Dynamic Modelling of Battery Energy Storage

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Dynamic modelling of battery energy storage

system and application to power system stability

C.-F. LU
C.-C. Liu
C.-J. WU

Indexing terms: Battery energy storage, Power system stability

KR, TR = firing circuit gain and time constant

Abstract: A useful and systematic dynamic model UBES = auxiliary controller output signal
of a battery energy storage system (BES) is devel- K , , Tw , Tl, T2 = parameters of auxiliary lead-lag con-
oped for a large-scale power system stability troller
study. The model takes into account converter CLR, P I = converter firing angle and ignition
equivalent circuits, battery characteristics and advance angle
internal losses. Both charging mode and dis- d R ? dI = power phase angles of charging and
charging mode are presented. The model is discharging battery
expressed in equivalent transfer function blocks, w = generator rotor speed
and it can be easily used in dynamic stability
analysis of a power system. To examine the
dynamic behaviour of the model, applications to 1 Introduction
the damping of turbogenerator torsional oscil- At present, electric power consumption patterns have
lations are performed. Active and reactive power resulted in increasingly large differences between day and
modulation by the BES can be controlled accord- night energy demands owing to the high electrification of
ing to system requirements. Eigenvalue analysis customers. In summer the air-conditioning load is about
and dynamic simulations are performed to 30% of the Taiwan power system peak load. How to
demonstrate the damping effect of the BES. effectively use or store off-peak energy to meet peak
energy demand has received substantial attention in elec-
tric utilities. In addition to better use of energy resources,
List of principal symbols improving system performances and possible implemen-
= ideal no-load maximum DC voltage tation, a battery energy storage system (BES) has the fol-
of converter lowing features
c = BES terminal voltage (a) modularity
(b) environmentally benign
VBT = average DC voltage of battery
RET, RBS = battery connecting resistance and (c) high eficiency
internal resistance (d) quick response
XCO = converter commutating reactance In the past decades, almost all investigations concen-
I B E S , P E E S ,QBEs = BES current, active power, and react- trated upon these topics concerning the well-known
ive power applications of a BES: peak-shaving [l, 21 or load fre-
P m , QDC = DC active power and reactive power quency control [3]; and system planning, such as capac-
of battery ity decision, economic assessment and location. Although
"B L = battery overvoltage load-levelling is the original purpose of a BES, it also can
RE13 C B l = resistance and capacitance at charg- be used as a stabiliser of power systems 141. The dynamic
ing and discharging procedures damping improvement must be an additional benefit
RBP = battery self-dischargeresistance from the BES but not the only one, since the BES must
CBP = battery capacitance be primarily used for load management.
VB,, = battery open-circuit voltage Dynamic modelling of a BES was first proposed by
K B P , TBP = speed measurement device gain and Carroll et al. [S, 61. The equivalent circuit of batteries
time constant was represented by a constant voltage source behind a
KBQ, TsQ = voltage measurement device gain and parallel RC circuit, i.e. a Thevenin equivalent circuit.
time constant Although this model can describe the outer behaviour of
K M = feedback factor of BES a BES correctly during dynamic period, it is incomplete
in the inner interaction of a BES, since the voltage of a
Q IEE, 1995 BES is not constant. The voltage of a BES is dependent
Paper 1858C (P9, PIO), first received 18th April 1994 and in revised on the operating conditions. The studies in this paper
form 10th January 1995
combine the characteristics of the converter [6, 71 and
C.-F. Lu and C.-C. Liu are with the Department of Electrical Engmeer-
ing, National Taiwan University, Taipei. Taiwan, Republic of China the battery equivalent circuits [S, 91 to construct a
C.-J. Wu is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National dynamic model of a BES. The detailed interaction
Taiwan Institute of Technology, 43, Keelung Road Section 4, Taipei between components is presented. The difference of a
106, Taiwan, Republic of China BES in charging and discharging modes is compared.
1.EE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 142, N o . 4, J u l y 1995 429
Although high-order models which account for nonlin- where
earities have already been developed and are in com- 4 = pulse number
mercial applications, a BES dynamic model which can be
used in the stability analysis of a large-scale power V,,-L = line to line RMS voltage
system is also required.
To examine the dynamic responses of the BES model, Fa-N= line to neutral RMS voltage
applications of this model to improve power system sta- In this paper we simply consider a six-pulse converter,
bility are investigated. This paper is thought to be the that is
first attempt at damping torsional oscillations by a BES.
The damping effect on low-frequency oscillations is also
observed. Both eigenvalues analysis and nonlinear time-
domain simulations are performed on the IEEE Second
Benchmark Model, system 1 [lo]. A simple first-order If X , , is the commutating reactance of the converter, the
lead-lag auxiliary controller is designed. The parameters equivalent commutating voltage drop of the six-pulse
of the lead-lag controller are determined by a pole converter is ( 3 / r ) X C 0I,,, . The terminal voltage of the
assignment method based on the modal control theory equivalent battery is obtained.
v,, = 3Jo 1: cos aR - -3 X,,I,,, (3)

