SOC Book-A Silkbank Jan To June 2023 (Eng)

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IMPORTS 7. M'Power 11
1. Letters Of Credit 1 8. Agriculture Business Finance 12
2. Imports Under Registered Contracts (Consignments) / 9. Textiles 13
Import Remittance Without Registration Of Contract 2 10. Cash Ease (Bill Discounting) 14
3. Import Bills Under Sight Letters Of Credit 2 11. Agriculture Pass Book Finance 14
4. Import Bills Under Usance Letters Of Credit 3
6. Other Charges Under Import Transactions 3 12. Securities 16
13. Safe Deposit Lockers 16
EXPORTS 14. Guarantees 17
7. Letters Of Credit 4
8. Collections 4 BRANCH BANKING
9. Other Charges Under Export Transactions 4 15. Branch Banking Charges 17
16. Communication Charges 21
FOREIGN REMITTANCES 17. Phone Banking 21
11. Inward 5 18. Auto Finance 22
12. Miscellaneous Charges 6 19. Dormant Account 22
13. Communication Charges 6 20. Home Finance 22
14. Foreign Currency Account 6 21. IPS Account 23
22. Money Market Express 23
DOMESTIC BANKING 23. Personal Loan 24
REMITTANCES 24. Ready Line 25
1. Commission On Pay Order 7 25. Salary Premium Account 26
2. Inland Letters Of Credit 8 26. Salary Premium Plus 26
3. Collection 8 27. Debit Cards 27
28. Credit Cards 28
4. Purchase Of Bills 8 29. Running Finance 29
5. Documentary Bills Drawn Under Inland Letters Of Credit 9 30. Charges Waiver For Staff 29
6. Finance / Advances 10 31. Notes 30

Schedule of Bank Charges

INTERNATIONAL BANKING 1.3 L/Cs Under Suppliers / Buyers Credit,
IMPORTS Pay as you Earn Scheme and Deferred
Payment L/Cs for a Period of Over
1.1 Letters of Credit 1.3.1 Commission 0.40% per quarter or (as per arrangement) or
part thereof (at the time of the opening of L/C)
1.1.1 L/C Opening Commission L/C volume of a customer (including allied is to be charged on the full amount of L/C liability,
account) during a calendar year: plus interest payable thereon for the period from
the date of opening of L/C till the expiry of L/C.
Thereafter, commission is to be recovered on
First Subsequent six-monthly basis on reducing liability till payment
Quarter or Part Quarter or Part of the last and final installment
Thereof Thereof Minimum
Up to Rs. 5,000,000/- 0.40% 0.30% Rs. 1,000/- 1.3.2 In case of L/C Undertaking to be Issued Commission @ 0.40% per quarter or (as per
Rs. 5,000,001/- – Rs. 50,000,000/- 0.30% 0.25% Favoring Lead Bank for Providing Forward arrangement) on reducing liability
Rs. 50,000,001/- – Rs. 100,000,000/- 0.20% 0.15% Cover for Exchange Risk under
Over Rs. 100,000,000/- Negotiable Suppliers / Buyers Credit on Behalf
(Based on annual volume) of Applicant or as per arrangement
Or as per arrangement
1.3.3 In case of Cancellation Charges Rs. 2,500/-
1.1. 2 Revalidation Commission As in (1.1.1) mentioned above
(After expiry of L/C) (Case to be treated as opening of fresh L/C)

1.1.3 Transfer Commission As in (1.1.1) mentioned above 1.4 Amendments

(On transfer of L/C to new beneficiary) (Case to be treated as opening of fresh L/C)
1.2 Non-Reimbursable Letters of 1% on 1st quarter or part thereof. 0.30% 1.4.1 Amendment without Increase in Amount Rs. 2,000/- per transaction (flat)
Credit Under Barter / Aid / Loans for each subsequent quarter or part thereof. or Extension in Period of Shipment
Minimum Rs. 400/-

Schedule of Bank Charges 01

1.4.2 Amendment that involves Increase in Rs. 2,000/- per transaction (flat) plus as
3.1 Mark-up
Amount or Validity per 1.1.1
3.1.1 If Retired within 10 Days from the Date 50 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product
of Negotiation basis from the date of negotiation till the date
2.1 Registration of Contract / Purchase 3.1.2 If Retired within 20 Days from the Date 60 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product
Order / Pro forma Invoice, etc. of Negotiation basis from the date of negotiation till the date
of retirement or as per arrangement
2.1.1 Registration Charges Up to 0.25%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per
arrangement with the customer 3.1.3 If Retired within 30 Days from the Date 70 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product
2.1.2 Service Charges on Remittance of of Negotiation basis from the date of negotiation till the date
Documents Presented under Contract 0.10%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per of retirement or as per arrangement
arrangement *Note: Date of negotiation means value date of the Bank's Nostro Account debited.

2.1.3 Service Charges on Import Remittance 0.10%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per 3.2 Commission
where Goods are Cleared and Remittance arrangement
is made upon Presentation of Bill of Entry 3.2.1 If Retired within 10 Days from the Date No commission
and Copies of Shipping Documents / of Lodgement
Import Documents are Received Directly
from the Supplier's Bank without 3.2.2 If Retired after 10 Days from the Date of 20 paisas per Rs. 100/- (flat) or as per
Registration of Contract Lodgement arrangement

2.1.4 Charges on Amendment of Import Rs. 1,000/- 3.3 Service Charges 10 paisas per Rs. 100/- or Re. 1/- per thousand.
Contract (Involves no Increase of Amount) Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per arrangement

Schedule of Bank Charges 02

4.1 Handling Charges at the Time of Rs. 2,000/- per bill (flat) 5.1 Handling Charges Rs. 2,000/- (flat) per collection

4.2 Acceptance Commission 0.125% per month for any period beyond the 6.1 Import against Advance Payment to 0.10%. Minimum Rs. 2,500/-
validity / expiry of Letter of Credit until maturity / Suppliers
tenor of the bill as per terms of L/C. Minimum 6.2 Reimbursement Charges (Payable to At actual
of Rs. 1,000/- charge will be applicable till Reimbursing Banks)
lodgement / retirement / adjustment of bill when
paid by the customer 6.3 Credit Report on Foreign Suppliers Rs. 1,000/- plus SWIFT Charges plus FB
Charges or Rs. 1,000/- plus actual charges of
Note: If maturity of bill falls within validity / expiry of Letter of Credit, no acceptance D&B / ICIL, IFT Consultants and others
commission will be charged. 6.4 Foreign Bank Charges At actual (as permitted by SBP)

(Charges will be recovered at the time of lodgement / retirement / adjustment 6.5 Import Bills Returned Unpaid USD 30/- (flat) from forwarding bank plus
of bill when paid by the customer). Postage Charges (if any)
6.6 Clearance of Consignment under Terms Commission @ 0.10% on C&F value of
4.3 Service Charges 10 paisas per Rs. 100/- or Re. 1/- per thousand. of Approved Limits or Forced Clearance consignment. Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
Minimum Rs. 1,000/- at the time of payment or
6.7 Endorsement of AWB Handling Charges Rs. 1,000/- against 100% cash margin, otherwise
as per arrangement minimum Rs. 1,500/-

4.4 Mark-up in case of Import Bills under 70 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product 6.8 Discrepant Document Handling Charges USD 10/- to be deducted from proceeds of
Usance Letters of Credit, if Bills are discrepant documents
basis from the date of maturity till the date of
not Paid on Due Date (i.e. Maturity payment or as per arrangement 6.9 Issuance of Freight Certificate for Rs. 1,000/-
Date) Imports on FOB Basis

Schedule of Bank Charges 03

EXPORTS 8.1.1 Rupee Account 0.2% of the amount. Minimum Rs. 100/- plus
7. LETTERS OF CREDIT Courier Charges
7.1 L/C Advising Rs. 1,000/- (flat) 8.1.2 Foreign Currency Account USD 5/- plus Courier Charges

7.2 L/C Amendment Advising Rs. 500/- (flat) 8.2 Clean Foreign Bills sent for Collection Rs. 500/- (flat) plus Telecommunication
Returned Unpaid Charges (if any)
7.3 Negotiation of Pak Rupee Bill 0.30%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
8.3 Documentary Bills Rs. 500/- plus Courier Charges
under L/C / ACU Arrangement or as per arrangement

7.4 Confirmation 0.25% per quarter or part thereof. 8.4 Service Charges against Export 15 paisas per Rs. 100/-. Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
Minimum Rs. 1,500/- Documents sent on Collection Basis or as per arrangement

7.5 Transfer of Export L/C Rs. 1,000/- (flat) 8.5 Advance Payment 0.10%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per arrangement

