Johnson, Dris - 2000 - The Origin of Turbulent Spots
Johnson, Dris - 2000 - The Origin of Turbulent Spots
Johnson, Dris - 2000 - The Origin of Turbulent Spots
It has been suggested that a turbulent spot is formed when a transient separation occurs
in the laminar boundary layer and this criterion has been successfully used by Johnson
and Ercan (1996, 1997) to predict bypass transition for boundary layers subjected to a
wide range of free-stream turbulence levels and streamwise pressure gradients. In the
current paper experimental results are presented that support the premise that the
M. W. Johnson formation of turbulent spots is associated with transient separation. Near-wall hot-wire
signals in laminar and transitional boundary layers are analyzed statistically to produce
A. Dris probability distributions for signal level and trough frequency. In the laminar period the
signal level is normally distributed, but during the inter-turbulent periods in the transi-
tional boundary layer, the distribution is truncated at the lower end, i.e., the lowest
Department of Engineering,
The University of Liverpool,
velocity periods in the signal disappear, suggesting that these are replaced during
Liverpool L69 3GH, United Kingdom transition by the turbulent periods. The number of these events (troughs) also correlates
with the number of turbulent spots during early transition. A linear perturbation theory is
also used in the paper to compute the streamlines through a turbulent spot and its
associated calmed region. The results indicate that a hairpin vortex dominates the flow
and entrains a low-momentum fluid stream from upstream with a high-momentum stream
from downstream and then ejects the combined stream into the turbulent spot. The hairpin
can only exist if a local separation occurs beneath its nose and the current results suggest
that this separation is induced when the instantaneous velocity in the near-wall signal
drops below 50 percent of the mean.
88 / Vol. 122, JANUARY 2000 Copyright © 2000 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
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This relation indicates that the minimum value of the measured
velocity u ⫹ u⬘ is 21 u when p( x, y) ⫽ 41 u 2 . If p( x, y) exceeds
this value, the streamline no longer has an equilibrium position and
an instability occurs. In fact, as the streamline is deflected outward,
the local pressure increases, decelerating the fluid on the stream-
line still further, resulting in further deflection of the streamline
from the wall, until ultimately the fluid stalls and flow separation
results. This simple model therefore predicts that when a pressure
perturbation induces the near-wall velocity to drop below 50
percent of the unperturbed local velocity, an instability arises,
which results in local separation of the flow. It is the normal
Fig. 1 Near-wall streamlines perturbed through the pressure field in- velocity v⬘ associated with this separation that is believed to
duced by the free-stream turbulence initiate the turbulent spot.
however, the fluid will accelerate and will also move closer to the Experimental Work
wall (to satisfy 2-d continuity). Conversely, when the pressure The experimental measurements were made in the boundary
increases, the streamline will move away from the surface. Along layer wind tunnel in the Department of Engineering at the Uni-
a streamline, assuming that the perturbation is time invariant and versity of Liverpool. A detailed description can be found in Fasih-
viscosity can be neglected, far (1992). The flat plate has a length and width of 1.2 m and
0.7 m, respectively and a flow velocity of 30 m/s, which was
p 0 共y兲 ⫽ p共x, y s 兲 ⫹ 12 u s2 , (1)
constant along the plate, was used for all the current experiments.
