A2 Wayzata 5-18-23
A2 Wayzata 5-18-23
A2 Wayzata 5-18-23
Wayzata High School senior
Matthew Chen has earned
the prestigious title of
U.S. Presidential Scholar.
Page 3
Target Field
The Minnesota Twins
offered Minnetonka and
Wayzata players a chance
to play at Target Field.
Page 23
Plymouth posts
opening for long-
vacant DEI position
A second position has also been
created to suport DEI efforts in city
By KAITLIN MCCOSKEY agreed, “Plymouth should
[email protected] continue to be a city of
choice for residents, busi-
At its April 25 meeting, nesses, organizations, visi-
the Plymouth City Coun- tors, and events. The city
cil adopted a set of stra- must build on its strengths
tegic themes to commit through strategic invest-
to for the upcoming 1-3 ments and partnerships,
years of their elected ser- including investments in
vice. One of these themes its workforce to attract
was a commitment to re- and retain the best staff.
maining a city of choice Plymouth City policy and
for residents through di- operations will continue
versity, equity, and inclu- to reflect strong com-
sion and other efforts. mitments to equity and
In response, the city inclusion, and to high
officially posted a job quality and cost-effective
Wayzata Bait & Tackle owner Tim Sonenstahl stands behind the counter of the shop he owns with his brother Bob. opening in the first week services.”
of May to fill Plymouth’s Ali Timpone, human
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Beaches and Bonfires will at East Medicine Lake Park, 1740 East
Medicine Lake Blvd.
ing regions of the Caribbean.
Food will be available for purchase
The events are free and open to the
public. For more information, call the
be May 25 in Plymouth Attendees may enjoy an evening at the
beach, cozy up near bonfires and enjoy
from various food trucks at the event.
Other upcoming Summer Beach Series
Plymouth Parks and Recreation Depart-
ment at 763-509-5200.
Plymouth kicks off the free Sum- live music from Salsa del Soul, a nine- events include Parkers Lake Play Day To check for cancellations in the event
mer Beach Series with the Beaches and piece orchestra performing various styles Friday, June 23, and the Beaches, Bands of inclement weather, call the weather
Bonfires event, set for 6-8 p.m. May 25 of dance music from the Spanish-speak- and Brews event set for Friday, Aug. 11. hotline at 763-509-5205.
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(ISSN #2640-4362)
FAMILY STORYTIME Where: Plymouth Community Center, When: 7 p.m. PRESENTS ‘NO SYMPATHY FOR THE
When: 10:30-11 a.m. 14800 34th Ave. N., Plymouth WOLF: A ROCK MUSICAL COMEDY’
Where: Council Chambers, 3400 Plymouth Blvd.
Where: Wayzata Library, 620 Rice St. E. Info: “Changing demographics of Minnesota” When: 7 p.m.
Info: plymouthmn.gov
by Megan Dayton, senior demographer for Min- Where: Blue Water Theatre Company,
Info: For children of all ages and their caregiv-
nesota. Rotaryplymouth.org 605 Rice St. E., Wayzata
ers. Talk, sing, read, write and play together.
Share books, stories, rhymes, music and move- WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 Info and tickets: bluewatertheatre.com
ment. For more info, visit hclib.org/about/loca-
tions/wayzata or call 612-543-KNOW (5669). SATURDAY, MAY 20 WAYZATA ROTARY
SPRING SPLASH When: 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. FRIDAY, MAY 26
When: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Where: Wayzata City Hall, 600 Rice St. E. BLUE WATER THEATRE COMPANY
AUTHOR, STAR TRIBUNE FINANCIAL Where: Panoway on Wayzata Bay, Info: portal.clubrunner.ca/3873 PRESENTS ‘NO SYMPATHY FOR THE
PLANNER SPEND YOUR LIFE WISELY Info: Hosted by the city of Wayzata and the WAYZATA LIBRARY PRESENTS When: 7 p.m.
When: 6:30 p.m. Wayzata Conservancy to highlight the Explora- ‘CRAFTERNOON’ Where: Blue Water Theatre Company,
Where: Wayzata Community Church tion Camps. It’s an opportunity to showcase When: 2-4 p.m. 605 Rice St. E., Wayzata
Sanctuary, 125 Wayzata Blvd. E., Wayzata upcoming summer programming.
Where: Wayzata Library, 620 Rice St. E. Info and tickets: bluewatertheatre.com
Info: wayzatacommunitychurch.org/next-chapter Info: Knitting, quilting, cross stitching or other
preferred crafts. For more info, visit hclib.org/
about/locations/wayzata or call 612-543- 5669.
featured our commitment respectively) were the first little to no natural snow. erty taxpayers. We noted opportunities for all. I
Gibbs to cross-country ski trails facilities in Minnesota to On fiscal stewardship, we the Park District’s aver- couldn’t be more excited
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 with manufactured snow offer cross-country ski shared certain key policies age annual property tax about how we are poised
as well as the many adap- trails with manufactured including 1) maintaining levy increase has been less to build on past successes
On recreational oppor- tive programs, engage- snow. One could argue a top-level staff, 2) “tak- than 2% over the past de- by helping everyone to
tunities and education, we ment with groups histori- those facilities helped to ing care of what we have” cade, with no increase in connect with nature ev-
highlighted the 15 million cally underrepresented in keep Nordic skiing as a by avoiding unfunded de- the overall levy in five of ery day, and I invite you
visits to Three Rivers loca- the parks, our seven na- viable high school sport ferred maintenance obli- the past 10 years. to visit ThreeRiversParks.
tions last year – from skiing ture program centers and as the manufactured snow gations, 3) collaborating We continue to build on org to learn more and dis-
and golf to bird watching, our summer camps. Elm trails virtually guaranteed with willing governmen- our foundation of preserv- cover how you can con-
hiking and maple syrup Creek and Hyland Lake that high school teams tal and nongovernmental ing natural resources and nect with nature through
programs to cycling and park reserves (in Maple would be able to practice partners, and 4) respect- providing nature-based our parks, trails and pro-
equestrian activities. We Grove and Bloomington, and race even in years with ing the impact on prop- recreation and education grams.
Our Triple Pane packages
THREE TIMES A WINDOW. standards that aren’t even here
yet. In fact, they not only offer
10F0 SENIOR, Locally Owned
MILITARY, Exceptional Prices
Page 6 • Thursday, May 18, 2023 Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor sailor.mnsun.com
Plymouth’s Hamel VFW on a mission to change that. Every ing countries lack the resources to Alfred Henry Heitkamp Jr.
