Numge2023 10
Numge2023 10
Numge2023 10
ABSTRACT: Offshore shallow foundations are required to be retrieved at the end of their life cycle. The required force is much
larger than their own submerged weight due to significant suction generated at the invert of the foundation. This paper reports
numerical modelling of uplifting a surface foundation whilst employing a hydro-mechanic interface that can capture both me-
chanic and hydraulic interactions between foundation and soil. The soil behaviour was modelled using the modified Cam-Clay
model. After verifying against physical modelling data from centrifuge tests, the numerical results are interpretated in terms of
pore pressure distribution at the interface, deformation mechanism and stress path of soils, which enhances the understanding of
uplift response of surface footings on clay seabed.
ABAQUS element library, respectively. The soil behav- The initial void ratio of a soil element is given as
iour was defined by the MCC model, which uses an as-
sociated flow. The MCC parameters are listed in Table 𝑒0 = 𝑒𝑁 − (𝜆 − 𝜅) 𝑙𝑛 𝑝𝑐′ − 𝜅𝑝0′ (4)
1, which are fit from laboratory test on the same type of
kaolin clay used in the centrifuge tests (O'Loughlin, where eN is the void ratio at p´ = 1 kPa on normally
2022). Among them, the permeability was deduced from isotropic consolidation line.
the consolidation coefficient obtained from the Rowe The undrained shear strength of overconsolidated
cell test at the stress level at depth of D/6. The permea- soils can be deduced based on the MCC model
bility was assumed to be isotropic in the numerical sim- parameters as below (Potts and Zdravkovic, 1999):
ulation of lightly overconsolidated clay with OCR = 2,
as the soil horizontal and vertical permeabilities are re- ′ (1+2𝐾0nc )
𝑠𝑢 = 𝜎v0 [OCR𝑔(𝜃) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 6
(1 + 𝐴2 )] ×
ported to be close in the reconstituted NC clay samples
2(1+2𝐾oc ) 𝜅/𝜆
in the centrifuge (Vessia et al., 2012). 0
[(1+2𝐾nc )OCR(1+𝐴2 )] (5)
′ ′
𝜎vm = 𝜎v0 OCR (2)
𝑞2 ′
𝑝𝑐′ = 𝛭2𝑚𝑝′ + 𝑝𝑚 (3)
6 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜑′
with 𝛭 = 3−𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜑′, 𝑞 = 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛(𝜎𝑣´ − 𝜎ℎ́ )√2𝐽2. Figure 1. Finite-element mesh
shear strength at the surface. The uplift velocity is nor- are achieved, and the uplift capacity is equal to the un-
malized based on V = vD/cop, where cop is the operative drained compression capacity. V < 2.4×10-3 reaches
consolidation coefficient and taken as 0.25 mm2/s (Mei drained conditions where the uplift capacity is near zero.
et al., 2023). The uplift resistance increased with the up- Between these two limits are partially drained condi-
lift displacement until reaching a peak, and then dropped tions.
to zero. Higher uplift rates result in larger peak re-
sistance and gentler post-peak drop, which is consistent
with the experimental observations. The peak re-
sistances on the uplift curves are taken as the uplift ca-
pacity for each case. The uplift capacities in the numer-
ical simulation are consistent with those in the
experiment, although the uplift stiffness in numerical re-
sults is larger. This might be due to elastic deformation
of soil within the initial yield surface which exaggerates
the stiffness of soils. This paper focuses on the uplift ca-
pacity, and the stiffness of the uplift response is not in-
tended to be intensively explored.
Numerical modelling provides an effective way to visu-
alize the pore pressure distribution, deformation mecha-
nisms and stress path of the soil during uplift.
Fig.5 illustrates the excess pore pressure distribution
along the footing radius under various uplift rates at the
peak resistance. The generated excess pore pressure was
(a) negative in all cases (except a spike near the edge in
some cases, which is believed to be a numerical issue).
Higher uplift rate results in larger negative pore pressure
generation. For each case, the negative pore pressure
was generally larger within the central area than near the
edge where some oscillation exists. Integration of the
pore pressure with the area underneath the footing is
shown to be equal to the uplift resistance. This means
that the uplift resistance was completely contributed
from negative pore pressure and that the soil particles do
not provide ‘effective’ tension.
Fig. 6 shows the soil displacement vector plot at the
peak resistance representing the soil flow mechanism.
Under drained conditions, the soil is hardly mobilized.
With the increase of uplift velocity, the soil deformation
(b) increases. When the undrained conditions are achieved,
Figure 3. Uplift curves under various uplift rates: (a) numer- a reverse bearing mechanism is fully mobilized.
ical results; (b) comparison with experiment results Fig. 7 illustrates the gap opening size gN along the
footing radius at the peak normalized by the correspond-
As shown in Fig. 4, a backbone curve is established ing upward displacement w under different rate uplifts.
by plotting uplift capacity factors Nup (i.e., the dimen- At the rapidest uplift rate (V = 2.4×1010), the gap hardly
sionless peak resistance) against dimensionless uplift opened except near the interface edge where the drain-
velocities V. The undrained capacity factor from com- age boundary existed. With a decrease in uplift velocity,
pression test conducted in Mei et al. (2023) is plotted as the gap opening increased with larger gap near the edge
a dotted line. When V > 2.4×107, undrained conditions than at the centre. This causes more rapid decrease in the
uplift resistance during the post-peak period (Fig. 3). At
a low uplift rate (i.e., V = 0.0024), the gap opening was stress changed with effective mean stress p´ constant
almost equal to the upward displacement. within the initial yield surface. When it started yielding,
the stress moved toward the critical state line (CSL) with
the yield surface shrinking until reaching critical state.
Under partially drained conditions, only some soil el-
ements (e.g., a and b) were yielded, while other soil el-
ements (e.g., c, d and e) was in elastic state within the
initial yield surface.
(a) (b)
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and undrained (b) conditions
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