where the pressure field is assumed to be a function only of the A turbulence generating grid, placed 0.75 m upstream of the plate
free-stream perturbations and not the local conditions and u s is the leading edge, induced a free-stream turbulence level of 1 percent
velocity of fluid on the streamline at a height y s above the wall. at the plate leading edge. A Dantec 55C01 anemometer and 55P15
Continuity also requires that probe were used for the boundary layer measurements. The signal
was digitized over a sample length of 15 seconds using a sampling
uy ⫽ u s y s (2) frequency of 10 kHz. The signals were linearized using a digital
“look-up” calibration table. At each of 12 streamwise x locations,
Now with a general waveform w( x) for the perturbing pressure a boundary layer traverse consisting of 50 measurement points was
field made in order that the boundary layer integral parameters could be
p共x, y s 兲 ⫽ ay s2 w共x兲 ⫽ a
us 冉 冊 2
w共x兲 (3)
evaluated. One of the near-wall measurement points, which lay at
approximately y/ ␦ ⫽ 0.1, was selected for the signal analysis. The
turbulent and inter-turbulent periods and hence the intermittency
where a is a constant. Hence from Eq. (1), were determined using the method of Fasihfar and Johnson (1992),
whereby the signal was high pass filtered to remove the low-
us 冉 冊 2
w共x兲 ⫹
u s2
frequency laminar fluctuations. The turbulent periods were then
defined as those periods when the signal amplitude exceeded a
specified threshold value. Full details, including the choice of the
and so, taking the root of this quadratic, which meets the require- filter setting and threshold are given in Fasihfar and Johnson
ment that u s ⫽ u when w( x) ⫽ 0, (1992). In the current work, the unfiltered signal was then analyzed
冉冊 冑
in the turbulent and inter-turbulent periods to evaluate probability
us 1 1 2ay 2 w共x兲 distributions for signal level and trough frequency.
⫽ ⫹ ⫺ (5)
u 2 4 u2
However, the velocity u ⫹ u⬘ measured at the fixed height y is Experimental Results
given by Boundary Layer Development. Figure 2 shows the boundary
yu s u s2 layer development along the plate. Laminar flow is maintained up
u ⫹ u⬘ ⫽ ⫽ (6) to Re x ⫽ 900,000, at which point the intermittency starts to
ys u increase, indicating that transition has commenced. In the current
and hence work transition is not fully completed at the last measurement
station. The near-wall local turbulence level increases approxi-
⫽⫺ ⫹
2 冑 1 2p共x, y兲
u 2 冉冊 us
mately linearly through the laminar layer to a value close to 23
percent at start of transition, as discussed by Fasihfar and Johnson
(1992), and reaches a peak at 40 percent in the transition period
a ⫽ constant in Eq. (3) T ⫽ Ut/ ␦ ⫽ dimensionless time v⬘ ⫽ normal fluctuating velocity
p ⫽ instantaneous static pressure u ⫽ time-averaged local velocity w( x) ⫽ waveform
p o ⫽ time invariant total pressure on a u lam ⫽ time-averaged inter-turbulent pe- x, y, z ⫽ streamwise, normal, and span-
streamline riod velocity wise coordinates
Re ⫽ U ␦ / ⫽ boundary layer thickness u tur ⫽ time-averaged turbulent period X, Y, Z ⫽ x/ ␦ , y/ ␦ , z/ ␦ ⫽ dimension-
Reynolds number velocity less coordinates
Re x ⫽ Ux/ ⫽ Reynolds number based u⬘ ⫽ fluctuating velocity y s ⫽ normal distance from wall to
on streamwise distance u i ⫽ u ⫹ u⬘ ⫽ instantaneous velocity streamline
Re ⫽ U / ⫽ boundary layer momen- u s ⫽ velocity on a streamline ␦ ⫽ boundary layer thickness
tum thickness Reynolds number U ⫽ free-stream velocity ⫽ fluid density
t ⫽ time
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0.9 and hence the whole distribution curve is shifted to the left.
This asymmetry becomes greater as the transition proceeds with
very low probabilities below 50 percent of the local inter-turbulent
mean velocity at any streamwise location. This observation there-
fore lends strong experimental support to the suggestion by John-
son and Ercan (1996, 1997) that turbulent spots are induced when
the near-wall instantaneous velocity drops below 50 percent of the
mean, in that it is these parts of the signal which apparently vanish
from the inter-turbulent periods. Beyond Re x ⫽ 1,340,000, a
second peak resulting from the turbulent periods, which are asso-
ciated with a higher mean velocity, develops at a u i /u lam ⬎ 1. This
peak becomes dominant as the end of transition is approached and
also adopts a normal distribution profile about a mean level of
u tur/u lam.