Meal provides food to children on manufacture quality lenses, and the Alfred Henry Heitkamp Jr.,
hosts Adult Prom event weekends, extended breaks, and in
summer when they’re not able to
cost of importing eyeglasses is far
beyond the means of the average
age 89, passed away in his sleep
May 1, 2023. Born April 7, 1934
benefitting Every Meal access school meal programs. Visit citizen. in Minneapolis, MN.
www.everymeal.org for more infor- To support the newly opened oph- Preceded in death by
Tickets are now available for mation. thalmology clinic at the Dodoma wife, Rolene Naomi (Reetz)
PROM: The Remix, an adult prom Tickets for PROM: The Remix can Medical Center in Tanzania, found- Heitkamp; father, Alfred H.
event benefiting Every Meal, taking be purchased at www.eventcreate. ed by Trillium residents Bobby and Heitkamp Sr.; mother, Ruth
place June 2 at the Hamel VFW in com/e/adult-prom-2023. For more Barbara Griffin, Trillium Woods (Eide) Heitkamp; brother, John
Plymouth. information, contact promther- Senior Community in Plymouth C. Heitkamp.
The evening will feature clas- [email protected]. Doors open has partnered with the Minnesota Survived by sister, Elizabeth
sic prom staples like music, photo at 8 p.m. and the event will go on Lions Club and is accepting old, (Bill) Blood; sons, Bruce A.
ops, and drinks, plus raffle prizes until midnight. unwanted eyeglasses, non-prescrip- Heitkamp, Mark L. Heitkamp, and Peter J. Heitkamp.
including stays at The Hotel Indigo tion sunglasses and reading glasses. Graduated from the University of MN BS 1956.
in Minneapolis and The Embassy The Lions Club repairs and sorts by Board member of the Twin Cities Creation Society.
Suites in St Paul. Come dressed to Trillium Woods, Lions prescription for their used eyeglass Enjoyed playing Bridge, camping, traveling, at-
impress - in prom-wear vintage or recycling program, which is now in- tending Wayzata High football games and teaching
new – and have some fun for a good Club kick off eyeglasses ternational. others about Creation. Elder and Sunday School
Superintendent at Redeemer Lutheran Church. He
Net proceeds from the event will
collection for Tanzania Area residents who would like to
make donations can drop them off Retired from Cargill after 37 years and was a long-
benefit Every Meal, a non-profit or-
ganization that fights child hunger
Medical Center any day 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Trilli-
um Woods Retirement Community
time resident of Plymouth, MN.
Funeral service 11:00 a.m. Saturday, June 17,
in Minnesota. More than 300,000 Globally, many children cannot lobby, 5855 Cheshire Parkway. Do- 2023 at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 115 Wayzata
children in Minnesota live with see well enough to learn to read nations are being accepted through Boulevard West, Wayzata with visitation one hour
food insecurity, and Every Meal is without eyeglasses. Many emerg- May 31. prior at church. Reception following. Interment
Crystal Lake Cemetery.
PUBLIC SAFETY David Lee Funeral Home
Wayzata 952-473-5577
complaints or checks; five util- the 200 block of Grove Lake. Glen Road.
Wayzata Police ity problems; 30 calls for pub- April 13 – Damage to prop- April 17 – Shoplifting result-
activity report lic assistance; 13 business erty after a vehicle’s windshield ing in a loss of around $4,700 Susan “Fleety” Margret Ruplin
alarms; 10 home alarms and was smashed with a bat on the on the 1100 block of Wayzata Susan Margret Thompson Ruplin, 82, died
21 calls to assist another de-
for April partment. For traffic incidents,
900 block of Wayzata Boule-
vard East.
Boulevard East. January 5, 2022 with her two sons, Mark and Scott,
and brother, Paul, at her side.
there were 63 citations, 150 April 21 – Identity theft result-
Included in the Wayzata April 13 – Identity theft result- ing in a loss of around $7,500 Susan was born January 4, 1940 in Minneapolis,
verbal warnings and two writ-
police reports for April ing in a loss of around $2,000 on the 1200 block of Wayzata MN to Stan and Elva Thompson. Susan was the only
were these incidents: ten warnings. on the 500 block of Dexter Boulevard East. sister among three brothers, who loved her dearly and
One report of vandalism, April 1 – Theft from a motor Drive in Long Lake. to this day.
vehicle on the 700 block of Mill April 23 – Theft of a vehicle,
two missing animals; two mo- April 13 – Assault near the which was later recovered by Susan attended Coe College in Iowa before trans-
tor vehicle crashes involving Street. corner of Lake Street and Min- ferring to the University of Minnesota, where she met
the Maplewood Police De-
personal injury; eight motor April 2 – A 41-year-old New netonka Avenue. partment, on the 400 block of and later married Thomas “Tom” Ruplin on July 7,
vehicle crashes involving prop- Hope female was arrested for April 14 – Identity theft on the Peavey Lane. 1961. Her first son, Mark, was born the next year in
erty damage; four hit and run driving while intoxicated after 100 block of Creekside Drive in 1962 followed by her second, Scott, in 1965. Her fore-
a blood alcohol content test of April 27 – A 51-year-old Way-
motor vehicle crashes involv- Long Lake. most priority was always her family and raising her
.16 on the 200 block of Way- zata female was arrested for
ing property damage; one April 14 – Adult male cited for sons.
zata Boulevard East. driving while intoxicated after
animal bite; five reports of fire shoplifting on the 800 block of The Ruplin family moved several times through the
a blood alcohol content test of
or smoke; four fire alarms; six April 3 – Identity theft on the Lake Street East. Midwest, including Marion, IA, Milwaukee, WI, and
0.19 on the 900 block of Lake
hazardous road conditions; two 1600 block of Bollum Lane in Rockford, IL, before again settling in and remaining
April 17 – A found suitcase Street.
sudden deaths; 49 other medi- Long Lake. in St. Louis Park. Susan was an educational assistant
cal calls; two medical alarms; that had been stolen from a ve- April 28 – A 50-year-old Way-
April 6 – Identity theft on the hicle on the 200 block of Walker zata female was arrested for at St. Louis Park High School for many years.
