Collocation Assignment
Collocation Assignment
Collocation Assignment
1. He ________a conspiracy. 39. I ____ a nightmare last night.
2. The eggs ________ and chickens came out. 40. The government has _______ penalty on
3. I _______ my feelings. him.
4. We should ______ help to the poor. 41. The government has ________ 18% tax on
5. Don't ____ your ideas here. this item.
6. I ______ my decision. 42. Hard work ________ fruits.
7. He _______ a poem. 43. River________ down the hill.
8. She _______ a story. 44. Strong wind is ______.
9. The PM _________ a speech. 45. The government has _____ a scheme.
10. Don't ______ a fuss. 46. ISRO ________ fifty satellites.
11. He ________ blood in the blood donation 47. Teachers ________ education
camp. 48. Don't __________ a lie.
12. His foolishness_______ my anger. 49. We must ________ the ice and start talks
13. His sweet nature ________ my anger. with Pakistan.
14. Please _______ the required documents 50. We ________ homage to the departed soul.
with your application. 51. An idea ________ my mind.
15. Students are ________ the exam. 52. We went to them to ________ our
16. I have __________ the document for your grievances.
kind _______. 53. He is ________ the class.
17. Don't _____ risk. 54. The nurse is ________ the patient.
18. Don't _______ any undue advantage. 55. My stomach is ________.
19. Go and _______ bath. 56. Reckless driving ________ in accidents.
20. I ______ asleep at 11 pm. 57. Reckless driving ________ accidents.
21. Universities are __________ the exam. 58. I ________, I will ________ ill.
22. I _______ awake for the whole right. 59. We ________ a storm tonight.
23. Nocturnal animals come out when the 60. We ________ good monsoon this year.
night ______. 61. We ________ when we saw a snake.
24. I ______ a mistake. 62. The train is ________ at the speed of 60
25. Please _______ your suggestion. km/h.
26. Don't _______ me angry. 63. The Police ________ the bomb before it
27. We _______ fun on weekends. ________.
28. He ______ fun of me. 64. Don't ________ tantrums.
29. He is ________progress by leaps and 65. He ________ himself airs.
bounds. 66. The British ________ the Sati Pratha.
30. He has ________ a business. 67. The government is trying to ________
31. He has _______ a factory. poverty.
32. The government has _______ a 68. We managed to ________ polio.
commission/ committee. 69. The government couldn't ________ the
33. Don't _____ heart. Be optimistic. spread of corona virus.
34. We ______ our right to vote. 70. They ________ the charges/ allegation.
35. He ______ his time to studies. 71. He ________ the CCTV footage/accounts.
36. He _______ the role of a police officer in 72. They ________ with the meter.
the movie 73. They ________ in love.
37. He is _______ money. 74. He is ________the guitar.
38. He tried to _______ corruption of his 75. He ________ his fate.
department. 76. When it rains, it ________.