ED-7 (Book 1)
ED-7 (Book 1)
ED-7 (Book 1)
and Aristotle
1.3 GREEK EDUCATION- Education for the
FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION AND development of an individual
- Proponents: Greeks
- Aims to produce individual welfare and
1. EARLY CONCEPTS OF EDUCATION success through harmonious development of
various aspects of human personality
conformity Athenians-aim excellence; perfection; healthy
body and mind needed for public usefulness-
with liberal education and focus on individuality
- Primitive Aims to survive
with moral, intellectual and professional
- Family was the center of practical training-
tell me and show me observation and Imitation
Spartans- aim for strong body; physically fit
individual; to develop a good military citizen-
- Practical Education-domestic training with military and physical training focus on
competition and rivalry
- Theoretical- spiritual and worship activities,
rites, social knowledge - Centers of education- palace, home and
- Culture was passed on and preserved for
generation; tribes were able to survive, people - Emphasized the complimentary
were able to adjust to social and political life development of the human personality for his
cultural improvement and for social
1.2 ORIENTAL/EASTERN EDUCATION - transformation of the state
Education for preservation of Social Stability
- Oriental
1.4 ROMAN EDUCATION- Education for
- Aims to impress traditional customs and Utilitarianism
ideas in order to perpetuate the long
established social order. - Proponents: Romans
- Persia- to strengthen military tradition Egypt- - Aim to educate the Romans for realizing
to strengthen religious tradition national ideals (good worker, god soldier, good
citizen and oratorically inclined individuals.
- China-to preserve and perpetuate ancestral Prepared citizens for moral, military, civic and
tradition political functions.
- India-to preserve the caste system Centers- - Centers of education- home, shop and farm,
home, temple, pagoda-through imitation and military camp, forum and private schools
- Focus: cultural-liberal arts, music, rhetoric
- Moral training-customs, duties and etc Professional-architecture, engineering, law
politeness were emphasized Elementary and and medicine
high school levels were organized
- Educational ladder was introduced
- Static and highly formal education
developed; produced submissive, obedient, 1.5 EARLY CHRISTIAN EDUCATION - Aim to
polite, gentle and respectful but lacking in develop the right relationship between God
responsibility, initiative, self-confident and and man; salvation and social relations based
ambition on love
- Methods: lecture (telling), dialectic (question - Focus: Theology and Religious Philosophy
and answer), parable method, figure of
speech, aphorism or use of a short expression - Methods-lecture, repetition, examination,
ex. "For what does it profit a man if he gains scholastic method (stating a question, setting
the whole world, and loses his own soul?; down objections to the preposition, proving
teaching with authority, miracles, concrete one side and answering or disputing
examples, motivation and modeling. objections); Aristotelian logic (using syllogism-
major premise, minor premises and conclusion
- Types: religious (spiritual), ethical (moral)
and social education, universal and democratic - Contributions: organization of the university
and the emphasis on intellectual training
- Agencies: Informal-diff. places, (time of
Jesus), home, church, catechumenal school, 2.3 CHIVALRIC-A FEUDALISTIC TYPE OF
catechetical school, cathedral school EDUCATION -Aims to develop Morality,
Responsibility, Horesmanship, Gallantry,
- Outstanding contribution-Christianity, Religiosity and Social graces
conversion of more than one-half of the world
into Christianity with the highest ideals of - Types: Reading, writing and literary, social,
spirituality and morality military, religious, moral and physical training
- Aim: To enable man to think for themselves 1.1.1 CONFUCIUS (551-479 B.C.) kung Fu
Types: intellectual, social and aristocratic Tze, Kung the Scholar-author of Analects
- Agencies: schools, encyclopedia and - The gentleman or the superior man acts out
fashionable salons Focus: All things of YI or righteousness and the inferior man
reasonable acts of LI. The gentleman is always happy and
always posses the Way (TAO)
- Methods: critical analysis and application of
reason - Golden Rule is a REN which is a virtue. "Do
not do unto others what you would not like
- Contributions: Creative thinking and
reasoning (logic) and the use of the inductive
method in making generalizations - One should live up to his name because a
name has its essence. Confucius says "Let the
ruler be a ruler, the father, the father, the son,
the son."