12 wellbeing checks on adults;
eight wellbeing checks on juve-
400 block of Peavey Road. Avenue North. driving while intoxicated after Susan was immensely kind to all people and an
niles; seven civil matters; three April 13 – Theft from a build- April 17 – Theft from a build- a blood alcohol content test outspoken advocate for the environment, internation-
trespass warnings; 28 reports ing on the 1300 block of Way- ing resulting in a loss of around of 0.21 on the 100 block of al peace, and women’s rights. She loved dogs and gar-
of disturbances; 11 reports of zata Boulevard West in Long $150 on the 800 block of Lake Peavey Lane. dening and cared for many indoor plants. She was an
suspicious activity; nine driving Lake. Street North. April 28 – Recovered stolen amazing pianist throughout her life. Especially later
or traffic complaints; 28 house April 13 – Threat to damage April 17 – Damage to proper- property from the Bloomington in life, she was a voracious reader and enjoyed books
or business checks; 21 animal a vehicle with a baseball bat on ty on the 100 block of Hunters Police Department. every single day. In retirement, she and Tom loved the
changing leaves of autumn in Minnesota and would
drive to see them along the Mississippi River.
When her grandsons, Andrew and Brendan, were
at $100,000. May 2 - Burglary on the - Car theft on the 1300 block
Plymouth April 30 - Burglary on the 17400 block of 49th Avenue. of Olive Lane. An unreported
born, they immediately became one of her and Tom’s
biggest joys in life. Christmas was very important to
Victim reported unknown sus- stolen vehicle from Plymouth
Police reports 10100 block of 6th Avenue.
Door forced open to a busi- pect entered vehicle parked in was located by another agency.
Susan as a time for family and love, and she shared
her Swedish heritage and many of her passions with
Included in the Plym- ness and merchandise valued the garage overnight and stole - Terroristic threats on the
items, loss over $4,000.
her grandsons all throughout the year.
outh Police reports April at approximately $4,645 was 2600 block of Campus Drive. Susan is survived by her sons, Mark (Susanne)
27 to May 3 were these stolen. - Theft on the 3500 block of Victim reported unruly cus- Ruplin of Rockford, IL and Scott Ruplin of Portland,
incidents: - Car theft on the 1500 block Holly Lane. Report of a stolen tomer made threats and left OR; grandsons, Andrew Ruplin of Seattle, WA and
April 27 - Theft on the of Evergreen Lane. Victim’s iPhone. Loss of $730. without paying for food. No Brendan Ruplin of Rockford, IL; brothers, Stan
13100 block of 12th Avenue motor vehicle was stolen from - Theft on the 3000 block charges at this time.
(Tommy) Thompson of California, Peter Thompson
Plymouth. Business reported the driveway overnight. of Harbor Lane. Report of - Theft from vehicle on the of Minneapolis, and Paul Thompson of Edina, MN;
terminated employee failed to - Car theft on the 3400 block catalytic converter stolen from 10700 block of Old County numerous nieces, nephews, and other loved ones.
return company property. Total of Rosewood Lane. Victim re- vehicle by unknown suspect. Road 15. Victim reported She was preceded in death by her husband Tom.
loss $2,500. ported unknown suspect stole May 3 - Driving under the unknown suspect stole catalytic Funeral services will be held at Fort Snelling
April 28 - Theft on the 1700 unlocked vehicle parked in the influence on the 3500 block of converter from vehicle while National Cemetery, 7601 34th Avenue South,
block of Annapolis Lane. driveway. Annapolis Lane. Report of a parked in the lot.
Minneapolis on Friday, May 19th at 10:30 a.m.
Known suspect left business - DWI near the intersection of driving complaint. Subsequently - Weapons offense on the
without paying for merchan- 34th Avenue and Harbor Lane. arrested 36-year-old driver for 10000 block of 36th Avenue.
dise. Estimated loss of $3,000. Officer stopped a vehicle for DWI. Test result was .30 BAC. Officers took information from
April 29 - Burglary on the multiple violations. The 32-year- - Car theft on the 3500 block of a student about a threat to the Find your Faith Community at
18900 block of 41st Avenue. old driver was subsequently Vicksburg Lane. Vehicle stolen school. The threat was inves- www.onlineworshipdir.com
A residential burglary was arrested for DWI. Test result when it was left running in front tigated and the officers deter-
reported. Total loss estimated of .11. of a business with keys in it. mined that it wasn’t viable.
sailor.mnsun.com Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor Thursday, May 18, 2023 • Page 7
Art Exhibition & Faith Experience
Image by Katie H., Concordia Academy
Our Triple Pane packages
THREE TIMES A WINDOW. standards that aren’t even here
yet. In fact, they not only offer
10F0 SENIOR, Locally Owned
MILITARY, Exceptional Prices
5 OR MORply
sailor.mnsun.com Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor Thursday, May 18, 2023 • Page 9
Wayzata DECA ter has been preparing for 20+ Years Experience You Can Trust! PROJECT?
the international confer- Locally Owned & Operated Let us take care of the work for you:
students return ence since September as
members practiced, took • Exterior/Interior • Free Estimates Exterior/Interior Painting & Repairs,
Popcorn Removal and Knockdown Texture
from conference exams, wrote papers and Painting & Repairs • 2-Year Guarantee
• Our exterior painting includes pressure
created presentations for • Deck Sanding/ • Popcorn ceiling
Wayzata High School’s their events. Staining removal washing, scraping, caulking, and wood
DECA chapter recently Their hard work result- repairs. In most cases we do it the old
returned from Orlando, ed in six Wayzata DECA Fully Insured fashion way with rollers and brushes.
Florida, where they at-
tended the International
Career Development Con-
members placing in the
top 10 in the world in their
events: Daniel Vaynberg
Rightway We pressure wash decks, repair areas
needed, sand and stain deck floors,
railings, and trim.
ference. (Stock Market Game), Painting Solutions, LLC
“Professional Service at an Affordable Rate” • Our exterior schedule fills up fast.
More than 20,000 mem- Varun Nagapurkar (Stock Call now to get a FREE estimate for
bers, teachers, alumni and Market Game), Prahlad Spring/Summer/Fall.
business professionals Kanapuram (Stock Mar-
gathered at the late-April ket Game), Ishita Roy • Now is a great time to get an estimate for
conference as members (Franchise Business Plan), interior projects for Fall/Winter 2023.
competed in a variety of Valli Subramanian (Fran- Our interior work consists of wall and
business-related events in chise Business Plan), and Mentio ceiling repair and painting. We also
fields such as marketing, Tvisha Thorat (Franchise ad for this paint and refinish woodwork and
finance, entrepreneurship Business Plan). 10% paneling. We remove popcorn ceilings,
repair areas needed and spray with a
and hospitality/tourism.
