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Engineering Statics

Open and Interactive

Engineering Statics
Open and Interactive

Daniel W. Baker
Colorado State University

William Haynes
Massachusetts Maritime Academy

September 24, 2023

About this Book

Engineering Statics: Open and Interactive is a free, open-source textbook for

anyone who wishes to learn more about vectors, forces, moments, static equilib-
rium, and the properties of shapes. Specifically, it is appropriate as a textbook
for Engineering Mechanics: Statics, the first course in the Engineering Mechanics
series offered in most university-level engineering programs.
This book’s content should prepare you for subsequent classes covering En-
gineering Mechanics: Dynamics and Mechanics of Materials. At its core, Engi-
neering Statics provides the tools to solve static equilibrium problems for rigid
bodies. The additional topics of resolving internal loads in rigid bodies and
computing area moments of inertia are also included as stepping stones for later
courses. We have endeavored to write in an approachable style and provide many
questions, examples, and interactives for you to engage with and learn from.

Feedback. Feedback and suggestions can be provided directly to the lead au-
thor Dan Baker via email at [email protected], or through the EngineeringStaticsGoogleGroup.
We would also appreciate knowing if you are using the book for teaching pur-

Access. The entire book is available for free as an interactive online ebook
at While the interactive version works best on
larger screens, it will also work smartphones but with some limitations due to lim-
ited screen width. A non-interactive PDF version, suitable for printing or offline
reading on a tablet or computer, is available at
pdf/statics.pdf. The PDF is searchable and easy to navigate using embedded
The source files for this book are available on GitHub at

License. Engineering Statics: Open and Interactive by Daniel Baker and

William Haynes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-
Share Alike 4.0 International License BY-NC-SA. You are free to download, use,
and print this work as you wish as long as your use is not primarily intended for
or directed toward commercial advantage or monetary compensation. You can


also modify the text as much as you like (for example to create a custom edition
for your students), as long as you attribute the parts of the book you use to the
authors. Please share your improvements with the authors!
All the GeoGebra content found in the book is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International License
with more detailed information found at

On the Cover. Photo by ArturWestergren from Yerba Buena Island across

the San Francisco bridge of the San Francisco, California skyline. Image source:

History. This book is the vision of a handful of instructors who wanted to cre-
ate a free and open Engineering Statics textbook filled with dynamic, interactive
diagrams to encourage visualization and engineering intuition.
Dr. Baker brought together a team of volunteers from large public universi-
ties, small private colleges, and community colleges across the United States to
write the text and create the interactive elements. Some content was adapted
with permission from Jacob Moore’s Mechanics Map - Open Textbook Project. After two years of development the book was
released to the public in 2020.
The book continues to evolve thanks to the contributions, suggestions, and
corrections made by users of the text, both professors and students. The original
authors are listed below, and others who have contributed are acknowledged in
the source code on GitHub.
Daniel W. Baker Anna Howard
Colorado State University North Carolina State University
Project lead, chapter author, and in- Chapter author
teractive developer
James Lord
Virginia Tech
Devin Berg
University of Wisconsin - Stout Chapter author
Chapter author Randy Mondragon
Colorado State University
Andy Guyader Interactive developer
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Chapter author Jacob Moore
Penn State University – Mont Alto
William Haynes Chapter author
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Scott Bevill
Chapter author, interactive devel- Colorado Mesa University
oper, and PreTeXt lead Chapter reviewer
Erin Henslee Eric Davishahl
Wake Forest University Whatcom Community College
Chapter author Chapter reviewer

Joel Lanning Richard Pugsley

University of California, Irvine Tidewater Community College
Chapter reviewer Chapter reviewer

The book was supported by funding from the Colorado Department of Higher
Education, the Colorado State University Digital Learning Initiative, and the
Colorado State University Libraries.


About this Book iv

Acknowledgements vii

1 Introduction to Statics 1
1.1 Newton’s Laws of Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Forces and Other Vectors 14

2.1 Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 One-Dimensional Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 2D Coordinate Systems & Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 3D Coordinate Systems & Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5 Unit Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.6 Vector Addition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.7 Dot Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.8 Cross Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.9 Exercises (Ch. 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3 Equilibrium of Particles 62
3.1 Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.2 Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3 1D Particle Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.4 2D Particle Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.5 3D Particle Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.6 Exercises (Ch. 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101


4 Moments and Static Equivalence 102

4.1 Direction of a Moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.2 Magnitude of a Moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.3 Scalar Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.4 Varignon’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.5 3D Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.6 Couples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4.7 Equivalent Transformations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
4.8 Statically Equivalent Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
4.9 Exercises (Ch. 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

5 Rigid Body Equilibrium 140

5.1 Degree of Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
5.2 Free-Body Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
5.3 Equations of Equilibrium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.4 2D Rigid Body Equilibrium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.5 3D Rigid Body Equilibrium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
5.6 Stability and Determinacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.7 Equilibrium Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
5.8 Exercises (Ch. 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

6 Equilibrium of Structures 165

6.1 Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6.2 Interactions between members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
6.3 Trusses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6.4 Method of Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6.5 Method of Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
6.6 Frames and Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
6.8 Exercises (Ch. 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

7 Centroids and Centers of Gravity 198

7.1 Weighted Averages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.2 Center of Gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
7.3 Center of Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
7.4 Centroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
7.5 Centroids using Composite Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
7.6 Average Value of a Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
7.7 Centroids using Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
7.8 Distributed Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
7.9 Fluid Statics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7.10 Exercises (Ch. 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

8 Internal Forces 256

8.1 Internal Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
8.2 Sign Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
8.3 Internal Forces at a Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
8.4 Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
8.5 Section Cut Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
8.6 Relation Between Loading, Shear and Moment . . . . . . . . 270
8.7 Graphical Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
8.8 Integration Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
8.9 Geogebra Interactives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
8.10 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
8.11 Exercises (Ch. 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

9 Friction 286
9.1 Dry Friction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
9.2 Slipping vs. Tipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
9.3 Wedges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
9.4 Screw Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
9.5 Flexible Belts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
9.6 Journal Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
9.7 Rotating Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
9.8 Exercises (Ch. 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

10 Moments of Inertia 322

10.1 Integral Properties of Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
10.2 Moments of Inertia of Common Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
10.3 Parallel Axis Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
10.4 Composite Shapes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
10.5 Polar Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
10.6 Radius of Gyration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
10.7 Products of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
10.8 Mass Moment of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
10.9 Exercises (Ch. 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366


A Notation 367

B Useful Mathematics 369

B.1 Distance Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
B.2 Right Triangle Trigonometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

B.3 Oblique Triangle Trigonometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

C Properties of Shapes 373

C.1 Centroids of Common Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
C.2 Moment of Inertia of Common Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . 375

D Properties of Steel Sections 376

D.1 Angles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
D.2 Channels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
D.3 Standard Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
D.4 Wide Flange Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Chapter 1

Introduction to Statics

Engineering Statics is the gateway into engineering mechanics, which is the ap-
plication of Newtonian physics to design and analyze objects, systems, and struc-
tures with respect to motion, deformation, and failure. In addition to learning
the subject itself, you will also develop skills in the art and practice of problem
solving and mathematical modeling, skills that will benefit you throughout your
engineering career.
The subject is called “statics” because it is concerned with particles and rigid
bodies that are in equilibrium, and these will usually be stationary, i.e. static.
The chapters in this book are:

Introduction to Statics— an overview of statics and an introduction to

units and problem solving.

Forces and Other Vectors— basic principles and mathematical operations

on force and position vectors.

Equilibrium of Particles— an introduction to equilibrium and problem


Moments and Static Equivalence— the rotational tendency of forces, and

simplification of force systems.

Rigid Body Equilibrium— balance of forces and moments for single rigid

Equilibrium of Structures— balance of forces and moments on intercon-

nected systems of rigid bodies.

Centroids and Centers of Gravity— an important geometric property of

shapes and rigid bodies.

Internal Forces— forces and moments within beams and other rigid bodies.

Friction— equilibrium of bodies subject to friction.


Moments of Inertia— an important property of geometric shapes used in

many applications.

Your statics course may not cover all of these topics, or may move through
them in a different order.
Below are two examples of the types of problems you’ll learn to solve in
statics. Notice that each can be described with a picture and problem statement,
a free-body diagram, and equations of equilibrium.
Equilibrium of a particle: A 140 lb person walks across a slackline
stretched between two trees. If angles α and θ are known, find the tension
in each end of the slackline.
y Person’s point of contact
to slackline:

ΣFx = 0
−T1 cos α + T2 cos θ = 0

ΣFy = 0
T1 sin α + T2 sin θ − W = 0

Equilibrium of a rigid body: Given the interaction forces at point C on

the upper arm of the excavator, find the internal axial force, shear force, and
bending moment at point D.
F Section cut FBD:

ΣFx = 0
D −Cx + Fx − Vx − Nx = 0

ΣFy = 0
−Cy − Fy − Vy + Ny = 0

ΣMD = 0
+(dy )Cx + (dx )Cy − MD = 0

The knowledge and skills gained in Statics will be used in your other en-
gineering courses, in particular in Dynamics, Mechanics of Solids (also called
Strength or Mechanics of Materials), and in Fluid Mechanics. Statics will be a
foundation of your engineering career.

Figure 1.0.1 Map of how Statics builds upon the prerequisites of Calculus and
Physics and then informs the later courses of Mechanics of Solids and Dynamics.

1.1 Newton’s Laws of Motion

Key Questions
• What are the two types of motion?

• What three relationships do Newton’s laws of motion define?

• What are physical examples for each of Newton’s three laws of motion?
The English scientist Sir Issac Newton established the foundation of mechan-
ics in 1687 with his three laws of motion, which describe the relation between
forces, objects and motion. Motion can be separated into two types:

Translation— where a body changes position without changing its orien-

tation in space, and

Rotation— where a body spins about an axis fixed in space, without

changing its average position.

Some moving bodies are purely translating, others are purely rotating, and
many are doing both. Conveniently, we can usually separate translation and
rotation and analyze them individually with independent equations.
Newton’s three laws and their implications with respect to translation and
rotation are described below.

1.1.1 Newton’s 1st Law

Newton’s first law states that

an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line

unless acted upon by an external force.

This law, also sometimes called the “law of inertia,” tells us that bodies maintain
their current velocity unless a net force is applied to change it. In other words, an
object at rest it will remain at rest and a moving object will hold its current speed
and direction unless an unbalanced force causes a velocity change. Remember
that velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so
an unbalanced force may cause an object to speed up, slow down, or change

Figure 1.1.1 This rock is at rest with Figure 1.1.2 In deep space, where fric-
zero velocity and will remain at rest tion and gravitational forces are negli-
until a unbalanced force causes it to gible, an object moves with constant
move. velocity; near a celestial body gravita-
tional attraction continuously changes
its velocity.
Newton’s first law also applies to angular velocities, however instead of force,
the relevant quantity which causes an object to rotate is called a torque by
physicists, but usually called a moment by engineers. A moment, as you will
learn in Chapter 4, is the rotational tendency of a force. Just as a force will cause
a change in linear velocity, a moment will cause a change in angular velocity. This
can be seen in things like tops, flywheels, stationary bikes, and other objects that
spin on an axis when a moment is applied, but eventually stop because of the
opposite moment produced by friction.

In the absence of friction this top

would spin forever, but the small fric-
tional moment exerted at the point of
contact with the table will eventually
bring it to a stop.

Figure 1.1.3 A spinning top demon-

strates rotary motion.

1.1.2 Newton’s 2nd Law

Newton’s second law is usually succinctly stated with the familiar equation

F = ma (1.1.1)
where F is net force, m is mass, and a is acceleration.
You will notice that the force and the acceleration are in bold face. This
means these are vector quantities, having both a magnitude and a direction.
Mass on the other hand is a scalar quantity, which has only a magnitude. This
equation indicates that a force will cause an object to accelerate in the direction
of the net force, and the magnitude of the acceleration will be proportional to
the net force but inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
In this course, Statics, we are only concerned with bodies which are not accel-
erating which simplifies things considerably. When an object is not accelerating
a = 0, which implies that it is either at rest or moving with a constant velocity.
With this restriction Newton’s Second Law for translation simplifies to
F=0 (1.1.2)
where F is used to indicate the net force acting on the object.
Newton’s second law for rotational motions is similar

M = Iα. (1.1.3)
This equation states that a net moment M acting on an object will cause
an angular acceleration α proportional to the net moment and inversely propor-
tional to I, a quantity known as the mass moment of inertia. Mass moment
of inertia for rotational acceleration is analogous to ordinary mass for linear ac-
celeration. We will have more to say about the moment of inertia in Chapter 10.
Again, we see that the net moment and angular acceleration are vectors,
quantities with magnitude and direction. The mass moment of inertia, on the
other hand, is a scalar quantity and has only a magnitude. Also, since Statics

deals only with objects which are not accelerating α = 0, they will always be at
rest or rotating with constant angular velocity. With this restriction Newton’s
second law implies that the net moment on all static objects is zero.
M=0 (1.1.4)

1.1.3 Newton’s 3rd Law

Newton’s Third Law states

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The actions and reactions Newton is referring to are forces. Forces occur when-
ever one object interacts with another, either directly like a push or pull, or
indirectly like magnetic or gravitational attraction. Any force acting on one
body is always paired with another equal-and-opposite force acting on some
other body.

Figure 1.1.4 The earth exerts a gravitational force on the moon, and the moon
exerts an equal and opposite force on the earth.
These equal-and-opposite pairs can be confusing, particularly when there are
multiple interacting bodies. To clarify, we always begin solving statics problems
by drawing a free-body diagram — a sketch where we isolate a body or system
of interest and identify the forces acting on it, while ignoring any forces exerted
by it on interacting bodies.
Consider the situation in figure Figure 1.1.5. Diagram (a) shows a book
resting on a table supported by the floor. The weights of the book and table
are placed at their centers of gravity. To solve for the forces on the legs of the
table, we use the free-body diagram in (b) which treats the book and the table
as a single system and replaces the floor with the forces of the floor on the
table. In diagram (c) the book and table are treated as independent objects. By
separating them, the equal-and-opposite interaction forces of the book on the
table and the table on the book are exposed.


Statics Statics

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.1.5 Free-body diagrams are used to isolate objects and identify relevant
forces and moments.
This will be discussed further in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5.

1.2 Units
Key Questions
• What are the similarities and differences between the commonly used unit

• How do you convert a value into different units?

• When a problem mentions the pounds, does this mean pounds-force [lbf]
or pounds-mass [lbm]?
Quantities used in engineering usually consist of a numeric value and an
associated unit. The value by itself is meaningless. When discussing a quantity
you must always include the associated unit, except when the correct unit is ‘no
units.’ The units themselves are established by a coherent unit system.
All unit system are based around seven base units, the important ones for
Statics being mass, length, and time. All other units of measurement are formed
by combinations of the base units. So, for example, acceleration is defined as
length [L] divided by time [t] squared, so has units

a = [L/T 2 ].

Force is related to mass and acceleration by Newton’s second law F = ma, so

the units of force are
F = [mL/t2 ].

In the United States several different unit systems are commonly used includ-
ing the SI system, the British Gravitational system, and the English Engineering
The SI system, abbreviated from the French Système International (d’unités)
is the modern form of the metric system. The SI system is the most widely used
system of measurement worldwide.
In the SI system, the unit of force is the newton, abbreviated N, and the
unit of mass is the kilogram, abbreviated kg. The base unit of time, used by all
systems, is the second. Prefixes are added to unit names are used to specify the
base-10 multiple of the original unit. One newton is equal to 1 kg · m/s2 because
1 N of force applied to 1 kg of mass causes the mass to accelerate at a rate of
1 m/s2 .
The British Gravitational system uses the foot as the base unit of distance,
the second for time, and the slug for mass. Force is a derived unit called the
pound-force, abbreviated lbf, or pound for short. One pound-force will accelerate
a mass of one slug at 1 ft/s2 , so 1 lbf = 1 slug · ft/s2 . On earth, a 1 slug mass
weighs 32.2 lbf.
The English Engineering system uses the pound-mass as the base unit of
mass, where
32.2 lbm = 1 slug = 0.4536 kg.
The acceleration of gravity remains the same as in the British Gravitational
system, but a conversion factor is required to maintain unit consistency.
lbf · s2
32.2 ft · lbm
The advantage of this system is that (on earth) 1 lbm weighs 1 lbf.
It is important to understand that mass and weight are not the same thing.
Mass describes how much matter an object contains, while weight is a force and
it is the effect of gravity on an object. You find the weight of an object from its
mass by applying Newton’s Second Law with the local acceleration of gravity g.

W = mg. (1.2.1)

Table 1.2.1 shows the standard units of weight, mass, length, time, and
gravitational acceleration in three unit systems.
Table 1.2.1 Fundamental Units
Unit System Force Mass Length Time g (Earth)
SI N kg m s 9.81 m/s2
British Gravitational lbf slug ft s 32.2 ft/s2
English Engineering lbf lbm ft s 1 lbf/1 lbm
Thinking Deeper 1.2.2 Does 1 pound-mass equal 1 pound-force? Of
course not; they have completely different units! Additionally, the acceleration
of gravity g varies from place to place. If you take a 1 lbm mass to the moon,

the object’s mass doesn’t change, but it’s weight does. The same mass in deep
space is weightless!
You can show that 1 lbm mass weighs 1 lbf on earth by applying Newton’s
second law with a = g = 32.2 ft/s2 with the appropriate unit conversions.

W = ma
 lbf · s2
= 1 lbm 
  ft · lbm

s2 32.2 

= 1  lbf ∴ g = 1 lbf/1 lbm


= 1 lbf
Awareness of units will help you prevent errors in your engineering calcula-
tions. You should always:
• Pay attention to the units of every quantity in the problem. Forces should
have force units, distances should have distance units, etc.
• Use the unit system given in the problem statement.
• Avoid unit conversions when possible. If you must, convert given values to
a consistent set of units and stick with them.
• Check your work for unit consistency. You can only add or subtract quan-
tities which have the same units. When multiplying or dividing quantities
with units, multiply or divide the units as well. The units of quantities on
both sides of the equals sign must be the same.
• Develop a sense of the magnitudes of the units and consider your answers
for reasonableness. A kilogram is about 2.2 times as massive as a pound-
mass and a newton weighs about a quarter pound.
• Be sure to include units with every answer.
Warning 1.2.3 The gravitational “constant” g varies up to about 0.5% across
the earth’s surface due to factors including latitude and elevation, but for the
purpose of this course the values in this table are sufficiently accurate. Always
use the correct value of g based on your location and the unit system you are
Don’t assume that g always equals 9.81 m/s2 !
Example 1.2.4 How much does a 5 kg bag of flour weigh?
Hint. A value in kg is a mass. Weight is a force.
Answer. W = 49.05 N

W = mg
= 5 kg(9.81 m/s2 )

= 49.05 N

Example 1.2.5 How much does a 5 lb bag of sugar weigh?
Hint. When someone says “pounds” they probably mean “pounds-force.”.
Even if they mean pounds-mass, 1 lbmweighs1 lbf on earth.
Answer. W = 5 lb

5 lb = 5 lbf

1.3 Forces
Key Questions
• What are some of the fundamental types of forces used in statics?

• Why do we often simplify distributed forces with equivalent forces?

Statics is a course about forces and we will have a lot to say about them. At
its simplest, a force is a “push or pull,” but forces come from a variety of sources
and occur in many different situations. As such we need a specialized vocabulary
to talk about them. We are also interested in forces that cause rotation, and we
have special terms to describe these too.
As an example of the types of forces you will encounter in statics consider the
forces affecting a box on a rough surface being pulled by a cable. The loading
on the box can be represented by four different types of force. The cable causes
a point force, the normal and friction forces are reaction forces, and the weight
is a body force.

Figure 1.3.1 Forces on a box being pulled across a rough surface.


Some of the important terms used describe different types of forces are given
below; others will be defined as needed later in the book.
A point force is a force that acts at a single point. Examples would be
the push you give to open a door, the thrust of a rocket engine, or the pull of
the chain suspending a wrecking ball. In reality, point forces are an idealization
as all forces are distributed over some amount of area. Point forces are also
called concentrated forces. Point forces are the easiest type to deal with
computationally so we will learn some mathematical tools to represent other
types as point forces.
Body forces are forces that are distributed throughout a three dimensional
body. The most common body force is the weight of an object, but there are
other body forces including buoyancy and forces caused by gravitational, electric,
and magnetic fields. Weight and buoyancy will be the only body forces we
consider in this book.
In many situations, these forces are small in comparison to the other forces
acting on the object, and as such may be neglected. In practice, the decision
to neglect forces must be made on the basis of sound engineering judgment;
however, in this course you should consider the weight in your analysis if the
problem statement provides enough information to determine it, otherwise you
may ignore it.
In the example above, the point force due to the cable, and the weight of the
box are both called loads. The weight of an object and any forces intentionally
applied to it are considered loads, while forces which hold a loaded object in
equilibrium or hold parts of an object together are not.
Reaction forces or simply reactions are the forces and moments which
hold or constrain an object or mechanical system in equilibrium. They are
called the reactions because they react when other forces on the system change.
If the load on a system increases, the reaction forces will automatically increase
in response to maintain equilibrium. Reaction forces are introduced in Chapter 3
and reaction moments are introduced in Chapter 5.
In the example above, the force of the ground on the box is a reaction force,
and is distributed over the entire contact surface. The reaction force can be
divided into two parts: a normal component which acts perpendicular to the
surface and supports the box’s weight, and a tangential friction component
which acts parallel to the ground and resists the pull of the cable.
The weight, normal component, and frictional component are all examples
of distributed forces since they act over a volume or area and not at a single
point. For computational simplicity we usually model distributed forces with
equivalent point forces. This process is discussed in Chapter 7.

1.4 Problem Solving

Key Questions
• What are some strategies to practice selecting a tool from your problem-
solving toolbox?

• What is the basic problem-solving process for equilibrium?

Statics may be the first course you take where you are required to decide on
your own how to approach a problem. Unlike your previous physics courses, you
can’t just memorize a formula and plug-and-chug to get an answer; there are
often multiple ways to solve a problem, not all of them equally easy, so before
you begin you need a plan or strategy. This seems to cause a lot of students
The ways to think about forces, moments and equilibrium, and the mathe-
matics used to manipulate them are like tools in your toolbox. Solving statics
problems requires acquiring, choosing, and using these tools. Some problems can
be solved with a single tool, while others require multiple tools. Sometimes one
tool is a better choice, sometimes another. You need familiarity and practice to
get skilled using your tools. As your skills and understanding improve, it gets
easier to recognize the most efficient way to get a job done.
Struggling statics students often say things like:

“I don’t know where to start the problem.”

“It looks so easy when you do it.”
“If I only knew which equation to apply, I could solve the problem.”

These statements indicate that the students think they know how to use their
tools, but are skipping the planning step. They jump right to writing equations
and solving for things without making much progress towards the answer, or
they start solving the problem using a reasonable approach but abandon it in
mid-stream to try something else. They get lost, confused and give up.
Choosing a strategy gets easier with experience. Unfortunately, the way you
get that experience is to solve problems. It seems like a chicken and egg problem
and it is, but there are ways around it. Here are some suggestions which will
help you become a better problem-solver.

• Get fluent with the math skills from algebra and trigonometry.

• Do lots of problems, starting with simple ones to build your skills.

• Study worked out solutions, however don’t assume that just because you
understand how someone else solved a problem that you can do it yourself
without help.

• Solve problems using multiple approaches. Confirm that alternate ap-

proaches produce the same results, and try to understand why one method
was easier than the other.

• Draw neat, clear, labeled diagrams.

• Familiarize yourself with the application, assumptions, and terminology of

the methods covered in class and the textbook.

• When confused, identify what is confusing you and ask questions.

The majority of the topics in this book focus on equilibrium. The remaining
topics are either preparing you for solving equilibrium problems or setting you
up with skills that you will use in later classes. For equilibrium problems, the
problem-solving steps are:

1. Read and understand the problem.

2. Identify what you are asked to find and what is given.

3. Stop, think, and decide on an strategy.

4. Draw a free-body diagram and define variables.

5. Apply the strategy to solve for unknowns and check solutions.

6. (a) Write equations of equilibrium based on the free-body diagram.

(b) Check if the number of equations equals the number of unknowns.
If it doesn’t, you are missing something. You may need additional
free-body diagrams or other relationships.
(c) Solve for unknowns.

7. Conceptually check solutions.

Using these steps does not guarantee that you will get the right solution, but
it will help you be critical and conscious of your chosen strategies. This reflection
will help you learn more quickly and increase the odds that you choose the right
tool for the job.
Chapter 2

Forces and Other Vectors

Before you can solve statics problems, you will need to understand the basic
physical quantities used in Statics: scalars and vectors.
Scalars are physical quantities that have no associated direction and can
be described by a positive or negative number, or even zero. Scalar quantities
follow the usual laws of algebra, and most scalar quantities have units. Mass,
time, temperature, and length are all scalars.
Vectors represent physical quantities which have magnitude and a direction.
Vectors are identified by a symbolic name which will be typeset in bold like r or
F to indicate its vector nature. The primary vector quantity you will encounter
in statics will be force, but moment and position are also important vectors.
Computations involving vectors must always consider the directionality of each
term and follow the rules of vector algebra as described in this chapter.

2.1 Vectors
Key Questions
• How is a vector different than a scalar?

• How do you identify the tip, tail, line of action, direction, and magnitude
of any drawn vector?

• What are the standard notations for vectors and scalars in this textbook?

• What is the difference between the sense and orientation of a vector?


You can visualize a vector as an arrow

pointing in a particular direction. The
tip is the pointed end and the tail the
trailing end. The tip and tail of a vec- Stand-
tor define a line of action. A line alone
of action can be thought of as an in- Embed
visible string along which a vector can
Figure 2.1.1 Vector Definitions
slide. Sliding a vector along its line of
action does not change its magnitude
or its direction. Sliding a vector can be
a handy way to simplify vector prob-
The standard notation for a vector uses either an arrow or bar above the
vector’s name or the vector’s name in bold font. All three of these notations
mean the same thing.

F⃗ = F̄ = F = a vector named F

Most printed works including this book will use the bold symbol for vectors, but
for handwritten work, you and your instructor will use the bar or arrow notation.
Force vectors acting on physical objects have a point of application, which
is the point at which the force is applied. Other vectors, such as moment vectors,
are free vectors, which means that the point of application is not significant.
Free vectors can be moved freely to any location as long as the magnitude and
direction are maintained.
The vector’s magnitude is a positive real number including units which
describes the ‘strength’ or ‘intensity’ of the vector. Graphically a vector’s mag-
nitude is represented by the length of its vector arrow, and symbolically by
enclosing the vector’s symbol with vertical bars. This is the same notation as
for the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a number and the
magnitude of a vector can both be thought of as a distance from the origin, so
the notation is appropriate. By convention the magnitude of a vector is also
indicated, by the same letter as the vector, but in non-bold font.

F = |F| = the magnitude of vector F

By itself, a vector’s magnitude is a scalar quantity, but it makes no sense to

speak of a vector with a negative magnitude so vector magnitudes are always
positive or zero. Multiplying a vector by -1 produces a vector with the same
magnitude but pointing in the opposite direction.
Vector directions are described with respect to a coordinate system. A
coordinate system is an arbitrary reference system used to establish the origin
and the primary directions. Distances are usually measured from the origin, and
directions from a primary or reference direction. You are probably familiar
with the Cartesian coordinate system with mutually perpendicular x, y and z
axes and the origin at their intersection point.

Another way of describing a vector’s direction is to specify its orientation

and sense. Orientation is the angle the vector’s line of action makes with a
specified reference direction, and sense defines the direction the vector points
along its line of action. A vector with a positive sense points towards the positive
end of the reference axis and vice-versa. A vector representing an object’s weight
has a vertical reference direction and a downward sense or negative sense, for
A third way to represent a vector is with its unit vector multiplied by a
scalar value called its scalar component. A unit vector is a vector with a
length of one (unitless) which points in a defined direction. Hence, a unit vector
represents pure direction, independent of the magnitude and unit of measure-
ment. The scalar component is a signed number with units that may be
positive or negative, and which defines both the magnitude and sense of the
vector. They should not be confused with vector magnitudes, which are always
Vectors are either constant or vary as a function of time, position, or some-
thing else. For example, if a force varied with time according to the function
F (t) = 10t [N] where t is the time in seconds, then the force would be 0 N at
t = 0, and increase by 10 N each second thereafter.

2.2 One-Dimensional Vectors

Key Questions
• Given two one-dimensional vectors, how do you compute and then draw
the resultant?

• What happens when you multiply a vector by a scalar?

The simplest vector calculations involve one-dimensional vectors. You can
learn some important terminology here without much mathematical difficulty.
In one-dimensional situations, all vectors share the same line of action, but may
point towards either end. If the line of action has a positive end like a coordinate
axis does, then a vector pointing towards that end will have a positive scalar

2.2.1 Vector Addition

Adding multiple vectors together finds the resultant vector. Resultant vectors
can be thought of as the sum of or combination of two or more vectors.
To find the resultant vector R of two one-dimensional vectors A and B you
can use the tip-to-tail technique in Figure 2.1.1 below. In the tip-to-tail tech-
nique, you slide vector B until its tail is at the tip of A, and the vector from
the tail of A to the tip of B is the resultant R. Note that the resultant R is the

same when you add A onto B, so the order of vector addition does not matter
and is considered commutative.

Figure 2.2.1 One Dimensional Vector Addition

2.2.2 Vector Subtraction

The easiest way to handle vector subtraction is to add the negative of the vector
you are subtracting to the other vector. In this way, you can still use the tip-to-
tail technique after flipping the vector you are subtracting.
A − B = A + (−B) (2.2.1)
Example 2.2.2 Vector subtraction. Find A − B where A = 2 i and B = 3 i.
R = −1 i.

Solution. You can simulate this in Figure 2.2.1.

1. Set A to a value of 2 i and B to a value of −3 i, the negative of its actual


2. Move the vectors until they are tip-to-tail. The order does not matter
because vector addition is commutative.

R = −1 i.

2.2.3 Vector Multiplication by a Scalar

Multiplying or dividing a vector by a scalar changes the vector’s magnitude but
maintains its original line of action. One common transformation is to find the
negative of a vector. To find the negative of vector A, we multiply it by -1; in
equation form
−A = (−1)A
Spatially, the effect of negating a vector this way is to rotate it by 180°. The
magnitude, line of action, and orientation stay the same, but the sense reverses
so now the arrowhead points in the opposite direction.

2.3 2D Coordinate Systems & Vectors

Key Questions
• Why are orthogonal coordinate systems useful?

• How do you transform between polar and Cartesian coordinates?

A coordinate system gives us a frame of reference to describe a system that
we would like to analyze. In statics we normally use orthogonal coordinate
systems, where orthogonal means “perpendicular.” In an orthogonal coordinate
system the coordinate direction are perpendicular to each other and thereby
independent. The intersection of the coordinate axes is called the origin, and
measurements are made from there. Both points and vectors are described with
a set of numbers called the coordinates. For points in space, the coordinates
specify the distance you must travel in each of the coordinate directions to get
from the origin to the point in question. Together, the coordinates can be
thought of as specifying a position vector, a vector from the origin directly
to the point. The position vector gives the magnitude and direction needed to
travel directly from the origin to the point.
In the case of force vectors, the coordinates are the scalar components of
the force in each of the coordinate directions. These components locate the tip
of the vector and they can be interpreted as the fraction of the total force which
acts in each of the coordinate directions.
Three coordinate directions are needed to map our real three-dimensional
world but in this section we will start with two, simpler, two-dimensional or-
thogonal systems: rectangular and polar coordinates, and the tools to convert
from one to the other.

2.3.1 Rectangular Coordinates

The most important coordinate system is the Cartesian system, which was
named after the French mathematician René Descartes. In two dimensions the
coordinate axes are straight lines rotated 90° apart named x, and y.
In most cases, the x axis is horizontal and points to the right, and the y
axis points vertically upward, however, we are free to rotate or translate this
entire coordinate system if we like. It is usually mathematically advantageous
to establish the origin at a convenient point to make measurements from, and
to align one of the coordinate axes with a major feature of the problem.
Points are specified as an ordered pair of coordinate values separated by a
comma and enclosed in parentheses, P = (x, y).

Figure 2.3.1 Cartesian Coordinate System

Similarly, forces and other vectors will be specified with an ordered pair of

scalar components enclosed by angle brackets,

F = ⟨Fx , Fy ⟩.

2.3.2 Polar Coordinates

The polar coordinate system is an alternate orthogonal system which is useful
in some situations. In this system, a point is specified by giving its distance
from the origin r, and θ, an angle measured counter-clockwise from a reference
direction – usually the positive x axis.
In this text, points in polar coordinates will be specified as an ordered pair
of values separated by a semicolon and enclosed in parentheses
P = (r ; θ).
Angles can be measured in either radians or degrees, so be sure to include a
degree sign on angle θ if that is what you intend.

Figure 2.3.2 Polar Coordinate System

2.3.3 Coordinate Transformation

You should be able to translate points from one coordinate system to the other
whenever necessary. The relation between (x, y) coordinates and (r; θ) coordi-
nates are illustrated in the diagram and right-triangle trigonometry is all that is
needed to convert from one representation to the other.

Figure 2.3.3 Coordinate Transformation

Rectangular To Polar for points (Given: x and, y).

r = x2 + y 2 (2.3.1)
θ = tan−1 (2.3.2)
P = (r ; θ) (2.3.3)
Note 2.3.4 Take care when using the inverse tangent function on your calculator.
Calculator angles are always in the first or fourth quadrant, and you may need
to add or subtract 180° to the calculator angle to locate the point in the correct

Polar to Rectangular for points (Given: r and, θ).

x = r cos θ (2.3.4)
y = r sin θ (2.3.5)
P = (x, y) (2.3.6)

Rectangular To Polar for forces (Given: rectangular components). If

you are working with forces rather than distances, the process is exactly the
same but triangle is labeled differently. The hypotenuse of the triangle is the
magnitude of the vector, and sides of the right triangle are the scalar components
of the force, so for vector A
A = A2x + A2y (2.3.7)
θ = tan−1 (2.3.8)
A = (A ; θ) (2.3.9)

Polar to Rectangular for forces (Given: magnitude and direction).

Ax = A cos θ (2.3.10)
Ay = A sin θ (2.3.11)
A = ⟨Ax , Ay ⟩ = A⟨cos θ, sin θ⟩ (2.3.12)
Example 2.3.5 Rectangular to Polar Representation.

Express point P = (−8.66, 5) in polar


Answer. P = (10 ; 150°)

Solution 1. Given: x = −8.66, y = 5

p y
r= x2 + y 2 θ = tan−1
p −1 5
= (−8.66)2 + (5)2 = tan
= 10 = tan (−0.577)
= −30◦

You must be careful here and use some common sense. The −30◦ angle
your calculator gives you in this problem is incorrect because point P is in the
second quadrant, but your calculator doesn’t know this. It can’t tell whether the
argument of tan−1 (−0.577) is negative because the x was negative or because
the y was negative, so it must make an assumption and in this case it is wrong.
The arctan function on calculators will always return values in the first and
fourth quadrant. If, by inspection of the x and the y coordinates, you see that

the point is in the second or third quadrant, you must add or subtract 180◦ to
the calculator’s answer.
So in this problem, θ is really −30◦ + 180◦ . After making this adjustment,
the location of P in polar coordinates is:

P = (10; 150◦ )

Solution 2. Most scientific calculators include handy polar-to-rectangular and

rectangular-to-polar functions that can save you time and help you avoid errors.
Perhaps you should google your calculator model1 to find out if yours does and
learn how to use it? □
Example 2.3.6 Polar to Rectangular Representation.

Express 200 N force F as a pair of scalar


F = ⟨−173.2 N, −100 N⟩

Solution 1. Given: The magnitude of force F = 200 N, and from the diagram
we see that the direction of F is 30◦ counter-clockwise from the negative x axis.
Letting θ = 30◦ we can find the components of F with right triangle trigonom-

Fx = F cos θ Fy = F sin θ
= 200 N cos 30◦ = 200 N sin 30◦
= 173.2 N = 100 N
Since the force points down and to the left into the third quadrant, these
values are actually negative, and the signs must be applied manually.
After making this adjustment, the location of F expressed in rectangular
coordinates is:
F = ⟨−173.2 N, −100 N⟩
Solution 2. If you would prefer not to apply the negative signs by hand, you
can convert the 30◦ to an angle measured from the positive x axis and let your
calculator takes care of the signs. You may use either θ = 30◦ ± 180◦ .

For θ = −150◦

Fx = F cos θ Fy = F sin θ
= 200 N cos(−150◦ ) = 200 N sin(−150◦ )
= −173.2 N = −100 N

F = ⟨−173.2 N, −100 N⟩

Although this approach is mathematically correct, experience has shown that

it can lead to errors and we recommend that when you work with right triangles,
use angles between zero and 90◦ , and apply signs manually as required by the
physical situation. □

2.4 3D Coordinate Systems & Vectors

Key Questions
• What is a right-hand Cartesian coordinate system?

• What are direction cosine angles and why are they always less than 180°?

• How are spherical coordinates different than cylindrical coordinates?

In this section we will discuss four methods to specify points and vectors in
three-dimensional space.
The most commonly used method is an extension of two-dimensional rec-
tangular coordinates to three-dimensions. Alternately, points and vectors in
three dimensions can be specified in terms of direction cosines, or using spher-
ical or cylindrical coordinate systems. These will be discussed in the following
You will often need to convert from one representation to another. Good
visualization skills are helpful here.

2.4.1 Rectangular Coordinates

We can extend the two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system into three di-
mensions easily by adding a z axis perpendicular to the two-dimensional Carte-
sian plane. The notation is similar to the notation used for two-dimensional
vectors. Points and forces are expressed as ordered triples of rectangular coordi-
nates following the same notation used previously.

P = (x, y, z) F = ⟨Fx , Fy , Fz ⟩

For nearly all three-dimensional problems, you will need the rectangular x, y,
and z locations of points in space and components of vectors before proceeding
with the computations. If you are given the components upfront, then you are
set to move forward, but otherwise, you will need to transform one coordinate
system into rectangular coordinates.


Figure 2.4.1 Three-Dimensional Rectangular Coordinates

Thinking Deeper 2.4.2 Right Handed Coordinate Systems. Does it
matter which way the axes are oriented? Is it OK to make the x axis point left
or the y axis point down?
In one sense, it doesn’t matter at all. The pos-
itive directions of the coordinate axes are arbi-
trary. On the other hand, it’s convenient for
everyone if we can agree on a standard orien-
tation. In mathematics and engineering, the
default is a right-handed coordinate sys-
tem, where the coordinate axes are oriented x
according to the right hand rule shown in
the figure.
To apply the right-hand rule, orient your
thumb and first two fingers at right angles to
each other and align them with three coordi- Figure 2.4.3 Right-handed
nate axes. Starting with your thumb, name coordinate system.
your the axes in alphabetical order x- y- z.
These are the labels for the three axes and your fingers point in their positive
directions. If it is more convenient, you may name your thumb y or z, as long
as you name the other two fingers in the same sequence y- z- x or z- x- y.

2.4.2 Direction Cosine Angles

The direction of a vector in two-dimensional systems could be expressed clearly
with a single angle measured from a reference axis, but adding an additional
dimension means that one angle is no longer enough.
One way to define the direction of a three-dimensional vector is by using
direction cosine angles, also commonly known as coordinate direction an-
gles. The direction cosine angles are the angles between the positive x, y, and
z axes to a given vector and are traditionally named θx , θy , and θz . Three-
dimensional vectors, components, and angles are often difficult to visualize be-
cause they do not commonly lie in the Cartesian planes.


Figure 2.4.4 Direction Cosine Angles

We can relate the components of a vector to its direction cosine angles using
the following equations.
Ax Ay Az
cos θx = cos θy = cos θz = (2.4.1)
|A| |A| |A|

Note the component in the numerator of each direction cosine equation is pos-
itive or negative as defined by the coordinate system, and the vector magnitude
in the denominator is always positive. From these equations, we can conclude

• Direction cosines are signed value between -1 and 1.

• Direction cosine angles must always be between 0◦ and 180◦ or

0◦ ≤ θn ≤ 180◦ .

• Any direction cosine angle greater than 90◦ indicates a negative component
along that respective axis. Spatially this is because all direction cosine
angles are measured from the positive side of each axis. Mathematically
this is because the cosine of any angle between 90 and 180 degrees is
numerically negative.

Example 2.4.5 Direction Cosine Angles.

A rope pulls on an anchor ring cen-

tered at the origin with force F =
⟨20, −30, 60⟩ lbf.
Find the magnitude of F and the direc-
y tion cosine angles, θx , θy , and θz compo-


F = 70 lbf
θx = 73.4◦
θy = 115.38◦
θz = 31.0◦

Solution. Since the three components of F are perpendicular, we can apply

the Pythagorean Theorem to find the magnitude of F .

F = |F| = Fx 2 + Fy 2 + Fz 2
= 202 + (−30)2 + 602 lbf
= 70 lbf

Direction cosine angles are equal to the inverse cosine of each Cartesian force
component divided by the force magnitude.
−1 Fx −1 20
θx = cos = cos = 73.4◦
|F| 70
−1 Fy −1 −30
θy = cos = cos = 115.38◦
|F| 70
−1 Fz −1 60
θz = cos = cos = 31.0◦
|F| 70

Since the direction cosine angles are measured from the positive x, y, and z
axes, the negative component of Fy means that θy > 90◦ , while both θx and θz
are less than 90◦ as their components are positive. □

2.4.3 Spherical Coordinates

In spherical coordinates, points are specified with these three coordinates
• r, the radial distance from the origin to the tip of the vector,
• θ, the azimuthal angle, measured counter-clockwise from the positive x
axis to the projection of the vector onto the xy plane, and
• ϕ, the polar angle from the z axis to the vector.


Figure 2.4.6 Spherical Coordinate System

Question 2.4.7 What are the differences between polar coordinates and terres-
trial latitude/longitude locations?

Answer. In terrestrial measurements

• Coordinate r is not needed since all points are on the surface of the globe.

• Longitude is measured 0◦ to 180◦ East or West of the prime meridian,

rather than 0◦ to 360◦ counter-clockwise from the x axis.

• Latitude is measured 0◦ to 90◦ North or South of the equator, whereas

polar angle ϕ is 0◦ to 180◦ measured from the “North Pole”.

When vectors are specified using cylindrical coordinates the magnitude of the
vector is used instead of distance r from the origin to the point.
When the two given spherical angles are defined in the manner shown here,
the rectangular components of the vector A = (A ; θ ; ϕ) are found thus:
A′ = A sin ϕ (2.4.2)
Az = A cos ϕ (2.4.3)
Ax = A′ cos θ = A sin ϕ cos θ (2.4.4)
Ay = A′ sin θ = A sin ϕ sin θ (2.4.5)
Reflect on the equations above. Can you think through the process of how
they were derived? The generalized steps are as follows. First, draw an accurate
sketch of the given information and define the right triangles related to both θ
and ϕ. Then use trig identities on the right triangle involving the vector, the
z axis and angle ϕ to find Az , and A′ , the projection of A onto the xy plane.
Finally, use trig identities on the right triangle involving vector A′ and θ to find
the remaining components of A.
Example 2.4.8 Spherical Coordinates.

A rope pulls on an anchor ring cen-

tered at the origin with force F =
⟨20, −30, 60⟩ lbf.
y Find the spherical coordinates of F.

F = 70 lbf

θ = −56.31◦ or θ = 303.69◦
ϕ = 31◦

Solution. To represent F in spherical coordinates, we must find the radial

distance r, the azimuthal angle θ, and the polar angle ϕ.
Coordinate r is simply the magnitude of force F. Since the three components
of F are perpendicular, we can apply the Pythagorean Theorem to find it.

F = |F| = r = Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2
= 202 + (−30)2 + 602 lbf
= 70 lbf

Azimuthal angle θ measures the angle between the x axis and the projection
of F onto the xy plane, Fzy .
Using a right triangle with sides Fx , Fy , and Fxy , we can find θ using the
inverse tangent of the ratio of the opposite to adjacent sides.

−1 Fy −30
θ = tan = tan−1 = −56.31◦
Fx 20
This angle is negative because it is measured clockwise from the positive x axis,
opposite the standard CCW direction.
The polar angle ϕ is measured down from the +z axis to the vector F. We
can find it using a right triangle with sides F , Fz , and Fxy . Note that ϕ is the
same as the direction cosine angle θz .
−1 Fz −1 60
ϕ = θz = cos = cos = 31.0◦
|F| 70

Also notice that the azimuthal angle θ is smaller than the direction cosine
angle θx , since θ is in the xy plane, but θx is a 3D angle from the x axis to the
vector F.

2.4.4 Cylindrical Coordinates

The cylindrical coordinate system is seldom used in statics, however, it is useful
in certain geometries. Cylindrical coordinates extend two-dimensional polar co-
ordinates by adding a z coordinate indicating the distance above or below the
xy plane.
Points are specified with these three cylindrical coordinates.

• r, the radius of the cylinder. This is the distance from the origin to the
projection of the tip of the vector onto the xy plane,

• θ, the azimuthal angle, measured counter-clockwise from the positive x

axis to the projection of the vector onto the xy plane

• z, the vertical height of the vector tip.



Figure 2.4.9 Cylindrical Coordinate System

Unfortunately, not all problems give the angles θ and ϕ as defined here; so you
will need to find them from the given angles in other situations.
You can use the interactive diagram in this section to practice visualizing and
finding the components of a vector in all of these coordinate systems. You should
be able to find the x, y, and z coordinates given direction angles, spherical or
cylindrical coordinates, and vice-versa.
Example 2.4.10 Cylindrical Coordinates.

A rope pulls on an anchor ring cen-

tered at the origin with force F =
⟨20, −30, 60⟩ lbf.
y Find the cylindrical coordinates of F.


F = 36.06 lbf
θ = −56.31◦ or θ = 303.69◦
z = 60 lbf

Solution. To represent F in cylindrical coordinates, we must find the radial

distance, r, the azimuthal angle, θ, and the axial coordinate, z.

In cylindrical coordinates, r is the radius of the cylinder rather than the radius
of the enclosing sphere. r is the projection of F onto the xy plane, Fxy , and can
be found by applying the Pythagorean Theorem to the x and y components of

r = Fxy = Fx2 + Fy2
= 202 + (−30)2 lbf
= 36.06 lbf

The azimuthal angle θ is the same in both cylindrical and spherical coordi-
nates. It measures the angle between the x axis and the projection of F onto the
xy plane. θ can be found using a right triangle in the xy plane with sides Fx
and Fy .

−1 Fy −30
θ = tan = tan−1 = −56.31◦
Fx 20
Finally, the z component is the vertical component of the force, Fz , which
was given.
Fz = 60.0 lbf


2.5 Unit Vectors

Key Questions
• Why are unit vectors useful?

• What are the unit vectors along the Cartesian x, y, and z axes?

• How do you find the force vector components of known force magnitude
along a geometric line?

• How can you find unit vector components from direction cosine angles?
A unit vector is a vector with a magnitude of one and no units. As such, a
unit vector represents a pure direction. By convention, a unit vector is indicated
by a hat over a vector symbol. This may sound like a new concept, but it’s a
simple one, directly related to the unit circle, the Pythagorean Theorem, and
the definitions of sine and cosine.

2.5.1 Cartesian Unit Vectors

A unit vector can point in any direction, but because they occur so frequently
the unit vectors in each of the three Cartesian coordinate directions are given
their own symbols, which are:

• i, for the unit vector pointing in the x direction,

• j, for the unit vector pointing in the y direction, and

• k, for the unit vector pointing in the z direction..


Figure 2.5.1 Unit Vector Interactive

Applying the Pythagorean Theorem to the triangle gives the equation for a
unit circle

cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 12
No matter what angle a unit vector makes with the x axis, cos θ and sin θ
are its scalar components. This relation assumes that the angle θ is measured
from the x axis, if it is measured from the y axis the sine and cosine functions

reverse, with sin θ defining the horizontal component and the cos θ defining the
vertical component.
The x and y components of a point on the unit circle are also the scalar
components of F̂, so

Fx = cos θ
Fy = sin θ
F̂ = ⟨cos θ, sin θ⟩
= cos θ i + sin θ j.

2.5.2 Relation between Vectors and Unit Vectors

When a purely-directional unit vector is multiplied by a scalar value it is scaled by
that amount. For example, when a unit vector pointing to the right is multiplied
by 100 N the result is a 100 N vector pointing to the right. When a unit vector
pointing up is multiplied by −50 N, the negative magnitude flips the direction
of the unit vector and the result is a 50 N vector pointing down.
In general,
F = |F| F̂, (2.5.1)
where |F| is the magnitude of vector F, and F̂ is the unit vector pointing in the
direction of F.
Solving equation (2.5.1) for F̂ gives the approach to find the unit vector of
known vector F.
The process is straightforward— divide the vector by its magnitude.
F̂ = (2.5.2)

To emphasize that unit vectors are pure direction, recall that vectors con-
sist of both a magnitude and direction, so when we divide a vector by its own
magnitude we are just left with direction.
F [vector] (((( · [direction]
unit vector = = =( ((( = [direction]
|F| [magnitude] (((

This interactive shows vector F, its associated unit vector F̂, and expressions
for F in terms of its unit vector F̂.


Figure 2.5.2 Unit Vectors

Example 2.5.3 Find unit vector of a force. Find the unit vector corre-
sponding to a 100 N force at 60° above the positive x-axis.
F̂ = (1 ; 60°) = ⟨cos 60°, sin 60°⟩
Solution. In polar coordinates, the unit vector is a vector of magnitude 1,
pointing in the same direction as the force, so, by inspection

F = (100 N ; 60°)
F̂ = (1 ; 60°)

In rectangular coordinates, first express F in terms of its x and y components.

Fx = F cos 60°, Fy = F sin 60°

F = ⟨F cos 60°, F sin 60°⟩

Solve equation (2.5.2) for F̂

F̂ =
⟨F cos 60°, F sin 60°⟩
= ⟨cos 60°, sin 60°⟩

2.5.3 Force Vectors from Position Vectors

Unit vectors are generally the best approach when working with forces and dis-
tances in three dimensions.
For example, when the locations of two points on the line of action of a
force are known, the unit vector of the line of action can be found and used
to determine the components of a force acting along that line. This can be
accomplished as follows, where A and B are points on the line of action.

1. Use the problem geometry to find AB, the displacement vector from point
A to point B, then either subtract the coordinates of the starting point A
from the coordinates of the destination point B to find the vector AB

A = (Ax , Ay , Az )
B = (Bx , By , Bz )
AB = (Bx − Ax ) i + (By − Ay ) j + (Bz − Az ) k, or

or, write the displacements directly by noting the change in each coordinate
direction when moving from A to B. The result is the same with either

∆x = ABx = Bx − Ax
∆y = ABy = By − Ay
∆z = ABz = Bz − Ax
AB = ∆x i + ∆y j + ∆z k

2. Find the distance between point A and point B using the Pythagorean
Theorem. This distance is also the magnitude of AB or |AB|.
|AB| = (ABx )2 + (ABy )2 + (ABz )2

d the unit vector from A to B, by dividing vector AB by its

3. Find AB,
magnitude. This is a unitless vector with a magnitude of 1 which points
from A to B.
d= ABx ABy ABz
AB , ,
|AB| |AB| |AB|

d to get
4. Finally, multiply the magnitude of the force by the unit vector AB
force FAB .

= FAB , ,
|AB| |AB| |AB|

The interactive below can be used to visualize the displacement vector and
its unit vector, and practice this procedure.

Figure 2.5.4 Unit Vectors in Space
Example 2.5.5 Component in a Specified Direction. Determine the
components of a 5 kN force F acting at point A, in the direction of a line from
A to B. Given: A = (2, 3, −2.1) m and B = (−2.5, 1.5, 2.2) m
We will take the solution one step at a time.

(a) Draw a good diagram.

Hint. The interactive in Figure 2.5.4 may be useful for this problem.

(b) Find the displacement vector from A to B.


AB = ⟨−4.5, −1.5, 4.3⟩ m


AB = (Bx − Ax ) i + (By − Ay ) j + (Bz − Az ) k

= [(−2.5 − 2) i + (1.5 − 3) j + (2.2 − (−2.1)) k] m
= (−4.5i − 1.5j + 4.3k) m
= ⟨−4.5, −1.5, 4.3⟩ m

(c) Find the magnitude of the displacement vector.


|AB| = 6.402 m

|AB| = (∆x )2 + (∆y )2 + (∆z )2
= (−4.5)2 + (−1.5)2 + 4.32 m2

= 40.99 m2
= 6.402 m

(d) Find the unit vector pointing from A to B.

d = ⟨−0.7, −0.23, 0.67⟩

d= ∆ x ∆ y ∆ z
AB , ,
|AB| |AB| |AB|
−4.5 −1.5 4.3
= , ,
6.402 6.402 6.402
d = ⟨−0.7, −0.23, 0.67⟩

(e) Find the force vector.


FAB = ⟨−3.51, −1.17, 3.36⟩ kN

= 5 kN ⟨−0.7, −0.23, 0.67⟩
= ⟨−3.51, −1.17, 3.36⟩ kN

Given the properties of unit vectors, there are some conceptual checks you
can make after computing unit vector components which can prevent subsequent

• The signs of unit vector components need to match the signs of the original
position vector. A unit vector has the same line of action and sense as the
position vector but is scaled down to one unit in magnitude.

• Components of a unit vector must be between -1 and 1. If the magnitude

of a unit vector is one, then it is impossible for it to have rectangular
components larger than one.

2.5.4 Unit Vectors and Direction Cosines

If you look closely at the right side of equation (2.4.1), you will see that each
equation consists of a component divided by the total vector magnitude. These
are the same equations just used to find unit vectors. Thus, the cosine of each
direction cosine angle collectively also computes the components of the unit

vector; hence we can write an equation for Â,i.e., the unit vector along A.

 = cos θx i + cos θy j + cos θz k

Combining the Pythagorean Theorem with our knowledge of unit vectors and
direction cosine angles gives this result: if you know two of the three direction
cosine angles you can manipulate the following equation to find the third.

cos2 θx + cos2 θy + cos2 θz = 1 (2.5.3)

2.6 Vector Addition

Key Questions
• How do you set up vectors for graphical addition using the Triangle Rule?

• Does it matter which vector you start with when using the Triangle Rule?

• Why can you separate a two-dimensional vector equation into two inde-
pendent equations to solve for up to two unknowns?

• If you and another student define vectors using different direction coordi-
nate systems, will you end up with the same resultant vector?

• What is the preferred technique to add vectors in three-dimensional sys-

In this section we will look at several different methods of vector addition.
Vectors being added together are called the components, and the sum of the
components is called the resultant vector.
These different methods are tools for your statics toolbox. They give you
multiple different ways to think about vector addition and to approach a problem.
Your goal should be to learn to use them all and to identify which approach will
be the easiest to use in a given situation.

2.6.1 Triangle Rule of Vector Addition

All methods of vector addition are ultimately based on the tip-to-tail method
discussed in a one-dimensional context in Subsection 2.2.1. There are two ways
to draw or visualize adding vectors in two or three dimensions, the Triangle
Rule and Parallelogram Rule. Both are equivalent.
• Triangle Rule.
Place the tail of one vector at the tip of the other vector, then draw the
resultant from the first vector’s tail to the final vector’s tip.

• Parallelogram Rule.
Place both vectors’ tails at the origin, then complete a parallelogram with
lines parallel to each vector through the tip of the other. The resultant is
equal to the diagonal from the tails to the opposite corner.
The interactive below shows two forces A and B pulling on a particle at the
origin, and the appropriate diagram for the triangle or parallelogram rule. Both
approaches produce the same resultant force R as expected.

Figure 2.6.1 Vector Addition Methods

2.6.2 Orthogonal Components

Any arbitrary vector F can broken into two component vectors which are the
sides of a parallelogram having F as its diagonal. The process of finding compo-
nents of a vector in particular directions is called vector resolution.
While a vector can be resolved into components in any two directions, it’s
generally most useful to resolve them into rectangular or orthogonal compo-
nents, where the parallelogram is a rectangle and the sides are perpendicular.
One benefit of finding orthogonal components is that each component is inde-
pendent of the other. This independence simplifies the vector computations by
allowing us to use independent equations for each orthogonal direction. Another
benefit of components parallel to the coordinate axes is that you can treat these
components as scalar quantities and use ordinary algebra to work with them.
However, there are an infinite number of possible rectangles to choose from,
so each vector has an infinite number of sets of rectangular components. Of these,
the most important one is found when the sides of the rectangle are parallel to
the x and y axes. These particular components are given x and y subscripts
indicate that the components are aligned with the x and y axes. For the vector
F = Fx + Fy = Fx i + Fy j, (2.6.1)
where Fx and Fy are the scalar components of F.
Another possibility is to rotate the coordinate system to any other convenient
angle, and find the components in the directions of the rotated coordinate axes
x′ and y ′ . In either case, the vector is the sum of the rectangular components

F = Fx + Fy = Fx ′ + Fy ′ . (2.6.2)

The interactive below can help you visualize the relationship between a vector
and its components in both the x-y and x′ -y ′ directions.

Figure 2.6.2 Orthogonal Components

2.6.3 Graphical Vector Addition

Graphical vector addition involves drawing a scaled diagram using either the
parallelogram or triangle rule, and then measuring the magnitudes and directions
from the diagram. Graphical solutions work well enough for two-dimensional
problems where all the vectors live in the same plane and can be drawn on a
sheet of paper, but are not very useful for three-dimensional problems unless
you use technology.
If you carefully draw the triangle accurately to scale and use a protractor and
ruler you can measure the magnitude and direction of the resultant. However,
your answer will only be as precise as your diagram and your ability to read your
tools. If you use technology such as GeoGebra or a CAD program to make the
diagram, your answer will be precise. The interactive in Figure 2.6.1 may be
useful for this.
Even though the graphical approach has limitations, it is worth your atten-
tion because it provides a good way to visualize the effects of multiple forces,
to quickly estimate ballpark answers, and to visualize the diagrams you need to
use alternate methods to follow.

2.6.4 Trigonometric Vector Addition

You can get a precise answer from the triangle or parallelogram rule by
1. drawing a quick diagram using either rule,
2. identifying three known sides or angles,
3. using trigonometry to solve for the unknown sides and angles.
The trigonometric tools you will need is in Appendix B.
Using triangle-based geometry to solve vector problems is a quick and pow-
erful tool, but includes the following limitations:
• There are only three sides in a triangle; thus vectors can only be added
two at a time. If you need to add three or more vectors using this method,
you must add the first two, then add the third to that sum and so on.
• If you fail to draw the correct vector triangle or identify the known sides
and angles, you will not find the correct answer.
• The trigonometric functions are scalar functions. They are quick ways of
solving for the magnitudes of vectors and the angle between vectors, but
you may still need to find the vector components from a given datum.

When you need to find the resultant of more than two vectors, it is generally
best to use the algebraic methods described below.

2.6.5 Algebraic Addition of Components

While the parallelogram rule and the graphical and trigonometric methods are
useful tools for visualizing and finding the sum of two vectors, they are not par-
ticularly suited for adding more than two vectors or working in three dimensions.
Consider vector R which is the sum of several vectors A,B,C and perhaps
more. Vectors A,B and C are the components of R, and the R is the resultant
of A,B and C.
It is easy enough to say that R = A + B + C, but how can we calculate R if
we know the components? You could draw the vectors arranged tip-to-tail and
then use the triangle rule to add the first two components, then use it again to
add the third component to that sum, and so forth until all the components have
been added. The final sum is the resultant, R. The process gets progressively
more tedious the more components there are to sum.
This section introduces an alternate method to add multiple vectors which is
straightforward, efficient and robust. This is called algebraic method, because the
vector addition is replaced with a process of scalar addition of scalar components.
The algebraic technique works equally well for two and three-dimensional vectors,
and for summing any number of vectors.
To find the sum of multiple vectors using the algebraic:

1. Find the scalar components of each component vector in the x and y

directions using the P to R procedure described in Subsection 2.3.3.

2. Algebraically sum the scalar components in each coordinate direction. The

scalar components will be positive if they point right or up, negative if they
point left or down. These sums are the scalar components of the resultant.

3. Resolve the resultant’s components to find the magnitude and direction

of the resultant vector using the R to P procedure described in Subsec-
tion 2.3.3.

