Activity 10 - Design
Activity 10 - Design
Activity 10 - Design
Fashion accessories
3D/AR Catalog
3D Configurator
Virtual store/showroom
AR Virtual Tester
AR Social Effects
(Instagram and Tik tok)
Virtual Tours
XR Virtual Activations
Virtual Avatar
Business 3 Time they have in the market: 4 Client: Artists between 25-
years 35 years old
History: Lupi is a Risography Express your message
printing studio located in with the help of the type of
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico service you offer, thus
since March 2020. "Lupi" is an developing a brand story
acronym that refers to Place of that makes sense in all the
Independent Production, and was media you use, such as
born as a space dedicated to the web, digital
form a community of illustrators, environments, websites
artists and independent writers and social networks.
around risography production and
independent publishing, exploring The communication
the capabilities of this medium focuses on storytelling,
and being aware of its ecological capturing your brand
characteristics. identity and personality
with the help of your
Trying to divert the gaze from the established clients,
digital world to materialize ideas showing the experience of
and creativity in a tangible way working with them.
and possible to perceive with all
the senses. Paper, ink and
graphic art in one place.