Members also put their
“(The conference) was
an amazing experience. I OFF knock down texture for an updated look.
networking skills to use had so much fun connect- • We are fully insured and highly rated.
as they met with DECA ing with others and net-
members from around the working with people from
world. around the world,” Thorat For a free estimate contact Seth today
Wayzata’s DECA chap- said. 952-270-0127 • www.rightwaymn.com
http://signup.com/go/NyUFEBm City ____________________________________ State ______ Zip code____________
Today’s Date (required)_____________________________________________________ Solar power is shining Minnesota program, in with the return on
brightly in Minne- which has been in place investment of less than five years, Schneider- scholarships to 12
sota. The state Department since 2014, and is a production-b man’s began the transition early childhood care
of Commerce tive to solar with the and
recently reported solar
energy growth nearly to support the manufacturin ased incen- help of Chris Psihos, education centers. The
doubled in the first g, sales and owner of Ideal Ener- ini-
quarter this year com- installation of Minnesota-made solar electric gies, a Minnesota-based commercial tiative also includes
a focus
pared to all of 2016, systems. The Senate solar
with more growth ex- bill was referred to com- energy developer with more than 140 on parent education
pected by year’s end. mittee and it was not mercial systems in operation. com- holistic family support
Schneiderman’s Furniture included in the legislation if the matter was “Once it makes sense vices for families with
Phone ________________________________________________________________
the president and CEO. with the tools to be success-
Solar Incentive Program,Made in Minnesota megawatts of new that will add about 10
The family-owned ful is crucial in ensuring
to make the transi- solar electric power. furniture retailer in- that
tion to solar. There is 2014, the program has Since stalled rooftop children meet educational
currently a 30-percent helped support solar power systems
federal tax credit that about at three
can be claimed against 1,800 new solar projects and more than of its six locations, benchmarks throughout
the tax liability of residential megawatts of capacity. 25 Woodbury and Duluth.including Plymouth, their school career and
solar users and utility and commercial In 2014, the Scheiderman that
investors in solar en- “I’m more than satisfied,” they go on to achieve
ergy property. ing their Woodbury s were build- Schneiderman their
location, and decided said of the energy-savings. He referenced dreams,” Caring for
Email ________________________________________________________________
ness and community
bers for the 11th
Caring for Kids breakfast.
The fundraising
hosted May 24 at the
zata Country Club,
Mail: APGSubscriber
Subscriber Services,
Services, 4095
4095 Coon Coon
Rapids Rapids
Blvd., Blvd.,MN
Coon Rapids, Coon
55433Rapids, MN 55433
dren and their 219 parents,
Boettcher said, noting
there were still 350 children
ages 5 and younger
Price $1.00 Prepping TO PAGE
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sailor.mnsun.com Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor Thursday, May 18, 2023 • Page 11
Chris Carr
Producing Sales Manager Saturday Worship at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday Worship at 8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m.
(952) 646-1235 Livestream Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
[email protected]
17205 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
Chris Carr NMLS #403758 MN - MN-MLO-403758 NMLS #: 403758
Guaranteed Rate, Inc.; NMLS #2611; For licensing information visit nmlsconsumeraccess.org.
Page 12 • Thursday, May 18, 2023 Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor sailor.mnsun.com
May Issue
May 18, 2023
The sounds of spring are
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Page 14 • Thursday, May 18, 2023 Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor sailor.mnsun.com
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Page 16 • Thursday, May 18, 2023 Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor sailor.mnsun.com
Finished Carpenter & General Labor
Accounting Instructor
Kiser Construction, recently voted Employer of the Year, is looking
to add members to our crew. Job duties may include but are not
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Northwood Tech is seeking a dynamic and driven Accounting professional
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Starting Pay $19.50 - $24.00 DOE.
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Candidates who receive a job offer must pass a pre-employment reference check,
Please send resume to Mona Lindemoen: at including drug screen and criminal background check.
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5300 Woodhill Road,
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sailor.mnsun.com Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor Thursday, May 18, 2023 • Page 17
5510 Full-time Senior Software Engineer. Age 55+ workers needed
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Page 18 • Thursday, May 18, 2023 Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor sailor.mnsun.com
1040 Parts & Services 1570 Miscellaneous 3010 Announcements 4030 Garage 4030 Garage
1000 WHEELS & Estate Sales & Estate Sales
Attention: NEW AUTHORS
DirecTV + Planning a Eden Prairie
1020 Junkers Accident Victims WANTED!
Satellite TV The Preserve
& Repairables
Page Publishing will help
you self-publish your own Garage Sale Association Sales
If you have suffered a se- Sat., 5/20 (8:30-4:30)
24/7-JUNKERS rious injury in an auto ac- Starting at $74.99/ book. FREE author sub- or Fundraiser Over 20 sales! Maps will
cident, call now! We will month! Free Installa- mission kit! Limited offer!
REPAIRABLE connect you with a local tion! 160+ channels Why wait? Sale Event ? be available at: www.
attorney for a free injury available. Call Now to Call now:
CARS & TRUCKS Get the Most Sports & 855-995-3183 Call 952-442-6806 Look for signage at
952-220-TOWS (8697) consultation. Get the mon- Anderson Lakes Prkwy
ey you deserve!… Entertainment on TV! to place your ad and
833-895-1006 receive 2 weeks and Preserve Blvd
3020 Events for the price of one!
$◆$275 + UP◆ $ Call Now: Edina, May 20 to May 21,
JUNK & 952-900-2911 Deadline is 3pm Monday, 9am- 5pm. Flexsteel leath-
REPAIRABLE 2500 PETS Planning a for Thursday publication. er furniture & more, kids &
Cars/Trucks Your ad will be featured adult clothes, kids dance
612-919-2707 or
1500 SPORTING Special Event metro-wide in print, and clothes & sporting goods,
2510 Pets or have an on our websites the week bikes, kitchenware, art-
763-533-7122 prior to, and week of your work, tools, horse saddles
Announcement sale event. & equip, pool table, ping
1530 Watercraft PUPPIES FOR SALE you’d like to share pong table, antique Singer
Wanted All Vehicles, 24/7 6 chihuahuas $300 each
Ready June 15th with our readers? Blaine sewing machine, collect-
ibles, wheel chair & walk-
12’ Alumicraft Boat with 952- 210-5108 Please call Huge Community Sale! ers. 4408 West 70th Street
We Pay Cash for Cars. oars, motor, and vests.
$500/OBO. Rods and lures 3000
952-442-6806 Club West &
to place your ad. 05/20 & 05/21, 9a-3p. See
Junkers p/u free. also. 763-546-1297
ANNOUNCEMENTS Deadline is 3pm Monday, Thursday-Saturday pics at oldisknew.com
2011 Premier 22 ft. for Thursday publication. June1-2-3 707 Main St NE
Explorer Pontoon Your ad will be featured Hwy. 65 North to 109th
40 HP Suzuki 4 Stroke 3010 Announcements metro-wide in print, and Lakeville Garage Sale!
Call CaveMan Low Hours!
