned to three groups to discuss the main issues related
to the development of Ocean Accounts in Indonesia. To lead the discussion, facilitators
were assigned for groups, namely Group 1: Regulations Aspect (Dr. Luky Adrianto); Group
2: Operational Aspects (Etjih Tasriah, M.PP.); and Group 3: Priority Aspects (Diah Retno
Minarni, M.Si.). The results of the group discussion were then summarized and delivered
to all participants by MMAF (Dr. Firdaus Agung) in the closing remarks. He also highlighted
several important workshop’s output, including: i) updated information on Ocean Accounts
development both globally and nationally, ii) lesson-learned from stakeholders related to
efforts to support Ocean Accounts in Indonesia, and iii) recommendations from stakeholders
regarding priority areas and roadmap of Ocean Accounts implementation. Documentation
from the first national workshop is provided in Annex 3.
Second national workshop was held on March 29, 2022 to finalize the roadmap of
Ocean Accounts implementation in Indonesia that was initiated in the first workshop in
September 2021. The workshop involved 26 representatives from various ministries, other
related government institutions, universities, and NGOs. The workshop was divided into
four sessions: opening, presentation, breakout group discussion, and pleno discussion. The
workshop mainly discussed three key subjects to finalize the roadmap: (1) priority accounts
to be developed, (2) priority locations, and (3) inter-institutions coordination mechanisms.
Regarding environmental asset accounts, participants agreed that data collection for the
development of marine accounts needs to cover not only the ecosystem assets, but also
the biotic and abiotic assets, such as fish resources and hidro-oceanography parameters.
Data can be retrieved from various projects that have been undertaken, i.e., projects
supported by the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program – Coral Triangle
Initiative (COREMAP-CTI), Marine Resources Evaluation and Planning Project (MREPP),
and the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF), as well as from satellite imageries
collected and managed by the Indonesia Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). For the
future implementation, Ocean Accounts will be expanded to other marine protected areas
(MPAs), i.e., Raja Ampat and Padaido MPA in Papua and Banda MPA in Maluku (2022),
Anambas MPA in Riau Islands (2023), and Sawu Sea MPA in East Nusa Tenggara (2024).
Besides MPAs, locations with prominent marine industry and aquaculture activities will also
be included in the priority list. Effort in determining priority sites can be started by satellite
imagery analysis highlighting the area with potential resources, for instance, abundant fish
For better inter-institutional coordination, all have agreed upon the need for establishing
a joint secretariat. Statistics Indonesia and other relevant government institutions play an
important role in the preparation of the Ocean Accounts. Statistics Indonesia will take the
lead while other institutions will provide the necessary data. Once completed, participating
institutions are allowed to officially publish the final result of Indonesia’s Ocean Accounts
according to their respective roles that will be justified later in a written agreement.
Align with the scoping assessment, input and recommendation have been produced to
finalize the roadmap for Ocean Accounts implementation in Indonesia. The country
implementation plan will be developed to outline the logical framework for Ocean Accounts
in Indonesia by:
b. Insufficient data
d. Inadequate funding
6. Scoping Assessment Result
The results of the workshop and its recommendations provide important input for the
planning preparation of an Ocean Accounts in Indonesia related to aspects of regulation,
operation, and site selection. Each of these aspects is described in detail in the following
Regulations and in this case including policies are the most fundamental things in the
preparation of the Ocean Accounts in Indonesia. Regulations and policies provide the
basis for coordinating, budgeting, and operating Ocean Accounts. This is very strategic
considering that the Ocean Accounts in Indonesia is still relatively new both in terms of
material, substance, and products compared to the land natural resource account which
has developed relatively early.
The presentations from the speakers and the results of group discussions at the national
workshop show that currently there are laws and policies that can be used as the basis
for preparing the Ocean Accounts in Indonesia. At the legal level, at least implicitly, the
preparation of the marine natural resources account is part of the obligation to preserve
fish resources (fishery law), coastal areas and small islands (coastal area management law),
and marine resources (marine law). In addition, the law also stipulates that all utilization
of coastal, small islands, and marine resources must be in accordance with their carrying
Beside the regulatory aspect, another element that needs to be evaluated in scoping the
preparation of Ocean Accounts in Indonesia is development planning, especially mid-term
planning. In the development planning system in Indonesia, all national development
activities are based on policy directions, objectives, and targets that have been set out in
the 2020-2024 RPJMN. Indonesia’s RPJMN also provides direction and a strong commitment
to sustainable development. This can be seen from development programs that clearly
support the SDGs, implement and fulfill the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and
green growth. Of course, these directions require various tools or instruments to measure
their success. In this case, the natural resource account is needed to assess the sustainability
and resilience of Indonesia’s economic growth model.
