SOC Book-A Silkbank Jan To June 2023 (Eng)
SOC Book-A Silkbank Jan To June 2023 (Eng)
SOC Book-A Silkbank Jan To June 2023 (Eng)
2.1.3 Service Charges on Import Remittance 0.10%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per 3.2 Commission
where Goods are Cleared and Remittance arrangement
is made upon Presentation of Bill of Entry 3.2.1 If Retired within 10 Days from the Date No commission
and Copies of Shipping Documents / of Lodgement
Import Documents are Received Directly
from the Supplier's Bank without 3.2.2 If Retired after 10 Days from the Date of 20 paisas per Rs. 100/- (flat) or as per
Registration of Contract Lodgement arrangement
2.1.4 Charges on Amendment of Import Rs. 1,000/- 3.3 Service Charges 10 paisas per Rs. 100/- or Re. 1/- per thousand.
Contract (Involves no Increase of Amount) Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per arrangement
4.2 Acceptance Commission 0.125% per month for any period beyond the 6.1 Import against Advance Payment to 0.10%. Minimum Rs. 2,500/-
validity / expiry of Letter of Credit until maturity / Suppliers
tenor of the bill as per terms of L/C. Minimum 6.2 Reimbursement Charges (Payable to At actual
of Rs. 1,000/- charge will be applicable till Reimbursing Banks)
lodgement / retirement / adjustment of bill when
paid by the customer 6.3 Credit Report on Foreign Suppliers Rs. 1,000/- plus SWIFT Charges plus FB
Charges or Rs. 1,000/- plus actual charges of
Note: If maturity of bill falls within validity / expiry of Letter of Credit, no acceptance D&B / ICIL, IFT Consultants and others
commission will be charged. 6.4 Foreign Bank Charges At actual (as permitted by SBP)
(Charges will be recovered at the time of lodgement / retirement / adjustment 6.5 Import Bills Returned Unpaid USD 30/- (flat) from forwarding bank plus
of bill when paid by the customer). Postage Charges (if any)
6.6 Clearance of Consignment under Terms Commission @ 0.10% on C&F value of
4.3 Service Charges 10 paisas per Rs. 100/- or Re. 1/- per thousand. of Approved Limits or Forced Clearance consignment. Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
Minimum Rs. 1,000/- at the time of payment or
6.7 Endorsement of AWB Handling Charges Rs. 1,000/- against 100% cash margin, otherwise
as per arrangement minimum Rs. 1,500/-
4.4 Mark-up in case of Import Bills under 70 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product 6.8 Discrepant Document Handling Charges USD 10/- to be deducted from proceeds of
Usance Letters of Credit, if Bills are discrepant documents
basis from the date of maturity till the date of
not Paid on Due Date (i.e. Maturity payment or as per arrangement 6.9 Issuance of Freight Certificate for Rs. 1,000/-
Date) Imports on FOB Basis
7.2 L/C Amendment Advising Rs. 500/- (flat) 8.2 Clean Foreign Bills sent for Collection Rs. 500/- (flat) plus Telecommunication
Returned Unpaid Charges (if any)
7.3 Negotiation of Pak Rupee Bill 0.30%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
8.3 Documentary Bills Rs. 500/- plus Courier Charges
under L/C / ACU Arrangement or as per arrangement
7.4 Confirmation 0.25% per quarter or part thereof. 8.4 Service Charges against Export 15 paisas per Rs. 100/-. Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
Minimum Rs. 1,500/- Documents sent on Collection Basis or as per arrangement
7.5 Transfer of Export L/C Rs. 1,000/- (flat) 8.5 Advance Payment 0.10%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per arrangement