2 Equivalent circuit of BES Since the battery is an energy storage unit, its energy is
represented in kWh. When a capacitor is used to model
The equivalent configuration of a BES is shown in Fig. 1, the battery unit, the capacitance can be determined from
that containing a Y-A transformer, a converter, a battery
tC,p(V& IMx - V&, = kWh x 3600 x lo3 (4)
power Although C,, is a function of voltage [ S , 91, it is approx-
syslrr imately a constant value during dynamic period, since the
terminal voltage of the equivalent battery cannot change
much for an instant. R E , is the equivalent resistance of
parallel/series connection batteries, and its value is
dependent on the connecting conditions and amount of
batteries. The parallel circuit of R E , and C,, is used to
describe the energy and voltage during charging or dis-
charging. R,, is connected in parallel with c,, to simu-
late the self-discharging of a battery. Since the

sch<Xme -I_
Corltrol self-discharging current of a battery is small, the resist-
ance of RE, is large.
We can obtain V,,, and V,, from the analysis of the
equivalent circuit.

and a control scheme. The converter is an interface

between the three phase AC power system and the DC
battery. The equivalent battery is composed of a set of
batteries in parallel/series connection. The equivalent
circuit of the BES can be represented by a converter con- where
necting an equivalent battery as shown in Fig. 2, where

The active power and reactive power absorbed by or

released from the BES are

I l- (9)

Because of the power consumption of the converter, the

convertor battery power factor of the battery can be represented as
Fig. 2 Equioalent cirruir of BES

E,, is the ideal no-load maximum DC voltage of the

converter. According to the converter circuit analysis then
4 sin
sin !!= J ( 6 ) V L - , - . 7 -l
E,, = J(2)VL-L (1)
4 " 4
430 IEE Pror.-Gener. Transm. Dlstrib., Vol. 142, No. 4, July 1995
Within the BES, the active power and reactive power The incremental values APEE, and AQnESare added to
absorbed by and released from the battery are the existing command of active power and reactive
power, P,,,,and QBEso,to obtain the expected values of
PDc = Vnr I,,, = cos + R active power P2Es and reactive power QZEES,
3 The expected converter firing angle is
- r: I,,, cos U R -- xc,tiES

