Case Study Questions Product Manager
Case Study Questions Product Manager
Case Study Questions Product Manager
Corporate Objective:
1. Branch expansion to reach emerging markets
2. Emphasis on service excellence
3. Increase overall revenue and profitability
Strategic Priorities
1. Grow Loan Portfolio and Massive deposit (Local funds mobilization)
2. Enhancement of the IT service management
3. Ensuring stability of all Alternative Delivery Channels (ADCs)
4. Enhancement of the IT Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery
5. Set-up of infrastructure in line with needs of Banking Operations Deployment of Group
6. Implement all regulatory compliance standards and frameworks.
7. Ensuring a sound management of all required software licenses
8. Leverage technology to bring more efficiency and to develop competitive capabilities
Bank M has invested heavily in IT infrastructure. See Annexes 1.1 for current IT architecture.
Micro Field App for loan disbursements used by all loan officers (LO) is a cloud based solution which
connects to core banking system (CBS) via secure API connections. LO uses the application to capture
loan application process for client. Real time verification is done here and CRC report of client is
obtained immediately. A centralised Client Scoring System is in place for determining clients eligible
for loans. Once a loan is approved, client comes to the branch to sign loan contract before loan is
disbursed either cash or electronic transfer. However, the Client Scoring system sometimes fails due
to systems error and/or bad data stored in the CBS
Problem Statement
1. Considering Bank M’s Corporate objectives and strategic priorities, can you identify some pain
points in the loan disbursement process and proffer effective solutions. Please be as detailed as
you wish.
2. Taking into account the current MFBs and Fintech ecosystem in Nigeria (See Annexes 1.2), how
would you develop product positioning strategy to win competitive advantage over existing and
emerging competitors.
3. What can we learn from the current Fintech ecosystem and successfully implement in Bank M ?
Bank M recently redesigned their network architecture from traditional MPLS to a decentralize
network using SDWAN technology. But their core banking system (CBS) still runs a centralized
database architecture. The database is stored in a physical server located in the Datacenter, while the
business logic runs on users systems. The bank currently has over 30 branches. Each branch connects
to the Datacenter via two separate ISPs, with proper load balancing in place (See Annexes 1.3 for
current Network Diagram). Unfortunately, sometimes a branch may loose connection to the CBS
when the two links go down due to technical issues from the ISPs. This downtime may last for hours
or sometimes days. These leads to loss of revenue for the bank.
Problem Statement
5. Do you think it was a wise decision to migrate from traditional MPLS to SDWAN. Please Explain?
6. Considering Bank M’s Corporate objectives and strategic priorities, propose possible solutions to
ensure business continuity when faced with Network downtime caused by ISPs Link failure.
1.2 Top 10 Fintechs in Nigeria : Kuda, Sofri, Monipoint, VFD, Carbon, FairMoney, Piggyvest, Mint,
Eyowo, Sparkle