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glect the statistical nature of the free-stream turbulence responsible
for inducing bypass transition. Consider, for example, a steady
flow over a flat plate, but suppose that the free-stream turbulence
level varies with time. Assuming the variation is made fairly
slowly, we would expect the transition location to move down-
stream as the turbulence level is decreased and to move upstream
as it is increased. This is not dissimilar from a wake-induced
transition experiment (e.g., Halstead et al., 1995) where periods of
high free-stream turbulence in the wakes result in large diversions
upstream in the transition location. This is an extreme example of
what happens when we have a nominally constant free-stream
turbulence level. If the turbulence level were measured over peri-
ods of only a few wavelengths, then its magnitude would be found
to vary considerably, because of its statistical nature. This varia-
tion would thus lead to a variation in the location at which
turbulent spots are generated and hence to a “distributed break-
down.” In the case of natural transition the amplitude of the
Tollmien–Schlichting waves also varies with time, but they grow
very rapidly in the streamwise direction and hence a large number
of spots will be induced over a relatively short streamwise distance
and thus can be modeled approximately as concentrated break-
down. However, for bypass transition the growth in amplitude is
approximately linear and hence the spot initiation sites will have a
significant streamwise distribution. This effect is apparent in most
measured intermittencies (e.g., Gostelow and Walker, 1991) where
the intermittency consistently exceeds the Narasimha concentrated
breakdown model value by between 2 and 5 percent in the early
transition period, but is accurately modeled by a distributed break-
down model (Johnson and Ercan, 1997). In the current experi-
ments occasional spots (at a frequencies less than 1 Hz and which
result in intermittencies less than 0.01 percent) were observed at
measurement stations in the laminar boundary layer Re x ⬍
900,000. These very early turbulent spots have a negligible effect
Fig. 4 Trough frequency distributions on the time mean boundary layer parameters and are generally
ignored by researchers, but their existence is evidence of occa-
sional extraordinary low troughs in the near-wall velocity signal,
which induce occasional turbulent spots in the laminar boundary
turbulent period (⫽ intermittency ⫻ trough rate). This is not the layer.
case farther downstream, however, as the number of observed
spots will be less than the total number induced as the spots will be
less than the total number induced as the spots will begin to merge Theoretical Work
with their neighbors as they grow in size. Nevertheless, the result The theoretical results described in the current paper were
shown in the figure confirms that the induction of a spot is obtained using the method described by Johnson (1998a, 1999),
associated with the disappearance of a trough in the near-wall which is similar to the method of Li and Widnall (1989). A steady
velocity signal. nondeveloping boundary layer flow is perturbed by a fully three-
Concentrated or Distributed Breakdown. Whatever the cri- dimensional viscid linear perturbation. The method is therefore
terion for the induction of turbulent spots, for concentrated break- only strictly accurate for small linear perturbations and turbulence,
down to occur, the criterion can only be satisfied over a very short which results from nonlinear perturbations, is not predicted. Nev-
streamwise distance (Narasimha, 1957). This would seem to ne- ertheless, Johnson (1998b) showed that the geometric development
of the linear perturbation region was very similar to that of the
measured (and hence nonlinear) development of a turbulent spot
and its associated calmed region.
Figure 6 shows the streamlines through the perturbed region at
T ⫽ Ut/ ␦ ⫽ 60 for Re ⫽ 4000 (Re ⫽ 470) as seen by an observer
travelling at 50 percent of the free-stream velocity (approximately
the average velocity of the perturbation region). It should be noted
therefore that fluid with a velocity less than 0.5 U (i.e., Y ⬍ 0.25)
is seen by this moving observer to approach the perturbed region
from the front, whereas fluid with a greater velocity (Y ⬎ 0.25) is
seen to approach from the rear. The Y axis in the figure has been
scaled by a factor of 5 and streamlines originating from each Y
level are staggered by ⌬Y ⫽ 1 for clarity. In the figure all the
streamlines originating above Y ⫽ 0.1 travel around the core of a
hairpin vortex at X ⫽ 30. The streamlines beneath this level pass
beneath the nose of the hairpin vortex and are deflected along its
legs around the calmed region, which is bounded by the vortex.
