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J. Endocrinol. Invest.

31: 694-699, 2008

Glycine treatment decreases proinflammatory cytokines and

increases interferon-γ in patients with Type 2 diabetes
M. Cruz1*, C. Maldonado-Bernal2*, R. Mondragón-Gonzalez3, R. Sanchez-Barrera1, N.H. Wacher4,
G. Carvajal-Sandoval5, and J. Kumate6
1Biochemistry Medical Research Unit, Hospital de Especialidades; 2Infectious Disease Medical Research Unit, Hospital de
Pediatría; 3Dermatology and Micology Medical Research Unit; 4Clinic Epidemiology Medical Research Unit, Hospital de
Especialidades, CMN S. XXI, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social; 5National School of Biological Sciences, Instituto Politécnico
Nacional; 6IMSS Foundation, A.C., Mexico City, Mexico

ABSTRACT. Background: Amino acids have been shown to glycine were significantly lower after 3 months of treatment
stimulate insulin secretion and decrease glycated hemo- than those of the placebo group. A significant reduction in
globin (A1C) in patients with Type 2 diabetes. In vitro, gly- TNF-receptor I levels was observed in patients given glycine
cine reduces tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-αα secretion and in- compared with placebo. There was a decrease of 38% in the
creases interleukin-10 secretion in human monocytes stimu- interferon (IFN)-γ level of the group treated with placebo,
lated with lipopolysaccharide. The aim of this study was to whereas that of the group treated with glycine increased
determine whether glycine modifies the proinflammatory up to 43%. These data showed that patients treated with
profiles of patients with Type 2 diabetes. Materials/subjects glycine had a significant decrease in A1C and in proinflam-
and methods: Seventy-four patients, with Type 2 diabetes matory cytokines and also an important increase of IFN-γ.
were enrolled in the study. The mean age was 58.5 yr, av- Conclusion: Treatment with glycine is likely to have a bene-
erage age of diagnosis was 5 yr, the mean body mass index ficial effect on innate and adaptive immune responses and
was 28.5 kg/m2, the mean fasting glucose level was 175.5 may help prevent tissue damage caused by chronic inflam-
mg/dl and the mean A1C level was 8%. They were allocated mation in patients with Type 2 diabetes.
to one of two treatments, 5 g/d glycine or 5 g/d placebo, po (J. Endocrinol. Invest. 31: 694-699, 2008)
tid, for 3 months. Results: A1C levels of patients given ©2008, Editrice Kurtis

INTRODUCTION streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats to phytohema -

The intake of amino acids has several effects on glu- glutinin (PHA) and other mitogens (6).
cose metabolism. In vitro studies with pancreatic β cells Moreover, glycine prevents cellular injury by a number
have shown that arginine, leucine, phenylalanine, and of mechanisms, which include inhibition of the synthesis
glutamine have insulinotropic effects (1). However, of proinflammatory cytokines, chemoattractants, and ad-
some amino acids provoke undesirable effects; argi- hesion molecules; this effect has been observed in cells
nine is the best insulin secretor but induces diarrhea in and organs after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment, in
animal models (1). Ingestion of glycine caused a mod- ischemia-reperfusion of the liver, heart, and kidney, and
est reduction in the blood glucose of normal subjects in experimental models of organ transplants (7). Treat-
and of patients with Type 2 diabetes (2). Furthermore, ment of monocytes with glycine reduces the production
ingestion of glycine stimulated the insulin response to of proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis fac-
an oral glucose tolerance test (3). In the streptozotocin- tor (TNF)-α and increases the production of the anti-in-
induced diabetic rat model, glycine decreased blood flammatory cytokine IL-10 (7, 8).
glucose and hemoglobin 1C (A1C) levels and changed The potential effects of glycine on cytokines and other
the lipid profile (4). A glycine-induced decrease in A1C inflammatory mediators is relevant to obesity and Type 2
levels was also reported by others, but the mechanism diabetes because both conditions are associated with
for A1C reduction is not known (5). Decreased glyca- chronic, low-grade inflammation (9, 10). Several proin-
tion has been associated with modifications in the ex- flammatory markers, such as the cytokine, IL-6 and the
pression of interleukin (IL)-2 receptors on T cells and acute-phase C-reactive protein (CRP), as well as TNF-re-
with alterations in the synthesis of IL-10 and IL-6. Such ceptor I (RI) (a marker of TNF-α activity) are elevated in
modifications may explain the low proliferative re- obese and insulin-resistant subjects (11-13). These mark-
sponses of T cells and peripheral blood mononuclear ers are also elevated in subjects with impaired glucose
cells (PBMN) from patients with Type 2 diabetes and tolerance or Type 2 diabetes (14, 15). The Atherosclerosis
Risk in Communities Study demonstrated that markers of
inflammation predict Type 2 diabetes (9). Those results
were confirmed in the U.S. Women’s Health Study as well
*These authors contributed equally. as in the Pima Indians Study, in which CRP and IL-6 lev-
Key-words: A1C, glucose metabolism, glycine treatment, proinflammatory cytokines, els were elevated (16, 17).
Type 2 diabetes.
Interferon (IFN)-γ is produced by activated T lymphocytes
Correspondence: M. Cruz, PhD, Biochemistry Medical Research Unit, Hospital de
Especialidades, Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI. IMSS. Av. Cuauhtemoc 330, Col.
and natural killer (NK) cells also by NKT cells, and acti-
Doctores. México D. F. CP. 06725, Mexico City, México. vates monocytes/macrophages and endothelial cells.
E-mail: [email protected] IFN-γ stimulates the microbicidal activities of phagocytes,
Accepted October 30, 2007. which is an advantage because it may help to eliminate

