Al-Islām Fī Indūnīsīyā Itār Jadīd

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INDONESIAN rounrunr FoR rsLAMrc sTUDTES Volume 13, Number 2, 2005



Muslrv INsuncrNcrES IN SoUTHEAST AsIA:

INrnactanrlrry, THE Srcunlrv Dil.sN4N4a,
Ahmad-Norma Permata


oF IsLAMrc PRacrtcr: THn NaeSHBANDI Surt OnoBn
Saiful Umam

rssN 0215-0492
Vol.13, n0.2,2006

M. Quraish Shihab (UIN lakarta)
Taufik Abdullah (LIPI lakarta)
Nur A. Fadhil Lubis (IAIN Sumatra Utara)
M,C. Ricklefs (Melbourne Uniuersity)
Martin aan Bruinessen (Utrecht Uniuersity)
lohn R. Bowen (Washington Uniaersity, St' Louis)
M. Atho Mudzhar (IAIN YogYnkarta)
M. IQmal Hasan (International lslamic Uniaersity, Kuala Lumpur)

Azyumardi Azra

Saiful Mujani
lajat Burhanuddin
Fu'ad labali
Oman Fathurahman


Heni Nuroni


Cheyne Scott


Masri Elmahsyar Bidin

S, Prinka

STUDIA ISLAMIKA USSN 021.5-0492) is a iournal published by the centet for the
study of tslam and society ePlM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, lakarta (sT? DEPPEN No.
L2\/-SKD\|\EN/PPG/STT/197O. It specializes in lndonesian Islamic studies in particular,
and South-east Asian Islamic Studies in general, and is intended to communicate original
researches and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from
schalars of related disciplines.

All articles published do not necessarily represent the aiaos of the iournal, ot other
institutions to \,hich it is ffiliated. They are solely the aiaus of the nuthors' The articles
contained in this journal haue been refereed by the Board of Editors.

STUDIA ISLAMIKA has been accredited by Thz Ministry of National Education,

Republic of lndonesia as an academic journal (sK Dirien Dikti No, 23a/DIKTI/2004t.
Arief Subhan

Al-Isl am fi Lrdun-rsiy6:

Abstract: The "Intellectual Muslim" is anezaplayer in the Muslimworld.

The grozuth and deuelopment of this social group also marks the beginning
of a new phase in Islamic history. This group is important to consider
because Muslims haue preuiously only knoun of Islamic scholars who were
referred to solely in matters of religion. Compared to traditional Islamic
scholars, intellectual Muslims are primarily different in tzuo zuays. First,
while traditional scholars generally only possess traditional Islamicknowl-
ed ge, int elle ctual Musl ims-Jur ther t o tr aditional Islamic knozale dge-
also possess knozaledge of modern sciences, obtained though a modern edu-
cation. second, zuhile traditional Islamic scholars tend to reject nezn inter-
pretations of Islamic doctrine, intellectual Muslims often striae to reinter-
pretate Islamic doctrine in the context of modernity by using a more mod-
ern approach. Furthermore, compared to secular scholars they are also quite
dffirent. The dffirence lies in the intense inaolaement of inteilectual
Muslims in issues related to the Muslim umat, and a commitment to
maintain a critical and inaestigatiae attitude towards the morar implica-
tions of modernity.
Intellectual Muslims generally began to attainprominence in the early
20th century, in line zuith the growing modernization of the Islamic worrd.
During this period, the Islamic world faced colonialism and imperiarism
zuhich had unthought-of of implications for the wider Muslim communi-
ty. The struggle against colonialism sparked debate about jihad with a
more aaried and complex meaning. The cultural struggle that took place

293 Studia Islamika, Vol. 1i. No. 2. 2005

294 AriefSubhan

betzueen Islam nnd the West gaae rise to a "cultural exchange" that not
only resulted in the rise of the social class that u)e no'w refer to as intellec-
tual Muslims, but also created a nezu-found sense of enthusiasm and pas-
sion for debating lslamic doctrine and issues in the context of modern
aalues. Ideas such as a constitution, democracy, human rights, ciail soci-
ety and gender equality, haue become important themes in the works of
intellectual Muslims. In recent history zue haae seen the rise of such fig-
ures as lamaluddtn al-Afghant, Muhammad Abduh, Sayyid Ahmad Khen,
and HOS . Cokroaminoto at the beginning of the 20th century, and Abdul-
lahi sn-Na'im, Abdurkarim Soroush, Khslid AbuI Fadl, Nurcholish Ma-
jid and Abdurrahman Wahid in the later parts of the 20th century. These
figures haae not only made Islsm and modernity their focus, but also an
intellectual commitment. It u;as not unwarranted when Esposito and VolI
entitled their zuork on these intellectual Muslim scholars Makers of
Contemporary Islam.
In the context of Indonesia, debate regarding the clash between Islam
and modernity has become more and more intensiae since the beginning of
the 20th century. The idea of the reformation of Islam came to Indonesia
with the return of students from the Middle East, especial Cairo, which at
the time was a centre for Islamic studies. Roff and Abaza trace the liaes of
important Muslim figures who were alumni of Cairo and inaestigate the
roles they played in spreading reformist ideas. Muslim figures f"rom Indo-
nesin zaho were also alumni of Cairo indeed had a dffirent orientation from
those zuho had studied in Mecca. As noted by Azyumardi Azra, zuhen
Indonesia students returned from Mecca they tended to promote an "in-
tensification of Islam", while those who returned from Cairo came with
ideas of a modern Islam. Cairo alumni were in fact the first of the intellec-
tual Muslims at the beginnings of the 20th century zaho contributed to the
discourse on this new religiousness. Their coming did not only influence
the creation of certain socio-religious organizations with a modern touch
like Muhammadiyah (1912), al-lrsyad (1913), and Persis (early 1920s),
but also modern Islamic education institutions. In this context, the con-
cepts of Islamization, lndonesization, and modernization haue arisen as a
new Islamic path exclusiae to Indonesia.

Studia lslamika, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006

Arief Subhan

Al-Islam fi IndunTsiya:

Abstraksi: "Intelektual Muslim" merupakan aktor bsru di dunia lslam.

Kemun cul an d an p erkemb an gan kel omp ok s o s i al in i j u g a m e nan d ai s eb u ah
babsk baru dalam sejarah Islam, Disebut baru karena sebelumnya kaum
Muslim hanya mengenal ulama untuk menunjuk kelompok sosisl Muslim
terp elaj ar. D ib an din gkan dengan uI ama tr a disional, int el ekt ual Muslim
terutsmaberbeda dalam duahal. Pertama, jika ulama tradisional memiliki
basis pengetahuan keislaman tradisional, maka intelektual Muslim di sam-
ping menguasai pengetahuan keislaman, juga menguasai ilmu-ilmu mo-
dern-baik sosial maupun eksaktalang diperoleh dari pendidikan modern
yang ditempuhnya. Kedua, jikn ulama tradisional cenderung menolak in-
terpretasi baru terhadnp doktrin Islam, mska intelektusl Muslim selslu
berusaha melakuknn reinterpretasi doktrin lslsm dan menempatkannya
dalsm konteks modernitas dengan menggunakan pendekatan kesarjanaan
modern. Selanjutnya, dibandingkan dengan intelektual sekuler merekn juga
b erb e da. P erb e d aan i t u t er e t ak dal am ke t erl ib s t nn in t el ektual Mu sl im y an g

demikian intens dengan masalah-masalah umst Islam, dan komitmennya

yang demikian besar untuk selalu bersikap kritis dan selalu menyelidiki
implikasi moral dsri modernitns yang tengah berlangsung secara gencar.
Intelektual Muslim, secara secara kolektif mulai menguat pnda azoal
abad ke-20, yang sekaligus menandsi awal modernisasi di dunia Islam.
Pada periode itu, dunia Islam mengalami pergulatan melawan kolonialis-
me dan imperialisme yang menimbulkan implikasi-implikasi yang sebe-
Iumnya "tak terpikirkan". Pergulatan fisik melawan kolonialisme mem-
buka kembali wactma tentang jihdd dengan pemaknaan yang semakin be-
ragam dan kompleks; pergulatan budaya yang berlangsung antars Islam
dan Barat menimbulkan "cultural exchange" yang tidakhanya menjadi

295 Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2005

296 AriefSubhan

latar belakang munculnya kelas sosial intelektual Muslim tersebut, tetapi

juga memicu semangat dan gairahbaru dikalangan mereka untukmendia-
logkan Islam dengan nilai-nilai modernitas. Gagasan-gagasan seperti kon-
stitusi, demokrasi,hak-hak asasi, ciail society dankesetaraan gender, men-
jadi tema-tema penting dalam karya-karya intelektual Muslim yang ffiun-
cul dalam ruang publik di dunia Islam. Sejarah menyaksikan munculnya
tokoh-tokoh seperti lamaluddtn al-Afghanr, Muhammad Abduh, Sayyid
Ahmad I<lxan, HOS, Cokroaminoto pada awal abadke-20, sampai dengan
Ab d ull ahi an -N a' im, Ab durkar im S or ou sh, Khalid Ab ul F adl, N ur cholish
Majid dan Abdurrahman Wahid di penghujung abad ke-20. Tokoh-tokoh
tersebut tidak hanya menjadikan dialog Islam dan modernitas sebagai tema
pokok, lebih dari itu juga menjadikannya sebagai komitmen intelektual.
Tidak berlebihan jika Esposito dan VoIl memberikan judul ',rnakers of
contemporary Islam" untukbukubiografi kelompok sosial yang disebut
intelektual Muslim tersebut.
Dslam konteks Indonesia, dialog antara Islam dan modernitas mulai
intensif dilakukan pada awal abad ke-20 sejalan dengan kebangkitan dunia
Islam secara umum. Gagasan reformisme Islam masukke Indonesiabersa-
m aan den gan kE uI an gan p ar a p el aj ar In done s ia T imur T en gah, khus u sny a

Kairo yang pada saat itu merupakan salah satu pusat studi lslam di Dunia
Islam. Roff dan Abaza merekam jejak tokoh-tokoh penting alumni Kairo
dan peranan mereka dalam menyebarluaskan gagasan pembaruan Islam.
Tokoh-tokoh Muslim Indonesia alumni Kairo memang memiliki orientasi
dan prioritas berbeda dengan para pendahulu mereka yang rata-rata alumni
Mekkah. Men gu t ip deskr ip s i Azy umar di Azr a, j ika p ar a p el aj ar ln d o n e si a
yang pulang dari Mekkahberhasil melakukan "intensifikasi Islam", maka
para pelajar Indonesia yang pulang dari Kairo membarua pulang gagasan
"modernisme Islam". Para alumni Kairo ini merupakan kelompok intelek-
tual Muslim awal abad ke-20 y ang ikut menyumbangkan wacana keagama-
an baru. Ini tidak hanya berujung pada terbentuknya organisasi sosial-
keagamaan berhaluan modernis di Indonesia sEerti Muhammadiyah (1g1_2) ,
al-Irsyad (L9L3), dan Persis (awal 1.920-an), tetapi juga lembaga-Iembaga
pendidiknn lslam modern. Dalam konteks inilah konsep "keislaman, kein-
donesiaan, dan kemodernan" muncLtl sebagai bentuk " jalan baru" Islsm
yang khas Indonesia.

Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2,2006

ULt'^-' J-,b

l=1s=1,rlL!' ld-.{ijsl! .lp d^lt

(Cft"i*!t )$islt, OrdLJt Otsdr$dlL)


C-* .9 :-r-J.l Jt!..,!t ,," r.-'Vt ir*iJl ;d.a.ll di -l'r+

bA\ fe*^{\ y a*ct^:".Y1 i;,iJl o.\a sj.4b1,$"),t-)l / tJl
.d4'rJ-l dy-,)l 6-.,1LJI ,\yi ;' y.pUJ l.r,-.r* lsy s::*;

I - ^rJl oJ,a -1s4b ,Y - 4/)-,Yl a,!t .r'V l-r,..r* ""-; *!2

i) Ae r,!t gt, ,J
f^ ;1-rJl ,arr$Jl eLlJl .1-:4 Yl ef
- JFAI c,l1;Lo .rr e-by:!.l oj>j d,^it .ia3'l*ll ;ui{t ;c
:;n:r-L,!t iniLi;Jl Q 6)J\ - J^i,alll etJjl
i| osrcr^- d:i4;:Jl etJjl crK t--'ri.:JyYt Abil\
b43lLl f dri*lJl tdi:ll ,r!, ,zsi arli; I +.y v*
- *JJIJ ,-,r!t k r; - ol$l-l a.'-.;:Jt f#! drtll;
etJJl .-.^) t^.r*, :4itiJl .-i)\!l abfi t i .r\y J'- ,*
,f A lyVll )t-€:*\,1 LSlb e""i ,f l.t 4r 0Jc4-a;J1
d!, cua3*)l d)Jl 4r+ e ,P ilsV d-r* k K-i-,
e AJb-1 d-:- crJlJl ol4Yl e ltZ. Cn"Uft ,'S-i:tl
e_f e 4.r-Jl o"*)l f+ & d./Jrb o,)sVs )t6;-Y1
297 Studia Islamika, VoL 13, No. 2,2006
298 AriefSubhan

,!js t-rp ceU! .qJl f\lpdlJ At-rLt 1U;!t cr!-

r4t"\--.-) rgl.Jt ot*Yt 6| af;i,.q t;,"i t)r'il; d,5;frtl
;4.r^:Jl ,*i1-rG::11 ,g+"tPs 4/)\-,)l a"!t u-t+-'tl JA
.c-,,t4t ;i|.r!l i)^s elr* d/" 4+yr!l f=iJl t*s &

Cl ,ri j wr^*^{ dJ^I*ll o-"i,a.ll ,& ss &}iLlJ

;:,t^r e Uly c;1r;)\ Jj)\ J\)\ 4 -h.ll kJi c-il-

.:_.^it :1g Oll l-t^ r-?, teJ .a/)*")l /Ut * air-tl

.r p:+lt */l Jt^d-,)lJ J)U-!l .rlei r)*! cJ ay)\-)t
;+.r4t .:!t}-i-l u* t:& J! .::i qs)t obJ f+*\\ .

,.rl J* Ji tSr-J cta;J* bsi A ,t<.J.t p& Jr

etl; J)\t *ll I UIJ qF")\-,)l / Ul d^' -,-rqll -dKr.-yt
ct, *l*-Yl irJl :t* ,\-,s +*Jt g L-;3 ,A o:;l
liA ;35.].-, c.'tll g tJ-er a/Jl J+^lJl i'r"jjll
+\) 1.rg.r* v-t, r#.atl ')_# ;h'1 $ \^h'"1 JK:--VI
,;j|-r.J-l1 fY-,)l *
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crJL*iYf oi-s (+\;sl\1 c6iA\ a*;{;jlr-ll l-lhA llp

t_f .:U, JI VJ ;t-Jl; bll .-^{ ;lJLJlJ cg-rlt C.:+lJ

t-f a-,>\Jl oLc"\,| ;:& 0,Al 1iA J{*l"t .;r.r't-ll t1L,' :{l
.iA d"tet+l cail$|1 C}-)l t-t-a;{ ,#-ll ,it^tJl C,.ru:lt
Jte- :-.1-1 Y Jtjil ,b & f u ,a*t-'Yt ,,a"^a- t-taijl
eV\S cclt-- .l+{ .r*Jl: (o-|^r) ;Ls.ji
6""JlJ cgtlYt ;-rJt
t*s r4r:")\ oriJt )stt\ 3 i*l:f _* t*,-' -e
dg ,-rs c)-z;Jt ,i -rlt-, ,j'ssV 1r(Jt -*s ,p-Jt
Studia Islamikn, Vol. 13, No. 2,2006
Al-lslemftlndunisiye 299

J,!l Ott lr!; .JlJl gui rlsl e Vs dre-_Jl rc; cJ*L

Jyy nrporiro j;*tr*tl iJtS li! a.p d4rJl-,ll U efi c.!Ui5
Makers of Contem-) "r^atJl f)-,)l t;V" Jtd*! lii vott
'.;o;,alt rY-# UUJI -,-*,, oe L4u<J Uly.e (poraryrslam

)t+t i+ -ra c!*r:r!r uoAt U jt AV es

,>Ut ,J
6tf J!*Jt Jll J,tl;f j ,i* \4h air-lt, f)L"Yr c.u
_f ot+Yti .fte a+y q/a-,)l I Ul A ;r4Jt qt+ 1.
&: JL u*slll 4,tt1 *f t;L a*.}-Yl ;F-4Jl
oJt ;r,otall V3,a; - -U-,r\tt ,trill e g4-|rt ot+-il &
.q/y,"Yl /Ut + a:,)L!l .rLlr.rlJ fl)l a^i :lt.rr, .u
,ij^ y, rf tleuu'o; ob\lS tlnom; ey,t c-f )t )r*, SJ
el-r-Yl * e a-,r^llt g!rre*-l ;;GJl U ls=-/ a/Jl
Uiq +Jl :6J'l CI;; ,f^r! e l*"y-,)l q4.r*:ll
E:l:!t ,t)*I d .4Yl e^{- ,f cl-y - JJs 0J,a-F;ll
o &s .a"-stl 09,, u*;u ,J t'J^tL,qjl el l^e -
C4 t-*iri ,lsf tf.rJl ;a,,i
zd^e A a".'(tl aK' ,*;.o
;;GJl ,f g-*Al Ll-bil .lp r"u:(- l)\*,)l F"
$ '.ratt J! "pX-,Yl &-.t-/" q1,,, Jo e JIFJI rA
;;tJl ef d/" dl*-t*Il d'S,all U aeJ."i dtf l:! t1;
,jJl t -J Jril e .r,"J41 6Jl ,-,t'L!tl ,x ,: ,tL- p &
ol*Yl ol)t arl-rJl-1 a!rt^:-Yl .rt 5Jt )J.gbr. ,-)*
c( \ 1 \ l) :Ll,_,1)l 4.*+; c( \ 1 \ Y) 4,-J^41 A{-.c,S cc;-i,-.rxJl
.(\ 1Y ' Jtsi d) .ry-,)l :t+Yl-1

Studia lslamika, VoL 13, No. 2, 2006

300 AriefSubhan

\^,,_bS #{J>.uJl ot-4!lolJr,rt.$-+l il; t:* ot"

$ "l)\*,)l 4y-ui" *s-hl Jr klt ,.>*,i;Jt t<*:;i 6a
,,-b Q o*t tV ljrt, uti ;pl*Jt drd;tlJ ;EeI
o,r.Jr Jyr a;t
ott Jt^pltr lyli -uJ .L.*ryl! d f]-,)l
Jt^-rtr r.f lr4 t.r!*^.J't dJl ,rL-f 61 4s a"ttll
ob F-l c:::,-.rll cr"rl,rll ,15! a-r-A\ 6,lrl n"tsJt
tfu i:Le! JI J-r*-lt & M\* a;.'"tb c>v Jt^clt
At- )-/ )* -t- *)s - uil, ,.fi f>L)t a<-r il-tVs
o.iil.rllJ a**+r-u!f
eui ,] ,V) LAyL. - r*l."
lX-,)l gU ,ti ost- ,*Qt t ,(Jt ott li! o-, ":J$t "r
6ril\ ,: ob t^, .i!4 VGs \,y-, -€\ u:U t*+-2.1u1 3
,Yp ,J41- il ,->J4 oi o5.t- V eLi ).l 1S-l ,J.-y'Yl
'{;'rJl d,#ill
c.r.IJf ,6rtJ\ ;);;-)\ l;Jt .ytri -r:"
d,#,all ol3o oP
c4.r41 ,,/1-,)l .-,,tb-ilt ot+ A riJl !-, Jtrl f#P" !

es ca,-rt-fl a-ll.t-J-l oL-ss f*+11! ,r"Vl tit"*Jl *\-t

a/Jl ,!.1*Il t6;;:tl &* Jtt qil-/l J>'t -yt W
a,-'(-U ag- a-?v
-U-,r!t 6rill e g<i-11: o-kl-r"
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^*_)\;-* *
W r\sl C- * jl J)\j:-:lr J"! t W 4s c1(nationstate)
,.rt-.:;Lltj o_tl o\rl e t-.Lo l.13.: 0;r1'll 176 y16 3- t

