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Electrostatic field theoretic approach to analyze the partial discharge

phenomenon pertaining to insulation degradation

Article in International Journal of Engineering & Technology · June 2018

DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.12095


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3 authors:

Shubhankan Mukherjee Adhir Baran Chattopadhyay

The University of Edinburgh Budge Budge Institute of Technology


Sunil Thomas
BITS Pilani, Dubai


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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2) (2018) 842-848

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.12095
Research paper

Electrostatic field theoretic approach to analyze the partial

discharge phenomenon pertaining to insulation
Shubhankan Mukherjee 1 *, Adhir Baran Chattopadhyay 1, Sunil Thomas 1
1 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BITS Pilani Dubai Campus, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]


This paper elucidates the application of electrostatic field theory to analyze partial discharge due to the void formation inside the insulat-
ing material. Formation of voids leads to accumulation of static charges leading to capacitance build-up. The most probable cause of
insulation failure is due to the subjection of high voltage. Prolonged high voltage poses a threat and leads to insulation failure. Failures
occur in the tip gap between the conductor and insulating material’s inner periphery. Probable causes of such failures are corona dis-
charge, surface discharge and treeing, leading to formation of Lichtenberger figures in the material and cavity discharge. This paper pre-
sents a way of fabricating the inner lining of the insulator with a semiconductor layer obeying avalanche breakdown at breakdown volt-
age or voltages at which partial discharge is likely to occur. With the onset of high voltage which can cause a discharge, the semiconduc-
tor experiences avalanche breakdown giving out a single photon ejection by Geiger mode (principle). A superior prevention method of
using Teflon for insulation instead of XLPE/PILC has been suggested and simulated using COMSOL. Detection using Avalanche photo-
detector(LiDAR) may enable us to track the probable location of the occurrence of partial discharge and isolate the system.

Keywords: Partial Discharge; Insulation Failure; Teflon Insulation; Avalanche Photodiode.

(BDV) [6]. The short-term insulation failure including the

1. Introduction breakdown and surface flashover, and the employment of
nanostructured fillers and surface treatments of polymers, were
Devices working on High Voltage sources face a constant threat of discussed in this paper. The sublimal effect of charge trapping and
insulation degradation and failure. Stator winding insulation filling of voids were investigated using numerical methods and the
failure in Medium voltage AC motors leading to Line to Line fault transport of charge and movement behaviours in polymers based
or Line to Ground Fault was anlysed and predictive analysis to on surface potential decay and bipolar charge transport models
detect fault was stressed upon [1]. Now, in connection with stator were analysed. The deep trap effectively reduced carrier mean free
winding insulation, over voltage and insulation coordination with path and the energy obtained from applied field [7].
continuous monitoring was possible using conditional monitoring Another cause of partial discharge is due to the presence of space
by Finite element method [2]. Moreover, the effect of voltage, charge. The accumulation of space charge in insulating
shape, size and protrusions on the conductor were studied using a (polymeric) materials and the effect of space charge on ageing rate
simulation model based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) under direct current, alternating current or impulsive voltage,
software [COMSOL]. Three different types of void geometries directly through electric field alteration was discussed [8]. The
were considered in this paper and their effect on partial discharge effect of impulses on surface discharge of Polyethylene was
inception voltage, both in the presence and absence of protrusions, shown by the change of PD numbers and phase-resolved PD
was studied[3]. Moreover tracing of dissected coils through visual patterns[9]. Different partial discharge (PD) models, namely the
inspection gave an idea of insulation failure [4]. Power cables are models of Gemant-von Phlippoff, Pedersen and Siemens were
always under electrical stresses. Impact of static charges caused by explained. Relationships were also offered between the apparent
dynamic electric fields [which are produced by ripples, polarity charge of a discharge appearing in enclosed cavities in solid
reversals, harmonics and transient switching pulses] leads to dielectrics and the lifetime of a solid insulation as well as between
partial discharge phenomenon within the insulation and thus the apparent charge and the sensitivity of PD detectors [10] [11].
degrades the insulation. It was proved that PD greatly depended Further, use of oil impregnated papers insulation was analysed
on dynamic electric field variations mostly due to inrush [12]. It was found that it was easier for the oil-immersed power
current[5]. Another form of stress is due to occurrence and transformer to fail when moistened. Moisture may cause the great
utilization of Ultra High frequency (UHF). Two types of electrode decrease of the breakdown voltage of the oil-paper insulation
configurations were considered for the analysis which were Point- system [13]. It was further analysed that dieletric failure in
Plane and Rod-Plane Electrode. Stress developed due to UHF was insulation led to charge build-up and forming tiny capacitance[14]
calculated for various gap distances between the two electrodes, [15]. By applying the chopped sequence, more insight into the
considering two configurations of electrodes for both Partial dielectric void was possible and allowed post partial discharge
Discharge Inception Voltage (PDIV) and Breakdown Voltage charge decay phenomena to be investigated [16]. Use of avalanche
Copyright © 2018 Shubhankan Mukherjee et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 843