Glycine-modified proinflammation in Type 2 diabetes

microorganisms. There are few studies on the relation- involved in the protocol did not know whether the envelopes
ship between Type 2 diabetes and IFN-γ; in two studies contained glycine or placebo. A blood sample was drawn at the
it was observed that lymphocytes T (CD4+ and CD8+) time of their last visit. In order to ascertain the effect of glycine
from Type 2 diabetics released significantly lower in the AIC, we treated patients during a 3-month period.
amounts of IFN-γ in the intracellular space, compared
with healthy volunteers (18, 19). Laboratory tests
The aim of this study was to determine if glycine modifies All laboratory samples were taken from patients after an
the chronically proinflammatory state present in patients overnight 12 h fast. Aliquots of plasma and sera were immedi-
with Type 2 diabetes. ately stored at –80 C. Biochemical determination of fasting glu-
cose, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL-cholesterol
(HDL-C), triglycerides, and A1C were performed automatically
MATERIALS AND METHODS with a Synchron CX5 instrument (Beckman Instruments, Mexico
Subject selection City). Fasting insulin levels were assayed by chemiluminescence
Patients were recruited from Family Medicine Clinics of the (Immulite, Mexico City). Insulin resistance (IR) was calculated us-
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) in the metropolitan ing the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) equation (21). All
area of Mexico City. All subjects had previously been diagnosed assays were performed in triplicate and expressed as means±SE.
with Type 2 diabetes in accordance with American Diabetes As-
sociation (ADA) criteria, and all participants had high blood glu- Cytokines
cose and A1C levels. Exclusion criteria were obesity [body mass IL-1β, 1L-6, TNF-RI, IFN-γ, and resistin were measured using
index (BMI)>30 kg/m2], heart disease or clinical evidence of com- commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (BD Bio-
plications of diabetes. All patients maintained their individual science Pharmingen®, San Diego, CA, and Peprotech®, Rocky
diets and oral anti-diabetic drug treatments during the trial. Hill, NJ). Samples were analyzed in triplicate and expressed as
None received treatment with insulin. After selection by their means±SE.
family physicians, appointments were scheduled for the patients
at the IMSS. Participants were evaluated a second time by a dif- Statistical analyses
ferent physician after a 12-h fasting period. If the subjects still All data were expressed as means±SE. All variables were con-
complied with the inclusion criteria they were asked to sign a trasted with a two-way analysis of covariance; all comparisons
consent form approved by the Comisión Nacional de Investi- were adjusted for sex, age, BMI, disease duration, and treat-
gación Científica (Ethics Committee). Gender, age, previous ment (hypoglycemic agents, antihypertensives, etc). Non-nor-
treatments, and symptoms were recorded. Weight and height mally distributed variables were first log-transformed. Cor-
were measured using a clinical beam scale and a stadiometer. relations were evaluated using the Pearson correlation coeffi-
The patients wore light-weight clothing without shoes. BMI was cient. All p-values <0.05 were considered significant. Statistical
expressed as kg/m2. Circumferences of the waist (midway be- tests were performed using SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago
tween the costal border and the iliac crest) and hip (between IL® v 10.0).
the great trochanters) were measured with a metric tape to the
nearest 0.1 cm while the patient was standing. Blood pressure
was measured once in a sitting position after 5 min of rest and RESULTS
twice at 5 min intervals thereafter. The first measurement was General characteristics of the subjects studied
discarded, and the average of the second and third measure- Seventy-four patients were studied, of whom 40 (54%)
ments was calculated. An antecubital vein blood sample for bio- were women. The average age was 58.5±10 yr and the
chemical analysis was drawn after a 12 h fast. Patients were al- average duration of the disease was 5.5±3.1 yr. Fifty-one
located randomly to one of two treatments (5 g glycine po tid or (68.1%) patients were treated with hypoglycemic agents
5 g isocaloric placebo po tid) by means of a computer-gener- (80.5% in placebo and 57.8% in glycine groups respec-
ated list. The protocol was approved by the “Comisión Nacional tively, p=0.035), 22 (29.7%) with antihypertensives, and
de Investigación Científica” (Ethics Committee). 11 (14.9%) with hypolipemic agents. No patient was treat-
ed with thiazolidendiones. Mean (±SD) BMI was 28.8 (3.6)
Treatment protocol kg/m2, mean waist circumference was 93.9 (9.1) cm,
Glycine and placebo were supplied in envelopes as 5 g of white mean blood pressure was 120 (10)/ 81 (7) mmHg. Thirty-
powder. The only identification mark on the enveloped consist- eight patients were allocated to the glycine treatment
ed of a personal identification number. Patients were instruct- and 36 were allocated to the placebo treatment. There
ed to drink the powder dissolved in water tid (15 g/day). The were no differences in baseline characteristics between
optimal dose of glycine for decreasing the level of A1C was pre- groups (Table 1).
viously reported (20). Specialized personnel monitored that each
person ingested glycine following the written instructions. Rea- Effect of glycine treatment in patients with Type 2
gent grade glycine was purchased from Vitadrug SA de CV, diabetes
México City. The placebo consisted of an isocaloric amount of Results of 3 months of treatment are shown in Table 2.
starch (4 calories per g) (Vitadrug, SA de CV, México City). No Fasting blood glucose levels were significantly lower af-
further adjustments were made to the diet programs of the pa- ter glycine treatment (183.3±57.6 vs 140.4±38.7) and
tients. Patients were scheduled to visit the clinic monthly after a placebo treatment (168.2±59.4 vs 150.4±44.0), differ-
12 h fast. Any new symptoms or findings at their physical ex- ences between groups were nearly significant (p=0.0643).
amination were recorded and the patients were given 1 month’s A1C levels were significantly lower after 3 months of in-
supply of envelopes. The physician, patients, and other persons gestion of glycine (8.3±1.9 vs 6.9±1.3) or placebo