15.-x ur* J! o-:i Ct a-,t'-Jly 1)L)l ,ar a;y'Jl Jr,-

c6)l,.eYly 4.r!l ./-dt 4l Ui d 1/y-,!l aJJJI

Studia lslamika, Vol. 13, No. 2,2005

AI-Islem fi Induntsiye 301

Jr!t-, *-,rtl ,U)l ,t4! & r--? o-)sV t'i 6p

".t**J$! d f>L*
e .t-}Jt O"i,i-rtl o-,t;.-l g;rJl 4"r.J.l Jtt)l U,6J

-#s lil.t}l ,'.p \L g t (i'6_y r{-) 4r4t .t Jy-

4bLJf .:.ti r.ll U Qly VS-b .r*1 crjJl -Jl-l ,rct^:*)1
"+- (i.bLJl o,sa brl-' ,* .,r--Fl ti-^ ,,c4 -dliT
ktr e cjt*lr .-*lr, .Jtplt q/r_itr 4r4r ,u)t
a/}-,)l $t-e, k V i{.u .rl:Lbjl3 oS BylS ;xS
-,L (_:r-,1^r) a*l J4o ,* ,fy-,)l C":+l tW..s;Yl
oli .rt.:,,!lull1 .r!t).ll L-U ;^r ti;.L;.ll Vl3Dl ,t *l Jl
.:r.;*b:Jt \-V ,ys tl^*;J 6s -Si ,>r--*l GG_ry
J! ;ye,rJll 4/)t-,Yl JJ"ljtt 4.y-')1 &'U e$t u,r-y
\-V ,ts tal_j"rJt ,f t-tV V; e ryAt ,t<-.!t ,#
6 er$lt a+y-,)t ,-Ft.,oJl r& ,*jl Fl &r "r,rh;
driLJu &1Jl Ft n-*N ,y ui r6trJt Fl a*t-,
* f^.1;, .>U! ,P JJ'Jd^-" d./Jl f^ ,l!t(-:lJt
'.c;Vt i/)^-')l el{}l
Jr efr * t:6 ;5
oyp.r-lJt tr.";al.t
J' ill "Y-r^ ,l-l-r f^ .ff ft -+ S8I 4 fy-,y J,"91 -rGll
J"lll € f;,pt^:"'!l a:;Jl oi.a .r;* A J"bill d .f;tt
.*.rjl: L-t*Jl 1t-"1!t ,s\t tu;St o-v yab J! c;-: 6Jt
L-y Vls t4rll -,S)l eJj; Jy"" J, t++t-" ;r 4 Y ,tl
oj.o -r;4 4p t#ite ,rt cJF &Jl a"^l*:Jl .rt*-_jll ;,
r.^jt it^" Q dl oio -rJ) otf -i*ty fga;dl ;, a$Jl
Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2005
302 AriefSubhan

.:^^i: &Jl .rYjL*:Jl oiA ,J! f!*;y*l A ,ret^.-Yl

J! 4ty.e :jUa Otf l;! t" J,,- ttb)t o,ta ait:f & g.-Ut
.L-+:J\;! d ,rck-)l r"*Jl: ;4".1*it ad;il

CKr.l af*Jr ,ts-h

d! ;uJt -,^ tJ fo-JJt ora:lt a;'*aLt A fg a/
eG,Dt )l .rkJl 6-vL f^ ,JfLJl 0-'i.idt ,tqL
,Vl 1S: d 4"y-,)l ;rAl;-,^tD ,lF o'a.*LJl a:et^:2-!l
,rt-f ca:;Jl 's u* P ,J'"h)\ Jll e ,rrX-,)t / tJt
;J*-rl i^l:l.l ail{ et^LJl .ts* U oe-*- ! ,,JrLJl
Gl oJJtt : Ut" tYP .-rtf1 c.dl};1
o:t(r. dJ"*:^!- etJJl
,JFF-J.| ,ra rtrJJt ol3o J_6 t" UG_l .\.rJl ar,-)l 6'
qir'll_, ;rKjt (pesantren) 4"r$:lt i/I-)l 4r"*l*Jl -r,ot'Il ;".
.,_*iJl Jp tr
;rs ,J-at V etJJl rY-r^ t:& uV ,QSaL QS
c.r-atJl a*L o, .U-,Jl etJlJ aK^-Jtt ;*^JdJl -r.oLll ,y:
,* Ut.l ar!_Jl ,rat-lt
-#r f^ - ub t^t
- ,t^LJl 0!t
caJy-rJt afutt l--.1 ,f s r-r4Jt et^le :\
Cy ilp\J a,V- )
f\-Jl { lS 6Jl ptAl -,slt co gt;a, ,;\ 4ar; Y tili
A - ,i*'-Al w+l 4.i-:J!1 - U-,r'Vt Orill 3 4"kJt
,P & fi ,rt"(Jl e*,-+3-r.;)l ctJJl U _tK C\r\
"d)\-, "r-i 3*"t\1 '' cqs;i art Cr^Jl :reLt Y Jtjtl
snouck )",*' W+\ a-y 4 Je JU^Ir JUIJI
-rSJ .1-rn-r:)\

oA\ A (cl:^-*1sYr; ..ruyt4t oJ,Ltr Ji ,5-tlJ-/l Hursronje

Studis Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2,2006
Al-Isldtnfilndunisiyd 303

e F\ ,A"il\ ,*,+\ q q-f )-fi d -e g-\rJl

".,.+T dl4 L./ {\A,
4bl*Jl 6jl> Vlv JislJ J-i_& t ;)Le etJJl o_fl:
*\)I a;^)t ,is" \,e.'" Ji f.6-l}:-,l-i cixtJl
d 4.."t"J1 u^t!l J-:f .t.ii crr^pU\ U)l A) .^UJI .rLL.a
;i)\-ll etl;;el A jl ,l-{t & gryJl 1-bJl J}l
,>r\ al;t}l #: ca,.JitiJl JJj,;Jl fl/! 6l--.t z*3^{
,* ft-JU eklJl ta-.,, dl .rl.'kjYl: ,)')t J^"- J-:^Jtl
oI :& Mottahedeh Ju l!! o,,t Uk ,r"Ji ,i ;,y .ilyt-Al ojn
t6a l- ,* ,L..s't.a,!l er^a,rj,l':I..irl dJJi {t e\^LJl
r, ll AtlE ; f!-t: l1:l .r; el,^LJl Jl J,'.; 01 C'tu*r
,y 4 r" - uLi t^f - ;p,alt o! d,U; .&-'r}'l Cr+iltl
qr4f 1t--jVt & Lsl, o),ui,- Y ;l.rJt d/.'*^ill ;n"l*:lt
,P lill Q JyV ! crt"-!l u' ,6 4S c(status quo)
o*^ d c-.J ,i51, o1" ,*)tt .t') a", aLl*Jl .>t-,q+
.rQ;"'Jl d l,,rio.' nenaa lJrd ,tU;- 4l ,Ui lr^f 't"rrr!'
J,$itf J\ ,* aJY'rIJ uat: y; Y! -,^ t" J{r:Jl o-,Jl ,,,
,-;"\fi ,f ,rct^-=Yl1 .,J'JI f-t^" of7- ! J#j.Ll
,4*e*j' LW:
ali;t4t rt;4!u*l Y etJJl o\? (UJ\ th t ,-fl:

et"t ,* e[^tll )_FJ J! gUi .i,!l oj+,a.t JidJl &

a+nJ>,ti:-,t dllii J! .sri
Ji kJI fei..^"alJ oxl,Jl aLIJI
,b d UUt ,+K" oi ,e,U! & ;sb .Ll^'JlJ \-fu\
,r4I 6 ! a/!;;JlJ 4#rll toK .,tr ;r&ft i-!t
Studia lslamika, VoL 13, No. 2, 2006
3U AriefSubhan

JI ,*i .;$.Jl GUtful; airtl .>L_r4 .f 4{t+yt .'t,o

Ll ,Jr>\Jt ;s yt jt ,ill -u, eab Ct al.r}l .ri cetJi
J! ,:ri r/y*'Yt /Ur ,ei ,F C.-rit 6- 6,^:... g)t;
F & ttl-l ,f^b; etJJl ,k Y c.s,--Jt -,Slt ,ro#i
.rJrLJl d.*i,a:ll f{j,l^i, A1 A,ls 4r,y-)l Jtl^c)
J-r >b co"}-")l I ut + g-lt4l U)t ls .r u).LirJ
g+.t! +a*J ,tl ,ltLcJl ,Sl e:/Jl oi, d etJJl Jt't lit
e!,JJl ,k V;l ,.rl:UJYI Ji (t,l.A e *-,Hls..rbLi:;yl
etJJl Jol, Cf a*l.n t<=KJ_, (r#>.i f-oJre U 6rslJ.r*J
$-Al etJjl t*l ,rtg ol: rtt^:e 4Li t f x ,f s.f#Ji
,rt L-u.c gryJl ,e yt Jt A U.-Jt t ;._)l o,
riJ callt q4Jt {urJt cneL-ll etJJl f:*lt,
.>) ..Jtlt -# -*s c*j,)l rt.*Ic ,Jt.t J-tp tsl> "|,
,F ,f d:*l-t,- dr*Jl ,tJJt oY;^ J! ;-.,t*2U (C \ \ \ \
i .**.ilt f-e!l^e- .-r)\.*Y tet-,t*: +tLJt .>ls\;
l-{ 4lj:" J<.^1 etJJt & k-}l ;4-r;Jt ..:l:t-cjyl ,.>rab
ejl l&J (!:^JdJl .rt*,3lr., crl-.Jyt .1, C^lt aJJ{*l
A;,hJl ob1 cg-:At A 6-r,-,r* u+ ,:& Jl sri o))r).
.da."l*tl jdnll J,., l^a;ya-;,
,n*, !
U J:-r +iyr di! dn*lJl dd.allJ otJJt rn1 ajy,JU
F Q 4frl&Jl a*.;Lllj a^.^-tt ailJ.Jl aty' dJ ca_eitl::,2
,-f 7lt"lt A gtJJl 6,i*i u-r:c ci u-y €es c.:i-ejl
,.":tif ;t,,1l A lj'4 drt"l-ll ;oA:lf ,Jp c6.rJl f^t-1,
)Xb; .trLi- d-,,bjt 0!i c-irl dji ij" ,CjJy .q4"rxjl
Studia Islamika, VoL li,No. 2.2005
Al-Islamfilndunisiya 305

cf-- t'\ J,.JdJl 0l JI tnrlrll d,1^LJt d,"i.alt ,t),t

qF Ajhb e- cJ^Al-9 (\SJ) (rp ,y 1r{ c€.tS-eS
,l-rJl oYj" F Otf-l .t**+1ll a'?V ,VI op
rlrildl G -bI ,6 A) .L;,ii ai,all a;^bJl ;,. l-2rta ;jJl
**Att g{r#jl ali{ C-p J r-rJ'l Jtlqlt aa .r*lJt
.q/Y-,)l /Ut
'u-i ,F e i'etd*ll

d A<e6
Muslim Intellectual Response to New Order altf Jy.> rf
.ul ct'...1tJ F J^4 tjj JWI (Modernization in rndonesia
!' dl c5J -t"J4l ot-4Yl ,:M .rL4>\, c"41!tll d^FUl
4r+l ot.4vt l-.o )j* 0l .:Jl-ur; aJJJI .ru"t n" rl;! ;4^1*lt
orde) *-.t4t J'(."JI UL A*,ttr.-r ;+bS at)\r 4J - ,.b ,) -

