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Module Easy Way Lasatenasuncionvallente

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Mariano Marcos State University


Laoag City

Easy Way!
Sample Course Materials in Teaching
Purposive Communication


Ronald Candy S. Lasaten

Jahnese D. Asuncion
John Paul C. Vallente
Design of the Material

Introduction - It provides a short overview of the topic/lesson. It is

important that this section of the material entices
students into the lesson.

Outcomes - These are the expected results of the of learning a

particular lesson/topic. Be able to draw these from the
syllabus suggested by CHED but you may go beyond the
standard set by CHED for as long as it targets the
expected outcomes.

Input - This contains two parts: 1) Discovering New Knowledge

and 2) Self-check.

Discovering New Knowledge

- This section of the material provides repository resources,
which the students need to study independently. The
resources may be texts, slides presentations, videos,
multimedia resources or online resources embedded in
the material that are necessary in understanding the

Self Check
- This section tests students’ understanding of the material
viewed/ read/ studied. Answers to questions posted
under this section are drawn from the materials
read/studied/viewed. Questions are arranged from
simple to most complex. Consider adding questions that
target the higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).

Output - This section provides practical tasks that test transfer of

learning. Basically, the activity provided in this section
challenges students to apply what they learn from the
topic/lesson. Activity is usually skill-based. Tangible
outputs are expected thus, a rubric or criteria for
evaluating the outputs are also presented.

Reflection - This section recapitulate student’s learning from the

topic/ lesson. It may include students’ insights and
realizations about the lesson/topic.
Lesson 1

Communication and Culture


When people, from two different cultural groups interact,

intercultural communication takes place. Its purpose is to exchange
ideas and cultural norms in the spirit of understanding and mutual
respect. Through intercultural communication, one understands the
multicultural self - different people have different views, ideals,
perspectives, values, traditions and beliefs. However, the greatest
barrier to achieving this is ethnocentrism, the tendency or disposition to
judge other people’s culture with disfavor and to consider one’s own
as being superior to other.

At the end of the lesson, the students should have:
1. demonstrated understanding on the concepts in culture and
2. explained how culture shapes one’s language; and
3. articulated the roles of communication in intercultural setting;
4. suggested ways on how to manage differences in
intercultural communication; and
5. shown cultural awareness and understanding of cultural


Discovering New Knowledge

Browse the following websites, then study the materials.

Afterwards, answer the questions that follow:

The Challenges of Intercultural Communication


Communicating Across Cultures by Carol Kinsey Goman

Self Check
Based on the materials, be able to answer the following
1. What are the barriers to intercultural communication?
2. When does stereotyping take place? What could be its
3. How does stereotyping lead to misunderstanding in
intercultural communication?
4. What are the differences of the following types of culture?
Give examples for each type.
4.1. High context and low context cultures
4.2. Synchronic culture and sequential culture
4.3. Affective culture and neutral culture
5. How does culture affect intercultural communication? What
should one do in order to manage cultural differences?
6. What are the roles of communication in multicultural
7. What can you do to show your willingness to accommodate
the culture of another member in your workplace?


Access the following videos on Cultural Misunderstandings:

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYbynThuONs
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glywa5MxbE4

Analyze the videos. Identify factors that hinder and promote

authentic relations. For those that hinder authentic relations,
suggest ways to improve communication. Share your insights by
posting them to your Facebook. Afterwards, take a screen shot of
your post and send it (together with the link) to your professor
through Messenger.

Outputs shall be graded based on the following criteria:

Relevance to the Topic - 25%
Content or Substance - 40%
Fluency - 15%
Grammar - 20%
Total 100%

What have you learned and realized from the lesson?What

changed in you after learning the lesson?
Lesson 2
The World Englishes


With globalization, the 21st century workplace has become a a

model of global community where people of various ethnicities and
cultural backgrounds converge. Thus, to ensure maximum productivity
in the workplace, there must be a smooth flow of communication
between and among its members. However, effective communication
in multi-cultural settings poses several challenges.

At the end of the lesson, the students should have:
1. demonstrated understanding on the concepts in culture and
2. articulated the roles of communication in intercultural
3. explained how varieties of a language are developed;
4. suggested ways to overcome communication barriers in
multi-cultural settings;


Discovering New Knowledge

Watch the following videos, then be able to answer the
questions that follow:

Three Concentric Model by Braj Kachru


World Englishes by David Crystal


Self Check
Based on the videos watched, be able to answer the
following questions:
1. How was World Englishes come into existence?
2. How are English users described according to Braj Kachru?
Illustrate and explain the concentric model.
3. Is there such correct and wrong English based on the idea of
World Englishes? What could be the drawbacks of World
Englishes to communication?
4. How does culture contribute in the creation/development of
varieties of a language?In what way?
5. Is the creation of varieties of a language a potential barrier
to effective communication? Explain how.


Record a 3-5 minute video of yourself explaining your answer to the


If you were to give a presentation to a non-Filipino audience who

speak the varieties of English language, how would you prepare to
ensure that you could communicate effectively to them?

Be able to post the video in your Facebook account. Then, send its
link to your professor.