7.6 Reimbursement Payment to other Rs. 1,000/- (flat) 8.6 EDS Handling Charges Rs. 100/- (flat) per transaction
Local Banks from Non-Resident Rupee
7.7 If Documents are sent to other Banks Rs. 1,000/- (flat)
for Negotiation under Restricted L/Cs 9.1 Processing Charges for Export Nil
7.8 Handling Charges for Research and Rs. 1,500/- (per case)
Development Cases
9.2 Handling of Duty Drawback Claims 0.25%. Minimum Rs. 500/- per claim
9.3 Negotiation of Documents Drawn Under i) Service Charges: 15 paisas per Rs. 100/-.
8.1 Clean Bills / Cheques Sent for Collection Sight Letter of Credit Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per arrangement
if Proceeds Credited to:

Schedule of Bank Charges 04

ii) If proceeds of negotiated sight bills are not 10.2 Remittance Abroad other than through
credited within 12 days of negotiation to our Foreign Currency Accounts
Nostro Account, then an overdue mark-up rate
of 70 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product 10.2.1 Students (For Education Purpose) Rs. 550/- (flat)
basis will be charged for delay beyond 12 days
or as per arrangements 10.2.2 Other than Students Rs. 550/- (flat)
9.4 Negotiation (Usance) i) Service Charges: 15 paisas per Rs. 100/-. 10.3 Foreign Currency TT Charges USD 24/- plus SWIFT Charges
Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
ii) If proceeds of negotiated Usance are not 10.4 Foreign Currency DD Charges USD 20/-
credited on maturity to our Nostro Account, then
an overdue mark-up rate of 70 paisas per 10.5 Remittance Cancellation Charges USD 10/- plus Postage / SWIFT Charges
Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product basis will be 10.6 Remittance Stop Payment Charges USD 10/- (flat) plus actual charges of
charged after the maturity date till realization or correspondent bank / SWIFT Charges (if any)
as per arrangements
10.7 Clean Foreign Bills Received for USD 20/- or equivalent in other foreign
Collection currencies plus actual Courier, TT / DD Charges,
9.5 Negotiation (Usance) Handling 0.25%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- per claim as applicable
(Freight Subsidy)


11.1 Home Remittance Actual charges, if any, incurred by the Bank. No
10.1 Service Charges in Addition to 0.50% (flat). Minimum USD 12/- or equivalent charges to be recovered, if the funds are remitted
Commission for Transfer / Remittance of in other foreign currencies to any branch of Silkbank
Funds Abroad, if within 07 Days from the 11.2 Other Free - if the proceeds are credited to an account
Date of Deposit of Foreign Currency with the drawee bank. In other cases, a flat
Notes charge of Rs. 250/- plus Instrument Charges

Schedule of Bank Charges 05

11.3 Home Remittance under PRI Free
12.10 Central Excise Levy and any other At actual
11.4 Charges on Payment of Inward Foreign Free - if proceeds are credited to an account Government Duties / Taxes
Drafts / Foreign Mail Transfers where with us. Otherwise, a flat charge of Rs. 250/-
Payment is made to Beneficiaries after plus Instrument Charges 12.11 Issuance of Business Performance Rs. 500/- (flat)
Payment Cover is received in our Foreign Certificate at Customer Request
Currency Accounts. These Charges are 12.12 Photocopy Charges, where applicable ERF Processing Fee: Rs. 200/-
to be Recovered only when TT Buying on IMP / EXP / ERF / LG transaction NOC Issuance Charges: Rs. 200/-
Rate is Applied Photocopy Charges: Rs. 100/-
12.1 Correspondent Bank Charges At actual 13. COMMUNICATION CHARGES
12.2 Issuance of Proceeds Realization Rs. 300/- (flat) per certificate 13.1 Inland Postage At actual
Certificates “Annexure A”
13.2 Foreign Postage At actual
12.3 Standing Instruction Charges in USD 10/- or equivalent in other foreign currencies At actual
13.3 Inland Courier
Foreign Currency Accounts
13.4 Foreign Courier At actual
12.4 Out-of-Pocket Expenses At actual
13.5 Short Telex / SWIFT Minimum Rs. 950/- or actual
12.5 Credit Report on Foreign Buyers / Sellers Rs. 1,000/- (flat) plus Foreign Bank Charges (whichever is higher)
12.6 Inquiry / Photocopy of Old Record Within 3 months: Rs. 100/- 13.6 Full Text Telex / SWIFT Minimum Rs. 1,400/- or actual
Above 3 months to 1 year: Rs. 300/- (whichever is higher)
Over 1 year: Rs. 500/-
12.7 Issuance of Balance / Account Rs. 100/- (flat) plus FED 14. FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNT
Maintenance Certificate
12.8 Lodgement of Cheque in Local Dollar Rs. 350/- per instrument 14.1 Maintaining a total relationship of an
Clearing average of USD 10,000 or Equivalent to
12.9 Return of Cheque in Local Dollar Clearing Rs. 350/- per instrument other currencies

Schedule of Bank Charges 06

14.1.1 Free Foreign Currency TT 3 TT in a month

14.1.2 Free Foreign Currency DD 3 DD in a month Amount Charges

1 .1 Issuance of Pay Order against Debit to
14.1.3 Remittance Cancellation Charges Nil Account Up to Rs. 500,000/- Rs. 300/- (flat)

14.1.4 Remittance Stop Payment Charges Nil Above Rs. 500,000/- Rs. 500/- (flat)
14.1.5 Issuance of Proceeds Certificates Free 1.2 Issuance of Pay Order against Debit Amount Charges
of Cash for MDA Payments
14.1.6 Standing Instruction Charges in Foreign Free Up to Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 300/-
Currency Accounts
Above Rs. 100,000/- 0.5% or Rs. 750/-
14.1.7 Lodgement of Cheque in Local Dollar Free (whichever is higher)

14.1.8 Return of Cheque in Local Dollar Clearing Free 1.3 Cancellation / Issuance of Duplicate Account Holder: Rs. 400/- (flat)

14.1.9 Issuance of Business Performance Pay Order MDA Customers: Rs. 1,000/-
Certificate at Customer Request

1.4 Issuance of Pay Orders for Payment of Rs. 25/- per instrument or 0.5% of the amount
Fees in favor of Educational Institutions, (whichever is less)
HEC / Board, etc.

Schedule of Bank Charges 07


2.1 Issuance 3.1 Clean (Including Cheques and Bank Rs. 250/- (flat) plus Courier or Postal Charges
Drafts, etc., where NIFT Facility is not
Up to Rs. 100,000,000/- 0.40% per quarter (negotiable) Available)
Over Rs. 100,000,000/- Minimum Rs. 1,000/- or as per arrangement
3.2 Clean (Including Cheques and Bank Rs. 150/- (flat)
2.2 Amendments Drafts, etc.) sent through NIFT - Online

2.2.1 Amendment involving increase in As mentioned above in (2.1) 3.3 Correspondent Bank Charges will be Free for cheques sent for collection between:
Amount of Validity Recovered at Actual i) Rawalpindi and Islamabad city branches
ii) Lahore and Raiwind city branches
In case of Cheque Returned in Collection,
2.2.2 Amendment without increase in Rs. 1,000/- per transaction (flat) Charges will be recovered on realization, but
Amount or Extension in Period of L/C Postage / Courier Charges to be recovered at
the time of lodgement.
2.2.3 Amendment Charges on Transfer of Case to be treated as opening of fresh L/C
Inland Letters of Credit to a New Beneficiary
2.3 Advising Rs. 1,000/- (flat)
4.1 Documentary Bills other than Drawn Same charges as for collection cited at (3.1)
against Inland Letters of Credit and (3.2) mentioned above, plus mark-up from
2.4 Amendment Advising Rs. 500/- (flat)
the date of purchase to the date of payment at
2.5 Confirmation Charges the negotiated rate
0.30% per quarter or part thereof.
Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
4.2 Other Cheques / Demand Instruments 0.35%. Minimum Rs. 100/- Collecting Agents
2.6 L/C Cancellation Charges Rs. 1,000/- (Like Dividend Warrant) Charges. If the collecting bank is other than
Silkbank, it will be at actual