photodiode to detect partial discharge was taken into account to of the surface area, da = elemental surface area and the symbol for
predict dielectric breakdown[17]. integration stands for closed surface integral
Now, we focus on important parameters responsible for partial
2. Electrostatic field theory approach discharge. The parameters in our purview here is charge and die-
lectric strength of the insulation (material).
Partial discharge is related to the discharge of excess charge lead-
In this segment of analysis, we have used Maxwell’s equation to ing to breakdown. So excessive charge builds up in the void leads
define the degradation of insulators in the proximity of high volt- to a formation of pseudo capacitance.
age in devices such as current transformers windings, high voltage
cable insulators and rotor windings.
At this juncture of our approach we first use the concept of void 3. Lumped capacitance model for void for-
formation in materials. This can happen due to the following rea- mation and partial discharge
1) Fabrication error We used the lumped capacitance or ‘ABC model’ to model the
2) Continuous bombardment by electrons leading to wall en- formation of capacitance in voids due to material non linearities.
largement and release of byproducts such as ozone and acid-
ic compounds leading to degradation.
Void formation is, basically, due to partial discharge occurring in
the high tension and high voltage cables. Void in non-viscous and
solvent-less resin insulation is filled with gas or air having lower
dielectric strength and permittivity in comparison to the surround-
ing insulating material.
Moreover, electrical stresses which is, basically, due to the high
voltage and inrush current (at startup of motors). The electrical
stress is electric field and is formulated below:


Considering the cable as coaxial with two or multiple concentric

cylinders we can formulate the electrical stress as follows:

U Fig. 2: Capacitance Model Mimicking a Void Formation.

E= r0
x ln
Whenever there is a void and charge build-up, it is like a capacitor
Where, in parallel to the circuit capacitance. In case of multiple voids, the
U = the source or applied voltage (forcing function) [in volts] capacitors act as a series capacitor bank in parallel with the circuit
x = the radial distance to any point on the insulation [in milli- capacitance.
ri = conductor radius [in milli-meters]
r0 = sheath radius [in milli-meters]

Fig. 3: ABC Model of a Void Formation.

An enclosed cavity or void inside a solid insulation can be mod-

eled as a capacitance and we name it as Cc. The insulation capaci-
tance next to the void as Cb and rest of the capacitance as C a
which is known as the circuit insulation capacitance, or the overall
Fig. 1: High Voltage Cable Structure.
© by Prof. Nelson Ljumba, University of KZN
The voltage drop across the void or cavity by voltage division rule
is given by,
Now, if we consider integral form of Gauss’ law for electrical
field considering in spherical coordinate system we formulate the Cb
closed surface integral to be as follows: Vc = Va
Cb +Cc

The apparent charge stored in the void (capacitor) responsible for

the discharge is given by,

qa = Cb ∆Vc
E = Electric field (V/m) , q= charge enclosed (coulomb), ε0 =
permittivity in vacuum, n= unit vector perpendicular to the plane Where,
∆Vc = is the voltage drop across the void (in volts)
844 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Now, we consider the line charge density on a single plate and We also know that the external charge is the time integral of the
volume charge density for the void considering it to be spherical current flowing through the capacitances Cb and Cc, so we arrive
in nature. at the final equation,
Linear charge density,
Volume charge density, qa = qc
Cb + Cc
The charges confined in the void is directly linked to the origin of
electric flux, and the free charges lead to development of electric
But measurement of discharge current is not feasible and a more
flux density (D).
accurate way to measure is the dipole moment due to the dielectric
polarization in the voids as due to partial discharge there is for-
mation of secondary elements like ozone and acidic compounds
having greater relative permittivity and thereby leading to increase
in capacitance. Fig 4 can be modified as shown in Fig 6, showing
As E = - V, it yields that, indication of current distribution.