In this aspect of development planning, three key bases for the preparation of the natural
resource account were highlighted. First, development in Indonesia so far has been able
to provide economic growth, employment, provision of goods and services, and reduce
poverty. However, the impact of these development activities is also evident in terms
of a decrease in the quality and quantity of the environment. If this is not managed
properly, national development and economic growth will be unsustainable. Second, the
government’s increasing awareness of the importance of natural capital as a whole and
its management for the sustainability of national development. Third, there are currently
active government efforts to improve and strengthen: (a) Sisnerling as tools to communicate
policies and understanding of the economy and the environment, (b) development of low
carbon development and green growth and, (c) application of natural resources in policies
and regulations.
Looking at the diversity of workshop participants and the result of discussions, there are
at least three major groups of key stakeholders who are the main actors in the preparation
of Ocean Accounts in Indonesia. First, the government which includes ministries/sectors
related to regulation and utilization of the ocean, especially those with mandates in the
preparation of natural resource accounts. At this government level, the main ministries/
sectors include the Statistics Indonesia, Ministry of Finance, MMAF, KEMENKOMARVES,
National Development Planning Agency, and Geospatial Information Agency. Supporting
ministries/sectors include the ministry of tourism, the ministry of transportation, and the
Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Second, local government stakeholders which include
governors/regents and offices in charge of marine affairs, fisheries, transportation, tourism,
and the environment. Third, non-government stakeholders which include universities,
research institutions, private sector, NGOs, and regional and international organizations.
The three stakeholder groups of course have different roles and functions according to their
duties and authorities. However, for the preparation of the Ocean Accounts in Indonesia, the
cooperation and synergy of the three stakeholders are needed to optimize and accelerate
the process. There are several choices of coordination mechanisms to be applied, namely:
coordination forums (secretariat, committees, work teams), cross-ministerial teams (for
government levels), and technical committees (multi-stakeholders). The three options
require further analysis to be implemented in Indonesia. However, at least the participants
of the national workshop already understood that the preparation of Ocean Accounts
cannot stand by the government alone.
Considering the vastness of Indonesia’s seas, it is necessary to set priorities for Ocean
Accounts preparation, i.e., location and account. Both have different implications in terms
of their implementation strategy. In terms of priority, the Government Regulation No. 46
of 2017 mandates the preparation of a) assets accounts in physical units; and b) assets
accounts in currency units. The asset account in currency units is further complemented
by the calculation of the account of flows of natural resources and the environment. For
the location, the workshop participants suggested fishery areas, Marine Protected Areas,
marine tourism, mining and industry as priority locations for accounts compilation. For the
Ocean Accounts, ecosystem extent and flows to the economy were suggested as priorities.
7. Ocean Accounts Pilot Implementation
Given the relatively complex aspects and process in Ocean Accounting, as well as a relatively
new issue for Indonesia, GOAP and the MMAF agreed to pilot the OA implementation in
one of the national Marine Protected Areas. Marine Protected Area (MPA) was selected as
it has a clear management boundary with a dedicated management authority. Among the
10 national MPAs, the Gili Ayer, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan (Gili Matra) MPA have been
chosen as pilot sites. Gili Matra MPA is located within the administrative area of Pemenang
Sub District of North Lombok District, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Although being the
smallest national MPA in terms of area, Gili Matra MPA has several special features, such
as being one of the 50 National Tourism Destinations. This area is also located within the
Lesser Sunda Seascape, which is one of the priority seascapes of CTI-CFF. More importantly,
Gili Matra is the habitat of various species of coral reef, mangrove, and seagrass, as well as
provides livelihood for local communities from tourism and fisheries.
The GOAP funded ocean account pilot project at Gili Matra MPA has three main objectives:
(i) creation of National Pilot Ocean Accounts and Roadmap for the future ocean account
development in Indonesia, (ii) improve knowledge and capacity on Ocean Accounting for
key stakeholders, and (iii) publish a national ocean account pilot report. The three project
objectives has nine (9) deliverables, including (1) project preparation, (2) stakeholder
workshop to discuss and assess priorities for implementing Ocean Accounts, (3) scoping
assessment and the country implementation plan, (4) participate in capacity building with
GOAP secretariat, (5) data collection for Ocean Accounts pilot implementation, (6) produce
draft pilot report, (7) stakeholders workshop to review and discuss initial pilot accounts
and development roadmap, (8) produce final pilot report, and (9) developing awareness
materials, training on ocean accounting for government officials, as well as provincial and
national workshop to disseminate pilot plan. Detailed activities in this project are provided
in Annex 4.