7.6 Reimbursement Payment to other Rs. 1,000/- (flat) 8.6 EDS Handling Charges Rs. 100/- (flat) per transaction
Local Banks from Non-Resident Rupee
7.7 If Documents are sent to other Banks Rs. 1,000/- (flat)
for Negotiation under Restricted L/Cs 9.1 Processing Charges for Export Nil
7.8 Handling Charges for Research and Rs. 1,500/- (per case)
Development Cases
9.2 Handling of Duty Drawback Claims 0.25%. Minimum Rs. 500/- per claim
9.3 Negotiation of Documents Drawn Under i) Service Charges: 15 paisas per Rs. 100/-.
8.1 Clean Bills / Cheques Sent for Collection Sight Letter of Credit Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per arrangement
if Proceeds Credited to:
14.1.4 Remittance Stop Payment Charges Nil Above Rs. 500,000/- Rs. 500/- (flat)
14.1.5 Issuance of Proceeds Certificates Free 1.2 Issuance of Pay Order against Debit Amount Charges
of Cash for MDA Payments
14.1.6 Standing Instruction Charges in Foreign Free Up to Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 300/-
Currency Accounts
Above Rs. 100,000/- 0.5% or Rs. 750/-
14.1.7 Lodgement of Cheque in Local Dollar Free (whichever is higher)
14.1.8 Return of Cheque in Local Dollar Clearing Free 1.3 Cancellation / Issuance of Duplicate Account Holder: Rs. 400/- (flat)
14.1.9 Issuance of Business Performance Pay Order MDA Customers: Rs. 1,000/-
Certificate at Customer Request
1.4 Issuance of Pay Orders for Payment of Rs. 25/- per instrument or 0.5% of the amount
Fees in favor of Educational Institutions, (whichever is less)
HEC / Board, etc.
2.1 Issuance 3.1 Clean (Including Cheques and Bank Rs. 250/- (flat) plus Courier or Postal Charges
Drafts, etc., where NIFT Facility is not
Up to Rs. 100,000,000/- 0.40% per quarter (negotiable) Available)
Over Rs. 100,000,000/- Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per arrangement
3.2 Clean (Including Cheques and Bank Rs. 150/- (flat)
2.2 Amendments Drafts, etc.) sent through NIFT - Online
2.2.1 Amendment involving increase in As mentioned above in (2.1) 3.3 Correspondent Bank Charges will be Free for cheques sent for collection between:
Amount of Validity Recovered at Actual i) Rawalpindi and Islamabad city branches
ii) Lahore and Raiwind city branches
In case of Cheque Returned in Collection,
2.2.2 Amendment without increase in Rs. 1,000/- per transaction (flat) Charges will be recovered on realization, but
Amount or Extension in Period of L/C Postage / Courier Charges to be recovered at
the time of lodgement.
2.2.3 Amendment Charges on Transfer of Case to be treated as opening of fresh L/C
Inland Letters of Credit to a New Beneficiary
2.3 Advising Rs. 1,000/- (flat)
4.1 Documentary Bills other than Drawn Same charges as for collection cited at (3.1)
against Inland Letters of Credit and (3.2) mentioned above, plus mark-up from
2.4 Amendment Advising Rs. 500/- (flat)
the date of purchase to the date of payment at
2.5 Confirmation Charges the negotiated rate
0.30% per quarter or part thereof.
Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
4.2 Other Cheques / Demand Instruments 0.35%. Minimum Rs. 100/- Collecting Agents
2.6 L/C Cancellation Charges Rs. 1,000/- (Like Dividend Warrant) Charges. If the collecting bank is other than
Silkbank, it will be at actual
6.5.2 Godown Staff Salaries. Salaries of At actual 7.2 Approval Charges Rs. 15,000/- or 0.1% of the approved amount
Godown Keepers / Chowkidars (whichever is higher)
6.6 Godown Inspection Charges To be credited to the Banks Income Account 7.3 Management Consultancy Fee Cursory Report: Rs. 4,000/- and
6.6.1 Within Municipal Limits or within a Rs. 1,000/- (flat) Detailed Report: Rs. 8,000/-
radius of 5 Kilometers from Silkbanks
Branch outside Municipal Limits 50% additional fee would be charged for any
additional business. Peripheral area - Rs. 500/-
6.6.2 Outside the Above Limits Rs. 3,000/- (flat) additionally
T.A. / D.A. admissible to staff as per Silkbanks
travel policy in addition to charges as