As a part of Maxwell's equation set, it may be reminded that

The presence of this apparent charge( ρ ) can be useful for the

detection of Partial Discharge pulses.
Fig. 6: Characteristic Circuit Elements of Capacitive PD Model.
4. Experimental setup for the measurement of
partial discharge As in a capacitor, due to the existence of electric field and it final-
ly leads to development of displacement current according to
Maxwell’s postulate.
In order to determine the cavity discharge and current spike for an
insulator, the experiment was performed by Gemant and Philip-
poff setup as shown in Fig 4. And the concerned experimental
result is shown as the distorted waveform in Fig.5.
H= Magnetic field [Tesla], D= Electric Flux density
[coulomb/sq.m], J= current density [amperes per square metre].
Whenever partial discharge phenomenon occurs in an insulator
material, discontinuity in charge distribution takes place and it
leads to the development of current spikes. This is portrayed in
For our mathematical simplicity, we will normalize the displace-
ment current equal to the charging current across the void and it
can be written as,

ID = Ich = 2πfCU

f= Supply frequency (Hertz), C = capacitance of the void (Farads),
Fig. 4: Experimental Setup with Spark Gap F. U= supply voltage (volts)
For a coaxial cable the capacitance can be written as follows,

We can measure the current variation at macroscopic level relative

to the entire length of a cable to detect through partial discharge
Fig. 5: Partial Discharge Pulses in Sinusoidal AC Signal. pulses on oscilloscope or the electric field variation due to dielec-
tric suppression through Electromagnetic or Dielectric spectrosco-
This model used the theory of breakdown and spark gap current py in a Bode or Nyquist plot.
during the discharging time in cavity due to capacitance Cc. But
the current ib due to the capacitance Cb also flows through the test
object as in case of capacitance Cc causing ambiguity in the 5. Alternative approach to reduce the partial
measurement. discharge in high voltage cables
So, on validating the apparent external void charge we arrive on
the following equations, The current technology uses Cross Linked Polyethene (XLPE)
cables and Paper Insulated and Lead Covered cables (PILC) ca-
qa = ∆Vc (Cb + Cc ) bles.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 845

Since cable capacitance is so important, a lot of analysis goes into

minimizing it, but the hypothesis is not being adaptive due to the
following reason.
1) Increasing the insulation wall thickness which will lead to
additional material cost.
2) Decreasing the conductor diameter but it will increase the
skin effect at higher frequencies.
The PTFE (Teflon) films used as an insulation layer is quite robust
and the dielectric strength is a function of the film thickness,
which is defined by the following relationship,

EB αT −k Fig. 7: Cross Sectional View of Proposed HV Cable Model.

Where EB is the dielectric strength, ‘T’ the film thickness, and k is With the prevalent stage of technology, we can detect in-situ Ava-
the fitting parameter. It is to be noted that the k factor can be var- lanche breakdown. We can measure the single photon electromag-
ied in accordance with the cable configuration, internal micro- netic wave using Geiger counter to trace any unwanted partial
scopic structure and charge transfer rate within the insulating Tef- discharge and isolate the material before any degradation or faults
lon material. As indicated by the relationship, the dielectric [Fig.8].
strength is inversely proportional to the thickness and dielectric
strength decreases with increasing thickness.
Another factor which adds onto external stress on insulating mate-
rial, subjected to high voltage, in regard of the charge distribution,
is thermal energy. As the temperature rises due to the heating ef-
fect of current, the electrons accelerate further leading to lowering
of the insulating material’s dielectric strength. At very low tem-
perature, all charged particles are trapped and are closely held
together. As the temperature rises, the trapped electrons will get
delocalized more easily, and less electric field is needed.
Moreover, with the increase of temperature the overall volume
increases, and the dielectric strength decreases with the decrease
of the material density, Thus, it is expected that EB decreases with
increasing temperature. This proves that the dielectric strength Fig. 8: A) Experimental Setup for Photon Detection.
decreases as the temperature increases and with the increasing
material volume due to thermal effect. © Christian Kurtsiefer, Patrick Zarda, Sonja Mayer, and Harald
According to the formula of capacitance, out of the three parame- Weinfurter [18]
ters, we have one last parameter to overcome the issue of Partial
Discharge is by using an insulation with lower dielectric constant.

Q Q A∈
C= = =
V Ed d

C = Capacitance (Farads), Q = Charge (coulomb), E = Electric

field (V/m), D = plate distance (m), A=Area (m2), ∈ = Relative
Since the partial discharge occurs in the tip gap separation of the
conductor and insulator, we can sandwich the gap of the conductor
and insulator with a material having lower relative permittivity
such as Teflon sheet as it has higher dielectric strength.
This new Teflon technology will prove better than XLPE and
PLIC cables having following characteristics.
Fig. 8: B) Discharge Current of the Photodiode during A Breakdown Cy-
Table 1: Data for Different HV Cables cle.
Relative Permit- Dielectric
Material Type
tivity Strength
The experiment performed by Christian Kurtsiefer, Patrick Zarda,
Teflon With Benzene Impreg-
2.02 162 Sonja Mayer, and Harald Weinfurter is shown in Figure 8(a). In
nated Paper
XLPE 2.23 145 this system the diode has been modelled by a junction capacitance
PILC 3.76 90 and parasitic capacitance. When the photodiode faces an ava-
lanche, breakdown discharge current flows and its experimental
Along with that, we can coat the insulator side with a semicon- plot as a factor of time as reported by the authors is shown in fig-
ducting layer (Silicon Carbide) which will reduce the possibility ure 8(b)
of air gap or void formation leading to the reduced possibility of a In this current research methodology, the avalanche breakdown,
spark gap or discharge. As our whole discussion concentrates on having a spectral emissivity of about 1.1µm to 2.1µm during the
the localization of charges on an insulating material, at this stage it avalanche breakdown has been simulated through electric and
demands for portraying a model of the H.V cable and it is shown magnetic field dynamics using COMSOL. As these wavelengths
in Fig.7 can travel through the insulators, detection of a partial discharge
becomes easier. So, with the help of infrared spectroscopy, we can
detect photons when there is partial discharge due to breakdown
owing to high/over voltage. On finding out the exact location of
the PD we can isolate the system and prevent from further dam-
846 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