Geospatial Information Agency, ICCTF, and Rekam Nusantara Foundation. The meeting was
then followed up on August 31st, attended by 33 participants to agree upon data collection
methods for field survey in Gili Matra MPA.
The Ocean Accounts framework in Gili Matra MPA is composed of the following structures:
environmental assets; flows to economy; flows to environment; and ocean governance. In
preparing the environmental assets, supporting data consist of (1) ecosystem extent and
condition of coral reefs, seagrass, and mangroves; and (2) biophysical features which include
sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a, total suspended solids (TSS), acidity (pH) and
dissolved oxygen (DO). The data represents the 2015 and 2021 observation periods. Data
were obtained through field surveys, sampling, and analysis of image data; as well as from
the Geospatial Information Agency, scientific articles, and technical reports. Data collection
and analysis were carried out from September to October 2021.
The monetary value of the ecosystem in Gili Matra MPA was determined based on their
environmental services. The estimation of economic value is carried out using two main
approaches, namely the market price and the non-market price. For the market price
approach, the methods used are (1) productivity level, (2) replacement cost, and (3)
prevention cost. As for the non-market price approach, the methods used include the
expressed preference method, i.e., the contingent valuation method; and revealed
preference method, i.e., travel cost method.
In order to compile, standardize, and summarize the environmental assets data, MMAF
has set up a meeting on 27-28 October 2021, and resulted in the Interim Report of Ocean
Accounts Pilot in Gili Matra MPA. The Interim Report was launched on 3 December
2021, during an event called “Effective Conservation for Sustainable Ocean – Launching
of management tools and talk show”. More than 60 participants have joined on site and
1100+ viewers joined through online streaming19. The event was also attended by the
Development Director in the British Embassy in Jakarta, Amanda McLoughlin.
Data and information to develop flow to economy and flow to environment of Gili Matra
MPA were conducted through desk studies, field surveys, and interviews. Desk studies
aimed to identify the forms of economic activity and zoning system in the pilot study area.
A set of questionnaires on the zoning system and economic activity in Gili Matra MPA was
prepared and distributed among key figures in the study site. The questionnaires referred
to the survey questionnaire of integrated accounts (SINASI) undertaken by Statistics
Indonesia. Data collection was carried out in February 2022, involving a total number of
19 Pekan PRL- Lokakarya Nasional: Konservasi Efektif untuk Ruang Laut Lestari.
107 respondents (36 from Gili Meno, 36 from Gili Ayer, and 35 from Gili Trawangan). Data
and information obtained from the field were analyzed to estimate (1) the monetary value
of economic activity in the region, (2) the spatial distribution of economic activity, and
(3) the monetary estimation of extraction of natural resources and the residues into the
The results of Ocean Accounts of Gili Matra MPA were discussed on March 14, 2022 in
West Nusa Tenggara. This activity was attended by 11 participants from MMAF, Rekam
Nusantara Foundation, and GOAP Secretariat (Mr. Teerapong Praphotjanaporn). During the
discussion, MMAF highlighted that the Ocean Accounts need to be completed immediately
as a basis for evaluating the impact of activities on asset utilization. In this discussion, the
study of Ocean Accounts in Indonesia where the pilot study is located on Gili Matra was
also explained. Furthermore, all inputs and feedback from stakeholders were included in
the final report.
Capacity building for stakeholders was undertaken to facilitate discussion on the preparation
of the Ocean Accounts. This activity was held on 1-2 March 2022, in Semarang combined
with a virtual meeting. This activity was attended by 56 participants from MMAF, BAPPENAS,
Ministry of Finance, Statistics Indonesia, Geospatial Information Agency, and Universities.
Participants discussed regulatory framework, methodology, and data interpretation for
decision making. Documentation of each activity in this section is provided in Annex 55.
8. Roadmap for Country Implementation
Ocean Accounts Roadmap for Indonesia has been consulted at the two National Stakeholder
Workshop in September 2021 and March 2022. The national Workshops resulted in several
recommendations for: (1) priority accounts to be developed, (2) priority locations, and
(3) inter-institutions coordination mechanisms. General timeframe for Ocean Accounts
development was proposed where in the first year priority will be for institutional and
governance strengthening; survey data analysis and accounts drafting, and presentation.
In the second year, the main components include stakeholder consultation, developing
guidelines, and standard for accounts data collection. And the next years are dedicated
to accounts finalization, socialization, and knowledge management. General timetable for
the implementation of Ocean Accounts development has been formulated as presented in
Table 1.