We can write the equation for the resultant FR as

FR = Fx i + Fy j + Fz k

or in bracket notation
FR = ⟨ΣFx , ΣFy , ΣFz ⟩ . (2.6.3)
This process is illustrated in the following interactive diagram and in the
next example.


Figure 2.6.3 Vector addition by summing rectangular components.

Example 2.6.4 Vector Addition. Vector A = 200 N∠ 45◦ counter-clockwise
from the x axis, and vector B = 300 N ∠70◦ counter-clockwise from the y axis.
Find the resultant R = A + B by addition of scalar components.

R = 281.6 N∠119.9◦ counter-clockwise from the x axis.

Use the given information to draw a
sketch of the situation. By imagining
or sketching the parallelogram rule, it
should be apparent that the resultant
vector points up and to the left.

Ax = 200 N cos 45◦ = 141.4 N Bx = −300 N sin 70◦ = −281.9 N

Ay = 200 N sin 45◦ = 141.4 N By = 300 N cos 70◦ = 102.6 N

Rx = Ax + Bx Ry = Ay + By
= 141.4 N + −281.9 N = 141.4 N + 102.6 N
= −140.5 N = 244.0 N

R= Rx2 + Ry2
= 281.6 N
θ = tan −1

= −60.1

This answer indicates that the resultant points down and to the left. This is
because the calculator answers for the inverse trig function will always be in the
first or fourth quadrant. To get the actual direction of the resultant, add 180◦
to the calculator result.

θ = −60.1◦ + 180◦ = 119.9◦

The final answer for the magnitude and direction of the resultant is

R = 281.6 N∠119.9◦
measured counter-clockwise from the x axis. □
The process for adding vectors in space is exactly the same as in two di-
mensions, except that an additional z component is included. This interactive
allows you to input the three-dimensional vector components of forces A and B
and view the resultant force R which is the sum of A and B.


Figure 2.6.5 Vector Addition in Three Dimensions

2.6.6 Vector Subtraction

Like one-dimensional vector subtraction, the easiest way to handle two-dimensional
vector subtraction is by taking the negative of a vector followed by vector addi-
tion. Multiplying a vector by -1 preserves its magnitude but flips its direction,
which has the effect of changing the sign of the scalar components.

A − B = A + (−B)

After negating the second vector you can choose any technique you prefer for
vector addition.

2.7 Dot Products

Key Questions
• What are dot products used for?

• What does it mean when the dot product of two vectors is zero?

• How do you use a dot product to find the angle between two vectors?

• What does it mean when the scalar component of the projection ∥ projA B∥
is negative?
Unlike ordinary algebra where there is only one way to multiply numbers,
there are two distinct vector multiplication operations. The first is called the
dot product or scalar product because the result is a scalar value, and the
second is called the cross product or vector product and has a vector result.
The dot product will be discussed in this section and the cross product in the
For two vectors A = ⟨Ax , Ay , Az ⟩ and B = ⟨Bx , By , Bz ⟩, the dot product
multiplication is computed by summing the products of the components.

A · B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz (2.7.1)

An alternate, equivalent method to compute the dot product is

A · B = |A||B| cos θ = A B cos θ (2.7.2)

where θ in the equation is the angle between the two vectors and |A| and |B| are
the magnitudes of A and B.
We can conclude from this equation that the dot product of two perpendicular
vectors is zero, because cos 90◦ = 0, and that the dot product of two parallel
vectors is the product of their magnitudes.
When dotting unit vectors that have a magnitude of one, the dot products
of a unit vector with itself is one and the dot product two perpendicular unit
vectors is zero, so for i,j, and k we have

i·i=1 j·i=0 k·i=0

i·j=0 j·j=1 k·j=0
i·k=0 j·k=0 k·k=1

Dot products are commutative, associative and distributive:

1. Commutative. The order does not matter.

A·B=B·A (2.7.3)

2. Associative. It does not matter whether you multiply a scalar value C

by the final dot product, or either of the individual vectors, you will still
get the same answer.

C (A · B) = C A · B = A · C B (2.7.4)

3. Distributive. If you are dotting one vector A with the sum of two more
(B + C), you can either add B + C first, or dot A by both and add the final
A · (B + C) = A · B + A · C (2.7.5)

Dot products are a particularly useful tool to compute the magnitude of a

vector, determine the angle between two vectors, or find the rectangular compo-
nent or projection of a vector in a specified direction. These applications will be
discussed in the following sections.

2.7.1 Magnitude of a Vector

Dot products can be used to find vector magnitudes. When a vector is dotted
with itself using (2.7.1), the result is the square of the magnitude of the vector.
By the Pythagorean theorem

|A| = A · A. (2.7.6)

The proof is trivial. Consider vector A = ⟨Ax , Ay ⟩.

A · A = Ax Ax + Ay Ay = A2x + A2y
√ q
A · A = A2x + A2y = A = |A|.

The results are similar for three-dimensional vectors.

Example 2.7.1 Find Vector Magnitude using the Dot Product. Find the
magnitude of vector F with components Fx = 30 N,Fy = −40 N and Fz = 50 N
F = |F| = 70.7 N

F = ⟨30 N, −40 N, 50 N⟩

F · F = Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2

= (30 N)2 + (−40 N)2 + (50 N)2
= 5000 N2

F = |F| = F·F

= 5000 N2
= 70.7 N

2.7.2 Angle between Two Vectors

A second application of the dot product is to find the angle between two vectors.
Equation (2.7.2) provides the procedure.

A · B = |A||B| cos θ
cos θ = (2.7.7)
Example 2.7.2 Angle between Orthogonal Unit Vectors. Find the angle
between i = ⟨1, 0, 0⟩ and j = ⟨0, 1, 0⟩.
θ = 90◦
cos θ =
(1)(0) + (0)(1) + (0)(0)

θ = cos−1 (0)
= 90◦

This shows that i and j are perpendicular to each other. □

Example 2.7.3 Angle between Two Vectors. Find the angle between
F = ⟨100 N, 200 N, −50 N⟩ and G = ⟨−75 N, 150 N, −40 N⟩.
θ = 51.7◦
cos θ =
F x Gx + F y Gy + F z Gz
=p 2 p
Fx + Fy2 + Fz2 G2x + G2y + G2z
(100)(−75) + (200)(150) + (−50)(−40)
=p p
1002 + 2002 + (−50)2 (−75)2 + 1502 + (−40)2

= 0.620

θ = cos−1 (0.620)
= 51.7◦

2.7.3 Vector Projection

The dot product is used to find the projection of one vector onto another. You
can think of a projection of B on A as a vector the length of the shadow of B
on the line of action of A when the sun is directly above A. More precisely, the
projection of B onto A produces the rectangular component of B in the direction
parallel to A. This is one side of a rectangle aligned with A, having B as its
This is illustrated in Figure 2.7.4, where u is the projection of B onto A, or
alternately u is the rectangular component of B in the direction of A.
In this text we will use the symbols
• projA B to mean the vector projection of B on A
• | projA B| to mean the magnitude of the projection, a positive or zero-valued
scalar value, and
• ∥ projA B∥ to mean the scalar component of the projection, also known as
the scalar projection, which can have a positive, zero, or negative scalar
As we have mentioned before, the magnitude of a vector is its length and is
always positive or zero, while a scalar component is a signed value that can be
positive or negative. When a scalar component is multiplied by a unit vector
the result is a vector in that direction when the scalar component is positive, or
180◦ opposite when the scalar component is negative.


Figure 2.7.4 Vector projection in two dimensions.


The interactive shows that the projection is the adjacent side of a right
triangle with B as the hypotenuse. From the definition of the dot product (2.7.2)
we find that
A · B = A(B cos θ) = A ∥ projA B∥,
where B cos θ is the scalar component of the projection. So, the dot product of
A and B gives us the projection of B onto A times the magnitude of A. This
value will be positive when θ < 90◦ , negative when θ > 90◦ , and zero when the
vectors are perpendicular because of the properties of the cosine function.
So, to find the scalar value of the projection of B onto A we divide by the
magnitude of A.
∥ projA B∥ = = · B = Â · B (2.7.8)
The final simplified form is written in terms of the unit vector in the direction
vector  = .
If you want the vector projection of B onto A, as opposed to the scalar
projection we just found, multiply the scalar projection by the unit vector Â.
projA B = ∥ projA B∥Â = Â · B Â (2.7.9)

Rearranging the vectors to find the vector projection of A onto B, we dot

the vector A onto the unit vector B̂ and then multiply by B̂.
projB A = A · B̂ B̂ (2.7.10)

The spatial interpretation of the results the scalar projection ∥ projA B∥ is

• Positive value.
means that A and B are generally in the same direction.

• Negative value.
means that A and B are generally in opposite directions.

• Zero.
means that A and B are perpendicular.

• Magnitude smaller than B.

This is the most common answer. The vectors are neither parallel nor

• Magnitude equal to B.
A and B point in the same direction, thus 100% of B acts in the direction
of A.

• Magnitude larger than B.

This answer is impossible. Check your algebra; you might have forgotten
to divide by the magnitude of A.

Figure 2.7.5 Vector projections in three dimensions.

2.7.4 Perpendicular Components

The final application of dot products is to find the component of one vector
perpendicular to another.
To find the component of B perpendic-
ular to A, first find the vector projec-
tion of B on A, then subtract that from
B. What remains is the perpendicular

B⊥ = B − projA B (2.7.11)

Figure 2.7.6 Perpendicular and paral-

lel components of B.
Example 2.7.7 Dot Products.

A cable pulls with tension T =

0.4 m ⟨−50, 80, 40⟩ N on a 0.4 m long anchor
anchor AB. The anchor is embedded in a con-
A crete wall which is in the xz plane. The
y anchor lies in the xy plane at an angle
B 30° 30◦ off the x axis.

x T=<-50,80,40> N

This is a multi-part problem that covers the full range of values you might
be asked to compute using a dot product at this point in Statics. It will help
you see how each computation is related to the others.
For the system above, compute the following:
(a) Find the dot product of the cable tension T and the anchor AB
Answer. T · AB = −33.32 N·m
Solution. If you are given the vector magnitudes and angle between
them, it is typically easiest to use the dot product equation A·B = AB cos θ.
But in this case, we were given the components of the two vectors, so we’ll
use A · B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz .

T = ⟨−50, 80, 40⟩ N

AB = ⟨0.4 cos 30◦ , −0.4 sin 40◦ , 0⟩ m
= ⟨0.3464, −0.2, 0⟩ m
T · AB = Tx (ABx ) + Ty (ABy ) + Tz (ABz )
= (−50 N) (0.3464 m) + (80 N) (−0.2 m) + (40 N) (0 m)
= −33.32 N·m

The units of the result [N-m] are the product of the units of the vectors in
the dot product. If you compute the dot product of two position vectors,
the units will be length squared, or the dot product of two force vectors
will be force squared.
(b) Find the angle θ between the cable tension T and the anchor AB.
Answer. θ = 144.38◦
Solution. As A · B = AB cos θ = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz we can rearrange
the terms equation to solve for the angle between the cable tension and T

and the anchor AB. Given that we already found T · AB in part (a), we’ll
use that value for this computation.

T = (−50)2 + 802 + 402 = 102.47 N
AB = 0.4 m
T · AB
θ = cos−1
(T ) (AB)
−33.32 N·m
= cos−1
(102.47 N) (0.4 m)

= 144.38

Note that θ > 90◦ correctly corresponds to the negative dot product result
from part (a), both indicating that the two vectors generally oppose each

(c) Find the scalar projection of the the cable tension T onto the anchor AB.
Answer. || projAB T|| = −83.30 N
Solution. Recall that the scalar projection represents the scalar magni-
tude of the force that is directed along the anchor. This is one of the most
direct and practical applications of the dot product, to find out how much
of one vector is parallel to another.
Alternative 1: Notice that we are asked to find the magnitude of the tension
force that is along (or parallel to) the anchor. If we were to simply dot
the tension force T onto the anchor AB we would end up with the product
of the tension force T parallel to the anchor AB times the anchor’s length.
Hence, we have to divide by the anchor’s length to end up with just a N
unit force.

T · AB −33.32 N

∥ projAB T∥ = =
AB m

= −83.30 N

Alternative 2: You can also dot the force vector T with the unit vector of
d eliminating the need to divide by the length of AB.

d = AB = ⟨0.3464, −0.2, 0⟩ m
AB 0.4 m
= ⟨0.866, −0.5, 0⟩
∥ projAB T∥ = T · AB

= (−50 N) (0.866) + (80 N) (−0.5) + (40 N) (0)

= −83.30 N
Thus, 83.3 N of the T = 102.47 N tension force is directed opposite the
anchor AB.
As previously discussed in Subsection 2.5.1, recognize that AB is a two-
dimensional vector with its direction defined by the angle 30◦ , thus the
d is also equal to
unit vector AB
d = ⟨cos 30◦ , − sin 30◦ , 0⟩ = ⟨0.866, −0.5, 0⟩
given that the sin and cos of any two-dimensional angle define the unit
vector components of a vector.
(d) Find the vector projection of the cable tension T onto the anchor AB.
Answer. projAB T = ⟨−72.14, 41.65, 0⟩ N
Solution. The vector projection is simply the scalar projection value
multiplied by a direction to turn it into vector components. So we multiply
the scalar projection with the unit vector of AB to compute the vector
projection of T onto AB.

projAB T = ∥ projAB T∥ · AB
= 83.301 N (⟨0.866, −0.5, 0⟩)
= ⟨−72.14, 41.65, 0⟩ N

(e) Find the vector portion of cable tension T that is perpendicular to the
anchor AB.
Answer. T⊥ AB = ⟨22.14, 38.35, 40⟩ N
Solution. Recall that a two-dimensional vector can be represented by the
sum of two perpendicular components. In the same way, a right triangle
can be represented by a vector along the hypotenuse equal to the sum of
the two right-triangle sides.
Thus, any vector can be divided into two vectors parallel and perpendicular
to another line. The vector projection projAB T, from Part (d), is the
portion of T parallel to AB. So the sum of T can be expressed as the
parallel and perpendicular terms:
T = projAB T + (T ⊥ AB)

We want to find the part of T perpendicular to AB, so we can rearrange

the equation to find:
T ⊥ AB = T − projAB T

= ⟨−50, 80, 40⟩ − ⟨−72.14, 41.65, 0⟩

= ⟨22.14, 38.35, 40⟩ N

Nice effort if you worked through all

the parts of this example. Graphi- ProjABT θ
cally the results for parts (b), (d), and A
(e) can be shown in this diagram. B y

x T=<-50,80,40> N

2.8 Cross Products

Key Questions
• How is a cross product different than a dot product?

• What is a determinant?

• What defines a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system?

• How do you use the cross-product circle to find the cross product of two
unit vectors?
The vector cross product is a mathematical operation applied to two vectors
which produces a third mutually perpendicular vector as a result. It’s sometimes
called the vector product, to emphasize this and to distinguish it from the dot
product which produces a scalar value. The × symbol is used to indicate this
Cross products are used in mechanics to find the moment of a force about a

Figure 2.8.1 Direction of a cross product.

The cross product is a vector multiplication process defined by

A × B = A B sin θ û. (2.8.1)


The result is a vector mutually perpendicular to the first two with a sense deter-
mined by the right-hand rule. If A and B are in the xy plane, this is

A × B = (Ay Bx − Ax By ) k. (2.8.2)

The operation is not commutative, in fact reversing the order introduces a neg-
ative sign.
A × B = −B × A.
The magnitude of the cross product is the product of the perpendicular com-
ponent of A with the magnitude of B, which is also the area of the parallelogram
formed by vectors A and B. The magnitude of the cross product is zero if A and
B are parallel, and it is maximum when they are perpendicular. The magnitude
of the cross product of two perpendicular unit vectors is one.
Notice that all the terms in the cross product equation are similar to those of
the dot product, except that sin is used rather than cos and the product includes
a unit vector û making the result a vector. This unit vector û is simple to find
in a two-dimensional problem as it will always be perpendicular to the page, but
for three-dimensional cross products it is advisable to use a vector determinant
method discussed in Subsection 2.8.3.

2.8.1 Direction of the Vector Cross Product

The direction of a cross product is determined by the right-hand rule.
There are two ways to apply the right-hand rule, the three-finger method,
and the point-and-curl method. You don’t need both, but you will need to
master one or the other to find the direction of cross products.
The three-finger method uses the fact that your extended index finger, mid-
dle finger, and thumb are all roughly mutually perpendicular. If you align your
index finger with the first vector you are crossing and your middle finger with the
second, then your thumb will point in the direction of the cross product. Alter-
nately, if you align your thumb with the first vector and your index finger with
the second, your middle finger will point in the direction of the cross-product.
cross 1st

2nd product
(a) Technique 1 (b) Technique 2
Figure 2.8.2 Right-hand rule using three fingers.
The point-and-curl right-hand rule method can also be used to find a cross
product’s direction. Start with your right hand flat and fingertips pointing along
the first vector you are crossing with your fingertips pointing in the direction of

the arrowhead. Then rotate your hand until the second vector you are crossing
is perpendicular to your fingers and imagine that it pushes your fingers into a
curl around your thumb. In this position, your thumb defines the direction of
the cross product.
2nd 2nd

1st 1st

(a) Step one (b) Step one

Figure 2.8.3 Right-hand rule using the point-and-curl technique.

2.8.2 Cross Product of Unit Vectors

The Figure 2.8.4(a) demonstrates how you can apply these techniques to find the
cross product of i × j. Assuming the x axis points right and the y axis points up,
we find that that the cross product points in the positive z direction. Recalling
that the magnitude of the cross product of two peperpedicular unit vectors is
one, we conclude that
i × j = k.

(a) Using the three-finger method. (b) Using the point-and-curl method.
Figure 2.8.4 Crossing i into j to get k.
Similarly, the cross products of the other pairs of vectors are:

i×i=0 i×j=k i × k = −j
j × i = −k j×j=0 j×k=i
k×i=j k × j = −i k×k=0

An alternate way to remember this is to use the

cross-product circle shown. For example when you
cross i with j you are going in the positive (counter-
clockwise) direction around the blue inner circle and
thus the answer is +k. But when you cross j into i
you go in the negative (clockwise) direction around
the circle and thus get a −k. Remember that the or-
der of cross products matter. If you put the vectors
in the wrong order you will introduce a sign error.
If you have any negative unit vectors it is easiest to
pull out the negatives until after you have taken theFigure 2.8.5 Unit vector
cross product, like the following. cross product circle.
−j × i = (−1) (j × i) = (−1)(−k) = +k

2.8.3 Cross Product of Arbitrary Vectors

The cross product of two three-dimensional vectors can be calculated by evalu-
ating the determinant of this 3 × 3 matrix.

i j k
A × B = Ax Ay Az (2.8.3)
Bx By Bz

Here, the first row contains the unit vectors, the second row contains the
components of A, and the third row, the components of B.
Calculating the 3 × 3 determinant can be reduced to calculating three 2 × 2
determinants using the method of cofactors, as follows

Ay Az A Az A Ay
A×B=+ i− x j+ x k. (2.8.4)
By Bz Bx Bz Bx By

Finally a 2 × 2 determinant can be evaluated with the formula

a b
= ad − bc. (2.8.5)
c d

After simplifying, the resulting formula for a three-dimensional cross product


A × B = (Ay Bz − Az By ) i − (Ax Bz − Az Bx ) j + (Ax By − Ay Bx ) k. (2.8.6)

In practice, the easiest way to remember this equation is to use the aug-
mented determinant below, where the first two columns have been copied and
placed after the determinant. The cross product is then calculated by adding
the product of the red diagonals and subtracting the product of blue diagonals.

Figure 2.8.6 Augmented determinant

The result is
A × B = (Ay Bz − Az By )i + (Az Bx − Ax Bz )j + (Ax By − Ay Bx )k, (2.8.7)
In two dimensions, vectors A and B have no z components, so (2.8.3) reduces
i j k
A × B = Ax Ay 0 = (Ax By − Ay Bx ) k. (2.8.8)
Bx By 0
This equation produces the same result as equation (2.8.1) and you may use it
if it is more convenient.
Example 2.8.7 2D Cross Product.

The two vectors A and B shown lie

in the xy plane. Determine the cross
product A × B.

A × B = −1, 697 N2 k
Solution 1. In this solution we will apply equation (2.8.1).

A × B = A B sin θ û
The direction of the cross product is determined by applying the right-hand
rule. With the right hand, rotating A towards B we find that our thumb points
into the xy plane, so the direction of û is −k.

A × B = (60 N)(40 N) sin 45◦ (−k)

= 1, 697 N2 (−k)
= −1, 697 N2 k
Solution 2. In this solution we will use (2.8.8).
First, establish a coordinate system with the origin P and with the x axis
aligned with A, then find the rectangular components and apply the cross prod-
uct equation.
Ax = 60 N Ay = 0 N

Bx = 40 N cos 45◦ By = −40 N sin 45◦

= 28.28 N = −28.28 N

A × B = (Ax By − Ay Bx )k
= (60)(−28.28) − (0)(28.28) N2 k
= −1697 N2 k

Example 2.8.8 3D Cross Product. Find the cross product of A =
⟨2, 4, −1⟩ m and B = ⟨10, 25, 20⟩ N.
Here, we are crossing a distance A and with a force B. This calculation is
equivalent to finding the moment about a point P caused by force B acting
distance A from P . You will learn about moments in Chapter 4.

A × B = ⟨105, −50, 10⟩ N·m

Solution 1. To solve, set up the augmented determinant and evaluate it by

adding the left-to-right diagonals and subtracting the right-to-left diagonals us-
ing equation (2.8.6).

i j k i j
A × B = 2 4 −1 2 4
10 25 20 10 25
= (4 · 20) i + (−1 · 10) j + (2 · 25) k − (4 · 10) k − (−1 · 25) i − (2 · 20) j
= (80 + 25) i + (−10 − 40) j + (50 − 40) k
= ⟨105, −50, 10⟩ N·m

Thus, the force B creates a three-dimensional rotational moment equal to

⟨105, −50, 10⟩ N·m.
Solution 2. Calculating three-dimensional cross products by hand is tedious
and error-prone. Whenever you can, you should use technology to do the grunt
work for you and focus on the meaning of the results. In this solution, we will
use an embedded Sage calculator to calculate the cross product. This same
calculator can be used to do other problems.

A = ⟨2, 4, −1⟩ m
B = ⟨10, 25, 20⟩ N.

A and B are defined in the first two lines, and A.cross_product(B) is the
expression to be evaluated. Click Evaluate to see the result. You’ll have to work
out the correct units for yourself.

A = vector ([2 , 4 , -1]) ;

B = vector ([10 , 25 , 20]) ;
A. cross_product ( B )

( -105 , -50 , 10)

Try changing the third line to B.cross_product(A). What changes? □

2.9 Exercises (Ch. 2)

Chapter 3

Equilibrium of Particles

3.1 Equilibrium
Engineering statics is the study of rigid bodies in equilibrium so it’s appropri-
ate to begin by defining what we mean by rigid bodies and what we mean by
A body is an object, possibly made up of many parts, which may be ex-
amined as a unit. In statics, we consider the forces acting on the object as a
whole and also examine it in greater detail by studying each of its parts, which
are bodies in their own right. The choice of the body is an engineering decision
based on what we are interested in finding out. We might, for example, consider
an entire high-rise building as a body for the purpose of designing the building’s
foundation, and later consider each column and beam of the structure to ensure
that they are strong enough to perform their individual roles.
A rigid body is a body that doesn’t deform under load, that is to say, an
object which doesn’t bend, stretch, or twist when forces are applied to it. It
is an idealization or approximation because no objects in the real world behave
this way; however, this simplification still produces valuable information. You
will drop the rigid body assumption and study deformation, stress, and strain
in a later course called Strength of Materials or Mechanics of Materials. In that
course, you will perform analysis of non-rigid bodies, but each problem you do
there will begin with the rigid body analysis you will learn to do here.
A body in equilibrium is not accelerating. As you learned in physics, ac-
celeration is velocity’s time rate of change and is a vector quantity. For linear
a= .
For an object in equilibrium a = 0 which implies that the body is either
stationary or moving with a constant velocity
a = 0 =⇒ .


The acceleration of an object is related to the net force acting on it by

Newton’s Second Law
ΣF = ma.
So for the special case of static equilibrium Newton’s Law becomes

ΣF = 0. (3.1.1)

This simple equation is one of the two foundations of engineering statics.

There are several ways to think about this equation. Reading it from left to
right it says that if all the forces acting on a body sum to zero, then the body
will be in equilibrium. If you read it from right to left it says that if a body is
in equilibrium, then all the forces acting on the body must sum to zero. Both
interpretations are equally valid but we will be using the second one more often.
In a typical problem equilibrium of a body implies that the forces sum to zero,
and we use that fact to find the unknown forces which make it so. Remember
that we are talking about vector addition here, so the sums of the forces must
be calculated using the rules of vector addition; you won’t get correct answers if
you can’t add vectors!
We’ll be using all of the different vector addition techniques introduced in
Section 2.6, which may lead to some confusion. It doesn’t matter, mathemati-
cally, which technique you use but part of the challenge and reward of statics is
learning to select the best tool for the job at hand; to select the simplest, easiest,
fastest, or clearest way to get to the solution. You’ll do best in this course if can
use multiple approaches to solve the same problem.
In Chapter 5 we will add another requirement for equilibrium, namely equi-
librium equation (5.3.2) which says the forces which cause rotational motion
and angular acceleration α also must sum to zero, but for the problems of this
chapter the only condition we’ll need for equilibrium is ΣF = 0.

3.2 Particles
We’ll begin our study of Equilibrium with the simplest possible object in the
simplest possible situation — a particle in a one-dimensional coordinate
system. Also, in this chapter and the next all forces will be represented as
concentrated forces. In later sections, we will address more complicated situ-
ations, higher dimensions, and distributed forces, but beginning with very simple
situations will help you to develop engineering sense and problem-solving skills
which will be useful later.
The defining characteristic of a particle is that all forces that act on it are
coincident1 or concurrent2 , not that it is small. Forces are coincident if they have
the same line of action, and concurrent if they intersect at a point. The moon,
earth and sun can all be treated as particles, but we probably won’t encounter
Two lines are coincident when one lies on top of the other.
Two or more lines are concurrent if they intersect at a single point.

them in statics since they’re not in equilibrium. Forces are coincident/concurrent

if their lines of action all intersect at a single, common point. Two or more
forces are also considered concurrent if they share the same line of action. One
practical consequence of this is that particles are never subjected to forces that
cause rotation. So a see-saw, for example, is not a particle because the weights
of the children tend 3 to cause rotation.
Another consequence of concurrent forces is that Equation (3.1.1) is the only
equilibrium equation that applies. This vector equation can be used to solve for
a maximum of one unknown per dimension. If you find yourself trying to solve
a two-dimensional particle equilibrium problem and you are seeking more than
two unknowns, it’s likely that you have missed something and need to re-read
the question.
Another simplification we will be making is to treat all forces as concen-
trated. Concentrated forces act at a single point, have a well-defined line of
action, and can be represented with an arrow — in other words, they are vectors.
Real forces don’t actually act at a single mathematical point but concentrating
them is intuitive and will be justified in a later chapter 7.8. You’re already fa-
miliar with the concept if you have ever placed all the weight of an object at its
center of gravity.

3.3 1D Particle Equilibrium

3.3.1 A simple case
Consider the weight suspended by a rope shown in Figure 3.3.1. Diagrams of
this type are called space diagrams; they show the objects as they exist in
In mechanics we are interested in studying the forces acting on objects and in
this course, the objects will be in equilibrium. The best way to do this is to draw
a diagram that focuses on the forces acting on the object, not the mechanisms
that hold it in place. We call this type of diagram a free-body diagram because
it shows the object disconnected or freed from its supporting mechanisms. You
can see the free-body diagram for this situation by moving the slider in the
interactive to position two. This shows that there are two forces acting on the
object; the force of the rope holding it up, and the weight of the object which is
trying to pull it to earth, which we treat as acting at its center of gravity.
We say ”tend to cause rotation” because in a static’s context, all objects are static — so
no actual rotation occurs.

The actual shape of the weight is

not important to us, so it can sim- W

ply be represented with a dot, as Space Diagram

shown when the view control is in Stand-

position three. The forces have been alone
slid along their common line of ac- Embed
tion until they both act on the dot,
which is an example of an equivalent Figure 3.3.1 A suspended weight
transformation called the “Principle
of Transmissibility.” This diagram
in view three is completely sufficient
for this situation.
Drawing free-body diagrams can be surprisingly tricky. The reason for this is
that you must identify all the forces acting on the object and correctly represent
them on the free-body diagram. If you fail to account for all the forces, include
additional ones, or represent them incorrectly, your analysis will surely be wrong.
So what kind of analysis can we do here? Admittedly not much. We can
find the tension in the rope caused by a particular weight and use it to select an
appropriately strong rope, or we can determine the maximum weight a particular
rope can safely support.
The actual analysis is so trivial that you’ve probably already done it in your
head, nevertheless several ways to approach it will be shown next.
In the vector approach we will use the equation of equilibrium.
Example 3.3.2 1D Vector Addition. Find the relationship between the
tension in the rope and the suspended weight for the system of Figure 3.3.1.
T =W
We learn that the tension equals the weight.
The free-body diagram shows two forces acting on the particle,
and since the particle is in equilibrium they must add to zero.

ΣF = 0
T = −W

We conclude that force T is equal and opposite to W, that is, since the weight
is acting down, the rope acts with the same magnitude but up.
Tension is the magnitude of the rope’s force. Recall that the magnitude
of a vector is always a positive scalar. We use normal (non-bold) typefaces or
absolute value bars surrounding a vector to indicate its magnitude. For any force
F = |F|.

To find how the tension is related to W, take the absolute value of both sides

|T| = | − W|
T =W

We can also formulate this example in terms of unit vectors. Recall that
j is the unit vector that points up. It has a magnitude of one with no units
associated. So in terms of unit vector j, T = T j and W = −W j.
Example 3.3.3 1D Vector Addition using unit vectors. Find the relation
between the tension T and weight W for the system of Figure 3.3.1 using unit

T =W

Express the forces in terms of their magnitudes and the unit
vector j then proceed as before,

ΣF = 0
T j + W (−j) = 0
T j = W j
T =W

In the previous example, the unit vector j completely dropped out of the
equation leaving only the coefficients of j. This will be the case whenever you
add vectors which all act along the same line of action.
The coefficients of i, j, and k are known as the scalar components. A scalar
component times the associated unit vector is a force vector.
When you use scalar components, the forces are represented by scalar values
and the equilibrium equations are solved using normal algebraic addition rather
than vector addition. This leads to a slight simplification of the solution as
shown in the next example.
Example 3.3.4 1D Vector Addition using scalar components. Find the
relation between the tension T and weight W for the system of Figure 3.3.1 using
scalar components.
T =W
Unsurprisingly, we get the same result.

The forces in this problem are W = −W j and T = T j, so
the corresponding scalar components are

Wy = −W Ty = T .

Adding scalar components gives,

ΣFy =0
Wy + T y =0
−W + T =0
T =W
Unsurprisingly, we get the same result. □

3.3.2 Scalar Components

The scalar component of a vector is a signed number which indicates the vector’s
magnitude and sense, and is usually identified by a symbol with a subscript
which indicates the line of action of the vector.
So for example, Fx = 10 N is a scalar component. We can tell it’s not a
vector because it Fx is not bold. 10 N is the magnitude of the associated vector;
the subscript x indicates that the force acts ”in the x direction,” in other words
it acts on a line of action which is parallel to the x axis; and the (implied)
positive sign means that the vector points towards the positive end of the x axis
— towards positive infinity. So a scalar component, while not a vector, contains
all the information necessary to completely describe and draw the corresponding
vector. Be careful not to confuse scalar components with vector magnitudes. A
force with a magnitude of 10 N can point in any direction, but can never have a
negative magnitude.
Scalar components can be added together algebraically, but only if they act
“in the same direction.” It makes no sense to add Fx to Fy . If that’s what you
want to do, first you must convert the scalar components to vectors, then add
them according to the rules of vector addition.
Example 3.3.5 1D Scalar Addition. If Ax = 10 lb and Bx = −15 lb, find
the magnitude and direction of their resultant R.

R = 5 lb ←

Solution. Start by sketching the two forces. The subscripts indicate the line
of action of the force, and the sign indicates the direction along the line of action.
A negative Bx points towards the negative end of the x axis.

R = Ax + Bx
= 10 lb + −15 lb
= −5 lb
R is the scalar component of the resultant R.
The negative sign on the result indicates that the resultant force acts to the
left. □
Example 3.3.6 2D Scalar Addition. If Fx = −40 N and Fy = 30 N, find
the magnitude and direction of their resultant F.
F = 50 N at 143.1◦ ∡
Solution. In this example the scalar components have different subscripts in-
dicating that they act along different lines of action, and this must be accounted
for when they are added together.
Make a sketch of the two vectors and add them using the parallelogram rule.
In this case, the parallelogram is a rectangle, so right-triangle trig is appropriate.

F = Fx2 + Fy2
= (−40 N)2 + (30 N)2
= 50 N
θ = tan−1
30 N
= tan−1
−40 N

= 36.9
θ is measured from the negative x axis. The direction of F from the positive x
axis is (180◦ − θ) = 143.1◦ , so
F = 50 N at 143.1◦ ∡


3.3.3 Two-force Bodies

As you might expect from the name, a two-force body is a body with two
forces acting on it, like the weight just discussed. As we just saw, in order for a
two-force body to be in equilibrium the two forces must add to zero. There are
only three possible ways that this can happen:
The two forces must either

• share the same line of action, have the same magnitude, and point away
from each other, or

• share the same line of action, have the same magnitude, and point towards
each other, or

• both forces have zero magnitude.

When two forces have the same magnitude but act in diametrically opposite
directions, we say that they are equal-and-opposite. When equal and opposite
forces act on an object and they point towards each other we say that the object
is in compression, when they point away from each other the object is in
tension. Tension and compression describe the internal state of the object.

Figure 3.3.7 Examples of two-force bodies

Two force bodies appear frequently in multipart structures and machines
which will be covered in Chapter 6. Some examples of two force bodies are
struts and linkages, ropes, cables and guy wires, and springs.
Example 3.3.8 Tug of War. Marines and Airmen at Goodfellow Air Force
Base are competing in a tug of war and have reached a stalemate. The Marines
are pulling with a force of 1500 lb. How hard are the Airmen pulling? What is
the tension in the rope?

This is a simple question, but students often get it wrong at first.

Answer. The tension in the rope is 1500 lb. Both teams are pulling with the
same force.

1. Assumptions.
A free-body diagram of the rope is shown.

Figure 3.3.9
We’ll solve this with scalar components because there’s no need for the
additional complexity of the vector approaches in this simple situation.
We’ll align the x axis with the rope with positive to the right as usual to
establish a coordinate system.
Assume that the pull of each team can be represented by a single force.
Let force M be supplied by the Marines and force A by the Airmen; call
the tension in the rope T .
Assume that the weight of the rope is negligible; then the rope can be
considered a particle because both forces lie along same line of action.

2. Givens.
M = 1500 lb.

3. Procedure.
Since they’re stalemated we know that the rope is in equilibrium.
Applying the equation of equilibrium gives:

ΣFx = 0
−M + A = 0

= 1500 lb

We find out that both teams pull with the same force. This was probably
obvious without drawing the free-body diagram or solving the equilibrium
It may seem equally obvious that if both teams are pulling with 1500 lb
in opposite directions that the tension in the rope must be 3000 lb. This
is wrong however.
The tension in the rope T is an example of an internal force and in order
to learn its magnitude we need a free-body diagram which includes force
T . To expose the internal force we take an imaginary cut through the rope
and draw (or imagine) a free-body diagram of either half of the rope.

Figure 3.3.10
The correct answer is easily seen to be T = A = M = 1500 lb.

Example 3.3.11 Hanging Weight.
The wire spool being lifted into the truck
consists of 750 m of three strand medium
voltage (5 kV) 1/0 AWG electrical power ca-
ble with a 195 amp capacity at 90°C, weigh-
ing 927 kg/km, on a 350 kg steel reel.
How much weight is supported by the hook
and high tension polymer lifting sling?

W = 10300 N
Solution. The entire weight of the wire and the spool is supported by the hook
and sling.
Remember that weight is not mass and mass is not force. The total weight
is found by multiplying the total mass by the gravitational constant g.

W = mg
= (mw + ms ) g
= ((0.75 km)(927 kg/km) + 350 kg) g
= (1045 kg)(9.81 m/s2 )
= 10300 N

Question 3.3.12 How can we apply the principles of mechanics in the two
previous examples if the rope and the sling are clearly not “rigid bodies?”
Answer. They are not rigid, but they are inextensible and in tension. Under
these conditions they don’t change shape, so we can treat them as rigid. If the
force were to change direction and put either into compression, our assumptions
and analysis would fail. That is why “tug of war” involves pulling and not
pushing. □

3.3.4 General Procedure

The general procedure for solving one, two, or three-dimensional particle equilib-
rium problems is essentially the same. Start with the 5-step method for creating
a free-body diagram and solve for your unknowns using your equilibrium equa-
Draw a Free-Body Diagram

1. Select and isolate the particle. The “free-body” in free-body diagram means
that a concurrent force particle or connection must be isolated from the
supports physically holding it in place. This means creating a separate
free-body diagram from your problem sketch.

2. Establish a coordinate system. This step is simple for one-dimensional

problems: just label a positive direction for the forces.

3. Identify all loads. Include force vectors on your free-body diagram repre-
senting each applied load pushing or pulling the body, in addition to the
body’s weight, if it is non-negligible. Every vector should have a descriptive
variable name and a clear arrowhead indicating its direction.

4. Identify all reactions. Reactions represent the resistance of the physical

supports you cut away by isolating the body in step 1. All particle supports
are two-force members that result in tension or compression forces. Label
each reaction with a descriptive variable name and a clear arrowhead.

5. Label the diagram. Verify that every force is labeled with either a value
or a symbolic name if the value is unknown. Your final free-body diagram
should be a stand-alone presentation and is the basis of your equilibrium

Create and Solve Equilibrium Equations

1. Write the equilibrium equation. Now represent your free-body diagram as

an equilibrium equation. Your computation should start with the govern-
ing equation, like ΣF = 0.

2. Solve for unknown. Use algebra to simplify the equilibrium equation and
solve for the unknown value. Write the unit of your answer. All answers in
engineering have units unless you prove that they don’t. Finally, underline
or box your answers.

3. Check your work. Do the results seem reasonable given the situation?
Have you included appropriate units?

3.4 2D Particle Equilibrium

3.4.1 Introduction
In this section we will study situations where everything of importance occurs
in a two-dimensional plane and the third dimension is not involved. Studying
two-dimensional problems is worthwhile because they illustrate all the important
principles of engineering statics while being easier to visualize and less mathe-
matically complex.
We will normally work in the “plane of the page,” that is, a two-dimensional
Cartesian plane with a horizontal x axis and a vertical y axis discussed in Sec-
tion 2.3 previously. This coordinate system can represent either the front, side,
or top view of a system as appropriate. In some problems it may be worthwhile
to rotate the coordinate system, that is, to establish a coordinate system
where the x and y axes are not horizontal and vertical. This is usually done to
simplify the mathematics by avoiding simultaneous equations.

3.4.2 General Procedure

The general procedure for solving two-dimensional particle equilibrium is a step
up from solving Subsection 3.3.1, as you now need to find equilibrium in two
independent directions. The major difference is that you must carefully find
each independent vector component and then solve for the equilibrium in each
component direction. The process follows the same five-step method for creating
a free-body diagram, followed by steps to solve your equilibrium equations.
Draw a Free-Body Diagram:

1. Select and isolate the particle. The “free-body” in free-body diagram means
that a concurrent force particle or connection must be isolated from the
supports that are physically holding it in place. This means creating a
separate free-body diagram from your problem sketch.

2. Establish a coordinate system. Draw a right-handed coordinate system to

use as a reference for your equilibrium equations. Look ahead and select a
coordinate system that minimizes the number of force components. This
will simplify your vector algebra. The choice is technically arbitrary, but
a good choice will simplify your calculations and reduce your effort.

3. Identify all loads. Add force vectors to your free-body diagram representing
each applied load pushing or pulling the body, in addition to the body’s
weight, if it is non-negligible. If a force vector has a known direction, draw
it. If its direction is unknown, assume one, and your later algebra will
check your assumption. Every vector should have a descriptive variable
name and a clear arrowhead indicating its direction.

4. Identify all reactions. Reactions represent the resistance of the physical

supports you cut away by isolating the body in step 1. All particle supports
are some type of two-force members with tension or compression reaction
forces. These reactions will all be concurrent with the body loads from
Step 2. Label each reaction with a descriptive variable name and a clear
arrowhead. Again, if a vector’s direction is unknown, just assume one.

5. Label the diagram. Verify that every dimension, angle, force, and moment
is labeled with either a value or a symbolic name if the value is unknown.
In our eyes, dimensioning is optional. Having the information needed
for your calculations is helpful, but don’t clutter the diagram up with
unneeded details. Your final free-body diagram should be a stand-alone
presentation and is the basis of your equilibrium equations.

Create and Solve Equilibrium Equations

1. Break vectors into components. Compute each force’s x and y components,

likely using right-triangle trigonometry.

2. Write equilibrium equations. Now represent your free-body diagram as two

equilibrium equations, ΣFx = 0 and ΣFy = 0.

3. Count knowns and unknowns. At this point, you should have at most two
unknown values. If you have more than two, reread the problem and look
for overlooked information.

4. Solve for unknowns. Use algebra to simplify the equilibrium equations

and solve for unknowns. All answers in Statics will have units - unless you
have solved for a dimensionless value, like a friction coefficient. Finally,
underline or box your answers.

5. Check your work. If you add the components of the forces, do they add
to zero? Do the results seem reasonable given the situation? Have you
included appropriate units?

3.4.3 Force Triangle Method

The force triangle method applies to situations where there are (exactly) three
forces acting on a particle, and no more than two unknown magnitudes or direc-

If such a particle is in equilibrium then the three forces must add to zero.
Graphically, if you arrange the force vectors tip-to-tail, they will form a closed,
three-sided polygon, i.e. a triangle. This is illustrated in Figure 3.4.1.


Figure 3.4.1 Free-Body Diagram and Force Triangle

Question 3.4.2 Why do the forces always form a closed polygon?
Answer. Because their resultant is zero. □
The force triangle is a graphical representation of the vector equilibrium equa-
tion (3.1.1). It can be used to solve for unknown values in multiple different ways,
which will be illustrated in the next two examples. In Example 3.4.3 We will use
a graphical approach to find the forces causing equilibrium, and in Example 3.4.4
we will use trigonometry to solve for the unknown forces mathematically.
In the next example we will use technology to draw a scaled diagram of the
force triangle representing the equilibrium situation. We are using Geogebra1 to
make the drawing, but you could use CAD, another drawing program, or even
a ruler and protractor as you prefer. Since the diagram is accurately drawn, the
lengths and angles represent the magnitudes and directions of the forces which
hold the particle in equilibrium.
Example 3.4.3 Frictionless Incline.

A force P is being applied to a 100 lb

block resting on a frictionless incline as
shown. Determine the magnitude and
direction of force P and of the contact
force on the bottom of the block.



P = 43.8 lb at 10°∡
N = 102 lb at 115°∡


1. Assumptions.
We must assume that the block is in equilibrium, that is, either motionless
or moving at a constant velocity in order to use the equilibrium equations.
We will represent the block’s weight and the force between the incline
and the block as concentrated forces. The force of the inclined surface on
the block must act in a direction that is normal to the surface since it is
frictionless and can’t prevent motion along the surface.

2. Givens.
The knowns here are the weight of the block, the direction of the applied
force, and the slope of the incline. The slope of the incline provides the
direction of the normal force.
The unknown values are the magnitudes of forces P and N .

3. Free-Body Diagram.
You should always begin a statics problem by drawing a free-body diagram.
It allows you to think about the situation, identify knowns and unknowns,
and define symbols.
We define three symbols, W , N , and P , representing the weight, normal
force, and applied force respectively. The angles could be given symbols
too, but since we know their values it isn’t necessary.
The free-body can be a quick sketch
or an accurate drawing but it must
show all the forces acting on the par-
ticle and define the symbols. In most
cases, you won’t know the magni-
tudes of all the forces, so the lengths
of the vectors are just approximate.
Notice that the force N is represented as acting 25° from the y axis, which
is 90° away from the direction of the surface.

4. Force Triangle.


Use the known information to carefully and accurately construct the force

(a) Start by placing point A at the origin.

(b) Draw force W straight down from A with a length of 1, and place
point B at its tip. The length of this vector represents the weight.
(c) We know the direction of force P but not its magnitude. For now,
just draw line BC passing through point B with an angle of 10° from
the horizontal.
(d) Similarly we know force N acts at 25° from vertical because it is
perpendicular to the inclined surface, and it will close the triangle.
So draw line CA passing through point A and at a 25° angle from the
y axis.
(e) Call the point where lines BC and CA intersect point C. Points A,
B, and C define the force triangle.
(f) Now draw force P from point B to point C, and
(g) Draw force N from point C back to point A.
Can you prove from the geometry of the triangle that angle BCA is 75°?
5. Results.

In steps 6 and 7, Geogebra tells us that p = (0.438;10.0°) which

means force P is 0.438 units long with a direction of 10°, similarly n =
(1.02;115°) means N is 1.02 units long at 115°. These angles are mea-
sured counter-clockwise from the positive x axis.
These are not the answers we are looking for, but we’re close. Remember
that for this diagram, our scale is

1 unit = 100 lbs,

so scaling the lengths of p and n by this factor gives

P = (0.438 unit)(100 lb/ unit)

= 43.8 lb at 10°∡
N = (1.02 unit)(100 lb/ unit)
= 102 lb at 115°∡.

If you use technology such as Geogebra, as we did here, or CAD software

to draw the force triangle, it will accurately produce the solution.
If technology isn’t available to you, such as during an exam, you can still
use a ruler and protractor to draw the force triangle, but your results will
only be as accurate as your diagram. In the best case, using a sharp pencil
and carefully measuring lengths and angles, you can only expect about two
significant digits of accuracy from a hand-drawn triangle. Nevertheless,
even a roughly drawn triangle can give you an idea of the correct answers
and be used to check your work after you use another method to solve the

3.4.4 Trigonometric Method

The general approach for solving particle equilibrium problems using the trigono-
metric method is to:
1. Draw and label a free-body diagram.
2. Rearrange the forces into a force triangle and label it.
3. Identify the knowns and unknowns.
4. Use trigonometry to find the unknown sides or angles of the triangle.
There must be no more than two unknowns to use this method, which may
be either magnitudes or directions. During the problem setup, you will probably
need to use the geometry of the situation to find one or more angles.
If the force triangle has a right angle you can use Section B.2 to find the
unknown values, but in most cases, the triangle will be oblique and you will

need to use either or both of the Law of Sines or the Law of Cosines to find the
sides or angles.
Example 3.4.4 Cargo Boom.

A 24 kN crate is being lowered into the

cargo hold of a ship. Boom AB is 20 m
long and acts at a 40° angle from king-
post AC. The boom is held in this posi-
tion by topping lift BC which has a 1:4
Determine the forces in the boom and in
the topping lift.

T = 17.16 kN C = 25.9 kN

1. Draw diagrams.
Start by identifying the particle and drawing a free-body diagram. The
particle in this case is point B at the end of the boom because it is the
point where all three forces intersect. Let T be the tension of the topping
lift, C be the force in the boom, and W be the weight of the load. Let α
and β be the angles that forces T and C make with the horizontal.
Rearrange the forces acting on point B to form a force triangle as was done
in the previous example.

2. Find angles.
Angle α can be found from the slope of the topping lift.
−1 1
α = tan = 14.0°.

Angle β is the complement of the 40° angle the boom makes with the
vertical kingpost.

β = 90° − 40° = 50°

Use these values to find the three angles in the force triangle.

θ1 = α + β = 64.0°
θ2 = 90° − α = 76.0°
θ3 = 90° − β = 40.0°

3. Solve force triangle.

With the angles and one side of the force triangle known, apply the Law
of Sines to find the two unknown sides.

sin θ1 sin θ2 sin θ3

= =

sin θ3 sin θ2
T =W C=W
sin θ1 sin θ1
sin 40.0° sin 76.0°
T = 24 kN C = 24 kN
sin 64.0° sin 64.0°
T = 17.16 kN C = 25.9 kN

3.4.5 Scalar Components Method

The general statement of equilibrium of forces, (3.1.1), can be expressed as the
sum of forces in the i, j and k directions
ΣF = ΣFx i + ΣFy j + ΣFz k = 0. (3.4.1)
This statement will only be true if all three coefficients of the unit vectors are
themselves equal to zero, leading to this scalar interpretation of the equilibrium
equation 

ΣFx = 0
ΣF = 0 =⇒ ΣFy = 0 (three dimensions). (3.4.2)

ΣF = 0

In other words, the single vector equilibrium equation is equivalent to three

independent scalar equations, one for each coordinate direction.

In two-dimensional situations, no forces act in the k direction leaving just

these two equilibrium equations to be satisfied
ΣFx = 0
ΣF = 0 =⇒ (two-dimensions). (3.4.3)
ΣFy = 0
We will use this equation as the basis for solving two-dimensional particle equi-
librium problems in this section and equation (3.4.2) for three-dimensional prob-
lems in Section 3.5.
You are undoubtedly familiar with utility poles, which carry electric, cable
and telephone lines, but have you ever noticed as you drive down a winding road
that the poles will switch from one side of the road to the other and back again?
Why is this?
If you consider the forces acting on the top of a pole beside a curving section
of road you’ll observe that the tensions of the cables produce a net force towards
the road. This force is typically opposed by a “guy wire” pulling in the opposite
direction which prevents the pole from tipping over due to unbalanced forces.
The power company tries to keep poles beside road segments with convex curva-
ture. If they didn’t switch sides, the guy wire for poles at concave curves would
extend into the road... which is a poor design.
Example 3.4.5 Utility Pole. Consider the utility pole next to the road shown
below. A top view is shown in the right-hand diagram. If each of the six power
lines pulls with a force of 10.0 kN, determine the magnitude of the tension in
the guy wire.


G = 23.6 kN

1. Assumptions.
A utility pole isn’t two-dimensional, but we can solve this problem as if it
was by first considering the force components acting in a horizontal plane,
and then considering the components in a vertical plane.
It also isn’t a concurrent force problem because the lines of action of the
forces don’t all intersect at a single point. However, we can make it into
one by replacing the forces of the three power lines in each direction with
a single force three times larger. This is an example of an equivalent
transformation, a trick engineers use frequently to turn complex situations
into simpler ones. It works here because all the tensions are equal, and the
outside wires are equidistant from the center wire. You must be careful to
justify all equivalent transformations because they will lead to errors if they
are not applied correctly. Equivalent transformations will be discussed in
greater detail in Section 4.7 later.

2. Givens.
T = 10.0 kN and 38° and 152° angles.

3. Free-Body Diagram.
Begin by drawing a neat, labeled, free-body diagram of the top view of the
pole, establishing a coordinate system and indicating the directions of the
Call the tension in one power line T and the tension in the guy wire G.
Resolve the the tension of the guy wire into a horizontal component Gh ,
and a vertical component Gv . Only the horizontal component of G is
visible in the top view.
Although it is not necessary, it simplifies this problem considerably to note
the symmetry and establish the x axis along the axis of symmetry.

4. Solution.
Solve for Gh by applying the equations of equilibrium. The symmetry of
this problem means that the ΣFx equation is sufficient.

ΣFx = 0
Gh − 6 T x = 0
Gh = 6 (T cos 76°)
= 14.5 kN

Once Gh is determined, the tension of the guy wire G is easily found by

considering the components of G in the side view. Note that the vertical
component Gv tends to compress the pole.

Gh /G = sin 38◦
G = Gh / sin 38◦
G = 23.6 kN

This problem could have also been solved using the force triangle method.
See Subsection 3.4.3. □
In the next example we look at the conditions of equilibrium by considering
the load and the constraints, rather than taking a global equilibrium approach
which considers both the load and reaction forces.
Example 3.4.6 Slider.

Three forces act on a machine part that is free to slide

along a vertical, frictionless rod. Forces A and B have a
magnitude of 20 N and force C has a magnitude of 30 N.
Force B acts α degrees from the horizontal, and force C
acts at the same angle from the vertical.
Determine the angle α required for equilibrium, and the
magnitude and direction of the reaction force acting on
the slider.

Answer. The question asks for the reaction force. The reaction force R′ is
equal and opposite to force R.

R′ = −R = 30.00 N ←
= ⟨−30.00 N, 0⟩

1. Givens.
We are given magnitudes of forces A = 20 N, B = 20 N, and C = 30 N.
The unknowns are angle α and resultant force R.
2. Procedure.


Since the rod is frictionless, it cannot prevent the slider from moving verti-
cally. Consequently, the slider will only be in equilibrium if the resultant
of the three load forces is horizontal. Since a horizontal force has no y
component, we can establish this equilibrium condition:

Ry = ΣFy = Ay + By + Cy = 0

Inserting the known values into the equilibrium relation and simplifying
gives an equation in terms of unknown angle α.

Ry = Ay + By + Cy = 0
A + B sin α − C cos α = 0
20 + 20 sin α − 30 cos α = 0
2 + 2 sin α − 3 cos α = 0

This is a single equation with a single unknown, although it is not par-

ticularly easy to solve with algebra. One approach is described at so-
cratic.org2 . An alternate approach is to use technology to graph the func-
tion y(x) = 2 + 2 sin x − 3 cos x. The roots of this equation correspond
to values of α which satisfy the equilibrium condition above. The root oc-
curring closest to x = 0 will be the answer corresponding to our problem,
in this case α = 22.62° which you can verify by plugging it back into the
equilibrium equation. Note that -90° also satisfies this equation, but it is
not the solution we are looking for.

Once α is known, we can find the reaction force by adding the x components
of A, B, and C.

Rx = Ax + Bx + Cx
= A + B cos α + C sin α
= 0 + 20 cos(22.62°) + 30 sin(22.62°)
= 30.00 N

The resultant force R is the vector sum of Rx and Ry , but in this situation
Ry is zero, so the resultant acts purely to the right with a magnitude of
Rx .
R = 30.00 N → .

Note that this value is the resultant force, i.e. the net force applied to
the slider by A, B, and C. However, the question asks for the reaction
force, which is the force required for equilibrium. The reaction is equal
and opposite to the resultant.

R′ = −R = 30.00 N ←

The next example demonstrates how rotating the coordinate system can
simplify the solution. In the first solution, the standard orientation of the x
and y axes is chosen, and in the second the coordinate system is rotated to
align with one of the unknowns, which enables the solution to be found without
solving simultaneous equations.
Example 3.4.7 Roller.
A lawn roller which weighs 160 lb is being pulled up
a 10◦ slope at a constant velocity.
Determine the required pulling force P .

P = 32.1 lb
Solution 1.
1. Strategy.

(a) Select a coordinate system, in this case, hori-

zontal and vertical.

(b) Draw a free-body diagram

(c) Solve the equations of equilibrium using the

scalar approach.

2. Procedure.

ΣFx = 0 ΣFy = 0

−Px + Nx = 0 P y + Ny = 0
N cos 80◦ = P cos 40◦ P sin 40 + N sin 80◦ = W

N =P 0.643P + 0.985N = 160 lb

Solving simultaneously for P

0.643P + 0.985(4.40P ) = 160 lb

4.98P = 160 lb
P = 32.1 lb

Solution 2.

1. Strategy.

(a) Rotate the standard coordinate system 10◦

clockwise to align the new y ′ axis with force

(b) Draw a free-body diagram and calculate the

angles between the forces and the rotated co-
ordinate system.

(c) Solve for force P directly.

2. Procedure.

ΣFx′ = 0
−Px′ + Wx′ = 0
P cos 30◦ = W sin 10◦
P = 160 lb
P = 32.1 lb

3.4.6 Multi-Particle Equilibrium

When two or more particles interact with each other there will always be common
forces between them as a result of Newton’s Third Law, the action-reaction

Consider the two boxes with weights Simplified FBD

W1 and W2 connected to each other

and the ceiling shown in the inter-
active diagram. Position one shows Stand-
the physical arrangement of the ob- alone
jects, position two shows their free- Embed
body diagrams, and position three
shows simplified free-body diagrams Figure 3.4.8 Two suspended weights
where the objects are represented
by points. The boxes were freed
by replacing the cables with tension
forces TA and TB .
From the free-body diagrams you can see that cable B only supports the
weight of the bottom box, while cable A and the ceiling support the combined
weight. The tension TB is common to both diagrams. Recognizing the common
force is the key to solving multi-particle equilibrium problems.
Example 3.4.9 Two hanging weights.
A 100 N weight W is supported by
cable ABCD. There is a frictionless
pulley at B and the hook is firmly
attached to the cable at point C.
What is the magnitude and direction
of force P required to hold the sys-
tem in the position shown?

Hint. The particles are points B and C. The common force is the tension in
rope segment BC.

P = 84.5 N θ = 54.7◦ CCW from − x axis.

P = ⟨−48.8 N, −69.0 N⟩


1. Strategy.
Following the General Procedure we identify the particles as points A and
B, and draw free-body diagrams of each. We label the rope tensions A, C,
and D for the endpoints of the rope segments, and label the angles of the
forces α, β, and ϕ. We will use the standard Cartesian coordinate system
and use the scalar components method.


Weight W was given, and we can easily find angles α, β, and ϕ so the
knowns are:

W = 100 N
−1 40
α = tan = 63.4°
−1 10
β = tan = 7.13°
−1 50
ϕ = tan = 45°

Counting unknowns we find that there are two on the free-body diagram
of particle C (C and D), but four on particle B, (A C, P and θ).
Two unknowns on particle C means it is solvable since there are two equi-
librium equations available, so we begin there.
2. Solve Particle C.

ΣFx = 0 ΣFy = 0
−Cx + Dx = 0 C y + Dy − W = 0
C cos β = D cos ϕ C sin β + D sin ϕ = W
cos 45◦
C=D C sin 7.13◦ + D sin 45◦ = 100 N
cos 7.13◦
C = 0.713D 0.124C + 0.707D = 100 N

Solving these two equations simultaneously gives

C = 89.6 N D = 125.7 N.

With particle C solved, we can use the results to solve particle B. There
are three unknowns remaining, tension A, magnitude P , and direction
θ. Unfortunately, we still only have two available equilibrium equations.
When you find yourself in this situation with more unknowns than equa-
tions, it generally means that you are missing something. In this case, it
is the pulley. When a cable wraps around a frictionless pulley the tension
doesn’t change. The missing information is that A = C. Knowing this,
the magnitude and direction of force P can be determined.
Because A = C, the free-body diagram of particle B is symmetric, and
the technique used in Example 3.4.5 to rotate the coordinate system could
be applied here.
3. Solve Particle B.
Referring to the fbd for particle B we can write these equations.

ΣFx = 0 ΣFy = 0
−Ax − Px + Cx = 0 Ay − P y − C y = 0
P cos θ = C cos β − A cos α P sin θ = A sin α − C sin β

Since A = C = 89.6 N, substituting and solving simultaneously gives

P cos θ = 48.8 N P sin θ = 69.0 N

P = 84.5 N θ = 54.7◦ .

These are the magnitude and direction of vector P. If you wish, you can
express P in terms of its scalar components. The negative signs on the
components have been applied by hand since P points down and to the

P = ⟨−P cos θ, −P sin θ⟩

= ⟨−48.8 N, −69.0 N⟩

3.5 3D Particle Equilibrium

The world we live in has three dimensions. One and two-dimensional textbook
problems have been useful for learning the principles of engineering mechanics,
but to model real-world problems we will have to consider all three.

Fortunately, all the principles you have learned so far still apply, but many
students have difficulty visualizing three-dimensional problems drawn on two-
dimensional paper and the mathematics becomes a bit harder. It is especially
important to have good diagrams and keep your work neat and organized to
avoid errors.