- Proponent: Jean Jacques Rousseau (Man
- Life is a gift that must be treasured
as he comes from nature is good but that he
becomes evil through contact with society.
- Sufficient food, sufficient weapons and the
confidence of the people make for good
- Aims: to preserve the natural goodness of
government. When the confidence of the
man; to develop an individual in accordance
people is lost, good government is also lost.
with the laws of human development
1. Life is pain and suffering (duhkha) 2. SALAT-(Prayer) Muslims pray five times a
2. The cause of pain and suffering is selfish
craving 3. ZAKAT-(almsgiving)-Muslims give 2.5 of
their income to charity
3. The cause of pain can be eliminated
4. RAMADAN-(lasting)-Muslims do not eat,
4. The way towards the end of suffering is by drink or smoke or engage in sex between
eightfold path dawn and sunset
7. Right effort
A. Classical philosophies
8. Right thought
1. Naturalism
1.2.2 JAINISM- Ffounded by Jina. The
doctrine of Jainism is discussed under four
headings: - Nature: considered the oldest, the
philosophy that believes that nature is the
aggregate of Physical Objects
- Knowledge is relative-we can never know
totality but only a part thereof
- Naturalists: Thales, Anaximander,
Anaximenes, Leucippus, Democritus,
- Its ethics is non-violence
Epicurus, Lecretus, Thomas Hobbes (1588-
1679), and Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
- Critical Naturalism: Induction and Scientific - Practices the Art of Delay Should be
Method inductive
- His first requirement is to be healthy and - The pupil is a self, a spiritual being, a
vigorous. personality whose foundation is God.
1.3. The Objective of Education - He is neither good nor bad; his becoming
good or bad depends on his environment, his
education and free will.
- To Spencer, the general aim of education is
complete living.
- Objectives of Education
1.4. The educative Process
- For the individual: self-realization
(attainment of superior life)
- The process is governed by eight principles .
Social efficiency (many-sided effectiveness) - Nature: language analysis is one of the two
analytical philosophies. The other is logical P
empiricism. The focus of language analysis
The Educative Process
precision or accuracy of language as it used in
- Experimental Method is also the method of
- Language Analysts: Ludwig Wittgenstein
(father), Bertrand Russel, G.E. Moore, A.J.
- Learning begins in movement and activity. Ayre, Gilbert Ryle and W.V. Quine T Espart
- Education is not a replica of life but - Only democracy permits, rather encourages,
preparation of it the free interplay of ideas and personalities
that is a necessary condition of true growth.
- Children should be taught certain basic
subjects that would acquaint them with the Criticism: Progressivism is so child-centered
world's permanencies, both spiritual and and permissive at the expense of subject
physical. matter mastery.
- The Royal Decree of 1863 was the first - The American director of the Bureau of
attempt of the Spaniards to establish an Education spelled out these alms of American
overall public Filipino languages school system education:
and to provide for the training of teachers
through a normal school A. Training of Filipinos for self-government and
c) Provide for the importation of teachers - Curricular emphasis was on, character
education and citizenship training.
d) Create the Philippine Normal School
- Education Act of 19401otherwise known as
Commonwealth Act 586 provided for the
- The Department of Public Instruction set up
complete revision of the public elementary
a three-level Instruction of schools:
school system by:
a) The first level consistent of a four-year
a) Shortening of elementary grades to six
primary and three-year intermediate.
b) The second level was a four-year high
b) Adoption of double-single sessions in the
primary grade with one teacher
c) The third level at first was a two-year junior
c) One class assignment of intermediate
college and later a four-year program.