Utr .r;1 i,tLJU .;jlr-ll +St dt-.:JYl JI -*t:6Jl (ra*

J* J<- Jl .sri lJ t-6*iii" ^b # rr" frdl U L_,/ JL
l1-,)l ,"t, d Ut4 ailgl Jl JJJUI J1.IJI ,1+ftil d.,, 4l*
i;S-e erb'c, JJ ailJtl ,! cail.tll ubtU V i,r-tt ,->.e t-f
Jrt .a.*Uf ;,u.".i .J! "JrJ- ,f.-" f+S f-6't{
f*dl J+l ,.*a: t^+i {f<li ;f.4t ;,r:-i ;e L-er Uy:rl
"a.r"Jl Gy*r. Gl*,y1 aiJJl E >\-1" \lt (t JI
JA fr-l{ ;-r:*i l-yl 4J4l J*i.t up c(formalisme rslam)
..r)t,+ dKs .(rslam kultural) "a.:At aitall ir,y-,!" \l-t
*"Jt aUi-, u;rJ d-"-J-dJl rrLl*" &s -w "aiLa1l 4.ry-,1"

Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2,2006

306 Arief Sublnn

.:l: +5)\Jt ,f Ly C, .t+ fr ti! t.t* ,r".pl ;.^r c +rll

+.t4t J.fl ," ;p,all ,ar (simbiosis mutualis) ilrtJl ttdl
re+ - 4141 .-|^|l lj-" )Jrir.:! t-t-,-rfl '<Jl +bL 'ary
e}-,)l * ,)*\ rlr) a;(tt Jt'!! ls'* Ji - iltJl
t dl "Y;l )-rJ - Lh'-\ aLIJU ,V\ ta,p i1 ta;lt-Ltt
al^r frJ t=.:l:y L-!-r t ct^:*t dlll :tt ,t *! Gli!., -
.ilJJl 4 &-JJl .rL1*-1 C}-,!l r^1 J;t-ijl
o-,E,t- 4r4t -tdt d!, cuaj--Ul O" F ,f t \JJ
jK-,r ibis #t dla.U Jt5 - jt6-y w)
l- F fis ,g "b"
)\..6"r !.914)l +t4l tf;U cil1Jl .rL"!-
;ptt4At JS:r)Ul c-* \ttcsyl t4+l/ ,jti-! ,rb il-rJJ
ollLl oil; "&-J*.:Jl" ; d.evelopm"r",t "a-o-uJl"

&LJl .rL,!.*{ a;Ls c-jlt *.tAt .t4Jl ;\tL ./ q-t*Jl

.r$>\J! t:J,. J,-r4l 4Jl A ,r"tJt ,+t rr! d-i- (Q!i
;p G#S ta")Uaitll ;d^'Jl ae'Jl s1.: ar-,t*Jl
depotiti-) a./l"Jl .-,1;-!l qGS c(deideologisasi),r>;J-*{)l
.(pragmatism") AiL+,;*jly c(sasi

Fi t* i,.*;dl .r" -Ur4l ;i^,Ll liA CKI tb -r^s

JS-;:tc! ,rle \1v\ Ab a}J)\,*4oi -rry v-rs
We A-- ( cgjJl (ruasy"*i) ,n*J--^IJ cs-,/\ de qf
- 4r4l r+Jl aLL 0p J's*Jl o:Lc! d/" Yri .-r,,K-r'
&L-p f^,6l'U JtlU .*"rJt Masyumi Jl.*,.,1 Lrt e +
r/x*,)l q*\ JS..;l. P - a-,Ul a"-t- J! ,-dJl
i-n*.*+y.u)l jn+t-Il qlL. *^^Jt :-rll dt*; 4J4l
Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2,2006
AI-Islarnfilndunrsiya 307

J i,all 4^2,,.r-
'4+l U,. 0l ,?F p 6 s.parmusi
Y +-r-{t
J.^.* :JU"i c"fAl yurr,,o.,r q-? J1 it-Jt *dl J.+l .f
L-'JJ .tFS l)VtlJJlJ Ji"-\)\ i;, J (fJ,t J.'eJ (r+L
C-b crr-LJl ,i-ll U Vs-* ,a.-,t*Jl es-b\ oio
cfX-,y t" ,f ) lts+u tAS-e' 4r+l Ml U d#:ll
4,"lrl J+ t-.*i Ct'L-Jl l't-r ry^cls't,",r,)\-.Yl -r;:,.U Yy
.J"-ltl J*l .r Cn"I*lt ,'#il ,y qte Jh
-r,"r4l gtb-"tt UA d! J3- oi t *" y cdJJ: ;, t')\-t
,Ji ,,tc J* y ci uf c;re;tJjl ef lr*r 4i ,t' J+
4 u F: .,rt<,-r 0t j Ji
fy-,)t dtr +\4 or<-t"
(sakrai) lr-lri:Jt #.rJl f L 4r ltrd\ CJj" t;:ri
4i c,t'Vt
- rt.:.t"aJl l.l" ,i .;;IU .(proran) .:"*l1t qi-l\ -* 6S
.jL JLi," bl ,,5-r-Y UJr ,#l r;rlt ,r!l U - eb 4
e!j!,rl ,eJJ: JL -*\ .rlrr+ll Y'1 ,pJt J4 Y u,rb 61>
a\b Y! ;+l .+l-,* Jt tt " Y f)\-,)l ,sl oy- id;:tl
AeV - eX-,)l o\ ,6VI
';V ,)S .A"lr*;J c^4: LJL+I
C ,tl +>\*Vt C\ b y" -,.:)\,t'ttq a;Ldl -.'-,"'Yl +
.-r," ,rb *Qy .*L-+ ajUy a,tJl, a:4\-,Vl J:-!t ,qtr.
d! ,tsi t^f - :-rtl ,xfi:Il ,Yj^ op cpl-,)t Jr ,.r[r.l-t
6-t-c Jyr A /*4Jaijl r"^.lt(,i 4.+l l-ri -'ug*ii
i,,'311" J "p)\-,)l ojl4-,U" :JU"i .rt-.-l,h-all

,pribumisasi Islam "Cy-,)l :**-y;JJ!" ) (reaktualisasi "p)\-,!1

u*-l cJyr qrt-Jl ei-,Yl ;fs c;K lr! 0!! **Ft us

.*rJ,t ,r+Jt aUt-, J)\r t4;;
Studia Islamika, Vol. 1.3, No. 2, 2006
308 AricfSubhan

,J-+l jdlall 9YjA L-g l1r2-.,r1 cL.a -SiJt.1 tE Vs

(J ,--*Jt ;3 c erJ'l J.6.Jl + c*J*JlJ iiu-J-l !"-1-, &J-l}l
;#af oVF alt-l & tt tts-fu ;glJJl d^i.all J.'*
osslV J,-l+l rdl lbl- ;-;l' J, Jyjl rl;r .:r^lJt
Lil: ;r-d,- & l-d f.l.;Jl i.u dit^LJU .aLLJl ;-rl lVt
cl-tJy .arrb e y.tfut .1,1
cailrll ;t*, fLll Jtt
*jl ,r*l f y ,f
a*, gtJJl ot*l 6: (rrru) sr**;JYl
,-*tS q*\ JL*-, l-\ ,y.3* qg:t-o otf - yt - \ 1V.
fll" ol-9," a-\L (P 4^i! )j *ta aAy J( J* ,rr-il|
l*ifiIt Jl ,:U+ l-,pl, craumsarungan "g;"JrrJl ,r">\-,)t ,,+;l
tsj^.a;t- t.r-i cn*,tJl r'ti cgui Jt';*\tn.dnlr-*ll a"tJt

JI ,-a-."., h.: cail-r-J.l qL" iJ* fy-,)l 0i ,,!o

'o.U-,, ;h CqK,!-l i,l"tJt Jb-,
Q est, c&:Jl-1 ,rrL,*Yl; qful Uj\ ti^ J- *
f)\-,)l Jjz '>ljjzl ,.>L,:"3U" 6.r-c dl"l*Il id,all bl*,)\
;f {t*} b fr- ! ,>l1l}11 .rliLll ojry .ailJllJ
?r4;, ir fdl 6rl.iY tbrl t4Kj 1 t\;Vt iit-rll oW
ty+i ;r-.rJl id,ijtl ,l)s LyJ .q- f)L*)l &-r: ai'r.J-l
,Uf: :ar ;*1r;Jl fl.e)l .J,b-l Jyr E^rJl oilo J_j,-. g,^rl;T
*l: cJ-*L AV t-f S t6J*1\1 J.-*) ,frL^ -pJ t.sJ
&. e-rl, &Jl elrl/\1 .rl-:-itll dX e"K s '' .rrt,
J! 9<+u tnrl*il ,,Ic tr-r- f s.t 1-* i*l--lt ,#;:ll

Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No, 2,2006

AI-Isliln fi Induntsiya 309

;E t* -+;n:l JI J:*-lt q! e{rll Cd+l oQ


c;-rJ \-#l )yis JtjA ui ,Jr #rJl ui

,.rtot+Yl d
CtUl .rl.> a*")\-,Yt ,K;tt Oi -;a u*-*-1,1)l lr^LJl
.r"tir; rii -, cg,..!),\:t l+ ,r-L*ll-2 g-.;Jy*!t
lg-p_n Gu. ;-cg ,Jt q.)\*,)l rltll ,to.:;Y! ss-Ms

& iE q,#l 't+!t cl ..:|.*.uJl oj,ay .6rlyJl .,l, a*,y1

USAI i',)^LJf ,-f ,rb-)l a;-!Jl .srJ .,.(.,iJl a;W
eIL rt"'rl.4l ;*jJr dlrrl.:^lJ & t^+ 'fL)l
t^l +y-,Yl .-,|;Yl a.-l:41 "b-)t )-* f t-6-L4i f Cl ai.*tJl
.# ,;, t4+ul ,ua JtIl g
;a,Ltl tt' ;/j+l*:ll an
r^ ;J,-J-+l o;.Dt gui -iK-l
JLrlt{ As,,-Q Y l;tf, cjlr"-!l1 ,-6J.t *,t-.-el *A-,-),
Jt"-J +LLJI-I ;:etd*!t JLe!| b)-u,- (q+Ul
t'r.s\y\ .1*., l-SJ
We a1>t-,.$Yl :,;;ll 0!i .f+U;;i
,* glg aLcl3J,;.,1n<jl u"-d\ Jr^L-^lJ (^>r-ipc -r; 4-141
& ;*t-^U cS- q:L,-i!l L^-'ll ..-ti tf ,;.,"-l 6-*
f\sut. tl (P) a:;L'o-1ya C^:,Al 4 t-rri t'ts+* \*
\b*3 lJ-,)Va cara,J,l ;+1 ( \s,,tL*;0i c-irl d.U; J:.
ut*ll .s;!t )-f\\J qet^j*YlJ qrt*Jl -,-,,!l U lxS
cJ rcMr cl*r-+/)l da.lJl i'i.all :GYl Js.-ilJ .il-rrjt
JJr- J^t i .n* Y! y,,o l, (4J-+l J<p) y_,'b J-, +)-, f\s\

