15.5.16 - SFD OC Workshop - Final Report
15.5.16 - SFD OC Workshop - Final Report
15.5.16 - SFD OC Workshop - Final Report
May, 2016
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2 RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................... 2
DEFINITION IN THE MAPPING STUDY AS AN INITIAL STEP) ......................................................3
CLUSTER SUPPORT......................................................................................................................3
OF EGYPT ....................................................................................................................................4
DEVELOPMENT, AS PART OF NATIONAL INITIATIVE IN EGYPT .................................................5
3 ANNEXES.......................................................................................... 8
Annex 1: Conference Agenda ................................................................................................................................ 8
Annex 2: Registration Sheet .................................................................................................................................. 9
Annex 3: Selected Photos from the Conference .............................................................................................. 25
There were around 154 participants (registration sheet attached as Annex 2) representing
different institutions: governmental, public, private, international donors, and individual experts.
These participants were all concerned with cluster development in Egypt from different aspects
such as finance, training, statistics agencies, and export promotion.
In their introductory speeches, SFD Managing Director, Mrs. Soha Soliman, and AFDB Resident
Representative, Mrs. Leila El-Mokaddem, highlighted the importance of clusters to Egypt and
their impact on its economy, the different aspects to be considered in their development, and
the importance of uniting different objectives and having a policy dialogue with the government
through different means such as this conference. Furthermore, Head of Non-Financial Services
Sector at SFD, Dr. Raafat Abbas, and AFDB Task Manager, Mrs. Gehane El-Sokkary, highlighted
the challenges facing clusters and the importance and need for their development, and
emphasized the importance of stakeholders’ cooperation under a national initiative for cluster
development in Egypt. Initial feedback on the conference was positive and participants agreed
on the importance of the results presented during the conference as well as their cooperation for
the best interest of clusters. Selected photos from the conference are attached as Annex 3.
1. Foster collaborative work between cluster members and encourage them to cooperate
together in order to increase competitiveness and productivity and decrease cost. This
could be achieved through the following for each cluster:
Common transportation systems;
Common procurement of raw materials in order to reduce their cost of production
and gain access to higher quality of raw material.;
Common branding to help access more marketing channels and sell products locally
and abroad.
2. Brand local produce to reflect authenticity and initiate awareness campaign to promote
the clusters’ products, as pride to the Egyptian manufacturing and culture.
3. Raise awareness about the importance of quality control for clusters’ products and adopt
a quality scheme to implement enhanced quality control measures and monitor their
4. Management bodies/ stakeholders should develop action plans for clusters in order to
raise their market knowledge, an example for this is to provide them with indicative
pricing schemes to adopt for their products. This would help cluster members focus on
increasing their competitiveness and stop focusing on competition between them.
5. Improve and increase available sources of raw material, with special reference to those
serving different areas, in order to increase the product quality (such as sheep breeds for
wool and mulberry and other projects for silk – serving Saqiet Abou Sha’ara, Akhmim and
3. There are different cluster development models to choose from (i.e. value chain, cluster
development, and network development). The most appropriate should be chosen in
light of the environment in Egypt, or a combination could be tailored from the three
6. Improve institutional setup, draft laws and establish a clusters platform that would
enhance their enabling environment, especially in light of their high informality, and
propose specific economic incentives to attract clusters to the formal sector.
1. Upgrade map from IT perspective to allow for more statistical analysis and upgradable
2. The map is the starting point towards better cluster development in Egypt, and hence it
is important to ensure its sustainability through the following:
Allow accessibility to all stakeholders in order to update and increase level of data
accuracy, through an agreed body, and initiate and maintain data collection sharing
platform to be accessed by stakeholders and clusters (to complement the map), as
sort of information center/cluster observatory;
o Similar to other countries, it is recommended that this observatory be an open
observatory with the data copyrighted, i.e. copyright to update the data, but not
to access and use the data.
Make the map accessible publicly for the benefit of cluster development by various
stakeholders and researchers;
Continuous monitoring and evaluation of clusters and cluster development
It should be noted that the Consultant will keep hosting the map for one month, after which the
map will not be accessible to anyone other than the Consultant. It is therefore recommended to
speed-up the process of hosting the map from the part of the IT department at SFD.
1. Develop national sustainable cluster development strategy and long-term visionary plan/
roadmap for Egypt with collaboration of stakeholders and participation of clusters. This
should consist of practical solutions to be implemented on the ground rather than
theoretical ones.
A suggestion is to work on 3 different levels consisting of the whole comprehensive
strategy: Vision Initiatives Programmes, and these should be developed and
implemented regardless of any government changes;
Another suggestion is to have national programs for different sectors and then work
through them on clusters within each sector.
2. Coordinate efforts of stakeholders and donor programs to reach all clusters in different
governorates in Egypt, rather than focusing on few famous clusters and neglecting
others even if they are potential.
A possible way to do this is through constructing contribution matrix of all existing
and potential stakeholders’ initiatives, with funding sources, timing,
implementation status and evaluation of results, by cluster, to be renewed every 3
years, in order to enable better planning, monitoring and evaluation, and
coordinate/complement efforts;
It is suggested that each stakeholder focuses on development objectives related
to its mission and field of work (e.g. export, finance, marketing, training,…etc.).
4. Enhance knowledge of clusters about different aspects such as local and international
demand on their products, advanced production techniques, quality control measures,
available competition, pricing…etc., through improved dissemination channels of data
and information.
8. Develop a national strategy for export support and promotion for different cluster
9. Work on defining a governance system in clusters in order to ensure they are well
represented to external parties nationally and internationally.
11. In this respect, cluster development agents in Egypt should be encouraged to learn from
other countries, but most importantly, clusters should also learn from each other and a
mechanism for knowledge sharing and relations between clusters should be established.
12. Speed-up development and implementation of cluster-related policies for the best
interest of cluster development.