Al-Islām Fī Indūnīsīyā Itār Jadīd
Al-Islām Fī Indūnīsīyā Itār Jadīd
Al-Islām Fī Indūnīsīyā Itār Jadīd
rssN 0215-0492
Vol.13, n0.2,2006
M. Quraish Shihab (UIN lakarta)
Taufik Abdullah (LIPI lakarta)
Nur A. Fadhil Lubis (IAIN Sumatra Utara)
M,C. Ricklefs (Melbourne Uniuersity)
Martin aan Bruinessen (Utrecht Uniuersity)
lohn R. Bowen (Washington Uniaersity, St' Louis)
M. Atho Mudzhar (IAIN YogYnkarta)
M. IQmal Hasan (International lslamic Uniaersity, Kuala Lumpur)
Azyumardi Azra
Saiful Mujani
lajat Burhanuddin
Fu'ad labali
Oman Fathurahman
S, Prinka
STUDIA ISLAMIKA USSN 021.5-0492) is a iournal published by the centet for the
study of tslam and society ePlM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, lakarta (sT? DEPPEN No.
L2\/-SKD\|\EN/PPG/STT/197O. It specializes in lndonesian Islamic studies in particular,
and South-east Asian Islamic Studies in general, and is intended to communicate original
researches and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from
schalars of related disciplines.
All articles published do not necessarily represent the aiaos of the iournal, ot other
institutions to \,hich it is ffiliated. They are solely the aiaus of the nuthors' The articles
contained in this journal haue been refereed by the Board of Editors.
Al-Isl am fi Lrdun-rsiy6:
betzueen Islam nnd the West gaae rise to a "cultural exchange" that not
only resulted in the rise of the social class that u)e no'w refer to as intellec-
tual Muslims, but also created a nezu-found sense of enthusiasm and pas-
sion for debating lslamic doctrine and issues in the context of modern
aalues. Ideas such as a constitution, democracy, human rights, ciail soci-
ety and gender equality, haue become important themes in the works of
intellectual Muslims. In recent history zue haae seen the rise of such fig-
ures as lamaluddtn al-Afghant, Muhammad Abduh, Sayyid Ahmad Khen,
and HOS . Cokroaminoto at the beginning of the 20th century, and Abdul-
lahi sn-Na'im, Abdurkarim Soroush, Khslid AbuI Fadl, Nurcholish Ma-
jid and Abdurrahman Wahid in the later parts of the 20th century. These
figures haae not only made Islsm and modernity their focus, but also an
intellectual commitment. It u;as not unwarranted when Esposito and VolI
entitled their zuork on these intellectual Muslim scholars Makers of
Contemporary Islam.
In the context of Indonesia, debate regarding the clash between Islam
and modernity has become more and more intensiae since the beginning of
the 20th century. The idea of the reformation of Islam came to Indonesia
with the return of students from the Middle East, especial Cairo, which at
the time was a centre for Islamic studies. Roff and Abaza trace the liaes of
important Muslim figures who were alumni of Cairo and inaestigate the
roles they played in spreading reformist ideas. Muslim figures f"rom Indo-
nesin zaho were also alumni of Cairo indeed had a dffirent orientation from
those zuho had studied in Mecca. As noted by Azyumardi Azra, zuhen
Indonesia students returned from Mecca they tended to promote an "in-
tensification of Islam", while those who returned from Cairo came with
ideas of a modern Islam. Cairo alumni were in fact the first of the intellec-
tual Muslims at the beginnings of the 20th century zaho contributed to the
discourse on this new religiousness. Their coming did not only influence
the creation of certain socio-religious organizations with a modern touch
like Muhammadiyah (1912), al-lrsyad (1913), and Persis (early 1920s),
but also modern Islamic education institutions. In this context, the con-
cepts of Islamization, lndonesization, and modernization haue arisen as a
new Islamic path exclusiae to Indonesia.
Al-Islam fi IndunTsiya:
Kairo yang pada saat itu merupakan salah satu pusat studi lslam di Dunia
Islam. Roff dan Abaza merekam jejak tokoh-tokoh penting alumni Kairo
dan peranan mereka dalam menyebarluaskan gagasan pembaruan Islam.
Tokoh-tokoh Muslim Indonesia alumni Kairo memang memiliki orientasi
dan prioritas berbeda dengan para pendahulu mereka yang rata-rata alumni
Mekkah. Men gu t ip deskr ip s i Azy umar di Azr a, j ika p ar a p el aj ar ln d o n e si a
yang pulang dari Mekkahberhasil melakukan "intensifikasi Islam", maka
para pelajar Indonesia yang pulang dari Kairo membarua pulang gagasan
"modernisme Islam". Para alumni Kairo ini merupakan kelompok intelek-
tual Muslim awal abad ke-20 y ang ikut menyumbangkan wacana keagama-
an baru. Ini tidak hanya berujung pada terbentuknya organisasi sosial-
keagamaan berhaluan modernis di Indonesia sEerti Muhammadiyah (1g1_2) ,
al-Irsyad (L9L3), dan Persis (awal 1.920-an), tetapi juga lembaga-Iembaga
pendidiknn lslam modern. Dalam konteks inilah konsep "keislaman, kein-
donesiaan, dan kemodernan" muncLtl sebagai bentuk " jalan baru" Islsm
yang khas Indonesia.
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Muslim Intellectual Response to New Order altf Jy.> rf
.ul ct'...1tJ F J^4 tjj JWI (Modernization in rndonesia
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Persada :Ufb;
cRaja Grafindo di Indutesia tO?l)
Gerakan Salafi Radikat
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a,511 a<" U, jL- ,oui, Li*, J i;;Jt, i At,
',-.;At) ut.i
,y 4J (Muslim in the Latter Part of the 19th Century caa\;rs !j*' 12
.or uc,6>}l 79
.YV "*
- \', e c,r+'\1,*,0.i 20
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13lh ru"ai"Indonesia 6,14V tuitosModerasilslamlndonesia lV z+
irS*)c (.77. lroaness Pesan*m: Between Etite and Peilsentry ,rt'f p'\ll ZS
Reshaping Local Worlds: Formal Education and Culturql ,O-*l) 65 U|)tl;
cJt- a*,t- :'>$;ta; d43r" f) change in Rural southeast Asia
.\ ' se c(\ 11\
Kitab Kuning, Pesantren dan Tarekat: Tradisi-Tradisi Islam t..#-JJ clU ;f;1" Ze
.(\ 111 c\" .t ( dljJl a'-fu:gfiu.) naonesia
Intemational Crisis Group 1CGl,lemaah lslamiyyah in : pil "Jgtrki a9'lJ,tt ge zz
1Y grt lfdl lb:-l I U"fV) SoutheastAsia:DanagebutStillDangercus
.T ..r/A/Y13tte
ilp U ;Jt a;1.rJt -LhtJl Li4 )J* f )t F d-!-La r31 2s