Studia lslamika, VoL 1.3, No. 2,2006

310 AriefSubhan

2U-') i*^LJl J'i,all dry ilrtl, LVt \J, {rrre A} JIe

.r'rgl &Jl

:o.rnl*.lt 0.$4.4{l

ift :"!l *+:Jt I JU"tlt

t*lJt jd,all tt& ttV <,!-i:s! ,f9l ,jl"-Jl Qs
& ts&s.!ar'!Ltll tlJJl .r:p a^jLll U cJ,n:'- otf
rl'JJl d/ J]^lJ\ A]^b J! ;-,b)U Kaum rua "ir^:tjt .,1u-"

P: (status q'o J^ K frtl'\ epy)l ;'o cl;Jl4 ;4'tJl

ln*LJf g1.o.i:Il a,a-t .,le ailJu Kaum Muda ".rl-..rJl ,|.2"

J, ill drr-r;+Cl d42.lL*"Il 4b tt* o! c-!.ta,.:Jl J! idJtll
.r;1: Cl i*rtjll .Jr J+ GP
'tJJl - @t;s 'ry' &
ol ,st ,f: .&l ,/e f^-,;v'u oV: yi d - ,:,;:ll;
e ;r'J-1i .lUl, i/ilJl - J?Jba\l .rb pl-r*:-l tit<..!1
,#,all; eL.LJl ;ry a*-it-J.l ;f0; #^tj - -p g*,ull olt
tt.ct'lJt t;;-l
&- tr*i1$! rJ ,-*J-lt
Lir-l .,oa*!l a;rlt 3 u:-}J;l t-1,' :ll J! JtJl U',.i t;1
.# 6) tf 6-rs Fi 61i.a .>rap iiull dJx Ji
.J ,tl - )U" - J-*t AV ;t Ul 414J..jjl ,t-*!U
L ,gt-^-l'Jl ,/ & Ott dJ{Jl A}J'a; J+ .f zo*,'l) l>)>:
Jt, .dtiA; .;y:.,"' cJl-,t a*.iull 01 ,k -,tI #, Y! -,,
u ;pl4)l u--*l .rt--yrt!l ell; ,o1 i-ei .5\ ;l
.::,I:GJYI ;J-e l-b'-\ c^*,J dl ru a-JlrJJl a.")L")l afu^lt
oLJJl r{&i Qs i'Jtt}l Je"}-,)l ,F ,f z.o-dJl ;-!#t
Studia Islamika, Vol.13, No. 2,2006
AlJslamfrlndun-siya 311

t^j.- MUr rr***_g*)l rL.tll ,-e Jl J;^;jll dJ.""-Jl

cqrJl +* e JJ*JJ o-2dl a,ot9\n 11,*il
ar:J,:Jl1 UlJ.Ul

J* - 4/>\-,)l a"Jlr"Xl :ly, -r.-i - !.'::q -uL'. J,,2- tJ

olr-,eI f.6'li r.*-lyrjYl ,4+1Jl ,.-qe) ,J! :U-f 4^,.1
6t-tt ! f_r '-l * iti -* t^' - abjt) Jl"ucll
4:L-Y" ,* ,V o*V i"rr! ,f ?--JI;jJ i^iJl oi^J
1/1-,)l c-,t*,3l1 6J-L J:q j:-^-"JJ)l
'klJl "-14 Jt.1
ir"y-,Yl sl="^4t o63t U *{ )Jr W Cf+ Cl 1.4-,)\
a-'^-+ ful .rJJt y b-F J*
C+ll u*i41 '#j re-l.SJ:
ful ,-Jrl ,a ;,.rJl .r* ;, .,-f n\ 4JU l',i c(+t-"LJl L;i
tbs ,lj J^l--{ a6s-p obr^,+l dUW .4,-#l :!t^4
f^5 - ,--a-,il tflt c[4;.u! ,J J.r-ft eX-)l ,l p>t-,Yt
)J'ar- [^{i-t/J c1 0\{ g;iJl ,-141 Oi - ?+tt 4L tV\
!f)-,)l a$*'S & a^citll qg_rU,iJl
,#:lf dp ,C^:+1 d oQLlt as\ ff) JL H\:
A #Jl-l !ret^:-Yl J+iJl I'y*, ,,t ,"{ ;l C Jr^iJl
f-t! vou J/_l Esposito Wyl, U ;5.,.Jl oSS ,t*^+:-rjl
.t)> -/p A Gj-r l,n..i ()A t^t "r.rdl +-it t;V"
.L?t+ t*+/l es uG q/X-,)l il;t + ja+L-tt jd;ilt
,:b e LLa IJJ) 0jr!. CptJt j#,i:ll oi ,{ eLi V t^^i
,ti .lt*. q"^'Yt ;,. ,eU: g,J ..r5l 6J" & &^lJt Jl;r-'Vl
or]irgt ,j6: etJl .J11:i aD-)l L-"tj, Ut<,
,o r;-'lt ;'ltKlrlJly
Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2,2006
312 Arief Sublun

4-,JJllJ ,tsJl qictl :ltrJt ,rolult


rArN d6,t g)\-,)t qlt'J' ,{aIlJ (Madrasah 4/)\r)l

t*Hl et*,}JJ d! c( \ 11 1) Eickelman o-{, [5
t-..-Y c6r.rll C";Al J.* aJ^t d )l*i l;9 \-fuYl Jt"rlJ
.a-,t.^Jl_l Cf-tJl Cf C.:+l ,.>l1ye| cq Uk" Jki:ll 0t5 l)!
tdtiT C"i t>-,-^el a,*tujl ,.rt*,3l1 Ol -r* c>'tpJl U^ d
.?.u-$l fyo)l "l,b-, ;', ,.rU-eI'Il dr, JUI ;'y -
- 4r-t"!l Uld a - ai.r}l c^jt5 $!"(J'ceUi & 'Q
c,*a:1-1i ol-!Y L-tJ UlK"
rtWL: C":tl u& .slp'Yl ,,|e
dJl C":Al e eb lxg lt; 2'r Je a**11il); J4 li-6.r
C.:+l e e-r rrJl
.rl;ly}l1 ,.rt-:^itJl V \-F l)Jt dl .dil
C-:+lJ cari"t-,ll 0L;Yl O-f-s
cqtl;r'tJl Jf dJl
.>vr;r\t d/^ gU, J! u-l b)l: ;ilt ;r-{ ;lJLIlJ cg-rlt
p$r Ls-p *-i & Ju Gi JI atLa)t{ c6r-,"L!1
\*b4l ;;-' Gli crr,)trYl CUrll re (PSS g.:*JJ
.C":11 )), qy,rle eJ!: el:;;3^{

.:t 4.{-t tt& crp ,t.*i;rj! A fj-,)l e-#S

,2)z dt *"y-Vl ay.J^tJl +L*,;Il lbS a.ilJl ;*c\^:*!l
uJ^lt jS- A t-lF tts' 0q+ Orh)\ o-;lt J6lri -ri"
.ttf c.rr..r.J'l .r+Jl aU-' 6n .i*J*lt Ji,all ;r a*l^:*Yl
tJ a,tlJl y ft*lt, Gf a:')\-Yl {+J*iJl ol*'-9J.1 J-)b
.uE tJ ":r.J,l in+l-:ll u *bjl uJoJl" t:& J! .sri
,.|^^:,- +.r-{t
,tg a\rs e *bl u,6 0!i 1h -* 6s
ar"$,i:Jl 4*r-Jl -r-aLll o". le{ ci.^lr:Jl .rt-y*. g:+ &

Studia lslamika, Vol.13, No. 2,2006

Al-lslernfilndunisiya 313

-t+'tt, ,WlS (Madrasah q4)\-,)l .f-llfl! l-lS-t (pesantren

J-h -t"l4l .fa.c rrt-,ty-g .nnf ,rrr(rLl Ls"y-)l ..jul
J*r t*L"4,U kLb.-l, lp t..f - arul 4.^*iriJl ot*,31t ,[

U b_#l ):4D k , * Y .ll;-, a{1ff. ,=,o - J#

Jl i"iill
gp .t-ztJr-e gdt CdAlJ +t/{.Jt J-y dn$tjlt jn lJt
.,ylt ,es;t-Jt-, J*Jt
,lL*,;Il dj]; (pesanrren q,tJajt 4#JJl $tJt{ iu
.tot*ll 4 t$a,6ti/J t6t,,l;r ft't.l ,n1; .L;) ,A-;Jl 4+J-:Jl

eLr, 0!l ralJl ub,4 0i "r4 ltl ,tt )U .ajr-t.!t i:*J-;Jl

;-gr4l ,:lft .,:<H kjt 6t*45 u:"-lt r-6rt<, i".'U oi
0;! el,,EJl
Uq r^tJU .;J.ptJt U|n,
&& &.!.lt tFalt J/
yt Jl ;,:r;)l ,*l1i Ar Ul e..- cr!,r qt U ti:i U)U*l JLt
tn,*Idll A;rUt ,f UL-J:I"{ UNt O-et $-l: -e
.totJl 0p - 4/fJl "x ;)l
"totJl 6" rriyar r4"etLi)l
..tJtitJl f LUrIJ #t ^f br_l*J c>x;.el pesantren q{Jl
t'. ;jlrt 2* -t;'q ;.r,1*t 4r,y-,)l
-r,otJl ciK c4r^tAl JAI $t)l f-2 cCJi o, t')\:
flL.Jt* t4ft*-t ;L {JtlJl ,-"-U UIJ{I ,i.-'ut $ L4Jl
-i6: .q,>t-,Yl 4,-4ra:Jl {}L.bjLl ,;;*J9ft s.J,rJt
pUi.; J-)b A d3**iJJYf rl_2-r-r41 Qte Cl ,,;.,t-a.:ll

fW tN qrrJt "r,"tJt C_r* dJi s ,f)uyl q5^.IdJl

6-,_h eS .a:rr.ll 4/)-,Yt o"rldt lV .ttro ,Jr d*Jl
-r,otJl S_li taluJl .r,otJl ;r" ob-i jjL,6 0l J1 cr"et*ll

,P A*4)l k4Le c-a-*_1 6Jl (pesanhen satafiyyah) Lil*Jl

Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006
314 AriefSubhan

kitab ) "of\5" p*,t+ -:+*l el.rJl ,.!lll .5 a*,Ir.:

*+*tt1 J*' Li W U Lt)llSJ
a;I!t -r,^tJt O6, k"ti Li .(pesa.,rentradisional) g$;:Jt C/Jt
Ai'-h 4?r)-,)l ,.:Ll;-tJ[ ,i., Cl (,rr"r, khatafiyyah)
p :lylf GLI_;.: eltpJ 6at-. .j^* l-b'-i ,Ft car--u
+Jt ,,-,! -ts4tu -r,"tJt A U))\ U.AJ (;:+LJl t\ ap;Jl
. modern),;'t}l 6-t-ll

i/.dl d,ar airitJl oi ,L^ fi.;

,t^:Jl oi Jt<r, t*!t ,r",
.rt-^GYt +Uri;A\&,,|...rYcLijTkJ!
\\-e- (_r a*Jl J,stJl eUrJ ta-i .-l>urll JL+ <,q*Jy+!t
.r,^tJt JL J* Ji *i.*; el> gts ,,r-!;rla!l teat4l
.dua .ri €4 6"kJl f -rs (b *y 4irJl
d/"-ill J"e-^{ .J6rl; gtt .:l> -r.^t'-11 ;" lr* J*l; )J-e
(.:- t al oi (..,1* q$ 4) ase -)-r A Ngruki
^-p YVco.tcUJl
J4 tj4Lr Ji LAIFI i-,1-;: 4: J
Noo.huiai gJLi
;!41J1 et5lt ai4 lA &Jl 4+Jl .r.^ull .r \b l:r-e rri
tn.;r**11 ziJil
i ,-xbt e o4 /=JK-:tJt
- tr*/! d o*rit .r,"tJt ,y o\ c.-rll Lar;J" ,J .+sll
c-Jl;L UE t^f Jt"r:cYt_e fkJ! .-r Wb-. Cl
;JJ^'11 ,V-1i ,F A o;s\1Ln>.te .:l>;l .tiy j .;*;*
4*")\.")l lrJ.Jl .rL^*,3I1 ,.)a4 Jt5- ;.1: .t"*+:sl ,:
"M",rr,.uruh" s ,*-l\ ;-b-y .J "r*u'"J E;plt
^*frI Q
,-r!i c&-.r-!t ,r^*ldJl ftLiJl Ct+*l *l-F;, Lo-;ly:i c-+fii tt
& G$St'L^rJo 6:[-; ,o-:j J _* (pesantren) 4iq-tJl "r,^UIt

Sludia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006

AI-Isldmfilndunisiye 315

4#Jl $lJU d fUl Lo-;9r .rLi!

(CJ.IJJ .qr.#_rJij)l
&l/l u -F - a3-JIl 4r)t-,yt u"rldl .l'ti-f ti"Li -
ot-+Yl 4s> i4rlJl &,i"all tf ;li JFr A**i)l
t*'"1 G\ v c(madrasah) 4r^y-,)l u"Jldl Jl tlljil lilj
u*)!l .4*Jl -ut*lt of:f G'Lr .rl4.rxlt ,; ko C:
clli ca.-,[-,!t tar*rt- J-,b +>\-,Yl :lll .f..,s J!
kJrL" ci Cl a:-.t.J-l ;!^Jh:Jl c-,t*,3l1 asf ,#
i*. wy-,)t ,"rt-rit cli c(ljl1 Jn-SJt a,"fJl
,,Ll Cn"Ul ;r' '>\e t^Al 6;:Lr. Wt.r f citt t+Jt.:l;! J.tlJi
-bUJ"l 4*"y-,)l c.rr,ldl )JJ;t. J*r t ljol ca-elll f.g:i;
r+ 6: .aJr-rJt # tf J*1, a;\ dJ: k+J)ia"t ,p
.rt*,;ll J't;f G't.i - 4/X-,)l cr"JlJU ,t.-+fJ! Jy;:-,t
i,_,1;1 ,*tl;L U. [-6-L*,';1 ,r { Y - cs;ll i:,iJl ;,.*L:Jl

4S? t4.atte & c^IF Cl*artr-Jl dJl cq;"tJl 0F l

.WEsi*Jl z"d-:Jl ot*;Il F -r:b

,rr.-*f-u)l ,+^J*:Jl tlitil & ,b. ,;a*'Yl a;;!t QS
3t!:lt gtrl ,fr V.t kiori -r; i*,r.ulJ +-r4t ..-a,"ll ,i!i
a-,r.tlt " G'lu "o.r)t-,)l a-,r.tll" .*; $J tt ..-j!-Jt g^J-:Jl
i-"r.rJJ -t-J4l .t"r*Jl 1$_l .",r")\-,1 6t-b ,.rli a-.Ul
J1^s L^'t' ,itrt (J^J-:JI {b)l ,*- aLt-: :s)\-,)l u"Jldl
,: ulr* "o*"1-,)l a*,rdl" a^K >yg .4nfJl u"Jull
e Uir.i li! 1.r,-.1* l_rsb b. \ . .\" L^, y . f_t ditiJl
diuil J:V - \ 10 . zb, t e, diLiJl A oi ,t":cYt
Studia Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2,2006
31.6 AriefSubhan

Y! "40,)t-Yl a-r-r!t" a.".lt -t it l- l*-+;JU! d *^JI';JI

-t4Jl" A^I{ ,} a,l-'-1.:_2 a*} z}'-rb.
..|*:," giJl
i*"y-,)l .,"Jl'rlly (pesanren) a,"!i:Jl a.,1JI .t"tJl .,;r )[f
.,tsrJl CILJI .rli gJcJl .:t*,3I1 ,.r V-eJ (madrasah)
-#r riJ g;iJl +Ul 6Ut G-p f t"i clir
-r*Jt Ot-('i c,,-6:-,1.,.> LL.\-;4/y-,)l upJUllJ a.4Jl .r,otJl
;r.-rl a,,t4l € V's J .(rArN) €#l G"y-,)l JtJl
C-r ,.4 Ca" V d./Jl 4#Jl "r-^tJt -#r LaJktl ,tl
z#* ca,_,KLl r\,iL g4 al)tJl dt-.j/l J! ,it-.:J)lJ -r,otJl
.f^r<- & U J.rl-\:Jl U (t 4 Lylt
^")EJ\ #
il,+i), ;))'+u'- Y 4*rJl .r,"tJt A z)Ul ,i d zz+jllJ
4{.)\-,)l aJt^Jl e Y! q,*"l4l 6-p 4 .a:-l;:
*,sl t*,1 v-{6 L/ dut *+Jt t"*V r(rarN) +-5}]
L:jt * Jtlt ;* LJ o)t+;Jl aJ)l-, b; o\i\ ) ;+-tlJl
at"tJl CA")I W cV,ri -r,r 6t. \ 1Af a; ut;ll
al-:Lr. l,lj a*Jl os{\ 6,1)s ort*\ t;b c\11A
t,ra-l .V-#l qitiJl i-,r,rll i-:tsi -Jl ,te,'ll
qr)'t-Yl crlJl.rllJ 4*Jl ,r""t'lt J" aJ,bJl Jt OK"p t1\j)l
U ef 0't5 e'tJ 4r,t41 g*'l;t obl-r ,,Ic ql^!t
r,Alrenr) ".--*ta*'-)t U.,,-'Tfi1 f,],.,#
.t**;1-tl d q#Jl: iret^:*Yl x^, oy * ;4ll l-6it<,
,.>l;V\l uz'". JL if.r-i ,] ,fd9Al steenbrink ,VI 'rst
:J" Wf ;' ,),*)! ;/r4l renv JUl {6Jl kfi- Cl
SIudin Islamika, Vol. 7i, No. 2, 2006
Al-lslemfitndunisiya 317

or( .ri d./ Yri !"r.LJJl " Lit pi* x; e JtJt o-2;>
4*Jl "r.otJt U ;.-.$t gy-rs Jl ,;o 5-:Lp gLJJt 7:w
,tJJu olt ,6,*jt ,i "Utll ,r^U(Jl"-r ;*llr (Resanuen)
,*;l lmnr) dul .r+Jr"r irla^:JlJtt.- f"
$ 44Jl a.,*_Jl a,;V Oi U," -E -),U ,f s ../,t*rUl 6l
a.n*-Jt Jl tu_J.ltrJt 4*Jt q*A
,* \*)t v o-,n
a;rlt es .ail"rll o@ U C Ct J)\';*jt & a^*,3I1
- t*-*:sl d ,ArN a*JLJI J^tJl ;.. 6:t-* ilSV ijtjA (;,o*!l
:-"t41 g-tl a*"t4]r 6,3;.,^' Jl -t+Jl lN
- l-e-".4 6i1 J|J
J4 Gg oi J, J! li"a; .urN 4/rK.It 4r )\-,)l
ot,.$". "J."
*,: Q:Jl ,J iFd-:Jl ltlrJl C*, ,illl U LJ:JI
. a-itr-lt
c;tf l:! s-* )o ca.;! f 1,"{ u^JJl 7lb)l *3; 41
UL.--)l ,ur!t o!, oQ! o-ro. ,*lclr qlti
\ v 6F i/y-,)l u"rldl d
"r)tLjt a*; oi "r* \ 11 {, aj-,
v>\,hJt Ui r4,-JitjJt J"i t" il-..J1 d.:)ttJt L-#;, a;t1t .3

f^rro d* (rarru) i--fJt a:r)t-,)t a-JUl -r,"ult A

v)tLJt L.# u a;tlt Q I tc\' +-4 :i UU yAc\yy
\ 1o 11 t Jl,,- tr-#
& grJ' tr-+;l! ,i qt(Jt il-J
Jt Oi Oa* etjt a-)l oi-o & st* .cft* vJtt
ilt*i iS)11' U o*.)t-Yl ;i^J-ijl .:.,t*,3I1 d! :oL:JL
dr J.b^1 .V J^kjl o<lV *jt rJJt ;p eu6s
u;!t &lll +c - ;rlulr i/y-,)l i"^J-iJt .rL*,.;Il
L.r ;+-r4t ,P*_ll o+tlt t& 6.r,at*^,. 011 tj,-,J+
Studia Islamika, VoL 13, No. 2, 2006
318 AriefSubhan

well educated new middle ) telas menengah santri baru J-.!"-UII jpl*:ll
.a-?U-J-l ovbrJs,;n;,Il (cuss

aet4 '"VL q (rerN; alUl r^tJl t>1 $i clifu

.rttL-ll ;:*. A tf ;;l -;iJt ;n*lJt i*;;dt d ;I:{
J#ill 'l)-, 0i c-b-*)\IlJ !-+_lr! e fy-,y ;-L-r.+l