Schedule of Bank Charges 08

4.3 Returning Charges for Documentary Rs. 100/- plus Courier Charges 5.1.3 Mark-up at Opening End (at the Time of
and Clean Collections, in case the Retirement). Rates of mark-up:
Instruments are Returned Unpaid i. If Retired within 3 Days of the Date of 42 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product
Lodgement basis from the date of negotiation
4.4 Mark-up shall be Applied as under on or as per arrangement
Bills Purchased / Negotiated
ii. If Retired after 3 Days of Lodgement 50 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product
basis from the date of negotiation
4.4.1 If Retired up to the 21st day from the Date 0.50 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product or as per arrangement
of Purchase basis (on actual finance)
Note: No mark-up will be charged from the
4.4.2 If Retired During Next 210 Days 0.60 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product date of negotiation till the receipt of
(Cushion Period) basis, plus the Bank’s commission @ 0.10 document at the branch.
paisas per Rs. 100/- 5.1.4 Service Charges on Inland PAD 0.10%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
or as per arrangement
4.5 Storage Charges At actual 5.2 Usance Bills
5.2.1 At Opening End:
5. DOCUMENTARY BILLS DRAWN UNDER INLAND LETTERS OF CREDIT i. If Bill Matures after Expiry of L/C 0.40% per bill. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- plus delivery
of documents against acceptance commission
5.1 Sight Bills @ 0.15% per month on bill amount, on realization
from the date of expiry of L/C or as per
5.1.1 Negotiating End Negotiation commission @ 0.40%. Minimum arrangement
Rs. 1,000/- per bill or as per arrangement ii. Mark-up in case of Bills under Inland 70 paisas per Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product
Usance Letters of Credit, if Bills are not basis from the date of maturity till the date of
5.1.2 Collection Charges for Restricted L/Cs Forwarding bank / branch would charge Handling Paid on Due Date (i.e. Maturity Date) payment or as per arrangement
(where negotiation is restricted to some Charges of Rs. 300/- (flat) per bill commission
other Bank and presented to us for recoverable @ 0.40%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/- 5.2.2 At Collecting End:
forwarding) i. Collecting Charges Commission @ 0.40%. Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
on bill amount or as per arrangement

Schedule of Bank Charges 09

ii. In case of Purchase Usual commission as mentioned in (5.2.2 (i)) iii. Legal Documentation Fee At actual
and mark-up down up to 60 paisas per iv. Project Monitoring Fee Negotiable
Rs. 1,000/- on a daily product basis from the (one-time charge) at the
date of purchase till the date of maturity or as time of sanction
per negotiation v. Trusteeship Fee (to be Negotiable
recovered by the lead bank in
6. FINANCE / ADVANCES case of consortium financing)
Following Charges may be Recovered in 6.3 Processing Fee for Fresh Credit Initial / Annual Review:
Addition to Mark-up / Return on Investment Proposals / Renewals / Enhancement / Processing Fee over and above 0.1% of amount
Others (if agreed with the customer)
6.1 Project Application Fee (Non-Refundable) CBG & SME 0.1% of total facilities or as per
Note: In case of annual internal review of
6.1.1 Projects having Capital Cost (Excluding Cost As per arrangement TF / DF facilities, the fee shall not be applicable. Temporary Extension Charges
of Land and Buildings) up to Rs. 30 Million (as per discretion of B.U)
Valuation Charges (as per actual)
6.1.2 Projects having Capital Cost (Excluding As per arrangement Search Report Charges (as per actual)
Cost of Land and Buildings) Exceeding Legal Formalities Charges (as per actual)
Rs. 30 Million Interim Review (For Enhancement):
RBG 0.1% of total facilities or as per
6.2 Fees and Charges in Respect of Project i. Project Evaluation / Negotiable arrangement
Appraisal Fee CBG & SME As per arrangement
Financing in Addition to Interest / Return 6.4 Charges for the Issuance of N.O.C. on the Rs. 5,000/- (flat)
on Investment ii. Commitment Fee (on Negotiable Request of Customers / Clients for Creating
undisbursed balance) from Additional / Pari-Passu Charge / Second
Charge on their Fixed Assets for Acquiring
the date of sanction to the
further Project Finance from other
date of disbursement Banks / Financial Institutions

Schedule of Bank Charges 10

6.5 For Finance against Pledge / SME PRODUCTS
Hypothecation Various Charges may 7. M'POWER
be levied as follows: 7.1 Processing Fee Residential: Rs. 5,000/- and
Commercial: Rs. 7,000/-
6.5.1 Godown Rent At actual

6.5.2 Godown Staff Salaries. Salaries of At actual 7.2 Approval Charges Rs. 15,000/- or 0.1% of the approved amount
Godown Keepers / Chowkidars (whichever is higher)

6.6 Godown Inspection Charges To be credited to the Bank’s Income Account 7.3 Management Consultancy Fee Cursory Report: Rs. 4,000/- and
6.6.1 Within Municipal Limits or within a Rs. 1,000/- (flat) Detailed Report: Rs. 8,000/-
radius of 5 Kilometers from Silkbank’s
Branch outside Municipal Limits 50% additional fee would be charged for any
additional business. Peripheral area - Rs. 500/-
6.6.2 Outside the Above Limits Rs. 3,000/- (flat) additionally
T.A. / D.A. admissible to staff as per Silkbank’s
travel policy in addition to charges as
mentioned above in (6.6.1)
6.7 Delivery Charges At actual 7.4 Late Payment Charges Rs. 15,000/- per late payment

6.7.1 If a Godown Keeper is not posted,

conveyance charges to be recovered

6.8 Other Incidental Expenses At actual 7.5 Line Renewal Up to Rs. 15,000/- or 0.1% of the loan amount
(whichever is higher)
6.9 Insurance Premia, Legal Charges At actual

Schedule of Bank Charges 11

7.6 Appraisal Built Property: Rs. 5,000/- per property 8. AGRICULTURE BUSINESS FINANCE
Apartment: Rs. 3,500/- per property 8.1 Processing Fee Rs. 5,000/-
Land: Rs. 4,000/- per property
Peripheral Areas: Rs. 500/- additionally 8.2 Management Consultancy Fee Up to Rs. 6,000/-. 50% additional fee to be
Drive By Appraisal: Rs. 2,500/- charged for any additional business
7.7 Property Insurance Premium Insurance rate as quoted by the vendor 8.2.1 For Peripheral Areas Rs. 500/- (additional charges)
7.8 Legal Fee Preliminary Legal Opinion: Rs. 3,500/- (includes 8.3 Prompt Payment Bonus As agreed on the facility acceptance letter
Rs. 2,000/- for Stage I and Rs. 1,500/- for Title
Search). Final Legal Opinion: Rs. 3,000/- 8.4 Line Renewal Fee Rs. 5,000/-

7.9 Life Insurance Optional and as per rate quoted by the vendor 8.5 Appraisal Fee

7.10 Documentation, Stamp Duties At actual 8.5.1 Built Property Up to Rs. 5,000/- per property
and Levies
8.5.2 Flat Up to Rs. 5,000/- per property
7.11 Litigation Charges At actual
8.5.3 Land Up to Rs. 4,000/- per property
7.12 Re-Appraisal Charges At actual
8.5.4 For Peripheral Areas Up to Rs. 500/- (additional charges)
7.13 Standing Instruction Charges As per Branch Banking
8.6 Insurance Charges As quoted by the vendor
7.14 SMS Alerts Fee Rs. 50/- per month
8.7 Legal Opinion
7.15 Account Closure Fee Rs. 5,000/-
8.7.1 Preliminary Opinion Rs. 3,500/- (Rs. 2,000/- for Stage I and
Note: Rate is subject to change as quoted by the vendor. All Branch Banking Charges will apply Rs. 1,500/- for Title Search)
to transactions through branches. All Government excise duties / taxes will be charged to the
customer where applicable in addition to the above-mentioned charges. 8.7.2 Final Opinion Up to Rs. 3,000/-

Schedule of Bank Charges 12

8.8 Letter of Guarantee Bank Commission Charges will be 0.40% 9.4.2 Land Rs. 3,000/- per property
per quarter
9.4.3 Flat Rs. 5,000/- per property
8.9 Cheque Book Issuance Charges Rs. 5/- per leaf
9.4.4 For Peripheral Areas Rs. 500/-
8.10 Cheque Return Fee Rs. 500/- or actual (whichever is higher) and
mode of return mentioned 9.5 Legal Fee*

As per the SMS Alerts Charges table 9.5.1 Preliminary Opinion Rs. 3,500/-
8.11 SMS / E-mail Alert Services
At actual 9.5.2 Final Opinion Rs. 3,000/-
8.12 Litigation Charges
At actual 9.6 Pay Orders and Demand Drafts
8.13 Re-Appraisal Charges
9.6.1 Line Size Rs. 1 Million to Rs. 10 Million 3 free pay orders and / or demand drafts
8.14 Cash Collection Charges Rs. 500/-
8.15 Documentation, Stamp Duties and Levies At actual 9.6.2 Line Size above Rs. 10 Million 5 free pay orders and / or demand drafts

Note: All Branch Banking Charges will apply to transactions through branches. 9.7 Letter of Guarantee

9. TEXTILES 9.7.1 If Avg. Utilization of CF Limit is 0% - 25% Bank Commission Charges will be 3% per annum
9.1 Processing Fee Rs. 5,000/- 9.7.2 If Avg. Utilization of CF Limit is over Bank Commission will be 1.5% per annum
25% - less than 50%
9.2 Management Consultancy Fee* Rs. 6,000/-
9.7.3 If Avg. Utilization of CF Limit is 50% No Commission Charges
9.3 Line Renewal Fee Rs. 5,000/- and above
9.4 Appraisal Fee* 9.8 Cheque Book Issuance Charges Rs. 5/- per leaf
9.4.1 Built Property Rs. 5,000/- per property 9.9 Property Insurance Charges*