The actual firing angle can be obtained from

where TRand K , are the firing circuit delay tine constant

and converter loop gain, respectively. U,, is the output
(13) signal of an auxiliary controller for specified purposes.
K,Al,,, is used to stabilise the BES under contant
3 Dynamic model of BES current operation, where a BES can release more power
To enable the BES model to be easily utilised in the sta- from batteries. The sign of K, is dependent on the firing
bility analysis of a power system, the model should be angle position in the P-Q plane. K , is positive in the first
given in the frequency domain as shown in Fig. 3. The and third quadrants, and negative in the second and
control scheme lets the BES have the ability of active fourth quadrants.
power and reactive power modulation according to The equivalent circuit of batteries in Fig. 2 also should
system requirement. Since active power control affects the be transformed into the frequency domain. Taking the
power system frequency directly, that is the speed of a Laplace transform of eqns. 5 and 6 , we can obtain the
generator here, the active power increment AP,,, trans- values of VBoCand V', in the frequency domain.
ferred through the converter is controlled depending
upon the measured frequency deviation or speed devi-
ation of the turbogenerator rotor; that is
I + ST,,
With the other algebra equations for the converter and
where K , , and T,, are the control loop gain and speed battery in Section 2, the dynamic model for a BES as
measurement device time constant, respectively. Since shown in Fig. 3 can fully reveal the dynamic behaviour
voltage regulation is obtained by reactive power control, for a stability study. The input to the model includes five
the reactive power increment A&,, transferred through
command signals, [ B E S O , P B E , , , Q B E S O , w,,/, and I/.,
the converter is controlled depending on the terminal
voltage deviation; that is
two feedback signals, w and v, and one auxiliary control
signal, U,,,. The output from the model contains three
BES values P n E S ,QsEs and I,,,, and two battery signals
and Q D C .
Fig. 3 IS the block diagram of a BES dynamic model
where Knp and TFpare the control loop gain and voltage under charging mode. The discharging mode block
measurement device time constant, respectively. diagram also can be derived with some modifications to

..........T . ..h

1 :

amplifier eH
signal 1

controi scheme convertor battery

Fig. 3 Block diagram of BES dynamic model

I E E Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 142, No. 4 , J u l y 1995 43 I

Fig. 3. It is convenient to use the ignition angle b, for the 5 Application
converter in discharging mode [7]. The terminal voltage This section describes the application of a BES in the
of the equivalent battery is damping improvement of synchronous generator tor-
VBT= ED, COS - ',,,RE sional oscillations. The BES is used as a damping device
to give an additional damping torque to the power
- 3J(6) r: cos p, --
3 x,, I,,, system. Both the BES and the power system are
described in first-order nonlinear differential equations.
In the eigenvalue analysis, those equations are linearised
where 8, = n - aR. We can tabulate the difference under an operating conditions to obtain a set of first-
between charging mode and discharging mode dynamic order linear differential equations. A scientific computer
models in Table 1. For a discharging mode model, the package is used to calculate the system eigenvalues. In
modifications to Fig. 3 are as follows
the time-domain dynamic simulations, nonlinear differen-
tial equations are solved by a fourth-order Runge-Kutta
Table 1 : Differences between charging mode and dis-
charging mode
5.1 Studied system
Item Charging mode Discharging mode The system under study is the IEEE Second Benchmark
Firing angle aR &=n-a, Model, system 1 [IO] as shown in Fig. 4, where a gener-

p,,, 3Jo v,/,,, cos an -

3 J ( 6 ) VJBEScos 8, EX GEN LP HP

QBES V,/,,,sin an 3 J ( 6 ) V,/,,,sinfi,


,,, positive value negative value
V*, positive value negative value

Add a block of n - aR between KJ(1 ST,) and the + infinite

limiter; then the variable aR in sin and cos arguments is
replaced by B, . The I E E E second benchmark model system 1 with a BES
Fig. 4
Change the sign of sin function; that is, sin aR is
replaced by - sin p, and sin 4Ris replaced by -sin 4,.
ator supplies power to the infinite bus through two long-
distance AC lines. One line is with series capacitor
compensation. A BES is located at the generator bus ter-
4 Connection to power system minal to provide active power and reactive power modu-
In the stability study of a power system, the quantities of lation. The dynamic behaviour of the generator is
synchronous machines, transmission lines, loads and described by the nonlinear full current model. The IEEE
other devices are usually expressed in the two-axis frame type 1 excitation system [I23 supplies the field current to
[12]. The quantities in the abc frame can be transferred the generator. All system data are given in the Appendix.
into the two-axis frame by Park's transformation.
5.2 Eigenvalues analysis
The complete eigenvalues of the open-loop system, that is
where P is the Park transformation matrix. without the BES, are listed in the first column of Table 2.
In the BES dynamic model, the output variables are The torsional oscillations are dominated by mode 0 to
PBES and Q B E SThese
. quantities described by the BES mode 3 (torsional modes). It is observed that mode 1 is
terminal voltage and current in the two-axis frame are unstable and modes 2 and 3 are nearly undamped. When
the BES under charging mode is incorporated into the
power system, all eigenvalues are listed in the second
column of Table 2. It is shown that the system with the
BES alone has a little damping improvement, but still has
Where Kd and Vq are the d-axis and q-axis components insufficient damping for torsional modes. As a result,
of V, respectively, and I B E S d r I,,, are the d-axis and some additional control signal can be added into the
q-axis components of I,,, , respectively. Then the two- BES control scheme to damp out the torsional oscil-
axis currents flowing into the BES are lations resulted from the negative damping modes. In this
paper a lead-lag controller with the following transfer
function and the generator speed feedback is proposed to
increase the damping of mode 1 and mode 2.

