Interview Program

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1. Program for counting no of charactor in String.


import java.util.*;

public class test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String aa = "Protijayi Gini";

String[] stringarray = aa.split("");

Map<String , Long> map =

.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(c -> c , Collectors.counting()));
map.forEach( (k, v) -> System.out.println(k + " : "+ v));

output: -
: 1
P : 1
a : 1
r : 1
t : 1
G : 1
y : 1
i : 4
j : 1
n : 1
o : 1

2. Program for Prnting Map data in Key- Assending/decending order or

in name alpha betic format.

import java.util.*;

public class Coding {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Map<String, Integer> unsortMap = new HashMap<>();

unsortMap.put("z", 10);unsortMap.put("b", 5);unsortMap.put("a",
6);unsortMap.put("c", 20);unsortMap.put("d", 1);
unsortMap.put("e", 7);unsortMap.put("y", 8);unsortMap.put("n",
99);unsortMap.put("g", 50);unsortMap.put("m", 2);
unsortMap.put("f", 9);

LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> sortedMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

.forEachOrdered(x -> sortedMap.put(x.getKey(), x.getValue()));

System.out.println("Sorted Map : " + sortedMap);


output: -

: {a=6, b=5, c=20, d=1, e=7, f=9, g=50, y=8, z=10, m=2, n=99}
Sorted Map : {n=99, g=50, c=20, z=10, f=9, y=8, e=7, a=6, b=5, m=2, d=1}

3. Shorting List of custom Object ?

import java.util.*;
class Student {
String name;
int age;
int id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public int getId() {
return id;
Student(String n, int a, int i){
name = n;
age = a;
id = i;
@Override public String toString() {
return ("Student[ "+"Name:"+this.getName()+
" Age: "+ this.getAge() +
" Id: "+ this.getId()+"]");
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Student> studentlist = new ArrayList<Student>();
studentlist.add(new Student("Jon", 22, 1001));
studentlist.add(new Student("Steve", 19, 1003));
studentlist.add(new Student("Kevin", 23, 1005));
studentlist.add(new Student("Ron", 20, 1010));
studentlist.add(new Student("Lucy", 18, 1111));
System.out.println("Before Sorting the student data:");

//java 8 forEach for printing the list


System.out.println("After Sorting the student data by Age:");

//Lambda expression for sorting by age

studentlist.sort((Student s1, Student s2)->s1.getAge()-s2.getAge());

//java 8 forEach for printing the list


System.out.println("After Sorting the student data by Name:");

//Lambda expression for sorting the list by student name
studentlist.sort((Student s1, Student s2)-
System.out.println("After Sorting the student data by Id:");

//Lambda expression for sorting the list by student id

studentlist.sort((Student s1, Student s2)->s1.getId()-s2.getId());


Before Sorting the student data:

Student[ Name:Jon Age: 22 Id: 1001]
Student[ Name:Steve Age: 19 Id: 1003]
Student[ Name:Kevin Age: 23 Id: 1005]
Student[ Name:Ron Age: 20 Id: 1010]
Student[ Name:Lucy Age: 18 Id: 1111]

After Sorting the student data by Age:

Student[ Name:Lucy Age: 18 Id: 1111]

Student[ Name:Steve Age: 19 Id: 1003]
Student[ Name:Ron Age: 20 Id: 1010]
Student[ Name:Jon Age: 22 Id: 1001]
Student[ Name:Kevin Age: 23 Id: 1005]

After Sorting the student data by Name:

Student[ Name:Jon Age: 22 Id: 1001]

Student[ Name:Kevin Age: 23 Id: 1005]
Student[ Name:Lucy Age: 18 Id: 1111]
Student[ Name:Ron Age: 20 Id: 1010]
Student[ Name:Steve Age: 19 Id: 1003]

After Sorting the student data by Id:

Student[ Name:Jon Age: 22 Id: 1001]

Student[ Name:Steve Age: 19 Id: 1003]
Student[ Name:Kevin Age: 23 Id: 1005]
Student[ Name:Ron Age: 20 Id: 1010]
Student[ Name:Lucy Age: 18 Id: 1111]

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