Perfect Upholstery, Chang- Bloomington Eagles #3208
on our websites.
East, to Club West Pkwy
North & Trnmt Players
Pkwy N. Follow signs.
5/19 to 5/20, 8-4. Antiques,
quilts, furn, adult clothing,
a little bit of everything.
12-267-9906 ing Room, Potty, Depth
Finder, Anchors, Life Jack-
ets & More! $24,000 OBO
9152 Old Cedar Ave. S.
Meeting/Banquet Room
available to host your
3070 Organizational
Lakeville May 19-20, 8-5.
Can Text Pictures event. We also invite Attention Active Duty Citywide Longaberger, Lakeshore
Call/Text 952-212-8465 non-profit groups to use & Military Veterans! Garage Sale Learning items, antiques,
Begin your faith journey Genisis 24 ft. trailer our meeting room. Begin a new career and furniture, crafts and more
www.onlineworshipdir.com available $2,800 OBO Please call 952-854-3044 earn your Degree at CTI!
May 18, 19, 20th 18837 Iroquois Ave.
8 AM - ?
Online Computer & Med-
ical training available for For a list of all sales Lakeville, 5/19/2023 &
Veterans & Families! and a map please visit: 5/20/2023, 7:30 - 4:00.
To learn more, call www.Bloomington TONS K-8 Teaching
866-509-8476. Optimists.org Supplies, Total Gym,
Ad may be placed Monday through Friday (M-F 8am-6pm ET). Electric Snowblower,
Puzzles & Books, Crys-
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 3500 ÊBROOKLYN PARK
tal, Scrapbooking &
Stamping, Namebrand
DEADLINE: 3 p.m. Mondays (earlier on holiday weeks) Thursday May 18th – Sat- 9772 198th St W
urday May 20th. All are in-
3520 Cemetery Lots Minnetonka Downsizing!
Phone: 952-392-6888
vited to join us for the three
days and shop! Sales can be May 18-20, 9-4. Selling
Cemetery Lots, 8 cemetery viewed using physical map household, clothing, art-
plots; Dawn Valley, Bloom- books and on the city’s ga- work, & other HH items.
ington Going rate $3,295 rage sale webpage and app 15605 Highland Heights Dr
[email protected]
Physical maps are avail-
Cemetery Single Niche’ able mid May at the fol-
Great Location lowing locations: City Hall, PLANT & EXTRAS SALE
Current Value $5,750 5200 85th Ave N, Brooklyn Friday May 19 8AM-7 PM
For Sale $5,200 Park, MN 55443; Commu- Sat. May 20 8AM-4PM
Call 651-410-7896 nity Activity Center, 5600 9975 194 th St. W, Lakeville
85th Ave N, Brooklyn Park, www.LakevilleAreaGar-
3600 Miscellaneous MN 55443; Zanewood Rec- denClub.org/plant-sale
For Sale reation Center, 7200 Zane perennials,houseplants,
Coverage metro wide – 318,554 Ave N, Brooklyn Park, MN annuals, vegetables, herbs
16” Ryobi Scroll Saw 55429
$ 5-lines ad Runs for 2 weeks
Includes Metal Stand
$100.00 Cash Only
Call 952-933-2911
Questions? Shanna
Woods, Neighborhood Re-
lations Specialist, shanna.
[email protected],
4510 Apartments/
4000 SALES Burnsville, Moving Sale Condos For Rent
* Garage Sale Kits can be picked up at the 5/19- 5/20, 9-5. HH, kitch,
Eden Prairie office. *Additional lines $10. garden, camping, books,
deposit. Newly remodeled. Place ad
4030 Garage music, furn, snowblower,
Ads also appear under garage sales Off street prkg 1 car, Close
on www.classifiedshub.biz
& Estate Sales lawnmower, & wicker.
1208 Summit Oaks Dr.
to dwtn, Avl. immediatly.1
cat welcome. Call Jeff 952-
Blaine, Thurs May 18,19:
9am-8pm to Sat May 20: EAGAN 912-0622. or call
9am-Noon misc. items Lexington Square N’brhd
Sat, 5/20 (8-3) 30+ Homes! 4520 Townhomes/Dbls/
207 111 AVE NE
Blaine,Moving SALE!
May 24 -May 26, 9am -5 pm.
SE corner of Lexington Av
& Wescott Rd
Duplexes For Rent
Minneapolis, Bryn Mawr
$ 4 lines, 6 weeks, all zones.
Additional lines $7.05
H.H. items, furniture, yard/
tools, dvds,many handbags
12801 Xebec St. NE
Lower Duplex For Rent
2 Bed Rooms, 1 Bath, Hard-
wood Floors, Pets Ok, Pri-
Private party only
4020 Crafts, Boutiques
& Flea Markets
4020 Crafts, Boutiques
& Flea Markets
vate Washer/Dryer, Dish-
washer, Pictures Available.
A p p l i c a t i o n Fe e / B a c k-
ground Check - $50.00
Seeking Crafters $1,400 Per Month
$ 4 lines, 6 weeks, all zones
Additional lines $7.05
October 28, 2023 at Cooper HS in New Hope
Limited number of spaces available
and make your next
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Remodeling ry/Waterproofing
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Tonka edges Wayzata in race for True Team 7AAA track honors
By JOHN SHERMAN took third in 15.87. Those were with a best of 51 feet, 6.75 inches.
[email protected] the only three runners below 16 Second place went to Wayzata’s
seconds. Tate Bloch of Eden Derek Christenson. Wayzata’s
The Section 7AAA Boys True Prairie finished fourth with Charles Smith, Minnetonka’s
Team Track Meet went down to Wayzata’s Charles Tomczik Ben Ingersoll, Chaska’s Kaleb
the final event May 10 at Eden fifth and Eden Prairie’s Caleb Rector and Armstrong’s Luke
Prairie’s Aerie Stadium, and Lainhart sixth. Pappas rounded out the top six.
Minnetonka needed to finish Batala breezed to victory in Wayzata’s Smith won the discus
either first or second in the the 300 hurdles, running 39.51 with a toss of 145 feet, 3 inches.
4x400-meter relay to capture the for a personal record. Wayzata’s Ingersoll of Minnetonka was
team championship. Tomczik and Minnetonka’s second with 143-11. Following
The Skippers finished second David Allred placed second and in order were Evan White of
to Wayzata in that race, but third. Zach Schmidt of Chaska Waconia, Ethan Perkins of
finished slightly ahead of the took fourth while fifth and sixth Chaska, Christenson of Wayzata
Trojans in the team standings, places went to Eden Prairie’s and Liwienski of Minnetonka.