Output shall be graded based on the following criteria:

Relevance to the Topic - 25%
Content or Substance - 40%
Fluency - 15%
Grammar - 20%
Total 100%


What have you learned and realized from the lesson?What

changed in you after learning the lesson?
Lesson 3
Communication Technologies


Advances in technology mean we communicate more quickly

than we have at any time in human history. Some might argue that
rapid communication is a bad thing, while others might argue it’s for
the greater good. While there is no one answer to point at, there is no
denying the changes that have been wrought in our communication
styles. Now there’s no more waiting for somebody to get to a phone
or computer to send a reply. The changes in technology and
communication mean it’s a matter of someone reaching into their
pocket, reading the message, then replying.

At the end of the lesson, the students should have:
1. identified various social media/communication platforms;
2. expressed the importance of technology in communication;
3. explained how technology may be a potential barrier to
effective communication; and
4. cited ways on responsible use of technology in


Discovering New Knowledge

Watch the following videos, then be able to answer the
questions that follow:

Effects of Technology on Communication


The Impact of Technology on Communication


The Effects of New Technologies on English David Crystal

Self Check
Based on the videos watched, be able to answer the following
1. What are the various social media/communication platforms
discussed in the materials? Discuss each of these platforms.
2. How does technology benefit communication in business and
3. What are the results of technology addiction? How does this
affect communication and relations?
4. How does technology widen the gap of the language barrier
between the young and the old?
5. Why do people, at times, perceive technology (e.g. telephone,
internet, text messaging, etc.) as a biggest disaster in the
society? Justify your answer.
6. How does technology affect the language being used by
people? Give a specific example based on your experience.
7. Given the effects of technology on communication, what pieces
of advice can you offer to users of technology?


Among the communication platforms, which do you usually use for

communication? How does this technology influence the way you
communicate with others?

Using such communication platform, campaign for responsible use

of technology for communication. How? Create a poster-slogan. Lay
this our to a medium-sized coupon bond. Be creative, resourceful and
original! Be sure that your slogan contains 10-15 words only. Take a
photo of your poster-slogan then post it to your chosen media.

Your output will be evaluated using the following rubric:

Criteria Excellent Good Needs Score

(5) (3) Improvement

Required elements
The poster includes all
required elements as
well as additional
The poster is
exceptionally attractive
in terms of design,
layout and neatness.
The slogan has the
required number of
words. It is original and
All graphics are related
to the topic and make it
easier to understand. All
borrowed graphics
have note about their


What have you learned and realized from the lesson? What
changed in you after learning the lesson?
Lesson 4

Globalization and Communication


Constant advancements in communication and transportation

technologies make permeable if not imperceptible the barriers
between countries in the world. Due to this increasing
interconnectedness, there have been seemingly endless options in
terms of the products we consume and services we avail. Eventually,
such a change also demands that as we become a part of global
communities, we have to modify the way we perceive things. We are
given the opportunity to acknowledge cultural and linguistic diversity,
and to stand at a vantage point where we see clearly all the rich
colors that make up the multilayered spectrum of human experiences.
This is the gift of globalization. However, this gift is not at all wrapped in
pure convenience, but does come with real challenges. Are we ready
to face them?

At the end of the lesson, the students should have:
1. demonstrated understanding of the realities and
challenges of globalization;
2. evaluated the importance of globalization based on its
positive and negative impacts;
3. established the critical relationship between globalization
and communication;
4. explained how cultural and global issues affect
communication; and
5. appreciated the impact of communication on society and
the world.


Discovering New Knowledge

Study the important facts and insights imparted by the following

online materials. Afterwards, answer the questions that follow:

Globalization Explained
What is Globalization Anyway? by Alex Gray

Cross Cultural Communication by Pellegrino Riccardi


The Impact of Globalization on Communication Skills

Development by David Ingram

The Myth of Globalization by Peter Alfandary


Self Check

Based on the online materials read and viewed, answer the

following questions.
1. Considering your experiences as a student, how would you
describe the concept of globalization?
2. How does globalization affect you as:
3. an Ilocano / Filipino citizen;
4. a future teacher; and
5. a citizen of the world?
6. How does globalization relate to and impact
communication? Explain at least five important points or
7. What is the myth of globalization, according to Peter
Alfandary? Do you agree with his arguments? Why or why
8. What are the positive and negative effects of globalization?
Show these using a t-chart or any graphic organizer that
present such relationship.
9. What measures could be undertaken in order to address the
negative effects of globalization? Discuss at least 2 negative
effects and their corresponding solutions.


Globalization has opened opportunities and platforms for

linkages and collaborations among peoples of the world. In the
education sector, this enabled teachers and students to participate in
activities that capacitate them for internationalization. Such activities
include scholarship grants that pave the way toward personal growth
and professional development.
Access and explore the following links that lead you to blogs
written by students who were grantees of the SEA Teacher Project or
the Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia, which is a
project that aims to provide opportunity for pre-service student
teachers from universities in Southeast Asia to have teaching
experiences or practicums that allow them to gain broader regional
and world view. Additionally, the project hopes to expose prospective
teachers to diverse teaching and learning situations that help them
build and strengthen their capacities.

 https://estevesrowell.home.blog/.
 https://iedukeith.wordpress.com
 https://gantalakathlene.wordpress.com
 https://ateachersmark.wordpress.com
 https://nicholasvbonoan.wordpress.com/.