v'q ' B E , + v'd Q B E S U,,, _
_ - +
S-K , ~ 1 _ST,_
v: A0 1 + ST, 1 + ST,
where The parameters of the lead-lag controller are determined
v' = ( V L + v:,)"* by the pole-assignment method based on the modal
control theory [I 13. We can obtain the parameters of the
In the stability applications, a BES can be thought of a controller from a simple matric operation by shifting the
current sink in charging mode, or a current source in unstable eigenvalues of mode 1 and mode 2 to the pre-
discharging mode. specified position. The result is listed as follows. Prespeci-
432 I E E Proc.-Gener. Transm. Disrrih., Vol. 142, No. 4, July 1995
Table 2: The system eigenvalues
Modes Without BES Charging mode Discharging mode
with BES but with BES and with BES but with BES and
without lead-lag lead-lag without lead-lag lead-lag
controller controller controller controller
Mode 0 -0,2139 kj8.87 -0.4986 i j 9 . 6 5 5 -0.8513 i j 9 . 0 0 7 -0.4384 i j 9 . 6 4 -0.7459 *j8.921
Mode 1 0.5014 +j155.44 0.3878 i j 1 5 5 . 4 7 -3.414 k j l 5 5 . 1 5 0.4725 i j 1 5 5 . 3 7 -7.112 +j150.36
Mode 2 -0,046 +j203.46 -0.0467 i j 2 0 3 . 4 7 -1 .O i j 2 0 3 . 1 -0.0459 kj203.45 -1.5774 i j 2 0 3 . 2 9
Mode 3 -0.0522 kj321.13 -0.054 +j321.13 -0.3993 kj321.11 -0.0538 +j321.13 -0.581 7 +j321.42
Other -15.61 ij605.43 -17.36 5j605.53 -17.55 i j 6 0 5 . 5 9 -15.65 +j605.51 -15.90 i j 6 0 5 . 6 9
modes -21.56 kj376.56 -10.14 +j376.54 -0.8137 +j376.03 -20.07 i j 3 7 6 . 2 1 -7.604 +j367.87
-15.62 5j148.32 -17.53 +j147.7 -18.61 i j 1 4 9 . 4 7 -16.35 +j147.84 -15.9kj152.36
-28.71 fj l l .67 -28.99 *jl 1.49 -29.0 + j l 1.48 -26.73 i j10.54 -26.65 kj10.64
-19.21 kj0.9517 -19.36 i j 5 . 2 6 4 -19.49Itj5.313 -23.37 i j 5 . 1 6 -23.6kj4.932
-1.536 *j0.402 -1.275ijO.606 -1.274*j0.605 -1.033 hj0.659 -1.033+j0.656
-5.367 -5.208 -5.21 2 -4.822 -4.837
-1029 -1029 -1023 -1019
-996.5 -995.1 -996.0 -993.2
-38.69 -38.69 -48.0 -48.05
-38.46 -38.46 -38.46 -38.46
-0.000331 -0.000331 -0.000325 -0.000325
-117.8 -123.2
-9.057 -9.088