These streamlines are in fact within the viscous sublayer (Y ⫽ 0.1
corresponds to y ⫹ ⫽ 9 at this Reynolds number). The streamlines
originating at Y ⫽ 0.2 are turned by the hairpin vortex through
Fig. 5 Minima and burst rates along the plate 180 deg to move away from the surface to mix with fluid carried
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2 Probabilities for the near-wall signal level in the laminar and
inter-turbulent periods show that instantaneous velocities below
approximately 50 percent of the mean are negligibly small even
though velocities in excess of 200 percent are present. This obser-
vation appears to confirm that occurrences of instantaneous veloc-
ities below this threshold are responsible for the initiation of
turbulent spots. This hypothesis is also supported by the fact that
the occurrence rate of such events (troughs) is approximately equal
to the burst rate within the early transition period. In mid and late
transition, merging of spots occurs and hence the burst rate be-
comes lower than the trough rate.
3 A linear perturbation model is used to predict the stream-
lines through a turbulent spot and its associated calmed region. The
results show that the hairpin vortex is responsible for sustaining
the turbulent spot and that the vortex depends on the existence of
a local separation of the flow. The separation is induced when the
local instantaneous velocity drops below 50 percent of the mean.
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meets the low-momentum stream from upstream (streamlines from Johnson, M. W., and Fasihfar, A., 1994, “Properties of turbulent bursts in transi-
Y ⫽ 0.1 and 0.2), is of particular interest. Where these two streams tional boundary layers,” Int. Jnl. of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 283–290.
meet, the high-momentum stream bifurcates with one part con- Johnson, M. W., and Ercan, A. H., 1996, “A boundary layer transition model,”
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Johnson, M. W., and Ercan, A. H., 1997, “Predicting bypass transition: A physical
the calmed region. The bifurcation occurs along a line between the model versus empirical correlations,” ASME Paper No. 97-GT-475.
calmed region and the hairpin vortex, which forms an open loop. Johnson, M. W., 1998a, “The structure of turbulent spots,” submitted for journal
The front of the loop lies beneath the nose of the hairpin vortex and publication.
travels with it (i.e., at approximately 50 percent free-stream ve- Johnson, M. W., 1998b, “Turbulent spot characteristics in boundary layers sub-
jected to streamwise pressure gradient,” ASME Paper No. 98-GT-124.
locity); however, the legs of the loop trail behind the nose and end
Johnson, M. W., 1999, “Prediction of turbulent spot growth rates,” ASME Paper
on the wall at separation points. It is therefore a necessary condi- No. 99-GT-31.
tion, for the establishment of the hairpin and the turbulent spot and Li, F., and Widnall, S. E., 1989, “Wave patterns in plane Poiseuille flow created by
its associated calmed region, that the boundary layer is perturbed concentrated disturbances,” Jnl. of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 208, pp. 639 – 656.
sufficiently to induce a local separation of the flow. Mayle, R. E., and Schultz, A., 1997, “The path to predicting bypass transition,”
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Mayle, R. E., 1999, “A theory for predicting the turbulent spot production rate,”
Conclusions Narasimha, R., 1957, “On the Distribution of Intermittency in the Transition
Region of a Boundary Layer,” J. of Aero. Sciences, Vol. 24, pp. 711–712.
1 A simple analytical model is presented, which suggests that Seifert, A., and Wygnanski, I. J., 1994, “On Turbulent Spots in a Laminar
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Sirovich, L., and Karlson, S., 1997, “Turbulent drag reduction by passive mecha-
taneous velocity is reduced to 50 percent of the unperturbed nisms,” Nature, Vol. 388, pp. 753–755.
velocity, transient separation occurs and a turbulent spot is initi- Smith, C. R., Walker, J. D. A., Haidari, A. H., and Sobrun, U., 1991, Phil. Trans.
ated. R. Soc. Lond. A336, pp. 131–175.
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