Schedule of Bank Charges 13

9.9.1 Residential Property Up to 0.07% of the line amount plus 0.15%
terrorism cover 10.1 Pay Orders and Demand Drafts
9.9.2 Commercial Property Up to 0.09% of the line amount plus 0.15% 10.1.1 Up to Rs. 10 Million 3 free pay orders and / or demand drafts
terrorism cover
10.1.2 Line Size above Rs. 10 Million 5 free pay orders and / or demand drafts
9.9.3 Industrial Property Up to 0.27% of the line amount plus 0.15%
terrorism cover 10.2 Penal Mark-up 3% above than the agreed mark-up rate for facility
9.10 Late Payment Charges Loan Per Day Fixed 10.3 Cheque Return Fee Rs. 500/-
Amount Charges Charges - 10.4 Cheque Book Issuance Charges Up to Rs. 5/- per leaf
Less than Up to 10.5 Processing Charges 0.1% of Loan Amount or as per agreement
Rs. 10 Million Rs. 1,000/- Nil with customer
Rs. 10 Million to Up to Up to 10.6 Management Consultancy Fee Up to Rs. 5,000/-
Rs. 20 Million Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 5,000/- 10.7 Litigation Charges At actual
Above Up to Up to
Rs. 20 Million Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 10,000/- 10.8 Re-Appraisal Charges At actual
9.11 Cheque Return Fee Rs. 500/- 10.9 Cash Collection Charges Rs. 500/-
9.12 Documentation, Stamp Duties and At actual 10.10 Line Renewal Fee Rs. 5,000/- plus FED (If applicable)
Actual Levies*
10.11 Insurance on Hypothecated Stock Up to 0.1% of line amount
9.13 Litigation Charges At actual
11.1 Processing Fee Pre-Login Rs. 1,000/-

*All these charges are quoted by the vendor and are subject to change. 11.2 Processing Charges Post-Login 1% of the loan amount up to 5.0 Million
*In addition to the above charges, all Government levies will be applicable. Rs. 50,000/- over and above 5.0 Million

Schedule of Bank Charges 14

11.3 Late Payment Charges Loan Per Day FixedPG.NO. 11.6.2 Commercial As quoted by the vendor
Amount Charges Charges -
One-Time 11.6.3 Crops Up to 2% per year of limit amount
Up to Rs. 1 Million Rs. 100/- Nil
Rs. 1 Million 11.6.4 Tractor Up to 3% of the loan amount for
to Rs. 3 Million Rs. 200/- Rs. 1,000/- the entire period
Rs. 3 Million
to Rs. 5 Million Rs. 300/- Rs. 2,000/- 11.7 Legal Fee (Residential / Commercial
Above Rs. 5 Million Properties)
to Rs. 10 Million Rs. 400/- Rs. 3,000/-
11.7.1 Preliminary Opinion Rs. 3,500/- (Rs. 2,000/- for Stage I and
11.4 Line Renewal Fee Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 1,500/- for Title Search)
11.5 Appraisal Fee 11.7.2 Final Opinion Up to Rs. 3,000/-

11.5.1 Built Property Rs. 5,000/- per property 11.8 Legal Fee for Agricultural Land

11.8.1 Preliminary Opinion Up to Rs. 2,000/-*

11.5.2 Flat Rs. 5,000/- per property
11.8.2 Final Opinion Up to Rs. 2,000/-*
11.5.3 Land Up to Rs. 4,000/- per property
*Legal Fee for Agricultural Land shall be
11.5.4 For Peripheral Areas Rs. 500/- (additional charges) charged at actual as finalized with the lawyer

11.6 Insurance Charges 11.9 Cheque Book Issuance Charges Rs. 5/- per leaf

11.6.1 Residential As quoted by the vendor 11.10 Cheque Return Fee Rs. 300/- per instrument

Schedule of Bank Charges 15

11.11 Documentation, Stamp Duties and At actual 13.1.2 Medium Rs. 6,000/- per annum
Levies 13.1.3 Large Rs. 9,000/- per annum
11.12 Repossession Charges for Moveable At actual, quoted by the agency 13.1.4 Extra Large Rs. 12,000/- per annum
13.2 Lien against Locker Issuance In addition to first year rental charges, lien will
11.13 Litigation Charges At actual be marked for 01 year locker rental (as per size
of locker)
ARTICLES IN SAFE DEPOSIT AND SAFE DEPOSIT LOCKERS 13.3 Late Fee in case Locker Falls in Arrears Rs. 500/- per month
12. SECURITIES for more than One Month

12.1 Sale and Purchase of Shares and Actual charges incurred plus 0.10%. 13.4 Key Charges (Refundable)
Securities Minimum Rs. 100/- 13.4.1 Key Charges will apply at the time of
issuance of new locker
12.2 Charges for Collection of Interest / 0.10% on the amount of Interest / Return / Small Rs. 3,000/-
Return / Dividend Dividend Collected / Paid Medium Rs. 3,500/- Large Rs. 4,000/-
12.3 Handling Charges for Conversion, Rs. 10/- per script. Minimum Rs. 100/- Extra Large Rs. 5,000/-
Renewal, Consolidation or Subdivision
of Government Securities 13.5 Breaking Charges Rs. 3,000/- per locker plus actual expenses incurred
13.6 Free Safe Deposit Locker Charges Monthly Average Balance Locker Charges
13. SAFE DEPOSIT LOCKERS (Current Accounts) Less than Rs. 1,000,000/- or Same as Locker
13.1 Charges for Safe Deposit Lockers (in above free limit Charges
advance) (Lien for 01 year’s charges will Rs. 1,000,000/- to Rs. 2,000,000/- Small or Medium Free
be marked) Rs. 2,000,001/- to Rs. 3,000,000/- Large Free
13.1.1 Small Rs. 3,000/- per annum Rs. 3,000,001/- & above Extra Large Free

Schedule of Bank Charges 16

13.7 Free Lockers on the Basis of Previous On completion of each year, if average balance 14.3 Amendment Rs. 500/- per amendment plus commission
Month Average Balance (Subject to is not maintained, actual charges as per SOC as per (14.2) for increased amount or extension
Availability) will be applicable in period
13.8 Free Safe Deposit Locker Charges Monthly Average Balance Locker Charges Rs. 500/- per Amendment Charge plus
(Savings Accounts) Less than Rs. 3,000,000/- Same as Locker 50% commission of the given slab in
or above free limits Charges (14.2) for increased amount or extension in
period for Guarantees
Rs. 3,000,000/- to Rs. 5,000,000/- Small or Medium Free
Rs. 5,000,001/- to Rs. 10,000,000/- Large Free
Rs. 10,000,001/- & above Large or Extra Large Free
14.1 Guarantees Issued to Shipping Rs. 1,000/- (flat) against 100% cash margin,
Companies in Lieu of Bill of Lading otherwise minimum Rs. 1,500/- (flat)

14.2 Letter of Guarantees Amount Charges

Up to Rs. 50,000,000/- 0.40% per quarter or as
per arrangement 15.1 Minimum Balance Charges Rs. 50 on not maintaining Rs. 50,000 average
balance For Online Express, Munafa Rozana and
Rs. 50,000,001/- to 0.30% per quarter or as SuperSaver products
Rs. 150,000,000/- per arrangement
Over Rs. 150,000,000/- 0.20% per quarter. 15.2 Security benefit coverage fee Nil
Minimum Rs. 1,000/-
or as per arrangement

Schedule of Bank Charges 17

15.3 Pay Order / DD / CDR Rs. 300
15.9 Issuance of Cheque Book Charges
All In One Monthly Average Balance Charges
Less than Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 300/- All In One Account Monthly Average Balance Charges
Rs. 100,000/- & above Free Less than Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 20/- per leaf
Rs. 100,000/- & above Free
BVA Plus Free Asaan Account Free first cheque book of 10 leaves. Subsequent
15.4 Cancellation/issuance of duplicate pay Account Holder Rs.400 (Flat) 20/- leaf
order Basic Banking Account 25-leaf Cheque Book @ Rs. 20/- per leaf
15.5 Intercity Transaction Free
BVA Plus/Salary Premium Plus Free
15.6 Over-the-Counter Cash Withdrawals Per Transaction Charges Charges
Online Express Rs. 20/- per leaf
Less than Rs. 50,000/- Rs.110/- per transaction
Rs. 50,000/- & above Free
Charges waived for All In One Account
For BBA, 2 free transactions per month, Rs. 100 will Munafa Rozana/Super Saver/PLS Rs. 20/- per leaf
be charged on subsequent transactions during
the month 15.10 Standing Instruction Charges Rs. 300/- per instruction
15.7 SMS Alert Charges
Note: Not applicable on Bancassurance
Basic (ATM/POS) Free
instructions. Mark-up recovery of SME / Consumer
All Transactions Rs.125 per month and Internet Banking instructions
15.8 E-Alert charges *Rs. 75/- per month (flat) *Free if E-Alert availed 15.11 Stop Payment of Cheques Rs. 500/- per instrument
with SMS Alert facility

