Brijons Pit Bull Trading For Dummies
Brijons Pit Bull Trading For Dummies
Brijons Pit Bull Trading For Dummies
Step 1: Enter the following five buys and five sells into your MT4
The above ten trades are your “indicator dashboard” or your “indicator
Step 2: Click on the “Profit” column so that the highest loss is on the
top and the lowest loss (or greatest profit) is on the bottom.
Step 3: A few hours after you have put the above 5 buys and 5 sells
on, you should see a profit (or very small loss) on the bottom line.
This is the first currency pair you are going to trade.
The way that you trade this bottom line currency pair is to check to make
sure the bottom line currency pair is stable in profit. In other words, that
currency pair may alternate between negative and positive for a while, but
once it remains positive then
Here is an example: let's say a few hours after active trading your
“indicator trades” are showing AUD/USD on the bottom line, and that
currency pair is showing a small profit, and remaining profitable. You
would then simply enter your first order as a buy on AUD/USD, and
use a bigger lot size than your “indicator trades.” If you use .01 lots
on your ten “indicator trades” then use .04 lots on your first real trade
(long AUD/USD).
Step 4: Continue this process over and over; waiting until the bottom
pair is in consistent profit, then close that trade (take the profit) and
re-enter. As you take profit on your first size of .01, you re-enter at .04. As
you take profit on your .04 size lot, you drop back down to .01
General notes: You only take trades that are exhibiting profitability, that is,
position 10 (the bottom position) on the Pit Bull indicator. Once the trade is
opened, it can immediately climb out of the bottom three positions and
show a loss. If it then it falls back into the bottom three positions (8, 9 or 10)
look for stable profitability (say 20 seconds), then take profit.
If the trade does not go to profit, manage the drawdown. Only take profits if
drawdown is acceptable, profitable trades will "hedge" drawdown and (3)
continue to take profits when drawdown returns to an acceptable level.
The system will not work correctly if you use two separate accounts (one
for indicator trades and one for the others you add) because you need to
also control the DD within the single account and both indicator and add on
trades cumulatively affect your overall DD or profits.
If you place your add on trades on their own account and the trend
changes you will struggle to keep the DD under control. The other indicator
trades are required to help offset the DD as current trends change.