M. Cruz, C. Maldonado-Bernal, R. Mondragón-Gonzalez, et al.

Table 1 - Anthropomorphic and biochemical measurements of patients with Type 2 diabetes at the baseline study.
Group Placebo Glycine
No. 36 38
Age (yr) 59.5±9.6 57.5±9.8
Female sex (%) 21 (58%) 19 (50%)
Yr of diagnosis 5.3±2.3 5.4±3.7
Treatment no. (%):
Diet 9 (25.0) 17 (44.0)
Hypoglycemic agents 29 (80.5) 22 (57.8)
Glybenclamide 11 (30.5) Glybenclamide 9 (23.7)
Metformin 7 (19.4) Metformin 5 (13.1 )
Glybenclamide + Metformin 10 (27.7) Glybenclamide + Metformin 7 (18.4)

Glybenclamide + Acarbose 1 (2.7) Glybenclamide + Acarbose 1 (2.6)

Hypolipemic agents 3 (8.3) 8 (21.0)
Bezafibrate 1 (2.7) Bezafibrate 3 (7.9)
Pravastatin 2 (5.5) Pravastatin 5 (13.1)
BMI (kg/m2) 28.9±3.7 28.5±3.6
SBP (mmHg) 119.7±11 121.3±10.1
DBP (mmHg) 80.9±6.4 81.1±6.9
WHR 0.89±0.05 0.90±0.06
Fasting glucose (mg/dl) 168.2±59.4 183.3±57.6
A1C (%) 8.0±1.4 8.37±1.9
Values are means±SD; BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; WHR: waist-hip ratio; A1C: A1C (%) fraction
of glycated hemoglobin.