Based on your readings, complete the table below. You may

use a separate sheet if necessary. Send your final output to your
teacher via Messenger or email. Refer to the succeeding rubric as you
supply the information needed.

What skills are Which among these Do you consider

needed to become skills do you believe you yourself as a culturally
a culturally possess at present? intelligent global
intelligent global Explain your answer. communicator? Why
communicator? or why not?




Your final output shall be graded based on the following criteria:

Accuracy (Answers directly and - 20%

correctly respond to the
questions provided.)

Depth (Answers are explained - 40%

concretely and in detail, with
solid arguments, meaningful
supports, or relevant examples.)

Coherence (Ideas presented - 25%

are organized to form clear
connections and logical
relationships between and
among them.)

Language Mechanics (Answers - 15%

adhere to accepted standards
in written English.)


What have you learned and realized from the lesson? What
changed in you after learning the lesson?
Lesson 5

Identifying the Characteristics

of an Ideal Topic in Academic Writing

Writing is such a bore!

Maybe, you have heard this statement from some of your

classmates, or have said it yourself before or during doing a writing task
in class. It is a fact that majority of students find writing complex and
not so enticing to do. However, writing takes the center stage of your
academic career in the tertiary level. Do you agree? Most of your
assignments and projects demand good writing skills.

One major reason why writing is considered boring and complex by

students is because the topic they are writing about is not so relevant
and interesting to them. Hence, the first crucial step in writing an
academic paper is for you to choose the topic that you are confident
and fascinated to write about. You need to have a topic that you will
not grow tired of researching and expounding until you see your writing
task to the finality.

At the end of the lesson, the students should have:
1. identified the salient features of academic writing;
2. determined the steps to follow in choosing or deciding on a
topic to write for an academic writing assignment;
3. explained their reasons for choosing a topic for an academic
writing task; and
4. constructed a thesis statement based on a topic they have


Discovering New Knowledge

Examples of Academic Writing are essay, book report, conference

paper, thesis, report, journal article or other document for purposes of
educating the reader or achieving some scholarly aim for the writer.
Almost any writing done to fulfill a requirement of a college or university
is in the form and style of academic writing. Academic writing is also
used for publications that are read by teachers and researchers or
presented at conferences.

You will not know what topic to write about in an academic writing
assignment if you do not know its nature and characteristics. Learn
more from the following sources:

Valdes, O. 2019. An Introduction to Academic Writing.

Characteristics and Common Mistakes to Avoid

What is academic writing? A brief introduction


Be sure to take down some important concepts and definitions.

Now that you are familiar with the nature of academic writing, it is
time for you to be familiar of some of the guidelines on how you can
choose and construct a relevant and interesting topic for you and/or
your group mates to write about. Read the following web article:

Organizing Academic Research Papers: 1. Choosing a Topic


After you have chosen a good topic for an academic writing

assignment, you need to set the extent to which you are going to
expound the said topic. You can do this through writing a good thesis

You have read about thesis statement in the article of Valdes, O.

2019. An Introduction to Academic Writing . Characteristics and
Common Mistakes to Avoid. You can also learn more about how to
draft a thesis statement in the following cites:

1. Thesis Statements. https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-

2. How to Write An Essay: Thesis Statement by Ariel Bisett

Self Check
Based on the materials, be able to answer the following

1. What are the purposes to which academic writing is done?

2. What are the language and writing styles demanded by
academic writing?
3. What is a thesis statement? How important is it in an
academic writing task?
4. Why is reviewing the literatures helpful in choosing the best
topic for an academic writing tasks?
5. What are the factors that you should consider if your
professor let you choose the topic that you want?

Open the following web pages and choose a topic for an
academic writing task from the list each of these presented.

1. 40 Great Education Research Paper Topics.


2. Breathtaking Ideas for Your Research Paper Topics


Record a 3-5 minute video of yourself explaining your reasons

for choosing a specific topic.
Send the video you created to the email address provided by
your professor. Your professor will approve your topic on the basis of
the following criteria:

Validity and relatedness of reasons provided 40%

Organization and clarity of explanation 25%
Fluency and Grammar 20%
Confidence and Carriage 15%
Total 100%

Feedback will be sent to you via email or messenger.

After your topic was approved by your professor, write a thesis

statement based on the topic you have chosen.

Send the thesis statement you have constructed to your

professor via the email he/she will provide. Follow the format
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Course, Year and Section: ___________________________________________
Date Submitted: ____________________________________________________

Approved Topic:

Thesis Statement:

Your professor will evaluate your thesis statement based on the

Thesis Statement Rubric available on this site:



What have you learned and realized about writing from this
lesson? Do you think you can successfully accomplish the writing of an
academic paper based on the topic you have chosen and thesis
statement that you have constructed? What will you do to accomplish
the task well?

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