English Test Grade 5
English Test Grade 5
English Test Grade 5
1. I don't like these oranges. These 7. Every morning, Dika always drinks
oranges are a little bit . . . . ...
A. sweet A. sweet milk
B. bitter B. salty milk
C. salty C. sour milk
D. sour D. bitter milk
Which foods are the most
24. expensive?
It is . . . . rupiahs A. Noodles
A. nine thousand seventy hundred B. Bread
B. nine thousand seventeen C. Ice tea
hundred D. Bakso
C. nine hundred seventeen
thousand 28. Aini :How much is a plate of nasi
D. nine hundred seventy thousand uduk ini Jakarta?
Rara : It is fifteen thousand rupiahs
A. Rp 15
B. Rp 150
C. Rp 1,500
D, Rp 15,000