3.5.1 Three-Dimensional Coordinate Frame

We need a coordinate frame for three dimensions, just as we did in two dimen-
sions, so we add a third orthogonal axis z to our existing two-dimensional frame.
For equilibrium of a particle, usually the origin of the coordinate frame is
at the particle, the x axis is horizontal, and the y axis is vertical just as in a
two-dimensional situation. The orientation of the z axis is determined by the
right-hand rule. Using your right hand, put your palm at the origin and point
your fingers along the positive x axis. Then curl your fingers towards the positive
y axis. Your thumb will point in the direction of the positive z axis. For example,
in the plane of the page with the positive x axis horizontal and to the right and
the positive y axis vertical and upwards, the positive z axis will point towards
you out of the page. Remember that the three axes are mutually perpendicular,
i.e. each axis is perpendicular to both of the others. The right-hand rule is
important in many aspects of engineering, so make sure that you understand
how it works. Mistakes will lead to sign errors.
y y

x x

Figure 3.5.1 Point-and-curl right-hand rule technique.

3.5.2 Free-Body Diagrams

As we did before, we begin our analysis by drawing a free-body diagram that
shows all forces and moments acting on the object of interest. Drawing a fbd
in three dimensions can be difficult. It is sometimes hard to see things in three
dimensions when they are drawn on a two-dimensional sheet. Consequently, it
is important to carefully label vectors and angles, but not to clutter up the
diagram with too much and/or unnecessary information. When working in two
dimensions, you only need one angle to determine the direction of the vector,
but when working in three dimensions you need two or three angles.

3.5.3 Angles
As stated above, when working in three dimensions you need three angles to
determine the direction of the vector, namely, the angle with respect to the x
axis, the angle with respect to the y axis and the angle with respect to the z
axis. The three angles mentioned above are not necessarily located in any of the
coordinate planes. Think of it this way — three points determine a plane, and
in this case, the three points are: the origin, the tip of the vector, and a point
on an axis. The plane made by those three points is not necessarily the xy, yz,
or xz plane. It is most likely a “tilted” plane.
As you learned in Subsection 2.4.2, one way to quantify the direction of a
vector is with direction cosine angles. These direction cosine angles are measured
from the positive x, y, and z axes and are often labeled x , y , and z , respectively.
As with two dimensions, angles can be determined from geometry — a dis-
tance vector going in the same direction as the force vector. This is the three-
dimensional equivalent of similar triangles that you used in the two-dimensional

Figure 3.5.2 Direction Cosine Angles
If you know that the line of action of a force vector goes between two points,
then you can use the distance vector that goes from one point to the other to
determine the angles.
Let’s suppose that the line of action goes through two points A and B, and
the direction of the force is from A towards B. The first step in determining
the three angles is to write the distance vector from point A towards point B.
Let’s call this vector rAB . Starting at point A, you need to determine how to
get to point B by moving in each of the three directions. Ask yourself: to get
from point A to point B do I have to move in the x direction? If so, how far do
I have to travel? This becomes the x component of the vector rAB namely rABx .
Next, to get from point A to point B how far do I move in y direction? This
distance is rABy . Finally, to get from point A to point B how far do I move in
the z-direction? This distance is rABz .
When writing these scalar components pay attention to which way you move
along the axes. If you travel toward the positive end of an axis, the corresponding
scalar component gets a positive sign. Travel towards the negative end results
in a negative sign. The sign is important.
Once you have determined the components of the distance vector rAB , you

can determine the total distance from point A to B using the three-dimensional
Pythagorean Theorem
rAB = (rABx )2 + (rABy )2 + (rABz )2 (3.5.1)

Lastly, the angles are determined by the direction cosines, namely

rABx rABy rABz
cos θx = cos θy = cos θz =
Since the force vector has the same line of action as the distance vector, by
the three-dimensional version of similar triangles,
rABx Fx rABy Fy rABz Fz
= = = .
rABx rABy rABz
Fx = F Fy = F Fz = F
Now, that is a bit of math there, but the important things to remember are:
• You can use three angles to determine the direction of a force in three
• You can use the geometry to get them from a distance vector that lies
along the line of action of the force.
The three direction cosine angles are not mutually independent. From (3.5.1)
you can easily show that
cos θx2 + cos θy2 + cos θz2 = 1, (3.5.2)
so if you know two direction cosine angles you can find the third from this

3.5.4 General Procedure

The general procedure for solving three-dimensional particle equilibrium is essen-
tially the same as for two-dimensional particle equilibrium using the components
method. The major differences are that you must carefully find each vector com-
ponent using the techniques from Section 2.4. The process follows the same
five-step method for creating a free-body diagram, followed by steps to solve
your equilibrium equations.
Draw a Free-body Diagram:

1. Select and isolate the particle. The “free-body” in free-body diagram means
that a concurrent force particle or connection must be isolated from the
supports that are physically holding it in place. This means creating a
separate free-body diagram from your problem sketch.

2. Establish a coordinate system. Draw a right-handed coordinate system to

use as a reference for your equilibrium equations. Look ahead and select a
coordinate system that minimizes the number of force components. This
will simplify your vector algebra. The choice is technically arbitrary, but
a good choice will simplify your calculations and reduce your effort.

3. Identify all loads. Add force vectors to your free-body diagram representing
each applied load pushing or pulling the body, in addition to the body’s
weight, if it is non-negligible. If a force vector has a known direction, draw
it. If its direction is unknown, assume one, and your later algebra will
check your assumption. Every vector should have a descriptive variable
name and a clear arrowhead indicating its direction.

4. Identify all reactions. Reactions represent the resistance of the physical

supports you cut away by isolating the body in step 1. All particle supports
are some type of two-force members with tension or compression reaction
forces. These reactions will all be concurrent with the body loads from
Step 2. Label each reaction with a descriptive variable name and a clear
arrowhead. Again, if a vector’s direction is unknown, just assume one.

5. Label the diagram. Verify that every dimension, angle, force, and moment
is labeled with either a value or a symbolic name if the value is unknown.
In our eyes, dimensioning is optional. Having the information needed
for your calculations is helpful, but don’t clutter the diagram up with
unneeded details. Your final free-body diagram should be a stand-alone
presentation and is the basis of your equilibrium equations.

Create and Solve Equilibrium Equations

1. Break vectors into components. Compute each force’s x, y, and z com-

ponents using the tools outlined in Section 2.4. While the components in
two-dimensional problems can often be found with right triangle trigonom-
etry, three-dimensional problems often use unit vectors.

2. Write equilibrium equations. Now represent your free-body diagram as

equilibrium equations. For a three-dimensional particle equilibrium prob-
lem, you can have up to three force equilibrium equations corresponding
to a force balance in the three independent x, y, and z directions. Each
equation should start with the governing equation, like ΣFx = 0.

3. Count knowns and unknowns. At this point, you should have at most three
unknowns remaining. If you have over three, reread the problem and look
for overlooked information.

4. Solve for unknowns. Use algebra to simplify the equilibrium equations and
solve for unknowns. With multiple unknowns scattered across multiple
equations, linear algebra may be more efficient than substitution. Assume

that all answers have units - unless you prove that they don’t. Finally,
underline or box your answers.

5. Check your work. If you add the components of the forces, do they add
to zero? Do the results seem reasonable given the situation? Have you
included appropriate units?

Now let’s see how that process looks on an example problem.

Example 3.5.3 Balloon.

A hot air balloon 30 ft above the ground

is tethered by three cables as shown in
the diagram.
If the balloon is pulling upwards with a D
30 ft
force of 900 lb, what is the tension in
each of the three cables?
The grid lines on the ground plane are A C

spaced 10 ft apart. z x


A = 464 lb B = 402 lb C = 309 lb


1. Strategy.
The three tensions are the unknowns
which we can find by applying the
three equilibrium equations.
We’ll establish a coordinate system
with the origin directly below the bal-
loon and the y axis vertical, then
draw and label a free-body diagram.
Next we’ll use the given information
to find two points on each line of ac- z
tion to find the components of each
force in terms of the unknowns.

When the x, y and z components of all forces can be expressed in terms of

known values, the equilibrium equations can be solved.

2. Geometry.
From the diagram, the coordinates of the points are

A = (−20, 0, 0) B = (30, 0, 20) C = (0, 0, −20) D = (0, 30, 0)

Use the point coordinates to find the x, y and z components of the forces.

−20 −30 0
Ax = A Ay = A Az = A
30 −30 20
Bx = B By = B Bz = B
0 −30 −20
Cx = C Cy = C Cz = C

Where LA , LB and LC are the lengths of the three cables found with the
distance formula.

LA =(−20)2 + (−30)2 + 02 = 36.1 ft
LB = 302 + (−30)2 + 202 = 46.9 ft
LC = 02 + (−30)2 + (−20)2 = 36.1 ft

3. Equilibrium Equations.
Applying the three equations of equilibrium yields three equations in terms
of the three unknown tensions.

ΣFx = 0
Ax + B x + C x = 0
20 30
− A+ B + 0C = 0
36.1 46.9
A = 1.153 B (1)

ΣFz = 0
Az + B z + C z = 0
20 20
0A + B− C=0
46.9 36.1
C = 0.769 B (2)

ΣFy = 0
Ay + B y + C y + D = 0
30 30 30
− A− B− C + 900 = 0
36.1 46.9 36.1

0.832 A + 0.640 B + 0.832 C = 900 lb (3)

Solving these equations simultaneously yields the answers we are seeking.

One way to do this is to substitute equations (1) and (2) into (3) to elimi-
nate A and C and solve the resulting equation for B.

0.832 (1.153 B) + 0.640 B + 0.832 (0.769 B) = 900 lb

2.24B = 900 lb
B = 402 lb

With B known, substitute it into equations (1) and (2) to find A and C.

A = 1.153 B C = 0.769 B
= 464 lb = 309 lb

Example 3.5.4 Skycam.

The skycam at Stanford University

Stadium has a mass of 20 kg and is
supported by three cables as shown.
Assuming that it is currently in equi-
librium, find the tension in each of the
three supporting cables.



A = 196.4 N B = 192.2 N C = 98.5 N

Solution. In this situation, the directions of all four forces are specified by the
angles in the free-body diagram, and the magnitude of the weight is known. The
three unknowns are the magnitudes of forces A, B, and C.

W = mg = 20 kg 9.81 m/s2 = 196.2 N

We will first find unit vectors in the directions of the four forces by inspection
of the free-body diagram. This step requires visualizing the component’s unit
vectors and determining the angles each makes with the coordinate axis.

Ŵ = ⟨0, −1, 0⟩
 = ⟨cos 35◦ , cos 55, 0⟩
B̂ = ⟨− cos 15◦ cos 30◦ , cos 75◦ , − cos 15◦ cos 60◦ ⟩
Ĉ = ⟨0, cos 70, cos 20◦ ⟩
Particle equilibrium requires that F = 0.

A Â + B B̂ + C Ĉ = −W Ŵ

This is a 3 × 3 system of three simultaneous equations, one for each coordinate

direction, which needs to be solved for A, B, and C.

A cos 35◦ − B cos 15◦ cos 30◦ + 0 = 0 (ΣFx = 0)

A cos 55◦ + B cos 75◦ + C cos 70◦ = 196.2 N (ΣFy = 0)
0 − cos 15◦ cos 60◦ + C cos 20◦ = 0 (ΣFz = 0)

These can be solved by any method you choose. Here we will use Sage.
Evaluating the coefficients and expressing the equations in matrix form gives
    
0.819 −0.837 0 A 0
0.574 0.259 0.342 B  = 196.2 N .
0 −0.482 0.940 C 0
This is an equation in the form

[A][x] = [B].

Entering the coefficient matrices into Sage.

A = Matrix ([[0.819 , -0.837 ,0] ,[0.574 ,0.259 ,

0.342] ,[0 , -0.482 ,0.940]])
B = vector ([0 , 196.2 , 0])
x = A. solve_right ( B )

(196.391530042156 , 192.168056277808 , 98.5372373679827)

After evaluating, we learn that

A = 196.4 N B = 192.2 N C = 98.5 N.


3.6 Exercises (Ch. 3)

Chapter 4

Moments and Static Equivalence

When a force is applied to a body, the body tends to translate in the direction
of the force and also tends to rotate. We have already explored the translational
tendency in Chapter 3. We will focus on the rotational tendency in this chapter.
This rotational tendency is known as the moment of the force, or more simply
the moment. You may be familiar with the term torque from physics. Engineers
generally use “moment” whereas physicists use “torque” to describe this concept.
Engineers reserve “torque” for moments that are applied about the long axis of
a shaft and produce torsion.
Moments are vectors, so they have magnitude and direction and obey all
rules of vector addition and subtraction described in Chapter 2. Additionally,
moments have a center of rotation, although it is more accurate to say that they
have an axis of rotation. In two dimensions, the axis of rotation is perpendicular
to the plane of the page and so will appear as a point of rotation, also called
the moment center. In three dimensions, the axis of rotation can be any
direction in 3D space.
A wrench provides a familiar example. A force F applied to the handle of a
wrench, as shown in Figure 4.0.1, creates a moment MA about an axis out of the
page through the centerline of the nut at A. The M is bold because it represents a
vector, and the subscript A indicates the axis or center of rotation. The direction
of the moment can be either clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on how
the force is applied.

Figure 4.0.1 A moment MA is created about point A by force F.

4.1 Direction of a Moment

In a two-dimensional problem the direction of a moment can be determined
easily by inspection as either clockwise or counterclockwise. A counter-clockwise
rotation corresponds with a moment vector pointing out of the page and is
considered positive.


In three dimensions, a moment vector may point in any direction in space

and is more difficult to visualize. The direction is established by the right-hand
rule. Recall that in Subsection 2.8.1 that you were introduced to the right-hand
rule and cross products.
To find a moment using the right-hand rule, first establish a position vector
r pointing from the point of interest (the rotation center) to a point along the
force’s line-of-action. Next, there are two options for physically finding the
direction of the moment from the right-hand rule, the three-finger or slide-and-
curl methods.
To use the three-finger method, align your right-hand index finger with the
position vector and your middle finger with the force vector, then your thumb
will point in the direction of the moment vector. Alternately, if you align your
thumb with the position vector and your index finger with the force vector, then
your middle finger points in the direction of the moment vector M

r F

Figure 4.1.1 Three finger right-hand rule techniques for moments.
Another approach is the point-and-curl method. Start with your right hand
flat and fingertips pointing along the position vector r pointing from the center
of rotation to a point on the force’s line of action. Rotate your hand until the
force F is perpendicular to your fingers and imagine that it pushes your fingers
into a curl around your thumb. In this position, your thumb defines the axis of
rotation, and points in the direction of the moment M.


Figure 4.1.2 Point-and-curl right-hand rule technique for moments.

Consider the page shown below on a horizontal surface. Using these tech-
niques, we see that a counter-clockwise moment vector points up, or out of the
page, while the clockwise moment points down or into the page. In other words,
the counter-clockwise moment acts in the positive z direction and the clockwise
moment acts in the −z direction.


Figure 4.1.3 Moments in the plane of the page.

Any of these techniques may be used to find the direction of a moment. They
all produce the same result so you don’t need to learn them all, but make sure
you have at least one method you can use accurately and consistently.

4.2 Magnitude of a Moment

Key Questions
• Why is there no moment about any point on the line of action of a force?

• If you increase the distance between a force and a point of interest, does
the moment of the force go up or down?

• What practical applications can you think of that could use moments to
As you probably know, the turning effect produced by a wrench depends on
where and how much force you apply to the wrench, and the optimum direction
to apply the force is at right angles to the wrench’s handle. If the nut won’t
budge, you need to apply a larger force or get a longer wrench.
This strength of this turning effect is what we mean by the magnitude of a
moment (or of a torque).

4.2.1 Definition of a Moment

The magnitude of a moment is found by multiplying the magnitude of force F
times the moment arm, where the moment arm is defined as the perpendic-
ular distance, d⊥ , from the center of rotation to the line of action of the force,
measured perpendicularly as illustrated in the interactive.

M = F d⊥ . (4.2.1)

Figure 4.2.1 Definition of the moment, M = F d⊥ .

Notice that the magnitude of a moment depends only on the force and the mo-
ment arm, so the same force produces different moments about different points in
space. The closer the center of rotation is to the force’s line of action, the smaller
the moment. Points on the force’s line of action experience no moment because

there the moment arm is zero. Furthermore, vector magnitudes are always pos-
itive, so clockwise and counter-clockwise moments with the same strength have
the same magnitude.

4.3 Scalar Components

We saw in Subsection 3.3.2 that vectors can be expressed as the product of a
scalar component and a unit vector.
For example, a 100 N force acting down can be represented by Fy j, where
Fy is the scalar component and Fy = −100 N. This describes a vector F which
has a magnitude of 100 N and acts in the −j direction, i.e. ↓. The unit vector
j along with the sign (+/−) of Fy determines the direction, while the absolute
value of Fy determines the vector’s magnitude.
Moments in two dimensions are either clockwise or counter-clockwise, or al-
ternately they point into or out of the page. This means that a single scalar
value is sufficient to completely specify such a moment if we have established
which direction is positive. The choice is arbitrary, but the default sign conven-
tion is based on the right-handed Cartesian coordinate system, as illustrated in
Figure 4.1.3.
When using the standard convention, counter-clockwise moments are posi-
tive and clockwise moments are negative. Simply append a positive sign to the
magnitude for counter-clockwise moments or a negative sign for clockwise mo-
ments to create a scalar component. You are free to use the opposite convention,
but this should be explicitly stated.
Example 4.3.1 Sign Conventions. For each scalar component, determine
the direction of the corresponding moment vector.
A M1 = 30 N·m

B M2 = −400 kN·m

C M3 = 25 N·m ⟳

D M4 = −100 ft·lb ⟳



A CCW. Use the default sign convention, i.e. CCW is positive.

B CW. Negative value means the moment acts opposite to positive direction.

C CW. The arrow overrides default sign convention, so now CW is positive


D CCW. Negative CW is CCW.

Scalar components are most useful when combining several clockwise and
counter-clockwise moments. The resulting algebraic sum of the scalar compo-
nents will be either positive, negative, or zero, and this sign indicates the direc-
tion of the resultant moment.
Example 4.3.2 Scalar addition. Use scalar moments to determine the mag-
nitude of the resultant of three moments:
M1 = 25 kN·m ⟳, M2 = 40 kN·m ⟲, and M3 = 30 kN·m ⟳
Answer. |M| = 15 kN·m
Solution. Manually attaching the signs according to the standard sign conven-
tion (CCW +) gives the scalar moments:

M1 = −25 kN·m
M2 = +40 kN·m
M3 = −30 kN·m.

Adding these moments gives the resultant scalar moment.

M = M 1 + M2 + M 3
= (−25 kN·m) + (40 kN·m) + (−30 kN·m)
= −15 kN·m.

The negative sign indicates that the resultant vector moment is clockwise.
Interpreting the resultant as a vector gives:

M = 15 kN·m ⟳ .

The corresponding magnitude of M is

|M| = 15 kN·m.

In three dimensions, moments, like forces, can be resolved into components
in the x, y, and z directions.
M = Mx i + My j + Mx k.
This means that the three scalar components are required to fully specify a
moment in three dimensions.
Warning 4.3.3 Be careful not to mix up magnitudes with scalar components.
• Both are scalar values with units.
• Magnitudes are never negative. Scalar components have a sign.
• Scalar components always have an associated sign convention. It may be

implied or specifically indicated. By default counter-clockwise moments

are positive.

• There is no special symbol or notation to indicate whether a quantity

represents a vector magnitude or a scalar moment, so pay attention to

4.4 Varignon’s Theorem

Varignon’s Theorem is a method to calculate moments developed in 1687 by
French mathematician Pierre Varignon (1654 – 1722). It states that sum of the
moments of several concurrent forces about a point is equal to the moment of
the resultant of those forces, or alternately, the moment of a force about a point
equals the sum of the moments of its components.
This means you can find the moment of a force by first breaking it into com-
ponents, evaluating the scalar moments of the individual components, and finally
summing them to find the net moment about the point. The scalar moment of a
component is the magnitude of the component times the perpendicular distance
to the moment center by the definition of a moment, with a positive or negative
sign assigned to indicate its direction.
This may sound like more work than just finding the moment of the original
force, but in practice, it is often easier. Consider the interactive to the right. If
we break the force into components along the wrench handle and perpendicular
to it, the sum of the moments is

M = F⊥ d, (4.4.1)

where d is the length of the handle, and F⊥ is the component of F perpendicular

to the handle. Here, the contribution of the parallel component to the sum is
zero, since its line of action passes through the moment center A.

Figure 4.4.1 Varignon’s Theorem: M = F⊥ d

This result agrees with our intuitive understanding of how a wrench works;
the greatest torque is developed when the force is applied at a right angle to the
Equations (4.2.1) and (4.4.1) not only produce the same result, but they are
also completely identical. If the length of the handle is d and the angle between
the force F and the handle is θ, then d⊥ = d sin θ, and F⊥ = F sin θ. Using either
equation to calculate the moment gives

M = F d sin θ. (4.4.2)

4.4.1 Rectangular Components

Varignon’s theorem is particularly convenient to use because the diagram pro-
vides horizontal and vertical dimensions, which is often the case. If you de-
compose forces into horizontal and vertical components you can find the scalar
moments of the components without difficulty.
The moment of a force is the sum of
the moments of the components.

M = ±Fx dy ± Fy dx (4.4.3)

Take care to assign the correct sign to

the individual moment terms to indi-
cate direction; positive moments tend
to rotate the object counter-clockwise
and negative moments tend to rotate Figure 4.4.2 Sum of moments of com-
it clockwise according to the standard ponents. M = ±Fx dy ± Fy dx
right-hand rule convention.
Example 4.4.3 Varignon’s Theorem.
3 ft 60°
A 750 lb force is applied to the frame as shown.
Determine the moment this force makes about 2 ft
point A.

MA = 174 ft·lb Clockwise.
Solution. Force F acts 60◦ from the vertical with a 750 lb magnitude, so its
horizontal and vertical components are

Fx = F sin 60◦ = 649.5 lb

Fy = F cos 60◦ = 375.0 lb

For component Fx , the perpendicular distance from point A is 2 ft so the

moment of this component is

M1 = 2Fx = 1299 ft·lb Clockwise.

For component Fx , the perpendicular distance from point A is 3 ft so the

moment of this component is

M2 = 3Fy = 1125 ft·lb Counter-clockwise.


Assigning a negative sign to M1 and a positive sign to M2 to account for

their directions and summing, gives the moment of F about A.

MA = −M1 + M2
= −1299 + 1125
= −174 ft·lb

The negative sign indicates that the resultant moment is clockwise, with a
magnitude of 174 ft·lb.

MA = 174 ft·lb Clockwise.

The interactive diagram below will help you visualize the different approaches
for finding moments covered in this section.


Figure 4.4.4 Three equivalent approaches to finding a moment about a point.

Example 4.4.5 2D Moments - Four Ways.


Force F has a magnitude of 500 lbf and
2 3
acts on point D in the direction shown.
D F = 500 lbf Find the moment caused by force F
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 ft x
around point A = (−4, −3) ft using dif-
-1 ferent methods and verify that they give
the same result.
rAD -2
A -4

This problem demonstrates four different ways you can solve the problem.

The first two methods use vector algebra; the second two take a scalar approach
that uses geometry and right-triangle trigonometry. All four methods are math-
ematically identical.

(a) Find the moment of F about point A using Varignon’s Theorem,

MA = (rx × Fy ) + (ry × Fx ) .

Answer. MA = 1664.10 ft·lbf (+khat)

Solution. Varignon’s Theorem states that the moment of a force is the
sum of the moments of its components. In this example we will determine
the vertical and horizontal components of r and F, then add the cross
products of the two perpendicular pairs.

F=500 lbf

1 3
D θ Fx
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 32 4 5 ft x
rAD -2
A rx
MA -4

The 3:2 slope of F can be expressed as an angle.

θ = tan−1 = 56.3◦

Find the components of r and F.

F = 500 lbf⟨cos 56.3◦ , sin 56.3◦ ⟩

= ⟨277.35, 416.025⟩ lbf
r = ⟨6, 3⟩ ft

Finally, following Varignon’s Theorem, add the cross products of the per-
pendicular component pairs.

MA = (rx × Fy ) + (ry × Fx )
= 6 ft · 416.025 lbf (k) + 3 ft · 277.35 lbf (−k)
= 1664.1 ft·lbf (+k)


• When finding the moment of two-dimensional vectors in component

form, this is often the preferred method, as it is quick and most find
the process intuitive.
• The first cross product, rx ×Fy , has a positive value because i×j = +k,
not because you are simply multiplying two postive components.
• The second cross product, ry × Fx , results in a negative value because
j × i = −k.
• All moments have units of force times distance, in this case [ft · lbf].
• The overall sign of MA determines the final direction. A positive
value corresponds to a counterclockwise moment – right thumb out
of the page – and a negative value indicates a clockwise moment. See
Figure 4.1.2 for the hand diagram.
(b) Find the moment of F about point A using a vector cross product,
MA = r × F.

Answer. MA = 1664.10 ft·lbf (+k)

F=500 lbf

We can also solve for the moment MA
2 using the vector determinant method
1 3 of Subsection 2.8.3. We can use the
D θ Fx
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 32 4 5 ft x
values of θ, r, and F computed in part
-1 (a) above. Jumping straight into the
rAD -2 vector determinant, we find:
A rx
MA -4

MA = r × F
i j k
= r x ry 0
Fx Fy 0
i j k
= 6 3 0
277.35 416.025 0
= 6 ft (416.025 lbf) (k) + 3 ft (277.35 lbf) (−k)
= 1664.1 ft·lbf (+k)


• Determinants are a robust way to compute two-dimensional cross

products but take a bit more effort than Varignon’s Theorem. The
math is exactly the same either way, which means that Varignon’s
Theorem is just a two-dimensional shortcut to working through a
vector determinant.
• The signs on the cross-product terms rx × Fy and ry × Fx still come
from the right-hand rule, and conveniently the process of multiplying
diagonals in the determinant takes care of the signs.
• Recognize that the reason we multiply diagonals in a determinant is
that we only want to multiply the perpendicular components.

(c) Find the moment of F about point A by finding the perpendicular distance
d⊥ ,
MA = F d ⊥ .

Answer. MA = 1664.10 ft·lbf (+k)

F = 500 lbf

3 This solution requires you to find the
θ1 perpendicular distance d⊥ between
θ2 x
the point A and line-of-action of F.
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3
2 4 5 ft
-1 One way to find this distance is shown
MA -2 below.
A 4 -3
θ3 C

(a) Draw a moderately large and accurate diagram. Too much confusion
has been created by small, inaccurately-drawn diagrams.
(b) Start with the angle θ that you found in Part (a) of this example.
The angle opposite θ1 is θ2 .
(c) Next, using the corresponding angles of parallel lines, transfer θ2 from
the force triangle to triangle ABC as θ3 .
(d) Finally, find d⊥ using the sine function.

sin θ3 =
d⊥ = AC (sin θ3 )

= 4 (sin 56.3◦ )
= 3.328 ft

(e) Finally, compute the moment about A.

MA = F d ⊥
= 3.328 ft (500 lbf)
= 1664.10 ft·lbf
MA = 1664.10 ft·lbf (+k)

The (+k) direction of MA comes from the observation of the right-

hand rule, as scalar moment computations are not directional.

(d) Find the moment of F about point A by finding the perpendicular compo-
nent of F,
MA = F⊥ d.

Answer. MA = 1664.10 ft·lbf (+k)

4 E
3 H
F α This solution requires you to find the
1 γ F = 500 lbf portion of force F perpendicular to
G 6 θ
the moment arm d. One approach to
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2
D 3 4 5 ft x
-1 finding F⊥ is shown below.
3 β1
d -2


(a) Draw a large and accurate diagram to assist in finding the distances
and angles in this problem.
(b) The next three steps focus on finding the angle β2 + α to help find
F⊥ . Using triangle ADG, compute the angle β1 .
−1 3
β1 = tan = 26.565◦

(c) Next, recognizing that β1 is measured from horizontal and F⊥ is per-

pendicular to segment d, then the angle between vertical and F⊥ must
also be β, which we’ll label β2 . This geometric rule for horizontal: ver-
tical angles of perpendicular lines is also supported by the fact that
β1 and β2 are both complementary to γ.

(d) The last angle needed is α, which is complimentary to θ.

α = 90◦ − θ = 90◦ − 56.31◦ = 33.69◦

(e) Find F⊥ using right triangle DEH.

cos (β2 + α) =
500 lbf
F⊥ = 500 lbf(cos(26.565◦ + 33.69◦ ))
F⊥ = 248.07 lbf

(f) Find the length d using the Pythagorean Theorem.

d = 62 + 32 = 6.708 ft

(g) Finally, compute the magnitude MA and the vector MA .

MA = F ⊥ d
= 248.07 lbf · 6.708 ft
MA = 1664.10 ft·lbf (+k)

The counterclockwise direction (+k) comes from the right-hand rule,

since scalar moment computations are not directional.

4.5 3D Moments
Key Questions
• Where does the moment arm vector r start and end?

• Why does Varignon’s Theorem give you the same answer as a determinant?

• How can you combine a dot product and a cross product to find the moment
about a line?

• Why does a mixed-triple determinant give you a scalar while a cross-

product determinant gives you a vector?
Moments are vectors and they will typically have components in the x, y and
z directions in three-dimensional situations. The circular arrows we used to rep-
resent vectors in two dimensions are unclear in three dimensions, so moments are
drawn as vectors just like force and position vectors, although you will sometimes
see moments drawn with double arrowheads to differentiate them from force vec-
tors. In three dimensions, it is usually not convenient to find the moment arm

and use equation (4.2.1), so instead we will use the vector cross product, which
is easier to apply but less intuitive.

4.5.1 Moment Cross Products

The most robust and general method to find the moment of a force is to use the
vector cross product
M = r × F, (4.5.1)
where F is the force creating the moment, and r is a position vector from the
moment center to the line of action of the force. The cross product is a vector
multiplication operation and the product is a vector perpendicular to the vectors
you multiplied.

Figure 4.5.1 Moment cross product. M = r × F

The mathematics of cross products was discussed in Section 2.8, and equation
(2.8.1) provides one method to calculate a moment cross products
M = |r||F| sin θ û. (4.5.2)
Here, θ is the angle between the two vectors as shown in Figure 4.5.1 above, and
û is the unit vector perpendicular to both r and F with the direction coming
from the right-hand rule. This equation is useful if you know or can find the
magnitudes of r and F and the angle θ between them. This equation is the vector
equivalent of (4.4.2).
Alternately, if you know or can find the components of the position r and
force F vectors, it’s typically easiest to evaluate the moment cross product using
the determinant form discussed in Subsection 2.8.3.
i j k
= rx r y rz
Fx Fy Fz
= (ry Fz − rz Fy ) i − (rx Fz − rz Fx ) j + (rx Fy − ry Fx ) k (4.5.3)
Here, rx , ry , and rz are components of the vector describing the distance
from the point of interest to the force. Fx , Fy , and Fz are components of the
force. The resulting moment has three components.
Mx = (ry Fz − rz Fy )
My = (rx Fz − rz Fx )
Mz = (rx Fy − ry Fx ).
These represent the component moments acting around each of the three coordi-
nate axes. The magnitude of the resultant moment can be calculated using the
three-dimensional Pythagorean Theorem.

M = |M| = Mx 2 + My 2 + Mz 2 (4.5.4)
It is important to avoid three common mistakes when setting up the cross

• The order must always be r × F, never F × r. The moment arm r appears

in the middle line of the determinant and the force F on the bottom line.

• The moment arm r must always be measured from the moment center to
the line of action of the force. Never from the force to the point.

• The signs of the components of r and F must follow those of a right-hand

coordinate system.

In two dimensions, rz and Fz are zero, so (4.5.3) reduces to

i j k
= rx ry 0
Fx Fy 0
= (rx Fy − ry Fx ) k. (4.5.5)

This is just the vector equivalent of Varignon’s Theorem in two dimensions,

with the correct signs automatically determined from the signs on the scalar
components of F and r.

4.5.2 Moment about a Point

The next two interactives should help you visualize moments in three dimensions.
The first shows the force vector, position vector and the resulting moment
all placed at the origin for simplicity. The moment is perpendicular to the plane
containing F and r and has a magnitude equal to the ‘area’ of the parallelogram
with F and r for sides.


Figure 4.5.2 Moment about the origin.

The second interactive shows a more realistic situation. The moment center
is at arbitrary point A, and the line of action of force F passes through arbitrary
points P1 and P2 . The position vector r is the vector from A to a point on the
line of action, and the force F can be slid anywhere along that line.


Figure 4.5.3 Moment about an arbitrary point.

Example 4.5.4 3D Moment about a Point.

B 0.9 m A

A thin plate OABC sits in the xy plane.

1.1 m
Cable BD pulls with a tension of 2 kN
through a frictionless ring at point D.
x Find the moment caused by the tension
C O force around point O.
1.0 m
D 2 kN
z 0.4 m

Answer. MO = ⟨1.114, 0.911, −0.446⟩ kN·m

Solution. Start the problem by using the position information and tension
magnitude to find the force vector FBD . This will be done in three steps:

1. Find the position vector BD: Find position vectors by either subtracting
the start-point coordinates from the end-point coordinates or focusing on
the changes in the position components from B to D.
BD = D − B
= (−0.9, 1.1, 0) m − (0.4, 0, 1.0) m
= ⟨1.3, −1.1, 1⟩ m

2. Find the unit vector of BD: Compute a unit vector by dividing BD by the
total length of BD.
BD = |BD| = 1.32 + (−1.1)2 + 1.02
= 1.975 m
d = BD
⟨1.3, −1.1, 1⟩ m
1.975 m
= ⟨0.658 − 0.5570.506⟩
d is unitless and is the pure direction of BD.
Note that BD
d by the 2 kN
3. Multiply the unit vector by force magnitude: Now multiply BD
force magnitude to find the force components.
= 2 kN ⟨0.658, −0.557, 0.506⟩
= ⟨1.317, −1.114, 1.013⟩ kN

Next, find the moment arm from point O to the line of action of the force.
There are two obvious options for moment arms, either rOB or rOB . To demon-
strate how both moment arms give the same answer, solutions for both moment
arms will be shown.
Option 1: Moment using rOB

B 0.9 m A

rOB 1.1 m
2 kN
1.0 m
z 0.4 m

• Moment arm rOB starts at the point we are taking the moment around, O,
and ends at the point B.

OB = B − O
= (−0.9, 1.1, 0) m − (0, 0, 0) m
= ⟨−0.9, 1.1, 0⟩ m

• Cross rOB with FBD to find the moment of FBD about point O.

MO = rOB × FBD
i j k
= −0.9 1.1 0
1.317 −1.114 1.013
= ⟨1.114, 0.911, −0.446⟩ kN

Option 2: Moment using rOD :


B 0.9 m A

1.1 m

O x
C rOD 1.0 m
z 0.4 m
2 kN

• Moment arm rOD starts at the point we are taking the moment around, O,
and ends at the point D.

OD = D − O
= (0.4, 0, 1.0) m − (0, 0, 0) m
= ⟨0.4, 0, 1.0⟩ m

• Cross rOD with FBD to find the moment of FBD about point O.

MO = rOD × FBD
i j k
= 0.4 0 1.0
1.317 −1.114 1.013
= ⟨1.114, 0.911, −0.446⟩ kN

It is worth your effort to compute moments both ways for this example, or
another problem, to prove to yourself that the answers work out exactly the same
with different moment arms. Technically, you could select a position vector from
anywhere on line BD and get the correct answer, but rOB or rOB are the only
two between defined points in this problem.

B 0.9 m A

rOB 1.1 m MO

2 kN
1.0 m
z 0.4 m

Drawing MO , demonstrates that a moment vector direction is both 1) the

axis of rotation caused by TBD around point O, with the moment aligning to
your thumb and the moment rotating around your fingers from the right-hand
rule and 2) that MO is perpendicular to the plane formed by TBD and TBD .
Recall that all cross products result in vectors perpendicular to the two crossed
vectors. □

4.5.3 Moment about a Line

In three dimensions, the moment of a force about a point can be resolved into
components about the x, y and z axes. The moment produces a rotational
tendency about all three axes simultaneously, but only a portion of the total
moment acts about any particular axis.
We are often interested in finding the effect of a moment about a specific line
or axis. For example, consider the moment created by a push on a door handle.
Unless you push with a force exactly perpendicular to the hinge, only a portion
of the total moment you produce will act around the hinge axis and be effective
to open the door. The moment we are looking for is the vector projection of
the moment onto the axis of interest. Vector projections were first discussed in
Subsection 2.7.3.


Figure 4.5.5 Moment on a hinge.

The axis of interest does not need to be a coordinate axis. This interactive
shows the projection of moment M on a line passing through points A and B.


Figure 4.5.6 Moment of a force about a line

To compute the moment of a force about a particular axis you combine skills
you already have learned

• finding the moment of a force about a point using the cross product, (4.5.1).

• finding the scalar projection of one vector onto another vector using the
dot product, (2.7.8) and,

• multiplying a scalar projection by a unit vector to find the vector projec-

tion, (2.7.9).

Carrying these operations out gives a vector which is the component of mo-
ment r × F along the u axis.

Mû = û · (r × F) û (4.5.6)

The combined dot and cross product is the scalar projection of the moment
on the line of interest and is called the mixed triple product.

∥ proju M∥ = û · M
= û · (r × F)

The mixed triple product can be calculated one operation at a time, or in

a single step. Either way, the result is a scalar value which may be positive or
negative. Both techniques require the components of three vectors
• û, the unit direction vector of the line or axis of interest. This vector
represents the direction of the axis.1

• r, the position vector from any point on the line of interest to any point
on the line of action of the force.

• F, the force vector. If you have multiple concurrent forces, you can treat
them individually or add them together first and find the moment of the
resultant — using Varignon’s principle.
To calculate the triple product in a single step, evaluate the 3 × 3 determinant
consisting of the components of the unit vector û in the top row, the components
of a position vector r from the line of interest to the line of action of force F in
the middle row, and the components of the force in the bottom row using the
augmented determinant method Figure 2.8.6.

∥ proju M∥ = û · (r × F)
u x uy u z
= rx r y rz
Fx Fy Fz
= (ry Fz − rz Fy ) ux + (rz Fx − rx Fz ) uy + (rx Fy − ry Fx ) uz

To find the vector projection along the selected axis, multiply this value by
the unit vector for the axis, equation (4.5.6).

4.6 Couples
Key Questions
• What makes a couple different than a typical r × F moment?

• Why is a couple considered a pure moment?

• If a couple is applied about the point we are summing moments, does it

still need to be included in the sum of moments equation?
In many texts, the Greek letter lambda, λ is often used to indicate unit direction vectors.

The moments we have considered so far were all caused by single forces
producing rotation about a moment center. In this section, we will consider
another type of moment, called a couple.
A couple consists of two parallel forces, equal in magnitude, opposite in
direction, and non-coincident. Couples are special because the pair of forces
always cancel each other, which means that a couple produces a rotational effect
but never translation. For this reason, couples are sometimes referred to as “pure
moments.” The strength of the rotational effect is called the moment of the
couple or the couple-moment.
When a single force causes a moment about a point, the magnitude depends
on the magnitude of the force and the location of the point. In contrast, the
moment of a couple is the same at every point and only depends on the magnitude
of the opposite forces and the distance between them.
For example, consider the interactive where two equal and opposite forces
with different lines of action form a couple. The moment of this couple is found
by summing the moments of the two forces about arbitrary moment center A,
applying positive or negative signs for each term according to the right-hand
rule. The moment of the couple is always
M = F d⊥ (4.6.1)
where d⊥ is the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces.

Figure 4.6.1 Moment of a couple.
In two dimensions, couples are represented by a curved arrow indicating the
direction of the rotational effect. Following the right-hand rule, the value will
be positive if the moment is counter-clockwise and negative if it is clockwise. In
three dimensions, a couple is represented by a normal vector arrow.
When adding moments to find the total or resultant moment, you must
include couple-moments as well the r × F moments. In equation form, we could
express this as:
ΣMP = Σ(r × F) + Σ(Mcouple )
Thinking Deeper 4.6.2 Location Independence. In this section we have
shown that couples produce the same moment at every point on the body. This
means that the external effect of couples is location independent. Because the
moment of a couple is location independent, the moment vector is not bound to
any particular point and for this reason is a free vector.

We will learn in Chapter 8 that moving a couple around on a rigid body does
affect the internal loads or stresses inside a body, but changing the location of
a couple does not change the external loading or reactions.

4.7 Equivalent Transformations

Key Questions
• What is an equivalent transformation?

• What are some examples of equivalent transformations?

• What are external effects?

An equivalent transformation occurs when a loading on an object is replaced
with another loading that has the same external effect on the object. By external
effect, we mean the response of the body that we can see from the outside, with
no consideration of what happens to it internally. If the object is a free body, the
external effect would be translation and rotation. In statics, since objects are
not accelerating, the external effect really means the reactions at the supports
required to maintain equilibrium. The external effects will be exactly the same
before and after an equivalent transformation.
Equivalent transformation permits us to swap out one set of forces with
another one without changing the fundamental physics of the situation. This is
usually done to simplify or clarify the situation, or to give you an alternate way
to think about, understand, and solve a mechanics problem.
You already know several equivalent transformations although we have not
used this terminology before. Here are some transformations you have applied

Vector Addition. When you add forces together using the rules of vector
addition, you are performing an equivalent transformation. You can swap out
two or more components and replace them with a single equivalent resultant
Any number of concurrent forces can be added together to produce a single
resultant force. By definition, the lines of action of concurrent forces all intersect
at a common point. The resultant must be placed at this intersection point in
order for this replacement to be equivalent. This is because before and after the
replacement, the moment about the intersection point is zero. If the resultant
was placed somewhere else, that would not be true.

Replacing a Force with its Component. Resolving forces into components

is also an equivalent transformation, as it is the inverse operation of vector ad-
dition. The components are usually orthogonal and in the coordinate directions,

or in a given plane and perpendicular to it, but any combination of force com-
ponents that add to the original force is equivalent.

Figure 4.7.1 Equivalent transformations of vectors

In this diagram,

F1 + F2 = F = (F ; θ) = ⟨F cos θ, F sin θ⟩.

The effects of the force in the x, y and (in three dimensions the z) directions
remain the same, and by Varignon’s theorem, we know that the moment these
forces make about any point will also be the same.
An interesting special case occurs when two forces are equal and opposite
and have the same line of action. When these are added together, they cancel
out, so replacing these two forces with nothing is an equivalent transformation.
The opposite is true as well, so you can make two equal and opposite forces
spontaneously appear at a point if you wish.
Thinking Deeper 4.7.2 Internal Effects. We made a point of saying that
equivalent systems of force have the same external effect on the body. This
implies that there may be some other effects that are not the same. As you will
see in Chapter 8, we sometimes need to consider internal forces and moments.
These are the forces inside a body that hold all the parts of the object to each
other, otherwise, it would break apart and fail. Although the external effects are
the same for all equivalent systems, the internal forces depend on the specifics
of how the loads are applied.

Let’s imagine that you have gone off-

roading and have managed to get your
Jeep stuck in the mud. You have two
basic options to get it out: you can
pull it out using the winch on the front
bumper, or you can ask your friend to
push you out with his truck. Both
methods (assuming that they apply
forces with the same magnitude, direc-
tion and line of action) are statically
equivalent, and both will equally move
your vehicle forward.

The difference is what might happen to your vehicle. With one method
there’s a danger that you will rip your front bumper off, with the other, you
might damage your rear bumper. These are the internal effects and they depend
on where the equivalent force is applied. These forces are necessary to maintain
rigidity and hold the parts of the body together.

Sliding a force along its line of action. Sliding a force along its line of
action is an equivalent transformation because sliding a force does not change
its magnitude, direction or the perpendicular distance from the line of action to
any point, so the moments it creates do not change either. This transformation
is called the “Principle of Transmissibility”.

Figure 4.7.3 Sliding a vector along its line of action

Replacing a couple with couple-moment or vice-versa. A couple, de-

fined as “two equal and opposite forces with different lines of action,” pro-
duces a pure turning action that is equivalent to a concentrated moment, called
the couple-moment. Couples and couple-moments have no translational effect.
Couple-moments are free vectors, which means that they are not bound to any
point. Their external effect is on the entire body and is the same regardless of

where it is applied.
This means that you are free to swap out a couple for its couple-moment, or
swap a couple-moment for a couple that has the same moment, and you may
put the replacement anywhere on you please and it will still be equivalent.
The diagram shows a series of equivalent transformations of a couple.

Figure 4.7.4 Equivalent transformations of couples

Concentrated moments are free vectors, which you may draw the circular
arrow anywhere you like on the body. In other words, moving a concentrated
moment from one point to another is an equivalent transformation. Remember
though, this equivalence only applies to the external effects. What happens
inside the body definitely does depend on the specific point where the moment
is applied.

Adding moments to produce a resultant moment. If more than one

couple-moment or concentrated moment acts on an object the situation may be
simplified by adding them together to produce one resultant moment, MR . The
standard rules of vector addition apply.
In two-dimensional problems moments are either clockwise or counter-clockwise,
so they may be considered scalar values and added algebraically. Give counter-
clockwise moments a positive sign and clockwise moments a negative sign ac-
cording to the right-hand rule sign convention. If this is done, the sign of the
resultant moment will indicate the direction of the net moment. You can use
the right-hand rule to establish the direction of the moment vector, which will
point into or out of the page.

Example 4.7.5 Equivalent Moment.

Two concentrated moments and a couple are act-

ing on the object shown. Given: M1 = 400 N·m,
M2 = 200 N·m, F = 40 N and d = 2 m.
Replace these with a single, equivalent concen-
trated moment, and give the magnitude and di-
rection of your result.

Answer. Mr = 130.7 N·m clockwise.

Solution. First, replace the couple with an equivalent couple, M3 , the magni-
tude of which is

M3 = F d ⊥
= F d sin 60◦
= 69.3 N·m

By observation, this is a counter-clockwise moment as is M2 . M1 is clockwise.

Summing the scalar magnitudes gives the resultant moment. The signs of the
terms are assigned according to the sign convention: positive if counter-clockwise,
negative if clockwise.

= M1 + M2 + M3
= −400 N·m + 200 N·m + 69.3 N·m
= −130.7 N·m
MR = 130.7 N·m clockwise

Resolving a moment into components. For three-dimensional moment

vectors, another potential equivalent transformation is to resolve a moment vec-
tor into components. These may be orthogonal components in the x, y, and z
directions, or components in a plane and perpendicular to it, or components in
some other rotated coordinate system.

4.8 Statically Equivalent Systems

Key Questions
• What is an equivalent system?

• What is a resultant force?

• What is a resultant moment?

• Do you have to include both r×F moments and couples to find the resultant

• How can you find the simplest equivalent system?

• When will the simplest equivalent system be a wrench?

• How can you determine if two loading systems are statically equivalent?
A loading system is a combination of load forces and moments that act on an
object. It can be as simple as a single force, or as complex as a three-dimensional
combination of many force and moment vectors.
You will see that any loading systems may be replaced with a simpler stati-
cally equivalent system consisting of one resultant force at a specific point and one
resultant moment by performing a series of equivalent transformations. Force
system resultants provide a convenient representation for complex force interac-
tions at engineering connections that we will rely on later in a variety of contexts.
For now, we will focus on the details of reducing a system to a single force and
Depending on the original loading system, the resultant force, the resultant
moment, or both may be zero. If they are both zero, it indicates that the object
is in equilibrium under this load condition. If they are non-zero, the supports will
need to provide an equal and opposite reaction to put the object into equilibrium.
The resultant force acting on a system, R, can be found from adding the
individual forces, Fi , such that
R= F = F1 + F2 + F3 + ....
The resultant moment, MO , about a point O, can be found from adding
all of the moments M, about that point, including both r × F moments and
concentrated moments.
MO = Mi = M1 + M2 + M3 + ...
It is often more convenient to work with the scalar components of the resul-
tant vectors since they separate the effects in the three coordinate directions.

Rx = ΣFx MOx = ΣMx


Ry = ΣFy MOy = ΣMy

Rz = ΣFz MOz = ΣMz

Figure 4.8.1 Statically equivalent systems

Force-Couple Systems. One transformation you might want to make is to

move a force to another location. While sliding a force along its line of action
is fine, moving a force to another point changes its line of action and thus its
rotational effect on the object, so moving a force to a new line of action is not
an equivalent transformation.
Consider the cantilever beam below. In diagram (a), the load P is at the end
of the beam, and in (b) it has been moved to the center. The external effects are
shown in (c) and (d). Although the vertical reaction force is the P in both cases,
the reaction moment at point O is 2P ℓ in the first case and P ℓ in the second.

(a) Force P at end of beam. (b) Force P moved to center of beam.

(c) FBD and reactions for (a). (d) FBD and reactions for (b).
Figure 4.8.2 Moving a force is not an equivalent transformation

You can move a force to a new line of action in an equivalent fashion if you
add a “compensatory couple” to undo the effect of changing the line of action.
This can be accomplished with a series of individual equivalent transformations
as shown in the diagram below. To move P to another location, first add two
equal and opposite forces where you want the force to be, as in (b). Then
recognize the couple you have formed (c), and replace it with an equivalent
couple-moment. The result of this process is the equivalent force-couple system
shown in diagram (d), which is statically equivalent to the original situation in

(a) Original situation. (b) Add two equal and opposite forces
at midpoint.

(c) Recognize couple. (d) Replace couple to produce equivalent

force-couple system, with the same reac-
tions as Figure 4.8.2(c).
Figure 4.8.3 Equivalent Force-couple system
Evaluating the moment at point O was an arbitrary choice. Any other point
would give the same result. For example, in the original situation (a) force P
makes a clockwise moment M = P ℓ about the midpoint. When the force is
moved to the center P creates no moment there, so a clockwise compensatory
couple with a magnitude of P ℓ must be added to maintain equivalence. This
is the same result as we found previously (d). The compensatory couple has
been drawn centered around the midpoint, but this too is arbitrary because
concentrated moments are free vectors and can be placed at any location.

Reduction of a complex system. Any loading system can be reduced to a

statically equivalent system consisting of single force and a single moment at a

specified point with the following procedure:

1. Determine the resultant moment about the specified point by considering

all forces and concentrated moments on the original system.

2. Determine the resultant force by adding all forces acting on the original

3. Determine the resultant moment about a point in the original system

4. Create the statically equivalent system by replacing all loads with the
resultant force and the resultant moment at the selected point.
Example 4.8.4 Eccentric loading.
An vertical column is supporting an eccentric load as
Replace this load with an equivalent force-couple system
acting at the center of the beam’s top surface.

Answer. P = 1200 lb and M = 900 ft·lb clockwise

Solution. In order to move the vertical force 9 in to the left, a clockwise couple
M must be added to maintain equivalence, where

M = Pd
= (1200 lb)(9 in)
= 10, 800 in·lb
= 900 ft·lb.

Example 4.8.5 Equivalent Force-couple System. Replace the system of
forces in diagram (a) with an equivalent force-couple system at A.
Replace the force-couple system at A with a single equivalent force and specify
its location.

(a) (b) (c)


Answer. R = F1 + F2 , MA = F1 d1 + F2 (d1 + d2 ) and d = M /R

Solution. The original system is shown in (a).
Since the F1 and F2 are parallel, the magnitude of the resultant force is just
the sum of the two magnitudes and it points down.

R = F1 + F2

The resultant moment about point A is

MA = F1 d1 + F2 (d1 + d2 ).

To create the equivalent system (b), the resultant force and resultant moment
are placed at point A.
The system in (b) can be further simplified to eliminate the moment at MA ,
by performing the process in reverse.
In (c) we place the resultant force R a distance d away from point A such
that the resultant moment around point A remains the same. This distance can
be found using M = F d.
d = MA /R
The systems in (a), (b), and (c) are all statically equivalent □
In this example, we started with two forces. We have found two different stati-
cally equivalent systems; one with a force and a couple, the other with a single
force. This latter system is simpler than the original system.
It is important to note that static equivalence applies to external effects
only. When determining internal forces, such as the shear and bending moment
discussed in Section 8.4 or when considering non-rigid bodies, the original loading
system must be used.

Determining Equivalence. Two complex loading systems are equivalent if

they reduce to the same resultant force and the same resultant moment about
any arbitrary point.
Two loading systems are statically equivalent if

• The resultant forces are the equal

• The resultant moments about some point are equal

This process is illustrated in the following example.

Example 4.8.6 Finding Statically Equivalent Loads. Which of the three
loading systems shown are statically equivalent?

Figure 4.8.7
Answer. (a) and (c) are statically equivalent
1. Strategy.
Evaluate the resultant force and resultant moment for each case and com-
pare. We choose to evaluate the resultant moment about point A, though
any other point would work.

2. For system (a).

R = ⟨−10, 0⟩ lb
MA = −80 + 6(10)
= −20 ft·lb

3. For system (b).

R = ⟨−20 + 10, 0⟩ lb
= ⟨−10, 0⟩ lb
MA = −120 + 12(20) − 6(10)
= 60 ft·lb

4. For system (c).

R = ⟨−10, 0⟩ lb
MA = −40 + 20 + 0(10)
= −20 ft·lb

Systems (a) and (c) are statically equivalent since R and MA are the same in
both cases. System (b) is not as its resultant moment is different than the other
two. □

Any load system can be simplified to its resultant force R, and resultant
couple M, acting at any arbitrary point O. There are four common special cases,
which are worth highlighting individually.

Concurrent forces. When all forces in a system are concurrent, the resultant
moment about their common intersection point will always be zero. We then
need only find the resultant force and place it at the point of intersection. The
resultant moment about any other point is the moment of the resultant force R
about that point.

Parallel forces. When all forces in a system are parallel, the resultant force
will act in this direction with a magnitude equal to the sum of the individual
magnitudes. There will be no moment created about this axis, but we need to
find the resultant moment about the other two rectangular axes. That is, if
all forces act in the x direction, we need only find the resultant force in the x
direction and the resultant moment about the y and z axes.

Coplanar forces. When all forces in a system are coplanar we need only
find the resultant force in this plane and the resultant moment about the axis
perpendicular to this plane. That is, if all forces exist in the x-y plane, we
need only to sum components in the x and y directions to find resultant force
R, and use these to determine the resultant moment about the z axis. All
two-dimensional problems fall into this category.

Wrench resultant. A wrench resultant is a special case where the resultant

moment acts around the axis of the resultant force. The directions of the resul-
tant force vector and the resultant moment vector are the same.
For example, if the resultant force is only in the x di-
rection and the resultant moment acts only around the
x axis, this is an example of a wrench resultant. An
everyday example is a screwdriver, where both the re-
sultant force and axis of rotation are in-line with the
screwdriver. A wrench resultant is considered positive if
Figure 4.8.8 Wrenchthe couple vector and force vector point in the same di-
Resultant rection, and negative if they point in opposite directions.
Any three-dimensional force-couple system may be reduced to an equivalent
wrench resultant even if the resultant force and resultant moment do not initially
form a wrench resultant.
To find the equivalent wrench resultant:
1. First, find the resultant force R and resultant moment M at an arbitrary
at arbitrary point, O. These need not act along the same axis.
2. Resolve the resultant moment into scalar components M∥ and M⊥ , parallel
and perpendicular to the axis of the resultant force.

3. Eliminate M⊥ by moving the resultant force away from point O by distance

d = M⊥ /R

The simplified system consists of moment M∥ and force R and acting distance
d away from point O. Since R and M∥ act along the same axis, the system has
been reduced to a wrench resultant. Wrench resultants are the most general way
to represent a complex force-couple system, but their utility is limited.

4.9 Exercises (Ch. 4)

Chapter 5

Rigid Body Equilibrium

In this chapter we will investigate the equilibrium of simple rigid bodies like your
book, phone, or pencil. The important difference between rigid bodies and the
particles of Chapter 3 is that rigid bodies have the potential to rotate around a
point or axis, while particles do not.
For rigid body equilibrium, we need to maintain translational equilibrium
with X
F=0 (5.0.1)
and also maintain a balance of rotational forces and couple-moments with a new
equilibrium equation X
M = 0. (5.0.2)

5.1 Degree of Freedom

Degrees of freedom refers to the number of independent parameters or values
required to specify the state of an object.
The state of a particle is completely specified by its location in space, while
the state of a rigid body includes its location in space and also its orientation.
Two-dimensional rigid bodies in the
xy plane have three degrees of free-
dom. Position can be characterized
by the x and y coordinates of a point
on the object, and orientation by an-
gle θz about an axis perpendicular to
the plane. The complete movement of
the body can be defined by two linear
displacements ∆x and ∆y, and one an-
gular displacement ∆θz . Figure 5.1.1 Two-dimensional rigid
bodies have three degrees of freedom.


Three-dimensional rigid bodies have

six degrees of freedom, which can be
specified with three orthogonal coordi-
nates x, y and z, and three angles of ro-
tation, θx , θy and θz . Movement of the
body is defined by three translations
∆x, ∆y and ∆z, and three rotations
∆θx , ∆θy and θz .
Figure 5.1.2 Three-dimensional rigid
body have six degrees of freedom -
three translations and three rotations.
For a body to be in static equilibrium, all possible movements of the body
need to be adequately restrained. If a degree of freedom is not restrained, the
body is in an unstable state, free to move in one or more ways. Stability is
highly desirable for reasons of human safety, and bodies are often restrained by
redundant restraints so that if one were to fail, the body would still remain stable.
If the restraints correctly interpreted, then equal constraints and degrees of free-
dom create a stable system, and the values of the reaction forces and moments
can be determined using equilibrium equations. If the number of restraints ex-
ceeds the number of degrees of freedom, the body is in equilibrium but you will
need techniques we won’t cover in statics to determine the reactions.

5.2 Free-Body Diagrams

Key Questions
• What are the five steps to create a free-body diagram?

• What are degrees of freedom, and how do they relate to stability?

• Which reaction forces and couple-moments come from each support type?

• What are the typical support force components and couple-moment com-
ponents which can be modeled from the various types of supports?
Free body diagrams are the tool that engineers use to identify the forces and
moments that influence an object. They will be used extensively in statics, and
you will use them again in other engineering courses so your effort to master
them now is worthwhile. Although the concept is simple, students often have
great difficulty with them.
Drawing a correct free-body diagram is the first and most important step
in the process of solving an equilibrium problem. It is the basis for all the
equilibrium equations you will write; if your free-body diagram is incorrect then

your equations, analysis, and solutions will be wrong as well.

A good free-body diagram is neat and clearly drawn and contains all the
information necessary to solve the equilibrium. You should take your time and
think carefully about the free-body diagram before you begin to write and solve
equations. A straightedge, protractor and colored pencils all can help. You will
inevitably make mistakes that will lead to confusion or incorrect answers; you
are encouraged to think about these errors and identify any misunderstandings
to avoid them in the future.
Every equilibrium problem begins by drawing and labeling a free-body diagram!

Creating Free Body Diagrams. The basic process for drawing a free-body
diagrams is

1. Select and isolate an object.

The “free-body” in free-body diagram means that the body to be analyzed
must be free from the supports that are physically holding it in place.
Simply sketch a quick outline of the object as if it is floating in space
disconnected from everything. Do not draw free-body diagram forces on
top of your problem drawing — the body needs to be drawn free of its

2. Select a reference frame.

Select a right-handed coordinate system to use as a reference for your
equilibrium equations. If you are using something other than a horizontal
x axis and vertical y axis, indicate it on your diagram.
Look ahead and select a coordinate system which minimizes the number
of unknown force components in your equations. The choice is technically
arbitrary, but a good choice will simplify your calculations and reduce
your effort. If you and another student pick different reference systems,
you should both get the same answer, while expressing your work with
different components.

3. Identify all loads.

Add vectors arrows representing the applied forces and couple-moments
acting on the body. These are often obvious. Include the body’s weight
if it is non-negligible. If a vector has a known line of action, draw the
arrow in that direction; if its sense is unknown, assume one. Every vector
should have a descriptive variable name and a clear arrowhead indicating
its direction.

4. Identify all reactions.

Traverse the perimeter of the object and wherever a support was removed
when isolating the body, replace it with the forces and/or couple-moments
which it provides. Label each reaction with a descriptive variable name and

a clear arrowhead. Again, if a vector’s direction is unknown just assume

The reaction forces and moments provided by common two-dimensional
supports are shown in Figure 5.2.1 and three dimensional support in Fig-
ure 5.2.2. Identifying the correct reaction forces and couple-moments com-
ing from supports is perhaps the most challenging step in the entire equi-
librium process.

