A Leaf From The Tree A Tiny Tolkien Zine From Altariel 1
A Leaf From The Tree A Tiny Tolkien Zine From Altariel 1
A Leaf From The Tree A Tiny Tolkien Zine From Altariel 1
are to be trusted
The Elves, they said, had woken them, but he
They took counsel and said, “Give it to the had moved amongst them at the first drop of
Windlord, brave and true. He can bear this rain. He had seen them born. He heard the
burden for us, to the uttermost end.” But it whisper when the first blow fell; smelt the first
was a long journey, into peril, with the A leaf from the tree kindling and knew what it forebode. He felt the
Winged Terror beating always at his back, anger pulse and throb and quicken.
and no companions for his flight.
Here is a collection of short pieces based on the Dawn is spreading out across the forest. The
works of JRR Tolkien that I have written over the last leaves are new and green, and the blackbird’s
Long have we guarded our borders, but
20 years. Almost all of them are drabbles, that is, eyes are bright and restless. Down in a dark
how can men guard against the sky? First
stories of exactly 100 words. One isn’t. place, the willow creaks. Three ages of the sun
the grey mist feathered out from the East,
and then great clouds of them came, have passed and more, and still he watches.
I’ve written many stories and drabbles and poems Oldest and fatherless. Heart of the wood.
shrouding the lands below. The shelling
based on the works of Tolkien, and you can find more
starts as if heaven itself has turned upon
on the Archive Of Our Own, under my pen-name:
us, and everywhere inhuman eyes are
bright and ever-watchful...