Tabel 1. General Implementation Plan for Ocean Account Development in Indonesia
No. Main Component/ Activity Output
1 2 3 4 5
1. Institutional and governance • Pilot site, account priority, data
strengthening: requirement, key actors, project
1.1. Coordination and
consolidation • New and/or improved policy to support
operational level
1.2. Policy development and
Capacity building • National and local staff including key
stakeholders are trained in ocean
1.3. Inter stakeholder account conceptual approach and
collaboration practice
• Stakeholder forum
2. Survey, data analysis, and • Primary and secondary data for ocean
presentation accounts development
One of the priority Ocean Accounts themes and areas is fisheries (both capture and
aquaculture). According to FAO, fisheries constitute almost 17% of protein source
worldwide and it is one of the most traded foods globally. Indonesia is one of the world’s
largest suppliers and at the same time is also one of the fish-dependent nations in the
world. This sector contributes to a 2.8% share of Indonesia’s GDP and source of livelihood
to approximately 2.24 million fishers. Although its volume and economic value increase
over time, the resources remain heavily exploited and threaten its sustainability.
Since 1999, Indonesia has adopted an area-based fisheries management system, known as
the Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia (WPPNRI). The Indonesian
waters were then divided into 11 WPPNRIs, which covers internal waters, archipelagic
waters, territorial seas, contiguous zones, and exclusive economic zone of Indonesia.
By Law No. 45 of 2009, the Fisheries Management Plan is mandated, followed by the
potential estimation for each WPPNRI. The Fisheries Accounts which provide information
regarding the potential and resources utilization, should become a reference for the Fishery
Management Plan. Thus, the Ocean Accounts pilot particularly in WPPNRI scale will seize
nationwide fisheries management, as the WPPNRI contained by cross-sectoral interest
(capture fisheries, aquaculture, conservation, processing and marketing, and research).
Other than fisheries, the nationwide and national scale implementation will focus on
environmental asset accounts for mangrove, seagrass, coral reef, and other benthic
habitats. Considering the vast geographic scale of Indonesia ocean, most of the data will
be obtained from secondary sources (e.g. global dataset). To provide detailed information,
several priority sites will be selected to represent major ocean sectors in Indonesia,
including fisheries, tourism, and seabed mining. Primary data will be collected as much as
possible for these priority/representative sites. Specific accounts that are potentially to be
developed including 1) environmental assets, 2) flows to the economy, 3) Ocean Economy,
and 4) Ocean Governance.
Deliverables for the nationwide and national scale Ocean Accounts consist of: 1) four
accounts (including primary and secondary data); 2) training on ocean account; 3)
stakeholder forum; also 4) policy and national guideline for ocean account and standard for
data collection, analysis, and presentation.
Table 2. Summary of National Workshop Results*
• On managing the ocean sustainably, the main challenges are (1) ineffective
implementation of current policies and regulations, (2) human resource
capacity and competence, (3) inadequate funding, (4) lack of support
from the public, (5) policy and regulatory gaps for implementation, and
(6) vast coverage and remote areas. At this point, respondents provided
identification of more generic challenges. More specific problems and
challenges to prioritizing in Indonesian ocean management will be explored
further in the assessment report and national roadmap development.
Priorities • The “marine” goal in the 2005-2025 long-term development plan
prioritizes infrastructure and human resource development, sustainable
and integrated marine economy, and reduction of the impact of coastal
disasters and sea pollution [1]
Plans • SDGs roadmap, national action plans and subnational action plans in
support of SDG implementation, including SDG14 [3]
• The 2015 “poros” report suggests growing the marine economy from 22%
to 35% [28]
Stakeholders • The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
• Research institutions
• Statistics Indonesia
• Inter-agency team
• Technical committee
Data sources • There is a wealth of publicly accessible ocean-related data and maps held
and key by many institutions including but not limited to KKP (fisheries; protected
documents areas; ocean forecasting), LIPI (carbon; red-list species; coral reefs;
mangroves; sea grasses), LAPAN (fisheries; land cover; mangroves;
coral reefs; SST), BMPK (SST; current; wind; wave; salinity), BPS
(population, social, economic, environment data; SEEA national-level
land accounts), BIG (mangroves; land cover; tide; ocean forecasting),
Ministry of Environment and Forestry (wastes; pollutants; environmental
quality), Ministry of Transportation (ports), Ministry of Tourism (tourism
areas), BNPB (disaster-related data), etc.
• New statistical data is needed. Other data sources and key documents
are scientific studies, policy papers, technical reports, global data portals.