5. Label the diagram.

Verify that every dimension, angle, force, and moment is labeled with
either a value or a symbolic name if the value is unknown. Supply the
information needed for your calculations, but don’t clutter the diagram
up with unneeded information. This diagram should be a stand-alone

Drawing good free-body diagrams is surprisingly tricky and requires practice.

Study the examples, think hard about them, do lots of problems, and learn from
your errors.

Two-dimensional Reactions. Supports supply reaction forces and moment

which prevent bodies from moving when loaded. In the most basic terms, forces
prevent translation, and moments prevent rotation.
The reactions supplied by a support depend on the nature of the particular
support. For example in a top view, a door hinge allows the door to rotate
freely but prevents it from translating. We model this as a frictionless pin that
supplies a perpendicular pair of reaction forces, but no reaction moment. We
can evaluate all the other physical supports in a similar way to come up with the
table below. You will notice that some two-dimensional supports only restrain
one degree of freedom and others restrain up to three degrees of freedom. The
number of degrees of freedom directly correlates to the number of unknowns
created by the support.
The table below shows typical two-dimensional support methods and the
corresponding reaction forces and moments supplied each.

Normal supports One unknown

smooth roller rocker pinned smooth pin force perpendicular to surface

surface collar on or roller
smooth rod in slot

Two-force member supports One unknown

cable weightless link spring tension or compression in line

with two-force member

Pin support Two unknowns Fixed collar Two unknowns

on smooth rod

frictionless pin two rectangular components collar slides normal force

or hinge or force at unknown angle but cannot and moment

Rough surface Two unknowns Fixed support Three unknowns

friction and normal forces

body contacting welded, bolted, two rectangular
or magnitude and direction components and a
rough surface or anchored

Figure 5.2.1 Table of common two-dimensional supports and their representa-

tion on free-body diagrams.

Three-dimensional Reactions. The main added complexity with three-dimensional

objects is that there are more possible ways the object can move, and also more
possible ways to restrain it. The table below show the types of supports which
are available and the corresponding reaction forces and moment. As before, your
free-body diagrams should show the reactions supplied by the constraints, not
the constraints themselves.

Two-force support One unknown Smooth surface One unknown

two-force member constrains translation smooth surface constrains translation

cable (or other reaction force in-line body contacts roller on force perpendicular
two-force member) with two-force member smooth surface smooth surface to surface
Ball & socket Three reactions Free-axle bearing Four unknowns
ball cannot slide but is free to rotate axle free to slide & rotate

two reaction forces and

ball stays in socket three reaction two reaction moments
& is free to rotate force components journal bearing perpendicular to axle
Confined-axle bearing Five reactions
axle/pin cannot slide but is free to rotate

two reaction forces and

two reaction moments
perpendicular to axle,
thrust bearing smooth pin hinge plus axial reaction force
Square-shaft bearing Five reactions Fixed support Six reactions
square shaft free to slide , but cannot rotate body cannot slide & cannot rotate

two reaction forces

square shaft perpendicular to axis, welded, bolted, three reaction forces and
journal bearing three reaction moments or anchored three reaction moments

Figure 5.2.2 Table of common three-dimensional supports and their associated

One new issue we face in three-dimensional problems is that reaction couples
may be available but not engaged.
A support which provides a non-zero reaction is said to be engaged. Picture
a crate sitting at rest on a horizontal surface with a cable attached to the top
of the crate. If the cable is slack, the reaction of the cable would be available
but not engaged. Instead, the floor would be supporting the full weight of the

crate. If we were to remove the floor, the cable would be engaged and support
the weight of the crate.
not engaged engaged
T=0 T=W


Figure 5.2.3 Available and Engaged reactions.

To get a feel for how reaction couples engage, pick up your laptop or a
heavy book and hold it horizontally with your left hand. Can you feel your
hand supplying an upward force to support the weight and a counter-clockwise
reaction couple to keep it horizontal? Now add a similar support by gripping
with your right hand. How do the forces and couple-moments change? You
should have felt the force of your left hand decrease as your right hand picked
up half the weight, and also noticed that the reaction couple from your left hand
was no longer needed.

Figure 5.2.4 One hand holding an object versus two hands holding the same
The vertical force in your right hand engaged instead of the couple-moment
of your left hand. The reaction couples from both hands are available, but the
vertical forces engage first and are sufficient for equilibrium. This phenomena is
described by the saying “reaction forces engage before reaction couple-moments”.

Free-Body Diagram Examples. Given that there several options for repre-
senting reaction forces and couple-moments from a support, there are different,
equally valid options for drawing free-body diagrams. With experience you will
learn which representation to choose to simplify the equilibrium calculations.
Possible free-body diagrams for two common situations are shown in the next
two examples.
Example 5.2.5 Fixed support.

The cantilevered beam is embedded 30°

15 kip
into a fixed vertical wall at A. Draw
30 kip-ft
a neat, labeled, correct free-body di- 8 kip
agram of the beam and identify the
4 6 10
knowns and the unknowns. ft ft ft

Begin by drawing a neat rectangle to D
B 30°
represent the beam disconnected from
its supports, then add all the known C
forces and couple-moments. Label the
magnitudes of the loads and the known
dimensions symbolically.
Choose the standard xy coordinate system, since it aligns well with the forces.
The wall at A is a fixed support which prevents the beam from translating
up, down, left or right, or rotating in the plane of the page. These constraints are
represented by two perpendicular forces and a concentrated moment, as shown
in Figure 5.2.1. Label these unknowns as well.
The knowns in this problem are the magnitudes and directions of moment
C, forces B, and D and the dimensions of the beam. The unknowns are the two
force components Ax and Ay and the scalar moment MA caused by the fixed
connection. If you prefer, you may represent force A as a force of unknown
magnitude acting at an unknown direction. Whether you represent it as x and y
components or as a magnitude and direction, there are two unknowns associated
with force A.
The three unknown reactions can be found using the three independent equa-
tions of equilibrium we will discuss later in this chapter. □
Example 5.2.6 Frictionless pin and roller.
The beam is supported by a friction- 12 kN
less pin at A and a rocker at D. Draw 24 kN-m
a neat, labeled, correct free-body di- A B C D
agram of the beam and identify the 30°
2m 3m 5
knowns and the unknowns. m

Solution. In this problem, the knowns are the magnitude and direction of force
B and moment C and the dimensions of the beam.
The constraints are the frictionless pin at A and the rocker at D. The pin
prevents translation but not rotation, which means two it has two unknowns,
represented by either magnitude and direction, or by two orthogonal components.
The rocker provides a force perpendicular to the surface it rests on, which is 30◦
from the horizontal. This means that the line of action of force D is 30◦ from
the vertical, giving us its direction but not its sense or magnitude

To draw the free-body diagram, start

with a neat rectangle to representing B
the beam disconnected from its sup- 45°

ports, then draw and label known force

B and moment C and the dimensions. 30°

Add forces Ax and Ay representing vector A and force D at D, acting 30◦

from the vertical.
When a force has a known line of action as with force D, draw it acting along
that line; don’t break it into components. When it is not obvious which way a
reaction force actually points along its lines of action, just make your best guess
and place an arrowhead accordingly. Your calculations will confirm or refute
your guess later.
As in the previous example, you could
alternately represent force A as an B
unknown magnitude acting in an un- 45°

known direction, though there is no

particular advantage to doing so in this 30°

5.3 Equations of Equilibrium

Key Questions
• What is the definition of static equilibrium?

• How do I choose which are the most efficient equations to solve two-
dimensional equilibrium problems?
In statics, our focus is on systems where both linear acceleration a and angu-
lar acceleration α are zero. These systems are frequently stationary, but could
be moving with constant velocity.
Under these conditions Newton’s Second Law for translation reduces to
F = 0, (5.3.1)

and, Newton’s second law for rotation gives the similar equation
M = 0. (5.3.2)

The first of these equations requires that all forces acting on an object balance
and cancel each other out, and the second requires that all moments balance as
well. Together, these two equations are the mathematical basis of this course
and are sufficient to evaluate equilibrium for systems with up to six degrees of

These are vector equations; hidden within each are three independent scalar
equations, one for each coordinate direction.
 

 

X ΣFx = 0 X ΣMx =0
F = 0 =⇒ ΣFy = 0 M = 0 =⇒ ΣMy =0 (5.3.3)

 

ΣF = 0 ΣM =0
z z

Working with these scalar equations is often easier than using their vector equiv-
alents, particularly in two-dimensional problems.
In many cases we do not need all six equations. We saw in Chapter 3 that
particle equilibrium problems can be solved using the force equilibrium equation
alone, because particles have, at most, three degrees of freedom and are not
subject to any rotation.
To analyze rigid bodies, which can rotate as well as translate, the mo-
ment equations are needed to address the additional degrees of freedom. Two-
dimensional rigid bodies have only one degree of rotational freedom, so they
can be solved using just one moment equilibrium equation, but to solve three-
dimensional rigid bodies, which have six degrees of freedom, all three moment
equations and all three force equations are required.

5.4 2D Rigid Body Equilibrium

Two-dimensional rigid bodies have three degrees of freedom, so they only require
three independent equilibrium equations to solve. The six scalar equations of
(5.3.3) can easily be reduced to three by eliminating the equations which refer
to the unused z dimension. For objects in the xy plane there are no forces acting
in the z direction to create moments about the x or y axes, so the reduced set
of three equations is

P Fx = 0
{1} = Fy =0

P M


where the subscript z has been replaced with a letter to indicate an arbitrary
moment center in the xy plane instead of a perpendicular z axis.
This is not the only possible set of equilibrium equations. Either force equa-
tion can be replaced with a linearly independent moment equation about a point
of your choosing 1 , so the other possible sets are
P P P

 
 

P Fx =0  P MC = 0  P MC = 0
{2} = MB = 0 {3} = Fy =0 {4} = MB = 0

 P 
 P 
 P
 M =0  M =0  M =0

Labels A, B and C in these equations are representative. They don’t have to correspond
to points A, B and C on your problem.

For set four, moment centers A, B, and C must form a triangle to ensure the
three equations are linearly independent.
You have a lot of flexibility when solving rigid-body equilibrium problems. In
addition to choosing which set of equations to use, you are also free to rotate the
coordinate system to any orientation you like, pick different points for moment
centers, and solve the equations in any order or simultaneously.
This freedom raises several questions. Which equation set should you choose?
Is one choice ‘better’ than another? Why bother rotating coordinate systems?
How do you select moment centers? Students want to know “how to solve the
problem,” when in reality there are many ways to do it.
The actual task is to choose an efficient approach and carry it out. An efficient
solution is one which avoids mathematical complications and makes the problem
easy to solve. Complications include unpleasant geometries, unnecessary algebra,
and particularly simultaneous equations, which are algebra intensive and error
So how do you do set up an efficient approach? First, stop, think, and look
for opportunities to make the solution more efficient. Here are some recommen-

1. Equation set one is usually a good choice, and should be considered first.

2. Inspect your free-body diagram and identify the unknown values in the
problem. These may be magnitudes, directions, angles or dimensions.

3. Align the coordinate system with at least one unknown force.

4. Take moments about the point where the lines of action of two unknown
forces intersect, which eliminates them from the equation.

5. Solve equations with one unknown first.

Example 5.4.1 Pin and Roller.
250 lb
The L-shaped body is supported by 3 ft 4 ft
a roller at B and a frictionless pin
at A. The body supports a 250 lb 60° B C 1.5 ft
vertical force at C and a 500 ft · lb 500 ft-lb D
couple-moment at D. Determine the 1.5 ft
reactions at A and B. A

This problem will be solved three different ways to demonstrate the advan-
tages and disadvantages of different approaches.
Solution 1.

Solutions always start with a free- 250 lb

body diagram, showing all forces 60°

and moments acting on the object. B C
Here, the known loads C = 250 lb 500 ft-lb D
(down) and D = 500 ft · lb (CCW)
are red, and the unknown reactions
Ax , Ay and B are blue.
The force at B is drawn along its known line-of-action perpendicular to the
roller surface, and drawn pointing up and right because that will oppose the
rotation of the frame about A caused by load C and moment D. The force at A is
represented by unknown components Ax and Ay . The sense of these components
is unknown, so we have arbitrarily assigned the arrowheads pointing left and up.
We have chosen the standard coordinate system with positive x to the right
and positive y pointing up, and resolved force A into components in the x and
y directions.
The magnitude of force B is unknown but its direction is known, so the x
and y components of B can be expressed as

Bx = B sin 60◦ By = B cos 60◦ .

We choose to solve equation set {A}, and choose to take moments about point
A, because unknowns Ax and Ay intersect there. Substituting the variables into
the equation and solving for the unknowns gives
Fx = 0
B x − Ax = 0
Ax = B sin 60◦ (1)

Fy = 0
B y − C + Ay = 0
Ay = C − B cos 60◦ (2)

MA = 0
−Bx (3) − By (7) + C(4) + D = 0
3B cos 60◦ + 7B sin 60◦ = 4C + D
B(3 sin 60◦ + 7 cos 60◦ ) = 4C + D
4C + D
B= (3)
Of these three equations only the third can be evaluated immediately, because
we know C and D. In equations (1) and (2) unknowns Ax and Ay can’t be found

until B is known. Inserting the known values into (3) and solving for B gives
4(250) + 500
1500 ft·lb
6.098 ft
= 246.0 lb
Now with the magnitude of B known, Ax and Ay can be found with (1) and
Ax = B sin 60◦
= 246.0 sin 60◦
= 213.0 lb

Ay = C − B cos 60◦
= 250 − 246.0 cos 60◦
= 127.0 lb
The positive signs on these values indicate that the directions assumed on the
free-body diagram were correct.
The magnitude and direction of force A can be found from the scalar com-
ponents Ax and Ay using a rectangular to polar conversion.

A = A2x + A2y = 248.0 lb

θ = tan−1 = 30.8◦
The final values for A and B, with angles measured counter-clockwise from
the positive x axis are
A = 248.0 lb ∡ 149.2◦ ,
B = 246.0 lb ∡ 30°.
This solution demonstrates a fairly standard approach appropriate for many
statics problems which should be considered whenever the free-body diagram
contains a frictionless pin. Start by taking moments there.
Solution 2.
250 lb

In this solution, we have rotated 60°

the coordinate system 30◦ to align B C
it with force B and also chosen the 500 ft-lb D
components of force A to align with
the new coordinate system. 30°

There is no particular advantage to this approach over the first one, but with
two unknown forces aligned with the x′ direction, Ay′ can be found directly after
breaking force C into components.
F x′ = 0
B − C x′ + Ax′ = 0
Ax′ = −B + C sin 30◦ (1)

Fy ′ = 0
−Cy′ + Ay′ = 0
Ay′ = C cos 30◦ (2)

MA = 0
−Bx (3) − By (7) + C(4) + D = 0
3B cos 60◦ + 7B sin 60◦ = 4C + D
B(3 cos 60◦ + 7 sin 60◦ ) = 4C + D
4C + D
B= (3)
Solving equation (2) yields
Ay′ = 216.5 lb.
Solving equation (3) yields the same result as previously
B = 246.0 lb.
Substituting B and C into equation (1) yields
Ax′ = −B + C sin 30◦
= −246.0 + 250 sin 30◦
= −121.0 lb
The negative sign on this result indicates that our assumed direction for Ax′
was incorrect, and that force actually points 180◦ to the assumed direction.
Resolving the Ax′ and Ay′ gives the magnitude and direction of force A.

A= A2x′ + A2y′ = 248.0 lb

θ = tan−1 = 60.8◦
α = 180◦ − (θ − 30◦ ) = 149.2◦

Again, the final values for A and B, with angles measured counter-clockwise
from the positive x axis are

A = 248.0 lb ∡ 149.2◦ ,

B = 246.0 lb ∡ 30°
This approach was slightly more difficult than solution one because of the
additional trigonometry involved to find components in the rotated coordinate
Solution 3.
250 lb

For this solution, we will use the
same free-body diagram as solution
500 ft-lb D
one, but will use three moment equa-
tions, about points B, C and D.

MB = 0
−Ax (3) + Ay (7) − C(3) + D = 0
−3Ax + 7Ay = 250 (1)

MC = 0
−Ax (3) + Ay (4) − By (3) + D = 0
−3Ax + 4Ay − 3B cos 60◦ = −D
3Ax − 4Ay + 1.5B = 500 (2)

MD = 0
−Ax (1.5) − Bx (1.5) − By (7) + C(4) + D = 0
1.5Ax + 1.5B sin 60◦ + 7B cos 60◦ = 4C + D
1.5Ax + 4.799B = 1500 (3)

This set of three equations and three unknowns can be solved with some
Adding (1) and (2) gives

3Ay + 1.5B = 750 (4)

Dividing equation (2) by 2 and subtracting it from (3) gives

2Ay + 4.049B = 1250 (5)


Multiplying (4) by 2/3 and subtracting from (5) eliminates Ay and gives

3.049B = 750

B = 246.0 lb,

the same result as before.

Substituting B into (3) gives Ax = 213.0 lb, and substituting this into (1)
gives Ay = 127.0 lb, again the same result as before.
An alternate approach is to set these three equations up for a matrix solution
and use technology to do the algebra, as done here with Sage.
    
−3 7 0 Ax 250
 3 −4 1.5  Ay  =  500 
1.5 0 4.799 B 1500

A = Matrix ([[ -3 ,7 ,0] ,[3 , -4 , 1.5] ,[1.5 ,0 ,4.799]])

B = vector ([250 , 500 , 1500])
x = A. solve_right ( B )

(213.020662512299 , 127.008855362414 , 245.982289275172)

This is a good example of an inefficient solution because of all the algebra
involved. The issue here was the poor choice of B, C and D as moment centers.
Whenever possible you should take moments about a point where the line of
action of two unknowns intersect as was done in solution one. This gives a
moment equation which can be solved immediately for the third unknown. □

5.5 3D Rigid Body Equilibrium

Key Questions
• What are the similarities and differences between solving two-dimensional
and three-dimensional equilibrium problems?

• Why are some three-dimensional reaction couple-moments “available but

not engaged”?

• What kinds of problems are solvable using linear algebra?

Three-dimensional systems are closer to reality than two-dimensional sys-
tems and the basic principles to solving both are the same, however they are
generally harder solve because of the additional degrees of freedom involved and
the difficulty visualizing and determining distances, forces and moments in three

Three-dimensional problems are usually solved using vector algebra rather

than the scalar approach used in the last section. The main differences are that
directions are described with unit vectors rather than with angles, and moments
are determined using the vector cross product rather scalar methods. Because
they have more possible unknowns it is harder to find efficient equations to solve
by hand. A problem might involve solving a system of up to six equations and
six unknowns, in which case it is best solved using linear algebra and technology.

Resolving Forces and Moments into Components. To break two-dimensional

forces into components, you likely used right-triangle trigonometry, sine and
cosine. However, three-dimensional forces will likely need to be broken into
components using Section 2.5.
When summing moments, make sure to consider both the r × F moments
and also the couple-moments with the following guidance:

1. First, choose any point in the system to sum moments around.

2. There are two general methods for summing the r × F moments. Both
techniques will give you the same set of equations.

(a) Sum moments around each axis.

For relatively simple systems with few position and force vector com-
ponents, you can find the cross product for each non-parallel position
and force pair. Using this method requires you to resolve the direc-
tion of each cross product pair using the right-hand rule as covered
in Chapter 4. Recall that there are up to six pairs of non-parallel
components that you need to consider.
(b) Sum all moments around a point using vector determinants.
Choose a point in the system which is on the line of action of as many
forces as possible, then set up each cross product as a determinant.
After computing the components coming from each determinant, com-
bine the x, y, and z terms into each of the ΣMx = 0, ΣMy = 0, and
ΣMz = 0 equations.

3. Finally, add the components of any couple-moments into the corresponding

ΣMx = 0, ΣMy = 0, and ΣMz = 0 equations.

Solving for unknown values in equilibrium equations. Once you have

formulated ΣF = 0 and ΣM = 0 equations in each of the x, y and z directions,
you could be facing up to six equations and six unknown values.
Frequently these simultaneous equation sets can be solved with substitution,
but it is often be easier to solve large equation sets with linear algebra. Note that
the adjective “linear” specifies that the unknown values must be linear terms,
which means that each unknown variable cannot be raised to a exponent, be an
exponent, or buried inside of a sin or cos function. Luckily, most unknowns in

equilibrium are linear terms, except for unknown angles. If you are not familiar
with the use of linear algebra matrices to solve simultaneously equations, search
the internet for Solving Systems of Equations Using Linear Algebra and you will
find plenty of resources.
No matter how you choose to solve for the unknown values, any numeric
values which come out to be negative indicate that your initial hypothesis of
that vector’s sense was incorrect.

Three-dimensional Equilibrium Examples.

Example 5.5.1 3D Bent Bar. The bent bar shown is held in a horizontal
plane by a fixed connection at C while cable AB exerts a 500 lb force on point
Given A = (4, 4, 5) B = (6, 0, 4) and C = (0, 4, 0).

4 ft

A 5 ft
4 ft

6 ft
B 4 ft

Find the reaction force C and concentrated moment M with components Mx ,

My and Mz required to hold the bar in this position under this condition,
C = (−218i + 436j + 109k) lb
M = (−2180i − 1530j + 1750k) ft·lb

1. Draw a free-body diagram.

As always, begin by drawing a free-body diagram.

z x

2. Determine the force acting at point A in Cartesian form.

The force of the cable acts from A to B. This direction is described by the
displacement vector from A to B

rAB = (2i − 4j − 1k) ft

or the corresponding unit vector

λAB =
|rAB |
2i − 4j − 1k
(2) + (−4)2 + (−1)2

2i − 4j − 1k
= √ .

Multiplying the unit vector by the cable tension gives the force acting on
A as a three-dimensional Cartesian force vector

F = λAB T
2i − 4j − 1k
= √ 500 lb
= (2i − 4j − 1k) √ lb
F = (218i − 436j − 109k) lb.

3. Determine the moment about C.


The moment about point C is found with the cross product (4.5.1) where
the moment arm is the displacement vector from C to A.

rCA = (4i + 0j + 5k) ft

MC = rCA × F
i j k  
= 4 0 5 √
2 −4 −1

MC = (2182i + 1528 j − 1746k) ft·lb

4. Apply the equations of equilibrium.

 ΣFx = 0 : Cx + F x = 0

 Cx = −218 lb

ΣT = 0 :
y Cy − F y = 0
ΣF = 0

 Cy = +436 lb

 ΣTz = 0 : Cz − F z = 0

Cz = +109 lb

 ΣMx = 0 : Mx + MC x = 0

 Mx = −2180 ft·lb

ΣM = 0 :
y M y + MC y = 0
ΣM = 0

 My = −1530 ft·lb

 ΣMz = 0 : M z + MC z = 0

Mz = +1750 ft·lb

The resulting vector equations for the reaction force C and reaction mo-
ment M are

C = (−218i + 436j + 109k) lb

M = (−2180i − 1530j + 1750k) ft·lb.


5.6 Stability and Determinacy

Key Questions
• What does stable mean for a rigid body?

• What does determinate mean for a rigid body?

• Does stability depend on the external loads or only on the reactions?

• How can I tell if a system is determinate?

• How can I decide if a problem is both stable and determinate, which makes
it solvable statics?

Determinate vs. Indeterminate. A static system is determinate if it is

possible to find the unknown reactions using the methods of statics, that is, by
using equilibrium equations, otherwise it is indeterminate.
In order for a system to be determinate the number of unknown force and
moment reaction components must be less than or equal to the number of inde-
pendent equations of equilibrium available. Each equilibrium equation derives
from a degree of freedom of the system, so there may be no more unknowns
than degrees of freedom. This means that we can determine no more than three
unknown reaction components in two-dimensional systems and no more than six
in three-dimensional systems.
An indeterminate system with fewer reaction components than degrees of
freedom is under-constrained and therefore unstable. On the other hand,
if there are more reaction components than degrees of freedom, the system is
both over-constrained and indeterminate. In terms of force and moment
equations, there are more unknowns than equilibrium equations so they can’t all
be determined. This is not to say that it is impossible to find all reaction force
on an over-constrained system, just that you will not learn how to find them in
this course.

Stable vs. Unstable. A body in equilibrium is held in position by its sup-

ports, which restrict the body’s motion and counteract the applied loads. When
there are sufficient supports to restrain a body from moving, we say that the
body is stable. A stable body is prevented from translating and rotating in
all directions. A body which can move is unstable even if it is not currently
moving, because the slightest change in load may take it out of equilibrium and
initiate motion. Stability is loading independent i.e. a stable body is stable for
any loading condition.

Rules to Validate a Stable and Determinate System. There are three

rules to determine if a system is both stable and determinate. While, the rules

below can technically be checked in any order, they have been sorted from the
quickest to the most time consuming to speed up your analysis.

Rule 1: Are there exactly

three reaction components
on a two-dimensional body?
If YES, the system is deter-
If NO, the system is indeter-
minate or not stable.

Rule 2: Are all the reaction

force components parallel to
one another?
If YES, the system is unsta-
ble for translation.
If NO, the system is stable
for translation.

Rule 3: Do the lines of ac-

tion of the reaction forces in-
tersect at a single point?
If YES, the system is unsta-
ble for rotation about the
single intersection point.
If NO, the system is stable
for rotation.

5.7 Equilibrium Examples

You can use these interactives to explore how the reactions supporting rigid
bodies are affected by the loads applied. You can use the equations of equilibrium
to solve for the unknown reactions, and check your work.

Figure 5.7.1 Rigid body Equilibrium

Figure 5.7.2 Cantilever beam

Figure 5.7.3 Beam with concentrated load

Figure 5.7.4 Beam with concentrated force and couple moment

5.8 Exercises (Ch. 5)

Chapter 6

Equilibrium of Structures

In this chapter you will conduct static analysis of multi-body structures. Broadly
defined, a structure is any set of interconnected rigid bodies designed to serve a
purpose. The parts of the structure may move relative to one another, like the
blades of scissors, or they may be fixed relative to one another, like the structural
members of bridge.
Analysis of structures involves determining all forces acting on and between
individual members of the structure. Fundamentally there is nothing new here;
the techniques you have already learned apply, however structures tend to have
more unknown forces, and so are more involved and provide more opportunities
for error than the problems you have previously encountered. Correct free-body
diagrams and careful work are required, as always.

6.1 Structures
Structures fall into three broad categories: trusses, frames, and machines, and
you should be able to identify which is which.
A truss is a multi-body structure made up of long slender members con-
nected at their ends in triangular subunits. Truss members carry axial forces
only. Trusses are commonly used for spanning large distances without interrup-
tion: bridges, roof systems, stadiums, aircraft hangers, auditoriums for example.
They are also used for crane booms, radio towers and the like. Trusses are light-
weight and relatively strong. Over the years many unique truss designs have
been developed and are often named after the original designer.
A frame is a multi-part, rigid, stationary structure primarily designed to
support some type of load. A frame contains at least one multi-force member,
which a truss never has. This means that, unlike trusses, frame members must
support bending moments as well shear and normal forces. Many common items
can be considered frames. Some examples: building structure, bike frames, lad-
ders, scaffolding, and more.
A machine is very similar to a frame, except that it includes some moving
parts. The purpose of a machine is usually to provide a mechanical advantage


and multiply forces. Pliers, scissors jacks, automobile suspensions, construction

equipment are all examples of machines.

Figure 6.1.1 Scissors and bridges are examples of engineering structures. Scis-
sors are a machine with three interconnected parts. The bridge is a truss.
Solving a structure means determining all forces acting on all of its parts.
The solution typically begins by determining the global equilibrium of the entire
structure, then breaking it into parts and analyzing each separate part. The
specific process will depend on the type of structure, but will always follow the
principles covered in the previous chapters.

Two-force Members. Many structures contain at least one two-force mem-

ber, and trusses consist of two-force members exclusively. Recall from Subsec-
tion 3.3.3 that a two-force body is an object subjected to exactly two forces.
Two-force members are not required to be slender or straight, but can be rec-
ognized because they connect to other bodies or supports at exactly two points,
and have no other loading unless it is also applied at those points.
Identifying two-force members is helpful when solving structures because
they automatically establish the line of action of the two forces. In order for
a two-force body to be in equilibrium, the forces acting on it must be equal
in magnitude, opposite in direction, and have a line-of-action passing through
the point where the two forces are applied. Since these points are known, the
direction of the line-of-action is readily found.
The common way to express the force of a two-force member is with a mag-
nitude and a sense, where the sense is either tension or compression. If the two
forces tend to stretch the object we say it is in tension; if they act the other way
and squash the object, it is in compression. The usual approach is to assume that
a two-force member is in tension, then draw the free-body diagram and write
the equilibrium equations accordingly. If the analysis shows that the forces are
negative then they actually act with the opposite sense, i.e. compression.

Figure 6.1.2 Two-force members in tension and compression.


6.2 Interactions between members

When analyzing structures we are dealing with multi-body systems, and need
to recall Newton’s 3rd Law, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite
This law applies to multi-body systems wherever one body connects to an-
other. At any interaction point, forces are transferred from one body to the
interacting body as equal and opposite action-reaction pairs. These forces can-
cel out and are invisible when the structure is intact. Only when we cut through
a member or joint in the isolation step of creating a free-body diagram, do we
expose the interaction forces. When drawing free-body diagrams of the compo-
nents of structures, it is critically important to represent these action-reaction
pairs consistently. You may assume either direction for one, but the other must
be equal and opposite.
For example, look at the members and joints in the truss below. Diagram
(a) shows the truss members held together by pins at A, B, and C. The forces
holding the parts together cancel and are not shown. In the ‘exploded’ view (b),
the parts have been separated and the action-reaction pairs are exposed. Member
AB is in tension, and the forces acting on it, also called AB, oppose each other
and tend to stretch the member. These stretching forces are accompanied by
equal and opposite forces, also called AB acting on pins A and B. Tensile forces
BC and compressive forces CA behave similarly.





(a) Whole Truss (b) Exploded

Figure 6.2.1 External load and global reactions in red. Internal action-reaction
pairs in blue.
Thinking Deeper 6.2.2 Multi-body systems. When a multipart structure
is in equilibrium, each part of the structure is also in equilibrium. For example
in the truss below, each member of the truss, each joint, and each portion of
the truss is also in equilibrium. This continues all the way down to the atoms
of the structure. This universal equilibrium across spatial scales is one of the

governing principles which allows us to break multi-body systems into smaller

solvable parts.



(a) Complete Truss (b) Member AD



(c) Truss joints (d) Section

Figure 6.2.3 Possible free-body diagrams
You will see in this chapter that we have the freedom to isolate free-body
diagrams at any scale to expose our target unknowns.

6.2.1 Load Paths

Load paths can help you think about structural systems. Load paths show how
applied forces like the floor load in the image below pass through the intercon-
nected members of the structure until they end up at the fixed support reac-
tions. All structural systems, whether non-moving frames or moving machines
have some sort of load path. When analyzing all structures, you computation-
ally move from known values through the interconnected bodies of the system,
following the load path, solving for unknowns as you go.

Floor Load



Figure 6.2.4 Load paths

6.3 Trusses
Key Questions
• What are simple trusses and how do they differ from other structural

• What are the benefits and dangers of simple trusses?

• How can we determine the forces acting within simple truss systems?

• For a truss in equilibrium, why is every individual member, joint, and

section cut from the truss also in equilibrium?

• How do we identify zero-force members in a truss and use their presence

to simplify the analysis?

6.3.1 Introduction
A truss is a rigid engineering structure made up of long, slender members con-
nected at their ends. Trusses are commonly used to span large distances with a
strong, lightweight structure. Some familiar applications of trusses are bridges,
roof structures, and pylons. Planar trusses are two-dimension trusses built
out of triangular subunits, while space trusses are three-dimensional, and the
basic unit is a tetrahedron.
In this section we will analyze a simplified approximation of a planar truss,
called a simple truss and determine the forces the members individually sup-

port when the truss supports a load. Two different approaches will be presented:
the method of sections, and the method of joints.

6.3.2 Simple Trusses

Truss members are connected to each other rigidly, by welding or joining the
ends with a gusset plate. This makes the connecting joints rigid, but also make
the truss difficult to analyze. To reduce the mathematical complexity in this text
we will only consider simple trusses, which are a simplification appropriate for
preliminary analysis.

Figure 6.3.1 Truss with riveted gusset plates.

Simple trusses are made of all two-force members and all joints are modeled as
frictionless pins. All applied and reaction forces are applied only to these joints.
Simple trusses, by their nature, are statically determinate, having a sufficient
number of equations to solve for all unknowns values. While the members of
real-life trusses stretch and compress under load, we will continue to assume that
all bodies we encounter are rigid.
Simple trusses are made of triangles, which makes them rigid when removed
from supports. Simple trusses are determinate, having a balance of equations
and unknowns, following the equation:

2 × (number of joints) = (number of reaction forces) + (number of members)

| {z } | {z }
system equations system unknowns

Commonly, rigid trusses have only three reaction forces, resulting in the
2 × (number of joints) = 3 + (number of members)
Unstable trusses lack the structural members to maintain their rigidity when
removed from their supports. They can also be recognized using the equation

above having more system equations on the left side of the equation above then
system unknowns on the right.
Truss systems with redundant members have fewer system equations on the
left side of the equation above than the system unknowns on the right. While
they are indeterminate in statics, in later courses you will learn to solve these
trusses too, by taking into account the deformations of the truss members.
Thinking Deeper 6.3.2 The Danger of Simple Trusses. Simple trusses
have no structural redundancy, which makes them easy to solve using the tech-
niques of this chapter, however this simplicity also has a dark side.

These trusses are sometimes called fracture critical trusses because the failure
of a single component can lead to catastrophic failure of the entire structure.
With no redundancy, there is no alternative load path for the forces that normally
would be supported by that member. You can visualize the fracture critical
nature of simple trusses by thinking about a triangle with pinned corners. If one
side of a triangle fails, the other two sides lose their support and will collapse.
In a full truss made of only triangles, the collapse of one triangle starts a chain
reaction which causes others to collapse as well.
While fracture critical bridges are being replaced by more robust designs,
there are still thousands in service across the United States. To read more about
two specific fracture critical collapses search the internet for the Silver Bridge
collapse, or the I-5 Skagit River Bridge collapse.

6.3.3 Solving Trusses

“Solving” a truss means identifying and determining the unknown forces carried
by the members of the truss when supporting the assumed load. Because trusses
contains only two-force members, these internal forces are all purely axial. Inter-

nal forces in frames and machines will additionally include traverse forces and
bending moments, as you will see in Chapter 8.
Determining the internal forces is only the first step of a thorough analysis of
a truss structure. Later steps would include refining the initial analysis by consid-
ering other load conditions, accounting for the weight of the members, relaxing
the requirement that the members be connected with frictionless pins, and ulti-
mately determining the stresses in the structural members and the dimensions
required in order to prevent failure.
Two strategies to solve trusses will be covered in the following sections: the
Method of Joints and the Method of Sections. Either method may be used, but
the Method of Joints is usually easier when finding the forces in all the members,
while the Method of Sections is a more efficient way to solve for specific members
without solving the entire truss. It’s also possible to mix and match methods.
The initial steps to solve a truss are the same for both methods. First, ensure
that the structure can be modeled as a simple truss, then draw and label a sketch
of the entire truss. Each joint should be labeled with a letter, and the members
will be identified by their endpoints, so member AB is the member between
joints A and B. This will help you keep everything organized and consistent
in later analysis. Then, treat the entire truss as a rigid body and solve for the
external reactions using the methods of Chapter 5. If the truss is cantilevered
and unsupported at one end you may not actually need the reaction forces and
may skip this step. The reaction forces can be used later to check your work.



Figure 6.3.3 Truss Labels. Figure 6.3.4 Free body diagram.

6.3.4 Zero-Force Members

Sometimes a truss will contain one or more zero-force members. As the name
implies, zero-force members carry no force and thus support no load. Zero-force
members will be found when you apply equilibrium equations to the joints, but
you can save some work if you can spot and eliminate them before you begin.
Fortunately, zero-force members can easily be identified by inspection with two
• Rule 1: If two non-collinear members meet at an unloaded joint, then both
are zero-force members.

• Rule 2: If three forces (interaction, reaction, or applied forces) meet at a

joint and two are collinear, then the third is a zero-force member.
Consider the truss to the left. Assume
that the dimensions, angles and the mag-
nitude of force C are given. At joint B,
there are two vertical collinear members
as well as a third member which is hori-
zontal, so Rule 2 should apply.
B D What does Rule 2 say about member
BD? Can it tell us anything about mem-
ber DA?


Cutting the members at the dotted boundary line exposes BC

internal forces BC, BD and BA. These forces act along the
axis of the corresponding members by the nature of two-force
members, and for convenience have been assumed in tension B
although that may turn out to be incorrect. BD
Rule 2 applies here since BA and BC are collinear and BD
is not. BA

The free-body diagram of joint B may be drawn by eliminat- BC

ing the cut members and only showing the forces themselves.
The situation is simple enough to apply the equilibrium equa-
tions in your head. B BD


Vertically, forces BC and BA must be equal, and horizontally, force BD

must be zero to satisfy ΣFx = 0. We learn that member BD is a zero-force
While it is probably easiest to think about Rule 2 when the third member
is perpendicular to the collinear pair, it doesn’t have to be. Any perpendicular
component must be zero which implies that the corresponding member is zero-

Finding zero-force members is an iterative process. If you y

determine that a member is zero-force, eliminate it and you DC
may find others. Continuing the analysis at joint D draw x
its free-body diagram. Keep in mind that if one end of a BD D
member is zero-force the whole member is zero-force. Since
member BD is zero-force, horizontal force BD acting on
joint D is zero and need not be included on the free-body di- DA DE
agram, and the remaining three forces match the conditions
to apply Rule 2.
Analyzing the joint as before, but with a coordinate system aligned with the
collinear pair,

ΣFy = 0
DA sin θ = 0

This equation will be satisfied if DA = 0 or if sin θ = 0 but the second

condition is only true when θ = 0◦ or θ = 180◦ , which is not the case here.
Therefore, force DA must be zero, and we can conclude that member DA is a
zero-force member as well.
Finally consider joint C and draw its free-body diagram.
Does either Rule apply to this joint? No. You will need
to solve two equilibrium equations with this free-body dia- C
gram to find the magnitudes of forces CD and CB.
On the other hand, if the horizontal load C was not present
or if either BC or DC was zero-force, then Rule 1 would DC
apply and the remaining members would also be zero-force.

The final truss after eliminating the

zero-force members is shown to the left.
Forces BC = BA and DC = DE
and the members may be replaced with
longer members AC and CE.
The original truss has been reduced to
B D a simpler triangular structure with only
three internal forces to be found. Once
you are able to spot zero force members,
this simplification can be made without
drawing any diagrams or performing any

Thinking Deeper 6.3.5 Why include Zero-Force Members? You may

be wondering what is the point of including a member in a truss if it supports
no load. In our simplified example problems, they really are unnecessary, but in
the real world, zero-force members are important for several reasons:

• We have assumed that all members have negligible weight or if not, applied
half the weight to each pin. The actual weight of real members invalidates
the two-force body assumption and leads to errors. Consider a vertical
member -- the internal forces must at least support the member’s weight.

• Truss members are not actually rigid, and long slender members under
compression will buckle and collapse. The so-called zero-force member will
be engaged to prevent this buckling. In the previous example, members
CD and DE are under compression and form an unstable equilibrium and
would definitely buckle at pin D if they were not replaced with a single
member CE with sufficient rigidity.

• Trusses are often used over a wide array of loading conditions. While
a member may be zero-force for one loading condition, it will likely be
engaged under a different condition — think about how the load on a
bridge shifts as a heavy truck drives across.

So finding a zero-force member in a determinate truss does not mean you

can discard the member. Zero-force members can be thought of as removed
from the analysis, but only for the loading you are currently analyzing. After
removing zero-force members, you are left with the simplest truss which connects
the reaction and applied forces with triangles. If you misinterpret the rules you
may over-eliminate members and be left with missing legs of triangles or ‘floating’
forces that have no load path to the foundation.
Example 6.3.6 Zero-Force Member Example.
Given the truss shown, elimi-
nate all the zero-force members,
and draw the remaining truss.

Answer. There are six zero-force members: GH, F G, BF , EI, DE and CD.
Solution. Rule 1:
• Due to two members meeting at unloaded joint G, both members GH and
F G are zero-force members

• Due to two members meeting at unloaded joint D, both members DE and

CD are zero-force members
Rule 2:

• Due to three forces meeting at joining B, with two being collinear (internal
forces in AB and BC) then BF is a zero-force member.

• Due to three forces meeting at joint I, with two being collinear (internal
forces IF and CI), then EI is a zero-force member. Note that member
EI does not need to be perpendicular to the collinear members to be a
zero force.
The remaining truss is shown.
Note that once EI and BF are
eliminated, you can effectively
eliminate the joints B and I
as the member forces in the
collinear members will be equal.
Also notice that the truss is still
formed of triangles which fully
support all of the applied forces.

Try to find all the zero-force members in the truss in the interactive diagram
below, once you believe you have found all of them, check out the step-by-step
solution in the interactive.


Figure 6.3.7 Identify zero-force members.

6.4 Method of Joints

Key Questions
• What are the important components to include on a free-body diagram of
a joint in a truss?

• How are the solutions found at one joint used to create an accurate free-
body diagram of another joint?

• How do we ensure that tension or compression in a member is properly

The method of joints is a process used to solve for the unknown forces
acting on members of a truss. The method centers on the joints or connection
points between the members, and it is most useful when you need to solve for
all the unknown forces in a truss structure.
The joints are treated as particles subjected to force by the connected mem-
bers and any applied loads. As the joints are in equilibrium and the forces are
concurrent, ΣF = 0 can be applied, but the ΣM = 0 equation provides no
For planar trusses, each joint yields two scalar equations, ΣFx = 0 and
ΣFy = 0, and so two unknowns can be found. Therefore, a joint can be solved
when there are one or two unknowns forces and at least one known force acting
on it.
Forces are transferred from joint to joint by the connecting members, so when
unknown forces on a joint are found, the corresponding forces on adjacent joints
are also found.

6.4.1 Procedure
The procedure is straightforward application of rigid body and particle equilib-

1. Determine if the structure is a truss and if it is determinate. See Subsec-

tion 6.3.2

2. Identify and remove all zero-force members. This is not required, but will
eliminate unnecessary computations. See Subsection 6.3.4.

3. Determine if you need to find the external reactions. If you can identify
a solvable joint immediately, then you do not need to find the external
A solvable joint includes one or more known forces and no more than two
unknown forces. If there are no joints that satisfy this condition then you
will need to find the external reactions before proceeding, using a free-body
diagram of the entire truss.

4. Identify a solvable joint and solve it using the methods of Chapter 3. When
drawing free-body diagrams of joints you should

• Represent the joint as a dot.

• Draw all known forces in their known directions with arrowheads
indicating their sense. Known forces are the given loads, and forces
determined from previously solved joints.

• Assume the sense of unknown forces. A common practice is to assume

that all unknown forces are in tension, i.e. pulling away from the free-
body diagram of the pin, and label them based on the member they

Finally, write out and solve the force equilibrium equations for the joint. If
you assumed that all forces were tensile earlier, negative answers indicate

5. Once the unknown forces acting on a joint are determined, carry these
values to the adjacent joints and repeat step four until all the joints have
been solved. Take care when transferring forces to adjoining joints to
maintain their sense — either tension or compression.

6. If you solved for the reactions in step two, you will have more equations
available than unknown forces when you reach the last joint. The extra
equations can be used to check your work.

Rather than solving the joints sequentially, you could write out the equations
for all the joints first and solve them simultaneously using a matrix solution, but
only if you have a computer available as large matrices are not typically solvable
with a calculator.
The interactive below shows a triangular truss supported by a pin at A and
a roller at B, and loaded at joint C. You can see how the reactions and internal
forces adjust as you vary the load at C. You can solve it by starting at joint C
and solving for BC and CD, then moving to joint B and solving for AB Joint
A can be used to check your work.

Figure 6.4.1 Internal and external forces of a simple truss.

6.5 Method of Sections

Key Questions
• How do we determine an appropriate section to cut through a truss?

• How are equilibrium equations applied to a section?


The method of sections is used to solve for the unknown forces within
specific members of a truss without solving for them all. The method involves
dividing the truss into sections by cutting through the selected members and
analyzing the section as a rigid body. The advantage of the Method of Sections
is that the only internal member forces exposed are those which you have cut
through, the remaining internal forces are not exposed and thus ignored.

6.5.1 Procedure
The procedure to solve for unknown forces using the method of sections is

1. Determine if a truss can be modeled as a simple truss.

2. Identify and eliminate all zero-force members. Removing zero-force mem-

bers is not required but may eliminate unnecessary computations.

3. Solve for the external reactions, if necessary. Reactions will be necessary

if the reaction forces act on the section of the truss you choose to solve

4. Use your imaginary chain saw to cut the truss into two pieces by cutting
through some or all of the members you are interested in. The cut does
not need to be a straight line.
Every cut member exposes an unknown internal force, so if you cut three
members you’ll expose three unknowns. Exposing more than three mem-
bers is not advised because you create more unknowns than available equi-
librium equations.

5. Select the easier of the two halves of the truss and draw its free-body

• Include all applied and reaction forces acting on the section, and show
known forces acting in their known directions.
• Draw unknown forces in assumed directions and label them. A com-
mon practice is to assume that all unknown forces are in tension and
label them based on the endpoints of the member they represent.

6. Write out and solve the equilibrium equations for your chosen section. If
you assumed that unknown forces were tensile, negative answers indicate

7. If you have not found all the required forces with one section cut, repeat
the process using another imaginary cut or proceed with the method of
joints if it is more convenient.

The interactive below demonstrates the method of sections. The internal

forces in the truss members are exposed by cutting through the truss at three
locations. The known loads are shown in red, and the unknown reactions Fx ,
Ax and Ay , and unknown member forces are shown in blue. All members are
assumed to be in tension. In this situation, it is not necessary to find the
reactions if the section to the right of the cut is selected.

Figure 6.5.1 Method of sections demonstration.

6.6 Frames and Machines

Key Questions
• How are frames and machines different from trusses?

• Why can the method of joints and method of sections not be used for
frames and machines?

• How do we identify if a structure is independently rigid?

• How do we apply equilibrium equations to each member of the structure,

and ensure that the sense of a force appearing on multiple free-body dia-
grams is consistent?
Frame and machines are engineering structures that contain at least one
multi-force member. As their name implies, multi-force members have more
than two concentrated loads, distributed loads, and/or couples applied to them
and therefore are not two-force members. Note that all bodies we investigated
in Chapter 5 were all multi-force bodies.
Frames are rigid, stationary structures designed to support loads and must
include at least one multi-force member.
Machines are non-rigid structures where the parts can move relative to one
another. Generally they have an input and an output force and are designed
produce a mechanical advantage. Note that all machines in this text are in static
equilibrium by their interacting and applied forces.
Though there is a design difference between frames and machines they are
grouped together because they can both be analyzed using the same process,
which is the subject of this section.

Figure 6.6.1 Frames are rigid ob- Figure 6.6.2 Machines contain
jects containing multi-force mem- multi-force members that can move
bers. relative to one another.

6.6.1 Analyzing Frames and Machines

Analyzing a frame or machine means determining all applied, reaction, and in-
ternal forces and couples acting on the structure and all of its parts.
Multi-part structures are analyzed by mentally taking them apart and ana-
lyzing the entire structure and each part separately. Each component is analyzed
as an separate rigid body using the techniques we have already seen.
Although we can separate the structure into parts, the parts are not indepen-
dent since, by Newton’s Third Law, every interaction is half of a complementary
pair. For every force or moment of body A on B there is an equal-and-opposite
force or moment of body B on body A and the free-body diagrams must reflect
this. Incorrect representation of these interacting pairs on free-body diagrams
is a common source of student errors.
Once the frame or machine is disassembled and free-body diagrams have
been drawn, the structure is analyzed by applying equations of equilibrium to
free-body diagrams, exactly as you have done before —there’s nothing new here.
The difficulty arises first in selecting objects and drawing correct free-body
diagrams and second, in identifying an efficient solution strategy since you usu-
ally won’t be able to completely solve a diagram without first finding the value
of an unknown force from another diagram.
In Chapter 5 we saw that each two-dimensional free-body diagram results
in up to three linearly independent equations. By disassembling the structure
we now have more free-body diagrams available, and can use them to find more
unknown values. Here’s a few more details on the number of equations that
come from each type of two-dimensional free-body diagram:
• Two-force members.
One equation. Two-force members can be recognized as either a cable or a
weightless link with all forces coming from two frictionless pins. The force
at one pin is equal and opposite to the force on the other placing the body
in tension or compression.

• Objects with concurrent forces and no couple-moments.

Two equations. These are the problems you solved in Chapter 3. There
are two equations available ΣFx = 0 and ΣFy = 0.

• Multi-force rigid body with non-concurrent forces and/or couples.

Three equations. These are the most general body types. Use ΣFx = 0,
ΣFy = 0, andΣM = 0 to solve for three unknowns.

The process used to analyze frames and machines is outlined below

1. Determine if the entire structure is independently rigid. An independently

rigid structure will hold it shape even when separated from its supports.
Look for triangles formed among the members, as triangles are inherently
rigid. If it is not independently rigid, the structure will collapse when the
supports are removed.
If the structure is not independently rigid, skip to the next step. Otherwise,
model it as a single rigid body and determine the external reaction forces.

2. Draw a free-body diagram for each of the members in the structure. You
must represent all forces acting on each member, including:

• Applied forces and couples and the weights of the components if non-
• Interaction forces due to two-force members. There will be force of
unknown magnitude but the known direction at points connected to
two-force members. The forces will act along the line between the
two connection points.
• All reaction forces and moments at the connection points between
members. Forces with an unknown magnitude and direction are usu-
ally represented by unknown x and y components, but can also be
represented as a force with unknown magnitude acting in an unknown

All interaction forces and moments between connected bodies must be

shown as equal-and-opposite action-reaction pairs.




Figure 6.6.3 Free-body dia- Figure 6.6.4 Free body diagrams of

gram of a rigid frame with pin the individual components. External
at A, roller at E, and load at forces are red, exposed action-reaction
F. pairs in blue.
3. Write out the equilibrium equations for each free-body diagram.

4. Solve the equilibrium equations for the unknowns. You can do this alge-
braically, solving for one variable at a time, or you can use matrix equations
to solve for everything at once. Negative magnitudes indicate that the as-
sumed direction of that term was incorrect, and the actual force/moment
is opposite the assumed direction.

In the following example, we’ll discuss how to select objects, distinguish

external and internal loads, draw consistent and correct free-body diagrams,
and identify a good solution strategy.

Free-body diagram of structures

Drawing free-body diagrams of complex frames and machines can be tricky. In
this section we will walk through the process of selecting appropriate objects and
drawing consistent and correct free-body diagrams in order to solve a typical
machine problem.
The toggle clamp shown in Figure 6.6.5 is used to quickly secure wooden
furniture parts to the bedplate of a CNC router in order to cut mortise and
tenon joints. The component parts are shown and named in Figure 6.6.6.

7" 9" Α Α

24" Β θ

24" D C

Figure 6.6.5 Original Figure 6.6.6 Component

diagram parts.
This original diagram is not a free-body diagram because all the forces neces-
sary to hold the objects in equilibrium are not indicated. The only force shown is
F, which is supplied by some external agent, presumably the machine operator.
We must assume that the wall and floor are still attached to the world and held
To perform an equilibrium analysis, we need to develop one or more free-body
diagrams and apply the equations of equilibrium to them. Free-body diagrams
can be drawn for the entire structure, each individual part, and for any combi-
nation of connected parts. Not all these diagrams will be needed however, and
part of the challenge of solving these problems is selecting and drawing only the
ones you need. In any event, a clear decision must always be made about what
is part of the free-body and what is not.
When we separate one body from another loads will appear on both bod-
ies which act to constrain them as they were constrained before the separation.
These forces and moments must be represented on the free-body diagrams con-
sistently as halves of equal-and-opposite action-reaction pairs.
For this discussion we will progressively exclude parts from the original struc-
ture and draw the free-body diagram of what remains. In so doing we will clarify
the difference between internal and external forces, recognize and take advan-
tage of two-force bodies, and provide some tips for drawing correct free-body
diagrams. In an actual situation you will not need to draw all these diagrams,
instead you should think through the situation and draw only the diagrams you
will need for a solution.
It is helpful to consider which loads are known and which are unknown as you
prepare free-body diagrams. In planar problems a free-body diagram with three
or fewer unknowns may be solved immediately. When there are more than three
unknowns, you must incorporate information from other diagrams to complete
the solution.

Exclude the floor. To begin, we can remove the floor from the system. Every-
thing except the floor is now included as our body; only the floor is excluded.

The floor was in contact with the other objects at the ground and also at the
connection between the floor and the wall.
Since we don’t know how the wall and the floor are connected we will assume
they were fixed together. We also have to model how the wall is attached to the
rest of the world. The fixed support from wall-to-world and wall-to-floor can be
combined to be a single set of three loads which we represent as horizontal and
vertical forces Vx and Vy , and a concentrated moment Mv .
7" 9"

40" Included Excluded
F Lever ABC, Floor
Short Link BD,
θ Wooden Block,
C Roller D, Wall,
D Bearing A

Figure 6.6.7 Free-body Diagram 1

The effect of the floor on the block is represented by a single vertical force G
which holds the block the same way the floor was previously supporting it; the
loads you add must constrain your object the same way they were constrained
in the real world. This representation is really a simplification of the actual
situation since the force of the floor is really distributed over the bottom surface
of the block; however, this simplification is justified in much the same way as we
represent the weight of an object as a single force acting at its center of gravity.

• Include friction if it’s given or obvious.

• Internal forces in rigid bodies should be modeled as a fixed support.

• If you need info which you don’t have, select a variable to act as its

Exclude the wall. If you next remove the wall, forces G and F remain from
before, but we now expose four loads from where the wall was connected to what
is now our body; a normal force N at the roller and three loads from the fixed
support between the bearing block and the wall Wx , Wy , and M .

Included Excluded
Β Lever ABC, Short Floor, Wall
Link BD, Wooden
θ Block, Roller D,
C Bearing A

Figure 6.6.8 Free-body diagram 2

Note that the reactions between the wall and the floor are no longer included
in the free-body diagram because they are both on the same side of the included-
excluded table. Only loads that cross from included to excluded produce a load
on the free-body diagram.

• Every force needs a point of application and a clear arrowhead.

• Indicate any distances and angles needed and not available on the
original diagram.

• Define the direction of forces which are not vertical or horizontal

with an angle from a reference direction.

• Define a coordinate system unless you are using the standard x-y

• Do not add forces that don’t act on your body.

Exclude the bearing at A. We are not interested in the loads between the
bearing block and the wall Wx , Wy , and M and further, the free-body diagram
still includes too many unknowns to solve.
After removing the bearing we reduce the unknowns at A to two because the
bearing block and the lever are connected with a pin while the bearing block
and wall were connected with a fixed support. The loads Wx , Wy , and M and
Vx , Vy , and Mv are not included on this free-body diagram because they don’t
act on this object.

F Included Excluded
Lever ABC, Short Floor, Wall, Bearing A
θ Link BD, Wooden
Block, Roller D,

Figure 6.6.9 Free-body diagram 3

The load from the short link at B is does not appear on this free-body
diagram because it is internal. Internal loads connect two parts of the body
together. They should not be included in the free-body diagram because they
always occur in equal and opposite pairs which cancel each other out.

• Look for free-body diagrams which include only three unknowns in
two dimensions or six unknowns in three.

• Don’t include internal loads on your free-body diagrams.

Q A free-body diagram of the block shows the clamping

which we are seeking.
Note that Q ̸= G. These forces are given different nam
W they may have different magnitudes. If the weight of the
small1 in comparison to the other forces acting on the
may be neglected, in which case Q = G and they could
G the same name.
Examine the wooden block. Figure 6.6.10 Free-body diagram 4 (block)

• If the two forces are not the same don’t identify them by the same

• Make as few assumptions as you possibly can. Make a note of any

assumptions you make.

• In textbook problems, if the weight of an object is not mentioned it

(less than about 0.1%)

may be neglected.

Exclude the wooden block. We can further simplify the diagram by remov-
ing the wooden block, leaving only the roller, short link and lever.

Included Excluded
Β Lever ABC, Short Floor, Wall, Bearing A, Wooden
Link BD, Roller Block
θ D

Figure 6.6.11 Free-body diagram 5 (lever and link)

Examine the short link BD. The short link BD is a two-force body and as
discussed in Subsection 3.3.3 can only be in equilibrium if the forces at B and
D are equal-and-opposite and act along a line passing through these two points.
This means that the 24:7 slope of the link determines the direction of force BD.

When drawing free-body diagrams, forces with known directions
should be drawn pointing in that direction rather than breaking
24 them into components, otherwise you may lose track of the fact
that the x and y components are not independent but are actu-
D ally related by the direction of the force.

Figure 6.6.12 Free-body diagram 6 (short link)

Here we have assumed that the forces acting on the link are compressive. If
the equilibrium equations produce a positive value for BD our assumption is
proved correct, while a negative result indicates that we were wrong and the link
is actually in tension.

• A short-link is a two-force body.

• Recognize two-force bodies because they give you information about


• Represent the force of a two-force bodies as a force with unknown

magnitude acting along a known line of action, not as x and y com-

• If you don’t know the sense of a force along its line of action, assume
one. If you guess wrong, the analysis will give you a negative value.

Note that the force BD acting on the roller is shown poin

down and to the left. This is the opposite to the force actin
the link at D, which acts up and to the right. These two m
act in opposite directions because they are an action-reac
Q pair.

Examine the roller at D. Figure 6.6.13 Free-body diagram 7 (roller)

The roller is a three-force body, so the lines of action of N , Q, and BD are
coincident and it may be treated as a particle. Equilibrium analysis shows that
N and Q must oppose the horizontal and vertical components of force BD.
The clamping force Q produced by the toggle clamp appears on this free-body
diagram so it will be important later for the solution.

• Recognize three-force bodies and use their special properties to your

• Use the same name for the exposed forces on interacting bodies since
they are equal-and-opposite halves of an action-reaction pair.

Exclude the roller. We can further simplify the free-body diagram by re-
moving the roller. The roller and short link are connected with a pin but, for
equilibrium, the forces acting on a short link (or any two-force body) must share
the same line of action — the line connecting its endpoints; otherwise, compo-
nents perpendicular to this line would produce an unbalanced moment about
the other endpoint.

F Included Excluded
Lever ABC, Short Floor, Wall, Bearing A, Wooden
θ Link BD Block, Roller D


Figure 6.6.14 Free-body diagram 8

Exclude the short link. The previous free-body diagram has three unknowns
and can be solved but the free-body diagram of the lever by itself is also correct,
and this is the free-body diagram that most people begin with.

Included Excluded
Β F Lever ABC Floor, Wall, Bearing A, Wooden
Block, Roller D, Short Link BD
24 θ


Figure 6.6.15 Free-body diagram 9 (lever)

The load BD acting on the lever in this diagram has the same magnitude,
direction, and line of action as the load acting on the short link at D, so this
can be thought of as sliding a force along its line of action — an equivalent
The following loads are not shown here because they act between two objects
which are not part of the body:

• the loads between the bearing block and the wall Wx , Wy , and M ,

• the loads between the floor and the wall Vx , Vy , and Mv ,

• the load between the block and the floor G, and

• the load between the roller and the wall N .

All of the free-body diagrams we have drawn are correct, though not all
are necessary. Generally we only draw the free-body diagrams needed for the
solution. These diagrams form a chain which connect the known input forces to
the desired output forces. When solving frames and machines, think carefully

about what you know and what you need to solve for: that determines which free-
body diagrams you will need. Taking a few moments to consider what unknowns
you’d have at each step can help you optimize your problem-solving effort.
You should recognize that it is possible to draw incorrect free-body diagrams
which produce correct results. Consider the diagram below.

Β This diagram doesn’t accurately represent what is happen-
ing at pin D.