Schedule of Bank Charges 18

15.12 Charges on Accounts where Average LCY: Rs. 50/- per Month (flat) 15.20 Out-of-Pocket Expenses At actual
Minimum Monthly Balances in any FCY: 1USD/GBP/Euro/AED + FED or Rs. 50/-
per month including FED (whichever is higher) 15.21 Central Excise Levy and any other At actual
Account is below Rs. 50,000/- and for
Foreign Currency Account below (i) Students Government Duties / Taxes
US $ 5,000/-, GBP 3,000/- & EUR 3,000/- (ii) Mustahiqeen of Zakat 15.22 Charges on Cheques / Instruments Rs. 500/- per cheque / instrument. Charges on
(iii) Employees of Government / Semi-Government Returned in Inward Clearing cheque returned with the reason "Funds
Note: No initial deposit would be required (iv) Diplomatic Missions/attached/affiliated offices Insufficient"
for opening of accounts by (i) to (iii) institutions and their Staff 15.23 Same Day Outward Clearing Charges Rs. 550/- per instrument
for salary and pension purposes (including (v) BBA / PLS / Asaan account holders, Silkbank
Bancassurance Customers (life), institutions for 15.24 Same Day Outward Clearing Returned Rs. 550/- per instrument
widows / children of deceased employees Charges
eligible for family pension / benevolent fund salary and pension purposes and school
grant, etc.) and other similar types of accounts management committee accounts are exempted 15.25 eCIB Report Rs. 100/-
from levy of service charges 15.26 Other Certificates not Specified Rs. 300/-
15.13 Duplicate Statement of Accounts for Rs. 35/- per statement Elsewhere
more than 6 Months 15.27 Tax Certificate Free
15.14 Duplicate Statement of Accounts for Rs. 35/- per statement 15.28 General Cheque Charges Rs. 20/- per leaf
Closed Account
15.15 Issuance of SBP / NBP Cheque Rs. 500/- per request
15.16 Issuance of Loose Cheque Rs. 300/-, Subsequent loose cheque Rs. 500/-
15.17 Account Closing Charges Rs. 500/-
15.18 Inquiry / Photocopy of Old Record Rs. 500/- (flat)
15.19 Issuance of Balance / Account Rs. 300/- (flat) plus FED
Maintenance Certificate

Schedule of Bank Charges 19

15.33 Proceeds Realization Certificate Free
15.29 ATM Withdrawal Charges under PRI
(at Silkbank ATMs) 15.34 Hold Mail Service Rs. 2,000/- per annum (payable in advance)
15.30 Online Transfer from One Customer Same as intercity charges
Account to Another Account Free - within the branches of the same city and 15.35 Swift / OD Finance Rs. 3,000/-
i) Rawalpindi and Islamabad city branches Max charge per
ii) Lahore and Raiwind city branches 15.36 RTGS Days Timing transaction to
Free for RF / OD accounts of SME & Commercial MT102 Threshold: > Rs. 100,000-/ upto Mon to 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Free
Segment For Asaan Account and BBA Rs. 175 Rs.1,000,000 Fri
or 0.1% whichever is higher 9:00 am to 1:30 pm Free
MT103 Threshold: > Rs. 1,000,000 and Mon to 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Free
above Fri
15.31 Online Cash Deposit and Withdrawal Free 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Free

15.32 Online Cash Deposit and Withdrawal Free

(Within City)

Cash-in As per actual CIT

15.37 Collection of Prize money & face value Transit Charges incurred
of National Prize Bonds through Bank’s 0.5% or Rs.1,000/-
commercial banks Margin (whichever is higher)

Schedule of Bank Charges 20

17.10 Debit Card Replacement As per Debit Cards table
16.1 Ordinary Mail Rs. 15/-
16.2 Registered Post Rs. 50/- 17.11 Debit Card Transaction Inquiry Free

16.3 Courier (Within City) Rs. 50/- 17.12 Debit Card Activation Free
16.4 Courier (Outside City) Rs. 100/-
16.5 Courier (Outside Country) At actual 17.13 Debit Card Blocking Free
16.6 Fax / Telephone Minimum Rs. 100/- or actual (whichever is higher)
17.14 Debit Card PIN Regeneration Free
17.15 Account Linking Request Free
17.1 Statement Regeneration As per Miscellaneous Charges table
17.2 Pay Order Issuance As per Commission on Pay Order table 17.16 Account De-Linking Request Free
17.3 Demand Draft Issuance As per DDs, TTs and MTs table
17.17 Personal Data Correction Free
17.4 Utility Bills Payment Free
17.18 Internet Banking Registration Free
17.5 Account Balance Inquiry Free

17.6 Transactions Inquiry Free 17.19 Cheque Stop Payment Charges As per Branch Banking Charges table

17.7 Address / Telephone Number Change Free

17.8 Cheque Book Issuance As per Branch Banking Charges table or as

defined in respective Product tables
17.9 FOREX Rates Free

Schedule of Bank Charges 21

18. AUTO FINANCE 20.1 Processing Fee Residential: Rs. 5,000/- and
18.1 Processing Charges Rs. 5,000/- Commercial: Rs. 7,000/-
20.2 Management Consultancy Fee Cursory Report: Rs. 3,000/- and
18.2 Appraisal Fee (Used / Imported Cars) At actual (minimum Rs. 2,000/-) Detailed Report: Rs. 6,000/-
50% additional fee would be charged for any
18.3 Late Payment Fee Rs. 500/- or 2% per month of the past due additional business. Peripheral Areas: Rs. 500/-
installment amount (whichever is higher) additionally
20.3 Pre-payment Penalty 2% of the outstanding amount
18.4 Vehicle Repossession Charges Rs. 25,000/- or actual (whichever is higher). 20.4 Late Payment Charges
Depending upon the car value, repossession, Rs. 1,000/- per month
relocation and outstanding loan amount 20.5 Appraisal Built Property: Rs. 5,000/- per property
Apartment: Rs. 3,500/- per property
18.5 Insurance Charges At actual Land: Rs. 4,000/-
Peripheral Areas: Rs. 500/- additionally
18.6 Repossessed Vehicle Storage Charges Minimum Rs. 2,500/- per month 20.6 Property Insurance Premium At actual
20.7 Legal Fee Stage-I Charges: Rs. 5,000/-
18.7 Pre-Payment Charges 6% of the outstanding amount Final Legal Opinion: Rs. 5,000/-

18.8 Tracker Activation Charges At actual 20.8 Life Insurance Optional and as per rate quoted by the vendor

18.9 Litigation Charges At actual 20.9 Documentation, Stamp Duties & Levies At actual
Note: Rate is subject to change as quoted by the vendor. All Branch Banking Charges will 20.10 Litigation Charges At actual
apply to transactions through branches. All Government excise duties / taxes will be 20.11 Re-Appraisal Charges At actual
charged to the customer where applicable in addition to the above-mentioned charges.
20.12 Cash Collection Charges Rs. 500/-
19. DORMANT ACCOUNT 20.13 Standing Instruction Charges Free
In case a customer does not operate the account for 1 year, the Bank will mark the account as Note: Rate is subject to change as quoted by the vendor. All Branch Banking Charges
dormant. Non-operative loan accounts will be marked PND instead of dormant. will apply to transactions through branches.

Schedule of Bank Charges 22

21. IPS ACCOUNT 22.3 Collection of Cheques in Outward Monthly Average Balance Collection Charges
21.1 Account Opening Charge (One-Time) Silkbank Customer Rs. 500/- Clearing Less than Rs. 500,000/- Please refer to
Non-Silkbank Customer Rs. 1,000/- or above free limits page 19 (15.23)

Average Balance Rs. 500,000/- & above 5 free for the month
21.2 Account Maintenance Charges
Rs. 0 - 100 Million 0.05% per annum 22.4 Cheque Book Charges Monthly Average Balance Cheque Book
Up to Rs. 500,000/- Please refer to page
Above Rs. 100 Million 0.025% per annum
or above free limits 18 (15.9)
21.3 Security Movement Charges Silkbank Account Holder Rs. 250/- Rs. 500,001/- to 2 free for the month
Non-Silkbank Customer Rs. 500/- Rs. 1,000,000/- (50 leaves)
Rs. 1,000,001/- & above All free
22. MONEY MARKET EXPRESS Monthly Average Balance Intercity Transaction
22.5 Intercity Transactions
22.1 Pay Orders / Demand Drafts Monthly Average Balance PO / DD Charges Charges
Less than Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 100/- (flat) Less than Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 150/-
or above free limits or above free limits
Rs. 50,000/- to less than 2 free for the month Rs. 50,000/- to less than 5 free for the month
Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 100,000/-
Rs. 100,000/- to Rs. 500,000/- 6 free for the month Rs. 100,000/- to Rs. 500,000/- 50 free for the month
Rs. 500,001/- & above All free for the month Rs. 500,001/- & above All free for the month
22.2 Charges on Cheques / Instruments Monthly Average Balance Return Charges 22.6 Call Deposits (CDR) Monthly Average Balance CDR Charges
Returned in Inward Clearing Less than Rs. 500,000/- Less than Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 100/- (flat)
Rs. 250/-
or above free limits Rs. 100,000/- & above All free for the month
Rs. 500,000/- & above 5 free for the month