697.5 to 696. Lainhart and Wayzata’s David
While the section was a Nelson. Jumps
showcase for Lake Conference Eden Prairie senior Devin
track with Eden Prairie taking Relays Jordan won all three of the
third place, there is more Wayzata won three of the four jumps in Section 7AAA. He
competition ahead. At 3:10 p.m. relays and finished second to took the high jump with a best
Friday, May 19, at Stillwater Minnetonka in another. of 6 feet, 6 inches. Second place
Wayzata’s Charles Smith takes third place in the shot put at the Section 7AAA
High, Minnetonka and Wayzata True Team Track and Field Meet. Earlier in the day he won the discus, and the
The Trojans turned up the heat went to Waconia’s Mitchell
are co-favorites for the state Trojans went on to take second place in the team standings. to take the 4x100-meter relay Rieckhoff, who cleared 6-4.
True Team title. There will be in 43.06 with Christian Taylor, Jumpers making 6 feet included
eight section champions entered Williams nipping Wayzata of 4:22.36, which is his best Kam Williams,. Anthony Ley Minntonka’s Jack Marquardt
along with four wild-card boys junior Tyler Milkes at the tape this season. Alex Omodt of and Toju Olu-Onanuga. Eden and the Hopkins trio of Javaun
teams - Wayzata, Prior Lake, 22.46 to 22.47. Junior Will Armstrong took second place in Prairie ran second with William Watson, Tyson Moore and
Edina and Eden Prairie. Hairston of Minnetonka, one 4:23.23. Following in order were Reidy, Kone, Devin Jordan and Kahuan Harris.
“We knew it was possible we of the Skippers who was under Lake Conference runners - Max Elijah Rumph running 43.42. Jordan’s best long jump was an
could finish ahead of Wayzata,” the weather that day, took third Westerlund of Minnetonka, Minnetonka placed third with even 23 feet for a personal record.
Minnetonka head coach James in 22.57. Senior Kam Williams Weber of Wayzata, Ali of Alex Gonikman, Jack Taddy, Isaiah Cotton jumped 22 feet, 2
Finch said. “Things went our finished fourth in 22.64. Hopkins, Sean Fries of Hadi Ibrahim and Andrew inches for his personal record.
way. Our pole vaulters had their The 100-meter dash was Minnetonka, Daniel McCollor Fider. Rounding out the top six were
best day since I’ve been head another close race between of Wayzata, Elijah Donaldson In the 4x200 relay, Minnetonka Batala of Hopkins, Josiah Allyn
coach. Our distance crew was Williams and Milkes with of Eden Prairie, Nolan Bakken won with Ibrahim, MacClain of Waconia, Harris of Hopkins
spectacular and Jack Liwienski Williams winning 11.00 to of Eden Prairie and Judson Boge, Taddy and Tobias and Moses Vah of Eden Prairie.
had his career-best shot put.” 11.16. Hairston of Minnetonka Schulz of Hopkins. Williams running 1:32.01. In the triple jump Jordan flew
With spring colds going took third in 11.27 and Kam The 3200-meter run was Second in 1:32.59 was the 46 feet, 7 inches for first place.
around the Wayzata campus, Williams of Wayzata was fourth the domain of Armstrong Wayzata foursome of Christian Jaden Ngaima, the Hopkins
Trojan head coach Aaron Berndt in 11.30. Moses Vah, the Eden senior Noah Breker, who set a Taylor, Cameron Taylor, Xavier sophomore was second with 43-
noted that he didn’t have his full Prairie senior, took sixth in personal record with a time of Kaesviharn and Ben Kearin. 5. Completing the top six were
team for True Team sectionals. 11.49 for a season best. 9:02.55. Completing the top 10 In the 4x400 relay, senior Noah Rose of Minnetonka,
“We had some athletes who 400-meter dash champion, were Nolan Sutter of Chaska, Carter Olson led off for Wayzata, Andrew Westermeyer of
couldn’t compete and some Jacob Krugerud of Waconia, Westerlund of Minnetonka, then the baton went to Adams, Wayzata, Caleb Johnson of
who battled through sickness to ran 50.20. Minnetonka’s Landon Hering of Hopkins, Tomczik and McMillan for a time Hopkins and Allyn of Waconia.
compete,” he said. “The quality Hairston, Wayzata’s David Tyler Kissell of Wayzata, of 3:26.49. Minnetonka took
of teams in our section drops Nelson, Eden Prairie’s Liam William Chose of Minnetonka, second place with the team of Pole vault
off after us, Minnetonka and Berndt, Wayzata’s Matthew Tyler Vos of Minnetonka, Allred, Gilles, Peter Velgersdyk Seven pole vaulters in Section
Eden Prairie, although Hopkins Adams and Hopkins’ Henry Elijah Donaldson of Eden and Tanner McPherson. 7AAA cleared at least 11 feet.
is strong in some events.” Risser rounded out the top six. Prairie, Hamza Mohamed of Wayzata took the 4x800 relay Chaska freshman Josh Schmidt
Because of that, most of the Wayzata and Gabriel Wiegert in 8:05.63 with Luke Greseth, won with a best of 13-6 and
event wins were by those four Distance of Armstrong. Daniel Salatino, Mohamed Logan Kiel of Waconia cleared
schools. Wayzata junior Hayes and Kissell. Eden Prairie 13 feet for a personal record.
“With four Lake teams McMillan pulled away from Hurdles placed second with Matthew Eden Prairie’s Bloch went
advancing to state, that shows the competition to win the The hurdles races bring Holje, James Drieslein, Simeon 11-6 as did Caleb Johnson of
the quality of our conference,” 800-meter run with a time excitement to every track meet, Donaldson and Heimkes. Hopkins and Jack Hickey of
Berndt said. of 1:57.85. Jake Heimkes of and the Lake’s best showed a lot Minnetonka finished third with Minnetonka. Eden Prairie’s
Following is a summary from Eden Prairie was second with of speed May 10. Sam Fellner, Jackson Downin, Kone cleared 11 feet.
each area of the section meet. Wayzata sophomore Will Weber Senior Stephane Kone of McPherson and Ryan Fries.
third and Hopkins’ Suhayb Ali Eden Prairie won the 110-meter Section 7AAA team standings
Sprints fourth. highs in 15.15. Second place Throws Minnetonka 697.5, Wayzata
It was a photo finish in As expected, Minnetonka went to Hopkins sophomore Minnetonka’s Jack Liwienski, 696, Eden Prairie 619, Hopkins
the 200-meter dash with senior Nick Gilles won the Avery Batala in 15.80 and a future NCAA Division I 499.5, Waconia 455, Chaska
Minnetonka junior Tobias 1600-meter race with a time Wayzata senior David Nelson football player, won the shot put 377.5, Armstrong 318.5.