mentioned above in (6.6.1)
6.7 Delivery Charges At actual 7.4 Late Payment Charges Rs. 15,000/- per late payment
6.8 Other Incidental Expenses At actual 7.5 Line Renewal Up to Rs. 15,000/- or 0.1% of the loan amount
(whichever is higher)
6.9 Insurance Premia, Legal Charges At actual
7.9 Life Insurance Optional and as per rate quoted by the vendor 8.5 Appraisal Fee
7.10 Documentation, Stamp Duties At actual 8.5.1 Built Property Up to Rs. 5,000/- per property
and Levies
8.5.2 Flat Up to Rs. 5,000/- per property
7.11 Litigation Charges At actual
8.5.3 Land Up to Rs. 4,000/- per property
7.12 Re-Appraisal Charges At actual
8.5.4 For Peripheral Areas Up to Rs. 500/- (additional charges)
7.13 Standing Instruction Charges As per Branch Banking
8.6 Insurance Charges As quoted by the vendor
7.14 SMS Alerts Fee Rs. 50/- per month
8.7 Legal Opinion
7.15 Account Closure Fee Rs. 5,000/-
8.7.1 Preliminary Opinion Rs. 3,500/- (Rs. 2,000/- for Stage I and
Note: Rate is subject to change as quoted by the vendor. All Branch Banking Charges will apply Rs. 1,500/- for Title Search)
to transactions through branches. All Government excise duties / taxes will be charged to the
customer where applicable in addition to the above-mentioned charges. 8.7.2 Final Opinion Up to Rs. 3,000/-
As per the SMS Alerts Charges table 9.5.1 Preliminary Opinion Rs. 3,500/-
8.11 SMS / E-mail Alert Services
At actual 9.5.2 Final Opinion Rs. 3,000/-
8.12 Litigation Charges
At actual 9.6 Pay Orders and Demand Drafts
8.13 Re-Appraisal Charges
9.6.1 Line Size Rs. 1 Million to Rs. 10 Million 3 free pay orders and / or demand drafts
8.14 Cash Collection Charges Rs. 500/-
8.15 Documentation, Stamp Duties and Levies At actual 9.6.2 Line Size above Rs. 10 Million 5 free pay orders and / or demand drafts
Note: All Branch Banking Charges will apply to transactions through branches. 9.7 Letter of Guarantee
9. TEXTILES 9.7.1 If Avg. Utilization of CF Limit is 0% - 25% Bank Commission Charges will be 3% per annum
9.1 Processing Fee Rs. 5,000/- 9.7.2 If Avg. Utilization of CF Limit is over Bank Commission will be 1.5% per annum
25% - less than 50%
9.2 Management Consultancy Fee* Rs. 6,000/-
9.7.3 If Avg. Utilization of CF Limit is 50% No Commission Charges
9.3 Line Renewal Fee Rs. 5,000/- and above
9.4 Appraisal Fee* 9.8 Cheque Book Issuance Charges Rs. 5/- per leaf
9.4.1 Built Property Rs. 5,000/- per property 9.9 Property Insurance Charges*
*All these charges are quoted by the vendor and are subject to change. 11.2 Processing Charges Post-Login 1% of the loan amount up to 5.0 Million
*In addition to the above charges, all Government levies will be applicable. Rs. 50,000/- over and above 5.0 Million
11.5.1 Built Property Rs. 5,000/- per property 11.8 Legal Fee for Agricultural Land
11.6 Insurance Charges 11.9 Cheque Book Issuance Charges Rs. 5/- per leaf
11.6.1 Residential As quoted by the vendor 11.10 Cheque Return Fee Rs. 300/- per instrument
12.1 Sale and Purchase of Shares and Actual charges incurred plus 0.10%. 13.4 Key Charges (Refundable)
Securities Minimum Rs. 100/- 13.4.1 Key Charges will apply at the time of
issuance of new locker
12.2 Charges for Collection of Interest / 0.10% on the amount of Interest / Return / Small Rs. 3,000/-
Return / Dividend Dividend Collected / Paid Medium Rs. 3,500/- Large Rs. 4,000/-
12.3 Handling Charges for Conversion, Rs. 10/- per script. Minimum Rs. 100/- Extra Large Rs. 5,000/-
Renewal, Consolidation or Subdivision
of Government Securities 13.5 Breaking Charges Rs. 3,000/- per locker plus actual expenses incurred
13.6 Free Safe Deposit Locker Charges Monthly Average Balance Locker Charges
13. SAFE DEPOSIT LOCKERS (Current Accounts) Less than Rs. 1,000,000/- or Same as Locker
13.1 Charges for Safe Deposit Lockers (in above free limit Charges
advance) (Lien for 01 years charges will Rs. 1,000,000/- to Rs. 2,000,000/- Small or Medium Free
be marked) Rs. 2,000,001/- to Rs. 3,000,000/- Large Free