Schedule of Bank Charges 23

23. PERSONAL LOAN Penalty will be charged on outstanding balance in case
23.1 Processing Fee Rs. 4,000/- or 1% of the loan amount (whichever is of full settlement and on adjusted amount in case of
partial settlement. A year is equal to 12 installments
higher, subject to approval) from date of disbursal and only 1 partial payment is
23.2 Pre-payment Penalty Full penalty charges as per the following grid: allowed in a year and no partial payments are allowed
in the 1st year.
1st year 2nd year 3rd year
23.3 Late Payment Charges Rs. 1,500/- per missed installment
10% 7% 5%
23.4 Insurance At actual
Partial payment penalty charges as per
the following grid: 23.5 Top-up Facility Rs. 4,000/- or 1% of the loan amount (whichever is
1st year 2nd year 3rd year higher, subject to approval)
23.6 Litigation Charges At actual
10% 7% 5%
23.7 Pay Order Re-Issuance Rs. 500/-
23.8 Pay of Sheet Re-Issuance Rs. 500/-

23.9 Credit Protector 0.60% of loan amount (third party payment)

23.10 WhatsApp Banking Charges Rs. 50/- per month

Note: Rate is subject to change as quoted by the vendor. All Branch Banking Charges will apply to
transactions through branches. All Government levies, duties and taxes will be charged to the
customer where applicable in addition to the above-mentioned rates.

Schedule of Bank Charges 24

24. READY LINE 24.12 Account Closure Fee Rs. 4,000/-
24.1 Annual Fee Rs. 5,000/- for Classic Account 24.13 Cheque Book Charges Rs. 15/- per leaf
Rs. 7,000/- for Platinum Account 24.14 Pay Order Charges Rs. 300/-
24.2 Processing Fee Rs. 4,000/- or 1% of the loan amount (whichever 24.15 VISA Debit Card Annual Fee - Classic Rs. 1,500/- per annum (First VDC Free)
24.16 VISA Debit Card - Replacement Charges - Classic Rs. 1,000/-
is higher, subject to approval)
24.17 VISA Debit Card - Re-issuance Charges - Classic Rs. 1,000/-
24.3 Late Payment Charges Rs. 1,800/- per missed payment
24.18 VISA Debit Card Annual Fee - Platinum Rs. 3,000/- per annum (First VDC Free)
24.4 Enhancement Fee Rs. 3,500/-
24.19 VISA Debit Card - Replacement Charges - Platinum Rs. 1,500/-
24.5 Credit Protector Fee (Optional) 0.60% of monthly outstanding amount
24.20 VISA Debit Card - Re-issuance Charges - Platinum Rs. 1,500/-
(third party payment) 24.21 Auto Debit Payments Rs. 100/- per month
24.6 Cheque Return Fee Rs. 500/- 24.22 EPP - Processing Fee Rs. 1,000/- or 1.5% of the amount (whichever is higher)
24.7 Litigation Charges At actual 24.23 Balance Transfer - Processing Fee Rs. 1,000/- or 1.5% of the amount (whichever is higher)
24.8 Minimum Balance Penalty Nil 24.24 Utility Bill Payment Charges Rs. 100/- per transaction
24.9 Online Cash Deposit No Charges on Re-payment Account
24.10 Stamp Duties At actual
24.11 SMS Alerts Fee
Basic (ATM / POS) Free
Note: *All Regular Branch Banking Charges will be applied for the transaction through Branches.
All Transactions Rs. 125/- per month
**In addition to the above, Commission / Service Charges, Recovery of Courier / Postage / Fax
Charges will also be made according to prescribed tariff (wherever applicable).

***In addition to the above Charges, all applicable Government levies, FED will also be recovered.

****All International transactions settled outside Pakistan will be charged at Open Market rate. Any
variance in Inter-bank and Open Market rates will be borne by the customers.

Schedule of Bank Charges 25

25.1 Cheque Book Monthly Average Balance Cheque Book Charges 26.1 Minimum Balance Requirement Nil
Less than Rs. 50,000/- First free (10-leaf starter 26.2 Cheque Book (25 Leaves) Free
cheque book);
Rs. 25/- per leaf 26.3 Debit Cards PayPak Debit Card Free
Rs. 50,000/- & above First free (10-leaf starter VISA Debit Cards - Free for first year, subsequent as
cheque book); Classic per section 27, page 27
Rs. 10/- per leaf
25.2 Over-the-Counter Cash Withdrawal Monthly Average Balance Charges 26.4 Debit Card Re-issuance - Classic As per section 27 on page 27
Less than Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 250/- 26.5 Bank Statement Free
Rs. 50,000/- & above Free
26.6 Banker’s Cheque Free
25.3 Pay Order / Demand Draft / CDR Monthly Average Balance PO / DD / CDR Charges
26.7 Transactions within city Free
Less than Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 100/- per instrument
Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 100,000/- 2 free per month 26.8 Transactions outside city Free
Rs. 100,001/- to Rs. 500,000/- 4 free per month 26.9 Bank Certificates Free
Rs. 500,001/- & above All free per month 26.10 SMS Alerts Please refer to Branch Banking Charges (15.8)
25.4 Intercity Transactions Free 26.11 Advance Salary Fee of Rs. 1,000/- or 3% of advance salary amount
25.5 SMS Alerts Please refer to Branch Banking Charges (15.8) (whichever is higher)
25.6 VISA Debit Card Free for first year, subsequent as per 26.12 IBFT Free
section 27, page 27
25.7 Mini-Statement from Silkbank ATM Free
Note: All other charges / benefits as defined under the SOC will remain in place for
Salary Premium Plus as well.

Schedule of Bank Charges 26

27. DEBIT CARDS 27.11 From other Banks’ ATM (Mnet Network) Rs. 4/-
27.1 Annual Fee - Basic PayPak Rs. 1,250/- (Free for BVA Plus Customers)
27.12 International ATM Rs. 250/-
Classic Rs. 1,650/-
Gold Rs. 2,200/- Other Charges Average Balance Below Rs. 10/-
Platinum Rs. 3,500/-
27.13 Mini-Statement Silkbank ATM* Rs. 50,000/-
PayPak Rs. 625/- (Free for BVA Plus Customers)
27.2 Annual Fee - Supplementary Classic Rs. 825- Average Balance of Free
Gold Rs. 1,100/- Rs. 50,000/- & above
Platinum Rs. 1,750/-
PayPak Rs. 1,250/- (Free for BVA Plus Customers) *Note: Not applicable on BBA, PLS account &
27.3 Issuance Fee - Basic Classic Rs. 1,650/- Asaan account
Gold Rs. 2,200/- 27.14 IBFT Charges Aggregate Amount Per Month Charges
Platinum Rs. 3,500/-
Less than Rs. 25,000/- Free
PayPak Rs. 625/- (Free for BVA Plus Customers)
27.4 Issuance Fee - Supplementary Classic Rs. 825- More than Rs. 25,000/- 0.1% or Rs. 200/-
Gold Rs. 1,100/- (whichever is lower)
Platinum Rs. 1,750/-
PayPak Rs. 625/- (Free for BVA Plus Customers)
27.15 POS Transaction (in Pakistan) Free
Re-issuance Classic Rs. 825- 27.16 Utility Bill Payment Charges Free
27.5 Card Re-issuance Gold Rs. 1,100/-
Platinum Rs. 1,750/- 27.17 Document Transaction Retrieval Local Rs. 300/-, International Rs. 800/-
Charges per transaction
27.6 Re-issuance of PIN Free
Cash Withdrawal Fee 27.18 Visa Debit Card Service Fee - Classic Monthly Average Balance Service Fee Charges
27.7 From other Bank's ATM Rs. 23.44/- (For BVA Plus and All In One Note: VDC Service Fee is exempted on maintaining required monthly average
balance in relationship based accounts i.e TDR, Online Express, Munafa Rozana,
Rs. 50,000/- & above No Charge
customers, if monthly average balance of Salary Premium Account or equivalent in FCY account
Rs. 100,000/- is maintained, then fee will be 27.19 Charge Back - International Rs. 500/- (per transaction)
27.20 Charge Back - Local Rs. 250/- (per transaction)
27.8 @ International ATM / POS Rs. 500/- per transaction or 4% (whichever is 27.21 Arbitration Charges At actual
higher) 27.22 VDC Limit Enhancement Rs. 1,200/-
Balance Inquiry 27.23 ATM Slip Charges Free
27.9 From Silkbank’s ATM Free
Note: All International transactions settled outside Pakistan will be charged at Open Market rate. Any variance in Inter-
27.10 From other Banks' ATM (1 Link Network) Rs. 4/- bank and Open Market rates will be borne by the customers.

