Dynamic Modelling of Battery Energy Storage
Dynamic Modelling of Battery Energy Storage
Dynamic Modelling of Battery Energy Storage
C.-F. LU
C.-C. Liu
C.-J. WU
2 Equivalent circuit of BES Since the battery is an energy storage unit, its energy is
represented in kWh. When a capacitor is used to model
The equivalent configuration of a BES is shown in Fig. 1, the battery unit, the capacitance can be determined from
that containing a Y-A transformer, a converter, a battery
tC,p(V& IMx - V&, = kWh x 3600 x lo3 (4)
power Although C,, is a function of voltage [ S , 91, it is approx-
syslrr imately a constant value during dynamic period, since the
terminal voltage of the equivalent battery cannot change
much for an instant. R E , is the equivalent resistance of
parallel/series connection batteries, and its value is
dependent on the connecting conditions and amount of
batteries. The parallel circuit of R E , and C,, is used to
describe the energy and voltage during charging or dis-
charging. R,, is connected in parallel with c,, to simu-
late the self-discharging of a battery. Since the
sch<Xme -I_
Corltrol self-discharging current of a battery is small, the resist-
ance of RE, is large.
We can obtain V,,, and V,, from the analysis of the
equivalent circuit.
I l- (9)
..........T . ..h
1 :
amplifier eH
signal 1
,,, positive value negative value
V*, positive value negative value
v'q ' B E , + v'd Q B E S U,,, _
_ - +
S-K , ~ 1 _ST,_
v: A0 1 + ST, 1 + ST,
where The parameters of the lead-lag controller are determined
v' = ( V L + v:,)"* by the pole-assignment method based on the modal
control theory [I 13. We can obtain the parameters of the
In the stability applications, a BES can be thought of a controller from a simple matric operation by shifting the
current sink in charging mode, or a current source in unstable eigenvalues of mode 1 and mode 2 to the pre-
discharging mode. specified position. The result is listed as follows. Prespeci-
432 I E E Proc.-Gener. Transm. Disrrih., Vol. 142, No. 4, July 1995
Table 2: The system eigenvalues
Modes Without BES Charging mode Discharging mode
with BES but with BES and with BES but with BES and
without lead-lag lead-lag without lead-lag lead-lag
controller controller controller controller
Mode 0 -0,2139 kj8.87 -0.4986 i j 9 . 6 5 5 -0.8513 i j 9 . 0 0 7 -0.4384 i j 9 . 6 4 -0.7459 *j8.921
Mode 1 0.5014 +j155.44 0.3878 i j 1 5 5 . 4 7 -3.414 k j l 5 5 . 1 5 0.4725 i j 1 5 5 . 3 7 -7.112 +j150.36
Mode 2 -0,046 +j203.46 -0.0467 i j 2 0 3 . 4 7 -1 .O i j 2 0 3 . 1 -0.0459 kj203.45 -1.5774 i j 2 0 3 . 2 9
Mode 3 -0.0522 kj321.13 -0.054 +j321.13 -0.3993 kj321.11 -0.0538 +j321.13 -0.581 7 +j321.42
Other -15.61 ij605.43 -17.36 5j605.53 -17.55 i j 6 0 5 . 5 9 -15.65 +j605.51 -15.90 i j 6 0 5 . 6 9
modes -21.56 kj376.56 -10.14 +j376.54 -0.8137 +j376.03 -20.07 i j 3 7 6 . 2 1 -7.604 +j367.87
-15.62 5j148.32 -17.53 +j147.7 -18.61 i j 1 4 9 . 4 7 -16.35 +j147.84 -15.9kj152.36
-28.71 fj l l .67 -28.99 *jl 1.49 -29.0 + j l 1.48 -26.73 i j10.54 -26.65 kj10.64
-19.21 kj0.9517 -19.36 i j 5 . 2 6 4 -19.49Itj5.313 -23.37 i j 5 . 1 6 -23.6kj4.932
-1.536 *j0.402 -1.275ijO.606 -1.274*j0.605 -1.033 hj0.659 -1.033+j0.656
-5.367 -5.208 -5.21 2 -4.822 -4.837
-1029 -1029 -1023 -1019
-996.5 -995.1 -996.0 -993.2
-38.69 -38.69 -48.0 -48.05
-38.46 -38.46 -38.46 -38.46
-0.000331 -0.000331 -0.000325 -0.000325
-117.8 -123.2
-9.057 -9.088
effect declared in the eigenvalues analysis. All nonlin- nology researches. The establishment of the BES dynamic
earities, such as exciter ceiling voltage limits and battery model can provide a basis for the control method devel-
open-circuit voltage limits, must be included. A 0.1 p.u. opment and the observation of responses and behaviour
0 001 6, I 131
2 3 4 0 1
times times t1me.s
0 02r I 0, 2 372,
-0 01 -0 015 2 371
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 7 Dynamic responses oJrhe system with BES and uu.xiliary controller in discharging mode
four-cycle mechanical torque change is used as a dis- of batteries. Furthermore, it can be used to investigate
turbance. the application of a BES in a power system.
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8 Appendix Mass-spring system (600 MVA, 22 kV) [lo]
BES (40 M W h ) [2, 5,6] M, 0.4982 s D,,
= = 0.0498 p.u.
Battery voltages = 1755-2925 V DC
K,, = 42.69 p.u./rad
X,, = 0.0274 R C B P= 52 600 F
M , ~= 3.102 s D , = 0.3103 P.U.
C,, = 1 F R,, = 0.0167 R
R , , = 10 kR R,, = 0.001 R K,, = 83.46 p.u./rad
R E , = 0.013 R K B P= K , , = 1.06 M, = 1.759 s D , = 0. I76 p.u.
TBp= TBy= 0.026 s K , = 0.5 K,, = 3.74 p.u./rad
K , = 1.0 T, = 0.001 s
M, = 0.0138 s D, = 0.00138 p.u.