6. Result and conclusion found to be in the range of 6.43x106 to -6.44x106 as shown in fig-
ure 10.
In this paper we were able to map the relation between partial
discharge and the theoretical aspects of electrostatic field and find
out the root cause of partial discharge due to the formation of ca-
pacitance in the void due to excess apparent charge which occurs
due to high voltage originating from electric field due to charge
On having found out the basic analogy which causes material
degradation, we were able to adopt a better insulating material
such as Teflon having higher discharge strength and lower relative
permittivity. Apart from that, this paper devises an innovative
technology of using Silicon Carbide avalanche diode to be layered
between the Teflon and oil impregnated paper to make Partial
Discharge and void formation trackable and prevent any early
onset of fault.
By using COMSOL simulations, following conclusions are drawn. Fig 10: Polarisation Due to Electric Field.
COMSOL simulations for the above-said analysis was performed
with the following data. iv) On account of electric field arising due to static charges, in
The simulations were synthesised at a voltage of 33kV (Medium a high voltage cable, most of the static charges originates on
voltage) volts with electric displacement field of 30 C/m2, short the tip gap between the current carrying conductor and the
circuit current of 330 A/m and surface charge density of 300 C/m2. insulating material. So, the maximum electric field (normal)
Single core conductor radius was 50 milli-meter and other layers to the surface is found near the tip gap is 1.18x108 V/m and
were placed at a gradation of 25 milli-meters apart from the con- the minimal value is found to be 3.94x10-9 V/m as shown
ductor. The following plots were obtained. in figure 11.
i) Electric Field due to electrostatic charges located in the
conductor. In the simulation, electric field is particularly
visible in dielectric materials like paper and Teflon. Maxi-
mum field strength is concentrated on the inner core of the
conductor as per the simulations due by direct application of
Gauss’ Law in Electrostatics.

Q dV
E=K And E =
r2 dr

ii) As the radius of the conducting sphere decreases the electric

field concentration increases or in other words the magni-
tude becomes greater. The peak value of electric field as per
simulation is 9.7 x107 V/m and the minimal value is found
to be -1.03x108 V/m as shown in figure 9. In this simulation Fig. 11: Electric Field (Normal).
the electric field existence is in the dielectric material like
paper and Teflon. v) Now the dynamic conditions of current flowing inside a
conductor leading to the formation of magnetic field due to
magnetomotive force is considered. This MMF is used by
clamp meters to measure current which is basically a current
transformer with the cable being the primary core and the
clamp meter being the secondary core. Applying electro-
magnetic field theory, we find that the magnetic flux density
can be related to magnetic field in the following manner,

B = μH

Where B is the magnetic flux density, µ is the permeability of the

material and H being the magnetic field. In our simulations we
find the magnetic field has maximum appearance near the outer
insulation material as they form a closed loop as per Maxwell’s
equation. The above phenomenon becomes more prominent in the
Fig. 9: Electric Field (X Axis). semiconductor material when it encounters short circuit current
leading to avalanche breakdown due to collision of electrons. Here
iii) Most of the electrical insulators have electrons densely we apply Amperes law into study where the curl of magnetic field
packed to their nucleus. When an electric field or potential is given by
is applied, the negative charge cloud shifts from the positive
charge cloud and realigns. This leads to the decrease of net
electric field.

Enet = E − Epolarisation H= Magnetic field (Tesla), J=Current Density (A/sq.m) and

D=Electric flux density (coulomb/sq.m).
This polarisation leads to the formation of capacitance (charges in Which is influenced by both magnetic field and electric field. As
voids) due to charge build-up in the voids due to overtime material per our simulations, we find the magnetic flux density to be in the
degradation. As per our simulation the surface polarization was range of 0.87 to 1.97x10-11 Wb/m2 (or Tesla) as shown in figure 12.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 847

Fig. 15: Electric Potential.

Fig. 12: Magnetic Flux Density.

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