Figure 6.6.16 Free-body diagram 10 (Subtly incorrect)

Forces N and Q do not actually act on the short link at D. Force N acts
between the roller and the wall and clearly this diagram doesn’t include the roller.
Similarly Q acts between the block and the roller. These forces don’t belong on
the free-body diagram even though they are equal to the x and y components of
force BD. Only forces which cross the imaginary boundary between the object
and the rest of the world belong on the free-body diagram.
Students are inclined argue that this free-body diagram is statically equiv-
alent to Figure 6.6.11 and it produces the correct answer so it must be OK. It
isn’t correct because it reflects a misunderstanding about what you are modeling
and what you aren’t. Other engineers using your FBDs need to know what you
are modeling. The FBD is the key to your analysis of the real world.
Example 6.6.17 Toggle Clamp. Knowing that angle θ = 60°, find the
vertical clamping force acting on the piece at D and the magnitude of the force
exerted on member ABC at pin B in terms of force F applied to the clamp arm
at C.

7" 9"




BD = 2.52F
Q = 2.42F

Solution. For this problem, we need two free-body diagrams. The first links
the input force F to the link force BD, and the second links BD to the clamping
force Q.



24 θ Q


(a) FBD I (b) FBD II

Figure 6.6.18
We will assume the two-force member BD is in compression based on the
physical situation. The forces acting on the link, lever and roller are all directed
along a line-of-action defined by a 7-24-25 triangle. Similar triangles gives
BDx = BD
BDy = BD.
Applying M = 0 at A to the free-body diagram of the lever gives BD in
terms of F .

FBD I: ΣMA = 0

BDx (24) + BDy (7) − Fx (40) − Fy (16) = 0

7 24
BD (24) + BD (7) = (F cos 60◦ )(40) + (F sin 60◦ )(16)
25 25
13.44BD = 33.86F
BD = 2.52F

The positive sign on the answer reveals that our assumption that member
BD was in compression
P was correct.
Applying Fy = 0 to the free-body diagram of the roller will give Q in
terms of F .

FBD II: ΣFy = 0

Q − BDy = 0
Q = BD
= (2.52F )
= 2.42F

While you could certainly find Ax , Ay and N using other equilibrium equa-
tions they weren’t asked for and we don’t bother to find them. □
Thinking Deeper 6.6.19 Why does the Method of Joints work on
trusses but not on Frames or Machines? We can solve trusses using the
methods of joints and method of sections because all members of a simple truss
are two-force bodies. Cutting a truss member exposes an internal force which
has an unknown scalar magnitude, but a known line of action. The force acts
along the axis of the member, and causes no bending if the member is straight.
Cutting a truss member exposes one unknown.
Frames and machines are made of multi-force members and cutting these, in
general, exposes:

• A force with an unknown magnitude acting in an unknown direction, and

• A bending moment at the plane of the cut.

Cutting a two-dimensional multi-force member exposes three unknowns, and

six are exposed for a three-dimensional body. The number of unknowns quickly
eclipses the available equations rendering the problem impossible to solve.
Bottom line: use method of sections and joints only for trusses made of two-
force straight members; for all other multi-force rigid body systems draw and
analyze free-body diagrams of the components.

6.7 Summary
The various equilibrium topics we have covered and the associated problem solv-
ing techniques are summarized below.
You should be able to recognize these situations, draw the associated free-
body diagrams and solve for the unknowns of each case.

Particle Equilibrium. An object may be treated as a particle when the forces

acting on it are coincident, that is, all of their lines of action intersect at a
common point. In this case, they produce no moment to rotate the object, and
ΣM = 0 is not helpful. The applicable equation is

ΣF = 0,

which produces two scalar equations in two dimensions and three scalar equations
in three dimensions.

Rigid Body Equilibrium. A rigid body can rotate and translate so both
force and moment equilibrium must be considered.

ΣF = 0
ΣM = 0

In two dimensions, these equations produce in two scalar force equations and
one scalar moment equation. Up to three unknowns can be determined.
In three dimension, they produce three scalar force equations and scalar three
moment equations. Up to six unknowns can be determined.

Trusses. A truss is a structure which consists entirely of two-force members

and only carries forces at the joints connecting members. Two-force members
and loading at joints allows free-body diagram of the joints to expose the axial
loads in members.
In addition to the equations provided by treating the entire truss as a rigid
body, each joint provides two additional equations for two-dimensional trusses,
and three for non-planar trusses.

Frames and Machines. Frames and machines are structures which contain
multiple rigid body systems. Frames don’t move and are designed to support
loads. Machines are generally designed to multiply forces, and usually have
moving parts. Both frames and machines can be solved using the same methods.
All interactions between bodies are equal and opposite action-reaction pairs.
When solving frames and machines

• Two-force members provide one useful equilibrium equation, and can de-
termine one unknown.

• In two dimensions, rigid bodies result in two scalar force equations and
one scalar moment equation. Up to three unknowns can be determined.

• In three dimensions, rigid bodies produce three scalar force equations and
scalar three moment equations. Up to six unknowns can be determined.

6.8 Exercises (Ch. 6)

Chapter 7

Centroids and Centers of Gravity

A centroid is the geometric center of a geometric object: a one-dimensional

curve, a two-dimensional area or a three-dimensional volume. Centroids are use-
ful for many situations in Statics and subsequent courses, including the analysis
of distributed forces, beam bending, and shaft torsion.
Two related concepts are the center of gravity, which is the average location
of an object’s weight, and the center of mass which is the average location of
an object’s mass. In many engineering situations, the centroid, center of mass,
and center of gravity are all coincident. Because of this, these three terms are
often used interchangeably without regard to their precise meanings.
We consciously and subconsciously use centroids for many things in life and
engineering, including:

Keeping your body’s balance: Try standing up with your feet together and
leaning your head and hips in front of your feet. You have just moved your
body’s center of gravity out of line with the support of your feet.

Computing the stability of objects in motion like cars, airplanes, and boats:
By understanding how the center of gravity interacts with the accelera-
tions caused by motion, we can compute safe speeds for sharp curves on a

Designing the structural support to balance the structure’s own weight and
applied loadings on buildings, bridges, and dams: We design most large
infrastructure not to move. To keep it from moving, we must understand
how the structure’s weight, people, vehicles, wind, earth pressure, and
water pressure balance with the structural supports.

You probably have already developed a good intuition about centroids and
centers of gravity based upon your life experience, and can roughly estimate their
location when you look at an object or diagram. In this chapter you will learn
to locate them precisely using two techniques: integration 7.7 and the method
of composite parts 7.5.


7.1 Weighted Averages

You certainly know how to find the average of several numbers by adding them
up and dividing by the number of values, so for example the average of the first
four positive integers is
= 2.5
More formally, if a is a set with n elements then the average, or mean, value
a1 + a2 + · · · + an
ā = ai = . (7.1.1)
n i=1 n
This average is also called the arithmetic mean. When calculating an arith-
metic mean, each number is equally important when evaluating the average. The
overbar symbol is often used to indicate that a quantity is a mean value.
In situations where some values are more important than others, we use a
weighted average. A familiar example is your grade point average. Your GPA
is calculated by weighting your grade for each class by the credits for that class,
then dividing by the total credits you have taken. The credit values are called
the weighting factors.
In general terms a weighted average is
ai w i
ā = P (7.1.2)
Where ai are the values we are averaging and wi are the corresponding weighting
factors. The weighting factors may be different for each item being averaged, so
wi is the weighting factor for value ai . In this book we will not write the limits
on the sums, and understand that the intent is always to sum over all the values.
Notice that if the weighting factors are all identical, they can be factored out of
the sums so the weighted average and the arithmetic mean will be the same.
Weighted averaging is used to find centroids, centers of gravity and centers
of mass, the subject of this chapter. All three are points located at the “center”
the object, but the meaning of “center” depends on the weighting factors. Area
or volume are the factors used for centroids, weight for center of gravity, and
mass for center of mass.
Example 7.1.1 Course Grades. The mechanics syllabus says that there are
two exams worth 25% each, homework is 10%, and the final is worth 40%. You
have a 40 on the first exam, a 80 on the second exam, and your homework grade
is 90.
What do you have to earn on the final exam to get a 70 in the class?
Answer. You need a 77.5 on the final to get a 70 for the class.
Solution. Your known grades and the weighting factors are

Gi = [40, 80, 90, F E]

wi = [25%, 25%, 10%, 40%]

Find final exam score F E so that your average grade Ḡ is 70%.

Gi w i
Ḡ = P
(40 × 0.25) + (80 × 0.25) + (90 × 0.1) + (F E × 0.4)
70 =
(0.25 + 0.25 + 0.1 + 0.4)
70(1) − (10 + 20 + 9)
FE = = 77.5.

7.2 Center of Gravity

So far in this book we have always taken the weight of an object to act at a point
at its center. This is the center of gravity: the point where all of an object’s
weight may be concentrated and still have the same external effect on the body.
In this chapter we will learn to actually locate this point.
We will indicate the center of gravity with a circle with black and white
quadrants, and call its coordinates (x̄, ȳ) or (x̄, ȳ, z̄). This point represents
the average location of all the particles which make up the body.
The center of gravity of a body is fixed y
with respect to the body, but the co-
ordinates depend on the choice of co-
ordinate system. For example, in Fig-
ure 7.2.1 the center of gravity of the
block is at its geometric center mean-
ing that x̄ and ȳ are positive, but if the
block is moved to the left of the y axis, x
or the coordinate system is translated
to the right of the block, x̄ would then Figure 7.2.1 Location of the centroid,
become negative. measured from the origin.
Lets explore the center of gravity of a familiar object. Take a pencil and try
to balance it on your finger. How do you decide where to place it? You likely
supported it roughly in the middle, then adjusted it until it balanced. You found
the point where the moments of the weights on either side of your finger were in
Let’s develop this balanced moment idea mathematically.
Assume that the two halves of the pencil have known weights acting at points
1 and 2. How could we replace the two weights with a single statically equivalent
force? Recall from Section 4.8 that statically equivalent systems produce the
same external effect on the object —the net force on the object, and the net
moment about any point don’t change. An upward force at this point will
support the pencil without tipping.

To be equivalent, the total weight must equal the total weight of the parts.
W = W1 + W2 . Common sense also tells us that W will act somewhere between
W1 and W2 .

1 2

Figure 7.2.2 (top) Side view of a pencil representing each half as a particle.
(middle) A force diagram showing the weights of the two particles. (bottom) An
equivalent system consisting of a single weight acting at the pencil’s center of
Next, let’s do the mathematical equivalent of sliding your finger back and
forth until a balance point is located. Pick any point O to be the origin, then
calculate the total moment about O due to the two weights.
The sum of moments around point O can be written as:
MO = −x1 W1 − x2 W2
Notice that the moment of both forces are clockwise around point O, so the
signs are negative according to the right-hand rule. We want a single equivalent
force acting at the (unknown) center of gravity. Call the distance from the origin
to the center of gravity x̄.
x̄ represents the mean distance of the weight, mass, or area depending on
the context of the problem. We are evaluating weights in this problem, so x̄
represents the distance from O to the center of gravity.
The sum of moments around point O for the equivalent system can be written
as: X
MO = −x̄W
The moment of total weight W is also clockwise around point O, so the sign
of moment will also be negative according to the right-hand rule. Since the two
representation are equivalent we can equate them and solve for x̄.

−x̄W = −x1 W1 − x2 W2
x1 W1 + x2 W2
x̄ =
W1 + W2

This result is exactly in the form of (7.1.2) where the value being averaged
is distance x and the weighting factor is the weight of part Wi and the result is
the mean distance x̄.
The pencil was made up of two halves, but this equation can easily be ex-
tended n discrete parts. The resulting general definition of the centroidal coor-
dinate x̄ is: P
x̄i Wi
x̄ = P (7.2.1)

Wi is the weight of part i,

x̄i is the x coordinate of the center of gravity of element i, and

is understood to mean “sum all parts” so there is no need to write .

The numerator is the first moment of force which is literally a moment of

force as we defined it in Chapter 3. The denominator is the sum of the weights
of the pieces, which is the weight of the whole object. We will soon also see first
moments of mass and first moments of area and in Chapter 10, we will introduce
second moments, which are the integral of some quantity like area, multiplied
by a distance squared.
We treated the pencil as a one-dimensional object, so this discussion focused
on x̄. There are similar formula for the other dimensions as well
x̄i Wi ȳi Wi z̄i Wi
x̄ = P ȳ = P z̄ = P . (7.2.2)
Wi Wi Wi

In words, these equations say

sum of first moments of weight
distance to CG =
total weight
They apply to any object which can be divided into discrete parts, and they
produce the coordinates of the object’s center of gravity.
Question 7.2.3 Can you explain why the center of gravity of a symmetrical
object will always fall on the axis of symmetry?
Answer. If the object is symmetrical, every subpart on the positive side of the
axis of symmetry will be balanced by an identical part on the negative side. The
first moment for the entire shape about the axis will sum to zero, meaning that
x̄i Wi 0
x̄ = P = = 0.
Wi W

In other words, the distance from the axis of symmetry of the shape to the
centroid is zero. □

Example 7.2.4 Simple Center of Gravity.

2 ft 3.5 ft
Three 10 lb boxes are distributed along
the x axis as shown. x

10 lb 10 lb 10 lb

a Find the total weight and the distance from the origin to the center of
gravity of the three boxes.

b How would the center of gravity change if the right-most box weighed 20 lb
instead of 10 lb?

Answer. a) W = 30 lb x̄ = 2.5 ft
b) W = 40 lb x̄ = 3.25 ft
The total weight increases by 10 lb and the center of gravity shifts to the
right by 0.75 ft. Also, if the weights of box three doubles, the first moment of
weight with respect to the origin of the third box would also double.

M3 = W3 x3 = (20 lb)(5.5 ft) = 110 ft·lb.



7.3 Center of Mass

The center of mass is the mean location of the mass of an object, and is related
to the center of gravity by Newton’s Second Law because

W = mg,

where g is the local strength of the gravitational field. In this course you may
take g = 9.81 m/s2 in the SI system, or g = 32.2 ft/s2 in the US customary
system as reasonable approximations for objects on the surface of the earth.

Substituting mi gi = Wi in (7.2.2) gives the equations for the center of mass.

x̄i mi gi ȳi mi gi z̄i mi gi
x̄ = P ȳ = P z̄ = P . (7.3.1)
mi g i mi g i mi g i
By our assumption that g is constant on the surface of the earth, gi can be
factored out of the sums and drops out of the equation completely.
x̄i mi ȳi mi z̄i mi
x̄ = P ȳ = P z̄ = P . (7.3.2)
mi mi mi
These equations give the coordinates of the center of mass. The numerator
contains the first moment of mass, and the denominator contains the total
mass of the object. As long as the assumption that g is constant is valid, the
center of mass and the center of gravity are identical points and the two terms
may be used interchangeably.

7.4 Centroids
Key Questions
• What is the difference between a centroid, center of gravity and a center
of mass?

• When will the centroid, center of gravity and center of mass refer to the
same point?

• Why do the equations for the center of gravity, mass, volume, and area all
have the same structure?
A centroid is a weighted average like the center of gravity, but weighted with
a geometric property like area or volume, and not a physical property like weight
or mass. This means that centroids are properties of pure shapes, not physical
objects. They represent the coordinates of the “middle” of the shape.
The defining equations for centroids are similar to the equations for Cen-
ters of Gravity (7.2.2) but with volume used as the weighting factor for three-
dimensional shapes
x̄i Vi ȳi Vi z̄i Vi
x̄ = P ȳ = P z̄ = P , (7.4.1)
Vi Vi Vi
and area for two-dimensional shapes
x̄i Ai ȳi Ai
x̄ = P ȳ = P . (7.4.2)
Ai Ai
We will see how to use these equations on complex shapes later in this chapter,
but centroids of some simple shapes can be easily found using symmetry.

If the shape has an axis of symmetry, every point on one side of the axis
is mirrored by another point equidistant on the other side. One has a positive
distance from the axis, and the other is the same distance away in the negative
direction. These two points will add to zero the numerator, as will every other
point making up the shape, and the first moment will be zero. This means that
the centroid must lie along the line of symmetry if there is one. If a shape has
multiple symmetry lines, then the centroid must exist at their intersection.

Figure 7.4.1 Centroids lie upon axes of symmetry.

Since rectangles, circles, cubes, spheres, etc. have multiple lines of symmetry,
their centroids must be exactly in the center as we would expect.
Question 7.4.2

y 3 cm 1 cm 3 cm

1 cm

What are the coordinates of the centroid

of the I beam section shown? 5 cm

1 cm
x̄ = ȳ = 3.5 cm
Solution. The cross section is symmetrical about both a vertical and horizontal
centerline. The centroid is at the intersection, in the middle. The coordinates
are measured from the origin, in the bottom left of the diagram.

x̄ = ȳ = 3.5 cm


7.4.1 Properties of Common Shapes

We will learn how to find centroids of other shapes in Section 7.7 using inte-
gration, but in the mean time several common shapes are recorded in the table
below. This information in this table will be needed in the next section.

Table 7.4.3 Centroids of Common Shapes

Shape Area x̄ ȳ
y y′

h x′
A = bh b/2 h/2

O x

y y′

b/3 h/3
C 2

y y′

h (a + b)h a2 + ab + b2 h(2a + b)
C x′
2 3(a + b) 3(a + b)

y y′

πr2 r r

y y′

x′ πr2 4r
C r 1
x 2 3π

y y′

C x′ πr2 4r 4r
x 4 3π 3π

Note 7.4.4 In this table, all centroids are measured from the indicated origin.
You must make the appropriate adjustments when the origin of your coordinate
system is located elsewhere.

7.4.2 Relations between Centroids and Center of gravity

The equations we have been discussing (7.2.2), (7.3.1), (7.4.1) and (7.4.2) are all
variations on the general weighted average formula (7.1.2).
ai w i
ā = P

Here ai represents the distance in one of the coordinate directions such as

x, ā is the mean distance in the a direction to the ‘middle’ of the whole object,
and w is the weighting factor. The only difference between them is the choice
of weighting factor. For center of gravity, the weighting factor is the weight, for
center of mass, it is the mass, for three dimensional centroids it is the volume,
and for two dimensional centroids it is area.
To understand how these equations relate to
one another consider a plate with a cross-
sectional area A, divided into n pieces with
volume Vi .
The weight of part i is the product of its
specific weight and volume.
Figure 7.4.5 Plate with vari-
Wi = γVi = ρi gi Ai ti able thickness t, divided into
many volume elements Vi .
In the most general case, all of these terms might depend on the position
of the part, but if any are constant they can be factored out and simplify the
For a homogeneous flat plate with uniform thickness, like a piece of plywood,
the density, thickness and g are all constant so

Wi = ρgtAi

x̄i Wi ȳi Wi z̄i Wi
x̄ = P ȳ = P z̄ = P
Pi Pi Pi

ρgt x̄i Ai 
ρgt ȳi Ai
ρgt z̄i Ai

x̄ = P ȳ = P z̄ = P .

ρgt Ai 
ρgt Ai 

The two dimensional centroid equations are sufficient to find the center of
gravity of a three dimensional object.
See Example 7.7.14 for proof. ≈ 0.424 r


7.5 Centroids using Composite Parts

Key Questions
• How do you calculate the center of gravity of a system of separate objects?

• Where do the equations for the shapes in areas and centroids table come

• When finding the centroid, what do you do with a cut-out area of a com-
posite part?

• Does it matter whether a distance to the centroid of a part is positive or

negative from the axis system?
In this section we will discuss how to find centroids of two-dimensional shapes
by first dividing them into pieces with known properties, and then combining
the pieces to find the centroid of the original shape. This method will work
when the geometric properties of all the sub-shapes are known or can be easily
determined. If the shape can’t be decomposed this way, perhaps because it
has a curved boundary, you will need to use integration to find the centroid.
Integration will be covered in Section 7.7.
For convenience, the properties of several common shapes can be found here.

7.5.1 Composite Parts Method

The equations we will use for this approach are
x̄i Ai ȳi Ai
x̄ = P ȳ = P (7.5.1)
Ai Ai


x̄, and ȳ are the coordinates of the centroid of the entire shape.

Ai is the area of composite part i.

x̄i , and ȳi are the coordinates of the centroid of composite part i.

The steps to finding a centroid using the composite parts method are:

1. Break the overall shape into simpler parts.

2. Collect the areas and centroid coordinates, and

3. Apply (7.5.1) to combine to find the coordinates of the centroid of the

original shape.

As a simple example, consider the L-shaped area

shown, which has been divided into two rectan- 3 in 4 in
gles. The areas of the rectangles are
A1 = 18 in2 , A2 = 14 in2
6 in
The origin is located at the lower left, so the
coordinates of the centroids of the two rectangles
2 in
x̄1 = 1.5 in, ȳ1 = 5 in, x̄2 = 3.5 in, ȳ2 = 1 in
The centroid of the whole shape is found by applying (7.5.1)
x̄i Ai ȳi Ai
x̄ = P ȳ = P
Ai A
P i
(1.5)(18) + (3.5)(14) (5)(18) + (1)(14)
x̄ = ȳ =
18 + 14 18 + 14
x̄ = 2.375 in ȳ = 3.25 in

For more complex shapes, the usual practice is to set up a table to organize
the information needed to calculate the centroid, as we will now show. The
process can be broken into three steps.

1. Break the overall shape into simpler parts.

We begin with a sketch of the shape and establish a coordinate system. It
is critical that all measurements are made from a common origin, and the
results will be measured from this origin as well. A careful choice of origin
can simplify the problem, so give it some thought.
Then divide the shape into several simpler shapes. The sub-shapes may
include holes, which are treated as negative areas. You must know how to
calculate the area and locate the centroid of any sub-shape you use.
Consider the complex shape below.
2 cm

1.5 cm
2 cm

3 cm 2 cm 6 cm

There are often several ways to divide a shape, but it’s best to use as
few parts as possible to minimize your computations and opportunities for
error. For example, you could choose to break this shape into either a
5 cm × 4 cm rectangle, a 6 cm × 4 cm right triangle, and an r = 1.5 cm
circular hole,

1.5 cm

2 cm
2 cm
5 cm 6 cm

or a large 11 cm × 4 cm rectangle, an r = 1.5 cm circular hole, and a

6 cm × 4 cm right triangle subtracted from the large rectangle.

2 cm
2 cm 1.5 cm

11 cm 6 cm

Both options will give the same results, and in this case there is no par-
ticular advantage to one choice over the other. However, it would be silly
and unnecessary to break this into more than three parts, and it would
not be a good idea to divide this into a trapezoid minus a hole, unless you
know geometric properties of a trapezoid, which are not available in Sub-
section 7.4.1. Be sure your sub-shapes don’t overlap and don’t get counted
more than once.

2. Collect the areas and centroid coordinates.

Once the complex shape has been divided into parts, the next step is to
determine the area and centroidal coordinates for each part. You can use
the properties in Subsection 7.4.1 for rectangles, triangles, circles, semi-
circles and quarter circles but you will need to use integration if other
shapes are involved. Any holes or removed shapes should be treated as
negative areas.
Record the information you gather in a table like the one below. The table
should include a row containing column headings and units, one row for
each part, and a summary row. The first column identifies the part — by
number or sketch, the second contains the areas, and the third and fourth
contains the centroidal coordinates of the parts.

Ai x̄i ȳi Ai x̄i Ai ȳi

[cm2 ] [cm] [cm] [cm3 ] [cm3 ]
1 20 2.5 2 50 40
2 12 7 4/3 84 16
3 −2.25 π 3 2 -6.75 π -4.5π
Σ 24.93 — — 112.8 41.86

The last two columns of the table contain the first moments of area Qx =
Ai ȳi and Qy = Ai x̄i , and are easily filled in by multiplying the values in

columns two to four. Be sure to attend to positive and negative signs when
multiplying. Note that the moment of area with respect to the x axis uses
the distance from the x axis, which is ȳi , and vice-versa.
The final row of the table are total values, calculated by summing the
entries for Ai , Qx and Qy , so for example the total area of the shape is
A= Ai = A1 + A2 + A3 . . .
Don’t sum columns three or four, since x̄i and ȳi are meaningless.

3. Combine the pieces to find the overall centroid.

After you have filled in the whole table, you can find the coordinates of the
centroid by applying (7.5.1) with the summary values from the last row.

Qy 112.8
x̄ = = = 4.52 cm
A 24.93
Qx 41.86
ȳ = = = 1.692 cm
A 24.93

Finally, plot the centroid (x̄, ȳ) on the diagram. If you have made a calcu-
lation error it will usually be obvious, because the centroid location won’t
“feel right.”

The next interactive shows a composite shape consisting of a large rectangle

with a smaller rectangle subtracted. You can change the location and size of the
rectangles by moving the red points. Use this to visualize how the centroids of
the whole is related to the centroid of the parts. Note that for objects divided
into two pieces, the centroid of the whole always falls on the line connecting the
centroids of the parts.


Figure 7.5.1 Centroid of Composite Rectangles



Figure 7.5.2 Centroid of a body consisting of a rectangle, triangle and a circular


7.5.2 Centroids of 3D objects

Key Questions
• How do you divide a composite solid into parts and compute the volume/
mass and centroidal distances of each part?

• What is the technique to compute the overall center of volume/mass for a

composite solid?
The centroid of a three-dimensional volume is found similarly to two-dimensional
centroids, but with volume used instead of area for the weighting factor. The
centroid of a volume and the center of mass or gravity for a homogenous solid
are identical.
x̄i Vi ȳi Vi z̄i Vi
x̄ = P ȳ = P z̄ = P
Vi Vi Vi
x̄, ȳ, and z̄ are the coordinates of the centroid of the overall volume. Vi is
the volume of composite part i.
x̄i , ȳi , and ȳi is the coordinates of the centroid of composite part i.
Many three-dimensional shapes are just prismatic extrusions of the shapes.
The volume of a prism is the product of the cross-sectional area and the length of
the prism and is easily calculated. For example, the volume of a circular cylinder
with radius r and length l is V = π r2 l.
If the density varies for each part of a composite solid, we can find the center
of mass by dividing the first moment of mass by the total mass. You can also
compute the center of gravity by replacing the mass terms in the equations below
with weight terms.
x̄i mi ȳi mi z̄i mi
x̄ = P ȳ = P z̄ = P
mi mi mi

Here mi is the mass of composite part i.

You must always use the same weighting factor (area, volume, mass, weight,
etc) in both the numerator and denominator of the center of area/volume/mass/
weight equations.
Example 7.5.3 3D Center of Mass.

A composite solid consists of a rectangular 6f


block of lightweight concrete and a triangu-
lar wedge of steel with dimensions as shown.
The rectangular block has a 2 ft radius circu- ft

lar hole, centered and drilled through its full 2ft 3f


depth, perpendicular to the front and back

faces. 3f

Assume γC = 125 lb/ft3 , and γS = Lig

493 lb/ft3 . 12 ncret ht l
5l e ee ft
St lb/

Find the center of mass of this composite 4 ft

x 4 ft

solid. 2f

x̄ = −3.22 ft
ȳ = 2.59 ft
z̄ = 3.37 ft

Table 7.5.4
Vi γ Wi x̄i ȳi ȳi Wi x̄i Wi ȳi Wi z̄i
[ft ] [lb/ft3 ]
[lb] [ft] [ft] [ft] [ ft·lb] [ ft·lb] [ ft·lb]
block 216 125 27000 -3 2 4.5 -81000 54000 121500
hole -50.27 125 -6283 -3 2 6 18850 -12566 -37699
wedge 12 493 5916 -4 4.67 1 -23664 27608 5916
26633 -85814 69042 89717

Wi x̄i −85814 ft·lb
x̄ = P = = −3.22 ft
Wi 26633 lb
Wi ȳi 69042 ft·lb
ȳ = P = = 2.59 ft
Wi 26633 lb
Wi z̄i 89717 ft·lb
z̄ = P = = 3.37 ft
Wi 26633 lb
We have actually found the coordinates of the center of gravity, but since g
is constant they are also coordinates of the center of mass. □

7.6 Average Value of a Function

The weighted average technique discussed in (7.1.2) are a fine for averaging
several discrete values, but what do we do if we need to find the average of an
infinite number of values or values which change continuously?
Consider a function y = f (x) over some interval from a to b. How can we
find the average value ȳ of the function over that interval? To understand what
is meant by the average value of a function, look at the interactive below. There,
the function f (x) is the red curve, and which you can change if you like. The blue
dots a and b mark the beginning and end of the interval and are also adjustable.
The area under this curve between a and b is shaded with gray, and we can
find it using a definite integral
Z b
f (x) dx

The blue hatched rectangle has the same area as the gray shaded region, and
because the areas are the same, the height of the rectangle ȳ, is the average value
of f (x).


Figure 7.6.1 The average value of a function between a and b.

With this in mind, we can calculate the average value of f (x) by equating
the area under the curve with the area of the rectangle and solving for ȳ.
Z b
f (x) dx = ȳ(b − a)
Rb Z b
f (x) dx
ȳ = a
and since dx = (b − a)
(b − a) a
f (x) dx
ȳ = a R a

This is a weighted average like (7.1.2) but instead of summing n discrete

values, we integrate of an infinite number of infinitesimal values. f (x) is the
value being averaged and the weighting function is dx.
This approach is true for any choice of weighting function. To find x̄ for a
two dimensional area, the value to be averaged is x and the weighting function
is dA, so replacing dx with dA and xi with x,
x̄i Ai xdA
x̄ = P ⇒ x̄ = R
Ai dA
In other words, to transform a discrete summation to an equivalent continu-
ous integral form you:
1. Replace the summation with integration, Σ ⇒ ∫ .

2. Replace the discrete weighting factor with the corresponding differential

element, 

Ai ⇒ dA

Vi ⇒ dV etc.

W ⇒ dW

3. Rename the value being averaged to eliminate the index i. We often use
el as a subscript when referring to a differential element.
The two-dimensional centroid equations (7.5.1) become,
x̄i Ai x̄el dA ȳi Ai ȳel dA
x̄ = P ⇒ R ȳ = P ⇒ R ,
Ai dA Ai dA
and in the same way the center of gravity equations become
x̄el dW ȳel dW z̄el dW
x̄ = R ȳ = R z̄ = R .
dW dW dW
Question 7.6.2 How far is it from the earth to the sun?
Answer. 92,958,412 miles
Solution. Siri says that “The average distance from the earth to the sun is
92,958,412 miles.”
That’s a pretty exact answer. What does it mean, exactly? From what point
on the earth to what point on the sun?
If the earth and sun were perfect spheres, we could use the distance between
their centroids. With more information about shape and density, we could find
their centers of mass and measure between those points.
The bigger problem is that this distance changes continuously as the earth
revolves around the sun. How can we find an average value for something which
is continuously changing?
We need to use the methods described here, integrating the distance as a

function of time over the course of a year. □

7.7 Centroids using Integration

Key Questions
• How do you find the centroid of an area using integration?

• What is a differential quantity?

• Why are double integrals required for square dA elements and single inte-
grals required for rectangular dA elements?
In this section we will use the integral form of (7.4.2) to find the centroids of
non-homogenous objects or shapes with curved boundaries.
x̄el dA ȳel dA z̄el dA
x̄ = R ȳ = R z̄ = R (7.7.1)
dA dA dA

With the integral equations we are mathematically breaking up a shape into

an infinite number of infinitesimally small pieces and adding them together by
integrating. This powerful method is conceptually identical to the discrete sums
we introduced first.

7.7.1 Integration Process

Determining the centroid of a area using integration involves finding weighted
average values x̄ and ȳ, by evaluating these three integrals,
A = dA, Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA, (7.7.2)


• dA is a differential bit of area called the element.

• A is the total area enclosed by the shape, and is found by evaluating the
first integral.

• x̄el and ȳel are the coordinates of the centroid of the element. These are
frequently functions of x or y, not constant values.

• Qx and Qy are the First moments of Area with respect to the x and y

The procedure for finding centroids with integration can be broken into three

1. Set up the integrals.

Usually this is the hardest step.
You should always begin by drawing a sketch of the problem and reviewing
the given information.
You will need to understand the boundaries of the shape, which may be
lines or functions. You may need to know some math facts, like the defin-
ition of slope, or the equation of a line or parabola. A bounding function
may be given as a function of x, but you want it as a function of y, or
vice-versa or it may have a constant which you will need to determine.
You will need to choose an element of area dA. There are several choices
available, including vertical strips, horizontal strips, or square elements; or
in polar coordinates, rings, wedges or squares. There really is no right or
wrong choice; they will all work, but one may make the integration easier
than another. The best choice depends on the nature of the problem, and
it takes some experience to predict which it will be.
y y y

dy dy

x dx x x

(a) Square element (b) Vertical strip (c) Horizontal

Figure 7.7.1 Differential Elements of Area
The two most common choices for differential elements are:

• Square elements and double integrals.

If you choose an infinitesimal square element dA = dx dy, you must
integrate twice, over x and over y between the appropriate integration
limits. The position of the element typically designated (x, y).
• Rectangular elements and single integrals.
If you choose rectangular strips you eliminate the need to integrate
twice. You may select a vertical element with a different width dx,
and a height extending from the lower to the upper bound, or a
horizontal strip with a differential height dy and a width extending
from the left to the right boundaries. Either way, you only integrate
once to cover the enclosed area.
When finding the area enclosed by a single function y = f (x), and the
x and y axes (x, y) represents a point on the function and dA = y dx
for vertical strips, or dA = x dy for horizontal strips.

You must find expressions for the area dA and centroid of the element
(x̄el , ȳel ) in terms of the bounding functions. This is how we turn an integral
over an area into a definite integral which can be integrated.
When you have established all these items, you can substitute them into
(7.7.2) and proceed to the integration step.

2. Solve the integrals.

This step is pure mathematics.
Here are some tips if you are doing integration “by hand”. Be neat, work
carefully, and check your work as you go along. Use proper mathematics
notation: don’t lose the differential dx or dy before the integration step,
and don’t include it afterwords. Don’t forget to use equals signs between
steps. Simplify as you go and don’t substitute numbers or other constants
too soon. Pay attention to units: Area A should have units of [length]2
and the first moments of area Qx and Qy should have units of [length]3 . If
your units aren’t consistent, then you have made a mistake.

3. Evaluate the centroid.

After you have evaluated the integrals you will have expressions or values
for A, Qx , and Qy . All that remains is to substitute these into the defining
equations for x̄ and ȳ and simplify. Notice the Qx goes into the ȳ equation,
and vice-versa.
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =

Finally, plot the centroid at (x̄, ȳ) on your sketch and decide if your answer
makes sense for area.
Thinking Deeper 7.7.2 What is dA? dA is just an area, but an extremely
tiny one!
It’s an example of an differential quantity — also called an infinitesimal.
A differential quantity is a value which is as close to zero as it can possibly be
without actually being zero. You can think of its value as ∞ . Integration is the
process of adding up an infinite number of infinitesimal quantities.
Some other differential quantities we will see in statics are dx, dy and dz,
which are infinitesimal increments of distance; dV , which is a differential volume;
dW , a differential weight; dm, a differential mass, and so on.
Any product involving a differential quantity is itself a differential quantity,
so if the area of a vertical strip is given by dA = y dx then, even though height
y is a real number, the area is a differential because dx is differential.
If you like, you can pronounce the d as “the little bit of” so dA = Ry dx reads
“The little bit of area is the height y times a little bit x.” and A = dA reads
“The total area is the sum of the little bits of area.”

7.7.2 Area of a General Spandrel

In this section we will use the integration process describe above to calculate
the area of the general spandrel shown in Figure 7.7.3. A spandrel is the area
between a curve and a rectangular frame. This is a general spandrel because the
curve is defined by the function y = kxn , where n is not specified. If n = 0 the
function is constant, if n = 1 then it is a straight line, n = 2 it’s a parabola, etc..
You can change the slider to see the effect of different values of n.


Figure 7.7.3 A general spandrel of the form y = kxn

Begin by identifying the bounding functions. From the diagram, we see that
the boundaries are the function, the x axis and, the vertical line x = b. The
function y = kxn has a constant k which has not been specified, but which is
not arbitrary. The diagram indicates that the function passes through the origin
and point (a, b), and there is only one value of k which will cause this. We can
find k by substituting a and b into the function for x and y then solving for it.

y = kxn
b = kan
k= n
Next, choose a differential area. For this problem a vertical strip works well.
A vertical strip has a width dx, and extends from the bottom boundary to the
top boundary. Any point on the curve is (x, y) and a point directly below it on
the x axis is (x, 0). This means that the height of the strip is (y − 0) = y and
the area of the strip is (base × height), so

dA = y dx.

The limits on the integral are from x = 0 on the left to x = a on the right
since we are integrating with respect to x.
With theseR detailsR aestablished, the next step is to set up and evaluate the
integral A = dA = 0 y dx. This is the familiar formula from calculus for the

area under a curve. Proceeding with the integration

Z a
A= y dx (y = kxn )
Z a

= kxn dx (integrate)
=k (evaluate limits)
n+1 0
an+1 b
=k k= n
n+1 a
b an+1
= n (simplify)
a n+1
A= (result)
This result is not a number, but a general formula for the area under a curve
in terms of a, b, and n. Explore with the interactive, and notice for instance
that when n = 0, the shape is a rectangle and A = ab; when n = 1 the shape is
a triangle and the A = ab/2; when n = 2 the shape is a parabola and A = ab/3
etc. This single formula gives the equation for the area under a whole family of
Thinking Deeper 7.7.4 Which is better, horizontal R or vertical ele-
ments? Recall that the first moment of area Qx = x̄el dA is the distance
weighted area as measured from a desired axis. The distance term x̄el is the
distance from the desired axis to the centroid of each differential element of area,
If you’re using a single integral with a vertical element y

dA = f (x) (dx) = y dx
|{z} |{z}
height base

and the horizontal distance from the y axis to the

centroid of dA would simply be
dx x
x̄el = x

It is also possible to find x̄ using a horizontal ele-

ment but the computations are a bit more challeng-
ing. First the equation for dA changes to
dA = g(y) (dy) = x dy.
|{z} |{z}
height base

Additionally, the distance to the centroid of each element, x̄el , must measure
to the middle of the horizontal element. For this triangle,
x̄el = .
We find a similar contrast to finding the vertical centroidal distance ȳ where
it is easier to use a dy element to find ȳ than it is to use a dx element.
y y


dx x x

The interactive below compares horizontal and vertical strips for a shape
bounded by the parabola y 2 = x and the diagonal line y = x − 2. Horizontal
strips are a better choice in this case, because the left and right boundaries are
easy to express as functions of y. If vertical strips are chosen, the parabola must
be expressed as two different functions of x, and two integrals are needed to cover
the area, the first from x = 0 to x = 1, and the second from x = 1 to x = 4.

Figure 7.7.5 Function demonstrating good and bad choices of differential ele-

7.7.3 Examples
This section contains several examples of finding centroids by integration, start-
ing with very simple shapes and getting progressively more difficult. All the ex-
amples include interactive diagrams to help you visualize the integration process,
and to see how dA is related to x or y.
The first two examples are a rectangle and a triangle evaluated three different
ways: with vertical strips, horizontal strips, and using double integration. The
different approaches produce identical results, as you would expect. You should
try to decide which method is easiest for a particular situation.
Example 7.7.6 Centroid of a rectangle. Use integration to show that the
centroid of a rectangle with a base b and a height of h is at its center.


Figure 7.7.7
x̄ = b/2 ȳ = h/2 (7.7.3)
Solution 1. This solution demonstrates solving integrals using vertical rec-
tangular strips. Set the slider on the diagram to h dx to see a representative

1. Set up the integrals.

The bounding functions in this example are vertical lines x = 0 and x = a,
and horizontal lines y = 0 and y = h.
The strip extends from (x, 0) on the x axis to (x, h) on the top of the
rectangle, and has a differential width dx.
The area of the strip is the base times the height, so

dA = h dx.

The centroid of the strip is located at its midpoint so, by inspection

x̄el = x
ȳel = h/2

With vertical strips the variable of integration is x, and the limits on x run
from x = 0 at the left to x = b on the right. For a rectangle, both 0 and h
are constants, but in other situations, ȳel and the left or right limits may
be functions of x.

2. Solve the integrals.

Substitute dA, x̄el , and ȳel into (7.7.2) and integrate.
A = dA Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z b Z b Z b
= h dx = (h dx) = x (h dx)
0 0 2 0
h ib Z Z
h2 b b
= hx = dx =h x dx
0 2 0 0
 2 b
h 2 h ib x
= hb − 0 = x =h
2 0 2 0
2 2
hb bh
A = bh Qx = Qy =
2 2
Unsurprisingly, we learn that the area of a rectangle is base times height.
Since the area formula is well known, it was not really necessary to solve
the first integral. Note that A has units of [length]2 , and Qx and Qy have
units of [length]3 .
3. Find the centroid.
Substituting the results into the definitions gives
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =
A  A 
b2 h h2 b
= bh = bh
2 2
b h
= = .
2 2

Solution 2. This solution demonstrates solving integrals using horizontal rec-

tangular strips. Set the slider on the diagram to b dy to see a representative
1. Set up the integrals.
The bounding functions x = 0, x = a, y = 0 and y = h.
The strip extends from (0, y) on the y axis to (b, y) on the right, and has
a differential height dy.
The area of the strip is the base times the height, so
dA = b dy.

The centroid of the strip is located at its midpoint so, by inspection

x̄el = b/2
ȳel = y

With horizontal strips the variable of integration is y, and the limits on y

run from y = 0 at the bottom to y = h at the top.
For a rectangle, both 0 and h are constants, but in other situations, x̄el
and the upper or lower limits may be functions of y.

2. Solve the integrals.

Substitute dA, x̄el , and ȳel into (7.7.2) and integrate. The results are the
same as we found using vertical strips.
A = dA Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z h Z h Z h
= b dy = y (b dy) = (b dy)
0 0 0 2
h ih Z h Z
b2 h
= by =b y dy = dy
0 0 2 0
h y 2 ih b2 h ih
= bh =b = y
2 0 2 0
h2 b b2 h
A = bh Qx = Qy =
2 2

3. Find the centroid.

Substituting the results into the definitions gives
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =
A  A 
b2 h h2 b
= bh = bh
2 2
b h
= = .
2 2

Solution 3. This solution demonstrates solving integrals using square elements

and double integrals. Set the slider on the diagram to dx dy to see a representa-
tive element.

1. Set up the integrals.

Set the slider on the diagram to dx dy to see a representative element.
The bounding functions x = 0, x = a, y = 0 and y = h.
Instead of strips, the integrals will be evaluated using square elements with
width dx and height dy located at (x, y).
The area of the square element is the base times the height, so

dA = dx dy = dy dx.

The centroid of the strip is located at its midpoint so, by inspection

x̄el = x
ȳel = y

We will integrate twice, first with respect to y and then with respect to x.
The limits on the first integral are y = 0 to h and x = 0 to b on the second.
For a rectangle, both b and h are constants. In other situations, the upper
or lower limits may be functions of x or y.
2. Solve the integrals.
Substitute dA, x̄el , and ȳel
into (7.7.2) and integrate the ‘inside’ integral,
then the ‘outside’ integral. The results are the same as before.
A = dA Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z bZ h Z bZ h Z bZ h
= dy dx = y dy dx = x dy dx
Z b Z h  Z b Z h  Z b Z h 
0 0 0 0 0 0

= dy dx = y dy dx = x dy dx
0 0 0 0 0 0
Z b h ih Z b h 2 ih Z b h ih
= y dx = dx = x y dx
0 0 0 2 0 0 0
Z b Z b Z b
=h dx = dx =h x dx
0 2 0 0
h ib h 2 h ib h x 2 ib
=h x = x =h
0 2 0 2 0
h2 b b2 h
A = hb Qx = Qy =
2 2
3. Find the centroid.
Substituting the results into the definitions gives
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =
A  A 
b2 h h2 b
= bh = bh
2 2
b h
= = .
2 2
Solution 4.


Example 7.7.8 Centroid of a triangle. Use integration to locate the centroid
of a triangle with base b and height of h oriented as shown in the interactive.


Figure 7.7.9
2 1
x̄ = b ȳ = h (7.7.4)
3 3
Solution 1. This solution demonstrates finding the centroid of the triangle
using vertical strips dA = y dx. Set the slider on the diagram to y dx to see a
representative element.

1. Set up the integrals.

The bounding functions in this example are the x axis, the vertical line
x = b, and the straight line through the origin with a slope of hb . Using the
slope-intercept form of the equation of a line, the upper bounding function
y = f (x) = x
and any point on this line is designated (x, y).
The strip extends from (x, 0) on the x axis to (x, y) on the function, has a
height of y, and a differential width dx. The area of this strip is

dA = ydx.

The centroid of the strip is located at its midpoint so, by inspection

x̄el = x
ȳel = y/2

With vertical strips the variable of integration is x, and the limits are x = 0
to x = b.

2. Solve the integrals.

Substitute dA, x̄el , and ȳel into (7.7.2) and integrate. In contrast to the
rectangle example both dA and ȳel are functions of x, and will have to be
integrated accordingly.
A = dA Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z b Z b Z b
= y dx = (y dx) = x (y dx)
0 0 2 0
Z b Z  2 Z b  
h 1 b h h
= x dx = x dx = x x dx
0 b 2 0 b 0 b
h h x 2 ib h2 b 2 h b 2
= = 2 x dx = x dx
b 2 0 2b 0 b 0
h b2 h 2 h x 3 ib h x3
= = 2 =
b 2 2b 3 0 b 3 0
bh hb b2 h
A= Qx = Qy =
2 6 3

We learn that the area of a triangle is one half base times height. Since
the area formula is well known, it would have been more efficient to skip
the first integral. Note that A has units of [length]2 , and Qx and Qy have
units of [length]3 .

3. Find the Centroid.

Substituting the results into the definitions gives
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =
A  A 
b2 h bh h2 b bh
= =
3 2 6 2
2 1
= b = h.
3 3

Solution 2. This solution demonstrates solving integrals using horizontal rec-

tangular strips. Set the slider on the diagram to (b−x) dy to see a representative

1. Set up the integrals.

As before, the triangle is bounded by the x axis, the vertical line x = b,
and the line
y = f (x) = x.

To integrate using horizontal strips, the function f (x) must be inverted to

express x in terms of y. Solving for f (x) for x gives
x = g(y) = y.
The limits on the integral are from y = 0 to y = h.
The strip extends from (x, y) to (b, y), has a height of dy, and a length of
(b − x), therefore the area of this strip is
dA = (b − x)dy.

The coordinates of the midpoint of the element are

ȳel = y
(b − x) b+x
x̄el = x + = .
2 2
These expressions are recognized as the average of the x and y coordinates
of strip’s endpoints.
A common student mistake is to use dA = x dy, and x̄el = x/2. These
would be correct if you were looking for the properties of the area to the
left of the curve.
2. Solve the integrals.
Substitute dA, x̄el , and ȳel into the definitions of Qx and Qy and integrate.
The results are the same R as we found using verticalbhstrips. There in no
need to evaluate A = dA since we know that A = 2 for a triangle.
Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z h Z h
(b + x)
= y (b − x) dy = (b − x) dy
0 0 2
Z h Z
1 h 2 
= (by − xy) dy = b − x2 dy
2 0
Z h  Z  
by 2
1 h 2 b2 y 2
= by − dy = b − 2 dy
0 h 2 0 h
h y2 y 3 ih
b 2h
y 3 ih
=b − = y− 2
2 3h 0 2 3h 0
1 1 1  1
= bh2 − = (b2 h) 1 −
2 3 2 3
2 2
hb bh
Qx = Qy =
6 3
It makes solving these integrals easier if you avoid prematurely substituting
in the function for x and if you factor out constants whenever possible.
Here it x = g(y) was not substituted until the fourth line.

3. Find the centroid.

Substituting the results into the definitions gives
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =
A  A 
b2 h bh h2 b bh
= =
3 2 6 2
2 1
= b = h.
3 3

Solution 3. This solution demonstrates solving integrals using square elements

and double integrals. Set the slider on the diagram to dx dy or dy dx to see a
representative element.

1. Set up the integrals.

As before, the triangle is bounded by the x axis, the vertical line x = b,
and the line
h b
y = f (x) = x or in terms of y, x = g(y) = y.
b h

In this solution the integrals will be evaluated using square differential

elements dA = dy dx located at (x, y).
With double integration, you must take care to evaluate the limits cor-
rectly, since the limits on the inside integral are functions of the variable
of integration of the outside integral. The inside integral essentially stacks
the elements into strips and the outside integral adds all the strips to cover
the area.
Choosing to express dA as dy dx means that the integral over y will be
conducted first. The limits on the inside integral are from y = 0 to y =
f (x). Then, the limits on the outside integral are from x = 0 to x = b.
Using dA = dx dy would reverse the order of integration, so the inside
integral’s limits would be from x = g(y) to x = b, and the limits on the
outside integral would be y = 0 to y = h. Either choice will give the same
results — if you don’t make any errors!
The area of the square element is the base times the height, so

dA = dy dx.

The centroid of the square is located at its midpoint so, by inspection

x̄el = x
ȳel = y

2. Solve the integrals.

Substitute dA, x̄el , and ȳel into (7.7.2) and integrate the ‘inside’ integral,
then the ‘outside’ integral. The results are the same as before.
Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z b Z f (x) Z b Z f (x)
= y dy dx = x dy dx
Z b "Z f (x) # Z b "Z f (x) #
0 0 0 0

= y dy dx = x dy dx
0 0 0 0
Z b 
2 f (x) Z b  f (x)
= dx = x y dx
0 2 0 0
Z   Z b  
1 b h2 2 h
= x dx = x x dx
2 0 b2 0 b
Z Z b
h2 b 2 h
= x dx = x2 dx
2b2 0 b 0
h 2 h x 3 ib h h x 3 ib
= =
2b2 3 0 b 3 0
h2 b b2 h
Qx = Qy =
6 3
3. Find the centroid.
Substituting Q_x and Qy along with A = bh/2 into the centroid definitions
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =
A  A 
b2 h bh h2 b bh
= =
3 2 6 2
2 1
= b = h.
3 3
Solution 4.



The next two examples involve areas with functions for both boundaries,
Example 7.7.10 Centroid of a semi-parabola. Find the coordinates of the
centroid of a parabolic spandrel bounded by the y axis, a horizontal line passing
through the point (a, b), and a parabola with a vertex at the origin and passing
through the same point. a and b are positive integers.


Figure 7.7.11
3 2
x̄ = a ȳ b
8 5
Solution. We will use (7.7.2) with vertical strips to find the centroid of a

1. Set up the integrals.

Determining the bounding functions and setting up the integrals is usually
the most difficult part of problems like this. Begin by drawing and labeling
a sketch of the situation.

(a) Place a point in the first quadrant and label it P = (a, b). This point
is in the first quadrant and fixed since we are told that a and b are
positive integers
(b) Place a horizontal line through P to make the upper bound.
(c) Sketch in a parabola with a vertex at the origin and passing through
P and shade in the enclosed area.
(d) Decide which differential element you intend to use. For this example
we choose to use vertical strips, which you can see if you tick show
strips in the interactive above. Horizontal strips dA = x dy would
give the same result, but you would need to define the equation for
the parabola in terms of y.

Determining the equation of the parabola and expressing it in terms of x

and any known constants is a critical step. You should remember from

algebra that the general equation of parabola with a vertex at the origin is
y = kx2 , where k is a constant which determines the shape of the parabola.
If k > 0, the parabola opens upward and if k < 0, the parabola opens
To find the value of k, substitute the coordinates of P into the general
equation, then solve for k.

y = kx2 , so at P
(b) = k(a)2
k= 2

The resulting function of the parabola is

b 2
y = y(x) = x.

To perform the integrations, express the area and centroidal coordinates

of the element in terms of the points at the top and bottom of the strip.
The area of the strip is its height times its base, so

dA = (b − y) dx.

If you incorrectly used dA = y dx, you would find the centroid of the
spandrel below the curve.
For vertical strips, the bottom is at (x, y) on the parabola, and the top
is directly above at (x, b). The strip has a differential width dx. The
centroid of the strip is located at its midpoint and the coordinates are
found by averaging the x and y coordinates of the points at the top and

x̄el = (x + x)/2 = x
ȳel = (y + b)/2

For vertical strips, the integrations are with respect to x, and the limits
on the integrals are x = 0 on the left to x = a on the right.

2. Solve the integrals.

We have already established that y(x) = kx2 where k = b/a2 . To simplify
the algebra, it is best not to prematurely substitute y(x) and k, but you
must substitute in any functions of x before you do the integration step.

A= dA Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z a Z a Z a
(b + y)
= (b − y) dx = (b − y)dx = x(b − y) dx
Z 0
a Z 0
Z 0
1 a 2 a
= (b − kx ) dx
= (b − y 2 ) dx = x(b − y) dx
2 0
a Z Z o
x3 1 a 2 a
= bx − k = (b − (kx2 )2 ) dx = x(b − kx2 ) dx
3 0 2 0 o
a3 1 a 2 a
= ba − k = (b − k 2 x4 ) dx = (bx − kx3 ) dx
3 2 0
5 a
o 2 a
b a 1 2 2x bx x4
= ba − = b x−k = −k
a2 3 2 5 0 2 4 0
"  2 5 #  2   4
3ba ba 1 2 b a ba b 4
= − = b a− 2
= −
3 3 2 a 5 2 a2 4
2 1 2 1 2 1 1
= ba = b a 1− = ba −
3 2 5 2 4
2 2 2 1
A = ba Qx = ba Qy = ba2
3 5 4

The area of the spandrel is 2/3 of the area of the enclosing rectangle and
the moments of area have units of [length]3 .

3. Find the centroid.

Substituting the results into the definitions gives
x̄ = ȳ = Qx A
ba2 2ba 2b2 a 2ba
= =
4 3 5 3
3 2
= a = b.
8 5

x̄ is 3/8 of the width and ȳ is 2/5 of the height of the enclosing rectangle.

Example 7.7.12 Centroid of an area between two curves. Use integration
to locate the centroid of the area bounded by

x x2
y1 = and y2 = .
4 2


Figure 7.7.13
Find the centroid location (x̄, ȳ) of the shaded area between the two curves
1 1
x̄ = ȳ = (7.7.5)
4 20
Solution 1. This solution demonstrates finding the centroid of the area be-
tween two functions using vertical strips dA = y dx. Set the slider on the
diagram to h dx to see a representative element.

1. Set up the integrals.

The bounding functions in this example are the x axis, the vertical line
x = b, and the straight line through the origin with a slope of hb . Using the
slope-intercept form of the equation of a line, the upper bounding function
y = f (x) = x
and any point on this line is designated (x, y).
The strip extends from (x, 0) on the x axis to (x, y) on the function, has a
height of y, and a differential width dx. The area of this strip is

dA = ydx.

The centroid of the strip is located at its midpoint so, by inspection

x̄el = x
ȳel = y/2

With vertical strips the variable of integration is x, and the limits are x = 0
to x = b.

2. Solve the integrals.


Substitute dA, x̄el , and ȳel into (7.7.2) and integrate. In contrast to the
rectangle example both dA and ȳel are functions of x, and will have to be
integrated accordingly.
A = dA
Z 1/2
= (y1 − y2 ) dx
Z 1/2  
x x2
= − dx
0 4 2
h x2 x3 i1/2
= −
8 6 0
h1 1i
= −
32 48
Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z 1/2   Z 1/2
y1 + y2
= (y1 − y2 ) dx = x(y1 − y2 ) dx
0 2 0
Z Z 1/2  
1 1/2 2  x x2
= y1 − y2 dx
= x − dx
2 0 0 4 2
Z   Z 1/2  2 
1 1/2 x2 x4 x x3
= − dx = − dx
2 0 16 4 0 4 2
 3 1/2
1 h x3 x5 i1/2 x x4
= − = −
2 48 20 0 12 8 0
1h 1 1 i h1 1 i
= − = −
2 384 640 96 128
1 1
Qx = Qy =
1920 384
3. Find the Centroid.
Substituting the results into the definitions gives
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =
A  A 
1 1 1 1
= =
384 96 1920 96
1 1
x̄ = ȳ = .
4 20
Solution 2. This solution demonstrates finding the centroid of the area be-
tween two functions using vertical strips dA = y dx. Set the slider on the
diagram to h dx to see a representative element.

1. Set up the integrals.

The bounding functions in this example are the x axis, the vertical line
x = b, and the straight line through the origin with a slope of hb . Using the
slope-intercept form of the equation of a line, the upper bounding function
y = f (x) = x
and any point on this line is designated (x, y).
The strip extends from (x, 0) on the x axis to (x, y) on the function, has a
height of y, and a differential width dx. The area of this strip is

dA = ydx.

The centroid of the strip is located at its midpoint so, by inspection

x̄el = x
ȳel = y/2

With vertical strips the variable of integration is x, and the limits are x = 0
to x = b.

2. Solve the integrals.

Substitute dA, x̄el , and ȳel into (7.7.2) and integrate. In contrast to the
rectangle example both dA and ȳel are functions of x, and will have to be
integrated accordingly.
A = dA
Z y
= (x2 − x1 ) dy
Z 1/8  p 
= 4y − 2y dy
h4 3/2 i1/8
= 2y − y 2
3 0
h1 1i
= −
32 48

Qx = ȳel dA Qy = x̄el dA
Z 1/8 Z 1/8  
x2 + x1
= y(x2 − x1 ) dy = (x2 − x1 ) dy
0 0 2
Z p  Z
1 1/8 2 
= y 2y − 4y dy = x2 − x21 dy
0 2 0
Z √  Z
1 1/8 
= 2y 3/2 − 4y 2 dy = 2y − 16y 2 dy
0 2 0
h 2 √2 4 3 i1/8

1 2 16 3
= y − y 5/2
= y − y
5 3 0 2 3 0
h 1 1 i h
1 1 1i
= − = −
320 384 2 64 96
1 1
Qx = Qy =
1920 384

3. Find the Centroid.

Substituting the results into the definitions gives
Qy Qx
x̄ = ȳ =
A  A 
1 1 1 1
= =
384 96 1920 96
1 1
x̄ = ȳ = .
4 20

The last example demonstrates using double integration with polar coordi-
Example 7.7.14 Centroid of a semi-circle. Find the coordinates of the top
half of a circle with radius r, centered at the origin.

Figure 7.7.15
Answer. The centroid of a semicircle with radius r, centered at the origin is
x̄ = 0 ȳ = (7.7.6)

Solution. We will use (7.7.2) with polar coordinates (ρ, θ) to solve this problem
because they are a natural fit for the geometry. In polar coordinates, the equation

for the bounding semicircle is simply

ρ = r.
Normally this involves evaluating three integrals but as you will see, we can
take some shortcuts in this problem. Otherwise we will follow the same procedure
as before.

1. Set up the integrals.

Divide the semi-circle into ”rectangular” differential elements of area dA,
as shown in the interactive when you select Show element. This shape
is not really a rectangle, but in the limit as dρ and dθ approach zero, it
doesn’t make any difference.
The radial height of the rectangle is dρ and the tangential width is the arc
length ρdθ. The product is the differential area dA.
dA = (dρ)(ρ dθ) = ρ dρ dθ. (7.7.7)

The differential element is located at (ρ, θ) in polar coordinates. Expressing

this point in rectangular coordinates gives
x̄el = ρ cos θ
ȳel = ρ sin θ.

2. Solve the integrals.

The area of aR semicircle is well known, so there is no need to actually
evaluate A = dA, Z
A = dA = .
Since the semi-circle is symmetrical about the y axis,
Qy = x̄el dA = 0.

This is because each element of area to the right of the y axis is balanced
by a corresponding element the same distance the left which cancel each
other out in the sum.
All that remains is to evaluate the integral Qx in the numerator of
Qx ȳel dA
ȳ = =
The differential area dA is the product of two differential quantities, we
will need to perform a double integration.
Qx = ȳel dA
Z π Z r
= (ρ sin θ)ρ dρ dθ
Z π 0
Z r 0

= sin θ ρ dρ dθ
Z π  3 r
= sin θ dθ
0 3 0
Z π
= sin θ dθ
3 0
= [− cos θ]π0
= − [cos π − cos 0]
= − [(−1) − (1)]
2 3
Qx = r

3. Find the centroid.

Substituting the results into the definitions gives
ȳ =
2r3 πr2
3 2
= .

So x̄ = 0 and lies on the axis of symmetry, and ȳ = above the diameter.

This result can be extended by noting that a semi-circle is mirrored quarter-
circles on either side of the y axis. These must have the same ȳ value as
the semi-circle. Further, quarter-circles are symmetric about a 45◦ line, so
for the quarter-circle in the first quadrant,
x̄ = ȳ = .


7.8 Distributed Loads

Key Questions
• What is a distributed load?