can be observed that mode 1 and mode 2 are exactlv at

the assigned position. Although we primarily want to
enhance the damping of these two modes, the other tor-
tional modes also benefit the damping effect. It is valu-
3 able to note that the damping of the electromechanical
-0 0016 mode (mode 0) is simultaneously greatly improved.
C1 1 I
-. .
3 4 It is worth examining the effect of the BES under dis-
L l , 1 ,?,S
charging mode on damping the torsional oscillations.
Fig. 5 Dynamic responses of the system without BES When the discharging mode BES is incorporated into the
power system, all eigenvalues are also listed in the fourth
column of Table 2. The system only has a little damping
lied eigenvalues improvement as the same by the charging mode. Incor-
-3.414 +j155.15 (mode 1) porating the above lead-lag controller designed under
charging mode, all eigenvalues are listed in the fifth
- 1.0 j203.1 (mode 2) column of Table 2. The damping of all torsional modes is
Parameters of lead-lag controller greatly improved.
It has been examined, but is not revealed here, that the
T, = 0.00893 s BES with the lead-lag controller can ensure good
T2= 0.0203 s damping for the power system under various operating
T, = 0.1215 s
5.3 Dynamic simulations
K, = 40.65 s
Since the eigenvalues analysis are performed based on the
The eigenvalues of the system with the BES and the lead- linearised model, dynamic simulations using nonlinear
lag controller are given in the third column of Table 2. It differential equations are taken to ensure the damping


effect declared in the eigenvalues analysis. All nonlin- nology researches. The establishment of the BES dynamic
earities, such as exciter ceiling voltage limits and battery model can provide a basis for the control method devel-
open-circuit voltage limits, must be included. A 0.1 p.u. opment and the observation of responses and behaviour

0 001 6, I 131

2 3 4 0 1
times times t1me.s

0 02r I 0, 2 372,

-0 01 -0 015 2 371
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 7 Dynamic responses oJrhe system with BES and uu.xiliary controller in discharging mode