+JUl ,r,^\-ll o-r." *Qi U @ tg ,F.{ il| ,1st d^^l*!.l

c6Ji'l db-r*; rJ.*L AV sl:{i.6irri/ QS c(rarrrr)
c\sf 6trVysl1 c.r! d/Jl -p) , + d--,
.F ePJ (€)FJ cgl;Il 'r+''J,c;-uii tVl
J" # t9-J .::^Ul J'JlIl ol3* rti ca.i d-r, Y t*;
,k tr t fu" Y dr-.i, .reIN ,t+i
il-,-rJt >t4*t dil4 J^t'-:j 0f
a^">\Jl oWlt Jt+ .i/fJl .rL"t4l ;," ;a^J.Jt n#i.l
r,^* Jt;1tJt ,tt*;Jt) J-,6 dvs d: sl rJbi
Jt^L g.tJ'l Jt*-,, L.") f"1jl J+c .4Jl .:L^-oy c(t#t
a-,.1f JUI q-^X CUJI
a^.Ejll J-b):--.,b1-,, l\SrS c(nn
oLrt-Jtl r.f J?fa:,. I,i6 cft'J (r,res a*,t{Jt ,p
0i a,aJl ;dU ,gU, .r" f)\: .4.")t-,)l ,>4s ?=,t.'J\
i/y-,)l a^EY! \-f M i/rJl .:Lrl4l ..,, .l;;dt r!4
:GYt ti,6 frJ! ,.45 rc;.l/J2dJl .rct^.*Yl ot*Yt .rl:
oWL 4 4g t^'a4 .1; a"rJl m,rr a*"}-)l*l 4)^tt
Ajl-e i-;J,tjYl .rL"l4l ," &^IJl^lJ aJylt eS,F\

L-+t"tjlt fy.")l J f ;r^:ll ,>\;\3L11 .:kitll "lr*)

-lr I r
.4.rlJ.*l c

Studia Islamikn, VoI. L3, No. 2,2006

Al-Islamfrlnduntsiya 319

4.4)\-'Yl 4^J*:Jl .lL*'jI fiAl ili ((i*' Lr tiJ try;r

(4/y-,)l a*"l-+l; (4.1)^-,)l a-,JClJ (qgJ#:jl 61"tjt -$Jl;
.;n*I*ft drnall ;" ;4.r-{t
t:* 4 4)t JrtJt .or-"
":r41 j.o--ull L4^lJl"
-1 6b" $)
I'h'-l J-*.,i;dl oYj^
d4!-dl ;,^^J-dl" r)" f-ea,",|-' ilt-,, aiJtJl ilt-,rl d4Llll
r4.t ..!>\-!l oj>1 i^:3 , t+L qJl t;ri $ t-.fJ ."r.L$ll
Ott t^r",, :tai" c"rLdl ;p1'-:J.1" e) "r-ltl ;"^-l':ll"
U+l a-t.J! rg-;Jl os&- lrJlrt" "rt,riJl r-rr*l'J,l"
r(political Islam) fy*,)l ;-* V ;pl.r, (politik aliran)
f,6l e>r crJt It ot4il JI
lt+' ">J-tl ;4^LC1" ,J!t
USy (cultural lslam) ",rc[^"*!l ,]tj;Jl lX-')l" f o3g-:t"
C^:Al d e+y-,)l ,-ll & JS ;* d,"u'Jt{ r.r*\'l Jl "'t"
J\ ;':^lJl JdaI! d!, r,gUi & oQ .&"J-J-l ur41$)1
o+Li:Jl-r l:^J-:Jl .r-,tl 4)A' Ji clyy- r"t-ll Jl!--ull i*^l-It

.a:i-.r!l t**/l a+-l-/;4^LJt j*f qssr* ,'\

u\sS fY-y J',-gt Jtlrll

csstQJ i.n*lJt ddii.l ;i- #, 4 \:Dt ol--Jt
u;iJl "3y-,$ +rlt ,U)1" -f +sr.lJt r^rx* ,'M 7a:s
fb F-, .*Q r tJ "3EJl p)\-,Y|" ;.5* & *l-. erab
L*+:Ji;! d e>L* J+Jl Jli,all b'-P\ iejJl 4r4l rtlYl
J+e J,? t aj1l,l e zpe ,;15lll ,.rt-.r-uJl Jl'l 4+*\i
eJ4J f,, 6->\^"Yt t^.r<, d lr*t.l! JV dJ; .Cy-Yl
o\> a{}l ,,, 1o* a;l>.lt a*"y-,)l e6}\3.-ltt"e;Jl )}4b'.
Studia lslamikn, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006
320 Arief Sublan

r'. a!t(,:tJt z#LJl

K +L.
"kll: catu*;" z^h-, J Jy
.y.*l i:V Q A-; Lf l4^h4 crrt4 o6)t oia s4-:
tvtgl t-r&- Ji J)l in"J*fr d,SfiIl J- ctiJ
d!, ct"41"u! ,,3 fX-,y 4JIl t-b tj& A q+"r'.ujl
otV Vls e d4,,."t*Jl d4.,)A-,Yl & U #t V .r!-r*.:Jl
u& AL.jK-:tJt ot*Yt irlli \at^-*!t otsJt U W-I
* f)L)l ertJ l.r,-,r* U, .,L; u-- qJt(-:lJt ,.rLr_p4t
.r)LJl e !/1-,)t Ft 4b"+t t";; J! .sri u r.-*:Ju!
ai_l'Il o*"y-,)l { }1" q6 ,: ty t]lr 6t,r
Ct &}v
C9sze3v ciL" \1tY.9.'. \1.. z;,,J, [-*;t! d
A f n I ;+r+t 4/)\-,)t ,.rt531J *frJt ,, 4y JI
k.(J; ai|-t.J-l M ,- Cl ,>K )t C): a^et*, ,-,tKjl
!t+".t^ & J:G
-rU)l eUiJ & io:U,. lLa Jt;-, _e".:.r-cJt U^ Q
,P oh lt-)l-r f!-;4;1 A Ji^, eY-,y 4r.fl
LAIFI (Y. .Y ) ,\, .Y ; rt, , \ a:-; rrt-|:l!l eLl-r.rJl
Uft-* A..fJl 4f)t-,)l a-.t*-U CUI rpn,r e,-r.=-Jl f -ll
{i+l ,GYl & rl;rr-ar[i ..:t*)! C UrN Jakarta

C.rAl l'-" OI !3F-1 L:*q \".-J Jjtitt.l o)tb

a.lrJl ::iet^:",Y| et"r*-ll A Lf-kll qr-r:Jijyl q/y-.)t
J:; Jli Yy ,-:Jl-,L rr.t^LJl a+,A) 4,-#l a{^aS ,
J*bl .e*l.rJl-r>Yl os{l d q-Uf a,,it "yL*:Jl"
.:.,1! q-t*Jt ,-.,1;!ll a"At sl=,^-{t dJI; a;)\r Ji Ci

Studia Islamika, Vol. 73, No. 2, 2006

Al-lslamftlndunisiye 32t

0i i9:ll € )4 eIJJ-l iW c-Jl, t- 4.4y-,)l a.--ly*!r

EG A J^* fkJl Lb Ui{ -'-"rj Ct c.,,tot-+Yf ,[
's1;*'" ,rp JL.*l$ll
4/)\-,)l :*^J*iJl ,.:t*,311 OI .r* tr2a V ,F ,* ,V:
4.,)t-,)l b)-,)l) .:Ll.,.rJl ,t:L Urb i-:Le! ;, J{ ! Oll
c,.:Ll1"tJl dJl; du"j eii Je hit
v,afi," Y t-r^: .e-rt4t
.a.4Jl ,t*!t ,*-.rcr p_ t, dlfu oc L,*"IqJL4 #:
ir^Ltl Jb_,rl c6*UJl .illl ./ Ll.rJt ua.ell) eIJJU
Jt{ i11::...- ;}i ,} *sirlJ t -+ -455r i,,, *V cz,,V
JJl U,^ Jy* U .alJb' .e e; +y; a,!t .Jo r<e!:
-b 4*,>t*,)t ;*J,Jl rrt*,-ill d eJ OK ,r{fult
-t';*lt, rg"t;lt1 e-r't.J-l a/y-Yf cdAl # a @sF
.4itijjt a1-:,rr:Jt i."L\,t Gb .r cl alJ.jt utjj Jl Jrd

Studia Islamika, Vol. 73, No. 2,2006

.12/ Arlet JUOnAn

arll> Zr-b.) uan t,)j O_f S Pyl
Makzrs of Contanporary O;* 1

w)-yt a6)t ,h ,-P lt-".:t(t

rj," .1f c ..\
c\11 5: e U:-Jt;+-Utt ;;;*lt ;,o r-r,J a;rjJl
JXr .f
.,r")t-)t i Ut
qJf) Indonesia and. Malay Studmt in Cairo in the 1920's ,J J,, e Uf 2
.AV - YY e (\ lV. a- clJl :.t'jl clr*t1"ul
Islamic Education and Pnceptions and Exchanges, lndonesian Student in cd;!i 6" 3
t-z'-l p:tt t (\ 11t tYlJl :"r^Jl ccahir d,Archipet :o^,-_)\) cairo
:6y,/Uu-; Chnnging lmages of Three Gmerntions Azharities in Indonesin :djJJ
.(\ 11\' crsees
Globaliz.ntion of Indonesian Muslims Discourse, Contemporary l1f $>yVy)\ 4
I g^a p,slitio-Intellectual Connections Between Indonuia and The Middle East

Islatn in t\rc Era ol Globalization, Muslhn Attituiles ,O/\ dUJ" db;-

.l\ .,f c(\ . . \ cINIS : Uft*) TowardsModernityandldentity
ar^b. :lf\) tttort, Kemodernan dan Keindonesiaqn tJ>V dV t-y 5

.(\ 11 o cA.b dlta

lslamic Natianhood and Colonial lndonesia, The llmma Below the Winds tOl'iJ Jit*." 6

.(Y ' 'Y' cRoutledgeCurzon :!)J'" iJ ,JA).