(8.0±1.4 vs 7.6±1.2); there was a greater reduction in the were observed for both groups (glycine and placebo).
glycine group than in the placebo group (p=0.0364). However, for IL-1β, IL-6, and resistin, there were no statis-
There were no significant differences in mean fasting in- tically significant differences between groups (IL-1β,
sulin levels between the beginning and end of glycine p=0.6688; IL-6, p=0.1486; resistin, p=0.0708). High base-
treatment (12.8±5.8 vs 15.2±4.9) or placebo treatment line levels of TNF-RI were observed in both groups. After
(13.6±7.4 vs 14.1±7.4) (p=0.5489). However, a significant treatment, a significant reduction in TNF-RI levels was ob-
reduction in HOMA-IR was observed (p=0.011) after 3 served in patients given glycine treatment (1298.8±293.1
months, although there were no statistical differences be- before treatment, 437.4±300.7 after treatment) compared
tween groups (glycine, 5.46±3.26 vs 4.95±2.35; placebo, with those given placebo (1355.2±230.7 before treatment,
5.2±2.9 vs 5.1±2.7) (p=0.0867). No statistical differences 829.18±419.59 after treatment) (p<0.0014). Interestingly,
were observed for the other variables shown in Table 2. IFN-γ levels showed a different pattern, in that baseline
levels were similar between groups, but after 3 months of
Proinflammatory profile after glycine ingestion treatment IFN-γ levels of the group given placebo de-
The effects of glycine ingestion on the proinflammatory creased (463.09±133.72 vs 262.45±153.48) whereas those
profile are summarized in Figure 1. After 3 months of treat- of the group treated with glycine increased significantly
ment, significant reductions in the levels of all cytokines (448.76±156.84 vs 611.66 ±206.64) (p<0.0001).

Table 2 - Effect of glycine after 3 months of treatment in patients with Type 2 diabetes.
Placebo basal Placebo 3 months Glycine basal Glycine 3 months p
Weight (kg) 72.1±10 72±10.1 72.4±12.2 71.9±12.1 0.948
BMI (kg/m2) 28.9±3.7 28.9±3.8 28.5±3.6 28.3±3.5 0.948
SBP (mmHg) 119.7±11 123.8±20.1 121.3±10.1 119.4±11.1 0.165
DBP (mmHg) 80.9±6.4 81.2±6.2 81.1±6.9 81.5±7.8 0.817
Fasting glucose (mg/dl) 168.2±59.4 150.4±44 183.3±57.6 140.4±38.7 0.0691
A1C (%) 8.0±1.4 7.6±1.2 8.3±1.9 6.9±1.3 0.0379
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 202.9±36.4 205±50 196.7±33 200.6±41.5 0.869
LDL-C (mg/dl) 120.3±27.8 125.1±43.5 116.4±26 115±27 0.883
HDL-C (mg/dl) 44.6±12.5 41.9±12.3 42.5±12.5 40.4±19.9 0.900
Triglycerides (mg/dl) 198.2±90.9 188.7±90.7 238.4±129 219.4±115 0.684
Fasting insulin (μUI/ml) 13.6±7.7 14.1±7.4 12.8±5.8 15.2±4.9 0.584
HOMA-IR 5.2±2.9 5.1±2.7 5.46±3.26 4.95±2.53 0.0961
Values are means±SD. BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; A1C: A1C (%) fraction of glycated hemoglobin.
LDL-C: LDL cholesterol; HDL-C: HDL cholesterol; HOMA-IR: homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance.

Glycine-modified proinflammation in Type 2 diabetes

1000 2000
A p=0.6688 D p=0.0014
800 1750

TNF-R1 (pg/ml)
IL-1β (pg/ml)

400 1000
200 750
–200 0
Baseline 3 months Baseline 3 months
Time Time
80 1400
B p=0.1486 E p<0.0001
70 1200

IFN-γ (pg/ml)
IL-6 (pg/ml)

20 400
10 200
0 0
Baseline 3 months Baseline 3 months
Time Time
1400 Placebo
C p=0.0708
1200 Glycine
Resistin (pg/ml)

Fig. 1 - Cytokine concentrations in pa-
800 tients with Type 2 diabetes after treat-
600 ment with glycine or placebo. Means±SD
and SE of baseline concentrations (pg/ml)
400 and during follow-up treatment, *ex-
200 treme values. (A) interleukin (IL)-1β, (B) IL-
6, (C) resistin, (D) tumor necrosis factor
0 receptor I (TNF-RI), (E) interferon (INF)-γ.
Baseline 3 months p-values are for time × group interactions
Time in a two-way analysis of variance.