• Given a distributed load, how do we find the magnitude of the equivalent

concentrated force?

• Given a distributed load, how do we find the location of the equivalent

concentrated force?
Distributed loads are forces which are spread out over a length, area, or
volume. Most real-world loads are distributed, including the weight of building
materials and the force of wind, water, or earth pushing on a surface. Pressure,
load, weight density and stress are all names commonly used for distributed
loads. Distributed load is a force per unit length or force per unit area depicted
with a series of force vectors joined together at the top, and will be designated
as w(x) to indicate that the distributed loading is a function of x.
For example, although a shelf of books could be treated as a collection of
individual forces, it is more common and convenient to represent the weight of
the books as a uniformly distributed load. A uniformly distributed load is
a load which has the same value everywhere, i.e. w(x) = C, a constant.

(a) A shelf of books with various weights.

(b) Each book represented as an individ-

ual weight

(c) All the books represented as a dis-

tributed load.
Figure 7.8.1
We can use the computational tools discussed in the previous chapters to
handle distributed loads if we first convert them to equivalent point forces. This

equivalent replacement must be the resultant of the distributed loading, as

discussed in Section 4.8. Recall that this resultant force has the same external
effect on the object as the original system of forces did.
To be equivalent, the point force must have a:
• Magnitude equal to the area or volume under the distributed load function.
• Line of action that passes through the centroid of the distributed load
The next two sections will explore how to find the magnitude and location
of the equivalent point force for a distributed load.

7.8.1 Equivalent Magnitude

The magnitude of the distributed load of the books is the total weight of the
books divided by the length of the shelf
w(x) = .

It represents the average book weight per unit length. Similarly, the total weight
of the books is equal to the value of the distributed load times the length of the
shelf or

W = w(x)ℓ
total weight = × length of shelf
This total load is simply the area under the curve w(x), and has units of
force. If the loading function is not uniform, integration may be necessary to
find the area.
Example 7.8.2 Bookshelf. A common paperback is about 3 cm thick and
weighs approximately 3 N.
What is the loading function w(x) for a shelf full of paperbacks and what is
the total weight of paperback books on a 6 m shelf?

w(x) = 100 N/m

W = 600 N

Solution. The weight of one paperback over its thickness is the load intensity
w(x), so
w(x) = = 100 N/m.
3 cm
The total weight is the area under the load intensity diagram, which in this
case is a rectangle. So, a 6 m bookshelf covered with paperbacks would have to

W = w(x)ℓ = (100 N/m)(6 m) = 600 N.
The line of action of this equivalent load passes through the centroid of the
rectangular loading, so it acts at x = 3 m.
100 N/m

6m 3m 3m
600 N

7.8.2 Equivalent Location

To use a distributed load in an equilibrium problem, you must know the equiv-
alent magnitude to sum the forces, and also know the position or line of action
to sum the moments.
The line of action of the equivalent force acts through the centroid of area
under the load intensity curve. For a rectangular loading, the centroid is in the
center. We know the vertical and horizontal coordinates of this centroid, but
since the equivalent point force’s line of action is vertical and we can slide a force
along its line of action, the vertical coordinate of the centroid is not important
in this context.
Similarly, for a triangular distributed load — also called a uniformly vary-
ing load — the magnitude of the equivalent force is the area of the triangle,
bh/2 and the line of action passes through the centroid of the triangle. The
horizontal distance from the larger end of the triangle to the centroid is x̄ = b/3.
Essentially, we’re finding the balance point so that the moment of the force
to the left of the centroid is the same as the moment of the force to the right.
The examples below will illustrate how you can combine the computation
of both the magnitude and location of the equivalent point force for a series of
distributed loads.
Example 7.8.3 Uniformly Varying Load.

10 lb/ft Find the equivalent point force and its point

of application for the distributed load shown.
6 ft x

Answer. The equivalent load is 30 lb downward force acting 4 ft from the left

10 lb/ft

6 ft 4 ft 2 ft

30 lb

Solution 1. The equivalent load is the ‘area’ under the triangular load intensity
curve and it acts straight down at the centroid of the triangle. This triangular
loading has a 6 ft base and a10 lb/ft height so
1 1
W = bh = (6 ft)(10 lb/ft) = 30 lb.
2 2
and the centroid is located 2/3 of the way from the left end so,

x̄ = 4 ft.

Solution 2.


Distributed loads may be any geometric shape or defined by a mathematical
function. If the load is a combination of common shapes, use the properties of
the shapes to find the magnitude and location of the equivalent point force using
the methods of Section 7.5. If the distributed load is defined by a mathematical
function, integrate to find their area using the methods of Section 7.7.
A few things to note:
• You can include the distributed load or the equivalent point force on your
free-body diagram, but not both!
• Since you’re calculating an area, you can divide the area up into any shapes
you find convenient. So, if you don’t recall the area of a trapezoid off the
top of your head, break it up into a rectangle and a triangle.

7.8.3 Distributed Load Applications

Once you convert distributed loads to the resultant point force, you can solve
problem in the same manner that you have other problems in previous chapters

of this book. Note that while the resultant forces are externally equivalent to the
distributed loads, they are not internally equivalent, as will be shown Chapter 8.
Example 7.8.4 Cantilever Beam.
4 N/m

A Find the reactions at the fixed connection at

x A.
2m 4m


Ax = 0
Ay = 16 N
M = 64 N·m

Solution. Draw a free-body diagram with the distributed load replaced with
an equivalent concentrated load, then apply the equations of equilibrium.

ΣFx = 0 → Ax = 0
x ΣFy = 0 → Ay = 16 N
4m 2m
ΣMA = 0 → MA = (16 N)(4 m)
16 N
= 64 N·m

Example 7.8.5 Beam Reactions.
12 lb/in 100 lb 150 lb 100 lb 12 lb/in

Find the reactions at the supports

A B for the beam shown.
10 in 6 in 6 in 6 in 6 in 10 in

Ay = 196.7 lb, Ax = 0 lb, By = 393.3 lb

Solution. Start by drawing a free-body diagram of the beam with the two dis-
tributed loads replaced with equivalent concentrated loads. The two distributed
loads are (10 in)(12 lb/in) = 120 lb each.
120 lb 100 lb 150 lb 100 lb 120 lb

Then apply the equations of equilibrium.

MA = 0

+(12 lb/in)(10 in)(5 in) − (100 lb)(6 in)

−(150 lb)(12 in) − (100 lb)(18 in)
+(By )(18 in) − (12 lb/in)(10 in)(29 in) = 0 → By = 393.3 lb

Fy = 0
−(12 lb/in)(10 in) + By − 100 lb − 150 lb
−100 lb + By − (12 lb/in)(10 in) = 0 → By = 196.7 lb

Fx = 0 → Ax = 0

7.9 Fluid Statics

Key Questions
• What is the basic relationship between depth and pressure?

• How are absolute and relative pressure different?

• How can use our knowledge of centroids to compute the equivalent point
forces of fluids?
Pressure is the term used for a force distributed over an area
P = . (7.9.1)
We will consider the effect of fluid pressure on underwater surfaces, including
slanted or curved objects. In all cases we will simply ask the question: what is
the pressure at each point and how does it change along the surface?
Pressure can be measured in two different ways

• Absolute pressure is the pressure measured above an absolute or perfect

vacuum. The absolute pressure of the surrounding atmosphere is approxi-
mately 101.3 kPa or 14.7 lb/in2 , and a perfect vacuum is 0 psi or 0 kPa.

• Gage pressure is the pressure indicated by a standard pressure gage. The

gage reads zero when exposed directly to the atmosphere, positive when
the pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure, and negative pressure
indicates a vacuum. In effect, pressure gages ignores the pressure of the
atmosphere which surrounds us.

We will use gage pressure for the remainder of the chapter.

Commonly used pressure units include:

• 1 pascals (Pa) = 1 N/m2

• 1 kilopascal (kPa) = 1000 N/m2
• 1 pound per square inch (psi) = lb/in2
• 1 kip per square inch (ksi) = 1000 lb/in2
• 1 pound per square foot (psf) = 1 lb/ft2

7.9.1 Principles of Fluid Statics

A fluid, like water or air exerts a pressure on its surroundings. This pressure
applies a distributed load on surfaces surrounding the fluid, like the face of a
dam, an irrigation control gate, a teakettle, or the drum of a steam boiler.
When you dive underwater, the pressure you feel in your ears increases with
depth. At the surface, the gage pressure is zero no matter which unit system
you use. As you descend, the fluid pressure P increases with depth according to
the equation
P = ρgh, (7.9.2)
• ρ is the density of a fluid,
• g is gravitational acceleration, and
• h is the height of fluid above the point of interest.
Since fluid pressure increases linearly with depth, it behaves as a distributed
load which increases linearly from 0 at the surface to ρgh at depth h, acting
normal to the surface. The pressure can be replaced with an equivalent force
acting through the centroid of the triangular loading, with a magnitude equal
to the triangular area. The pressure on horizontal surfaces is constant, and it is
normal to all surfaces.

y y

(a) Distributed pres- (b) Equivalent force. (c) Pressure is perpendicular

sure. to the surface.
Figure 7.9.1 Pressure on submerged surfaces.

Some points to remember when solving fluid pressure problems.

1. The pressure due to the fluid always acts perpendicular the surface.

2. A particle underwater will feel the same pressure from all directions.

3. Pressure increases linearly with depth. P = ρgh

4. P = ρgh assumes a constant density and thus is valid only for incompress-
ible fluids like water or oil, but not for compressible fluids like air.

5. In English units, specific weight γ is often used instead of density ρ to

describe fluids. Specific weight is the weight per unit volume of a substance,
while density is its mass per unit volume. The two properties are related
by γ = ρg. The specific weight of freshwater at room temperature is about
62.4 lb/ft3 .

6. Gage pressure is the pressure above the surrounding atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric pressure is approximately 14.7 lb/in2 or 101.3 kPa, but since
this pressure acts on everything equally and from all directions, the pres-
sure scale can be offset to make the pressure of the surroundings 0 lb/in2 ,
Question 7.9.2 Does fluid pressure depend on the surface area of the container?
For instance, is the pressure below the Atlantic Ocean less than the pressure
below the Pacific Ocean since the Pacific is larger?
Answer. No. Fluid pressure is a function of density and depth only, so the
surface area of an ocean or tank is insignificant.

P = ρgh.

Assuming that the density of seawater and g are the same everywhere under the
ocean, the gage pressure depends on depth only. □
Question 7.9.3 Compare the pressure at three feet and thirty feet below the
surface of freshwater to the atmospheric pressure.
Answer. The gage pressure at 3 ft is

p = γd = 62.4 lb/ft3 × 3 ft = 187 lb/ft2 = 1.30 lb/in2 .

This is
14.7 lb/in2 + 1.3 lb/in2
= 1.088,
14.7 lb/in2
approximately 9% greater than atmospheric pressure.
At 30 ft below the surface, the pressure is 10 times higher, 13.0 lb/in2 which
is nearly twice atmospheric pressure. □

7.9.2 Fluid Statics Applications

Example 7.9.4 Force on a submerged window.
An aquarium tank has a 3 m × 1.5 m window AB for
viewing the inhabitants. The tank contains water with 2m
density ρ = 1000 kg/m3 . A

Find the force of the water on the window, and the loca-
tion of the equivalent point load.

Answer. F = 155 kN acting 1.29 m above point B or 3.71 m below the surface
of the water.
Solution 1. Begin by drawing a diagram of the window showing the load
intensity and the equivalent concentrated force.



The pressure at the top and the bottom of the window are
PA = ρ g(2 m) = 19620 N/m2
PB = ρ g(5 m) = 49050 N/m2
Since the loading is linear, the average pressure acting on the window is
Pave = (PA + PB )/2
= 34300 N/m2
The total force acting on the window is the average pressure times the area
of the window
F = (Pave )(3 m × 1.5 m)
= 155 kN
This force may also be visualized as the volume of a trapezoidal prism with
a 1.5 m depth into the page.
The line of action of the equivalent force passes through the centroid of the
trapezoid, which may be calculated using composite areas, see Section 7.5.

Dividing the trapezoid into a triangle and a rectangle and measuring down
from the surface of the tank, the distance to the equivalent force is
Ai ȳi
d= P
PA (3 m) (3.5 m) + (PB − PA )(3 m) (4 m)
PA (3 m) + (PB − PA )(3 m)
d = 3.71 m

If you prefer, you may use the formula from the Centroid table to locate the
centroid of the trapezoid instead.
Solution 2.


Example 7.9.5 Mud on Concrete Wall.
0.8 m

Find the depth h of mud for which the 3 m tall concrete

retaining wall will be on the verge of tipping over.
Assume the density of mud is 1760 kg/m3 and the density 3.0 m
of concrete is 2400 kg/m3 .

h = 1.99 m



Example 7.9.6 Sea Gate.

A sea gate is hinged at point A and is designed

to rotate and release the water when the depth
d exceeds a certain value.
The gate extends 2 m into the page. The mass A
density of the water is ρ = 1000 kg/m3 . 500 mm
What depth will cause the gate to open? B

d ≥ 1.50 m

Solution 1. For the gate to tip, the force of the water must act at or above A.
That happens when the centroid of the load intensity diagram from the water
has its equivalent point force at or above A, so
≥ 500 mm
d ≥ 1500 mm.

Solution 2.



Example 7.9.7 Gate with Horizontal Surface.

A gate at the end of a freshwater channel is fabri- D

cated from three 125 kg, 0.6 m×1 m rectangular 0.6 m

steel plates. The gate is hinged at A and rests 0.6 m

against a frictionless support at D. The depth d


of the water d = 0.75 m. 0.6 m

Draw the free-body diagram and determine the A
reactions at A and D.

Dx = 124 N right
Ax = 2636 N left
Ay = 2795 N up


A free-body diagram of a cross section of the 0.45 m

gate is shown. For simplicity the thickness of
the steel plates has been ignored. You should 0.15 m W
ensure that sufficient distances are provided to
locate the loads.
The easiest way to solve this is to apply the prin-0.6 m
ciple of transmissibility: slide the lower trape- W
zoid left until it aligns with the upper triangle
and makes a triangular loading.
0.3 m 0.3 m

The total horizontal force from the water will be

Fx = Pave A
= ρ g 0.75 m (0.75 m × 1 m)
= (1000 kg/m )(9.81 m/s ) 0.75 m (0.75 m × 1 m)
3 2
= 2760 N

acting to the right 0.25 m above point A.

The total vertical load from the water is

Fy = Pave A
= [ρ g (0.15 m)](0.6 m × 1 m)
= [(1000 kg/m3 )(9.81 m/s2 ) (0.15 m)](0.6 m × 1 m)
= 882.9 N

acting upward 0.3 m to the left of A.

Each plate weighs

W = mg
= (125 kg)(9.81 m/s2 )
= 1226 N.

From here solve the equilibrium equations to find the reactions. You should
complete this for practice.

ΣMA = 0 → Dx = 239 N right

ΣFx = 0 → Ax = 2998 N left
ΣFy = 0 → Ay = 2795 N up


7.10 Exercises (Ch. 7)

Chapter 8

Internal Forces

One of the fundamental assumptions we make in statics is that bodies are rigid,
that is, they do not deform, bend, or change shape. While we know that this
assumption is not true for real materials, we are building the analytical tools
necessary to analyze deformation. In this chapter you will learn to compute the
forces and moments inside a object which hold it together as it supports its own
weight and any applied loads.
The chapter begins with a discussion of internal forces and moments and
defines a new sign conventions especially for them. Next we will determine
internal forces at a specific point within a rigid body. Finally, we develop three
techniques to find internal forces at every point throughout a beam. Note that
we use the words internal forces when we are referring to both “internal forces
and internal bending moments.”
Determination of the internal forces is the first step in the engineering design
of a structure. A properly designed structure must safely support all expected
external loads, including live loads, dead loads, wind and earthquake loads. Ex-
ternal loads produce internal forces, which in turn creates stresses, strains, and
deformations in the structure. In a successful design, the shape, size, and mate-
rial must all be carefully chosen to limit them to safe values. You are advised
to pay attention, and master this topic.

8.1 Internal Forces

In Subsection 3.3.3 you were introduced to axial loadings, which were either
tension or compression, or possibly zero. This section will explain two other
internal forces found in two-dimensional systems, the internal shear and in-
ternal bending moment.
Internal forces are present at every point within a rigid body, but they always
occur in equal-and-opposite pairs which cancel each other out, so they’re not
obvious. They’re there however, and when an object is cut (in your imagination)
into two parts the internal forces become visible and can be determined.


You are familiar with straight, two-force members which only exist in equi-
librium if equal and opposite forces act on either end. Now imagine that we
cut the member at some point along its length. To maintain equilibrium, forces
must exist at the cut, equal and opposite to the external forces. These forces
are internal forces.

Figure 8.1.1 Internal forces in a straight two-force member.
Now let’s examine the two-force member shown in Figure 8.1.2. This time,
the member is L shaped, not straight, but the external forces must still share the
same line of action to maintain equilibrium. If you cut across the object, you will
obtain two rigid bodies which must also be in equilibrium. However, adding an
equal and opposite horizontal force at the cut won’t produce static equilibrium
because the two forces form a couple which causes the piece to rotate. This
means that something is missing!




Figure 8.1.2 A horizontal force alone does not create equilibrium.

Two-dimensional rigid bodies have three degrees-of-freedom and require three
equilibrium equations to satisfy static equilibrium in order to prevent translation
in the x direction, the y direction, and to prevent rotation about the z axis.
Assuming the material is rigid, the connection between the two halves must
resist both translation and rotation, so we can model this connection as a fixed
support and replace the removed half of the link with a force reaction and a
couple-moment reaction as shown in the free-body diagrams of Figure 8.1.3. This
internal loading is actually a simplification of a more complex loading distributed
across the section plane. The couple M represents the net rotational effect of
the force system on the surface of the cut.



Figure 8.1.3 The internal forces are represented as an equal and opposite force
F and a bending moment M
The horizontal force can also be resolved into orthogonal components parallel
and perpendicular to the cut. These components have special names in the
context of internal forces.


Figure 8.1.4 The internal forces are represented as a normal force N, a shear
force V, and bending moment M
The internal force component perpendicular to the cut is called the normal
force. This is the same internal tension or compression force that we assumed
to be the only significant internal load for trusses. If the object has an axis, and
the cut is perpendicular to it, the normal force may also be properly called an
axial force.
The internal force component parallel to the cut is called the shear force.
The word shear refers to the shearing that occurs between adjacent planes due
to this force. You can get a feel for shearing adjacent planes by sliding two pieces
of paper together.
The internal couple-moment is called the bending moment because it tends
to bend the material by rotating the cut surface.
The shear force is often simply referred to as shear, and the bending moment
as moment; together with the normal or axial force the three together are
referred to as the “internal forces”. The symbol V is commonly chosen for the
shear force, and A, P or N for the normal force and M for the bending moment.

Figure 8.1.5 Internal Loading in a L shaped member.

Thinking Deeper 8.1.6 Deformation. The controlling design parameter for

most engineering systems is deformation. Thankfully, due to a property called
elasticity, most materials will bend, stretch, and compress, long before they ulti-
mately break. For example, when designing the floor in a new building, the floor
is often limited to deflecting less than the length of the span in inches, divided by
360. Any more deformation than this would be considered disconcerting to the
building residents and also start damaging surface materials like drywall. For
example, for a 20 ft span, the deflection would need to be less than
12 in
20 ft ·
δ= 1 ft = 0.667 in.
To meet this deformation limit, we need to consider the magnitude and loca-
tion of applied loads, the size and shape of the floor beams, and the material the
floor beams are made from. As deflection is an internal property of the flooring
materials, the first step is to determine the internal forces that arise from the
externally applied loads, using the methods of this chapter.

8.2 Sign Conventions

When talking about internal forces our standard sign convention for forces and
moments is not good enough. We can’t, for instance, just call a vertical shear
force positive if it points up and negative if it points down, because internal
forces always occur in pairs so at any given point a shear force is both up and
down. The direction of the internal force at a point depends on which side of
the cut you’re looking at.
So to define the state of internal forces at a point we need a better sign
convention. Although the choice is somewhat arbitrary, agreeing on a standard
sign convention allows us to have consistency across our calculations and to
communicate the internal state clearly to others. The standard sign conventions
defined here are used for internal loadings at a point and also for the shear and
bending moment diagrams which are discussed in Section 8.4.
Be aware that although this new sign convention applies to internal forces,
it doesn’t change the sign convention for the equations of equilibrium at all, so
you will continue to solve them in the same way you always have.
The standard sign convention used for shear force, normal force, and bending
moment is shown below.

• Positive Shear.
Positive shear forces tend to skew an object as shown,
i.e. positive shear forces push down when looking
from the right, and up when looking from the left.
• Positive Normal Force.

Positive normal forces tend to stretch the object.

• Positive Bending Moment.

Positive bending moments tend to deform the object
with an upward curvature.

Question 8.2.1 We have defined positive internal forces by looking at the “front”
side of the object. Would the results change if you walked around the object and
analyzed it from the other side? □

8.3 Internal Forces at a Point

This section covers the procedure to compute the internal normal force, shear
force, and bending moment at a designated point in a multi-force rigid body.

Consider the frame shown in Figure 8.3.1(a) con-

sisting of two-force members GD and BE, and D
multi-force members AD and CF . Since no in-
formation is provided, we can assume that the C
components have negligible weight. The internal
loading within the two-force members is purely B
axial, but the multi-force members will be sub- W
ject to the complete set of shear force, normal
force, and bending moment. G A
To find the internal forces at a specified point
within one of the members, we make an imagi-
(a) A frame supporting a load at
nary cut there.
Figure 8.3.1(b) shows the free-body diagram
of member AD, with a proposed cut between
points D and C. The free-body diagram is
shown with reactions for pinned connections at
A and C and forces from the two-force members
at locations B and D.
We then separate the free-body diagram of the
member into two independent free-body dia-
grams, one above the cut and one below. This is
analogous to the Method of Sections technique
of Chapter 6. The free-body diagrams for the
two sections of the member are shown in Fig-(b) Wavy line indicates the loca-
ure 8.3.1(c). The three internal forces are ex-tion of the imaginary cut.
posed and labeled V , N , and M . Either free-
body diagram can be used to solve for the in-
ternal forces, so it is wise to choose the easier
one. Recognizing which one is easier takes prac-
tice, but look for the piece with more known and
fewer unknown values.
Note that the internal forces at the cut are drawn
in the positive direction according to the sign
conventions for internal forces, that they act in
opposite direction either side of the cut, and they
cancel out if the object is put back together.
This technique can be used to find the internal(c) Internal forces are exposed
forces at any point within any object. In theby the cut.
examples below we will find the internal loadings
at a specific point in load carrying beams. Figure 8.3.1

Example 8.3.2 Internal forces in a simply supported beam.


A beam of length L is supported by a pin at A

and a roller at B and is subjected to a horizon-
tal force F applied to point B and a uniformly w
distributed load over its entire length. The in- A B F
tensity of the distributed load is w with units of L
Find the internal forces at the midpoint of the beam.
Answer. At the midpoint of the beam,

V =0
M = wL2 /8


1. Find the external reactions.

Begin by drawing a free-body diagram of the wL
entire beam, simplified by replacing the dis-
tributed load w with an equivalent concen- F
trated load at the centroid of the rectangle.
The magnitude of the equivalent load W is equal to the “area” under the
rectangular loading curve.
W = w(L)

Then apply and simplify the equations of equilibrium to find the external
reactions at A and B.

ΣMA = 0
−(wL)(L =0
 /2) + (B)L
B = wL/2

ΣFx = 0
−Ax + F = 0
Ax = F

ΣFy = 0
Ay − wL + By = 0
Ay = wL − wL/2
= wL/2

2. Cut the beam.


Cut the beam at the point of interest and separate the beam into two
sections. Notice that as the beam is cut in two, the distributed load w is
cut as well. Each of these distributed load halves will support equivalent
point loads of wL/2 acting through the centroid of each cut half.


L/2 L/2

3. Add the internal forces.

At each cut, a shear force, a normal force, and a bending moment will be
exposed, and these need to be included on the free-body diagram.
At this point, we don’t know the actual directions of the internal forces,
but we do know that they act in opposite directions. We will assume that
they act in the positive sense as defined by the standard sign convention.
Axial forces are positive in tension and act in opposite directions on the
two halves of the cut beam.
Positive shear forces act down when looking at the cut from the right, and
up when looking at the cut from the left. An alternate definition of positive
shears is that the positive shears cause clockwise rotation. This definition
is useful if you are dealing with a vertical column instead of a horizontal
Bending moments are positive when the moment tends to bend the beam
into a smiling U-shape. Negative moments bend the beam into a frowning
For vertical columns, positive bending moments bend a beam into a C
shape and negative into a backward C-shape.
The final free-body diagrams look like this.


Horizontal beams should always have assumed internal loadings in these

directions at the cut, indicating that you have assumed positive shear,
positive normal force and positive bending moments at that point.
4. Solve for the internal forces.
You may uses either fbd to find the internal forces using the techniques
you have already learned. So, with a standard xy coordinate system, forces
to the right or up are positive when summing forces and counter-clockwise
moments are positive when summing moments.
Using the left free-body diagram and substituting in the reactions, we get:
ΣFx = 0
−Ax + N = 0
N = Ax

ΣFy =0
Ay − wL/2 − V =0
V = wL/2 − wL/2
V =0

ΣMcut =0
(wL/2)(L/4) − (Ay )(L/2) + M =0
M = −wL2 /8 + wL2 /4
M = wL2 /8

Using the right side free-body diagram we get:

ΣFx = 0
−N + F = 0
N =F

ΣFy =0
V − wL/2 + By =0
V = wL/2 − By
V = wL/2 − wL/2
V =0

ΣMcut = 0
−M − (L/4)(wL/2) + (L/2)(By ) = 0
M = −wL2 /8 + wL2 /4
M = wL2 /8

Regardless of which side is chosen, we get the same results for the internal
forces at the chosen point.
When you solve for the internal forces, the results can be either positive,
negative, or sometimes zero. Negative values indicate that the actual direction of
the load is opposite to the assumed direction. Since we assumed all three internal
forces were positive as defined by the standard sign convention, a negative answer
means that the load actually acts in the opposite direction to the vector shown
on the free-body diagram.
Example 8.3.3 Internal forces in a cantilever beam.
Consider a cantilever beam which is sup-
ported by a fixed connection at A, and
loaded by a vertical force P and horizon- A B
tal force F at the free end B. Determine F
the internal forces at a point a distance L
a from the left end.
Hint. If you think ahead, you may not need to find the reactions at A.
N =F
V =p
M = −P l + P a = −P (L − a) = −P b
1. Determine the reactions.
Draw an fbd of the entire, uncut
beam and determine the reactions. F
Notice that only the applied loads and support reactions are included on
this uncut beam fbd. The internal forces are only exposed and shown on
a fbd after the beam is cut.
Use this free-body diagram and the equations of equilibrium to determine
the external reaction forces.
ΣFx = 0 =⇒ Ax = F
ΣFy = 0 =⇒ Ay = P
ΣMA = 0 =⇒ MA = P L

2. Section the beam.

Take a cut at the point of interest and draw a fbd of either or both parts.
Try to choose the simpler free-body diagram. If one side has no external
reactions, then you can skip the previous step if you choose that side.

a b P

The free-body diagrams of both portions have been drawn with the internal
forces and moments drawn in the positive direction defined by the standard
sign convention.
The axial force is shown in tension on both parts. This force has been
named N so its name doesn’t conflict with the forces at point A.
The shear force V is positive when the shear is down on the right face of
the cut and up on the left face.
The bending moment M is positive if the bending direction would tend to
bend the beam into a concave upward curve.
Always assume that the unknown internal forces act in the positive direc-
tion as defined by the standard sign convention.

3. Solve for the internal forces.

Selecting the right hand diagram and solving for the unknown internal
forces gives:

ΣFx = 0 =⇒ N = F from before F = Ax

ΣFy = 0 =⇒ V = P from before P = Ay
ΣMcut = 0 =⇒ M = −P b = −P (L − a) since a + b = L.

Solving the other free-body diagram would produce the same results
Once you have found the reactions and drawn a free-body diagram of the
simpler portion with the normal force, shear force, and bending moment
assumed positive, you then solve for the unknown values and signs just like
any other equilibrium problem.

This workflow typically includes:
• Establishing a horizontal x and vertical y coordinate system.

• Taking a cut at the point of interest.

• Assuming that the internal forces act in the positive direction and drawing
a free-body diagram accordingly

• Using ΣFx = 0, ΣFy = 0, and ΣMz = 0 to solve for the three unknown
internal forces.
The shear force V , normal force N , and bending moment M are scalar com-
ponents and they may be positive, zero, or negative depending on the applied

loads. The signs of the scalar components together with the sign convention for
internal forces establish the actual directions of the shear force, normal force
and bending moment vectors.

8.3.1 Interactive Internal Forces

The internal forces and bending moments inside a beam depend on the load that
the beam is supporting and differ from point to point. This simply supported
beam supports a uniformly varying load. The interactive traces out the value
of the shear and bending moment as you move point C. Can you deduce the
relation between the triangular loading and the value of the shear and bending


Figure 8.3.4 Internal forces in a beam with a uniformly varying load.

8.4 Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams

Beams are structural elements primarily designed to support vertical loads. When
designing a beam it is important to locate the points of maximum shear and
maximum moment and their magnitudes because that’s where the beam is most
likely to fail. To find these critical points, we need to check the shear force and
bending moment at every point along the beam’s full length.
The previous section presented a method to find the shear and bending mo-
ment at a single point, which is useful; but in order to find the shear and moment
at every point in the object you will need a more powerful approach. This can
be done by creating a shear and bending moment diagram. This section will dis-
cuss three related but different methods to produce shear and bending moment
diagrams, and conclude with a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages
of each approach.

8.4.1 Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams

Shear and moment diagrams are graphs which show the internal shear and bend-
ing moment plotted along the length of the beam. They allow us to see where

the maximum loads occur so that we can optimize the design to prevent failures
and reduce the overall weight and cost of the structure.
Since beams primarily support vertical loads the axial forces are usually small,
so they will not be considered in this section.
Beams can be supported in a variety of ways as shown in Figure 8.4.1. The
common support methods are

• Simply Supported Supported by a pin on one end and a roller at the


• Cantilevered Fixed at one end, and unsupported at the other.

• Overhanging One or both ends overhang the supports.

(a) Simply Supported (b) Cantilevered (c) Overhanging

Figure 8.4.1 Beam Supports

8.5 Section Cut Method

In this section we’ll extend the method of Section 8.3 where we found the shear
force and bending moment at a specific point to make shear and bending moment
diagrams. The procedure is similar except that the cut is taken at a variable
position designated by x instead of at a specified point. The analysis produces
equations for shear and bending moments as functions of x. Shear and bend-
ing moment diagrams are plots of these equations, and the internal forces at
any particular point can be found by substituting the point’s location into the
As an example, we will use a cantilevered
beam fixed to a wall on its left end and sub-
ject to a vertical force P on its right end A
as an example. Global equilibrium requires x
that the reactions at the fixed support at A L
are a vertical force Ay = P , and a counter-
clockwise moment MA = P L.
By taking a cut at a distance x from the left we can draw two free-body dia-
grams with lengths x and (L − x). This beam has one loading segment, because
no matter where x is chosen, the free-body diagrams shown in Figure 8.5.1 (b)
and (c) are correct. The internal loadings are named V (x) and M (x) to indicate
that they are functions of x.


x x

(a) Cut at position x. (b) Left fbd. (c) Right fbd.

Figure 8.5.1
To find the shear and bending moment functions, we apply the equilibrium
to one of the free-body diagrams. Either side will work, so we’ll select the right-
hand portion as it doesn’t require us to find the reactions at A. Letting L be
the length of the beam and (L − x) the length of the right portion, we find
ΣFy = 0 ΣMcut = 0
V (x) = P M (x) = −P (L − x)

The plots of the equations for V (x) and M (x) are shown below in Figure 8.5.2.
These equations indicate that the shear force V (x) is constant P over the length
of the beam and the moment M (x) is a linear function of the position of the cut,
x starting at −P L at x = 0 and linearly increasing to zero at x = L. Note that
the graphs are only valid from 0 ≤ x ≤ L, so the curves outside this range is
show as dotted lines. These two graphs are usually drawn stacked beneath the
diagram of the beam and loading.


(a) V (x) vs. x (b) M (x) vs. x

Figure 8.5.2 Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams
The previous example was simple because only one fbd was necessary for any
point on the beam, but many beams are more complex. Beams with multiple
loads must be divided into loading segments between the points where loads are
applied or where distributed loads begin or end.
Consider the simply supported beam AD w B C
with a uniformly distributed load w over the
first segment from A to B, and two vertical
A 1 1 1 D
loads B and C.
This beam has three loading segments so you must draw three free-body
diagrams and analyze each segment independently. For each, make an imaginary
cut through the segment, then draw a new free-body diagram of the portion to

the left (or right) of the cut. Always assume that the exposed internal shear
force and internal bending moment act in the positive direction according to the
sign convention.

w w B w B C

A x A x A x

(a) 0 < x < 1 (b) 1 < x < 2 (c) 2 < x < 3

Figure 8.5.3
After the equilibrium equations are applied to each segment, the resulting
equations V (x) and M (x) from each segment are joined to plot the shear and
moment diagrams. These diagrams help us visualize the values of V and M
throughout the beam.

8.6 Relation Between Loading, Shear and Mo-

Suppose that we have a simply supported beam upon which there is an applied
load w(x) which is distributed on the beam by some function of position, x, as
shown in Figure 8.6.1.

A x B

Figure 8.6.1 A simply supported beam with a distributed load that is a function
of beam position w(x).
If we select a small section of this beam from x to x + ∆x to look at closely,
we have the free-body diagram shown in Figure 8.6.2.

Figure 8.6.2 A free-body diagram of a small section of the beam with a width
of ∆x
Since ∆x is infinitely narrow, we can assume that the distributed load over
this small distance is constant and equal to the value at x, and call it w.
Applying the force equilibrium in the vertical direction gives the following

Fy = 0
V + w(∆x) − (V + ∆V ) = 0
Taking the limit of both sides as ∆x approaches 0, we get this important
lim = lim (w)
∆x→ 0 ∆x ∆x→ 0

This equation tells us that, at a given location x, the slope of the shear
function V (x) there is the value of the loading directly above, w(x). Furthermore,
if we multiply both sides by dx, we can integrate to find that
∆V = w(x) dx

In words, this equation says that over a given distance, the change in the
shear V between two points is the area under the loading curve between them.
Now looking at the internal bending moments on the fbd in Figure 8.6.2,
when we apply moment equilibrium about the centroid of the element, and take
the limit similarly,

M =0
∆x ∆x
− V − (V + ∆V ) − M + (M + ∆M ) = 0
2 2
∆M 1
= (2V + ∆V )
 ∆x 2  
∆M ∆V
lim = lim V +
∆x→ 0 ∆x ∆x→ 0 2
This final equation tells us that, the slope of the moment diagram is the value
of the shear. Furthermore, if we multiply both sides by dx, we can integrate to
find that
∆M = V dx

In words, this equation says that over a given segment, the change in the
moment value is the area under the shear curve.

Hence, the functional relationships between the internal shear force V (x),
internal bending moment M (x) at a point x, and the value of the loading at
that point w(x) are simply the derivatives and integrals that you learned in
Calculus I. These relationships are summarized below.
The slope of the shear function dV
at x is the value of the loading = w(x) (8.6.1)
function at the same position.
An upward load is considered a
positive load.
The change in the shear value
Z b
between two points is the area
under the loading function be- ∆V = w(x) dx (8.6.2)
tween those points.
The slope of the moment func- dM
tion at x is the value of the shear = V (x) (8.6.3)
at the same position.
The change in the moment value
Z b
between two points is the area
under the shear curve between ∆M = a V (x) dx (8.6.4)
those points.
Shear and bending moment diagrams show the effect of the load on the
internal forces within the beam and are a graphical representation of equations
(8.6.1)–(8.6.4). The diagrams are made up of jumps, slopes and areas as a result
of the load.

• Jumps are vertical changes in shear and moment diagrams.

• Slopes are gradual changes in shear and moment diagrams. Positive slopes
go up and to the right.

• Areas are “areas” under the loading and shear curves, i.e. integration.
The area under the loading curve is actually the force, and the area under
the shear curve is actually the bending moment.

Table 8.6.3 Effect of load on shear and bending moments.

Diagram Jumps Slopes Areas
Shear Concentrated forces The slope of the shear The change in the
cause the shear diagram at a point is shear between two
diagram to jump by the equal to the value of points is equal to the
same amount. Upward the distributed load corresponding area
loads cause upward above that point. A under the loading
jumps. downward distributed curve.
load will give the shear
Concentrated moments
diagram a negative
on the beam have no
effect on the shear
Moment Concentrated moments The slope of the Change in the moment
cause jumps on the moment diagram at a between two points is
moment curve. point is equal to the equal to the
Counterclockwise value of shear at that corresponding area
moments cause point. A positive shear under a shear curve.
downward jumps and causes a positive slope
vice-versa. on the moment
diagram and vice-versa.
You can use the interactive below to explore how changes to concentrated load
P and distributed load w affects the slopes, jumps, and areas of the resulting
shear and bending moment diagrams.


Figure 8.6.4 Building Blocks for Shear and Moment Diagrams

8.7 Graphical Method

If you have a firm grasp on the relations between load, shear and bending mo-
ments Section 8.6, the graphical method is a quick and intuitive way to draw

shear and moment diagrams. This technique is really a graphical integration

process; you integrate from load w(x) to shear V (x) to moment M (x), from top
to bottom, or differentiate from bottom to top.
Shear and bending moment diagrams are governed by equations (8.6.1)–
(8.6.4) and must be consistent with them.
dV dM
= w(x) = V (x)
dx dx
Z b Z b
∆V = w(x) dx ∆M = V (x) dx
a a

Shear and bending moment diagram problems should include:

1. A neat, accurate, labeled free-body diagram of the entire structure, and the
work to find the reactions. For this work, you may replace the distributed
loads with equivalent concentrated loads.
2. A neat, properly scaled diagram of the beam showing its reactions and
“true” loads. Distributed loads must be shown this diagram, because their
distributed nature is significant.
3. A large graph of the shear and bending moment functions drawn directly
below the scaled beam diagram. It is convenient to draw this graph on
graph paper.
4. The correct shape and curvature for each curve segment: zero, constant
slope, polynomial. Changes in curve shapes should align with the load
which causes them. Indicate the scale used for shear and moment, and use
a straightedge.
5. Values of shear and moment at maximums, minimums and points of inflec-
6. Any other work need to justify your results.
You can draw shear and bending moments efficiently and accurately using
this procedure
1. First, determine the reaction forces and moments by drawing a free-body
diagram of the entire beam and applying the equilibrium equations. Dou-
ble check that your reactions are correct.
2. Establish the shear graph with a horizontal axis below the beam and a
vertical axis to represent shear. Positive shears will be plotted above the
x axis and negative below.
3. Make vertical lines at all the “interesting points”, i.e. points where concen-
trated forces or moments act on the beam and at the beginning and end
of any distributed loads. This divides the beam into segments between
vertical lines.

4. Draw the shear diagram by starting with a dot at x = 0, V = 0 then

proceeding from left to right until you reach the end of the beam. Choose
and label a scale which keeps the diagram a reasonable size.

(a) Whenever you encounter a concentrated force, jump up or down by

that value
(b) Whenever you encounter a concentrated moment, do not jump.
(c) Whenever you encounter a distributed load, move up or down by
the “area” under the loading curve over the length of the segment,
according to equation (8.6.2). The “area” is actually a force.
(d) The slope of the curve at each point x is given by (8.6.1). Distributed
loads cause the shear diagram to have a slope equal to value of the
distributed load at that point. For unloaded segments of the beam,
the slope is zero, i.e. the shear curve is horizontal. For segments with
uniformly distributed load, the slope is constant. Downward loads
cause downward slopes.
(e) The shear diagram should start and end at V = 0. If it doesn’t,
recheck your work.

5. Add another interesting point wherever the shear diagram crosses the x-
axis, and determine the x position of the zero crossing.

6. After you have completed the shear diagram, calculate the area under the
shear curve for each segment. Areas above the axis are positive, areas
below the axis are negative. The areas represent moments and the sum of
the areas plus the values of any concentrated moments should add to zero.
If they don’t, then recheck your work.

7. Establish the moment graph with a horizontal axis below the shear diagram
and a vertical axis to represent moment. Positive moments will be plotted
above the x axis and negative below.

8. Draw and label dots on the moment diagram by starting with a dot at
x = 0, M = 0 then proceed from left to right placing dots until you reach
the end of the beam. As you move over each segment move up or down
from the current value by the “area” under the shear curve for that segment
and place a dot on the graph. In this step, you are applying (8.6.4).

(a) Positive areas cause the moment to increase, negative areas cause it
to decrease.
(b) If you encounter a concentrated moment, jump straight up or down
by the amount of the moment and place a dot. Clockwise moments
cause upward jumps and counter-clockwise moments cause downward

(c) When you reach the end of the beam you should return to M = 0. If
you don’t, then recheck your work.
9. Connect the dots with correctly shaped lines. Segments under constant
shear are straight lines, segments under changing shear are curves. The
general curvature of the lines can be determined by considering equation

8.8 Integration Method

In Section 8.6 we learned that loading, shear and bending moments are related
by integral and differential equations, and used this knowledge to draw shear and
bending moment diagram suing a graphical approach. This method is easy and
fast in cases when you can easily calculate the areas under the loading and shear
curves without integration. Beams consisting of point and uniformly distributed
loads only do not require the use of the calculus method.
However, there are times that the graphical technique falls short when the ar-
eas are more complicated than rectangles or triangles. For example, a uniformly
varying load, which is a first degree linear function of x, integrates to a second
degree parabolic shear function, and a third degree cubic moment function. To
use the graphical method you would need to find the area under the parabolic
shear curve to compute the cubic moment. When the loading becomes more
complex it is better to use perform the integration directly.
We will use fundamental equations (8.6.2) and (8.6.4) to find the shear and
bending moment functions
Z b Z b
∆V = w(x) dx ∆M = V (x) dx
a a

but instead of finding areas and slopes using geometry, we will integrate the load
function w(x) to find the ∆V , then integrate that result to find the ∆M .
These results are the change in shear and moment over a segment; to find the
actual shear and moment functions V (x) and M (x) for the entire beam we will
need to find initial values for each segment. This is equivalent to using boundary
conditions to find the constant of integration when solving a differential equation.
The initial values come from either the final value of the previous segment or
from point loads or point moments. Because of the requirement for these segment
starting values, no segment can be computed in isolation from the other segments.
Physically this means that the shear and moment along a beam are not just due
to the loading in one segment, but are related to the loading on the rest of the
beam as well.

8.8.1 Determining Loading Functions

Before you can find shear and bending moment functions with integration you
must know the equation for the load on each segment of the beam. These

equations may be given in the problem statement if you’re lucky, or you may
have to determine them from a loading diagram.
When determining equations for loading segments, you may choose either
global equations, where all segments use the same origin, usually at the left end
of the beam, or local equations, where each segment uses its own origin, usually
at the left end of the segment. Often local equations are easier because you
can simply use the variable x in your equations as opposed to “x + constant”,
and you do not have to project the y-intercept values back to an axis system
which is not adjacent to the segment. See interactive Figure 8.8.1 to explore the
difference between local and global equations.
When determining equations for the loading segments from the load diagram,
consider the following.
• No load.
Whenever there is no load at all on a segment there will be no change in
the shear on the segment. On such sections the loading function is

w(x) = 0.

Note that this can only occur when the weight of the beam itself is ne-

• Point Load.
A point load is a concentrated force acting at a single point which causes
a jump in the shear diagram.

• Uniformly Distributed Load.

A uniformly distributed load is constant over the segment and results in
a linear slope, either a triangle or a trapezoid, on the shear diagram. The
loading function on such sections is

w(x) = C V (x) = Cx + b.

The constant value is negative if the load points down, and positive if it
points upward.

• Uniformly Varying Load.

In this case the loading function is a straight, sloping lie forming a trian-
gle or trapezoidal shape. The resulting shear function is parabolic. The
general form of these functions are
w(x) = mx + b V (x) = + bx + c.
The slope m, intercept b, and constant c must be determined from the
situation, and will depend on whether you are writing a global or local

• Arbitrary Load.
The loading function will be a given function of x.

w(x) = f (x),

and the shear and moment functions are found by integration.

V (x) = f (x)dx M (x) = V (x)dx

Most gravitational distributed loads are drawn with the arrows pointing
down and resting on the beam. If you slide these along their line of action
so that their tails are on the beam, the tips define the loading equation.
This interactive compares the local and global equations for a beam segment
with a uniformly varying load.

Figure 8.8.1 Global vs. Local coordinate systems.

8.8.2 Application of the Calculus Method

You can either use this method from the start or use the graphical method until
you need areas of shapes more complicated than rectangles and triangles.

1. You will need to have solved the loading segment to the left of your desired

2. Write an equation for the loading w in the segment using either local or
global coordinates.

3. Integrate the loading equation w(x) to find the change in the shear ∆V and
include the shear value at the beginning of your loading segment including
the influence of any point loads at that location, which is equivalent to the
integration constant.

4. Integrate the shear equation V (x) to find the change in the bending mo-
ment ∆M and include the moment value at the beginning of your loading
segment including the influence of any point couple-moments at that loca-
tion, equivalent to the integration constant.

5. To find maximum shear and bending moments, recall from calculus that
the local maximum/minimum points of a function occur at the endpoints
and where the function’s first derivative is equal to zero.

(a) For shear, evaluate the shear function V (x) at the ends and where
ever the load function crosses the x axis.
(b) For bending moments, find the roots of the shear function by solving
V (x) = 0, then evaluate the moment function M (x) at these points,
and also at the endpoints.

The critical values we are looking for are the points where the magnitudes
of the shear and bending moment are maximum. The direction of the
internal forces is not usually significant.
Example 8.8.2 Example.

Use the integration method to find the equations w

for shear and moment as a function of x, for x
a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly
distributed load w over its entire length L.

L w
V (x) = w −x M (x) = (Lx − x2 )
2 2

This beam has only one load section, and on that section the load is constant
w(x) = −w.
There is a pinned connection at x = 0 which provides a vertical force and no
concentrated moment, so the initial conditions there are V (0) = wL/2, and
M (0) = 0.
Integrating equations (8.6.2) and (8.6.4) we have.

Z x
∆V = − w(x) dx

V (x) − 
V(0) = −wx x

V (x) = − wx L
=w −x

Z x
∆M = V (x) dx
Z x  

M (x) − 
M(0) = w − x dx x
0 2
M (x) = (Lx − x2 )

8.9 Geogebra Interactives

You can use the interactives below to practice drawing shear and bending mo-
ment diagrams. You can change the position of the loads and change their mag-
nitudes and observe how the diagrams change, or you can click New Problem to
generate a new problem.
After exploring the diagrams and seeing how they relate to each other, turn
off the solutions and try for yourself. You will very likely see problems like these
on an exam.

8.9.1 Concentrated Forces


8.9.2 Concentrated Force and Moment


8.9.3 Distributed Load


8.9.4 Combination Load


8.9.5 Arbitrary Load


8.10 Summary
You have likely realized that in engineering (and life) that there are multiple
ways to solve a problem. The four different techniques to compute internal
forces discussed in this chapter are a demonstration of this. In the end, the
choice of which method to use is yours; the better you know each method the
easier it will be to choose the one which is most applicable and efficient.
The list below summarizes each of the four approaches and their advantages
and disadvantages.

List 8.10.1 Summary of Methods to find Internal Loadings.

• In Section 8.3 we exposed the internal forces at a specific point inside
a rigid body by taking a cut at that location and applying the equi-
librium equations. This approach is computationally efficient, works
for any rigid body and takes advantage of tools you have learned in
previous chapters. It requires knowledge of sign conventions for in-
ternal shear and bending moments, but only reveals values at the
selected point.
• In Section 8.5 we generalized the previous approach by taking a cut
at a variable location, and analyzed the equilibrium equations in
terms of x. The results were functions which describe shear and
moment at every point within the beam, rather than at a specific lo-
cation. This method requires breaking a beam into loading segments
and writing and solving equations for each segment. The equations
are then plotted to give shear and bending moment diagrams.
• In Section 8.7 we used the mathematical relationships between load-
ing, shear, and bending moment to draw shear and moment diagrams
directly. The method is quick and requires only a few simple compu-
tations to determine the critical values. The approach provides many
cross-checks for accuracy. It is most suitable for beams loaded with
concentrated forces, concentrated moments, and uniformly distrib-
uted loads, but is not usually suitable for more complex distributed
loads. It is essential to have a solid grasp of the integral and dif-
ferential relations between loading, shear and moment discussed in
Section 8.6 to use this method.
• In Section 8.8 we discussed the most general approach to determine
internal loads. In the approach, the load is described as a piece-
wise function of x, which is integrated twice to develop equations
for shear and moment. This method can used for arbitrarily compli-
cated loading distributions, and can be used by software solutions.
Applying this method by hand requires accurate integration and dif-
ferentiation, and application of boundary conditions.

8.11 Exercises (Ch. 8)

Chapter 9


Friction is the force which resists relative motion between surfaces in contact
with each other.
Friction is categorized by the nature of the surfaces in contact and the con-
ditions under which they are interacting. There are many different types of
friction, some of which are listed below.

1. Dry friction, which is the force that opposes one solid surface sliding
across another solid surface.

2. Rolling friction is the force that opposes motion of a rolling wheel or


3. Fluid friction is the friction between layers of a viscous fluid in motion.

4. Skin friction, also called drag, is the friction that occurs between a fluid
and a moving surface.

5. Internal friction is the force resisting the internal deformation of a solid


An understanding of friction is important factor in the design, functionality

and performance of many mechanical systems. In this text we will only consider
dry friction out of the many types of friction listed above. So far, we have only
looked at situations where friction could be safely ignored; however, there are
many cases where the effect of dry friction is significant. These include slipping
or tipping, blocks, wedges, screws, belts, bearings, and rotating discs. These are
the subject of this chapter.


9.1 Dry Friction

Key Questions
• Which types of friction do we study in statics, and which are studied

• What is a normal force?

• What is impending motion?

• How do you decide when you can use the equation F = µs N and when you
can not?

• Can you show graphically how friction and normal force vectors are related
to the friction resultant vector and the friction angle at impending motion?

• What is the friction angle ϕs ?

• Why is a distributed normal force represented as a point force that moves

as the normal force shifts?
Dry Friction. Dry friction, also called Coulomb friction, is a force which
appears between two solid surfaces in contact. This force is distributed over
the contact area and always acts in whichever direction opposes relative motion
between the surfaces. We will usually simplify the distributed frictional force
by representing it as a single concentrated force acting at a point, as we did in
Section 7.8.
Depending on the details of the situation, dry friction will either hold the
object in equilibrium, in which case it is called static friction, or it will retard
but not prevent motion, in which case it is called kinetic friction.
Consider the football training sled shown in Figure 9.1.1. Initially, the sled’s
weight is supported by a normal force acting on the bottom surface that can be
considered as a point force directly beneath the center of gravity; there is no
friction force.
When players begin to push the sled, a friction force will appear along the
bottom surface which opposes sliding to the right. Both the friction and normal
forces can be represented by concentrated horizontal and vertical forces located
to the right of the center of gravity. This offset is required to maintain rotational
equilibrium against the pushing force. If the players push hard enough, equilib-
rium will break and the sled will begin to slide in the direction of the push. At
this point static friction has transitioned to kinetic friction.

Impending Motion



(a) Training sled (b) Free-body diagram

Figure 9.1.1 Static or kinetic friction occurs when motion is impending or
The rolling friction acting on the motorcycle in Figure 9.1.2 is more compli-
cated. Both wheels rotate clockwise, but the rear wheel is driven by the engine
and chain, while the front wheel is rotated by the road friction. The friction
force on the rear tire acts to the right and is what propels the bike forward.
The dry friction on the front tire acts to the left and retards the motion of the




Normal Normal

(a) A motorcycle (b) Free-body diagram

Figure 9.1.2 Rolling friction occurs where the tires contact the road.
Thinking Deeper 9.1.3 Statically Equivalent Loadings. The force dis-
tribution on the bottom of an object being pushed across a surface is complex,
and looks approximately like (a).
To simplify things, we first decompose the actual force into a distributed
normal force perpendicular to the surface, and a distributed friction force parallel
to the surface, as shown in the (b). These two distributions are further simplified
into two concentrated forces representing the normal and friction components of
a single resultant force, as show in (c). The net resultant force acts at the point
required for equilibrium.



(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9.1.4 Equivalent representation of friction and normal forces.

9.1.1 Coulomb Friction

The Coulomb friction model proposes that the force of friction is proportional
to the normal force, where the normal force is the force acting perpendicular to
the contacting surface.
Ff = µN
The constant of proportionality, µ, is called the friction coefficient. µ is always
greater than zero and commonly less than one. The friction coefficient can be
greater than one for materials that exhibit positive adhesion to each other like
silicone rubber, glued surfaces, or gecko’s feet.



(a) Block on rough surface. (b) fbd showing normal and friction
Figure 9.1.5
Friction has two distinct regions as shown in Figure 9.1.6, and the value of
µ is different in each region. The region from point one to point two, where the
force of friction increases linearly with load is called the static friction region.
Here you must use the coefficient of static friction µs . The region from point
two to point three, where the friction remains roughly constant is called the
kinetic friction region. In this region you must use the coefficient of kinetic
friction µk .

Not Impending Kinetic

Figure 9.1.6 Phases of Coulomb friction.
The coefficient of friction suddenly drops at point two, causing the friction
force Ff to drop as well. Point two is called the point of impending motion,
because here the situation is unstable. If the applied force changes ever so
slightly, the opposing friction force suddenly decreases and the object begins to
To better understand the behavior of Coulomb friction imagine an object
resting on a rough surface as shown in Figure 9.1.5(b). When force P is gradually
increased from zero, the normal force N and the frictional force Ff both change in
response. Initially both P and Ff are zero and the object is in equilibrium. The
interaction between the two surfaces in contact means that friction is available
but it is not engaged Ff = P = 0.
As P increases, the opposing friction force Ff increases as well to match and
hold the object in equilibrium. In this static-but-not-impending phase Ff = P .
When P reaches point two, motion is impending because friction has reached
its maximum value. Ffmax = µs N = P . If force P increases slightly beyond Ffmax ,
the friction force suddenly drops to the kinetic value Ff = µk N . The applied
force exceeds the frictional force breaking equilibrium and causing the object to
accelerate, and accelerating bodies are beyond the scope of Statics!
Notice that friction force at impending motion is always greater than kinetic
friction, because the coefficient µs > µk for most materials. Practically, this tells
us that once a material starts to move it is easier to keep moving than it was to
get it started from rest.
If you wonder why we include kinetic friction in a statics course, remember
that a sliding body moving at constant velocity is in equilibrium.

9.1.2 Friction Angle and Friction Resultant

Recall that a resultants is the sum of two or more vectors. The friction resul-
tant is the vector sum of the friction and normal forces. Since these two forces
are perpendicular, the magnitude of the friction resultant can be found using
the Pythagorean theorem. q
R= Ff2 + N 2 (9.1.1)

The friction angle ϕs is defined as the angle between the friction resultant
and the normal force. At impending motion, the friction angle reaches its maxi-
mum value. The friction resultant and friction angle are used for screw, flexible
belt, and journal bearing type problems.
The maximum friction angle ϕs is directly related to the coefficient of static
friction µs since the friction angle ϕs is the internal angle of the right triangle
formed by the normal force N , the friction resultant R, and the friction force F .
F −1 F
tan ϕs = ϕs = tan (9.1.2)
In Figure 9.1.7 a block of weight W is pushed sideways by force P . The
reaction forces can be represented as separate friction and normal forces, or as
combined friction force R acting at friction angle ϕs , measured from the normal



(a) Force components. (b) Resultant and Friction angle.
Figure 9.1.7

9.1.3 Normal Forces

The normal force supporting the object is distributed over the entire contact
surface, however it is common on two dimensional problems to replace the dis-
tributed force with an equivalent concentrated force acting at a particular spot
on the contacting surface, as we did in Chapter 7. This point is rarely at the
exact center of the contact surface.
This is illustrated in Figure 9.1.8 where we see in that an object at rest has
a uniformly distributed normal force along the bottom surface and the resultant
normal force is located directly below the weight. The friction force is not
engaged. When a pushing force Fpush is applied, the distributed normal force
changes shape, and the resultant normal force N shifts to the right to maintain
equilibrium. The resultant normal force continues to shift to the right the harder
you push.
This can be understood from the principle of a two-force body. As we dis-
cussed previously, the combined push and weight can be represented a single
load acting down and to the right. The friction and normal forces can be com-
bined into a single reaction force acting up and to the left at a point on the
bottom surface. These two forces must share the same line of action to maintain
equilibrium, so as the pushing force increases, the friction angle changes and

the point shifts to the right. If the point shifts off the physical object then the
required friction is greater than the friction available and motion begins.

Figure 9.1.8 Distributed Normal force changes with load and weight.

9.1.4 Coulomb Friction Examples.

Static, but not impending motion. For these problems Ff is independent
of N so you will need one additional piece of data in order to solve for both Ff
and N since you will not be able to apply the equation Ff = µN . The prob-
lem statement will use words like ‘sitting’, ‘static’ or ‘at rest’, but no extremal
language like ‘maximum’.
Example 9.1.9 A moment of 20 N · m is applied to a wheel held static by a
brake arm. What is the friction force between the wheel and the brake arm? □
Example 9.1.10 A box sits on a slope, find the resultant of the friction and
normal forces on the box. □

Impending motion. In this case, the friction force will be given by Ff = µs N .

The problem statement will mention maximum or minimum values.
Example 9.1.11 What is the maximum force applied to the box before it will
start to move? □
Example 9.1.12 What is the minimum coefficient of static friction that will
keep the box static? What is the lightest box which will not slip or tip on this
slope? □
Example 9.1.13 What is the lightest box which will not slip or tip on this
slope? □

Kinetic friction. In these problems, Ff = µk N . The problem statement will

say that the body is moving at a constant velocity.
Example 9.1.14 A 40 kg box is sliding down a 20° slope, what is the coefficient
of friction to keep the velocity constant? □
Example 9.1.15 A rope slips over a surface at constant velocity, what is the
contact angle of the rope? □

9.2 Slipping vs. Tipping

Key Questions
• What are the possible motions which can occur when you apply a force to
an object sitting on a rough surface?

• How do you determine which motion will occur in a particular situation?

• Which types of motion are beyond the scope of Statics?

This section focuses on the various ways a rigid body in equilibrium might
begin to move. The point at which an object starts to move is called the point
of impending motion.
The interactive in Figure 9.2.1 shows a box sitting on a rough surface. Imag-
ine that we start pushing on the side of the box with a gradually increasing
force. Initially, friction between the block and the incline will increase to main-
tain equilibrium, and the box will sit still.
As we continue to increase the force there are two possibilities; the maximum
static friction force will be reached and the box will begin to slide, or the pushing
force and the friction force will create a sufficient couple to cause the box tip on
its corner.

Figure 9.2.1 Slipping vs. Tipping
The easiest way to determine whether the box will slip, tip, or stay put is to
solve for the maximum load force P twice, once assuming slipping and a second
time expecting tipping, then compare the actual load to these maximums. This
process is summarized in the following three steps:

1. Check slipping.

As in all dry friction problems, the maximum

friction force is equal to the static coefficient of W
friction times the normal force
h d
Ff max = µs N .

Assume that the maximum normal force N is ?

acting at an unknown location and solve for the N
applied force which will maintain equilibrium. If
the load exceeds this value than this the body Figure 9.2.2 fbd
will slip or maybe tip. to check slipping.
2. Check tipping.
The object will tip when the resultant nor-
mal force N shifts off the end of the object, W
because it no longer acts on the object so it
can’t contribute to equilibrium. h
Create a free-body diagram assuming that
the normal force N acts at the far corner of
the box and solve for the applied force which
will maintain equilibrium. Any greater force N
will make the body tip, unless it is already
Figure 9.2.3 fbd
to check tipping.
At tipping, the friction force is static-but-not-
impending as it has not reached impending
motion for slipping.
3. Compare the results.
If P exceeds the smaller of the limiting values, it will initiate the corre-
sponding impending motion.
Thinking Deeper 9.2.4 Failure in Engineering. The goal of engineering
design is to forecast and plan for all the ways that something can fail. The
challenge is to know the questions to ask and the data to gather to model all
possible failure modes. The controlling failure is the mode which occurs at the
smallest load.