Schedule of Bank Charges 27

28. CREDIT CARDS Direct Debit Rejection Fee Rs. 1,000/-
Cash Advance Fee 3% of the transaction amount or Rs. 1,000/-
28.1 Membership Fee (whichever is higher)
Annual Fee
Flexible Installment Plan Processing Charges Fixed Installment Plan: Rs. 1,500/- (Flat),
Basic Supplementary
Alliances: 1.75% or Rs. 1,500/- (whichever is higher),
VISA Signature Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 12,500/-
VISA Platinum Rs. 13,000/- Rs. 6,500/- Online Installment Plans: 1.75% or
VISA Gold Rs. 7,000/- Rs. 3,500/- Rs. 1,500/- (whichever is higher)
VISA Classic Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 1,500/- Flexible Installment Plan Pre-payment Charges 7% of the outstanding amount or
Mastercard Platinum Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 5,000/-
Mastercard Titanium Rs. 8,000/- Rs. 4,000/- Rs. 1,500/- (whichever is higher)
Mastercard Gold Rs. 6,000/- Rs. 3,000/- 0% APR BTF Processing Fee 3.75% (3 months), 7.50% (6 months),
Mastercard Standard Rs. 2,500/- Rs. 1,250/-
Other Specialized / Premium Cards Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 7,500/- 15.00% (12 months)
Insurance Cancellation Fee Rs. 250/-
28.2 Annualized Percentage Rate (APR)
Retail 41.99% SMS & E-Alert Charges Rs. 125/- per month
Cash 41.99% Card Upgrade Fee Rs. 1,500/-
Open BTF 27.00% Card Replacement Fee Rs. 1,250/-
BTF Retail PO / IBFT / New Card Design Fee Rs. 2,500/-
Installment Plans Tenor Installment Installment Alliances Direct Debit Enrollment Fee Free
Plan Plan Installment Plan Utility Bill Payment Fee Rs. 100/- per transaction or 1% (whichever is higher)
3 months 26.80% 31.23% 35.65% Top-up Facility (Limit Enhancement) Fee Rs. 1,500/-
6 months 30.23% 35.15% 40.05% Pay Order / Demand Draft Issuance Charges Rs. 750/-
9 months 41.34% Foreign Transaction Charges 4.5% of the transaction amount
12 months 31.72% 36.74% 41.70% VISA Arbitration Charges for Disputed
18 months 31.76% 36.68% 41.50% Transactions USD 500/-
24 months 31.46% 36.22% 40.88% Voucher Retrieval Fee Rs. 300/- (Local Transactions),
36 months 30.59% 35.07% 39.43% Rs. 800/- (International Transactions)
48 months 29.70% 38.05% Litigation Charges At actual
60 months 28.88% 36.82% Cash Payment at Branch Processing Charges Free
28.3 Other Charges Lounge Access CIP Lounge: Free for Signature / Platinum Cardholders &
1 Guest (Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad for International Travel)
Late Payment Fee Rs. 1,800/-
Excess Over Limit Fee Rs. 1,700/- Gym Visit Fee Rs. 1,500/- per visit (where visits exceed allotment
Cheque Return Fee Rs. 1,000/- or spend criteria is not met)

Schedule of Bank Charges 28

Other Card Bill Payment via 2% of transaction amount. 28.6 Mastercard Specific Charges
Silkbank Credit Card Global Service (GS) -
Silkbank Card Bill Payment via Other Banks Rs. 200/- Mastercard Fee Lost & Stolen Card USD 40/- per request
Rewards Category Switching cost Rs. 1,500/- per instance Emergency Card Replacement USD 148/- per request
Foreign Currency Transaction Charges Settled 4.5% of the transaction amount Emergency Authorization USD 125/- per request
Outside Pakistan Emergency Service Request Denied or
Fulfilled by Issuer or Cancelled USD 50/- per request
28.4 Silkbank Credit Card Insurance Plans Cardholder Inquiry Service / Mastercard
Silk Protect Charges 0.6% of outstanding amount Assistance Centre USD 7.75/- per request
Critical Illness Insurance Plan Charges Plan-A: Rs. 9,900/-, Plan-B: Rs. 16,500/-, Plan-C: Rs. 23,100/- Note: All International transactions settled outside Pakistan will be charged at Open Market rate. Any variance in Inter-
bank and Open Market rates will be borne by the customers.
Purchase Protection Charges Rs. 190/- to Rs. 6,120/- (Varies as per sum insured
and desired coverage period) 29. RUNNING FINANCE
Travel Cover Insurance Charges Domestic Air Travel: Rs. 90/- to Rs. 1,600/- Running Finance Facility (Branch Banking
(Varies as per desired plan and coverage period)
International Air Travel: Rs. 600/- to Rs. 93,000/-
(Varies as per desired plan and coverage period) 29.1 Processing Charges 0.1% or Rs. 5,000/- (whichever is higher)
Student Air Travel: Rs. 9,500/- to Rs. 53,500/- 29.2 Late Payment Charges Rs. 1,000/- per month
(Varies as per desired plan and coverage period) Note: All other charges/benefits as defined
Covid-19 Protection Insurance Plan Rs. 1,450/- to Rs. 27,325/- (Varies as per desired plan)
Education Insurance Plan Plan-A: Rs. 3,300/-, Plan-B: Rs. 6,500/-, Plan-C: Rs. 9,800/-
under SOC will remain in place for Running
Income Continuity Plan (1-5 years Coverage) Up to Rs. 2,400/- per month Finance Facility Branch Banking as well
28.5 VISA Specific Charges
Global Customer Assistant Service
All charges mentioned hereunder are waived
(GCAS) - VISA Fee Lost & Stolen Card USD 35/- per request for permanent and contractual employees of
Emergency Card Replacement Silkbank (only for Staff Account)
(Platinum & Gold) USD 250/- per request
Emergency Card Disbursement USD 175/- per request 30.1 Pay Order Free
Emergency Service Request Denied or 30.2 Demand Draft
Fulfilled by Issuer or Cancelled USD 50/- per request
Cardholder Inquiry Service / VISA 30.3 Intercity Transactions Free
Assistance Centre USD 7.50/- per request 30.4 Local Collection Free

Schedule of Bank Charges 29

30.5 Cheque Book for Salary Account Only Free
30.6 Locker Rent 50% waiver of charges mentioned on page 16 The above facilities will also be available free of charge to Diplomatic Missions and Attaché Offices.
(section 13)
No charges will be recovered on remittances from charitable institutions and trusts.
30.7 Lien on Locker Rent Free
30.8 Key Deposit Free Out-of-Pocket Expenses
30.9 PO / DD Cancellation Free
Out-of-Pocket Expenses (not specifically mentioned elsewhere in this Schedule of Charges) such
30.10 Incidental Charges from Salary Account Free
30.11 Foreign Remittance (Home Remittance) Free as Telephone Charges, SWIFT Charges, Fax Charges, Courier Charges, Postages, Conveyance,
30.12 VDC Issuance & Annual Charges Free etc., and / or other expenses / charges paid by the Bank in connection with the services / facilities
(Staff Salary Account)
provided to customers shall be charged at actual.
30.13 Stop Payment Free
30.14 Remittance Abroad other than through One transaction free in a month Charges relating to Corporate / Prime / High Net Worth individual customers may differ and are
Foreign Currency Accounts subject to special arrangement.
30.15 Over-the-Counter Cash Withdrawal on Free
All Government Excise Duties / Taxes / Zakat, etc. are for the customer’s account and will be
Salary Account
deducted in addition to the above-mentioned charges.
30.16 SMS Alerts (on Salary Accounts) Free
30.17 VDC Service Fees / Mini-Statements Free Out-of-Pocket Expenses and Correspondence Bank Charges will be recovered at actual, on
30.18 IBFT from Staff Salary Account Free free services.
30.19 Foreign Remittance Commission / Free
Service Charges Cash Management Transactions & System Charges
30.20 Inward Clearing Return Charges Free Collection Solutions Fees / Charges to be negotiated on case-to-case basis
30.21 Same Day Clearing Lodgement Charges Free Payment Solutions Fees / Charges to be negotiated on case-to-case basis
30.22 Same Day Clearing Return Charges Free
Silk Cash Manager System Fees / Charges to be negotiated on case-to-case basis