- The University of the Philippines founded in
- Act No. 4007 completely abolished
1908, was the first school of University status.
matriculation fees
- Reading, witting, arithmetic, language,
- Executive Order No. 134 in 1936 designated
GMRC, civics, hygiene and sanitation,
Tagalog as the basis of the national language.
gardening. domestic science, American
History, and Philippine history were the subject
areas for study - Executive Order No. 263 in 1940 required
the teaching of the national language in the
senior year of all high schools and all years in
the normal schools.
- Commonwealth Act No. 117 placed all public f) Establishment of agricultural schools and
school teachers under Civic Service Rules and colleges
g) Curricular content centered on values
- Commonwealth Act No. 578 conferred the rooted on love for labor
status of "persons in authority" on supervisors,
principals, teachers and professions training h) Emphasizing vocational education'
i) Diffusing the use of Nippongo
- Commonwealth Act No. 80 provided the
legal basis for adult education pursuant to the j) Teaching physical education and singing
Constitutional provision on citizenship training Japanese songs.
- Emphasized health/vocational education
- Commonwealth Act No. 589 in 1940
established a school ritual in all public and
private elementary and secondary schools - Stressed dignity of manual labor
consisting of solemn patriotic ceremonies that
include the singing of the National Anthem and Education during the Republic (1943-1972)
the recitation If the Patriotic Pledge.
- Promotion of equal educational opportunities
- Commonwealth Act No. 1, known as the for all
National Defense Act of Dec. 21, 1935,
provided for preparatory military training which - Formation of Presidential Commission to
shall begin with the young in the elementary Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE)
grade school at the age of 10 years and shall Restatement of national Development Goals
extend through the remainder of his schooling and - Educational Aims (based on the survey
into college or university. or PCSPE)
- P.D. 1706 of 1980, known as national - Education aimed at the full realization of the
Service law, required all citizens to render civic democratic ideals and way of life the
welfare service, law enforcement service, and characteristics of which are:
military service.
a) Democracy is predicated upon the intrinsic
Education during the Japanese Era (1943- worth of the individual
b) Individuals realize their capacities best in
- Education aimed at making people social context
understand the use of the English language in
schools the position of the Philippines in the c) Society is not separated from the individual
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere being
advocated by Japan. It aimed at:
d) Democracy thrives on change, it is dynamic
and flexible.
a) Striving for the diffusion of the Japanese
language in the Philippines and the termination
e) It fosters persuasion and consensus and
of the English language in schools
rejects coercion and indoctrination.
b) Inspiring the people with the spirit to love
- Curricular content stressed:
- Promotion and improvement of the public a) Division of DECS Into the Department of
school teachers. Education aimed to promote Basic Education (DBE), Technical Education
national development and values education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA),
Implementation of NESC- addressed to civic, and Commission on Higher Education
intellectual and character development of the (CHED);
child. Its features are:
b) Establishment of teacher Education Center
a) Fewer learning areas; emphasis on mastery of Excellence;
c) Professionalization of teachers; and
b) Focused on the development of the 3Rs
d) Technical-Vocational Education reform.
c) Emphasis on the development of the
intellectual skills which are as important as - R.A. 7722, the Higher Education Act of
work skills 1994, created the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) to be headed by a
d) Multi-disciplinary treatment of curriculum chairman under the Office of the President.
- R.A> 7796, TESDA Law, created the
e) Student-centered Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority headed by a Director General under
the Department of Labor and Employment
f) Cognitive-affective manipulative based (DOLE). The Bureau of technical and
curriculum Vocational Education of DECS has been
absorbed by this agency.
g) Values education offered as separate
subject area - R.A. 7784, August 4, 1994, "An act
strengthens teacher education in the
Philippines by establishing Centers of - Realizing that the planning of education and
Excellence," provides for the establishment of the implementation of its programme must
CENTREXES in each of thenregions in the take into primary and serious consideration the
country which shall be maintained for a period system provisions also for guaranteeing that it
of five years. has the students to work on.