Pearson’s correlations were estimated between the vari- count for group differences at the end of the 3-month
ous cytokines. Low but statistically significant correlations treatment. No significant differences between groups
were found between HOMA-IR and TNF-RI levels (r=0.237, were noted for fasting insulin levels and HOMA-IR. A 3-
p=0.039), and A1C and TNF-RI levels (r=0.253, p=0.002), month treatment may be insufficient for glycine to affect
and IFN-γ and fasting insulin levels (r=–0.234, p=0.046). insulin levels. Glycine and other amino acids are in-
sulinotropic, and the effects that we observed may not
be exclusive of glycine (1).
DISCUSSION Levels of blood glucose, insulin, HOMA-IR, and all study
The results of this study indicate that daily ingestion of proinflammatory cytokines were reduced during the trial.
glycine, 15 g for a 3-month period, modifies several pa- It has been previously shown that during clinical trials doc-
rameters in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Fasting glu- tors and patients modify their customary behavior and
cose levels were reduced at 3 months, but there were no compliance to treatment (22). Nevertheless, all analysis
differences between groups. However, A1C declined to was adjusted for age, time since diagnosis, BMI, gender,
a greater extent in the group treated with glycine. A de- and treatment; therefore, we do not believe our results are
crease of blood glucose reflects short-term changes in due to any of those factors. The results were therefore sta-
glycemic status and A1C reflects long-term glycemic sta- tistical differences due to the treatment with glycine.
tus. Additionally, fasting blood glucose levels may have It has been shown that levels of proinflammatory cy-
been subject to more variability than A1C levels, there- tokines such as IL-6, TNF-α, and adipocytokines, such as
fore there were no differences between groups. In addi- resistin, increase with increasing levels of blood glucose
tion, the mechanism by which A1C levels are reduced by and insulin resistance (23, 24). The correlations that we
glycine may not depend on fasting blood glucose levels observed between TNF-RI and HOMA-IR confirm this
alone (5). Patients and their physicians were blinded to finding. Therefore, the overall reduction in blood glucose
treatment identity, and patients continued their custom- and insulin levels and HOMA-IR may explain the overall
ary treatment during the trial, therefore this does not ac- decrease in proinflammatory cytokines in our patients.

M. Cruz, C. Maldonado-Bernal, R. Mondragón-Gonzalez, et al.

Moreover, since these are free living individuals, a high- erative response to mitogens (16). We believe that this
er variability is expected than in laboratory experiments; increase in mitogen responsiveness can be explained by
hence the higher SD of measurements. the increase in IFN-γ levels that we observed in patients
In this study, TNF-RI decreased to a higher degree in pa- treated with glycine. IFN-γ levels were negatively corre-
tients treated with glycine. It has been shown in experi- lated with fasting insulin levels, suggesting that the
mental models that treatment with glycine can prevent change in IFN-γ levels will be the opposite to that of
TNF-α secretion in monocytes after an LPS stimulus (7). It proinflammatory cytokines in Type 2 diabetes.
has also been shown that pre-treatment with glycine pre- The increase in IFN-γ levels after glycine treatment might
vents tissue damage in ischemia reperfusion (25). It is be of biological relevance. This cytokine is produced by
thought that these effects are mediated through glycine activated T lymphocytes and NK cells whose principal
binding to two types of glycine receptor in the cell mem- function is to activate macrophages in both innate and
brane, which prevents transmembrane calcium movement adaptive immune responses, which could increase cell-
(20). This ultimately modulates nuclear factor (NF)-κB acti- mediated immunity in the patients with Type 2 diabetes.
vation and reduces the synthesis of several proinflamma- In conclusion, our results clearly show that glycine treat-
tory cytokines and adhesion molecules, thus preventing en- ment reduces levels of proinflammatory cytokines, par-
dothelial damage (20, 26). We believe that this mechanism ticularly TNF-RI, and at the same time increases IFN-γ lev-
partly explains the reduction in TNF-RI levels in our patients. els. This effect is likely to have a beneficial impact on in-
The correlation between A1C levels and change in TNF- nate and adaptive immune responses and could help
RI levels confirms previous observations which showed prevent damage caused by chronic inflammation in pa-
that the NF-κB system may be activated by receptors for tients with Type 2 diabetes.
advanced glycation end products (RAGE) (26); and it may
explain the higher decrease in TNF-RI levels in patients
treated with glycine. Thus, a reduction in A1C levels may ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ultimately prevent organ damage and chronic complica- We thank the *DIMSS group for help in the collection of patients and we
thank Olga Gaja, David Ramos, Gabriela Galicia and Alfonso Alcántara for
tions (16). No mechanism is known for the A1C reduc- their help in technical procedures.
tion in diabetes patients treated with glycine; however, at This work was supported by the Coordinación de Investigación en Salud,
the beginning of the 20th century, German chemists IMSS, Mexico. The protocol was approved by the Comisión Nacional de
added amino acids to solutions containing proteins and Investigación Científica (Ethics Committee), 2002-716-0001.
sugars in order to prevent the “browning” effect. This
was thought to happen because the carbonyl moiety of
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