four-cycle mechanical torque change is used as a dis- of batteries. Furthermore, it can be used to investigate
turbance. the application of a BES in a power system.
The dynamic responses of the system without the BES
are shown in Fig. 5. The responses of the system with the 7 References
BES and the lead-lag controller are shown in Figs. 6 and 1 PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & GAS CO.: ‘Demonstration test
7 in charging mode and discharging mode, respectively. of a 500-kW peak-shaving lead-acid battery energy storage system’.
In both operating modes the torsional oscillations can be Project report AP-4841, Electric Power Research Institute, Califor-
effectively suppressed by the BES; that is, with the same nia, 1986
2 WALKER, L.H.: ‘10 MW GTO converter for battery peaking
result as in Table 2. During the dynamic period, the BES service’, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 1990, 26, (I),
pp. 63-72
can draw active power and reactive power from the 3 KUNISCH, H.J., KRAMER, K.G., and DOMINIK, H.: ‘Battery
power system or release them, according to the system energy storage, another option for load-frequencycontrol and
requirement. instantaneous reserve’, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., 1986, 1,
pp. 41-46
4 BRAUNER, G., PESCH, H.. and WAHI, A.: ‘Leistungssteuerung
und Verbesserung der dynamischen Stabilitlt in Industrienetzen
durch Batteriespeicheranlagen’, Sonderdruck aus Elektrizitut-
6 Conclusions .swirtsch@. 1989, Jg. 88. Heft 10
In this paper a dynamic model of a BES is presented. The ONG, C.M.: ‘A computer study of battery energy storage and
model is expressed in the frequency domain and can be power conversion equipment operation’, IEEE Trans. Power Appar.
easily applied in the stability application of a power Syst., 1976, 95, pp. 1064-1072
6 GAREIS, G.E., CARROLL, D.P., ONG, C.M., and WOOD, P . : ~
system. The control scheme let the BES have the ability ‘The interaction of battery and fuel cells with electrical distribution
of active power and reactive power modulation according system: force commutated converter interface’. IEEE Trans. Power
to system requirement. In the dynamic period, the BES Appar. Syst., 1977, %, (4). pp. 1242-1250
can be thought of a current sink in the charging mode or 7 KIMBARK, E.W.: ‘Direct current transmission’ (John Wiley, 1971),
Vol. 1
a current source in the discharging mode. To examine the 8 SALAMEH, Z.M., CASACCA, M.A., and LYNCH, W.A.: ‘A math-
dynamic behaviour of this model, the investigation into ematical model for lead-acid batteries’, IEEE Trans. Energy
the damping of torsional oscillations is performed. The Convers., 1992, 7, pp. 93-98
BES with an auxiliary lead-lag controller is proposed to 9 CASACCA, M.A., LYNCH, W.A., and SALAMEH, Z.M.: ‘Determi-
enhance the torsional modes damping of the turbo- nation of lead-acid battery capacity via mathematical modelling
techniques’, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., 1992,7, pp. 442-446
generator. Eigenvalues analysis and dynamic simulations 10 IEEE SSR WORKING GROUP: ‘Second benchmark model for
shows that the torsional oscillations can be effectively computer simulation of subsynchronous resonance’, IEEE Trans.
suppressed. The dynamic performance of the power Power Appar. Syst., 1985,104, pp. 1057-1066
system is greatly improved. 11 WU, C.J., and LEE, Y.S.: ‘Application of simultaneous active and
Until now there have been some commercial applica- reactive power modulation SMES unit on the damping of turbo-
generator subsynchronous oscillations’, IEEE Trans. Energy
tions of the BES in Germany [ 3 ] . South Africa [13] and Convers., 1993,8, pp. 63-70
the USA [ I , 21. However, since there is more and more 12 ANDERSON, P.M., and FOUAD, A A : ‘Power system control and
desire for better load management and electric power stability’ (The Iowa State University Press, Ames, 1977)
quality, the BES will receive more attention in the future. 13 LACHS. W.R., and SUTANTO, D.: ‘Battery storage plant within
large centre’, 1EEE Trans. Power Syst., 1992,7, (2). pp. 762-769
The investigations of the BES fall into two categories: 14 ENERGY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES: ‘Development of the
modified lead-acid battery and advanced battery zinc chloride battery for utility applications’. Project report AP-
researches [14]; and BES control and operation tech- 5018, Electric Power Research Institute, California, 1987
434 IEE Proc.-Cener. Transm. Disrrih., Vol. / 4 2 , No. 4, July 1995
8 Appendix Mass-spring system (600 MVA, 22 kV) [lo]
BES (40 M W h ) [2, 5,6] M, 0.4982 s D,,
= = 0.0498 p.u.
Battery voltages = 1755-2925 V DC
K,, = 42.69 p.u./rad
X,, = 0.0274 R C B P= 52 600 F
M , ~= 3.102 s D , = 0.3103 P.U.
C,, = 1 F R,, = 0.0167 R
R , , = 10 kR R,, = 0.001 R K,, = 83.46 p.u./rad
R E , = 0.013 R K B P= K , , = 1.06 M, = 1.759 s D , = 0. I76 p.u.
TBp= TBy= 0.026 s K , = 0.5 K,, = 3.74 p.u./rad
K , = 1.0 T, = 0.001 s
M, = 0.0138 s D, = 0.00138 p.u.

Power system Exciter and voltage regular [12]

Synchronous generator (p.u.) (600 MVA, 22 kV/500 kV)
[I01 K , = 400 KEx = 1.0 K , = 0.03 s
XI, = 1.6286 X,, = 1.861 X k d = 1.642 TA= 0.02 s TEx= 0.8 s TF= 1.0 s
X k q = 1.5238 X,, = 1.51 X,, = 1.45 A,, = 0.098 B E , = 0.553
X d = 1.65 X, = 1.59 R, = 0.0045
The initial operating conditions
R,, = 0.00096 RI, = 0.00898 Rkd = 0.016
Rk, = 0.0116 R, = 0.0012 X, = 0.12
P , = 0.9 P.U. PF = 0.9 lagging = 1.0 P.U.

R L , = 0.0444 R,, = 0.0402 X,, = 0.18 X c / X L , = 0.55 IBES = 4.426 kA uR = 15"

X L , = 0.48 X,, = 0.4434 R,, = 0.0084 = 25"

I E E Pro<.-Cener. Trunsm. Distrih., Vol. 142, No. 4, July 1995


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