- R.A. 7687 crated the science and technology - Establishing viable alternative learning
scholarship program for indigent but deserving system encomprising non-form and informal
youth in the country under the Department of education.
Science and Technology (DOST)
- Strengthening of the partnership between
- R.A. 7168, December 26, 1991, converted school, home and community and local
the Philippine Normal College into Philippine government-(Expanded the PTA Into parent-
NormalnUniversity under the Board of Regents teacher-community association (PTCA) as part
of self-management under the Third
- R.A 7731 in 1994 abolished the NCEE Elementary Education Project (TEEP) package
mandated by P.D. 146. Bldg of reforms)
- R.A. 7836 in 1994 revised P.D. 10006 and 3. Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP)
created the Professional Board for Teachers Department of Education's response to the
and provided for a Licensure Examination for Social Reform
Teachers (LET) to be administered by the
Professional - Agenda of the government which aims to
- Looking beyond the realism of the education - Internalizes EFA's philosophy and goals
- The quality goal of EFA is emphasizing
- Strengthening its bonds with its present and creative and critical thinking
- Strengthening the foundation of Education
- Employing more non-traditional means of
ensuring that children stay school. - Priorities:
a. Advancement of ECCD (Early Childhood - Study of groups and societies and how they
Care and Development) with proper material, affect the people
child health. Care and nutrition, [inclusion of
early childhood experiences in grade one in Society
classes with children who have not undergone
preschool] - An organized group of people that occuples
territory, who interrelates and interacts with
b. Expansion of preschool services one another, recruit its members by inter group
sexual reproduction and has a shared
c. Impact of the 8-week Early Experiences in comprehensive culture, with common shared
Grade I scheme should be studied attitudes, sentiments, aspirations and goals
5. Improving the Quality of Primary Education - A group of organized individuals who think of
themselves as a distinct group, who live
- Programme Intervention together sharing the same culture, who have
some things in common, a set of loyalties and
- Differentiated approaches should be allowed
for males and females and for urban rural
areas when formulating intervention to combat Groups
the low survival rate and high dropout and
repetition rates - A unit of interacting personalities with an
interdependence of roles and status existing
- Special children that required focused and between or among the members
differentiated approaches such as distance
learning. These need alternative learning - A number of people who at a given time
approaches because of the serious structural interrelate and interact with one another, with
difficulty in maintaining school attendance. common shared attitudes, aspirations and
- Multi-l Multi-level materials assisted
instruction Status
Sociology c. Prestige
- Values-are collective conceptions of what is - The student government trains the students
considered good, desirable and proper or bad, to become good leaders and followers
undesirable and improper in a particular
culture; values are use to evaluate the - The school prepares the Individual to
behavior of others become worthy members of the society.
- All the changes are mostly attempts to - The students should be given extensive first
modernization are being discussed in the hand experiences and direct observation and
school participation in all activities
- The elements of cultural change which lead - Extracurricular activities offer such
to modernization are: opportunities in the total educational program
- Development of oral and written - Require all the teachers to have broad
communication and other modern means of background of social information
- The free public school system should not
- Improvement of science and technology in give education to the children and youth only
all fields but should also be extended to include the
general education of adults and out of school
- Shifts in economic principles
Features of society that challenges the
- Evolution of religious thought and political schools:
ideologies interaction
- The complexity of society
- Alteration in the forms and rules of social
- Modern mass society in participant society
Technological changes in the Philippines
- Enculturation, acculturation and perpetuation
- Introduction of new methods of learning of cultures becoming difficult
- Increasing number of working mothers - Since the teachers play a key role in the
society, all Teachers Training Institution (TEis)
Other functions of the schools: should be strict with their policies on
admission; selection and retention of would be
- Serves as a multi-purpose institution
1. Values
- Teaches the basics