(LP3ES :Ufb) klam dan Masalah Knrcgaraan c-l 1W ,J*rlJ fe'l 7

.(\ 1Ao
"a,-Lt:gtx!) MerambahJalanBarulslam c#J*ii )V ) * gF 8

.(\ 11t ccll;'Jl

,)ltt eHB,r 6F :hil ca"lt(".'lJl ;,i\-Jl J6\ f s

Persada :Ufb;
cRaja Grafindo di Indutesia tO?l)
Gerakan Salafi Radikat

.(Y. .t
W. ,r*il 6"t$Jl ot+Yl .>l; +)\-,Yl t-^4 f!\ :y' 10

f_rl ,'r_l .\AV\ tl-r.o U \ t ryt*_r* 4 lS .(NU) etJl

* A a:-,lg jcll ,ltjtVJ e8* 4a.rJl -r,otJl 4 u-\.s>
:Ju"l c-{t-r;l #4rtJt w+\ ;# pL} .J, i^l:, a"slt
JL r,r l":.s-.q,J,l* i!J'l jrK,r':,""t- -r*i o.rtr
EV-# €"tL tu d g/-Jl te.Jl ult:Is ow! * ,.':tr t-+y;u;!
.ry4\ s6
. * *rL)l t&6t4\.t us4t tu"rJl + f lt :,j'a
\ 1\ Y 11

.r.*Si -t^;-,.*"ti '\411 * VfVy" C"ll .--t"., .rJj Q

Stud ia Islamiks, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006

Al-Islilnfilndunisiya 323

A t+-
P .Y*t
0L^J- UtIt tf
Cl', qfrP
oat \J F,,j
J: !,.' G"' -r.ll ,raLf o51
o3ai uv
(fP "))t J
.i i .r'J'(-
Ji;^:4 g;-tJt f+lr! Ct}l c-l " a"l t cU 5L> ,-rtlL ,..,.t-J-t
-.-uJt A 4r-LYl +)t-)! c""tr.' F ,i *or .,"fAt JtFf
a,511 a<" U, jL- ,oui, Li*, J i;;Jt, i At,
',-.;At) ut.i
,y 4J (Muslim in the Latter Part of the 19th Century caa\;rs !j*' 12

.(\ 1f \ clateE.;.Brillltd ' ,J-iJ) oL.JJ" dLa-i : alrrj-/l

Zt-fu *l -2*x-1) Loyalty and Leadership in Early Islamic Society t 6'L,:t 61t IJ

;1) iry*4-rli:;L;a, ,uj ,;,"YA#r'l)),);r::fr frE ,^

.tt-tY C (\ 111 cNorton lJ-,,1-.1g

ab At*\ t4 fU Cl L-+;l)l l'+ll lr*i^r cajt,oll oj"o a,tf j rs

:U7fL+) uodternisisi Indonesia: Respon Cmdikiawan Muslim :olj.s gA
. ( \ 1 AV clingkar Studi Indonesia

tV A- -bt. aV )t;-f J3i t^Ui ;.n+jJl aljll .-l^.:^jtf ro

" dl;ro &tdl Ailrbv ..J - 4J4l J+l c,/ .i^l*ll id;*ll
'*b ,);$-dll "a,!l ;,t--y 4il'il JIJIJ .,")\-,Yl a.r*Jt a*":-
.:J.c iJ.:Lr. c\ 1V. Ju a Y q lrftA
c/)\*,)l oill f )l
:t+YLf ao"X-,Yl i^tiYl Ja*^orll axrJ*ll d^i.all U -6
'h JL r(nrrzn)
c(cnr) i,x+I*ll UtilJ K)\s 4i>l-!l 4.',LJ'l ilLll
JFIJI ,-iFjdll .:t/Yly.c(rn) r,lr+*J$Yl in lJl Ll-bjl :ta)ly
lslam t -1\jtl,r*it*'f^+ :pl .(n""sa*l) ..*.-+y-Ull
Pemikiran dan Aksi
.o. - t1 .f (\11o c hrl"lt!:uft-*; Indonesia
lslam dan Negara: Transt'ormqsi Pemikiran dan Praktik Politik Islam di cq;,\il .lV V
.\ Vl sr c (\ 11A cQrt,ll! :l:fV endonesia
.\ I .f r61tJl (,y Jt^f .t^; 18

.or uc,6>}l 79

.YV "*
- \', e c,r+'\1,*,0.i 20

- \ '1 ,,a c,;1LJl 6*Jr .'Ir9;i ;"";*

.\ YA 2l
.\Y.,ct? )t,*e' 22

coJ-,!l d/$^Jl r, dt4tt (".:tn Jl "t#)t ,EiL.Il'-; 23

"./q.:Jt " aJb4. ts& uK"!0a", "f'1 o-ll
I . crtiJl 'qr.:.'Jt V
,p, rbt: "lr.*. i;-t^:"Jt uxll -W L) "-rL:Jt ,6-ll' 6.e jV
lJb-!) School and Polities: The Kaum Muda Moaement in West Sumntern t isl J*
.\ f - \ \ .f c(\ 1V\ ccomelModernlndonesiaProjectl. !1y- tt

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324 Arief Sublun

, :.J!
13lh ru"ai"Indonesia 6,14V tuitosModerasilslamlndonesia lV z+
irS*)c (.77. lroaness Pesan*m: Between Etite and Peilsentry ,rt'f p'\ll ZS
Reshaping Local Worlds: Formal Education and Culturql ,O-*l) 65 U|)tl;
cJt- a*,t- :'>$;ta; d43r" f) change in Rural southeast Asia
.\ ' se c(\ 11\
Kitab Kuning, Pesantren dan Tarekat: Tradisi-Tradisi Islam t..#-JJ clU ;f;1" Ze
.(\ 111 c\" .t ( dljJl a'-fu:gfiu.) naonesia
Intemational Crisis Group 1CGl,lemaah lslamiyyah in : pil "Jgtrki a9'lJ,tt ge zz
1Y grt lfdl lb:-l I U"fV) SoutheastAsia:DanagebutStillDangercus
.T ..r/A/Y13tte
ilp U ;Jt a;1.rJt -LhtJl Li4 )J* f )t F d-!-La r31 2s

d \ t1o-d a*, tj,l "a;Jl ,t:!" J+J ,Jti-:t-lt Ul-Jl {}\

d .t,1o ar- 12ri uf\t- d "rr)\-)l d/1f1" Wl ,ufV:t
.t+yt ,r*;+ "r,otJl g|..;.]! f ,Y.1 . .r-..\11o L.'e.,e-Ji Q
,-lf d "'.s-1t-''Jl pLyt" "rao; "aldl"
I'ar-Jt " )r4*j "ot*;l;
) ,-;JJl "...r<*,-t .ey.-._l, ,J
-L-ttUJ o-*-i
fl",)t" Ws ,EFW .J "q-,tul" Ws
"1La.;!1"1 "jUl dl" .r+L"; c r,rko*t.-9 r)bgf 4 "a;Jl
,ir.{r.l glJrq ; #t drl" +*,J&U,, v-{Vt- + klt ";;-Jl,Lsr"J
(-l-r q.d
g+L^ )t :rbl .-r..dt cr -e) r.6,'J + dll"
i ,>nJl J .Thc Salafi Mailrasah in Indoneia: History, Profile and Network \)p2'
i t - yy crr-rJ J .ri';.ll c,!."T.J cr"rlrlljl;tf .J:Jl tSll 6 u;a
.(.rJ;) ( Jtr*'+ (..JJ$ Isir'a Ln' c\ 'i ' [ )$
^1o .1- o g:rbl
a4.rJl "r,ot ll :J.e Ol J4 ca.l"rll bfi4l 61ly1 '.>$ta-Yl y. zs
a;*jl ;i ..tFXl >!.:1!l + ,z^'*l t -+l$1 d (pesantren)
ar*Jl ; t i ..r<.,. 1rA\A & -U] LF tit Y. . ./\ 111
Jl Wre di{ $, - .)f- e,X iq sel - Y . .r/Y . .Y
."t<-,'t tr,'1V
)-f f "jlJl. l-,;:" lJ-J-l "-rJl
.o rgJl J"
li" Q ..t-dt JtAll so
Gtt-r eiLa .)i , (-F -:t K-l .\ lYl u elt J-F-rt-f
;*J'pUt ;Jt) +il ,*t ..*rr (rlJJl cad Ut ,-d)t) e

fiir1,(!r*d_rJ\.i)t .s1lt #.*p) Es tt.lrl.,-l.r.o_9 c 1ar"t^41

il $ $tJl J' u,;'Alr.ri J* u r.6Jl l$ .," qF c
. t".*+.:$! {+-tJlf 4r"U.-Jl ;;r")l j l',La

Studin lslamika, VoL 13, No. 2, 2006

AI-Isldmfrlndunisiyd 325

\ VJI,;-'J.e;St a+b| c nJsjt 1\3:i1-,L4t*, in, lJl .:Ul Jrl er

.,'J Jl .-LJl at!, df Y .: f ai-" Y . d-,r rJ:r.,LJl
-',J,d! .r \ A_JIJ
a)t)J=,k ir'-;-rr lrlr ,a-rr a-r!ir" ; i,r\.lt'1 zz

t'r oyiJt :rJ:;l ."o^"kjl ,.*"'lrl tt

C-pl tp;;:+Jl ,)JjJl
.Y .l;Jl c\ . ,f"a-Jt. 'r f o. /t
Pesantren, Madrasah, Sekolah, Pendictikan Islam pad.a Kurun u!r--1y,;-' )ttS ZZ

pd r*r ;' ;:,rJ#}

+trt un

spt & .dlt il-Jl il-jl

&,- Uutyl ct' tc4 (.-'ilJ;-r+ c6:;rll .rtjtc-)l *b rh c\1Ao.r-- \lV. '^-b' tn "*,.;;ii&fi
dK ,jS .abJ^L 61j"e.' n o,tr-o rlr-11 .rj L.*+-1,u! * ,:1...l-tt
Jlf d+ \1V\ ai-, 4iHnYl d"rt-tll "/ ."r-F-:ll .r't-e 'r="";
u;Jt J"pU i ,Yo tAcY. N \ 14. a:- C l rYo lYc\
ip;:lf :"u^ 9!i t tYro ;1-p,lt 6!, c-.r-t q,\o ilf ,J
c\ 1V. a-, Yo Lco tl e rU-.:_11 g1-t4 q.:l-r-eYl
,n_,rJ-tll ;*
t*rJt{ CJK-I . \1Ao za.Yo Acl Jlj c \1A, a*Yo o )l
a-',%o tif Jl. \ tv\ a-' %o Y,. d,,, cyH] .rldl ir, ;a3;Ct
tai -E-)u a.j<Jl ai-.Jt J t"i . \1Ao ar.Yo 1cA Jly \1A.
zr, %o .cY J, 4t-,Jt oi* + .+)l >.to >l!1 -r.ii ,rpAt
,-.lji1 \ 1Ao"- % ,rh {/o ,r"-;1 r ivr
11. z;,
Jf \ ""^a
.(\\A-\\V uacal)l6*ll
.&Ul 6*}l , el-*: ebb-r f-,++ ss

a-tKtt oitatt-t-^ .ety i..t1 dryJ- p Ot-,* jlG

Studin Islamika, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006

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