03 - SS - Market Efficiency (2021 S2)
03 - SS - Market Efficiency (2021 S2)
03 - SS - Market Efficiency (2021 S2)
Indicative contents
The concepts of efficiency in Economics.
The market price is $15 in the DVD
market. Can a buyer get a DVD if he
is willing to pay $10 for one? How
about if he is willing to pay $20?
Non-price competition: other allocation methods
Command system allocates resources by the order (command) of someone in authority.
A command system works well in organizations with clear lines of authority but badly in an entire
economy. North Korea and Cuba are the only remaining command economies.
Marginal Benefit
Marginal benefit is an economic concept to represent the TB
benefit that a person receives from consuming one more MB
unit of a good or service. It is not directly observable.
Checkpoint exercise:
= MC
The quantity of DVDs bought is _________ a day.
The consumer surplus = ____________________ = ________.
The amount spent on DVDs = __________= ________.
The total benefit from DVDs = MB
= total expenditure + consumer surplus = __________ = _____.
Checkpoint exercise:
The quantity of DVDs sold is 20 a day.
The producer surplus = ___________________ = _______.
= MC
The total revenue = ___________________= ________.
The total cost of producing DVDs
= total revenue - producer surplus
= _______________ = ______. = MB
Indicate the area of consumer surplus and
producer surplus in the diagram respectively.
area of consumer surplus, producer surplus and total
surplus in your written explanation. Even worse, how
to describe the changes of these areas after there is
an increase in the supple of apple in your written
explanation accurately?
“Change” is frequently used in asking question because the
meaning is unclear. Therefore, it is the task of students to
clarify the direction of change.
When you describe the ‘change’ of surpluses, it is a must
that you need to state clearly whether there is “an increase”
or “a decrease” in the surplus. Don’t use the word “change”
again in your answer. Students are expected to provide clear
direction of change in their answers.
The common sentence structures are:
“ [types of surplus] increases (decreases) from the area _____ to the area _____. Thus, the [types
of surplus] increases (decreases) by the area ______”
In figure 1, the consumer surplus increases from the area abP1 to the area aeP2.
In figure 1, the consumer surplus increases by the area P1beP2.
In figure 1, the consumer surplus increases by the area P1bP2e. (What is wrong with this statement?)
BHMH 2002, Introduction to Economics 13
What is wrong with this illustration?
If you use the upper case letters for labels of intersection points on the diagram, probably, the letter ‘D’ will
appear two times. However, it refers to two different positions on the same diagram and two different
meaning. It will lead to ambiguity for the readers and markers. No mark is given for this inconsistency of