Collocation Assignment

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1. He ________a conspiracy. 39. I ____ a nightmare last night.
2. The eggs ________ and chickens came out. 40. The government has _______ penalty on
3. I _______ my feelings. him.
4. We should ______ help to the poor. 41. The government has ________ 18% tax on
5. Don't ____ your ideas here. this item.
6. I ______ my decision. 42. Hard work ________ fruits.
7. He _______ a poem. 43. River________ down the hill.
8. She _______ a story. 44. Strong wind is ______.
9. The PM _________ a speech. 45. The government has _____ a scheme.
10. Don't ______ a fuss. 46. ISRO ________ fifty satellites.
11. He ________ blood in the blood donation 47. Teachers ________ education
camp. 48. Don't __________ a lie.
12. His foolishness_______ my anger. 49. We must ________ the ice and start talks
13. His sweet nature ________ my anger. with Pakistan.
14. Please _______ the required documents 50. We ________ homage to the departed soul.
with your application. 51. An idea ________ my mind.
15. Students are ________ the exam. 52. We went to them to ________ our
16. I have __________ the document for your grievances.
kind _______. 53. He is ________ the class.
17. Don't _____ risk. 54. The nurse is ________ the patient.
18. Don't _______ any undue advantage. 55. My stomach is ________.
19. Go and _______ bath. 56. Reckless driving ________ in accidents.
20. I ______ asleep at 11 pm. 57. Reckless driving ________ accidents.
21. Universities are __________ the exam. 58. I ________, I will ________ ill.
22. I _______ awake for the whole right. 59. We ________ a storm tonight.
23. Nocturnal animals come out when the 60. We ________ good monsoon this year.
night ______. 61. We ________ when we saw a snake.
24. I ______ a mistake. 62. The train is ________ at the speed of 60
25. Please _______ your suggestion. km/h.
26. Don't _______ me angry. 63. The Police ________ the bomb before it
27. We _______ fun on weekends. ________.
28. He ______ fun of me. 64. Don't ________ tantrums.
29. He is ________progress by leaps and 65. He ________ himself airs.
bounds. 66. The British ________ the Sati Pratha.
30. He has ________ a business. 67. The government is trying to ________
31. He has _______ a factory. poverty.
32. The government has _______ a 68. We managed to ________ polio.
commission/ committee. 69. The government couldn't ________ the
33. Don't _____ heart. Be optimistic. spread of corona virus.
34. We ______ our right to vote. 70. They ________ the charges/ allegation.
35. He ______ his time to studies. 71. He ________ the CCTV footage/accounts.
36. He _______ the role of a police officer in 72. They ________ with the meter.
the movie 73. They ________ in love.
37. He is _______ money. 74. He is ________the guitar.
38. He tried to _______ corruption of his 75. He ________ his fate.
department. 76. When it rains, it ________.

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77. They ________ venom against us. injuries.
78. I ________ courage to talk to her. 91. Let’s ____ the deal now.
79. He ________ a lot of wealth through sharp 92. The seller could not _____ the demand of
practice. the customers.
80. ________ your hand if you have any 93. The new employer could not _____ the
question. expectations of the boss.
81. I _______ the plan that we had made. 94. The show ______ miserably to our utter
82. Sale of woolen clothes _______ in February. disappointment.
83. The news was ________. 95. The employer was obliged to _________
84. _______ your standard of living. with the service of the lazy staff.
85. He ________ to have murdered his wife. 96. I ________ how he survived for seven days
86. I ________ the offer. without food and water.
87. He ________ to help me. 97. It is difficult for her to _______ a secret.
88. India ______ Pakistan by 10 wickets. 98. The planets _______ around the sun.
89. They ________ the fugitive. 99. He was ______ from the hospital this
90. He was seriously injured and so he was morning.
_____ to hospital where he _____to his 100. We _____ him a visit last week.
1. hatched 30. started/ 56. results in 82. decreases/
2. hatched established 57. causes dips
3. expressed 31. set up 58. suspect/ fear, fall 83. telecast/
4. render 32. set up 59. suspect broadcast/
5. express 33. lose 60. expect aired
6. made 34. exercise 61. raised an alarm 84. improve/
7. recited 35. devoted 62. running raise/maintain
8. narrated 36. played 63. had defused/ 85. confessed/
9. delivered 37. earning / spending exploded or went denied
10. make /wasting / off 86. accepted/
11. donated investing/ minting 64. throw declined
12. aggravated 38. expose/ hush 65. gives 87. refused/
13. pacified/ up (suppress the 66. abolished agreed
modified report of) 67. eradicate 88. beat/defeated/
14. annex/enclose 39. had 68. eradicate routed
15. taking 40. imposed 69. check/control 89. apprehended
16. furnished, 41. levied 70. refuted/ 90. rushed/
perusal 42. bears repudiated/ taken/
17. take 43. flows denied/rebutted) admitted,
18. take 44. blowing 71. doctored succumbed
19. take 45. launched 72. tampered 91. close
20. fell 46. launched 73. fell 92. meet
21. conducting 47. impart 74. playing 93. meet
22. stayed 48. tell 75. met 94. flopped
23. falls 49. break 76. pours 95. dispense
24. made 50. pay 77. spit/ spew 96. wondered
25. make 51. crossed 78. garnered/ 97. keep
26. make 52. redress mustered 98. revolve
27. have 53. attending 79. amassed 99. discharged
28. made 54. attending 80. raise 100. paid
29. making 55. aching 81. executed
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