9.3 Wedges
Key Questions
• Why is the normal force always perpendicular to the contact surface while
the friction force always lies parallel to it?

• Can you demonstrate graphically that components of friction and normal

forces are related to the right-triangle trigonometry terms sine and cosine?

A wedge is a tapered object which converts a small input force into a large
output force using the principle of an inclined plane. Wedges are used to separate,
split or cut objects, lift weights, or fix objects in place. The mechanical advantage
of a wedge is determined by the angle of its taper; narrow tapers have a larger
mechanical advantage.
Wedges are used in two primary ways:
Low friction wedges are a simple machines which allows users to create large
output forces to move objects using comparatively small input forces. In the log
splitter in Figure 9.3.1(a), hydraulic ram pushes a log into a stationary wedge.
The normal force pushes the two halves of the log apart while the friction force
Ff is opposes the pushing force P .
High-friction (self-locking) wedges control the location of objects or hold them
in place. Examples include doorstop wedges and carpentry wedges. The sailor
in Figure 9.3.1(b) is hammering two wooden wedges towards each other to cre-
ate large compressive forces to secure shoring timbers during a damage control

(a) A low friction wedge is used to (b) High friction wedges are used to
split logs. secure shoring timbers.

Figure 9.3.1 Wedges in use.

Luckily the analysis of low- and high-friction wedges are identical and they
are quite similar to the multi-force body equilibrium problems we saw in Chap-
ter 5 and Chapter 6. The main difference is the inclusion of friction from all
non-smooth contact surfaces. The directions of both the normal and friction
forces on the free-body diagrams are defined below.
Normal forces act between bodies act perpendicular to the contacting sur-
faces. All normal forces on a free-body diagram should be pointing towards the
body because wedges are always subjected to compression.
Friction forces are between bodies which act parallel or tangential to the
contacting surfaces and are created by the microscopic or large scale roughness
of the surfaces. All friction forces on a free-body diagram should be drawn
pointing in the direction which resists relative motion at the point of contact.
The key added challenge of solving wedge problems is that the angled faces
of wedges usually need to be resolved into components in the x and y, unless a

different coordinate system is used.

One of the critical steps in solving block or wedge problems is to determine
which force is engaging the friction of the system. Start by drawing the friction
forces on the body where this force acts. As you pass the friction and normal
forces to adjacent free-body diagrams, you must always show them as equal and
opposite, action-reaction pairs. This is illustrated in the following example.
Example 9.3.2

Find the minimum force P required to start

raising the 10 lb block. Assume that the
wedge is massless.



This figure demonstrates the free-body diagrams to find the minimum P1

to raise the block. We would assume that all the friction forces are pushed to
impending motion, thus you can use F = µs N to relate the friction and normal
forces at all contact surfaces. A detail of N2 and F2 has also been provided so
that you can see how the angle θ is incorporated into the x and y components.

Example 9.3.3 Using the same system as the previous problem
If the problem in Example 9.3.2 was changed to “Given a coefficient of static
friction of µs = 0.6 find the minimum force P2 to keep the wedge from slipping
out under the 10 lb block”, the free-body diagrams would need to change in the
following ways:

• all friction force directions would change as the impending motion of both
the wedge and 10 lb block would change direction and

• the direction of P may have to change if the wedge has sufficient friction

to stay static when P = 0.

Note that for all values of P between P1 and P2 the system would be static,
and the friction forces would be static-but-not-impending. □

9.4 Screw Threads

Key Questions
• Can you describe how the right-hand rule relates to the motion and rotation
of screws?

• What is the thread pitch and friction angle for a screw?

• Contrast the different types of screw motion, with and against applied
loads, and match the motion cases to their corresponding equation.

• Why does a screw and a nut move in relatively opposite directions?

A screw thread is uniform shape which spirals around the inside or outside
surface of a cylinder or cone. Like wedges, screws are simple machines. They are
essentially a ramp or inclined plane wrapped into a helix, and the input to screws
is torque rather than linear force. The mechanical advantage of a screw depends
on its lead, which is the linear distance the screw travels in one revolution.
Screws used to fix objects in place are called fasteners, and screws used to
move objects are called power screws or lead screws. In this chapter we will
focus on power screws.
A power screw assembly includes a nut with matching internal threads which
fits around the screw. There are two ways that a power screw can operate based
on the movement of the screw and nut. In a scissors jack, the operator rotates the
threaded rod with a crank fitted to the nut on the right, which is not threaded
but acts as a thrust bearing. The nut on the left moves along the stationary
screw to raise the load. In the C-clamp, the nut is stationary and the screw
translates through as it rotates. In either case, a small moment on the screw
can cause enormous forces on the nut, with the added benefit of the force being
applied at a precise location as controlled by the screw.

(a) A scissors jack uses fixed (b) A C-clamp screw rotates and translates
screw and a moving a nut. through a fixed nut.
Figure 9.4.1 Power Screws

9.4.1 Screw Motion and the Right-hand rule

Most screw threads are right-hand threaded, which means they follow a right-
hand rule as illustrated in Figure 9.4.2. When you use your right hand to then
turn a right-handed thread towards your fingertips, it will move in the direction
of your thumb. When you are look at the head of a bolt and rotate it clockwise,
it tightens i.e. righty-tighty. The reverse, lefty-loosy, is also true.

(a) Loosening (b) Tightening

Figure 9.4.2 Right Hand Threads
Left-handed screws are less common but are found in some applications,

• machines where reverse-threading prevents them from loosening gradually

under the torque of the moving part. For example, the left pedal on a

• machines where the movement of the screw creates dual motion, like a
hand-screw wood clamp.

• situations where you do not want to mix up constituents. Cutting torches

use right-hand thread for the oxygen and left-hand threads for the acety-
lene connections.

The motion of left-handed screws can either be thought of as opposite the

right-hand rule or conforming to the same relationships if you use your left
hand. Notice that right-handed threads slope up to the right, while left-handed
threads slope down. Note that turning a thread upside-down does not reverse
its handedness.

(a) Right Hand (b) Left Hand

Threads Threads
Figure 9.4.3 Screw Thread Handedness

9.4.2 Screw Thread Properties

Although most thread profiles are V-shaped, we only consider square threads in
this book. General purpose thread profiles, like NPT and ISO metric are more
difficult to analyze.
The easiest way to analyze a square-thread power screw system is to turn the
problem into a two-dimensional problem by ‘unwrapping’ the ramp from around
the cylinder of the shaft. The significant geometrical properties of the thread

• The mean radius, r.

• The lead, l, also called the pitch.

• The lead angle, α, also called the helix angle.

To visualize these terms, imagine unwrapping a thread from around the screw,
as shown in Figure 9.4.4.


(a) l = pitch, r = mean (b) α = lead angle
Figure 9.4.4 Thread properties
The mean radius is the distance from the centerline to a point halfway be-
tween the tip and the root of the thread. Twice this value is the effective diam-
The lead is the linear travel the nut makes in one revolution, which is also the
distance from a point on the screw thread to a corresponding point on the same
thread after one rotation. Threads are commonly designated by the number of
threads per-inch or per-centimeter, and pitch is the inverse of this value.
The lead angle is related to the pitch and the mean radius by trigonometry.
Using the right triangle shown in Figure 9.4.4(b), the thread lead angle α is the
inverse tangent of the ratio of the lead over the circumference
−1 l
α = tan

9.4.3 Moment to Reach Impending Motion

The focus of this section is to find the magnitude of a moment which will push
a screw to impending motion. Impending motion is the threshold between the
system holding still and moving, so knowledge of the moment required at im-
pending motion allows you to interpret what happens to the screw system in
static but not impending-motion conditions as well.
Assuming that motion is impending means that we can use the coefficient
of static friction µs and the related friction angle ϕs . Recall from earlier in this
chapter, that the friction angle ϕs is related directly to µs the by the equation:
−1 F
ϕs = tan
We now have the tools assembled to derive the relationship between a screw’s
geometry and the applied loads.

Applied Force Opposes Impending Motion

In this scenario we will examine the magnitude of moment M required to raise
a screw to impending motion against the applied force W as shown in Fig-

ure 9.4.5(a). To eliminate any references to the orientation of the screw and
force like up, down, left, or right, this type of motion will be described as “the
applied force opposes impending motion.” This case occurs any time you are
applying a force to an object with a screw.
The free-body diagram in Figure 9.4.5(b) shows the moment M required to
raise a load W and the friction and normal forces acting on a slice of thread.
These must be summed over the entire length of the thread to find the total
friction and normal forces.


(a) Screw Jack (b) fbd

Figure 9.4.5 A screw jack supports a load which opposes impending motion.
It is often easiest to express the friction force F and normal force N as the
friction resultant R and the friction angle ϕs . Recall that the friction force F
direction always opposes the impending motion of the point of contact — in this
case, the screw threads. Also, the thread angle α determines the angle of the
normal force N from the centerline of the screw. Finally, the friction angle ϕs is
the angle between the friction resultant force R and the normal force N .
Figure 9.4.6 is a free-body diagram of single thread element. Wi is the fraction
of the total weight on this element, and the total moment M is represented by
the fraction of the rotational force Pi acting at the mean radius r from the center
of the screw
Pi = M /r.

Figure 9.4.6 fbd of Thread Element

Summing the forces in the x and y directions for the free-body diagram in
Figure 9.4.6 yields:

Fx = 0 Fy = 0
Pi = R sin(α + ϕs ) Wi = R cos(α + ϕs )

By summing the forces across all elements of one wrap of the screw we find:

Fx = 0 Fy = 0
= ΣR sin(α + ϕs ) W = ΣR cos(α + ϕs )
We next need to reduce these two equations to a single equation and also
eliminate the difficulty to quantify ΣR term. Thus we solve both equations for

ΣR =
r sin(α + ϕs )
ΣR =
cos(α + ϕs )

Then, set them equal to each other and solve for the moment M .

M = W r tan(ϕs + α) (9.4.1)

M is the moment required to raise the screw to impending motion, W is the

force load on the screw, r is the mean radius of the screw, ϕs is the screw friction
angle, and α is the screw thread pitch.
Practically, this equation says that the moment to move a screw against
an applied force must overcome the screw friction, represented by ϕs , and the
component of the load on the screw, represented by α.

Applied Force Supports Impending Motion

When the impending motion of the screw is in the direction of the applied force,
we can also state that the “applied force supports impending motion.” This
case occurs any time you remove a force held by a screw, like lowering the load
supported by the screw jack in Figure 9.4.5(a).
This situation is a bit more complicated than the previous one, because
there are three different possibilities depending on the relative magnitude of the
friction angle ϕs and the thread angle α. Cases include

1. Self-locking. ϕs > α.
In this case the load will not cause the screw to rotate by itself,

2. Unwind-with-load.ϕs < α.
In this case, the load will move the screw without assistance, and

3. Impending motion. ϕs = α.
This case is the boundary between the two other cases.

In all three cases the thread angle α is the angle between the normal force N
and the centerline of the screw, and the friction angle ϕs is the angle between
the friction resultant force R and the normal force N .
The derivations of the relationships are quite similar to the derivation of
(9.4.1), but use subtly different free-body diagrams for each of the three cases.
See Figure 9.4.7 below.

M M''

(a) Self-locking ϕs > (b) Impending Mo- (c) Unwinds with

α tion ϕs = α load ϕs < α
Figure 9.4.7 Three possible situations when the load acts in the direction of
impending motion.

Self-locking screw. Self-locking screws are the type of screws that you will
encounter most often in mechanical systems as they are highly predictable. They
have sufficient friction available to hold their applied load even with no moment

applied. Thus, they can safely carry a load in a static-but-not impending condi-
tion until you wish to overcome the excess friction by applying a moment M ′ to
push them to impending motion.
Summing the forces in the x and y directions for the free-body diagram in
Figure 9.4.7(a) yields:

M ′ = W r tan(ϕs − α) (9.4.2)
Unwind-with-load screw As its name implies, an unwind-under-load screw
will start turning unless a moment M ′′ is applied to keep the screw at or beyond
impending motion. The moment to push a self-locking screw to impending mo-
tion M ′ is in the opposite direction as the moment to keep unwind-under-load
screws at impending motion M ′′ , as M ′′ is in the same direction as the moment
to loosen (or raise) a screw. These unwind-with-load screws are not often found
in mechanical systems, except for in dynamic motion control systems, where the
screw is used to slow down motion.
To be designed in an unwind-with-load condition, a screw must have a quite
steep thread angle α and minimal friction between the threads and nut, which
reduces ϕs .
Summing the forces in the x and y directions for the free-body diagram in
Figure 9.4.7(c) yields:

M ′′ = W r tan(α − ϕs ) (9.4.3)
Impending-motion screw As the derived equations for all three unwind-
with-load screw cases push the screw towards impending motion, when a screw
is already at impending motion, it requires no applied moment to maintain
equilibrium; however, this case is mechanically unstable. If the load increases
slightly the screw will begin to unwind-under-load, whereas if the load decreases
slightly the screw will become self-locking.
Summing the forces in the x and y directions for the free-body diagram in
Figure 9.4.7(b) yields:

M ′′′ = 0 when ϕs = α (9.4.4)

The concept of an applied force in the direction of impending motion works
equally well for either a force applied in the impending motion direction of a
screw, or for a force applied to the impending motion direction of a nut. An
example of the first case is the screw jack lowering a load, and the second could be
a scissors jack that has a rotating but non-translating screw, plus a non-rotating
but translating nut.

9.5 Flexible Belts

Key Questions
• How does the impending motion of the system determine which side of the
belt will have a larger tension?

• How do you compute the contact angle β between the belt and pulley or

• How do you compute the tension differential on either side of the belt or
cylinder for both flat and v-belts?

• What determines the maximum torque transfer available from a pulley

When a belt, rope, or cable is wrapped around an object, there is potential
for flexible belt friction. In Figure 9.5.1(a) friction allows the sailors to control
the speed that the mooring line pays out. The friction between the line and
the bollard depends on the number of turns the line takes around the bollard
post. In Figure 9.5.1(b) friction forces prevent the belt from slipping allow it to
transfer power from the motor to the drive pulley.

(a) Sailors handling a mooring line. (b) Power transmission pulleys.

Figure 9.5.1 Applications of belts.

9.5.1 Frictionless Belts

Imagine with a flat, massless cable or belt passing over a frictionless cylinder or
pulley, in equilibrium. (Figure 9.5.2). A non-uniform distributed normal force
acts at points of contact with the cylinder to oppose the tension in the belt and
maintain equilibrium. The normal force varies as a function of the angle between
the contact surface and the direction the belt tension.


(a) fbd Belt and (b) fbd of belt (c) fbd of cylinder
Figure 9.5.2 Free-body diagrams, equal tension.
Without friction, the two tensions must be equal otherwise the belt would
slip around the cylinder. The only interaction force between the belt and pulley
is the distributed normal force. Due to the symmetry of this example, the x
components of the distributed force all cancel and the resultant is purely vertical.
In other situations this will not be true.

9.5.2 Friction in Flat Belts

When friction is available to oppose the sliding, the tensions in the two sides of
the belt will not be equal and friction will cause the pulley to rotate. Alternately
if the pulley is driven by an external moment, friction will cause one tension to
increase and the other to decrease. This, of course, is the point of a belt and
pulley system — power transmission from the belt to the pulley or vice-versa.
Figure 9.5.3(a) shows a free-body diagram of a belt and pulley in equilibrium.
The net moment caused by the two belts and the applied moment M are in
balance. The system may be stationary, or it may be rotating at a constant
velocity; however, it is impossible to tell from this diagram which direction.
Figure 9.5.3(b) shows a free-body diagram of the belt. Since T+ is greater
than T− , in the absence of friction, the left side will move up, and the right side
will move down, as indicated by the arrows which indicate the relative motion
of belt with respect to the pulley. A distributed friction force Fbelt between
the belt and pulley which opposes the relative motion and maintains rotational
equilibrium. A distributed normal force also exists to maintain equilibrium in
the y direction.
Figure 9.5.3(c) shows a free-body diagram of the pulley. The frictional and
normal forces acting on the pulley are equal and opposite to those acting on the

belt. The arrow indicates that the impending relative motion of the pulley with
respect to the belt is counter-clockwise. The actual direction of rotation is not
known or indicated. Friction always acts opposite to the direction of relative

(a) fbd of Belt and (b) fbd of Belt (c) fbd of pulley
Figure 9.5.3 Unequal Tensions
Increasing M or the belt tension ratio T+ /T− will increase the power trans-
mitted until the belt starts to slip. This occurs when the friction increases to
the maximum available value Fmax = µs M . At this point, motion (slipping) is
We are interested in determining the range of values for the tension forces
where the belt does not slip relative to the surface. For a flat belt, the maximum
value for T+ depends on the magnitude of T− , the static coefficient of friction
between the belt and the surface µs , and the contact angle β between the belt
and the surface.

Contact Angle β
You will need to use the geometry of the pulleys to find the contact angle β be-
tween the belt and pulley. The belt will depart the pulley at a point of tangency,
which is always perpendicular to a radius. To find β create one or more right
triangles using the incoming and outgoing belt paths and apply complementary
angles to relate the belt geometry to the contact angle. There is no simple rule
for transferring cable angles over to the contact angle, but in general, extend
radial lines from the center of the pulley out to the belt’s tangential lines. Next,
create right triangles with each radial line and work to find all the angles which
add up to the contact angle β.

Figure 9.5.4 Relationship between pulley geometry and contact angle β.

Belt Tension
We have seen that when there is friction between a belt and a pulley, the tensions
on either end of the belt are not the same. In previous problems, we simply
guessed a direction for an unknown force, and then used the sign of the numerical

answer to confirm or reverse our assumption. Unfortunately, this does not work
for flexible belts, where we must make the correct determination before starting
computations. So, how can we determine which side has the larger tension, and
which side is smaller?
The following discussion guides you through two methods to make this deci-
sion. Figure 9.5.5 shows a pulley and belt system and the associated free body
diagrams. The pulley is driven by a motor which supplies a counterclockwise mo-
ment of M . The belt is fixed, and holds the pulley in equilibrium until slipping
occurs. Both the pulley and belt are assumed massless.
The grey arrows indicate the direction of impending motion. This is the
motion which will occur if the belt slips. For the belt, which is fixed, this
impending motion is relative to the pulley. For the pulley, motion is impending
relative to the belt, but since it can actually rotate it also has absolute impending
motion with respect to the earth.

(a) Problem Diagram (b) fbd of Pulley (c) fbd of Belt

Figure 9.5.5 Motor drive pulley with a fixed belt.

1. Method 1: Draw free-body diagrams and sum tensions along the cable.
Friction always opposes impending relative motion at the point of contact,
so if you can determine the direction the belt will potentially slip, you also
know the direction of the friction force. You can find out which tension
is larger and which is smaller by drawing a free-body diagram of the belt
and summing forces along it.
The free-body diagram Figure 9.5.5(b) shows the forces acting on the pul-
ley, which are:

• Reaction force Ay from the fixed center axle.

• A distributed normal force ΣN acting radially along the contact sur-
face with the belt. 1
• A distributed friction force ΣF acting along the contact surface, op-
posing moment M and the impending motion of the pulley.
The distributed normal forces is not symmetrical as drawn, but actually biased towards
the right, in order to have the net leftward force required to oppose the net friction acting to
the right. Fortunately, the actual shape is not significant to us.

The free-body diagram Figure 9.5.5(c) shows the forces acting on the belt,
which are:

• The belt’s internal tension forces, labeled T1 and T2 since at this point
we don’t know their relative magnitudes.
• A distributed normal force ΣN acting radially along the contact sur-
face between the pulley and belt. These are the distributed normal
forces on the pulley transferred equal-and-opposite to the belt.
• A distributed friction force ΣF acting along the surface of the belt,
again equal-and-opposite to the corresponding forces on the pulley.
Since the belt is not actually moving these forces oppose the belt’s
relative impending motion with respect to the pulley.

Summing forces along the belt, we find that the tension T1 plus the dis-
tributed friction force ΣF must equal T2 for equilibrium.

ΣFbelt = 0
T1 + ΣF − T2 = 0
T2 = T1 + ΣF

Therefore, the larger tension T+ = T2 and the smaller tension T− = T1 .

2. Method 2: Larger tension acts in the direction of the impending motion

of the belt.
Following the logic of Method 1, it turns out that the larger tension always
points in the direction of impending motion of the belt. It does not matter
if the impending motion is relative as here with a fixed belt, or absolute
as when the belt moves around a fixed object.
There are multiple ways to determine the smaller and larger tensions in
a flexible belt system. You can use the interactive below to develop your
intuition on the relationship between belt tension, pulley moment, friction
and relative motion.

Figure 9.5.6 Friction transmits power between the belt and pulley.

Change in Belt Tension due to Friction

Applying the equilibrium equations to a free-body diagram of a differential ele-
ment of the belt enables us to derive the relation between the two belt tensions,
the contact angle β, and the friction coefficient µs .

Figure 9.5.7 fbd of a differential element of a flexible belt.

Summing the forces in the x direction gives
Fx = 0
µ dN + T cos(dθ/2) = (T + dT ) cos(dθ/2) = 0
µ dN = dT cos(dθ/2)

As dθ approaches zero, cos(dθ/2) approaches one, so in the limit,

dN =
And summing forces in the y direction gives
Fy = 0
dN = T sin(dθ/2) + (T + dT ) sin(dθ/2)
dN = (2T + dT ) sin(dθ/2)
≈ 2T (dθ/2) + dT (dθ/2)

where we have used the small angle approximation sin(dθ/2) ≈ dθ/2. Dropping
the second order differential term dT dθ as negligible, yields

dN = T dθ.

Solving simultaneously by eliminating dN leaves us with

= µ dθ,
which we can integrate between T− and TL to find
Z T+ Z β
=µ dθ
T− T 0
ln = µβ.

Integrating both sides gives:

= eµβ ,

where e is the natural log base 2.718, µ is the friction coefficient between the belt
and pulley, and β is the contact angle between the belt and pulley in radians.
The larger this ratio is, the more torque the belt can transmit.
Notice that the belt tension ratio is independent of the surface size and shape,
provided the belt makes continuous contact.

9.5.3 Torque in Belt Systems

A belt-driven systems consists of an input pulley driven by a rotational power
source and one or more output pulleys driving loads. The maximum torque that
can be transmitted by the system is determined by the maximum value for T+
before slipping occurs at either the input or any output pulley. We will need to
consider each of the pulleys independently.

Tight Side +

Slack Side -
(a) Belt Drive System (b) Driving Pulley (c) Load
Figure 9.5.8 Unequal Tensions
Start by solving for the resting tension T− . This is the tension the belts prior
to any motion or power transfer. Practically, machines provide adjustments
to pre-tension the belt to insure sufficient normal force when started. When
we turn on the machine and increase the torque, the resting tension remains
constant while the tension on the drive side T+ increases.
If the pulleys have the same coefficients of friction, it can be assumed that
the belt will first slip at the smaller of the two pulleys as the smaller pulley has
a smaller contact angle β. See Figure 9.5.4.
Once we have the maximum value for T− , we can use that to find the maxi-
mum input and output moments. Next, to find the torque, we then find the net
moment exerted by the two tension forces, where the radius of the pulley is the
moment arm.
The maximum input torque Mi before slipping is

Mi = (T+ max − T− )ri


The maximum output torque Mo before slipping is

Mo = (T+ max − T− )ro

In a rotating shaft, power is equal to the torque times the angular velocity
in radians per second.
P = T ω, (9.5.1)
Pmax = Mi (ωi ) = Mo (ωo ). (9.5.2)
Unlike the torque which steps up or down based on the pulley radii, the input
and output powers are equal to each other, ignoring all efficiency losses.

9.5.4 V-Belts
A flat belt pulley interacts with one surface of the belt. A V shaped pulley
allows the belt to wedge tightly in the groove, increasing friction and torque
transmission. A V-belt’s enhanced friction comes from the increased normal
forces which are a function of the groove angle α.
The sum of the normal force vertical components is the same for a flat belt
or V-belt. However, the horizontal components of the normal forces in a V-belt,
effectively pinch the belt, thereby increasing the available friction force. The
belt should not contact the bottom of the groove, or else the wedge effect is lost
 
µs β
 
T+ sin (α/2)
=e . (9.5.3)


Figure 9.5.9 V-belt and pulley cross section.

As we can see from the equation above, smaller groove angle and steeper sides
result in a larger maximum tension ratio, resulting in higher torque transmission.
The trade-off with steeper sides, however, is that the belt becomes wedged more
firmly in the groove and requires more force to unwedge itself as it leaves the
pulley. This unwedging force decreases the efficiency of the belt-driven system.
An alternate design choice would be a chain-drive which carries very high-tension
differences efficiently.

9.6 Journal Bearings

Key Questions
• Why does the point of contact between a shaft and a journal bearing shift
as the shaft rotates?

• Why is the resultant contact force tangent to the friction circle?

• Can you draw appropriate free-body diagrams of journal bearing systems

and solve for unknown values?

9.6.1 Journal Bearing Friction

A bearing is a machine element used to support a rotating shaft. Bearing friction
exists between the rotating shaft and the supporting bearing. Though other
types of bearings exist including, ball, roller and hydrodynamic, we will focus on
dry friction journal bearings. Oil lubricated journal bearings require a knowledge
of fluid mechanics to analyze, while dry journal bearings have point contact
between the shaft and bearing and thus can be analyzed in Statics, they are
subject to greater wear and heat build-up than other types of bearings; thus,
the use of dry journal bearings is only advisable in situations where there is
limited motion.

9.6.2 Rotating Shaft and Fixed Bearing

A dry friction journal bearing consists circular bearing surface which supports
a rotating or stationary shaft. The support force acts at the single point of
tangency of the two circular surfaces. The bearing prevents shaft motion in the
radial directions but does not prevent axial motion due to shaft thrust.
Figure 9.6.1 shows a journal bearing supporting a shaft with a vertical load
P . Initially the contact point is located directly below the load along its line
of action. When a clockwise moment M is applied to rotate the shaft, friction
between the shaft and bearing causes the surfaces to stick together, and the shaft
climbs up the bearing surface until impending motion is reached and slipping
occurs. Similarly, when a CCW moment M is applied, the contact point will
shift to the left.



(a) Stationary (b) Clockwise shaft rota- (c) Counterclockwise

tion shaft rotation
Figure 9.6.1 Contact Point Shifts against the direction of relative motion of
the shaft with respect to the bearing.
Free-body diagrams for the shaft in the three cases are shown in Figure 9.6.2.
At the contact points we see a normal force N and a friction force F which can be
resolved into a single vertical resultant force R. Normal forces are perpendicular
to shaft at the contact point, which makes their lines of action pass through the
center of the shaft. When no moment is applied, no friction exists, but in the
other two cases, friction creates a moment M ′ = F rf about the center of the
shaft which opposes the applied moment M .



(a) No Moment (b) Clockwise Moment (c) Counterclockwise
Figure 9.6.2 Shaft Free-body Diagrams
The most straightforward process to relate the load, normal and friction
forces for a journal bearing is by performing the following steps:
1. Assume that the shaft and bearing opening have the same radius, but
draw the shaft a bit smaller to emphasizes the contact point at the point
of tangency.
2. Combine the normal and friction forces into a single friction resultant force
R = F + N.

3. Determine the radius of the friction circle, rf , which is a circle around the
center tangent to the friction resultant R. The friction circle radius is a
function of the shaft radius r and the friction angle ϕs .
rf = r sin ϕs = tan−1 F /N .

4. Finally, draw a free-body diagram of the shaft with all applied loads and
the friction resultant R, then solve the equations of equilibrium to find the

9.6.3 Fixed Shaft and Rotating Bearing

Another type of journal bearing is designed with a fixed shaft and a rotating
bearing. While the solution process is quite similar to the process covered above,
the main difference is that you will draw a free-body diagram of the rotating
bearing instead of the shaft.
Figure 9.6.3 shows the diagrams for a journal bearings with a fixed shaft and
rotating bearing.



(a) Ring Bearing (b) Free-body Diagram

Figure 9.6.3
Thinking Deeper 9.6.4 Contact Point Shift. In this section we saw that
the contact point shifts in the direction of the relative impending motion of the
bearing or opposite to the relative motion of the shaft; This is true for dry friction
bearings, but with oil lubricated bearings, the shaft starts by a shift this way,
but as the shaft speed increases a hydrodynamic oil wedge forms which shifts the
shaft in the other direction in much the same way that a water skier lifts up and
skims the water at high speeds.

9.7 Rotating Discs

Key Questions
• Select the appropriate disc friction equation among those for hollow circular
areas, solid areas, and disc brakes with a circular arc and

• Compute the possible moment the friction forces from disc friction can

9.7.1 Disc Friction

Disc friction refers friction between a flat, rotating body and a stationary surface.
Disc friction exerts a moment on the bodies involved which resists the relative
rotation of the bodies. Disc friction is applicable to a wide variety of designs
including end bearings, collar bearings, disc brakes, and clutches.

Figure 9.7.1 This orbital sander rotates a circular sanding disc against a sta-
tionary surface. The disc friction between the sanding disc and the surface exert
a moment on both the surface and the sander.

9.7.2 Collar Bearings

A collar bearing, shown inFigure 9.7.2 has a rotating annular area in contact
with a stationary bearing surface. The rotating shaft passes through a hole or
bearing in the surface to maintain radial alignment. The collar bearing prevents
axial motion and acts as a thrust bearing to transfer the axial load to a solid


(a) Side view (b) Contact Area

Figure 9.7.2 Collar bearing
The friction force at any point of the contact area will equal the normal
force at that point times the kinetic coefficient of friction at that point. If the
coefficient of friction and the pressure between the collar and the surface is the
same at all points, then the same friction force at every point is the same as
well. This does not mean that the moment exerted at every point is equal as
well. Elements towards the outside of the contact area cause larger moments
than those closer to the center since they have larger moment arms.

dFf = µk dFN
dFi = dFo
ri < ro
dMi < dM0

Figure 9.7.3 Forces and mo-

ments on differential areas
The total moment exerted acting on the disc due to the friction forces is
found by integrating the elements dM over the contact area. The moment of
each element will be equal to the product of the coefficient of kinetic friction,
the normal force pressure, the moment arm and the area of each element
dM = µk pr dA.
M= dM

= µk pr dA
The coefficient of friction and pressure terms are constant so can be moved
outside the integral, and since pressure is defined as force per unit are area
p = F /A, the pressure term can be replaced with the applied load divided by
the bearing contact area,
p= .
π(ro − ri2 )

A differential element of area dA can be expressed in terms of radial distance

r allowing us to integrate with respect to r.
dA = 2πrdr,
Making these substitutions leads to an equation that is easy to integrate.
M = µk p r dA
A  Z ro
= µk r (2πr) dr
π(ro2 − ri2 )
Z ro ri
2µk P
= 2 r2 dr
(ro − ri2 ) ri
Integrating this integral, evaluating the limits and simplifying gives the final
result  3 
2 ro − ri3
M = µk P . (9.7.1)
3 ro2 − ri2

9.7.3 End Bearings

In cases where we have a solid circular contact area such as with a solid circular
shaft, an end bearing, or the orbital sander shown in Figure 9.7.1 we simply set
the inner radius to zero and simplify equation (9.7.1). If we do so, the result is
M = µk F r o . (9.7.2)

(a) Side view. (b) Top view.

Figure 9.7.4 A circular thrust bearing.

9.7.4 Circular Arc Bearings

Automobile disc brakes have a contact area that looks like a section of the hollow
circular contact area we covered earlier.

Figure 9.7.5 The contact area in disc brakes is often approximated as a circular
arc with a contact angle θ.
Disc brakes, due to their smaller contact area, have higher pressure for the
same applied force but a smaller area over which to exert friction. In the end,
these factors cancel out and we end up with the same formula we found in
Subsection 9.7.2. Notice that this formula is independent of θ.
Brake pad on one side:
2 ro − ri3
M = µk P (9.7.3)
3 ro2 − ri2

Most disc brakes, however, have two pads one on each side of the rotating
disc, so we will need to double the moment if so.
Brake pads on each side:
4 ro − ri3
M = µk P (9.7.4)
3 ro2 − ri2

9.8 Exercises (Ch. 9)

Chapter 10

Moments of Inertia

Area moments of inertia are a measure of the distribution of a two-dimensional

area around a particular axis. Fundamentally, the portions of a shape which are
located farther from the axis have a greater affect than the parts which are closer.
The primary application is in structural engineering and machine design where
they are used to determine a structural member’s stiffness. Another application
is in Fluid Mechanics where they are used to determine the effect of pressure
on a submerged surface. We will use the symbol I for this property, along with
a subscript to indicate the specific axis, so for example, Ix would indicate the
“Area moment of inertia with respect to the x axis.”
Warning 10.0.1 The mass moment of inertia you learned about in Physics is
not the same as the area moment of inertia in Statics!
This can be confusing since both are commonly shortened to “moment of
inertia” and both use the same symbol, I. They have different units however,
and the intended moment of inertia can easily be determined from context or
with a unit analysis.

10.1 Integral Properties of Shapes

Key Questions
• Why does the area moment of inertia integral equation include a distance
squared term?

• When performing a single integral, either dx or dy, what is your differential

element dA shape?
As you know, two dimensional shapes like rectangles and circles have proper-
ties such as area, perimeter, and centroid. These are purely geometric properties
since they belong to the shape alone, in contrast to physical properties like weight
and mass which belong to real physical objects.


In this section we introduce several new geometric properties useful in engi-

neering including the Area Moment of Inertia.
The integral properties of shapes, along with the names and symbols com-
monly used to represent them are given in the table below. You are already
familiar with area from Geometry and the first moment of area from Chapter 7.
The remaining properties are the subject of this chapter. They all have a similar
form, and can be evaluated using similar integration techniques.

Figure 10.1.1 Definitions for area properties

This interactive diagram defines the terms which apply to all of the property
definitions below. It shows a generic plane area A, divided into differential
elements dA = dx dy. The differential element dA is an infinitesimally tiny
rectangle centered about point (x, y), which can range over the entire area. The
distances to the element from the y axis, the x axis and the origin are designated
x, y, and r respectively. The centroid of the entire area is located at (x̄, ȳ).

Definition Name More Information

A= dA Area Subsection 7.7.2

First Moment of Area
Qx = y dA Chapter 7
(with respect to the x axis)

First Moment of Area
Qy = x dA Chapter 7
(with respect to the y axis)

Z Second Moment of Area, or

Ix = y dA2 Moment of Inertia Section 10.2
A (with respect to the x axis)

Z Second Moment of Area, or

Iy = x dA2 Moment of Inertia Section 10.2
A (with respect to the y axis)

JO = r2 dA Polar Moment of Inertia Section 10.5

Ixy = x y dA Product of Inertia Section 10.7

All of these properties are defined as integrals over an area A. These integrals
may be evaluated by double-integrating over x and y in Cartesian coordinates or
r and θ in polar coordinates. They can also be evaluated using single integration
using the methods demonstrated in Subsection 10.2.2.
None of these integrals can be evaluated until a specific shape is chosen.
When shape has been specified, the bounding functions and integration limits
can be determined and only then may the integral be solved using appropriate
integration techniques. If the shape is specified in general terms, say a rectangle
with base b and height h, then the result of the integration will be a formula for

the property applicable to all similar shapes.

10.1.1 Area
The total area of a shape is found by integrating the differential elements of
area over the entire shape. Z
A= dA. (10.1.1)
The limit on this integral is indicated with an A to indicate that the integration
is carried out over the entire area. The resulting value will have units of [length]2
and does not depend on the position of the shape on the coordinate plane.
Since the area formulas for common shapes are well known, you only need
to use integration in uncommon situations.

10.1.2 First Moment of Area

The first moment of area, which was introduced in Chapter 7, is defined by
these two equations.
Qx = y dA Qy = x dA (10.1.2)

and has units of [length]3 .

The first moment of area with respect to an axis is a measure of the distribu-
tion of the shape about an axis. It depends on the shape and also its location on
the coordinate plain. Portions of area on the negative side of the selected axis
make the first moment smaller, while areas on the positive side make it larger. If
the shape’s centroid is located exactly on the axis, the integral will sum to zero
because the contributions of area above and below the axis cancel each other.
The average value of the first moment of area is found by is found by dividing
the first moment by the area of the shape, and the result indicates the distance
from the axis to centroid of the shape.
x̄i Ai ȳi Ai
x̄ = P ȳ = P .
Ai Ai

10.1.3 Moment of Inertia

The area moment of inertia, the subject of this chapter, is defined by these
two equations.
Ix = y dA Iy = x2 dA (10.1.3)

and has units of [length]4 .


As you can see, these equations are similar to the equations for the first
moment of area (10.1.2), except that the distance terms x and y are now squared.
In recognition of the similarity, the area moments of inertia are also known as
the second moments of area. We will use the terms moment of inertia and
second moment interchangeably. These two quantities are sometimes designated
as rectangular moments of inertia to distinguish them from the polar moment of
inertia described in the next section.
Like the first moment, the second moment of area provides a measure of the
distribution of area around an axis, but in this case the distance to each element
is squared. This gives increased importance to portions of the area which are far
from the axis. Squaring the distance means that identical elements on opposite
sides of the axis both contribute to the sum rather than cancel each other out
as they do in the first moment. As a result, the moment of inertia is always a
positive quantity.
Two identical shapes can have completely different moments of inertia, de-
pending on how the shape is distributed around the axis. A shape with most of
its area close to the axis has a smaller moment of inertia than the same shape
would if its area was distributed farther from the axis. This is a non-linear effect,
because when the distance term is doubled, the contribution of that element to
the sum increases fourfold.
Question 10.1.2 These three triangles are all the same size. Rank them from
largest to largest smallest moment of inertia with respect to the y axis.


Answer. From smallest to largest: IC > IA > IB .

Solution. Although the areas of all three triangles are the same, triangle B
has the area on both sides of the y axis and relatively close to it, and so has
the smallest I, while triangle C has the most of its area far from the y axis
which makes its moment of inertia largest. We will be able to show later that
the IC = 3IA = 9IB . □
Moving a shape away from the axis (or moving the axis away from the shape)
increases its moment of inertia, and moving it closer to the axis decreases it, until
it crosses to the other side of the axis, and then its moment of inertia will begin
to increase again.
The minimum moment of inertia occurs when the centroid of the shape falls
on the axis. When this occurs, the moment of inertia is called the centroidal
moment of inertia. A bar over the symbol I is used to indicate that a moment
of inertia is centroidal. So for example, I¯x and I¯y represent the “centroidal
moment of inertia with respect to the x axis” and the “the centroidal moment
of inertia with respect to the y axis.” The bar in this case does not mean that

moment of inertia is a vector quantity. Note that a shape can have multiple
centroidal moments of inertia, because more than one axis can pass through the
centroid of a shape. In this text, we will only the vertical and horizontal axes,
but they are not the only possibilities.
The centroidal moment of inertia is particularly important. We will see in
(10.3.1) that if we know a shape’s centroidal moment of inertia for some axis
direction, it is a simple process to calculate the moment of inertia of the shape
about any other parallel axis. The moment of inertia is used in Mechanics of
Materials to find stress and deflection in beams and to determine the load which
will cause a column to buckle.
We stated earlier that the centroidal moment of inertia is the minimum mo-
ment of inertia, but by this we mean, the minimum moment of inertia for a
particular axis direction, for example horizontal. Other centroidal axes may
have a different moment of inertia, either larger or smaller than the moment of
inertia about a horizontal centroidal axis. The centroidal axes which have the
absolute minimum and maximum moment of inertia are called the principle axes.
The principle axes are not necessarily horizontal and vertical.
Thinking Deeper 10.1.3 Beam bending. To get a feel for how moment of
inertia affects engineering design, find a ruler, a yardstick, or something similar:
long with a rectangular cross section.
Try to bend the ruler both when it’s flat and also when it’s turned on edge.
You will find that bending the ruler around the x axis while it’s flat is easy
compared to bending it the other way, around the z axis. Why is it easier to
bend the ruler one way than the other? It’s the same object, made of the same
material either way.
The answer has to due with the moment of inertia, and how it relates to the
bending axis.

Figure 10.1.4 Bending a ruler.

As engineers we are not satisfied with merely knowing that it’s harder to

bend a ruler one way than the other, we’d like to know how much harder?
For a 1/8 in thick ruler that is 1 in tall, the bending resistance about the z
axis is over 20 times more than the bending resistance the other way, about the
x axis.
To further see how the moment of inertia comes into play, consider the cur-
vature caused by applying opposing moments to the ends of a beam such as your
ruler. You will cause it to bend into an arc of a circle of some radius. A curious
engineer would like to know how the curvature of the beam is related to the
applied moment, the geometry, and the physical properties of the beam.

Figure 10.1.5 Beam of length L which is being bent by opposing couple-

moments to an arc with angle θ.
You will learn in Mechanics of Materials that the relationship is:
M =θ (10.1.4)


E is a material property called Young’s Modulus or the modulus of elas-

ticity which characterizes the stiffness of a material.

L is the length of the beam, and

I is the moment of inertia of the cross-section of the beam about the

bending axis.

M is the moment applied to the ends of the beam, and

θ is the curvature of the beam.

Since E and I are in the numerator and L is in the denominator, a longer beam
is more flexible and larger values of E or I make the beam stiffer. With those
properties fixed, angle θ is directly proportional to the moment M .
The sag, or deflection, of a beam when supporting a load is also related
to these factors, and the placement of the load as well. For example, if a beam

is loaded with a concentrated force P at its center its maximum deflection δmax
will occur at the midpoint, with

P L3
δmax =

10.1.4 Polar Moment of Inertia

The polar moment of inertia is defined as
JO = r2 dA (10.1.5)

and has units of [length]4 .

The polar moment of inertia is a another measure of the distribution of an
area but, in this case, about a point at the origin rather than about an axis.
One important application of this value is to quantify the resistance of a shaft
to torsion or twisting due to the shape of its cross-section.
Thinking Deeper 10.1.6 Why don’t we call the polar moment of inertia
Iz ? The squared distance in the polar moment of inertia formula is the distance
from the z axis, so it would seem reasonable to name the polar moment Iz to be
consistent with Ix and Iy , which use distances from the x and y axes.
Instead engineers use the letter J to represent this quantity. Why?


Figure 10.1.7 In-plane and out-of-plane rotation of element dA about the x, y

and z axes.
If areas only existed in the x-y plane, this would be fine, but the real world
is three-dimensional, so Iz must be reserved to use with areas in the x-z or y-z
As shown in the interactive, the rectangular moment of inertia I involves
rotating element dA about out-of-plane around an in-plain axis, and the polar
moment J involves rotating the element in-plane around a perpendicular axis.
The two quantities represent fundamentally different things.

10.1.5 Product of Inertia

The final property of interest is the product of inertia and it is defined as
Ixy = xy dA (10.1.6)

where x and y are defined as in Figure 10.1.1. Like the others, the units as-
sociated with this quantity are [length]4 . The name was chosen because the
distance squared term in the integral is the product of the element’s coordinates.
In contrast to the other area moments, which are always positive, the product
of inertia can be a positive, negative or zero.

10.2 Moments of Inertia of Common Shapes

In following sections we will use the integral definitions of moment of inertia
(10.1.3) to find the moments of inertia of five common shapes: rectangle, trian-
gle, circle, semi-circle, and quarter-circle with respect to a specified axis. The
integration techniques demonstrated can be used to find the moment of inertia
of any two-dimensional shape about any desired axis.
Moments of inertia depend on both the shape, and the axis. Pay attention
to the placement of the axis with respect to the shape, because if the axis is
located elsewhere or oriented differently, the results will be different.
We will begin with the simplest case: the moment of inertia of a rectangle
about a horizontal axis located at its base. This case arises frequently and is
especially simple because the boundaries of the shape are all constants.

10.2.1 Moment of Inertia of a Rectangle

Consider the (b × h) rectangle shown. This rectangle is oriented with its bottom-
left corner at the origin and its upper-right corner at the point (b, h), where b
and h are constants.
What is the moment of inertia of this rectangle with respect to the x axis?
To find the moment of inertia, divide the area into square differential elements
dA at (x, y) where x and y can range over the entire rectangle and then evaluate
the integral using double integration.
The differential element dA has width dx and height dy, so

dA = dx dy = dy dx. (10.2.1)

Figure 10.2.1 Rectangle divided into vertical and horizontal differential strips
It would seem like this is an insignificant difference, but the order of dx and
dy in this expression determines the order of integration of the double integral.
We will try both ways and see that the result is identical.

Using dA = dx dy
First, we will evaluate (10.1.3) using dA = dx dy.
If you are not familiar with double integration, briefly you can think of a
double integral as two normal single integrals, one ‘inside’ and the other ‘outside,’
which are evaluated one at a time from the inside out. Our integral becomes
Ix = y 2 dA
= y 2 dx dy
| {z }
Z top Z right 
= y dx dy
bottom left
| {z }
| {z }

The limits on double integrals are usually functions of x or y, but for this
rectangle the limits are all constants. The bottom and top limits are y = 0 and
y = h; the left and right limits are x = 0 and x = b. Note that the y 2 term can
be taken out of the inside integral, because in terms of x, it is constant.
Inserting dx dy for dA and the limits into (10.1.3), and integrating starting
with the inside integral gives
Ix = y 2 dA
Z hZ b
= y 2 dx dy
0 0
Z h Z b
= y2 dx dy
0 0
Z h
= y 2 b dy
Z h
=b y 2 dy
3 h
=b .
3 0

Evaluating the limit gives the result

Ix = . (10.2.2)
This is the formula for the moment of inertia of a rectangle about an axis passing
through its base, and is worth remembering.

The boxed quantity is the result of the inside integral

times dx, and can be interpreted as the differential area
of a horizontal strip,

dA = b dy.

This will allow us to set up a problem as a single integral

using strips and skip the inside integral completely as we
will see in Subsection 10.2.2.
This result means that the moment of inertia of the rectangle depends only
on the dimensions of the base and height and has units [length]4 . The height
term is cubed and the base is not, which is unsurprising because the moment of
inertia gives more importance to parts of the shape which are farther away from
the axis. Doubling the width of the rectangle will double Ix but doubling the
height will increase Ix eightfold. In all moment of inertia formulas, the dimension
perpendicular to the axis is always cubed.
Warning 10.2.2 This result is for this particular situation; you will get a dif-
ferent result for a different shape or a different axis.

Using dA = dy dx
Now, we will evaluate (10.1.3) using dA = dy dx which reverses the order of
integration and means that the integral over y gets conducted first. Since the
distance-squared term y 2 is a function of y it remains inside the inside integral
this time and the result of the inside integral is not an area as it was previously.
Inserting dy dx for dA and the limits into (10.1.3), and integrating gives
Ix = y 2 dA
Z bZ h
= y 2 dy dx
0 0
Z b 3 h
= dy dx
0 3 0
Z b
= dx
0 3
Z b3
= dx
3 0
Ix = .
As before, the result is the moment of inertia of a rectangle with base b
and height h, about an axis passing through its base. We have found that the
moment of inertia of a rectangle about an axis through its base is (10.2.2), the
same as before.

The boxed quantity is the result of the inside integral

times dx, and can be interpreted as the differential mo-
ment of inertia of a vertical strip about the x axis. This
is consistent our previous result. The vertical strip has
a base of dx and a height of h, so its moment of inertia
by (10.2.2) is
dIx = dx. (10.2.3)
We will use these results to set up problems as a single integral which sum
the moments of inertia of the differential strips which cover the area in Subsec-
tion 10.2.3.
Example 10.2.3 Iy of a Rectangle.

Find the moment of inertia of the rectangle about

the y axis using square differential elements dA.

Iy = hb3
Solution 1. Following the same procedure as before, we divide the rectangle
into square differential elements dA = dx dy and evaluate the double integral for
Iy from (10.1.3) first by integrating over x, and then over y.
Iy = x2 dA
Z hZ b
= x2 dx dy
Z h Z b 
0 0

= x dx dy
0 0
Z h  b
= dy
0 3 0
Z h
= dy
0 3
b h
= y
3 0

b3 h
Iy =
The formula for Iy is the same as the formula as we found previously for Ix
except that the base and height terms have reversed roles. Here, the horizontal
dimension is cubed and the vertical dimension is the linear term. In all moment
of inertia formulas, the dimension perpendicular to the axis is cubed.
Solution 2. This solution demonstrates that the result is the same when the
order of integration is reversed. This time we evaluate Iy by dividing the rec-
tangle into square differential elements dA = dy dx so the inside integral is now
with respect to y and the outside integral is with respect to x.
Iy = x2 dA
Z b Z h 

= x dy dx
0 0
Z b
= x2 h dx
Z b
=h x2 dx
3 b
3 0
Iy =

Centroidal Moment of Inertia

As discussed in Subsection 10.1.3, a moment of inertia about an axis passing
through the area’s centroid is a Centroidal Moment of Inertia. The convention
is to place a bar over the symbol I when the axis is centroidal.
The following example finds the centroidal moment of inertia for a rectangle
using integration.
Example 10.2.4 Rectangle.

y y′
b/2 b/2
Use integration to find the moment of inertia of a
h/2 (b × h) rectangle about the x′ and y ′ axes passing
through its centroid.
x′ Indicate that the result is a centroidal moment of
inertia by putting a bar over the symbol I.

I¯x′ = bh3
I¯y′ = hb3 .

Solution. We can use the same approach with dA = dy dx, but now the limits
of integration over y are now from −h/2 to h/2.
I x′ = y 2 dA
Z b Z h/2
= y 2 dy dx
0 −h/2
Z b h/2
= dy dx
0 3 −h/2
h3 b
= dx
12 0
I¯x′ =
Notice that the centroidal moment of inertia of the rectangle is smaller than
the corresponding moment of inertia about the baseline.
The solution for I¯y′ is similar. □
Thinking Deeper 10.2.5 Stresses in a Rectangular Beam. To provide
some context for area moments of inertia, let’s examine the internal forces in a
elastic beam. Assume that some external load is causing an external bending
moment which is opposed by the internal forces exposed at a cut.
When an elastic beam is loaded from above, it will sag. Fibers on the top
surface will compress and fibers on the bottom surface will stretch, while some-
where in between the fibers will neither stretch or compress. The points where
the fibers are not deformed defines a transverse axis, called the neutral axis.
The neutral axis passes through the centroid of the beam’s cross section.

The change in length of the fibers are caused by internal compression and
tension forces which increase linearly with distance from the neutral axis. The
internal forces sum to zero in the horizontal direction, but they produce a net
couple-moment which resists the external bending moment.

Figure 10.2.6 Internal forces in a beam caused by an external load.

Think about summing the internal moments about the neutral axis on the
beam cut face. This moment at a point on the face increases with the square
of the distance y of the point from the neutral axis because both the internal
force and the moment arm are proportional to this distance. The appearance of
y 2 in this relationship is what connects a bending beam to the area moment of
The shape of the beam’s cross-section determines how easily the beam bends.
A beam with more material farther from the neutral axis will have a larger
moment of inertia and be stiffer. Of course, the material of which the beam is
made is also a factor, but it is independent of this geometrical factor.

10.2.2 Moment of Inertia of a Triangle

We saw in the last section that when solving (10.1.3) the double integration could
be conducted in either order, and that the result of completing the inside integral
was a single integral. We will use these observations to optimize the process of
finding moments of inertia for other shapes by avoiding double integration.
The most straightforward approach is to use the definitions of the moment
of inertia (10.1.3) along with strips parallel to the designated axis, i.e. horizontal
strips when you want to find the moment of inertia about the x axis and vertical
strips for the moment of inertia about the y axis.
The strip must be parallel in order for (10.1.3) to work; when parallel, all parts
of the strip are the same distance from the axis.
This approach only works if the bounding function can be described as a
function of y and as a function of x, to enable integration with respect to x for
the vertical strip, and with respect to y for the horizontal strip.
Example 10.2.7 Triangle.

Find the moment of inertia of the (b × h) right triangle with respect to the
x and y axes?

bh3 b3 h
Ix = Iy = (10.2.4)
12 4
Solution. As we did when finding centroids in Section 7.7 we need to evaluate
the bounding function of the triangle. The bottom are constant values, y = 0
and x = b, but the top boundary is a straight line passing through the origin
and the point at (b, h), which has the equation

y(x) = x. (10.2.5)
By inspection we see that the a vertical strip extends from the x axis to the
function so dA = y dx.
Since vertical strips are parallel to the y axis we can find Iy by evaluating
this integral with dA = y dx, and substituting hb x for y
Iy = x2 dA
Z b
= x2 y dx
Z b  
= x2 x dx
0 b
h b 3
= x dx
b 0
h x4
b 4 0
Iy = .
Similarly we will find Ix using horizontal strips, by evaluating this integral
with dA = (b − x)dy
Ix = y 2 dA.

We are expressing dA in terms of dy, so everything inside the integral must

be constant or expressed in terms of y in order to integrate. In particular, we
will need to solve (10.2.5) for x as a function of y. This is not difficult.

x(y) = y.
Once this has been done, evaluating the integral is straightforward.
Ix = y 2 dA
Z h
= y 2 (b − x) dy
Z h  
= y b − y dy
0 h
Z h Z
b h 3
=b y dy −
y dy
0 h 0
bh3 b h4
= −
3 h 4
Ix =
This is the moment of inertia of a right triangle about an axis passing through
its base. By reversing the roles of b and h, we also now have the moment of
inertia of a right triangle about an axis passing through its vertical side.

Iy = .

10.2.3 Moment of Inertia of a Differential Strip

We saw in Subsection 10.2.2 that a straightforward way to find the moment of
inertia using a single integration is to use strips which are parallel to the axis of
interest, so use vertical strips to find Iy and horizontal strips to find Ix .
This method requires expressing the bounding function both as a function
of x and as a function of y: y = f (x) and x = g(y). There are many functions
where converting from one form to the other is not easy.
As an example, lets try finding Ix and Iy for the spandrel bounded by

y = f (x) = x3 + x, the x axis, and x = 1.


Finding Iy using vertical strips is relatively easy.

Letting dA = y dx and substituting y = f (x) =
x3 + x we have
Iy = x2 dA
= x2 y dx
Z0 1
= x2 (x3 + x) dx
Z0 1
= (x5 + x3 )dx
6 1
x x4
= +
6 4 0
Iy = .
Finding Ix using horizontal strips is anything but easy. In fact, the integral
that needs to be solved is this monstrosity
Ix = y 2 (1 − x) dy
 √ p 2/3 √ 
Z 2 3
2 2
81y + 12 + 9y − 2 3

= y 2 1 − qp  dy
0 2/3 3 2
6 81y + 12 + 9y
. . . and then a miracle occurs
Ix = .
Clearly, a better approach would be helpful.
When using strips which are parallel to the axis of interest is impractical
mathematically, the alternative is to use strips which are perpendicular to the
Applying our previous result (10.2.2) to a vertical strip with height h and
infinitesimal width dx gives the strip’s differential moment of inertia. In most
cases, h will be a function of x.
bh3 h3
Ix = → dIx = dx. (10.2.6)
3 3
This is the same result that we saw previously (10.2.3) after integrating the
inside integral for the moment of inertia of a rectangle.
This result makes it much easier to find Ix for the spandrel that was nearly
impossible to find with horizontal strips.
Ix = dIx = dx
A 3
Z 1
(x3 + x)3
= dx
0 3
Z 1
= (x9 + 3x7 + 3x5 + x3 )dx
3 0
 10 1
1 x 3x8 3x6 x4
= + + +
3 10 8 6 4 0
1 1 3 3 1
= + + +
3 10 8 6 4
1 12 + 45 + 60 + 30
3 120
Ix =
The same approach can be used with a horizontal strip dy high and b wide,
in which case we have
b3 h b3
Iy = → dIy = dy. (10.2.7)
3 3
The width b will usually have to be expressed as a function of y.
The expression for dIx assumes that the vertical
strip has a lower bound on the x axis. If this
is not the case, then find the dIx for the area
between the bounds by subtracting dIx for the
rectangular element below the lower bound from
dIx for the element from the x axis to the upper
bound. A similar procedure can be used for hor-
izontal strips.

y23 y13 1
dIx = − = (y23 − y13 )
3 3 3
This approach is illustrated in the next example.
Example 10.2.8 Moment of Inertia for Area Between Two Curves.

Use vertical strips to find both Ix and Iy for the

area bounded by the functions

y1 = x2 /2 and,
y2 = x/4.

Units are cm.


Ix = 3.49 × 10−6 cm4 Iy = 7.81 × 10−6 cm4

1. Set up the integral.
The area is bounded by the functions

y2 = x/4 y2 = x2 /2

By equating the two functions, we learn that they intersect at (0, 0) and
(1/2, 1/8), so the limits on x are x = 0 and x = 1/2.
The differential area dA for vertical strip is
x x2
dA = (y2 − y1 ) dx = − dx.
4 2

2. Find Iy .
For vertical strips, which are parallel to the y axis we can use the definition
of the Moment of Inertia.
Iy = x2 dA
Z 0.5  
x x2
= x 2
− dx
0 4 2
Z 1/2  3 
x x4
= − dx
0 4 2
 4  1/2
x x5
= −
16 12 0
(1/2)4 (1/2)5
= −
16 10
1 1 1
= −
64 4 5
Iy = = 7.81 × 10−4 cm4

3. Find Ix .
For vertical strips, which are perpendicular to the x axis, we will take
subtract the moment of inertia of the area below y1 from the moment of
inertia of the area below y2 .
Ix = dIx − dIx
A2 A1
Z 1/2 Z
1/2 3
y23 y1
= dx − dx
3 3
Z " 0
 2 3 #
1 1/2  x 3 x
= − dx
3 0 4 2
1 1/2 x3 x6
= − dx
3 0 64 8
1 x4 x7
= −
3 256 56 0
Ix = = 3.49 × 10−6 cm4

10.2.4 Circles, Semicircles, and Quarter-circles

In this section, we will use polar coordinates and symmetry to find the moments
of inertia of circles, semi-circles and quarter-circles.
We will start by finding the polar moment of inertia of a circle with radius r,
centered at the origin. You will recall from Subsection 10.1.4 that the polar mo-
ment of inertia is similar to the ordinary moment of inertia, except the distance
squared term is the distance from the element to a point in the plane rather than
the perpendicular distance to an axis, and it uses the symbol J with a subscript
indicating the point.
To take advantage of the geometry of a circle, we’ll divide the area into thin
rings, as shown in the diagram, and define the distance from the origin to a
point on the ring as ρ. The reason for using thin rings for dA is the same reason
we used strips parallel to the axis of interest to find Ix and Iy ; all points on
the differential ring are the same distance from the origin, so we can find the

moment of inertia using single integration.

Figure 10.2.9 Circle divided into differential rings

The differential area of a circular ring is the circumference of a circle of radius
ρ times the thickness dρ.
dA = 2πρ dρ.
Adapting the basic formula for the polar moment of inertia (10.1.5) to our
labels, and noting that limits of integration are from ρ = 0 to ρ = r, we get
Z Z r
JO = 2
r dA → JO = ρ2 2πρ dρ. (10.2.8)
A 0

Proceeding with the integration,

Z r
JO = ρ2 2πρ dρ
Z r
= 2π ρ3 dρ
 0 4 r
= 2π
4 0
JO = . (10.2.9)
This is the polar moment of inertia of a circle about a point at its center.
With this result, we can find the rectangular moments of inertia of circles,
semi-circles and quarter circle simply. Noting that the polar moment of inertia
of a shape is the sum of its rectangular moments of inertia Ix and Iy , these
are equal to each other for a circle due to its symmetry. Therefore, by (10.5.2),
which is easily proven,

JO = I x + I y
JO πr4
x I¯x = I¯y =
. (10.2.10)

This is the moment of inertia of a circle about a vertical or horizontal axis

passing through its center.
A circle consists of two semi-circles above and below the x axis, so the moment
of inertia of a semi-circle about a diameter on the x axis is just half of the moment

of inertia of a whole circle. The moment of inertia about the vertical centerline
is the same.

x′ Ix = I¯y = . (10.2.11)

Similarly, the moment of inertia of a quarter circle is half the moment of
inertia of a semi-circle, so

y y′

x′ Ix = Iy = . (10.2.12)

In these diagrams, the centroidal axes are red, and moments of inertia about
centroidal axes are indicated by the overbar. We will see how to use the parallel
axis theorem to find the centroidal moments of inertia for semi- and quarter-
circles in Section 10.3.

