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Activity 10 - Design

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Name: ID:

Name of the course: Professor:

Design management Abdiel Addi Huerta Peyrani
Topic 10. Marketing, Brand communication, Activity 10. Identification of
design and innovation. clients and users.
Date: Friday, March 17, 2023


1. Choose 5 local businesses, they don’t have to be about design.

2. Make a brief description of each of them, where you indicate the time they have
in the market, history, type of products and services they offer.
3. Make a table where you identify for each one, the client, and the user
emphasizing the most significant difference(s) among them. You must indicate
the type of communication they have with each other.

Business 1 Time they have in the market: 6 Client: Women between

years 25-35 years old
History: We wanted to develop a Focuses on expressing its
clothing boutique in Monterrey core message through its
that supports and promotes environment (physical
emerging Mexican design. And store), storytelling and
that in turn, we also have an social media engagement,
exclusive brand that is designed expressing its core
and made by Mexican hands. message through its social
media posts, highlighting
its integrated essence in a
coherent way.
Type of products:

 Clothing
 Footwear
 Fashion accessories
 Jewelry

Services they offer: Supports,

promotes and distributes
emerging Mexican design.
Business 2 Time they have in the market: 8 Client: Brands and
years. companies that need to
Beyon4d make themselves known
History: We are a creative studio so that their products or
services are consumed.
with 8 years of experience in
Extended Reality (XR), our goal is People between 27 - 37
to bring together art, engineering years old
and creativity to create
extraordinary shopping Type of communication:
experiences and digital tools to
help our partners connect with The customer and user
people in the digital age with relationship is built
immersive XR technologies. through storytelling, brand
image, expressing your
core message through
your services via social
Type of products: media platforms and
physical media such as
 XR Extended Lab for BTL activations and
design and development interactive advertising
of advanced experiences, through AR and VR, on
products and prototypes. smart devices.
 3D Studio for digitization
of products, objects,
stores, avatars and point-

Services they offer:

 3D/AR Catalog
 3D Configurator
 Virtual store/showroom
 AR Virtual Tester
 AR Social Effects
(Instagram and Tik tok)
 Virtual Tours
 XR Virtual Activations
 Virtual Avatar

Business 3 Time they have in the market: 4 Client: Artists between 25-
years 35 years old
History: Lupi is a Risography Express your message
printing studio located in with the help of the type of
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico service you offer, thus
since March 2020. "Lupi" is an developing a brand story
acronym that refers to Place of that makes sense in all the
Independent Production, and was media you use, such as
born as a space dedicated to the web, digital
form a community of illustrators, environments, websites
artists and independent writers and social networks.
around risography production and
independent publishing, exploring The communication
the capabilities of this medium focuses on storytelling,
and being aware of its ecological capturing your brand
characteristics. identity and personality
with the help of your
Trying to divert the gaze from the established clients,
digital world to materialize ideas showing the experience of
and creativity in a tangible way working with them.
and possible to perceive with all
the senses. Paper, ink and
graphic art in one place.

Type of products: Risography


Services they offer: Materialize

ideas and creativity in a tangible
way and possible to perceive with
all senses. Paper, ink and graphic
art in one place.
Business 4 Time they have in the market: 16 Client: Brands and
years companies that need to
Bandervic make themselves known
History: Born from the idea of so that their products or
building a digital creative office. services are consumed.
Convinced that today's users
consume content faster and People between 27 - 35
faster and brands must respond years old
to that same speed.
They look for the best way
Type of products: to communicate with the
right supports and media
Marketing, design and branding. (the web, digital
environments, websites,
viral campaigns, online
communications and
Services they offer: social networks). With the
perfect combination of
 Communication engaging content and
campaigns. targeted advertising, to
 Web design and reach a wider audience
development. and convert followers into
 Brand development. customers, they make use
 Digital Marketing. of enhancing the
 Marketing Automation. relevance and clarity of
their communication

 The essence of the

 Brand personality.
 Brand image.

Business 5 Time they have in the market: 4 Client: Brands and

years companies that need to
VIONT make themselves known
History: We started as a digital so that their products or
marketing agency in Monterrey, services are consumed.
we help companies to improve
their sales and positioning People between 25 - 34
through digital strategies. years old

Identifies and creates

information links to keep
Type of products: the online community
active, analyzing the
 Digital marketing behavior of customers and
consulting users for proposals and
 Digital marketing courses continuous improvements,
 Market research developing strategies for
automation campaigns
based on analysis and
being able to mark the
Services they offer: essence of the projects
through social networks or
 Design physical advertising
 Website design media.
 Digital marketing

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