13.1.1 Small Rs. 3,000/- per annum Rs. 3,000,001/- & above Extra Large Free
16.3 Courier (Within City) Rs. 50/- 17.12 Debit Card Activation Free
16.4 Courier (Outside City) Rs. 100/-
16.5 Courier (Outside Country) At actual 17.13 Debit Card Blocking Free
16.6 Fax / Telephone Minimum Rs. 100/- or actual (whichever is higher)
17.14 Debit Card PIN Regeneration Free
17.15 Account Linking Request Free
17.1 Statement Regeneration As per Miscellaneous Charges table
17.2 Pay Order Issuance As per Commission on Pay Order table 17.16 Account De-Linking Request Free
17.3 Demand Draft Issuance As per DDs, TTs and MTs table
17.17 Personal Data Correction Free
17.4 Utility Bills Payment Free
17.18 Internet Banking Registration Free
17.5 Account Balance Inquiry Free
17.6 Transactions Inquiry Free 17.19 Cheque Stop Payment Charges As per Branch Banking Charges table
18.8 Tracker Activation Charges At actual 20.8 Life Insurance Optional and as per rate quoted by the vendor
18.9 Litigation Charges At actual 20.9 Documentation, Stamp Duties & Levies At actual
Note: Rate is subject to change as quoted by the vendor. All Branch Banking Charges will 20.10 Litigation Charges At actual
apply to transactions through branches. All Government excise duties / taxes will be 20.11 Re-Appraisal Charges At actual
charged to the customer where applicable in addition to the above-mentioned charges.
20.12 Cash Collection Charges Rs. 500/-
19. DORMANT ACCOUNT 20.13 Standing Instruction Charges Free
In case a customer does not operate the account for 1 year, the Bank will mark the account as Note: Rate is subject to change as quoted by the vendor. All Branch Banking Charges
dormant. Non-operative loan accounts will be marked PND instead of dormant. will apply to transactions through branches.
Average Balance Rs. 500,000/- & above 5 free for the month
21.2 Account Maintenance Charges
Rs. 0 - 100 Million 0.05% per annum 22.4 Cheque Book Charges Monthly Average Balance Cheque Book
Up to Rs. 500,000/- Please refer to page
Above Rs. 100 Million 0.025% per annum
or above free limits 18 (15.9)
21.3 Security Movement Charges Silkbank Account Holder Rs. 250/- Rs. 500,001/- to 2 free for the month
Non-Silkbank Customer Rs. 500/- Rs. 1,000,000/- (50 leaves)
Rs. 1,000,001/- & above All free
22. MONEY MARKET EXPRESS Monthly Average Balance Intercity Transaction
22.5 Intercity Transactions
22.1 Pay Orders / Demand Drafts Monthly Average Balance PO / DD Charges Charges
Less than Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 100/- (flat) Less than Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 150/-
or above free limits or above free limits
Rs. 50,000/- to less than 2 free for the month Rs. 50,000/- to less than 5 free for the month
Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 100,000/-
Rs. 100,000/- to Rs. 500,000/- 6 free for the month Rs. 100,000/- to Rs. 500,000/- 50 free for the month
Rs. 500,001/- & above All free for the month Rs. 500,001/- & above All free for the month
22.2 Charges on Cheques / Instruments Monthly Average Balance Return Charges 22.6 Call Deposits (CDR) Monthly Average Balance CDR Charges
Returned in Inward Clearing Less than Rs. 500,000/- Less than Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 100/- (flat)
Rs. 250/-
or above free limits Rs. 100,000/- & above All free for the month
Rs. 500,000/- & above 5 free for the month
Note: Rate is subject to change as quoted by the vendor. All Branch Banking Charges will apply to
transactions through branches. All Government levies, duties and taxes will be charged to the
customer where applicable in addition to the above-mentioned rates.
***In addition to the above Charges, all applicable Government levies, FED will also be recovered.
****All International transactions settled outside Pakistan will be charged at Open Market rate. Any
variance in Inter-bank and Open Market rates will be borne by the customers.