Schedule of Bank Charges 30

Silkbank Branch Network
Attock Branch, Hyderabad Branch, Jhelum Branch, F.B. Area Branch, Korangi Industrial Area Branch,
B2, Pleader Lane, Attock City F/17,Badri Manzil, Risala Road, Opp. Old Plot No. 8, Paswal Plaza, GTS Square, Plot No. C-31/A, Ground Floor, Block 6, Plot No. 25/1, Sector 23, Korangi Industrial
Cafe George, Risala Road, Hyderabad Jhelum City F. B. Area, KDA Scheme 16, Karachi Area, Near Suzuki South, Karachi
Bahawalpur Branch,
Near Fawwara Chowk, Off: Ahmedpur ISLAMABAD Murree Road Branch, Gulshan Chowrangi Branch, M.A. Jinnah Road Branch,
East Road, Bahawalpur Rose Arcade, Rehmanabad, Murree Road, Plot No. FL 2/5, Block 6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Plot No. 40, Sheet No.7, situated on Serai
Bahria Town Branch, Islamabad Karachi Quarters, Off: M. A. Jinnah Road, Karachi.
Batapur Branch, Islamabad Bahria Town Phase 4, Plot No.
Main G.T. Road, Batapur Lahore Lines 92, Civic Center, Rawalpindi KARACHI Gulshan-e-Iqbal Branch, North Nazimabad Branch,
Block 10/A, Saima Classic, 118/B/A/XV, Ajwa Residency, Shop No. 3-5, Ground
Chak Shahzad Branch,
Dera Ghazi Khan Branch, 26th Street Branch, Block 10/A, Main Rashid Minhas Road, Floor, Block-L, North Nazimabad, (Near
Al-Farooq Plaza Kurri Road, New Mal
Block 13, Hospital Chowk, Opp. DHQ 26th Street, Plot No. 23C, Street 37, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi Five Star Roundabout), Karachi
Chak Shahzad, Islamabad
Hospital, Railway Road, Dera Ghazi Khan Tauheed Commercial Area, Phase V,
E-11 Markaz Branch, DHA, Karachi Karachi Main Branch, PECHS Branch,
Dina Branch, Plot No. 3, E11/3 Markaz, Islamabad Saima Towers, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Shop No. S.5B Al Tijarah Center 32-1A,
Chaudary Street, Mangla Road, Dina Badar Commercial Branch, Karachi Block No. 6, PECHS, Shahrah-e-Faisal,
F-7 Markaz Branch, Plot No. 9-C, Badar Commercial Street Karachi
Faisalabad Branch, Building No. 13-L, F-7 Markaz, Islamabad No. 10, Phase V, DHA, Karachi Khalid Bin Waleed Road Branch,
Kotwali Road Branch, Kotwali Road, Shop No. 1, 2, 3 & 4, Plot No. 151-A, S.I.T.E. Branch,
Faisalabad F-10 Markaz Branch, Bahadurabad Branch, Khalid Bin Waleed Road/Allama Iqbal Plot No. B/9, C-1, Unit No. 2, Sindh
Building No. 5-C, Unit No. 7 & 8, VIP Ground Floor, ZN Tower, Plot No. 106, Road, Block 2, PECHS, Karachi Industrial Trading Estate, Karachi
Faisalabad, Satiana Branch, Plaza, F-10 Markaz, Islamabad Bahadur Yar Jung Co-operative Housing
P-719, Batala Colony, Satiana Road Society, Block 3, K.C.H.S. Union Limited, Khayaban-e-Ittehad Branch, Sohrab Goth Branch,
Faisalabad F-11 Markaz Branch. Bahadurabad, Karachi Plot No. 100-C, 11th Commercial Street Al-Asif Square, Sohrab Goth, Karachi
Plot No. 25-D, F-11 Markaz, Islamabad Main Khayaban-e-Ittehad, Phase II Ext.
Gujranwala Branch, Boat Basin Branch, DHA, Karachi University Road Branch,
Plot No.100 & 102, Mohallah Bhatia Nagar, I-8 Markaz Branch, Building No. GPC 4, Block 5, KDA Scheme Plot No. B-9/10, Block 16, Main University
Near PSO Petrol Pump, G.T. Road Plot No. 6, Laraib Plaza, Ground Floor, I- No. 5, Kehkashan Clifton, Karachi Khayaban-e-Nishat Branch, Road, Karachi
8 Markaz, Islamabad C-25, Khayaban-e-Nishat, DHA Phase VI,
Gujrat Branch, Cloth Market Branch, Karachi
Islamabad Main Branch,
B-17/1553-R-R, Near Eidgah Masjid, G. Khandwala Building, Fakhre Matri Road
93, Razia Shareef Plaza, Blue Area,
T. Road, Gujrat Cloth Market, Kharadar, Karachi Korangi Road Branch,
Plot No. 6-C, A-Commercial Market, DHA,
Hazro Branch, DHA Shahbaz Branch, Phase-II, Main Korangi Road, Karachi
Plot No. B-III, 382/A, Allahwala Chowk, Plot No. 20-C, Lane 2, Shahbaz
Circular Road, Mohallah Abdul, Hazro Commercial, Phase 6, DHA, Karachi
LAHORE Garden Town Branch, Thokar Niaz Branch, Rahim Yar Khan Branch, Sialkot Branch,
Flat 1-4, Usman Block, New Garden Town, 7-B, Judicial Colony, Raiwind Road, Thokar Galaxy Cinema Market, Shahi Road, 70, Paris Road, Sialkot
Allama Iqbal Town Branch, Lahore Niaz Baig, Lahore Rahim Yar Khan
6-Hunza Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore Sukkur Branch,
Johar Town Branch, Wapda Town Branch, Raiwind Branch, Hussaini Road, Sukkur
Badami Bagh Branch, Block 15, M. M. A. Johar Town, Lahore 11-G, PIA Housing Society, (WAPDA Town Railway Road, Adjacent Red Chilli
203 Grain Market, Badami Bagh, Lahore roundabout), Lahore Restaurant, Raiwind
Kalma Chowk Branch,
Bahria Town Branch, Plot No. 27, Tipu Block, New Garden Town, Larkana Branch, Rawalpindi Bahria Phase 8 Branch,
57-B, Commercial Sector-C, Bahria Town, Main Ferozepur Road, Lahore Plot No. 1475/1, Ground Floor, Station Building No. 194, Northern Commercial
Lahore Road, Larkana Hub (Safari Valley) Bahria Town Phase
Lahore Gymkhana Booth, VIII, Rawalpindi
Cantt Branch, 31/4, Sarwar Road, Lahore Cantt, Lahore Manga Road Branch,
31/4, Sarwar Road, Lahore Cantt, Lahore Glamour Adda, Opp. Glamour Textile Mill, Rawalpindi Main Branch,
Lahore Main Branch, Mouza 65, Chack Manga Road Raiwind Plot No. 60-A, Shop No. 11, Survey No.
Cavalry Ground Branch, Silkbank House, 14-Egerton Road, Lahore 265, Canning Road, Rawalpindi Cantt
20-Commercial Area, Cavalry Ground, Mirpur (Azad Kashmir) Branch,
Lahore Liberty Gulberg Branch, 82D, Allama Iqbal Road, Sector B4, Rawalpindi, Satellite Town Branch,
Gulberg Branch, 97-A/D-1 PEC Building Mirpur Azad Kashmir Ground Floor, Munir Arcade, B-215,
Circular Road Branch, Liberty Roundabout, Gulberg III 4th Road, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi
73, Circular Road, Lahore Multan Branch,
Model Town Branch, 10-A Bosan Road Gulgusht, Multan Rawalpindi, Westridge Branch,
DHA Phase-5 Branch, 16, Bank Square Market, Model Town, Plot No. 488-491, Westridge Bazar Road,
74-CCA, Phase 5C, DHA, Lahore Lahore Multan, Qasim Road Branch, Westridge-1, Rawalpindi
76, Qasim Road, S. P. Chowk, Multan
DHA Phase-6 Branch, Park View City Branch, Sahiwal Branch,
47MB, Phase 6, DHA, Lahore Plot # 17, Commercial Area, Park View Peshawar Main Branch, Khasra No. 4998, Khewat No. 07, Khatooni
City, 3-Kilometer, Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore Lamsy Arcade, 1-C Fakhar-e-Alam Road, No. 07, Jail Road, Civil Lines, Sahiwal
DHA Rahbar Branch, Peshawar Cantt
Khasra No. 1388, Defence Road, Opp. PECO Road Branch, Sargodha Branch,
DHA Rahbar, Lahore 57-1, B/1 Township, PECO Road, Lahore Peshawar, Khyber Bazar Branch, Khayyam Chowk, Gulberg Park, Sargodha
Haji Khan Building, Soekarno Square,
DHA - Z Block Branch, Shadman Town Branch, Khyber Bazar, Peshawar Sheikhupura Branch,
Defence Branch, 320, Block Z, 119-A, Colony No. 1, Shadman Town, Sharif Plaza, Main Lahore Sargodha Road,
Commercial Area, Phase-III, Lahore Lahore Quetta Branch, Sheikhupura
Firdousi Building, Jinnah Road, Quetta

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