[email protected] placed third in 57.81.
Completing the top six
Girls track teams were Vanessa Jordan of
from Minnetonka and Eden Prairie, Jessica Haux
BSM girls win 11-5 Wayzata are two of the
Benilde-St. Margaret’s of Wayzata and Roehl of
three favorites going into Minnetonka.
High’s girls lacrosse team the State True Team Meet,
improved its chances for a which gets underway at Distance
No. 1 section playoff seed 3:10 p.m. Friday, May 19, In the distance running
by beating Wayzata 11-5 at Stillwater High School. events, Minnetonka and
in nonconference action Minnetonka and Wayzata both scored
May 8. Wayzata are up against a heavily. Wayzata senior
Maggie Graczyk of well-balanced team from captain Teegan Anderson
the Red Knights had Rosemount in a three-way won the 800 and 1600 titles
eight points on five goals race for the championship in close races. In the 800,
and three assists while with Mounds View as the she defeated Hopkins’
teammates Julia Evens other contender. Drevlow 2:13.04 to 2:13.83
and Karsyn Elliott each In Section 7AAA and in the 1600, Anderson
had a pair of goals. Katie competition May 10 edged Minnetonka
Kroft and Charlize Vang at Eden Prairie’s Aerie eighth-grader Evie Malec
contributed goals and Stadium, Minnetonka 4:53.18 to 4:53.67.
Evens was outstanding edged Wayzata for the title Wayzata’s Grace
as a playmaker with three 777.5 to 760. Eight section Mignone led almost
assists. BSM’s winner champions advance to the the entire race to win
in goal, Brooke Nelson, State True Team Meet the 3200-meter title in
made 12 saves. along with four “wild 11:02.66. Second place
Blake pitching spree cards,” one of which is went to Madeline Lage of
It’s always easier to win a Wayzata. Waconia. Others in the top
high school baseball team “I was thrilled with out six were Wayzata’s Reese
when you’re opponents performance in the section Anderson, Minnetonka’s
are striking out. Two meet,” Wayzata head Avery Marasco-Johnson,
Blake School pitchers, coach Alicia Pierskalla Wayzata’s Chloe Kissell SUN PHOTO BY JOHN SHERMAN)
said. “We had so many and Chaska’s Sidney Fuhr. Captain Grace Weber of Wayzata High’s girls track team comes out of the blocks with her arms pumping in
Nick Emptage and Tyler the 200-meter dash during Section 7AAA True Team competition May 10. She is one of the Trojans’ highest
Vandersall combined to personal records, and we
Hurdles scorers with titles in the 4x400 relay and the open 400 and third places in the 200 and the long jump.
strike out 17 Mounds Park won all four relays, which
Academy hitters May 9 in was very exciting.” Claire Kohler, the Mogaka. Hopkins took pionship team in volley- 11.75. Wayzata’s Weber
the Bears’ 6-5 victory. Looking to the State True Minnetonka sophomore, fourth with NyahSymone ball last fall, led Section went 17-9 for third place
As the starter, Emptage Team Meet, Pierskalla won the 100- and Britt, Sophia Waterman, 7AAA shot putters with a and Minnetonka’s Hiller
had 13 strikeouts in 4 and said, “Minnetonka, 300-meter hurdles titles. Leah Davis and Hoiska. best throw of 37 feet, 3.5 jumped 17-8.50 for third.
1/3 innings. Vandersall Rosemount and Mounds In the 100s, she ran a time In the 4x200, Wayzata inches. Second place went Wanzek from Hopkins
recorded the win in relief View are always our of 14.96. Lillian Wanzek was first with a time of to Kendall Thurston of was fifth with 17-7.5.
with four strikeouts in biggest competition.” of Hopkins and Ruby 1:45.00 from Haux, Rose Armstrong, who was fol- The top three competi-
the 2 and 2/3 innings he Following is a rundown Pajibo of Minnetonka Schaeffel, Brynn Senden lowed by the Minnetonka tors in the triple jump
worked. of highlights from the finished second and and Mateega. Minneton- duo of Carly Pfeffer and all had personal bests.
Blake batters struck out Section 7AAA Meet. third in 15.57 and 15.59. ka’s second-place time Ashlyn Baker, Wayzata’s Minnetonka’s Hiller won
nine times, but the Bears Completing the top six was 1:45.36 with Pajibo, Savannah Wickam and with a best of 38 feet, 4.5
had 11 hits. Michael Rekas Sprints were Anna McKinney of Roehl, Koch and Giebel. Armstrong’s Ava Mack. inches. Kohrt placed sec-
went two-for-two. Paulie One of the athletes Minnetonka, Madeline Wayzata’s winning time Armstrong senior ond with 36-5 and Min-
Nathanson, London Shiely to watch as state is Kaufman of Eden Prairie in the 4x400 relay was Thurston won the discus netonka’s Claire Kohler
and Eli Charney each had sophomore sprinter Zeal and Gabi Lainhart of 3:56.85 with Haux, Ava title with a best of 122 was third with 34-7.5.
two hits. Both of Charney’s Kuku of Minnetonka. Eden Prairie. Nayar, Weber and Teegan feet. Kelzenberg gave Hopkins’ Wanzek had her
hits were doubles. Shiely Kuku was a double In the 300s, Kohler won Anderson. Runner-up Wayzata second place best jump of the season,
and Will Nelson each had winner in Section 7AAA, in 44.84 and Minnetonka Minnetonka ran 3:56.97 with her best throw of 35-3, for fourth place. Ava
a double and Drew Corona taking the 100-meter dash teammate McKinney took with Megan Corkery, 111-2. Completing the Badgley of Minnetonka
had two RBIs. in 13.02 seconds and the second place in 47.75. Ella Graham, Malec and top six were Mack from and Gabi Lainhart of
200 in 25.75. Others in the top six were Kohler. Hopkins had a Armstrong, Avery Fuller- Eden Prairie placed fifth
19 Reinhard saves In the 100, eight girls ran Wanzek from Hopkins, good run for third place Anderson from Wayzata, and sixth.