Other key • Environment Statistics of Indonesia 2019,
documents publication/2019/12/13/e11bfc8ff8392e5e13a8cff3/statistik-lingkungan-
Statistical New 2020-2024 BPS strategic plan has been finalized [21]
Other Some on-going international activities directly relevant to ocean data/statistics/
international policy include:
• Active member of the High Level Panel for Sustainable Ocean Economy
• Budgeting
• Guide provision
Opportunities • Ocean accounts provides a framework to structure, standardize, harmonize
and integrate existing ocean data within the decentralized government
system (national, provincial and local levels) towards informing the ocean
policy strategies, MSP, as well as targets and indicators set in the 2020-
2024 RPJMN and SDG14.
1. Long‐Term National Development Plan (RPJPN), 2005‐2025:
2. Ocean policy, 2017:
3. Mainstreaming SDGs into national planning, budgetary and financing processes:
Indonesian experience, May 2020:
4. Marine Plastic Debris:
5. IUU fishing:
6. 2017 VNR:
7. IBSAP, 2015-2020:
8. NPAP, 2020:
9. Marine related laws:
10. Governance of SDG Indicators in Indonesia:
11. CTI-CFF National Committee:
12. Fisheries management areas:
13. Review of national laws and regulation in Indonesia in relation to an ecosystem
approach to fisheries management:
14. One map policy:
15. One data policy:
16. World Bank’s WAVES:
17. UNSD’s ANCA:
18. UNSD’s SEEA project:
19. 2020 target of 20 million hectares of MPAs:
20. MSP:
21. 2020-2024 BPS strategic plan:
22. High Level Panel for Sustainable Ocean Economy:
23. Indonesia’s Sustainable Oceans Program:
24. Promoting Action on Plastic Pollution from Source to Sea in Asia and the Pacific:
25. Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities:
26. Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced project:
27. Comprehensive Assessment and Conservation of Blue Carbon Ecosystems
and Their Services in the Coral Triangle:
28. 2015 “poros” report:
Annex 1. Questionnaire structure in accordance to the Ocean
Accounts Diagnostic Tool
Topic Question(s)
Regulation Aspects
Concerns Please identify any challenges in the management of marine
resources in Indonesia?
Priorities Which of the following aspects have been prioritized in the
Sustainable Development Plan?
• Tourism sector
• Aquaculture sector
Data sources To prepare the Ocean Accounts in accordance with the System
of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) standard, is it
necessary to provide new statistical data?
• Ocean Governance
• Ocean Economy
• Tourism spots
Please specify the locations (Province/District/City/Waters)
that need to be prioritized for Ocean Accounts compilation?
Constraints Please identify any obstacles faced in the preparation of Ocean
Opportunities Please identify any opportunities in the preparation of Ocean
Annex 2. Results of the scoping assessment
A. Participants
C. Operationalization
D. Priority, challenges and opportunities
Annex 3. Documentation of the national workshop
Annex 4. Matrix of Ocean Accounts Pilot Implementation (September
2021-March 2022)
Stakeholder 1 23 Sep 21 IICC, 659 registered; 452 The national
Workshop I (Hybrid; Online attended workshop on
combined online Ocean Accounting
and offline) in Indonesia
D3: Produce a final scoping assessment and the country implementation plan 3
D5: Data collection 5 7 Sep 21 Bogor MMAF, Rekam Technical
for Ocean discussion for
accounts pilot ecosystem survey
10 Sep 21 Online Rekam, BIG, BPS Technical
to determine
ecosystem extent
accounts and flow
to the environment
21 (Fish
Jan 2022 Online BPS, MMAF, Rekam Technical
on the survey
Flows to the
economy and
Feb 2022 Gili Matra Rekam Flows to the
economy and
D6: Produce draft pilot reports 6
Gathering inputs for 6 3 Dec 21 Jakarta MMAF, IPB Ocean Accounts
the pilot report University, BPS, MPA piloted in
Ministry of Finance, Gili Matra was
BIG, and Ministry of delivered as
Finance as panelist, one of tools that
attended by 60 launched in the
participants on site event: “Effective
and 1100+ viewers Conservation for
joined through online Sustainable Ocean
streaming – Launching of
management tools
and talk show”
D7: Stakeholder Workshop II to review and discuss initial pilot accounts and development roadmap 7
Writing workshop 8 23 Feb 22 Bogor MMAF, Rekam Finalize report
D8.2 of ecosystem
extent, flows to
the economy and
ecosystem, and
ocean government
Annex 5. Documentation of the ocean pilot implementation