10.2.5 Summary of Integration Techniques

Here is a summary of the alternate approaches to finding the moment of inertia
of a shape using integration.
You may choose to divide the shape into square differential elements to com-
pute the moment of inertia, using the fundamental definitions, The disadvantage
of this approach is that you need to set up and compute a double integral. Iden-
tifying the correct limits on the integrals is often difficult.
If you would like to avoid double integration, you may use vertical or hori-
zontal strips, but you must take care to apply the correct integral. If you use
vertical strips to find Iy or horizontal strips to find Ix , then you can still use
(10.1.3), but skip the double integration. When the entire strip is the same
distance from the designated axis, integrating with a parallel strip is equivalent
to performing the inside integration of (10.1.3).
As we have seen, it can be difficult to solve the bounding functions properly
in terms of x or y to use parallel strips. In this case, you can use vertical strips to
find Ix or horizontal strips to find Iy as discussed by integrating the differential
moment of inertia of the strip, as discussed in Subsection 10.2.3.

Table 10.2.10 Moment of Inertia Integration Strategies

Element dA dI

dA = dx dy dIx = y 2 dA
y dA = dy dx dIy = x2 dA

dIx = y 2 dA
dA = (a − x) dy (a3 − x3 )
y dIy = dx

x y3
dIx = dx
y dA = y dx 3
dIy = x2 dA

10.3 Parallel Axis Theorem

The parallel axis theorem relates the moment of inertia of a shape about an
arbitrary axis to its moment of inertia about a parallel centroidal axis.
This theorem is particularly useful because if we know the centroidal moment
of inertia of a shape, we can calculate its moment of inertia about any parallel
axis by adding an appropriate correction factor. Alternately, if we know the
moment of inertia about an axis, we can find the associated centroidal moment
of inertia by subtracting the same factor.
The centroidal moment of inertia of common shapes are well known, and
readily available in tables of properties of shapes such as Subsection 10.3.2.

10.3.1 Derivation
We will use the defining equation for the mo-
ment of inertia (10.1.3) to derive the parallel dA
axis theorem.
The diagram shows an arbitrary shape, and
y′ C x′
two parallel axes: the x′ axis, drawn in red,
passes through the centroid of the shape at y
C, and the x axis, which is parallel and sep-
arated by a distance, d. The shape has area
A, which is divided into square differential d
elements dA. The distance from the x axis
to the element dA is y, and the distance from x
the x′ axis is y ′ .
By (10.1.3), the moment of inertia of the
shape about the x and x′ axes are Figure 10.3.1 Definitions for
Z Z the parallel axis theorem.
Ix = 2
y dA I¯x′ = (y ′ )2 dA
The first is the value we are looking for, and the second is the centroidal
moment of inertia of the shape. These two are related through the distance
d, because y = d + y ′ . Substituting that relation into the first equation and
expanding the binomial gives
Ix = (d + y ′ )2 dA
 ′ 2 
= (y ) + 2 y ′ d + d2 dA
′ 2 ′ 2
= (y ) dA + 2d y dA + d dA.

You should recognize these three integrals. The first is the centroidal moment
of inertia of the shape I¯x′ , and the third is the total area of the shape, A. The
middle integral is Qx′ , the first moment of area (10.1.2) with respect to the
centroidal axis x′ . So we have,
Ix = I¯x′ + 2dQx′ + d2 A.
Furthermore, Qx′ is exactly zero because the x′ axis passes through the cen-
troid, meaning that elements of area above and below the centroidal axis exactly
balance and cancel each other out. After dropping the middle term we get the
version of the parallel axis theorem which you should remember,
I = I¯ + Ad2 . (10.3.1)
The subscripts designating the x and x′ axes have been dropped because this
equation is applicable to any direction of parallel axes, not specifically horizontal

This equation says that you find the moment of inertia of a shape about
any axis by adding Ad2 to the parallel centroidal moment of inertia. You can
consider the Ad2 term as ‘correction factor’ to account for the distance of the
axis from the centroid. This term is always positive, so the centroidal moment of
inertia is always the minimum moment of inertia for a particular axis direction.
The next example show how the parallel axis theorem is typically used to
find the moment of inertia of a shape about an axis, by using then centroidal
moment of inertia formulas found in Subsection 10.3.2.
Example 10.3.2 Circular Ring.
y y′
Use the parallel axis theorem to find the
moment of inertia of the circular ring
a about the y axis.
The dimensions of the ring are Ri =
30 mm, Ro = 45 mm, and a = 80 mm.

Iy = 57.8 × 106 mm4
Solution. To apply the parallel axis theorem, we need three pieces of informa-
1. The centroidal moment of inertia of the ring, Iy ,
2. the area of the ring, A,
3. the distance between the two parallel axes, d.
The area of the ring is found by subtracting the area of the inner circle
from the area of the outer circle. The centroidal moment of inertia is calculated
similarly using (10.2.10). The distance between the y and y ′ axis is available
from the diagram. Inserting these values into the parallel axis theorem gives,
Iy = Iy + Ad2
π 4     2
= ro − ri4 + π ro2 − ri2 a + ro
|4 {z } | {z } | {z }
I¯y A d2
= 454 − 304 + π 452 − 302 (80 + 45)2
= 2.58 × 106 mm4 + 55.2 × 106 mm4
Iy = 57.8 × 106 mm4
It is interesting that the ‘correction factor’ is more than 20 times greater than
the centroidal moment of inertia of the ring. This indicates the importance of
the distance squared term on the moment of inertia of a shape.

You may feel like the answer to this problem is “too big”. Large answers are nor-
mal in problems like this because the moment of inertia involves raising lengths
the fourth power.
If it really bothers you, you can convert the results from mm4 to m4 , but
then the number will probably feel “too small” to you. It’s best not to worry
about it.

The parallel axis theorem can also be used to find a centroidal moment of
inertia when you already know the moment of inertia of a shape about another
axis, by using the theorem ‘backwards’,
I = I¯ + Ad2 → I¯ = I − Ad2 .
Example 10.3.3 Centroidal Moment of Inertia of a Triangle.

y y′
Find the centroidal moment of inertia of
a triangle knowing that the moment of
inertia about its base is
x′ 1 3
Ix = bh .
h/3 12
I¯x =

¯ b3 h
Iy =
Solution. For the triangle the moment of we have the following information:
Ix = bh3 /12, A = bh/2, and d = ȳ = h/3.
Looking for I¯x′ :

I = I¯ + Ad2 Parallel Axis Theorem, general statement

I¯x′ = Ix − A(ȳ)2 Parallel Axis Theorem, backwards
bh3 bh h
= − Insert values for triangle
12 2 3
1 1
= bh 3
− Factor out common terms
12 18
3 2
= bh 3
− Common denominator
36 36
I¯x′ = Result

The procedure for I¯y is similar, or you can simply reverse the roles of b and
h. □
Example 10.3.4 Centroidal Moment of inertia of a Semi-Circle.

Find the centroidal moment of inertia of a
semi-circle knowing that the moment of in-
ertia about its base is
x′ π 4
Ix = r .
π 8
I¯x′ = − r4
8 9π
πr 2
Solution. The area of a semicircle is A = 2
and the distance between the
parallel axes is d = 3π , so

I¯x′ = Ix − Ad2
 2   2
π 4 πr 4r
= r −
8 2 3π
π 8
I¯x′ = − r4
8 9π

Example 10.3.5 Interactive: Rectangle. This interactive allows you to
change the location and size of the grey rectangle. Try to compute both the
centroidal area moment of inertia I¯x′ and I¯y′ and the area moment of inertia
about the system axes Ix and Iy


Figure 10.3.6 Moment of Inertia of a Rectangle


Example 10.3.7 Interactive: Semi-Circle. Use this interactive to practice

computing the area moments of inertia of the semi-circle about the centroidal x′
axis, the bottom edge x′′ , and the system x axis. You can change the location
and size of the semicircle by moving the red points..

Figure 10.3.8 Moment of Inertia of a Semi-Circle

10.3.2 Moments of Inertia Table

This table summarizes the properties of the common shapes discussed previously.

Table 10.3.9 Moments of Inertia of Common Shapes

Shape Centroid Centroidal MOI Ix , I y
y y′

1 1
h x′
I¯x′ = bh3 Ix = bh3
(b/2, h/2) 12 3
1 1 3
I¯y′ = b3 h Iy = b h
O x 12 3

y y′

1 1 3
h I¯x′ = bh3 Ix = bh
x′ 36 12
(b/3, h/3)
C 1 1
x I¯y′ = b3 h I y = b3 h
36 12

y y′

x′ π 5π 4
(r, r) I¯x′ = I¯y′ = r4 Ix = Iy = r
4 4

y y′
 I¯x′ = 
π 8 π 4
r   − r4 Ix = r
x′ 4r 8 9π 8
C r,
x 3π I¯x′ ≈ 0.1098 r4 5π 4
Iy = r
π 8
I¯y′ = r4
y y′ ¯
 I x′ = 
1 π 8
r   − r4
C x′ 4r 4r 2 8 9π π 4
, Ix = Iy = r
x 3π 3π I¯x′ ≈ 0.0549 r4 16
I¯y′ = r4

10.4 Composite Shapes

Key Questions
• Where do the common shape area moment of inertia equations come from?

• What is the parallel axis theorem?

• When do you need to apply the parallel axis theorem?

• About which point do you find the smallest area moments of inertia? What
is it about this point that is so special?
In this section we will find the moment of inertia of shapes formed by com-
bining simple shapes like rectangles, triangles and circles much the same way we
did to find centroids in Section 7.5.
The procedure is to divide the complex shape into its sub shapes and then
use the centroidal moment of inertia formulas from Subsection 10.3.2, along with
the parallel axis theorem (10.3.1) to calculate the moments of inertia of parts,
and finally combine them to find the moment of inertia of the original shape.

10.4.1 Composite Area Method

For a composite shape made up of n subparts, the moment of inertia of the whole
shape is the sum of the moments of inertia of the individual parts, however the
moment of inertia of any holes are subtracted from the total of the positive areas.
Moments of inertia are always calculated relative to a specific axis, so the
moments of inertia of all the sub shapes must be calculated with respect to this
same axis, which will usually involve applying the parallel axis theorem.
n X

I= (I)i = I¯ + Ad2 i . (10.4.1)
i=0 i=0

The method is demonstrated in the following examples.

Example 10.4.1 Beam Design. You have three 24 ft long wooden 2×6’s
and you want to nail them together them to make the stiffest possible beam.
The stiffness of a beam is proportional to the moment of inertia of the beam’s
cross-section about a horizontal axis passing through its centroid. The actual
dimensions of nominal 2×6 lumber are 1.5 in by 5.5 in.

x x

Which of the arrangements will be the stiffest, and what is the ratio of the
two moments of inertia?
(Ix )1 = 62.4 in4
(Ix )2 = 226 in4
The I-beam has more than 3.6 times the stiffness of the sandwich beam!
Solution. Given: b = 1.5 in, h = 5.5 in.
In case 1 the centroids of all three rectangles are on the x axis, so the parallel
axis theorem is unnecessary.
(Ix )1 = I¯ + Ad2
(Ix )1 = 62.4 in4
This value is the same as the moment of inertia of a (4.5 in × 5.5 in) rectangle
about its centroid.
In case 2, the parallel axis theorem must be used for the upper and lower
rectangles, since their centroids are not on the x axis.
(Ix )2 = I¯ + Ad2
bh3 1 3 2
= +2 hb + (bh)(h/2 + b/2)
12 12
(1.5)(5.5)3 (1.5)3 (5.5)
= +2 + (1.5 × 5.5)(3.5) 2
12 12
= 20.8 in4 + 2 1.547 in4 + 101.6 in4
(Ix )2 = 226 in4

(Ix )2 /(Ix )1 = 3.61

The I-beam is about 3.6 times stiffer than the sandwich beam. This opti-
mization of material usage is the reason we use I-beams. □

Example 10.4.2 T Shape.

20 mm
Find the moment of inertia of the T shape
about the x and y axes.
60 mm

30 30 30
mm mm mm

Ix = (Ix )1 + (Ix )2 = 11.04 × 106 mm4
Iy = (Iy )1 + (Iy )2 = 8.64 × 106 mm4
1. Strategy.
Divide the T shape into a 30 mm × 60 mm vertical rectangle (1), and a
90 mm × 20 mm horizontal rectangle (2) then add the moments of inertia
of the two parts.
Ix = (Ix )1 + (Ix )2 Iy = (Iy )1 + (Iy )2

2. MOI about the x Axis.

The bottom edge of rectangle 1 is on the x axis. Using the formula from
Subsection 10.3.2 gives
bh3 (30)(60)3
(Ix )1 = = = 2.16 × 106 mm4 .
3 3
The centroid of rectangle 2 is located 70 mm above the x axis so we must
use the parallel axis theorem (10.3.1), so
(Ix )2 = I¯ + Ad2
= + (bh)d2
= + (90 × 20)(70)2
(Ix )2 = 8.88 × 106 mm4 .

The moment of inertia of the entire T shape about the x axis is the sum
of these two values,
Ix = (Ix )1 + (Ix )2 = 11.04 × 106 mm4 .

3. MOI about the y Axis.

We can use the same procedure to find the moment of inertia about the
y axis, however it is usually more convenient to organize all the necessary
information in a table rather than writing the equations explicitly.
We will use the parallel axis theorem for both rectangles with d representing
the distance between the y axis and the centroid of the part. In this
example d is the same for both parts, but that will not always be true.

Part Dimensions I¯y = hb3 /12 A = bh d Ad2 Iy = I¯ + Ad2

Units mm mm4 mm2 mm mm4 mm4
1 b = 30, h = 60 135 × 103 1800 45 3.645 × 106 3.78 × 106
2 b = 90, h = 20 1.215 × 106 1800 45 3.645 × 106 4.86 × 106
Total 8.64 × 106

Iy = (Iy )1 + (Iy )2 = 8.64 × 106 mm4

Example 10.4.3 Fillet.
y 3 in

3 in

10 in Find the moment inertia of the area about

the x axis.

3 in

9 in x

Ix = 1080.6 in4

1. Strategy.

First, divide the area into four parts: 3
4 in
(a) a 9 in × 3 in rectangle
(b) a 6 in × 3 in rectangle 2
3 in

(c) a 3 in × 4 in rectangle, and 1

3 in
(d) a removed quarter-circle with a 3 in
radius. 3 in 3 in 3 in x

Then set up a table and apply the parallel axis theorem (10.3.1) as in the
previous example. Since the quarter-circle is removed, subtract its moment
of inertia from total of the other shapes.

2. MOI about the y Axis.

The centroidal moment of inertia of a quarter-circle, from Subsection 10.3.2
π 4
Ix = − r4
16 9π
= 0.0549 r4

The distance from the top edge of the quarter-circle down to its centroid
is = 1.273 in, so the distance from the x axis to its centroid is

d = 6 − 1.27 = 4.727 in.

Fill out the table of information.

Part Dimensions I¯x A d = ȳ Ad2 Iy = I¯ + Ad2

Units inch inch4 inch2 inch inch4 inch4
1 b = 9, h = 3 bh3 /12 = 20.25 27 1.5 60.75 81
2 b = 6, h = 3 bh3 /12 = 13.5 18 4.5 364.5 378
3 b = 3, h = 4 bh3 /12 = 16 12 8 768 784
4 r=3 0.0549 r4 = 4.45 7.07 4.727 158.0 162.4

Take care to subtract the moment of inertia of the removed quarter-circle

from the total.

Ix = (Ix )1 + (Ix )2 + (Ix )3 − 1(Ix )4 = 1080.6 in4 .


Example 10.4.4 Concrete Pipe Casing. The cross section of a concrete

pipe casing composed of a rectangular block, a triangular wedge, and a circular
pipe formed through the middle of the block is shown below.
As the pipe casing will be subject to various loads, find the area moment of
inertia of the cross section about the x and y axes.


Ix = 3202 in4 Iy = 18951 in4


1. Strategy.
Organize all the necessary information into a table, then total the moments
of inertia of the parts to get the moment of inertia of the whole shape.
Remember that the hole is removed from the shape, so its contribution to
the total moment of inertia is negative.

2. Table.

Part Ai d xi d yi Ai d2x Ad2y I¯x I¯y

Units in2 in in in4 in4 in4 in4
Rectangle 1
bh bh3 /12 b3 h/12
b = 14, 7 -3 6860 1260
= 140 = 1167 = 2287
h = 10
Triangle 2
bh/2 bh3 /36 b3 h/12
b = 8, 16.67 -4.67 11111 871.1
= 40 = 222.2 = 142.2
h = 10
Circular Hole 3 −πr2 −πr4 /4 −πr4 /4
7 -3 -1385 -254.5
r=3 = −28.27 = −63.62 = −63.62
Total 151.7 16586 1877 1325 2365

3. Total.

(Ix )1 = I¯x + Ad2y 1 = 2427 in4 (Iy )1 = I¯y + Ad2x 1 = 9147 in4
(Ix )2 = I¯x + Ad2y 2 = 1093 in4 (Iy )2 = I¯y + Ad2x 2 = 11253 in4
(Ix )3 = I¯x + Ad2y 3 = −318.1 in4 (Iy )3 = I¯y + Ad2x 3 = −1449 in4
Ix = (Ix )i = 3202 in4 Iy = (Iy )i = 18951 in4

Alternately, you could find the moments of inertia by adding the sums
of the columns, since you are adding the same values together, just in a
different order.
Ix = I¯x + Ad2y = 3202 in4 Iy = I¯y + Ad2x = 18951 in4

Example 10.4.5 Interactive: Composite Rectangles. This interactive
shows a composite shape consisting of a large rectangle with a smaller rectangle
subtracted. You can change the location and size of the rectangles by moving
the red and blue points.
Use the interactive to see how changes to the rectangles affects the moments of
inertia of this shape about the system x axis. Notice that for two-part shapes like
this, the centroid of the composite shape is on the line connecting the centroids
of the two parts.
For calculations, it is convenient to collect all the needed information in a
table as is done here.


Figure 10.4.6 Moment of Inertia of a Rectangle about the x axis.

10.4.2 Structural Steel Sections

Steel is a strong, versatile, and durable material commonly used for girders,
beams, and columns in steel structures such as buildings, bridges, and ships.
When possible designers prefer to use prefabricated Standardized Structural Steel

to minimize material cost.

Structural steel is available in a variety of shapes called sections, shown
below. These include universal beams and columns (W, S), structural channels
(C), equal and unequal angle sections (L), Tee shapes (T), rectangular, square
and round hollow structural sections (HSS), bar, rod, and plate. All are available
in a range of sizes from small to huge. Steel sections are manufactured by hot
or cold rolling or fabricated by welding flat or curved steel plates together.

Figure 10.4.7 AISC Standard Sections: Left to right -- Wide-Flange (W), Amer-
ican Standard (S), Channel (C), Equal Angle (L), Unequal Angle (L), Structural
Tee (T), Rectangle (HSS), Square (HSS), Round (HSS).
Designers and engineers must select the most appropriate and economical
section which can support the potential tension, compression, shear, torsion and
bending loads. Tables of properties of Standard Steel Sections are published
by the American Institute of Steel Construction, and are used to simplify the
process. The tables contain important properties of the sections, including di-
mensions, cross sectional area, weight per foot, and moment of inertia about
vertical and horizontal axes. An abbreviated subset of the AISC tables are
available in Appendix D.
In this section we will use the information in the AISC tables to find the mo-
ments of inertia of standard sections and also of composite shapes incorporating
standard sections.
The top and bottom pieces of an I-beam are called
flanges. The middle portion is referred to as the web.
The flanges take most of the internal compression r al
u t
and tension forces as they are located the furthest Ne

from the neutral axis, and the web mainly acts to depth
Neutral Axis
support any shear forces and hold the two flanges
apart. The transverse axis through the centroid of
the cross section is called the neutral axis, and cut-
ting plane through the beam at the neutral axis is
called the neutral plane, or neutral surface. This sur- Figure 10.4.8 Beam
face does not lengthen or shorten during bending. Nomenclature

Example 10.4.9 Built-up beam.

A built-up beam consists of two L6×4×1/
2 angles attached to a 8×1 plate as shown.

a the distance from the x axis to the neu-

tral axis, which passes through the cen-
troid of the combined shape, and

b the moment of inertia of the combined

shape about the neutral axis.
ȳ = 0.846 in
I x′ = 61.98 in4
1. Strategy.
Determine the properties of the sub shapes with respect to the x axis, and
then use them to find the neutral axis.
Use the parallel axis theorem to find the moment of inertia of the parts
with respect to the neutral axis.
Take advantage of the fact that the two angles are identical and positioned
2. Find the neutral axis.
For one L6 × 4 × 1/2 angle, from Section D.1
AL = 4.75 in2
ȳL = 1.98 in
I¯L = 17.3 in4 .

For the b = 8 in, h = 1 in rectangle

AR = bh = 8 in2
ȳR = −h/2 = −0.5 in
bh3 8
I¯R = = = 0.667 in4 .
12 12
Find the distance to the neutral axis
Ai ȳi 2AL ȳL + AR ȳR
ȳ = P =
Ai 2AL + AR
2(4.75)(1.98) + (8)(−0.5)
2(4.75) + 8
ȳ = 0.846 in.

3. Find the Moment of Inertia.

The distance between the neutral axis is and the centroids of the subparts

dR = |ȳ − ȳR | = |0.846 − (−0.5)| = 1.346 in

dL = |ȳ − ȳL | = |0.846 − 1.98| = 1.134 in.

The moment of inertia of the rectangle about the x′ axis

(Ix′ )R = [I¯ + Ad2 ]R

= 0.667 + (8)(1.346)2
= 15.16 in4 .

The moment of inertia of one angle about the x′ axis

(Ix′ )L = [I¯ + Ad2 ]L

= 17.3 + (4.75)(1.134)2
= 23.4 in4 .

The moment of inertia of the built up beam about the neutral axis
I x′ = (Ix′ )i
= 2(Ix′ )L + (Ix′ )R
= 2(23.4 in4 ) + 15.16 in4
Ix′ = 61.98 in4 .

10.5 Polar Moment of Inertia

Key Questions
• How are polar moments of inertia similar and different to area moments
of inertia about either a horizontal or vertical axis?

The polar moment of inertia is defined by the inte-

gral quantity Z
JO = r2 dA, (10.5.1)
where r is the distance from the reference point to a
differential element of area dA.

The polar moment of inertia describes the distribution of the area of a body
with respect to a point in the plane of the body. Alternately, the point can be
considered to be where a perpendicular axis crosses the plane of the body. The
subscript on the symbol j indicates the point or axis.
There is a particularly simple relationship between the polar moment of
inertia and the rectangular moments of inertia. Referring to the figure, apply
the Pythagorean theorem r2 = x2 + y 2 to the definition of polar moment of
inertia to get
JO = r2 dA
= (x2 + y 2 ) dA
= x dA + y 2 dA
JO = I x + I y . (10.5.2)

Thinking Deeper 10.5.1 Torsional Stress. The polar moment of inertia is

an important factor in the design of drive shafts. When a shaft is subjected to
torsion, it experiences internal distributed shearing forces throughout its cross-
section which counteract the external torsional load.
This distributed shearing force is called shear stress, and is usually given
the symbol tau, τ . Shear stress is zero at the neutral axis and increases linearly
with r to a maximum value, τmax at the outside surface where r = c, so
τ = τmax

Figure 10.5.2 Section-cut view of a shaft, showing shearing forces developed to

withstand external torsion T .
The force at any point is dF = τ dA, and the moment dM exerted at any
point is dF times the moment arm, which is r. The total moment is the integral
of this quantity over the area of the cross section, and is proportional to the
polar moment of inertia.
T = dM
= r dF
= r τmax dA
= r2 dA
c A
T = J
τmax =
This is the relationship between the maximum stress in a circular shaft and
the applied torque T and the geometric properties of the shaft, JO and c.

10.6 Radius of Gyration

The radius of gyration is an alternate way of expressing the distribution of area
away from an axis which combines the effects of the moments of inertia and cross
sectional area.
The radius of gyration can be thought of as the radial distance to a thin
strip which has the same area and the same moment of inertia around a specific
axis as the original shape. Compared to the moment of inertia, the radius of
gyration is easier to visualize since it’s a distance, rather than a distance to the
fourth power.

The radius of gyration, k and the corresponding moment of inertia I are

related, and both must refer to the same axis. If one is known, the other is
easily found.
The radius of gyration with respect to the x and y axes and the origin are
given by these formulas
r r r
Ix Iy Jo
kx = ky = ko = . (10.6.1)
In engineering design, the radius of gyration is used to determine the stiffness
of structural columns and estimate the critical load which will initiate column
Question 10.6.1 How are kx , ky , and ko related to each other?
kx2 + ky2 = ko2

Solution. Start with (10.5.2)

JO = I x + I y divide each term by A

Jo Ix Iy
= + apply definitions of k 2
ko = kx + ky2
2 2

10.7 Products of Inertia

Key Questions
• Why do we need to quantify the product of inertia for beams?

• Why is the product of inertia of a symmetrical cross section zero?

y y′
The product of inertia is another
integral property of area, and is de-
fined as
Ixy = xy dA. (10.7.1)
The parallel axis theorem for prod-
ucts of inertia is

Ixy = I¯x′ y′ + Ax̄ȳ. (10.7.2)

O x

Unlike the rectangular moments of inertia, which are always positive, the
product of inertia may be either positive, negative, or zero, depending on the
object’s shape and the orientation of the coordinate axes. The product of inertia
will be zero for symmetrical objects when a coordinate axis is also an axis of
If the product of inertia is not zero it is always possible to rotate the co-
ordinate system until it is, in which case the new coordinate axes are called
the principle axes. When the coordinate axes are oriented in the principle
directions, the centroidal moments of inertia are maximum about one axis and
minimum about the other, but neither is necessarily zero. The principle direc-
tions determine the best way to orient a beam to for maximum stiffness, and
how much asymmetrical beams, like channels and angles, will twist when a load
is applied.

10.8 Mass Moment of Inertia

You may recall from physics the relationship

T = Iα.

This formula is the rotational analog of Newton’s second law F = ma. Here,
the I represents the mass moment of inertia, which is the three-dimensional
measure of a rigid body’s resistance to rotation around an axis. Mass moment
of inertia plays the same role for angular motion as mass does for linear motion.
Mass moment of inertia is defined by an integral equation identical to (10.1.3),
except that the differential area dA is replaced with a differential element of
mass, dm. The integration is conducted over a three dimensional physical object
instead of a two dimensional massless area.
The units of mass moment of inertia are [mass][length]2 , in contrast to area
moment of inertia’s units of [length]4 .
Mass moments of inertia are covered in more detail and used extensively in
the study of rigid body kinetics in Engineering Dynamics.

10.9 Exercises (Ch. 10)

Appendix A


Notation refers to the symbols we use to represent physical quantities and vari-
ables in mathematical expressions. Notation is a tool for communication and
the symbols themselves carry meaning. You will find it easier to understand the
contents of engineering textbooks if you are familiar with the notation used, and
can pronounce the symbols to yourself when studying the equations.


Symbol Notes
Vectors are written in a bold serif font. For hand-
F, or F⃗ written vectors, a superimposed arrow is used.
Magnitudes and other scalar values are rendered in
F an regular italic serif font. F is the magnitude of F.
Vertical bars indicate absolute value. The absolute
|F| value of a vector is its magnitude.
Vector component of F in the x and y directions.
Fx , Fy Subscripts are used to distinguish different related
Scalar components of vector F in the x and y direc-
tions. These are signed numbers, not vectors. To-
Fx , F y gether, the sign and subscript define a vector com-
An ordered pair of scalar components enclosed in
⟨Fx , Fy ⟩ angle brackets defines a vector.
An ordered pair of magnitude and direction sepa-
(F ; θ) rated with a semicolon defines a vector.
Unit vectors in the x, y, and z directions. Pro-
i, j, k nounced ‘i hat’, ‘j hat’, etc.

Â, λ̂ A hat indicates a unit vector in the vector’s direction.

Scalar components multiplied by unit vectors are vec-

Fx = F x i
tor components.
Fy = Fy j

F = Fx + Fy A vector is the sum of its vector components.

= Fx i + Fy j

F = ⟨Fx , Fy ⟩
= Fx + Fy
= Fx i + Fy j These are all equivalent representation of vector F.
= (F cos θ) i + (F sin θ) j
= F (i cos θ + j sin θ)
= |F|⟨cos θ, sin θ⟩
Figure A.0.1 Notation used in this book
Appendix B

Useful Mathematics

B.1 Distance Formula

The distance formula is used for finding the distance between two points. In two
dimensions it is simply an application of the Pythagorean theorem.

Given two points (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) the distance between them is:
d = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 (B.1.1)

Extension of the distance formula to three dimensions is straightforward.
d = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 + (z2 − z1 )2 (B.1.2)

B.2 Right Triangle Trigonometry

A right triangle is a triangle containing a 90° angle.
The side opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse.
The other two angles add to 90° and are called complementary angles.


The relationship between the sides and angles of a right triangle are given by
the three basic trig relations which may be recalled with the mnemonic SOH-

opposite adjacent opposite

sin θ = cos θ = tan θ =
hypotenuse hypotenuse adjacent
and their inverses,

−1 opposite −1 adjacent −1 opposite
θ = sin θ = cos θ = tan
hypotenuse hypotenuse adjacent

Facts. The following statements regarding the trig functions and triangles are
always true, and remembering them will help you avoid errors.
• sin, cos and tan are functions of an angle and their values are unitless
ratios of lengths.

• The inverse trig functions are functions of unitless ratios and their results
are angles.

• The sine of an angle equals the cosine of its complement and vice-versa.

• The sine and cosine of any angle is always a unitless number between -1
and 1, inclusive.

• The sine, cosine, and tangent of angles between 0 and 90° are always

• The inverse trig functions of positive numbers will always yield angles
between 0 and 90°

• The legs of a right triangle are always shorter than the hypotenuse.

• Only right triangles have a hypotenuse.


Hints. Here are some useful tips for angle calculations

• Take care that your calculator is set in degrees mode for this course.

• Always work with angles between 0° and 90° and use positive arguments
for the inverse trig functions.

• Following this advice will avoid unwanted signs and incorrect directions
−a a a −a
caused because = , and = and the calculator can’t distin-
b −b b −b
guish between them.

B.3 Oblique Triangle Trigonometry

An oblique triangle is any triangle which does not contain a right angle. As such,
the rules of Right Triangle Trigonometry do not apply!
For an oblique triangle labeled as shown,
the relations between the sides and an-
gles are given by the Law of Sines and
the Law of Cosines.

B.3.1 Law of Sines

sin a sin b sin c
= = (B.3.1)
The law of Sines is used when you know the length of one side, the angle
opposite it, and one additional angle (SAA) or side (SSA). If this is not the case
use the Law of Cosines.
Take care in the (SSA) situation. This is known as the ambiguous case,
and you must be alert for it. It occurs because there are two angles between 0
and 180° with the same sine. When you use your calculator to find sin−1 (x) it
may return the supplement of the angle you want. In fact, there may be two
possible solutions to the problem, or one or both solutions may be physically
impossible and must be discarded.
If one of the angles is 90°, then the Law of Sines simplifies to the definitions
of sine and cosine since the sin(90°) = 1.

B.3.2 Law of Cosines

A2 = B 2 + C 2 − 2BC cos a (B.3.2)

B 2 = A2 + C 2 − 2AC cos b (B.3.3)
C 2 = A2 + B 2 − 2AB cos c (B.3.4)

The Law of Cosines is used when you know two sides and the included angle
(SAS), or when you know all three sides but no angles (SSS). In any other
situation, use the Law of Sines.
If one of the angles is 90◦ the Law of Cosines simplifies to the Pythagorean
Theorem since cos(90°) = 0.
Appendix C

Properties of Shapes

C.1 Centroids of Common Shapes


Table C.1.1 Centroids of Common Shapes

Shape Area x̄ ȳ
y y′

h x′
A = bh b/2 h/2

O x

y y′

b/3 h/3
C 2

y y′

h (a + b)h a2 + ab + b2 h(2a + b)
C x′
2 3(a + b) 3(a + b)

y y′

πr2 r r

y y′

x′ πr2 4r
C r 1
x 2 3π

y y′

C x′ πr2 4r 4r
x 4 3π 3π

C.2 Moment of Inertia of Common Shapes

Table C.2.1 Moments of Inertia of Common Shapes
Shape Centroid Centroidal MOI Ix , I y
y y′

1 1
h x′
I¯x′ = bh3 Ix = bh3
(b/2, h/2) 12 3
1 1 3
I¯y′ = b3 h Iy = b h
O x 12 3

y y′

1 1 3
h I¯x′ = bh3 Ix = bh
x′ 36 12
(b/3, h/3)
¯ 1 1
x I y ′ = b3 h I y = b3 h
36 12

y y′

x′ π 5π 4
(r, r) I¯x′ = I¯y′ = r4 Ix = Iy = r
4 4

y y′
 I¯x′ = 
π 8 π 4
r   − r4 Ix = r
x′ 4r 8 9π 8
C r,
x 3π I¯x′ ≈ 0.1098 r4 5π 4
Iy = r
π 8
I¯y′ = r4
y y′ ¯x′ =
1 π 8
r   − r4
C x′ 4r 4r 2 8 9π π 4
, Ix = Iy = r
x 3π 3π I¯x′ ≈ 0.0549 r4 16
I¯y′ = r4

See Example 7.7.14 for proof. ≈ 0.424 r


Appendix D

Properties of Steel Sections

D.1 Angles
D.1.1 Angle Section-US
Description W A b d t x̄ ȳ I¯xx I¯yy
d× b× t lb/ft in2 in in in in in in4 in4
L6×6×1 37.4 11 6 6 1 1.86 1.86 35.4 35.4
L6×6×7/8 33.1 9.75 6 6 0.875 1.81 1.81 31.9 31.9
L6×6×3/4 28.7 8.46 6 6 0.75 1.77 1.77 28.1 28.1
L6×6×5/8 24.2 7.13 6 6 0.625 1.72 1.72 24.1 24.1
L6×6×9/16 21.9 6.45 6 6 0.563 1.7 1.7 22 22
L6×6×1/2 19.6 5.77 6 6 0.5 1.67 1.67 19.9 19.9
L6×6×7/16 17.2 5.08 6 6 0.438 1.65 1.65 17.6 17.6
L6×6×3/8 14.9 4.38 6 6 0.375 1.62 1.62 15.4 15.4
L6×6×5/16 12.4 3.67 6 6 0.313 1.6 1.6 13 13
L6×4×7/8 27.2 8 6 4 0.875 1.12 2.12 27.7 9.7
L6×4×3/4 23.6 6.94 6 4 0.75 1.07 2.07 24.5 8.63
L6×4×5/8 20 5.86 6 4 0.625 1.03 2.03 21 7.48
L6×4×9/16 18.1 5.31 6 4 0.563 1 2 19.2 6.86
L6×4×1/2 16.2 4.75 6 4 0.5 0.981 1.98 17.3 6.22
L6×4×7/16 14.3 4.18 6 4 0.438 0.957 1.95 15.4 5.56
L6×4×3/8 12.3 3.61 6 4 0.375 0.933 1.93 13.4 4.86
L6×4×5/16 10.3 3.03 6 4 0.313 0.908 1.9 11.4 4.13
L6×3-1/2×1/2 15.3 4.5 6 3.5 0.5 0.829 2.07 16.6 4.24
L6×3-1/2×3/8 11.7 3.44 6 3.5 0.375 0.781 2.02 12.9 3.33
L6×3-1/2×5/16 9.8 2.89 6 3.5 0.313 0.756 2 10.9 2.84
L5×5×7/8 27.2 8 5 5 0.875 1.56 1.56 17.8 17.8
L5×5×3/4 23.6 6.98 5 5 0.75 1.52 1.52 15.7 15.7
L5×5×5/8 20 5.9 5 5 0.625 1.47 1.47 13.6 13.6
L5×5×1/2 16.2 4.79 5 5 0.5 1.42 1.42 11.3 11.3
L5×5×7/16 14.3 4.22 5 5 0.438 1.4 1.4 10 10
L5×5×3/8 12.3 3.65 5 5 0.375 1.37 1.37 8.76 8.76
L5×5×5/16 10.3 3.07 5 5 0.313 1.35 1.35 7.44 7.44
L5×3-1/2×3/4 19.8 5.85 5 3.5 0.75 0.993 1.74 13.9 5.52
L5×3-1/2×5/8 16.8 4.93 5 3.5 0.625 0.947 1.69 12 4.8
L5×3-1/2×1/2 13.6 4 5 3.5 0.5 0.901 1.65 10 4.02
L5×3-1/2×3/8 10.4 3.05 5 3.5 0.375 0.854 1.6 7.75 3.15
L5×3-1/2×5/16 8.7 2.56 5 3.5 0.313 0.829 1.57 6.58 2.69
L5×3-1/2×1/4 7 2.07 5 3.5 0.25 0.804 1.55 5.36 2.2
L5×3×1/2 12.8 3.75 5 3 0.5 0.746 1.74 9.43 2.55
L5×3×7/16 11.3 3.31 5 3 0.438 0.722 1.72 8.41 2.29
L5×3×3/8 9.8 2.86 5 3 0.375 0.698 1.69 7.35 2.01

D.1.2 Angle Section-SI

Description W A b d t x̄ ȳ I¯xx I¯yy
d× b× t kg/m mm2 mm mm mm mm mm 106 mm4 106 mm4
L152×152×22.2 49.3 6290 152 152 22.2 46 46 13.3 13.3
L152×152×19 42.7 5460 152 152 19.1 45 45 11.7 11.7
L152×152×15.9 36 4600 152 152 15.9 43.7 43.7 10 10
L152×152×14.3 32.6 4160 152 152 14.3 43.2 43.2 9.16 9.16
L152×152×12.7 29.2 3720 152 152 12.7 42.4 42.4 8.28 8.28
L152×152×11.1 25.6 3280 152 152 11.1 41.9 41.9 7.33 7.33
L152×152×9.5 22.2 2830 152 152 9.53 41.1 41.1 6.41 6.41
L152×152×7.9 18.5 2370 152 152 7.94 40.6 40.6 5.41 5.41
L152×102×22.2 40.3 5160 152 102 22.2 28.4 53.8 11.5 4.04
L152×102×19 35 4480 152 102 19.1 27.2 52.6 10.2 3.59
L152×102×15.9 29.6 3780 152 102 15.9 26.2 51.6 8.74 3.11
L152×102×14.3 26.9 3430 152 102 14.3 25.4 50.8 7.99 2.86
L152×102×12.7 24 3060 152 102 12.7 24.9 50.3 7.2 2.59
L152×102×11.1 21.2 2700 152 102 11.1 24.3 49.5 6.41 2.31
L152×102×9.5 18.2 2330 152 102 9.53 23.7 49 5.58 2.02
L152×102×7.9 15.3 1950 152 102 7.94 23.1 48.3 4.75 1.72
L152×89×12.7 22.7 2900 152 88.9 12.7 21.1 52.6 6.91 1.76
L152×89×9.5 17.3 2220 152 88.9 9.53 19.8 51.3 5.37 1.39
L152×89×7.9 14.5 1860 152 88.9 7.94 19.2 50.8 4.54 1.18
L127×127×22.2 40.5 5160 127 127 22.2 39.6 39.6 7.41 7.41
L127×127×19 35.1 4500 127 127 19.1 38.6 38.6 6.53 6.53
L127×127×15.9 29.8 3810 127 127 15.9 37.3 37.3 5.66 5.66
L127×127×12.7 24.1 3090 127 127 12.7 36.1 36.1 4.7 4.7
L127×127×11.1 21.3 2720 127 127 11.1 35.6 35.6 4.16 4.16
L127×127×9.5 18.3 2350 127 127 9.53 34.8 34.8 3.65 3.65
L127×127×7.9 15.3 1980 127 127 7.94 34.3 34.3 3.1 3.1
L127×89×19 29.3 3770 127 88.9 19.1 25.2 44.2 5.79 2.3
L127×89×15.9 24.9 3180 127 88.9 15.9 24.1 42.9 4.99 2
L127×89×12.7 20.2 2580 127 88.9 12.7 22.9 41.9 4.16 1.67
L127×89×9.5 15.4 1970 127 88.9 9.53 21.7 40.6 3.23 1.31
L127×89×7.9 12.9 1650 127 88.9 7.94 21.1 39.9 2.74 1.12
L127×89×6.4 10.4 1340 127 88.9 6.35 20.4 39.4 2.23 0.916
L127×76×12.7 19 2420 127 76.2 12.7 18.9 44.2 3.93 1.06
L127×76×11.1 16.7 2140 127 76.2 11.1 18.3 43.7 3.5 0.953
L127×76×9.5 14.5 1850 127 76.2 9.53 17.7 42.9 3.06 0.837
L127×76×7.9 12.1 1550 127 76.2 7.94 17.1 42.4 2.6 0.716
L127×76×6.4 9.8 1250 127 76.2 6.35 16.5 41.7 2.12 0.587
L102×102×19 27.5 3510 102 102 19.1 32.3 32.3 3.17 3.17
L102×102×15.9 23.4 2970 102 102 15.9 31 31 2.76 2.76
L102×102×12.7 19 2420 102 102 12.7 30 30 2.3 2.3
L102×102×11.1 16.8 2130 102 102 11.1 29.2 29.2 2.05 2.05
L102×102×9.5 14.6 1850 102 102 9.53 28.7 28.7 1.8 1.8
L102×102×7.9 12.2 1550 102 102 7.94 28.2 28.2 1.53 1.53
L102×102×6.4 9.8 1250 102 102 6.35 27.4 27.4 1.25 1.25
L102×89×12.7 17.6 2260 102 88.9 12.7 25.2 31.5 2.21 1.57
L102×89×9.5 13.5 1730 102 88.9 9.53 24.1 30.5 1.73 1.23
L102×89×7.9 11.4 1450 102 88.9 7.94 23.4 29.7 1.47 1.05
L102×89×6.4 9.2 1170 102 88.9 6.35 22.8 29 1.2 0.862

D.2 Channels
D.2.1 Channel Section-US
Description W A d bf tw tf x̄ I¯xx I¯yy
d× W lb/ft in2 in in in in in in4 in4
C15×50 50 14.7 15 3.72 0.716 0.65 0.799 404 11
C15×40 40 11.8 15 3.52 0.52 0.65 0.778 348 9.17
C15×33.9 33.9 10 15 3.4 0.4 0.65 0.788 315 8.07
C12×30 30 8.81 12 3.17 0.51 0.501 0.674 162 5.12
C12×25 25 7.34 12 3.05 0.387 0.501 0.674 144 4.45
C12×20.7 20.7 6.08 12 2.94 0.282 0.501 0.698 129 3.86
C10×30 30 8.81 10 3.03 0.673 0.436 0.649 103 3.93
C10×25 25 7.35 10 2.89 0.526 0.436 0.617 91.1 3.34
C10×20 20 5.87 10 2.74 0.379 0.436 0.606 78.9 2.8
C10×15.3 15.3 4.48 10 2.6 0.24 0.436 0.634 67.3 2.27
C9×20 20 5.87 9 2.65 0.448 0.413 0.583 60.9 2.41
C9×15 15 4.4 9 2.49 0.285 0.413 0.586 51 1.91
C9×13.4 13.4 3.94 9 2.43 0.233 0.413 0.601 47.8 1.75
C8×18.75 18.75 5.51 8 2.53 0.487 0.39 0.565 43.9 1.97
C8×13.75 13.75 4.03 8 2.34 0.303 0.39 0.554 36.1 1.52
C8×11.5 11.5 3.37 8 2.26 0.22 0.39 0.572 32.5 1.31
C7×14.75 14.75 4.33 7 2.3 0.419 0.366 0.532 27.2 1.37
C7×12.25 12.25 3.59 7 2.19 0.314 0.366 0.525 24.2 1.16
C7×9.8 9.8 2.87 7 2.09 0.21 0.366 0.541 21.2 0.957
C6×13 13 3.82 6 2.16 0.437 0.343 0.514 17.3 1.05
C6×10.5 10.5 3.07 6 2.03 0.314 0.343 0.5 15.1 0.86
C6×8.2 8.2 2.39 6 1.92 0.2 0.343 0.512 13.1 0.687
C5×9 9 2.64 5 1.89 0.325 0.32 0.478 8.89 0.624
C5×6.7 6.7 1.97 5 1.75 0.19 0.32 0.484 7.48 0.47
C4×7.25 7.25 2.13 4 1.72 0.321 0.296 0.459 4.58 0.425
C4×6.25 6.25 1.84 4 1.65 0.247 0.296 0.453 4.19 0.374
C4×5.4 5.4 1.58 4 1.58 0.184 0.296 0.457 3.85 0.312
C4×4.5 4.5 1.34 4 1.52 0.125 0.296 0.473 3.53 0.265
C3×6 6 1.76 3 1.6 0.356 0.273 0.455 2.07 0.3
C3×5 5 1.47 3 1.5 0.258 0.273 0.439 1.85 0.241
C3×4.1 4.1 1.2 3 1.41 0.17 0.273 0.437 1.65 0.191
C3×3.5 3.5 1.09 3 1.37 0.132 0.273 0.443 1.57 0.169

D.2.2 Channel Section-SI

Description W A d bf tw tf x̄ I¯xx I¯yy
d× W kg/m mm2 mm mm mm mm mm 10 mm4
10 mm4

C380×74 74 9480 381 94.5 18.2 16.5 20.3 168 4.58

C380×60 60 7610 381 89.4 13.2 16.5 19.8 145 3.82
C380×50.4 50.4 6450 381 86.4 10.2 16.5 20 131 3.36
C310×45 45 5680 305 80.5 13 12.7 17.1 67.4 2.13
C310×37 37 4740 305 77.5 9.83 12.7 17.1 59.9 1.85
C310×30.8 30.8 3920 305 74.7 7.16 12.7 17.7 53.7 1.61
C250×45 45 5680 254 77 17.1 11.1 16.5 42.9 1.64
C250×37 37 4740 254 73.4 13.4 11.1 15.7 37.9 1.39
C250×30 30 3790 254 69.6 9.63 11.1 15.4 32.8 1.17
C250×22.8 22.8 2890 254 66 6.1 11.1 16.1 28 0.945
C230×30 30 3790 229 67.3 11.4 10.5 14.8 25.3 1
C230×22 22 2840 229 63.2 7.24 10.5 14.9 21.2 0.795
C230×19.9 19.9 2540 229 61.7 5.92 10.5 15.3 19.9 0.728
C200×27.9 27.9 3550 203 64.3 12.4 9.91 14.4 18.3 0.82
C200×20.5 20.5 2600 203 59.4 7.7 9.91 14.1 15 0.633
C200×17.1 17.1 2170 203 57.4 5.59 9.91 14.5 13.5 0.545
C180×22 22 2790 178 58.4 10.6 9.3 13.5 11.3 0.57
C180×18.2 18.2 2320 178 55.6 7.98 9.3 13.3 10.1 0.483
C180×14.6 14.6 1850 178 53.1 5.33 9.3 13.7 8.82 0.398
C150×19.3 19.3 2460 152 54.9 11.1 8.71 13.1 7.2 0.437
C150×15.6 15.6 1980 152 51.6 7.98 8.71 12.7 6.29 0.358
C150×12.2 12.2 1540 152 48.8 5.08 8.71 13 5.45 0.286
C130×13 13 1700 127 48 8.26 8.13 12.1 3.7 0.26
C130×10.4 10.4 1270 127 44.5 4.83 8.13 12.3 3.11 0.196
C100×10.8 10.8 1370 102 43.7 8.15 7.52 11.7 1.91 0.177
C100×9.3 9.3 1190 102 41.9 6.27 7.52 11.5 1.74 0.156
C100×8 8 1020 102 40.1 4.67 7.52 11.6 1.6 0.13
C100×6.7 6.7 865 102 38.6 3.18 7.52 12 1.47 0.11
C75×8.9 8.9 1140 76.2 40.6 9.04 6.93 11.6 0.862 0.125
C75×7.4 7.4 948 76.2 38.1 6.55 6.93 11.2 0.77 0.1
C75×6.1 6.1 774 76.2 35.8 4.32 6.93 11.1 0.687 0.0795
C75×5.2 5.2 703 76.2 34.8 3.35 6.93 11.3 0.653 0.0703

D.3 Standard Sections

D.3.1 Standard Section-US
Description W A d bf tw tf I¯xx I¯yy
d× W lb/ft in2 in in in in in4 in4
S24×121 121 35.5 24.5 8.05 0.8 1.09 3160 83
S24×106 106 31.1 24.5 7.87 0.62 1.09 2940 76.8
S24×100 100 29.3 24 7.25 0.745 0.87 2380 47.4
S24×90 90 26.5 24 7.13 0.625 0.87 2250 44.7
S24×80 80 23.5 24 7 0.5 0.87 2100 42
S20×96 96 28.2 20.3 7.2 0.8 0.92 1670 49.9
S20×86 86 25.3 20.3 7.06 0.66 0.92 1570 46.6
S20×75 75 22 20 6.39 0.635 0.795 1280 29.5
S20×66 66 19.4 20 6.26 0.505 0.795 1190 27.5
S18×70 70 20.5 18 6.25 0.711 0.691 923 24
S18×54.7 54.7 16 18 6 0.461 0.691 801 20.7
S15×50 50 14.7 15 5.64 0.55 0.622 485 15.6
S15×42.9 42.9 12.6 15 5.5 0.411 0.622 446 14.3
S12×50 50 14.7 12 5.48 0.687 0.659 303 15.6
S12×40.8 40.8 11.9 12 5.25 0.462 0.659 270 13.5
S12×35 35 10.2 12 5.08 0.428 0.544 228 9.84
S12×31.8 31.8 9.31 12 5 0.35 0.544 217 9.33
S10×35 35 10.3 10 4.94 0.594 0.491 147 8.3
S10×25.4 25.4 7.45 10 4.66 0.311 0.491 123 6.73
S8×23 23 6.76 8 4.17 0.441 0.425 64.7 4.27
S8×18.4 18.4 5.4 8 4 0.271 0.425 57.5 3.69
S6×17.25 17.25 5.05 6 3.57 0.465 0.359 26.2 2.29
S6×12.5 12.5 3.66 6 3.33 0.232 0.359 22 1.8
S5×10 10 2.93 5 3 0.214 0.326 12.3 1.19
S4×9.5 9.5 2.79 4 2.8 0.326 0.293 6.76 0.887
S4×7.7 7.7 2.26 4 2.66 0.193 0.293 6.05 0.748
S3×7.5 7.5 2.2 3 2.51 0.349 0.26 2.91 0.578
S3×5.7 5.7 1.66 3 2.33 0.17 0.26 2.5 0.447

D.3.2 Standard Section-SI

Description W A d bf tw tf I¯xx I¯yy
d× W kg/m mm2 mm mm mm mm 10 mm4
10 mm4

S610×180 180 22900 622 204 20.3 27.7 1320 34.5

S610×158 158 20100 622 200 15.7 27.7 1220 32
S610×149 149 18900 610 184 18.9 22.1 991 19.7
S610×134 134 17100 610 181 15.9 22.1 937 18.6
S610×119 119 15200 610 178 12.7 22.1 874 17.5
S510×143 143 18200 516 183 20.3 23.4 695 20.8
S510×128 128 16300 516 179 16.8 23.4 653 19.4
S510×112 112 14200 508 162 16.1 20.2 533 12.3
S510×98.2 98.2 12500 508 159 12.8 20.2 495 11.4
S460×104 104 13200 457 159 18.1 17.6 384 9.99
S460×81.4 81.4 10300 457 152 11.7 17.6 333 8.62
S380×74 74 9480 381 143 14 15.8 202 6.49
S380×64 64 8130 381 140 10.4 15.8 186 5.95
S310×74 74 9480 305 139 17.4 16.7 126 6.49
S310×60.7 60.7 7680 305 133 11.7 16.7 112 5.62
S310×52 52 6580 305 129 10.9 13.8 94.9 4.1
S310×47.3 47.3 6010 305 127 8.89 13.8 90.3 3.88
S250×52 52 6650 254 125 15.1 12.5 61.2 3.45
S250×37.8 37.8 4810 254 118 7.9 12.5 51.2 2.8
S200×34 34 4360 203 106 11.2 10.8 26.9 1.78
S200×27.4 27.4 3480 203 102 6.88 10.8 23.9 1.54
S150×25.7 25.7 3260 152 90.7 11.8 9.12 10.9 0.953
S150×18.6 18.6 2360 152 84.6 5.89 9.12 9.16 0.749
S130×15 15 1890 127 76.2 5.44 8.28 5.12 0.495
S100×14.1 14.1 1800 102 71.1 8.28 7.44 2.81 0.369
S100×11.5 11.5 1460 102 67.6 4.9 7.44 2.52 0.311
S75×11.2 11.2 1420 76.2 63.8 8.86 6.6 1.21 0.241
S75×8.5 8.5 1070 76.2 59.2 4.32 6.6 1.04 0.186

D.4 Wide Flange Sections

D.4.1 Wide Flange Section-US
Description W A d bf tw tf I¯xx I¯yy
d× W lb/ft in2 in in in in in4 in4
W44×335 335 98.5 44 15.9 1.03 1.77 31100 1200
W44×290 290 85.4 43.6 15.8 0.865 1.58 27000 1040
W44×262 262 77.2 43.3 15.8 0.785 1.42 24100 923
W44×230 230 67.8 42.9 15.8 0.71 1.22 20800 796
W40×655 655 193 43.6 16.9 1.97 3.54 56500 2870
W40×593 593 174 43 16.7 1.79 3.23 50400 2520
W40×503 503 148 42.1 16.4 1.54 2.76 41600 2040
W40×431 431 127 41.3 16.2 1.34 2.36 34800 1690
W40×397 397 117 41 16.1 1.22 2.2 32000 1540
W40×372 372 110 40.6 16.1 1.16 2.05 29600 1420
W40×362 362 106 40.6 16 1.12 2.01 28900 1380
W40×324 324 95.3 40.2 15.9 1 1.81 25600 1220
W40×297 297 87.3 39.8 15.8 0.93 1.65 23200 1090
W40×277 277 81.5 39.7 15.8 0.83 1.58 21900 1040
W40×249 249 73.5 39.4 15.8 0.75 1.42 19600 926
W40×215 215 63.5 39 15.8 0.65 1.22 16700 803
W40×199 199 58.8 38.7 15.8 0.65 1.07 14900 695
W40×392 392 116 41.6 12.4 1.42 2.52 29900 803
W40×331 331 97.7 40.8 12.2 1.22 2.13 24700 644
W40×327 327 95.9 40.8 12.1 1.18 2.13 24500 640
W40×294 294 86.2 40.4 12 1.06 1.93 21900 562
W40×278 278 82.3 40.2 12 1.03 1.81 20500 521
W40×264 264 77.4 40 11.9 0.96 1.73 19400 493
W40×235 235 69.1 39.7 11.9 0.83 1.58 17400 444
W40×211 211 62.1 39.4 11.8 0.75 1.42 15500 390
W40×183 183 53.3 39 11.8 0.65 1.2 13200 331
W40×167 167 49.3 38.6 11.8 0.65 1.03 11600 283
W40×149 149 43.8 38.2 11.8 0.63 0.83 9800 229
W36×925 925 272 43.1 18.6 3.02 4.53 73000 4940
W36×853 853 251 43.1 18.2 2.52 4.53 70000 4600
W36×802 802 236 42.6 18 2.38 4.29 64800 4210
W36×723 723 213 41.8 17.8 2.17 3.9 57300 3700
W36×652 652 192 41.1 17.6 1.97 3.54 50600 3230
W36×529 529 156 39.8 17.2 1.61 2.91 39600 2490
W36×487 487 143 39.3 17.1 1.5 2.68 36000 2250
W36×441 441 130 38.9 17 1.36 2.44 32100 1990
W36×395 395 116 38.4 16.8 1.22 2.2 28500 1750
W36×361 361 106 38 16.7 1.12 2.01 25700 1570
W36×330 330 96.9 37.7 16.6 1.02 1.85 23300 1420
W36×302 302 89 37.3 16.7 0.945 1.68 21100 1300
W36×282 282 82.9 37.1 16.6 0.885 1.57 19600 1200
W36×262 262 77.2 36.9 16.6 0.84 1.44 17900 1090
W36×247 247 72.5 36.7 16.5 0.8 1.35 16700 1010
W36×231 231 68.2 36.5 16.5 0.76 1.26 15600 940
W36×256 256 75.3 37.4 12.2 0.96 1.73 16800 528
W36×232 232 68 37.1 12.1 0.87 1.57 15000 468

D.4.2 Wide Flange Section-SI

Description W A d bf tw tf I¯xx I¯yy
d× W kg/m mm2 mm mm mm mm 10 mm4
10 mm4

W1100×499 499 63500 1120 404 26.2 45 12900 499

W1100×433 433 55100 1110 401 22 40.1 11200 433
W1100×390 390 49800 1100 401 19.9 36.1 10000 384
W1100×343 343 43700 1090 401 18 31 8660 331
W1000×976 975 125000 1110 429 50 89.9 23500 1190
W1000×883 883 112000 1090 424 45.5 82 21000 1050
W1000×748 748 95500 1070 417 39.1 70.1 17300 849
W1000×642 642 81900 1050 411 34 59.9 14500 703
W1000×591 591 75500 1040 409 31 55.9 13300 641
W1000×554 554 71000 1030 409 29.5 52.1 12300 591
W1000×539 539 68400 1030 406 28.4 51.1 12000 574
W1000×483 483 61500 1020 404 25.4 46 10700 508
W1000×443 443 56300 1010 401 23.6 41.9 9660 454
W1000×412 412 52600 1010 401 21.1 40.1 9120 433
W1000×371 371 47400 1000 401 19.1 36.1 8160 385
W1000×321 321 41000 991 401 16.5 31 6950 334
W1000×296 296 37900 983 401 16.5 27.2 6200 289
W1000×584 584 74800 1060 315 36.1 64 12400 334
W1000×494 494 63000 1040 310 31 54.1 10300 268
W1000×486 486 61900 1040 307 30 54.1 10200 266
W1000×438 438 55600 1030 305 26.9 49 9120 234
W1000×415 415 53100 1020 305 26.2 46 8530 217
W1000×393 393 49900 1020 302 24.4 43.9 8070 205
W1000×350 350 44600 1010 302 21.1 40.1 7240 185
W1000×314 314 40100 1000 300 19.1 36.1 6450 162
W1000×272 272 34400 991 300 16.5 30.5 5490 138
W1000×249 249 31800 980 300 16.5 26.2 4830 118
W1000×222 222 28300 970 300 16 21.1 4080 95.3
W920×1377 1380 175000 1090 472 76.7 115 30400 2060
W920×1269 1270 162000 1090 462 64 115 29100 1910
W920×1194 1190 152000 1080 457 60.5 109 27000 1750
W920×1077 1080 137000 1060 452 55.1 99.1 23800 1540
W920×970 970 124000 1040 447 50 89.9 21100 1340
W920×787 787 101000 1010 437 40.9 73.9 16500 1040
W920×725 725 92300 998 434 38.1 68.1 15000 937
W920×656 656 83900 988 432 34.5 62 13400 828
W920×588 588 74800 975 427 31 55.9 11900 728
W920×537 537 68400 965 424 28.4 51.1 10700 653
W920×491 491 62500 958 422 25.9 47 9700 591
W920×449 449 57400 947 424 24 42.7 8780 541
W920×420 420 53500 942 422 22.5 39.9 8160 499
W920×390 390 49800 937 422 21.3 36.6 7450 454
W920×368 368 46800 932 419 20.3 34.3 6950 420
W920×344 344 44000 927 419 19.3 32 6490 391
W920×381 381 48600 951 310 24.4 43.9 6990 220
W920×345 345 43900 943 307 22.1 39.9 6240 195
W920×313 313 39900 932 310 21.1 34.5 5490 171
W920×289 289 36800 927 307 19.4 32 5040 156
W920×271 271 34600 922 307 18.4 30 4700 144

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