Goalie Bennett Reinhard 13.40 or faster. Finishing Grace Estby from with Brynn Etzell, Lau- Wickam from Wayzata
of the Holy Family Catholic in order behind Kuku were Wayzata, Netra Kimber ren Hoffman, Charlotte and Anna Jaeger from Pole vault
High boys lacrosse team Wayzata’s Tenley Senden, from Wayzata and Praise Li and Akinyele. Eden Prairie. Ming Li Raidt of Wa-
faced 29 shots against Armstrong’s Sarahya Akinyele from Hopkins. In addition to winning conia won the pole vault
Delano/Rockford May 11 College, Hopkins’ Mya the 3200 title, Mignone Jumps with her personal record
and saved 19 of them in a Burgess, Wayzata’s Sophie Relays led off Wayzata’s winning Minnetonka’s jump- of 11 fee. Second place
17-10 victory. Hawkinson, Hopkins’ There was a familiar 4x800 relay that also ers battled for key points went to Kaufman of
The offensive leader for Abby Hoiska, and the pattern in the four Section included Lila Golomb, against Wayzata captain Eden Prairie at 10-6. Har-
the Fire, Keyan Schugel Eden Prairie duo of 7AAA relay races. In each Nora Mickelson and Aly Kailee Kohrt at sectionals. ley Wock of Minnetonka
had six goals on 10 shots. Amelia Black and Emma of them, Wayzata finished Kleyman. Their time was Kohrt made a new per- also cleared 10-6 to finish
Jack Lund was another key Nguyen. first and Minnetonka 9:28.01. Second place sonal record of 5-6 in the third. Completing the top
offensive player with six Minnetonka’s Lucy finished second. went to Minnetonka’s high jump to finish sec- six were Minnetonka’s
points on three goals and Hiller was second in the Auna Hendrickson, Corkery, Bridget Koller, ond behind Minneton- Anelisa Anderson, Way-
three assists. Evan Finley- 200. Grace Weber of Tenley Senden, Brynn Kailey Lai and Ella ka’s Mya Folken, who zata’s Kinsey Hoversten
Grice added two goals Wayzata, Charlotte Roehl Senden and Ava Matee- Graham in 9:34.36. Eden also cleared 5-6. Winona and Hopkins’ Annabelle
and two assists and Brady of Minnetonka and Olivia ga wont he 4x100 title in Prairie finished third with Stone made 5-6, as well, to Speers.
Krautkramer chipped in Suchy of Armstrong all 49.92 to edge the Min- the foursome of Alyssa place third. Eden Prairie’s
with a pair of goals as the finished under 28 seconds netonka team of Brynn Evelyn Skattum went 5-4 Section 7AAA
Ehler, Berit Berggren, Lori
Fire had 32 shots on goal. for places 3-6. Rusing, Pajibo, Lindsey Derouin and Mila Finch. for fourth place. girls scores
Erik Charchenko’s passes Wayzata’s Weber won Koch and Briena Giebel Kohrt won the long Minnetonka 777.5,
were key to the attack. In the 400-meter dash in that ran 50.65. Eden Prai- Throws jump with a personal best Wayzata 760, Hopkins
addition to scoring one 56.87. Second place went rie took third place with Sophomore Katie Kel- of 18 feet. Second place 545.5, Eden Prairie 539.5,
goal, he racked up five to Hopkins sophomore Mariana Blanco, Sienna zenberg of Wayzata, who went to Sarahya College Armstrong 381, Waconia
assists. Sydney Drevlow in 57.76 Moe, Black and Callen played on a state cham- of Armstrong with 17- 340, Chaska 311.5.
Page 26 • Thursday, May 18, 2023 Plymouth / Wayzata Sun Sailor sailor.mnsun.com
Conference Falcons shine in several categories
Santoni leads Edina
First place in Lake Con-
at Section 7AAA True Team Meet
By DOMINIC BISOGNO sixth in the shot put, while Lang-
ference girls lacrosse was on
the line when Minnetonka [email protected] den College and Nicholas Brand-
played Edina May 9. After ner finished seventh and eighth in
taking a 12-2 lead into half- Robbinsdale Armstrong High the discus.
time, Edina won the game School’s track and field team
impressed in multiple categories Robbinsdale Armstrong girls
17-3. Nicola Santoni led
on May 10 during the Section Sarahya College helped lead
the Hornets with five goals
7AAA true team meet in Eden Robbinsdale Armstrong High
and Mary Velner had a big
Prairie. School to a big turnout with her
night with four goals and
third-place finish in the 100-me-
four assists. Ella Busby
Robbinsdale Armstrong boys ter dash. Olivia Suchy finished
added two goals and one
Noah Breker led the Falcons fifth in the 200-meter dash, while
assist. Mia Maxwell did
with excellency in the 3200-me- Caitlyn Osanai finished sixth
her part with three goals,
ter run, finishing first by a mar- in both the 800 and 1600-meter
three assists and a ground
gin of 13 seconds. Alex Omodt dashes.
ball scoop. Kathryn Ew-
also performed well, finishing Mackenzie Lovejoy finished
ers, Lyric Busby and Josie
second in the 1600-meter run for eighth in both the 110 and
Moe each had a goal. Ton-
Robbinsdale Armstrong High 300-meter hurdle races for the
ka’s Clara Gilbert had two
School. Falcons, while also taking part in
goals and Maria DeMann
Other high finishes in the boys Robbinsdale Armstrong’s third-
had one.
races included a ninth-place place finish in the 4x200 relay
Royals win upset finish for Isaiah Cotton in the alongside Karlee Fisher, College,
Berit Peterson of the 100-meter dash and Rein Stans- and Suchy.
Hopkins girls lacrosse team laski’s 11th-place finish in the Kendall Thurston and Ava
scored four goals May 9 as 200-meter dash. Cotton later Mack both impressed, as Thur-
the Royals upset Wayzata finished second in the boys long ston finished second in the shot
9-8. The other standout for jump competition. put and first in the discus, while
the Royals was goalie Lau- Israel Manna performed well Mack finished in sixth and third
ren Olson with 12 saves. for the Falcons, finishing in sev- in the same competitions.
Tori Katzenmeyer added enth and eighth in the 110 and College stayed busy through
five points for the Royals 300-meter hurdles races respec- the day, adding a sixth-place
on three goals and two tively. finish in the high jump and a
assists. Katie Sikorski led Luke Pappas stood out for second-place finish in the long (SUN PHOTO BY JOHN SHERMAN)
Wayzata with a hat trick. the Falcons in the field, finishing jump. Langden College competes in the 200-meter dash for the Falcons.
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