Chap 1amended
Chap 1amended
Chap 1amended
Differing Perspectives
on Quality
Dr. Nezar AL-Samhi
There are several quality dimensions, one of the most respected was
compiled by David Garvin of the Harvard Business School.
1- Transcendent
Definitions are
➢ Performance ➢ Durability
➢ Features ➢ Serviceability
➢ Reliability ➢ Aesthetics
➢ Conformance ➢ Perceived Quality
Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. 1-5
1. What is Quality?
Garvin’s Product Quality Dimensions
➢Performance ➢Product’s
➢Features propensity to
perform consistently
over the product’s
useful life.
➢Performance ➢Adherence to
➢Features quantifiable
➢ Tangibles
➢ Service Reliability
➢ Responsiveness
➢ Assurance
➢ Empathy
➢ Tangibles ➢Physical
➢ Service Reliability appearance of the
➢ Responsiveness
facility, equipment,
personnel and
➢ Assurance
➢ Empathy materials
➢Tangibles ➢Caring
➢ Service Reliability individualized
➢ Responsiveness
attention from the
service firm
➢ Assurance
➢ Empathy
Applying mathematical
problem-solving skills
and modeling techniques
➢ Product Design
➢ Process Design
4. Operations
5. Strategic Management
6. Marketing
➢ Focuses on perceived
quality of goods and
7. Financial
8. Human Resources
➢ Employee empowerment
➢ Organizational design
➢ Job analysis
1- Analysis Phase
2- Relation
3- Generalization
1- Quality control
2- Quality assurance
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